Index: S

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


S. . . ., a daughter of, proposed marriage with the son of Don Francesco Aldo, 50.

Sachar, Lord. See Sanquhar.

Sachevill, Thomas, letter from, 35.

Sackford, Sir H., 702.

Sackville (Sacvill) :

Thomas, Lord Buckhurst, “my Lord Treasurer,” 9, 17, 23, 27, 44, 58, 96, 114, 125(2), 135, 145, 150, 152, 158, 197, 227, 309, 441, 463, 464, 465.

—, letters from, 8, 29, 51, 73, 83, 100, 104, 197, 198(2), 202, 283, 309, 401, 413, 415, 461, 492, 604, 633, 642, 646.

—, letters to, 104, 192, 196, 219, 261, 273, 337, 343, 346, 355, 383, 621, 642.

—, copy of a letter to, 126.

—, minute and letter signed by, 60, 247.

—, dealings with Sir Henry Neville with regard to his fine, 80, 95, 96.

—, Sir J. Gilbert discontented with a letter of, 117.

—, records endorsed “note of bonds and treaties delivered to,” 258.

—, conference concerning the claims of the Merchant Adventurers and other merchants, 283, 286.

—, charges against, as regards frauds on the Customs, 566, 567, 568.

—, a ward for, 577.

—, indisposition of, 633, 657.

—, in connexion with the transport of corn, 637.

—, allusion to his decision with regard to the apparelling of forces, 704.

—, his son Ro[bert], 567.

—, his daughter “Glen,” 567.

Thomas, and an unnamed brother, sons of Lord Buckhurst, requests from their father as to, 309, 310.

—, at Padua, intelligence received from, 461.

Sacre, Cape, 173.

Sadler, Capt., commander of a vessel, 357.

Sadlier, Sir Th., referred to by Sir E. Coke as “my brother,” dangerously ill, 90.

Saetia” (sagettye, sayetae, sattea), a prize, 99, 102, 116, 117, 120.

goods found in, 108, 132, 152, 153.

pillaged in Cornwall, 114.

unladen, 131.

Sagar, Jacques, attendant upon the French Ambassador, 467.

Sailors and mariners, a warrant for the pressing of, referred to, 54.

St. Albert, fort of, taken by a fireship, 116.

St. Andera, St. Anderewes in Beskye. See Santander.

St. Andrews (Androis), [co. Fife, Scotland], convention to be held at, for the agreement of Earl Huntley and Earl Murray, 201.

St. Asaph, Bishop of. See Morgan.

St. Catharine's, 407.

letter dated at, 147, 503.

St. Crosses, living of, held by the Dean of Windsor, 160, 163.

St. Cruce. See Santa Cruz.

St. Davids, Bishop of. See Rudd.

St. Domingo sugar, chests of, taken in a prize, 108.

St. Edmund's Bury, a prisoner in the common gaol at, 62.

St. Germain, 287, 348.

St. Helena, 290, 459.

St. Hubert [Netherlands], 476.

St. Ives (Tyves), 108.

St. Jhonestone [Scotland], convention to be held at, 201.

St. John :

—, 413.

Sir Oliver, 516.

—, letter from, 483.

—, embarkation of, 491.

William, Esq., publicly slanders Sir H. Poulet, 34.

Sir W., 516.

St. Leger (Sellenger) :

Lady, money to be paid to, method of payment, 202.

Sir Warram, 202.

St. Loreto, church of. See Lisbon.

St. Lucas. See San Lucar.

St. Malo (Maloes), 432, 573.

a ship of, 80.

news brought from, 400.

St. Martin's (Santmertin's), letter dated at, 61.

St. Mary, port of (St. Marieporte), 99, 147, 172.

St. Michael (Michell), Walter, Baron of Reeban in the County of Kildare, letter and petition from, 433, 578.

St. Michael, Mount [co. Cornwall], Sir R. Cecil's purchase of the manor of, 680.

St. Nicholas, the passage to, under consideration at the conference at Bremen, 283, 473, 487.

Island and Fort of. See Plymouth.

St. Omer, 148, 149, 213, 570.

St. Omer's College, 88.

St. Osyth (Osithes), letter dated at, 280.

St. Paul, his exhortation to Timothy, allusion to, 171.

St. Pol, Count of, put to death for treason, the King of France's allusion to his descent from, 300.

St. Rocks, Jesuits of, 339.

St. Sebastian (Spain), 148.

adventures of an Englishman at, 568.

St. Stephen's (Stevens), parish, [Cornwall], 393, 559.

St. Thomas, 132, 339.

St. Thomo (Santome) sugars, 107, 348.

St. Toualls. See Setubal.

St. Trond (Troye, Truyen) [Netherlands], 203, 223, 268, 269.

St. Tuvall. See Setubal.

St. Vit Bastoigne, 476.

St. Vittores, Monsieur de, letter from, 565.

St. Vues. See Setubal.

Salisbury (Sarum), 2.

letter dated at, 109, 429.

Dean of. See Bridges.

Salisbury (Salesbury, Salsbury, Salusbury) :

Sir John, letters from, 118, 263, 391, 467.

—, suit for a deputy-lieutenancy, a complaint, 263, 264.

—, mentions his uncle, 264, 468.

—, matter of, allusion to, 342.

Capt. John, 468.

—, concerned in a case in the Star Chamber, 118.

John, of Denbighshire, priest, description of his person, 212.

Piers, of Denbighshire, sheriff of Merionshire, 482.

Sallowes, Robert of Cork, prisoner in the galleys at Sluys, 561.

Salmon, Christopher, petition from, 581.

Salop. See Shropshire.

Saltash, carrack of, mentioned, 697.

grounding place made at, for men-of-war, 238.

Saltford, one, Queen's preacher in the co. of Lancaster, 606.

Saltpetre, supply of, 63, 64, 542.

Saltonstol, Samuel, and his wife, mentioned, 670.

Saluzzo (Salucces), Marquisate of, as to the disposal of, 50.

Salviatti, Signor Amerigo, desires Cecil's recommendation to Sir Francis Vere, 157.

Salvyn, Gerrard, of co. Durham, petition for the wardship of the heir of, 391.

Sambeck (Sambeeck), [Netherlands], 202, 203.

Sambole,” governor of the Citadel of Metz, 643.

Samin, David and Jacques, merchants, 704.

San Giovanni, 347.

San Lucar (Lewcas, Lucars, Lucus, &c.), 47, 99, 133, 173, 193, 332, 420, 447.

reported Spanish fleet at, said to be bound for Ireland, 80.

arrival of treasure ships at, notified, 172.

Sancy, Mons. de, treaty with France by, 255.

commission to, 256.

bond of, 257.

Sanders, Anthony, servant of Sir Thomas Fane, 210.

Sandwich, 464.

Sandys (Sandes) :

Lord, 96.

W., J.P., for Hampshire, 677.

Sanquhar (Sachar, Sankier, Sanchyer), Lord, 15, 177.

letter from, 559.

leaves France, 150.

in England, 612.

on his way to France, 559.

Santa Cruz (Cruse, Croce), Marquis de, 277, 655.

British naval engagement with, 183.

wounded in a sea fight, 254.

brother of. See Vassan.

Santander (St. Andera, St. Anderewes), 293, 334, 335, 397, 398, 450.

Santiago (Sainct Yago) [Galicia, Spain], 216.

order of the knighthood of, offered as a bribe, 591.

Santmertin's. See St. Martin's.

Santons, the, 121.

Saperton, letter dated at, 635.

Saravia, Had., Prebend of Westminster, letter from, 142.

Sarmiento, Don Pedro, 293.

Sarum. See Salisbury.

Saskers, Tobie, of Harling in Friesland, mariner, 499.

Saunders (Saunder) :

Henry, description of his travels, 568–570.

John, mariner of Rye, petition from, 578.

Dr., “a book of his making,” 85.

Savage (Savadge, Savidge &c.) :

Sir Arthur, correspondence with regard to his dealings with the Earl of Cumberland, 539, 573, 648, 674.

—, letter signed by, 516.

Mr., 116.

Mr., a gift from, 528.

Saville (Savyle) :

Mr., 272.

kinsman of Sir Henry Neville, 6.

Savoy :

reported Spanish troops for, 246.

murmurs of war with France, 325, 326(2), 387.

precautions taken to secure it against France, 345.

the discourse of, mentioned, 576.

Spanish ambassador to. See Mendo.

Prince or Duke of, 123, 310.

—, rumoured marriage of, 137.

—, defers his journey to Spain, 156.

—, fears animosity on the part of France, 325, 326(2), 345, 387.

—, proposed marriage for a daughter of, arrangements as to dowry and exchange of territories, 328, 329.

—, subjects of, to quit Provence, 347.

the princes of, to be taken to Spain by Don Carlo Doria, 406.

Sawcombe, 427.

Sawcy Forest, an office in, vacant, petition for, 70.

Sawlistine,” 265.

Saxey, William, letter from, 68.

Saxony, heretic preacher from, arrested, 122.

Elector or Duke of, alliance with the King of Denmark's sister, 122, 153, 156, 311, 326, 376, 381.

—, account of an accident to, 381.

—, a picture of, referred to, and his appearance described, 507.

—, sends to the diet convoked at Prague, 644.

—, brother of, proposed movements of, 122, 156.

Saxsy, Capt., 117.

Saynhed, the, 389.

Scanderoon. See Alexandretta.

Scanian rebels, general pardon for, 137.

Scaramelli or Scarumelli, Signor Giova Carlo, Secretary to the State of Venice, in England, 617, 641.

letter from, 679.

Scharratt, Henry, priest, 229.

information given by, 236.

Schiavona, news from, 137.

Schismatics, defined, allied with the recusants, 367.

Schonberg (Schoumbrough, Schombergh), Count of (Signor di), Imperial Commissioner for the Conference at Bremen, 58, 644, 657.

interview with the King of France, 146.

his wife, sister of the Landgrave of Hesse, alluded to, 644.

Schoonevalle, Sr. de. See Caron.

Scici, Monsieur de. See Cecil, Sir Robert.

Scilly (Silly), Islands of, 35, 220, 404.

Sir F. Godolphin alludes to his deputy in, 428.

Scio, 313.

Scobbel (Scoble, &c.), Capt., pinnace of, in an engagement, 102.

challenges a part in the prizes, 116, 119.

difference with Mr. Cole, 378.

Scocchi,” the, prisoners, punishment of, 122.

Scorie, reputed dealings with the Dean of Hereford, 458.

Scorza, Franco, letter from, 412.

Scotland, King of, James VI., 127, 136.

letters from, 182, 263(2), 274, 275, 384, 439, 458, 565, 702, 706(5).

letter from, allusion to, 141.

delivery of a letter from, 563.

letters to, 17, 37, 44, 93, 180, 415, 589, 599, 657, 706(3).

policy and proceedings of, 89, 90, 110, 124, 658, 659, 662, 664, 665.

happy relations with his Queen, 5, 90.

prevented from visiting Sir George Home by a snowstorm, 5.

reported offer of service to, 12.

in connexion with the furnishing of Scotch levies for Ireland, 13, 14.

advice from an unnamed person with regard to his relations to Queen Elizabeth, 17–19.

Irish petition thrown into his bedchamber, mentioned, 27.

animated against the Master of Gray, 35.

his letter pleases the Queen, 41.

Lord Simple's negotiation with the King of Spain touching, 74.

complaint to the Queen, mentioned, 91.

protestations of allegiance to the Queen, acquits her of his mother's death, 110.

interests himself in favour of Sir Heu Hariss, and promises to stand godfather to his child, 177.

allusion to his succession to the English throne, 253.

treatises written for, mentioned, 306.

interests himself in a certain murderer, 363.

sends for one Buccleuch, 448.

complaints against Lord Scrope, 529.

suspicion of Sir R. Cecil, 660.

proposed journey mentioned, 664.

and the employment of the Duke of —, 675.

report to, concerning Lady Arabella Stuart, mentioned, 676.

agents of. See Hambelton. See Hudson.

agents at the Papal Court, 49.

children of, not present at the baptism of the young prince, 124, 141.

Scotland, Queen of (Anne of Denmark), letter to, 367.

relations with the Earl of Mar, 35.

her movements, alluded to, 664.

a Lady of Honour of. See Ruthven, Barbara.

Secretary to, 547.

Scotland, Prince of, birth and baptism of, 27, 110, 124, 141.

Prince of, convention concerning, 201.

Scotland :

affairs in, 5, 6, 27, 35, 89, 90, 93, 110, 124, 140, 141, 201, 662, 664, 665, 675, 676, 678.

levies of men in, for Ireland, 14.

law in, prohibiting trade of cloth, alluded to, 91, 92.

rumour current on the continent concerning, 155.

schedule of treaties with, 257.

a Dutchman murdered in, a mission concerning, 499.

rumoured action of the Jesuits in, 602.

Englishmen in, without passports, warned, 613.

effect of rumours of Lady Arabella Stuart's marriage in, 699; and see Stuart, Lady Arabella.

Council of, allusion to proceedings of, 664.

—, Clerk of. See Hey.

Controller of, position and influence of, 5, 35.

Deputy Warden of. See Newby, Laird of.

Lord Treasurer of. See Home, Sir George.

Borders of, 91, 106, 107, 127, 225, 458, 459, 504, 531, 599–601, 612.

West Marches of, Warden of. See Scrope.

—, disorders in, 115.

—, recommendation for a pensionary's place, value thereof, 130, 131.

Scots, Mary, Queen of, treaty with Edward VI., 257.

Scottish :

men, cloth belonging to, seized, restitution of, 91, 92.

—, travelling in England, 82, 547.

—, said to be swarming in England without passports, mischief wrought by, 612.

gentlemen, in Venice, suspicions entertained concerning, 322–325.

pledges at York, the delivery of, 238, 239, 343.

regiment at Ostend, commission given by King James to take up men to supply vacancies in, 90.

bark, employment of a, for carrying news to H.M. fleet at sea, recommended, 69, 72.

ship bringing prisoners from Spain, 164.

Scott(e) :

Sir Th., 516.

William, passport issued to, 82.

Scoutmaster in Ireland, 580.

Scrivano, the, and brother of, progress of campaign, 121, 146, 155, 156, 298, 326, 366.

Scrivelsby, parson of. See Haughton.

Scrope, Thomas, Lord, Warden of the West Marches of Scotland, 497.

letters from, 106, 120, 195, 415.

letters to, 384, 458, 504, 529.

in London, state of the Border during his absence, 115.

question concerning certain outlaws captured by Sir J. Carey, 127.

treaty with Lord Maxwell and others, 257.

reprimanded, 385.

King James's complaints against, 529–531.

correspondence with the King of Scotland alluded to, 612.

leave of absence granted to, 613.

indenture with the Laird Johnstone, mentioned, 662.

Scudamore, Lady, 12, 377, 540.

letter to, 503.

ill health of, 538.

Sealing wax, forwarded to Sir R. Cecil, 36.

Seamen pressed, steps taken to prevent desertion, 304, 305.

Search of ships at sea, the question of, 623.

Seaton, Robert, Earl of Winton, expected death of, 665.

Sebure. See Zubiaur.

Secretary, Mr. See Cecil, Sir Robert.

Sedan, letter dated at, 442.

Sedley, Captain, 92.

Segnos, men of, fighting with the Turks, 136.

Sfondrato, Cardinal, 329.

S'Gravenhage. See Hague.

Selbye, George, of Newcastle, 499.

Sellabie, letter dated at, 609.

Sellack. See Gellick.

Sellenger. See St. Leger.

Semple. See Simple.

Senisco, Serjeant-Major-General, created Governor of Ostend, 369.

Seraio, Mathias, Governor of Sluys, 602.

Seriago, Seriaugo, &c. See Zubiaur.

Seriffe, the, 386.

Serjeants-at-Law, call of, 621.

Servant, Marmaduke, Burgess of Westminster, 174.

Serviore, Peter, 26.

Sesembra. See Cezimbra.

Sessa, Duca di, Spanish Ambassador, remains in Rome, 246.

Setubal (St. Vues, St. Tuvall, Toualls), [Portugal], 328, 337, 654.

Seuta. See Ceuta.

Sevenberghen, 383.

Sevenum [Netherlands], 203.

Severn, the, 655.

Severn Channel, the, 407.

Seville (Civell, Sevilla, etc.), 123, 172, 193, 253, 517.

news from, 137, 220, 253.

an inmate of the seminary of, 212.

a Spaniard of, flyboat belonging to, taken by British vessels, 99.

Seymour (Seymer) :

Edward, Earl of Hertford, letters from, 478, 511.

—, mentioned in connexion with the Lieutenancy of Bristol, 135, 563.

—, dispute with Sir H. Portman, 511.

—, a gift to Cecil mentioned, 527.

—, in connexion with Lady Arabella Stuart, 584, 585, 586, 593–596, 594, 595, 601, 626, 627–630, 690, 691.

—, report of his man, 627–630.

—, grandchild of, and Lady Arabella Stuart, 682.

Edward, deputy lieutenant of Devon, requires a larger imposition of powder and match, 182.

Lord Henry, 167.

Sir John, son of, bearer of a letter to Sir Robert Cecil, 509.

Sezembre. See Cezimbra.

Shannon, the river, 649.

Shaplye, John, 71.

Sharpe, George, petition for a wardship, 526.

Shaston [Shaftesbury], letters dated at, 371, 509.

Shee :

Henry, kinsman of Sir Richard, steward to the Earl of Ormonde, said to abuse his master's understanding, 281.

Sir Richard, son and daughter of, alliances made by, 281.

Sheffield, letter dated at, 301, 302.

Sheffield (Shefild, etc.) :

Edmund, Lord, letters from, 13, 106, 414.

—, letter to, 474.

Captain Henry, letter from, 560.

John, 16.

Lady, 410, 507.

Mr., 132.

Sheldon, Raffe, 221.

Sherborne, 319.

postmaster of, 81.

Sheriff of one county residing in another county, 534.

the office of, application as regards, 541.

—, appointments of, 481, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498.

Sherland, Mrs. See Shorlande.

Arabella Stuart, 584.

Sherley (Shurley, Shyrley) :

Sir Anthony in Venice, letter from, 442.

—, his accusations against Thomas Wilson refuted, etc., 322–325.

—, as to money lent to, and never returned, 454, 455.

John, Bencher of the Middle Temple, 647.

Sir Thomas (the Elder), letters from, 103, 166.

Sir Thomas (the Younger), letter from, 78.

—, departs with his ships before he can be stayed, 99, 103.

—, petition of merchants against his voyage to the Archipelago and coasts of Turkey, 576.

—, mention of, 576.

Ships :

carrying enemies' goods, the question of, 622, 623.

search of, at sea, the question of, 583.

victualling of, arrangements in connexion with, 10, 27, 31, 51.

Ships named :

Advantage, 189, 242.

H.M.S. Adventure, 69, 132, 134, 183, 184, 218, 236, 481, 487.

—, engagement with the Spaniards, 419, 422.

H.M.S. Answer, 236, 289, 304, 332, 389.

Antelope, 10.

—, conveys the Commissioners to Stoade, 379.

Blakdogg, a ship of Sir W. Ralegh, 85.

Caprauen, in quarantine, 429.

Charles, 189.

Charles of Brest, 654.

Christopher Hosanna, oats shipped in, for Ireland, 35.

Cornelio, a Venetian ship, taken as prize, 553.

H.M.S. Crane, 462, 466.

—. victualling of, 471.

H.M.S. Defiance, (Defyaunce), 69, 78, 218, 237.

—, to be careened, 36.

Diamond (Dymont), of London, prizes taken in conjunction with the Refusall, 98, 99.

—, challenges a part in, but is said to hold commission, 102, 107, 116, 119, 120.

—, captain of. See Cox.

H.M.S. Dieurepulce, 273.

Donum Dei, 211.

H.M.S. Dreadnought (Dreadnaughte), 132, 134, 162, 183, 218, 236, 419, 481, 487.

—, arrives from the coast of Spain, provision for the sick in, discussed, 468, 469, 471, 479.

Elizabeth, a bark, 237.

Falcon, a Scottish ship, as to sale of its cargo, 50, 51.

Fancy, the, 597, 611, 614.

Fortune, the, of London, 357, 625.

—, captain of. See Gifford, Richard.

Fortune, of 'Norbergin' in Norway, 655.

H.M.S. Garland (Guardland), 78, 183, 184, 261, 273.

—, letter dated from aboard, 147.

—, to be careened, 36.

Godspeed, of Fowey, 388.

Godspeide, of Lowe, petition for recompense for the owner of, 160.

Goodfellowship, 388.

Green Dragon, of London, 97.

Grey Falcon, of Elsinore, as to sale of its cargo, 50, 51.

—, skipper of. See Johnson, Englebert.

Heardsman, of Fowey, oats shipped for Ireland in, 35.

Hope, letters dated on board of, 189, 242.

Indian, a bark, 390.

Jerfalcon, of London, 75.

Katherine, a bark, 237.

La Padeila, a captured Spanish galley, 401.

H.M.S. Lion's Whelp, Queen's pinnace, 218, 237, 481, 487, 549.

Lyon's Claw of Sir R. Basset and Captain Morgan, claims part in prize goods, 116, 119.

Madre de Dios, a captured vessel, 640.

Margaret and John, letter dated on board of, 391.

Marigold, of London, 357, 456, 466, 549.

—, letter dated on board of, 25.

—, ship captured by, 68.

—, account of the lading of, etc., 460, 462.

—, bill of the lading of, 463.

H.M.S. Martin, pinnace, 369.

H.M.S. Mary Rose (Marirose), 134, 218, 236, 419, 487.

—, capture made by, 134.

—, arrival at Plymouth, etc., 479, 481.

—, prize sent from, 196(2).

Mere Honour (Merhonor etc.), 162, 218, 237, 289.

Moon, sinks two galleys, 400.

New Year's Gift, a pinnace of 20 tons burthen, value of, 607.

H.M.S. Nonpareil (Nonperille), 36, 51, 132, 134, 162, 183, 184, 262.

H.M.S. Paragon, 218, 236, 289, 418, 487, 492.

—, reports concerning, 445, 457.

Patroon, a Spanish galley, letter dated from, 679.

Pearl (Perl), the, of London, 698.

Perle, of Dunkirk, capture made by, 148.

Plough, of Plymouth, said to have pillaged a ship, 174.

—, warrant required for the examining of the masters and mariners of, 192.

H.M.S. Quittance, 162, 219.

Rebecca, of London, 193.

Refusal (Refuzall), of Plymouth, belonging to Sir John Gilbert, 116, 120, 130, 165, 510, 592.

—, bargain and sale of a fourth part together with the prizes and gains to Cecil, 83.

—, goods taken from, 132, 234.

—, description, inventory and distribution of goods found in prizes of, 98, 99, 107, 108, 131, 132, 152, 456, 470.

—, description of a fight, 102.

—, expenses of, 135, 340.

—, captain of. See Tolkerne.

Repulse, 132, 261.

Resolution. See Watt.

Richard, a carvell, 237.

Rubine, 10.

Salvator, flyboat of Hamburg, reasons to prove her a lawful prize, 25.

St. Marke (Marcos) of Lisbon, a prize, particulars concerning, 118.

—, goods found in, etc., 132, 152, 153.

St. Marke, a Venetian ship taken as prize, 553.

St. Peter, a merchant ship, 193.

St. Philip, flagship of the Spanish fleet, 422.

St. Sebastian, flyboat, 26.

San Juan, inventory of the cargo of, 571.

San Salvador, inventory of the cargo of, 570.

Speedwell, 388.

Speranza, of Lubeck, lading of, 356.

H.M.S. Swiftsure, 236, 289, 487.

Thomasine Bonaventure, commissioned for the transport of Lord Zouche, 69, 76, 81.

H.M.S. Tramontana (Tremontaine), 10, 407.

—, letter dated on board of, 650.

—, repair of, 96.

Vanguard (Wandgard), 242, 332, 389, 392.

H.M.S. Warspite or Wastpite (Wastespight), 69, 132, 134, 162, 183, 184, 218, 237.

—, graved, 36.

Watte otherwise Resolution challenges a part in prizes, 98, 107, 114, 116, 120, 425, 445.

—, goods taken from, 132, 153.

—, estimate of goods alloted for, 404, 405.

H.M.S. Whelp, 236, 447.

—, engagement with the Spaniards, 419.

Shorlande (Sherland), Bridget, in connexion with the affair of Lady Arabella Stuart, 584.

letter from, 606.

copies of letters from, and feigned answers to, 608, 609.

Short :

Henry, late H.M.'s farmer of Gillingham Manor, 82.

William, son of the above, desires to purchase a new lease, 82, 83.

Shrewsbury :

Countess of, mentioned, 301, 302, 362, 384.

Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of, (“the old Lady”), 694, 695.

—, letters from, 593, 624, 682, 684(2), 687, 689.

—, letters to, 626, 685, 690.

—, as to the proposed purchase of a manor by, 70.

—, in connexion with Lady Arabella Stuart, 584, 586, 593–597, 624, 626, 627–630, 692, 693.

Earl of. See Talbot.

Shropshire (Salop), felons in, reprieved for the galleys, 243.

lands of the Earl of Derby in, 571.

levies from, viewed at Chester, 164.

Sheriff of, appointment of, 496.

Sheriffs of, pricked list for, 494.

Shuttleworth (Shutleworth), Sir Richard, former Justice of Chester, 681.

death of, allusion to, 118.

Shurley (Shyrley). See Sherley.

Shyrwood, the messenger, 410.

Sicily (Cicilia), 25, 26, 266, 336.

news from, 122, 156, 330.

galleys of, unite with those of Naples, 314.

the Cicala with his galleys menaces the coasts of, 325.

Viceroy of, 313. And see Feria.

Sidney. See Sydney.

Sienna, 454.

letter endorsed, from, 49.

Sieur. See Le Sieur.

Signior, the Grand, 351.

—, sister of, second marriage of, 146.

Silk, raw, price obtained for, 571.

Silks, customs' account for, 75, 76.

grant of customs of, certain sorts added to, 77.

Silver, price of, per oz., 584.

Simoneta, Duke of, returns to Italy, yearly allowance assigned to, 329.

his brother Roger, gift of money to, 229.

Simple (Semple, Sympyll) :

Sir James, 675.

John, a Scotch merchant, 284, 287, 288.

—, letter from, 328.

Lord, allusion to negotiations with the King of Spain touching the King of Scots, 74.

—, in England, 612.

—, the proceedings and accusations of, 664.

Sinclair :

William, Baron of Rosslyn, Pentlyn and Harbarshire, passport issued to, 335.

William, servant of the Baron of Rosslyn, 335.

Siriago. See Zubiaur.

Sixtus V., Pope, 253.

Skill, Laurence, a run-away soldier, at Chester, 517.

Skinkesconce [Netherlands], 268.

Skinner (Skynner, Skenner) :

Mr., 202, 528, 573.

—, an offender, 538.

—, petition from, 580.

John, “brother” of Sir J. Markham, 503, 551, 604.

Captain John, chamberlain of Berwick, 560.

—, letter from, 561.

Thomas, Burgess of Westminster, 174.

Vincent, officer of the Receipt of the Exchequer, schedule of records delivered to, 255.

—, letter from, 435.

Skipton [co. York], 698.

letter dated at, 675.

Skynners, 652.

Slack, (Slackes), John and Matthew, examination of, in connexion with Lady Arabella Stuart, 696.

Slaney, Mr., 222.

Sligo, O'Conor, a rebel, land held by, 632.

Slingsby (Slyngesby), Capt. or Mr., 134, 196, 215, 492.

Sluys (Sluse, Selucees, L'Escluse), 277, 282, 332, 341, 384, 389, 391, 431, 534, 651.

letter dated at, 562.

safe guarding of the harbour against the Spaniards, 331, 332, 335, 336.

English prisoners in the galleys at, 561, 562.

commander of the forces before. See Zealand, Admiral of.

general for, 172.

Governor of, 602.

Smallpox, references to, 505, 563, 622.

Smart, John, note of his expenses incurred in service in Brittany, 449.

information furnished by, 450.

Smedmore, Capt., of the Thomasine, 69, 81.

Smith (Smythe) :

Mr., formerly in the service of 1st Lord Burghley, suit for a warrant to protect him from arrest for debt, 30, 81.

—, Clerk of the Council, 91.

George, 71.

Sir John, letter from, 167.

John, 37.

John, master of a bark of Bristol, 254, 255, 288.

John, complaint against, 581.

Lawrence, allegation against, 8.

Otwell (Ottywell), 376.

—, letter from, 142.

Robert, a merchant, 85.

Sheriff, letter from, 388.

Thomas, of Bowsdon, murderer of, 225.

William, Register and Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University, 65.

—, letters from, 465, 649.

Snape, letter dated at, 363.

Sneddall, Henry, letter from, 339.

Snelling, a wood merchant, 95.

Snoke, John, 366.

Snygg(e) :

Mr., a priest, 367.

George, Treasurer of the Middle Temple, 647.

George, of Bristol, letter from, 248.

Soame :

Dr. Robert, Master of Peter House, Cambridge, 64.

—, letters from, 62, 223.

Sir Stephen, 702.

Soissons, Count of, marriage of, 156.

Solicitor, Mr., 29.

Solliers, Baron de, in Holland, 583.

Solms (Solmes), Count or Earl, movements of, 156.

horse commanded by, in the Low Countries, 269.

—, discharged, 383.

Solt, Jan van, merchant, 704.

Somborne, letter dated at, 84.

Somerset, county of, letter dealing with disorders in, 478, 479.

levies of men from, 13.

feodaryship of, desired, 371, 375.

Duke of, (temp. Edw. VI.), execution of, illegal, 541.

vice-admiral of. See Winter.

Somerset, Edward, Earl of Worcester, 247, 648.

letters from, 43, 636.

invitation to, with his wife, during the projected progress, 279.

and the case of Sir E. Winter, 618, 636.

Somervele, lordship of, 110.

Sommers, Mr., 228.

Sond[es], Sir Samuel, 702.

Soprani (Sopranis), Giovanni Francisco, Italian merchant in London, 704.

letter to, 502.

letter on behalf of, 662.

Soria,” news from, 311.

Sosar, John, petition from, 580.

Souch. See Zouche.

Sound, the, 69, 473.

exactions from traders in, 500.

passage of, object of a mission to Denmark, 640.

Sourdeac, (Surdeac,) M. de, Governer of Brest, letter from, alluding to his wife, 92.

letter of, alluded to, 147.

a debt to, 577.

South Cape, the, 133, 134, 163, 193, 357, 447.

South Sea, the, 697.

Southampton (Hampton), 103.

letters dated at, 78, 99, 375, 637, 666.

petition concerning the landing of sweet wines at, 637.

officers of, instructions to, mentioned, 198.

river of, 391.

Mayor and Aldermen of, letter from, 637.

Mayor of. See Asplen, Cornellius.

Southampton, Mary Dowager Countess of, letter from, 562.

Southerton, one, deputy of R. Wallop in Munster, death of, 84.

Southwell, the collegiate church of, a college of divinity, threatened overthrow of, 7, 113.

—, Archbishop of York's plea to the Queen for, 112.

Southwell's pamphlet referred to, 555.

Southworth, Henry, a Custom's waiter, 514.

Squire, Edward, execution of, injustice done to, etc., 569.

Spa, waters of, 137, 146.

Spahis, the, 266.

Spain :

Infanta of, (Anna Maria Mauricia), birth and christening, 608.

the Infante of, (“the Infa”), 294.

—, succession of, to the throne of England, alluded to, 49, 567.

King of, Philip III., 149.

—, negotiations with the French ambassador as to the Marquisate of Saluzzo, 50.

—, “imitates the justice of his father, but the valour of his grandfather, Carlo Quinto,” 50.

—, allusion to negotiations with Lord Simple, 74.

—, contracts with Flemings to furnish necessaries for his holds in Africa, 109.

—, said to have dissolved his army, 139.

—, his doings, designs, and preparations, 137, 155, 181, 202, 215, 216, 220, 253, 283, 287, 386.

—, money given to Signor Fabricio Arrigon by, 156.

—, reported arrival of treasure for, 172, 193.

—, and his pensioners, 205, 322.

—, assistance for, and intercourse with Irish rebels, 241, 271, 275, 276, 417.

—, loans being raised by, 286.

—, alliance with the Kings of Fez and Cucco, 293, 345, 347, 386.

—, relations with the Earl of Emden, discussed, 383, 426,

—, alleged alliance with English Papists, 367.

—, sick of a fever, 387.

—, in good health, 406.

—, said to be going to view certain galleys, 420.

—, an offer made to, 447.

—, proposal of a naval expedition against, discussed, 475.

—, renewal of friendly relations with the Queen of England urged, 486.

—, suspicions entertained in France with regard to the designs of, 493.

—, to be clear of debt, etc., 608.

—, an agent of, 663.

—, confessor to. See Cordova.

late King of, (Philip II.), 18.

—, treaty and conclusion of his marriage with Queen Mary, 257.

Queen of, pregnancy announced, 287.

—, in good health, 406.

Spain, Spaniards, Spanish :

Ambassador in France, asks for a pass for troops for Flanders, reply given to, 300, 301.

—, in Rome. See Sessa.

—, to Savoy. See Mendo.

armada, a, its destination, 510.

army, at Calais, 293.

—, threatens Algiers or Bugia, 325.

—, in the Low Countries, “the enemy,” reported levies of men for, 6, 55.

—, —, proceedings and movements of, 34, 203, 223, 235, 261–263, 268–270, 277, 291, 292, 295, 296, 305–308, 313, 319, 320(2), 336, 341, 361, 399, 476.

—, —, mutiny amongst, 68, 327, 369, 379, 430, 431, 454, 476.

British naval engagements with, description of, 133, 183, 184, 193, 419, 422.

carricks driven by English ships to return to Lisbon or captured, 608.

clause in the proclamation for the taking of merchandise going into, query concerning, 74.

Council of State of, appointments to, 287.

designs and preparations, 19, 93, 97, 98, 99, 107, 122, 129, 130, 134, 137, 146, 147, 155, 163, 172, 181, 193, 202, 215, 216, 220, 236, 241, 242, 253, 254, 266, 267, 272, 275, 277, 282, 285, 287, 293, 294, 311, 329, 333, 334, 339, 340, 347(2), 361, 386, 389, 394, 397, 400, 414, 418, 420, 446, 447, 470, 473, 592, 654, 655, 661, 675, 697, 698, 702.

fleet, Dunkirkers in the Channel mistaken for, 15.

—, reported destination and designs of, etc., 105, 267, 282, 286, 287, 292, 293, 298, 311, 325, 326, 329, 345, 347(2), 365, 366, 406, 450.

—, containing treasure, arrival of, followed by English ships, 253.

French Ambassador in, audience with King Philip, 50.

galleons with silver from the Havanna, 517.

galleys, expected on the Dutch coast, preparations against, 331, 332, 335, 336.

—, intelligence with regard to, 398(2), 399, 400, 401.

—, alluded to, 416.

—, foundered, suggestions as to their salvage, 423.

garrison at Naples, mutiny of, 326.

intelligence from, 80, 139, 215, 216, 286, 287, 326, 328, 329, 332, 345, 386, 406.

in Ireland, terms of the agreement with the Lord Deputy, 38, 39.

—, transportation of, 34, 93, 97.

—, garrisoning the Castle of Donboy, destroyed, 271, 272, 276.

and Italian soldiers at Reggio, number of, 347.

the Lanthoe of. See Castile, the Adelantado of.

loan raised in, for various services, 592.

molest merchants on the seas, complaint and petition for their suppression, 71.

name for Adonell, 417, 422.

pensions in England from, reported, 205.

petition for aid against, 477.

prisoners, together with Portingalls at Plymouth, arrangements and instructions with regard to, 69, 71, 115–117(2), 396, 397.

—, examination of, alluded to, 120.

prizes brought into Plymouth, goods found in, 98, 99, 107, 108, 114, 131.

—, letters as to the unlading and customs of, also claims put forward, etc., 100, 102, 104, 105, 114, 115, 116, 117(2), 118, 119, 120, 130, 131, 152, 153, 165.

the Queen ready to consider a renewal of friendship with, on the appearance of a real disposition towards an honourable truce, 87.

reinforcements from, for the war in Flanders, 592.

relations with France, 300, 301, 510, 659.

said to have been surprised by the Portingals in the island of Tercera, 334, 335, 339.

Sea, reported capture made by British vessels in the, 136.

ships from Alexandria, etc., plans for intercepting, 549.

—, fleeing to Flushing in '88,

alluded to, 91.

South Cape of, prize captured off, 75.

treatment of English prisoners by, 679.

troops, reported disposition of, 246.

—, with Neapolitans destined for Flanders, reported blocking of their passage, 246.

—, —, pass granted by the King of France to, 310, 348.

—, in Flanders, payment of, 510.

—, in Savoy, disposition of, 345.

wines reported to have been sent from, to an Irish rebel, 73.

Spalding Fen, in Holland [Lincolnshire], draining of, occasions riots, a description of, 177, 178.

sessions held at, for enquiry into the riots, 179.

Spaniagh, Donnell, insolence shewn by, 93.

Spaniard not named, from Dunkirk, 574.

Spencer :

Humphrey, merchant, 704.

Roger, Recorder of Cardiff, objections against, 576.

Thomas, of Lincoln's Inn, 647.

Spicer :

Nicholas, Alderman of Exeter, 53, 71, 151.

William, Alderman of Exeter, 71, 151.

William, surveyor of H.M.'s works, appointed to view building encroachments, 459.

Spiller, Robert, suspected of conveying packets for Jesuits, 231, 232.

Spilman, John, letter to, 35.

Spinola (Spenola, Spindelo, Spindola) :

Ambrosio, Marquis, brother of Frederic, general of Spanish troops in Flanders, 123, 137, 220, 301, 307, 345, 575, 592.

Baptista, loans borrowed by the Low Countries of, 228.

Frederic, in command of Spanish galleys, 172, 181, 220, 253, 277, 293, 398, 575, 661.

—, Sir Richard Leveson's naval engagement with, 183, 294.

—, how he escaped, 231, 431.

—, movements of his galleys, 286, 331, 333, 337, 339, 401, 420, 450.

—, capture of an English vessel by, 387.

—, exchange of English prisoners, 651.

Don Gaston de, letters from, 294, 297.

Hortensio, a prisoner, 168, 429, 661,

—, letters from, 394, 462, 650.

the family, of Genoa, 651.

Sponky, Edward, the heir of a ward, 526.

Spott, Sir G. Home's house at, intended visit of King James to, prevented, 5.

Sprint, Gregory, letter from, 616.

Stade, Staden or Stoad(e), on the Elbe, 42, 43, 129, 274, 315, 364, 644, 666.

letters dated at, 153, 376, 379, 641.

matters connected with, 246.

arrangement for obtaining credit for Lord Eure at, 334, 356(2).

arrival of the English Commissioners at, notified, 376, 379.

fleet, the, 441.

Magistracy of, letter from, 175.

—, letter to, 123.

—, —, alluded to, 153.

—, honest and discreet, 344.

—, secretary of. See Langius.

Magistrate of, present to Cecil, 316.

Merchant Adventurers at, contemplated removal of, a proposal to, 111.

representatives of, desire another meeting place for the Commissioners assembled at Bremen, answer given to, 472.

Senate or State of, 488.

—, allusion to the Queen's letter to, in regard to the projected conference in Bremen, 347.

—, Imperial Ambassador's answer to the declaration of the Deputies of, 639, 640.

Stafford, letter dated at, 243.

Stafford :

Captain, payment to, 92.

Sir John, in the Low Countries, 307.

Sir John, Constable of the Castle of Bristol, letters from, 32, 562 (2), 563.

Staffordshire, the office of Sheriff of, a nominee for, desires to be exempt, 469.

Stallenge (Stalens, Staledg, Stalladge), William, a sequestrator in the Customer's office for Plymouth, 50, 173, 202, 214, 304, 393, 404, 408(2), 558.

letters from, 10, 27, 31, 36, 51, 55, 98, 100, 114, 131, 152, 160(2), 164, 167, 174, 186, 192, 193, 196, 215, 234, 290, 315, 338, 348, 371, 376, 389, 401, 416, 425, 433, 445, 449, 456, 460, 462(2), 466, 468, 470, 479, 509, 510, 582, 597, 611, 613, 633, 641, 656, 669, 678.

letter to, 678.

fine imposed on, for refusing the Mayoralty, request with regard to, 457.

bill of the lading of the Marigold by, 463.

as to a new charge for, 474.

a note of charges for sequestered goods disbursed by, 614.

Stamford, [co. Lincoln], 187.

Stanberrye, George, Mayor of Barnstaple, 288, 388.

letters from, 13, 50, 54, 154, 277, 288, 291(2), 305, 320, 340.

Standen :

Sir Anth., 206.

Edm., letter from, 62.

Standish, in Lancashire, 643.

Standish, one, a priest, 575.

Standley, Standlee. See Stanley.

Stanes, —, 485.

Stanhawe, Edmund, minister within the diocese of Norwich, petition from, 581.

Stanhope (Stanop, Stanhoop) :

Dr., 662.

—, a gift from, 527.

E., letter from, 490.

Sir Edward, 85.

—, his house near York, referred to, 85.

J., member of the Council at York, letter from, 232.

Sir John, Vice-Chamberlain [“Mr. Vice-chamberlain”], cousin of Lord Hertford, 27, 62, 66, 94, 110, 140, 247, 272, 273, 278, 441, 511.

—, letters from, 9, 102, 626.

—, letters to, 60, 106, 111, 143, 249, 561, 662, 682, 684, 687.

—, footnote in the hand of, 111.

—, safe conduct signed by, 396.

—, a friar desirous of revealing certain matters to, 404.

—, his intervention in a matter concerning Sir John Carey, 587.

Michael, 111.

—, letters from, 273, 563.

—, sister of, mentioned, 563.

Stanieri, David, merchant, 704.

Stanley (Standley, Standlee) :

Edward, late Earl of Derby, provision for Countess and daughters, 571.

Mr. Edward, 571.

William, Earl of Derby (Darbie), 161, 167, 548, 669.

—, slanderous speeches against, and lawsuit with Step. Proctor, 157, 158, 186.

—, cause with Sir John Egerton, letter with regard to, 286.

—, alleged wrongs offered to, 486, 487.

—, property and income of, 571.

—, a complaint against, 580.

Sir William, information concerning, 236, 570.

and brother, at Rome, 608.

Stannaries, Lord Warden of the. See Ralegh, Sir Walter.

Staplefourd Tawney, letter dated at, 373.

Stapleton :

—, priest, 512.

Mr., of Carleton, Yorkshire, “a very wilful Papist,” connected with the affair of Lady Arabella Stuart, 583, 689, 690, 692, 693.

Star Chamber, High Court of, 318.

proceedings and suits in, alluded to, 22, 32, 118, 161, 186, 200, 581, 650.

question as to whether certain matters should be discussed in, 48.

fine imposed by, 45

bill exhibited in, 453.

Starkey :

Mr., in connexion with Lady Arabella Stuart, 584, 658, 686.

William, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 526.

States General, the. See United Provinces.

Statute, 3 and 4 Edw. VI., application of, to the offence of the Duke of Somerset, 541.

Staynes, Michael, letter from, 563.

alleged plot against the Earl of Lincoln, 234.

Stella, Jeronimo de, Italian, resident in Lisbon, 108.

Stephen, one, a sailor, 552.

Stephens :

Dr., 85.

Henry, a confined recusant, plea on behalf of, 210.

Stephenson, one, pamphlets translated into Latin by, mentioned, 50.

Sterrell, W., letter from, 704.

Steward :

Dr., 130.

James, Lord, contract and agreement at Berwick, 257.

Stoad(e). See Stade.

Stock, Richard, minister, sermon by, 672.

Stockam [Netherlands], 269.

Stockholm, letter dated at, 472.

Stoke, 90.

letter dated at, 77.

Stoke-under-Hamden, letter dated at, 599.

Stone, Thomas, of Trevigo in St. Minford, Cornwall, petition for the wardship of the son of, 36.

Stonehouse (Stonehowse), near Plymouth, 80.

the officers of, 196.

Stonhows, Mr., complaint against, 616.

Stonihurst, Walter, a messenger to the Earl of Tyrone, 535.

Stora, the business of, 386.

Story, Robert, of Whittoughes, an outlaw taken by Sir John Carey, 107.

Stowghton, Mr., 229.

Straits (Straights, etc.), the, 17, 105, 267, 282, 420, 445.

Spanish ships out of, reported to be bound for Ireland, 80.

ships bound for, taken by British vessels, 98.

Stralsund (Stralesound), [Pomerania], meeting arranged by Duke Charles at, 285, 382.

arrival of the Commissioners for negotiations from, 644.

Strand, the. See London Places.

Strange :

Johan, Lady, marriage with Lord Derby, &c., 571.

Lord, property of, 571. See also Bridges, Thomas.

Strangh, Thomas van, Dutch merchant in Aleppo, 26.

Strasburg [Alsace Lorraine], 621.

troubles in, allusion to, 645.

Administrator of, 57, 644.

the Chapter of [an assembly of Protestant Princes in Heidelberg], Commissioners from, 644.

Stratton Sanctuary, manor of, property of Cecil, survey of, 289.

Strigonia or Stregonia, 122, 123.

Strode :

John, J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Ro., J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Strosperque [? Strasburg], 85.

Strowde, Sir William, 362, 471.

Sturton :

Lady Francis, sister-in-law of Sir R. Cecil, letter from, 227.

Charles, brother-in-law of Lady Francis, 227.

Stuttgart, letter dated at, 71.

Stuart :

Lady Arabella (Arbella, &c.) (“Arbelle Queen”), 567, 704.

—, papers connected with, 583, 593–597, 601, 604, 605, 606, 608, 609, 624, 626–630, 657–660, 681–696.

—, rumours concerning, 234, 664, 665, 676.

—, her rumoured marriage, creates discontent amongst the Scots, 699.

—, grandmother of. See Shrewsbury, Dowager Countess of.

—, servants to. See Dove, Henry. See Chaworth.

—, page to. See Basset.

Ludovic, Duke of Lennox (Lenox, Lennœx) (“the Duke”), 15.

—, pleased with his reception in England, discontented with that in France, 35.

—, matter with Argyle, 89.

—, his proceedings at the Scotch Court, 89, 90, 124.

—, reconciliation with the Master of Gray, 124.

—, and Lady Margaret his wife, letters patents of lands to, 257.

—, mission to France, 660, 675.

Subdeane, one, a servant of Edward Dymock, 411.

Subiaga, Martin, a Spanish prisoner, escaped, 69.

Subsidy, a commission for a, negligence of the messenger prevents legal execution, 1.

proposed arrangements in connexion with, 8.

Sudley, letter dated at, 477.

Suffolk, defence of the coast of, 322.

muster master appointed in, 22.

Feodary of. See Wingfield.

Justices of the Peace of, letter from, 523

Vice-Admiral of, 322.

Sugars, a quotation for prices of, 371.

sale of, 533.

Suisha, captain of a captured Spanish galley, 401.

Suliarde, Edward, letter from, 452.

Sultan, the, eager for the recovery of Alba Regale, 122.

rumoured secret peace negotiations with the Emperor, 299.

Sultana, the Mother, said to have caused Charos Pasha to be poisoned, 146.

Sultani” (Sultanini), Turkish coins, 137, 156.

Sunbury, letter dated at, 346, 350.

Surdeac. See Sourdeac.

Surrey and Sussex, Justices of, agree to furnish a yearly sum for the maintenance of reprieved felons, 244.

Sussex :

Lady, visit to Theobalds, 319.

Earl of. See Ratcliff.

Sutton in Ashfield, 606, 608.

letter dated at, 609.

Sutton :

—, kinsman of Richard Hadsor, 312.

Gerrott, a petition in favour of, 374.

Richard, letter from, 614.

Swall, 287.

Swansey, 678.

Swayne :

Richard, Bencher of the Middle Temple, 647.

Richard, J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Sweane, Hugh, deposition made by, 37.

Sweden, relations with Poland, mentioned, 351.

Sweden, Duke Charles of (“Duke Charles”) (“the Duke”), 69, 122, 129, 420.

letter of credence from, 473

letters from, alluded to, 233.

allusion to the Queen's letter to, 347.

to meet with the King of Sweden to discuss differences, 156.

bound for Riga, 211.

his secretary, visit to England mentioned, 211.

the Queen, godmother to his last born son, 233.

preparations for an attack on Riga, 285.

before Riga, reports concerning, 298, 350, 351.

arrives with a fleet in Livonia, 365.

losses in Livonia, &c., 381.

projected meeting with the Hanse Towns, mentioned, 382.

controversy with the King of Denmark, 645.

and the negotiations at Bremen, 644.

his wife, sister of the Archbishop of Bremen, alluded to, 644.

Secretary to. See Henzken.

Swepson, 586.

Swevingham, Monsieur, bond of, 256.

Swinarton, John, letter from, 528.

Swiss troops in French pay, 246, 313.

dismissed, 329.

Sydney or Sidney :

Capt., payment to, 92.

Capt. Henry, taken prisoner, 346.

Sir Philip, a relative of, granted the advowson of churches in Norfolk, 581.

Sir Robert, letters from, 71, 382, 430, 445.

—, as to the forwarding of a packet to, 239, 243.

—, mentions his wife, 430.

Symcocks, Mr., petition for a warrant for the stay and examination of, 63.

Symonds. Thomas, merchant, 704.

Symple, Sympyll. See Simple.

Syon, letters dated at, 220, 481.

Syville. See Seville.