Cecil Papers: October 1602, 11-20

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1602, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp433-450 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1602, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp433-450.

"Cecil Papers: October 1602, 11-20". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp433-450.

October 1602, 11–20

Walter St. Michel to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 11. Give me leave to speak privately with you, I being a poor distressed gent., a stranger here (but her Majesty's subject) born in Ireland. My name is Walter St. Michael, of Castle Reband, co. Kildare, and baron of the same, as my ancestors have been hundreds of years afore me. One Capt. Thomas Lea, which was long in Ireland, and lately executed here for treason, about 19 years past pretending plain dealing towards me, agreed to take a lease of that my castle and lands for 61 years, and to give me for the same 400l. income and 50l. yearly rent, English money; of which income, when he entered into possession, he delivered me 100l. But before I received any more, he understanding that those lands were by my father in his lifetime enfeoffed upon my heirs after my decease, refused to pay the other 300l. and yearly rent according to our agreement, unless I could persuade or compel the feoffees to resign that feoffment and trust reposed in them by my father, which I neither could nor can do; whereupon I was contented to make Lea payment again of the 100l. I received of him out of the profits of my lands, he to remain in possession till fully satisfied the same,—which he peaceably held till then and long after. But Lea liked my lands so well that after he had set footing in them, notwithstanding full payment of the 100l. again there out, and that he had got at last 1,000l. more, yet he would never give me the money and rent we bargained for, nor my possession again, according to right and equity; but always when I demanded either, he would quarrel with me, and swear that unless I could get the feoffees to deliver up their trust, I should never have income money, rent, or land, and that he would keep my land against me by stronghold whilst he lived (which he did), and that at his death he meant to leave his curse upon his son if he did not the like after him. At other times he would tell me, if I could be contented to come live with him at Reband, I should want no maintenance fit for a gent., and would earnestly entreat me thereunto, thinking to stop the mouths of the people in the country which cried out shame upon him for his unhonest dealing. But I refused that courtesy, having no reason to accept his offer, but seek for my own living out of his hands. Through his bad using I grew poor, and was forced to endure these wrongs a farther time to try what friends God would raise me in my just cause. So in hope thereof, and for some maintenance to live honestly, I employed myself in her Highness' wars there, living a bare life therein whilst he lived plentifully upon my living. Yet was I often a lieutenant, but could rise no higher, neither thereby get money or friends to right my wrongs : so wanting both, and knowing Lea was well respected with the State there as a faithful good servitor to her Majesty, by reason whereof, as Lea his resolution wrongfully to detain my possession, and my poverty such as by law not able to seek for remedy, I was inforced into action, but never meant to rebel against her Majesty, but only to do Lea all hurt I could upon my own lands. For proof whereof, it is well known unto all the country there that during my being forth neither myself nor any which followed me did take from her Highness's subjects elsewhere the worth of one penny, but I lived upon the spoil of my own lands of Reband, and I do acknowledge would have killed Lea there if I could, rather than he should have lived any longer so unlawfully upon my lands and inheritance, and soon after I was out and came sometimes into the rebels' companies. I knew then, and was able to prove if I could have got in again and been indifferently heard against Lea, that there was not so vile an underhand traitor in all Ireland unto her Majesty and that State as he. Since his death, the Marshal of Ireland, Sir Richard Winkfield, dwelleth in my castle and lands of Reband, but by what colour I know not, and at my coming into England, he offered to have bought a lease thereof from me during my life, which I refused to sell him. I beseech you I may enjoy that my right according to equity, which I trust hereafter to deserve in my service towards her Majesty.—October 11, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (95. 153.)
Vincent Skynner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 11. Sir Anthony Mildmay upon his repair into France as her Majesty's Ambassador had allowance for his posting and transportation from London to Rouen—238l.
And Sir Henry Unton, from London to Dieppe with his convoy until he came to the King—289l.
And Sir Henry Neville, for his like allowance from London to Paris—232l.—At Westminster, 11 October, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (95. 156.)
R. Broughton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 11. The extraordinary courtesies I received at your father's hands embolden me to discourse of my late sickness. After Christmas, on a fair sunshine day, riding towards the term at London, I was suddenly taken with a palsy, wanting speech and sense for seven or eight days; and after for long time I wanted the use of my right side. But with the warmth of this summer I have greatly recovered the same, but that I have not the use of writing. My want of ability to ride the circuit into North Wales hath ministered occasion to my Lord Keeper to place another in my room who may better attend her Majesty's service. I bestowed my skill and labour in law, by your father's appointment, for ten years : to me unthankful, for although rare and uncredible, yet it is most true that for all the expenses and loss of time I sustained, he never bestowed on me one halfpenny, which after his last liberty he seemed greatly to lament, acknowledging himself guilty of ingratitude : which causeth me the rather to crave your furtherance to her Majesty to bestow her princely pension to support my little cared for want.—From my poor house in Broughton in Shropshire, 11 October, 1602.
Signed. 2/3 p. (95. 157.)
Sir Robert Johnson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 11. At my last attendance, I had a purpose to have mentioned to you the irregularity of these rather confused than confined offices, but you seemed best pleased I should trouble my Lord Treasurer in those things. Though I have sent his lordship a copy of these enclosed, yet I crave pardon that out of my special duty I may submit them to you.
What will succeed the first I know not, but that there is great want of those, or better, my short experience teacheth me.
When I did consider the continued imputation against the officers of this kind, and the murmur of poor men, and looked at the several byways open to make use of witcraft, I could not choose but offer my mite toward the reformation.
I “silence” the divers wrongs offered to myself, as more desirous to rectify the body than the branches.—11 October, 1602.
See S. P. Dom., Eliz. Vol. 283, No. 80, under date 18 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (95. 158.)
Lord Zouche, President of Wales, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 11. Her Majesty's gracious letters are indeed comfortable, and give me well to understand that I have a very worthy solicitor. For the matter of Guernsey, I would not have motioned, but that I found no present benefit to arise to any, and did think that I could make a present benefit of it; whereof I have need if I should do good service here, and where I might find any other place, I was, and am, without hope, yet do I receive your answer and thank you for your advice. You found my reason whereon I was grounded, and for my part, I like so little plurality of offices in one as I shall easily be refused. So will I never affect anything my friend doth affect, so far as I will not easily give over to him. This alone may assure you that you may boldly say, that you purpose this or that for another, and it shall content me. I beseech you inform yourself fully of this place, for I think you shall find that no place of any kind hath less means to maintain itself than this hath. I thank you exceedingly for letting me know of my Lord Grey's arrival. I beseech you stand fast to him, I do verily think you shall have him assured unto you. It is good grounding upon those who have good parents, of which for true love and faithfulness I am sure he may match with any, and howsoever his youth may not express so well his settled mind, I vow unto you his honest intentions. I send you a copy of the Council's letters, which I have written to them. I know the other will come to your hands, and I desire it should be suppressed, if you think it not fit. I send you a copy of the letter which I thought it my duty to write to the Queen's Majesty. I beseech you suppress the same, if you think it not fit to be delivered. The letter I received from her Majesty so rejoiced me as I had almost forgotten the good news from you, though I hope it will breed great good to her Majesty's Government. You are not pleased as yet to give me your advice in the cause of Sir John Packington. I pray you bear with my long lines.—Ludlow, 11th Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (185. 27.)
The Enclosure :
Copy of my letter to the Lords of the Council.—
I have received your letters acknowledging the acceptance of my service. Whereas it hath pleased you to direct me to the counties themselves to receive copies of them of such services as have been commanded from your Lordships, I have demanded of such helps from them as I might get, not knowing, before the receipt of your letters, that any such certificates were due from them, whereof I purpose forthwith to advertise them, pressing them to send hither what they have done in that behalf. If any of them have been negligent herein, I hope your Lordships' meaning be not that they should now proceed to any new muster, until I have taken view of the whole counties. My suit was that, by your favours, I might have copies of the ancient and modern courses for musters heretofore taken, not to deprive your Lordships of any originals, but to be made the better acquainted with those services, that I might come the better furnished amongst them.—Ludlow, 10 Oct., 1602.
Copy. Unsigned. 1 p. (185. 29.)
Lord Zouche to the Queen.
1602, Oct. 11. As I ought to be most jealous of abusing so high a favour as was your leave to write unto your Highness given me at my coming into these remote places, lest I might be deprived thereof, so do I fear lest I should be thought unworthy of that your princely favour, if I did not crave pardon at this time to express from a full heart the joy I receive by your gracious letters, fraught with comforts, moistening my fearful heart exceedingly, desirous to do you all acceptable service, by which I find that as you have made choice of me the meanest of many, so do you vouchsafe to stir me up constantly to believe that you will not forsake me. Where I fail, ignorance not will shall be the cause. Your Highness shall express your divine power to discern the true heart of him who will never take comfort but in doing your service.—From your Majesty's castle at Ludlow, 11 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (185. 28.)
John [Whitgift,] Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 11. I purposed at my last being at Court to have put her Majesty in mind of the bishopricks now void, Hereford and Norwich, but opportunity served not. I heartily pray you to supply that omission when you think it most convenient. Both the places are very troublesome and had need of a speedy supply. I cannot think of fitter persons for Hereford than have been commended to her Majesty, that is, the Bishop of Chester and Dr. Bennett, Dean of Windsor. For the bishoprick of Norwich, among many of both Universities that are worthy, I am bold to name Dr. Jegons, Dean of Norwich, Dr. Tindall, Dean of Ely, Dr. Goade Provost of the King's College, all of Cambridge, and the first two unmarried; Dr. James, Dean of Durham, Dr. Eedes, Dean of Worcester, Dr. Ravis, Dean of Christ Church in Oxford, all of them Oxford men, and married. I presume much of your courtesy in laying this burden upon you.—From Lamb[eth], 11 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (185. 30.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 11. I wrote you three days past [see his letter of Oct. 8] touching certain ships of Amsterdam which were stayed at Gravesend. At Wapping, two houses which took in goods that came from Dantsic have the plague, not a person in either house escaping, but are all dead. The goods had not been in their houses above three days. If extraordinary care be not had and these ships returned to Amsterdam, make account that the plague will be generally in England. At Yarmouth, it was brought thither only by two packs that came from Amsterdam. This is worthy of the consideration of my Lords, and you in your particular shall do well to put your best help unto it.—From my house in the Black Friars, the 11 of October, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 154.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 12. I humbly thank your Honour. The one I have burnt, and the other I shall make use of. But one thing is to be looked to, for I hear a report in this town that he is a coward, and yet he fought well with a Spaniard in Scotland I know. Upon the other part, a very honest man told me in Cheapside, that he saw two gentlemen draw upon him near to his shop, and the one of them stepped to him before his rapier was drawn and took him by the beard, and called him “fencing bragging rascal,” and told him that he outbragged the world, but he would use him like a knave. Thus they parted, but I heard nothing of any revenge of this. If this be so, or howsoever, it were good his going were assured, or at the least his actions should be public to the rest of their Lordships, however the matter fall out.
Unsigned. In James Hudson's hand. Undated. Endorsed :—“12 Oct., 1602, Mr. Hudson.” 1 p. (94. 27.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 12. I do imagine my last letter makes you much wonder that I, who was so long in coming into the north, should now be so slow to come out of it. The remembrance of my late miseries, and clear knowledge to raise as much as will free them, is the true cause. But though it would fit with my occasions here to be at this time spared, and besides, I shall not be able to carry a staff, yet if you find it will draw any hard conceit of me, forbear to urge it, and upon word from you I will be ready to ride alongst the tilt, though I can do no more. It was my hap to kill a stag very lately, which was so good at this time of the year that I resolved to send him to you for a dainty; but there came such a misfortune to some part of him, as [I] have but some pasties, which I presume out of your love you will accept.—October 12, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (95. 159.)
William, Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 12. There came unto me yesterday a poor mariner from a creek of the sea some ten miles distant from me called Watermouth, hard by Ilfardcombe, bringing a packet of letters directed from you unto Sir George Carew, Lord President of Munster, which packet, he saith, he received of Robert Belman, postmaster of Padstow, to be delivered in Ireland, as you gave order. This man his barque was by foul weather cast away at the place aforesaid on Saturday night last, but by God's Providence all the company were saved and these your letters safely preserved. I did forthwith despatch them in post unto Padstow again to Belman, to be from thence convoyed over. I have sent you the composition between Belman and this mariner touching the carriage of this packet, for your better satisfaction in many respects.—From Tavistock, 12 October, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (95. 160.)
Fulke Grevyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 12. This day the Queen rode abroad in her coach, and this evening hath been a little troubled with a pain in her face, but, God be thanked, is now free. I thank you for your letter, and am so passing confident, both in your favour and judgment, as I lay myself down to rest in peace, and when I wake again, there is no man living shall do you service with a better will.—From the Court, this Tuesday night, between 10 and 11 o'clock.
PS.—My Lady of Derby expects you to-morrow; I say it will be Thursday.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602. October 12.” Seal. 2/3 p. (95. 161.)
King James VI. of Scotland to the Queen.
1602, Oct. 12. Two letters :—
1. Commencing :—“Richt excellent richt heich and mightie princesse.”—From Dumfreis, the 12 of October, 1602.
2 pp. (134. 26, 27.)
2. Commencing :—“Madam my dearest sister.”—
Holograph. Undated. 2 pp. (133. 159.)
[Both printed in extenso : Camden Society's Publications; O.S. No. XLVI. pp. 147–150.]
Miler [Magrath,] Bishop of Cashel, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 12. Finding myself much grieved by the alteration of your countenance, being wont to be favourable to me, I imagine that some false accusation or misconstruction of my actions had been made to your Honour. I humbly crave that if the accuser be present, I may be brought to mine answer, and if I shall not free myself, I am content to endure any disgrace. In the interim, I hope your Honour will suspend your conceived mislike of me. I am assured to be subject henceforward to innumerable dangers in Ireland more than ever before, when it shall appear I lost the favour I received here always.—Chearing Crosse, 12 Oct., 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (185. 31.)
Roger Morrell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 13. Your son being in good health and following his study in as good sort as either his lean spare body will well bear, or may justly be expected in such young years, I might well have forborne to trouble you at this time until some greater occasion had been offered, but that I understand it is your pleasure that I should write daily (tho' it be as Sulpicius sometime did unto Tully, many letters uno exemplo, to one and the same effect): which hitherto I have not, neither will hereafter fail to do, either to your own self, or to some of those about you, unto whom (as I was certified long since by Dr. Neale) it is your mind that I should write, that they at your best leisure might give you notice of all our Cambridge matters.—From St. John's College in Cambridge, October 13, 1602.
Holograph. ¾ p. (95. 163.)
John Herbert, Secretary of State, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 13. What joy and congratulations have been made in these parts for our safe arrival, and for her Majesty's gracious intention to end all controversies between her and these northern princes, and how respectively the Danish ambassadors have carried themselves towards us, her Majesty's Commissioners, I and the rest, in our joint letter, have particularly set down the same, that you might see the conjectures of them in England, who assured the contrary, to have been light and without any sound ground. As touching the validity and latitude of the commission given by the King, and what course is most fit to be held for the effecting of a sound amity between both princes, for redressing of injuries past and remedying that the like ensue not hereafter, herein as yet we cannot agree; they pretending their power to be restrained by the laws of their land, we affirming the words of their commission to be sufficient, large, and ample; they desirous at the first to enter into the matters of quarrel, and we to conclude first a sound amity, according to our instructions, and then to determine of the particular grievances. Seeing they have carried themselves with befitting respect to her Majesty, I persuaded with my fellow-commissioners to proceed by degrees, as hoping thereby to effect things better to her Majesty's content. Seeing we are otherwise by direction to attend the Emperor's resolution, which will not come to our notice in any great haste, the loss of a week or two will be no hindrance, but, in some men's judgment, a hastening of the Danes to a more reasonable resolution. What is like to be the issue of this colloquy, by the return of the Stoade fleet, I hope to give you some certainty.—Breame, 13 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (185. 32.)
Sir Humfrey Ferrers to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 14. The stewardship of Tamworth, which Sir John Ferrers my great grandfather and others of my ancestors had for many years, the late Lord Treasurer, your father, procured me her Majesty's like grant of; which office afterwards the Earl of Essex obtained from her Majesty under the Great Seal, by means whereof some controversy was like to have grown betwixt him and me, but your father advised me not to oppose myself against the Earl for an office of so little value. I was contented to endure that wrong done me by the Earl during his life, but held my patent still in force, so, after his decease, I entered upon the said office, as I was advised I lawfully might. Since my entry, I understand that Sir John Egerton, upon information given my Lord Treasurer that the stewardship was in her Majesty's hands by the attainder of the Earl, and the Lord Treasurer not having any notice of my patent, hath obtained a grant thereof under the Exchequer Seal, and hath sent unto me to give me notice thereof as a discharge for me of the said office. Being advised that my patent standeth in force, I entreat your favour herein, having many years done her Majesty all faithful services in three counties in the greatest employments that have been imposed upon any justices of peace, and never making suit unto her Majesty for anything but this place which my ancestors enjoyed heretofore, and the rather because my chief house doth join to the town of Tamworth. I do assure you it is no more but the bare name of steward, and not otherwise worth twopence.—From my house at Tamworth, 14 October, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (95. 164.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 15. I send the letter open for Mr. Levinus to seal, and I will entreat Mr. Vice-Chamberlain to send it away by these few lines. Considering better upon your pleasure, which I would be loth to disobey, I have sealed it up, and written to Sir John Stanhope to entreat him to send it; but I doubt slowness or miscarriage at Berwick or by the way if it go not to Mr. Nicolson by your favour.—London, the 15 of October, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (95. 165.)
Sir Anthony Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 15. Mr. Pindar's occasions which have drawn him into England have given me a means to say that to your Honour which I could never assure myself of before; your Honour will please to receive by him my constant disposition to her Majesty's service, the good of my country, and to yourself. I commit myself wholly to Mr. Pindar to be presented in the same terms to you.—Venice, 15 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 2.)
Henry de la Tour, Duke of Bouillon, to Queen Elizabeth.
[1602 ?], Oct. 15/25. Votre Majeste m'a commande de la tenir souvant avertie de l'estat des aferes du roy mon souveryn je cuide ne le pouvoyr faire au saison ou elles soient plus prosches de grands axidans que mayntenant que par la guerre l'on luy restransche ces limites et que par le farde voyle de pes l'on luy veut fayre fayre de nouvelles amities. Les prudans conseils de votre Majeste sont le siege de l'esperanse de ceus quy ne peuvent servir a dieu et a Belial, et a moy plus qu'a nul autre quy la suplie treshumblemant vouloyr prester favorable audianse a Monsieur de la Fontayne pour ce quil a luy dyre pour le public et pour mon particulier avec lequel vostre Majeste peut de nouveau obliger plusieurs ames quy servent a dieu, ce ne sera pas nous aqueryr a elle dautant que nous le sommes desja mes bien nous donner le moyen de nous y conserver a quoy la mort seulle se peut oposer voulant jusques au dernier souspir disselle luy demeurer son serviteur.—Sedan, 25e Octobre.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 10.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 15. I received your letter. This matter of Bullion you shall find to be true, I am afraid. Before he come to the Court he will be well-advised, so much, I believe, I may assure you. Whether you have seen this book written in Royne's praises, I know not. If you have not read it, it is strange that, a man living, such a book should be written in his praises. I think I shall now buy the lease of Matling. Cratwryght and I am almost agreed. I should take it for a favor that you would pray the Queen to know her pleasure, what she will do with my pearl. I have a proclamation set forth by the Signorie of Venis, forbidding our ships to come to any place of their territories but to Venis; if you have not seen it, I will send it you. It is of importance.—From my house in the Black Friers, 15 Oct., 1602.
PS.—If that you heard that three weeks since I had taken the diet, you had heard truth, but now I am out of it. This book of Roine's return me when you have read it.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (185. 33.)
Sir Robert Cecil to the Vice Chancellor of Cambridge.
1602, Oct. 16. As I have been very willing to uphold the privileges and good customs of the University, so do I think it my part also to prevent the injury that may be offered to any in particular. That the present wants of the University require a ready supply I do easily credit, and the care had thereof I do well allow, but how this supply may duly be procured, in that resteth the question. As for the late procured grace to that effect, for so unjust and unequal an imposition to be laid on them who do reap least benefit in the University and are less interested in the occasions of the expenses by which the present necessity hath grown, although my Lord's grace, whose opinion I reverence, hath inclined to have toleration thereof for one year only, yet I cannot as your Chancellor by any means give my consent unto it. The letter of the grace may include that which should be most unjust, that the poor sizar is not free from this intended imposition, for the grace being passed in the public body, where the poor sizar, under the general title of a scholar is academiae alumnus, rangeth in one and the selfsame order of respect, of place, of admission to degrees, and charges imposed and duties to be performed for degrees, with others whatsoever, the particularities of pensioners and scholars added in the end of the grace, of which distincton private houses take only knowledge, not the public body, doth not so fully free them thereof, as it is requisite they should have been provided for, in such a case. I hold it much more convenient, and so require you, to review the state of the accounts of the University for some years past, from the time of some late Vice Chancellors who are said to have left some reasonable sums of money in the University Chest, and to judge how duly and necessarily the University hath not only spent itself, but also incurred this debt of 250l., the like also to be done touching the other chests, which I have formerly by my letters twice admonished you to do, but have not as yet found anything done therein; and thereupon, the cause in your judgments justly requiring it, to resolve among yourselves of some good course of supply by a general contribution presently to be had, in which it shall best beseem such to yield most as do owe most to the University, which contribution, if it be thought requisite to be obtained by a grace, that then it be had in such sort as is fit for a business of that nature, and as matters of far less moment do pass ordinarily, which is, that after that by consent of all the Heads of Colleges, or the more part, that grace shall be drawn, a congregation being called, the grace being only read, and so sleeping till another congregation, in that second to be granted. Which done, collection presently to be made in such sort as to you shall seem most meet. And if the same shall not be accomplished in the time of the Vice Chancellor now being, his successor to undertake and effect it. For the avoiding of the like necessity hereafter, I see no reason but that if all parties shall become as respective of the good of the University as others before them, it may as well defend itself without incurring the like evil, as formerly it hath done.—From the Court, this 16 October, 1602.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. 2 pp. (136. 103.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to the Customers of London.
1602, Oct. 16. I have heard that you that are her Majesty's officers of her Customhouse have found some cause to take exception against the proceedings of some of my deputies in the execution of the farm which I have taken upon an improved rent of 1,200l. a year more than her Majesty had before for the custom of some kind of silks and other small merchandise. I thought it my part to move you, and it is your duty to inform if anything be done by them prejudicial to her Majesty in honour or benefit, or to the injury of the common subject, of all which respects, because I trust you are persuaded of my care and honest meaning as well as I am of yours, I have thought good to desire you to deliver me in writing, shortly, some such principal heads wherein they do most offend, which as soon as I have received, they shall answer in writing. I will then intreat two or three of you to come to me, at which time I will also cause them to attend, to see if upon such a conference the execution may be so well ordered that neither they may be discouraged from doing their duty, nor you have cause to find fault. As long as the report goeth that they deal injuriously, so long my reputation is called in question, and when they doing well are discountenanced, I lose the just benefit of their industry. The farm, if it be rightly understood, is not a farm of the Queen's silks, but of so many as she is deceived in the custom [of] her silks. Mistake me not by my sending for you that I would in any way overrule orders in the customs, for I know to what officer that only belongeth. My desire is to make you know that I will not bear my deputies out in any abuses, if I had the power. Of all which when truth is known, I will request my Lord Treasurer to strengthen her Majesty's grant according his wisdom, who is the just and proper judge in this matter between her Majesty and her subjects. If I did not think it would distract some of your other business, I would be glad when our meeting shall be, that you would take the pains to dine, when you shall be very welcome.
Draft. Endorsed :—“16th Oct. 1602. Minute to the Custumers of London.” 4½ pp. (185. 34–36.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 16. On Thursday, I saw the Queen as she went to her coach, and at the first she seemed offended that I went away on Monday before I had seen her. Afterwards she used me very graciously and willed me to attend her again as yesterday, when being put in mind of me by Mr. Grivel, she said she knew that I had business, and therefore willed me to follow them, and that when I came next to the Court she would speak with me. I have nothing touching her service which requires any haste, and mine own occasions force me to go down to my house for three or four days, whereof I would not fail to give an account to your Honour.—Baynard's Castle, 16 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (185. 37.)
Maurice, Landgrave de Hessen to the Queen.
1602, Oct. 16/26. When he left his country four months ago to see France, where he has since been travelling, he intended to come to England to kiss the Queen's hands and offer his services. Being recalled by bad news from his wife and by his affairs, he is to his great regret unable to come. Begs to assure the Queen of his friendship, which will be confirmed by her Ambassador now in this Court, with whom he has had ample conference.—Paris, 26 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (147. 148.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 17. I have received your letters and delivered Mr. Honiman's unto Mr. Lambert, and Lambert will deliver to my Lord of Cumberland's servant the Watt's part; and of the money that shall be made thereof, will receive to your use so much as Mr. Oglethorpe will deliver.
From her Majesty's ships as yet I understand no certain news. It is reported that the Paragon, of London, one of the victualling ships which departed hence in their company, is passed to the eastwards with a flyboat taken going from Vyana towards the Straits with 400 chests of sugars. The Commissioners have ended their commission for the carrack's goods, and by the next intend to certify the same.—Plymouth, 17 October, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (95. 166.)
Miler [Magrath,] Bishop of Cashel, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 17. The only cause of this my sudden boldness in presuming to write to your Honour is doubting that you heard not as yet of Cormc McDiermoda's late escape from Cork, and fearing that the seminaries and priests should devise some sudden means to steal away the said Cormack's son from Oxford, as well as they have the father from Cork, at this time, as is thought by many. But I am now rather of opinion that the Lord President by all likelihood have the said Cormack in his power one way or other by this, that is to say, if he escaped her Majesty's forces, laid in wait everywhere about his country for him. No doubt, if my Lord President will receive him upon protection, that he will come, yet it is not unlike that my Lord, having the castle of Blaerny and all the rest of the strongholds of Moskry, together with their best pledges, and Cormc's wife and children in his hands, that he will not much esteem him to be with the rest of the traitors, they being weak, and he more burden than help to them. He is almost impotent, and not able to serve ahorse or foot, and sic pauca sapienti scribens, finem facio.—Istelworth, this present Sunday, Oct. 17, 1602.
PS.—I thought fit, until private talk had with your Honour, not to go to the Court, which will be when and where it please you.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (185. 38.)
Richard [Vaughan,] Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 18. The bearer hereof, Mr. William Foster, is one of the four preachers to whom her Majesty at your suit granted her bountiful allowance for the speedier reducing of her seduced subjects within the county of Lancaster to conformity unto her laws. He hath continued there from the first, and hath laboriously travailed in the most dangerous place, with such discretion, courage and patience, as it may truly be said of him, he alone hath laboured more than all the rest. This testimony, which my conscience bindeth me to yield him, I wish may win him favour in your eyes, for his better preferment in the Church in due time. I have been bold heretofore to move your Honour for myself, and now more occasions being offered which may cause alteration, I presume once again to crave your favour for my remove, if you think that my poor service in this troublesome place hath deserved anything, or may hereafter.—Chester, 18 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (185. 39.)
Sir William Monson to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, Oct. 19. Ever since my last letter the wind hath continued easterly, which hath kept me from seizing the Rock, or the Brazilmen from entering Lishborne. It puts the Portingals in such fear of their miscarrying as they hold the whole city undone if they come not in safety this month, and have daily processions and solemn prayers that they may escape the Englishmen.
Don Diego de Borachero, after his long time spent at sea to little purpose, for that he hath not taken one English man-of-war, though at several times met with as many as are at sea, entered Lisbon 12 days since, with some of his masts spent, most of his ships leaky, and one of them sunk in the sea. I hear he frets it was I that came so nigh him in the night amongst the midst of his fleet and escaped in the manner I wrote to you. The 17th of this month, I met a Frenchman which came from St. Lucar, by whom I understood of the arrival of two Indies men and of seven more daily expected, which lost company of the other two 20 days before. Hereupon I hastened to the South Cape with the Whelp and my carvel in my company; the other ships I left to lie about the Rock, so that seeing both my hopes were at one instant and in several places, I have divided myself so that there is possibility at the least of one; and until I hear they be passed in, I am resolved to fare hardly rather than to return home. I fear the rest of the ships will be forced home sooner than their victuals ends, it falls out so ill. The Whelp is in some want of drink, which I will supply out of Frenchmen.
This present 19th of October, and the same day I fell with the Cape, I met an Italian which came out of Lisbon. There were Dutchmen in her which ran away to avoid serving in the King's ships; they desired to be taken into my ship, and I have them aboard me. Sereago, with eight of the least ships of the 16 Don Diego had, put to sea in their company, but what his design is they know not. Some say to lie before Lisbon to attend the Brazil fleet; others that they have directions to fall with the Madeira, and that those ships shall waft them from thence. The other eight great ships are unrigged. The King's want of mariners and all provisions to sea is such that you need neither fear Ireland, nor any great fleet of his to be employed anywhere; for he was not able to furnish those eight ships without taking sails, cables and anchors from such Easterlings as were in the harbour. Sailors of all nations seek to avoid his service, and either run away in shipping or fly to hide themselves in the mountains. There are five galleys come to Lisbon, which make up the number eight. Parker, of Plymouth, hath a ship taken by a Dunkirk and brought into Lisbon. The Dunkirk is of good force and carrieth 150 men. The captain of her hath made an offer to the King, and expects daily an answer, that if he may have the King's favour and all the goods he can take, the King to have the ships, ordnance and munition, he will undertake every eight days to bring into Lisbon either an Englishman or Hollander.
There is no preparation either in Cals or St. Lucar, nor nothing else in this coast worth certifying you of.—The 19th of October.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil's Secretary :—“19 October, 1602. Sir William Monnson to my master, from the coast of Spain. Received 25 November.” 1½ pp. (95. 167.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 19. Will deserve his care and love if it lies in him. Only writes to signify he has received the Lords' letters, for which he thanks Cecil. Takes it not fit to write to their Lordships, not having else to trouble them with.—Ludlow, 19 of October, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (95. 168.)
G[eorge Carey,] Lord Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlain, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 19. Upon my last speech with you at Drayton, I have staid the exhibition of my suit to her Majesty until she were returned unto a standing house. According to your advice, I have conferred with Mr. Attorney General concerning this matter, whose consent I have so well prepared to the passage thereof, as I am in very good hope to obtain the success I desire. I have written to Mr. Fouke Grevill to become my mean for presenting my letters unto her Majesty's hand, with this advice, that he be altogether directed by you in the choice of such a season as wherein her Majesty may be thought most apt to entertain the suit, and your leisure give you leave to be present at the reading of my letters. The first purpose of my suit I have somewhat altered, and it is now become more general, for three or four hundred pounds by the year in fee farm, to the most part whereof I am already her Majesty's tenant, and at a great rate.—Blackfriers, 19 Oct., 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (185. 40.)
William Cecil to his father, Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 19. Thanks him for the kind token he received by Mr. Tomson, and all his other favours. As heretofore, he is still greatly beholden to Dr. Andrews for his great kindness now at Cambridge; begs Cecil to thank him, and also Sir Thomas Gerard, who never leaves sending him venison and fowl, and other things.—St. John's College, Cambridge, Oct. 19, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (228. 2.)
[James Hudson] to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, Oct. 20.] It may please you to begin to read at the mark and two lines drawn, and read to the end. All the rest are but Border matters of small effect. If it please you to hear and see the party upon the second suit, there appeareth no great matter to depend thereon. It had need to be at your leisure, for there will be many words; of person very comely, but much decayed of the freshness that I have seen. He writes the Lord Home's arrival; the King hath sent for Buccleugh by Mr. William Fowler, who was shot before Grave with a musket. He bought a tent and abode all the siege, and is much beloved of the States and nobles of the country.
Holograph, not dated or signed. Endorsed :—“20 October, 1602. Mr. Hudson to my master.” ⅓ p. (95. 169.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 20. Herewith it may please you to receive the report of John Smart's service in Brittany, with the account for his charges amounting to 15l., the which I have disbursed, and have appointed Mr. Alabaster to receive it in London.
I have presumed to dispatch this packet for the conveyance of Mr. Balbanie's letters, which doth much import his business here.—Plymouth, 20 Oct., 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (185. 41.)
The Enclosures :
i. A note of such charges as I have been at for her Majesty's service since Sept. 29 until Oct. 17th, 1602:—
s. d.
Item for my victuals and passage from Plymouth to Conquit in Bryttanye 12 0
Item more for my dinner, supper a Thursday and my breakfast a Friday 4 0
Item for my passage from Conquit to Doranenes 10 0
Item for my dinner at Doranenes 1 6
Item for horse from Doranenes to Kemper 2 0
Item for our supper at Kemper a Friday and breakfast 3 0
Item for our dinner and horse-meat a Saturday 2 6
Item for our supper and horse-meat a Saturday 4 0
Item for our dinner, supper, and horse-meat at Kemperlye a Sunday night 8 6
Item for our dinner, supper, and horse-meat a Monday 7 0
Item for our dinner, supper, and horse-meat a Tuesday 7 6
Item for my passage from Lomarie to Belille 12 0
Item a Wednesday for dinner, supper, and horse-meat 6 6
Item a Thursday ditto 6 0
Item for a man and two horses for nine days at 4s. per day 1 16 0
Item for their charges home 2 0
Item for my passage from Lauvan to Breste 3 0
Item for my charges at Brest 6 0
Item for a horse and a man from Brest to Roscowe 8 0
Item for my expenses in Roscowe 5 0
Item for a boat that I had freighted to come over in 1 4 0
Item for my passage and expenses at Morlyes 11 0
Item for a horse and man and my diet from Tyngmouth to Plymouth 10 0
Item for my pains 5 8 6
15l. 0 0
Receipted at foot, “John Smart.” 1 p. (185. 42.)
ii. At my coming to Bellille the 5th of this present, I understood that there had been six galleys under the General Spendolo, and a ship of 200 tons burden, and a pinnace belonging to St. Anderewes in Beskye, which galleys and ships remained at Bellille eight days, and from thence put to sea. The ships kept the sea and the galleys put into Bleute with foul weather and remained 15 days. There was sent down from the Court of Parliament of Raynes, and from the Marishall Brisacke, one to know what their intent was, and commanded them to depart. The General's answer was that their coming there was to no evil but to supply their wants, and that they would depart the first wind. The report was that they had 1,500 or 2,000 soldiers in them and great store of treasure. The ship and pinnace came after to Roscowe, where they reported that they had lost eight or ten men and fought with one of the Queen's ships. Their lieutenant was buried in the Isle of Base by Roscowe. John Smart.
Holograph. 1 p. (185. 43.)
Hernan Cardin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 20. Yesterday Master Militon was here from her Majesty and yourself to ask me to write on behalf of Don Richard “Achinis” [Hawkins,] prisoner in Spain. I did not make up my mind to do so, for reasons already given to you, and because I knew how hard his liberty would be to obtain. But if you will send me a signed order to that effect, and let Master Militon come again with a good interpreter, I will do what you bid me.—The Gatehouse, 20 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Spanish. Mutilated. 1 p. (185. 44.)