Cecil Papers: 1558

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Cecil Papers: 1558', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp146-150 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1558', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp146-150.

"Cecil Papers: 1558". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp146-150.


552. Arthur Hall to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557/8, January 12. Requests an allowance from Cecil, his guardian, either to go into France, as he and his mother desire, or, if wars hinder, to the Inns of Court. She will provide 20l. or 30l. a year towards it.—12 January 1557.
Endorsed :—13 Jan. 1556.
2 pp.
553. Sir Anthony Cook to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1557/8, January 24. Is much troubled with the ill news of the taking of Calais. “Was not a little astonied with these news which make in England a sorrowful end of Christmas and altereth matters this Parliament purposed, whereof the good had no need of let, and if any were otherwise this will increase and not remedy them.” The book he wrote of to his knowledge he never saw. Mr. Cheke's books here have been perused but it cannot be found. Has seen a register of Mr. Cheke's own hand of his Greek written books, and it is not among them.—From Strasburg the 24th January 1557.
[Haynes, p. 205. In extenso.]
1 p.
554. Philip II. to Lord Admiral Clinton.
1558, April 6. Thanking him for his diligence and zeal in fitting out the fleet and for his valour and affection for the Queen, and urging him to maintain the same.—Brussels, 6 April mdlviii.
Latin. ½ p.
555. Wm. Tooke, Auditor of the Court of Wards and Liveries.
1558, June 29. Warrants for allowances to William Tooke, Auditor of the Court of Wards and Liveries, for engrossing his accounts.—Dec. 2, 1553 to June 29, 1558.
3 pp.
556. Will of Lady Anne Cobham.
1558, Oct. 7. Will of Lady Anne Cobham, dated 7 Oct. 1558. Gives direction for her body to be buried in the church of Cobham “without pomp or pride.” Bequeaths sundry legacies to her children, Katherine Cobham, George, John, Henry, Thomas, Edmund, and Edward Cobham; to each of the four alms children whom she found 40s. and 2 “kene” a piece; to Mr. Okenton and his wife, 6l. 13s. 4d.; to Anne Gardyner, alias Watts, 6s. 8d., one quarter of wheat, and another of malt. “As touching my jewels and apparel, I give and bequeath to my daughter the Lady Marquis, a jewel set with diamonds, with a great pearl thereto appendant, three boxes of silver, a taglet of gold for a lace to a kirtle, two of my best wrought handkerchiefs, a piece of gold called a sovereign, and the best ring I have.” Gives to her son, Henry Cobham, her cup of silver, with a brake upon the cover, and two of her handkerchiefs; to her daughter, George Cobham's wife, a gown of wrought velvet furred with jennets, a kirtle of purple velvet, and 4l. in money to pay for the nursing of her child; to Elizabeth, child of the said George Cobham, a pomander enclosed with gold, and a little “mawdelyn” cup of silver gilt; to her daughter Katherine divers gowns, &c., specified, “a piece of gold called a double ducat,” and two rings. Then follow divers bequests to Mr. and Mrs. Okenton, to Richard Brooke and his wife, and to her servants. “All my yarn & hemp I give & bequeath amongst my laundry servants, and all the wool that I refined for myself to be likewise divided amongst them to make them frocks.” Gives 40s. to Henry Byer for making this will. The residue of her goods bequeathed to her son William Brook, knight, Lord Cobham, who is appointed sole executor, Sir Percival Hart, knight, being appointed “overseer.”
Orignal. Seal. 2 pp..
557. Antonio Pecci to Francis Yaxley.
1558, Dec. 6. In his last from Rome he informed Yaxley of his arrival. Thence he journeyed to Naples where he found that Don Giovanni Mauriques, the Viceroy, had already left, and Cardinal de Quona remained in his place till the arrival from Spain of the new Viceroy, the Marquis of Tarifa. Has commenced his business but fears it will be long and troublesome, because the King had been so liberal to all who had been of service to him that almost all the ordinary revenues are assigned, and there is some difficulty how to allot to him the 500 golden crowns which his Majesty wished to be paid to him annually for life. Has not been wanting in diligence, being anxious to get to Rome. Begs Yaxley's aid if he has any opportunity to assist him. Has already been 18 months without pay from the King, or aid from anyone, and hardly knows how he is still alive. From Rome they hear that, the King having sent as ambassador Don Giovanni Figarola, his Holiness would not receive him, as he had fallen under excommunication, whilst Governor of Milan, for sequestrating the revenues of the Archbishopric of Milan, and on a notary of the Chamber being sent to him to tell him that he ought not to retain them, he imprisoned the messenger; so that the Pope had caused him to understand by Signor Ascanio Caracciolo, ambassador in Rome for the affairs of this kingdom, that if he came to Rome he would be burnt, and his Holiness by a messenger to his Majesty has requested a new choice. We await the result.—Naples, 6 December 1558.
Italian. 1 p.
558. [The Merchant Strangers of London] to the Privy Council.
1558, December. Complain that the customers and controllers of the Customs serve not the Queen truly but convert much thereof to their own private lucre and advantage, to the great annoyance of merchant strangers, and pray the Queen to stay the granting of those offices and make inquiry and search. Whereas by statute no customer or controller nor their deputies or clerks should have any part of shipping, or use or occupy any stock of merchandise, or have any wharves for lading or unlading, yet divers of them occupy great stocks privily by their factors that bear the name thereof who may carry and convey at all times all manner of wares prohibited by the statutes. “If any merchant stranger or other bring any wares of commodity or profit, when they come to the customers to make their entry, then immediately their factors shall have knowledge of such wares before they shall make their entry, and if they will not sell it to their factors they shall be searched.” Bribes and rewards given them must needs be great. “It is manifest to all men that not only the customer after he is in office is soon a great rich man, although he come bare to it, but also his clerk that keepeth the custom house. Some there be that be well known that at their coming into office to be the customer's clerk were not able to have (your honours not offended) so much as a pair of hosen to their loins, and within 11 or 12 years worth thousands.” Pray the Queen of the avoiding of all craft and deceit, to set it in farm to the township of the port for three, five, or more years, with good assurance, and to have the rates of all manner of wares and merchandise set over the gate of the Custom House that all men may know what they ought to pay. If any merchant convey prohibited wares beyond seas it may well to be known by the owner, master, boatswain, &c., after their return upon their oaths taken within one month following what wares were so taken, and if the default be found contrary to the entry in the Custom House then to be forfeited all that is not entered. Also, for the encouragement of merchants, that the Q. would bear favour to them in every 20 ton lading to allow four or five ton paying no custom, &c.
Endorsed :—December 1558.
2 pp.
559. “Burghley's Journal.”
1558. A brief diary of events from 1553 to 1558; being part of Burghley's Journal.
4 pp. [Murdin, pp. 746, 747.]
560. Lord Clinton.
[1558]. “The cause I was sent for to Brussels.” [From indorsement in Lord Clinton's hand.]
First, of the readiness of the navy and what number of ships and men, and for what time victuals.
What number may be set on land by the said navy.
What knowledge I have of the coast of France.
What port or haven may be taken there, and whether the same may be only with an army by sea, or not, without any army by land.
What my opinion is touching the recovery of Calais, wherein was long discourse divers ways.
What I understand of the seat and strength of Mottrell [Montreuil] and Boulogne.
What my opinion is touching the passing of an army over the water of Somme towards Rew [Rue] and St. Valery, and how vessels may enter there out of the sea, and of what burden.
How victuals might come out of Flanders and England upon necessity.
In what case England is for plenty of corn and victuals, and the likelihood of the fruit of this year.
What regard and preparation is had for the defence of the frontier against Scotland for “Sodens” [suddens], and what further order is taken if any invasion by an army shall be offered, whereof his Highness seemed to have great care, and feareth that slackness may be a danger to it as [it] was to Calais, whereof his Majesty gave warning and offered aid which was refused.
His Majesty commanded me to put the Queen's Majesty in remembrance, and her Council to have good foresight, of the defence of the frontier and. the forts there; saying, that rather than such chance should happen as of late to Calais, he would rather be at the defence thereof his own person.
That his Majesty hath intelligence out of France of great preparation to the sea, for transporting of an army into Scotland under the charge of the Duke of Vendome, as some say, but it is thought to be the Vidame of Chartres [François de Vendôme] accompanied with many Captains.
What may be taken for the meeting on the sea of the said army for to impeach that journey.
“The second calling.”
Repeating the first conference, willed me to speak in his Majesty's behalf, that there may be order taken that victuals for the said navy may be in readiness to serve upon all occasions until the last of September.
And that between this and the last of the next of the month the whole navy may be in readiness to set sail, by which time his Highness will advertise the Queen what is to be done best for the advancement of their Majesties' service against the enemy. And in the meantime if any knowledge of the French navy be had, of their going to Scotland, that then all be done that is possible to encounter them with the Queen's navy.
His Highness, at my departing, specially commanded me to declare his displeasure and grief by the let of his journey lately intended to see the Queen's Majesty.—Undated.
2 pp.
561. Genealogy of the Cobham Family, &c.
[1558]. Genealogy of the Cobham family, with those of the Earl of Hereford, and the house of Peverel, from Edward I. to Philip and Mary.—Undated.
A Roll, 10 feet long.
562. Royal Genealogy of England.
[1558]. Genealogical roll of the Kings of England, from the creation of the world to Queen Elizabeth, with their collateral branches. Illuminated coats of arms.—Undated.
A Roll, 30 yards long.