Index: B

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Baberstokk manor; 12.

Babies or dolls; 131.

Bacon :

A., postcript by; 143.

[Nicholas ?]; 141.

Sir Nicholas, letters of; 143, 290.

— Lord Keeper, letter to; 371.

— warrant to; 323.

Nicholas; 438.

Baden :

Duke of; 283.

Marquis of; 304, 404.

Baesh :

Mr.; 274, 490.

Edward; 289, 292.

— letters of; 280, 293.

— mem. by; 283.

— report by; 284.

Bagden, letter dated at; 207.

Bagshot, musters at; 446.

Baiae, ancient city of; 98.

Bailly, Charles; 523, 533, 542.

examinations of; 525, 526.

letters of; 495–498, 534.

letters to; 494, 496, 497.

memoranda touching; 578.

Baines, Dr., or Bayne, reader of Hebrew; 83, 84, 85.

Baker :

—, parson of Winwick; 576.

Mr.; 151.

James, view of ships by; 146.

John, steward of Henry Jerningham; 165.

Balentyne, Patrick, at Rizzio's murder; 334.

Balfour, James, parson of Flysk; 335

Ballameda, letter dated at; 37.

Balnaves; 155.

Mr.; 180.

Balnevis, Hendry, of Hallhill; 187

Balterly Barn; 502.

Baltic Sea, the, opened to English merchants; 316.

Bamberg, Bishop of (1553); 122.

Bamborough Castle; 173.

Bamburghshire, tithes of : 391.

Banckes, Thomas; 371.

Bandonel, Count de, truce made by; 152

Banister :

Laurence, letters to; 464, 511, 516

— arrest of; 521.

— answers, &c., of; 524. 525, 528, 570, 571.

Bank, common, proposal for; 133

Bankrupts, proposed statutes against; 154

Bannester, Tho.; 348, 357.

Baptist, Mr.; 354.

Barbary :

states of : 74, 404.

navigation to; 165.

Barcelona, letter dated at; 292.

Barham, Nicholas, document signed by; 543.

Barker :

William, examinations of, 521, 523, 563, 577.

— confessions, &c. of; 524 et seq. 559.

Barlandgare, Gabriel; 578.

Barnabie, alias Randall, Thomas; 178

Barnadyne, Mr., of Canterbury, his lead [...]

Barnard Castle; 471.

Barne, John, letter to; 388.

Barnes :

Francis; 576.

Grange; 12.

Barnham, —; 444.

Baro, Cornelius; 2.

Baron, —, of the Bristol mint; 68.

Barrowdown, accounts of; 137.

Barty, Francis, Handford's charges against; 453, 454, 550. See Bertie.

Basingstoke, letter dated at; 388.

Basnett, Edward, Dean of St. Patrick's, assertion by; 75.

Basoord, apprehension of; 420.

Bassamp; 112, 113.

Bassano, Alexander, his annuity; 576.

Bassett :

family; 82.

James, commission to; 127.

Basyng, John, letter of; 281.

Bates, Thomas; 460, 468, 472.

cargoes seized by; 301.

Bath and Wells, Bishop of (1564), his letter on the state of his diocese; 312.

Battista de Vinaldo, John, letter of; 367.

Battle; 503.

Bavaria :

treaty with; 422.

Duke of, persecutions by; 313.

— and the Count of Ortenburg; 321.

— at Strasburg; 429.

Beaksbourne letter dated at; 268.

Beale, Thomas, confession of; 456.

Beamish; 468, 470.

Beard, a tailor in Fleet Street; 83.

Bearne, province of; 408.

Beasis, William de; 2.

Beaton, Cardinal; 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 34, 36, 38.

Beaumont :

—, confession of; 96.

John, letter of; 144.

Beaurin, M. de, Lieut. of Charles V.; 105, 106.

Bedford :

letter dated at; 143.

Earl of (1550), document signed by; 81.

— (1557), letters of; 142, 143, 144.

— (1560); 245.

— (1564), letter of; 297.

— (1566), letter of; 333.

— his governorship of Berwick; 372, 373.

— commissioner; 381.

— (1569), sonnet to; 396.

— and Berwick tithes; 391.

— (1569); 443, 454, 456.

— letter of; 476.

— examination before; 535.

Countess of, Margaret, letters of; 137, 142, 143, 145.

Bedfordshire, return from justices of; 307.

Beding manor, Sussex; 527.

Bedingfield, Lady, her priest; 165.

Bedrowlie, —; 459.

Beef, contract for; 293.

Beel, Robert; 425.

Beer, contract for; 293.

Beldon, John, of the Bristol mint; 67.

Bele, Lawry; 18.

Bell :

Mr.; 313, 341, 503.

family, of Gillesland; 455.

Bellingham, Geoffrey, in command of a ship; 282.

Benavente, Conde de; 301.

Benett, Mr.; 218.

Benger, Sir Thomas, letter of; 137.

Bennett, Mr.; 372.

Bere, de la, family; 82.

Bergavenny, Lord (1552), petition of; 95.

Berghe, Count de, letter to; 407.

Berkeley :

—, a prisoner; 248.

Capt., wounded; 211.

Sir John; 392.

Sir Maurice; 266, 312.

Berkshire, return from justices of; 309.

Bertewe, one; 559.

Bertie :

R., letter of; 413.

Richard, married to Duchess of Suffolk; 478, 481.

— letters of; 480, 482.

Berwick; 18, 19, 103, 157, 221, 276, 574.

letters dated at; 29, 30, 32, 35, 40, 57, 59, 60, 101, 205, 224–228, 233, 235, 238, 249, 250, 297, 336, 338, 372, 373, 374, 376, 459, 462, 467.

munitions at; 32.

lawlessness of the district; 60.

fortifications at, charges for; 99.

measures for protection of; 157.

English forces at; 168, 169.

difficulties about fortifying; 172.

garrison, payment to; 176.

conference with Scottish lords at; 178, 180, 185, 186.

defence of; 181, 184.

payments for; ib.

articles agreed upon at; 187, 191, 193.

Sadleir and Crofts in charge of; 188, 189.

garrison, money due to, 192.

threatened surprise of; 205.

garrison, robberies by; 229.

Lord Ruthen at; 230.

garrison to be left in; 240.

treaty at; 242.

numbers in garrison; 247.

troops remaining at; 249.

victuals remaining at; 250.

discharge of men at; 251.

labourers to be sent to; 256.

victualling of; ib.

defence of; 278.

charges for six months at; 343.

portership of; 350.

weak state of; 372.

ordnance at; ib.

garrison, payments to; 373.

new fortifications at; ib.

great frost at; 389.

the Regent Murray at; 394.

defenceless state of; 397.

fortifications at; 398.

safety of; 441.

weak garrison at; 462.

Governor of, Lord Grey; 257.

— Lord Hunsdon; 263.

— Drury; 353.

— letter to; 385.

governors of, their right to tithes; 391.

captain of, Sir N. Strelley; 100.

captains of; 248, 250.

— their greed; 178.

Marshal of; 491, 507.

— letter to; 418.

treasurer of; 160, 167, 176.

— payment to; 364.

— letter to; 367.

merchants; 167.

manor house; 257.

the New Water; ib.

Berwyk, J., report of; 58.

Beton :

—; 382.

Andrew; 556.

Bishop, letter of; 565.

John; 505, 506, 510, 512, 513. 514, 515, 548, 549.

Betonne, Archibald, letter to; 359.

Beverley :

George; 398.

Master, Controller to the Princess Elizabeth; 64.

Bevre, M. de; 117.

Bewcastle, captain of; 403.

Beysbye manor; 93.

Biancourt, M. de; 117.

Bidstone, Cheshire; 576.

Bies, Marshal de, his brother; 112.

Bilbao :

letter dated at; 299.

English ships at; ib.

Billingborowe manor; 93.

Bindon, Viscount; 573.

Bingham, one; 431.

Bipont and Neuburg, Duke of, Wolfgang; 319.

Bipont :

Duke of, 408, 464.

— his death; 422. See Deuxponts.

Bird, Thomas; 455.

Biscuits, contract for; 293.

Bisham, letters dated at; 137, 138, 139.

Bishop :

—; 502.

Francis; 468.

Thomas, secretary to Lord Lennox; 32, 458, 560.

— examinations of; 459, 460, 468.

— confession of; 469.

— interrogatories for; 472.

answer of; 558.

Bishops, letters from, on the condition of their dioceses; 306–312.

Bizari, Peter, account by; 396.

Blackness, the; 335.

Blakesley, —; 101.

Blennerhasset, John; 527.

Bletehingley, letter dated at; 92.

Blois; 519, 520.

letters dated at; 231, 568.

Blood, the Council of; 450.

Blount :

G., letter of; 272.

Thomas; 350.

Blundevil, Lancelot, letters of; 276, 278.

Blunt, William, payment by; 258.

Bodenham, Thomas, charge against; 38.

Boeuf, Marquis de; 169.

Bog, Alexander; 463.

Bogge, S.; 455.

Bohemia; 82, 305, 317, 320.

King of (1553); 109.

— letter of; 135.

Queen of, letter of; 135.

Bois-Daulphin, M.; 105.

Bois-le-Duc, letter dated at; 361.

Bollen, Mr.; 576.

Bolles, —; 549.

Bolton, Mary Queen of Scots at; 358, 359, 367, 388, 390, 394, 395, 400.

Bonner, Bishop, examination of his servant; 83–85.

Bonvisi, Alexander, letter to; 367.

Boorne or Borne, Dr.; 83, 85.

Bordeaux; 17.

Borders, the, the Duke of Norfolk's troops near; 167.

Borders. See Marches.

Borough :

Sir Henry; 146.

J. de, directions by; 11.

Boroughbridge; 470, 471.

Sir W. Cecil at; 230.

Borsseland, Adrian de; 117.

Borthwick :

—; 359, 554, 577.

Captain; 157.

John; 100.

Sir John, reward to; 28.

Bortyke; 423, 424.

Boston :

wool transported from; 29.

Deputy Kecordership of; 108.

Cecil, Recorder of; ib.

dyke; 119.

Bothwell :

Earl of (1562); 266.

— (1566), after Rizzio's murder; 334–336, 339.

the Queen of Scot's letters to; 370.

the “Casket” letters to; 376–380.

and Mary; 382, 383.

Provost of, Hamilton, letter of; 359.

Bothwellhaugh; 482.

Boulogne; 73, 75, 76, 77, 102, 112, 116, 118, 149, 151, 257, 354.

Council of; 74.

Mole at; ib.

fortifications at; 29.

the “old Man” at; ib.

surrender of; 44.

victuals for; 46, 47, 48.

restoration of; 47, 80.

wages at; 146.

Bourbon :

Cardinal de; 520.

Duke of (1524); 5.

Loys de, document signed by; 365.

Bourbourg; 8.

Bourchier, Henry, Earl of Essex; 494.

Bourne :

manor; 93.

Secretary; 137.

Bowchan, Earl of; 420.

Bowcher, —; 108.

Bowes :

Mr.; 94.

Sir George; 446, 471.

Sir Jerome; 146.

Ralph; 146.

Sir Robert; 32.

— letter to; 35.

Robert; 469.

Bowles, one; 576.

Boxgrave, with Halfnaked Manor; 256.

parsonage; ib.

Boyd :

Lord (1568), Robert; 364.

— (1569); 388, 394, 414, 431, 434, 578.

— letter of; 394.

— his letters intercepted; 396.

Lady Margaret; 395.

Brabant :

rate levied on; 109.

Baylo of; 114.

bishoprics in; 182.

free porters in; 323.

Provost of, and the Anabaptists; 342.

Bradbridge, Augustine; 306.

Bradock, one; 576.

Brancepeth; 433, 447, 470.

proclamation at; 468.

Brandenburg, Marquis Hans of; 114.

Brandenburgh, Elector of; 403, 425, 429.

Branksome; 459.

Bransby; 442.

Brasavola, Anthony, work by; 53.

Braughing deanery; 323.

Bream, Bishopric of; 114.

Breda; 117.

Bredarode, his widow; 404.

Bremmere, Bulborne in; 12.

priory of, ib.

Brereton, Randall; 82.

Brescia, bishopric of; 182.

Brest; 519.

letter dated at; 96.

haven; 277.

Breynner :

Baron, letter to; 290.

— Caspar, letter of; 319.

Brian, Sir Erancis; 75.

Brickes, Anthony, of the King's household; 107.

Bridge, Mr.; 61.

Bridges, Richard, certificate of; 114, 115.

Brigstock Park; 11.

Brimstone; 238.

Brinklow, co. Warwick; 499.

Brinne, the, co. Lancaster; 505, 514.

Briscoe, John; 456.

Brissac, Count de, his regiment; 362.

Bristol; 312, 415.

mint; 61, 64, 66, 67, 68.

— report concerning; 58.

castle, letter dated at; 58.

Briton, the bark; 279

Brittain, Dr., his prebend at Westminster; 97.

Brittany, coast of; 77.

preparations for war in; 277.

Brockenborough; 470.

Brocket, Jo., warrant to; 445.

Brodegate, letter dated at; 85.

Brodshawe, Lawrence, surveyor; 92.

Broke, Robert, letter of; 51.

Bromeham, household at; 52.

Bromehull, John; 559.

Bromfield :

Lieut, of the Ordnance; 228.

William; 269.

Bromley :

Kent, letter dated at; 95.

—; 351.

Sir Thomas, Chief Justice; 126, 559, 571.

— examinations before; 468, 535.

Broodgate, letters dated at; 55, 56.

Brooke :

Sir David, Chief Baron; 126.

Richard, legacy to; 147.

Sir Robert, letters of; 138, 144.

Sir William, Lord Cobham; 147.

Broomhall; 504.

Browghill, William; 559.

Brown, Browne :

a draper; 521.

— letter of; ib.

Lady, and Princess Elizabeth; 62.

Sir, chaplain; 60.

Sir Antony, deposition by; 14, 15.

— letter of; 22.

— of the Temple; 55.

— justice; 542.

Sir John; 108.

Rowland; 85.

— letter to; ib.

Thomas, of Shrewsbury; 520.

Valentine, Queen's auditor; 160, 167, 168, 176, 187, 215, 217, 218, 219.

— letter of; 371.

— certificate of; 227, 245.

— treasurer of Berwick, payment to; 364.

Brownridge, William; 559.

Bruges; 474.

letters dated at; 104, 483, 484.

Rue des Armeuries; 104.

mission to; 318.

treaty at; 337.

Carthusians at; 495, 498.

Bruneck, Charles V. at; 98.

Bruno, Dr.; 87.

Brunston, Lord of; 169, 171.

Brunswick :

Duke of (1553); 113, 120.

— his brother; 114.

— (1553), Henry, devastations by his son Philip's troops; 122.

— Otto, annuity to; 200.

Brussels; 196, 342, 495, 497, 498, 534, 535.

documents dated at; 8, 86, 105, 109, 111, 113, 117, 118, 123, 147, 153, 177, 197.

ambassador at, letter to; 6.

Lord Bedford at; 145.

Lord Clinton in; 149.

Bryanson, in France, letter dated at; 47.

Brydeman, George, inventory of stuff in his custody; 131.

Brydges, Giles; 146.

Buccleugh, Laird of; 405, 420, 459, 467.

Buckhurst, Lord; 413, 570.

Buckinghamshire :

freeholders, petition of; 82.

return from justices of; 307.

Buckland manor, Dorset; 573.

Buda, the Turks near; 82.

Bueill, Sieur de; 244.

Bugia, loss of ships at; 270.

Bulmer :

Ralph; 20.

Sir Ralph, letter to; 70.

Sir William; 20.

Bumsteed, Christopher, his device for coins; 151, 154, 155.

Burbage, Robert, payment to; 316.

Burdet, J.; 565.

Burdope; 399.

Burgate, John; 29.

William; ib.

Burgh barony; 456.

“Burghley's Journal”; 149, 323, 352.

Burgos, Cardinal of, letter of; 135.

Burgundy; 362, 402, 408, 411.

house of, its friendship with England; 151.

Burleigh :

letter dated at; 116, 136.

Cecil's household at; 142.

Burley, Thomas, his libel against the Queen; 257.

Burnham; 429, 531.

Burnt Island, French forces in; 170, 175.

Burston, John, letter of; 44.

Burton :

on Trent; 401.

John, letters of; 119, 124.

Bushopp, Edward; 258.

Bussher, Lawrence; 455.

Busshowe, M. de; 117.

Butler, Sir Edmund; 413, 417.

Butts, Dr., deposition by; 14, 15.

Buxton; 510.

Byer, Henry; 147.

Byfleet, letter dated at; 279.

Byllyngshusen, Henryk, letters of; 284.

Bynkes, John, messenger; 239, 241, 242.

Byteham, suit for; 476.