Cecil Papers: 1557

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Cecil Papers: 1557', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp138-146 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1557', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp138-146.

"Cecil Papers: 1557". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp138-146.


510. Sir Philip Hoby to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1556/7, Jan. 2. I thank you for the kindly visitation of your friends here at Bisham, to whom you should have been welcome if my Lady might have spared you, to whom you have been as good a nurse, as you would have her to be good nurse to you. Your man has been here to view my work, but it is not sufficiently advanced; if he returns in three or four weeks he will be better able to serve your turn. Mr. Mason arrives with his wife to-morrow night, and the Lord Privy Seal on Monday. You would be welcome, but fear you can make no step without the licence of my Lady.—Bisham, 2 January 1556.
1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
511. Sir Anthony Cooke to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1556/7, Jan. 10. Has received Cecil's letter of the 12th Dec. Is glad to hear his daughter is well delivered, and although a son might have been more welcome, yet the bringing forth fruit twice in so few years and in this time of her age, gives good hope, “though she were not happy at the beginning.” Has no good tidings from hence, has been very ill with a colick. Mr. Haddon's health is not yet restored. It is said here that the holy father at Rome is hardly handled by the Duke of Alva; thinks it hard to say whether they are glad or sorry for it in England.—Strasburg, 10 January 1556.
Holograph. 1 p.
512. Lord-Thomas Wentworth to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1556/7, Jan. 16. Desires Cecil to furnish his cousin Sir Thomas Cornwalleys, now at court, with a note of a house standing near Thames side, built by the Duke of Somerset, then Sir Edward Seymour.—Calais, 16 January 1556.
½ p.
513. Sir Robert Brooke [Chief Justice of the Common Pleas] to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1556/7, Feb. 15. Requesting Cecil to allow his neighbours, John Spede, of London, tailor, and Elizabeth, his wife, to rent Cecil's house in Paul's Churchyard.—London, 15 February 1556.
514. Sir Philip Hoby to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1556./7, Feb. 21. Has perceived by my Lord's letter, forwarded by Cecil, how straightlaced he is, in not taking less than 400l. When last in London, had offered his man 300l. Now sends bearer to join with my Lord's man, and to go through with the assurance thereof. Requests Cecil to direct the bearer to some learned counsel, to investigate the title, and to make search for the award between Sir Walter Stoner and Sir Adrian Fortescue. Advises Cecil “to come abroad and not to tarry so long with my Lady, and in such a stinking city, the filthiest of the world,” whereby he should drive bees out of his head, and see now that which before was not thought upon.—Bisham, 21 February 1556.
1 p.
515. Lord John Grey to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1556/7, Feb. 26. Announces his wife's deliverance of a “gholly boye,” and requests Cecil and his cousin Thomas Wotton to make it a Christian soul. His wife was taken five weeks before her time, otherwise they would have been in London, proving the proverb, that man proposeth and God disposeth. Asks Cecil to send a deputy in case business or sickness should occasion his absence.—Walden, 26 February.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“1556, Lord John Grey, from Walden, for shreuyng of his sonne.”
Holograph. 1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
516. Sir Thomas Cornwallis to Sir W. Cecil.
1556/7, March 5. Informs Cecil that my Lord Lieutenant showed an earnest inclination of goodwill towards him. Finds that the cause of this was Cecil's offer to clear his Lordship of many articles, when the matter between him and Recorde was opened before the Judges. Thinks it may stand him in good stead if he have any occasion to use his Lordship, who is now in great credit with the Queen.—Calais, 5 March 1556.
Addressed to :—Cannon Row, Westminster.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 203. In extenso]
517. Sir Philip Hoby to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1556/7, March 7. Perceives by Cecil's letter, as by Walter Walshe, his great travail to help him, for which his thanks are offered. Is satisfied with my Lord's title, and suggests that the conveyance should be arranged by Walshe, as the purchase money is to be provided out of monies held by him [Hoby] in trust and payable to Walshe's sisters on marriage; the sisters to receive the rent of the land, by way of interest until the loan is paid off. Is content that the fine be only to Walshe, and possession to be taken by Rob. Shelden. If the King comes so shortly, thinks he shall see Cecil before his coming hither, for he minds then to come to kiss his hand.—Bisham, 7 March 1556.
2 pp.
518. Sir Philip Hoby to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1556/7, March 10 Requesting Cecil to keep the 400l. till my Lord
519. The Earl of Rutland to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1556/7, March 15. Perceives by Cecil's letter of the 12th of March, that he has received 300l. from Sir Philip Hoby for Grafton, the other 100l. to be paid at Easter. His servant Ferrer will receive the money, and deliver the pawn until the assurance shall be made. —The Eagle, 15 March 1556.
P.S.—Prays Cecil to tell Mr. Hoby that he promised to send his armourer ere this.
Addressed to :—Cannon Row, Westminster.
[On the outside of this letter there are some rough pedigree notes in Cecil's handwriting, relating to the families of Medici and Ubaldo.]
1 p.
520. John Hales to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1556/7, March 23. Announcing the death of Mr. Moryson, who has left a very poor widow. Requests Cecil to aid her in obtaining the custody of her son—“who lame, still lieth under the surgeon's fingers”—it being of little value to any one.—23 March 1556.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“1556. 18 Martii. Jhõ Hales tow Mr Morysy~s dethe.”
½ p.
521. Sir Anthony Cook to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, March 27. Yours of the 19th Feb. was very welcome. God send you and my daughter much comfort of your little daughter with increase of sons to serve and fear Him. My mind touching my daughter M. I have signified more at large. God grant she may be as well bestowed as I think long till she be bestowed. I marvel leave could not be given for my son Richard. Would to God his sickness improved ! I have not had at all times most cause to be content with him, but now, I fear, I shall be loth to lack him. My being here is not pleasant, but necessary. God amend the starving that has already begun in England and turn away the threatening of the sword, removing the cause of these and the like plagues, our disobedience to His word and will. Mr. S. hath had a relapse, but will, I hope, recover.—From Strasburg, the 27th of March 1557.
522. Edward Griffin, the Queen's Attorney, to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, April 20. Has received Cecil's letter touching Kirkham and Norwich. Cannot return to London so soon, because of ague. Is sorry Cecil was never of Gray's Inn, “nor can skill of no law.”—From Dingley, 20 April 1557.
½ p.
523. Sir Thos. Cornwaleys to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, April 29. Has received his letter, dated Good Friday, not the two former. Thanks him for his advertisement touching Mr. Garden's travail with Lady Anne of Cleves, whereby he understands she cannot be dissuaded from Westropp, unless recompensed with the house and park of Gulford. Thinks it hard to get for her, yet will confer with his friends, and if encouraged by them will wade further. As Garden says, her grace's disposition towards Westropp is increased by procurement of Mr. Freston, Cofferer. Cecil may let Garden know that if this be true Mr. Cofferer deals doubly. He was one of the first that moved the writer to Westropp. Thinks it is Dune, my lady's auditor, who was of Freston's bringing up.—From Calais, the 29 April, 1557.
P.S. by John Overton, that he will, within 10 days, wait on his master. “Adversity sometimes spiced with good luck is tolerable, so is my oft crossing the seas, having a good master.”
1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
524. Sir Anthony Cooke to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, May 17. I have received your letter, dated on St. George's Day. Here is much talk that the King shall bring great aid with him out of England. God grant it to be for the safety of the realm. Touching my letters, I have written my mind to my son Bacon, which I intend to follow. For your friendly care of me at this time, I take it very thankfully; and if it might so be, I would gladly so declare it presently, but what hope can I have thereof ? Thither I cannot yet come, and it should be a very good errand that could draw you hither.—Strasburg, 17 May 1557.
P.S.—God send my son Richard better health, if it be His will.
1 p.
525. Sir John Mason to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, June 15. If I can by any honest means displace the pest now at Witham, your man shall have it. I hear complaints of Wymberley. When charged therewith he offered to be tried for his honesty and duty by any gentlemen living near him. I appointed Mr. Porter and another, by whom I may be advertised of the honest man's behaviour. If I find to have a just quarrel he shall remove and give place to a man of more honesty. Mr. Spilman and I will work what we can to satisfy your man.—From my poor house at Gonelsbery, the 15 June 1557.
½ p.
526. Sir Anthony Cooke to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, July 12 Has received his letters of 12th and 18th June, and is glad to perceive the confirmation of son Bacon's amendment. Utique Dominus non solum misereatur illius sed etiam mei, ne dolorem habeam super dolorem. As to Cecil's disliking him to remain, trusts he will not be dealt with otherwise than he deserves, the cause thereof is not will but necessity. Cannot fashion himself to write for help to such as he knows not. Has regard in whose debt he comes. Commits his cause to God, the clemency of the Queen, and the goodwill of friends, so as not to be miser ante tempus, to which end prays Cecil to direct his doings, &c.
Wishes his son Bacon not to journey too soon upon his amendment for fear of distemperance. Wrote to the same a good while since his opinion of Mr. N., wherein he desires Cecil's help, &c.—From Strasburg, the 12 July 1557.
1 p.
527. Thos. Lord Wentworth, Lord Deputy, and the Council at Calais to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, July 14. Beg payment of 7l., the portion of Cecil's ward's assessment, Francis Hall's heir, for putting Sandgate Castle into better defence at the commencement of the war with France. The imposition on the under-tenants, together with their labour, will not finish the work. As the landlords profit by the earlier inning of the harvest the surcharge is levied on them 16d. of every £, and 16d. of every raser of wheat. The charge will be gained on the year's profits, notwithstanding the war.—From Calais, this 14 July 1557.
1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
528. Francis, Earl of Bedford to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, July 26. At the writing hereof we were in a manner in readiness to set forwards out of Calais; in a very short space you shall hear further. Be good to my wife and children, under whose (sic) protection I do altogether commit them.—From Calais, the 26 July 1557
½ p. [Haynes, p. 204. In extenso.]
529. Sir Fras. Englefield to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, July 27. Has received his letter with that from the Council of Calais, as to the tax on the lands of the heir of Francis Hall, the Queen's ward, to whom Cecil is committee. Being lessec of the lands Cecil is required to pay 7l.; on examination and proof that he ought not to be so charged he will receive allowance in payment of the rent.—From the Court this 27 July 1557.
½ p.
Modern copy of preceding.
530. Wm. Lord Paget, Lord Privy Seal, to the Privy Council.
1557, July 28. Has received their letter with the complaint of Tylma O'Denstell to them touching the seizure of his ship. As half the salt was Frenchmen's goods, the ship carrying it is according to French and English laws of war fair prize. Yet to avoid trouble and out of charity to the poor man, has written to his man at Plymouth to restore him his ship. As to the misdemeanour with the mayors of Plymouth and Saltash, it grew upon (sic) between the two mayors for their liberties.—From Drayton, the 28th July, 1557.
1 p.
531. Sir Wm. Cecil's Household.
1557. Whitsuntide [July]. Names of those of the household at Wimbledon and Burleigh for whom Cecil provides liveries and badges, with note of the quality of the same provided for each. He provides 28 in all, “Abraham” 3. “Thomas Cecil” occurs in second column under Wymbleton to have a livery and badge of the best.
Endorsed :—“Nōīa Serviēt.”
532. Margaret, Countess of Bedford to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, Aug, 9. The last letter she received from her lord was dated 1 August, when he was in good health and merry. Trusts the sickness that reigns here will not come to the camp; the guns and sword will be punishment enough for them. Hears say when the camp lay within a mile of Ard they lacked no gunshot. For her lord's valiantness Mrs. Clarences tells her the report was made very good. Is going to Chelsea to see stuff and jewels there to be sold, where she wishes she might see Lady Cecil, who, however, is not likely to bestow much money, nor she, yet her mother would have her bestow some for her lord's daughter. “As for the ague I fear not my son. I dare put him to my lady your wife's order.”—From London, the 9th of August.
Endorsed :—1557.
1 p.
533. Margaret, Countess of Bedford to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, Aug. 13. Sends the bond, and prays Cecil to consider the danger thereof, whether the merchant with extremity may require the 400l. or can have no more than the principal. Sends letters from her lord, one for Cecil received yesternight; also 3l. which is four double ducats.—From London, Friday, 13th August.
P.S. Begs him to return her lord's letter. She will come to Wimbledon and teach Cecil's guest a way, if she goes to Antwerp, which is doubtful.
Endorsed :—1557.
1 p.
534. Sir Nicholas Bacon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, Aug. 18. I and my wife thank you of your letter, and are glad that my sister Margaret hath for health sake gotten liberty, and of my sister Elizabeth's recovery; your goddaughter, thanks be to God, is somewhat amended, her fits being more easy, but not delivered of any. It is a double tertian that holds her, and her nurse had a single, but it is gone clearly. To-morrow, by the grace of God, by ten of the clock, I will be at Chanon Row, and if I shall like upon the sight I shall be glad to join with you for the hanging. My doubt is whether Mr. Cofferer be at his house. There be other things I had rather buy than any you write of if they be to be sold, as at our next meeting I shall show you, only the fear of provision for war is the let of this provision meet for peace. Thus wishing to you and my lady as to ourselves, we bid you farewell.—Written at Bedford, this present Wednesday, 1557, by your brother and sister-in-law.
N. Bacon.
[Postcript.] We at Bedford are no less glad of Wimbledon's welfare and especially of little Nan, trusting for all this shrewed fever to see her and mine playfellows many times. Thus wishing continuance of all good things to you at once because your man hasteth away and my husband to dinner. Your loving sister,
A. Bacon.
Holograph. ¼ p.
535. Fras., Earl of Bedford to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, Aug. 21. “Of our proceedings touching the overthrow. I ensure you it was very great, and such another as the like hath not chanced to France of a good while. Since which time, Count Egmont with 2,000 Spaniards and Swartroters, and as many of us, has made a “rode” into France of 22 miles and found no great resistance, nor should have done though we had gone much further. As for the state of the town, I think it will be gotten, whereof our soldiers will not be sorry, by reason they are pinched with scarcity and divers are fallen sick.” I thank you for your continued travail in all my causes.—From our camp before St. Quentins, the 21 August.
Endorsed :—1557.
[Haynes, p. 204. In extenso.]
536. George, Lord Cobham to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, Aug. 27. I thought to have tarried in London till Monday, intending then to have seen my lady's grace. I understand since from thence that her grace is in such wise diseased that she keepeth her chamber. I have therefore deferred my going thither, and am minded to-morrow to repair home again, expecting your coming and my lady's unto my house with my cousin your sister. Send me word what time you will come, and I shall accordingly give order that my barge shall attend for you at your house in London, and my wife's litter at Gravesend.—London, 27 August 1557.
1 p.
537. John Beaumont to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, Sept. 10. Asking that the Rectory of Market Deping may be given to John Oudly.—Stamford, 10 Sept. 1557.
Latin. 1 p.
538. Fras., Earl of Bedford to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, Sept. 13. “It were too old to write you of the great overthrow or of the winning of St. Quintins or Chatelett. The Duke of Savoy came before Hawne 8 Sept.; the King's Majesty the 9th. The town gave over immediately. The castle being very strong held out a while, but yielded likewise. At the same time a number of our Swartroters took Scheney, a town thought to be of good force. As now we look for a remove, but it is not known. Most men think we shall to Pyron, by report the strongest town in France.”—From our Camp beside Hawne, 13 Sept. 1557.
Endorsed :—16th September.
[Haynes, p. 204. In extenso.]
539. Francis, Earl of Bedford to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, Sept. 21. Desires him to take order with Lady Bedford that money may be made towards discharging his debts now on her hands, and to talk with Mr. Isham, and write to Mr. Charles and Mr. Pollard that the wood sales may go forward with all speed though with some loss. His charge this journey has been much greater than he expected, which he begs him to consider. Touching news, there is none other than that the King fortifieth his peace gotten, and will no further this year. “The French King maketh a new power, but we can bear (sic) nothing of the coming forward. The Swartroters have overthrown two or three hundred horse, their service hath been very notable. Our general is sick of an ague, our pay very slack, and people grudge for want.” Trusts they will be speedily discharged.—Camp beside Hawne, 21 Sept. 1557.
1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
540. Sir Robt. Brooke, Lord Chief Justice, to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, Sept. 29. Begs him to be good to the bearer touching a house of Cecil's which he holds in Paul's Churchyard, and which another would put him from.—London, 29 Sept.
Endorsed :—1557.
½ p.
541. John Skinner, Collector of the Loan for the Queen, to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, Oct. 20. Begs Cecil to send a man to receive the 100l. he lent to the Queen last year, which the writer is authorised by warrant of the Queen to repay to him.—At Reigate, 20 October 1557.
½ p.
Modern copy of preceding.
542. Margaret, Lady Bedford to Sir Wm. Cecil.
[1557], Oct. 25. Thanks him for offering to come up touching her and her lord's causes, but would not have him come yet without great occasions as there reigns such sickness at London. If he comes before the end of the term she will require his help towards staying the processes for debt against her lord. Thanks him for conferring with Isham about raising money, and is glad 100l. can be had there. As to Hack's wife feeling aggrieved at such short notice to quit, Servington, the tenant, is responsible; he had as much notice as is required by law. Her request to stay till Lady-day can only be granted on condition she neither sell, fell, nor carry away any underwood.—London, 25 October.
P.S.—My lord is now with the king's majesty at Brussels, and within this se'nnight, I trust he will be at home.
2 pp.
543. George, Lord Cobham to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557, Dec. 26. I thought to make you mindful of your promise to see me this Christmas if my house might entertain so desired a guest. . . And what day you will appoint to come I shall take order for horse and horse litter to attend your arrival.—Cobham Hall, the 26 December 1557.
½ p.
544. Calais.
1557. Pay of the officers and garrison, and the revenue, of Calais.
3 pp.
545. St. Quentin.
1557. Wages of the armament under the Earl of Pembroke, sent Anno 1557 to St. Quentin.
6 pp.
546. “Petitions of the Lord Deputy of Ireland” [Thomas Ratcliffe, Earl of Sussex].
1557. (1.) For the remission of the fine of his livery for the land that was the jointure of the Countess of Arundel. (2.) For the increase of his entertainment to 2,000l. per annum. (3.) For re-payment of 800l. lent to the Queen, which he “borrowed at his coming away, when no money was to be gotten.” (4.) For the renewing of his patent for the Justice of the Forests, for life, in like manner as Charles, Duke of Suffolk, or any other before him. (5.) For remission of payment of the subsidy, for that he is informed that the Deputy of Calais and Deputy of Ireland pay no subsidy. (6.) That consideration may be had of the great charges Sir Henry Sidney hath been and shall be at.
Endorsed :—“1557.”
1 p.
547. Memoranda for Commercial Treaty between England and Muscovy.
1557. The subjects of Muscovy to have liberty to come and go and to sell their merchandise; the merchants to be under the special protection of their Majesties [Philip and Mary]; to pay the taxes paid by other Christian Princes' subjects; to have a house in London or elsewhere; justice of the Lord Chancellor, &c. Wrecked goods to be kept, &c. Artificers and craftsmen to have liberty to come and go. Ambassadors to be sent (Mr. Chamberlain). Presents to the Duke, &c.
Endorsed :—1557.
548. Names of the Lords and Gentlemen who attended the Earl of Lincoln into France.
[1557]. Lords Talbot, Clinton, Dacre, Sand, Rich, Sir Edward Hastings, Sir Henry Borough, Giles Brydges, Sir Arthur Champernowne, Philip Sidney, Sir Jerome Bowes, Messrs. Charles Arundel, Middlemore, Scadamore, Ralph Bowes, Leke Paston, and Captain Shute.—Undated.
¾ p.
549. Boulogne.
[1557]. Wages at Boulogne.—Undated.
550. Military Expenses.
[1557]. Wages, charges, &c., of 10,000 men. Staff of the Duke's Grace, Lord Grey, &c. Notes of troops in Almayn, Normandy, and Newhaven.—Undated.
4 pp.
551. Naval Affairs.
[1557 ?]. View of repairs requisite for certain ships, by James Baker, Benjamin Gonson, &c.—Undated.
½ p.