Index: P

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Packington, 586.

Packington, Sir John, 409.

cause of, mentioned, 436.

Padgett. See Paget.

Padua (Padoa), 116, 461.

Lord Buckhurst desires to send his sons to, 309, 310.

baths at, mentioned, 310.

Padoan Letter, the, 569.

Padstow, 35, 387, 425, 439.

letters dated at, 2, 45, 160, 388, 403, 424, 623.

a list of letters received at, 388.

Page. See Barker.

Paget (Padgett) :

Mr., 85.

Ch., 49.

Charles, letter from, 532.

—, letter from, alluded to, 633.

Pagrave, an English Jesuit, at Grave, 513.

Paine. See Payne

Palatine, Prince Elector, letter from, alluded to, 597.

sends the Baron of Wonau to Ratisbon as his ambassador at the Diet, 57.

reported death of, 146.

—, denied, 156.

the Emperor insists on his being represented at the Diet at Prague, 644.

Palavicino (Palvicino), Sir Horatio, the contract between the Queen and, 227, 228.

claim on his estate for a debt owed by, 245.

his children, alluded to, 245,

Palermo, news from, 266, 347.

Palfreyman (Paulfreyman) :

servant of the Lord President of Munster, 302.

Richard, keeper of the small guns in the Tower, letter from, 656.

—, controversy with, 191.

Palmer :

Edmund, letter to, 526.

Sir H[enry, Admiral of the Narrow Seas], 185.

Sir John, 702.

Robert, merchant, 704.

Paluzzi (Palucio) :

Signor Hieronimo, 509.

Jeronymo (Guronymo), letters to, 406, 469, 473, 591, 671.

—, letters to be sent under the name of, 325.

Pama, province of Malacca in India, 537.

Panderen, letter dated at, 190.

Pandolfin, Pandolphini, one, a Venetian, 207, 325, 371.

Papal Nuncio, interview with the Spanish mutineers, 476.

Papists. See Roman Catholics.

Parker :

Captain, owner of a pinnace cast away, 466, 607.

Jo., letters from, 656, 660.

Sir Nicholas, Deputy Lieutenant for Cornwall, 164, 214.

—, letters from, 56, 93, 97, 481.

—, letter to, 152.

—, desires leave of absence, 56.

—, desires to be discharged of one Penkevell, 295.

Sir Philip, 322.

Richard, servant of Ralph Gray, 127.

Thomas, of Barnstaple, 210.

William, Lord Monteagle (Mountegle &c.), letters from, 247, 703.

—, with regard to a wardship claimed by, 490.

William, Mayor of Plymouth, 51, 69, 78, 90, 107, 131, 167, 173, 175, 196 (2), 262, 290.

—, letters from, 50, 160, 192, 193.

—, letters from, alluded to, 375.

—, letter to, 396.

—, examinations taken before, 118, 181, 193.

—, suggestion that his appointment to a commission will cause trouble, 130.

—, a ship of, captured and taken into Lisbon, 447.

—, and naval arrangements, 468, 471.

—, an instance of the foolish conduct of, 551, 552.

William, a runaway soldier of the co. of Lincoln, at Chester, 517.

Parkins (Perkins), Dr. Christopher, letters from, 191, 211, 346, 350, 614.

letter to, 416.

Parkins, D., trade letter endorsed, 410.

Paris, 85, 101, 310, 311, 329, 464.

letters dated at, 71, 100, 113, 125, 189, 445, 451, 532, 603, 621, 641.

news from, 146, 287, 299, 300, 310, 313, 348.

allowance for transport and posting from London to, 435.

rumoured restoration of Jesuits in, 608.

the Bastille in, imprisonment and execution of Marshal Biron in, 271, 299.

Palace, the, in, trial of Marshal Biron in, 299.

Place de la Grève in, 299.

H.M.'s agents in, allusion to, 101.

Parma :

news from, 285, 286, 287.

Duke of, 307.

—, reported to be bringing levies for Spain from Italy, 55.

—, at christening of Infants, 608.

Duke and Duchess of, birth of a son to, who survives only a few hours, 285, 286, 287.

Parnuwe, 381.

Parry :

John, letter from, on behalf of his nephew, 484.

Sir Thomas, H.M.'s ambassador (“lidger”) for France, 617.

—, introduction to, desired, 208.

—, bonds delivered to, 237, 258.

—, at Dover, 284.

Parsberg, Lord, late Danish Commissioner, 640.

Parsons :

Anthony, letters from, 534, 599.

Father, “the Jesuit,” 85, 204, 236, 322, 324, 325.

—, collections of pamphlets published in the name of, 50.

—, influence over English Catholics, reported attempt to induce the Pope to pronounce the Infanta of Spain, King of England, 49.

—, persuades Edward Biller to become a Catholic, 88.

—, reports spread by, and book issued by, 154.

—, opposition to the reading of his dolman at mealtimes in the Roman College, 194.

—, news of his doings, 205.

Mr., acting for Sir R. Cecil, 35.

Partridge, Mr., late surveyor of the Tower, 540.

Parvice, Mr., 211.

Pasha, the, rebellion of, confirmed, 137.

Pasley, Abbot of, prisoner in England for want of safe conduct, 613.

Pasquier, M., French King's Councillor and Advocate General of the Exchequer, letter from, 113.

Passage, Commissioners of, one stayed by, 464.

Passagio, M. de, Commander of Valençay, arrested, 311.

Patrick, the Irishman, a prisoner, said to be a traitor, 33.

Pauder (Netherlands), 268.

Paul, Father, 85.

Paulfreyman. See Palfreyman.

Pawlett, Sir Hamb., 702.

Pawlestine,” at Paul's Cross, 265.

Payne (Paine) :

Michael, merchant, 704.

Thomas, late Mayor of Plymouth, 508.

—, letter from, 607.

Peckham, Sir George, letter from, mentioning his wife, 243.

Peel, the [Netherlands], 202.

Peers, Thomas, of Ratcleif, chirurgion, examination of, 193.

Pelaga, Arches of, in the Turk's government, 550.

Pelham :

Sir Edmond, 492.

Serjeant, nominated Chief Baron of the Exchequer of Ireland, 68.

—, to proceed to Ireland, arrangements for, 83.

Pellam, Mr., an Irish gentleman, information against, 229.

Pemberton :

Margaret, deposition made by, 37.

Mr., Sheriff of London, 524.

Pembroke :

county of, soldiers expected from, non-arrival at Bristol, 27.

—, soldiers for Ireland from, sent back, 31.

M. Countess of, letter from, 279.

—, complaint against her bailiffs, 576.

Earls of. See Herbert.

Pendennis (Pendenas) Castle, letters dated at, 56, 93, 98, 481.

Penkevell (Penkeville) :

Francis, letter from, 45.

John, letter from, 457.

[John ?], a Cornishman, reported to be a priest employed in the Jesuit's affairs, 312, 313.

—, stayed in Cornwall, 295.

Peter, petition from, 579.

Penmarke, 400.

Pennefather, Mr., 588.

Penrudock, Mr., a gift from, 528.

Penshurst, letter dated at, 430.

Penzance (Penzaunce), 102, 105.

Pepper, Cuthbert, letter from, 577.

Pepper, price at sale, 571.

Perce, Richard, a musician, denounced for ill behaviour, 69.

Percival (Percyval) :

James, letter from, 356.

Richard, Secretary to Sir Robert Cecil, 407.

—, letters from, 278, 331, 348, 375.

—, letters to, 356, 534.

—, application for a wardship, 487.

Percy :

Sir Charles, letter from, 165.

Henry, Earl of Northumberland, letters from, 220, 481.

—, letter to, 138.

—, Sir F. Vere's answer to his challenge, 134.

—, his steward's mother-in-law indicted for recusancy, 220.

Sir Richard, letter from, 138.

Perkins. See Parkins.

Perin (Peryn), letter dated at, 295.

a pinnace of, claims a part in prize goods, 117.

Perott (Perrot) :

Mr., 66, 67.

Humfrey, letter from, 527.

Sir Ja., 702.

Persia, Persian :

on the point of making war against the Turk, 266.

ambassador from, arrives at Constantinople to complain of the Vale of Van, demands made by, 146, 156.

advance, no news of, 137.

King of, 146.

—, news concerning, 311.

Persians, the, said to be in the field, 122.

Perth, 137.

Perusia, situated 80 miles from Rome, 88.

Peryam, Jo., Alderman of Exeter, 151, 171.

Peter, a church in Norfolk, the advowson of, 581.

Peter, William, of Middleburgh, merchant, refusal to sell pipe staves under 10l. the thousand, 50, 51.

Peterborough, Bishop of. See Dove.

Peterley, letter dated at, 700.

Petre, John, Commissioner for Essex, 240.

Pettet, Thomas, merchant, 704.

Pettitt, one, 88.

Pettye, —, 2.

Peyton, Sir John, Lieutenant of the Tower, 405, 532, 589.

letters from, 297, 162, 384, 532, 554, 617, 701.

lands assured to, 554.

Phenham, letter dated at, 189.

Phillips (Phelippes) :

—, 567.

Father, 85.

Thomas, letters from, 3, 554, 661.

Philipson, —, proposed for election as Fellow of Merton College, 564.

Piacenza, news from, 137, 146.

Picardy, bond for payment of troops sent into, 256.

Pickas, Drew, search instituted for, 76.

Pickford, an Englishman at the Groyne, 97.

Piedmont, 470, 473.

reported Spanish troops for, 246.

Pierpont, Mrs. Francis, 584.

Pilkington, Mr., recommended for the post of chaplain to Sir R. Cecil, 195.

Pindar (Pinder), P., 442.

complaint as to money retained by, 386.

Pinson, Mr., 189.

Pipe staves, price of, 50, 51.

Pisa (Piza), 85, 322, 324, 414.

letter dated at, 213.

Pitt (Pytt) :

Richard, Mayor of Weymouth, 83.

—, letters from, 76, 81.

—, rebuked for his neglect with regard to Lord Zouche, 75.

—, defends himself against the charge, 76.

—, arrangements made by, for the passage of Lord Zouche, 81.

Thomas, Chamberlain of Bristol, petition from, 581.

Pius V., Pope, 253.

Piza. See Pisa.

Plague, the precautions to be taken for the prevention of its spread in England, discussed, 247, 428, 429, 438, 703.

Plate, a note of the sale of, 630.

Playfer(e), Dr. Thomas, of Cambridge University, 65.

letter from, 243.

Plessington, Captain Charles, of H.M.S. Tramontana, 407.

letter from, 649.

Plumber, Serjeant, 578.

Plunket, Captain Richard, letter from, 93.

Plymouth (Plimothe), 54, 68, 100, 102, 132, 185, 202, 220, 287, 334, 374, 404, 428, 449, 475, 614, 654.

letters dated at, 10, 23, 27, 31, 36, 50, 51, 55, 69, 72, 99, 100, 107, 114–118, 120, 131, 153, 160, 161, 165, 167, 173, 175, 187, 192, 193, 196, 197, 215, 219, 234, 237, 262, 272, 273, 290, 305, 315, 338, 339, 348, 362, 365 (2), 366 (2), 372, 378 (2), 390, 402, 405, 408, 409, 416, 425, 433, 445, 449, 457, 462, 466, 469, 470, 471, 479, 509, 510, 526, 553, 582, 592, 597, 607, 611, 613, 614, 633, 641, 656, 669.

Jesuit Priests prisoners in, 44, 45.

disease brought into, by ships from Ireland, 55.

Dutch fleet expected at, 78.

Spanish prisoners in, transport of 69, 71, 115, 116.

—, directions with regard to, 396, 397.

prizes at, goods received from, 132, 192.

discovery of books, etc., made in, 290.

ships and men stayed in, by order of Sir W. Monson, 304.

a boy of, information against, 339.

the lading of the Marigold at, 463.

naval movements at, 280.

a pinnace of, lost in the Queen's service, 509.

report on the fortifications and defence of, 412, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559,

—, sketch of, 556.

four prize ships at, 582.

news of shipping at, 697.

reported Spanish designs on, 697, 702.

Commissioners at, letters from, 364, 408.

Commissioners for the Carrick leave Plymouth, 280.

Customer at. See Halse.

Mayor of. See Parker.

late Mayor of. See Paine.

Island and Fort of St. Nicholas at (S. Nyc), 273, 315.

—, letters dated at, 131, 145, 230 (2), 392, 394, 400, 592, 677.

—, objection to Sir J. Gilbert being absent from, 88.

—, fortification and works of, 393, 394, 533, 558.

—, as to a carrack aground near, 677, 678.

Sound, Sir R. Leveson with H.M.'s fleet sets sail from, 78.

Points, Mary, widow of George Gilpin, petition from, 578.

Poison antidote in India, 537.

Polacio (Polaceo), Signor Bartolemeo, the Pope's chamberlain, 329.

audience of, with the King of France, 287, 300.

Poland, Polish (Polland) :

relations with Sweden, mentioned, 351.

ambassador of, at Constantinople, reported to be ill, 146.

King of, 129, 645.

—, movements of : said to be wishful to re-marry, 156.

—, British treaty with, allusion to, 283.

Grand Chancellor of, 156, 381.

troops in Livonia, commit robberies, 122.

Poles, letter dated at, 56.

Pollard, an English Jesuit, at Grave, 513.

Pomerania (Pommeran, Pomeren), Duke of, Phillippus Julius, and his suite, arrival in London, 373.

Pont Amouson [Germany], 309, 310.

Pontefract, town of, benefaction to, 252.

Pontesbury, in Shropshire, the manor of, sold to Mr. Owen, 496.

Poo, Doctor, sent by Lady Burgh to attend on her son, 66.

Poole [co. Dorset], letter dated at, 32.

and neighbourhood, infected with recusancy, 536.

Castle, letter dated at, 28.

Poole :

Francis, of Spinckhill, Derbyshire, the heir of, a ward, 526.

Sir Henry, letters from, 588, 635.

—, letter to, 588.

—, accused of being ready to aid Lord Essex, 589.

Pooley :

Edmund, kinsman of Lord Wentworth, 577.

R., letter from, 230.

Poore, Capt. William, 117.

Pope, Mr., letter dated at the house of, 433.

Pope's Legate, the, imprisoned by the mutineers in the Low Countries, 431.

Pope, the. See Clement VIII.

Popes, former. See Gregory XIII. See Pius V. See Sixtus V.

Popham, Sir John, Lord Chief Justice, 2, 39, 47, 53, 58, 62, 191, 199, 220, 229, 252, 413.

letters from, 33, 47, 106, 145, 314, 332, 513, 522, 601, 609, 621, 652, 671, 673.

letter to, 499.

letter &c. signed by, 204, 259.

surmise of, concerning a treatise, 56.

examination countersigned by, 367.

charged with encouraging Papists, 499.

decision with regard to the apparelling of forces, alluded to, 704.

Porchester, manor of, lease of, 306.

Porte, the, 122, 146, 366.

compulsory levying of troops by, 137.

fear of the Spanish fleet, 345.

Porteis, Robert, gentleman, passport issued to, 82.

Portington, William, H.M.'s master carpenter, appointed to view building encroachments, 459.

Portman :

Sir John, 702.

Sir Hugh, dispute of, with Lord Hertford, 479, 511.

Porton, 136.

Portsmouth (Portchmouth), 185, 198, 202, 218, 242.

letter dated at, 702.

Dutch fleet lying at, 377, 378, 389, 400.

question of the charge of the town and garrison of, 701.

Portugal (Portingal), kingdom of, 155.

query concerning clause in the proclamation for the taking of merchandise going into, 74.

reported treasure sent into Flanders from, its object, 215.

Spanish fleet preparing in, reported destination of, 311.

report as to the governorship of, 345.

reported penury and want of corn in, 419

supposed King of, an impostor, arrival at Lisbon expected, 282.

carvel, a, captured by a British vessel, news brought by, 338, 339.

galleon of, reported capture of, by the British, 254.

Priests from, taken prisoners by the English, 44, 45.

Viceroy of. See Mora.

Portuguese (Portingals), execution of, by order of the King of Spain, 215.

reported to be in arms against the Spaniards in the island of Tercera, 334, 339.

offer prayers for the safe arrival of certain Brazilmen, 446.

methods adopted by, to protect cargoes from Brazil, 622, 623.

impressed to serve in the Spanish navy, 654.

ship taken by British vessels, goods found in, 98.

merchants, cargo belonging to, said to be captured, 136.

prisoners at Plymouth, 107, 117, 120.

—, examination of, 104.

Post barks, employment of, 620.

Postal endorsements :

Ashberton (Aishbton, Aysburton), to Hartford Bridge (Harvet Brig), 116, 403.

Ashburton to Basingstoke (Basyngstok), 107.

Bristol to Hounslow, 32, 407.

Bristol to Maidenhead (Maydenhed), 391.

Canterbury to London, 332.

Chester to Barnet, 196.

Dartmouth to Hartford Bridge (Hartford Borg), 80.

Dover to Dartford, 119, 125, 126, 138, 398, 401, 465, 617, 698, 699.

Dover to Hounslow, 283.

Dover to London, 209, 389.

Dover to Rochester, 239, 617.

Hampton Court Lodge to Hounslow (Hounsslow), 278.

Ipswich to Boston, 54.

Jersey to Hartford Bridge, 239.

Marchefeald to (Hounsslow) Hounslow, 54.

Padstow to Hartford Bridge (Hartfort Brug), 45.

Pendennis Castle to Basingstoke, 98.

Plymouth to Andover, 290.

Plymouth to Basingstoke, 48.

Plymouth to Crewkern, 79.

Plymouth to Hartford Bridge (Harfort Borg), 340.

Sandwich to Dartford (Darfoote), 189.

off the South Foreland to Dartford, 242 (2).

Wallop to Hartford Bridge, 378.

Ware to London, 625.

Posts and Postmasters, complaints of the dilatoriness of, 27, 698.

Poter, Captain, intelligence furnished by, 181.

Pott, Mr., of Devonshire, 583.

Potter, one, payment made to, 209.

Poulett (Poulet) :

Hameden, J.P. for Hampshire, in charge of the town and garrison of Portsmouth, 677.

—, letters from, 378, 701.

—, kinsman of the Marquis of Winchester, wrongfully slandered, 34.

Ric., J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Powder for the Queen's shipping, plan for economising, 542.

Powell :

Dr., prebendary of Bath and Wells, 508.

Mr., Deputy Secretary, 303, 305, 311.

Power (Powre) :

Lord, alliance of the son of, 549.

Sir H., 166.

Sir Henry, letter from, 559.

Powis, 28.

suit concerning barony of, 496.

Poyntz :

Sir John, letter from, alluding to his son, 642.

William, 402.

—, letter from, 428.

Prague, 129, 153, 246, 326, 390, 657.

letter dated at, 247.

news from, 122, 136, 155, 266, 298, 310, 345, 365, 366.

Diet convoked at, 644, 645.

Prescot, near Knowsley, 168.

Prescott, Sir Robert Cecil's gifts sold to, 527.

Preston :

Sir Amyas, 163, 185.

George, gentleman, passport issued to, 82.

Previsa, 313.

Price, Captain, 560.

Prideaux (Prydeaux) :

John, at Padstow, 45.

Nicholas, J.P. of Padstow, 388, 403.

— instruction to, for providing of a post barque, &c., 2.

Priest condemned, form for the removal of a, referred to, 519.

Privy Council, the, 11, 67, 135, 164, 170, 171, 180.

letters, &c. from, 93, 241, 247, 601, 690.

letter from, acknowledged, 154.

letters from, for the suppression of rumours concerning the Queen's illness, mentioned, 699.

letters to, 4, 30, 45, 50, 54, 63, 76, 99, 111, 166, 169, 182, 211, 225, 230, 232, 243, 244, 268, 277, 320, 369, 372, 409, 469, 478, 481, 636, 673, 675, 676, 692, 698, 699, 701, 702.

copy of a letter to, 436.

petition to, 8.

appointment made by, petition with regard to, 22.

a cause to be heard before, 34.

recommend A. Crompton for a company in Ireland, 37.

suit for a warrant for protection against arrest for debt from, 81.

complaint from the Bishop of Durham to, 91.

directions given to the Earl of Bath by, allusion to, 151.

complaint brought before, allusion to, 197.

instructions from, alluded to, 238.

warrant issued by, alluded to, 261.

articles subscribed by Tyrone before, alluded to, 451.

and the transport of troops, 451.

proceedings of, 652, 663.

and precautions to be taken against the spread of the plague, 703.

Clerks of the. See Smith;


[Privy] Council table, the, 20, 126.

Prizes taken by English and Dutch ships, their lading and crews, &c., also arrangements connected with, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 107–9, 114–120, 130, 131, 134, 152, 153, 161, 164, 165, 173–175, 180, 181, 186, 187, 196 (2), 197, 198, 202, 215, 217, 218, 230 (2), 261, 262, 267 (2), 273, 278, 280.

arrival of a prize reported, 333.

instructions with regard to, desired, 463.

taken by British vessels, a description of an engagement, &c., 183, 184.

flyboat taken by the Refusal, 510.

goods in, disposal and division of, 338, 348, 362, 363, 364, 365, 371, 372, 377, 378, 370, 402, 413 (2), 425, 456, 460, 470, 474.

Pro Cortalla,” letter from, 306.

Procter, Stephen, Justice, letter from, 186.

witnesses examined regarding his slanderous speeches against the Earl of Derby, 157.

speeches denied by, 158.

cause against W. Malorye in the Star Chamber, 161, 453.

lawsuit with the Earl of Derby, 186.

Protestant Princes, an assembly of, in Heidelberg, 645.

Prouse (Prous). See Prowse.

Provence, galleys being equipped in, 123.

French troops being despatched to, 137.

reported order with regard to subjects of Savoy in, not confirmed, 347.

Proverbs and proverbial sayings :

“As secret as the hare that Harpagus sent,” 90.

“Indian earth has sealed up their eyelids,” 500.

“Purest gold may be touched with pitch,” 631.

Prowse (Prouse, Prous) :

Hugh, 666.

John, 71.

Richard, Alderman of Exeter, 71, 151.

Pruce. See Prussia.

Prudemore, Captain Lovell's man, 179.

Prunes and dry confections, a New Year's present of, 577.

Prynne, Gilbert, steward to the Earl of Hertford, in connexion with Lady Arabella Stuart, 627–630.

Purvois, Hewe, 140.

Prussia :

Duke of, towns subject to, discussion concerning, 283.

the Dukedom of, an aspirant for, 645.

Pugnavosto, Count, 345.

Purslowe, Mr., 303.

Putney (Putnay), 56.

Pynner, Captain Nicholas, 92.

Pytt. See Pitt.

Pykes, one, 581.