Cecil Papers: August 1604, 1-10

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1604, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp195-221 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1604, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp195-221.

"Cecil Papers: August 1604, 1-10". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp195-221.

August 1604, 1-10

Francis Gofton, Auditor of the Mint, to the Same.
1604, Aug. 1. Encloses a brief certificate containing the late Queen's benefit by payment of her army and forces in Ireland in base moneys, and by maintenance of the exchange, as he hears that shortly the accounts of Sir George Cary, kt., Treasurer of Ireland, will be called for.—1 August 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (106. 33.)
Sir John Ogle to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 1. The best judgments here are daily staggered concerning what may be thought of the success of this business. The only doubt is (as I writ to you before) that the town may be so long provided as we shall not be able for the weather and high water to attend the utmost: otherwise we doubt not their force without howbeit it is now certainly said that the Mutineers are coming hither into Flanders, but against those we may draw hither the forces that have been their attendants above in Gelderland and those parts. Some few, and of the principals, have betaken themselves to this side into the Estates' service. The governor of the town hath for two or three days suffered many to come out and render themselves to the Count Maurice, who report (according to their knowledge, which is nothing) diversely of the estate of the town. The Count suspecting his drift by that means to lessen his number and lengthen his store of provision, determines to receive no more, unless sometimes one or two in 3 or 4 days to hear news. This business must in the end bring forth some effect of consequence. Either we must get this town or if we miss it try a battle, or else return with such ignominy as the Count will never suffer his reputation to come under such hard censure as he must undergo if he leave Flanders without some daring attempt and I should think he will have Sluys or leave himself here. But that stands so doubtful and the presumptions are so strong both pro et contra as the best diviners of things to happen have their judgments standing at a non plus.—Camp before Sluys, August 1, 1604 veteri.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 34.)
Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Same.
[1604], Aug. 1. All great men that have had power and favour worthily under princes for the most part have ever made their ends by them, either profit or honour. From any ambitious excess in the last I free you beyond all men that ever I knew or read of. In the point of profit I perceive you resolve now to multiply yourself, by this confluence of people at Tibbolds, and therefore counted it to be the destiny of all tender respectful natures in authority to purchase honour and good will at a dear rate, which I pray God send you. As your own goodness gives me confidence thus to play the wanton with you between jest and earnest, after the old manner, et deus nobis hec otia fecit, as the honest poet said by Augustus; besides I am in part now gallantly revenged of your noble and kind reprehension of my negligence in the Queen's time, and the world shall bear me witness that I have no worse thought in my heart against you. I have sent my falconer, hoping your hawks have found the way over the seas by this time. If he bring her down, then have I bucks, stags, mares, colts, partridges, and a reverent loving heart, ready to do your lordship service with. The rest I hope God will make good to you.—Wedgnock Park, 1 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 5.)
Sir G. Hervy, Lieutenant of the Tower, to the Privy Council.
1604, Aug. 2. Upon return of the late Lord Cobham, Lord Gray and Sir Walter Ralegh from Winchester, the Council ordered that each of them should have two servants: one to attend in the Chamber, the other to go about their business. Since then many persons (some affecting to visit them, and some for their private occasions), have procured warrant to come to them; under colour whereof the prisoners thought it lawful for such as were once licensed to have access to them; but he, deeming those warrants but temporary, and holding it inconvenient, and such as might easily draw an imputation on him with hazard of a further danger, made restraint; and for more certainty has desired the prisoners to set down the names of such as they desire, which he encloses. Prays their directions therein.—The Tower, 2 August 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 6.)
Lord Cobham to his brother-in-law, Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 2. This morning the Lieutenant of the Tower was with me to acquaint me with the Lords' pleasure touching those that should have access to me of my servants the names of them I have set down. I perceive by him there was complaint made of the extraordinary access to the prisoners. For his discharge he acquainted their lordships with the particular names of those which by warrant were licensed to come to me; the number as I take it was 122. I did much marvel at it, and could not well remember that so many had been with me; yet when I called to mind how it was the access was not so much nor so often as the number in gross makes show of. For most of these were never above once or twice with me, so you see the difference great between once being seen, and continual and daily access; which being rightly known it will easily take away the opinion of this great access, as by this schedule you shall better perceive. I will now only make suit that my nephew Coppinger may have leave to come to me, and that one Mr. Wright my neighbour heretofore—now as I hear some office he has in the King's stable—likewise may be permitted to come to me. Some reckoning there is between him and me which I desire might be ended. There is likewise one Ciprian, his son was well known to you, whom I desire might come to me. I am translating Dion out of Spanish; I shall herein need his help, for both the Spanish and Latin is very crabbed. The man is honest and religious. These favours will make me spend my time with some comfort which I pray may be granted me. I hear that Antonio Perez has written newly a book called his Aphorisms. There be but 4 of them in England, whereof you have one, I pray you lend it me.—From my prison in the Tower, 2 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 36.)
The Enclosure:
The names of my friends and servants, which have access unto me by warrant.
Sir John Leueson.
Sir John Smith. Once with me, not by my suit.
Sir Edward More. Twice he was with me, not by my suit, yet I pray when he comes he may be permitted.
Sir Thomas Fane. Only once.
Sir Thomas Vavasor. Twice, and that not since Candlemas term.
Sir Edward Hoby. Only once was he with me, without my suit.
The Warden of Winchester. Twice he was with me.
Doctor Langton. Has not been this quarter of this year but yesterday.
Doctor Poe. Only once, yet I pray their leaves may continue upon any occasion I have to use them.
Mr. Saunders. Thrice he was with me.
Rogers. He once was with me, and not since Christmas.
Mellersh. I saw him not this quarter of this year.
These servants of mine hereunder written come to me daily, which I pray may continue.
Morgan, Lanman. These two lie with me in the Tower.
Wood, Penn, Jackson, Morris, my Pothecary, my Coke.
1 p. (106. 35.)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 2. I was advertised this morning that there is a privy seal out for me to lend the King money; for which finding myself altogether unfit I beseech you to cause the same to be stayed. I hold it not pertinent to trouble you with a relation of my poor estate and great charges which I am constrained to uphold. I would have waited upon you but heard not hereof till I was on my way towards Dover.—2 August, 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (106. 37.)
Ralph Winwood to the Same.
[1604], Aug. 2. I send this messenger from hence to the army to be at hand to bring over to you the news of the taking of Sluys, which by all advertisements is now upon the point to be rendered up. Five days since or more by the confession of a Spanish captain sent into the town and apprehended at his return forth, as by the relation of certain Italians escaped from thence, the provision of bread and other victual was then failed. Yet Serrano the governor will be very ceremonious in observing the least punctilles, which may touch his honour, which will receive blemish in the reputation of the world if he should render up the town in the face of so strong an army, countercamped close upon his enemy, so long as life and soul may last. The rather because the Marquis Spinola, who for his private interest hath the command of the army, hath with great confidence undertaken to victual the town; who came on with that fury as though without difficulty he would have carried before him the fortifications which stood in his way de prinsault. But being repulsed with the slaughter of many of his men he retired his army many paces, and proceeded more soberly by making his approaches by earth, which will be a long and therefore a lost labour. For the town is not in sort to have that patience, and his Excellency is too great a master to lose those works wherein he hath had leisure so long to lodge; whose singular providence and travail to foresee and prevent the enemy's purposes is much to be admired. The States have dressed another corps of an army consisting of 3000 foot and 1500 horse to make head to the "Mutinez" who with other forces were assembled in Brabant making countenance to pass the Rhine. But by some of the "Mutinez," who to the number of 17, whereof two are captains of the better sort, are rendered to this service, it is advertised that their company, upon letters from the Archdukes full of kindness and affection, is marched towards Flanders to join with the army there. A certain number is left for the guard of Ruremond, and they which are gone do lead along with them the hostages; so ill is the intelligence amongst them not to trust both into the hands of one part— which jealousy will work the dissolution of their confederacy. It was advised by some in this state that the C[ount] Hohenloo, who contrary to the advertisement of his death out of Germany was then arrived at his house at Burin, might be employed for the conduct of those forces which are to attend the frontiers of the Rhine. But the States General resolved otherwise, pretending his indisposition, whom since they have sent for to the Hague, where now he is, weak and feeble.
I cannot judge upon the taking of Sluys how the States will employ their forces, which though they are greatly increased by the reinforcement of the troops of every several nation and by the raising of new companies, English, Suisses and High Germans, to the number of 4000 men, yet being dispersed some into Ostend, where now are more than [6?]0 companies though not all complete, the rest into two several armies, will hardly be able to hold the field against the Archduke's army, which in foot doth overmatch them and in horse is much the stronger. Notwithstanding I presume the relief of Ostend will be pressed, the state whereof stands much astay and because it holdeth out hitherto which is more than in reason could be expected, it is hoped it ever may do as much, or at least linger on yet some good time.
They have received here some days since that the peace is concluded; which though it was ever expected yet when they heard of it it wrought a great astonishment even in the minds of those who acknowledge herein the respectful care his Majesty hath been pleased to hold, and know will continue for the conservation of their state.
If the States and Council shall go to Sluys which is likely (for Flanders now will be the seat of the war) I desire to know from you how I shall govern myself. The town once possessed is their own by the same title they hold the rest, for prescription doth not help their right, cum nullum tempus occurrat regi.—From the Hague, 2 August.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil: "1604." 2 pp. (106. 38.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 4. Having received the privy seals at the hands of the messenger I have now returned them to you according to your direction. And for more expedition I have sent a servant of mine own in post purposely with them, who I wish may be so dispatched that he may be with me at the Assizes at Newcastle beginning on Thursday next, where I might best be informed, and so best direct the service and dispose of the privy seals within that county of Northumberland with least loss of time.— From my house at Skipton, 4 August 1604.
Signed. ⅓ p. (106. 40.)
Sir Thomas Hesketh to the Same.
1604, Aug. 4. Mr. Surveyor and I repaired to Ripon on July 28, as appointed by you. Sir Wm. Inglebye came, but neither Sir Stephen Proctor nor any other for Lord Derby, till the day was spent, and the Surveyor and Ingleby had departed. I tarried in the town all night, and acquainted Sir Stephen with Inglebye's account. He takes many exceptions to it, and so I think he may, for the demands amount to 2,000l. at the least for forbearing his money which he disbursed, and for costs of suit and for the principal, which is 800l. and above for the several leases which must be redeemed. We have appointed another day, and then shall do our best to reduce it to some certainty.—4 August 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Attorney." 1 p. (189. 7.)
Sir Anthony Standen to the Same.
1604 Aug. 5. Prays that the King may be put in mind of him in such sort as he may think this long imprisonment which Standen has suffered a sufficient penance for a folly com mitted without any manner of malice. From his Majesty's cradle and even before he was born (in saving his life) he was devoted to his service and for that cause placed therein by the Queen his mother, whom he faithfully served during her lifetime without ever being engaged in any of those excesses which disgusted this state with her servants or partakers. After her decease he lived in foreign parts performing such offices for the service of his country as were imposed upon him. In the end he left those good means of entertainment abroad to spend his days in the obedience of her late Majesty, as his intent is to do under his Majesty without further intermeddling with factious or offensive courses. Confesses his error in conforming himself so far in this late matter to others' humours and importunities wherein he should have been better advised. Beseeches the best may be made of all to his Majesty for his enlargement. —From the Marshalsea, 5 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (106. 41.)
Lord Cobham to his brother-in-law, Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 5. Repeats his request for Ciprian to come to him to read Spanish with him. Would fain translate Dion, but in Latin and Spanish it is so crabbed without his help he can hardly do it. In this kind passes his time, being willing to relieve his mind when bereaved of all other worldly matters.— "From my prison in the Tower, 5 August 1604."
Holograph. Seal, broken. ½ p. (106. 42.)
The Same to the Same.
1604, Aug. 5. Thank you for licensing Ciprian to come to me. Your collar is safe and not in pawn, yet not in my power at this instant to let you have it. If you must have it presently, that which for a time I would defer shall be hastened.—"From my prison in the Tower 5 August 1604."
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (106. 43.)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to the Same.
1604, Aug. 5. Arriving yesterday at Dover I was advertised by passengers newly landed that the Constable was yet unready and would not be here these 2 or 3 days; but this morning there are certain of his servants come over in a small bark that assure us he is already at sea with all his train. He intends to travel very slowly towards London, the Spanish ambassador here having already ordered his journey in this sort, to-morrow night to Canterbury, Tuesday to Sittingbourne, Wednesday to Gravesend, Thursday to Greenwich, and Friday to London. If any alteration of this course happen upon his landing I will not fail still to advertise you.—Dover, 5 August 1604.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (106. 44.)
Mary, Lady Wingfield, to Lord Cecil.
[1604], Aug. 6. Accept of the poor widow's mite from her that desires to do you service. I have had many good words from sundry great persons, only deeds from you.—Kimbolton, 6 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." Two seals over silk. ½ p. (106. 45.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1604, Aug. 6. Enclosed is a letter to Sir John Cutts touching the park of Sommersham which his Majesty commands to be written and sent presently to him. I send it to you to be sealed and sent away at your pleasure. Here is little else to do, but the King inquires often of the Constable's arrival and is not pleased with the long delay. Sir George Hume is this morning gone to London.—From the Lord St. John's, 6 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (106. 46.)
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, to the Privy Council.
[1604], Aug. 6. I have received the like letter from my Lord Treasurer as I have from your lordships and must make you the like answer I have made him. The King hath made his proclamation and in it hath given authority to all officers of the ports as largely as to any vice-admiral that they should not suffer any to go to the seas that went not in trade of merchandise; so as if any be stolen out as they do write, there is great fault in them, for they are in all the ports and creeks, and the viceadmirals in few places. Yet I am sure the like proclamation never man did see before, but I was well content and am with anything that may do good; but I see it doth little good. I heard of this before these letters came to your lordships or my Lord Treasurer, and presently took order that the Moon should be made ready and go along the coast, and so by this time she is on her way. But I must let you know that the Tremontane which was appointed for the service of Ireland having little to do there at this time, and I doubting that after the wars such loose and bad persons would be stirring and hearing that the ship was at Beaumaris, did send 3 months past for the captain which the King appointed when he first came into this realm, and a very sufficient man, to come unto me; who did 2 months since, I dealt with him about this to prevent all. He told me that the poor men had served 13 months and never had penny of pay nor anything to wear, and except he might have some money to relieve them he could not tell how to go to the sea. I sent him to the officers; they sought to get him to be relieved, but the last I heard of him was that he could get none. But sure I am that he was driven off till it was within this 12 days, if he have any now or no I know not. So I hope you see that I have done what lieth in me; but I wish that there were fault found in them that had authority and would do nothing in it. Men will seek to have power to do all and then do nothing. Your lordship shall see there shall be no fault in me, but I do not look to live to see England or France free of pirates; they are relieved in some ports or creeks, and what my officers can do they shall. I would the King's officers and mine would join together to do their best, and that is the true way to cut them off.—6 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." Seal. 2 pp. (106. 47.)
Lord Burghley to Lord Cecil.
[1604], Aug. 6. Encloses a letter dated July 23, out of the Low Countries, from his son Edward. Also a letter from the Lord Admiral, from which Cecil will see how well he apprehends the exchange, and what course they both mean to proceed in. "If you doubt of his son's allowance, it will be no way prejudicial to him, so as he assure it unto him, and that his wife may have a jointure therein after my Lord Admiral's death. Herein your persuasions to my Lord Effingham will take away all doubts, otherwise if my Lord Admiral should mean to leave the land to my Lady that now is, if it be so understood by my young Lady Effingham, the friends that are addicted to that side will let it by all means they can."—6 August 1606 [sic].
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 13.)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to the Earl of Suffolk.
1604, Aug. 6. The Constable being yesterday by contrariety of wind forced to land at the Downs, I presently repaired to him, as also did the Spanish Ambassador, with as many coaches, horses and waggons as we could get at Dover or about, and brought him thence to Dover, whence he determined to have gone to-day: but this morning, finding some of his gentlemen not yet recovered of their sea sickness, and in regard of other impediments, he thought fit not to depart till to-morrow, so that it will be Saturday ere he arrive at London. The Ambassador desires to lodge him at Greenwich, though I endeavoured to persuade him to the contrary, but I perceive his determination is to go in gloria patriæ through the City, and therefore will not go by water, neither will he the night before lodge far off, to the end he may go through the City in full daytime. I desire your directions with speed, and whether you will have him lodged in the King's house or no, to the end that I may prepare him accordingly, and alter his resolutions if you find them inconvenient. He has brought great store of provisions, and among the rest 2 loads of ice to put in his wine. He is all in his Spanish grandeza, permitting no one of his train to stand covered before him, or to sit covered at his table. He would needs have Sir James Murray and me remain with him at supper yesternight, as also Sir James Lindesay, who came down with the Spanish Ambassador. He used us all with great respect and courtesy.—Dover, 6 August 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 8.)
Postal endorsements:
"Dover 9 a clocke in the morning 6 August. Canterbry at past 12 at nowne the 6 of August. Seattingbo[rne] at 3 a clocke in the afternone. Rochester at [—] a clocke."
The Bishop of Bath and Wells to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 6. He has received the Council's letters, enclosing a copy of the King's, making known his Majesty's great occasions for money by way of loan. For his own part he offers 100l. Encloses list of those of the clergy in his diocese who are best able for this service: yet some of them are not "before hand," the state of the clergy, especially in these parts, being but weak and very mean in wealth.—Wells, 6 August 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (189. 9.)
The Bishop of London to the Same.
1604, Aug. 7. Mr. Thomas Cornewallis, Groom porter, has brought me your letter touching the Lady Cornewallis. I think it best the warrant which is to be given sub silentio were written in general terms to remain with herself, and not to be showed but when she is constrained so to do. The draft herein enclosed which Mr. Cornewallis delivered me I imagine you will not dislike. I find by the Master and Wardens of the Stationers that the foolish libel which you gave me on Sunday was printed two years since, as the figures expressed in it make show of, being then translated out of Dutch. As many of the copies as could be found are taken and order given that the printer presume not hereafter to reprint any of them.—Fulham, 7 August 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (106. 48.)
Sir William Brown to the Same.
1604, Aug. 7. Lest I should incur your displeasure by over long silence I would not omit now to advertise you of the enemy's dislodging yesternight from the quarter where he lay, leaving two regiments to countenance his retreat which otherwise was without sound of drum. It was imagined that he went only to change a quarter and to lie between Count William's and Count Ernest's quarter, the place understood by us to be of most advantage for him and most dangerous for us. And it was thought that his marching towards Damme and Bruges was only to join with 900 horse and 600 foot of the Mutineers who by guess are joined to them. But since by letters intercepted it is known that his design is to come towards Ysendick and so by attempting somewhat by Coxye to try if he may not that way prevail. There runs away daily very many very proper able men from the enemy to us. There were yesterday 40 Italians shipped that I saw, and this day there are 9 or 10 more come over. Our men have not so much run over since they have been held in continual action by the enemy's approaching our camp. Even now I am told that yesternight two swimmers were taken being sent out of town to advertise the Archduke that the town could now be held but 4 days. The news of this I have only by report of one that carries letters to the States from his Excellency and said that the letters contain as much. I venture to write thus much though I presume that out of the camp you shall be far more particularly informed of all; yet lest they should overslip the conveniency I have been bold to hope that you will take my endeavour in good part.—Flushing, 7 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 49.)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 7. The Constable is this night arrived at Canterbury, not having been very well on the way. He was received this day about 4 o'clock in the afternoon by my Lord Wotton very honourably on Barham Down, who was attended on by most part of the knights and gentlemen of this county. So soon as the Constable came to Canterbury he retired himself into his chamber, and within a while after sent for me, telling me that he was now determined to be a day sooner at London than he had formerly resolved, his intention being to depart on Friday by 5 o'clock in the morning from Gravesend and so to dine at Greenwich, and after dinner to go without all fail to London; so that he will certainly be there on Friday next, and thereby the inconvenience of lodging him at Greenwich avoided.—Canterbury, 7 August 1604.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (106. 50.)
Sir G. Hervy, Lieutenant of the Tower, to the Same.
1604, Aug. 7. I showed your letter to the party whom the contents concern. His answer is that within 2 or 3 days at the farthest you shall hear from him. Other answer touching the matter I could not receive.—The Tower, 7 August 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "With a letter from my L[ord] Cobham." Seal. ¼ p. (106. 53.)
Sir Henry Maynard to the Same.
1604, Aug. 7. I understood by my L[ord] Petre at our late assizes of your favour in appointing me collector of the loan for this county, although peradventure a privy seal might be directed to myself yet that therein I should be spared from payment. All which I can but number amongst your infinite other favours done me. If there be any other course intended in the disposing of these privy seals than aforetime has been accustomed, let me receive knowledge thereof by your direction. I present to you a few of our country plums, not for any rareness, being so plentiful in those parts, but as the fruit of some of my country labours.—Eston Lodge, 7 August 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (106. 54.)
Sir Thomas Lake to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 7. Your packet from Wanstead coming hither this day about one of the clock, his Majesty being newly come in from hunting, I delivered to him to be opened, my Lord of Berwick being gone from hence the day before. Upon perusal his Majesty willed me to advertise you that he purposes now to hold his former determination, finding it will fall out fit with the Constable's journeying, that is to go as far as to Sir Anthony Mildmay's and from thence on Monday to come towards London and to be there on Tuesday. The matter of the lioness and whelp entertains his mind very much, and his pleasure is you should give order to the Lieutenant of the Tower to have special care of it both for the feeding, warm keeping, and that by resort unto it as to a strange thing the often opening of the place do not annoy it, and to do all things whereby it may be cherished. Also his Majesty desires to be advertised which of the lions is sire to it, whether the old lion or that which was baited when his Majesty was at the Tower.—From the Court at Bletsoe, 7 August 1604.
PS.—This packet to my Lord of Berwick came hither as this was going away, which by the opinion of those of the Chamber I thought best to send without delivering to his Majesty, because they say he would have opened every particular letter and I know not what may be privately written. And if there be aught to be made known to his Majesty my Lord of Berwick will speedily send it hither.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 55.)
Sir Richard Warburton to the Same.
[1604], Aug. 8(?). Although well assured your lordship hath been advertised of his Excellency's proceedings before Sluce as also of occurrences since Spinola's sitting down near the drowned lands upon his Excellency's quarters, it shall no ways impeach my desire to inform you upon what terms both sides now stand. Spinola, having given too much time to his Excellency to perfect his entrenchments especially in the drowned lands next the Spanish army and finding himself not able without an assured blow to give either upon that or any other quarter, this last day being Tuesday rose and marched with all his troops by Arembergh over against the Islands of Cassant to Isendyke, a fort taken in the main of Flanders, over against Cassant, where he is now encamped; whither his Excellency hath sent eight companies under the command of Mons. Rowlett; so that with his new fortification almost ended and with the said eight companies Isendike is held for well assured. The same day the Spaniard offered to put over some companies upon the ebb into Cassant, but was repulsed by certain English sent with Sir Charles Morgan and Capt. Edward Vere, with some loss to the Spaniard. The Spaniard hath only taken a poor redoubt guarded with some 30 men, which were either slain or put to the sword. Touching Sluce I gather by the opinion of our best captains and by confession of such swimmers as are taken with letters to the Archduke this day, that the town cannot long hold out. It is now like a lamp which yieldeth its last blaze and ready to extinguish for want of oil; else impossible to be taken either by bridges or galleries or assaults or any way but by the bridge of famine. So that circumstances considered I am persuaded the town is near a rendition. That part of Flanders near Isendike is already in contribution with the States, and this day proclamation there made that none of the States' army should loot or make spoil of one "dopit" upon pain of death. In two points the Archduke hath been ill advised; first to suffer Spinola to give over Ostend now "lyved" for three months at least, which ere this had been brought to extremity or taken had not his departure given intermission and means to make good their works. Secondly, that Spinola being resolved to leave Ostend had not at first charged his Excellency before his entrenchment and so might with less difficulty have given him a blow; wherein he hath in the judgment of our best colonels not proceeded with soundness of judgment. Other news I have not to advertise you more than that this last night Mons. Barnvelt is come to the leaguer, expecting as it is said the speedy possession of the town. It now remaineth that upon the knees of my heart I beg you to be godfather to my child if it be a son, and that you be pleased to name him Cecyll; which suit if you grant I know not as I shall be saved in this world how to give my heart a higher contentment. Besides it will give good assurance in these parts where I must now live that I am not a castaway, but am as heretofore in your favour.—From the leaguer before Sluys, Wednesday 7 August. (fn. 1)
Holograph. Endorsed: "7 August 1604." 3 pp. (106. 51.)
Sir G. Hervy, Lieutenant of the Tower, to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 8. Before the receipt of your letter even from the whelping of the lion I had a care to have it preserved for his Majesty, as the rarest thing which in this country has happened in any age. But so soon as it was delivered from the dam she carried it in her mouth from place to place, so as the keeper to save it hazarded himself to take it from her and used his best means to preserve it; but (whether by the dam's bruising or by what accident I know not) it died yesterday. I willed it to be bowelled and embalmed to be presented to his Highness at his return, which I am informed is done. The dam is the lioness Anne, and the sire the lion Henry which was baited with dogs. These two living, the like may be hoped this next year, which this climate I hold for prodigious and ominous. —The Tower, 8 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (106. 56.)
Lord Wotton to Lord Cecil.
[1604], Aug. 8. Yesterday, the 7th, I met the Constable on Barham Down, being a place within my command. He has in his train 234 persons, whereof 8 of very good quality, some few other gentlemen, the rest all household officers and servants. He seems to be a very grave gentleman, courteous enough, his behaviour void of vanity, no tedious complimenter, and, in a word to my thinking, his carriage not unlike yours. He will be at London on Friday at night, and will go from Gravesend by water, which he meant not to do till he heard of the sickness in Greenwich. The enclosed I beseech you may be delivered by one of your men to my Lord Knollys.—Canterbury, 8 August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (106. 57.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1604, Aug. 8. By my letter yesterday you may perceive that the packet directed from Wanstead missed Sir G. Hume and came hither and was delivered to his Majesty to be opened. Yesternight as soon as he was come in from hunting I showed him your letters, whereupon he said he had nothing to return, but that although he had by my Lord of Berwick desired you that things might be put in such readiness for the ceremonies as the Constable might make as little stay as could be, yet he would reiterate that charge that you might perceive how willing he was to return hither again as soon as could be, and makes account of not above one week's stay there.
According to your advice he has appointed the Lord Erskine to visit the Constable at his first arrival at London. He would have sent Sir James Hay but doubted he would not be so pleasing because of his being in France. Sir Jo. Ramsay he said had no language, and to send any of the earls that be here he thought it too much; and so appointed the Lord Erskine, who goes from hence this day toward London to be ready against his first coming. His Majesty holds his course, formerly set down to be this day at the Lord Mordaunt's. I thought it not amiss to advertise you that his Majesty being here has been carried to hunt in a park called Higham Ferris, a very fair ground and well wooded, whether of purpose or no I cannot tell, but by that occasion it has been told him how it was passed from him at four marks a year, first in lease to Sir John Stanhope and then in fee farm in a book of Sir G. Hume's. Wherewith his Majesty is greatly offended and says he will have it again. My Lord of Berwick is ill pleased also as I hear that he passed it for so small a matter, the ground being rich and the woods very good. I advertise you of it for that I remember that Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer making a stay of it you wrote first to him the King's pleasure about the lease, and afterwards an express warrant from the King was procured for the passing of it in my Lord of Berwick's books. So as if his Majesty make any words of it when he is there some answer may be thought upon. The huntsmen further his offence, and Auditor Purvey who has the present state has had speech with his Majesty about it.— From Bletsoe, 8 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (106. 60.)
Sir Thomas Lake to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 8. The letters signed by you and my Lord Chamberlain came to me to my Lord St. John's about 10 this day, after his Majesty was gone to his hunting, who went forth by 5 in the morning, so as I could not acquaint him with it till he came to this house, which was about 3 in the afternoon. For all other parts of that letter I think you be satisfied by my former answers, and that the King likes well of all the proceedings your lordships have used in this matter of the Constable's. But upon one point he has willed me with all speed to advertise you of his mind, and to desire as speedy an answer. That is that where your lordships say that his Majesty being in London on Tuesday night or Wednesday, there will be time for his first audience before Sunday, and for the oath and feast upon Sunday, and then will rest nothing to give his Majesty delay but till the day of his farewell, his Majesty would have you understand that he does not purpose any more days than Sunday, and upon that day to give him his leave, except it be that the Constable will see him privately and without ceremony on Monday morning before his Majesty's departure: for longer his Highness will not stay, and would have you to find means to make the Constable so to understand him; except he like to abide a fortnight after, till his Majesty's return from Windsor. And this is his Majesty's argument: either he is in haste, or his purpose to abide. If in haste, he will like best of his Majesty's quick dispatch; if he can abide, as it is no good manners for his Majesty to hasten him more than him list, so may it well fit him to abide some time for his Majesty, who has lost much of his time in attending him. So that, in sum, the King would both have him understand and your lordships so to order things that he may have no more days after Sunday, except it be privately, which he may do either Monday morning or some time between his first audience and Sunday, if he have anything to say beside the matter of the solemnity. For if his Highness thought there would be any longer time spent than Sunday, he would not come to London till Friday or Saturday. Sir James Hay goes hence to-morrow, but whether he have any countermand of my Lord Erskine's message and to deliver it himself, I know not; but my Lord Erskine went away before your letters came.—Drayton, the Lord Mordant's, 8 August 1604.
Holograph. 2 pp. (189. 11.)
Sir John Ogle to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 8. On the 6th (stylo Anglico) the enemy dislodged his army and marched away by night. Some troops he caused to march towards Damm, either to amuse us to look for them at our quarters that lie to the north and westward, or else for the present to let us think they might be returned to Ostend. For upon presumption of their being gone that way the Count Maurice retired himself with divers chiefs and several troops of several nations each towards his former quarter. But the enemy had secretly conveyed the greatest part of his army towards the forts of St. Philip and Cateline (where the Count Trevulci gave ground at our first coming) and that way began to attempt dangerously the opening a way to himself to unset the town. The danger of that way was foreseen by Count Maurice in judgment and therefore he built strong forts upon it tenable till a relief could come to them against an army. But the sudden attempt or purpose of the enemy to go that way was not thought of by him but by accident; for returning from the drowned land he desired the Count William to make a round about those parts and himself would come to his quarter. Yet was he (as he says having divers other matters in his mind) led thitherwards, he knows not how, for he did not once think of the enemy being there. But there (or very near there) the Count William found them, and great good hap it was that he should come at that time, for we do verily believe his presence (being in sight) made the Frisons that were in the fort fight and defend it above their strength. Sure I am it was above all expectation. The place was "judicially" spied out by the enemy, for he had that way brought his army into the Island of Cassand, and so had he distressed us and unset the town, and as resolutely and with as much courage did he both come on and retire both to and from the fort. But our Frisons so laid about them (though their powder was much too soon spent) as that they killed and hurt (as is said) above 200 of the enemy: 80 and 4 were told dead, and stripped at the foot of the wall; not above 16 of our men that were slain or hurt. The Count Maurice came thither himself by that time the fight was done, which endured above an hour at the push of pike and sword. He sent in the morning a trumpet to the town to let them know that their succours were gone, but he thought not then that they had been gone that way. We believe that the enemy having missed to carry the place when he came before he was either expected or welcome, will now more hardly force his way into Cassand while the Count Maurice is there attending him with fresh supplies of troops both horse and foot, and such store of spades as if he have but three days more liberty to work against them, they may expect the same success there that they are to look for at our other quarters, which are all strong enough against any sudden attempt whatsoever. Some will say that this hath been the enemy's plot from the beginning, and that his setting down by the drowned land was but to amuse us that way. I do think that advantage was well spied and well plotted upon, but I do not believe that it was so soon or hath been so long seen into. It is thought that they have now done almost their best for the relief of this town, and this stratagem failing the town will hardly hold out the breeding and bringing forth of another. But for their estate within none can tell that are without amongst us, nor do we now receive any more of such as offer to come over to us from the town, but send them back or kill them. The next news I hope to send you of the taking of Sluys, for the general speech is that their misery is great within; howbeit I suspect they will so long detain us here as that we shall have no time to put for the relief of Ostend this summer.—Camp before Sluce, 8 August 1604.
Holograph. 2 pp. (106. 61.)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to Lord Cecil.
1604, August 8. I advertised you yesterday of the change of the Constable's resolution. I have since received letters from you and the Lord Chamberlain, which I have imparted to Lord Wotton, who yesterday received the Constable upon Barham Down with 600 horse, all exceedingly well furnished, and a great number of gentlemen of good quality, very well apparelled and gallantly, insomuch that the Spaniards thought they had been all gentlemen of the Court. There has been great negligence in the country in sending in horses and waggons, and I fear there will be great difficulty to accommodate his whole train this day to Sittingbourne, though Lord Wotton has used very extraordinary care and diligence. The Constable is fully set to go all the way by land, and to dine on Friday at Greenwich, though Dartford were proposed to him as more convenient: which if it seem good to you may be done without inconvenience, in regard that he means neither to lie nor to stay there long, but to go immediately to London. Lord Wotton told me he had received a letter from some of your lordships to say you had not any notice of the number of his train. I have delivered a copy to Lord Wotton to send you. The Constable was not very well yesterday, neither is he to-day, having a weak body, and subject to much sickness.—Canterbury, 8 August 1604.
Holograph. 1 p.
Postal endorsements:—"Canterbury at past 1 in the afternowne the 8 of August. Seattingborne at 3 a Clocke in the afternone. Rochester at 5 a clocke. Dartford at 8 at night." (189. 10.)
Jacob Verzellini to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 9. Through your gracious means I was delivered out of prison. That imprisonment and trouble have much decayed both my body and senses. I pray you continue your favour to me in these my aged days as hitherto, and as your father and mother had likewise special love and care towards me. And I also beseech you, if a father may entreat for his son, that by your means he may enjoy the benefit of the laws of the land as a subject. I have made known to the lord ambassador of Venice your great favours to me, who will be most thankful to you in my behalf.—9 August 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (106. 62.)
Lord Wotton to the Same.
[1604], Aug. 9. The Constable is now come to Gravesend, his health somewhat better than at his landing, exceedingly well pleased with my Lord of Northampton's coming, who was very honourably attended. To-morrow about 3 in the afternoon he will embark and disembark at Somerset House. The respect the Spanish ambassador, Count Aremberg, and the rest of the Commissioners carry to him is great, who never speak to him but they use the word "Excellency" and many times uncovered. What you hear of Sluys I know not, but the Constable has letters from Dom Luis de Velasco, general of the Archduke's cavalry, dated on Monday last, and then it held; though at my coming out of Canterbury the French minister there affirmed to me that by letters from the other side they were advertised for certain that it was rendered.—Gravesend, 9 August.
Holograph. Seal broken. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (106. 63.)
Sir John Ogle to the Same.
1604, Aug. 9. Yesternight after I had enclosed my other to your lordship came Captain L' Pine out of the town and sought to have speech with the Count Harry. This day he with two others has been busy with the Count Maurice in making their composition, 3 of ours being in the town for their assurance. Their demands were that they might have 6 days liberty to send to the Archduke to know his pleasure, but that was absolutely denied them. At their next return to us they propounded that they might march out with their colours, arms, baggage, 4 pieces of artillery, their slaves (such excepted as were of these countries) and the galleys which they have preserved. These conditions were all denied likewise, excepting those ordinary ones of going out with their arms and baggage. I understand they are gone again into the town with this answer, and that they must resolve suddenly or else stand to the Count's courtesy, in whose power it is now to give such conditions as he list. The enemy hovers still about that quarter where he gave his last attempt (where were slain the Marquis de Renti and Don Felippe de Taxis, men of note) but what he will do is uncertain. To attempt anything of fresh by force on that part were too desperate, the Count attending him with strength of troops and working very strongly against him. To go to Isendike were to as small purpose since we can put in supplies of men and provision by water at pleasure. Some say they are already marching back to Ostend, others that they bridge not that way, so as yet we have no certainty of them. The best is there is now small appearance of any great disturbance they can bring to the main of our business since the bird is now in our hands and I believe in the hands of them that will not suddenly let it fly again. For I make account the town is now as good as ours, and doubt not but to-morrow to see of our colours upon their walls, for their estate is desperate of any relief and the soldier altogether impatient of any further delay. The fort of St. Philip which they took in passing this way, whither they are now come, they hold still. They turned out the company that was in it without arms, and had not a Netherlandish captain of horse that is of the enemy's side saved them the Mutineers had done execution upon them after their lives were given them by composition. It is much to be doubted that we shall not attempt the relief of Ostend, the fortifying of these places will so long detain us, and the troops that we must leave hereabouts in the town, the Island (which necessarily must have strong guard in it) and the other places of consequence will be more than we can well spare when we shall go about such a business.
I would not stay till the conclusion of the composition was made because I know all the world writes now of this parley, and that your lordship might have the certainty of our present being with the first, I thought good to write with the first of them that can write anything.—Camp before Sluce, 9 August 1604, veteri.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (106. 64.)
Sir William Browne to Lord Cecil.
1604 Aug. 9. After the enemy's dislodging out of the drowned land and passing towards Ysendick he cut short of Ysendick, and took on Tuesday morning a fort of ours by composition called St. Catelin, from whence with diligence he passed over the water at a low tide some horse and about 6000 foot to a decayed village called Onsbourgh, from whence there go two dykes of a reasonable breadth leading directly to Cassant Island; upon which passages we had cast up 2 half moons not shut behind, and on the cross dyke, which is the dyke of Cassant, pistol shot from these half moons we had 2 redoubts. Upon these half moons guarded by 3 Frise companies the enemy about 2 in the afternoon gave on with 1500 or 2000, Spinola and Bucquoy advancing somewhat to countenance the exploit; but another Conte was to do the deed and force the passage. Their coming on was with such resolution as they carried the half moons: while some gave on in front others waded between both to come upon their backs, which drave our men to retire to their redoubts, where by God's pleasure Count William was arrived with four companies more of Frises. And though the enemy did very daringly pursue his good fortune coming to push of pike and hand blows at the top of the works, yet by Count William's encouraging they were repulsed and 60 of them slain with pikes, swords and stocks of muskets. We say that 3 English companies being near at hand discouraged the enemy from his resoluteness and increased our men's courage. It may well be, for the Frises use not to fight so well without company. The enemy left behind him slain near 200, for the Frisians took none prisoners and a number he carried away in waggons and otherwise, so that his loss of hurt and dead cannot be valued under 500. He is now removed somewhat further and I think will dream no more of succouring the Sluce, for I judge that this was his ultimum refugium, and questionless he was in great possibility to have prevailed.—Flushing, 9 August 1604.
PS. After this written I do even now receive a message from a captain of a ship that lieth by Sluce that the town offered yesterday to parley with Count Henry, but he refused because the Count Maurice was not there, for his Excellency stayed by the place attempted to see what the enemy would do and Sir Hor. Vere with him.
PS. 2. I have further enquired of the parley I mentioned in my postscript. One who was last year burgomaster here had a letter from a particular friend of [his]. It seems it was written to him that if there were any money to be gotten upon the taking of Sluce in such a time that he might make use of the news: but the captain of the man of war his servant who brought the news reports that he saw when 2 captains came out of town to Count Henry, and saith they be Italians or Spaniards, or one an Italian, th'other a Spaniard. This day came a boat from Ostend where all things go well, the works well advanced and no fear that the enemy can in any reasonable time be master of it.— 9 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 65.)
Sir Francis Vere to Lord Cecil.
[1604], Aug. 9. I hear there is great means made to my Lords, for their favourable letter to the States in behalf of Captain Cockayne, and that it has pleased your lordship to suspend your consent till you may be informed from me whether I have any further matter against him or no; for which favour I have just cause to be thankful to you. It is not unknown to you how infinitely the man has wronged me and how he endangered the State and the honour of the nation by attempting to mutiny his soldiers, for which whilst I commanded the troop I was earnest against him for discipline's sake. Since my coming from thence the States have pardoned his offences, so as now he is prisoner only for his charges: and therefore as I being now a private man purpose not to urge any further matter against him, so seeing he is in no extremity nor peril of life, I am a suitor to you to stay the grant of any such general letters from my Lords. I am further to entreat you touching my resignation of the Brill, that at his Majesty's coming you will be pleased to move him in the manner you purposed when I waited on you last; since which time I have spoken again to my Lord of Northampton who has promised his assistance in the matter. And though the change of my fortune shall be great from so worthy employments to a mere private condition, yet I shall bear the same with much contentment if with the loss of my places the indignation so long and so grievously bent against me may cease, especially with you whom I truly honoured in heart according to the profession I made till you withdrew your favour from me; though perchance I was not in all points of form so industrious in making show thereof as your public place and private favour required. I hope God will give me strength to overcome my private humours, which is the comfort I rest in after so many and grievous afflictions.—9 August.
Holograph. 2 pp. (106. 67.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Lord Berwick, Lord Treasurer of Scotland.
1604, Aug. 9. You signified to me his Majesty's pleasure I should deliver you my opinion touching the suit exhibited to his Majesty for a privilege concerning dyeing, being drawn by your letter into four heads or questions.
For the first, this suit was made known to me by the late Queen's direction some year and a half before her death; but how long it was moved before that time I know not.
The trials I have made concerning the same have been thus. The first in the late Queen's time some year or more before her death. To avoid all falsity as much as I could, I caused these trials to be made in my own chamber by a very perfect man whom I knew to be very skilful, one whom I durst trust and not then known to the parties that followed that suit. And when it was thus dyed I caused that party to try the colours so dyed with many very hard trials, whereby I found it endured all wearing trials. I durst not use the dyers of London therein, for I feared they would, if they could, conceal the validity of the stuff, thereby to draw it to themselves. Since which upon your former letters I have caused trials to be made of divers colours of the best sort, as French russets, violets, tawnys and such like, to be dyed in my chamber in my own sight; and that done, myself caused them to be tried with scalding wine, vinegar, water and salt, and other matter very apt to stain anything sufficient for any wearing trials, and yet it stained not at all. The trials gave me good satisfaction for the validity of that stuff.
Therefore my opinion is thus. If they still make the stuff as perfect and will sell it so cheap as they pretend, it will make fair and good wearing colours near as cheap as the falsest now too commonly used to be,—many of which colours will not endure one day's raining on it. If it continue in proof as heretofore has been made, it cannot but be greatly beneficial both to his Majesty and the merchandizing of our cloths. For where before a cloth could not be surely dyed into some of these wearing colours for 6l. or 7l. the cloth, by this stuff it will be performed for less than 3l. 6s. 8d. the cloth, and yet shall endure all manner wearing trials. And if the dyers will not exact that unreasonable gain which they heretofore have made by their false colours, it may occasion a greater vent of wrought clothes out of this realm than heretofore, which cannot but be very profitable both to his Majesty, to the people, and to the merchant, who will be able to undersell any other foreign merchant. 25l. is to grow to his Majesty upon every ton, by which when this stuff falls out to be throughly wrought us, it will come to above 3000l. yearly if it be well looked into. I returned not answer sooner because I sent to London to have a copy of the last patent, which I like well, for so much as is contained in it with very little alteration. But to tie the patentees to perform what is undertaken I have drawn a proviso to be put into the end of the patent to make it void if they should use any slight hereafter in the compounding or using of the stuff. Then if they will not perform what is undertaken it will be their loss, and no prejudice to the common weal.
Now for the suit of the dyers of London, I hold it is most inconvenient to be yielded unto for many respects. First, I fear they will for their own private suppress what good may grow thereby, as a thing of little or no use, and yet use it, pretending they use but their former rich stuff as grain, cochineal, and such like, and so urge men to give the greater prices, whereby they will suppress the whole benefit which otherwise might grow to his Majesty by means of this stuff. This I know they may do, and I have been too well acquainted with what these companies will do when they have the power in their own hands. Besides, admit they shall use it well, yet the other dyers of the realm shall be undone by it. For they will make good colours cheap when all others cannot make the same but also dear rates as they shall not be able to live by it, and so they must of necessity give it over.—Lytlecott, 9 August 1604.
Signed. 2½ pp. (106. 68.)
Sir John Cutts to Lord Cecil.
[1604], Aug. 9. Has received his Majesty's letters concerning the increase of game and preservation of woods at Somersham. Is ready to perform all he has commanded. He was no more guilty of the spoils there than the child unborn. One Mr. Clifford, Mris. Hyde late of the Privy Chamber, and a lewd keeper held in wrongfully by the old Lord Hunsdon (notwithstanding Cecil's father stood Cutts's good lord in staying it for him a long time) were the spoilers of it by a warrant procured. The park having no fence from the chace, whatever he bred in the park yearly was killed in the chace by the opposite keepers.—Childerley, 9 August.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (106. 70.)
Nicholas Geffe to the Same.
1604, Aug. 9. I cannot be set at liberty but by leaving in the sheriff's hand 600l. in deposito until the next term, that the cause may be judicially heard in the Court of Requests; and then I doubt not of restitution of it. The wrong and oppression sufficiently appears to Sir Roger Wilbraham; and upon some examination of witnesses the pack and practice will be manifested. Stretch forth your hand to me herein. I will not be burdensome to you to the worth of a penny, but will see you kept indemnified for your favour. The money being tendered to the sheriff he will deliver back upon your security, and I shall out of mine own poor means before that time be able to perform what is fitting.—9 August 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (106. 71.)
Lord Erskine of Dirletoun to the Same.
1604, Aug. 10. It pleased his Majesty upon knowledge of the Constable's landing to direct me from Bletso as from his Majesty's being at the hunting, to visit him and to use some compliments such as you shall know at my coming to London, and such further as you shall think expedient. Understanding by Sir Thomas Lake that he was not to be in the town before Saturday, I desire your direction if it be expedient that I be in the town before he come; for in my simple judgment it shall have the better fashion that I be not seen in the town but to you before I go directly to him.—Densam, 10 August 1604.
Holograph. Two seals. 1 p. (106. 72.)
Sir Edward Cecil to his uncle, Lord Cecil.
[1604], Aug. 10. After a long and tedious siege we are master of the town of Sluys which we had brought to great extremity, a town that is not to be won without famishing. I cannot say that there is a general in the world that hath taken more care and more pains or hath done more than his Excellency hath done in this siege, considering his small army. The enemy hath lain long by us to have relieved it. He hath tried all ways and the last way of 3 hath been by the Island of Casand, where he gave on upon a redoubt there, we not suspecting him there for that he did march all the night toward Damme. He found where he gave on but 150 men, the enemy having all his army there who did give on very furious and valiantly, yet was repulsed with the loss of some 200 of his best men in the place, and those of quality as the Marquis of Rentis, and the sergeant major of the Mutineers, and one Don Phelipo de Taxces and many more which I cannot name. They were very nigh the relieving of the town by this way, which till we were certain of their repulse made our army much amazed; for our hopes held but by a string, and now it is by a chain, for we shall hardly be driven out of these countries.—Sluys, 10 August.
PS.—The town was given over upon Friday about 4 of the clock in the morning, with composition to leave munition, cannon and slaves and to march with flying colours, with their bullet in their mouth and baggage.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1½ pp. (106. 73.)
Sir John Ogle to the Same.
1604, Aug. 10. This last night the composition was made that ends the matter in question twixt the Count Maurice and this town. They are this day to march out with their colours, arms, and baggage. Thus much I thought fit to add unto my former letter.—Camp before Sluce, 10 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (106. 74.)
Sir William Browne to the Same.
1604, Aug. 10. I know it is in vain to write to you of the surrender of the Sluce and of the order of it, for by one that came thence to me this day it was assured me that an English boat from Sluce was sent over with the particulars. This day morning at 8 of the clock they went out by boat one way with bag and baggage, colours, match light, bullet in the mouth, &c., and we came in at 9 of the clock and took possession of the town. They were glad they were out by reason of the hunger they sustained, and we were as hungry to be in. This night I think or to-morrow there will be through Zeland a general thanksgiving and triumphing for it. I am glad that my news of yesterday that they did parley proved so true. The enemy who gave the attempt at Osbourgh are no more in those quarters, but this morning did set fire on St. Philips and St. Catelyne which they had taken, and so departed, some say towards Ghent, but I presume they will not leave the quarter towards Bruges lest his Excellency should offend them that way. You will be pleased to accept my endeavour though it come with the latest.—Flushing, 10 August 1604.
PS.—There went out of Sluce 3200 soldiers: the slaves remain in Sluce at his Excellency's disposing.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 75.)
Sir Thomas Lake to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 10. Your letters written yesterday came hither this morning about five of the clock, by which time his Majesty was ready purposing to go forth to hunt and so to Sir Anthony Mildmay's. I carried the letters to him presently, upon perusal whereof his Majesty willed me to say that you mistake him if you think he anyways misliked that there was some variety in your letters, for he knows well that your advertisements depended upon another's motions, and must yet, if he give other occasion than hitherto appears by his course: but yet sees no cause why to alter his purpose of giving him leave on Sunday or Monday morning. For as for the things of importance concerning the treaty his Majesty doubts not but that between Tuesday (on which day he purposes to be there without failing and that somewhat timely) and Sunday they may be well resolved so as no stay shall be for that, seeing his Majesty and your lordship will intend nothing in a manner but that. And that being ready he knows no cause why when the solemnity is past there should be any longer stay. For the taking of leave is no part of an ambassador's commission but in the will of the Prince to whom he comes to order as his own affairs require, the substance of his errand being performed. And his Majesty purposes to make known to him on Sunday that he is to depart on Monday, and if he will then require the time of his leave his Highness will assign it him on Monday morning. But if he do not then require it the King takes it as a sign of his desire to stay longer, which if he have purpose to do, he cannot be bidden begone, how great soever the charge of his stay be. Wherefore to the end his mind therein may be discovered his Majesty would have you, by the fittest means or instrument you can think upon, have him often told that his purpose is to depart on Monday, and thereby to feel his disposition of accommodating himself thereto, or purpose of longer stay. To which end his Majesty I perceive is minded as often as he shall come to him to let him know as much out of his own mouth. By which answer you may perceive what the King's determination is. What your authorities may do with him when he is there I know not, or the accidents of the business; but here he casts all things to his former purpose of returning this way on Monday; and the noblemen and gentlemen leave their horses at Rockingham and all their carriages, going up in post upon the confidence of his Majesty's resolution.
The course of his journey is this, that on Monday morning early he will go forth to hunting, his coach going on the way before, and so when he has overtaken it to come by coach to Huntingdon where fresh horses stay for him to carry his Majesty to Royston, where he lies that night. From Royston to Ware he goes by post, and there meets a fresh coach to carry him to London, where he hopes to be betime.
This letter to my Lord of Berwick is by his Majesty's commandment to let him know that his Majesty hearing that three days agone a packet went by from the Lord of Fyvy directed to him wonders that he hears nothing from his lordship concerning his son.—From Drayton, the Lord Mordaunt's, 10 August 1604.
PS.—The packet wherein my Lord of Northampton's letters came was here yesterday about noon, and the letters delivered to his Majesty at Sir Ed. Montague's, whereat he seemed to be very merry.
Holograph. Seal broken. 2½ pp. (106. 77.)
The Archbishop of York to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 10. I received lately a letter from you and others of the Privy Council, with the copy of a letter from his Highness to your lordship concerning a loan of money to his Majesty by the clergy of this province. I writ presently to the 3 Bishops, viz., Duresme, Carlisle and Chester, enclosing copies of his Highness's letter and of yours, and make no doubt but both they and I shall do our endeavours to further this service. But the want of repayment of the last lent money and the great charge of the double subsidy yet continuing make men both less able and less willing than otherwise they would have been. I will send up the list of the clergy of my diocese with that expedition I may, not doubting but your lordship will cause the privy seals to be sent, not to us the bishops (who are already greatly troubled and charged with receipt of tenths and subsidies) but to his Majesty's receivers in every county, that they may put their hands to the several receipts, as has been always accustomed. Because I am an old man, very sickly and never like to come to his Majesty's presence, give me leave to write a few lines to yourself. His Majesty's subjects hear and fear that his excellent and heroical nature is too much inclined to giving, which in short time will exhaust the treasure of this kingdom and bring many inconveniences. His Majesty in Scotland lived like a noble and worthy king of small revenues in comparison, because he wisely foresaw that expensœ should not exceed recepta; which I fear his Highness does not in England, but not minding his yearly recepta and recipienda (though great, yet not infinite) yields almost to every man's petition. If this should continue this kingdom will not serve, but that his Majesty contrary to his princely nature must be compelled to be burdenous and grievous to his most loyal and obedient subjects. You have well deserved of this whole land, and specially of his Majesty, because you were a principal mean to bring him to his right without contradiction, and that makes me bolder to write thus much unto you.—From Bishopthorpe, 10 August 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (106. 79.)


  • 1. ? Aug. 8. 7 Aug. 1604 fell on a Tuesday.