Cecil Papers: September 1602, 21-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1602, 21-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp389-413 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1602, 21-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp389-413.

"Cecil Papers: September 1602, 21-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp389-413.

September 1602, 21–30

William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 21. On the subject of the goods sequestered for the Italians.
By letters to her Majesty's officers for customs causes here, the Lord Treasurer first required us, in December last, that in regard of her Majesty's pepper then taken in the narrow seas, we should take no entry nor suffer any pepper to be landed in this port. Afterwards, upon notice to his Lordship of the arrival of Sir J. Gilbert's prizes, we were again required to suffer that which came in them to be landed and kept in sequestration. I have presumed thereupon, requiring the said pepper may not be dispersed abroad until my Lord Treasurer's pleasure be signified.
From the Mayor of Dartmouth is advertised that Saturday last there arrived at Brest six Spanish galleys with 4,000 men, of which certain gentlemen were there set ashore and went thence by land to the Cardinal. The bark to be sent hence to Sir William Monson is named The Indian, and her captain James Willes.—Plymouth, 21 September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (95. 103.)
Alderman Christopher Hoddeson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 21. Have thought it my duty, upon the death of Mr. Gilpin, to certify my knowledge of his successor in the office of clerk to the Merchants Adventurers, viz., Mr. John Wheler, a man endued with many good qualities, very fit for Mr. Gilpin's place. The man is wise and honest, hath a sharp sight and quick conceit to prevent any mishap, is of good estimation and long acquainted with the manners of the Netherlanders. He hath their language, Latin and French as perfect as English, with a good taste of Italian and Greek. He is not sparing of his pen, hath good advertisements from Prague, Cologne and other places of far remote matters. I am the bolder to write thus much for that by mine office of Governor of the Merchants Adventurers, as well when Mr. Gilpin was their clerk, as in this man's days, I have cause to judge of them.—At Layghton Bewdeserte [Leighton Buzzard] this 21 of September, 1602.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (95. 104.)
Sir Robert Carew and Thomas Dixon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 21. Having been appointed conductors by you for the better assistance of Sir George Thornton, knight, concerning this last conduction for Ireland, and having been crost by contrary winds, we are enforced to become suitors for some farther allowance, our charge being great and our former means long since spent, and having lived at our own charge ever since the 15th of August.—Bristol, this present 21 of September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. Posting endorsements :—“Bristoll the 21 of September at nyne of the clocke at night. At Marsill [Marshfield] at haf an oure past 10 at nyght. At Calne at one of the cloke in the morninge. At Marlebrow at 3 (?) of the Clock. At Nevbere [Newbury] paste 7 of the Cloke in the morninge. At Readinge at paste 10 of the Clocke in the morninge. At Maydenhed past 1 of the clok in the afternone.” 2/3 p. (95. 105.)
Sir John Salusbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 21. Cecil lately vouchsafed his letter to the Lord President of Wales in his behalf, which by his Lordship's good countenance and advice he finds so seconded that he acknowledges his entire preferment to proceed from Cecil. Prays him to return thanks to his Lordship. Relies on his protection.—Lleweny, 21 September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (95. 106.)
Owen Reynolds to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, Sept. 21. For the wardship of the heir of Gerrard Salvyn, of the county of Durham.
Endorsed :—“21 Sept., 1602.” Note by Cecil that he is to have a commission. 1 p. (888.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 22. The signification from Mr. Faunt of your dispensing with me for my absence till I might be strong, having emboldened me to continue some longer time the course of my physic, now but three days past ended, I crave your pardon for this my writing, first, to give you thanks for your toleration of my absence, next, to signify the good success it hath pleased God to give me by restoring me to health. I purpose to repair to the Court within two or three days after Michaelmas day, the rather for that I hope about that time there may fall out some removing from Oatland.—At Haynes Hill, 22 September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (95. 107.)
Captain Tomkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 22. Hearing of a Spanish fleet to be upon our coast, myself riding at an anchor in the river of Southampton with a ship of war ready manned and victualled for a voyage, have held it a great part of my duty to be negligent of my private designs, so good an occasion calling on [me] to do service to my prince and country. Wherein if you think fit to command me, I shall be most ready to obey.—From aboard the Margaret and John, this 22 of September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal broken. ½ p. (95. 108.)
The Lord Admiral to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, Sept. 22.] I send you this letter that came even now from Sir Ro. Mandsfyld [see p. 389]. You can make your judgment of it, but I hold it for certain that with this light moon they will put into Sluse, yet, if the ships do come with them, they may be met withal, and so the galleys in seeking to help them may come to some mischief. That is all the hope I have. I have written for life for the Wandgard (sic) to hasten to him, and I much marvel, writing as I have done, she is not before this with him. If you have any news, I pray you let me hear from you, for it was told me this morning that a post from Southampton went to you in haste for life. I came but this evening from the court; if I may know when you will come and where, I will not fail.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“22 Sept 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (184. 140.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 22. We have spent all the time in examining of such parties as were in any way suspected to have been extraordinary gainers by the voyage, howbeit we cannot find that our long expense of time and the commissioners' charge therein can be defrayed by any profit that will accrue thereby. My comfort is, notwithstanding, that I have cleared myself from all imputation, and I doubt not your Honour will restore me to your accustomed favour, without the which I shall shortly become an humble suitor to relinquish my place and follow my old sea occupation. When I last conferred with you concerning my ship, you told me that you would meddle no more with her. I therefore, at my coming down, bestowed great charge in new building, rigging and victualling her for another voyage, without making your Honour formerly acquainted herewith. I beseech you to grant me your release and to deliver my bargain and sale of her to my servant Carvannell, whom I have sent up purposely about it, because my ship hath no other cause of stay. I intreat your leave to come to London at or before the next term, that I may once make an end of my dangerous suits in the Admiralty Court, which I much fear will go against me, if I be not present.—From the fort by Plymouth, 22 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 141.)
[Donogh O'Brien,] Earl of Thomond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 22. Having put twice to sea, taking the first opportunity of an easterly wind, we were driven to return with a great danger of the loss of ourselves and her Majesty's ship. Certain men-of-war and ships of good account were in the like taking with us. A man of mine is come over with the intelligence that Sir Terlogh O'Bryen's nephews have spoiled and burned in my absence part of my land, which hitherto hath escaped the enemy's hands. It may be Sir Terlogh, according his clamorous custom, hath complained against me, who now seeing the rebellion almost at an end, is repaired into England to avoid what by the Council of Ireland is objected against him, and to shun such suits as are between him and me, which by direction of the Council of England hath been referred to the Council there, before whom as yet he could never be brought, notwithstanding divers processes which have been served upon him. I intreat your favour that he may be sent over to answer the long suit I have had against him, where if he find himself grieved, he may also make known wherein I, or any captain or soldier under my command, have wronged him, and the Council there to advertise your Honour the certainty thereof, that at my next return he and I may answer the same before your Honour. I know he was encouraged for his coming over by Sir Olyver Lambertt, who seeketh to do me all the ill offices he may, and to impoverish the country for severing Thomond from Connoght. If Thomond were more profitable to me than it is, I would quit it before I would be under the command of Olyver Lambertt.—Bristoll, 22 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (184. 142.)
Federico Genibelli to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 22. The 31st of July, I arrived at Plymouth, and there were not any of the Commissioners at home but Mr. William Stallenge, and by him I was very kindly received and entreated in his house, to whom I delivered the letter from the Council, as also showed him the note of her Majesty's will and pleasure concerning the amendment of the fortification of the fort of Plymouth and the island of St. Nicholas. The 25th of August, having provided materials and workmen, begun to work on the houses in the island for the lodging of soldiers, as also the wall of the parapet round about the island. But, indeed, the weather has been so unseasonable and stormy, and the situation of the island so difficult, that it has much hindered my proceedings. Nevertheless, at this time there is two third parts of the wall of the parapet made, and the houses in good forwardness. So, if it please God to send us 14 days of fair weather, I trust to bring the work in good state. About the 18th or 20th of August, Sir John Gilbart, Mr. Christopher Harris and Mr. Gorge arrived here, to whom Mr. Stallenge and I shewed the letter and the note, as also the great error happened in the calculation of the charge of the wall of the parapet, being by me calculated 150 perches at 46s. per perch, and thereby amounts to 345l., and there is but 140l. put in the calculation, so there is wanting for the finishing of the fortification in the island 205l., without which it cannot be brought to perfection. In regard whereof I, being to seek some remedy, and not willing to trouble her Majesty for more money, having occasion about the fort and island to use some 50 ton of timber, have enquired for the same, and find that on her Majesty's lands in the parish of St. Stevens, as also in her forest of Calstocke, both within Cornwall, very good timber for this service, both the woods being near to the waterside, and to be brought hither for a small charge, which timber will be for the amendment of the error abovesaid; so it were needful, if it please her Majesty the fortification to be ended, to have a warrant to take 50 ton of timber in those two woods, or at least 25 ton presently, for the ending of the work in the island. I will husband her Majesty's money in such sort that if I may have this timber I hope to bring the work to perfection with the 263l. Above all the necessities declared in the calculation, here is not any fresh water, but yet I trust with the 263l. and the timber to effect the work, and find fresh water for to brew beer with, and for other uses, for the nourishing of 200 men continually; and so if it please her Majesty it shall be done in like manner in the fort.—From the island of St. Nicholas, 22 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Fredericke Genebelly.” 1½ pp. (199. 100.)
Estimate by Frederick Genebelli, the Queen's engineer, of charges for the repair of the fort and the Isle of St. Nicholas, Plymouth.
1 p. (141. 240.)
Hortensius Spinola to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 23. After 3½ years spent in prison, consumed by disease, is in danger of death, and constrained to signify to Cecil his peril. Cannot support the gravity of his disease any longer, and prays time and opportunity to use medicines for his recovery. A young man, who for some time took charge of him, will receive him into his house for six weeks or more, with a warder as if he were in prison, and by God's blessing he may recover his health. His fellow countrymen will pay the expenses of the warder. Cannot get well in this prison, and it is vain to try from the strict custody and the difficulty arising from the long distance of the doctors. Has used medicine at intervals in prison, but his disease increases daily, and cannot be resisted without care both by day and night, which in prison is impossible.—E Westmonast. carcere, 23 Septembris.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Latin. 1 p. (95. 109.)
Richard Hadsor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 23. The continual rumour of the Spaniards coming into Ireland offereth occasion of consideration to be had of the manner of Henry and Con. McShane Oneile's escape from Tyrone, and the submission of his sons-in-law McGennies and Henry Oge McHenry McShane, and of his brother-in-law Ohanlon, and of his base brother Art. McBaron, and his brother on his mother's side Tyrrelagh McHenry, with many other principal followers. It is true that Tyrone's uncle, Shane Oneile, killed his father, and that Sir Tyrrelagh Lenagh, late Oneile, killed his elder brother Bryane Oneile by procurement of the said Shane, and that Tyrone hanged Hugh Gevelagh McShane Oneile, and kept his said two other sons in prison many years; yet Bryan McShane Oneile, one other of Shane Oneile's sons, escaped from Tyrone the beginning of these wars, returned voluntarily unto him, and promised to be faithful to him. Thereupon Tyrone employed him, so it is to be doubted that Tyrone, according his position that division was the occasion of the English conquest of Ireland, and that unity between the mere Irish is the means of regaining the kingdom unto them, hath secretly reconciled himself with Shane Oneile's sons, whose followers are great, thereby to strengthen himself in joining with the Spaniards, and if the Spaniards fail, to support his house, family and name. Tyrone's followers by their submission do preserve their corn and cattle from her Majesty's forces, whereby Tyrone shall want no relief. Such islands and inland forths which cannot be conveniently victualled by her Majesty's forces may be through necessity committed to the custody of Shane Oneile's sons, but not to any of Tyrone's sons-in-law or brothers. It were fit to enjoin Con. McShane Oneile, who hath the custody of Dunganon and the islands thereabouts, to procure his followers to make the pass between Dunganon and the Blackwater passable, and Tyrrelagh McHenry the pass which enters his country called the Fwes, and so Ohanlon the pass of the Moyre between Dondalke and the Nvery, which will be a great furtherance to the service. My Lord of Kildare purposeth to renew his English Westernland patent for such a fine as your Honour shall lay down, and to allow me to pass the remain of his Irish pension amongst other bills for copper pence without charge to her Highness, and to be a suitor for the reversion of those lands in fee simple which are to return to her Highness after the death of the elder Countess of Kildare, and for your furtherance thereof his Lordship will be thankful to your Honour.—From the Middle Temple, 23 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (184. 143.)
Hernando Cardin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 24. When by your order I came to this prison, it was proposed to me from you that I should write to Flanders for Ludovico Brusquete, and although I saw the difficulty of the undertaking, he being neither in Spain nor in the hands of my King, I nevertheless wrote to my friends, not only in Flanders but also in Spain, and have obtained commendatory letters from some gentlemen, as the Duke of Avéro, que es Lancastre, and even from the Empress and the Queen of Spain. I have also written twice to the Count of Mansfelt to agree for my liberty with Ludovico Brusquete. The Count began the transaction by saying that it was his affair, and included in his government of Luxemburg, and that he would not give way before there arose a great resistance. But my friends will not cease from their endeavours till they have brought the matter to a good conclusion. There is then no reason for to your Excellency to be angered with me, for I have with the best will done what I have said, and the matter is still in progress.
Fifteen days ago, by way of Jeronimo Lopez and a brother of Ludovico Brusquete, I heard of the ill-treatment of Brusquete; but this is not my fault, for I had already written to get the Count asked to treat him well. The reason of the ill-treatment is Brusquete's own behaviour; he imprudently offered a large sum of money, and the Count is ill-treating him to make him keep his word. My gaoler tells me to write again, and with this come letters, which I hope will be effectual in pleasing you. I beg of you to give orders that I may be well treated; I am an old man, weary and infirm, and it would take but a little to kill me.—The Gatehouse, 24 September, 1602.
Holograph. Spanish. Mutilated. 2½ pp. (95. 110, 111.)
Thomas Hunt.
1602, Sept. 24. Safe conduct for Thomas Hunt, who is to repair to Court on her Majesty's service, and because he is a recusant, “is afeared to be troubled and molested by the way.” Only to endure for six weeks from the present date.—From the Court at Oatlands, 24 September, 1602.
Signed, Ro. Cecyll, J. Stanhope. ½ p. (95. 112.)
Mr. Edward Bruce to his Cousin.
1602, Sept 24. [Printed in extenso : Camden Soc. Publications, O.S. LXXVIII, p. 78.]
(135. 104.)
[The Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil] to the Mayor of Plymouth.
1602, Sept. 24. We are informed that divers prisoners are daily brought out of Spain and other places into Plymouth, and kept there for a time, and so discharged again and sent back upon composition, without order or knowledge from hence, divers persons so often escaping which might be otherwise charged in matter of State. We are also advertised that in the keeping of those prisoners there, such neglect and remissness is oftentimes used, as divers of them are kept in taverns and other places of public resort, with free liberty to walk about the town and converse with whom they list, whereby they come to knowledge of our actions at home, and so make it known into Spain, to the hindrance of her Majesty's service. We require you to make a general inquiry throughout the town of what prisoners there are kept there, that some course may be taken as shall be best befitting.—From the Court at Oatelands, 24 Sept., 1602.
Draft, with corrections by Cecil. Unsigned. 1 p. (184. 144.)
[The Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil] to Sir John Gilbert.
1602, Sept. 24. We have been advertised out of Spain that from Plymouth there is daily intercourse of letters, by reason of certain prisoners that are kept there. In respect whereof, and that we have been told heretofore that Francisco Alvares, your prisoner, is a very busy fellow, and hath great means, by reason of his loose keeping in a place of continual resort, to come to knowledge of many things, considering that Plymouth is one of the chiefest places where our preparations are made against Spain, we require you to take order that he be kept more restrainedly, or transported to some other place in the country, where he shall not have that opportunity to see and hear so much as at Plymouth.—From the Court at Oatelands, 24 Sept., 1602.
Draft. Unsigned. ½ p. (184. 145.)
Capt. John Throckmarton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 24. The extremity of stormy weather hath been such ever since the date of my other of the 11th and 12th, that by no means possible any passage could get out of this harbour. Here is a strange apprehension by the States General, being now alone with their army at the Grave, since the taking in of the same, that the preparation of galleys and other the King of Spain's provisions be for the river of Ems and the town of Emnden, thereby taking occasion to bend their counsels specially at this present to heed that place (as these poor Zelanders say) a device only to frustrate their desires to attempt somewhat for the relief of Ostend, whereby they might be at somewhat the more safety, the which they (these men) begin to believe is not greatly desired by them of Holland. Wherever it is, there is a fault somewhere, if they neglect any assay to the relief thereof. As for the present coming of so great a provision into the river of Ems, there is small appearance, the season of the year being so far passed, besides all the advertisements from all places do conclude that that great preparation is discharged, only excepting those half dozen galleys said to be at St. Anders and coming for these parts, whereof we understand by many ships that come in daily from those seas. What will come thereof, time will clear unto us. What our army will next undertake, I cannot yet perceive.—Vlushing, 24 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (184. 146.)
Francis Cherry and John Mericke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 24. If her Majesty have a purpose to send letters to the Emperor of Russia, now is the fittest time for conveyance by sea to Narve, while the seas be open, which opportunity pretermitted, there will be no possibility of passage by land, because of the great troubles throughout all Leifland. A letter to the Emperor from her Majesty to that effect you lately spoke of will give good satisfaction, although there be no proceedings in the thing moved, and may make stay of some offers that will be made in the meantime, and effectually followed of others, which letter likewise will procure a further answer therein, whether it shall be needful for the sending of an ambassador thither the next spring or not.
We attend your pleasure concerning the Russe young gentlemen, whether we shall take order for the placing of them, that they may be trained up in learning according to the Emperor's desire, or to stay her Majesty's direction therein, who signified to them at their being at Court that she herself would take order for them.—London, 24 Sept., 1602.
Signed as above. 1 p. (199. 101.)
1602, Sept. 25. Order to some person not named to repair to Court, there being occasion for conference about matters concerning her Majesty's service.—From the Court at Oatlands, this 25 of September, 1602.
Not addressed. Signed, Ro. Cecyll. ¼ p. (95. 113.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Lord Cobham.
1602, Sept. 25. Two letters :—
(1.) This morning, about 2 o'clock, I received your letters by post for life. Although I am not able to give any further advertisement of the six galleys, yet by the report of the poor slaves, which, seeing themselves near to the shore, leaped overboard, three of them being Turks, as namely, Husien, Allee, Havivie and Harnando Lopes, a Spaniard (all having very able bodies), they inform that the galleys came from St. Andera in Biskie about a month since to the isle of Belyne in France, and so to Conquett, and that Fredorick Spindola, a Genoway (sic), is general over them, and there is aboard the galley wherein their general goeth, 36 chests of gold, besides sowse, bars of silver and pieces of eight, which serve as ballast for that galley, and that the most part of their pilots are Frenchmen. Forasmuch as the slaves arrived naked, save that two of them had shirts, I desire your pleasure what consideration shall be taken for their clothing and victuals.—Dover Castle, 25 Sept., 1602.
Postal endorsements :—“Hast, hast, post, hast, hast, with all diligence. Dover, xxv. Septembris at past x. in the forenone (Tho. Fane). At Canterbery past. at night. At Sittingborn past iiij. at night. Rochester past 9 at night. Darford at past three in the morning.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 148.)
(2.) About 3 o'clock in the afternoon a Dutch man-of-war arrived at Dover, which credibly reporteth that four of the Spanish galleys which came through the narrow seas upon Thursday last are cast away upon the coast of Flanders, viz., two of them before Newport, one before Dunkirk, and the other they saw floating in the sea this day, as they came along the coast between Dunkirk and Graveline; as for the other two, they never saw nor knoweth not what is become of them, neither the Queen's ships nor the Hollanders that had them in chase.—Dover Castle, 25 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsement mutilated. ½ p. (184. 147.)
Captain John Throckmarton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 26. By the date of these from my Lord Governor, you may perceive they have been long on the way towards you. To my hands they came both within two hours the one of the other; the extremity of the weather was the only cause upon the passage from Holland to this place. I received them this day, the 15th. I despatch my man of purpose unto you with them, to the end they may come safely and with as much speed as I can send them. Pardon me if I am too chargeable in these expeditions, I am careful to forward whatsoever is directed unto you.
From our army, I cannot yet know what will be next undertaken. Some speak that they pretend to attempt Vendulo, which is within four leagues of the Grave, and a necessary member to be had now that we have the other. If it be attempted, I think it will be no long work. The enemy hath gotten together as many waggons and carriages as whole Brabant can afford him, as also drawn to a head that rest of his army which he can command to march with him, which may be some 8,000 or 9,000 horse and foot. Somewhat he would undertake if he durst resolve of anything certain, but for ought we can understand, he feareth his mutinous army greatly. Yet by what I can perceive, he purposeth anew to make good his business of Ostend, and to that end his great provisions of wagons to transport his munition and other necessaries to that siege. Others conjecture he only maketh himself as strong as he can to prevent what anew the States' army may undertake against him in those parts of Brabant. Willingly he would thrust a garrison into Bolduke, but the town is against him in that.
From Ostend, this day, we hear that these storms have greatly endamaged the north east parts of the town, as upon the new haven and other places on that side. With this easterly wind here is great provisions to go thither, and it is time they had them. If it prove a stormy winter season, undoubtedly the place would be in some danger; the enemy's cannon doth so nearly command into them as they would hardly be able to make up ought that should be so decayed.—Flushing, this 26 September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (95. 80.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 26. I have sent enclosed the copy of a letter from Mr. Bluett, at Rome and a sentence. I send the copy because you know his hand is scarce legible till one be acquainted with it. If you do not mislike it, or you find that Mr. Barrowes dealt not so badly with you as you were informed, I could be contented to remit his imprisonment upon sufficient bonds for a time, in that I could find how to employ him to very good purpose.—At Fulham, 26 September, 1602.
PS.—Concerning the token mentioned in Mr. Bluett's letter. His man being in England, brought me a piece of gold, in value about 3l., from a gentlewoman, one of Mr. Bluett's chief friends, with thanks for my kindness to him. I refused the token, but urged, I bade him carry it to his master, for I would not meddle with it to have it myself.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (95. 114.)
Henry Hoeuenaer to —.
1602, Sept. 26/Oct. 6. Our hasty going to the Court lets us not to see your Worship. The news we bring is that our vice-admiral's ship the Moon, wherein I doo goo nou, have soncke twoo galleys; another ship of warre, of Medenblick in Noort Holland, soncke oune. We heare of twoo that are cast away for Nieupoort and one sits vor (sic) Duynkercke. My vice-admiraell, now commanther over fower ships for to goo westwaert on the coast of Spaine, commens him to your worship. We left our Gheneraell sick of the small pocks at Portesmouth the 1st Oct. last.—This 6 Oct., 1602 stilo novo, in Dover.
PS.—The Gheneraell, Joncker Jacob of Duyuenuoirde Heere tot Opdam ende Hensbroeck; the vice-admirael, Cap. Jan Adryaenssen Cant of Dort.
Holograph. Unaddressed. 1 p. (185. 17.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 26. On the receipt of your letter here arrived two English merchants from St. Malo's, who reported that six galleys, with three ships in their company, were already passed by the islands of Guernsey and Jersey about 14 days since, and that there were six galleys and sixteen sail of small ships and carvels newly arrived to Bell Isle, out of which said galleys they saw eight Spanish gentlemen come into St. Malo's and depart from thence for the Low Countries over land, by which it was thought the galleys were bound thither. I received at the same instant intelligence by two Frenchmen, masters of two barks of Conquet, that on the 24th inst., coming from Burnef, they were chased by six galleys from Penmarke until they were two leagues to the eastward of Conquet, but what became of them afterward they know not, save only that they stood to the eastward. I believe they were but six galleys in the whole which are already passed; howbeit I will set forth a bark upon discovery according to your directions.—The Fort by Plymouth, 6 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (204. 142.)
Lord Treasurer Buckhurst to Sir Thomas Knevett.
1602, Sept. 27. Her Majesty [being] pleased, for the placing of Mr. Boyar in the office of one of the tellers in the stead of Sir Thomas Tasborough, I have caused a bill for her signature to be made ready, for that it is greatly for her Highness' service that Sir Thomas Tasborough do leave the office at this Michaelmas. If he should remain officer after Michaelmas, and so any ways enter into receipts after that day, much inconvenience may hap to her Majesty thereby. Wherefore, even from me move her Highness to sign this bill, which herewith I send you, before or by Michaelmas day at the farthest.—27 September, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (95. 115.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.
1602, Sept. 27. Here arrived this day from Calais Christopher Bulger of this town, sailor, who brought with him a Moor, named Mishahaut, and one Thomas Browne, an Englishman of Southampton, who were captives in one of the Spanish galleys which came into Calais on Saturday last about 2 of the clock in the afternoon. They say the galley came in whole and unhurt, and that there was no treasure in her; the name of the galley La Padeila, the captain's name Suisha. The slaves and captives after they were on shore, most of them conveyed themselves away to Boulogne and other places. These two only came over into England with Bulger. It is reported also by Kightley, the post who came over with the same passage, that he saw two of the galleys at Nieuport, which were come on ground there on Friday last about 10 or 11 at night, being so beaten with the sea that it was thought they would not be recovered; but the goods and men were saved. Also, he saw one of the galleys at Dunkirk, wherein Spinola was and all the treasure of the fleet. He saith the galley being run on ground broke in pieces, but the men were saved and all the treasure well landed.—Dover, this 27th of September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. Posting endorsements :—“hast post post hast hast. Dover this 27th of September at 5 eveninge. At Canterbery past 1 at night. At Sitinborn past 10 at night. Rochester past 2 in the morning. Darford at past 10 in the morning.” 1 p. (95. 116.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 27. I have seen your letters to Sir John Gilbert for the sending of a bark to the coast of Brittany; and for ease of her Majesty's charge and better effecting the service, I have advised, and it is agreed, that a sufficient man shall be sent in a French bark now ready to depart for that coast; where he shall inform himself of all things needful in the service, and return in some other vessel, if he find any ready; otherwise in the same bark that he goeth, lading her with salt, wherein there will here be no loss. The packet to Sir W. Monson was sent hence on Friday last by Capt. Allen in a small bark of this place. At this instant I received my Lord Admiral's and your letters of the 24th inst. The Commissioners are now determined to leave the goods known by the Italians' marks in sequestration, according to the commission out of the Admiralty Court, and will sequester so much more as with that may make up the full sum of 4,000l. The pepper shall be delivered upon bonds according to your order; within two days the Commissioners will make an end of dividing the goods. The bark to be sent to Sir W. Monson will be ready within three or four days, and had been sooner but by a mishap that befell her.—Plymouth, 27 September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (85. 117.)
William Poyntz to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 27. I received the honourable token you sent me; if ever I be able, my service shall deserve it. I have been younger than I am, and wilder than I will be again. I cannot justify many of my idle actions done in the world. I am resolved my behaviour hereafter shall be more profitable than it hath been for my own behoof, and not unpleasing to my friends. The hope I have had in men hindered me from putting my trust in God; but now my whole confidence is in Him, I doubt not He will raise up some honourable friend to be the author of my well doing. I never had a disloyal heart to my Queen or an evil wish unto my country; many that had better means far than mine have shewed themselves most false and ungrateful subjects for sundry benefits received. I pray you consider my following lines, for although I use much talk, it is my bold love, not my love of unmannerly boldness, makes me thus presume. When I followed my first and last master the Earl of Leicester, my fast friends that preferred me unto him left me alone, and gave me leave, although they seemed to mislike it, to make odd shifts to fill my wardrobe with pied clouts. For my brother-in-law, Sir Thomas Heneage, knew well that nature taught him to be next unto himself, yet he and his wife, my sister, told me they would not see my young years spent without his honourable consideration. I was his man, and between a man and a boy near seventeen years I served him truly and costly; yet it was my fortune in all his life, and at his death only to get a beard on my chin and a black cloak on my back. Since I lost him, I have not found myself willing to wear any Lord's mark upon my sleeve; but your very noble using of me often binds me to offer unto you my poor service. I have vowed of all men to love and honour you most, which breeds in me an earnest desire to live and die yours. I have in the Court a great sort of cousins that care no less for me than I do for them, who when my Lord lived told me they loved me; but he being lodged at Warwick without a tomb, my fortune they think is buried with him. Therefore I scorn, being as free and well born, to be unto them a suppliant to further me in this behalf. But if you will accept of me, I will be your true servant till I die. Of all my kin and friends, only my Lord Cobham I do desire to farther my request, whose poor father was once his mother's uncle.
I have two hopes; one, that you will not reject my father's son; next, that you will—because easily you may—be the author of your noble dead wife's kinsman his well doing.—From my lodging upon Ludgate Hill at the sign of the Hare, this 27 September, 1602.
Holograph. 2¾ pp. (95. 118, 119.)
Robert Bellman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 27. This day I received this packet from the Lord President of Munster by a bark of my own that carried beer for his Lordship; and demanding of the master for the arrival of my other bark that carried your last packet, he can speak nothing of her, but verily thinks she is in some port of Wales, for he protesteth they have had no other wind but west, north west, and now west and by west, these 20 days. The bark went to sea the same day I received the packet, as I will further acquaint you by my next when Mr. Justice Prideaux doth come home; for I always have requested him to take true notice of all letters that ever have come to my hands, as also the High Constable, as by my last I did signify.—Padstow, 27 September, 1602.
Holograph. Two seals, broken. Posting endorsements :—“hast hast post hast. 27 of September at 11 in the day. Robte Bellman her maties post for Padstow. Aishbton halfe an hower after 6 in the morninge. Exeter at a 11 befor none the 28. Honyton 3 at after nowne 28 of September. Crewkern 10 night Sept 28. Shafton 11 in the forenoone the 28 [sic] September. Sarum paste 5 in the after none being Wendaye. Rd at Andever at Tenn at night being Wensdaye the 29 September. at Bassingstoke at 6 in the morninge. At Harvet Brig . . . in the moring.” ½ p. (95. 120.)
John Ratclyff, Mayor of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 27. I received this day by a mariner the letter enclosed, directed to you and subscribed unto by Sir Geoffrey Fenton, which I thought it my duty to send by the post.—Chester, 27 September, 1602.
Signed. ¼ p. (95. 121.)
The Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil to Sir Francis Godolphin.
1602, Sept. 27. Because here have been divers reports of Sir William Mounson's putting in with her Majesty's fleet into the Scillys, her Majesty hath commanded me to write unto you, to be advertised by you what she is to believe of it. I pray you let me know whether he be there now or hath been there at all since his last putting to sea from Plymouth, and if he chance to come thither, to let him know that her Majesty's express pleasure is that he forthwith return again with his fleet for England, and to send me word when and where we are to look for him, because her Majesty hath otherwise occasion to employ him.
Draft. Unsigned. ½ p. (184. 149.)
Christopher Harris to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 28. I have sent you by this bearer, Mr. John Rider, a Portingal taken at sea by Capt. Francis Courtnay; which Portingal names himself to be a friar, and hath been employed, as he saith, by the King of France, and can say much concerning the state of England, but is very unwilling to reveal it here. Therefore he earnestly desireth to be sent to Court, and that he may speak with one John Stanhope that carried the Queen's golden key. I think he meaneth Sir John Stanhope.—Radford, 28 September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (95. 122.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 28. I sent to Dover yesternight by post; I hope by to-morrow 3 o'clock to have an answer. When you are at your other house, I will come and see you. This [day ?] I cannot dine with you, having divers fishermen of Rye and Dieppe which I must despatch away this forenoon. I hear news from no place; shortly I hope we shall see Sir Walter Raleigh.—From my house in the Black Friars, the 28th of September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal broken. ½ p. (95. 123.)
Thomas Honiman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 28. Two letters :—
(1.) I received your letter of the 24th inst. with a reference by Mr. Stallenge of your meaning touching the sequestration, which was well understood before, and now determined to sequester goods for such parcels of the Italians as are found embezzled, whereof some part is already laid by. By the time I receive your directions touching Sir John Gilbert's ship, and which of these prizes your Honour desireth to have bought, I shall be ready to depart hence, and will leave to Mr. Stallenge and my man the ordering of the goods into good condition. There hath not one day passed without controversy, for most of these ships had private consortship with other ships unknown to us till the time we began to divide. I send hereinclosed a particular what is coming to the Watte, and what it is worth at the rates as the time present affords. I have disbursed this composition money and could spare 200l. more upon any occasion that my Lord shall have in these parts in setting forth of a bark that his Lordship hath given order to be dispatched or otherwise, and could appoint him the rest in London. I will not buy the same without your Honour's leave. William Cortneye's son hath brought into Dartmouth a French ship that came from Lisbon laden with Spanish goods : in her is found a Portugese friar that giveth out to be employed by the King of France. I told Mr. Corteney that, if he sent him to the Court, your Honour could not choose but take it ill, if you sent him to any other. This I did because I heard he had a purpose to send him to others.—From Plymouth, 28 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (185. 1 & 2.)
The Enclosure :
An estimate of the goods allotted out for the Watte, as I esteem it worth :—
c. qrs. lb.
White sugars 40 0 0 at 5l. 0 the hundred 200l. 0
Muscovado ” 12 0 0 3l. 10 ” 42l. 0
Panell ” 11 2 0 2l. 10 ” 28l. 15
Santome ” 55 0 0 2l. 15 ” 151l. 5
Pepper, nett 22 2 0 2s. the pound 252l. 0
Gomblake 7 0 0 4l. the hundred 28l. 0
Porcelain valued in 450l., her part is 34l. 10
Ship and ordnance valued in 300l., her part 22l. 15
759l. 5
An estimate of what may be given for the Watte's part.—543l.
Unsigned. 1 p. (185. 2.)
(2.) Understanding that this bearer, Capt. Corteney, had in his custody a Portuguese friar taken in a ship coming from Lisbon, who giveth out that he was employed by the French King, I requested him to send the party to your Honour. The ship wherein he was taken is a French bottom, wherein he finds just cause to think the greatest part, if not all the goods laden in her, belong to the King of Spain's subjects.—From Plymouth, 28 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (185. 3.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 29. There was a warrant from the Lords for Wright's removing from the Tower to Framingham, but yet he was, upon some information by Mr. Lieutenant [of the Tower,] stayed. Since which time he hath been himself an earnest suitor to be rid of him; and upon my speech to you to the same purpose, you were content he should be prisoner in the Clink, for that he promiseth to do some especial service. A word to Mr. Dering, Sir John Peyton's substitute, that he may now be delivered prisoner to the Clink, or to me to be committed thither, will be sufficient; and indeed, for a time I could be content to try what he will or can do.—At Fulham, 29 September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (95. 124.)
Roger Morrell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 29. Your son my pupil being at length (God be thanked) returned safe and sound unto the University after a long discontinuance from the same, he begins to fall again prettily well to his book; wherein I make no doubt he will in time so profit as that you shall thereby receive comfort, the child deserve commendation and I get credit, if so be he may be suffered to continue at the same and be not either too often sent for home or too long kept from hence. For long discontinuance from study, as I have often found by experience, will make a very good clerk and an old scholar to be far to seek, much more a young novice and a new beginner such as he is. If therefore it might please you to continue him at his book without interrupting his course too often, it would further him greatly in his study; otherwise I shall not be able, considering his rawness, to do that good upon him that I heartily desire and you certainly expect. For besides my daily instructing of him privately in my chamber, the public lectures and disputations in the hall will be a great means, not only to sharpen his wit and increase his knowledge, but also to whet his desire to his book and to breed in him a love of learning. But your Honour is wise and do very well know what is fit to be done, neither will I presume to advise a man of your place and experience what course to take with your child, but refer him wholly to your wisdom.—From St. John's College in Cambridge, September 29, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (95. 125.)
D. P. to Jeronymo Palluzzi.
1602, Sept. 29/Oct. 9. A few days ago I received your letter wherein you discoursed of that animal of an Englishman; I wrote to you of it because you knew something, but his evil opinions have not reached this place, or at any rate are not accepted here. Pardon my slowness in writing; there is nothing worth writing of. The fleet left Cartagena on the 26th of last month, with 48 gallies and a few men; it went to Denia and will there have found orders. It is said they were to go to Bugia in Africa. Don Carlo Doria, who commands the Genoese squadron, had orders to go on the 20th instant to Nizza, to take the princes of Savoy on board and bring them to Spain; so that nothing will be done. The King and Queen are well.—Valladolid, 9 October, 1602.
Italian. Directed to Venice. 1 p. (95. 138.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 30. That I sent not your hawk till now I hope you will excuse, since he was so slow in mewing it was not possible to get him sooner flying. This morning was the first time he was cast off this year, and though it was not possible he should shew any flying, yet his stirring so well pleased me that I hope you will like him. And for the horse I promised you, he is in my stable, but I forbear to send him till my own coming, not willing to trust anybody with his carriage out of my sight till you have him delivered; for I persuade myself you never had his like for ease, shape, colour, mettle and gentleness.—September 30, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 126.)
John Hopkenes, Mayor of Bristol, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 30. This day I received this enclosed packet directed to you from Captain Plessington, captain of her Majesty's ship the Tramontana. The soldiers have been oftentimes embarked and have been down our channel of Severn twice or thrice, and now are returned by means of contrary winds, and must of force be landed again; no remedy but patience.—Bristol, this 30th of September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. Posting endorsements :—“Haste haste poste haste haste. Bristoll the first of October at 6 of the clocke in the morninge. Att Marshfeild at halfe an hower paste eight of the clocke in the morninge. At Calne halfe a houre paste 11 in the morninge. At Marlebrow at 2 of the Clock. At Nevbere [Newbury] paste 5 of the Cloke. at Readinge at 9 of the Clocke in the night the firste of October. Hounsslow the first of October at 3 a clocke in the night.” ½ p. (95. 127.)
Roger Houghton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 30. There was no fault in me for the delivery of your letters to Mr. Levinus or Mr. Percival, for I went instantly to Mr. Levinus his house to deliver the message and letter you gave me to him; but his man told me he was gone to St. Catherine's. I intreated his man to tell him I must needs speak with him from you, but as Mr. Levinus doth now confess, his man forgot to do the message. Mr. Percival came out of Hertfordshire, and went home the next way to Kensington, and so came not to your house. The next day I went to Theobalds with Mr. Cope, Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Wright and the plumber. They made trial of the spring head which comes to the ox-house, but find it cannot be brought any higher into the river than now it is by reason it lieth under a great hill which is betwixt it and your park. Jennings is confident touching his works, and for the finding of his water hath persuaded Mr. Cope to have liberty to keep ten men at work till Saturday come sennight; at which time he hath pawned his credit to show sufficient water to make a current river. To which Mr. Cope hath yielded. I have delivered your letters to Mr. Alderman Moore and Mr. Cottell. Mr. Moore cannot at this time furnish you with more than 500l., for he saith at this time his payments are great. He will another time be ready to pleasure you with a greater sum as willing as any man. Mr. Cottell will let you have 1,000l., which I shall receive to-morrow, and I will seal it up and intreat him to see it delivered to Mr. Hickes the mercer for you.—September, 30, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 128.)
Sir John Gilbert and Richard Cole to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 30. We perceive by speeches from the Italian that her Majesty was resolved to give these goods, which are now sequestered, as a gratuity to the Duke of Venice, which, if it should fall out, we should be much prejudiced, and we hope her Majesty will not give away our goods, which of right, and by law, belong to us, and therefore we beseech you that they may not be disposed of until we be acquainted herewith, for we are resolved to wage law with the Italians and bear the charge of it ourselves, so as your Honours shall have your parts without deduction of any charge, and now we are entered into bond for the same, and the goods known and sequestered accordingly. It seemeth by your Honour's letters sent to Mr. Stallenge, that we have mistaken your letters to the Commissioners, for that we sought to procure the supposed Italians' goods into our own hands and not observe your letters, which we protest, as soon as the Commissioners had read them, we gave way unto it, and sequestered accordingly.—From Plymouth, 30 Sept., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (185. 4.)
The Commissioners at Plymouth to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 30. We have perused your letters to Mr. Stallenge, wherein it seems you have been informed of our indiscretion in mistaking of your former letters, and our confused carriages of these businesses. The truth is, we made more respectancy of your Honours' letters than of the seal that gave our first authority, and for the allegation of our confusion, we are resolved that our doings cannot be bettered by any informer, and therefore intreat your better censure of us. We perceive you are ashamed of our tediousness in dispatch of this business. The multiplicity and intricacy of the same, by reason of so many consortships, bills of adventurers, and varieties of discontentments amongst the owners, etc. have been the principal cause of detractions; besides, after our first meeting, we stayed above three weeks for the discharge of all the ships' companies. We desire that we might not be censured, for that it is no pleasure to us to live from our own private business. For Sir John and Mr. Cole, they are no way deceived in your Honours' letters, but have given way to the sequestration of the Italian's goods in specie, which were sequestered and cellared according to this enclosed long before you received advertisement of our suggested follies. For the rest which cannot be found, amounting to 716l. 19s. 9d., which by the Italian's account is all he can claim, they, together with the rest of the owners, are content to give bond for the same.—Plymouth, 30 Sept.
Signed :—George Gyfford : Fr. Gorges : G. Reneger : Thomas Honiman : Humf. Kempe : Edm. Duffild. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (185. 5.)
Lord Zouche, President of Wales, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 30. I send you the copy of my now letters to my Lords of the Council. I beseech you let me know wherein I err. I would be glad that I might have the general and particular muster books which have been certified of every shire within my lieutenancy, that I may the better consider against the next year what I have to do. I intreat your advice concerning a muster-master's place in Worcestershire, where it seems there hath been some stir before my coming, Sir John Packington having placed one, and divers other gentlemen desiring to displace him. For myself, I thought it best to place a man of mine own, to avoid contention.—Ludlow, 30 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (185. 6.)
Lord Zouche to the Privy Council.
1602, Sept. 30. I have sent to your Lordships such indented rolls as came to my hands before the writing of my last. Notwithstanding I have not understood your further pleasures, yet do I think it my duty, upon receipt of four other rolls to be sent to your Lordships from the counties of Salop, Wigorn, Heref. and Carnarvon, to accompany the same with these lines, to intreat you that I may in time receive your directions.—Ludlow, 30 Sept., 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (185. 8.)
Thomas Arundell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 30. Though Theobals be now so thoroughly furnished with red deer as that it need no further supply, yet have I by this bearer sent a bald red deer calf, which if, for his largeness or strangeness, it may win an acceptance of yourself, my highest esteemed friend, I have my desire. I intend, ere long, to send my younger son, a child of 14 years, into France, that he may hereafter be the better enabled to serve his prince and country. Though I am told that for the passage of a younger brother there need no leave be asked, yet I thought good to make you acquainted withal. If the service of a disgraced, retired prisoner might be acceptable, then would I put you in mind that my whole abilities have ever been yours to dispose of.—Warder, 30 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (185. 7.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
1602, [c. Sept.]. Sir, I am a little pinched this morning in my toe, so as, though I have no pain, I halt down right, which is the cause I came not to speak with you about the young lady, my Lord of Ormond's daughter, as yesterday I promised my Lady Sheffield to do. We had conference with this bearer, Mr. Rothe, who we entreated both in your name and our own to set down in writing a note of my Lord of Ormond's lands, which might be best spared from the heir of his house, if God should send him a son, to the end that it might appear unto us how he may most conveniently allot a reasonable portion of lands to his daughter and the heirs of her body, if he should have issue male of his body. Whereupon, Mr. Rothe hath accordingly set down such a note. It is now to be considered to what value of lands her Majesty will expect that there shall be allotted to the young lady, for it must needs be in lands and not in money for many respects, but therein this difficulty will arise; those lands do not pay the fourth part of that which they be well worth, and yet the tenants able to live well upon them, so as if 1,000l. in rent per annum now answered to his Lordship should be required, they were worth 4,000l. per annum, and therefore some moderation is to be held in the demand. I for my part do think 7 or 800l. a year will suffice : but hereof I pray you speak with Mr. Roth, peruse his notes, and then let us know your opinion, for we are all very desirous that the messenger Shyrwood should be despatched away so soon as may be.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602”; and in Cecil's hand, “E. of Shr : D. Parkins trade : D. of Wells : Nycolson.” (97. 108.)
The Affair of Sir Edward Dymock.
1602, [Sept.]. The grievances and injuries offered to Sir Edward Dymoke, knight, by the Right Hon. Henry Earl of Lincoln, the Lo. Clynton and Mr. Edward Clynton, his sons.
1. Sir Edward Dymoke having a lease from Henry, Bishop of Carlisle, of the site and manor of Horncastle, and having recovered by verdict against the Earl of Lincoln, who pretended a former lease, is in quiet possession thereof and dwelleth now upon the same.
2. Notwithstanding, the Earl hath many ways molested Sir Edward by forcible entries and riots upon the grounds of the said manor, and compelled him, to his great charge, by order of law to be restored unto possession.
3. The said Earl having built a little shed or watch-house upon an out part of the grounds, of purpose to keep divers loose fellows to disturb Sir Edward's possession and drive off his cattle, Sir Edward caused the shed to be destroyed, whereupon the Earl called a privy sessions pretending a force to be committed, and against the day of the sessions procured one William of Thynnglby, a servant of his lordship's, to sue forth out of the Crown Office a warrant for the peace against him and seven of his men. After which the Earl sent for the under-sheriff and compelled him to make warrants unto the Earl's servants for the apprehending of the said Sir Edward and his seven men.
4. Sir Edward having tendered bail to the under-sheriff for the peace, and coming to the sessions to prosecute a bill of force against the base fellows which were lodged in the shed, the Earl, with his son Lord Clynton, sat upon the Bench, outfacing and appalling the jury, and gave Sir Edward the lie thrice and told him he was in a mad fit, with other most foul and opprobrious words not befitting that place.
5. The jury being then charged with the indictments of force and conferring thereupon in the church, where they were appointed for that purpose, his lordship's attorney, with divers others of his men, walked before the porch offering to confer with them, and out-countenancing some other of the jury. Whereupon Sir Edward did peaceably and without his rapier, in the company of Mr. Valentyne Browne and Mr. Thomas Dalleson, go to the inn where the other justices and the Earl were, to intreat them to take some indifferent course, but the Earl at their first coming up pulled the said Mr. Brown by the beard, and his son Mr. Edward Clynton jostled him, and Lord Clynton pulled out Sir Edward's dagger and stabbed at him.
6. The Earl of purpose to drive Sir Edward into distemper, and thereby to shed blood, hath at great assemblies (to wit, the fair-day at Horncastle, being St. Lawrence Day, 1601) caused his son Edward to come into Sir Edward's chamber, and reviled him with such foul words as are not fit to be set down.
7. One Morrison, servant to the Earl, did say, being at supper in Horncastle with a neighbour of Sir Edward's, that ere my lord lost Horncastle, it should cost store of blood.
8. A labouring-man working with one Subdeane, servant to Mr. Edward Dymoke, uncle to the said Sir Edward, said that he, being amongst the Earl's men, heard it muttered that the Earl meant great hurt to Sir Edward, the which Subdeane revealed to Mr. Haughton, parson of Scrivelsby.
9. A few days before the sessions, it was reported that the Earl meant to come to Sir Edward's house in Horncastle, and bring fourscore men to pull him out thereof by the ears, and that he was advised by his attorney to pull the house down and stand to a fine in the court of Star Chamber rather than to suffer Sir Edward to hold possession thereof.
10. The Earl offered a butcher in Conesbye 12d. the day to go with him against Sir Edward to Horncastle, which he refused.
11. The Earl sent for divers others to that purpose.
Unsigned. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1½ pp. (184. 103.)
Ralph Burnett to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1602, Sept.] According unto Mr. Gilpin's order, I have for two years delivered my master's letters unto your Honour, without any allowance hitherto. He had intention to move your Honour therein, but seeing by death I am thereof prevented, and am not to expect any recompense of my mistress, it may please you to have consideration of my service, and withal the great loss I have of so good a master. As this is the last letter I shall have to deliver from my master, so will I cease hereafter from troubling your Honour in this behalf.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed by Cecil's Secretary :—“Rafe Burnett, servant to Mr. Gilpin, to my Mr.“½ p. (185. 10.)
The Enclosure :
The charges of conveyance of 22 packets of letters from the Haegh in Holland to London, and thence to the Court, for her Majesty's affairs, received from the late Mr. George Gilpin, Esq., her Majesty's agent, since July, 1600, until this present month of Sept., 1602, the sum of ten pounds. I say—10l. 0s. 0d.
Holograph. ½ p. (185. 9.)
Franco Scorza to Thomas Hone.
1602, Sept. Asking him to purchase and send by ship to Leghorn a quantity of tin plates and dishes.—Sept., 1602.
Signed. Italian. ½ p. (95. 49.)
1602, Sept. Plan of Ostend during the siege, by David d'Orliens. Sept., 1602.
1 sheet. (Maps 2. 42.)
1602, [? Sept.]. Charges laid out by Sir J. Gilbert for the fortifying of Plymouth.
1 p. (141. 239.)
Alderman Martyn.
1602, [? Sept.]. Reasons that moved the Lord Mayor and Aldermen lately to discharge Sir Richard Martyn from the place of an Alderman.
1 p. (141. 241.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [? c. Sept.] Four letters :—
1. I humbly thank her Majesty for pardoning our absence from Court till Tuesday next, when I will not fail to wait upon her. I send you now the answer from the Lord Mayor touching their offer to buy the carrick's goods, whereby you may see upon how weak a foundation the first conceit of their so large an offer was grounded. But that was not so large, but this is as little, or rather ridiculous to be offered. But it is no time to exasperate things now, but you may see how hard it will prove to draw any more water from this well, if necessity come upon us. I protest unto you, the remembrances and consideration thereof, with the state of our present means, is both grievous and fearful to think upon, and therefore, good Mr. Secretary, help to farther that blessed submission which God doth put into the heart of that traitor freely and absolutely to offer to her Majesty, that he be not made desperate and the war still continued; and therefore reasonable conditions would requite his absolute submission. And so the Queen should have both honour, quiet and riches, which only peace can bring.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Threr to my Mr., 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 164.)
2. The carrack's goods are now all inventoried, sorted and the prices thereof estimated, so as what time my Lord Admiral and you can be ready to take view of these things, I would be glad to know, that thereupon we may move her Majesty for some authority for their sale. Upon Thursday next, my Lord Keeper and myself are to be at Guildhall about the subsidy, where if my Lord and you would be present, it would add furtherance to that business.
Holograph. Endorsed, “1602, Lord Treasurer to my Mr.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 163.)
3. I like well to-morrow after dinner at what hour you like best, and if you send me word beforehand of the hour, I shall be the readier for you. I like also Mr. Chancellor, my Lord Chief Justice, yourself and I to be present, but if my Lord Admiral would also be there, it were much better; but I leave it to you.
If you warn Gardiner, St. John, and Wade, I will warn the apparellers, the victuallers, Mr. Watson, Mr. Newcomen.
Holograph. Undated. ½ p. (96. 166.)
4. Fixing a time for a meeting at his house on the morrow.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602, Lord Threr to my Mr.” ½ p. (96. 167.)