Cecil Papers: May 1605, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1605, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp167-206 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1605, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp167-206.

"Cecil Papers: May 1605, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp167-206.

May 1605, 1-15

Edward Dutton, Mayor, and others of Chester, to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, May 1. Your former respect of this city by your special furtherance of the business at the late attendance of Mr. Mayor upon you encourages us to become suitors for continuance thereof. We have sent up Robert Whitbie and Thomas Harvie, citizens, to petition you and the rest of the Privy Council to obtain to the use of the city the impost of Gascony wines. We beseech your good favour in this suit.— Chester, this first of May 1605.
Eighteen signatures. ½ p. (110. 120 (2).)
John Bowssar to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, May 1. After many insupportable grievances received from Sir John Swinnerton, knt., and after his contempt of the Lord Chancellor's letters to the then Lord Mayor of London and others on my behalf, I exhibited a petition to his Majesty and you praying relief. Shortly after Swinnerton attending you about his offers for the customs you made known to him your dislike of his contempt and extreme proceedings. Notwithstanding Sir John afterwards redoubled revenge, more grieving me than before, as if the excessive annual gains of his place breed in him neglect of your speeches and oppression towards me, his brother-in-law, who partly invested and chiefly supported him in his first office and farm of the impost of wines. I prostrate myself at your feet, hoping after few days to effect good service to you begun in the project of the fishing quatuor maria.—London, 1 May 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (110. 121.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to the Same.
1605, May 1. By comparing this small piece of ambergris sent in a little box found very lately with the former which I sent, you may discern whether some be not better than other, or whether the ambergris of these western parts be not comparable to the best of any other part of the world. For as it is to be discerned in minerals, fruits and grain and other materials that some are far purer and better, so in this kind some may excel other. I wish the certainty of the quantity were as assured as the goodness.—From Godolphin, the first of May 1605.
Signed. Seal. ⅓ p. (110. 122.)
Sir Ralph Gray to the Same.
1605, May 1. There are certain lands, part of his ancient possessions, fronting on the late frontiers, which were questioned in her Majesty's time by some of the opposite borderers, especially by Nicholas Rodderforth, laird of Hundeley. Since the Union, he has laboured to give satisfaction to any claims, especially to Hundeley, and satisfied him and his friends by evidence that his claim was not good. He also had his Majesty's letters to Lord Home, Lieutenant of the Marches of Scotland, and to Sir William Cranston his deputy, to continue his possession till law determined the contrary. Sir John Carr has now informed the Scottish Council of some wrong herein done by him [Gray], and their lordships require him to meet with Sir William Cranston for the same. Though it was English ground, yet to avoid all occasion of advantage, he gave Cranston a meeting, and showed him his title, and sent his servant to Edinburgh for the better satisfaction of the Council, who declared they would not meddle therewith, by which he thought they were satisfied. Notwithstanding this, Carr assembled 200 or 300 men, came with them in most violent manner to the ground, stayed his [Gray's] servants, turned the land down again which was formerly ploughed and sown, and spoiled it with cattle. There were with Carr in the outrage the young Lord of Grenhed, Mr. Gilbert Carr of the Lough, with divers brothers of that house, the laird of Gatshawe, the laird of Mowe, and sundry Davisons. Next day one of them requested him to proceed no further in the cause, and he would temper the same to his content with Carr and others, being desirous to farm some part of it from him: which to avoid further trouble he was content to do. They have however since settled to continue their former course, without colour of title, and by indirect means. He therefore acquaints Cranborne therewith, not doubting but this great outrage and unlawful assembly, and the breach of his lawful possession, will bring condign punishment. The bearer, his servant, is acquainted with his whole proceedings.—Chillingham, 1 May 1605.
Holograph. 2 pp. (190. 74.)
The Mayor and Burgesses of Boston to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, May 2. We acknowledge your letters to Sir Robert Wingfield on our behalf touching a whale fish found within the liberties of our borough of Boston and claimed by the Queen's officers to the use of her Highness; which fish has been according to your directions ordered at the equal charge of her Highness's officers and ours until the question touching the same be decided, which by your letters was appointed to be done this term. We have sent two of our aldermen with our town clerk to attend you about that business, craving that as your father was always our singular good lord, and our especial means for procuring us this privilege (now endeavoured to be impeached) and other immunities you will extend your assistance unto us for maintenance of the same.—Boston, 2 May 1605.
Unsigned. Seal. 1 p. (110. 123.)
Walter Mathew, Mayor of Plymouth, to the Same.
1605, May 2. This night here is arrived a merchant of our place called John Moxey which came from Viano in Portugal the 24th of April, and says that he heard two English merchants, one Francis Lambert, and one Fox of Bristol, which came from Byon [Bayona ?] in Galicia report that my Lord Admiral with all his fleet were safely arrived at the Groine some 9 days before, which was the 15th of April. Also he says that a Portugal gentleman, Francisco de Roch, told examinate that my Lord Admiral was come to the Court of Spain, which is at Valladolid, and that this Francisco rode himself the 22 April to the court to meet my Lord Admiral about some business he had to his lordship.—Plymouth, 2 May 1605.
Signed. Seal, broken. 2/3 p. (110. 124.)
Sir Francis Vere to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, May 2. My private country business not requiring my so speedy return to London as I supposed when I waited on you last, I thought it my duty to advertise you thereof. You know how unfit I am for the Court, especially when some necessary occasion enforces not my attendance, and therefore I hope will excuse my backwardliness that way. When his Majesty is graciously disposed to me, your lordship, and some other of my Lords that I profess to honour, there remains nothing for me to desire but that which may continue the same; for which I need not alter the course I have held, since out of your speeches I gather assurance that I now stand in the condition I desire. I shall be always most ready with my best industry to perform what shall be commanded me either for the public or your particular service.—Tilbury, 2 May 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (110. 125.)
Lady Ellen McCartie to the Same.
1605, May 2. I have this last week by my letter made my griefs known to you, but knowing you are busied with greater affairs makes me fear you have forgotten my suit. My request is of small value, only that his Majesty would grant me that small remainder of my father's lands. I cannot devise to make suit for a matter of less value; if it were surveyed at as high a rent as any land his Majesty has in Ireland it would not yield him above 8l. yearly, neither is it any hindrance to his Majesty, and yet it will satisfy me and I will not trouble his Majesty and your Honours any further. I possessed the most part of this land ever since my father's death, and all these last wars to my great charge have withstood and kept myself and castle from the furious assaults of the rebels; yet in regard his Majesty is entitled therein I fear one or other will beg those lands of his Highness and thrust me out and leave myself and children harbourless. Therefore, for God's cause, consider the reasonableness of my suit and remember I am the daughter and heir of an Earl, who all his lifetime was a most loyal subject to her late Majesty and the crown of England, and he of his own free will made a surrender of all his lands to her Majesty, and his lands did not fall from me his heir by any attainder or misdemeanour whatsoever. In regard whereof I am the more bold to importune his Majesty and you for a more competent means for myself, children and family, all which I beseech you in equity and charity duly to consider. If you knew into what debts, wants and misery I am fallen, I have hope in God that you will pity my distressed estate, my last request to free me out of my present misery [is] that you will be the means that his Highness will bestow some benevolence upon me towards payment of my debts and to carry me into Ireland, for I am not able upon so small allowance to stay in England any longer; or else that his Majesty will grant me his warrant to the Lord Treasurer that I may receive two years of my pension beforehand.—This second of May 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (110. 126.)
E. Lady Desmond to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, May 3. Since I received the Council's order for payment of a pension in Ireland according to my patent, with the arrear of one year, I have sent thither to get payment, of which I have been delayed. Having of late (partly by your means) obtained answer of the suits I propounded to his Majesty and the Lords, and being resolved to return for Ireland upon receipt of the money, I beseech you that by your means to Sir George Cary, Treasurer, I and my daughters may have payment of such as is due out of this treasure now going for Ireland: or if that may not be, one year to come of my pension in the Exchequer. I know no other means to rid me hence or bear my charges; otherwise I must stay longer than I meant and run further in debts, so much as I shall be unable to go at any time.—Westminster, the 3 of May 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (110. 127.)
Lord Lumley to the Same.
1605, May 3. Entreats his good regard towards Mr. Fulk Floud, an honest gentleman and friend of Lumley's, who is to appear before the Council on Sunday next touching a matter in question between Sir John Salisbury and him. He is a man honest and of good quality, and his cause such as may well admit Cranborne's favour.— "From my house at Tower Hill, this 3rd of May 1605."
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (110. 128.)
Thomas Hyde and others, Prebendaries of Salisbury, to the Same.
1605, May 3. Upon receipt of your letters we went to Mr. Haddock's lodging, which by your appointment was sealed up; and finding the seals whole as they were left we entered the chamber and opened two of his trunks and a chest of his man's, and perused all the books and papers we could find in the chamber, and found no matter of divinity but this little note enclosed. We hear that he spake of the same text about half a year agone, not far from Sarum.—Sarum, 3 May 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (110. 130.)
The Earl of Hertford to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, May 3. You have been advertised by the late letters written by me with how great honour I have been entertained by the Princes in the whole course of my journey and at my arrival here, the whole Court of the nobility of all nations being sent out to meet me, as I entreated Sir William Mounson to relate unto your lordship; and the usage of the Archdukes themselves ever since towards me has expressed as much respect and honour to his Majesty as could by any means proceed from them.
The next day after my first audience I presented Sir Thomas Edmunds, his Majesty's Ambassador leiger, who was received by both the Princes with very gracious and favourable allowance. And the day following I received the oath of the Archdukes in the Chapel, which was there performed with all due solemnity, and from thence we both were carried to dine with the Archdukes in his [sic] great hall, which was richly furnished for that purpose and all the nobility and ladies attending the whole time of dinner. His Majesty's health and the Queen's and the Prince's were severally remembered by them, which imposed a burden on me to make requital to the same. After dinner, in the meantime, till the Archdukes had reposed themselves, we were carried to see the Park and the pleasures in the same, and in the evening we were brought to see the dancing in the hall, which the Archdukes themselves during that time twice assisted to the end (as they said) the more to honour my legation.
Yesterday we were entertained with very delightful and costly shows, at the running of the ring and the quintain, wherein were principal actors the Duke of Aumale, Don Louis de Velasco, the general of the horse called the Prince of Palestrina of the house of the Collonnas in Rome, and the other called the Prince of Casserte of the house of Aquaviva of the kingdom of Naples, with other of the nobility. At night, without further intermission, we were again carried to the Court to see the ceremony of the bestowing of the prizes, and afterwards of dancing.
We are to be feasted to-morrow both at dinner and supper by the Duke of Ascott, and in the afternoon are to be entertained with other sports. On Sunday it is appointed that there shall be a combat at the barriers whereof the Archduke himself maintains the challenge. And these ceremonies being ended I hope speedily after to obtain my leave to depart from hence.— At Bruxelles, 3 May 1605.
Copy. 1¼ p. (227. p. 1.)
[This is not a copy of the letter of the same date from the Earl to Cranborne preserved in P.R.O., S.P. For., Flanders, 7.]
Sir Thomas Edmondes to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, May 3. Out of respect to Lord Hertford has forborne to write until he was presented and has had no time of intermission from the ceremonies wherewith they have been daily entertained since their arrival.
A great court of nobility of sundry nations is flocked hither in hope to make fortune by the wars. Spinola is very valiant in his person, very active and industrious and well skilled in matters of account and has purchased himself great love by his liberality. But they hold him much inexperienced to conduct the wars and great envy is borne him by Don Louys de Velasco and the rest of the Spanish commanders who much repine that so great authority is conferred on him through the importunity of the Archdukes. He discerns they would not be unwilling he might receive a blow to diminish his reputation. He begins to follow a custom of the Duke of Parma's, after having heard other men's opinions to resolve by himself alone. It is shortly intended to draw their army into the field but they now temporise to see which way the States will bend their forces. The numbers of the Princes' levies fall very short and it is thought their forces will not rise to 30,000 men.
The Marquis of Spinola has brought means for the satisfying of the debt of the Mutiners which amounts to 400,000 crowns but before payment he seeks assurance from them that they will not afterwards withdraw themselves from service and they were required to disperse themselves among other bands, which they decline to do fearing a meaning to punish them by dispersal. No order is yet taken for the satisfying of the arrears due to the rest of the army but it is said that the Marquis has provision for the orderly payment henceforward.
The States suspected of a purpose to cut a dike about Bourcht or Callo, by the one to have drowned the country about Halst, by the other to have interrupted the trade between Antwerp and Brussels. Spinola's diligence to fortify those places and prevent that design. The Frenchmen here held in great jealousy and the French Ambassador told Edmondes that the Archduke himself one day let fall speech to him that the States received too much support out of France.
President Richardott visiting Edmondes at his lodgings has been careful to know whether any man has been lately imprisoned in England for sending advertisements to the Archduke as the French Ambassador had informed him, but was satisfied that they were the busy practices of some necessitous persons to make traffic more of their own inventions than of any matter of truth. The President assured Edmondes that the Archdukes could not be accused to have entertained any unrespective intelligences against his Majesty.
The death of the late elected Pope is said to be by a suffocation with a "catarra" but the French to whose party he was affected impute it to an unnatural cause.
Lord Hertford and Edmondes were jealous of a purpose in the Spaniards to have yesterday put a trick upon them by placing the Spanish Ambassador among the judges who are always by custom placed next to the Archdukes and sent from their seat to the Archduke with declaration that if he were placed there as Ambassador of Spain they must entreat to withdraw themselves. The Archduke earnestly protested that the Ambassador sat there as a judge expressly chosen amongst others for that ceremony and not in the quality of an ambassador. He lives here as much a domestical as a public minister, being lodged in the Court, and he employs himself in the matter of the judgment at the ceremony more than any other of the company. —From Bruxelles, 3 May 1605.
Copy. 4 pp. (227. p. 2.)
[The original is in the Public Record Office, S.P. Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
Abuses in the Dyeing Trade.
[? 1605, before 4 May]. Warrant to the Earl of Dorset, Treasurer of England, Viscount Cranborne, Sir George Hume, Baron of Berwick and Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice, to take measures against such disobedient persons as resist the right of search and seizure of divers woods deceivable in the art or mistery of dyeing, granted by letters patent to Sir Arthur Aston, knt., John Auchmoutie, and others.—Undated.
Unsigned. ½ p. (103. 107.)
John Phelips to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1605, before May 4]. Your late speeches have encouraged me to make suit to his Majesty for the reversion of an office wherein there are two men's lives already, whom I can never hope to survive; yet if I might obtain a reversion upon them for some number of years certain, there is an offer made of 1000l., of which I will willingly bestow 500l. on whomsoever you shall nominate. An office of that value was much above my reach, if the circumstances did not qualify the suit, but a reversion of so long expectance may be obtainable by some other of as mean desert as myself. It is the office of the Custos Brevium of the Common Pleas which I mean, and for your recommendation I shall be bound all my life.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 71.)
Sir Robert Dudley to the Same.
[? 1605, before May 4]. He was a suitor to the late Queen for reward for his services; but being called to Newcastle, where he was appointed Mayor, he could not follow the suit before her death. The King on his journey through Newcastle took knowledge that he performed his duty loyally and deigned to come under his poor roof. This late charge has weakened his estate and he begs Cranborne to favour his petition for relief.— Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (108. 91.)
Captain Thomas Jackson to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1605, before May 4] Four letters:—
(1) Cranborne may think that his spirit proceeds from discord, to make true subjects to be suspected as traitors; and therefore may judge him as a fool whose idle writings should not be answered. But he hopes to propose to the King a Union which shall be to God's glory and his Majesty's honour. But he must first be freed from this place, wherein he is imprisoned both by debts and conceits. Begs Cranborne to mediate with the King, that he may see him in the presence only of Cranborne and Lord Northampton, and receive sentence, which he is sure will free him. Begs that his patent for 6s. 8d. a day may be provided, and his sister included therein; also for present relief.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (108. 122.)
(2) Begs answer to his last letter. Assures himself that the Lords will perform the promise made to him when at the Council table for his pension of 6s. 8d. Begs Cranborne's mediation in the matter; that his sister may be included in the pension; and for relief, as he is now imprisoned for want of lodging.— Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (108. 123.)
(3) Encloses a letter which he wishes kept back from the King for 10 or 12 days. Expects overtures will be made to the King for his going northward; entreats him to observe by whom. Warns Cranborne to observe the French: and to have a care of himself and Lord Northampton, lest the Scots they most trust overthrow them; also to take heed of that Warwick. Begs that a clause may be put in his patent, for his sister to have 2s. 6d. a day if she survive him; also for the loan of 20l., as his want is great. Asks that his papers may be burned, and assures Cranborne of his penitence for past follies.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (108. 119.)
(4) Begs for the return of the letter he sent yesternight, as he wishes to insert a material point in it. Prays Cranborne to send him a comfortable message.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (108. 120.)
Avis. Lady Cooke, to the Same.
[? 1605, before May 4]. This son of Mr. Foskue's has lost his mother, and his mother-in-law has said she will never deal in this cause in any way. Mr. Foskue's land is hardly worth 300l. a year: and his wife, mother-in-law to the child, has 160l. a year for her jointure out of it. She begs Cranborne to bestow it [the wardship] upon her and her son, and to take her son into his service.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Lady Coke." 1 p. (113. 154.)
W. Fouler to Viscount Cranborne.
[1605, before May 4]. Encloses letters, one sealed, which he thinks to be directed to the Prince. Has not yet obtained access to Cranborne, yet his fears urge him to have recourse to him, for he cannot subsist in this place with 66l., and spending 400l. yearly. Begs for favour and protection.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 15.)
Frances, Lady Kildare, to the Same.
[? 1605, before May 4]. I do not understand by your letter whether the writings I should deliver to Sir John Lusone [Leveson] be in the closet at Blackfriars, or at Cobham; for he has the keys of all the closets; but I have the keys of divers doors betwixt, which shall ever be ready to accomplish his Majesty's service. I pray there may be one for Duke Broke and one for myself, to see there be no wrong done to either of us, nor your directions abused; for Duke Broke has been with me to have writings that concern him, and there are many things that concern myself that I have seen there; therefore I desire some reasonable course may be taken. You have ever been so kind a friend to my father and all his children, and especially myself, that in his absence I hope you will protect me, and prevent further dangers. I know you have been every year since I left Ireland better to me than any commodity I should ever make of Canterbury Park, for by your means I had my annuity out of the Exchequer, which hath married my eldest daughter, and did a great while maintain me; and of your free gift I had the wardship of one Kornnell, which I had 900l. for besides the letters of "trarcsport" (? transport) which was to me very beneficial; the saving of my Lord's life which I so much desired. If you have favoured me heretofore for the King's sake, for his sake let me possess it still, for next his I do desire yours.—Undated.
Holograph. 2 pp. (114. 59.)
John Layfeild to the Same.
[? 1605, before May 4]. Encloses copy of the presentation taken out of the office, and has procured stay of further proceedings therein until their Honours' pleasure be known.— Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (114. 73.)
The Enclosure.—Presentment of the Parson, Churchwardens and Sidesmen of the parish of St. Clement Danes, touching recusants.
We have in our parish the Lady Arundel, the Lord Arundel her son, Lord William Howard his uncle; of whom the common fame goes that they are recusants, and never have been these many years at our church; but as they are not in town, and therefore we could not tender them our conference and attendance, we refer the consideration of them to the Court.
Contemporary extract, certified. 1 p. (114. 72.)
The Earl of Montrose to Viscount Cranborne.
[1605, before May 4]. Before my departure from the King he promised he would show mercy to as many of the Grahames of Esk as will be obedient in time coming, and find surety thereupon, and for redress of their bygone attempts after a lawful trial. Seeing the Commissioners nominated by his Majesty for establishing his peace in the late Borders are now shortly to convene, I entreat you to remind the King of that promise, wherethrough the same may be effectual in their favour, and some notes thereof to be sent to the Commissioners remitting the disobedients to be punished according to their merits.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 92.)
Tho. Packer to the Same.
[1605, before May 4]. I have bestowed 20 years' attendance on the privy seal, without hope of preferment, unless by your favour. Being now a petitioner to the King for a reversion in that office, I beseech your testimony of my long employment therein upon this enclosed petition.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (114. 102.)
Sir Francis Cherry to the Same.
[? 1605, before May 4]. As to the controversy between him and the Muscovia Company. He obtained a letter from Sir Julius Cæsar in the King's name to the Company, but they gave no due regard to it, nor considered the equity of his demands. The arbitrators named by the letter to end the controversy, viz. Sir John Watts, Sir Thomas Cambell, Mr. John Joles and Mr. William Grenewell, have only met four times in five weeks and have effected nothing; which proceeds more from the obstinacy of the Company than their default. His demand is for 600 tons of cordage, which the Company have failed to deliver according to bargain, by which he is damnified 2,500l. They also go about to defeat him of other lawful demands. Their chief demand against him is for 2,000 qrs. of corn which they sent into Muscovia, and would have the unreasonable rate of 45l. per cent. gain of him for it, when no contract was ever made. Begs for Cranborne's letters to the arbitrators, requiring them speedily to end the differences, or make certificate of their proceedings.— Undated.
Signed. 1 p. (130. 114.)
William Welwood.
1605, [before May 4]. Anagram and Latin verses addressed to Lord Cranborne by William Welwood, Ll. professor.
1 p. (140. 96.)
Sir John Stanhope to Viscount Cranborne.
[1605, before May 4]. Describes his sick condition, which he begs Cranborne to make known to the King, so that he may be warranted from imputation of neglect of duty.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (144. 155.)
Robert Hedgis and others, parishioners of Enborne, co. Berks, to the Same.
[1605, before May 4]. Whereas about January last, your Honour was pleased to give commission unto Thomas Dolman, esquire, one of his Highness's justices of peace in Berkshire for the examination of certain abuses suspected to be done by Robert Brookes, parson of the church of Enborne, for tearing and defacing of the book of Common Prayer, the register book and book of canons within the same church, and Thomas Dolman has carefully examined the petitioners upon their oaths, whereby it is greatly expected that the said Robert Brookes is guilty of all these offences; now the said Robert has at great charge upon feigned allegations obtained a new commission directed to one Mr. Chocke for the examination of the petitioners. Mr. Chock being a special friend to the said parson delivers threatening speeches to the petitioners, and the said parson has made such extraordinary means to the Bishop of Sarum and others that he is likely to go unblamed for the disorders. It is therefore prayed that the first commission with the examinations taken thereupon by Mr. Dolman may be returned and that such order may be taken as shall seem best.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (188. 21.)
"The greatest part of the Brown Bakers of the city of London" to the Same.
[1605, before May 4]. As to controversies between the white and brown bakers about the baking of 2d., 6d. and 12d. brown bread. The white bakers were forbidden to bake the 2d. loaf; but the 6d. and 12d. were never restrained. The white bakers prefer a bill to put down baking the 6d. and 12d. loaves, pretending it is harmful to the commonwealth. The bill was referred to a committee, who held it necessary those loaves should be made, they considering that the white bakers make their 2d. brown bread of the refuse which remains of their wheaten: and ought to bake no coarser bread than that which is called wheaten bread: and the brown bakers make their brown bread of the whole firm corn as it comes from the mill. Pray to be heard with their counsel, and that the proceedings of the white bakers may be stayed.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (189. 64.)
Lord Home of Berwick to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1605, before May 4]. Two letters:—
(1) Sends a letter of Sir Roger Aston's, whereby Cranborne may know his Majesty's pleasure that after this day there shall be no more banqueting of the Scots Commissioners.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: Barwek. Endorsed: Lord of Barwick. Letters from the Earls Donbar, Marr, Montcross, Erroll, Donfermelyn, Argyle." 1 p. (189. 65.)
(2) I have received command from his Majesty to put my Lord Treasurer and you in mind of a jewel for the Queen. His pleasure is to have it against Sunday morning, that then he may give it to her with his own hand.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: Barwek. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (191. 110.)
The Cardmakers of England to the Same.
[1605, before May 4]. Complain that they have been oppressed for 26 years with cruel monopolies, and above all by Sir Edward Darcie. They might buy no paper but from him and on his conditions: he constrained them to make but half the wonted number, that he might sell them at what price he listed: also to keep journeymen, not having sufficient means to maintain themselves: they must enter into bonds to sell to none but him: and he would cast them into prison at home, or cause them to be pressed into Ireland or the Low Countries. Although they were freed from his cruelties by the King's proclamation and judgment in the Court of Record, yet hearing he seeks to get another patent, they have besought the King to make them a corporation; who referred their suit to the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice. They beg Cranborne to favour the suit. By granting it, the customs from 20s. shall be increased to 400l. a year: cards sold for 4d. will be sold for 2½d.: and whereas they be now made false and bad, they will make them good and true, whereby the subjects shall not be abused.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (189. 80.)
Sir George Carewe to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1605, before May 4]. Two letters:—
(1) In favour of Captain Saxey and Captain Bassett, who have long served in the wars of Ireland and have a suit to the King for pensions. My Lord of Devonshire recommends them. They allege another merit: being the first that found out the suit of tobacco, and moved Bromeley to deal in it, whereby a good rent is grown to the King.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603 (sic)." 1 p. (189. 81.)
(2) Mr. Bromeley finds himself much aggrieved in his business of tobacco by the obstinacy of certain persons who refuse to obey the proclamation and determine to stand with him in law. The bearer, Mr. Wilkinson, has Bromeley's petition to show Cranborne. Bromeley also desires Cranborne's favour in another petition.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: 1603 (sic)." 1 p. (189. 82.)
The Enclosure:—Petition of Robert Bromley to Viscount Cranborne.—John Eldred and Richard Hall, of London, merchants, and others, who have brought in tobacco of late refuse to pay the imposition, and combine to oppose his Majesty's grant by petition and by law. This being a grievous hindrance to Bromley, who has undertaken the payment of 2,000l. yearly rent for the same, he prays that Eldred and Hall may be summoned before the Council to show cause for their refusal.— Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (189. 69.)
The Clothiers of Worcester to the Same.
[? 1605, before May 4]. The late Queen granted to the weavers, walkers and clothiers of that city a corporation, by the name of master, wardens and assistants, with authority to make orders within the corporation for the government of all the inferiors. Notwithstanding this, the journeymen weavers reclaim from the corporation's order, and seek to govern themselves. They pray Cranborne's consideration of the matter.— Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (189. 84.)
[The Clothmakers ?] to the Same.
[? 1605, before May 4]. The French King lately made a severe edict against the importation into France of certain descriptions of woollen cloth, described. Whereupon the French merchants petitioned Parliament to constrain the clothiers to make cloth answerable to the edict. The petition was considered, and divers of the best clothiers were called before Cranborne. The clothiers held the opinion that it was not possible to make cloth in all points answerable to the edict; but yet good laws were then made, and divers abuses reformed. Lately some small fault in the making of certain Western kersies being found, the justices of Roan [Rouen] have arrested not only them, but all cloth now there, to the value of 60,000l. or 70,000l., their purpose being to expel the English clothiers from trading. The petitioners beg Cranborne's letters to the Ambassador in France to deal with the French King for the present release of the cloth, and for mitigation of the severity of the edict.—Undated.
Petition 1 p. (189. 85.)
Edmund Colthurst to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1605, before May 4]. Three petitions:—
(1) He has a patent (fn. 1) for bringing a river of water to London and Westminster from springs out of Herts and Middlesex, and will be enforced to cut through much of Cranborne's lands. Begs leave to do so at a reasonable rate.—Undated.
Note by Cranborne that he is to acquaint Sir Walter Cope and Mr. Israel Amice through what grounds he will pass, and then he shall have answer.
Note [by Amice] that the lands lie in the common fields of Broxborne, Wormley, Chestenhunt and Edlemonton. Colthurst also wishes to pass through Theobalds Park, making entrance at the north end of the New River there, and thence to pass on the east side of the Lodge to the south part of the said New River.
Note by Sir Walter Cope that he has advised Colthurst to join with him some artist and try the levels before he troubles the country; but he refuses and says he will have the honour hereof himself. If it prevail not, he will bear the loss and shame.
1 p. (189. 91.)
(2) He has a patent to bring a river of water to London and has already brought the work 3 miles. The patent provides that the citizens of London shall have two-thirds of the water, on reasonable composition, for cleansing the Tower Ditch, the Fleet Ditch, and all other ditches by the city walls; which being once made clean, shall for ever keep sweet, so that they shall be able to bear fish, if he may have the managing thereof. He prays for Cranborne's letters to the Mayor and Aldermen, persuading them to compound with him for the same, and to contribute to the charge of the work, on which he has already disbursed 200l.—Undated.
1 p. (189. 92.)
(3) To the same effect as the preceding.
1 p. (189. 93.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1605, before May 4]. Details his dealings with Mr. White, solicitor for Sir Philip Harbert, touching the 1,200l. land to be issued to Harbert. White has submitted a new list of lands, about which Dorset desires present conference with Cranborne immediately after dinner; for between 2 and 3 the cause of Lord Shandon, Sir Thomas Egerton and the Lady Hastings is to be heard.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 117.)
Commissioners of Appeal.
[? 1605, before May 4]. The former Commissioners.
Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury.
Edmund, Bishop of London.
Sir William Peter, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter and a privy councillor.
Sir William Cordell, Master of the Rolls.
William Weston, a justice of the Common Pleas.
Walter Haddon, LL.D., Master of the Libels and Keeper of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
Richard Goodericke, Esq.
David Lewes, President of the High Court of Admiralty.
Robert Weston, Dean of the Court of Arches of Canterbury.
Thomas Huicke, Principal Official of the Consistory Court of London.
Persons considerable for Delegates in the Commission of Appeal.
Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury.
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Ellesmere, Chancellor of England.
Thomas, Earl of Dorset, Treasurer of England.
Henry, Earl of Northampton, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.
Robert, Lord Cecill, Viscount Cranborne, Principal Secretary.
Richard, Bishop of London.
Edward, Lord Wotton, Controller of the Household.
George, Lord Barwicke, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Edward, Lord Kinlosse, Master of the Rolls.
Sir John Popham, Chief Justice of the King's Bench and a privy councillor.
Sir John Fortescue, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
Sir John Herbert, King's Secretary.
Sir Thomas Fleminge, Chief Baron of the Exchequer.
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General.
Sir Julius Caesar, Master of the Libels and President of the High Court of Admiralty.
Sir Daniel Dunne, LL.D., Dean of the Court of Arches of Canterbury.
Sir John Bennett, LL.D., Surrogate of the Keeper of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
Sir Richard Swale, LL.D., Judge of the Court of Audience (Curiac Audientiae) of Canterbury.
Sir Edward Stanhope, LL.D., Principal Official of the Consistory Court of London.
[James] Montague, S.T.P., Dean of the Chapel Royal.
[Blank] S.T.P., Dean of St. Paul's, London.
Whereof privy councillors 9, divines 4, common lawyers 4, civil lawyers 7, whereof of the common lawyers 2 and of the civil lawyers other 2 are of the Privy Council.—Undated.
Endorsed: "The names of the Commissioners that were at the first, and others now named." The names and offices are in Latin. 3 pp. (189. 121.)
Margaret Ivey to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1605, before May 4]. She is a daughter of Paul Ivey, who died in June last. Refers to her father's employment in the late Queen's service, especially in fortifying Kinsale and other places in Ireland. She prays for payment of arrears of his allowance and annuity.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (189. 134.)
John Horton to the Same.
[? 1605, before May 4]. On behalf of the inhabitants of Greenwich he has framed the enclosed petition for the paving of the main ways and streets thereof, and begs Cranborne's favour in the matter.—Undated.
1 p. (189. 143 (2).)
The Enclosure:—Petition to the King, to the above effect. Describes the loathsome, infectious and dangerous condition of the streets and ways. The parish church steeple is very ruinous and expected to fall, the square tower being rent from bottom to top. Many holders of lands and tenements of the manor of Greenwich now dwell in remote places, whereby the King loses the benefit of the wardship and marriage of the heirs: nor are the petitioners assisted by these out-tenants in their contributions to the courts of the manor, in carrying the King's provisions, or in relieving the poor. It is prayed that these grievances be redressed by contributions from owners.—Undated.
1 p. (189. 143 (2).)
The Earl of Northampton to the Same.
[? 1605, before May 4]. I am very sorry that at the time of your repose from labour, that you may return more fresh, you should be thus surprised and molested with matters so far distant from your element. For they that work upon the certainty of demonstration are grieved in their souls to see those whom they love to be transpor[t]able with these oracles of idleness.
I thank you for the sight of the lette[r], for all strange accidents are improved in their nature the nearer that we look on them. I think their ominous construction will recoil upon themselves, as I wish they may, for some prognosticate as Ousain (?) in Thucydides, not of those things that be, but of those which they wish to be. The first trick is tentare, the next peragere, and in my opinion they are rather fools than philosophers that out of the preface of the ministerial oppositions cannot conjecture that strife of such matters and among such persons will not produce some effect extraordinary. But "yoo" [sic] in the guard of princes is above all ill aboding signs.
We resolve all to be with you to-morrow night, and for the present with a sleepy pair of eyes I bid you good night.— Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 143 (1).)
Thomas Norton, Surveyor of the King's Ways, to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1605, before May 4]. He was commanded by warrant to make two bridges near Finchingbrooke [Hinchingbrook] over the river of Owse, for the King's passage. Raphe Proby, woodward of the manor of Brampton, where the timber grew, refuses to suffer him, without Cranborne's warrant, to carry away for his use the lops of the trees, which by right appertain to him as fees. Prays for warrant accordingly.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (189. 143 (3).)
— to the Same.
[? 1605, before May 4]. Expresses his thanks for Cranborne's bounty to him. Among many things he has in hand, the ripest and fittest for the present time would be his discourse of the matters of Spain, which he undertook to set down under the title of an Instruction for an Ambassador for that Court: the first part of which he sent to Cranborne from Valladolid in October last. He hoped ere this to have perfected it, but his papers, gathered during his late abode at that Court, containing matter dangerous to carry with him by reason of the many searches a man passes in that country, he committed to the conveyance of a friend, through whose slackness or other cause they arrived not at the port before his departure, nor are they yet come. If he should tarry for them, this discourse would perhaps come too late: therefore he has herein set it down only from memory, beseeching Cranborne to accept it for the present. —Undated.
Draft, unsigned. 1½ pp. (190. 25.)
Samuel Danyel to Viscount Cranborne.
[1605, before May 4]. My necessity has driven me to do a thing unworthy of me, and much against my heart, in making the stage the speaker of my lines, which never heretofore had any other theatre than the universal dominions of England; which so long as it shall keep the tongue it has will keep my name and travails from perishing. For this tragedy of Philotas, wherein I sought to reduce the stage from idleness to those grave presentments of antiquity used by the wisest nations, I protest I have taken no other form in personating the actors that performed it, than the very idea of those times as they appeared unto me, both by the cast of the story and the universal notions of the affairs of men, which in all ages bear the same resemblances, and are measured by one and the same foot of understanding. No time but brought forth the like concurrencies, the like interstriving for place and dignity, the like supplantations, risings and overthrows; so that there is nothing new under the sun, nothing in these times that is not in books, nor in books that is not in these times. And therefore, good my Lord, let no misapplying wrong my innocent writing, which in respect of my own reputation, undertaking such a subject, I must not make frivolous or unlike my style, understanding the world and the probable course of those times. But if it seem scandalous to any by misconceiving it, and you be so pleased, I will find the means to let it fall of itself by withdrawing the book and me to my poor home, pretending some other occasion, so that the suppressing it by authority might not make the world to imagine other matters in it than there is. Only I would beseech my Lord of Northampton and you (seeing the time will yield me no comfort, and that my studies, my faculties, are unnecessary compliments of the season), to bestow some small viaticum to carry me from the world, where I may bury myself and my writings out of the way of envy, and live in some other kind more agreeing to my heart and the nature of my studies; and where I will labour to do you all the honour and service I may.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 123.)
A[lice], Countess Dowager of Derby, to the Same.
[1605, before May 4]. Her son Chandois has taken possession of Suddely in no ill manner, as he says. She begs Cranborne not to believe Chandois offered injuries, till he hears Chandois's answer; but to favour him as he shall see cause.— Undated.
Holograph, signed: A. Derby. Endorsed: "1605, Countess of Derby the elder." 1 p. (191. 126.)
The Bishop of Limerick to Viscount Cranborne.
[1605, before May 4]. What agony of heart your first greeting has bred in me, all both see, and I feel too much, being long since subject by study to strong plunges of melancholy, which upon such occasions overtake me. If I be no more graced for my pains and sincerity amongst the Irish, it will be bootless for either Bishop or good preacher ever to go into that country. For the eyes of all were upon me and my actions, with expectance of an unwonted event, which if it follow not they will think it was never meant. Nor was I violent in my courses, but tempered myself with such mildness that I could do no less, except I should have done nothing; yet because of the general opposition of religion, the multitude of priests that swarm there hate me maliciously to the death, and the people by their eager persuasions no less wish it than they; so that if I return no better countenanced, I shall either with grief not live to come there, or if I do I shall go ad certam mortem, even to butchery. I seek no man's cross or loss but the glory of God, his Majesty's service, and the good of the country; in each whereof I never but projected your sage direction for my principal ground. Grant me second access, and more comfortable encouragement. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 146.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, May 4 ?]. Because I know many have congratulated with you in words, many with ceremonies, I will make up my part with my pen, a thing to you that is wise, idle, but a thing to me that loves you, necessary; not that you are better or worse by it, but my mind better by so much as I have writ it. The greatest scope I have in it is because I know you so evil a pen man and a worse speaker that you may not write false "artography." Well, take it as you list; he prays God to give you joy of your honour that is your true friend to command. —Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (114. 97.)
Lord Cobham to Viscount Cranborne.
[1605. c. May 4]. It is needless to trouble my wife for anything that is in the closet at Cobham. Sir John Lewson has the key, whom you may send down for the cabinet, wherein there is nothing but private letters. The bearer shall go down with any of yours, if it please you. I pray that you will call for the keys both of the studies of Cobham and Blackfriars into your hands. No man is more glad than I that you are honoured with an earldom. It is a comfort to me that some of the branches of my father's house receive honour, though I, unfortunate man, have overthrown a house that was never, in all stirs and factions in the kingdom, called in question. This heavy cross has befallen me for my sins, to make me partaker of that kingdom which is heavenly and permanent. All worldly comfort I am void of, for no occasion will do me good. This time of "Jubely" in former ages Princes did deeds of clemency. But in you my hope is altogether void. For my writing to the King, I hear not nor know nothing but that they were delivered. Let this bearer but tell you how lame I am, and what extremity of pain I have endured these 2 days. I protest before God I am weary of my life. If you would free me that I might but fly to the compassion of the King, out of his clemency I presume if he knew in what state I am, it would move him. But God only I thank for my patience, who will reward you for your charity towards me, for but from yourself I might justly say that this age afforded none.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Endorsed: "1605, L. Cobham. 1 p. (113. 144.)
Lord Windsor to his brother, Mr. Talbout, of Grafton.
[1605], May 4. I had hoped to have seen you this term, but perceiving you play the good husband, rather to stay at home than to part with your wife, although I make no doubt you have occasions in term: if not, divers of your good friends will be glad to see you. I desire, amongst the rest, you would come up to join with your friends to his Majesty, if need should require, which by your good means might greatly prevail in staying the reviving of the penal laws made by her Majesty (and urged by the Puritans) which his Majesty at his coming in utterly misliked, and never since put in practice, nor in my conscience will not of himself, if you and others which are touched with the burden thereof will put his Majesty in mind how grateful you have received his favours towards you, which you do but only desire may continue.—London, 4 May.
Holograph, signed: Hen. Windesor. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (190. 75.)
Nevill Davis to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, May 4/14. I have sent a relation of the state of these parts, and had long before written, but being hindered by contrary winds in our passage, as also to be thoroughly informed of all matters needful, caused me to refer my writing the longer. I arrived at Lisbon February 25, which I found in great need for want of corn, and that has been general throughout Spain, for wheat of this country has been sold this year for 90 realls the "hanicke," and that which has been brought by sea at 38 realls, and barley at 28 realls the "hanicke," whereof 5 make a quarter of our measure. They have had great supply of corn both by our means, the French and Dutch: through the quantity coming in, it is now but at 23 realls, and barley at 15. The year has been here so unseasonable for want of rain that it cannot choose but corn will rise again. I do not think there has been so little money transported out of Spain only for corn within these six months as 8,000,000 of ducats, which has caused great scarcity thereof, whereby we find very bad sales for our other commodities.
Touching our usage at Lisbon, it has been such since the conclusion of peace that I am sorry to hear and see the daily abuses offered to his Majesty's subjects, in imposing upon us new exactions, contrary to that which they have professed. Before my coming, the English merchants here sent a petition to the King of Spain, manifesting their grief and abuses offered, the copy whereof was sent to Mr. Roger Howe of London, merchant: to which I refer you.
At Lisbon there is one Don Luis de Fachardo, general of the King's galleons, who has suffered our subjects to be greatly abused by his common soldiers, and especially a ship's company of Linne [Lynn], who were punished by his command aboard his admiral, not only by putting their legs into the stocks, but also their necks, after the abuse offered them by his soldiers; and when divers merchants and masters went to him to entreat for them, he answered so proudly, saying he would make the best of us to honour the basest of his soldiers. Our boat having occasion to go ashore for the master, myself being present, the soldiers offered abuse to our mariners, and I seeking to pacify them had like to have been hurt by the soldiers. Some of our men were well beaten, and we lost two of our best oars. The cause was that they would not be at their command to carry them from ship to ship. If it be not remedied, it will cause much debate betwixt our men and them.
The King's customs are nothing abated, but rather augmented, through the abuse of the farmers thereof in overrating our goods for more than we can sell them for by much. Where before the wars the custom at Lisbon was 21 upon the 100 in and out, now it is 26: and here they have augmented it 6 upon the 100. I doubt not you will be a means for the remedy of this and all other abuses.
From Lisbon there went 10 carracks, whereof 4 went for Mallaca. They carried about 1800 men, banished for offences, and were to be left in the Indias as soldiers. It was Easter before I came hither. As yet the Terra Firma fleet is not departed from Cadiz, being about 30 sail. Their stay was because they wanted French linens to carry with them, whereon their lading most depends. Also here go 8 galleons for their treasure, which are also ready to depart. They prepare a fleet for the West Indias of about 40 sail, most of them great ships. Here is a difference fallen out between the farmers of the customs and the laders for the Indias. The farmers would urge them, when they make their entries, to deliver upon their oaths what goods they lade, and to manifest every parcel, which they utterly refuse to do, protesting that, rather than be subject to such unreasonable demands, they will desist from trading; and hereupon they have sent to the King, and it is doubtful whether that fleet proceed or not.
In the time I was at Lisbon there came two Hollanders under the colours of Emdeners. They were presently known and confiscated. Lately here is come in 3 flyboats of Holland, laden with wheat and other goods. They were no sooner over the bar of St. Luar [Lucar] but they were confiscated, and those to whom they were consigned imprisoned, and their goods seized for the King. Notwithstanding here is order come from the Council of Spain that it shall be lawful for all men to bring corn out of Holland and Zeeland, so that it come not in their shipping, and I fear me the famine will be so great here that they will permit their enemies to come to relieve them.
It is reported that my Lord Ambassador is landed in the Groyne, whereupon I have written to Mr. Odley, who is a fellow of my Lord's, certifying him of the needful.—Sivel, 14 May 1605, stillo novo.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (190. 84.)
William Morton, Archdeacon of Durham, to Henry Sanderson.
1605, May 5. Since our being together I have thought as seriously as I could of the course intended by the Lord President for repressing the pride of Popish recusants, which I heartily wish may take such effect as he desireth. But the strange carriage of things in these parts makes me doubt of any good success. Our recusants had at Mr. Hodgson's at Hepburn a solemn meeting and as agents there be gone to London from hence Sir John Saxton and George Collingwood, and hoping to find such favour that neither spiritual nor temporal law shall lay hold on them. Some of them brag much. I was informed by a gentleman of good sort that companying with Roger Withrington he heard him say that for popery he thought no man could have said. At table openly he inveighs against religion; he spreads abroad seducing books, entertains priests as is thought, and yet notwithstanding all can be said or done he still sticks with his office and gets more, being now of that strength he may raise a great power of men on a sudden; which causeth the simple think all these speeches bruited from his Majesty and the Privy Council but tattles of us of the ministry. So (as I am informed) Roger Withrington gave forth at his coming from London. They were never so confident in these parts as now. Hearing of a letter sent to the High Sheriff of Northumberland [in margin; a letter to the sheriff in threatening manner willing him not to be so forward against recusants] I this day went over, pretending to preach but, besides, purposing to get it or a copy of it and send to you to deliver to my Lord of Durham. But Mr. Sheriff hath eased me and you of that labour, having sent it already to the Bishop who sent Mr. Bunnie to him, whom this day I casually met at Mr. Sheriff's house. The woman that gave the letter is very bold and a recusant. It hath not been heard of till now, that any recusant durst give a man of my place the lie in matter of religion, as I told you a young youth newly fallen away gave it me at Mr. Mayor's table. These be but the beginnings, I fear, of evils. I almost despair of remedy, yet will I never give it over; hoping that once his Majesty may know how things go in these parts I doubt not but their froward insolence shall be met.—This 5 of May, 1605, from my study at Newcastle on Tyne.
PS. The great countenancing of Roger Withrington hath wrought in Hexham and thereabouts a great revolt: their saying is they dare do no other except they will bear his heavy displeasure. His brother Sir Harry and he lately met in a wood (as the bruit runs) and talked together from 10 o'clock at night till 3 in the morning; and now it is expected they shall presently be friended. All must yield that lives with him, his power is so great. There is great rejoicing amongst them at a new raised report that Judge Philipps shall be cashiered and Judge Walmsley and Serjeant Harris come this circuit; God avert it! What act he did when he came last all that are religious know.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "Mr. Archdeacon Morton's letter of Roger Woodrington." 1 p. (110. 134.)
Sir Robert Hicham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 5. If you, with the other Lords, would honour us with your presence at the first sitting in her Majesty's Court, which in regard to the urgent occasions we wish might be some time this next week, the Court should be much honoured and all of us would receive much encouragement.—Gray's Inn, 5 May 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (110. 133.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer.
1605, May 5. Whereas his Majesty has been moved by Sir William Lane, knt., to grant him the benefit by the recusancy of Mr. Copley; he is pleased that you cause some remembrance to be taken thereof, that when Mr. Copley shall be indicted and convicted of recusancy according to the course of law, such a grant or lease may be made to Sir William Lane of the benefit as is usual in like case.—From my house this 8th of May 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (110. 144.)
Thomas Graves.
1605, May 5. Privy seal granting to Thomas Graves the office of one of the keepers of the Council Chamber, for life, with the fee of 2s. 6d. by the day.—Greenwich, 5 May 1605.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (206. 19.)
Sir William Selby and others, Commissioners on the Borders, to the Privy Council.
1605, May 6. At our now being here for delivery of the gaol, and before the receipt of your letters, divers complaints were exhibited to us against offenders in the busy week; who being called alleged that by warrant from the Earl of Cumberland or his deputy they had compounded and satisfied the parties. This notwithstanding some others sought to prosecute them by law before us and were therein very instant: yet we assuring ourselves that whatever his lordship did was with good warrant from his Majesty, did not admit of any prosecution against such offenders, but suspended them till we might understand your further pleasure; which we now having received shall very willingly obey, as well in that as in the rest of the cautions given us. In this session divers persons were found guilty and are condemned for murder and horse-stealing, whose execution we trust will cause others beware. The country is at this present peaceable, not much infested with murder nor theft. We do from hence immediately take journey toward Newcastle to hold a gaol delivery there, of the issue whereof and estate of that country we will advertise you.—Carlisle, the sixth day of May 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (110. 135.)
Sir William Selby and Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Commissioners on the Borders, to Viscount Cranborne [sic].
1605, May 6. We and the rest have herewith sent you a letter addressed to the Privy Council, wherein we briefly inform what has been done at the gaol delivery held by us and them at Carlisle, wherein 4 for murder and one for horse-stealing have been condemned and executed. If there were any particulars worthy your information we would willingly have certified them; but the present quietness takes away all occasion.—Carlisle, the 6th of May 1605.
Signed. Seal broken. ½ p. (110. 136.)
Francis Windebank to Viscount Cranborne [sic].
1605, May 6. Thanks him for his recommendation to the Lord Ambassador here in France for his countenance "to my poor self" and his furtherance to a late suit which it has pleased his Majesty to grant. Assures him he will succeed his father [Sir Thomas Windebank] in faithfulness and trust. The place where he now remains, being at least a hundred miles from Paris, affords small store of news of worth, which is not known in England sooner than here. Assures himself it is not unknown to Cranborne how displeasing the late peace concluded between his Majesty and the King of Spain is generally to the French nation, whether fearing lest in future combustions (which the people's inclination to sedition continually threatens as rather desirous to endure the broils of civil dissensions than the tyranny of the King's intolerable taxations) his Majesty should seek to recover his ancient rights in France, Cranborne may easily judge. But they hope these clouds will be blown over by these two means; first by dissensions in England between the Scotsmen and the English, secondly, by reason of the late election of a new Pope of the house of Medici and allied to the Queen the French King's wife, for joy whereof the King has caused bonfires to be made throughout all France, hoping that his Holiness for consanguinity sake will be favourable to the afflicted state of France. For the first he hopes God will frustrate their expectations by preventing those dangers: and for the second makes no question but some Cardinal tendering his Holiness's soul's health will invent some means to send him into Paradise, if the common course of nature (he being 3 score and 14 years of age) save him not that labour quickly.—From Bourges, this 6th day of May 1605.
Holograph. Two seals over pink and yellow silk. Endorsed: "Sir Thomas Windebank's eldest son to my Lord from Bourges." 1 p. (110. 137.)
Henry Sanderson to Lord Sheffield, Lord President of the North.
1605, May 6. Not long after your departure from these parts I received two packets from the Council at Ripon and therein 36 commissions for the service of his Majesty directed to Mr. Dean of Durham, sundry other justices, and best affected gentlemen in this county, according to your former order, wherein as your care appears for the effecting of that which his Majesty so much desires, so has there been no pains nor time omitted by me to have something done therein accordingly. We have at last with much ado agreed upon a day to make a search; and in the meantime every man to do as duty binds for accomplishing the service.
But, under your correction, what avails this service for myself and others to spend our time, consume our goods, hazard our lives, and expose ourselves to the malicious practices and mortal hatred of bloody papists, their friends and favourers, so long as the chief ringleaders and most dangerous recusants, who are known to do more hurt than any priest, are suffered, nay, rather countenanced in their evil, and (as some of their friends report) freed from the laws ordained for punishment of their disobedience, and that which is worse, offices of great authority heaped upon them? Thereby they draw great number of silly ignorant souls after them in their superstitious folly, and are enabled to raise 2,000 or 3,000 men of a sudden upon any occasion. So notorious is Roger Woodrington in this kind as that worthy judge Sir Edward Phillips openly at an assize denounced him to be most unmeet to bear any office or place of authority in this government, which made many of his Majesty's good subjects hope that he (so notoriously the greatest enemy to religion and pillar of papistry in these parts) should have been removed from that place where he does so much hurt. But contrary to this hope he enjoys not only the said office and continues his wonted course, but of late has got another office of like nature at Bywell, where he begins to do as much hurt among those ignorant people as formerly he has done in the other place, as by these enclosed you may perceive.
Of late most of our recusants have made over estates of their lands, sold their goods and removed their dwelling places, and many of the chief of them gone up to London, some with licence and some without, hoping by means and friends to make way for themselves to prevent the laws ordained for them; or otherwise to advise of some course to be generally holden among them, having made money of their goods and estated their lands, and lack but some Duke Ameleck to carry the banner before them to attempt some mischief.
As for their priests, they are safe enough if once they get within the liberties of Hexham or Bywell lordships, which two places are under the sole government of Roger Woodrington, and where no sheriff may ride or other officer attempt to do anything without his liking. Then what other can these places be than the chief harbour and resting place for Jesuits and seminary priests, and the very nursery of papists and popery? If these things be suffered (pardon me I beseech your lordship) then in vain are all our poor endeavours which your father employed in these parts; in vain are your great pains to do the King's will; in vain are those most worthy speeches made by the Lords in the Star Chamber, signifying the King's resolution for maintenance of religion and suppress of papistry; yea, in vain are his Majesty's proclamations and writings published, and his own words often uttered, showing his taking to heart the backwardness and falling away of his subjects from religion. Oh that these things were throughly known and looked into! then could not his Majesty's lenity extended to recusants be so used as common talk among them to persuade the simpler sort that his Highness inclines to their profession; neither would his Majesty, I am persuaded, suffer them to flock about him as they do, whereof they make no small boast. I write not this but out of my duty, with a grieved heart to see his Majesty's lenity so much abused; your zeal in the service of God and his Majesty makes me thus pour out my heart before you, whereunto I am the rather encouraged for that that noble man Viscount Cranborne, whom I have heard you acknowledge your most honourable friend, and in your absence to stand much for the bringing of good judges this circuit and keeping out of some that are popishly affected, whereof there is as much need now as ever, for it goes for current among recusants that Judge Phillips shall come no more this way and that the last time of his coming was but to save his credit:—it pleased Lord Cranborne to utter unto myself his resolution, that so long as he had bones to stand he would preserve religion, and while there were brains in his head the papists should never have toleration. If you acquaint him with the state of this country some course will be taken for redress thereof, wherein nothing can be so much available as your abode for a time at Newcastle: for I know by very certain intelligence from among themselves that it is the only thing they fear. And Newcastle itself has been the chief receptacle for Jesuits and seminary priests, as the place where they were best friended and might most safely lurk till they were dispersed elsewhere within the realm; as also for bringing in of mass books and other popish and traitorous books, and the like for transportation outwards. I have as you willed me sent you the copy of Sir John Claxton the recusant's insolent letter to the justices of this county: and therewith I have annexed a copy of the justices' certificate to the Bishop of Durham (then at London) upon the hearing of the cause, whereby did appear the manifold untruths suggested by Claxton, found by a jury at a quarter sessions.— Brauncepeth, 6 May 1605.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (110. 138.)
Humfrey Briggs, Sheriff, and the Justices of Shropshire to the Privy Council.
1605, May 7. By virtue of your letters we gave warrant for the repair unto us of all the vintners within this county of Salop; and for so many as have appeared you shall understand by a schedule enclosed their names and dwelling places, and their several answers.—Salop, 7 May 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (110. 141.)
The Enclosure:—Schedule giving names of vintners in Newport, Oswestry, Whitchurch, Ellesmere, Ludlow and Drayton, co. Salop, and their answers as to their licences.
1 p. (110. 140.)
The Earl of Rutland to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 8. I cannot come to you because of a pain in one of my feet, therefore herewith trouble you touching my late suit to his Majesty for the benefit of ten recusants for their offence of recusancy, which his Highness is pleased to bestow upon me. My suit is that you will give some speedy order for the drawing of the form of a warrant for his Majesty's grant; that so knowing what the same is to contain I may make my better composition with the parties, whose names I shall be then ready to present to you.—At Charterhouse, 8 May 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (110. 139.)
Thomas Dolman to Viscount Cranborne [sic].
1605, May 8. I have by bearer sent you all letters I and other gentlemen have received from you and other the Lords of the Privy Council, together with such examinations as myself have taken, and am sorry that neither with such expedition as was required nor with such effect as I could have wished I could satisfy your expectation. One principal cause of our long stay in proceeding was that I hoped that the high commission which our Bishop did bring with him would have wrought better effect than it has done; for whatsoever examinations were before that time taken by myself under the oaths of the examinates, were then answered by the opposite oaths of such as were touched in the examinations, all which oppositions remain as I take it in the hands of the Bishop, of Sir Francis Castillion and Mr. Chokke. So that it must needs be that one side or the other are most wilfully perjured.— Shaw, 8 May 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (110. 142.)
Sir Robert Stapleton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 8. Presents his uttermost service to him. The motion for 100l. to those of Hull I most dutifully submit unto. Howbeit, if with your good pleasure the same, or twice so much, might be employed in any other nature than as part of this fine, I should hold myself very happy.—8 May 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (110. 143.)
Walter Mathew, Mayor of Plymouth, to the Council.
1605, May 8. Your letter of 25 April I have received and according to your order have enquired for that ship you write of who should have taken the Spaniards; and can find no such ship here. But about 15 days agone there came into Cawsand Bay a French ship that was taken by one Captain Langdon of Stonehouse, and had in her some Indian hides and other Spanish goods, which ship lay there at an anchor some six days and departed from hence about 2 days before your letter came to my hands, and as I suppose are gone for the Low Countries. They had a commission from Grave Maurice. One other ship of Marseilles with Spaniards' goods came in at Salcombe and was taken by a Flemish man of war; which ship and goods the vice-admiral Sir Richard Hawkins has had the disposing of, which I think he has advertised you long before this. If there come in any hereabout I will according to the proclamation make stay of them, until I have received your directions.— Plymouth, 8 May 1605.
Signed. Seal broken. 1 p. (110. 145.)
Edward Palavicino to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 8. The second day after my dispatch from you we arrived here in Flushing with our little charge, which remains well conditioned, and very hopeful of a safe and speedy consignment, if as you intended it we might have performed our journey: but at our arrival, finding the river possessed by his Excellency both below and above Antwerp, with purpose to cast two bridges over it, the better to block in that city, and the States of Zeeland unwilling to grant leave to any to pass to disturb the business, which, being but now begun, was to them as yet doubtful, and the request thereof thought unreasonable in the commencement of an attempt as then subject to so many cares: I chose rather (supposing the same altogether indifferent to you, so far forth the delivery of them were effected) to follow the advice of Sir William Browne, Lieutenant Governor of this town, and of these States themselves, than to insist on that which they constantly excused, and refuse at this present as much to the Earl of Hertford, whose barks waited here to pass up to that city, to fetch from thence his provisions and stuff; so that he must return some other way, if his Excellency, thriving in his expedition, settle and fortify his army before that town, which is here hopefully expected. My course must now be to the Philippine, to a river which leads to Gaunt, for which place I have a pass to the men of war that lie before that town, whither, God willing, in the morning we shall make sail, and shall advise you of our proceedings.—Flushing, 8 May 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 76.)
Charles, Duke of Croy and Arschot, to James I.
1605, May 9/19. He takes the opportunity of the return of the Earl of "Erfert" [Hertford] to the King, to beg him to offer his services. He hopes that the Earl is satisfied with his treatment during his stay, being so soon after the death of his (the Duke's) wife.—Bruxelles, 19 May 1605.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (190. 86.)
Sir William Browne to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 10. Your follower Mr. Palavicino disembarked his charge yesterday afternoon at Sass, and put them into other boats and so I think to Ghent. If I could have written any good news of the success of the States' army which I know you are well affectioned to have understood, I would not so long have forborne advertising. Since the disappointing of their landing in Flanders, which was the main point of their further proceeding, his Excellency's whole camp is settled before Neufchastel, wherein are only 60 soldiers, the governor and his wife both in Antwerp. His Excellency has to that purpose disembarked 3 or 4 pieces of cannon and intends to possess himself of it, which is a place of good importance to the States, though nothing to the main conceit. His Excellency has in the mean time sent into Holland to understand the States' further resolutions, and there is yet hope that they will deliberate to come by a further way "avant" to the executing of their first intent which must be either by Isendick, Sass, or the land of Hulst, and so come to those dykes were before dreamed of; which God grant.—Flushing, 10 May 1605.
Holograph, but signature torn off. Endorsed: "Sir William Browne to my Lord." 1 p. (110. 146.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1605, May 11. Since your departure from hence here hath occurred little else but that the Spanish and Archdukes' Ambassadors have prosecuted the former proposition (wherewith you were acquainted) for the levying of men for the Archdukes' service, viz. 2000 in England, 1500 in Scotland, and 500 in Ireland; wherein they did not only insist to have an underhand permission, as before the States had done, but sought to engage us further by drawing us to approve in public and countenance the levy in the manner they proposed it, which was that it might be done by striking of drums and displaying of ensigns; that kind of levy being both unusual in these parts and little sorting with his Majesty's subjects' peaceable disposition, besides very subject to many inconveniences of State depending thereon, especially in suffering or countenancing public levies to be made for places where it is like that none should be received, but those that are of another religion with us. His Majesty out of his princely foresight did not hold it fit to admit of this latter circumstance, and so commanded us to deliver his pleasure to the Ambassadors granting their desire in substance, though not in form; which we did as effectually as could be to make them see that it proceeded not out of any design to cross or abridge them of any such liberty as was yielded to others, so as it were done privately and without drawing great troops and numbers together. Therefore, if you do find that the least interpretation should be made of his Majesty's true meaning you may freely protest against it, for I speak it not to abuse you nor to make you believe anything contrary to our meaning: for I dare assure you his Majesty is as free from any purpose to oppose against these private levies as he could rather wish that it should proceed than it should be stayed.
Furthermore, where the Ambassador had appointed Sir Charles Percy to be general commander of the English, his Majesty did not so well approve the choice of him because he is one whom his Majesty intendeth to use otherways, but was content to leave it to their discretion to find out any other as they should think fit for their purpose. Whereupon they have since named Sir Edw. Stanley for the English, and the Earl Hume for the Scots; but whether it be they agree not in the conditions among themselves, or that they misdoubt that they shall not be able to raise so many voluntaries or may want means afterwards to transport them I cannot tell; but for anything I do perceive they go but slowly forward in it.
I acquainted you before your going with two propositions I intended to make to the Ambassadors in satisfying of their complaint for want of our trading into their ports: the one was for a kind of trade to Antwerp, or at least to Lillo; the other for freeing the Narrow Seas of all sorts of ships of war and abstaining of hostility betwixt the point of the Scilly eastward, even to the coasts of Flanders and Holland. This latter was at first much distasted by the Ambassadors because they feared the States would employ all their men of war upon the coasts of Spain and in the Indies; but upon a second consideration the baron of Hobach hath tasted it better, and desired respite to write of it to his Princes and to receive their liking as well of this as of the other for Antwerp. His Majesty hath caused us again to deal with the baron of Hobach for justice to be done against the Dunkirker that committed the outrage upon the person of the Lithuanian gentleman before Harwich, whereof you had the particulars delivered unto you. The Baron of Hobach promiseth all expedition in it and to have some special commissioners appointed to enquire of the fact, because it may be the officers of the Admiralty will favour such kind of people more than is fit; and therefore you will do well, and so his Majesty commandeth you, to deal instantly with the Archdukes about it, for his Majesty holdeth his own honour to be too much engaged in it to suffer it to be slightly passed over without some exemplary justice in it.—From the Court at Greenwich, 11 May 1605.
Copy. 2½ pp. (227. p. 16.)
Sir Thomas Shirley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 11. I implore your assistance to preserve me from a hard course and methinks violent, taken by one Mr. John Elphiston against me. The case is this. Amongst many parsonages of mean condition which I have I was in passing of one of a better hope than the rest being the parsonage of St. Saviour's in Southwark, a thing most commodious for me both that it is of the shire where I dwell, Sussex and Surrey being one county, and also by reason of many friends which I have in that parish. For this parsonage Mr. Elphiston obtained a message from the Queen to my Lord Treasurer to make stay of that parsonage for him; which my Lord Treasurer has done, notwithstanding that I had a particular out for the same long before the said message; but he will content himself with no other thing but only with this, which he would draw as it were out of my throat. I suppose it will be heard before your lordship; I therefore once again beseech your favour therein.— 11 May 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (110. 147.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 11. It concerns my duty to acquaint you with this bill concerning my Lord Cobham. My warrant, as you may perceive, is from my Lord Treasurer. I am not acquainted with the mystery of it, for Mr. Duke Brooke has the lands granted to him, and now are the woods granted to another; which I submit to your consideration.—11 May 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 77.)
Eliza, Lady Hunsdon, to the Same.
1605, May 11. She received from the Earl Sir William Smith's petition concerning a lease lately taken of Mr. Essex's lands in Berks. His report is untruthful and unjust. She gives the true particulars regarding the statute of 1200l., the value of lands extended by the late Queen, and the transfer of the lease from her brother Thomas Spencer to Mr. Besills Fetiplace. She desires that, as by the Earl's favour she enjoys the above statute and is chargeable with sundry payments for her deceased Lord, he will rather fortify her just proceeding than recall the extent, to her disgrace, upon the suggestion of anyone not well affected to her.—Black Friars, 11 May 1605.
Signed. 1½ pp. (190. 78.)
The [Earl of Salisbury] to [Lord Fyvie].
[1605, May 12]. Seeing it must be always a great contentment to those whom Princes honour with public magistracy to receive assurance each from other, while they remain far asunder, of general peace and obedience where they dwell, it cannot but much increase the contentment when such ministers whom friendship hath conjoined in strait bonds may begin and end with these words, omnis bene. Wherein seeing so much is expressed, I will for the present, as well because I write to one cui verbum sat est, as in respect of some other distraction of business, spare any more circumstances than such as may requite you for your advertisement of the settled policy of that estate, and return you thanks for your so kind acceptation of my friendship.
Concerning the state of those whom we call Puritans, it is true that divers violent spirits, upon the coming forth of the Canons, have sought (some by petitions in combination, some by other private mediations) to importune the King with all the motives possible to dispense with unconformity. Wherein, although his Majesty has temperately proceeded even with greatest offenders, yet hath he made his own constant judgment so appear in professing a resolution to establish that uniform discipline in his Church which may take away that scandal of division among ourselves, whereof the common adversary makes benefit, as those who were made believe by some that they should be denied nothing which they could press with any show of discontentment, have now perceived so well their error, as I may say to you as you writ to me, that whatsoever comes to your ears of that nature, with any show of peril to the estate, hath gotten more feathers in the flying than it carried out.
For the matters between Spain and us, treaties are duly observed, and now have the Archdukes sent for leave to levy some voluntaries, both in England and Scotland, both which his Majesty has granted, but with this restriction, to procure them as they may in peaceable manner, without sound of drum or ensign displayed. So as I conceive, ere it be long you will hear of some order for a regiment of that country, for the Ambassador has dealt with my Lord Hume to carry over 1500 Scottishmen, which the King freely assents unto, though it seems he is a little inconstant in the journey, which may be in respect of the peril in the transportation, which it is like the Hollanders will seek to interrupt at sea. At this time the States are embarked in a great enterprise upon Antwerp, where the Count Maurice is gone with an army of 10,000 or 12,000 foot, and 3000 horse: the success whereof will quickly appear, for on Thursday night their fleet passed before the town to impeach that neither from Brussels nor from any other part of the Sceld any victual can pass by water to Antwerp. It is true that this may seem an "unsperable" enterprise, for the town is great, a strong citadel, and Spanish forces drawing together to trouble the siege; and yet we see that populous towns are subject to wants, that often places are made easy to be invested by drowning some quarter, for which these towns often yield great commodity: that an army once entrenched in order is hardly raised, especially where they have the sea to friend as it is, and without power of the enemy to take from them. And commonly in such attempts there are more objects than one, as they find appearance of resistance or success. For the present therefore I will only make this judgment, that seeing it stands with the policy of their state to be rather offensive than defensive, because action keeps up reputation and serves to draw willing contributions, they will make so advised an attempt of this as if they do no good, they will receive no harm.
Lastly, my Lord, as I am very glad to perceive by your letter how much right his Majesty has done himself in sending back to you such persons as had forgotten the respect they owe that Council, whom the world will esteem or neglect as they see your authority preserved, so assure yourself whensoever his Majesty shall vouchsafe upon any such accident to speak with me, it shall still receive advice to continue the same constant course as the only mean to preserve his own princely honour and his subjects' quiet. There remains now no more for me to say at this time, but that his Majesty, by his wise and just proceeding multiplies the affections of his people, that his posterity daily grow and prosper beyond expectation, among which I know you will thank me for nothing more than that I may particularly assure you of the perfect health of that precious jewel the D. of York, whereof you had the charge.—Undated.
Draft with corrections by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1605, May 12. Minute to the L. Fivye." 6 pp. (190. 79.)
Sir William Selby and Sir Wilfrid Lawson to Viscount Cranborne [sic].
1605, May 13. We have certified the Lords of the Privy Council of our service at Newcastle for the county of Northumberland. The estate of that country we understand to have been much troubled with theft since his Majesty's happy coming to the crown, and within the compass of four years many murders to have been committed there unpursued and unpunished, all which notwithstanding, few or no complaints are made to any his Majesty's Commissioners but by mediation of friends either compounded or for a time spared, till the people of the country (not unwise in their generation) see further effects of this commission; intending, as we are secretly informed, to be more forward in complaints if they see that justice shall be executed and continued. Otherwise, if this like other commissions preceding make a great show without answerable effects, every man will take that private course which may best serve for his particular. We for our parts have no other end but to do the service truly whereto we are appointed; and would think ourselves happy if we might to such matters as we have propounded receive your directions. But we know your affairs are many and great, and that we shall in due time receive your pleasures.—Newcastle, 13 May 1605.
Signed. Seal, broken. 2/3 p. (110. 148.)
A Dutch Ship taken by Dunkirkers.
1605, May 13. On 13 May, 1605, appeared before me J.F. Bruyningh, public notary resident at Amsterdam, Imke Isbrant's daughter, wife of shipper James Aloffsson vander Schellinck, taken by a captain of Dunkirk called Wittebol, Douwer Oetsen, owner of the aforesaid shipper, and Imken Jonckissen his brother-in-law, and declared at the request of Robert Watson, Englishman, having been pilot of the said ship, that it is true that the ship of Aloffsson is come into the Flie, where it is yet lying, the said shipper being taken by the Dunkirkers; and for [that] the ship and goods [were] ransomed at the sum of 4300 guilders, appearers are not minded to suffer the said ship to depart or discharge before they have assurance for the shipper's ransom or upon further order Imke Isbrant's daughter, alone, declaring the said Aloffsson her husband hath written unto her that he had hired a free pilot which the merchant should pay.
Notarial instrument, translated out of Dutch. 12/3 pp. (110. 149.)
Hannibal Vivian to Viscount Cranborne [sic].
1605, May 13. The conveniency of this my son coming to attend you commands me to acknowledge my thankfulness for your favours towards us both though it is needless, in the time of this peace, to inform you of such occurrences as we hear from Spain, yet their examples, under pretext of friendship, in the kingdom of Navarre, make me jealous of a reconciled enemy; and therefore I have presumed to certify you this enclosed.—Trelawaren, 13 May 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (110. 150.)
Lord Stanhope to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], May 13. The King delivered me this letter in the barge, after he had read some parts of it to me, showing to mislike it all, and to condemn his unadvised petition therein: and willed that I should send it to you to use it as it should please you. His Majesty came to Richmond by 6 o'clock spending the time in the barge at cards and merriments with the Duke of Holster, and was very well disposed all the way. He walked afoot from Kew to Richmond through the Park, and shows to be in great liking of the house, but saith he will not stir to-morrow.—13 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605 Lord Stanhope, with a letter from Mr. Pickering." 1 p. (190. 82.)
Hutchons Grayme.
1605, May 13. Warrant by the King, addressed to the Commissioners of the Middle Shires of Great Britain, ordering the pardon of Hutchons Grayme and such others as were in the field when Sanders Ringell Armstrong was taken for that service.—Manor of Greenwich, 13 May 1605.
Contemporary copy. ½ p. (214. 52.)
Sir Robert Bassett to the King.
[1605], May 14. Understanding it has pleased you to give my letters reading and graciously to have admitted my friends' intercessions I hold it my duty to second my former petitionary lines.
I hope those testimonies delivered of me from hence have cleared your displeasure and suspicion of my rash miscarriage, which having by my follies incurred in so high a degree I wish God may give me grace to reconcile by all constant endeavours in your service. I know not how you may censure my long stay here, chiefly enforced by my necessities but I desire, if it may stand with your pleasure, to live in Brussels, or some other town of the Low Countries, so that being nearer England and in a place where your Majesty holds such firm amity, I may give oftener testimony of my desire to gain your mercy, whereunto I will ever have recourse and beg the same upon my knees, accounting it the greatest blessing that can happen unto me to live in banishment with your favour until I can purge myself of this infamy, which if I should now return would be worse to me than any death. From Rome, 14th May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (110. 151.)
Same to Viscount Cranborne [sic].
[1605], May 14. Thanks Cranborne for his favour to his wife in her suits touching him, and expresses his readiness to deserve the same. Entreats his favourable testimony in his behalf to the King, how willing he is to redeem his follies and the King's heavy displeasure with the sacrifice of his life in the King's service. Has been enforced to his long stay here by his great necessities. Hopes his carriage has given testimony of his contrition and loyal intention: and presumes that since his coming hither he has been free from any just imputation: although he understands, by such of our nation as pass this way, of things reported that he never intended nor imagined. Hopes by Cranborne's means to obtain his Majesty's mercy. Intends to return shortly nearer to England, and to live in some part of the Archduke's dominations, whereby the King may be more commodiously informed of his behaviour.—Rome, 14 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (190. 83.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to Viscount Cranborne [sic].
1605, May 14. Lord Hertford has now accomplished all ceremonies with these Princes. The last triumph of the barriers wherein the Archduke himself was chief challenger was used for a double end, congratulation for the birth of the Prince of Spain and the entertainment of his lordship. The Archduke acquitted himself by much the best of any of the company and the first prize he won he sent by the Spanish Ambassador to the Infanta and the second to my Lord of Hertford. At night his lordship was again brought to the Court to see dancing and a masque made by the Archduke himself.
These Princes have not had any particular discourse with Hertford or Edmondes as yet of the points of the Treaty but only have intimated that it lies in his Majesty's power to do them good office for the reducing of the States. But these countrymen, imputing it to the jealousies against the Spaniard's plantation here that their neighbour countries do not sincerely wish their quietness, daily bestow many a bitter malediction on that nation for the penance which they suffer by their means.
The boldness of the enterprise against this town much astonished them of this side, for they could not persuade themselves that Count Maurice would have adventured so hazardous a siege. They confess that it was a project which threatened great danger to them if it had succeeded, the purpose being to have first cut a dyke in Flanders side, half a league beneath this town, where they would have passed over with their flatbottom boats to a place above the town called Borcht, where also they purposed to cut a dyke and build a fort, to the end by their boats to make themselves masters of the river above the town, whereby not only to distress this place but also to interrupt the traffic of Bruxelles, Machelen and Louvaine.
In attending the success of this enterprise Count Maurice lay with his army at Ekeren, 2 leagues from this town on Brabant side. It is here judged that the action was nothing well carried on his part for they were defeated in their landing without being able to render any fight. Don Inigo de Borga was the person that made head unto them, on whom it is intended to bestow the government of the citadel of Antwerp. Not above 100 men appear to have been slain or drowned, though the report thereof is here greater. There were beside some four score taken prisoners, which were forthwith released upon payment of their month's entertainment according to the quarter observed amongst them.
This accident has hastened the Marquis of Spinola to draw into the field. He makes the general rendezvous of the army in these parts for that Count Maurice lies with his army about the Castle of Vau [Wouda] near Bergen op Zome, which they reckon he will soon carry if he besiege the same. But upon the arrival of the new Italian troops of Lombards and Neapolitains which are said to be come on this side the County of Burgundy, the Marquis of Spinola reckons to be able to make two armies, with the one to undertake something he greatly desires for his reputation and with the other to keep Count Maurice from enterprising.
President Richardott seriously delivered to Edmondes that besides the order which the King of Spain has taken for satisfying the arrears due to the army, he promises to furnish them monthly with 300,000 crowns for maintaining sufficient forces in these countries; and that Spinola at his return out of Spain assured him that he knew the King of Spain has for these occasions a present stock of eight millions besides what he ordains for the payment of all his debts. These means they hope Spinola will husband to better purpose for them than hitherto has been used. The credit of the Marquis will also help them when the payments of Spain shall come short.
After the solemnities of the Archduke's oath were passed the Audiencier and Edmondes were appointed to examine the ratifications of the Treaty and found his Majesty's part so full of errors in the writing as they desired the ratification might be new written for the supplying of the omissions, which are collected in a note enclosed. Hopes Hertford will bring full satisfaction in all things concerning his charge. In all other circumstances he has performed his legation to his Majesty's great honour. Sends his bills of transportation whereof he beseeches favourable consideration according as the miserable dearness of this place deserves.—Antwerp, 14 May 1605.
PS.—Since the writing hereof news is brought of the taking of the Castle of Vau by Count Maurice, which much discontents those of this town.
Copy. 4 pp. (227. p. 6.)
Noted as sent by Sir Thomas Cornwallis.
[The original is in the Public Record Office, S.P. Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
The Skinners' Company to the King.
1605, May 15. They complain that the Eastland merchants, who used to buy skins of them for export, seek to get the whole trade of buying into their own hands. Pray either to have the sole transportation of lamb skins and coney skins, or that the merchants transporting may be ordered to buy only of petitioners.
Note, that the King refers the petition to the Council.
Copy. 1 p. (142. 196 (2).)
Thomas Low, Lord Mayor of London, to the Council.
1605, May 15. I received your letter concerning Henry Ommeron, a gentleman of Allmaine, professing special skill in curing the plague, for which cause the King has recommended him to us, that proof may be made of his skill: as also that some allowance be made to him for the time while he shall be employed. Thanks be to God we have no use at this time of any such skill, nor any means to make trial of it, for there has not died of late of the sickness within the City or Liberties above 2 or 3 a week at the most, and those have been dead or past all remedy before it was known what sickness they had; as commonly it falls out in so populous a city, when there are so few that die of that disease.—London, 15 May 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (190. 85.)


  • 1. 18 April 1604 (Patent Roll, 2 Jas. I, part 25).