Index: J, K

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: J, K". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Jackman, Alderman; 527.

Jackson :

Nicholas, parson of Halford; 306.

Ralph, his surrender of Savoy Hospital; 123.

Thomas, letter of; 398.

Jane, Lady, usurper, stuff delivered to; 128.

Jard, R.; 485.

Jebb, Humfrey; 559.

Jedworth :

proposed burning of; 25, 26.

provost of; 25.

intended attack on; 40, 41.

church or abbey of; ib.

devastations in; 74, 405.

Jenkinson :

Anthony, his journey to Persia; 260.

— his voyage in discovery of the Cathaia; 340.

— Emperor of Russia's letter brought by; 347.

Jennet, the ship; 281.

Jennings, —; 561.

Jerningham :

Sir Henry; 131, 440.

— commission to; 127.

Henry, of Wingfield, recusant; 165.

Mary, tinsel given to; 130.

Jersey :

accounts concerning; 3.

ordnance, &c. at; 76.

customs at; 244.

trade at; 251.

fortifications at; 270, 271, 278, 293, 315.

commissioners for; 271.

Castle, pestilence in; 274, 277, 278.

threatened attack on; 277, 281.

ships and men sent to; 279, 280.

Castle, expenditure on works at; 282.

commissioners for, report of; 287.

particulars concerning; 296.

petition regarding privileges of; 318, 321.

munitions sent to; 342.

defence of; 579.

Jervys, —, his daughter; 561.

Jesualdi, cardinal; 408.

Jesuits the, their coming into England; 153.

Jeune, a printer in Paris; 84.

Jewel House, payments for; 415.

Jewell, Jo. :

Bishop of Salisbury; 324.

examination before; 427.

Jewellery, &c., inventories of; 129, 131, 132.

Jhonstoun, Edward; 485.

Jobson :

Sir Francis, letter to; 254.

— lieut. of the Tower; 443.

Walter, letter of; 254.

John Frederick, Duke; 114.

Johnson :

—, at Berwick; 398.

John, letters of; 113, 122.

Robert; 492, 513.

Rowland; 397.

— letter of; 390.

Joinville; 520.

Jonas, Elizabeth, the ship; 281.

Jones :

Edward, velvet delivered to; 130.

Henry, document signed by; 538.

Judd, Sir Andrew; 122.

Juliers, Duke of (1540), William; 12.

Junius :

J., letter of; 384.

Mr.; 403, 404, 406.

Junta, Signor, envoy from Rome; 110.

Justices of the Peace, returns from, on the condition of their counties; 306–312.


Karr, Thomas; 390.

Katherine (Parr), Queen of Henry VIII.

letters of; 42, 57, 58.

letter to; 51.

poem in French by; 53.

her death; 61.

picture of; 131.

Keightley, servant to Bishop Bonjier; 83.

Kellingham, Robert, letter of; 23.

Kelsey :

letter dated at; 109.

abbey; 389.

Kelso; 403, 405, 419.

Kelway, Sir William, his expenses at Portsmouth; 272.

Kenilworth :

writ dated at; 1.

or Killingworth; 391.

visit of Elizabeth to; 481.

Kenlis in Kilkenny; 75.

Kennet, East; 12.

Kenninghall :

Norfolk; 423, 424, 438, 439, 440, 516, 533.

letters dated at; 423, 427.

Mr.; 222.

Kent :

Commissioners in, memoranda by; 54.

bulwarks in; 95.

justices of; 311.

one, a minstrel; 576.

Keriell, Sir Thomas, commission to; 2.

Kerrycurrchie; 413.

Kesten, Howell in; 347.

Kesteven; 119, 124.

Keswick; 511.

letters dated at; 30, 345.

Keye, Thomas, of Ewelme hospital, complaints against; 114, 115.

Keylwey, Sir Robert, letters of; 73, 74.

Keyre or Kier, servant to Lord Huntly; 192, 193.

Kilkenny; 75, 417.

letters dated at; 76.

Killegrew, —; 566.

Mr.; 252, 337.

— his report; 216, 218.

— in Edinburgh; 339.

Henry, letters of; 403, 406, 409.

— letter to; 410.

Sir Henry, his daughter; 259.

— payment to; 393.

— envoy; 425, 430.

Peter; 375.

Killinghall, Mr.; 219.

Kilmainham, letter dated at; 82.

Kilwilling :

Abbot of; 396.

Lord (1569); 395.

Commendator of; 364.

King, Henry; 265.

Kinghorn, French forces in; 170.

Kingsmill, Sir J., certificate of; 114, 115.

Kingstanley manor; 256.

Kingston; 434.

Count of; 408.

Kirby Moorside; 436.

Kirk Oswald; 372.

College of; 456.

audit at; 455.

castle of; ib.

Kirke, Peter; 460.

Kirkbam; 140.

Kitchen, Richard; 456.

Kittson :

Mr.; 438.

Thomas; 439, 440.

Knaplocke, Robert, of Southampton; 258.

Knaresborough; 469.

Knesall manor aod park, Notts; 93.

Knevet, —, his hurt; 209.

Knevett, —; 462.

Knight :

Dr., ambassador, letter to; 3.

Mr., his brother; 60.

George, clerk of the Mint; 67.

Knighton farm, Wilts; 256.

Knolles, Mr.; 104.

Knollys :

Lady; 158.

—, her death; 400.

—, her burial; 415.

Sir Francis; 277.

— declaration to; 203.

— letters of; 274, 275, 388.

— letters to; 251, 383.

— in charge of Mary, Queen of Scots; 390, 430, 443, 466.

— warrant to; 284.

Harry; 400.

Henry, in charge of the Duke of Norfolk; 443.

— instructions to; ib.

Knopper, Albert, ambassador from Denmark, letter of; 316.

Knotsford, —; 533.

Knotsforth, Mr.; 579.

Knottesworth, Mr.; 532.

Knowsley; 433.

Knox :

—; 103, 261.

John, letter of; 262.

Knyvet :

young; 439.

Knyvett, —, his man; 421.

Kottam, —; 510.

Kyrcaldie; 155.

Kytson :

Thomas; 440.

— examination of; 439.