Index: A

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


A., G., letter of; 450.

Abel, John, merchant; 283, 286.

Abell, John, letter of; 87.

Aberdeen; 530.

letter dated at; 502.

Bishop of (1565), letter to; 315.

Provost of; 59.

Abingdon; 250.

Abington; 176.

Abraham, Sir John, letter of; 136.

Achinson's Haven; 190, 191, 194.

Adam, John, executor; 2.

Admiral :

Lord (1563), letter of; 274.

— letters to; 280, 281. See Clinton, Lord.

Admiralty Court; 280.

Adresses, Baron des; 406.

Agard, Mr., letter to; 417.

Aid, the ship; 366.

Aigle, the carrick l'; 251.

Alarums, inventory of; 129.

Alberford; 25.

Albert, Marquis; 98, 110, 113, 114, 120, 122, 123.

Aldenburg, Count of, Christopher; 123.

Alderney, isle of; 15, 77.

Aldingbourne, letter dated at; 306.

Alec, Sir Piers; 513.

Alen, Sir John, Lord Chancellor of Ireland :

letters of; 88, 91.

letters to; 89.

Alesius, Alexander, dedication, &c. by; 11.

Alford, Anne; 83.

Alforde, Roger, letter of; 116.

Algiers; 98.

Aliens, particulars of; 52.

Alington, Mr.; 401.

Allen :

Sir John, treatise by; 136.

Thomas, letter to; 388.

Allfurthe, Lancelot; 26.

Allinga, A., letter of; 319.

Allshire, John, alleged robbery of; 38.

Almain, 204 :

general in; 110.

Dr. Wotton in; 21.

troops in; 146.

raising forces in; 367.

Alneto :

Cornelius de, letters of; 318, 327–332, 336, 337.

— bond by; 325.

— letter to; ib.

— statement by; 326.

Alnwick; 231.

letters dated at; 97, 373.

Castle, letters dated at; 23, 35.

Alps, the; 74.

Alrede, Thomas, letter of; 23.

Alsac; 5.

Alva :

Duke of; 96, 111, 114, 117, 138, 197, 205, 342, 404, 409, 418, 422, 450, 477, 497, 500, 526, 527, 534, 554, et seq., 577, 578.

— letter of; 359.

— his severities in Antwerp; 390.

— verses on; 410.

Alvard, Thomas; 7.

Alyngton, Wilts; 12.

Ambleteuse; 77.

Amiens :

documents dated at; 5, 8, 9.

Bishop of; 205.

— in Leith; 234.

Anabaptists :

sect of; 253.

in Brabant; 342.

Andalusia; 270.

Anderson, Bartram; 183, 184, 185.

Andree :

Bernard, tract by; 4.

— poem by; ib.

Andyver, letter dated at; 419.

Angel, the ship; 292.

Angus :

Earl of (1542), his letter; 16.

— (1543), treaty with; 28.

— (1544), letters to; 23, 32.

— summoned to England; 40.

— his dangerous position; 34.

— (1569); 420.

— his daughter; 467.

Anjou :

Duke of; 404, 434, 508.

— his marriage; 511, 516, 519, 566.

Annandale; 420.

Anspach; 86.

Antelope, the ship; 366.

Anthony, Anthony, letter of; 276.

Antwerp; 86, 96, 97, 123, 143, 158, 197. 283, 288, 315, 322, 331, 387, 409.

letters dated at; 94, 101, 117, 159, 296, 297, 343, 466.

advices from; 342.

burgomasters, &c. of, letter of; 296.

merchants of, letter of; ib.

Company of, letter to; 367.

loans raised for Charles V. in; 109.

free mart in; 314.

severities of Alva in; 390.

merchants of; 395.

nunnery near; 495.

Aphowell, Watkin; 78.

Apparel, articles of, inventory of; 128, 129.

Applegarth, young; 389.

Appleyard :

Mr.; 344.

— John, letters of; 345, 346, 351.

— interrogatories for; 349.

— examination of; 350.

Apprentices, proposed statutes affecting; 162.

Aquila :

Bishop of, ambassador in France; 197, 204, 205, 217, 245, 265.

Aragon; 121.

Arbroath :

Abbot of; 374, 507.

— letter to; 380.

Lord of; 500.

Ard, camp near; 142.

Ardres; 160.

Arenberg, M. de'; 117.

Argentine, otherwise Strasburg, letter dated at 88.

Argis, siege of : 111.

Argyll :

Earl of (1549); 59.

— (1560), his father's brother's son; 178.

— his defence of Scotland; 181.

— his reduction of the North of Ireland; 188.

— (1561), in Ireland; 260.

— (1566), after Rizzio's murder; 333–336.

— and Queen Mary; 337.

— (1568); 383. 386.

— his revenge for the Hamiltons; 374.

— (1569); 398, 420, 426.

Lady, present at Rizzio's murder; 333.

Arklow; 417.

letter dated at; ib.

Arles; 292.

Armagnac, Earl d'; 2.

Arme, isle of; 15.

Armigill; 576.

Armstrong :

family, of Liddesdale, raid by; 24.

Hector; ib.

Arnold, Sir Nicholas, 266.

Arragon :

court of; 3.

Donna Maria of, letter of; 37.

Arran :

house of, and the Lennox family : 157.

Earl of (1544), repulse of; 38.

— (1560), his operations against the French; 168, 169, 170, 171, 174.

— his agreement with Queen Elizabeth; 158.

— (1560); 182, 192, 195.

— letters of; 217, 250, 252.

— (1562), his reported death; 266.

— men at arms under; 316.

Arschot, Duke of; 117.

Articles of the Church, subscribed by Edward VI.; 133.

Artois; 114, 117.

Arundel :

sessions at; 269.

Castle, letter dated at; 349.

— intended conveying of the Queen of Scots to; 457.

Earl of (1553); 130.

— (1560); 212.

— exchange of land by; 256.

— (1566); 325, 348, 350.

— letters of : 323, 349, 449.

— letters to; 318, 423, 472.

— and Princess Cecilia; 329.

— interrogatories for; 428, 438.

— concerned in plot for Mary Queen of Scots; 425, 445, 456, 526, 527, 528, 544, 546, 549, et passim.

— accused of treason; 436.

— his house on Tower Hill; 458.

Countess of, her jointure; 145.

Charles; 146.

Sir J., release of; 96.

Sir John, letter to; 421.

Matthew; 421, 456

Sir Thomas; 16.

— lease to; 45.

Arze, Capt, at Calais; 45.

Ascham, —; 114.

Ashby; 424.

Asher, document dated at; 7.

Ashley :

Catherine, attendant on Princess Elizabeth; 64, 66, 67, 69, 73.

— confession of; 72.

— imprisonment of; 61.

Ask, goldsmith; 558.

Askam, Mr.; 294.

Askerton Castle, 456.

Askott, Duke of; 258.

Astbrook, Sir John; 576.

Astne, Sir Francis; 119.

Aston :

co. Salop; 559.

co. Stafford; 503, 504.

Athol :

Earl of (1565), letter to; 315.

— (1566), after Rizzio's murder : 334–336.

Atkyns, Thomas, letter of; 51.

Atslow, Dr. Edward, deposition of; 436.

Attleslowe, a physician; 432.

Aubespine, M. d'; 64, 121, 314.

Aubigny, Lord D', letters of; 315.

Aubrey :

Mr.; 542.

William, document signed by; 538.

Auchar, Sir Anthony, letter of; 107.

Auckland, letter dated at; 311.

Audley, Mr., instructions to; 120.

Audley End; 516.

Augmentations, Court of; 70, 75.

Augsburg :

letters dated at; 88, 90, 336.

Diet at; 54.

confession of; 258.

— and Queen Elizabeth; 302.

merchants of; 319.

rumoured battle near; 343.

Augustine, —, of Thames Street; 91.

Augustus., Elector of Saxony; 321.

Aundersone, George; 399.

Austria :

house of, and France; 111.

— English feelings towards; 291.

ambassadors from, Elizabeth's answer to; 346.

Emperor of (1563), letter of; 286.

— Ferdinand, his death; 299, 301, 303.

Archduke of, Charles, his proposed marriage with Elizabeth; 158, 161, 285, 286, 291, 299, 300, 302, 321, 336, 337, 342.

— his suggested visit to England; 321.

— sick of the small-pox; 339.

— Lord Sussex's description of; 348.

— his letter to Queen Elizabeth; 353.

— his likeness; 356.

Don John of; 525.

Archduchess of, Margaret, treaty of; 6.

— letter of; 8.

Avoys, Mons. D', French envoy, instructions to; 63, 64.

Ayalu, John de; 204.

Aylesworth, lands at; 254.

Aylmer :

Sir Gerald, certificate by; 46.

Mr.; 136.

— document signed by; 75.

Ayscough :

Sir Francis; 80.

— letter of; 109.

Azores, the; 414.