Cecil Papers: July 1602, 26-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1602, 26-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp252-276 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1602, 26-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp252-276.

"Cecil Papers: July 1602, 26-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp252-276.

July 1602, 26–31

Jo. Browne to [? Levinus Munck].
1602, July 26. Vouchsafe this favour, that whereas one Mr. Langford, a gentleman of Derby or Staffordshire, in regard of his absence from church, is amerced for her Majesty's use in some 30l. by way, but of 4l. or 5l. by the year, before the statute therein made for a monthly mulct, and the same is passed by lease from her Majesty to one Mr. Jo. Freston, who has given all the mulct thereof, with the rest of his goods, to the erecting of a hospital, two free schools, two fellowships and five scholarships to both the Universities, twelve quarters of corn yearly for ever to two great towns, Wakefield and Pontefract : that though they pretend interest anyway with Mr. Secretary [Cecil], yet till that be manifested, we may proceed for the recovery thereof, being of so long time due for so present good uses.—Jul. 26, 1602.
Holograph. ¼ p. (94. 74.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 26. I send herewith the news of Embden, because they contain some particulars which peradventure you were not informed of. If it please you to write word to me that whereas Atkinson desires to acquaint you with divers secrets, it is your pleasure that he should impart them to me by reason of your business, this remove, etc., I will talk with him, and get from him what I can under his hand to send to you. But whatsoever he shall say, my Lord Chief Justice would be informed before he be released.—Fulham, 26 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 75.)
1602, May 4/July 27. News from Rome, endorsed in two separate places, “Advices from Rome, May, June and July, during my being at Venice;” also with this note, “The rest I have sent to Mr. Sec.” The advices are as follows :
(1.) Rome, 4 May, 1602.—Expected promotion of Cardinals. Acts of Consistory. Letters, of the 15th ult. from the Court of Spain relate, among other things, that great preparations are continued there for war both by sea and land. The King has required of the princes and prelates the 4,000 horse and 18,000 foot which they are bound to give for the defence of Spain, where there is great dread of the English armada. They are providing against a suspected understanding between the English and the Moors of Africa, and the duke of Lerma has written to the Marquis of Villareale, Portuguese Governor of Ceuta, to take precautions lest the Queen of England's armada should make some attempt with the aid of the King of Fez. The enterprise of Algiers and other Italian news.
Italian. 4 pp. (139. 152–3.)
(2.) 11 May, 1602.—News of Italy. Letters from Spain of 22 April report that the fleet is arrived in Seville with nine millions. Three ships were missing, one of which was known to be lost. The fleet was followed by six English ships, who hoped to capture some straggling galleon, but did not succeed. The King was at the Escurial, and Signor Frederic Spinola at Seville about to go against the Dutch. Other Italan news.
Italian. 4 pp. (139. 154–5.)
(3.) 15 May, 1602.—Affairs of Italy and France.
Italian. 4 pp. (139. 156–7.)
(4.) 1 June, 1602.—Cannot learn the cause of the sending into France. Some think it may be news of the affairs of England, and that the French King wishes to be ready, in case of the death of that Queen, to favour the succession of the King of Scotland, or some other friend. French news touching the heretics of Rochelle. News from Spain. The armada there may be intended for any enterprise but that of Algiers. Some judge it should be for a renewed attempt on Ireland, many chief men of that island having appeared at Court to recommend themselves to the King. Italian affairs.
Italian. 4 pp. (139. 158–9.)
(5.) 8 June, 1602.—Spanish affairs. The talk is that the armada is to carry a great body of soldiers to the assistance of the Catholics in Ireland; who, being persecuted by the Queen after last rebellion, have sent secretly into Spain to recommend themselves to the King, and ask him to assist them to defend themselves against the English, or they will be destroyed and exterminated. Italian affairs. The Queen of England, through the French King, offers to the Pope to tolerate Catholic worship publicly in her realm, provided His Holiness annuls the excommunication of Pius V., confirmed by Gregory XIII. and Sixtus V., against such of her subjects as obey and recognise her as Queen. Other Italian news.
Italian. 4 pp. (139. 160–1.)
(6.) 15 June, 1602.—News from France. Some gentlemen of the Duke of Nivers had reported from England that his Excellency was much caressed by the Queen, “la qual haveva ballato seco et fatto due gagliarde”; and that 2,000 English foot were about to go into the service of the Dutch States and others were preparing. Spanish and Italian affairs.
Italian. 4 pp. (139. 162–3.)
(7.) 22 June, 1602.—French and Italian affairs.
Italian. 4 pp. (139. 164–5.)
(8.) 29 June, 1602.—French and Italian affairs, and news of the preparation of the armada in Spain. The negotiation of the English ambassadors continues to be treated and discussed in the congress, which is often held before Cardinals Borghese and Arigoni; this affair being zealously forwarded by the French King.
Italian. 4 pp. (139. 166–7.)
(9.) 13 July, 1602.—News of the 23rd ult. from France, where a plot had been discovered. Spanish affairs. The enterprise which is now intended there is that of the Arace, a river in Morocco, where the English and Dutch have a port where they retire to prey upon vessels coming from the Indies. Italian affairs. The English armada has sacked and burnt three castles on the coast of Portugal. The Marquis of Santa Croce has been wounded in a fight with certain English vessels, who captured a galleon coming from the Indies with more than two millions.
Italian. 4 pp. (139. 168–9.)
(10.) 20 July, 1602.—Italian and French affairs.
Italian. 2 pp. This is in a different hand from the rest and bears an address to “Georgio Limauer at Venice.” (139. 170.)
(11.) 20 July, 1602.—Flemish and French affairs. Letters from Spain confirm the news of the capture by Englishmen of the Portuguese galleon coming from the Indies with more than a million and a half. They have also sunk two other vessels “alla bocca di Lisbona,” in which city a hundred light vessels were being put ready to transport men and victuals, to what end was not known. Italian affairs.
Italian. 4 pp. (139. 171–2.)
(13.) 27 July, 1602.—News of France and Rome. Report from Spain of the appointment of D. Gio di Cardova to command the armada at Lisbon, which should go in search of the English and prevent their landing and ravaging the coast of Portugal, as they have done hitherto without opposition. Other news of France and Italy.
Italian. 2 pp. In a different hand from the rest, with the address to “George Limauer.” Seal. (139. 173.)
Wm. Vawer, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 27. He received Cecil's of July 19, with letters for the Lord President of Munster, and delivered them to John Smythe, master of a bark of this port, who attends the opportunity of wind for his passage to Cork. According to Cecil's letters of July 26, he has examined Clifton, who received a packet from Cecil for the Lord President, who says the same is in a chest on board the same bark, and that he intends to take passage with Smythe.—Bristol, 27 July, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Bristol.” 1 p. (94. 76.)
1602, July 27. Schedule of bonds, treaties and other escripts and muniments delivered by Sir Robert Cecil to Vincent Skynner and Arthur Agard (fn. 1), two of the officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer having custody of the keys of the Queen's Treasury at Westminster; viz. :—
Treaties with France :—
2 April, 1559. The treaty with France at Cambresy, with sundry specialties, as, Commission for the French King's Ambassador to treat of peace : French King's confirmation of the same treaty : French King's commission to receive the Queen's ratification.
22 Feb., 1562. Accord made with the Admiral at Caen and his confederates for defence of Rouen, Dieppe, Newhaven &c., with the receipt of monies delivered to the Admiral by Sir Nicholas Throgmorton.
11 April, 1564. Treaty with France made at Troyes in Champaigne, with the confirmation of the said treaty; sundry bonds of the hostages and other things appertaining to it.
19 April, 1572. Treaty with France at Bloys, signed by the Commissioners on both sides, with sundry commissions for ratification of the same.
29 August, 1593. The French King's bond of amity, defensive and offensive, against Spain, sent by Sir Edmund Wilkes.
May, 1596. Treaty with France by the Duke of Bovillon and Sancy, with the confirmation of the first treaty of 14 May, 1596 : confirmation of the second treaty of 16 May, 1596 : comprehension of the States in that treaty : the French King's oath for observing the treaty : letters patents for accepting of the order of the Garter and his oath for the observing of the same.
Bonds and contracts of the French King :—
8 Sept., 1589. An assurance from Monsieur Beauvoir, de Butry and Buzenvall for repayment of 20,000l. borrowed, and for 20 lasts of powder and 3,000 bullets.
24 May, 1590. A bond of Mr. Beauvoir for repayment of 2,000l. borrowed as from Sir John Hart. The French King's ratification of the same bond.
25 Sept., 1590. Monsieur Beauvoir's bond for repayment of 10,000l. at the end of nine months.
2 April, 1591. The French Ambassador's contract for the pay of 3,000 men sent into Britaigne.
29 June, 1591. Contract for the Customs of Roan. List of 3,400 men sent into Normandy with the Earl of Essex. The French Ambassador's bond for their entertainment. The copy of the French Ambassador's letters for procuration from the King.
14 August, 1591. The emolgation of the same contract of Normandy, and for 600 soldiers sent into Britaigne. Doubled.
4 March, 1591. A duplicate of the French King's procuration for his Ambassador's contracting for payment of the forces sent into Britaigne.
19 June, 1592. The French King's commission to Monsieur Beauvoir and Sancy to contract for new forces to be sent into Britaigne, with the contract for 4,000l. between the Ambassadors and certain of the Council.
4 Sept., 1592. The French King's ratification of the said contract.
10 Aug., 1594. The French Ambassador's bond for repayment of the entertainment of 4,000 foot, 100 horse and 50 miners in Britaigne, and for certain ordnance and munition.
27 Nov., 1594. The French King's ratification of his Ambassador's contract for repayment of these forces in Britaigne.
9 July, 1596. The French King's bond for payment of 2,000 foot sent into Picardy, amounting to 10,250l. sterling.
The Duke Anjou's bonds :—
17 Dec., 1581. A bond of Monsieur le Duke d'Anjou, frere du Roy, for 30,000l.
19 Dec., 1581. Another bond of Monsr. le Duke d'Anjou, for 30,000l.
Bonds of the Low Countries :—
A wooden box, entitled Flanders, with certain old bonds.
Dec., 1576. Monsieur Swevingham's bond for repayment of 20,000l. at six months' end, borrowed for the King of Spain and States under his obedience.
1579. Bonds of the States of the Low Countries for repayment of 28,757l., with an inventory of the jewels left in pawn for the said sum. And two books mentioning the said jewels delivered to the Lord Cobham, Sir Francis Walsingham and Mr. Davison.
Original treaties with the Low Countries :—
1445. The entercourse of anno 1445 between King Henry the 6 and the Provinces of Holland, Zeeland and Friezeland continued for 12 years, entitled Specialties out of the Exchequer.
1585. Commissions from the States of the United Provinces for treating with her Majesty.
1586. Earl of Leicester his commission from the States.
16 August, 1586. Treaty with the Low Countries the States United : anno 1598, ratification of the States of the said treaty. Bond of the States for payment of the money agreed upon by this treaty.
Denmark :—
15 Aug., 1582. The King of Denmark's acceptance of the Garter sent by the Lord Willoughby.
Scotland :—
1551. Treaty between King Edward the 6 and Queen Mary of Scotland.
May, 1559. Treaty with Scotland at Upsatlington, with divers commissions, confirmations and oaths for the same treaty.
27 Feb., 1559. Contract and agreement at Berwick between the Duke of Norfolk and James Lord Steward and others.
2 April, 1559. Treaty with France and Scotland at Cambresy, with the confirmation and commissions for the same treaty.
6 July, 1560. Treaty with Scotland by Sir William Cecil and the Bishop of Valence, with an agreement for the demolition of Lyeth. Her Majesty's ratification of that treaty, which was not delivered.
22 Sept., 1563. A treaty upon the Borders between the Lord Scroope and the Lord Maxwell and others.
6 July, 1586. A treaty with Scotland at Berwick, between the Earl of Rutland and the Earl of Bothwell and others.
Anglia :—
25 June, 1554. The treaty and conclusion of the marriage between King Phillip and Queen Mary, in a white copper box.
An exemplification of King Henry the 8th his last will, sealed in a round blue leather box.
A bull of Pope Clement the 7th for King Henry's marriage upon the divorce of Queen Katherine.
Commissions for ministering the Oath of Supremacy to the Bishops and Clergy, anno primo of her Majesty's reign.
Two letters patents of lands to the Earl of Lennox and the Lady Margaret his wife, from King Henry the 8th and King Philip and Mary.
Memorandum that over and above the said bonds there were formerly delivered to Sir Henry Nevill and Sir Thomas Parry, her Majesty's Ambassadors resident with the French King, these several bonds, viz. :—
7 May, 1596. One bond of the Duke of Bullion and Monsieur Sancy for repayment of 6,000l. at one year's end, delivered to Sir Henry Nevill.
30 Oct., 1589. One obligation of Monsieur de Beauvoir, La Nocle and de Fresnes, the French King's Ambassadors, for the repayment of 15,000l. sterling borrowed by them for the King's use of the City of London. And for repayment of 750l. for the interest of the said money for six months, delivered to Sir Thomas Parry.
1 May, 1590. One other latter bond of the said Monsieur de Beauvoir for the payment of other 750l. for respiting the said 15,000l. for six months longer, delivered to Sir Thomas Parry.
7 July, 1591. The King's ratification for assuring the payment of the said sum of 15,000l. by virtue of the said first bond, and the interest money for the 6 months comprised in the same, but not mentioning the payment of the other 750l. due for the interest of the latter six months by virtue of the latter bond delivered to Sir Thomas Parry.
Endorsed :—“Note of bonds and treaties delivered to my Lord Treasurer, 27 July, 1602.”
A large sheet of parchment.
2 pp. (141. 223–4.)
Jacques Bouthier to Sir R. Cecil.
1602, July 28. Thanks Cecil for ordering the keeper of the King's Bench Prison not to allow him to be removed and taken prisoner into France, where he could not go without risk of his life. His adversary, seeing Cecil has taken up his cause, has come to an agreement with him, and he will go to France on the condition that he is not criminally prosecuted. Begs Cecil's order for his liberation.—Des Bancqs des Roys, 28 July, 1602.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (93. 163.)
Sir Edward Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 28. Concerning our business before the Grave, we have digged as much as ever we did, or more. We have begun our approaches from every quarter, his Excellence being nigh the town some 100 paces; Count William nigher. By reason he has a bog to pass, and must approach by means of gabions, he has mounted a battery that plays the other quarters none, only that of the other side the river. Our English have approached the least. We are so strongly defenced that the enemy must approach our trench, as we must do to the town. Yet, for all this, the town is nothing moved, or rather “lasie,” and, I think, needy of their munition, as it is suspected, for I never saw a town that shoots less (let a man come never so nigh). It is thought there are few commanders that are sufficient, the Governor being a simple man, so that in my judgment the town will not long hold out; and it is pity that our army, that is so well compounded, should not be employed to some greater exploit. There is many strangers come to see our army, where, amongst the rest, there is the Marquis of Braunigburge, the Count Holocke, and many men of account of Newmarke, which I fear will be all weary to see our actions, so leave, as you will be of my advertisement.—From before the Grave, 28 July.
Holograph. Signed, “Ed. Cecyll.” Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (94. 47.)
Sir Robert Drury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 28/Aug. 7. There can be no better proof of the poor expectations we have here than the return of this gentleman your servant, whose spirit, I assure you, so forwardly carries him on to any worthy action as that I think if he could expect any just occasion to mount again on horseback all this summer, that he would for a time have importuned a pardon from his attendance upon you. To speak of any particularities here, were very much a wrong to him, who will satisfy you very fully of his part; though of ours all in general it will be very hard, so strange must it needs seem that our invincible army, which should have marched clean through the enemy's country, now lies still entrenched at the siege of a little town, and suffer their army to lie in open fields within three leagues of us. But it is well excused, for we have sent 15 companies to Berke. Of the condition of this army, the head and great General discovers it plainly that he will never make other war but by sieges, except such great advantages of an army as he shall never have but by the absolute decay of the Spanish power. The several ends and ambitions of the chiefs and captains are infinite, neglecting for their private ends the public business; the disagreement of the diverse nations great; but the especial dulling of all active spirits is that everybody knows they serve a state from which no gallant action can ever expect a brave reward. What effects these causes can ever produce are fitter to pass your judgment than my censure; but the consideration of them, joined with all that which in reason I may expect in my own particular, gives me an occasion of boldness to speak now thus much of myself, that the great English General, engrossing so absolutely all authority into his hands as leaves no corner of his army for any man to lay hold upon, gives me a resolution, with the end of this siege, to leave this country; and desire you, if her Majesty enquire of so poor a subject of hers, to be of my side in that point, how much some months spent in Italy or in France may make me of more ability to serve her than so much time at home.—The Grave, 7 August, stilo novo.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (94. 120.)
The Chandos Property.
1602, July 28. “State of the offers” respecting the above named property.
Signed by Sir John Popham. Copy. 1 p. (146. 101.)
Sir William Bowes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 29. I have acquainted Mr. Fr. Bacon with the enclosed, being the petition which last I presented to you at Greenwich, you then reserving your answer till you might be satisfied from him upon what grounds you framed your letter to the Court at York at his suit, which I desire may be now by your second letter recalled, to the end that your former letter may no longer stay that Court from proceeding to order the cause depending there between the widow Mris. Foljambe and me. I trust Mr. Bacon sees by my better information that the former suggestion made to him by young Wortley, the widow's son, was but shadowed with the ward's name to delay his mother's just dispossessing for the time.—Lyme-house, 29 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (94. 77.)
Relations delivered by a Soldier touching the proceedings of the States' Army in Brabant and Lukeland.
1602, July 29. The army marched in the provinces of Brabant and Lukeland until Friday the 2nd of July, and then it returned back towards Grave.
In their march, by estimation they had contribution of seven ton of treasure, besides the corn which they wasted, which was exceeding much. Such as refused contribution, and fled before the army, had their dorps and houses burned with fire. Such as refused contribution and stood on their defence, as did the town of Lew, with divers other holds, were forced, and put to the sword.
In the march some English offered to fly to the enemy, and were taken, and not executed, until at length eleven English attempted to go to the enemy, and, being brought back again, they cast the dice for three of the eleven to die, of whom one was saved at the suit of the preacher, and two executed.
Upon Thursday the 2nd of July, the Frises and Muffs happened to mutiny against the English, and as they were at scuffle, Sir Francis Vere coming to appease the tumult, laid hold upon a Muff, whereupon four musketier Muffs discharged directly upon him, but without any hurt, that every man wondered what became of the bullets.
Thereupon seven or eight English issued out upon the whole troop of Muffs and brought in three or four of them, but Sir Francis Vere did only terrify them, and thought fit to forbear any further proceeding at that time. The day following, the army returned, and thereupon the common soldier conceived that the mutiny was the cause of their return.
The army was ill fitted for victual, especially for bread and water, their copper ovens standing them in small stead for the baking of their bread, and the water being troubled by the horsemen and forerunners, whereby many fell sick and many died.
In the march, Sir Francis Vere commanded the English in the battle of the army, his Excellency and Count William led the two wings; the reason, as was supposed, was that the English might be ready to second either his Excellency or Count William.
The English made two regiments, the one commanded by Sir Francis Vere and the other by his brother Horatio. Every three companies made a division, and every company was supposed to be 200, but, indeed, near upon 200 [sic] men.
At their return to Grave, they took a fort before the town, and upon refusal to yield themselves, the soldiers were all put to the sword, except some few of the chief, that were drawn out to be saved.
Upon the considerations of the siege, divers captains were sent out, and amongst the rest Captain Ogle, to view where the cannon might best be planted; but their report was that the town was so strong that 100 cannons would hardly make a breach, and thereupon they concluded to undermine a part of the wall and so blow it up, which was the means which they did most rely upon to make a breach.
In all their march they never understood the enemy to be above 5,000 strong in one body, and they attended on the army, that if it lay down before a town, the 5,000 would do their best to put themselves into it. But if the enemy's forces had been drawn together from all other parts, it was thought he was able to make 15,000 foot or thereabouts.
It is reported by the merchants of Antwerp that the Archduke has been there of late in person, and that the town has presented him with 100,000 crowns.—July 29, 1602.
pp. (94. 78–9.)
The Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 29. At my suit the Council sent warrant for Mr. Anthonie Coplestone to answer his contemptuous refusal at the last musters to furnish his horse as ordered. I now find Coplestone very penitent, promising speedy supply of all his defects, which no doubt he will perform; and if the submission be acceptable to the Council, I shall be very glad. The rumour of the course taken with Coplestone will cause many others to be more careful in performing their duties.—Towstocke, 29 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 80.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 29. I received your letter this present Thursday, and to-morrow morning I will wait on you at the Duchy.—Kewe, 29 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (94. 81.)
Foulke Grevyll, Thomas Gorges, John More and Rich. Carmerden to Lord Buckhurst, the Earl of Nottingham, Sir Robert Cecil and Sir John Fortescue.
1602, July 29. They have discharged the carrick of her merchandise, and are now rummaging her. The greatest part of the goods they have bestowed in the Repulse, the Gardland and the Nonperille, and the residue they have laden in three merchant ships, delivering it by charter party, and placing aboard of each ship two of their company to look to the goods. They are now ready to take the first wind that serves to bring them out. They have taken order with the Mayor of Plymouth to bestow the carrick where she may safely ride, till her Majesty shall otherwise dispose of her. They enclose a note of the lading. They expect to despatch all business here, and depart the last of this month.—Plymouth, 29 July, 1602.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Mr. Foulke Greville and the rest of the Commissioners for the Carrick.” 1 p. (94. 83.)
Captain John Ogle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 29. Two letters :—(1). This day since dinner, together with two prisoners, is brought advertisement to the Count Morice that the enemy's army is lodged within an hour and half's going of his quarter. It should seem he is uncertain whether their bridge be laid over the river or no, for he wrote to Sir Francis Vere that they were right over against Moke. He told me they were at Moke. They have put 300 Italians into Genop, but the castle holds for the Duke of Cleve. He is further advertised that they have a determination to give an attempt upon Count William's quarter, and that betwixt his quarter and the English he will put succours into the town, which is very possible to be done by resolute men, if withal they attempt the army in other places at the same time, thereby to divert the force that might else be sent thither. For, for the numbers of our troops to man the circuit of the circumvallation, is impossible. Upon this intelligence there is determined a cessation of works in the approaches for a time, till it be seen what the enemy will do. So soon as I can get an exact draught of the town and camp, I will send it to you.—The Camp before Grave, July 29, 1602, veteri.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 82.)
(2). The enemy is now come within two hours going of our camp. He lies hard by Cuyke. Intelligence comes in daily of his laying a bridge over the Maze, which makes the Count Morice full of expectation of an attempt upon some quarter of this army, but altogether uncertain where or on what side it will fall. He is much busied to prevent him by strong entrenchments, and fortifying his camp on all sides. The approaches to the town are still advanced, and on the sides most pregnable of the Counts Morice and William, they are come somewhat near. But Count William's men were lodged near ill neighbours, for the enemy has beaten them twice out of their trenches, yesternight about two of the clock, and this day about twelve. There are lost and hurt of his men (so far as we, from whom it is kept as close as they can, can learn) about eighty men. What the enemy's loss is cannot yet be certainly known. I should imagine by the manner of the proceeding of our General of the English, that this was not the end for which he engaged himself and her Majesty's troops in this summer's business. A short time, I doubt not, will afford other occurrence, for it cannot be that the enemy will leave his design long undiscovered, after what manner he will work to relieve this town, which must needs be the main of his purpose.—Camp before Grave, July 29, 1602, stylo veteri.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 84.)
Samuel Barry to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, July 29.] Has received Cecil's answer as to his father's suits, and Cecil's pleasure that he should stay in England until Ireland were in better quiet. His father's country being altogether spoiled and waste, he is unable to maintain him. Is now refused credit, and does not know how to live. He therefore prays Cecil to remove him from Westminster, where he has outgrown the rest of his fellows, either to attend upon him at Court or elsewhere. His man paid 100l. to the bank master in Ireland, and brought a bill to receive it here of Mr. Watson, yet he cannot obtain it. Begs Cecil to require Watson to obtain it.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“29 July, 1602.” 1 p. (94. 85.)
30 [James VI.] to 3 [Lord Henry Howard].
1602, July 29. Letter dated from “Falkland, the 29 of July, 1602.”
[Printed in extenso, Camden Society's Publications, O.S. LXXVIII. pp. 42–44.] (135. 85, 86.)
30 [James VI.] to 40.
1602, July 29. Letter, also dated from Falkland, 29 July, 1602.
[Printed in extenso, Camden Society's Publications, O.S. LXXVIII. pp. 77, 78.] (135. 101.)
Sir John Salusbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 29. I have been informed how some of the Lords are in hand to prefer their own late servants and followers to be the only deputy-lieutenants in this county, viz., Sir John Lloid, with Sir Richard Trevor, his brother-in-law, dwelling in the same allotment of the shire, where formerly those officers have been appointed out of several parts of the country, for the most indifferent governing thereof. Wherefore, I beseech you, as it hath heretofore pleased your honourable father to recommend me to that place in the time of the late L. Lieutenant, the Earl of Pembroke (and others of the Lords did join with him therein), it may please your Honour to have me in mind upon the setting down of the deputies for this county. If my late adversaries might obtain all authority in that behalf, the greatest multitude of the countrymen should stand in doubt to receive any indifferent course of government at their hands. For myself, I hope you are assured how I do repose my whole affiance and comfort upon her Majesty's bounty. My uncle, the bearer, will inform you what great wrong I have lately received at some of the same my adversaries' hands, for the loss of a kinsman, and servant of mine of late cruelly murdered, and what obstacles have been by them put in practice to hinder the due course of justice, myself being commanded by three of the Lords to forbear my coming to the assizes, the prosecution of which cause hath prevented me from attending upon your Honour at this time. I purpose very shortly to come to do my duty and relate my griefs, hoping by your good favour to obtain redress.—Lleweny, 29 July, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (184. 60.)
Sir Turlogh O'Brien to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 29. I, by name Therrellagh O'Bryen, kinsman to the Earl of Thomond, certain years past graced by her Majesty with the degree of a knight and other offices of credit, being through adverse courses of rebels and others for my estate brought into an intolerable ruin, repaired hither lately to crave that I may be relieved, and in respect of your Honour's fame, and the rather that in all my former just affairs your renowned father, of worthy memory, stood for my good friend, I presume my humble suit that you will vouchsafe to effect the premises, being of two kinds, one for her Majesty's gracious benevolence for my necessary relief, the other for the lawful discharging of me and my poor tenants from the Earl of Thomonde, burthening us with the diet of the companies he hath in pay of her Majesty, and other such charge, which, in respect of his being commander of that country, he imposeth at his will.—Tuesday, 29 July, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Threllough Obrian.” Seal. 1 p. (184. 61.)
Thomas Langton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 30. According to your request, I am and will be very careful of my good Lord's health. Since your letters, my Lord had a fit of tertian ague, which ended with a large sweat, and before supper he had an emollient clyster, and after it made a light supper, and this night bettered the other nights. This morning he was let eight ounces of blood, a present means to prevent the pocks, and end his fever. He was the lightsomer after the taking of this gross and melancholic blood.—30 July, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Doctor Langhton.” 1 p. (94. 86.)
Sir John Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 30. Acknowledges the consideration he has received from Cecil in his arbitrament between the L. Norreis and Sir Ed. Norreis.
As Sheriff of Berks, through which county he understands her Majesty passes, he is to attend her in her passage; but one of his house had the small pox a month past, so he knows not whether it be fit he should do so, and asks directions.—30 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 92.)
John Bird to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 30. Whiles I find myself denied by your Honour that intromittance which others in their better fortunes have to you, I most humbly intreat you, before your intended journey, to send for Atkinson, the late converted secular priest, now in Newgate upon your warrant, and from his own mouth to receive what matters of state he is minded to unfold to your consideration, by no other (especially the B. of L.) so well to be hoped in a reverent love and dutiful affection which he seemeth to bear to your Honour above all others; or if you be straitened with time (upon some late testimony given of his integrity by the apprehension of a late convicted Jesuit called Titchborne, executed at the same time when as one of the arch Jesuits carrying three names, viz., Barker, Thompson and Page, of my apprehension and prosecution, was executed at Tiborne,) let him be removed unto the Clinck or Marshalsea till your Honour's return, whereby myself and others of better sort may repair to him. Of a “Sawlistine” in his harmful course run in Ireland, guarded with troops of the Irish in stronger sort than his uncle the L. Archb. of Dublin and Chancellor of that realm could surprise (when he was but two miles from his L. house at Dublin), he seemeth a repentant “Pawlistine” at Paule's Crosse, ready to make open recantation against the Pope and his favourites, before he may experiment other complotments for surprisal of some capital Romanists and traitors than have been as yet discovered.—From the house of one Hurste in Salisbury Court, 30 July, 1602.
PS.—Assuredly this man may be used for the best instrument of service in both realms that ever came under your hand, and Ireland would be more glad of his return for testifying his knowledge against the Baron of Dolvyn and other upholders of Tyrone's rebellion in the distant provinces than of the heads of many rebels in action, experience teaching that one English Romanist hath been able in one day to put into actual rebellion more of the Irishry than all the bishops or her Majesty's forces could repress in many years.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (184. 62.)
News from Venice.
1602, July 30/Aug. 9. This week some Hungarians have passed through, who escaped from a Turkish galley at Messina, where they rose with the other slaves and killed the captain, a renegade called Cussaim di Melazzo.
The Neapolitans on their way to Flanders were stopped at Balliaggio di Ger, by the ministers of the King of France, who desire to send first certain moneys coming from France to the Swiss. This has much annoyed the officer in command of these troops.
The English and Dutch are said to be sailing for the Portuguese coast to blockade it. The Spaniards will have to send a fleet against them or the Indian trade will be ruined.
From Vienna comes news of the war between the Turks and the Empire.
There is similar intelligence from Prague, and from Frankfort we hear that a company of Walloons has passed by going to Hungary under M. de Telligny, son of the great M. de la Nove, who has served with the Dutch in the Low Countries.
From England, we hear that the Portuguese carrack has arrived, and is a very rich prize.
From Constantinople comes news of the movements of the fleet, of revolts in Asia and at Damascus, of the execution of four principal men of Belgrade accused of complicity in tumults of the Janissaries and Spahis. Persia is on the point of making war against the Ottoman.
From Palermo, letters state the Turkish fleet is thought likely to sail for Sicily or Calabria.
Some say that the King of France has pardoned Biron, and that he is to go to Hungary, but it is not credited.
Italian. 4 pp. (184. 72, 73.)
Elyza, Lady Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 31. She describes a sudden sickness which attacked “my lord” at Dancy on the 30th, from which he has now recovered. Imparts the matter to Cecil lest her Majesty, being possessed of the matter by some other means, might apprehend and doubt of some further danger.—Dancye, last of July, 1602.
Holograph. Note at foot by Lord Hunsdon. 1 p. (94. 87.)
Sir Robert Mansell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 31. (1.) Having in one of my last to you discovered my fear to trouble you with such advertisements as this place yields, in regard of the sequel, which proves many of them untrue, I am emboldened to certify the Frenchman's report touching the Spanish preparation at Lisbon for Ireland, which is contradicted by divers examinations I have taken of Easterlings which left that place the third of this present (stilo vetero), wherein they utterly deny any provision made there to any such end, saying that the sailors and land soldiers prest in those parts, was merely intended for defence against such attempts as they feared the English and Dutch joined together would make upon that coast. The ten men of war which the Frenchman reported should serve as guarders to the land army, these avouch very confidently that they were commanded to be in readiness by the 24th of this present, to repair unto the islands of Terceres under the command of Don Diego, to waft thence such Indies ships as they found there. And as for the 100 carvells to serve as transports of the army, they protest that only six were to be made ready, which should have joined with the galleys that were once expected there out of the Straights. But one of the masters, which I have sent for my discharge unto my Lord and you to be re-examined, says that they are stayed from proceeding any farther thitherwards, and that the preparation of those few carvells were in like sort given over 14 days before their coming away. And to approve their affirmations, all of them agree that the merchants' ships once stayed, there were all (as themselves) discharged, except those contained in the fleet above mentioned of ten sail; the truth of which report you shall shortly receive by an English ship that carried Spaniards thither, which was ready to come to sea when these ships set forth. In meantime, though I was somewhat doubtful whether it beseemed me to certify thus much from the heads of such as I might more justly account Spanish hearted than the French, yet perceiving many of the common sailors to concur with the report of the five masters, myself being ignorant which of these reports deserved most credit, and calling to mind how prejudicial any attendance of this service might prove to the great hopes the coast of Spain might yield the Queen's fleet through the certain return of the West Indies fleet, I presumed, out of the opinion I conceive of what so many agreed in the delivery, rather to refer it to your censure of maturest judgment, as myself, who humbly beseeching pardon for my error, if it prove one.—The Downs, July 31.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (94. 89.)
(2.) The lading of these five ships consists, by the report of the master and merchants, of salt only : but on search made, some monies were found in one of the Hamburg ships. Will send further particulars to-morrow. Mentions an enclosure, apparently examinations.—The Downs, July 31.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (94. 88.)
The Same to the Earl of Nottingham.
1602, July 31. To the same effect as his first letter to Sir Robert Cecil above.
Desires directions as to the five ships laden with salt which he has stayed : meantime he will search them for treasure. Desires to know his pleasure touching the Dutch men of war that went with Captain Button to the islands of Garnsey.—The Downs, July 31.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 2 pp. (94. 91.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 31. Acknowledges Cecil's kindness during his troubles, and prays him to continue his mediation with her Majesty on his behalf. If there be no other means to wipe away the blot wherewith he is soiled, yet, if he were at liberty, he might shed so much of his blood in her service as might serve for a laver for the crime which has made him so ugly in her eye. She is possessed already of land of some of his friends to the value of 2,000 marks, and he is ready to pay her 1,000 marks more on his delivery, and put in surety for the rest. He has already sold lands for this purpose, as Mr. Lieutenant can witness. Till he has his pardon, he can neither recompense his friends for the land they have made over for him, nor receive money for his own land which he has sold.—31 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 90.)
Richard Hawkyns to the Council.
1602, July 31. Sends an enclosure from Lisbon from William Resold, “who has found the ordinary correspondence which this nation uses with all in general, repaying our noble, charitable proceeding with disdain and ingratitude.” Of his own miserable estate. Beseeches them to remember his father's and his own services, and his continual barbarous imprisonment, and to help him. “If the Jesuits be kept safe, I am assured that for them my freedom shall be attained.”—“From the Carcel de la Villa de Madrid, alias the common jail,” last of July, 1602.
Holograph. Much faded. 1 p. (94. 94.)
Journal of the Army of the States General.
1602, July (end). After the whole army was mustered at Skinkesconce, and the new raised Almain horse were united to our old troops, the vanguard of the army marched over the river wall the 9 of June and lodged within one mile of Nimmgham. The next day his Excellency followed with the rest of the troops and carriages : the English also being punted over the river against Nimmgham from their quarter at Pauder, marched through the town unto the side of the Mase. The next day his Excellency, having speedily made a bridge, passed his own partition and Grave William with all their baggage unto the other side of the Mase. The 12, the English passed and, being quartered, the other part of the day was spent in disposing the manner of our after marching, viz., that the whole army should march in three several partitions, his Excellency, commanding the foot, in one and the Lord Grey his 1,500 horse, Grave William, the second, and Count Solmes his horse, Sir Fr. Veere, the third, and Colonel Ball and the Rhinegrave his, Grave Lodwicke being general of all.
Being thus disposed, we marched short journeys up the river by Rheymonde and Vendolo, his Excellency keeping always the Mase, with the greatest proportion of carriages, with 12 cannon and 20 small boats, the other two partitions are never further from him than that they may join in two hours' marching.
The 17, we lodged at Masicke, where we were forced to make new provisions of victuals, making use of our own mills and building of new ovens in our several quarters. After four days, having supplied our want, we moved the 21 to Stockam. From thence to Mastricke, where we leave the Mase and fall further out into the land to Tunger, a town of the Bishop of Liege, where we victualled again, and from thence to St. Troye. At both places the States had made provision of victuals, and the enemy demanding the same received that answer that being neutral towns they were to keep their words where they first promised, and had they forespoken they should have received as much.
The army advancing yet a day's journey before St. Troye, his Excellency presented battle unto the enemy's camp with the greatest part of all his horse and foot, the rest keeping the quarter. In this fashion to fight, my Lord Grey commanded the vanguard of all the horse, especially attending upon the partition of his Excellency, and when he had expected at least four hours the a[dvance] of the enemy, and could not discover so much as one troop of horse without their trenches, his Excellency commanded the army to return to their quarter.
The next day, his Excellency attended also in his quarter whether the enemy would so much as once move towards him, or not. But at length, when neither he could urge the enemy to fight, nor his intelligence from our after march would afford any great comfort for the victualling of such an army and the transporting of such an extraordinary quantity of of baggage, he resolved rather with the deputy States to turn back again, pretending to besiege some town at home and to secure his army, than by advancing further to sustain a miserable want, and endanger his army. It is suspected that his Excellency did never affect the journey from Flanders, considering he could not be ignorant that such an army with such extraordinary carriages could no way pass twenty days' march in an enemy's country without suffering many miseries, especially the enemy being ever able and ready to raise an equal army to give impeachment upon so many places of advantage. Howsoever, it was pretended that 3,000 waggons, twelve demi-cannons, four field pieces, twenty boats and an infinite store of baggage were necessary for this army, and that the enemy had possessed already places of advantage; that the difficulties of victualling would be very great. Whereupon there were letters despatched to the Hague of all these impediments, but before we could receive answer, his Excellency returned from St. Troye almost by the same way which we marched.
The 1st of this month we began our return, and the 10th of the same we lodged before the Grave in three several partitions as we had marched. Before we began to advance our approaches towards the town, never having received as yet the States' resolution for our proceeding, and the enemy being upon his march towards us, we were busied many days in securing our backs from the enemy in the field, for besides that we strongly entrenched our several quarters, we drew a continual trench from his Excellency's quarter, which was from the town eastward unto Grave William southward, and from thence to the English westward, having from the north the river Mase. These long trenches were strongly fortified with many long redoubts (riduttoes), insomuch that the enemy cannot relieve the town though his army be thrice so strong as ours.
The enemy also hath not been idle, for he hath taken in about the town all such ground as might any way seem to advantage him or hinder our approaches.
Before we came unto this town we took in a castle called Hell Mounte, which stood upon a passage on the land and hindered much the enemy's proceeding in the siege, as also another called Battenburghe upon the Mase, by which means we have the river cleared for all our shipping of victuals whatsoever.
The strength of our army at the beginning of our march was 16,000 foot and 5,000 horse, 3,000 wagons which carried a world of all sorts of provisions, as also should have served for an excellent fortification if the enemy had fought : we had 12 demi-cannons and four other small pieces, besides 20 boats upon carriages, with other provision sufficient to make a bridge to pass a river of 80 paces. We carried also 24 mills with us, which in 24 hours would grind corn sufficient to serve a greater army than ours, besides an infinity of munition.
Having built two bridges over the Mase, the one above the town against his Excellency's quarter, the other below against the English, and strongly entrenched and fortified our backs against the enemy in the field, we begin to land more artillery, and the 24 of this month we began our approaches against the town from the east and west, but we go forward so slowly, that I fear me this town will end our summer service. Hitherto we beat the houses in the town with six demi-cannons and four small pieces.
Copy. Endorsed :—“1602. Journal of the States Army.” 2½ pp. (97. 59 and 60.)
[Sir Robert Cecil.]
[1602, July ?] Drafts apparently of two letters :—
1. I could not write by Taylor as much as I intended, but knowing well how little cause you have to doubt of his fidelity, I did presume I might leave such a matter to his relation. To be short, my Lord, I read your letter to her Majesty, who commanded me to will you in no sort to neglect the settling of your fortune, whereby you might [be] able to serve her, for any other consideration of less importance; which freedom, she says, she may well give you, of whom she knows she may dispose when she pleases. We have no news of great consequence, because the Low [Countries'] army, which stirred so much expectation, failed in the attempt for Flanders, though now it is set down before Grave, which will prove a perilous siege, the garrison there being all old natural Spaniards, to the number of 1,300. In Ireland, all things go well for the public, the Deputy having caused Sir Henry Dockwra and Chy. to meet him in the bowels of Tyrone, where they have utterly wasted him and spoiled him, having left a garrison of 1,000 men ten miles beyond Dongamon upon Lough Sydney. Sir G. Ca. hath likewise taken the castle of Donboy in Beerhaven, strongly seated and well fortified upon a rock. It was that castle which Don Juan should have delivered up in the composition. There were eight pieces of ordnance, brass and iron Spanish, with certain Spanish cannoniers who were excellent marksmen and obstinate villains. They had likewise fortified at the Dorse, with five more of their ordnance in it. Donboy held out to the last hour, and were hanged and put to the sword every mother's son, yet do not all these successes make the King give over promise to aid the rebels in all places, having already sent 200,000 crowns for a dividend amongst them, and promising them an army to be there by the end of August, for which purpose her Majesty sends out Sir R. L[eveson] again with 12 to sea. The Holland fleet, since the coming home of the carricke, hath taken 6,000 chests of sugar from Brasyle. Thus do you see our fortune, whereof I would you and my L. Thomas could have been actors; but my hope is that next year will be your turns, for there is now gone out 40 sails of ships to the West Indies.
1 p. (94. 92, 2 and 3.)
2. To the Earl of Cumberland. Out of France, the news we have are these : that Byron was headed in the Bastille, where he died with no great mortification. There was not above 60 persons at his death, neither did he confess the tenth parts of his accusations. The States' army are now before Grave, and the enterprise of Flanders dissolved. It is not unlike but they may carry the place, which will be of good importance, if they lose not Ostend, whereof I have more doubt than fear, and yet I know it by infallible grounds that it is more affected in respect of the enterprise of England than ever was the city of Anwarpe. Out of Ireland, the State advertises still great assurance of a Spanish army to land in Munster, for prevention whereof her Majesty sends over 3,000 or 4,000 men, with this consideration, that either they shall [be] ready to make head against that enemy, or at the least go through with the home rebels. The President of Munster hath lately taken the castle of Donboy, seated in Beerhaven, which should have been rendered when Don Juan made his composition at Kinsale, but it was then surprised by O'Swileven Beer, and kept all this [time] against the Queen. The garrison that was in it was about 150, well provided with 12 pieces of the King of Spain's ordnance and good store of all other provision, with divers Spanish cannoniers, who being partly the occasion that it held out so long, the President, after a day's battery with the cannon, entered the same and put to the sword and hanged every mother's child.
Her Majesty has also sent to the seas a fleet to interrupt their designs.
Undated. In hand of Levinus Munck. Endorsed :—“1600 (sic). To the L. of Comberland.” (94. 92, 4 and 5.)
Foulke Grevyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July. My hand is so ill as I am loth to trouble you with long letters. Let it suffice that I have business which lies heavilier upon me here than the main service her Majesty employs me in. I hope to make an honest account of all to you, and if I do, ascribe it to good luck, as I will, for a far wiser man may easily be out, even in a comedy where he is forced to play so many parts. Be pleased to send for Mr. Savyle, and confer with him of the longest time he can stay at the Court, and procure me liberty of returning, because my affection is so zealous to her personal service (wherein I have spent the best of my time) as I would not neglect or abandon that for any other employment.—Plymouth, July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (94. 93.)
Captain T. Jackson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July. His love to his Sovereign and country has made him more violent than he finds allowable, but he hopes that, as error amoris, it will be pardonable. Finds it almost insupportable to forsake his native country and natural prince, to be forced to seek new fortunes under foreign princes; yet hopes that when he shall be better known to Cecil, he will recover him again his country, and procure him his Sovereign's good grace, which undeservedly is withdrawn. He has proposed to Mr. Vice Chamberlain the service of Swetheland, and understands Cecil allows thereof. Begs leave for some of his kindred and friends, and others, to accompany him.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“July, 1602.” 1 p. (94. 95.)
Foulke Grevyll, Richard Leveson, Thomas Gorges, Rich. Carmerden, Thomas Myddelton, and John More to Lord Buckhurst, the Earl of Nottingham, Sir Robert Cecil and Sir John Fortescue.
1602, July. Report of their proceedings with regard to the carrick. They have resolved to moor her between the island of St. Nicholas and the main, in the entrance of Ashwater; and purpose to discharge all her unnecessary companies, setting only necessary guards. They mean to haste the unlading by employing her Majesty's ships the Dieurepulce and Guardland, and other transports. They have taken order to satisfy the sick and impotent mariners. They have paid the others part of their wages, so as to relieve them, and yet leave some pledge of their attendance, being advised thereto by her Majesty's officers here, in regard of the great disorder and disobedience of these people, who cannot be drawn to ship again if once they have received the full of their pay.—Plymouth, July, 1602.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“The Commissioners for the Carricke.” 1 p. (94. 96.)
1602, [c. July.]—The particular content of the calico lawns brought in per the carrack and the number of the chests wherein they are now packed.
15 chests contain 2797 pieces.
15 chests contain 3114½pieces.
Certain square pieces of coarse lawns which they call by the name of Canequenes pieces—2397 pieces. Fine white silk, 106 bundles, each about seven or eight pounds, in three chests. Sleeve and twisted silk, 1569 papers, each six or seven ounces, in four chests.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (97. 33.)
Michael Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, c. July.] I thank you for your letter, and do pray that you will be pleased to give Mr. Wynebancke order to make a licence for my brother-in-law, Mr. Francis Reade, to travel beyond the seas for three years. He goeth over with the ambassador, and shall stay with him one year. Though I do think there be no great necessity of a licence, yet is it his father's especial desire, which I must accomplish if I can.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (97. 120.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Lord Eure.
[1602, July.] Mr. Vice-Chamberlain being from Court, and this employment of yours being such as cannot admit long uncertainty, I brake up your letter to us both and shewed it her Majesty, who, though she cannot allow of your declining from this intended meeting, yet the modest and reverend form you use very well pleased her. I did also collect some arguments out of your letter to me [and] applied them as well as I could, but as there were some things wherein you are mistaken, so were there none of them which could prevail at this time. For your lack of language and pretending to be unprovided of compliments, her Majesty willed me to tell you that it need no better answer than this, that a nobleman of England that hath seen France and Italy need never doubt to meet the best Dane or German in any place of Europe, neither shall you go to any Court but to the city of Bremen, which is 20 miles from Stoade, where like Commissioners shall meet you. And where you speak of 2[000] or 3,000[l.], I wish you in no sort to be terrified with that, for there need no such expense, as your Lordship shall well find when you arrive at London, against which time all instructions and commissions shall be prepared. You have but a month to provide, for it will be expected that you shall be ready to set forward from hence by the 1st Sept.
Draft. Undated. Endorsed :—“Minute to the Lord Ewer.” 4 pp. (185. 95, 96.)
Robert Naunton.
1. Robert Naunton to Sir Thomas Egerton and Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, c. July.] At his going over seas in 1595, he committed his estate to the trust of Robert Chester and Henry Tokefeild. Since he, as a scholar and student of Cambridge, is tied to a necessary residence, and cannot prosecute his suit in Chancery at the length required by the ordinary course, he prays them to favour him for the speediest ordering and rectification of the cause.
Undated. Petition. 1 p. (186. 108.)
[See S.P. Dom. Eliz. Vol. 284. No. 74; p. 221 of Calendar.]
(2.) Henry Tokefeild to Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, and Sir Robert Cecil.
It being required by your Honours that I should declare how much Mr. Chester is now engaged for me to my knowledge and what time he grew into such debts for me, whether before our bond entered into unto Mr. Naunton or since.
[Gives details accordingly.]
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed by Cecil :—“1602. Tookfield.” 1 p. (97. 124.)
King James VI. of Scotland, to the Queen.
[1602, after July.] Letter commencing :—“I hadde not so long delayed.”
Holograph. Undated. Seal. 1½ pp. (133. 158.)
Draft of the above. (135. 98.)
Letter commencing :—“Immediatelie after the wryting.”
Holograph. Undated. Seal. 2½ pp. (133. 163.)
[Both the above letters are printed in extenso in Camden Society's Publications. O.S. XLVI. pp. 143–147.]
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Sir Robert Mansell.
1602, after July 31. I were very ungrateful if I should not take your general professions of love towards me in the best kind, knowing them to proceed from a gentleman of your quality, and therefore do I much the rather acknowledge your kindness in sending me your particular advertisements wherein you need never doubt to be censured by consequence of the truth, for I would be loth myself to be subject to that construction in those things of which I advertise the state out of other intelligence brought me which I dearly pay for. To your letters, therefore, of the 31 of July, I can make no other answer than I must do to the rest, which is to give you thanks for them, and to desire you to continue them.
Draft in hand of Munck, Cecil's secretary. Undated. Endorsed :—“Minute to Sir Robart Mansell.” 1 p. (186. 7.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to [Lord Keeper Egerton].
[1602, July, end of.] Because you have been all this while itinerant and that I knew not well where to find you, I have forborne to write unto you; but now that you are near your home, and as I conceive your ears not free from many alarums of Spaniards in Ireland, and such like things which fame doth multiply even in the streets of London which are nearest the Court from whence they may be truly informed, I let you know what we hear out of Ireland, etc. Since the taking of Donboy in Berehaven by the President of Munster, he hath found that province so far from true conformity, notwithstanding that blow to the rebellion, as divers gentlemen declare themselves absolutely for the King of Spain, who hath sent 6,000l. sterling to the rebels in Munster and given them assurance by his letters of an army to follow before the end of August, whereof although to your Lordship in private I must confess I am not credulous, yet out of this providence that it is better to be before occasion than behind it, she is pleased to put in readiness 2 or 3,000 men to be transported thither, by which, if the Spaniards land, her army may be made more able to resist their attempt; if otherwise they be prevented (for which purpose she sends a new fleet to sea), then is the army more able to prosecute the whole rebellion. For myself, Sir, I know not what proof to give you of my good will and friendship at this time of her Majesty's coming to you, only this I will say that if you have cause to try me, you shall find me ever ready to perform all offices of an honest man and one that is your affector.
The President in Munster hath taken the strong castle of Donboy by assault, with 12 Spanish pieces of battery which were sent out of Spain after Don Juan, though when the composition was made at Kinsale there tarried only some few Spaniards with the Irish, who now held out to the last man, for which they received their reward, for he did hang them every mother's son. Notwithstanding which declination of this rebellion, the King having lately sent the sum of 7 or 8,000l. to be distributed amongst the rebels, it keeps such life of hope to be assisted with an army (which he doth constantly promise) that many hold out yet which will be glad to beg it upon their knees if that hope fail. For my own part, howsoever in my private opinion I may decline from belief that the King of Spain will be able to send any great army this summer, yet considering these times wherein men's councils are judged by the success, I am as forward as any to set forth her Majesty's ships to the sea, to lie upon the coast of Spain, and to send from hence 3 or 4,000 men to strengthen the Army in Ireland. For the Low Country Action, Count Maurice found such difficulties in his marches by lack of victual where he was to pass through an enemy's who had an army continually to wait upon him, as he found it the best council to make a retreat, and now is set down before Grave which he will carry or else the Archduke come to a battle, whereof I think he will be well advised and rather seek to divert the Count by besieging Berk. Thus have you, Sir, as much of our occurrents as I know at this time, rather sent you for continuation of our correspondency than for any matter of moment which doth concern our particular, wherewith I will end my letter and wish you health and happiness.
Draft. Endorsed :—“A minute to the Lord.” 7 pp. (181. 61.)


  • 1. See Argarde's Indexes in the Public Record Office, Vol. 44, fo. 41, et seq.