Index: H, I

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: H, I". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Haberdashers' wares, their import prohibited; 163.

Hack, —, his wife; 145.

Hackney; 318.

Haddington; 233, 249.

proposed burning of; 34, 37.

Haddon :

Mr.; 138, 456.

James, letter of; 124.

Walter, agreement by; 371.

Haddow, Great, manor; 12.

Hafter, —, Dean of Guernsey; 271.

Hakluyt; 351.

Hala; 114.

Haldon manor, Kent, 415.

Hales :

Mr., and Fras. Newdigate; 294.

James, commissioner in Kent; 54.

John; 25, 27.

— letter of; 140.

— indictment against; 290.

— interrogatories to j 294, 295.

— his answers; ib.

— his book; 294, 296.

Justice; 94.

Halfnaked manor, with Boxgrave; 256.

Halford, parson of; 306.

Hall :

Anthony, of Sharperton; 399.

Arthur, letters of; 146, 489.

Clement, of Burdope; 399.

Edmund, declaration of; 253.

Francis, his heir; 141, 142.

John, sergeant of Tyndale; 99.

—; 399.

— concerned in plot for Mary Queen of Scots; 499, 540, 541, 547, 553, 572.

— examinations of; 499, 559.

— confession of; 503.

— interrogatories for; 501, 512.

— answer of; 502.

Mistress; 107.

Randy, of Colwellhill; 399.

Robert, of Muckeridge; 399.

William; 499.

Hallingley; 474.

Halloye, M. de; 105.

Halmeend, co. Lincoln; 119.

Halton :

Lord (1559), introduced to Mary, Queen of Scots; 157.

manor; 456.

Halywell; 475.

Hamburg; 406.

letters dated at; 123, 409, 410.

traffic to; 314.

magistrates of; 410.

Hamby, Mr., his clerks; 276.

Hamilton; 500.

letter dated at; 195.

convention in; 155.

family, slaughter done to; 374, 383.

— and Wharton; 391, 392.

Duke of, his title to the Scottish crown; 369.

James, of Bothwellhaugh, letter of; 482.

John; 495, 498.

Provost of Bothwell, letter of; 359.

Hamlyn or Hameling :

John; 469.

— examinations of; 466, 468, 502.

Hampshire, return from justices of; 310.

Hampton :

Court; 349, 350, 351, 352, 376, 382, 430, 434, 461, 481, 548, 552.

— documents dated at; 8, 18, 19, 20, 21, 76, 465.

— council at; 370.

— proceedings of Commissioners at; 381.

Mr.; 238.

Hancocks, Margaret, examination of; 532.

Hanford :

John, letter of; 453.

manor, Somerset; 256.

Hanmar, cne; 569.

Hanse, the :

merchants of; 251.

Towns, letter from; 267.

Hanworth; 294.

letter dated at; 57.

Harbard, —; 436.

Harbottle; 373.

Castle, letter dated at; 399.

Harderwick, in Guelderland; 11.

Harfleur; 112.

Hare :

Mr.; 438.

Michael, examination of; 440.

Thomas; 490.

Harmeston parsonage; 93.

Haro, John de, Spanish captain; 45.

Harper, G., Commissioner in Kent; 54.

Harpsfeld, Mr.; 542.

Harpyne, Robert; 25.

Harrington :

—; 477.

Mr., Secretary in Spain; 387.

Sir John; 119, 124.

— letter of; 92.

— examinations of; 63, 65, 66.

Robert; 116.

Harris :

Mr.; 198.

Robert; 527.

— examination of; 549.

William; 469.

Harry Grace à Dieu, the ship; 45, 52.

Harvey, —; 525.

Harvest gloves; 512.

Harvy; 531.

Hart :

one; 508.

Sir Percival; 147.

William, of Ensam; 500.

Hartlepool :

plan of; 225.

defence of; 263.

Harwich; 28, 31, 262, 490, 526, 527, 556.

Hasset, —; 511, 516.

Hastings :

Lord (1563), commission to; 127.

— and Lord Paget; 152.

Sir Edward; 118, 146.

Hatfield :

letters dated at; 61, 62, 64.

Princess Elizabeth at; 61, 62, 64.

letters dated at; 67, 70, 115, 137.

Hathelay, Richard and Collete; 320.

Hatton, Master; 57.

Hauncc, New and Old; 132.

Haure, Marquis d', letter of; 407.

Haverd, a priest; 269.

Havre :

de Grace, or Newhaven; 112, 270, 282, 284, 320, 568.

siege of; 273, 274.

garrison at; 275, 276.

list of men serving at; 287.

Hawkins, —, and the two Portuguese; 347.

Hawkwood; 13.

Hawne :

camp before, letters from; 144.

town and castle taken; ib.

Hay, Alexander; 416.

Haydon, Sir Christopher; 438.

Hayward :

—; 561.

Rowland, English merchant in Russia; 347.

Hebblethwaite, Mr.; 299.

Hechstetter, Daniel, letter of; 345.

Heding; 111.

Heidelberg; 113, 396, 403, 464.

letters dated at; 404, 406, 422.

Heighton, —; 502.

Helay, Lady Wharton at; 504.

Hele, Walter, vicar of Iplepen, his recantation; 103.

Helfenstein, Count of; 161, 283, 305.

Hendley, Robert, servant; 257.

Hendon; 427, 431.

Heneage :

Sir Thomas, deposition by; 14, 15.

— patron of Grimsby; 109.

Thomas, letters of; 479, 481, 484.

Henry II. of France :

treaty by; 74.

letters to; 85, 86.

his campaign in Italy; 87.

his capture of Damvilliers; 96.

Henry VIII. of England :

letters of; 3, 27, 32.

letters to; 12, 13.

his divorce; 6, 10.

his marriage to Anne of Cleves; 12, 14.

his treaty with Charles V.; 22.

panegyric on; 48.

his treaty with Francis I.; 47, 49.

his will; 559, 571.

Hepburn, Roger; 389.

Hepburns, the, and Wharton; 391, 392.

Herbert :

—; 339.

Mr.; 68.

Lord (1513); 3.

— declaration of; 529.

Lady; 504.

Edward; 431, 456.

— examination of; 432.

Herbipolensis, Bishop; 429.

Hereford :

cathedral church of, 307.

canons of, their character; ib.

Bishop of (1564), his.letter on the state of his diocese; 307.

Earl of, genealogy of; 150.

Viscount (1553), Walter; 126.

— instructions to; 419.

— letter of; 424.

—; 443, 560.

Herlle, W., letter of; 298.

Heron :

Mr., of Chipchase; 405.

Christopher, petition of; 126.

John, payments to; 3.

Herries :

Lord (1568), John, commissioner for Mary, Queen of Scots; 357, 358, 363, 364, 367, 370, 375.

.— (1569); 394, 396.

— letter to; 491.

— concerned in plot for Mary; 402, 407, 479, 500, 507, 508, 509, 537, 559, 570.

Hertford; 290.

shire, return from justices of; 307, 310.

Earl of (1540–1544), letters to; 12–44, passim.

— (1544), letters of; 25, 26, 27, 33, et seq.

— Warden of the Marches; 18.

— his landing at Leith; 34.

— (1547); 49.

— (1549) and Lady Jane Grey; 70.

— (1561), and Lady Catherine Grey; 261, 264, 272, 294, 295.

— (1563), his case; 272.

— removed from the Tower; 279.

— (1568); 380.

— his league with Murray; 386, 391, 393.

— his children; 435.

Lady, letters to; 42.

Hertilbury; 107.

Hesdin, surrender of; 105, 106, 112, 118.

Hesse :

Duke of (1564), his son and Queen Elizabeth; 304.

Landgrave of; 429.

William of; 410.

Heton, —; 63.

Heveningham, Christopher; 499, 503.

Heyward, Sir Rowland; 527, 570.

Heywoode manor; 12.

Hide, de la; 83.

Higford, or Hickford :

Robert; 437, 438, 543, 577.

— letters of; 437, 511, 516

— examinations of; 437, 520, 521.

— confession, &c., of; 524, et seq.

Higgins, Mr.; 344, 387, 438.

Higham manor; 503.

Hill, —; 561.

William, of Taunton; 312.

Hillington parsonage; 118.

Hilton :

Sir —, at Taymouth; 168.

Baron, his son; 289.

Hoby :

Mr.; 68, 107, 117.

Sir Philip, ambassador to Charles V.; 120.

— payment by; 140.

— letters of; 74, 94, 98, 118, 123, 137, 138, 139.

Hoghstraet, M. de; 114, 117.

Holbeck, H., letter of; 85.

Holcroft :

Sir Thomas, letter of; 74.

— examination of; 96.

Holderness; 185.

Holland :

deputies from; 2.

the Haggs of; 11.

rate levied on; 109.

free porters in; 323.

co. Lincoln; 119, 124.

one; 539, 546, 553, 571.

Holstein :

Duke of (1553); 110.

— his Swart Rutters; 117.

— proposed marriage of Elizabeth to; 255.

Holstocke :

captain of the Swallow; 173.

Mr.; 274.

John; 83.

William, letter of; 279.

— in command of a ship; 282.

Holway, William; 301.

Holyfield; 527.

Holy Island; 442.

fort at; 405.

Homilies; 133.

Honfleur; 112.

Honnings, William; 438.

Hoo :

Robert at, of Cheshunt, his will; 2.

co. Southampton; 12.

lordship, Kent; 13.

Hooper, Bishop, letters of; 107, 108, 125.

Hopkin, —; 561.

Hopton :

Sir Owen; 438.

— letters of; 528, 565, 568.

Sir Ralph; 312.

Walter, of Oxford; 83.

Horatio, Duke; 113.

Horbline manor; 93.

Hords park, letter dated at; 272.

Horn :

Count; 102.

— Philip II. and; 342.

— his execution; 359.

Horner, Harry; 138.

Horses for military service; 26, 27, 33.

Horsey, —; 350, 352.

Mr., letter to; 444.

Edward; 447.

— letter to; 493.

George, warrant to; 445.

Horsley, letter dated at; 281.

Houghsetter, Daniel, letter of; 467.

Hovingden, Giles; 78.

Howard :

Lord (1546), William, letter of; 47.

— of Effingham; 267.

— (1568) : 381.

— Admiral; 489.

Sir Geo.; 160, 177, 185, 202, 206, 208, 210, 211, 213, 215, 219, 220, 228, 242.

Lord Thomas; 574.

Hubert, —; 440.

Huddisdon, W., of Warwick; 306.

Huggens, Robert, payment to; 258.

Huggins, William :

and Appleyard; 350, 351.

interrogatories for; 351.

Huggon, T.; 440.

Hughes, Jo., doctor of laws; 11.

Huguenots, the; 417, 418.

Hull; 446, 490.

letters dated at; 23, 254.

timber delivered at; 24.

ships; 179, 183, 185, 186, 225, 240, 316.

the Elizabeth of; 215.

Hulton, the shallop; 52.

Humber, the; 173, 571.

Humbert, Nicholas, deposition of; 416.

Hume :

family, of the Marches; 174, 176.

Lord (1544), his servants; 40.

— (1560–69); 181, 199, 217, 225, 374, 391, 392, 397, 403, 405, 420, 459, 460.

John, of the Hithlas; 22.

castle, proposed taking of; 41.

— taking of; 459, 467.

Huncle, —, and Connock farm; 115.

Hungary :

state of; 82.

Queen of; 90.

the Turks in; 304, 313, 317, 319.

revolt in; 404.

rebels in; 408.

Hunsdon :

Herts; 94.

Lord (1561), payment to; 258.

— Governor of Berwick; 263,.574.

— (1568); 356.

— letters of; 372, 373, 374, 376, 383, 384, 388, 390, 391, 392, 395, 397, 398, 399, 402, 403, 407, 419, 459, 462.

— letter to; 441.

— complains of his office at Berwick; 372.

— and the Regent Murray; 394.

— his uncle Bullen; 397.

— his office of Antely; 477.

Lady Anne, her complaint against her husband; 372.

Hunt, Roger, Baron of the Exchequer; 2.

Huntingdon; 228.

Hospital of St. John; 256.

shire, return from justices of; 307.

Earl of (1552); 103.

— (1560), letter of; 253.

— (1569); 400, 443.

— letters of; 417, 423, 424, 426, 448, 450, 451, 455.

— letters to; 422, 428.

— instructions to; 419.

— his custody of Queen Mary; 421, 422.

Huntley :

Earl of (1548), his escape; 56, 57, 59, 60.

— (1552); 99.

— (1560); 169, 199, 226.

— his servant Kier; 192.

— letter to; 193.

— joins the Duke of Norfolk; 195.

— (1566), after Rizzio's murder; 334–336.

Earl of (1565), playing the king in the north; 374.

— his restoration; 370.

— (1568); 383, 386.

— his servant; 390.

— (1569); 391, 407.

— at Glasgow; 391.

Hurst, Captain of; 274, 277.

Husbandry, statutes for maintenance of; 162.

Husey, Laurence and John, English merchants in Russia; 347.

Hussy, a prisoner; 450, 458, 468.

Hutchinson, —, his ward; 489.

Hutton, William; 455.

Huy; 408.

Huycke, T., commissioner; 298.

Hyde, John de la, his house at Maynooth; 78.

Hylyard, —; 475.


Iceland fish; 357.

Iden, Robert, bailiff of Hoo; 13.

Idrone, Barony of; 401.

Ilfracombe; 415.

Illiricus servant; 262.

Inchkeith :

French forces at; 174.

siege of; 212, 213, 234, 235, 519.

state of; 225.

Inglebye, Sir William; 470.

Inglis, Archy; 517, 523.

Innermeth, Lord; 420.

Innspruck; 98.

Interim, the, proposed by Charles V.; 54, 58.

Inventories; 318, 335, 336.

taken at Westminster Palace; 127–132.

Ionys, Brian, constable of Carlow, letter of; 78.

Iplepen, Devon, vicar of, his recantation; 103.

Ipswich, merchant adventurers at; 301.

Ireland :

Lord Tyrone's tenants in (1543); 21.

kerne from (1544); 37.

the getting and the decay of; 52.

Lord Marshal of (1549); 75, 76.

Lord Deputy of (1549), letters to : 75, 76.

alleged plot in (1549); 76.

Lord Deputy of (1551), Sentleger; 89.

— (1551), letter to; 93.

— Croft; 106.

— (1552), letters to; 103, 104.

— articles sent to; ib.

treatise on the disorders of (1554); 136.

Lord Deputy of (1557), Earl of Sussex, petitions of; 145.

money coined for (1559); 151.

north of (1560), reduction of; 181, 188.

speeches about Elizabeth in; 260.

affairs of (1562); 266.

its restoration to Scotland; 286.

captains of, complaints from; 297.

state of revenue in; 322.

Master of the Rolls in; ib.

Queen of Scot's designs in; 339.

enlistment of soldiers for; 343.

affairs in (1567), books on; 352.

Earl of Sussex in; 353.

Sir Henry Sydney in; 352, 353.

— his secretary Waterhouse; 401.

cannibalism in; 405.

Lord Deputy of; 516.

— (1571), letter to; 493.

Sir John Perrot's charge in; 501.

Iron mills, proposed statute against; 164.

Islington; 559.

Isham, Mr.; 137, 144, 145.

Islands, the Channel; 280, 281.

Italians, their alleged greed; 163.

Italy :

war in; 87.

suspicious persons in; 361.

persecutions in; 404.

news from; 418.