Cecil Papers: September 1602, 1-10

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1602, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp340-366 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1602, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp340-366.

"Cecil Papers: September 1602, 1-10". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp340-366.

September 1602, 1–10

George Stanbery, Mayor of Barnstaple, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 1. The conductor, Mr. Francis Kerton, with the 165 soldiers, were once again shipped, and departed from Ilfracombe for Cork the last day of August, with a fair wind.—Barnstaple, 1 September, 1602.
Holograph. ⅓ p. (95. 38.)
Anthony Deering to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 1. Encloses a letter from Florence McCarthy.—First of September, 1602.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Deering to my master, from the Tower.” Holograph. ½ p. (95. 39.)
Captain J. Throckmorton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 2. Since my last of August 31, this enclosed came to my hands from my Lord Governor. I had no sooner despatched my other to you but I received the news that the mutineers in Hannowe, after they had been at some blows with the Aldmirante and part of his army (wherein it is certainly reported he was very sore hurt), quitted that place, and retired, to the number of 600, into the castle of Hoghstraten, not far from Bergen-op-Zoom, whither they expect to come unto them of their confederates to the number of 5,000, as well horse as foot. A marvellous great disorder and division amongst themselves [is] in the Archduke's army and in his affairs of greatest consequence. The States General are gone up to the Grave to Count Maurice, to consult about their seriousest businesses, in the number whereof, Emden is not of the smallest consequence. It is a place needfully to be heeded, and a haven that by no means must be forgone by us, on conditions whatsoever.—Flushing, 2 September, 1602.
PS.—Here be half a dozen Italians now escaped from the Sluys with a frigate come hither. They advertise that of the galleys there, four are ready to come forth, their purpose to meet the other and be their guides into that haven. They speak of so great a division between the Spaniards and all the Italians on that side that undoubtedly a general revolt will follow of them from that service. The same is confirmed from our army and from all other places.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (95. 40.)
Lord Zouche, President of Wales, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 2. I have, since I came, laboured to know what I may, and, as a snail, creeping on to acquaint myself with what is fit for me to know and do, and yet I can find no issue out but either a firm opinion of her Majesty towards me, by which she may hold me up against all complaints which my own wants cannot sustain, or a constant, unfeigned affection of one about her who will join with me to cover my faults. I had not reason to expect either, and therefore had just cause to shun all places of preferment, especially of this sort, wherein wise men have been wearied to seek reformation. This, I protest, led me to shun these places, not want of desire to do my sovereign service, nor want of will to be obliged to any worthy man serving in the State. You have brought me to the greatest trial that a man can have by preferment in this age, especially qualified as I am with desire to do well, fear to do evil. Blame me not therefore if I implore that help from you which you have promised. I do find Council and the whole Court against me, not for any offence, but because I would alter that which they have walked in, which, as I suppose, hath brought credit to some and money to others. I mean not money to any magistrate, but the clerks, finding profit, give honour and flattery to the magistrate, but, if I can see, the instructions is rather qualified than striven to be observed, for where the instruction commands the registering of all things, much is left unregistered, and call what I can, there is rather striving by wearisome delays to make me leave to call than by diligence to obey. Whereas this Court should help to relieve men and not use to grant processes for every suggestion, a thing complained of through the land, we are as ready to grant processes as are the Courts above, which is more beneficial for clerks than for the subjects, but this is rather to be spoken of than helped, so far is it grown to a habit, whereby all courts so abound with clerks, as in that case also our instructions have not been kept of long time. For whereas there hath been allowed but twelve attorneys in this Court by the instructions, there is at this day twenty, besides one who hath laboured to come in by patent, and thereby to bring in such an enormity amongst attorneys as groweth in the rest where patents are granted, that either the chief officers must be driven to stand with them by law to prove the forfeiture of their patents, or else many faults may pass unamended. I wish her Majesty would be sparing in these kinds which be under-officers to those she is pleased to trust, for either they are granted by consent of those in place, to the prejudice of those which come after, or by the suit of some about her Majesty, rather regarding their own friends or profit than the service of the commonwealth. If I may obtain that for so much as there hath been eighteen or twenty attorneys, she will dispense with that instruction, allowing but twelve, so that I may be within the warrant of my instructions, and they may not think I am willing to cross them. I am desirous to have your advice for my proceeding as Lieutenant. I wish to take order that the trained bands be once in six weeks reviewed, that I may the better see them in order next spring, when I purpose to have a general muster. This year, I was loth to trouble them, because the wet had exceedingly hindered their harvest, and beside the travail, will be chargeable, wherein how I fear my own means you may easily guess. If I durst move that her Majesty would draw me into the patent with Sir Thomas Leighton, I should be very glad. I could say that others hold offices of as great importance by deputies, and I have need of help. Sir Thomas would not be pleased to take the benefits into his hand for this year, wherein I know not what to lease, for of that little money I have already there, I can draw none over, since they find that I cannot come amongst them. I received this day a letter from you concerning Sir John Salsbury. If he will be ordered, I will do him all the kindness I may. It may be, I will go to the Assizes to see if I can make a friendship amongst them in that shire. This letter being then far in working, I was called to the chapel, where I fail not for order sake, and at my coming thence, I met with your messenger. For Mr. Grevill's place, I envy not, but have of long time loved him, but I was bold to say that that instruction came in without my privity, neither was it his of right, but I infer that my Lord of Pembroke being rich had that which is taken from me, who have not to maintain the place. For the Lord Willoughby, if you write him, Mr. Hicks of Cheapside can convey it. If you be pleased at any time to favour me with letters from my house in London, I may hear weekly.—Ludlow, 2 Sept.
PS.—I have written to my Lords of the Council, a copy whereof I present to you herewith, referring the delivery to your good liking.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 4 pp. (184. 99 & 100.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 2. I must give you great thanks for your honourable dealing towards Moll, my servant, in whose behalf I lately wrote to you, and I think rather my false “artography” in writing of his name, made him unknown to you, but I dare assure you he will never forget your honourable dealings towards him, and he is as honest and sufficient a man as may serve any man in high place.
I received your opinion for my coming up, which I mean to take upon me without leave, and yet I pray you, upon some fit occasion, let fall a word that you hope to see me about All-Hallowtide, knowing how dangerous this cold climate this winter will be for my infirmity.
I have taken order for sending away the Scottish pledges, and Sir Robert Carye hath appointed the receiving of them at Newcastle the 6th of this present month. But I hear nothing as yet from you of any allowance to Reddhedd that was for two years and more their keeper towards the charge of their diet, nor for him that was at charge since I discharged Reddhedd, and therefore it were a hard course that the loss should light upon them, whose estates will be broken if it shall not please her Majesty to have a princely consideration of them. I am bold thus to write to you, for I find no other counsellor to have any feeling of matters of this kind.—From York, 2 Sept., 1602.
[PS.]—I have sent included two letters, one to my son Thomas, into France, the other to my [son] Edward, into the Low Countries. I pray you, in your packet to either of these places, they may be sent.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“2 Oct.” 2 pp. (185. 12.)
Alderman John More and Richard Carmarden to the Lord Treasurer [Buckhurst].
1602, Sept. 3. Your letters of the 27th of August last we have received, and so much contained therein as doth not contradict the Book of Orders, shall be dutifully performed. But for such points therein as are contrary to the Book of Orders, we humbly crave pardon of your Lordship, neither do we find the same good for her Majesty or for Mr. Secretary, whose good we respect, with all duty.—Custom House, 3 September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ⅓ p. (95. 41.)
Sir Edward Denny to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 3. I most humbly thank you for this your last favour, and according to your pleasure, I will pay 200l. into the Court of Wards, hoping you shall find no slackness in my care for providing the rest with the soonest my poor estate will afford.—3 September, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ⅓ p. (95. 42.)
Mrs. Fra. Tufton to Sir Robert Cecil, her uncle.
1602, Sept. 3. Is not inferior to any of his kindred in honouring and loving him. Mr. Tufton, only in the acknowledgment of his service and affection, which shall be always ready to attend Cecil, has presumed to present him with a small present, desiring his honourable acceptance thereof.—This 3 of September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (95. 45.)
Stephen Lesieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 3. Late this morning the inclosed is come to my hands. By the same your Honour may see that the Magistrate of Staden hath honestly and discreetly to her Majesty's reputation effected what they had taken in hand, howbeit some here seemed to be of a contrary expectation. It appeareth the Emperor hath a special respect to her Majesty and this cause, seeing he hath appointed the Duke of Holst (a great prince in the Empire, chief of the house, and ever well-affected to her Majesty) and the Baron of Minqwitz to treat with her Majesty's Commissioners. It giveth me hope that the success will be to her Majesty's contentment and everlasting glory to your Honour.—London, 3 Sept., 1602, late at night.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 101.)
Sir Richard Leveson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 3. Has brought her Majesty's ships from Plymouth to the Downs, and is now come to Chatham for a “catch” to pilot the ships through the sands.—Hallinge, 3 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (184. 104.)
Thomas Browne to Sir Edward Dymock.
[1602,] Sept. 3. Since your going to London, having some conference with my Lady Dymoke as concerning the abuses that was offerred unto yourself and Mr. Browne by the two Lords, I acquainted her Ladyship with what I heard, which she was desirous you should have notice of, which was [that] after my Lord Clinton had taken your dagger and my Lord of Lincoln pulled Mr. Browne by the beard (both which is already known to yourself), at your going down the stairs my Lord Clintone and Mr. Edw. Clintone both at one instant did draw their rapiers and run violently at you, which, if one Mr. Ed. Catsbe (a follower of my Lord) who was then in the chamber, had not defended one thrust with his hand, whereby he received a little hurt, he sweared you had been slain. To which words myself and others, if we be brought to our oaths, will be sworn he spoke, and he a perjured fellow if he do not swear the same.—From Kirkesteade, 3 Sept.
Holograph. ½ p. (184. 102.)
News from Venice.
1602, Sept. 3/13. Letters from Spain of the 14th ultimo bring word that the King of Fez (Fetz) was to lay siege to Algiers, and the King of Cucco to Tremesen, while the Spanish fleet was to attack the port of Buggia, to prevent the Turk from scurrying Algiers. The two Kings are in alliance with the King of Spain, and the King of Fez is said to have given his son to the King of Spain as a hostage.
From Turin, there is news that the Duke of Savoy has put two companies of Spaniards in Cuneo, and the rest will garrison other fortresses in Savoy to secure the country against France. The report is renewed that the Archduke Albert will go to be Governor of Portugal, and the Count Fuentes will go to Portugal in his place, being succeeded at Milan by Count Pugnavosto.
From Genoa, there is news that they expect every minute the intelligence of the capture of Algiers, or of Bugia. From Flanders, letters from the Lieutenant of Spinola that the army of the said Spinola was reduced to 6,500 men.
From Vienna, Gratz and Prague, come details of the war between the Emperor and the Turk. [These are given.]
From Constantinople, letters of the 4th ultimo report the despatch of provisions to Hungary. Business was very slack, and owing to the continual war and the expectation of civil troubles, no debts could be got in. At the Porte, they were in great fear of the Spanish fleet and its attack on Algiers. There were whispers of a treaty between the Emperor and the Turk and of the despatch of troops to recover Transylvania.
Letters from Cologne state that the Duke of Zweibrücken (Duca de Dui Ponti) with his allies, has started to take possession of the Duchy of Berg and of the Duke of Cleves, under the pretext that the said Duke, his relation, will have no children.
There is confirmation from various quarters of the news that the Spanish fleet, consisting of 45 ships, 60 galleys and other vessels, has sailed for Algiers, with 25,000 soldiers on board. Others say that the fleet has gone to Majorca and will have no success against Algiers.
It is said that the Neapolitan troops in Savoy have now reached Flanders.
Signor Antonio Giustiniani, Commander of the great galleys, is dead.
Italian. 4 pp. (184. 124 & 125.)
John Ratclyff, Mayor of Chester, to the Lord Treasurer.
1602, Sept. 4. Provision being made for the 820 foot and stowed aboard several barques, the soldiers, the last day of August, being Tuesday, and the wind and weather being then fair in this port, departed from the city and marched to the barques in Wirrall, and the same day were embarked, and the day following at three of the clock in the morning put to sea and were almost as high as Beaumaris, and then the wind proving to be west and southwest, they were enforced to put back again, and have ever since lain at anchor in this river, who have not been “enshored,” but kept on shipboard to prevent their running away. The number of defects and runaways in every county upon view, and the number embarked, appear in several lists enclosed in the Lords' letters. Also, according to your directions, I have by letters signified unto her Majesty's commissaries of victuals at Dublin the certainty of the provision for these men, that the barques were victualled for 14 days for the number appointed, albeit so many are not embarked, and consigned the overplus and the remain thereof to be delivered unto them, from whom I shall receive notes for so much as they receive : which, with my accounts, shall be sent you. I have sent one of purpose to see the careful delivery of the same remain of victuals.—Chester, 4 September, 1602.
Signed. 2/3 p. (95. 43.)
Dr. Ch. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 4. I would not thus long have been so near without presenting myself to you if my health had permitted, I being now more afflicted with the anger of an ill leg than ever I was before. I have sent this morning to London the copies of the four letters, as you desired. I received a letter from the prebends of Carlisle, praying me to confer with you concerning a letter from you unto them for the renewing a lease of the church in the behalf of young Eglonby, a ward, whose father in his lifetime, bearing a neighbour in hand with his word, made him a sale of the same lease, with account of more years than he himself had, perhaps by mistaking. He also deceased in the church's debt for his rent.—Sunbury, 4 September, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (95. 44.)
Capt. J. Throckmorton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 4. To do you service, I do adventure to hire a boat of purpose to bring you the first advertisement (I think) of Mr. Gilpin's leaving this life. He died on Saturday last of a burning fever.—Flushing, 4 September, 1602.
PS.—Captain Henry Sydney, of this garrison, coming from the camp, is taken prisoner to Hertogonbus, otherwise called Bolduke, on Friday last.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 46.)
Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 4. If I should be unmindful to make demonstration of all thankfulness for your favours, I cannot sufficiently condemn myself. I do blush that your Honour should yield me so many thanks for so little deserving, but since you esteem my goodwill, I am proud of your noble entertainment, and will ever be constant in my vow. I had ere this testified the receipt of her Majesty's letters to the State of Stoade, the Archbishop, the State of Brem[en] and the Duke, but that I expected the commissions which are even now come. I desire with these to thank you for your noble and undeserved letters to Alderman Rooe, and hope by the next letter to take my leave and then receive your commands.—From my lodging in the Strand, 4 Sept., 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (184. 105.)
News from Rome.
1602, Sept. 4/14. There is news that a ship has reached Marseilles from Algiers, whose sailors declare that the Turks, foreseeing that the Spanish fleet was to attack Algiers, were keeping twenty thousand men and other stores in readiness for the defence.
There are letters from Majorca, of the 25 ultimo, that the Spanish fleet was then in Calice and was expected every hour at Majorca, on the way to attack Algiers and Bugia with the help of the King of Cucco, whose country lies five days from Algiers. The said King is to attack Algiers with 50,000 infantry and 10,000 horse and the King of Spain is to send him 400,000 crowns and 30 pieces of artillery. A cousin german of the King of Cucco was come to Majorca on a galley, and had returned to Barbary after settling the manner and date of the attack on Algiers.
Letters from Genoa state that the King of France has ordered all the subjects of the Duke of Savoy to quit Provence, and has recalled all his subjects from the States of that Prince. But there is no confirmation from Turin, and it is not believed to be true.
From Majorca, there is news that the cousin of the King of Cucco took back with him to Barbary four frigates with munitions of war and then sent back word that the Spanish fleet might leave at once, since the King of Cucco was ready to attack Algiers by land.
Yesterday morning came news that the Turkish fleet had attempted to land men at San Giovanni. But the soldiers there forced the Turks to retire, not without loss; the fleet has retired to Messina. There are 12,000 Spanish and Italian soldiers at Reggio. From Palermo, on the 24th of August, there is news that a ship from Majorca had seen the Spanish fleet sailing for Algiers. This is not credited.
The galleys of the Grand Duke were on their way to Leghorn, whence it is supposed they have now started for Naples in accordance with the request despatched to Florence on the 7th instant.
The day before yesterday the mail arrived from Lyons with letters of the 3rd from thence, and letters of the 23 ultimo from Paris. The Baron de Luz was expected there at any moment; some say that the King does not care about his coming, but says that he knows enough about Biron's conspiracy. The King has been for several days at Monceau, has spoken much with Cardinal de Joyeuse, and sent another messenger to Hungary to recall the Duke of Nevers. The King hearing from his ministers that the Spanish and Neapolitan troops destined for Flanders were not advancing in spite of the leave granted to them, made answer that they were free to go at whatever time they might think best. The Dauphin has been taken away from St. Germain, and the Queen is keeping shut up a nun reputed a saint, and will not let her go until her second lying-in is over.
Italian. 1½ pp. (184. 126.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 5. I hope Sir William Monson, with her Majesty's ships, got out of the Channel, for I cannot understand his being in any other port upon this coast. The commissioners are dividing the goods of Sir John Gilbert's prizes. The St. Thomo sugars are much wasted by lying; the weight of the other sugars and the rest will fall out large. I pray your warrant for the bark that is to go forth.—Plymouth, 5 September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (95. 50.)
Richard Percival to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 5. I am sorry to see your Cornish land so ill a bargain, but do not wonder at it, for I ever mistrusted the man, his brags were so infinite and his promises so far without appearance of truth. Tynten, you were determined to keep to yourself, which to your son will be no ill bargain, for I hope it may be long ere he inherit it after all leases in reversion be worn out. The rest, if you could sell, though with mean gains, the benefit would be you should disengage yourself with many that are far unworthy to have you beholden unto them, and unburden your mind of this cumber of your debt.
The cause of Aglionby standeth thus. Upon the death of the father of the ward, you granted the preferment to Miles Whitakers, but it being long ere the office was found, and the mother in the meantime proving light and of ill behaviour, it pleased you to order that one Hilton should have the wardship; who promised to bring him up at the University, and with his own money to renew certain leases to the ward's use, which were held of the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle, and would expect no profit but his bare expenses when the heir came to age. Upon this charitable offer, at Hilton's request, you wrote to the Dean and Chapter, requesting Hilton might, upon reasonable conditions, renew those leases according to the custom of that country (where many gentlemen's livings depend upon those leases, who challenge a kind of customary right in them, as Hilton then informed you). Certain of the Chapter made you an answer much to this effect that Mr. Dean now writes, with some additions of rough and unbeseeming speeches used by Hilton; and that having made an agreement before the Bishop long before the writing of their letter, he performed nothing. Whereupon you wrote to Hilton he should perform his agreement within reasonable time, otherwise you would leave the Dean and Chapter at their liberty to dispose of it as they listed. This letter myself delivered him in London last term, upon sight whereof he told me he had been ever ready to perform his agreement, and would for that refer himself to the report of the Lord Bishop; that the Chapter would impose upon him the arrearages of the rent, for which they might have distrained, and might yet, as he told me, have satisfaction from the under tenant; that they demanded excessive fines contrary to all former precedents and the custom of the country, as he told me he would satisfy you either by letter or by Miles Whitakers, who, I think, can inform you something in the matter. It may be that Hilton in his northern humour hath been rough with them, but it were good some indifferent course were taken, otherwise it is like the ward will be undone (if the leases be past from him) the most of his living consisting on those leases, if Hilton inform me truly. With thus much it may please you to acquaint Mr. Doctor, the conclusion of whose letter either I understand not, or it seems he hath some strange dream, that you should seek some benefit in this matter.—5 September, 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (95. 51.)
John Dickenson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 5. The last despatch from hence bore date the 30th Aug., since when it hath pleased God to take unto His mercy my late master, Mr. Gilpin, after he had lain nine days sick of a tertian and had five very extreme fits. He deceased yester-night about 10 o'clock with so Christian a resolution that I assure myself his soul doth now rest among the blessed. The last charge he gave me was the remembrance of his duty to your Honour, adding that, as his vowed respect towards you should not be ended but by death, so he nothing doubted but that you will vouchsafe your favour to his poor widow and children. As for the writings of most importance (I mean her Majesty's and your Honour's despatches unto him with such like), I beseech you it may be signified to me how your Honour will have them disposed of, craving withal that it may be done with the first convenience, to the end I may with the least expense of time and my poor means resolve on the prosecuting of mine own broken fortunes. Such as hath lately passed at the Camp (from whence the States General and Council of State are not yet returned) will appear by the enclosed, which, as also that from Antwerp, I have translated out of Dutch letters by persons of quality to my late master. I send also a copy of an intercepted letter of an Italian captain serving in the Admirante's army (which was sent hither translated into French) fully confirming the further advertisements touching the wonderful disorder and distresses of the enemy's army, with the appearance of far greater confusion, and the advantage presented to these men if they embrace occasion a fronte. From Embden, it is advertised by the States' Deputies there, that the Earl proceeds with his fort at Loghen and hath begun another at Knock, to curb the Embdeners on both sides, to which end he hath also by edict prohibited on pain of death the bringing of any provisions into the town. It were greatly to be wished some final resolution were taken here touching the state of that place, lest longer delay give subject of further discouragement to the best affected, and strengthen so the dangerous practices of the Earl's instruments for the working of disunion, that there follow an irremediable mischief. I have nought else worthy your trouble, and will end with the remembrance of my humble duty.—From the Haegh, in grief and haste, 5 Sept., 1602.
PS.—Since the ending of my letter, the overseers of my late master's will thought fit I should repair over myself to receive your pleasure touching the premises, which course I propose to take, and begin my journey within a day or two, having meanwhile caused his study-door to be sealed up in my presence by the magistrates of this town.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Jhon Dickinson, Mr. Gilpin's man . . . .” Seal. 2 pp. (184. 106.)
Dr. Ch. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 5. Yesterday I received a letter from Elsenore, dated the 1st of August, at the writing whereof her Majesty's last letter was delivered to the King of Denmark, and a receipt thereof was given to the messenger. The King was then ready to take shipping to bring his youngest brother Duke John towards Moscovy, to effect an intended marriage with the Emperor of Moscovy's daughter. The letter further imports that there is some confusion in Duke Charles his camp, by reason of contentions between the Terrizans and strangers, a thing that commonly happens in all such wars. I am also informed that an English merchant lately in a Polish bottom attempting to relieve Riga with corn and meal, has been taken in his journey by Duke Charles his ships, who sent him into Swethen. I doubt the merchant's case will go hard, by reason of the enmity between Swethen and Polland, and for that Duke Charles has been this two year about the taking of Riga, the which purpose he has not as yet given over.
He that follows the cause for Argier moved me yesterday for that despatch, with whom I conferred of the matter to the full, who signified among other things that my Lord Admiral is also desirous the despatch should be in a readiness for all events. Remembering, therefore, what you seemed to desire of me at my last speech with you concerning this matter, that I should conceive some expedient course to be used therein, conferring the writings hereof already delivered me with the speech of the suitor, from whom I understand it will be all one for the ship now setting forth to touch first at Constantinople or Argier, I think it convenient that there be a letter from her Majesty to the Great Turk only, to be delivered to the agent, with instructions from you that upon receipt of the letter he write to the King of Argier, signifying that he has special commission from her Majesty to deal with the Grand Signior for the remedying of divers abuses her subjects have complained to her to have been lately offered them at Argier; and that he is already furnished with her Majesty's letters to the Grand Signior; and with the grievances of the subjects; yet he has order first to make him acquainted therewith, and to seek some remedy at his own hands, which, if he may so obtain, he has command to proceed no further with the Grand Signior, whereof he will expect his answer by the same messenger. True it is the proceeding herein may prove idle if the troubles of Constantinople and Argier take force, as lately has been informed. Yet, for that states use not to be easily “everted,” neither all reports ever prove true, if I shall understand that you and my Lord Admiral desire the despatch to be in a readiness as the suitor would, I will be ready the best I can to make a draft of a letter from her Majesty to the Grand Signior, and of instructions for the agent's proceeding, the which the suitors wish to be directed from the Council table, though I think it has been usual such affairs have been disposed of by the Principal Secretary. I am so vexed with an evil leg that I doubt I shall be compelled to retire to my poor lodging at London for some course of cure.—Sunbury, 5 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (199. 99.)
Sir Calisthenes Brooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 5/15. At this instant it hath pleased God to call to His Mercy her Majesty's agent, Mr. George Gilpin. No other English being here, I thought it my duty to advertise you. I would I were so fit and so much in your good opinion that I might intreat you to propound me for the place. I do blush for shame when I think of my youth and my unworthiness to serve so great a Queen in such a place. But when I look on those gone before and remember with whom I should negotiate, I begin to believe, if her sacred Majesty would employ me, with your favour and instructions, I should overcome the labour. The French and Dutch tongue I can as readily use as another Englishman, and for the rest, I hope I am, with two years' continuance and Mr. Gilpin's conversation, as well acquainted as a mere stranger. Sir, give me leave to intreat you to remember whose kinsman I am, and that you will please for that virtuous lady's sake, your dear wife, to employ me. These poor lines are all the means and force I have, praying to God they may be read in a successful hour.—Hague, the 15 of September, 1602 [new style].
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95. 78.)
Capt. J. Throckmorton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 6. This is my fourth I have presumed, in my Lord Governor's absence, to address unto you. Vouchsafe me worthy by one of your servants to know whether you have received them, yea or no. This other from my Lord Governor hath been at sea six or seven days ago and turned back by very foul weather. From the Grave, the hope is now that within these 10 days we shall be masters thereof. On Wednesday last their counterscarfe was gained, and they wholly put into the town. Count Maurice speedeth forward his batteries to pass over the town ditch, for so must he enter it; and it standeth him upon to hasten that business. The Archduke gathereth out of all his garrisons what forces he is able, wherewith either to attempt the relief of it, or to attack some place of ours of so great consequence as thereby to compel our army to rise to relieve our own. He threateneth Bergen-op-Zoom, but I see not how, with so mutinous an army as his, he can dare to attempt anything at all, much less such a strength as I have named. His Italians still in great numbers disband and return homewards as they came.
The business of Emden doth somewhat trouble the States, for they urge a resolute conclusion and present relief, as being distressed by their Count. It is feared that the necessity of that place will divert some other the States' good purposes to have made better use of this latter end of their summer service in these parts near unto us : than the which nothing could be done more profitable for this poor island of Zealand. The state of Ostend standeth at one stay. This last storm carried away some of their advanced “sanseges,” they being first so well beaten by the cannon from the town that their jointings and bindings together were by the same so disjoined as the rage of the waves easily carried them into the sea. Notwithstanding, the obstinate enemy still pursueth that enterprise.
Count Maurice is not very well, having been sick these eight days, but yet he continueth in the army. Sir Francis Vere amendeth somewhat, but not much. Of our nation in the army, many and in great numbers do die, insomuch as the troops be very weak. I would I could write you better news in that point, for the welfare of that army consisteth much on their well-doing.—Flushing, 6 September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal broken. 2 pp. (95. 53.)
Sir Edward Conway to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, Sept. 6. Your commandment gives me boldness to advertise you of the state I find Sir Francis Vere in, whose hurt is, as you heard, in his face, but God, Who undoubtedly hath framed and reserved him to greater purposes of His service, directed so the bullet under his eye and above the palate of his mouth that his eye is safe, no danger of his life nor impediment to his speech. Yet is not the hurt so light but great good order is to be held and sound art used for the keeping open of the wound until some bones may come away, and in that time the humours diverted or corrected that they bring not forth a “fistoloe.” The estate of his hurt disenabling him yet to dispose his eyes to direct his hand in writing, I thought it my duty to touch to you the sense I found in him of her Majesty's gracious opinion of him, her care for him and royal intentions towards him; and I must truly say that when I delivered what I received from her Highness of her gracious constructions of him and favour towards him, and that he saw his faith had not deceived him, her wisdom discovering his integrity through all the opposite suggestions, there sprang from him so many signs of comfort and so much joy, as he showing no remembrance of his hurt, I had a long time almost forgotten that he had one. He offers his humble thanks to you as to the only means of bringing his innocency to her Majesty's knowledge. For the better assurance of his defences and justifying of the favourable constructions made of him, and to point directly where the fault lies, the province of Holland and the Estates General discover a dislike of the Count William, and have upon ripe deliberation resolved to send unto Count Maurice a declaration of his error and their taking of it; which being so “awtentially” acted, you that handle daily in great things can best judge what kind of reformation that is and what consequence may be of it. But as it had been happier there had been no fault, so it is better now to seek new good ways than to dwell upon the excuses and despairs of the old and ill. Wherefore Sir Francis Vere, according to her Majesty's desire and the ends of her service, having considered of his first overture made when he was at Ostend for a certain number of foot and horse to be put into the town, which way the States now confess was upon good ground and repent they put not then in execution, and finding that that opportunity being lost, the interim hath brought in many difficulties so as that which was then possible is not now to be done, he conceives that the only expedient now for the relief of Ostend is to move the States that so soon as Grave shall be taken—which cannot resist long if there be faithful diligence used in the attempt—that then the Count Maurice prosecute, since he is in that way, the freeing of the river by the attempting of Venlo, which place being of importance to the enemy and refusing to take in garrison, it is likely the enemy will offer to succour it, which notwithstanding he cannot suddenly do, his men at arms being gone from him, and before they return, Count Maurice being master in horse, the enemy dare not attempt him; and in that time Count Maurice may so strongly intrench himself that the enemy cannot impeach him. Yet if by reason of the decay of the States' army, it be thought the Count cannot assuredly attempt the town attending an enemy and part with the required force for Flanders, yet may he go thither, and his chief end being the relief of Ostend, rather than the taking of Venlo, upon the coming of the enemy near him, withdraw himself safely, and not dishonourably since they abandon the less to do the greater work. Then with a sudden transport of 5,000 foot and — (sic) horse to be landed at Blakenburgh, the east of the enemy's quarter may be attempted and so the place relieved, there being not above 2,000 men on that side. Taking a good opportunity, the landing of ours would be assured long before forces could come about to oppose; and if the east quarter were not instantly forced, in less than eight days Blakenburgh would be taken and ours so fortified as we should be continually victualled and spoil into the enemy's country and so distress his quarter as much as he should do the town. The work being feasible if well guided, the question will be in the chief instrument. Count Maurice, though he will be jealous of another's employment, will think the command too small for him; Count William undoubtedly shall not be offered it, nor, it may be, would accept it. Count Ernest, for some misfortunes received, may be doubted in the charge; Count Harry would not refuse it, and it may be thought he hath more will than experience to perform such a work. Undoubtedly, in my opinion, Sir Francis Vere is more than able to perform such a business, but it is to be feared that these late aggravations added to the ancient jealousies would procure such delays and disputes in the handling of it, that the enemy would get intelligence to stand to bar the attempt. Now the remedy is conceived that the overture be made in the name of any of the Counts of Nassau, and then that the States upon the point of enterprise name whom they shall think fit, or else that Count Harry be appointed, and Sir Francis Vere to have such part in the command as the States shall think fit. And although the indisposition of his hurts will not yet let him think of himself, and that in how good state soever of his health, he would be loth to go with any of this country, yet I am assured he will most willingly and faithfully undergo it, since it is in a way agreeing with her Majesty's desire and for her service.—From Dort, 6 September, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil's secretary “to my Mr.” 2½ pp. (95. 54, 55.)
Lord Buckhurst to Mr Secretary [Cecil].
1602, Sept. 6. I send you the letters from Chester, whereby you may see what is become of our soldiers there. From Bristol and Barnstaple, I never heard word since the assignment of the soldiers unto them, so as I doubt not but that they provide money for those charges, for so hath both these places ever done heretofore—namely, laid out the money first and demanded allowance afterwards, but Chester hath always pretended inability, and so we have been forced to provide money for them, as I did now with great difficulty, to the sum of 1,500l. I hope by this they are upon the Irish coast, for the wind, as I have inquired, hath been good yesterday and is now. This week I trust you will forget me, for, if I can, I will steal into Sussex, and yet many businesses here do in some sort withdraw me.—6 Sept., 1602.
PS.—The son of the Lord of Muskery is now at London under the custody of my messenger, not as a prisoner, but looked unto by him and his man so as he scape not. He desired he might go up and down London, but I liked not his desire, and therefore denied it. I send you also a letter sent to this young gentleman's man from an Irishman in London. I have not examined it, but left it for you. I pray you take speedy order what you will dispose of him, for now he is with my messenger at the charge of two men to look to him and his man. His man's name is Owin, to whom the letter was written. The young gentleman is about 15 years old and a very fine youth. He hath had no money from his father, so as he owes 20l. to his host at Oxford for his diet, and he was fain, both himself and his man, to borrow two cloaks, for they had at Oxford nothing but their gowns, so as apparel must be provided for him at the least. He is come in a doublet and hose and a borrowed cloak : this is all he hath, and his man likewise.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (184. 107.)
Charles Carta's Expenses.
1602, Sept. 6. Charges laid out by Marmaduke, servant usher of the Court of Wards and Liveries, upon Mr. Charles Carta and his tutor, by virtue of a letter dated 6 Sept., 1602, from Sir Robert Cecil, etc., etc.
1. Diet for nine weeks at 14s. apiece the week 12l. 12s. 0d.
2. Ready money for two suits of apparel 12l. 12s. 7d.
3. For lodging and washing, and the attendance of myself and my man for nine weeks at 6s. 8d. the week 3l. 0s. 0d.
Total 28l. 4s. 7d.
Unsigned. ½ p. (184. 108.)
The “Speranza.”
1602, Sept. 7. In Viana, 7 September, 1602. Laden aboard the Speranza, of Lubeck, to go for Venice; to the use of persons named, merchandise : best sugar, 127 chests, second sort 197 chests, worst sort 103 chests, total 427; whereof I think will want embezzled and spent—chests; of fardels of cinnamon, eight, whereof there is wanting two. Of ibone (ebony) planks weighing 27 kintals, 50.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“A note of goodds in the shyp.” 1 p. (95. 58.)
Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 7. My boldness is without reason (if it did arise of my own desire) yet do intreat your Honour to be pained also, but I assure you it is the request of the alderman to give better satisfaction to the merchants of Stoade, and it doth plainly appear that neither my credit with them or dealings have been to deserve any courtesies at their hands.—London, 7 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 109.)
Alderman Rowe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 7. According to your desire I have moved the Company here that the Lord Evers [Eure], one of her Highness' ambassadors now undertaking a voyage into the Empire for the good of our trade, may be furnished by our brethren at Stoade with 1,000l., or so much thereof as he shall have occasion to use. Whereunto they have consented, not doubting but that your Honour, undertaking for the due payment thereof, will be pleased also that the bills of exchange may be directed and consigned unto you, whereof I desire your Honour's answer by writing, for the money must be taken up of particular men at Stoade, who will desire to know who shall pay their bills of exchange in London.—London, this 7 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Signed. “Henry Rowe.” ½ p. (184. 110.)
James Percival to his father, Richard Percival, Esquire.
1602, Sept. 7. An elementary essay on the advantages of peace over war.
Dated in contemporary hand. Greek. Seal. 1½ pp. (204. 143.)
W. Waad to Walter Cope.
1602, Sept. 8. I sought you yesterday in the afternoon at London, before I went forth of the town 30 miles to a little farm I have in Essex for a sevennight, where I have not been these seven or eight years. You can satisfy Mr. Secretary in that report, raised of Mr. Beeston without any ground, wherein he is in my conscience as free as myself or as yourself. A part of the suspicion arose that Barrowes could tell that Mr. Beeston lay at a house of yours, and so you might have been called in question as well as he. Barrowes, in no sort, that we find, gave any occasion of offence. Before we entered into examination of the cause, I foretold the original grew from Tillettson, a foolish fellow, who hath raised more untruths to my knowledge, and the man doth bear no good will to Barrowes.
I perceive you have conferred with Mr. Keymar. How mean soever the conceit of the man is, the matter he offereth deserveth very good consideration.—“From my house at Belsis, the 8th of September, 1602.”
Signed. ½ p. (95. 59.)
Captain Richard Gifford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 8. I am come home overland out of Italy, where I made sale of certain oils I had taken at sea, and have brought bills of exchange for the same to the value of 1,570l. I was coming home by sea with the goods in company of the Marigold, and losing her in the night in foul weather and having news of 40 sail of galleys bound out of the straits for Spain, did hold it very dangerous to go forth, being alone; and for the better safety of the goods, I had thought best to return to Leghorn, where I was used with all favour by the Duke's command. I left there, and at Arger 400l. or 500l. worth of goods which I expect money for daily, and God sending my ship home, there will be 500l. or 600l. more; so as I have already made my voyage worth 2,500l. or 2,600l. I thank God for it. There hath been given very hard and false speeches of me in my absence, and as it seemeth my name used for other men's faults, but you shall find me an honest man, and will justify with credit whatsoever I have done at sea. My ship is at sea off the South Cape, where she will spend two or three months' victual, which I left in her, in hope to meet with something to better the voyage. My pretended voyage I could not put in practice in any safety by reason of a general stay which was there both of ships and men, but so soon as I have got all my monies together, I will render it up, for it hath been an exceeding great care unto me; and then will attempt the pretended voyage in another manner and without any charge at all. I do here every day shew myself in the Exchange only to see whether there be any that will maintain those false speeches which have been given of me, or that can object anything against me, as I am assured there is not any that right can, excepting for a small French bark which was laden with oils, belonging to the enemy and bound to the enemy. For the French bark, my brother had taken order before my coming home, yet she did also serve the enemy.—London, the 8 of September, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil :—“The Fortune, of London. the Capt. Sadler, Plymouth.” Seal. 1 p. (95. 61.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 8. I lately received a letter from you by post, and therein the advertisement out of Spain and the Low Countries, being right heartily glad to perceive so small likelihood of sending any great numbers out of Spain into Ireland this summer, whereby we may hope the Lord Deputy in the north and the Lord President in the south will make a good hand with the rebels shortly. I well remember what your opinion was for any great succours to be sent out of Ireland for this summer, before I parted with you last, which now falls out to be true. I am also very glad to hear her Majesty beginneth to like so well of the match betwixt my Lord of Ormond's daughter and young Mr. Butler, wherein that Lord and all that truly love him shall have cause to acknowledge themselves much bound to you, who I know to be the only cause thereof. For the Lord of Delvin's death, I cannot be sorry considering the condition that befel unto him so lately.
Your postscript told us of the breaking of your progress, for which I think none but the Queen's maids of honour doth lament. And now I come to advertise you, with shame enough, of your famous lanner, which the bearer hereof bringeth also unto you, to tell you that her feathers are yet scant hard in the quills by reason of her late mewing, and it must stand for part of an excuse that she flieth not in so good a place this year as she did last, or any other “taulks,” why or wherefore she is but a slugg, now being commended to you for so rare and excellent a bird, I know is to no purpose, for if she be (as indeed she is) as bad as you heard she was good, let us say or swear what we will, I am sure you will curse both myself and my informer that fed you with such an expectation as is not like to be satisfied in any measure, with this hawk, but the worst. For the truth is, I have seen her fly six or seven times, and I protest I never saw her so high as the top of Paul's but one morning, and then she was not very high. But as she is you have her, and better I cannot make her; but the next hawk I commend unto you before mine own eyes have seen her fly, shall be made of orient pearl. For to conclude, by the faith of an honest man, she is so good a hawk as I am much ashamed of her, and therefore beseech you in good earnest do me the favour to see her fly as privately as you can, and if she prove no better than I think both Flint and yourself will find her, let this fellow return her hither to me, and I will never leave until I have got a better for you. Study not what reward to bestow upon this bearer, who is my young cousin Talbot's falconer, for both his master and I have conjured him to take only 10s. of your gift, if you will needs give him something to drink by the way; but more he may not take, upon pain to lose his service. But the best is to offer him nothing, now that you know our pleasures therein. You are not more busied with matters of State than we are here with hunting, to end with Holyrood day; therefore I take my leave, and present my wife's most friendly commendations unto you, as I am straitly enjoined.—At Worksop, 8 September, 1602.
PS.—We have lately heard from the young couple at Wrest that they are in very good agreement. Be pleased to send this letter of mine to my Lord President of Munster.
Holograph. 2 pp. (95. 62.)
Frances Cobham, Dowager Countess of Kildare, to Mr. Burnell.
1602, Sept. 8. I am heartily sorry that matters of controversy must come to divide our friendship. Ill it becomes me to upbraid you with injustice, but well it becomes me to do right to all living creatures, especially where I may procure rest to the dead and blessing to the living, and free my conscience of a great deal of molestation. I know that you fear God, and you and I both know that Talbot's feoffment is defective, as by proofs will easily appear. For what my own Lord with griefs did many times impart to me, as with duty I conceal; but what Walter Nangle often confessed to me in “Lecaell,” whose hand was to the endorsement, besides Walter Forster's [marginal note : Both are dead] own confession to me and others at his last being in England, for which I gave him the lease of Adare, although it be nominated in his lease for 100l., yet it was to conceal his knowledge till my nephew Digby and I were agreed. Presently upon it, I took his bond and Sir William Knowles, Comptroller of her Majesty's house, for 4,000l. to perfect my jointure and to deal with one of my children. If Talbot's feoffment had been in force, I had been deprived of my jointure or any living I had by my dea[d ?] Harry, and so are all they that took leases of him for that conveyance, those uses being performed which are in the original, it runneth in the nature of a perpetuity, and therefore he nor his feoffees had power to alter anything. But that feoffment is frivolous, for Lord Garrott was left out of it [margin : The feoffment to Talbot was made to the use of the heirs male of the body of the old Earl before the death of Lord Garrott, and, therefore, could he not be left out of it] and lands put in that were not in the Earl's possession, for the Queen had not passed them to him. I take no ground of any mean bodies, for I have shewed letters to the Council, written to me upon my own Lord's death by them who are yet living, that discovered all the matter under their own hand. I mean no such man as Mr. Bradley, albeit I hope he will not run so damnable a course as to deny a matter so evident; for I will explain it in such manner as I will receive no foil in taking part with the right, and am confident that God would not have punished the heirs male so much as He hath done, to leave them without seed of their own bodies, which is the blessing of this world, if we had done “theire general” [? the heir general] right, which wrong could not be kept from the living God, to Whom we must call for mercy for that deed, and seek to make the best satisfaction that our conscience and best counsel will advise us. I have learned much good by your virtuous counsel many times, which makes me to write in this familiar style; for if I did not know a perfect right on my niece Lettice's side, I would not blemish myself to be against the house of Kildare, by which I have had both my honour and children, and will remain a better pillar than any falsehood can serve to do any good.—From Court at Oatland, this 8th of September, 1602.
Endorsed :—“The copy of a letter from Countess of Kildare to Mr. Burnell, bearing date 8 September, 1602.” 1⅓ pp. (95. 63.)
Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 8. I do salute you with continual thanks, whilst on this side of the sea we remain, lest the crossing of the seas cross the like fortunes. I have nothing worthy your knowledge more than our being at Rochester, where in the way, passing the water well to Gravesend (though benighted there for want of speedy provision of horses), even at the town's end of Rochester, Mr. Dr. Dun's coach being overcast, he bruised his right arm, which is great pain to him. Yet, with the grace of God, we go forward to Canterbury this day, hoping of his better amendment.—Rochester, 8 September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (95. 64, 1.)
J[ohn] Herbert, Secretary of State, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 8. Conferring with my Lord about our day of parture, his Lordship disliking Monday, for that this year Christmas-Day fell on it, chose Tuesday, the happy day of her Majesty's nativity, to begin this journey. Myself yesterday came to Rochester by land in good time; his Lordship, Mr. Donne, and Lesieur came by barge to Gravesend, and there took horse and came hither somewhat late, whereby Mr. Donne travelling in coach, being night, the same overturned, and hurt his right arm about the wrist. Whether any bone be displaced, as yet we cannot come to any certain knowledge. I remained within till 12 o'clock to see the surgeon dress him. His pains in handling of it were very great, nor hath he taken any rest all night, yet determineth to go on to Canterbury this night. All things else, by your careful means, prosper well, and we hope, seeing Lesieur imparted to me this morning that the exemplifications under the Council Seal were delivered to him, that we want nothing that may further our action.—Rochester, 8 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (184. 114.)
John Dickenson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 8/18. The other letter which goeth herewith was written by me immediately upon my late master Mr. Gilpin's decease, but myself following within two days after found it in Zeland. For which cause receiving it again, I thought fit, being now arrived here, to address it unto you with this addition, craving that I may understand your pleasure touching those writings therein mentioned, and a favourable construction be vouchsafed of the course held by me. At the instant of my departure was received from Brussels that which I have set hereunder.—September 18, 1602 [new style].
PS.—Had not the ship wherein I came made over-sudden haste, the sergeant-major of Flushing would by letter have testified unto you that my slow coming was not caused through want of due care.—September 9, stilo novo.
Underwritten :—Son Alteze s'est parti d'icy a cause du mauvais ordre au Camp, tant en la mutinerie des soldats qu'aussi la jalousie entre les chefs : car la sepmaine passée vindrent icy du Camp le Conte Trivulce et D. Alfonso d'Avalos, protestants de ne vouloir plus servir. Cependant l'on continue la resolution de surprendre Ravesteyn, et s'y fortifier, a fin de couper les vivres qu'on envoye par la Meuse. D. Juan de Medicis sera general de la cavalerie. L'Electeur de Couloigne a entreprins d'estre mediateur entre nous et ceulx de votre party, pour procurer ung traicté de paix; sed latet anguis in herba; equo ne fidite Teucri, car il est tres certain qu'on fayt de grands apprests en Espagne et Italie soubs couleur d'aller en Africque, mais leur vray but est l'Irlande, ou bien ces pays.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (95, 87.)
William Cornwallis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 9. My thoughts be so full of thankfulness for your care as I cannot forbear to put in ink what I think. You have exceedingly fast bound a faithful man, not perhaps a happy man, who might approve in deed how muchly he hath been contented with your honourable manner in this matter. That you may see how much it stood me upon to have no opposition here above, let me signify unto you what message my son Withipoll (who hath other occasion to bring him to London) brought me from my father, where his wife is lately brought in bed. “Tell my son,” saith he, “that if dissuasions and discouragements could alter my purpose, I should not come up, but there be so many of them, as I were very dull, if I did not find it to proceed out of practice and device rather than from any true reason or goodwill. I am going to my grave, yet have no haste to leap into it, as they would make me believe I do, by this resolution to remove. But tell my son, I am resolved to keep my appointment, let God do His will everywhere.” Notwithstanding, sir, I am riding down again to attend upon him up, because it is my duty and these politicians flatter themselves with opinion to convert him till I come.—From Highgate, 9 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 115.)
Thomas Honiman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 9. I desire to know your pleasure touching the leaving of 4,000l. in sequestration for the Italian. As now we grow towards an end of the division, I will, if I may, keep a parcel of the pepper undivided till I may know your pleasure. I moved to have certain things praised and laid before you at such rates as they were esteemed worth, but Sir John Gilbert would have a stricter course, that being brought forth and sold by open cry, he should have them that gave most for them. So for such things as had a little rarity, hath been bidding and outbidding to twice the value. Sir John Gilbert spareth no cost, it might be he meaneth to present some of them to you. Amongst the rest, one large foot carpet is fallen to me by this chance. It was said that it was a thing unfit for the wearing of any gentleman or knight in Devon. Sir William Strowde answered he would buy it for Sir Walter Ralegh, and offered 40l. for it; upon him I bid 50l., Sir John Gilbert bid upon me 55l., I said I would have it for you, and so bid one shilling more, promising that if any man bid 100l. over and above that shilling, he should not carry it away. So the carpet fell to me, which is all I durst presume upon to be fitting for you. I have been offered for it 100l., but think it not so much worth. By this course of outcry, a great deal of money will be made more of the implements than was expected.—From Plymouth, 9th of September, 1602.
PS.—Even now Thursday at 6 o'clock in the morning. I received your letter with enclosed for the Commissioners and Mr. Bragge, which I will deliver accordingly.
Holograph. Two seals. 1 p. (95. 60.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 9. I took advantage in my time of interim to visit my Lord of Shrewsbury and his worthy lady, where if concursion of desires might have prevailed, yourself should have been present. I beseech you accept this my acknowledgment of love and service.—Worsop, 9 September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (95. 64, 2.)
Foulke Grevyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 9. First the number of Commissioners used in this business of the carrack, and the many associates added to them, make it a question with me whether this multiplicity of books and inventories of all particulars will not give the buyers more eyes to see withal than were convenient. The course holden by the Low Country men with this last carrack was this : the goods were first divided into three several places according to their kinds; there were appointed to every several room several overseers, each man knowing his own charge, and no one inferior the secret and state of all, by which means there was market-light enough to stir up humours and affections in the buyers, notwithstanding that the State alone reserved the privity to itself of abundance or scarcity, precious or vulgar wares, &c., to the end the appetite of the merchant should not artificially seem glutted in any commodity till chapmen, vents, exchanges were fitted and improved to the owners' best. Last week, the chests were ended, and this very day the packs; the pepper, besides, is much of it well ordered and disposed already, so as there remains no more but the gums. Give me, therefore, leave to offer to her Majesty's wisdom and yours whether these reasons may move you to any restraint in this multiplicity of books or registers; for if at all, now is the time.—From London, 9 September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (95. 65.)
J[ohn] Wheeler to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 9. On Saturday last in the evening, it pleased God to take Mr. George Gilpin out of this mortal life after a few days' sickness. Upon his decease, the magistrates at the Hage took order for the safe-keeping of such things as were found in his house, and have carefully sealed up his study.—Middlbroughe, 9 Sept., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (184. 116.)
Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 9. This letter hereincluded was sent unto me from the Lady Eure, with earnest intreaty that it might be conveyed unto my Lord, her husband.—From Snape, 9 Sept. 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (184. 117.)
Roger Dalyson, Sheriff of Lincolnshire, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 10. Concerning John Henchelawe, of Grimsby, and Nicholas Blunston. And whereas her Majesty hath been moved by the King of Scots his means in behalf of Henchelawe and his father-in-law, supposing that Blunston was slain in Scotland by Henchelawe accidentally in his own defence, at which time it chanced the father-in-law of Henchelawe to be present, who is therefore troubled for the deed as well as himself; the truth is, that Henchelawe and Blunston at Whitsuntide last, sitting together at a play at Grimsby, in co. Lincoln, fell forth there, in which place there passed some words of offence betwixt them. Two days after, at Caster, which is some eight miles from Grimsby, Blunston meeting Henchelawe in the market place there, did first strike Henchelawe with a bastinado, whereupon Henchelawe did draw his rapier and thrust Blunston into the thigh, upon which hurt he died. Henchelawe's father-in-law being present at the affray at Caster without weapon, as I am informed, did encourage his son-in-law by his words, for which he is in her Majesty's gaol at Lincoln, and standeth indicted of wilful murder for the same fact, untried at the last Assizes because the witnesses were not then present, and therefore his trial deferred till the next Assizes. Henchelawe presently after the fact fled into Scotland, and there remaineth, as is thought.—From Laughton, this 10th of September.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (95. 66.)
Dr. Daniel Dun to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 10. Since our coming from London on Tuesday the 7th of this month, all things in our journey succeeded well, saving some mishap unto myself in our way betwixt Gravesend and Rochester. The next morning, did take my journey with my Lord [Eure] and Mr. Secretary [Herbert] to Canterbury, and the day following rode with them through to Margate, where the wind serving well, we do intend this day, being Friday, to go on shipboard and so to pursue our journey to Stoad.—From Margate, this 10th of September, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (95. 67.)
Secretary Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 10. We are all well and safely arrived at Margate, and this afternoon we mean to put to sea. Mr. Dun is as well recovered of his hurt as the time would permit. As for myself, the favours I have received at her Majesty's hands by your means have wrought such effect, as being now furnished with all necessaries and my wants thereby supplied, I doubt not, I shall pass the journey and return to do further service.—Margate, 10 September, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (95. 68.)
Commissioners at Plymouth to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 10. We have received your letters of the 6th of this month, wherein your pleasures were that we should sequester 4,000l. goods for the Italians. All the companies of the several ships were paid their shares, and most of all the goods sold by the drum before we received your letters; besides, about 14 days since, the Italians brought us a sequestration out of the Admiralty, giving us authority to sequester so much for them as was noted with marks contained in a schedule annexed. Sir John Gilbert and Mr. Cole are well contented to give any such security as the Judge of the Admiralty shall think meet, as well to answer for those goods which we have already sequestered, as to any other claims of the Italians.—Plymouth, 10 Sept., 1602.
Signed, George Gyffard : Fr. Gorges : Edm. Duffild : Chr. Harris : G. Renger : Humf. Kempe : Ro. Bragge. Seal. 1 p. (184. 118.)
Sir John Gilbert and Richard Cole to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Sept. 10. [To the same effect as the preceding letter.]—Plymouth, 10th Sept., 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (184. 119.)
Richard Cole to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602], Sept. 10. We have proceeded so far without any uproar or discontentment to any person, and have accordingly sold all the goods by drum; in which we have nothing worthy of your Honour, but one foot carpet of Turkey work, which is the fairest that ever I saw, for which there would have been given for some other friends 100l., but Mr. Hunnyman and myself stayed it for your Honour for 53l. I determine by the next messenger to send you a particular note of all things that have been sold, together with their prices and the names of such as have bought them, that if you shall fancy them, they may be restored for your service. There are the fairest China dishes of all sorts that ever were seen in England.—Plymouth, 10 Sept.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (184. 120.)
News from Venice.
1602, Sept. 10/20. Letters from Danzic mention the ravages of the plague in that city and in Königsberg, where in a few months there have died more that 15,000 persons. News had come from Livonia that Duke Charles with twenty vessels had arrived there, and that every day his forces were increasing. The great Chancellor was retiring before him, and had written to the King that for want of soldiers and victuals he could not resist the enemy; and that he needed assistance as soon as possible; also that the Ambassadors from Muscovy had come to the frontier on the fixed day in the past month to treat for the renewal of the truce, and finding no Polish Commissioners to meet them, had taken it for an affront and made themselves masters of an estate with a castle on it, and after plundering it had set it alight, and then gone back home, a matter which might seriously affect the progress of the war in Livonia.
From Genoa, there is intelligence that a tartane arriving from Majorca had heard that the Spanish fleet was waiting there.
From Vienna and Prague come full details of the war between the Emperor and the Turk.
From Genoa, they write that Don. Gio : de Cardona is to be commander of the Spanish fleet by sea, and Don Gio : dell Aquila by land; Prince Doria is said to have 30,000 to 3,000 crowns that Algiers will be taken. The Turkish fleet has crossed over to Calabria with 46 galleys, but it is not confirmed that Amurath Rais has joined them, for he is in the Spanish sea doing great damage there.
The Tartars who were passing through Poland in great numbers to join the Turk in Hungary, have turned back, hearing that the Muscovite was marching against them.
From Constantinople comes intelligence that a Pacha is to be sent against the brother of Scrivano, who is continuing his successes; that stores were being sent to Hungary; that the fleet had been ordered to attack Spain, and that the Porte doubted if the Spanish fleet would really sail against Algiers.
Italian. 4 pp. (184. 137.)