Cecil Papers: September 1602, 11-20

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1602, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp366-389 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1602, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp366-389.

"Cecil Papers: September 1602, 11-20". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp366-389.

September 1602, 11–20

Declaration of John Ellys, of Bradmayne, Dorset, tailor.
1602, Sept. 11. He became a Papist some four years past, for that he thought those of that religion to be of a better life and conversation than those of the religion generally professed in England. Having conversed amongst the Papists by all the said time, he hath found them to be the worst and most dangerous people in the world, they are so maliciously and bloodily bent against their contrary party. Perceiving by their speeches amongst such as they trusted that they had dangerous plots in hand against their own country and this State, he grew into a detestation both of them and their religion. As the common report is amongst them, they have in several parts of the realm a plot, which they call a card or map, in which their practices do consist(?), and there is set down what they be that have conspired against her Majesty's person and the State, how many priests have come into this realm, what particular persons have been converted by them, whereby they that have done most service that way may be best rewarded when their time serveth. In which card is set down also what wellwillers they have to join with them when their time doth come, for so they term it, and how they are then to divide themselves. The report amongst them is that in this card it is set down that their strengths are to be divided into eight parts of the realm. They report also this card is in every country of this realm where any store of recusants are; and for Dorsetshire, the card is in the custody, as report hath been made to examinant by one John Lymyngton, a follower of Mr. Fleer's, of Stanton Gabriel, of one Mr. Harry Cary and the said Mr. Fleer. He saith also, that one John Snoke, a follower of Mr. Cary's, and Matthew Holmes, a seminary priest, have confessed as much unto this examinant. They say also, whensoever the Spaniards shall land at any time in England, under pretence of fleeing from the Protestants, they will join themselves to the Spaniard.
He saith the King of Spain knoweth by these priests what party the Papists are able to make in England, with whom they say all the schismatics will take party. [By] schismatics they mean such as be Papists and yet go to church, of whom the recusants make great use for intelligence and otherwise.
He saith there be 700 priests in England, and that they corrupt continually, and still as they corrupt any, their names are set down in this card, and by this they know from time to time what a party they are able to make. He perceiveth by their speeches they do much depend upon a cardinal's wife, saying if they may bring her to the crown, they shall be happy.
He saith it is a common speech amongst the principal recusants to hold on the poorer sort by persuading them to hold patience until the good day cometh, and then all will be well, saying still withal that it will not be long before the good day will come.
He saith that some year and a half now past there were nine priests at one time in Mrs. Jesope's, the widow's, house at East Chickerell (“Est Hykerell”) in Dorset, whereof he knows the names of four, that is Matthew Holmes, Dudley(?) Martyne, one Mr. Snygg, and one Mr. Goring. The place is solitary by itself, and the house hath conveniences in it to hide the priests and massing priests in.
He saith, if this card or map may be had, these matters will appear more manifest, and many other their practices; and by the means of the said Lymyngton he hopeth to get the map for Dorset; but the general map for all England remaineth, they say, in Lord Montague's hands, upon whom they all principally depend of any great person. He saith the map or card kept in Dorsetshire doth contain some four sheets of paper.
He saith, one of their purposes is to restore all abbey lands, in whose hands soever, to the abbeys, and that the Papists shall be recompensed again for their abbey lands with the possessions of the Protestants. And in the map is set down what horse and foot they are able to make.
Signed, “John Elles”; Countersigned, “Ex. per Jo. Popham.”
Holograph by Popham. Stained with damp. 3 pp. (95. 69, 70.)
Sir Robert Cecil to [the Queen of Scotland].
1602, Sept. 11. Madame, when I look into the disparity which is between your quality (as a Princess) and mine (as a private gentleman, with other circumstances belonging unto me as the Queen of England's minister), I know that silence were more comely for me than this form of an immediate answer. But when I consider that your Majesty in this case will judge that my pen is but the conduit of that water which must run from the clearest fountain; and that in my dealing with foreign princes, my part is to stand dumb till I be directed by my sovereign what to say or write; I now assure myself that, as her Majesty's licence to me to write was necessary because it demonstrates her own respect to you, so my writing (only by her warrant) is sufficient to free me in all men's opinions either from presumption in one kind or from any humour (in another) to insinuate or contrive any other obligation by this occasion than falleth upon me necessarily as a secretary, whose hand is the proper instrument (in all states) of such correspondencies and whose heart is fixed upon one only object, beyond which it is blind to all other prospects. To avoid therefore (Madame) to molest you with repetitions of reasons or respects, which withhold her Majesty from assenting to this particular motion, you shall understand them by —, whom you have trusted, and in return of your professed affection to her Majesty, you shall receive from her by my hand (her humble and faithful vassall) this constant assurance that she wisheth you all health and happiness, and will never be wanting to forward those desires which may not be maliciously wrested to scandal or jealousy by those that would disturb the peace and common amity.—From her Majesty's Court at Otlands this—.
Signed, “R. C.” Endorsed :—“xj. 7bris, 1602. A copy of my letter to the Queen.” ½ p. (134. 24.)
Capt. J. Throckmarton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 11. Although your Honour may be advertised timelier perhaps by others than by these mine, that the Grave is surrendered to the States, yet I had rather come after than not at all. I send your Honour the full letter that doth warrant me to write thereof. It came but now instantly unto me. By appearance of other letters, it is like to be true. The way is far distant from us by water. To Bergesupzone from the Grave, they may have it in a day, and that is the reason they have it there so soon. It was the work of God only they of the town called a parley, for the river of the Maze, by the cutting of a dyke by them of the town (out of the same), so entered into our mines, that in very short time it would not only have made them unprofitable, but also have endangered our nearest trenches to drowning thereunto. What would have succeeded hereupon from a soldier-like enemy may easily be gathered. I suppose by some circumstances of provisions that ere long your Honour shall hear some part of our army to be in these parts. Undoubtedly, if they will but dare to attempt and therein lose no time, there is great appearance to do much good service, if not fully relieve the distressed. The mutinous army of the enemy doth open the way to many advantages hereunto. A sound charge from good authority unto them, I mean from her Majesty to the States, to that purpose, might happily urge them to resolve upon the same. Than the which, nothing (the case standing as it doth) were more to be wished or could be more available for these poor islanders of Zeland. These late storms have done some hurt to Ostend, as also, it is feared, the plague is gotten in amongst them.—Vlushing, 11 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (184. 121.)
Capt. Ridgway to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 11. His Excellency having passed his gallery close to one of the bulwarks of this town, our other galleries almost over the moat also, and our works and batteries close upon the moat on each side, they being without hope of relief, the 8th inst. demanded a parley, and it was concluded. In the afternoon, his Excellency's guard marched into the town, and the enemy came forth with their arms, flying colours, bag and baggage, and 300 wagons of ours to carry it to Diest, and some horse to convey them; for these were the conditions of yielding the town. The enemy marched out almost 800 able soldiers and 20 horse. They left in the town above 20 pieces of artillery great and small, and 3,000 weight of powder. Our Sergeant-Major-General Senisco is created Governor, and shall have in it 1,000 foot and 300 horse. We have lost 11 captains and 400 soldiers before this town. Our army at this instant is scant 10,000 foot and 3,500 horse. For English, I know well, we are not 4,000 able marching men. There be 1,000 horse and 4,500 foot of the enemy's that mutiny, and have put themselves in and about Holstraet, as we hear. They have sent letters to his Excellency, but to what purpose, I know not. We expect another present journey, for our two bridges that were made over the Maese are this morning broken up and our ships lie ready to take us in. The States purpose to cast 20 of our English companies as soon as we are come out of the field. I will say nothing of the ill payments, and dealings we English have suffered, nor how many are starved with want, because I know your Honour shall be informed of it by personages of far greater respect and credit.—From the Grave, 11 Sept., stilo antiquo, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 122.)
William Vawer, Mayor of Bristol, to the Privy Council.
1602, Sept. 12. Yesterday afternoon, the wind then serving, I caused all the soldiers here to be embarked for Ireland, but by contrary wind and stormy weather they are this evening returned into harbour again, where they yet remain aboard the ships, Sir George Thornton being there with them attending the first opportunity of wind. The Earl of Thomond, being embarked in her Majesty's pinnace Martin, departed from King road yesterday at noon, and as yet is not returned; but I doubt he will be also put back hither again.—At Bristol, 12 September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (95. 71.)
Captain J. Throckmarton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 12. Instantly came this post with my Lord Governor's letters to you, directed, as it appeareth, to forward her Highness's service. I have again, having none other possible means to send with any speed unto you, hired another boat of purpose. I am compelled to give their own demands, which is 7l. for each of the two boats. In my poor judgment I should thus hasten these businesses, yet I crave pardon if I do amiss. This morning I receive further advertisement from the States that most assuredly the Grave is taken. To that end they entreat that we of the garrison will join with the magistrates of the town, first to give God thanks, and then, as their usual custom is in these occasions, to triumph with them—an apparent sign ever amongst us that the besieged place is rendered; but as yet we have not the particulars of their composition.—Flushing, this 12 of September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 72.)
Walter Cope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 12. I am glad to hear what a plentiful spring is found near your new lodge. If you mean to do anything there this summer, it is more than time it were in hand; your presence there for two hours would settle a course for all. Goffe and my man may be there; they may stake it out before your coming, and the spademen of the country will do it at easy rates now their harvest is past. I send you also Mr. Coulthurst's plot, which may conveniently join with the rest if he be able to perform it.
There is a new question between your neighbours in Strand and Mr. Wright for bringing water through their street to their houses. Whether you shall want any, or desire to have it come to your new house, they desire to know. I find by Mr. Budden's certificate that Goffe knew as much of your lands in Cornwall as the western man did of your springs at Theobalds; his desire is to shroud his actions with the best cloaks and to adventure much upon other men's purses. I know some men have gained by his information, but I would be sorry you should have any gain so dearly bought. The best comfort is, few men lose by her Majesty's lands, no more can you, if you were freed from his shadow, which you may justly do, if he have promised much and drawn you into hazards, not knowing the estates; he dealt so with others.—12 September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (95. 73.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 12. I perceive that there is nothing left for me to expect but a speedy and manifest ruin, unless you continue your goodness for the better supporting of my weak fortunes. To ask anything out of your purse cannot square with that modest disposition, whereof I am, or should be, and to seek for some foreign employment, I am afraid is not yet seasonable, so that there is nothing left but to repair my fortunes by some marriage, which course, if it be agreeable to your Honour, I do not know any whom I could better fancy than Mrs. Bassett, over whom your power is so much, that if it would please you in a few favourable lines to intimate your readiness in the gratifying her with the wardship of her daughter's lands, if for your sake she entertained my suit, I would not doubt but easily to prevail. If you should be unwilling to signify so much, then I desire you to write in my behalf unto her in such sort as you shall think best. If in my request I have gone beyond the limits of one that is already so deeply bound to you, I humbly beseech you to pardon me.—London, 12 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 123.)
John Budden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 13. I received your letters of August 27, brought by Mr. Benjamin Hayden, the 2nd of September, since the departure of my nephew John Daccombe. Mr. Hayden hath appointed me a time for a full meeting of the whole Chapter, saving the Bishop of Llandaff, who he thinketh, will not be present, and that before their usual Chapter day, to try their willingness : which if we find current, there shall need no further time; if otherwise, then some other course. The presence of this Dean will further much, and if the Bishop of Llandaff might be prepared, it were not to be doubted. The only doubt now will rest on the great Bishop of Wells, who, I hear, will be very scrupulous till the Chapter have confirmed first. I do now send to Doctor Wright to be then also present, if not at the act, yet before, to confer.
Also, as to his desire for the feodaryship of co. Somerset.—Shaston [Shaftesbury], 13 September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 74.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 13. The 9th, I received your letters of the 6th with a packet for Sir William Monson. The bark I have taken up will be ready within these five or six days to depart. She shall have in her 50 men, victualled for ten weeks, which I hope will be sufficient. Concerning your part of the goods of Sir J. Gilbert's prizes, Mr. Honiman hath not acquainted me, neither do I know what your part is, and therefore cannot judge the value. For the sugars, I hold them to be worth here, the “Whitts” 5l. 13s., Moscovados 3l. 15s., the Panells 2l. 14s., and the St. Thome sugars, 3l. per cwt., but at London, I understand, they are worth more. The Italians' goods here claimed by one Pandolfin, a Venetian, is sequestered in the keeping of Mr. Harris, myself and others, as it cometh to hand. The Commissioners spent all last week in selling apparel and household stuff; I hope this week they will divide the other goods.—Plymouth, 13 September, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (95. 75.)
Capt. Throckmarton's Certificate.
1602, Sept. 13. For the passing of letters by post to the Court.—Dated at Flushing, 13 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (185. 113.)
John Ratclyff, Mayor of Chester, and Richard Atherton to the Privy Council.
1602, Sept. 14. The soldiers put to sea the last of August, but were forced to put back by contrary winds. They lay at anchor till Friday last, and then because of their discontentment so to be kept on shipboard, they were enshored; and the day following, the wind coming somewhat fair, they were again embarked and made sail. Notwithstanding, the wind proved contrary at sea, so as they are still kept on shipboard to prevent their running away, and victualled from time to time as they do need, attending the first opportunity of a fair wind. Touching supplying of the defects, we, in performance of your commandment, do purpose to imprest such as shall be fit and serviceable.—Chester, 14 September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 2/3 p. (95. 76.)
Lady Mary Winfelde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 14. Your noble and true love shewed to Sir Ed. Wingfield at his last being in England, when great ones frowned upon him in this his declining age when all hopes lay a-bleeding with him and me, hath bound us for ever to you; and now in a case to be lamented, [I] beseech your favour to Sir Edward in his absence. Sir Francis Vere his death hath left his place to be bestowed. I know not what to beg, but if you think Sir Edward Wingfield his experience and desert worthy remembering, I hold it already fully rewarded. Sir Edward hath spent his time and himself in following arms, and in the judgment of the best martial men, he is not inferior to any in discipline, and therefore, not only in my affection worthy of this place.—Keneybolton, 14th of September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602” Two seals. 1 p. (95. 77.)
Thomas Edmondes to the Lord Admiral.
1602, Sept. 14. I have long sought to settle myself in some convenient dwelling in the city, where I might be ready upon all occasions to attend your Lordship. I was moved to affect Bath House in respect of the convenience of the seat, and also for the benefit of the good air there, and the house being capable to lodge my father-in-law with me, as his occasions should draw him to the city, I procured him to ease me of a good part of the rent, whereby I assure you my condition was to have been better and cheaper lodged, having by the experience of a year's enquiry found how hard a thing it is to procure a convenient lodging at a reasonable rate. Notwithstanding, if it be your pleasure to require the same for your own use, I will not presume to balance any consideration of mine with your Lordship's affection.—From Staplefourd Tawney, 14 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 127.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 14. This enclosed was now brought me. It seems as if the Duke of Pommeran is arrived. With a desire to see her Majesty and the country, he came out of France. The company with him are his followers and servants. They are now all arrived here at London.—From my house in the Black Friers, 14 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (184. 129.)
The Enclosure :
Bernhart Buggenhagen : Philippus Julius v. Pommern : Erasmus v. Kussouu : Hans v. Hienkirches (?) : Valntin (sic) v. Walslebe : Joachim v. Tribbesees : Christoff Trampe Claus Bukow : Fridericus Gerson.—Tous gentilhuomes de Pomerain.
Trois serviteurs et un lackey.
Phillippus Julius, one of the Dukes of Pomeren, of about 23 years of age, and hath the government of one half of that country, the rest being his followers and and servants.
Unsigned. ½ p. (184. 128.)
Sir Edward Cecyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 14. Letter commencing :—“I have received your most kind letter.”—The Grave, 14 Sept., stl. antico.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” (204. 140.)
[Printed in extenso :—See Dalton's Life and Times of Edward Cecil, Viscount Wimbledon, Vol. I. p. 95.]
Dr. Julius Cæsar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 15. I have made a draft of an answer to the King of Denmark his rough letter in the best and mildest terms I can, which I submit to your correction. And surely, if the time would bear it, I could justly and truly return upon him those imputations that he unjustly layeth upon her Majesty : and bitterly retort upon him his most extreme and unjust dealings executed upon our merchants by himself and some of his chifeest officers. But my lord your father taught me that the King of Denmark would not be lost if mild words might keep him, upon the like occasion then. I have likewise sent here inclosed the King's letter. The King's messenger was with me yesterday and seemeth well pleased with your answer to him, and is contented to stay here till Ward and the owners of the piratical ship be brought from Plymouth, whom I have sent for by an officer to take very good bonds with sufficient sureties for their present appearance here, or else safely to bring them up from constable to constable. In the meantime, the King's messenger employeth himself in translating such testimonials and certificates in Dutch which he hath brought over for proof of the losses and damages sustained by the pretended piracies. The Commissioners may, upon the view of that draft, amended by you, supply what further may be necessary upon any new occasions then offered.—Doctors Commons, 15 September, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (95. 79.)
Tho. Fludd to Mr. Rogers, Secretary to Lord Cobham.
1602, Sept. 15. As to the rents of Maidstone.
“We have accorded the cause between the clothiers and strangers to all their contentments, if my Lord Treasurer and his Lordship shall please to like of it, and we have written to their Lordships accordingly, but as yet it is not come unto them.”—Milgate, 15 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (214. 40.)
The Earl of Kildare to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 16. Vouchsafe your favour to this poor gentleman, whose distressed estate I do much pity, and who hath no manner of means to relieve him but her Majesty's gracious clemency, and no mean so fit for him as your Honour, who is ever ready to help those left destitute, as he is. I can yield best testimony of his services, having always followed myself in the wars since my employment in Ireland. I find his cause to be such as by his petition he hath declared, whereof can be no better argument of truth than that her Majesty hath restored all the rest that were attainted for this cause, except only this petitioner Gerrott Sutton, whose tender years was the impediment that he did not participate of that gracious favour. But now having recourse to that never failing spring and fountain head of her Majesty's bounty, he hopeth, and so do I heartily entreat, that since he cannot conveniently be restored to his father's living, which is already dispersed into many hands, he may have some other thing in lieu thereof for his maintenance.—From my lodging at Charing Cross, the 16 of September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (95. 81.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sep. 16. I send you both the Mayor of Plymouth's letter and also the intelligence that came with it I cannot tell what to make of it, for it is strange to me, only this, I am sure, if they be at sea in any voyage to the northwards, they do wish themselves in harbour, and if they have any galleys in their company, as it is written, they will taste of this weather to their smart.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602, Sep. 16. Lord Admiral to my Master.” ½ p. (204. 141.)
Richard Cornellius, Mayor of Southampton, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 17. This packet enclosed coming to my hand this morning, importing some treasure going through the narrow seas, I thought it my duty to signify that there are at this present three or four ships of war ready to set sail, only expecting a good wind, which no doubt, the haste of the service considered, may be there as speedily as any other shipping for that purpose to be prepared.—Southampton, this 17th of September, 1602.
Endorsed :—“For her Majesty's special affairs. Haste, haste, post haste. Southampton, the 17th of September at 10 of the clock in the morning. Constables, posts and tithing men, see this letter conveyed and delivered according to the direction at your perils. Ryc. Cornellius, Mayor.”
Signed. ½ p. (95. 82.)
Richard Percival to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 17. I have received two letters very lately from Mr. Budden, in both which he is very earnest you will reserve the feodary's place of Somersetshire for him. Your letter I delivered to Mr. Attorney, but Mr. Daccomb coming while he was writing his answer, he delivered it unto him. Dallender, who makes the offer of the lease of Capell's Farm, is as importunate for answer as unreasonable in his price. Your bedchamber is wainscoted, the chamber next it will not be finished these eight days, your cabinet will be all ended this day; but I do not believe that the chamber which they say you intend to make your bedchamber, will be fit for you to lie in yet these three months, the walls, though covered with wainscot, are so moist and musty.—17 September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 83.)
Nicholas Fortescue to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 17. Dealing with a gentleman, my kinsman, that hath land near Halterrennes in Herefordshire, I questioned with him concerning the sale thereof, to which he answered, that to give me satisfaction, and for that by my wife's cousin germane he was to have a great estate, wherein I might do him pleasure, he would let me buy it. It lieth so near the land you have there, that if you have a disposition to enlarge, I will use the matter so as he shall make offer thereof to you this next term. The name of it is Mychillchurch [Michaelchurch], and lieth within a very little mile of Halterrennes, as I am informed.—Crowhill, this 17 of September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 84.)
Mr. Secretary Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 17. Being come to Margate the 9th of this month, we put to sea the 10th. Late in the evening a tempest rose which continued that night, all Sunday, until Monday eight of the clock. But, God be praised! we passed that storm, and this day, the 17th, are arrived at Stoade, and mean with as good speed as we may to take our journey towards Breame. As yet we can hear no certainty of the Commissioners from the King of Denmark, but as soon as anything happeneth I will not fail to give you notice. It is reported that the King himself during the colloquy will remain at a place nigh this coast called Drimpen; and that Ramelius and other who are gone to attend the marriage of his sister to the Duke of Saxony shall in their return come to Breame, and so with one charge dispatch both actions. Thus much, being seabeaten and overtoiled with the tempestuous rage of sea, I pray you accept in good part.—Stoade, 17 September, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (95. 89.)
The Lord Admiral to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 17. Two letters :—(1.) I am of opinion that if the King of Spain have these great preparations on foot, he will for his reputation use it somewhere, and yet the time of the year is far spent, for to pass so great an army by sea cannot be long but it will be discovered. I send you two warrants for Lord Roxbroughe to see Windsor and Hampton Court. I am fain to do them myself, for I have none of my men here now.
PS.—I pray you, if her Majesty should ask for me, to say that God knoweth how long I shall have the comfort of my good wife, and therefore am, for the comfort of her and myself, desirous to be with her as much as I can, for I find it doth comfort her more than any physic can, and I am not yet out of hope of her recovery.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602, Sept. 17.” Seal. 1 p. (184. 130.)
(2.) Even now Otwell Smyth brought me a letter from Sir John Fortescue to have a ship to go over to Deype, to transport her Majesty's money that cometh from the F[rench] K[ing], but I have answered him that now I dare not adventure the going of any of her Majesty's ships, for the danger would be very great both for the ship and the money, considering the galleys are on that coast, but, as soon as we shall hear certainly what is become of them, there shall be one appointed. As the wind hangeth southerly, the galleys will keep that coast. I did, upon the sight of your letter, write in all haste to Sir Ro. Mandsfyld to that effect you did write, and also to Mr. Carron. You have done well to write to the Admiral of Holland that is at Portsmouth, but this wind doth lock him fast in there. There is news come that for certain Grave is rendered unto the Count Morrys.
PS.—I pray you, if Mr. Edmonds come to you before I do see you, to let him know how kindly I take his dealing with me, and that I will requite it. If he will use it so as that my Lady Huntingdon may go from Bath House at Michaelmas; and now that my Lady of Arondell is sure to have that house, that I may have order from her to receive Arondell House, but my Lord Tho. need not to send till I speak with him on Sunday.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 131.)
Alderman Richard Martyn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 17. Craving your Honour will be pleased to direct your letters to the Lord Mayor of London, requiring him to suffer me to remain in all respects in the city, and join with him and his brethren as before, until her Majesty shall give such order therein as shall seem meet. The matter doth not concern me so much as another of my brethern, to whom the like measure is intended, and so consequently may be offered to others, if it be not prevented. For the ward whereof I am alderman beginneth to conceive hardly of such measure that is offered them, and will not proceed to the election of another, it being in their only power by ancient charters of the city. I have been advised to leave my petition with my Lady Scudamore, who promiseth to deliver it, when she seeth the best time for it.—This 17 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (184. 132.)
Thomas Honyman to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, Sept. 17. Touching the sequestration, I have so spake to the Commissioners concerning the same, that I think they will sequester goods to satisfy that demand and not turn it into bonds. To write your Honour particulars how tedious this business hath been, what delays for answers of posting to and from the Admiralty Court, the aptness of parties to encroach one upon the other, would excuse my error in the reckoning of my return. The ships that are prizes had been sold by outcry, but I stayed it off till I may know which of them your Honour desires to have, and for that I suppose it to be the great ship, I send herewith some particulars of the length, breadth and depth, which I went aboard to take. Touching Sir John Gilbert's ship, she is very forward for a voyage, and better fitted than ever she was by reason of some charge bestowed upon her, the copy whereof also I send enclosed. I perceive by Sir John Gilbert that he greatly desires to have her wholly to himself, for he sent one to request me to write nothing in her commendation. I imagine for 200l. your Honour had a good bargain of one-fourth part, since he saith to me her ordnance only is worth 700l. May it please your Honour to buy her, since he is so desirous you should relinquish, the way would be to cause Sir John Gilbert to set a price, and your Honour to leave or take, or you to set the price and he to leave or take, but when he perceives that you intend to hold your part, he will go on with a speech about selling her to Mr. Cole, with whom I will so understand that she shall be bought for your Honour at a reasonable rate.—Plymouth, 17 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Unaddressed. Endorsed by Cecil's Secretary :—“To my Mr.” 1 p. (184. 133.)
Sir Hamden Poulet to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 18. Your letter of the 17th to the Admiral of the States' fleet lying in the river of Portsmouth, was delivered about ten of the clock the same day. This morning he sent forth four of his ships to perform the service required. I have likewise given notice of the passage of these galleys to Mr. Worseley and others that have charge under my Lord Chamberlain of the Isle of Wight, wishing them to have care unto their beacons and sea-watches.—Wallop, 18o September, 1602.
Signed. Postal endorsements :—“Wallop, 8 p.m.; Andover, 2 a.m. Sunday; Basingstoke, 6; Hartley Row, 9; Hartford Bridge 11 and a half.” Seal. ½ p. (88. 52.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 18. The bark to be sent to Sir William Monson being now near ready, I would be very loth she should lose any time when the wind cometh fair.
The Commissioners for the goods of Sir J. Gilbert's prizes, by reason of some difference between Mr. Cole and Captain Scoble, are at a stay. It is well the matter is of some value, for otherwise, so many Commissioners and others with them would eat out the one-half before the rest will be divided, and I think some of them care not how long they are about this business.—Plymouth, 18 September, 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (95. 85.)
Captain J. Throckmarton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 18. The weather hath been so contrary these three days as the Queen's ship, after having been at sea a night and a day to make any part of England with these my Lord Governor's letters, was forced to return. I hope they will now come to your hands, being to be sent aboard one of these ships of war only for their better expedition. The mutineers in the castle of Hogstraten are yielded to the States, together with the place. They are said to be 1,300 horse and 1,200 foot at least. The Archduke had proclaimed them traitors to the King and the service, hath likewise anew offered for each of the ordinary soldiers' heads five crowns, the officers, as sergeants and corporals, ten crowns, and for the head of their Electo, a thousand crowns. They have thus saved themselves as aforesaid.
Our army is gone up to Vendulo : the townsmen thereof, for their better credits in the matter, I mean for the delivery of it without infamy, called them thither only to quarter and show their cannon, and so to receive them; but they earnestly pursue to receive no garrison, only to do their oaths of obedience, and in all other matters to be governed as the Grave. The States do absolutely refuse so to condition; they will put strong garrison into them. It is presumed they have already concluded. When the States of Holland have nothing more to do with their army in those parts for their own particular glories, they will then, we hope, look into these parts of Zealand; but till then these people cannot be persuaded they of Holland will do much for their benefits. I pray God their delays in the business of the poor town of Ostend prove not more dangerous unto the same than were fit it should be hazarded unto.— (fn. 1) Flushing, 18 September, 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (95. 86.)
Lord Eure, Mr. Secretary Herbert and Dr. Dun to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 18. According to our last, the 10th inst., in Margate, we embarked in her Majesty's ship the Antelope, and were no sooner in the same but the wind became so contrary that we were forced to fall in again, so low as the “Reade Culvers”, where we remained at anchor part of that night; at which time the wind being favourable we put to sea again, and held our course for this place till the Sunday and Monday following, during which time tempests and storms were such that many times we doubted of our safety. Yet it pleased God so to qualify the same that He hath safely delivered us yesterday the 17th of this present in this place, where we have been entertained and lodged by the magistrates with many signs of affection which they professed to her Majesty and hers. We understand the Danish Commissioners will be at Bremen about the specified time, at which we hope to give them meeting. Meanwhile, we think good to remain here for few days.—Staden, 18th of September, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“L. Eure and the rest of the Commissioners for the treaty at Bremen to my master. They are arrived at Stoad.” Seal. ½ p. (95. 88.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 18. As well by Mr. Alexander's former letters as now by his own mouth, I understand how much I am bound to you. His being with me made us survey such poor horses as are in my stable : one we chose, and he cometh after; if he prove as I wish, he shall please; if not, “well the best is I shall ever have another to supply his want with what else I have.” Long experience of Mr. Alexander's virtue and much honesty, and her Majesty's favourable opinion, make me wish him much better than the means of my fortune can procure him; for furtherance of whose better estate and his many children, I beseech you have him in your favourable remembrance.—From Dychelee, the 18th of September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (95. 90.)
Adrian Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602,] Sept. 18. I have now at the baths received this letter enclosed wherein you have remembered me for a hawk. You shall find me ready and willing to requite your manifold favours with my honest service, and I have sent this bearer of purpose for him.
For your hope of more water for me to work on in the pollards or elsewhere, I hope you will have patience and tarry the breaking up of the springs, which this year have been so little in all places as I think this 100 years hath not been the like; for there be many master springs that never have failed before and yet now make no show at all of water. And I am persuaded that in my river there will be in the depth of the bottom springs break out that never made show and will never be more dry in the wounded ground where my river is cut; and once this winter when the springs be broken there, all that now feed it shall be stopped and turned away for a week, two or three, and then see what water will go from it—all which, if any be, must be in springs within the same river. And I protest, all my care hath been and is to keep water out of it (for I fear there will be too much), else I would have made the 'troes' a foot square, that now be but four or five inches, and yet too big, I fear. Now my suit is you will see what winter and frosts will do to it both for increase of water and for the frosts to shiver and cast down the banks; for do what you will now, you must right it once in the spring and then set bushes and what you will. And for the ponds there in the great island by your lodge will be then best ended, and against her Majesty's coming will look trim like Mr. Cope's ponds, or a cockney of London whose fine children do prove fools or foul lubbers many times. Short days, foul weather, cold waterworks will make you a cold reckoning, and in the end you shall entertain a gentleman called Mr. “Lyttell Dun”, and yet give him good wages. To conclude, I know many will tell you many a tale, as in the beginning they be like the wise men of Gotan that drowned an eel! Tell them all Gilbartus est hic that will not be shamed nor blamed; and for the bringing of that water which cometh into the park from the highway, it may be “broste” [broached] further back towards the lodge, and beyond the lodge, if you will. So in all duty I am more careful than you can be (that have so many cares else); I have but four in all,—the one to finish this water work; the second that you remember the 1,000l. land a year; the third to be a knight; the fourth, if you take not the better heed, I will deserve so well of you, your brother and friends as you must go to your casket again and again.—This 18 of September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 2½ pp. (95. 91, 92.)
Matthew Greensmith to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 18. Having had occasion to travel into the east parts, I have thought dutiful to advertise you of such things as the countries there did afford. Duke Charles hath now lost all that he had gotten in Leffland, only Revell and Parnuwe, for, for want of new supplies, money and victuals, the Great Chancellor of Poland coming down upon him, hath gotten almost all, and the 12 of August had hardly besieged Whittenstein, and by report almost gotten it; and yet had no victuals for his camp but such as he must by wagon bring thither eighty Dutch miles. Duke Charles hath gotten leave of the country of Swethen and their grant of new supplies for a year longer, to continue his wars in Leffland; but Count John of Nassau, who was sent him by some German princes over to strengthen his wars, being weary of his entertainment for want of victuals and money, is returned home again. Duke John, the King of Denmark's brother, went out of Denmark the 20 of August towards Rusland to marry there with the great “Forst” brother's daughter. The 28 of August, came the old Queen of Denmark, with her youngest daughter, to Uttermoend, two miles from Rostock, where the Duke of Meckellborgh [Mecklenburgh] met with them with great joy. The next morning the King himself came thither by water, having had the night before a great storm on the sea; and being with them some two hours, took his leave and so to ship for Denmark and presently for Norway. The 29th, arrived at Rostock Duke Oeleryck [Ulrick], the King's second brother, with 360 horse, all very well furnished, both the gentlemen and yeomen, and with him Hendryck Ramell, the Dutch Chancellor in Denmark, which two, in the name of the King, present the bride to the Elector of Saxon; who not long before in showing the Duke of Brunswick, being come from the Emperor, some sport in the night by water by means of fire in their gunpowder, the ship broke and sunk, and with much ado the Elector and his brother were saved, but the Elector sorely burnt and his face and right eye blemished. The Duke of Brunswick, contrary to the Emperor's commandment, begins anew to war upon the town. No doubt her Majesty's Ambassadors are arrived at Bremen, but as yet no news thereof, but [they] shall find for their purpose but bad house-room and in small forwardness, for myself hath seen them. There is now a meeting at Stralesound between Duke Charles and the Hanse towns, being requested thereto by the Duke of Holst and of Mecklenburgh.—Middleburgh, the 18 September, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (95. 93.)
Charles Carthy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 18. I have hitherto joined silence with patience, expecting the cause or conclusion of my restraintment, but perceiving my conclusion to depend upon my father's antecedents, and the same to be sub judice, I must be further pacified. I pray he be judged by his desert, knowing his mind to be so far from offence as his service to her Majesty was always effected for the shedding of his own blood, the loss of his men, the preying of his country, as also for providing of her Majesty's garrisons (being in distress). The Council of Munster do know how often he strained himself. His accusers are his adversaries claiming title to his lands, who, no sooner the Spaniards did arrive in Ireland, but they clapped on their wings and unsheathed their swords greedily to help them, but the matter fallen out contrary to expectation, they locked up their wings and sheathed their swords till further opportunity. Whereupon he is restrained from liberty, a thing admired by the noble men of the land, that his good service should be so rewarded. I was to receive my exhibition in Oxford by August last, but my father being then restrained from his liberty, the same was also delayed, so that I am in such defect thereof that I cannot express it. Wherefore, I intreat you to procure the means that my wants be supplied, and touching my liberty, I refer it to her Majesty's pleasure. For the young man that attends on me, who willingly restrains himself from his liberty for my sake, I would be thankful if your Honour did grant him liberty of going abroad at his pleasure.—From my close study at Westminster, 18 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Charles Carthye (soon to Cormocke McDermott) to my Mr.” Seal. ½ p. (184. 134.)
Fr[ancis Godwin,] Bishop of Llandaff, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 18. I will not fail to be at Wells Oct. 1st next, where, if it please you to command my service, you shall find the same very ready to the uttermost of my power.—Matherne, 18 Sept., 1602.
Signed, “Fr. Landaven.” ¼ p. (184. 135.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Lord Treasurer [Buckhurst].
1602, Sept. 19. This morning I arrived here from the army, and find that the letters I wrote unto you concerning the parley and giving up of the town of Grave went hence but yesternight; so the care I took to advertise you with the first hath proved in vain. At my coming away, I left Prince Moris resolved to go and unset Hoghstrat, where the mutineers (who are proclaimed rebels and enemies to the King and the Archdukes) have left 100 of their numbers, if the Almirante should offer to besiege them, as it was threatened; the speech going also that the Archduke, who was said to be at Diest, would be in person in the army. The rest of the mutineers, who in all make, as the Prince told me, 1,100 horse and 2,100 foot, being retired with sufferance of the States into Seven-berghen and Terheyde. If this occasion take not effect, then do I see a resolution to send the troops into garrison, which I am of opinion is already performed; the companies of horse of the Earls Rhinegrave and Solms having been discharged while the speech of the other journey was. Notwithstanding any endeavour of mine, I could not draw Prince Moris and the States to spend the rest of this season in Flanders, the reasons against it being the time of the year already so far spent and the foulness of the weather; the weakness of the army, especially of the foot; the unfitness at this time of the year to begin a siege in low and watery grounds, the enemy's army being on foot and unengaged : and lastly, the coffers of the States being so low as hardly would means be found to perform any new action. Hereunto did help the opinion amongst them conceived that Ostend is in no danger for this winter, so as the seaworks were looked unto, whereunto sufficient order was promised. But that which, methinks, most possesseth their counsels is the matter of Emden, where they see the Earl to proceed in such sort as neither can it be the work of his own power alone, but that he is helped by the King of Spain, though covertly; and apparently, if he be not hindered, either will he reduce the town to his devotion, or by the fort he is in hand withal obtain, notwithstanding the town, the full possession of the haven, which is known to be as good as any other of the Low Country's, whereby the King of Spain may give great annoyance to the state of these countries; so as I find the States resolved to proceed according as they find the necessity, not sparing to enter into open action rather than the Earl shall have his purpose; which, seeing it doth also concern her Majesty to keep the King of Spain as weak as may be at sea, I did give good way unto. And indeed, if the States this winter (not being drawn unto it by the Archduke) do go into the field, I think it will be in those parts.
Touching the galleys which are said to be in Brittany, according to what was promised her Majesty this order is set down, but how it is executed I shall be able to write in my next. The Admiral Hauthain shall lie before the haven of Sluys with ten ships and three drummelers of Zeland, two ships and three drummelers of Holland, and two galleys—in all 20 sail. John Gerbrantson, that commands before Dunkirk with his 'flote', shall fall in the tail of the galleys, and the like is expected for Sir R. Manxel to do : so as the galleys being taken between them, it is hoped will have a hard entrance.
Mr. Gilpin's death you have understood. He is much here bewailed; and surely her Majesty hath lost a sufficient servant and a very fit man for the place he had. I fear that another to succeed him will not easily be found out, neither is it my purpose to recommend anybody. Only this I would put you in mind of, that if he who is sent, whosoever he be, do not speak Low Dutch, he will do the Queen very little service; which may somewhat appear by an answer was made to Sir Th. Wilcks when he demanded in her Majesty's behalf that matters in the Council of State should be handled in French : which was refused. Besides, he had need to be acquainted with this manner of government, being, as you know, different from all other with whom we have to do. For it will be long before a prentice will know how to turn his hand to this work. This is all that upon my return I have to say, the passage making haste away.—At Flushing, the 19 of September, 1602.
[PS.]—Sir Fr. Vere's wound is not yet whole, and truly I fear he will have somewhat to do with it before he be perfectly well.
Holograph. Unaddressed. Endorsed :—“to the Lord Treasurer.” 4 pp. (95. 94–95.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 19. I must ever acknowledge your favours to be the sheet anchors of my content. Your letters I have received. I have visited your noble friends the Earl [of Shrewsbury] and his worthy Lady, whom I do love the more because they love you much. At my departure from them (which I obtained with some difficulty) the Countess acquainted me with some advertisement she had received that the Chase of Hatfield in Yorkshire was upon the surveying, with purpose to be passed in this sale. The party that should seek to purchase it (as was informed) should be her brother, Mr. William Cavendish, with the which she desired me to acquaint you, and that upon her instance you would make stay thereof; purposing if any such sale be intended by your favour to have the preferment.—Beaupre, this 19 of September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (95. 96.)
King James to Lord Scroop, Lord Warden of the West March.
1602, Sept. 19. Right trusty and well beloved, we greet you heartily well. Being resolute about the end of this month to repair in person towards our west border for order taking with the disordered state of the country, we have thought good to give you warning thereof, and in respect your rash and unadvised proceeding using the counsel of some evil disposed, together also with your not residence in the country where you have your charge, has been the occasion of the many enormities and insolences committed and impunity thereof, we have thought good hereby to require and desire you to be the more careful now to concur and hold hand to us in all things that may tend to the repressing of the said insolences and the lewd and disordered attemptors thereof. And in case a force and hostility be required for that effect, we doubt not, upon your procurement, but our dearest sister and cousin will authorise you with such power and commission as shall be craved for the quietness of both the countries and continuance of the peace. And so, not doubting but the respect of justice and your dutiful discharge of office will move you hereto, we commit you, &c.—Our Palace of Dumferline, 19 Sept., 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (134. 6.)
Sir John Fortescue to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 20. Before the receipt of your letters and good advertisements touching the Spanish forces, I was so much vexed with my old sickness of the wind colic in my stomach as it made me unable to do anything; and thereupon I have been enforced to seek help by physic, which, although I do not think can give me perfect cure, yet I trust it may give some ease that I may with less pain pass over the few days of my life; nam vite summa brevis spem vetat inchoare longam. I am entered eight days into the diet, and am to continue 14 days longer, and then I hope to attend her Majesty, trusting she will be come to Richmond or some other of her houses of abode by that time. You will not think what comfort I received by your letters. I pray you, good Mr. Secretary, if any occasion serve, to remember my duty to her sacred Majesty, to whom I must now remain a poor servant rather fit to pray than travail in her affairs. And yet, howsoever my body be weakened, I will not desire longer to keep the same than I may be employed in what it shall please her Majesty to direct me, that as in my youth, I trust, I made a faithful beginning, so I may in these my latter years finish to the good liking of so gracious a prince, qualis ut arbitror nulla unquam erit, ut affirmare possum nulla unquam fuit.—At Hendon, this 20 of September, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (95. 97.)
Thomas Wilson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 20. Take it not ill that I am not yet onward of my voyage. Immediately upon receipt of your last I made ready to depart towards the place therein mentioned, when understanding the desperate case of Mr. Michael Hicks his business here, knowing what a devoted servant he is to you, I could not do less than stay a few days. Perceiving by P. Pinder that he means not that the money here recovered should come to Mr. Hicks, and being solicited by letters from Mr. Browne, of Florence, his lawful attorney in this business, to procure the money may be paid unto him for Mr. Hicks, according to his will, I have here laboured with the Seigniors all I can to that effect; but before I knew of the matter, Pinder had gotten 3,200 ducats into his hands, which he counteth won ware. I have stayed the rest, and sent for Mr. Browne, who, if he comes in time, I hope to procure it to be paid him, and haply the rest that is unspent recalled. If he comes not within two or three days, I must let it fall out as it may, for I will not overslip her Majesty's and your service for any particular matter. When I am gone, Pinder will get all the rest, and Mr. Hicks shall be likely never to have penny. On Monday, God pleasing, I will take my voyage. Concerning the business of Stora I wrote of last week, I have enclosed my friend's letters, wherein he answers all my objections and makes the enterprise very plausible. He is not a man to make me a stalk to catch birds or to serve his own turn. If in deeper judgment than mine it be not thought a matter to be dealt in by any greater means, yet at least recommend the matter in my behalf to our ambassador at Constantinople, for I have a strong impression by that means to do you and my country some notable service in time, and myself and my friends great good.
By letters from Spain of August 20, the army was to depart within two days, and the enterprise published for Algire; but a captain and commander of galleys writes he is astonished at the madness of the enterprise, that upon confederation with a poor King of Cucco and I know not what other Moors, they should undertake such an enterprise without means, they not having for certain more than 5,000 land soldiers in the army. It is written me from Florence this day that the great D[uke] certainly believes it is for Algire, and that the Kings of Fez and Sp[ain] have agreed to besiege it, the one by sea and the other by land, with condition that the Seriffe shall hold the town if he can get it, and render unto the King of Spain a fortified harbour within the Strait upon the coast of Africa. But these are but vanities : the Council of Spain walks in a net and thinks they are hidden. No man of sound judgment but sees there is nothing purposed but to hover upon the sea till they see what France will do, and therefore the whole army of 200 and odd vessels, ships, caravels and galleys, are to come to Majorca, where all kind of provision is made for them. The King of Spain may be confident his wary and timorous general Don Gio. de Cordova will do neither great hurt nor good.
From Milan they write, the 16th, that the army was departed, but not known whither; the King was sick of a fever, had had four fits; the fleet de Nuova Spagna was arrived, rich in merchandise three millions; that the party of 900,000 crowns for Flanders was certainly concluded; that Fred. Spinola, coming towards Flanders with six galleys, at Cape Finisterre hath taken an English ship laden with munition. The Duke of Savoy retains still the Neapolitans and Spaniards, M. de Laverdin for the K[ing] of Fr[ance] doth the like with his forces, both making curtesy who shall licence first, while Fuentes earnestly urgeth the peace broken by France in the first denying passage, and the voice runneth that he comes to Flanders. From other parts, are the miserable taking of Albaregale by the Turks the 29 August, their cruelty to the Christian captains, flaying them and sending their skins and heads to Constantinople. The Cicala, with the Turks' army, did set foot upon Calabria, but is repulsed.
Those to whom I wrote and caused to be written at 00 for pasq. make answer there is a heavy new excommunication upon all that have any or know and reveal not, but I will use other means.—Venice, 20 September, 1602.
Holograph. Damaged by damp. Seal. 3 pp. (95. 98, 99.)
Thomas Bodley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602,] Sept. 20. Give me leave to protest, as I do very truly and sincerely, that I hold it for one of the greatest parts of the sweetness and comfort of my life, in my later years, that I know I may rely, when my need shall so require, upon your favour, which, I beseech you, be not weary to continue still unto me. And where by yesterday's letter you vouchsafed to signify that her Highness is resolved to lay the burden again upon me of the Low Country service, I am now so unfit and unable to wield it as I make no doubt in that behalf, but when I come to attend upon you on Wednesday morning at London, you will give good allowance to that I shall allege, and will be a means that her Majesty will be pleased not to cast that charge upon me : as also happily then I may intimate some course, with your leave and permission, how her princely turn in that place may be served by some other, to her greater satisfaction.—From Burnham, September 20.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal broken. 1 p. (95. 100.)
Robert Bellman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 20. Your last packet came to Padstow September 3, and was delivered to sea within two hours after, the wind being at south-west. The bark hath had no employment these four months, but ever hath been ready, upon an hour's warning, with victual and all necessaries for eight men for three months, which, when she is at home, I do monthly renew according to your command. I send you the copy of all my employment from the first of November, being the time of my entertainment; beseeching you to conceive that I lost one bark in her return from Ireland, and have paid 27l. for carriage of two letters, the post bark being not returned at their coming to my hands. Also, the better to purge myself of any careless dealing, I have upon every letter received from you acquainted Mr. Nicholas Prideaux, a justice of peace and inhabitant of our town, to examine the master of the bark every day by oath if the wind were so as he could not go to sea. I had now returned answer long since to you of these things, but I have been very sick and not able to dispose of any business.—Padstow, this 20th September, 1602.
Holograph. Two seals. ½ p. (95. 101.)
Enclosing :
Letters received at Padstow :—
From the Lord Admiral, by Sir John Gilbert, 20 November, sent to sea, Nov. 21, by the post bark.
From Sir R. Cecil to Lord Deputy, letter dated 12 November, 1601, which had been kept by Mayor of Barnstaple almost three weeks. Sent to sea, 10 December, in the Goodfellowship.
Letter from same to same, dated 30 November, 1601. Received at Padstow, 5 December, and sent to sea 15 December.
Letter from same to same, no date : received Dec. 27, and sent in the new post bark.
A great packet, same to same, date Dec. 25 : received Dec. 28, sent in new post bark.
A packet, same to same, dated Dec. 27 : received new year's day, sent to sea same day in new post bark.
A packet, same to same, dated 18 Jan. : received 26th and sent to sea the same day in the Speedwell, and paid for it 14l.
A packet, same to same, dated 13 Jan. : received 19th and sent to sea the 26th in the Godspeed, of Fowey, and paid for it 13l.
A packet from the same to the Lord President, dated August 31, 1602. Received at Padstow, September 3, and sent to sea the same night.
Signed, Robt. Bellman, her Majesty's post for Padstow. 1 p. (95. 102.)
Sheriff Smith to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 20. Since her Majesty so far compassionated me as to deliver me out of a notorious prison to a place of some better comfort, I could not rest satisfied without bethinking myself how I might make recognition of that bond which I stand engaged in to those honourable persons, who have mediately vouchsafed their furtherance towards the effecting of it, amongst whom the greatest place of eminency is due to your Honour. I beseech you to pardon my boldness and accept the thankfulness of an unfeigned heart.
Unsigned. Endorsed :—“20 Sept., 1602. Sheriff Smith to my Mr.” Seal. ½ p. (184. 138.)
Sir Robert Mansell to the Lord Admiral.
1602, Sept. 20. This morning a Dutch man-of-war came on board me from the Admiral of Zeland, to let me understand that on Saturday last he spake with a French bark from Bluett three days before, which reports that six galleys, with 30 sail of very small ships, having soldiers aboard, were in readiness to set sail for Flanders. Touching the ships, whether the numbers be few or many, their design for Flanders assures me that a less force than your Lo : appointed to be in readiness would have served to defeat them, but the Vanguard nor any of the rest being yet over the sands, gives me any hope of their coming in time for this service unless they overslip this spring, and stay at Conquett to advantage themselves by the next dark nights, which is very unlikely, considering the defective guard we have at this present in any place to the eastwards of Sluse, and the respite given us to provide by that stay. If they come alongst (sic) with this wind, they must keep close aboard the French shore, and therefore I have set myself under sail to join with such forces as I shall find of the States in Callis road, and thence, either strengthen myself with the Dutch to prevent the entrance of the ships into Dunkerk, or with those before Sluse, to frustrate the expectation of the galleys, in case the advertisements touching the ships with soldiers prove untrue, but if the Vanguard join with me before the Spaniards pass by, or the Dutch ships at Portsmouth who cannot move with this wind, then will I repair to the Saynhed or Beche, as the winds shall give occasion.
I have left the Answer to follow me in the morning with such victuals as Dover hath provided upon six days' warning. Howsoever my pen, through haste or swelling of the sea, may err, I beseech you to rest confident that my actions shall neither taste of shame nor indiscretion.—Sept. 20th at night.
Endorsed :—“1602.” Postal endorsements :—“Hast hast post hast hast for lyfe lyfe for lyfe hast lyfe [with sketch of a gibbet] D[over] at iii. in the mornyng. At Canterbery past 5 in the morning. At Sittingborn past 9 in the fornon. At Rochester post at xi. of the clocke. Darford at past 2 in the afternoon. Rec[eived] at London past 5 in the afternoone this 22 of 7 br.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 139.)


  • 1. This word and the signature are scribbled over as if to obliterate them.