Cecil Papers: August 1604, 11-20

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1604, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp221-268 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1604, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp221-268.

"Cecil Papers: August 1604, 11-20". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp221-268.

August 1604, 11-20

The Master of Gray to Lord Cecil.
1604, August 10. Thanks Cecil for the motion he made to the King for his suit. Seeing his Majesty was informed of reckonings between his officers and him (Gray), he thought meetest to clear the same before prosecuting the suit. There are no such reckonings, for it is now 20 years since he meddled in anything, and then he had sufficient discharges. He thinks his Majesty's meaning was that he was indebted to his (the King's) merchant Robert Jonsie and to his "tailyour" Alexander Millar: therefore he has sent this bearer sufficiently informed in every point, and with discharges sufficient. Gives particulars as to his transactions with Jonsie, and one Dempster a lawyer, also with Millar; and as to other debts, which pertain to his Majesty himself. The King knows his poor means were readiest when his service required; and as he gave as the King's interest or commandments directed him, so he craves to be beholden to none but him for payment. He commits all to the King, for now being old and retired, this is the last expectation of his spent youth: a matter within 2,000l. sterling. The King cannot think the worse of Cecil for remembering an absent man. As for the Duke of Lennox, he is assured the King would "quarrel" him if he should not do his best for him (Gray) in a matter so reasonable. "I must pray your L. self remember that K. Louis the 11th of France, having at the first rencontre refused a gentleman his suit, the gentleman gave his Majesty humble thanks. The King, knowing the gentleman at Court, knew it not done on simplicity; so asking the gentleman why he thanked him for a refusal, he said he had reason, for if he had fed him with hope, in time he should have dispended much more than the suit was worth, where now his Majesty's answer had saved him the charges, and he was to retire him to his own house. Yet the quick answer procured him the suit." Commits the rest to the bearer, and begs Cecil to have compassion on him.—Dundie, 10 August 1604.
Holograph. 2 pp. (189. 12.)
The Earl of Devonshire to the Same.
[1604], Aug. 11. I will be this night in London ready to be farther disposed by you. I think I shall be at Holborn, for I am limited this day or not at all to go through with a great purchase of ten acres of ground that must go into my intended portion. I am not a little glad of their good success in the Low Countries, for I cannot but still think we have a great interest in their fortunes.—Wanstead, 11 August.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (106. 80.)
Sir Thomas Lake to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 11. I have returned the letters of Sir W. Brown and Mr. Winwood, which his Majesty perused this morning as soon as he was ready, and was very well pleased with the news, publishing it presently. He willed me to write to you of three things which he said he had forgotten till now. First that order be taken to bring the Prince to St. James's by Tuesday night, for his Majesty thinks the Constable will desire to see him, and he is desirous the Prince should be present at the solemnity. The second is touching the Constable's audience. His Majesty considers that his Highness being away it is not like that the Constable will crave audience till he be arrived, which perhaps may make some loss of time more than is according to his Majesty's purpose of speedy return. For preventing whereof his Majesty would that you should consider with my Lord of Northampton how he might be moved either to demand his audience by one of his own on Tuesday immediately after his Majesty's arrival; or else to break his mind to your lordships the Commissioners to move his Majesty for his time of audience, which his Highness is minded to assign him on Wednesday in the afternoon because there may be the more time between that and Sunday for the dispatch of any serious matter which may occur.
The third is about the Duke Charles to whom and to the Lady Elizabeth his Majesty sends several persons from this house, neither of them being as we esteem it here above thirty miles hence. But because his Majesty does not perceive by the letters he has received that they who have the conducting of him well conceive the "gysts" of his journey now forward, whether they shall come by Windsor or Hampton Court, his Majesty would that you should consider of it and advertise the Lord Fyvy presently of his way. I perceive by a letter of my Lord of Berwick's to John Gibbe you have acquainted him with the advertisement I wrote you about the park of Higham Ferris. But I wrote not that the King had said anything to me of it, but others told it me, and the Auditor himself, with whom the King had speech. The like heats have been about the land of Bennifield and some woods of Rockingham Forest which my Lady Hatton has: and yet it may be that all will be forgotten when we are at London.— Apthorp, 11 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (106. 81.)
Sir Thomas Lake to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 11. After I had sent to you this morning the letters touching Sluce and his Majesty's pleasure in some other things, I received the packet with the preamble, his Majesty being first gone forth and appointed to dine at a lodge of Sir Anthony Mildmay's two miles from this place: whither I followed but could not speak with him till it was late, his Majesty coming not into his dinner till past three o'clock, although he had not eaten in the morning. And after his dinner being retired and wearied I showed him your letters and the preamble, which his Highness perused twice and liked well of it, being of your mind that the plainer it is the better. Wherefore I have thought good to return it immediately to you, for I conceive your lordship's purpose is to acquaint the Spanish commissioners with it before his Majesty's coming that it may [be] ripened as much as may be against that time. All that I could perceive his Majesty took exceptions unto was the large styles of some of the Commissioners, which he thought frivolous; but I replied it was for his honour seeing the Constable used all his to the advantage and that the manner was so in like cases. But he insisted upon some particulars of my Lord Admiral's, and namely that about the Justice of Oyer and Terminer, especially about the Latin of parcorum chacearum and warennarum, which he thought might be put in other words more Latin. But because he did not command anything to be altered I leave it to your judgment.—Apthorp, 11 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 82.)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Same.
1604, Aug. 11. My daughter in law's sickness and the nature of the disease (although I have not seen her this week and more) is such as I may not conceal. So soon as I heard what her sickness was I left my house and removed hither into a clearer air. My desire is to attend his Majesty because I suppose there will be at this time some use of my service for the seal, whatsoever use else there may be of me. Yet I would be loth to presume further than may stand with his Majesty's pleasure. In this strait I am bold to make my case known to you, and therein to pray your good advice.—At Harfield, 11 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 83.)
Laurence Wright to Sir Thomas Bennett, Lord Mayor of London.
[1604], Aug. 11. On Wednesday last one Alce Wells said in my hearing that our King's mother was a whore, and our King a bastard and no lawful heir to the Crown of England. She is abiding now at one Thomas Grigges's house, a tailor in Paules Churchyard right over against the west door of Paul's.—From the Counter in the Poultry, 11 August.
Copy. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (106. 84.)
Duke Brooke to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 11.] His counsel assures him that his present interest to so much of the late Lord Cobham's land as was entailed by his (Brooke's) grandfather's will, is such that he need not doubt to bring it to trial. He would rather choose to do this than suffer prejudice to his title, which his family may hereafter condemn him for. Yet, as he desires not to seem to contend with his Majesty, he rather seeks it at his Majesty's hands by way of purchase; he craves only that he may have it at the easiest rate. Gives details of the tenure and value of the land, for which he offers 4,000l. The best land has already passed in Lady Kildare's jointure, and of this he desires the reversion. Begs Cecil to further his petition in the matter.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 48.)
Lands of Henry, Lord Cobham.
1604, Aug. 11. Agreement made 11 August 1604, by the Earl of Dorset, Lord High Treasurer of England, the Earl of Northampton, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, and Lord Cecil, his Majesty's principal secretary on behalf of his Majesty, with Duke Brooke, Esq., for the purchase of the King's estate in the entailed lands of Henry, late Lord Cobham.
A great part of the lands, whereof Henry, Lord Cobham, was seised at the time of his treason, were by the will of George, Lord Cobham, entailed upon William, Lord Cobham, for life with remainder successively to eight of his sons and their heirs male, and for default to George Brooke the father of Duke Brooke and his heirs male. By this entail it appears that by the attainder of the said Henry and of George Brooke, who was executed for treason, the King holds the lands during the lives of the said Henry and of William Brooke, an infant, son of the said George, but after their decease the lands revert to the said Duke and his heirs male. His Majesty out of the land has granted to Lady Frances, Countess of Kildare, the said Henry's wife, for life some of the said entailed lands in present possession to the sum of 481l. or thereabouts and has also granted her for life in augmentation of her jointure after Henry's death other of the said entailed lands amounting to about 501l. per annum; the residue of the said entailed lands being about 962l. with the park at Cooling, not valued, also remain in his Majesty's hands. Duke Brooke has made suit to buy all his Majesty's interest in the same lands and the King has authorised their lordships to compound with him therefor. Upon good information of the value of the said entailed lands it is agreed between Duke Brooke and their lordships as follows; (1) His Majesty's estate in the said lands amounting to 962l. or thereabouts together with the park of Cooling, being all in his Majesty's possession and free from the jointure of the said Countess, shall be granted to Duke Brooke and his heirs.
(2) the entailed lands assured for augmentation of the said jointure amounting to 501l., being in his Majesty's hands till the death of the said Henry, shall be also assured to Duke and his heirs, to be held by him till the death of the said Henry, then to come to the Countess for life, and after her death to Duke Brooke and his heirs.
(3) the reversion of the entailed lands granted in present possession for the jointure of the Countess, amounting to 481l., shall be assured to Duke and his heirs. For all which Duke shall pay as follows
For the entailed lands and the park of Cooling in his Majesty's hands and free from the jointure of the Countess 8000l.
For the entailed lands granted the Countess after Henry's death 2000l.
For the reversion of the entailed lands whereof the Countess is now in possession 1500l.
All which sums to be paid at 3 several payments, viz.:—
Upon the 4 May 1605 5000l.
Upon the 8 November 1605 3250l.
Upon the 4 May 1606 3250l.
For which Duke is to give his several statutes or bonds or in default all the said lands in Kent are to be tied to his Majesty with such conditions as shall be thought fit by his counsel.
Lastly it is agreed between their lordships and Duke Brooke that these lands shall be freed from the extent of Sir John Heale kt. his Majesty's serjeant at law, and all other statutes.
Copy signed by the Lords and certified by R. Percivale. 2 pp. (106. 85.)
The Deputies for the Hanse Towns to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 12. Contrary to their expectations have hitherto received no answer to the articles they submitted to Cecil and the other commissioners. Grave reasons move them to urge greater expedition in their affairs, as summer is passing and winter drawing on. Pray him to expedite their cause and bring it to the desired end.—London, 12 August 1604.
Latin. 1 p. (106. 86.)
Sir Thomas Lake to [the Same].
1604, Aug. 12. Being ready this morning to have come away before his Majesty I was early warned to attend him at his first waking. Although I were to come presently away, it was his pleasure I should by post signify to you that since I sent away the preamble he had conceived that it should be made agreeable to the preamble of the commission. Which because I had never seen I could not tell how to reply, but to advertise you thereof. Another point was about the Princes and States to be comprehended in the Treaty, whereof there was mention, as his Majesty called to mind, in one of your lordship's letters. Wherein his Majesty would have you think of all that are to be namely comprehended on his part, which he thinks may be all the States and Princes of Christendom, saving that there will be some difficulty about the States of Holland and Zeland on his part, whereof he would have you consider. I out of my poor judgment said that it might pass in this manner, that they might enter within a time limited if they would. But his Majesty would have me to advertise you hereof to be thought upon against his coming. Another doubt was if they should offer to comprehend the Pope, whereof your lordship may think. Although I told his Highness that he would now so soon be with your lordships as there these things would best be resolved and that I am even now ready to take horse, yet was it his commandment that I should send thus much by the post, to the end your lordships should consider of it before his arrival. I think upon the old ground that he would not make long abode there.—12 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (106. 87.)
Attorney General Coke to Lord Hume of Berwick, Lord Treasurer of Scotland.
1604, Aug. 13. Two things in this book concerning dyeing fall into consideration; the first whether the colours by this new invention will be fair and durable, whereof you have received satisfaction by my Lord Chief Justice's letters, who has taken the pains to see the trial hereof himself. The second, whether this new book be consonant to law, wherein I am much comforted for that my Lord Chief Justice has approved my former draft, which by my letters I commended to you. I confidently affirm that his Majesty by his prerogative may dispense both with the bringing in of logwood and blockwood or any other woods prohibited by Act of Parliament to be used in dyeing, and also that the same may be used in dyeing notwithstanding any Statute to the contrary, which is the substance of this book. But albeit his Majesty might have made such a general dispensation of those laws, yet this book is so ordered by my Lord Chief Justice's good direction as nothing can be done thereby but for the good of the subject, as my Lord Chief Justice has by his letters declared. For which purpose he very prudently gave direction that a proviso should be drawn I take it to this effect: That his Majesty upon due proof may revoke the interest and term of such of the patentees as should deceitfully abuse this grant to the hurt of the subject for only such as offend should be punished, which I have drawn accordingly. I commend them much that have due and just care of the common good of the subject, but under pretext of popularity I shall never suffer his Majesty's just and lawful prerogative to be blemished or impeached.—Godwick, 13 August 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (106. 88.)
Griffith Lewys, Dean of Gloucester, to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 13. You have directed your letters subscribed by you and others of the Privy Council to the archbishops and bishops of both provinces, and to myself as guardian of the spiritualities of the diocese of Gloucester now sede vacante, to cess myself and the rest of the clergy here according to our several abilities and affection to our Sovereign. Myself being but a poor man, albeit I lent her late Majesty 50l. whereof I am yet unpaid, and mine estate much impaired since that time, yet in regard of my affection to his Highness and to draw others to the more willingness in this service, I have rated myself even above mine ability at 50l. (my deanery being of the smallest value of any in England). The rest of the clergy of this diocese I have rated as nigh as I could learn as their dignities and benefices are valued in the King's books, as shall appear by the enclosed schedule of their names and benefices and the said valuation. Seeing myself only am put in trust to perform this service my desire is that nothing be added or abated of these several impositions, otherwise it may be greatly to my discredit in my country, besides the illwill I may incur by this service of his Majesty's.—From our Chapter House in Gloucester, 13 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 89.)
Dr. Henry Atkins to the Same.
1604, Aug. 13. As I have begun my Scottish journey under your protection I entreat I may end it under your favours and continue my course of signifying to you its progress. The Duke's grace in very good health came the 8th August to Worsop, the Earl of Shrewsbury's house in Nottinghamshire; where being very princely entertained by the Lord Darcy and many knights and gentlemen, but especially the Lord Darcy as the Earl's deputy, his Highness has passed his time four whole days unto the 13th August, pleasing himself with music, whereof there was good variety; and has also been initiate in the sports of hunting having seen fast by the house the bucks coursed and killed, and has taken pleasure in viewing the quarries of deer killed. His Highness has passed his journey thus far well, and I trust in God shall likewise go through the rest, my cares never ending until I see the happy end thereof.—Worsop, 13 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 90.)
Gio. Francesca de Soria to Jeronimo Paluzzi.
1604, Aug. 13/23. Has received his of the 18th by the ordinary courier from Italy, together with the pen. Has written several times, and sees he has not received the letters; does not know how this is, as he sends them to Richard Cox at San Sebastian according to his directions. A courier come from England brings news that the Constable has passed to London; the cause of Flanders goes badly if means are not found to succour Sluys. As to business, by order of the Pope a levy of 30 per cent. is directed; knows not what will follow. There are good hopes the Queen is with child; please God it may turn out to be a son. When he hears he receives his letters will write more at length.—From Valladolid, 23 August 1604.
Holograph. Italian. 2/3 p. (106. 126.)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 14. I will presume upon your letter to come to my chamber in the Court this evening. It is in a remote corner far from all access, and therefore I doubt not but I may without scruple stay there until I shall understand from you his Majesty's pleasure, or else be otherwise in the meantime directed by you, for which purpose I have sent this bearer to attend you.—At Harfield this Tuesday morning, 14 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal, broken. ½ p. (106. 91.)
Lord Zouche to the Same.
[1604], Aug. 14. Having accomplished the rest of my Lords' commandment concerning the advertising of such as his Majesty may borrow money of within those precincts specified, I have sent the same up with speed. In them I hope the 100l. men need not be angry, except it will anger men to do services without hurt to themselves. I did not draw this service upon me, neither desire to do any of this nature; but when it is laid upon me would be glad to deal as becomes me.—Fecknam, 14 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 2/3 p. (106. 92.)
Lord Cobham to the Same.
1604, Aug. 15. Seldom have I made requests to you since my misfortune, not that I am careless of my estate, nor that I need not your favour. I know you think of me and will do me good when time shall best serve, till then I have patience, for I am confident when I least look for it you will remember me. But now I sue to you hoping you will do as much for me as for Mellarsh. He I understand has made means to you that his account may be taken, a course not usual for an accountant to make his own account when there is nobody to charge him, nor can but myself, his accounts being of two years, long before my fall; so no colour why this never heard of course should be forced on me. Favour me so much that his account be not taken. My suit is reasonable, it no whit concerns the King.— From my prison in the Tower, 15 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 93.)
Ralph Winwood to Lord Cecil.
[1604], Aug. 15. I make no haste to advertise the taking of Sluys, the knowledge whereof I presume came sooner to you than to this place. Serrano the governor dissembled long the extremities of the town, and maintained a good countenance until the attempt upon Cassand side was failed; which if it had succeeded according to the project not only the town had been relieved but his Excellency's army had been besieged, whose retreat must have been made by the sword. And yet he marchanded long for his accord, first demanding respite for 8 days to advertise the Archduke of the state of the town; then that he might have liberty to send forth the galleys and part of the artillery: both which demands being refused he accepted those conditions which his Excellency did offer, whereof I send herewith a copy. There marched forth 3200 able men, besides those which attended the baggage, they left behind them 60 brass pieces in the town and galleys, which are in all 11 [galleys], whereof 8 are for service. The Porgats remain still in the town to the number of a thousand: one hundred followed after the garrison upon promise of liberty. Upon observation of the proceedings and carriage of this action it will seem an oversight unanswerable to suffer to be lost a town of so strong importance either for the safeguard of their own country or for the annoyance of their enemies, and of that strength that nothing was required for the conservation but provision of victual wherewith to furnish it. There was respite given of twenty days after his Excellency's landing in Cassand. Which error is so much the more inexcusable because the Marquis Spinola came in person—whereby his loss is the less to be pitied—to visit the magazines and provide for the wants. This second error was as great, to suffer his Excellency to fortify his camp, who after he came before the town attended some days before he quartered his army, and as long before he entrenched the quarters, protesting ever against the impossibility of obtaining this town and perhaps desiring but an honest cause to retire from thence. The third was not the least, after three months liberty to strengthen the camp, then to come down and withdraw the strength of their forces from before Ostend at the time that it was at the weakest, and if ever by force, then to be carried, whereby Sluys was lost in the view of their army and Ostend gained the advantage to make up the new fortifications; whereby it is now held tenable for some months if the garrison fail not of their accustomed endeavours, and the States continue their care to send in the ordinary provision of necessary materials to withstand the violence of the sea. I need not represent to you the importance of this town for the service of this state, the loss whereof I know not whether it be greater to the Archduke's country or to the particular of the Marquis Spinola, whereby as his private fortunes receive an inestimable damage so his designs whereon he founded the advancement of his honour are utterly dashed, which were, upon the clearing of Flanders by the winning of Ostend, to pass the Rhine and enter into Friseland with 20,000 men, which at his own charge he did promise to defray. This I see, that the spirits of these men which before were half dead are much revived, who think their penny now very good silver, and hope they shall be held in aliquo numero as well for the use that may be made of them as for the care that hath hitherto been taken for their conservation. I know at the beginning of this year it was not in the ambition of their desires to see so happy a success of this summer's service: but well grounded designs followed with resolution and accompanied with the endeavours of industry and diligence produce for the most part more fortunate effects than the first conceits could presume to promise. It is not yet resolved how to employ the forces for this end of the summer, which may be, all garrisons furnished, 9000 foot, 2500 horse. To go forward to Ostend to unset the town were very hazardous; the enemy is strong, reinforced with the garrison of Sluys and the coming of the Mutinez; he is desperate with the affronts he hath received, the fortune of war is journaliere and not too often to be tempted, much less to be trusted. And now they have the end of their desire, which is to hold a footing in Flanders though not by the means they could have wished, by the delivery of Ostend, it may well be that when order shall be taken for the securing of Isendike and Cassand and that in some measure they have provided for the assuring of Sluys, which is a waste and wide town and but for the situation extremely weak, they may go forwards towards Blackenburg to see what countenance the enemy doth hold, and there in arena capere consilium. Count Henry doth pretend for the command of those forces which shall remain in Flanders, which is the cause of his mother the Princess's going and so long stay at Flushing.
Here is taken a second carrick in the East Indies and either arrived or daily attended, richly laden with 2800 balls of silk unwrought, every ball valued at 1800 florins [in margin: in sterling 180l.] and 2000 chests of silks wrought, every chest valued at 3000 florins [in margin: in sterling 300l. The whole value in sterling besides the gold 1,104,000l.] besides a notable quantity of gold.
This carrick was assailed lying in road by two ships, which two years since went from hence in company of 12 others; upon the first assault the carrick was abandoned. These men laded their vessels with the merchandises and changed the brass pieces for their iron, and there left the carrick behind them.
But because this fortune shall not be without check this day we understand that D. Charles of Suede hath taken 20 ships of these parts with some of Lubec returning from Abrick in Livonia laden with corn upon this reason, because they traffic with his enemy.—From the Hague, 15 August.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 3 pp. (106. 94.)
Prize Goods.
[1604, Aug. 15]. "A valuation of the kinds of the carrick goods as they are esteemed worth to be sold."
Certain calicoes specified amount to 24,387l. 7s. 3 sorts of calicoe lawns amount to 10,000l. The rates and prices at which the rest of the merchandise (calicoes, silk, cinnamon, cloves, indigo, ebony, &c., &c.) is valued are also given, but not their total value.
Signed: Foulke Grevyll, Thomas Gorges, John More, Richard Carmarden, Thomas Myddelton. Endorsed in a later hand: "Aug. 15, 1604. A valuation of the carrick merchandize." 12/3 pp. (106. 96.)
The Bishop of Durham to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 15. According to a letter from the Privy Council to me, and another from the Archbishop of York, concerning sums of money to be lent the King by myself and certain of the clergy within my diocese, I have sent you enclosed a list of the names of such persons as in my opinion are of best ability; which I would sooner have done but that I thought good the while to learn what was done by others in their dioceses. And because this is the first time that I have seen or heard that the Bishops have rated their clergy to the like effect, I earnestly desire that my name be not used as if I had apportioned the cessment here within my charge, but that his Majesty's privy seals into these parts may retain the old form, and the levy be made by such ministers as have been accustomed, if it seem good to their lordships. If my own store were better, my offer should have been greater.—Bishop Auckland, 15 August 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (106. 97.)
Sir John Ogle to the Same.
1604, Aug. 15. I must now rather write of what we say than of what we do; for the resolution being not yet taken by the Estates of the further proceeding with their army gives a stop unto action. The opinion is that Advocate Barnevelt (who is lately gone from hence) brings shortly hither that determination of the Estates. We cease not here to give our verdicts of that resolution. Some say, we shall go to Hulst, but that would ask longer time to get it than is allotted us before the coming of the winter, though we had no enemy to attend besides. Besides it is reported that 17 of the enemy's troops of horse are disposed thither already. Others say we shall go succour Ostend; but that is now a thing in reason impossible, the year being so far spent, and the Duke's army in such strength as it is. One of the deputed Estates here spake to me as if there were a purpose in hand of giving the enemy battle, and that to that end the remainder of our horse are sent for out of Holland, and as many foot as can conveniently be drawn out of the garrisons, besides 2000 that shall be entertained of the Grave van Steeringes people. These added to the number of our late musters they make their account of 14,000 fighting men. These are the general opinions for our action, but I should rather believe that they will only fortify what they have already gotten, which must be done by the countenance of an army, and leaving 5000 men in these parts draw the rest for a time (after some 6 weeks space) into garrison. For methinks it is not very probable that though this course of seeking the enemy (who will be soon enough found, for that he desires) be propounded, that it should be accepted by the Count Maurice who hath no reason (without good inducements) to hazard the stain of the honour he hath now gotten. And what his inducements can be your lordship shall see, and then in your wisdom you can best judge. According to the old rule of fighting for a general to bring his army to it, which should never be but upon necessity or advantage, he hath small reason to draw him to it. For first there is no apparent necessity, since we may choose, though the state may find a necessary conveniency for the further advancing the service to hazard their army. Secondly for advantage he can have as small, the enemy lying now upon both the passages, both that of Damme which is strait, and the other of Blankenburgh which is somewhat more open at low water. The enemy we esteem with these men gone out of the town (which were about 3400 men marching) and the squadron of the Mutineers, together with those before Ostend, to be in all about 19,000. Of these he may well spare 15,000 to confront us anywhere; and out of our 14,000 we must necessarily (if we will providently) leave 3000 at least behind us in the Island of Cassand, Sluys, Isendike and Ardenburch. Especially the Island must not be left without strong guard nor must it be exposed to chance any more. If we do this then we come but eleven thousand against fifteen: and though in a trial of fortune that odds ought not to discourage a great captain, yet is no wise captain so little to esteem his enemy as that he will not seek him upon that advantage.
They say here that Cerrano that governed Sluce is now made governor of Damme.
The slaves (to the number of 1200) that Count Maurice hath set at liberty are yesterday shipped, the Turks and Christians apart, and to be sent by England or France to their countries. The number of pieces of artillery taken in the town of brass were 74. Four fair galleys we have also of theirs, the rest spoiled, so that Spinola's Armado de la Mar as he called it, is overthrown.—Camp near Sluce, Aug. 15, 1604 veteri.
Holograph. Seal broken. 2 pp. (106. 98.)
Peter Roos to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 16. Having received a letter from you signifying your care for bringing up my son I thought good to advertise you that I think that my son cannot be so well brought up as in mine own house, till he be of the years of discretion, to wit fourteen, whereof as yet he lacks two. As I have men servants and tenants in my house and town by me, I trust there will be care taken of him and his safety sufficient to satisfy me. Although this unfortunate chance happened that he should be conveyed from me, under colour that you granted his wardship after my decease; which being made known to my wife being a simple woman in such matters, was persuaded to yield to his departure from me not without corruption and subornation as I am credibly informed, and as in convenient time if I may have access to you I will inform you: trusting you will be good lord to my son, and that I may have him again shortly.—Laxton, 16 August 1604.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (106. 99.)
Sir Daniel Dun to the Same.
1604, Aug. 16. It was late yesternight before we could end with the Senator and President Richardot, and presently at our return we signified to Sir George Carew that we would be ready for him this morning to engross the treaty in parchment for the Seal by one of the copies, and therefore I desired him to meet us thereabouts. The other two which are to be signed by your lordships and delivered to the commissioners of the King of Spain and the Archdukes, we have put to writing fair this morning, and I hope, though they will be very long in respect of the preambles and commissions which are to be added to the former draft of the treaty, yet to have them ready by two of the clock to-morrow in the afternoon. And we have been also instant with the Senator and President that theirs, to be delivered unto your lordships, may be ready before, that we may confer them together before you meet for the signing. We desired copies of their commissions, but it was answered that the same were delivered already: so that we are to attend your lordship to have them some time this morning to be written out in the treaties.—16 August 1604.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (106. 100.)
Sir Edward Hoby to the Same.
[1604], Aug. 16. I understand that all my Lord Cheynie's land in Shepey is to be passed to Sir James Hay: if it be so I am undone for my particular. For I hold Sherland House of his Majesty and pay him 128l. rent. It is worth to me above the rent 200l. yearly de claro; but that which is worst is that I am behind hand with the King's rent, to the sum of 300l. and odd, which his Majesty took order to be forborne me until Hilary term. If the King pass him this he will take advantage of my lease, and I shall lose my principal seat as yet and 200l. de claro, besides the 1200l. which the buying of the lease cost me, from those I first bought it of, before I surrendered and took a new estate. Stand to me in this, that mine may be no part of his book. Besides it will be a great discouragement to all the King's tenants there that now live upon good pennyworths. Sir Tho. Flud has one lease that he receives 120l. de claro, besides divers other in that kind. I dare undertake that exchange is now worth 800l. yearly, being little above 300l. in the exchange at first, if not 1000l. I am bold to lay open my unfortunate case to you, being gone myself, but left this paper to kiss your hands and to this bearer to return after me with some comfort or advice from you.—August 16.
PS. Bear with the scribbling of an ill eye and troubled spirit. The tenants of Shepey never paid but small fine, in respect of manning the frontiers. If you be pleased I will send you up a true particular of the full value.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (106. 101.)
The Bishop of Exeter to the Privy Council.
1604, Aug. 17. I have by conference brought John Drinan, an Irish priest, not only to take the oath of supremacy, but also to come to church, and there to hear divine service and a sermon; which he having performed desires by my certificate your favour for his release, being in the common gaol at Exeter.—17 August 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (189. 14.)
The Bishop of Hereford to the Same.
1604, Aug. 17. Acknowledges their letters as to moneys to be lent to the King by the clergy of his diocese. Encloses list of those able to perform this service, wherein he has rated himself to his uttermost power, being under payment of first fruits and other charges. His clergy are very poor, the best part of the livings being appropriate to laymen's hands: upon which kind of men he could have made a better account, had not God hindered him with extreme infirmity.—Whitburne, 17 August 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 15.)
The Bishop of London to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 18. I received since four of the clock this afternoon a letter from a priest lately come from beyond the seas, the copy whereof is enclosed. He is at this present with the Dean of Canterbury. Upon receipt of the letter I have sent a warrant for the apprehending of the persons named and for the attaching of the bill and books &c. But lest the priest should deceive me and make only a gain of the warrant I have joined with him for the executing of it one of Mr. Dean's men who brought me the letter and by whom I have sent back the warrant to Mr. Dean, giving him such instructions as I thought meet for his advice to be given to his servant and the said priest for the serving of the said warrant and more careful dispatch of the service imposed. Peradventure you are able to give some better direction for the execution of this service.—Fulham, 18 August 1604.
PS. If you cause Mr. Levinus in your name to write a word to the searchers at Gravesend, to assist the parties that shall come unto them on Monday with a warrant from me and his Majesty's Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical, the service will be more thoroughly performed.
Holograph. 1 p. (106. 102.)
Sir Geoffrey Fenton to Lord Cecil.
1604, Aug. 18. Sends the bill which Sir Francis Bacon has drawn up according to Cecil's warrant for Fenton's office and which is ready for the King's signature. Desires Cecil to procure the dispatch of it from his Majesty before his entering into his progress. Otherwise Fenton will be driven to excessive charges in attending his return, besides the losing of so much time in the service of his office.—"At my lodging in the Strand," 18 August 1604.
Signed. Seal, broken. ⅓ p. (106. 103.)
Stephen Lesieur to the Same.
1604, Aug. 18. My duty to the King requires I should acquaint you with certain points touching the treaty with the deputies from the Hanse, before it be further proceeded in. The matter would have permitted a more ample discourse, but I hope this shall suffice, if you will vouchsafe to conceive the best of it and my endeavours.—18 August 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "With certain considerations touching the Hanses." 1 p. (189. 16.)
The Archbishop of York to the Same.
1604, Aug. 19. I have used the best means and expedition I could to take certain notice of all the clergy within my diocese that are either known or supposed to be of indifferent ability to lend money to his Majesty, and here enclosed send a schedule or list of their names and the sums assessed upon them. Some have not yet paid their first fruits, divers are but poor, and many the less able and more unwilling to lend because that is not yet repaid which was lent. I am once again to move you that order may be given to Mr. Scudamore for this county, and to others his Majesty's receivers in the other counties, to disperse the privy seals and to put their hands on the backsides of them upon receipt of our money, as has been always accustomed. I understand my Lord of Chester has already sent his certificate, and my Lord of Durham means presently to dispatch his also. From Carlisle I have not yet heard.—Bishopthorpe, 19 August 1604.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (106. 104.)
E. Countess of Desmond to Lord Cecil.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] It seems by the order set down, your pleasure was mistaken. Instead of 100l. payable in the Exchequer of Ireland, there is but 100 marks and no certain place for payment. I humbly pray that I may have your order according my patents, as there may be no arrear of any of my pensions henceforth either in England or Ireland. I have no other means to pay my debts here or bear my charges to my country, whereby I may not be compelled further to trouble his Majesty.—Undated.
Signed. ¼ p. (51. 100.)
Henry Saunder to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] The time is come I should put your lordship in mind of your promise to further my suit when it shall come before you and the rest of the commissioners. Sir Roger Asshton has delivered my petition to the Master of the Requests, recommended by the King. Any office or place in court or elsewhere I have small hope of, being matters that pass merely by money and for money, whereof I am merely destitute, I was therefore constrained to find out this suit for a lease in reversion of 50l. a year for term of fifty years out of the Exchequer lands, this not being valuable to a fee farm, of which nature also his Majesty has granted divers.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (83. 36.)
Attorney General Coke to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] I have published three books of the law and to every book I have added several prefaces. The last preface written both in Latin and English I have promised to send to you. I would the cases themselves could be as well understood as the prefaces, and then they would et prodesse et delectare.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1602 [sic] Mr. Attorney to my Lo." Seal. ½ p. (97. 23.)
The Earl of Devonshire to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604]. He is in fear of some desperate sickness, and therefore has given himself over to doing nothing here at Wanstead. So sovereign he finds the air, or so his imagination makes it, that he hopes to see Cecil on Saturday next. Offers excuses that he did not wait on the King with the rest of the Lords. This day he received an alarm about the King, and looked for him at dinner; and if the stag had not carried him away he had been happy with such a guest.—Thursday, Wansteede.
Holograph. 1 p. (108. 90.)
Sir Philip Herbert to Lord Cecil.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] Since I perceive you are so confident in the trust of your messenger, I will venture to send unto you the very secret of the King's purpose, though it were delivered with an exceeding charge not to be discovered to any. His Majesty being at Porchmouth, finding the morning fair and the wind good, resolved to view the Cinque Ports before his return, and under that colour, when he should be over against the coast of Flanders, to visit the Archduke and the Infanta there himself, to treat of a marriage between the Prince and the Princess which the Infanta now goes withal. And because it will be somewhat long before they can be assured, his Majesty will give them some of his principal councillors for pledges, among whom yourself shall be one, as I hear is muttered. You must pardon my sudden ending, for I had no other time of writing but when the King and the rest were at breakfast, and now they have almost done, if I should be discovered I might chance to be sent to Oxford. "Your Lordship's fellow to send you advertisements."—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (108. 105.)
The Duke of Lennox to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] He lately procured from the King a letter in favour of Sir Thomas Munke, to Munke's father-in-law, one Smyth of Exeter. He was moved to speak for Munke because he merited well for his service to the King. That letter has taken no great effect, but Munke thinks if his father-in-law were spoken to once more, he would not stand out. Begs Cecil, who is believed to be of some power with him, to afford this help.—Undated.
Signed. 1 p. (108. 135.)
John Norden to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] There could not have happened a greater comfort to him than his Majesty's reference of his cause to Cecil. Protests his affection to Cecil: "howsoever blemished by my disgrace in this." To re-relate his calling to the business, the honourable promises and obstacles, were but to trouble Cecil anew. Recommends his cause to Cecil's favour, without which dangers will swallow him up, and he and his will perish.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (108. 147.)
Sir Richard Wigmore to Lord Cecil.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] Your stay at the privy seal of my bill signed by his Majesty gives a sorrowful taste of some heavy displeasure conceived against me. I have not therein attempted anything without your fore-knowledge, neither do I desire the fruition thereof without your good will.— Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (109. 64.)
John Gipkinge to the Same.
[? Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] Offers services. He learnt of his father, a German, "to pourtray in picture the image of life and living creatures, agreeable with proportion of true life, so far as art can discover." Begs for Cecil's favourable entertainment of him.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605 (sic)." 1 p. (114. 21.)
Attorney General Coke to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] Your letters dated yestere'en I received at Stoke this Monday night about 8 o'clock, and for that I am commanded by them to be at the Court to-morrow before eight, which is impossible, being about 30 miles off, I pray you to know what other time I shall attend.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (185. 99.)
The Queen's tradesmen and artificers to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] Pray for his favour with the King for the speedy satisfaction of the Queen's debts. Longer delay would be their undoing and impoverishment.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (187. 143.)
John Burges to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] The King suspected some speeches of his sermon to be of particular and personal glancing at his Highness; yet he had no such wicked thought, nor any knowledge of those occasions which he was probably judged to glance upon. Begs Cecil's mediation for his enlargement.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Burges the preacher." 1 p. (187. 145.)
Sir George Carewe, the Queen's Vice-Chamberlain, to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] Because I have broken promise in not coming to you at the time I prescribed, I think it a duty to give you an account of it, which was my hope of the Queen's going to Greenwich this day, fearing that if I had presented myself in Court before her departure, having been so long absent, I should not without blame stay behind her in her going thither. Now her Majesty stays, the same fear continues, so except you command me, I purpose to keep my house till she be gone to-morrow, for I have no desire to leave the town before you, or to be in Court when you are absent.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (187. 146.)
Attorney General Coke to Lord Cecil.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] I have drawn a privy seal for Mr. Dacres according to his Majesty's commandment, which I would not trust this bearer therewith but have sent it, together with our opinions concerning Mr. Carmarthen's licence for Irish yarn.—Undated.
Holograph. ¼ p. (188. 1.)
William Gosling to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] Has followed his inclinations from his childhood to some liberal and mechanical arts. Craves his lordship's cloth, that he may show his love and zeal to him and pursue his inventions in architecture, surveying, geometry, casting, drawing, carving in wax or otherwise, optics with many other notable inventions. —Undated.
Petition. 1 membrane. (188. 15.)
John Hauckin and his partners of Harwich to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] In 1592 they going with their ship named The John to Westmony under the King of Denmark to fish thereabout were met by one Paul Scriver, who warned them that they were in a place prohibited but that he at great charge had obtained a commission from the King of Denmark to license fishing there to whom he pleased. This he showed them in Danish under a great seal and interpreted. Whereupon they compounded with him, giving him 20l. for licence to fish that year, further agreeing for the next year 1593, and yielding for the same ten "angles" and a tun of strong beer. Nevertheless in 1593 without any offence of theirs, the said Paul, in the name and by the authority of his King, bereaved them of their ship and goods and carried the same into Denmark, where they are yet detained, amounting with charges, damages and interest to the sum of 3635l. The petitioners now pray that understanding an Embassy from his Majesty is intended for Denmark and that some course will be taken for those of Hull, that the same course may be entered into for speedy redress of their wrongs.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (188. 18.)
Captain John Kemys to Lord Cecil.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] At the King's being at Wilton I was bold humbly to entreat your favour, which your lordship liberally granted me. Since that time I have not been a suitor to my dread sovereign for anything. Having long served the late Earl of Essex and followed him in the wars, without receiving one penny of reward and my fortunes being dejected ever since the downfall of my Lord, I am now enforced to entreat you to behold me with compassion and to put me amongst the number of those captains that shall receive relief from his Majesty's favour.—Undated.
Signed. ½ p. (188. 22.)
Lord Say and Seale to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] Although my resolution was not to have attempted further the recovery of my ancestor's place, which had not Mr. Nevill and Mr. Vane both now been admitted to come in above I would have forborne to sue for and yet am in no great hope if I may not obtain your lordship's favour to prevail in. I beseech you vouchsafe me in this my right and just cause such proportion of your most noble favour as the equity of my cause may move and besides my services ever what duty and thanks I acknowledged for the barony to you, I will willingly render to you with many thanks for the place, which you know I have as good right unto as to the dignity. Wherein either make stay of others that have less right or some no right at all or else afford me your favour to have a trial in the House, since these two are both like to have it without.
PS.—If I be so happy as to obtain his Majesty's gracious favour to pull my title to the place that my ancestors had, I have left a jewel cost me 200l. with Mr. Brewerton, until I bring your lordship 100l., desiring no favour notwithstanding other than in equity you shall think fit, but only your willingness, and yet not intercession to his Majesty, to grant me leave to obtain that right I have by trial, which others are like to have by grace.—Undated.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (188. 30.)
Sir Henry Goodere to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] Offers services. His late uncle Sir Henry Goodere, whose heir he is, ran all his fortunes aground in the service of the King, in the time of the late Queen; suffering imprisonment and disgraces, and embarrassing his estate 20,000l. He begs Cecil to take his poor estate into favourable consideration, and to assist in the suit which he will shortly crave of the King.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 124.)
D. Countess of Northumberland to Lord Cecil.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] Since I spake with your lordship I have slept in my suit, being not forward to seek when I find it difficult to obtain. I am loth to importune his Majesty though I know I have as much reason to plead as any that hath tasted of his bounty. If you will be a mean that I may have this land granted during my life with a power to let leases for twenty-one years, which will not be a penny out of his Majesty's coffers, I shall receive it as a gracious gift, leave to sue further, and be much bound to your lordship.
PS. This gentleman will take his oath that the land cannot be made more worth than 800l. a year, so as the liberty to let leases will gain me some 500l. or 600l.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (194. 71.)
William Cecil to the Same.
[Between 13 May 1603 and 20 Aug. 1604.] He is used exceedingly kindly by Lord and Lady Shrewsbury, and begs Lord Cecil to take notice of it. He has been all this journey in very good health.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (228. 5.)
Captain Patrick Arthur to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Sir Anthony Ashley has reported that he said he was Cecil's man. He has proved to Ashley that he never uttered the like words, merely saying he was one employed by Cecil in the late Queen's time, and that his estate wholly depended upon Cecil. Sir Thomas Lake, who was present, says since that the words were mistaken. He was never so bold as to name hinself Cecil's man or servant, and begs Cecil to suspend any hard judgment on him till he find him otherwise than true and honest.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 32.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] He advertised Cecil from France of the cause of his great misery and losses. It is almost 2½ years since his employment, during which time he has received nothing, although it has cost him 340l., which he spent most to keep him from racking and torture; nor has he received maintenance of the Spaniards, as others did. He has now nothing left, and awaits Cecil's commiseration. Begs for the place he enjoyed once, the Receivership of her Majesty's Revenues and Composition in Munster, with some small allowance. If he may not have this, he craves Cecil to recommend his petition to Sir Roger Wilbraham. He received such damage in prison by his iron chains and bolts for 13 months, that they have so benumbed his knees as that he is fain to keep his chamber, so that he cannot wait on Cecil. Many villainies have been used to cut him off, especially by a merchant of his town, by whom he sent his boy out of Spain with special intelligence to the Lord President. The merchant, finding the boy asleep, stole his secret letters, and instead thereof put in a blank.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 33.)
Sir William Aubrey to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] He purposes to reside altogether in the country, and begs Cecil's commendation of him to the Lord Chancellor for the commission of the peace.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 35.)
Antonio Balbani to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Alessandro Ruida, senator of Milan, before leaving Dover, sent me ten packages (bales and boxes) to be forwarded to Italy. I had them loaded on three carts, to be taken to the Customs and put on board ship for Hamburg. My man followed the carts but only reached the customs after the carters had left, when he found one bale missing. He had the carters brought before my Lord Mere [?Mayor] who interrogated them according to the ordinary forms, they denying the theft. As the bale is missing and belongs to a public personage I must request that the carters be imprisoned and searching inquiry be made and shall be obliged if you will write to my Lord Mere [?Mayor] to that effect.—Undated.
Signed. Italian. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 37.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] M. Texero a Portuguese gentleman left me on his departure for Paris two pedigrees, one of the King of Portugal and another of the Count of Holland. As I hear he is dead I have thought them worth your acceptance, as the former contains a mention of your father. I send them accordingly and will call on you so soon as the gout will permit me.—Undated.
Holograph. Italian. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 38.)
Dr. W. Barlow to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] He purposed the dedication of the accompanying book to Cecil, who required the sight thereof before the edition; but was inhibited access to him, and it was called upon to the press, and was, after a thorough view by Sir Thomas Lake, allowed by my Lord of London. He would not take any other patron but Cecil, and therefore has sent it abroad without patronage. If it had been printed with Cecil's name, he trusts his carriage therein is such that Cecil would not have found dishonour by the book, or discredit by the compiler.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 44.)
Mrs. El. Brooke to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Cecil bestowed a ward on her, but the ward has not "fallen" and she can receive no present help. She therefore begs Cecil to exchange him for "this person," whom she sends. Cecil knows her necessities to be great. She cannot challenge anything by her deserts, but only out of his compassionate words, and in respect that she is the child of the man who loved and respected him.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. Mrs. Brooke for the wardship of Skefington's heir." 1 p. (108. 47.)
Lord Burghley to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] He is advised that the Bath will put away the swelling of his feet, and entreats Cecil to move his Majesty to give him leave to be absent, not only for this session of Parliament, but also from the feast of St. George's which is near at hand. If his leave be granted, he means to leave his proxy with Cecil, presuming their voices tend one way, that is to no particular respect but to the service of his Majesty and their country.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 73.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I am to take leave of you by these letters, and thank you for the care you have taken for procuring my leave of absence, being sorry I have cause at this time especially to absent my service from his Majesty, and the common cause. I this day set forward towards the Bath and have sent you my proxy, with whom, considering your honourable courses, if I were not present my voice should always concur. I hope I have seen the end of this great cause, wherein you have by all men's opinions carried yourself most honourably and faithfully towards your country. I pray God bless all those good actions you shall hereafter take in hand, for he that sows in virtue shall reap fame and glory.
I strongly recommend the bearer, Sir Thomas Holcroft.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 72.)
Awdrey Burye to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Widow of Nicholas Burye, of London, merchant stranger. Details her husband's dealings with Thomas Perrot of Hereford, for whom he advanced much money, for which he could never obtain satisfaction. She begs that Perrot, who is now in London, may be seized, till the cause may be determined; as if he be suffered to depart to Wales, she will never be able to right her intolerable injuries.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 78.)
Lord Cobham to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Ciprien, who, he desires, should come to him, has dwelt in England 40 years, and has been over 20 years one of the elders of the French Church. His son was one of Secretary Walsingham's chiefest and inward servants. The man is particularly known to Lord Wotton, to whom he formerly read Spanish, and Wotton gives him 10l. annuity.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 59.)
The Same to the Same.
[? 1604, before Aug. 20.] I am very loth to trouble you but in matters which hereafter may concern my estate, if there be hope that God may put into the King's heart to restore me, as he has given me life; whereof I expect not to-day or to-morrow, but know that time and friends must mediate it, if ever it happen; and to open my heart freely to you, I rather despair than hope. I hear the small portion of western land I had before my fall, that particulars are granted out. Whether they are to be sold, or that the King has given it, I know not. I pray you hinder it if you can. If it must be gone, I that have lost all must as well prepare myself to leave off hoping, which is of all the vainest and falsest humour; for in prosperity it doth betray; what hurt then it may do in an undone fortune as mine is I would be loth to tell. I wish you would buy it. It would please me yet that some of my father's issue might enjoy it. The rents of it be very small. You may with very great ease buy it. It is the old ancient land of the Brooks. More to move you I cannot say, for my misfortunes will not suffer remembrances of former friendships. Sir John Lewson is gone home, whom else I would have entrusted to have waited upon you, for I would be glad to hear what you can do for me. If it must be gone, your poor friend's house for ever is undone.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: Henry Brooke. 1 p. (108. 62.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I have with all the haste I can made ready the bill, and have according to former direction drawn it for annexation of 50,000l. per annum, whereof 40,000l. as the same be valued in the auditor's book, to be in manors and lands. I have also provided for jointures, leases of land, and of surrounded grounds, marshes and houses. If you shall not think to make any alteration of the former direction, this bill may receive reading this afternoon.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (189. 89.)
Sir Thomas Crompton to the Same.
[? 1604, before Aug. 20.] In this great business of Spain I would not willingly be altogether idle. The place which the King has been pleased to confer upon me as Advocate-General for foreign causes, my oath to do his Majesty service therein, my continued studies in treatises and foreign affairs, the calling of some other of my quality to attend that service have been principal motives to me at this present. I am not ambitious of employment nor desire any alteration in my course of living nor penny profit hereby, but being jealous of indignities wish rather to grind colours to so great a work and serve as a second to some purpose, than wholly to be neglected.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (105. 156.)
Sir John Davis to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Of his distressed estate. By Cecil's goodness he enjoys 100l. a year out of his wife's jointure, yet it is but for 6 years to come, and then only if young Mr. Rosewell live so long. Has been constrained to sell the lease of his house in the Strand, is sued for debt, and must perish in prison unless commiseration be given him. His suit now is for 10s. per diem, to begin from the time of his attainder. Lord Devonshire has taken compassion on him, and the King is graciously inclined towards him; so that all that is needed is a word from Cecil to Sir Thomas Lake for the drawing of such a patent, and Cecil's and Devonshire's subscription to it. Speaks of his services in France with the present King when King of Navarre, in the Portingal voyage, two years in Ostend with Sir Edward Norreys, at Cales, the Islands, and in Ireland.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 111.)
E. Countess of Desmond to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] She has not yet received that money, according to the Council's order. Her necessity is such that she and her family are driven to fast most meals. The Lord Treasurer offers her the half, being but 100l. The whole sum is much less than her need, as she has acquainted Sir Vincent Skinner, who wished her still to forbear. She beseeches Cecil to procure the Lord Treasurer to let her have the whole without delay.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 87.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] She has been a suitor for 9 months, following the Court at great cost, but can obtain no request: neither the order set down by the Council for the payments of her pension and arrears, to supply her wants and enable her to pay her debts. Craves speedy dispatch of the matter.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 88.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I send you a collection of lands very near the value of 1500l. yearly, out of which you may choose 1,000l. yearly. It is not possible for me upon this short warning to say whether this land be lands improved at a small value, or at a reasonable value, or at a high value; and therefore to the end his lordship may have the effect of the King's favour intended towards him, which is 1,000l. land at an improved rent as lands now are usually let, I think fit for the King to appoint one to view and survey the lands which my Lord will choose; even as your brother said he would appoint one to survey the said lands on his behalf. For these may be lands such as may be improved to a far better rent as lands now go, for anything I know. But these persons appointed both for the King and for my Lord may take a course that his lordship may be satisfied according to the King's true meaning. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 113.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I prayed D. Dunne and Mr. Edmundes to move you to this end, that we might to-morrow at 2 meet with the merchants, both French and Spanish, to inform us fully in all our doubts and demands. So right glad I am of this appointment to meet at my Lord Adm[iral's] house tomorrow at 2, where I will not fail. I have sent my messenger to warn the merchants.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 114.)
John Eldred, Richard Hall, and other merchants of London, to the Same.
[? 1604, before Aug. 20.] Twenty months past they sent to the West Indies the Mayflour, of London, with two pinnaces, under Andrew Miller and William Rissoulld, having paid a great sum for the custom of the merchandise in them. When they came upon the Main, they were informed of an excommunication from the Pope and King not to trade with Englishmen or Dutchmen, but to kill them. Therefore they were forced to leave the Main, and sailed to the island of Hispanyola, where they found worse entertainment; for Francisko Semenes, one of the justices, and others, sent to St. Domingo and plotted to betray them. They detail how, under colour of trading, the Spaniards boarded one of their pinnaces, stabbed all the Englishmen, killing three, and carried away the other two, the merchant and pilot, prisoners to St. Domingo, and also carried away the pinnace. This was about June 28, 1603. For want of the pilot, the ship has stood there a whole year at great charge, having 100 men in wages, besides loss of 2,000l. in the pinnace's goods. Detail the proceedings of the other pinnace at Cuba, with Captain Cleave, where they took two Spanish ships, one third of the value of which, 500l., fell to the pinnace. They beg leave to enjoy this sum of 500l., and also part of the goods brought in by Cleave, if they shall not be adjudged to him.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (189. 120.)
Parishioners of the town of Enfield to Lord Cecil.
[? 1604, before Aug. 20.] The bearer, Christopher Greene, plumber, has contracted with them for the new casting and laying of the leads of the Church, and has already taken them down. Now, by the practice of certain London plumbers, he is forced by warrant of the Serjeant Plumber, and likewise arrested by the Knight Marshal's man, to attend the King's service at Eltham; a practice usual among the Londoners, and likely to be an unreasonable charge to the parishioners. They beg that Greene may be released, and thereby their Church, now uncovered, may be finished with expedition.
Petition, signed by William Wilford and others. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (213. 112.)
Lord Erskine to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] You have much bound me to you in this great business of Sir Edward Norreys's will, wherein having a particular interest I was somewhat desirous to have been present at the hearing of the cause. Considering my necessary service to the King denies me leave to attend at such times as your greater affairs spare you leisure to bestow in it and understanding that the claim which I make in the sight of my wife is not strange to your lordship nor much opposed by any adversary party, I am very well pleased and join in the general suit that your Honour with my Lord Chancellor would be pleased to proceed to-morrow to the hearing of the cause at such time as your leisures may best serve.—Undated.
Signed. Seal broken. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (128. 75.)
Sir George Gyffard to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Begs for the wardship of the son of Mr. Stone of Cornwall, recently deceased, which will be a mean for his delivery out of this wretched life of imprisonment.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 96.)
John Gillett to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Begs Cecil to require Sir George Carew to give him knowledge of his (Gillett's) services and losses, and to favour his suit to the King.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 97.)
Mrs. Anne Goring to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Having found his acceptation of such mean presents as this barren land yields, she offers the like again, hoping to receive pardon for the inequality of her present to such a person.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 100.)
Lord Grey to the Earl of Northampton.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] In the Tower. Gives details of the Lieutenant's questioning him with regard to a letter supposed to have been written by him or on his behalf to Lord Southampton, and sent by Mr. Downale, he denying all knowledge of such a letter. The Lieutenant then brought to him a woman, a widow, who was "very meanly attired, but with a good fashion, that assured her breeding better than her clothes," who avowed that a letter had been delivered to Mr. Downale touching Grey, but not supposed to be from Grey or any known to him, "concerning the priest's resolution to accuse him" (Grey). Downale had told her that the letter was either from those that apprehended Watson, or those in whose houses he then lay. As to its contents, she said that the priests, with some other that accused Grey, then free, should conspire Grey's ruin, "adding that Watson for these three years had had dealings in the black art, and that I was noted by all to be much changed from what before my troubles." Grey thereupon laughed, and said he imagined the matter would conclude on some such ground. However objections may make him doubt that this will prove a vain fume of a woman's idle brain, yet the point she insists on, so clear in his heart and soul, the danger she runs, with the impossibility of all expectations from a man in his condition, together with her carriage and course of talk, yielding no suspicion of madness, draws him to imagine that there may be something drawn here which yet time cannot but better clear. As he has ever rested his hopes on Lord Suffolk, Lord Northampton, and Lord Cecil, whom he has ever found concurrent in his good, even from his descent of the scaffold till this hour, he prays Northampton to confer with them touching this business, and that if any light appear in his favour, he may taste the virtue of such friends. Cecil has already received the examination, and will no doubt give it a free and favourable hearing.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 3 pp. (98. 24.)
The Same to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] My afflictions are great, yet far above all the King's sore displeasure. If you ever loved me, or if I shall ever hope of your favour, study my recovery. I ask not stay of arraignment or death, but mercy, return of that favour wherein I live and only joy; which if impossible, haste I beseech you the other, as my best end of misery. I hope this touch about my Lady Arbell will not wrong me, for I vow before God I then answered it with a smile and held it so vain as I never since remembered it. So soon as mine aching head shall give leave I will send a short brief of this whole business, which use as you please.—Undated.
PS.—I beseech you fail me not for Mr. Hughes.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (106. 110.)
Lord Grey to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] These favourable additions still increase hope. I beseech you continue; perfect my obligation and perpetual faith by your favour. My enemies cannot accuse me of [being] false to my professions: my truth to untrue friends hath been my ruin. You were the friend I held dearest, I most trusted; there hath been a breach which well knit, for life, will be the stronger. Your skill certainly very great, my humble conformity equal: why should the effect fail? You the agent, and I the instrument while I live to do you all worthy service.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (106. 111.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I doubt I am altogether mistaken. For Mr. Spark's coming to me I never desired it, but [it] was merely inserted by my brother Goodwin. For Mr. Linroy and Sir Amias Preston I wished their company no otherwise than that if on the walk we had met it might not have been out of necessity that we might not speak together. For, for themselves they are men simply I am acquainted with, only resident both in [the] Tower, I imagined it very easy and without all danger. But finding by my man that you hold it necessary to move the King I beseech you never to think more of them, for I willingly endure. The worst is but payment of what the King simply gave. Your message by my man put me in hope that such a shadow might have been passed; but I was deceived and am sorry, assuring you that though my body be very weak, yet my mind is very able to endure and second to none in valuation of the King's infinite mercy.—Undated.
PS.—I beseech you let Mr. Hughes have a warrant, and my poor man some liberty. For myself I refer all to the King's mercy and my noble friend's favours.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 112.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] A dead silence would best become my misfortunes. Yet, as a man, my tired and harsh thoughts respire somewhat when, though seldom, I dare presume to confer with your lordship, or complain myself unto you. But when I ask counsel I find a silent oracle; when I crave assistance, a doubtful answer; to relinquish, yet, were improper for a suitor; to obtain by importunity contrary to your nature, to my modesty. Choose then, my ancient and noble friend, out of your own counsels, but conclude in the same infinite favour which so long cherished me, and even now has preserved my estate. To that mild and sound judgment do I fly which so long taught and sifted me: beseeching you that now after so many months of extremest misery you will fasten a strong hand for my repair. My furthest aim is but any country restraint, my highest ambition but to enjoy mine own poor living with liberty; which may I understand that you will further, I shall receive as an infallible omen of success, and for ever acknowledge the deepest bond my fortunes and desires are capable of.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. From the Tower." 1½ pp. (106. 113.)
Requests by Lord Grey to the Privy Council.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] That Mr. Hughes may have free access unto me.
That I might sometimes walk on the gravelled walk by the Artillery house; and if it please them, not be restrained the company of Mr. Surveyor and Sir Amias Preston, both dwelling in the Tower.
That my poor man that has endured all my misery may interchangeably with my other have free leave to go abroad according (as I take it) to their lordships' own letter.
Here is also Dr. Spark, who was beneficed by my Lord's father in Buckinghamshire, an humble suitor but to go and confer with him.—Undated.
In Lord Grey's handwriting except the last paragraph. 2/3 p. (106. 114.)
Lord Grey to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I write seldom because never without presentation of misery and entreaty of your trouble; yet the intolerable misery of my trouble (so far beyond death) cuts off all ceremony, and throws my groans into their ears from whom I can never but hope. Should I revolve the past I could never believe that my Lord Cecil would suffer one to languish that so entirely honoured his worth and so dearly loved and joyed in his society. But these thoughts now misbecome me: I therefore only recommend to you the remembrance of your poor friend's misery, with this petition that if I be held dangerous to the State, or disaffected to those in place, I may speedily receive the merit and right of such iniquity. But if my sincere sorrow have quickened my hope of grace, that I may receive it under any such seal of mercy, as by some other though hard and narrow restraint or confining, as may give his Majesty and the State trial of my life and humour. The God of heaven inspire you with a true sense of my estate, that I may speedily come either to my welcome long home (the certain end of all), or else receive some relaxation of my too sore miseries.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. 1⅓ pp. (106. 115.)
Lord Grey to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I resolved simply to have attended the good time of that mercy whereby I live, but finding that long suspense cannot be without danger I saw no harm to acquaint my dearest friends therewith; that if you find me succourable with the gravity due to the State and your places, you would endeavour it. If not, I willingly endure, and never forget where I was or how saved. Only remember how dear health is to one never sickly, and now that can probably expect little else, if that mercy help not which has saved all.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 116.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] The discord between these times of joy and prisoners' harsh accents has out of discretion confined my pen. Yet neither long misery nor despair of future prosperity can so affect me (though hominum animi rebus adversis molles) that I wink either at the extremity of mine own estate or danger of my friends' importunity for me. Only, when I consider the King's nature and fashion of past proceeding, my reason calls on hope, the one by a successive inviolate course through his whole age, first set in motion by a natural inclination, assures the worthiest generosity that ever managed sceptre; the other, that as prince never prosecuted course of justice with fuller gravity from our apprehension even to the block, so, changing the strain not by insensible motion but by a sudden passage to no subalternate but merely the contrary time, that in this sweeter melody he will equal if not exceed his former constancy, since else the world would conclude that we had committed some new fault or given new occasion of incurring his Majesty's displeasure. I cannot but hope a more favourable motion than retrograde; yet so far from exorbitant desire, or impatiency at the worst, I wish but a more gentle and healthy place of restraint than these London prisons: or, if otherwise, am not prepared to make use of the worst of my penance by a true sorrow of my past transgression and lively taste of the King's never dying mercy. I beseech you in this extremity retire not your helping hand, for I doubt not but the same God that can raise up children out of stones to Abraham will prepare you gracious assistance in this charitable work.— Undated.
Holograph. 2 pp. (106. 117.)
Lord Grey to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I humbly thank you for Mr. Hues, whose help and society will give me ease. If Standen or any other business might draw you to the Tower, I should be happy to speak one quarter of an hour with you, both for your better satisfaction of the past, and demonstration for future; for I shall yet live to do you service. Only as you are worthy, conclude of no reports till I may speak. My enemies were many and bitter; and in these practices, though I can accuse no living soul of disloyal or unlawful thought, yet I heard many speak of the best subjects in England, and perhaps largely. Is it possible that no word should suffer inversion? or that my misery should not be oppressed with others' distemper? That I then desired your addition, I confess I did not; but that I aimed at your ruin, let me be valued as at our confronting my accuser shall blush, of what quality soever he be. Your greatness, without the honour, I so faithfully loved in you, could never make me so fond of your favour; for as my state is miserable, my patience yet can bear it; my desires inflame not. Therefore if you give me so gone in villainy or misery, that I can neither deserve your love nor am worthy your trust; or if yourself, since I left you, so far in policy as the untouched truth of a faithful friend, though poor, is utterly "disunluable;" I shall more earnestly, out of old devotion, pray for your felicity, than out of misery weary you with professions. But if poor Grey's heart can offer any faith worthy of you, accept it only, and as a taste, digest and misuse not this humble farewell. In mine eyes, when we were dearer, you often marked a mote; let not a beam, though being, yet be apparent in yours. Some go about to take some paltry things over my head. I beseech you help him, for he rests on you.—Undated.
Holograph. 2 pp. (108. 102.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] My estate you best know and can help: your will I know not: the plainer therefore you deal with me the more your honour, mine obligation. Return me, I beseech you, what I shall have you, a sound or slack friend. No adversity can make me base, nor fortune unworthy to those I have loved; amongst which now is in your power to me to be the worthiest. God and your own conscience of my love to you resolve you. I expect not declarations dangerous to you but hopeful to me. Here I am altogether close prisoner, yet mine offence not fully concealing and that with purpose and effect of good. Mr. Lieutenant is scrupulous to let me write to the K. without his royal assent; and with much opportunity to license this to your lordship, whose advice I crave.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (188. 17.)
Lord Grey to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Pardon my error, merely out of ignorance; for I was assured the style of the letter could not offend, and that it had pleased your lordship before to deliver others without scruple; and am sorry to find that after 13 months' imprisonment there should be greater difficulty. But you best know your own perils, and God forbid that I should engage so noble a friend in any: who for all your quick style cannot despair of my own fortune, nor your favour, but will with patience and faith endure the uttermost of your trials. For any others that stood upon their freedom I protest I heard of none, but am so far from envying their good fortune were it so that with all my heart I wish it; for no man's endurance any whit eases mine.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 125.)
Abraham Harderet to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] His suit to be one of his Majesty's jewellers has been referred to Cecil and the Lord Admiral. He gives particulars of the suit, and begs Cecil's consideration thereof and favour with the Lord Admiral therein.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 126.)
Augustin Hiriart to "Monsieur" Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Four and a half years ago Cecil asked him if it were possible to make "rubis bales" [pale or peach-coloured rubies] to which he replied that it appeared to him impossible. He has however experimented both in Italy and France, and has reached the greatest possible perfection, as Cecil may see if he wishes. He prays him to show the ruby to the cleverest jeweller he knows, who will not value it at less than 3,000l. sterling. Nevertheless he will give it to Cecil for 300l., who can then say that he has the rarest jewel in England. If Cecil does not desire the ruby, he begs for a passport for three horses, which he has already sent to Dover, to pass over sea, as he is going into Italy.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 110.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Upon the commiseration of my Lord Cobham's case, who though by extremity of law is estreated from among us, yet the justice of Parliaments yields a hearing to any distressed prisoner, in which though myself be more wary at this time, I know he is not disbarred from his officers and servants &c., I purpose to-morrow to acquaint the House, I have this day caused his bill to be put over from dealing in it until Friday by the Committees. I continue my yesterday's desire to you to have a warrant to go to him. I attended you this morning upon your commandment.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 130.)
Lewis Hughes to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] He is a minister of the Gospel, and long a prisoner in Newgate. Begs Cecil to take pity on him and help him out of his woeful misery.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 133.)
Sir George Hume to Lord [Cecil].
[1604, before Aug. 20.] His Majesty thinks that upon this occasion of the taking of their priests, the Speaker, or some other that your lordship thinks meetest for the purpose, might deliver to the Lower House some purpose that may perhaps be pleasant to them, as his Majesty says in this sort; that not only is his Majesty most careful to entertain the peace of the Church, as appeared well by his conference at Hampton Court, but also, like a wise and provident Prince, he has these two months wrought in a matter highly tending to the estate of the Church and peril of the realm, not known to any but to you and his Majesty, wherein his Majesty has not spared largely of his treasure to prevent their wicked practices, and has at last apprehended some 12 or 14 priests, who were upon the practice of alteration of religion and estate; and that his Majesty, by your means, has been upon their privity, but has let the matter run on till at last he has in the very right time and prime of their offence, apprehended the whole crew of their damnable pestiferous vipers. When his Majesty gave me this direction he spake to me these words: you may write to my Lord Cecil as I have directed you, but he will consider what I mean, and whereat I would be, and will, if he think it fit to be done, make a better form of it nor you and I both can do. So his Majesty remits this to you to do as you think good.
This day I have had a long conference with him from one purpose to another; for it pleased him to command me only to be with him in his caroche; and by the way there was long discourse of your purpose the other night. His Majesty says to me, he is glad that you and my Lord Densheyr [Devonshire] was so great as he saw you were. My answer was this; Sir, they be great and very loving one to another, but Sir, if your Majesty will know my Lord Cecil rightly and his nature, it is this, he is as friendly a man to his friends as any is living. Marry, Sir, when it comes to a matter that concerns your Majesty, in matters of your estate, he will as freely deliver his opinion of his friend unto you as if it were but of any other indifferent man of the country; and in this he shows that his love to your Majesty exceeds any particular respect that he can have, either to himself or his friends. His Majesty gave me this answer, it was true, and that made him to think that of all the men that ever he knew your lordship was the meetest man to be counsellor in all matters of estate.
His Majesty has been very "melancollyowsse," and not of any fear, but rather anger that he thinks he is so little regarded. I gave him this answer, that I thought he should not be grieved, for they that deserved to have no King could not be pleased with any well doing of a King, and so was all the Puritan sort, and the fault being more in their nature nor altogether in wise government, was not a thing for him to take in that sort. Many other speeches he had with me that I cannot possibly set down in letter, so will remit the same till I see your lordship; only this, that his Majesty I am sure will follow advice, and be secret in all that can be said unto him. And now, my Lord, since you are come to a good point with his Majesty, let a secret course be kept with him in his weightiest affairs by you four; and let his general errands be done by his whole Council; so shall you be most able both to serve him and to secure your own estates. Pardon me this much, out of my love, although I know I write to him that needs no advice of any that has so small judgment as myself. So I leave it to your greater wisdom.
The Queen is to be at Wansted upon Friday at night, and I am desired to deal with his Majesty to come there quietly to meet the Queen; and it is said to me that my Lord Densshyr has desired the Queen to come; and also it is said unto me that my Lord Densheyr desires me to move his Majesty as of myself, in the which doing, if his Majesty may be moved to come, my Lord Denschyrre will think I do him great pleasure. I know his Majesty is resolved to come there, but I take all the rest of the purpose to be as true as some other purposes that I know they have talked of before. I pray you pardon me for my long letter so evil written, and if it please your lordship, let this letter commend my service to the four that was last with his Majesty. —Undated.
Holograph, signed: G. Howme. Endorsed: "1604." 5 pp. (108. 115.)
Irish Claims.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Answer to the complaint of Turlogh O'Toole and Westbie made to the King against Lord Cecil, because they could not have letters patent for the inheritance of Arthur O'Toole called "Poorscourt" and "Fercullin," showing that Henry VIII granted them to Brian O'Toole, father of the said Arthur, and that the latter had served faithfully and well in the Irish wars.—Undated.
Draft, unsigned. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (109. 75.)
Elizabeth, Lady Kennedy, to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Both out of your own noble disposition, and in memory of my kinswoman your wife who "hepyed" me with her love, I must be a most humble lieger that you will maintain the strength of such order for our possessions as you and the Lord Chief Justice allowed; whereby we may be the possessors of such lands whereof till now we received the rents it then afforded, as well as my cousin Chandos enjoyeth (by an order made also in the same kind for us) such lands as he from our part indirectly got and since by the agreed order only enjoyeth.—Undated.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (104. 116.)
The Duke of Lennox to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] The bearer, Mr. John Leprevike, his chaplain, has a suit to the King. He begs Cecil to further it.— Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 136.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Thanks him for his letter, and protests his dutiful affection. He sees by the letter what is done concerning the Union. "For us here, we have continued all things till we receive his Majesty's directions, and what your lordships of the estates there shall resolve." He has directed Mr. Hamilton to crave Cecil's assistance in his suit of the cloth.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 135.)
Sir John Leveson to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Since the sending of the examinations of Hartrop and others to you, I found Abraham Stringer, whose examination I took and send herewith. I have suffered him to go at liberty, lest Vincerst, by taking notice of his imprisonment, should fly the country. I have Stringer bound to be forthcoming when called for, besides his promise to find out the said Vincerst. If this liberty given to Stringer be not approved by you, I can have him upon a short warning, and will commit him if it please you. Hartrop, mentioned in my former letters, being then a prisoner in Maidstone gaol for debt, was upon the taking of his examination committed by me to the gaol, not to be bailed without special warrant from the Council. —Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 137.)
Sir Griffin Markham to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] If I be either too impudent or presumptuous, let my necessities plead for pardon. I have been sick of a burning ague, and before I was well recovered my wife is fallen into that extremity that I much fear her death; and from hence she will not be persuaded to depart for fear she should never see me again. My creditors for my brother Skinner's debts take this imprisonment for a colour of their absences, whereby they work my ruin. If I either die or be undone here, I shall lose the ends for which I most desired life, which was by my faithful service to strive to expiate my fault to so admirable a merciful prince, and to show myself thankful to my friends. I neither desire absolute liberty nor release of punishment, only upon good security 3 or 4 months' liberty to recover both our decayed healths, confer with friends, and compound with creditors, and then will be ready to undergo my punishment with patience till it shall please God to give me opportunity, by some service, to redeem my fault, I beseech you let me obtain your furtherance. I vow I will strive by my service to make it appear that I am sensible of your favours.—From the Fleet.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 139.)
Bridget, Lady Norryes, to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Notwithstanding the Lord Treasurer has made it appear that he is not accountable to God nor the King for one halfpenny of "that coin," yet she begs Cecil's assistance in her present petition, being enforced to seek this last remedy for the heavy mischief fallen on her. She is driven to live in Ireland, whither she was presently to take her journey, had she not been frighted with the dread of the Exchequer, so that she doubts to proceed unless her prayer may obtain commiseration.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 149.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I send you back the copy of your letter, lest you have only but made this as a draft, and yet not writ it. I cannot wish a more reasonable certificate of the King's meaning. The Lord Treasurer will do me any just favour, I am sure of it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 151.)
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] As he could not be at the Council to-morrow, he commends to Cecil the enclosed petition of this bearer, it having already passed the Council. It is supposed that Hinton, the adverse party, will oppose its passing the great seal; and he begs Cecil to cause a warrant to be drawn to command Hinton before the Lords, to show cause why he will not permit the petitioner to take benefit of the King's grant.— Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 155.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I have received your letter by the post of Hounslow. I will be with you to-morrow night. I have sent this bearer to deliver the best "chers" that I have at Notyngam house. They are the things I am worst furnished of. The Lord Treasurer is the best furnished of "cheres" of any man that I know. My Lord Chamberlain shall do well to borrow some there.
I have been driven to write in great haste to Plymouth, where there are some English ships that ride in the Sound, and will not come into the harbour. They are men of war, and go by commission of Count Morrys to serve on the coast of Spain against the Spaniards. I have sent to stay them if possible it may be, for I know it will be a great touch of honour to the King and State to suffer them to go. I enclose the copy of one of their commissions. There be many, as I hear, that have the like; and I think it will be found that this Pim has done those piracies that are written of from Poulle [? Poole]. These men that go out in this sort make their ships ready in the north parts, and victual themselves in the Low Countries. I do not see how to prevent this, but with sending to the Count Morrys by the King, not to give any such commission to his subjects, nor to suffer any Englishman of war to be victualled there. For assure yourself if this be suffered, there will be more pirates in the Straits than ever was, and then what complaints we shall daily have you can judge. This is a matter of state, and would be well considered of, for it is no power of mine that can prevent this.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 146.)
Elizabeth, Countess of Oxford, to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] She presumes the King has referred to Cecil and Lord Northampton the apportionment of an allowance for her and her child's maintenance. Begs Cecil to petition the King to enlarge his gift to 500l. rent yearly. The pension of 1,000l. was not given by the late Queen to my Lord for his life and then to determine, but to continue until the Queen might raise his decay by some better provision. She hears his Majesty is most "respective" in performing the late Queen's intentions, which makes her more hopeful of his favour in her great distress.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 147.)
Edmund Palmer to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Offers services, and begs for present relief.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (189. 148.)
Sir John Parker to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Refers to Cecil's speech in Parliament last Saturday relating to the petition of Lewis Pickering: a petition procured by one or more of "our false brethren." "I could not but think how graciously his Majesty dealt therein, so to acquaint us, as we might remember our proceeding against the Bishop of Bristol on that point; and yet every of us, yea and as many conceive the wittiest, I verily think the purest, concurring in that opinion." Considering the great happiness and blessings the King has brought to them, he judged they were bound to present him with some show of thankfulness; and thought how the King's present want may be relieved, all nations satisfied, themselves discharged of imputation, and the poorest subsidy men no whit touched. He offers to impart the same to Cecil, so that if he pleases he may christen it.— Thursday morning.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (190. 2.)
The Earl of Pembroke to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I beseech you this gentleman may have your letters to my Lord President. He is so confident in the justice of his cause, as he doubts not to give my Lord sufficient satisfaction.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 5.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to the Same.
[? 1604, before Aug. 20.] It pleased the King to promise his wife her goods and chattels. She cannot have a bill drawn for them without a warrant to Mr. Attorney or Solicitor. His debts are treble to his goods, and therefore the King shall ease himself of charge and trouble by refusing to meddle with either. Those small debts owing to him he cannot recover until it please the King to enable him or somebody for him. His lands are tied upon his child and brother. If he plead that conveyance he cannot use the power of revocation in the conveyance and can never satisfy his creditors, and besides shall live a ward to his child and his brother. If he take his land from the King he may then dispose of some part of it to free him from clamour. If the conveyance was made at midsummer twelvemonth Dodridge can witness. Has delivered the true value of his land to this bearer, all but 12l. a year in Devon. God knows it will not give him his bread and cloth. Pays here a pound a week for his diet. The Lord in heaven doth witness that he, his wife and child must proportion themselves at a pound a week for all their diets, or else must all go naked, for it takes two parts of all the rent he has in the world. If by Cecil's goodness these things might come to some question or end he will be most bound to him.
His tenants refuse to pay his wife her rent. All goes to ruin of that little that remains; his woods are cut down, his grounds waste, his stock which made up his rent sold, and except some end be had by Cecil's favour to the King, he perishes.
PS.—Of 3000l. a year there remains but 300l. and upon that 3000l. debt.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (102. 22.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii. 291.]
Sir Walter Ralegh to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] A servant of the Earl of Pembroke came to him for the Seal of the Duchy of Cornwall. Prays excuse for not delivering it to him but he received it from her Majesty upon the death of the Earl of Bedford and thinks when Cecil gave up the Duchy he delivered the Seals by warrant from her. Thought to have taken this occasion to write to his Majesty, which he never did since his return from Winchester, although all others have done so. Will do as Cecil thinks right in the matter. Does not wish to offend the Earl but hopes it will be thought reasonable he deliver the Seal by order as he received it and not upon a message by his man.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 10.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii. 294.]
The Same to the Same.
[1604. before Aug. 20.] Sending the Duchy Seal. Has written to the King that he has asked Cecil to deliver the same into his Majesty's hands. Beseeches Cecil also to deliver the enclosed, wherein he prays the King to continue and perfect his mercies begun.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ¼ p. (109. 12.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii. 295.]
The Same to the Lord Treasurer, Lord Cecil and Lord Hume.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] With a schedule of his rents. If there be any more, but the herbage of the parks, which was never in him but purchased in his child's name ten years since, and a lease of Pinford grounds in Mr. Heriot for fifty-eight years, then he refuses all grace from his Majesty. Prays that a copy be delivered to the Commissioners. Is grieved that so infamous and detested a wretch as Meere is under a Commissioner. Hopes their lordships will stand his good lords herein, having lost already 3000l. a year.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 3 pp. (109. 14.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii. 307.]
The Same to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] His wife told him that she spoke with Cecil yesterday and that his lordship told her that he would deal for the assurance of his land to some feoffees in trust to the use of her and his child; but that for his pardon it could not yet be done. Would rather attend Cecil's leisure in this last matter than engage himself to any other man for so great a benefit. Would be most contented to be confined within the Hundred of Sherburn; or would live in Holland where he may get some employment upon the Indies.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 16.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii. 303.]
Sir Walter Ralegh to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Prays that Cecil will look into that Justice which is never separate from Mercy and will consider what Ralegh's offences to his sovereign have been and then weigh the fault with the pain. An effect of Cecil's favour was the preservation of his moveables, which the ravenous sheriffs were in hand to have seized if his lordship's letters had not come to have countermanded it. Desires the obtaining of the poor estate which remains that his life may have wherewith to relieve it and his poor child be Cecil's poor creature. He has lost nothing that could have bettered any of his but the lease of the wines, which was desperate before his troubles.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 17.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii. 300.]
Sir Carew Reynell to Levinus [Munck].
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I am intreated by Sir John Kerreue and Mr. Antony Hungerforde to desire you to move my Lord Cecil for his passport for this bearer Mr. William Nayler, to go and return from Lovene in Brabone. He was lately servant to the Lady Hungerforde deceased, and is to return with such legacies as she has bestowed upon her daughters and kindred here in England.—Undated.
Addressed to: "Mr. Levinus, Secretary to the Ri. Honourable the Lord Cycell, etc."
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 21.)
Sir John Roper to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] This bearer, Mr. Sedley, who always had the keeping of the tarsel I have given your lordship, is come to attend your pleasure for the seeing of him fly, which you appointed to do this day in the evening. His desire is that in respect of the heat you will appoint it at 6 o'clock, and to know where certainly he shall wait on you about that time. Also he desires to have a vervel of you to be put on him before he be loosed, lest by much company and by loosing him in a strange place he may rake out flying full of spirit. He is not to [be] matched within England for high flying and wild striving, and for frank stooping and making it good. I wish he may be in all respects to your liking. If your pleasure be to have me to wait on you, when you appoint to see him loosed, I shall not fail to do it.—This present Thursday.
PS.—I have been told this day by three several persons of a privy seal of 300l. prepared for me, which is very unpleasing to me at this time, when I am in debt almost 1000l., and must be forced to borrow it upon interest if it shall be put upon me now. Besides I have a privy seal of 100l., which I lent the deceased Queen above 6 years before she died. I sent two horse men and armour for the service of Ireland. I never yet had payment of the money lent, nor recompense for the rest. In respect whereof and of many other charges lately laid on me by my children, I beseech you I may be spared from this loan at this time.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 25.)
The Bishop of St. Asaph to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Acknowledges Cecil's favours. Cecil spoke to him for a prebend to Mr. Sharpe, who then taught young Mr. Cecil. Explains why he has as yet been unable to appoint Mr. Sharpe; but assures him he will do for Mr. Sharpe, or any other friend of his, anything that he conveniently may.— Undated.
Holograph, signed, Will'm. Asaphen. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (190. 8.)
Henry Saunders to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I have been so unfortunate as in all this time when the very floodgates of his Majesty's bounty have been open to all, I only am he that have not tasted thereof. I dare not say Sir Roger Ashton is any cause hereof, in whom I put my first affiance but I may say that my extreme sickness has been some cause. I have sent you my petition to his Majesty, and his referment of myself and my suit to you. The suit is very reasonable, and nothing great of value, being of certain lands withholden from his Majesty in one county only, and in one survey, and that but certain parcels of land so concealed. The tenants themselves have already offered money to have their estates bettered, and made firm to them.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 28.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I am earnestly intreated by my cousin Sir Thomas Savage to move you for your favour in not crossing his course of conveyance, which is common to all good subjects lawfully to take. He tells me that he hears of the ways of court that are sought against him, being only to delay the business he goes about until this term be past, but he hopes confidently that you will mean him no wrong for any foe's mediation against him. I was laden yesternight with commendations to you from Nonsuch, and for their sakes— their (besides mine own)—I hope you will hold no hard or strayable hands over this gentleman. So until anon that we meet, I will bid you good morrow.—This Thursday morning, going to a committee.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 32.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Even as I was returned hither, my man that I sent to the Court met me at the gates, and is returned letterless. He came to Fynchynbroke this morning about 6, but found the King newly gone a-hunting, and my Lord of Berwick ready to follow him coming down his stairs. When he had read the letters he said he would return answer to-morrow, for it would be night before he should see the King. My man told him that he would stay till his lordship could dispatch him, but he said he must needs send up one of his own men post hither to-morrow, and by him he would send answer to our letters. Your letter to my Lord Chandos my man delivered to his page whom he met at the gates on horseback flying after his lord, who was newly gone with the King. My man says that the Duke of Lenox came yesternight to the Court, and one other, an officer of Scotland, but his name and office he has overridden and forgotten both. The King lies this night at Bletsoe, my Lord St. John's.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 33.)
Mary, Countess of Shrewsbury, to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Your remembering of a poor sick man in the midst of your great entertainments shows your favour the more. With humble thanks he returns his duty and rests at your service. I hope in God he is past all danger, but remains weak. Your lordship will give me leave to thank you for the fattest red deer I think I shall see this year. I see my Lord can neither before nor after the prince's coming leave free from envy. You out of envy call his "semitary" a woodknife, and what weighty jests the prince will bestow of my Lord tonight, I look to receive from him to-morrow.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 36.)
Lionel Sharpe to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] If he himself may not come, desires his letters may have leave to do so, to intreat Cecil to be a means to the King for a poor disgraced man to return into his former place. Thanks Cecil for his favour in his speedy enlargement, and believes that, if he were rightly understood, Cecil would continue it to his preferment.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 38.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I return what you sent me, which I could not well read but perceive the sense of it. I will be with you in the morning early, and follow such directions as you shall give me.—Undated.
PS.—I am very sorry for the mischance happened to the King, but I hear it is not much, and therefore I hope will not long trouble him.
Holograph. Seal broken. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 40.)
John Sparle to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Your lordship's steward has discharged me from your service. I beseech you that I may come before you to answer for myself, and wherein I have offended you, I desire pardon. I have been a company keeper, but I have always accompanied myself with men of good fashion, and I doubt not to prove myself an honester man than he that has made any complaint against me.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 41.)
Sir Edward Stafford to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I have even now news that my cousin Sir Reade Stafford is at the last gasp. If it please you to bestow the wardship of his nephew that is heir upon me, or the lease of that little land he has, with what condition you shall please, I shall think myself most bound to you. I know it is not the custom to grant anything of any man's afore he be dead, so am not I so unmannerly to demand it, but that it will please you if such a thing happen to have me in remembrance.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 43.)
Sir John Stanhope to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Since yesterday I have found myself ill disposed, so as I durst not go abroad, fearing I shall not be fit for the Parliament House to-morrow, but not forgetful of your speech with me touching your honourable friend's bill. I have dealt with divers both yesterday and this day, giving them such reasons as I thought might best prepare their voices and strengthen them to persuade others. If you have thought of any principal motives to further the passage thereof, if you please to impart some of them, I doubt not but you shall see good use made of them, and for the objection made of the tenure, whereof I gave you some inkling, some others wish there shall be no alteration therein. My nephew Hollyer and my brother Rydgway will use their best endeavours, and Rydgway, who is strong with his Devonshire crew, assures me of a good party. If it be not afoot afore Tuesday or Wednesday I hope to be at the House.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 45.)
John Stileman to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] They have done me wrong that have informed you I am 30l. in your debt. I desire I may have my accounts cast up, and if I am so much in your debt, I will pay the money.
There is due to me upon my accounts, 8l., and 6l., for wages. Mr. Amyce has further charged me with Barnes wood, which I had already answered, as Mr. Houghton can testify. In this wood your Honour was very much abused in the sale, for it contained by his own measuring 36½ acres. and was of an 11 years' growth, well worth 3l. an acre, which after that rate amounted to 109l. 6s. 8d., which wood he sold for 45l. The measuring of the wood I have in writing under his own hand, which he left at the Great Lodge.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." Seal. ½ p. (109. 52.)
Lord Sydney to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I doubt not but to the objection made by the Spanish Commissioners touching the trade with Flanders and Brabant, your lordship knows much better what to answer than I. Notwithstanding, I offer an answer out of the reason of the war, which I hardly think can be replied unto. I presume so to do because you seemed the other night to cast that doubt unto me, and if your lordship do not conceive my meaning I will attend you myself to-morrow to explain it.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 57.)
The Enclosure:
His Majesty's subjects are not prohibited to trade in the ports belonging to the Archdukes in the Low Countries, but the King gives free liberty to the Hollanders to make prize of any ships that go into such ports. This is objected unto by the Spanish Commissioners, that why is it not as lawful for these with ships of war to make prize of such English ships as trade into the ports of Holland and Zealand, as for the Hollanders to take them which trade into Flanders or Brabant. It is answered that the like liberty shall be given to the Spaniards as is to the Hollanders, that is that the Spaniards may take any English merchants going into any town of the Hollanders, as well as the Hollanders going into any town belonging to the Spaniards. As for the ships that shall be on their coast at sea, it shall not be lawful for either to take them, until such time as the said ships shall offer to pass the ordinary guards before any such town. For in no court of war is it suffered that through the guards before it, relief be carried into any place by them which are neutral. Now where the Spaniards shall keep guards before any the towns in Holland and Zealand as the Hollanders do before the places in Flanders, as free shall it be for them to make prize of such English ships as will enter in to these towns. And the like is to be said of Antwerp as of the ports of Flanders.
1 p. (109. 56.)
Sir Arthur Throkmorton to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I have chosen rather to trouble you with my writings than with my words, place nor your leisure serving at my last waiting upon you to give you satisfaction of those suspicions wherewith you seemed I should be touched. I may not let wrongs take root, but pull them to reason, my only remedy. If I should urge an "Autore", you would say I were audacious, and to be forgetful of so just a demand might as well be said folly. I leave my lines to your wisdom. My fortune is not so favourable as to make me wanton, nor my folly so great as to forget your force; my wishes are that in so unequal a rank we might right one another, lest the world take notice of a descended displeasure, which always savours more of earth than heaven. I am glad you but take hold of untruths, yet sorry to see you so forward to finger them. And now to my answer. For Brigstokes, God is my witness it never entered my thoughts to mislike therewith, much less to complot any complaint. And for the matter of Sir John Gyllberte, whatsoever I had I received from Sir William Strowde, and delivered it without naming any man.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (190. 16.)
Charles Topclyffe to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] He entreats Cecil to sign his pass, without which he cannot stir without imminent danger to his life and estate. Cecil told him it was much for him to sign it by himself, "being a matter so dangerous as for the murder of a man": so when Cecil has signed it, he will procure the hands of all the Lords, showing them the old precedent and former warrant, which by the Queen's direction was signed by Cecil and three other Lords. It is ten years since he received that favour, since when he has, at his own charge, served and hazarded as much as any private gentleman of his country. He is as wrongfully oppressed by a bad sort of people as ever was man.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (190. 19.)
The Enclosure:
The pass above referred to. It recites his services as Marshal of the Brill, at the winning of Cales in Spain, and in Ireland at the first winning of the fort of Blackwater. A violent course has been taken against him by the brother and wife of William Venables, in suing him to an outlawry upon an appeal of murder. The pass gives him liberty to travel in and about the reversing of the outlawry and his other business for one year.—1604.
Unsigned. 1 p. (190. 19.)
Sir John Wallop to the Same.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] I have entreated Sir Rowland Lytton to impart a matter for me to your lordship, wherein one word of yours may instantly procure my desire. I beseech you therefore give credit to him in this my particular.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 61.)
Sir Edward Winter to Lord Cecil.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Since his coming up to London is unable to attend Cecil by reason of infirmity. Desires his acceptance of the present of a poor forester, who must ever acknowledge with thankfulness Cecil's favours towards him.— "My lodging in Strand."—Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 68.)
Lord Zouche to the King.
[1604, before Aug. 20.] Thanking him for the great gift of which he has received advertisement from the Lord Cecil.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 70.)
Richard Hadsor to Viscount Cranborne.
1604, Aug. 20. I understand his Majesty has created you Viscount Cranborne, whereof I pray God to give you joy with increase of honour. My Lord of Kildare has two manors in Dorset which are of 104l. per annum old rent, and in lease for fifty years to come for the same rent. If you will buy the same you may have it reasonably, and I will wait upon you or such as you shall appoint to give particular information of the state thereof.—Middle Temple, 20 August 1604.
Holograph. ⅓ p. (106. 108.)
Ann, Lady Warburton, to Lord Cecil (sic).
1604, Aug. 20. My husband at his going to the Brill gave me a commandment that if God sent me a son I should stay his christening till such time as I should hear from him, he purposing to be suitor to you to christen it and name him "Sissill." God having at this present sent me a son, and as I trust Mr. Warburton in his letter to you has besought you to do him the honour to christen it, I am bold to beseech you in both our behalves to favour us in that we so much desire. If you be pleased to appoint your deputy some neighbour hereby, here is Sir Robert Cross who I assure myself would most willingly be employed by you.—Carshalton, 20 August 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (106. 76.)
Sir William Browne to the Same.
1604, Aug. 20. I received yesterday by Sir William Lovelas this enclosed to be sent to you. For the business of the army all depends upon the States repairing thither out of Holland, to take order how the troops shall be disposed of and with what conveniency Sluce may be surely fortified to profit with least charges. The enemy leaves not these quarters of Dam and Blankenbourgh till he see what will become of our forces. Some he has I hear sent towards Sasse.—Flushing, 20 August 1604.
Holograph. Two seals. 2/3 p. (106. 106.)
Sir William Ingleby to Lord Cecil (sic).
1604, Aug. 20. Give me leave to make known the violent and extraordinary courses taken by Sir Stephen Procter at our last assizes within this county of York and also before and since. Contrary to your commandment and his promise at our last being together before you, he has attempted so far to impeach the royalties of my Lord of Derby's manor of Kirkby Malsart, as if my learned counsel had not fortunately been there, though for other causes, he had made such a breach into that cause as hardly would have beeu repaired without more than ordinary danger to the state of that manor, of which at my attending you for these causes in the beginning of next term I shall make known the particulars by due proof.— Ripley, 20 August 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (106. 107.)