Cecil Papers: 1567

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Cecil Papers: 1567', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp342-352 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1567', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp342-352.

"Cecil Papers: 1567". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp342-352.


1127. Advices from Antwerp.
1566/7, Feb 8. 1. Was lately at Brussels where the writer heard that a courier had come from the Court of the Emperor, but what news he brought was not said, saving that some declared that the matter of the English marriage was almost hopeless, and as it were altogether broken off. Others say the contrary, and that the Queen's ambassador, who was about to return, was the bearer of the conclusion, but the matter is kept very secret.
2. The post from Venice not yet arrived, so they know nothing further for certain of the Turkish fleet, which, it is said, is directed against the Goletta and Malta.
3. Here one hears daily of the summoning of those engaged in the past disturbances; all the goods are confiscated of those not appearing. It is said that the Count of Egmont will be conducted to Spain in the ship detained in Zealand. This departure of the Count is believed by many, and there is good hope that the King will spare his life and goods. As to the Count of Horn the decision is uncertain.
4. The day before yesterday certain anabaptists who were preaching in the cellars of their houses were apprehended by the order of the Duke, and remain in the custody of the Provost of Brabant.
5. Of French affairs no certain news is heard; the King and Queen Mother have assured the Duke of Alva that they will not make terms with any one without informing him. It is said that the King and Queen are quite in accord with Condé in secret, but that the demonstrations to the contrary are done by artifice, so that the King may first get moneys from his confederates, as money is scarce on both sides.
6. From Augsburg (Agosta) it is written that a great battle has taken place between the King of Poland and the Muscovite, in which the Muscovite was at first routed, but the victors becoming disorganised in the pillaging, a large body of Russians took them in the rear and routed all the Poles.—Antwerp, 8th February.
Endorsed :—“1567.”
Italian. 1½ pp.
1566/7, Feb. 14. I hear by M. Rutsart, my honoured master, that you have received my last, of which I am glad, and he desires me to serve you in every way. I send the collection annexed, of which I think no one besides myself has a copy in Antwerp. If I find anything worth communicating in the future, I will not fail to do so.—Antwerp, 14th February 1567.
No signature.
Annexed is a long statement arranged under the following heads :
1. “A brief collection of the very notable and approved reasons touching the inconvenience and damage which the Low Countries suffer, by reason of the liberty and franchise which the English nation enjoys; and on the other hand the good and utility which would ensue, if the said nation had no longer the privileges as other nations frequenting the said Low Countries, such as the Spaniards, Italians, Germans, &c.”
2. “Certain secrets and advertisements for declaration to the Council of the King and Senate of Antwerp, for the service of his Majesty and the especial benefit of the said town.”
3. “The reasons and affirmations of the preceding articles.” These include a scheme for bringing over from England, secretly, a number of people expert in the manufacture of cloth and kerseys, in order to instruct those of the Low Countries in the art, so as to enable them in a short time to manufacture these articles as well as they are at present made in England.”
Endorsed :—“Merchandise. Against the intercourse of England.”
French. 7½ pp.
1129. Soldiers for Ireland.
1567, April 26. The Queen to all justices of peace, sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs, constables, and head-boroughs, &c.
Draft signet bill commanding them to aid Humphrey Gilbert, Esquire, in taking up 100 soldiers for service in Ireland. Two hundred of the band of soldiers detained at Chester are to be transported straight from Chester to Derry, where part of the Queen's garrison lieth under the charge of Edward St. Loo.—Westminster, 26th April 1567.
Corrected by Cecil. 1 sheet.
1130. Charges at Berwick.
1567, May 8. A memorial of the charges at Berwick for the half-year ended at Lady Day, anno 9 Eliz.
£ s. d.
Wages of the garrison for the half-year 6,348 10 5
The Lord Governor's fee as Lord Warden of the East Marches, after 424l. per annum 212 0 0
The wages of 8 gunners of great ordnance, parcel of 12 that came from Newhaven, &c. 48 13 4
amounting with other items to 7,220l. 4s. 1 d.
“The works—A prest delivered towards provisions to be made for timber and bricks and for the making of a conduit, 450l.
1131. Trendell's Answer to the Articles.
1567, May 11. 1. Knows no more than he has already declared, that in Lent, 12 months past, he heard him (sic) and Mr. Higgins, in conferring together, say, there was a man in London that he would point his finger to and say this is he, but neither knows the man nor the matter.
2. Heard of no quarrel betwixt his Lordship and others, more than the last year the quarrel that was betwixt the E. of Sussex and the E. of Leicester, which every man saw.
3. Heard nothing, but to his knowledge either Mr. Setton or Mr. Appleyard should say at one time that they feared Mr. Thomas Dudley because he would not deliver the Commission to them when it was granted, that he would play some legerdemain with them. Is the worse for him more than he will speak, furthermore he seldom kept his company, but when he sent for him at Lent and Easter, for he lived in Essex all this winter, deponent having had much business to attend to for friends. Prays their Lordships consideration, as a little charge and discredit to him is a great matter.
Endorsed :—“11 May 1567.”
Seal. 2 pp.
Modern copy of Trendell's examination and of the interrogatories administered to him.
1132. Mary, Queen of Scots to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1567, May 19. Prays him to solicit the Queen to grant the request with which she has charged the bearer.—May 19.
Endorsed :—1567. “Q. of Scots to Mr. Secty by Mr. Melvil.”
French. 1 p. [Labanoff, vol. 2, p. 52. In extenso.]
1133. Maurice Clynnock to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1567, May 24. With reference to certain matters of religion.—Rome, 24 May 1567.
Seal. Welsh. 3 pp.
1134. Sir Wm. Cecil to Lord Cobham.
1567, May 27. Has taken occasion to show the Queen his letter, to see his forwardness in good will, with the lack of power to match it. My lord of Norfolk will tarry this seven-night. The ambassador shall lodge at Dymmocks. Lady Clinton hath procured his wife to make a supper to-morrow, where a greater person will be covertly, as she is wont. The Queen has made asseverations to persuade the Duke of her effectual dealing to marry, and to deal plainly in this embassy.—27 May 1567.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 449. In extenso.]
1135. Daniel Hechstetter to the Queen.
1567, May 31. Expresses his gratification at hearing that her Majesty had obtained her right against the Earl of Northumberland as to the matter of metals. Maintains the Queen's right to copper, inasmuch as it is found amalgamated with gold and silver in the crude state. Sends a piece of metal which was lately found and pending the litigation was in the keeping of the Earl; this contains gold, silver, copper, and lead, from which Her Majesty can easily see that these metals cannot be separated otherwise than by fire. Trusts that these matters may be brought to a satisfactory issue.—Keswick, prid. Calend. Junii, 1567.
Signed. Latin. 2 pp.
1136. John Appleyard to the Council.
1567, May 31. When he considers the greatness of his faults, most heinously committed, he both blushes and fears to write. But the noble clemency he yesterday received doth somewhat abandon from him despair, although shame doth still remain; for that cannot be covered, his faults being truly confessed by his own mouth in so honourable a presence. So that where before he stood in hope of some relief, he now wishes rather a mountain to overwhelm and hide him from their sight than once to dare show his spotted face in their presence. Heretofore he had place and countenance of credit with him, which now is so justly blemished that he sees no possibility ever to recover their good opinion. This loss of credit with such personages doth drench him in despair. His faults are committed against two noble gentlemen, such as if they had enemies yet their enemies could no ways in honour detect them. And he, a caitiff, (in many respects bound to them both) has attempted against duty, love, and troth, yea even against nature, to provoke justly their ires. Considers of himself that his deserts in both worlds give him summons of a reprobate. Sees small hope of comfort, for as his acquaintance in most parts of the realm bred great knowledge of him, so (being where he is) he imagines what inquiry and what whisperings there are in judging of his offences. In the event of his deliverance, therefore, he stands in worse case; for even as one ashamed of light he shall either wish all absence of day, or else for fear of wonderment, must like the back (sic) afraid to be seen of the birds, shroud himself in some desert; for he shall see no man look towards him, whom he shall not fear doth behold him to gaze of his shames committed. For the matter of his sister, wherein they have offered their aid for the examination of all he shall name, giving reasonable cause why he presents them, thinks that with the Council's permission his next way is to desire a copy of the coroner's verdict, and thereupon take counsel's advice how to begin the trial of the cause. Beseeches the Council to be mediators for him to those noble gentlemen against whom he has trespassed and would be much bounden to them if they would give him leave to write either of them one private letter. As his health is very evil, so are his charges great, for he has nothing to feed on but that he sends ready money for into the town, and he may not speak with any friends to help him, so that he must very shortly take what of alms the house will give him. Leaves the consideration hereof to their pitiful wisdom.—From the Fleet, this present Saturday, the last of May 1567.
2 pp.
Modern copy of the preceding.
1137. John Appleyard to the Council.
1567, June 4. Has received from them by Mr. Warden of the Fleet the copy of the verdict, by whom he yesterday returned the same. In which verdict he not only finds such proofs, testified under the oaths of 15 persons, how his late sister by misfortune happened of death, but also such manifest and plain demonstration thereof as hath fully and clearly satisfied him, and therefore commending her soul to God, he has not further to say of that cause. Acknowledges to have received from the Council everything that might bring trial of her unhappy case to light. Prays for the Council's mercy, for besides imprisonment, which he has endured close a full month this night, he is afflicted with sickness and most miserable poverty, not having money left to find himself two meals. If the Council will remit his offences, he trusts with ready and reverent service to deserve again some part of their favour and credit.—From the Fleet, this Wednesday, the 4th of June 1557.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Wednesday.”
1 p.
Modern copy of the preceding
1138. Second Answer of the Queen to the Emperor's Ambassadors.
[1567, June 22]. The second answer to the Emperor's Ambassadors, giving the reasons why the Queen refuses to grant the aid demanded of her against the Turk. These are :—1. Because the Pope and his Cardinals are endeavouring to procure the stirring up during this summer of a general war in all countries (especially England), professing religion contrary to that of the Church of Rome, the evidence whereof is partly seen in the manifest and present “preparations of powers of men-of-war in the field, and the daily amassing and increase of them in the midst of Christendom, and somewhat nearer to this her kingdom.” 2. The uncertain state of her neighbours in Scotland. 8. Trustworthy intelligence of a peace or truce between the Emperor and the Turk.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. 3 pp. [See State Papers, Foreign, Eliz. 1567, No. 1335.]
1139. Edward, Lord Clynton (Lord High Admiral) to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1567, Sept. 30. Has received Cecil's letters, and where he perceives that the two Portyngals [Portuguese]* have conveyed themselves from Hawkins, he did doubt as much, having been informed how they went abroad in London at their liberty, and conferred with whom they listed. He gave Hawkins warning of it, and advised him to restrain them, and take good regard to them lest they should slip from him, but now he sees he followed his own mind, which hath not proved well. Is therefore very glad that order is taken that he proceed to the other voyage that Cecil writes of, whereof some good may come, though not so profitable as the other. Sir Edward Dimmock is departed, which is a great loss to this country, and to his friends to lose so honest and so just a gentleman. His wife and family are well provided for, his eldest son taking Skrelsbe (Scrivelsby), and his wife the house in Kesten, called Howett; to the two younger sons he hath given 40l. a year each, and 500 marks in money, and to a younger daughter yet unmarried but 200l., because he looked that her mother would see her bestowed. To the writer he hath given a piece of gilt plate. Prays Cecil to be good to his son-in-law, Robert Dimmock, when he shall wait on him for the suit of his livery; trusts that Robert may reform himself those things which have heretofore been misliked both by his father and the writer. Thanks Cecil for thinking of the young boy, his daughter's son; assures him that Sir Edward Dimmock was very desirous that Cecil should have the boy before any other. Wishes the boy such good fortune that he may match with Cecil's daughter. Whilst writing, his son Dimmock and his wife came hither, to whom he communicated this determination, and being of the same mind, have committed the boy to the writer to bestow as he thinks meet. The boy is at school with one Parvys, near Guildford, where his bringing up shall be very good.—Sempringham, the last of September 1567.
Addressed :—“To the principal Secretary to the Q's Majesty and Master of her Highness' Wards and Liveries.”
Holograph. Seal. 3½ pp.
Modern copy of the preceding.
1140. The Emperor of Russia to the Queen.
1567, September. “The extract of the Emperor of Muscovy's letter to the Queen's Majesty brought by Anthony Jenkinson the 10th of November, written in September”:—
Ivan Vasilevitz, Emperor of all Russia, and Great Duke of Volodimer, Muscovy, Novogarde, Emperor of Casan, Emperor of Astrokan, Lord of Plesko, Great Duke of Smolensky, Tuersky, Jugorsky, Permsky, Vatsky, Bolgarsky, and others, Lord and Great Duke of Novogarden, in the Low Country, Chernigosky, Resansky, Polotsky, and of all Siberland, and Commander of all the North Parts, and Lord of Liefland and others, to our sister Elizabeth, Queen of England, France, and Ireland, mighty Princess, greeting.
Has received the Queen's letter by her messenger, Anthony Jenkinson, in which it is stated that the Queen has sent in the name of the chief of the company, which traffics in his dominions, and for friendship's sake has sent him an “architector,” a doctor, an apothecary, and other masters, and desiring him to be good and gracious to her merchants. Anthony has desired him in behalf of William Garrer, William Chester, Rowland Hayward, Laurence Husey, John Husey, John Marshe, and Anthony Jenkinson, William Roly, and their company, English merchants, that he would suffer them to come into the Muscovite dominions, and to the town of Dorpt Narve, and the country of Dwina, and to all havens, to buy and sell without custom, and to suffer no other merchants of whatsoever country, but Garrer and his company, to come into the North Parts and Dwina to traffic. The Emperor has been gracious to the company aforesaid, and has given them his letters, and the other masters have been well received in his dominions. And for this, the Queen's friendship, he has increased his friendship towards her, and so may she send her great messenger, who shall talk with his Council, and the Queen's wishes be fulfilled, that the Queen and himself may be in good friendship and everlasting love.—“Written in our princely Court of Muscovy, in the year from the making of the world 7076, in the month of September, Indictione 11, of our age the 34, of our Imperial reign in Russia the 21, of Kasan the 16, and of Astrokan the 15.”
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Tho. Randolph, Tho. Bannester, Jeffry Duckett.”
2 pp.
Modern copy of the preceding.
1141. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
1567, Oct. 18. Reporting that on the 26th September he had audience of the Archduke (Charles of Austria), and giving a detailed and most favourable description of His Highness's person, bearing, character, accomplishments, and possessions.—Vienna, 18 October 1567.
2 pp. [Lodge, Vol. I., pp. 445–449. In extenso.]
1142. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
1567, Oct. 26. Giving the details, verbatim, of a conference had by him with the Archduke Charles of Austria on the subject of the royal marriage.—Vienna, 26 October 1567.
3 pp. [Lodge, Vol. I., pp. 451–456. In extenso.]
1143. Lord Cobham.
1567, Nov. 5. Obligation by Lois Sohyer and Jacob Fyssher to hold Lord Cobham harmless in the matter of Piers St. Leger's wines.
1 p.
1144. Sir Wm. Cecil to Lord Cobham.
1567, Nov. 8. Thanks him for mentioning his brother's arrival. Many say that he hath been at London secretly three days past. His brother cannot have speech with him (Cecil), except by coming to the Court in the morning before nine.
Modern copy. 1 p.
1145. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir Wm. Cecil.
156[7], Dec. 3. Has so many ways to thank Cecil that he knows not where to begin. Thanks him for his last granted lease. Wishes occasion were offered wherein his goodwill might give some testimony, but his ill fortune is such that he is beholden to divers and can requite few. Was prettily in the mending hand, and now is somewhat shrunken again, which makes him that he cannot write, which else he would.—From Norwich, 3 December 156[7].
P.S.—Would be glad to hear somewhat of Lord Arundel's answer.
Seal with arms. 1 p.
Modern copy of the preceding.
1146. The Parliament at Edinburgh.
1567, Dec. 15. A list of those who were present in the Parliament held at Edinburgh on the 15th Dec. 1567.—“Extractum e libris Parliamenti per me, Magistrum Jacobum Makgill,” &c.
D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 57. [Anderson, Vol. 2, fol. 228. In extenso.]
1147. Thomas Scott to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1567, Dec. 21. Notifies that Sir John Desmond fell sick between Stone and Lichfield, so that they had much ado to get him to Lichfield, and thus they are constrained to tarry there to see what he will do tomorrow, when, if there be any health in him, they will travel towards London. Their greatest lack is money (as the bearer Mr. Skyddy can show) for the conveyance of the said Earl and others that attend on him.—Lichfield, 21 December 1567.
1 p.
1148. The Earl of Arundel to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1567, Dec. 26. Thanks him for his letter of advertisements. If there were any in those parts worth telling, he would send them to Cecil. “And touching the end of your letter, it is true that I have heard, I remember not well myself what, touching Henry Cobham's journey from C. towards my lord of Sussex, but if there had been anything therein worthy the understanding, I would have been glad to have heard the same from you, as I have done other occurrences, wherein (I thank you), you have taken pains to remember me. And yet I pray you take it meanly [moderately], that I shall say; peradventure you remember that as I ever have been greedy of understanding matters of weight, so now, being further off, I would not greatly covet the understanding of more than I must needs. And, if it were so, afore God, I thank you; and therewith will no longer trouble you, but pray your friendly continuance in sort as ye have begun, and you shall not fail mine, if it may do you as much pleasure.”—Arundel Castle, 26 December 1567.
Seal. 1¾ pp.
Modern copy of the preceding.
1149. Acts passed in Scotland.
1567, Dec. A list of the Acts of Parliament passed in Scotland in December 1567.—Touching the abolishing of the Pope, the abrogation of the Mass, and the establishment and regulation of the “trew Kirke.”
Modern copy. 1 p.
1150. Interrogatories (seven in number) for John Appleyard.
[1567]. Who came to you to fetch you over the Thames? What was your communication with the unknown party over against Hampton Court? Did you ever say to any person that the party said that he came from the Duke of Norfolk or the Earl of Sussex? What have you heard of any thing offered for the revoking the commission granted to Mr. Elliott? &c., &c.
1 p.
1151. Appleyard's Examination.
[1567]. Examination of John Appleyard before the Marquis of Northampton, the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of Arundel, Lord Clinton, and Sir Wm. Cecil.
When he lay at Hampton Court with William Huggins about a year past one came over the water to require him to speak to a certain person on the other side the water, who, amongst other speeches, said to him that seeing the E. of Leicester did him no more good, although he had deserved much at his hand, if he would be content to stir some matter against him for the death of his wife, he should find good maintenance therein, and should not 1,000l. (sic) to relieve him. Whereunto he answered that he would always stand with the Earl against any person saving the Queen. Whereupon the party went away. Being asked why he did not stay him, he saith he went over but in his nightgown, and had no weapon about him, and that the other party had a servant standing not far of. The party was like a merchant man. He told this tale as an adventure to Mr. Thomas Blount, but thought little of it. The Duke of Norfolk or Earl of Sussex were not named. Among his speeches concerning the Earl, he said that he had received many fair promises of good terms, but he never had the fruits thereof, although he had in the time of the Earl's trouble, which he specified to be in Queen Mary's time, ventured all that he had to help the said Earl and his wife. As to rewards, received from the Earl, he answered, that the Earl had offered to send him into Ireland, and to give him 100l. in his purse, and 100 marks yearly, with recommendation to his brother, Sir Henry Sidney, but afterwards the Earl moved him to go into France and serve there, to which he consented provided the Earl would first pay his debts, which the Earl was not able to do, considering his own debts and other his burdens, all which were but fair promises. Yet, being reminded, he admitted that the Earl had procured him a commission under the Great Seal to seize in any place upon the sea-coast certain prizes upon his own authority without proceeding in any court to prove his title, wherein the favour showed unto him as no man ever had the like in this time. Secondly, the Earl stood bound for him to discharge a debt of 400l. Thirdly, he obtained him the office of portership of Berwick, and he also procured him to be made sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, to give him credit and countenance. Furthermore, in his speech, he said that he had oftentimes moved the Earl to give him leave and to countenance him in the prosecuting of the trial of the murder of his sister, adding that he did take the Earl to be innocent thereof, but yet he thought it an easy matter to find out the offenders, showing certain circumstances which moved him to think surely that she was murdered, whereunto the Earl always answered him that he thought it not fit to deal any further in the matter, considering that by order of law it was already found otherwise, and that it was so presented by a jury. Nevertheless, Appleyard upon this examination, said the jury had not as yet given up their verdict. Also, in his speeches, he said that the Earl's displeasure towards him had been caused by Horsey and Christmas, but the Earl of his own disposition was his good lord. He saith that he never made mention of any money to be given to the Earl of Pembroke or Mr. Secretary for the calling in of the Commission granted to Elliott and others, but he saith that Christmas asked him thereof and would have had him confess it.
On the back of this paper Cecil writes :—
“ Tryndell examined before the said persons and at the said time upon sundry matters saith, that at one time he heard John Appleyard and William Huggyns of Hampton Court reasoning together concerning the producing forth of a person that should declare such matter as partly is touched afore to be spoken to Appleyard, and Appleyard said to Huggyns that he was sworn not to name the party, but he would point him out with his finger in the street, and this communication was upon a long letter that Appleyard wrote to the E. of Leicester.
“Item, Tryndell saith that bringing answer from the Earl of Leicester to Appleyard, that he could not help him in his requests, as he desired, Appleyard used words of anger, and said amongst other things, that he had for the Earl's sake covered the murder of his sister.”
½ p.
Modern copy of the preceding and of the interrogatories administered to Appleyard.
5 pp.
1152. J. A. [John Appleyard] to [Richard, his servant].
[1567.] Marvels that Mr. Yevance [Evans] is so new-fangled to seek to deal with others about the patent, for besides that he hath subscribed to such articles as they are agreed unto, his bond of 500l. still stands in force to Mr. Weatherall. When before the Council, the Lord Steward, and Mr. Secretary, reciting what good turns the E. of Leicester had done for the writer, they specially named that office, still, he is prepared to sell it for 700l. Where Yevance mislikes Weatherall, he hath no cause so to do. Has moved Mr. Cobham to talk with a friend to lend Yevance 80l. upon the patent, of which the writer requires 30l. This may be speedily dispatched and relieve both of them. Yevance is ever craving of him, but will never trust him with the patent or any other thing. Of the 20l. he received, his son had 10l., and the balance in hand is but 20 shillings, but this Yevance shall have, if he will go through with Cobham's friend. Trusts that Cobham is not so ill as writer is, for since Thursday at dinner there came no bread in his mouth. Bids him to be circumspect in delivering and receiving letters, for there is great eye given to them. Asks him to tell Yevance that he sees that he wholly despairs of the writer being in trouble. The writer binds his belief on the God who yet never failed him. He is to ask Yevance, if he can, to borrow Foxe's book of the Martyrs, if he cannot, to ask Mr. Haclet [Hakluyt], to whom he desires his commendations, as also to Mr. Snag.—Undated. Signed : “Yor loving mr, J. A.”
1 p.
1153. John Appleyard to Richard [his servant].
[1567.] Prays him to go to Mr. Weatherall and tell him what Evans is doing about his office, and to see if he will enter bond for 200l., the patent to be consigned to him for his assurance. Gives instructions for the redemption of his stuff and apparel. Marvels why Bromley keeps his shirt, since he hath need of it.— Undated.
½ p.
1154. Interrogatories to be answered by William Huggyns.
[1567.] How often did John Appleyard inform you of any offers made to him to provoke him to prosecute matter against my lord of Leicester? Where were you when Appleyard went over the Thames to speak with one that came to move him in such a purpose? Who came to fetch Appleyard? How many persons did you see on the other side of the Thames with Appleyard? Did Appleyard stand or walk whilst he communed with the party? &c., &c.
In Cecil's handwriting. 1 p.
1155. Interrogatories for —.
[1567.] What talk have you had with the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Sussex, and the Earl of Leicester within the last three years? What conference had you at Hampton Court with any man having your abode there concerning the above parties? What occasion moveth you to haunt so familiarly the company of Tryndell?
Endorsed by Cecil : “App [legarth]—Denial of knowledge of the man, all (sic) that he told it to Th. Blount. That he never had anything but promises, without fruits; he had relieved him and his wife by sale of his land; he had moved to have the trial of the murder. That Christmas and Horsey spoke to him of the Earl Pembroke and the Secretary. Trendle. That he heard Huggyns and him reason about discovery that he had sworn not name; that he in anger said that he had covered the death of his wife.”
1 p.
1156. Divinity.
[1567]. A paper endorsed by Cecil : “A discours in Dyvinite, 1567,” commencing :—“Forasmuch as faith is the only gift of God not purchased by any preventing merit or desert of man, either abridged by any former looseness or enormity of life, there is great suspense of judgment in all estates to be had, which are lightened with any knowledge of Christ (be it never so small), and great toleration towards weaklings in faith, of perfect persons to be used, &c.”
2 pp.
1157. “Burghley's Journal.”
1567. A collection of certain yearly accidents, namely, of the proceedings for the Queen's Majesty's marriage : 1558 to 1567.
By Cecil. 2 pp.
1158. Affairs of Ireland.
[1567?] Three books concerning Irish affairs. Disorders, and proposals for remedies. More decay in the English pale now than when the Earl of Sussex departed. Sir Henry Sydney to know how much of the country hath been cessed, &c., by his commission, and are yet unanswered. Arguments against some points in “Mr. Sneyth's book.” Notes of enactments. Memoranda regarding the church, education, agriculture, garrisons, defences, colonization, &c. “The grounds upon which we go about to plant, inhabit, and occupy the waste lands.”
101 pp.