Index: T

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Taaffe, Captain William, letter from, 638.

Talbot :

—, cousin of the Earl of Shrewsbury, falconer of, 358.

Edward, correspondence with, in connexion with the affair of Lady Arabella Stuart, 684, 685 (2).

—, alludes to his mother-in-law, 685.

Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury, 4, 165, 362, 384, 417.

—, letters from, 76, 276, 301, 302, 358, 410, 506, 560.

—, letters of, alluded to, 311, 312.

—, letters to, 220, 280.

—, mentions his wife, 76, 359. See also Shrewsbury, Countess of.

—, proposes to sup at Lord Lumley's, 166.

—, lodging offered for himself and his wife during the projected progress, 279.

—, correspondence as to the proposed marriage of his daughter to the nephew of Lord Ormond, 281, 301, 302.

—, an answer from, about the lease of lands in Nottinghamshire, 491.

—, and his wife, relations with Sir R. Cecil, 560.

—, Deputy Lieutenant to. See Gresley, Thomas.

Talbot's feoffment,” in connexion with questions concerning the Countess of Kildare's property, 359.

Talkerne. See Tolkerne.

Tallington [Lincolnshire], women from, join in the Kesteven riots, 179.

Tamma, M., Lieutenant Governor of Boulogne, in England, 465, 541.

sends presents to Cecil, 461, 541.

Tamworth, the stewardship of, letter with regard to 441.

Tangiers (Tangie, Tanger), 108, 277.

Tartars, flocking to join the Turks, turn back, 366.

Tasborough, Sir Thomas, vacating his office of a teller, his successor, 401.

Tassone, Count Ottavio, 301.

Tatershall (Tatshall) [co. Lincoln], letter dated at, 98.

Tauris, 137.

restoration of, demanded by the Persian Ambassador, 156.

Tavistock, (Towstocke), letters dated at, 1, 67, 88, 164, 173, 211, 261, 423, 428, 439, 616, 653, 702.

Taylor :

an Englishman at the Groyne, intelligence communicated by, 97.

man of the Earl of Cumberland, 271, 648.

Mr., 114, 120.

Robert, chief constable at Thurleby, pacifies a disturbance, 179.

Teene, 431.

Teignmouth (Tyngmouth), 449.

Temple, W., letter from, 195.

Ten, Council of, certain proceedings of, 310.

Tenekille in Ireland, rebels in, 633.

Terceres, (Tercera, Tersera, la Tercere,) [the Azores,] islands of, reported destination of the Spanish fleet, 267, 293.

a ship from, chased by the English, 418.

importance of their position to English naval supremacy and trade, enforced, 335.

mutiny amongst the garrison in, 293, 334, 335, 339.

Terenata, 697.

Terheyde, [Netherlands], 383.

Terknocke, fort of, 476.

Terrizans, the, 350.

Tertole, island of, 294.

Tertullian, prayer offered by the Christians for the Emperor in the time of, quoted, 112.

Terzin in Savoy, 294.

Texell, river of, 429.

Thames, the river, 231, 247, 312.

The Great Chancellor,” in straits for soldiers and victuals, 365.

Theleoll, one, concerned in a case in the Star Chamber, 118.

Theobalds (Thebalds, Tibols, Tybboltes), Sir R. Cecil's park at, 79, 199, 302, 311, 370.

letters dated at, 206, 221, 317.

a visit paid to, comparison drawn, 187, 188.

correspondence as to improvements being carried out in, 206, 292, 316, 317, 318, 319, 380, 381, 407.

flying tame fowl for, 221,

a red deer for, 409.

Thetford, 653.

Thienen, [Netherlands], 203.

Thight, Lady, a connexion of the Treasurer of Scotland, death of, 90.

Thistleworth, letter dated at, 590.

Thomas :

Father, 85.

William, Mayor of Carmarthen, and others, letter from, 168.

Thomond, O'Donnell's incursion into, alluded to, 639.

Earl of. See O'Brien.

Thompson, Thomson :

one, of Chester, 517.

Mr., of Cambridge University, 65. See also Barker.

Thornborough, John, Bishop of Limerick, letters from, 167, 330, 575.

Thornhurst, Stephen, J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Thornit, Doctor, English canon of Vicenza, 195.

Thornton :

Captain, payment to, 92.

Sir George, 369.

—, conducting troops to Ireland, 390.

Thomas, 678.

Thorp Moor, Kirby [Yorkshire], lawsuit concerning, 186.

Throckmorton (Throgmorton) :

Capt. John, letters from, 336, 340, 346, 352, 368, 370, 378, 397, 399.

—, certificate of, for the passing of letters, 372.

—, holding the post of Serjeant-Major, reported Lieutenant-Governorship for, 431.

Sir Nicholas, receipt of monies delivered by, 255.

Sir Thomas, 46.

—, son of, dispute concerning his marriage, 463, 480.

Thomas, letter from, 698.

Thumery, Jean de. See Boissise.

Thurleby, town of [Lincolnshire], disturbance amongst the women of, 179.

Thursforde, letter dated at, 135.

Thwayts, T., letters from, 420, 461.

complains that his elder brother has consumed his patrimony, 462.

Tibald, Robert, M.A., formerly of St. John's, College, Cambridge, in training in a seminary, descrption of his person, 212.

Tibols, Tibbolts. See Theobalds.

Tickeridge, Thomas, burgess of Westminster, 174.

Tierconnell, Neale Garny possessor of, mention of, 93.

Tillettson, one, causes a dispute, 357.

Tillini, M. di, son of M. de la Nove, leaves with a company of Walloons for Hungary, 266, 298.

Tilten, Juan, sum owed to, by Count d'Egmont, 95.

Timothy, Saint Paul's exhortation to,” allusion to, 171.

Tindall. See Tyndall.

Tipper, Mr., 16, 485.

Tirone. See Tyrone.

Tirwhit. See Tyrwhitt.

Titchborne, a Jesuit, executed, 265.

Tobias, Matthew, Bishop of Durham, letter from, 91.

Toccai, castle of, sacked, 326.

Toffts, letter dated at, 167.

Tokefeild (Tookfeild), Henry, 274.

Toledo :

Signor Ferdinando or Fernando di, nephew of Count Fuentes, gentleman of the Spanish Chamber, arrival in Milan, 146.

—, death of, 287.

Don Pedro de, 420.

Tolkerne (Tollcarne, Talkerne), Capt. Hugh (Hewghe), captain of Sir J. Gilbert's ship the Refusall, 99, 107, 117, 130, 132.

Tolloss, Abbot of. See Bruce, Edward.

Tolners, the will of the, 473.

Tolowaren, letter dated at, 458.

Tomkins, Captain, letter from, 391.

Tomson, Mr., 448.

Tongres (Tongere at Mal, Tunger), [Netherlands], 203, 269.

Toomes, John, chirurgeon, 176.

Topcliffe, Mr., letter to, 2.

Toplyff, Mr, 539.

Topsham (“Upsom”), 421.

Torner, Captain, 10.

Torperley, William, merchant, 704.

Totnes(s), letters dated at, 71, 182.

Mayor and Aldermen of, letter and petition from, 71, 182.

Mayor of. See Dotin.

Tottenham, mention of Lord Hertford's house at, 627.

Toulon, 26.

Tourlech [Durlach ?], the Count of, controversy with the Duke of Bavaria, 645.

Tower. See London Places.

Townshend (Townesend) :

Aureliano (Aurelianus), letters from, 195, 454, 621.

John, felon reprieved, for the galleys, 213.

Towse, William, of the Inner Temple, 647.

Towstocke. See Tavistock.

Tracy (Tracey) :

Sir John, suggested for the post of sheriff of Gloucestershire, 497.

Pawle, suggested for the post of sheriff of Gloucestershire, 497.

Trafford, letter dated at, 72, 503.

Trafford :

Cecil, letter from, 72.

Ed., 643.

Geoffrey, letter from, 503.

—, dispute with Thomas Fenn or Fennel, 579, 622.

Trainbands, reform of the, 535.

Transylvania, 345.

military operations in, allusions to, 122, 136, 146, 155.

Travis, 694.

Treasurer, the Lord. See Sackville.

Trebizond(e), [Asiatic Turkey], 155.

Treffry(e) :

young, suit for the wardship of, 663.

Mr., in Cornwall, 508.

Thomas, letters from, 289, 648.

William, 175.

Tregian, Fran., letter from, 248.

Tremaine, Richard, recusant, plea on behalf of, 210.

Tremecen, (Tremesen, Tremissen), [Algiers], 345.

besieged by the King of Fez, 293.

Trench, Mr., Deputy-Marshal of the common gaol of the Bench, 53.

Trenchard :

Francis, letter from, 502.

Sir Geo., 206.

Trent [Germany], 310.

the territory of, proposed exchange of, in a marriage contract, 328.

Tresham (Tresam, Tressam) :

Francis, 206, 229.

Mr., at Paris, 85.

Mr., lands of, 554.

William, letter from, 330.

Treves, archbishop of, sends to the Diet convoked at Prague, 644.

Trevor :

Captain Sackville, recommended for gallant behaviour, 184.

—, prizes brought into Plymouth by, 582.

Jh., at Plymouth, 31, 36.

—, letter from, 50.

—, —, alluded to, 51.

—, illness prevents him attending to his duties, a substitute desired, 55.

Mr., 601.

Sir Richard, brother-in-law of Sir J. Lloid, 263.

—, title to a living purchased by, mentioned, 669.

Tribbeseer, Joachim v., a member of the suite of the Duke of Pomerania, 373.

Triggle or Tricklie, Thomas, of Devonshire, a coiner, 701.

uncle of, parson of Brixham, 701.

Tring, manor of, particulars with regard to, 36.

Triollon, Stephen, master of a bark of Oldenebardge [Brittany], examination of, 242.

Tripartite League, the, 659.

Trippett, Thomas, shipwright, examination of, 193.

Trivulce, Conte, 361.

Trollope (Trollopp), Cuthbert, going by the name of Welburge, a priest and chief man among the appellants, in prison at York, 194.

despatched to London, by order of the Council, 232, 233, 238.

arrives in London and is committed to the Clink, 243.

Troyes in Champagne, treaty with France at, 255.

Truxton, Edward, letter from, 121.

Tuchet, George, Lord Audeley, (Audelay), letter from, 235.

Tudor (Theoder, Tether, Tydder, Tewder, &c.) :

Owen, sons of the Great, 587.

Owen, of Anglesea, relations with Lady Arabella Stuart, 584, 586, 595, 597, 601, 604, 605, 628–630.

—, information about, 587.

David Owen, 587.

—, examination of, in connexion with the affair of Lady Arabella, 605.

John Owen, 587.

Richard Owen, 587.

Tufton, Mrs. Fra., niece of Sir R. Cecil, letter from, 344.

her husband, mentioned, 344.

Tunger, a town of the Bishop of Liege. See Tongres.

Tunis (Tunes), 25, 551.

Turges, Christopher, 666.

Turin, 287, 347.

news from, 246, 298, 326, 345.

Duke of, sends an envoy to the King of France, to clear himself with regard to Marshal Biron, 287.

Turk, the Great, a letter from the Queen to, suggested, 351.

Turkey, Turks :

intelligence concerning policy of, progress of war with the Empire, &c., 99, 122, 123, 136, 137, 155, 156, 266, 285, 292, 293, 298, 310, 311, 326, 345, 365, 366, 461.

relations with Persia, 156, 266.

in England, redeemed from servitude by H.M.'s ships, arrangements for the care of, aid from Turkish merchants for, 222, 284.

fleet of, movements and proceedings of, &c., 266, 313, 314, 330, 347, 366.

regard an earthquake as the portent of the Spanish fleet, 285.

as regards Algiers, 329, 347.

cruelty of, at the capture of Abbaregale, 387.

Sir T. Sherley's voyage to, petition against, 576.

a “minute” for, alluded to, 614.

merchant traffic into, proposals with regard to, 622.

Turkish :

galley, meeting on board a, 266.

general in Hungary, marriage of, 146.

ship, capture of, 156.

Turks and Infidels, the Queen of England charged with being a favourer of, 551.

Turner :

Captain, 237.

Richard, allegation against, 8.

Sir, proceedings for election of, as Fellow of a College, 504.

Turser, Mr., 657.

Tuscany, 455.

Grand Duke of, Ambassador of, in Rome, 301.

—, appeal to, for help against the Turkish fleet, 329.

—, galleys of movements of, 330, 347.

Tusser, Thomas, Roman Catholics' answers to questions delivered to, for the restraint of passage, 85.

Tutbury, letter dated at, 685.

Tutthill, gravel dug in, 174.

Tuttle, letter dated at, 423.

Twyford, 554.

Tybboltes. See Theobalds.

Tyndall (Tindall) :

Humphrey (Umphrey), Dean of Ely, Master of Queen's College, Cambridge, 64, 224, 649.

—, letter from, 223.

—, recommended for the vacant see of Norwich, 437, 523.

John, of Lincoln's Inn, letter signed by, 647.

Mr., Master of the Chancery, acknowledgement made before, 226.

Tyngmouth. See Teignmouth.

Tynter, manor of, property of Sir R. Cecil, 348.

survey of, 289.

Tynwell, letter dated at, 233.

Tyrie, Thomas, 140.

Tyrone (Tirone), the Lord Deputy preparing for a journey into, 305.

lands in, formerly belonging to Tyrrelagh O'Neill's grandfather, suggested restoration of, 661.

Earl of. See O'Neill.

Tyrwhitt (Tirwhit) :

Philip, 540.

Tristram, his death, intelligence found amongst his papers, 48, 49.