Index: N, O

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: N, O". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Namur (Namen, Nemurs) [Netherlands], 203.

Burgoneons arrive in the vicinity of, 150.

country of, raids committed in, by Spanish mutineers, 454.

Nancy [France], 621.

Nangle, Walter, 359.

Nani, —, Venetian ambassador at Constantinople, successor of, 298.

his departure from Constantinople, 310.

Nanney :

Griffith, exception taken to his appointment as Sheriff of Merionethshire, 482.

Hugh, exception taken to his appointment as Sheriff of Merionethshire, 481, 482.

—, his character vindicated, 483.

Nanton, Mr., 46.

Naper. See Napper.

Naples, 195, 348.

news from, 122, 326, 330.

customs of, yearly payment from, assigned to the Duke of Simoneta, 329.

galleys of, unite with those of Sicily, 314.

the Viceroy (Vize Rey) of, 123, 173, 313.

—, appeal for help against the Turkish fleet, 329.

and the two Sicilies, King of, grant to the Duke of Simoneta, 329.

Napper, Naper :

Francis, letter from, 79.

Sir Robert, letter from, 492.

Robt., J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Narrow Seas, the, 131.

Narva (Narve) [near Revel], 397.

Nassau (Nassaw) :

Count Ernest of, Lieutenant-General under Count Maurice, 190, 354.

—, troops commanded by, 235.

—, despatched to Rhineberg, 295, 307.

Count Henry of, movements of, 203.

—, commands the English quarter in the absence of Sir F. Vere, 308.

Count John of, weary of the campaign in Livonia, returns home, 381.

Count Louis of, movements of, 453.

Count or Grave Maurice (Morrys) of, (“His Excellency”), 377 454.

—, projected conference with Sir F. Vere concerning the disposition of troops, 55.

—, progress and incidents of his campaign, 67, 202, 203, 223, 225, 226, 235, 258, 260, 262, 268–270, 276, 277, 285, 295, 296, 305–308, 313 (2), 320, 327, 352, 353, 354, 369, 383, 430, 431, 506, 515.

—, sends an envoy to England, 89.

—, awaits foreign troops, 116.

—, division under the command of, 190.

— (“the head and great General”), his tactics discussed, 259.

—, consultation with the States General, mentioned, 341.

—, indisposed, 352.

—, protects mutineers of the Archduke's army, 493.

—, supply of French soldiers for, 592.

—, brother of, second in command with the division of Count William, 190.

Count or Grave William of, Stadtholder of West Friesland, 499.

—, before the Grave, 223, 258, 262, 269, 270.

—, division under the command of, 190.

—, in the Low Countries, 327, 202, 203, 225, 260, 268, 269, 354.

—, an error of, reference to, 353.

Naunton, Robert, scholar of Cambridge, “the University Orator,” 124.

as to his suit in Chancery, 274.

Naval and Shipping :

affairs and intelligence, 132–134, 152, 160, 161, 173, 174, 183–185, 193, 304, 330–336, 384, 389, 400, 416–420, 422, 446, 447, 468, 481, 675, 697, 698.

arrangements, 236, 237, 238, 278, 279, 289, 376, 377, 471.

expenses, an estimate, &c. of, 487, 488.

Fleet, the, at Cape St. Vincent, 510.

preparations at Plymouth, 218.

as to a projected levy for the furnishing of ships, 700.

as to the disinfection of ships, 703. See also Ships named.

Navarino, 313.

Neale :

Dr., of Cambridge University, 52, 191, 194, 440, 649.

Mr., letter recommending the cause of, 462.

Neapolitan troops, transport of, to Flanders, 146.

—, disposition of, 156.

—, reported levying of, 470, 473.

and Spanish troops in Savoy, for Flanders, retained by order of the King of France, 266, 300, 310, 325, 326 (2), 387.

—, pass granted to, 294, 301, 310.

—, reports concerning, 329, 345.

Necolson. See Nicholson.

Necton, Mr., son-in-law of, 508.

Needham, Oswald, 632.

Nemeghen. See Nimeguen.

Nerrye, Estaven, an Italian, 25.

Nether Suddington, in Gloucester, the manor of, 577.

Netherdale, Forest of, lawsuit relating to, 186.

Netherlands, ships of the, arrested for the transport of Spanish soldiers, 97.

And see Low Countries.

Nevers, (Nivers) Duke of, 100, 177.

in London, arrangements as to his movements, members of his suite, etc., 94, 100, 110, 111.

visit to England, allusion to, 137.

the movements of, 153.

reported reception of, by the Queen, 253.

recalled, 300, 348.

Nevill(e) (Nevel, Nevile) :

Anne, Lady, wife of Sir Henry, letter from, petitioning for the deliverance of her husband, 164.

—, to present a petition to the Queen, 6.

—, her increasing deafness, 164.

Sir Henry, formerly English Ambassador at the French Court, letters from, 6, 43, 72, 80, 95, 113, 151, 268, 589.

—, grievous distress of, 6, 152.

—, as to payment of his fine, and his pardon, statement of his income, 72, 80, 95, 96, 113, 152.

—, bonds delivered to, 257.

—, allowance given to, quoted, 435.

—, a gift to the child of, 527.

—, eldest son of, at the University, 44.

—, mentions his wife and family, 72, 96, 152.

—, death of one of his children, 96.

Thomas, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 64, 649.

Newbotle (Newbotel), Laird of, 141, 177.

eldest son of. See Kar.

Newby, Laird of, Deputy Warden of Scotland, 662, 665.

Newcastle (Newcastell), 343, 451, 578, 579.

letter dated at, 499.

assize at, offenders to be sent to, 225.

Mayor of, Danish sailors sent to, 5.

—, And see Dudley.

Newcombe, William, Alderman of Exeter, 151.

Newcomen, Robert, Surveyor of Victualing, 413.

letter from, 182.

Newfoundland, 418, 636.

Newgate. See London Places.

Newhall, letter dated at, 139.

Newhaven (France), 623.

accord made for defence of, 255.

Newland, Christopher, merchant of Totness, 71.

Newman, Nyco, 71.

Newport, in the Isle of Wight, 99. See also Nieuport.

Newry (Nuery), 395.

letter dated at the camp, 194.

New Spain, the fleet about to depart for, 99.

Newton, tithes of, 622.

Newton :

Edward, payment for bargemen for the army in Ireland, 92.

Lady, letter from, 527.

New Testament, the, translated into the Irish tongue, for presentation to the Queen, 639.

New Year's gifts, 527, 630.

Nicholles, one, examined concerning a proposed robbery, 204.

Nicholson (Necolson, Nicolson) :

—, 479.

—, letter endorsed, 410.

George, the Queen's agent at Edinburgh, 27, 48, 52, 98, 136, 158, 415, 442, 459, 503, 659, 665, 670, 676.

—, letters from, 89, 109, 664, 665, 678.

—, letters from Sir R. Cecil to, 13, 23, 33, 40, 494, 497, 518, 612, 667.

—, doings of, at the Scotch Court, 124.

—, a sum of 400l. to be paid to, by Cecil, 495, 498.

—, delivery of his letters, 497.

—, connected with Robert Le Grys, 615.

—, defended against Lord Scrope's suspicions, 530.

Nicolas, Fitz., Alderman of Galloway, 74.

Mr., presents from, 527, 630.

Nieuport (Newport, Nieport, Nieupoort), [Netherlands], 149, 401, 423.

reported wrecks off, 398, 400.

—, suggestions for the recovery of the treasure in, 423.

warships lying before, 534.

Nimeguen, (Nemeghen, Nimuegen, Nimmgham) [Netherlands], 190, 225, 268, 277, 320, 453.

Nivelle [Brabant], pillaged by Spanish mutineers, 476.

Nizza, fortress of, 326, 406.

Nonetan, 586.

Nonsuch, letters dated at, 198, 305.

Norby, Ric., J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Norden, a haven town in East Friesland, 502.

Norfolk, defence of the coast of, 322.

Churches in, 581.

Justices of, letter from, 413.

Norfolk, Duke of, contract and agreement at Berwick, 257.

Norman, James, 88.

Normanbie, letter dated at, 13.

Normandy, list of men sent into, with the Earl of Essex, 256.

Normanton, in Nottinghamshire, a lease of the manor of, in dispute, 490.

Norreys (Norryce, Norris, Nores, Norreis) :

Captain, commander of the Lion's Whelp, 470.

—, in an engagement with the Spaniards, 419.

—, sent to suppress pirates in the Levant, reasons for departing from instructions, 549–551.

Sir Edward, 265.

Francis, Lord, of Ricott, letters from, 284, 553, 636, 638.

—, jointure made to Lady Norreys by, complaint as to its meagreness, 61.

—, arbitration with Sir Edward Norreys, 265.

—, a gift from, 527.

—, as to his agreement with his uncle, 554.

—, alludes to his grandfather and uncle, 554, 638.

—, begs to be put into the commission of the peace, 639.

Sir John, Sheriff of Berkshire, letter from, as to his arbitrament between Lord Norreys and Sir E. Norreys, 265.

—, mention of his will, 636.

Lady Susan, as to her jointure, 61, 62.

Sir Thomas, late Lord President of Munster, mention of, 540, 562.

Thomas, letter from, 25.

Norreys property, 554.

Northaye, Ralph, Bailiff of Colchester, letter from, 139.

North Cape, Norther Cape, the, 134, 181.

North, Council in the, a member of. See Mahory.

North Curry, co. Somerset, manor of, complaints from tenants in, alluded to, 589.

North, Dudley, Lord, letters from, 199, 603.

Northampton, letter dated at, 597.

county of, levies from, for Ireland, viewed at Chester, 164.

—, lands in, belonging to the Queen from the Daver's escheat, 40.

Northumberland, Duke of. See Percy.

Norton, co. Notts, proceedings of certain tenants in, 491, 503.

Norton men, 560.

Norton :

Captain, witnesses a fight, 635.

Dudley, letter from, 674.

Nicholas, 74.

Samuel, commissioner at Bristol, 38, 169, 170.

—, letters from, 30, 182.

Norway, fishing on the coast of, 488, 500.

Norwich, letter dated at, 414.

bishopric of, candidates for, 478, 611.

—, recommendations, etc., for, 413, 437, 523, 525.

Dean of. See Jegons.

late Dean of. See Dove.

Nosworthe, Christopher, 71.

Nottingham :

Earl of. See Howard, Charles.

Countess of, her illness, 376, 649.

—, death of, allusion to, 670.

Nova Spain. See Nuova Spagna.

Nove, M. de la, son of, 266.

Novey, Augustine, petition from, 579.

Nowen, William, 74.

Numbers used as cyphers, 41, 90, 263, 455, 657.

Nuncio, the, in Paris, discussion with the King of France, 313. And see Papal Nuncio.

Nuova Spagna (Nova Hispaniola, Nova Spain), 193, 697.

fleet of, arrival at Lisbon, reported, 328, 387.

Nuremberg, news from, 156, 326.

Nuery, the [Ireland]. See Newry.


Oath, copy of an, 290.

Oath of Supremacy, commissions for ministering the, 257.

Oatlands (Otelands, Otlandes), 336.

letters dated at, 289, 360, 368, 396, 397, 422.

the Court at, 305, 391, 390.

Oats shipped for Ireland, 35.

O'Brien (O'Bryen, O'Brian) :

Donough, Earl of Thomond, 30, 31, 264.

—, letters from, 221, 392.

—, sails for Ireland, 369.

Sir Tirlogh (Threllough, Therrellagh, Turlogh), kinsman to the Earl of Thomond, Knt., 421.

—, letters from, 264, 554, 576, 638, 642.

—, assurances of a mine of lead in his country, 462.

—, mentions his children, 638.

—, sons of, 554.

—, nephews of, reported ravages by, 392.

O'Cane, country of, reported ravages in, 2.

O'Conoghoore, John, 638.

Oderick, Teige, suggested enquires to be carried out concerning, 420, 421.

Odiham (Odyham), letters dated at, 199, 227.

O'Dogherty, Sir John, a rebel, land held by, 633.

O'Donevan, 549.

O'Donnell (A'Donell, Anonell, Odonell), [Hugh Roe], (Earl), Irish rebel, 2.

flees to Spain, 39.

reported to have sent wines to a notorious Irish rebel, 73.

at the Groyne, reports concerning, 93, 110, 417, 422.

his reported return from Spain, 110.

dead, 510, 592.

his incursion into Thomond, alluded to, 638.

O'Driscoll, Sir Fynen, 549.

Oge :

Connock, 549.

Owen, 338.

Ogilvies, Oglevyes, the, 665.

Ogle :

Captain or Sir John, letters from, 55, 189, 222, 235, 262, 277, 453, 505, 634.

—, sent out with others as a spy, their report, 261.

—, accusations against, and fight with Captain Ridgway, 634–636.

Lady, 685.

Oglethorp, Mr., Earl of Cumberland's servant, dispute concerning the division of prize goods, 425.

goods to be delivered to, 445.

O'Hanlon, a former follower of the Earl of Tyrone, submission of, suggested service for, 394, 395.

land held by, 633.

Okesey, letter dated at, 588.

Okey, Roger, letter signed by, 681.

Oldenberg, the Earldom of, 640.

Oldenebardge [Brittany], master of a bark of, examination of, 242.

O'Neill, Hugh, Earl of Tyrone (Tirone, Tyroan), 185, 510, 632.

camp of, 14.

heartbroken at his defeat, movements of, 39.

intelligence with regard to, 97, 159.

a writing of the Queen concerning, not to be seen by the Council, 195.

reported Spanish assistance for, 216, 241.

rebellion of, 265.

—, reported action of the Pope with regard to, 236.

defeat of, 270.

reported offer of submission, suggested steps with regard to, 451.

rumoured marriage of his son, 74.

two daughters of, reported marriages of, 97.

brother of, in Spain, 311.

uncle of. See O'Neill, Shane.

followers and relations of, as to their submission and employment, etc., 394, 395.

O'Neill :

Brian (Bryane), murder of, alluded to, 394, 661.

Bryan McShane, a follower of the Earl of Tyrone, 394, 395.

Con McShane, a former follower of the Earl of Tyrone, submission of, service for suggested, 394, 395.

Henry McShane, a former follower of Tyrone, submission of, 394.

Hugh Gevelagh McShane, hung by the Earl of Tyrone, 394.

Shane, uncle of the Earl of Tyrone, and his sons, actions in Ireland, etc., 394, 395.

—, rebellion of, mentioned, 661.

Tyrrelagh, the matter of, suggestions with regard to, 661.

O'Neills, the, of Clandeboy, rebels, lands held by, 633.

Ophaly, Government of, 248.

Ophoven [Netherlands], 203.

Oploo [Netherlands], 203.

Orange :

Count Henry of, 506.

the Princess of, 506.

Ordnance Office (in the Tower), the providing of ordnance for Ireland, 230.

Comptroller of the, petition for the office of, 492.

Deputy-lieutenant of the. See Harvy.

keepership of the store, 575.

Master of the, 11.

O'Reilly, Oreilly :

—, Irish rebel, submission of, 74.

Edmund, a rebel, land held by, 632.

Sir John, a rebel, land held by, 632.

Philip, a rebel, land held by, 632.

O'rell, the savage,” name given by the Spaniards to O'Donnell, 422.

Orliens, David d', plan by, 412.

Orme, Captain, payment to, 92.

Ormond, Earl of. See Butler.

Earldom of, result of search for the patents of the creation of, 73.

Orrell, Captain, payment to, 92.

Orton, a banished Englishman, living in Lorraine, 570.

Osberne :

John, wardship obtained by, 521.

Sir Robert, letter from, 554.

Ostend, 189, 225, 271, 294, 332, 379, 423.

siege of, etc., 34, 55, 68, 149, 307, 336, 352, 383, 399, 494, 579, 602, 607.

the relief in, weakens the forces of Count Maurice, 67.

the supplying of vacancies in Scotch companies at, 90.

preparations for relief of, 353, 354, 397, 537.

damaged by storms, 369.

plan of, during the siege of, 412.

attempted betrayal of, 498, 506, 515.

warships lying before, 534.

the camp at, letter dated at, 150.

a principal captain of, pamphlet written by, alluded to, 34.

Ossorie, the Earldom of, patent of, by Henry VIII, alluded to, 73.

O'Sullivan (O'Solevan) :

Dermot, 549.

Donell, a Munster rebel, wines said to have been sent to, 74.

More, connexions of, 549.

Ossuna, Itonea, Duc or Baron d', arrival in Brussels, 294.

in Paris, report as to his mission, 300.

audience granted to, by the French King, 329.

Oswald, one, a Jesuit, information against, 229.

Otelands. See Oatland.

Otho, King, 175.

Otranto [Italy], 330.

Ouen, Nicholas, directions desired with regard to liberation, 704.

Ouseley (Ousley, Owsley) :

Ch., 516.

Captain J., letter from, 117, 279.

Over [co. Gloucester], the manor of, 577.

Overall, John, of Catherine Hall, Cambridge, letter from, asking for the Deanery of St. Paul's, 67.

Owen (Owin, Owyn) :

—, man attending young Mac Dermott in custody, 355.

Hugh, a gentleman of Bodeon, Pembrokeshire, near Milford Haven, 604, 605.

John, deposition made by, 37.

Mr., a New Year's gift from, 527.

Roger, reasons against his appointment as sheriff, 496.

Roger, of Clynnoke, Carnarvonshire, priest, description of his person, 212.

Rowland, born in Anglesey, serving the enemy, 587.

Father Thomas, 85.

Owtlaw (Outlawe), Richard, a pursuivant, conducts two priests to London, 233, 243.

Oxenbregge, Robert, of Hampshire, 677.

Oxenbridge, Dr., 568.

Oxford, county of, lands in, belonging to the Queen from the escheat of Davers, 40.

—, felon in, reprieved for the galleys, 243.

—, High Sheriff of, letter to, 286.

—, Under-Sheriff of, prejudiced in a cause, 286.

Earl of, influenced by one Cawlie, 86. And see Vere.

Oxford University :

an Irish student in, search for, 337, 338.

—, detained in London, 355.

members of, mentioned as fit candidates for the vacant see of Norwich, 437, 438.

Christchurch, letter dated at, 338.

—, Dean of. See Ravis.

Merton College, election of fellows, a dispute, 564.

St. John's College, 338.

Oxyrhodanon,” used as a remedy, 65.