Cecil Papers: April 1602, 16-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1602, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp109-136 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1602, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp109-136.

"Cecil Papers: April 1602, 16-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp109-136.

April 1602, 16–30

George Nicolson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 16. I send your Honour my Lord of Marr's letter of thanks and assurance that his correspondency with M. de Rohan are no way in prejudice of religion and amity. He wrote and left it me with Sir Thomas Erskin, being gone himself to deal anent his new-bought lordship of Somervele, and the stirs that Sir James Hamilton keeps against him concerning some part thereof, and his houghing of my Lord's cattle, for which Sir James and his son are gone to the horn for want of appearance. The King remains still in these parts feasted up and down the country, and very kindly carrying me with him, and playing at mawe against Mr. Lepton and me. At Kynnard, he was well entertained, and the laird of the house thought to have pleased the King by drinking to the joining of the two kingdoms in one, saying he had 40 muskets ready for that service. The King said 'twas a fault in him to wish it soon or by force, and he wished long and happy days to her Majesty without any abridgement for his cause. In going thence to Montrose, he protested in his discourse with me his true heart to her Majesty, and that as her kinsman he aught her and would perform her allegiance, albeit as King of Scotland he was not so bound, with many better words than I can write, acquitting her of the Queen his mother's death freely. He intends to write his thanks to her Majesty. He stays in these parts hunting, but with mind also to reconcile Murray and Huntlay and to have them at the baptism, where the young prince shall not, I think, now be. The French King, hearing that the King here hath heard evil of him, hath sent to excuse him of those reports, and offers him all favour, which, I hear, will bring it on more kindly between them. There is word come of many Frenchmen to be coming through England to the King here. We hear nothing from Ireland but that O'Donell is returned out of Spain with some Spaniards. The Duke of Lenox' brother, M. Daubigny, is made of the King's chamber, and may also be made a Scotsman and drawn to dwell here. The Mr. of Gray was at Kynnard and outwardly well used by the King. Mr. Dacres was here with the King and gave him hounds. Elliot got his dispatch when I was last at Barwick. Christopher Hamon is entered the King's domestic servant by my Lord of Marr's means. Mr. James Hamilton is gone up to London about some employment.—Brighen, 16 April, 1602.
Holograph. 2 seals. 1 p. (92. 1302.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 16. Before the receipt of your letter, I heard from Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, that her Majesty wished me to go with the Duke to Gravesend. I acquainted him truly that at that instant I was in my hot-house, and therefore very unfit to take a journey by water, and so prayed him I might be excused. I hope this just excuse will not be mistaken.—Blackfriars, 16 April, 1602.
Holograph. Addressed :—“Mr. Secretary.” Seal. ½ p. (92. 131.)
Lord Cobham to Sir John Stanhope, Vice-Chamberlain.
1602, April 16. I received a message from you this morning touching my going down with the Duke. I have been in physic these nine days, and have been this morning in the hot-house. I give you notice that some other may be appointed.—From my house at Blackfriars, 16 April, 1602. Signed.
PS.—I pray you free me from blame, for I protest it is true that I have written and no excuse, yet if the Queen might know no otherwise but that I was gone abroad so that you could not give me notice, the favour were great unto me. I know if the Queen know the true excuse, she will make a “scorknw” of it. I pray you send me word whether the Duke go directly to Dover or take shipping at Gravsend [in Lord Cobham's hand].
Footnote [in Sir John Stanhope's hand].—I send you my Lord Cobham's letter, but I had written to Michael Stanhope the true excuse. I pray you use it as you think good.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (92. 132.)
Senate of Groningen to the Privy Council.
1602, April [O.S.] 17. Five years ago we sent some of our body to her gracious Majesty to ask that, if the Merchant Adventurers should leave Stade in accordance with the imperial mandate, our State should be allowed to offer them a welcome. Hearing daily that the said company contemplates a removal of its wares from Stade, we have thought fit to renew our proposal, and we are confident that the English merchants will find no better place both for importing and exporting their goods.—Groningen (Groningae Frisiorum), 17 April, 1602.
Latin. Unsigned. 1 p. (92. 133.)
Lord Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 17. I have received by the hands of my cousin Cope a fair jewel, an ornament befitting a worthier place than the ruins of my old house. Already there is a memory of your love to that house by a former monument from you, so shall this amplifying of your kindness strengthen the knot wherewith you have tied me and my family. I am sorry that my poor fortune affords me nothing to encounter your favours other than with my affectionate good-will. And so not omitting my wife's heartiest commendations unto you, I take my leave.—From my house at the Tower-Hill, 17 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 134.)
Matthew [Hutton,] Archbishop of York, to the Queen.
1602, April 17. It hath often pleased your Highness to hear me speak, both in disputation and sermons, yet durst I never presume to write to so learned a Prince. But as the son of Crœsus (being always before mute) when he did see his father's danger, brast (sic) out in speech Homo ne perimus Cresum, so when I see in a thing in my charge, an aiming to blemish in some part your Majesty's wise government, I beseech you pardon my boldness for that I fear I shall see your face no more in this world by reason of my years and growing infirmities. The matter is this. I am given to understand that there is still plotting to find your Majesty's collegiate church of Southwell concealed, which I hope they shall never bring to pass. Your noble father did procure it to be confirmed by Parliament, and it pleased you to beautify it with godly statutes. There are in it divers doctors of divinity and other learned preachers, with a number also of ministers daily employed in divine service. The setters on, the ministers of Martin Marprelate, seek their own private rather than your Majesty's profit, and should they prevail in this, what rejoicing would it be to the enemies of religion, both papists and puritans. Martin's chief desire is and always hath been to overthrow the State ecclesiastical simul et semel, but being out of hope of that, doth attempt the other way sensim sine sensu, and if he should prevail in this, have at colleges in the Universities. He would not want reasons nor lawyers, who being grown to an exceeding great number by reason of the long peace, have fined their wits, to the very quintessence of reason (as they think) to make quidlibet ex quolibet, ex ente non ens, ex non ente ens, and so by reason overthrow both right and reason. To the quirks and quiddities of such men, we beseech your Majesty that we be not delivered over to be sifted. This church, moreover, hath had sundry judgments against concealers in divers of the Courts. You have been a fortunate, or rather, a blessed Prince in the choice of your Council, and, amongst others, of the Archbishop of Canterbury, whom I have known a great number of years. With him if your Highness advise touching religion and the state of the clergy, you shall imitate the example of good King Jehoshaphat, who did greatly reverence godly priests and bishops. Thus prostrating myself and my humble suit, I pray for you as the Christians did for the Emperor in Tertullian's time, vitam tibi prolixam, imperium securum, domum tutam, exercitus fortes, senatum fidelem, populum probum, orbem quietum.—From Bishopthorpe, 17 April, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Copy of the above. (92. 136.)
Both enclosures in the next letter. (92. 135.)
The Same to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 17. I understand by my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, by a letter received the 16th inst., that you have been informed that I should much wrong you, as though you should set yourself against the church of Southwell. I protest I never spoke any such thing, but have heard the contrary—that you did incline to do it good. Wherein you shall imitate your most worthy father, who was the chief means to stay it when my Lord of Leicester did attempt the overthrow of it. God forbid that her Majesty, after 44 years of wise government, should now fall to pull down churches. I did presume in Feb. last to write to her Majesty for that church against concealers. Mr. Dean of Westminster, one of the prebendaries there, should have delivered it, but the letter, as I hear, is not come to her hands, and now they are afraid to deliver it with so old a date. Therefore, I am so bold to write it again and send it to your Honour, enclosed together with a copy of it. I entreat you that her Majesty may read it or hear it read.—From Bishopthorp, 17 April, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (92. 137.)
Sir Henry Nevill to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, April 18. I have proceeded with Mr. Attorney to the draught of my pardon, and of the grant of the reversion of the two tithes in Yorkshire, which her Majesty hath bestowed upon me to enable me to pay my fine. The conveyance is also ready of the land I make over for 2,000 marks. There is only this little question remaining—about the assurance for the yearly payments. I, finding that my friends are more willing to engage their lands than their bonds, have offered of mine own and my friends' land of the yearly rent of 120l. His Lordship made difficulty to take it for 2,000l., so I have offered it for 1,800l., and to put in sufficient sureties for the rest. I do it not with any meaning to let the land fall into the Queen's hands, but only to avoid the necessity of providing sureties for so great sums. I beseech you take the land for what it pleaseth you. It cannot be denied that land is better assurance than any man's bond. This point concluded, all may be finished in four days, so I beseech you prefer my pardon and the grant to her Majesty's signature. The bearer hath them with him, ingrossed and signed by Mr. Attorney, as the use is.—From the Tower, 18 April, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (92. 139.)
M. Pasquier, King's Councillor and Advocate-General of the Exchequer, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 18/28. I have written a book against the Jesuits, which I send her Majesty and pray you to present to her on my behalf. They are enemies alike to her and the State, to whose interests I know you to be devoted. Should I hear from you that the Queen is pleased with the book, I should be extremely gratified.—Paris, 28 April, 1602.
French. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 19.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 19. I received your letters, with a packet for Mr. Wood, which I have delivered. I was informed that neither my Lord Admiral nor yourself would receive any letters from this place by reason of the sickness, which caused me for a time to forbear, but afterwards I wrote to your Honour two letters the 8 and 10 of this month, both of which were met by my Lord of Comberland's servant the 14th, whereby you may perceive what care the postmasters have to discharge their duties, although I doubt there was some other means used in staying them. Since writing my letters, I have received two from you, and one to Mr. Bragg and myself, and have also seen your letters sent by Mr. Hunieman, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Wood. I understand by her Majesty's proclamation no goods brought in by reprisal may be unladen until due proof be made and judication had in the Admiralty Court, which is the readiest way to deceive the Queen of her custom, and all interested therein, except such as bring it home. The saetia was unladen on Saturday, having in her 61 chests of Brazil sugars. I have just received your Honour's letters of the 15th with two commissions concerning this business.—Plymouth, 19 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 140.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 19. I delivered my Lord Treasurer's letter to Mr. Halce. I understand that your Honour and my Lord Admiral have released the customs of my own and companies' parts to be paid in specie, and have freed only yourselves from payment in goods, as is plainly expressed in his Lordship's letter. You cannot, therefore, blame me to complain of hard measure if I shall be left out as one of the consorts that deserveth no favour. The profit I esteem not, but the disgrace and trouble that I shall sustain among my enemies (in the division thereof) is a “corasive” unto me. I cannot but think it strange that my Lord Treasurer should recall his former grant in a matter of so petty profit. In hope to receive your favour I will remain honest, else I could here shift for myself. We have now unladed the saiety and have found her much pillaged in Cornwall, both of pearl and pepper. As to my Earl of Cumberland having the greatest part in the Watt's adventure, the case standeth thus. My Lord in this voyage had not so much as one penny adventured, for the bark belongs to one Jennings of Portsmouth, and the whole charge of her victualling was defrayed by Capt. Arthur Middeltone, my uncle Rennegar and others. In the last before this, it seems my Lord was an adventurer, but the victual put in was spent in the former voyage. He undertaketh it for the good of his servant Middelton, doubting that he should be wronged by me, wherein if my Lord shall be satisfied, I shall make so good an end with Middelton as he shall rest contented. After the goods are in safety, if you will give me leave to come to London for a week, I will satisfy you and his Lordship in all this. In the meantime commissioners may be sent down if you think fit. I hear some went about to entitle the Queen in the goods, but I cannot expect such hard measure.—From the fort by Plymouth, 19 April, 1602.
PS.—I beseech you friend me in the dispatch of the fortifications, and that I may receive answer herein.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (92. 141.)
John Musgrave to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 19. At present this Border is in better state and quietness, since my Lord Warden's going to London, than was expected or wished by many. The principal author of all these disorders heretofore is one Lanslott Carelton, who, seeing he can no longer prevail to disquiet the country, hath invented a new policy. Being in credit and favour with Lord William Hawerde, who hath bought Gylslund lands of her Majesty, he hath displaced John Musgrave, who was appointed land-serjeant by her Majesty, leaving for the present no officer to govern the county, and intends to place Roger Widdrinton, that is a great recusant, and for his seditious life hath fled his own country for fear of his brother Henry, a very upright gentleman and a good justicer. Yet this Roger hath sought his brother's life for the apprehending of one Francis Ratclif, a recusant, now prisoner in York Gaol. He hath also in faction with him one Richard Grame of the Brakinhill, who hath, since my Lord's going to town, married a daughter of his to a son of Jocke of Tundmouth, being a brother's son to him that slew the Scots' Warden. My Lord William, by Carelton's persuasion, meaning to post Brackinhill in some office of Gylslund, if these things be not prevented, it will give such encouragement to the Grames and other border thieves in friendship with them, as the state of this country is likely to be very lamentable. Lastly, for a full testimony of Carelton's villanies, the last day I met the Scots' Warden, he caused a servant of his, fled forth of Scotland for a murder committed by him and “reset” by Carelton, to shoot a piece charged with two bullets and did hit a Scotch gentleman, but did him no harm. May it please your Honour that either the land-serjeant appointed by her Majesty may not be displaced, or that you would appoint some honest gentleman who will have a care to preserve the county in quietness.—From Carlill, 19 April, 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (184. 14.)
William Resould to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 20. At last there is a fair wind, which I hope will continue. The 19th inst. I embarked these Spanish subjects following :—2 Portingall Jesuits for ransom of 2 English prisoners : 38 of those that remained in Plymouth : 12 Spaniards from Dartmouth : 9 other Portingalls here about the town which I transport by reason of the Lord Admiral's letter of April 8. I crave allowance for 40 days, having cost me 3l. 6s. 8d. per day, besides the 30l. which I am to have for the transport of the 12 men from Dartmouth, the which I beseech you may be paid to Mr. Savidge for my wife.—Plymouth, 20 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 142.)
Georgio Limauer to —.
1602, April 20/30. I hope you have safely reached Padua with Signor Borello. I have heard from Signor Roberto Hassal. There has been a terrible gale here. The Archduke is finishing his batteries against Forrnes and will bombard the town. It is confirmed that Count Adolph of Bergh is a prisoner. Count Maurice was waiting for foreign troops before beginning his campaign. The States are said to have taken the fort of St. Albert by sending in a fire-ship. The explosion shook the houses at Bruges, but there are no particulars of the damage to the fort.—Venice, 30 April, 1602.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (93. 4.)
Thomas Honiman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 21. I received your letter of the 17th inst., and a packet to be sent by Sir John Gilbert. Touching the havock accustomed amongst mariners, I will be as circumspect to enquire as I have been forward to promise them good dealing, otherwise they would not have consented to the unlading without the proportion “loted” them aboard, for, to tell them no repartition could be made till a due trial and judgment whether it would be lawful prize, was in their opinion but words to deceive them. They have locks upon every cellar door, as we have, and take weight of everything with us. All being safe on land, they shall be called to account for matters embezzled. I send your Honour the names of the ships that claim part, most of which demands are frivolous.
Particulars of the lading of the “great ship” and the “saietea.”—From Plymouth, 21 April, 1602.
Postal endorsements.—“Aysburton at xi of the clock at nyght. Harfart Borg at 7 in the afternon, being Fridai.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 144.)
Enclosed :
The Refusall and Sir John Gilbert's carvell.
The Diamond of London, Toby Cox, captain.
The Watt of Portesmouth, Arthur Mideton, captain.
The Lyon's Claw of Sir Robt. Basset and Captain Morgan.
A ship of Plymouth belonging to Captain Scobles.
A pinnace of Peryn.
½ p.
Robert Bragge to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral.
1602, April 21. Monday last we began the unlading of the great ship and hope to finish by the end of this week. We have not yet meddled with the fly-boat, for Sir John Gilbert will not have anything taken out of her till the great ship be discharged. The ryalls of plate and pearl which Capt. Talkerne said were in his custody are not yet brought forth; I pray God we find them. The Portingalls are all very simple men. It was very ill done to leave the pursers discharged which were taken in the prizes. Mr. Resold went from hence yesterday with the Spaniards and Portingals for Lisborne. We have not done anything as yet in the execution of the commission by reason of Mr. Harris's absence.—From Plymouth, 21 April, 1602. [For details see previous letters.]
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (92. 148.)
Capt. J. Ouseley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 22. If during the time I have been here, your Honour hath not heard from me so often as your favours to me deserve, I beseech you hold me excused. I sent you the plot of Kinsalle with my last letters, but I understand they were drowned together with the messenger. Now that I am placed in the Munster list again, whereof I was at the beginning of the wars, I beseech your Honour that I may continue here before my “punies” [puisnes], which are Capt. Bostocke, Capt. Saxsy and Capt. William Poore.—Cork, 22 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 145.)
Thomas Honiman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 22. We have had such rain and foul weather that we could not hasten the landing of the goods, but I trust this week all will be safely housed. We had much trouble to dissuade the company of the “saietia” from their opinion to have the third part delivered them aboard. We weigh all things at the landing before they be housed into cellars. Sir John desires to come up after the discharge of the goods. Meantime it were requisite a commission were sent down to examine the Spaniards and Portingalls. This examination here inclosed I send, the party being ready to depart with the first wind. It plainly appears that the ship was built in the river of Lisbon and therefore very material, be she laden with whose goods soever. Sir John is very much discontented about my Lord Treasurer's letter for paying his part in specie, whom I had before possessed with how much it concerned his reputation that a good discharge might be given your Honour of honest dealing. He took occasion to say he would help himself, since he was so little regarded. Here come daily more and more claimers which pretend interest in the taking of these prizes.—From Plymouth, 22 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (92. 147.)
Enclosed :—The examination of Pedro Fernando Rolan, of Lisborn, taken before Mr. Wm. Parker, mayor of Plymouth, 18 April, 1602 :—This ship, the St. Marke, hath been 4 or 5 years building, and about three years past, Pedro Vaz, a Portingall of Syvell, was owner, and offered deponent one-half share to go in her to the Indies. He promised to view the ship on his return to Lisborn, and give him a full answer, nevertheless, chancing to buy another ship, he went not through with any bargain. And this is all he can say by oath.
Signed. 1 p. (92. 146.)
Sir John Salusbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 22. Albeit I did yield myself to the Lords to put up and bear with such private injuries, after my coming into the country I do find that my opposites have since complotted to stay a suit preferred in the Star Chamber a year and a half since by one Theleoll against Sir John Lloid, Capt. John Salisbury, and others of their faction. A writ of supersedeas was delivered to the Commissioners in April by Capt. John Salisbury, who was lately so insolent an actor against Her Royal Highness' person and estate (being much ashamed such to be of my name). Hereupon, all proceedings were stayed, which makes many of these parts of the country to doubt that, be their transgressions never so outrageous, yet they can stop all courses of law. I am further to acquaint your Honour touching the state of these parts, how the magistrates and officers being sought still to be made of one side, there is like to fall out want of justice hereabouts. We have had great loss by the death of Sir Richard Shuttleworth, who gave no just cause to any to be aggrieved. May it please your Honour to put in mind our Chief Justice of Wales, being at London, as I hear, to bear an indifferent and equal hand in the distribution of justice.—Lleweny, 22 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 149.)
Sir John Gilbert to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1602, before April 23.] I received a letter on the 20th inst. wherein you seem to blame me for omitting to write particulars of the goods. This day was the first of our unlading owing to foul weather. Concerning the consorts, I have written to you by my servant Carvannell, who will be with you as soon as this letter, for your packets are five days in coming. I will secretly learn what commissions they had, but the better course were to search the office of the Admiralty for them, and to take order that no post-commissions were granted. I think it not best as yet to deal with the company for their shares. We can make no estimate thereof, nor do we know what our own or the consorts' parts will be. Concerning your and my Lord Admiral's adventure, I can only say that your Honour hath half the victualling and my Lord Admiral and Sir Walter Ralegh a quarter. I have thought good to set down the names of the ships that claim consortship : “the Diamond, of London, Cox, captain; the Watt, otherwise the Resolution, Arthur Middleton, captain; Scoble's ship of Plymouth, Giles Hankeridg, captain; and the Lion's Claw, Anthony Croker, captain.
The two last are not worthy of a groat, nor cannot justly claim it.”
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Received 23 April.” 2 pp. (92. 154 and 155.)
George, Earl of Huntingdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 23. I beseech you pardon me, if, being very sensible of George Bellgrave's injuries, I again press your Honour to have hearing thereof. I am informed he is preparing to go out of England, to be forth of the way when he is called to account. Being old and sickly, I cannot travel to further my own cause. “His false imputation of my mis-government, exhibited in the High Court of Parliament, justified the scorn at Leaster reproved both witnessed by the parliament Court and country [sic] to the shame of me and my poor house, notwithstanding the ordinary acknowledgment this State is accustomed to take of such insolencies and wrongs to men of my coat.” I beseech you judge betwixt me and my unworthy adversary, and let him not be suffered to slip away, and then I doubt not to receive an honourable amends.—My lodge, Donington Park, 23 April, 1602.
Signed, George Huntingdon. 1 p. (92. 150.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 23. I received your Honour's letters of the 19th, with the enclosed packet directed to the Admiral of the Hollanders, which is to join with her Majesty's fleet bound southwards. Accordingly, I presently sent a boat of Dover to sea, Thomas Harman master, who lay up and down in the trough of the sea for 4 days, but the wind rising and turning to southwest, was enforced to put in again. A man-of-war of Holland coming into the road to-day, the captain undertook the safe delivery of the letters.—Dover Castle, 22 (sic) April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 152.)
Postal endorsements :—“23 April. For her Mats affaires hast hast post hast hast hast with dilligence Dover 23 Aprill at past 10 in the eveninge. Canterbury past one in the night. Sitingburn past .. in the morning. Rochester the 24 day at 8 in the morninge. Darfort xj in the fornone.”
Enclosed :—Acknowledgment by the captain of the Dutch ship of the receipt of the letters.
Dutch. ½ p. (92. 151.)
Thomas Honiman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 23. By the bearer, Mr. Taylor, going to London, I advertise your Honour that we have been busy in the examination of the Spaniards and Portingalls as to the manner of the taking of the ships. There hath come one Barrell, an Irishman, lying in London with an officer of the Admiralty, and left his badge of office upon the door of the “saietia's” goods, and so went out of town. If it be done with a good title, it is to be suffered, but if not, I would as strict punishment were afflicted upon all such for indirect claiming, as is by proclamation laid upon her Majesty's subjects for indirect taking. Touching the ships that may pretend interest, the examinations yet taken give the honour to the Refusal, and that in fear of her only they yielded, but the Diamond of London, Sir John Gilbert's carvel and a small pinnace, the Watt, were only those that were about the Refusal and within compass of shot. Of the rest, the nearest was 3 miles distant. Yet we have had many frivolous questions from Sir Robert Basset and Mr. Cole, to whom, as far as I see, I would not give sixpence for their interest. Three or four days of fair weather will dispatch all our business.—From Plymouth, 23 April, 1602.
PS.—One of the Spaniards saith that in the fly-boat are porcelain platters and dishes exceeding fair, and gilded, for the value of 300l. and more.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 153.)
Sir H. Brouncker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 24. After 12 days' torment with the stone, I am become so faint as I may well doubt of my speedy recovery. I know not to whose protection I might better commend my poor wife and children than to your Honour's, on whom I may safely repose myself and all mine. My estate is very small, yet such as it is, I must acknowledge it from your favour only, by whose means I received it. Being uncertain and casual, it must need the support of some honourable patron, which I most humbly beseech you to vouchsafe.—From my poor house at Lambeth Marsh, 24 April, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (92. 156.)
Lord Scrope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 24. It pleased her Majesty to grant to the West Wardenry six pensionaries bound to be ever ready to attend on horse-back wheresoever commanded. The places are now void, and their employment never was more needful, but none have been placed since my entrance into office. My suit is that Mr. John Musgrave, of Edenhall, my deputy, having made himself fit for one of these pensions of 40l. a year, may have a patent so drawn that the country may observe that my commendation hath been the motive of the Queen's bounty towards him. I doubt not but this demonstration will bring forth good effects.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“24 April, 1602.” 1 p. (92. 157.)
Edward Truxton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, April 24.] Her Majesty's gracious good words and opinion conceived towards my master, the Earl of Hannow, have emboldened me to present unto your consideration some means to make him better known to her. It may much import her Majesty to have in those parts of Germany the assurance of a faithful agent such as my Lord may be. I know that with little encouragement he will tender his services to her Majesty, and become a humble suitor for the honourable order of the Garter. He will be guided herein by your Honour's counsel and direction.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“24 April, 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (92. 158.)
John More to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 24. As to the unlading of three ships come lately from Amsterdam at Woll and Custom house quay, one laden with gruff [sic] wares.—24 April, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (92. 159.)
News Letter.
1602, April 24/May 4. From Aleppo there is news of the 1st of March that in consequence of the murder of Usi Bassa, the chief of the Janissaries of Damascus, between whom and the Janissaries of Aleppo, there is a natural hatred, the Janissaries of Damascus have laid siege to Aleppo, demanding the heads of five of the chief Vilabassi, of the Mufti and of some others. They have been declared rebels, and there has been fighting with loss on both sides. The besieged have been re-inforced, but the Damascus troops are determined to have the heads and either to partly sack the town or receive 100,000 zechins. The disturbance began at the Carnival, and the besiegers have warned the inhabitants that they will not be molested, but that they must not shelter their enemies or conceal their property; food is still abundant, and some of the besiegers who committed crimes against the people of the suburbs have been beheaded; the ambassadors sent for that purpose are trying to arrange matters, and the Santons are preaching to the same effect. The Damascus troops have been joined by Dandel, chief of the Arabs, with three hundred horse. The Scrivano, after the taking of Malatia, is continuing his plundering, and the other rebel has withdrawn to a city near the Black Sea. All this will much trouble the Porte, and profit the Christians against whom no great preparations will not be made.
Letters from Constantinople of the 28th March show that the fleet will be very weak, although the Cicala let it be known that he wished to have at least 100 galleys and would not put out with less. There has been some talk of the Sultan's going out in person, and it has been suggested that revenue might be raised by allowing wine to be drunk and putting a heavy duty on it. The Sultan is eager for the recovery of Alba Regale, but the Giorgians are said to have taken three towns towards the Caspian, and the Persians are said to be in the field, although they do not usually move before the winter.
From Vienna, letters of the 20th ultimo bring intelligence of the military operations about Alba Regale, Strigonia and in Transylvania.
Letters from Gratz of the 22nd ultimo, contain news that the Archduke Ferdinand has arrested a heretic preacher from Saxony who was preaching close to Gratz. The Turks from Canissa have been taking cattle near Rachisburg. The brother of Colonel Coloretto has turned Catholic again, and has received a colonelcy of 6,000 foot. The Turkish garrison of Canissa has been reinforced and a new Pasha put in command there, without any resistance from the Archduke's people.
Letters from Prague of the 22nd April mention that certain captains have left for Transylvania with the pay due to them. Some deputies have left for Italy for the business of Finale, about which matter a senator of Milan has arrived there from Count Fuentes. Ambassadors have arrived from Prince Battori to ask for peace, but their conditions were not acceptable to the Emperor. Signor Ferrante Gonzaga is still at Court, and the provisions for Upper Hungary are going on very slowly in spite of the Turks.
From Dantzig, we hear of great scarcity in Livonia, and of many robberies committed by Polish troops there. Duke Charles of Sweden is preparing to return thither for that cause, and it is not true that the King of Denmark has entered Sweden.
The “Scocchi” taken prisoner last month by the captain sent against them, have been either put to death or sent to the galleys, and it is expected that the remainder will be hunted down; they are still murdering and robbing in Dalmatia and Istria.
From Sicily and Naples, letters speak of the Spanish preparations for war.
From Frankfort, there is news that the Elector of Saxony was to go to Denmark with his brother to marry the sister of the King of Denmark.
The soldiers for Hungary have been paid and left Constantinople. The Cicala is very eager to obtain his fleet in order to put to sea.
The Government of Venice has resolved to divert the Brenta on account of the damage done by that stream.
It is said that Ferrante Gonzaga has been appointed general in Lower Hungary, that Colonel Roswurm is dying, and that the Turks have tried to surprise Stregonia without success.
From Milan, letters of the 1st instant report that Spinola's troops are on their way to Flanders, and that on the 27th, the Marquis himself left for Vercelli. At Genoa, Carlo Doria was returned from Spain, whither he had taken the Duke of Feria, Viceroy of Naples, and whence he had brought back 300,000 scudi to pay the German troops. He was to return in a few days with the Prince of Savoy. The Indian fleet had not yet reached Seville; the King of France was equipping twelve galleys in Provence.
Headed :—“From Venice, 4 May, 1602.” Italian. 4 pp. (199. 68, 69.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to the Magistracy of Stade.
1602, April 25. Though from her Majesty's letter and the information of Mr. Langius, your secretary, you will easily perceive the good intention of her Majesty towards you, and her kindly reception and acceptance of your proposals, yet I could not omit, at Mr. Langius' return, to write you a few words in token of my good-will. I desire also to commend his faithful and honourable services in all which appertained to his mission.—From the Palace at Greenwich, 25 April, 1602.
Endorsed :—“To the Magistrat of Stoade by Mr. Langius, their secretary.” Latin. Draft. ½ p. (92. 160.)
Thomas [Bilson,] Bishop of Winchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 25. I was fully purposed to have attended your Honour at Court this day, about speaking with my Lord of Canterbury touching the renewal of the High Commission for Causes Ecclesiastical within the diocese of Winchester. But the changing of my apparel on Friday and Saturday, for fear of heat in that press and place, hath bred such a soreness and lameness in me that I am forced to refrain my purpose. I conferred yesterday with my Lord of Canterbury, and found him very willing. I will, therefore, take some other time to attend your Honour, and pray you to recommend this course to her Majesty.—From my house in Southwark, 25 April, 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (92. 161.)
The Vice Chancellor of Cambridge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 25. Received two letters from your Honour, almost at one time, the one of the 3rd of this present on the 19th, the other the day after of a much later date. The first was in behalf of Mr. Barker, whom I hope I have satisfied to his very good liking. When I offered him that your Honours should jointly together dispose freely of it at your pleasures and set down both whether he should pay any fine or no, and if any, then what, he did utterly refuse it, alleging further that your Honour was pleased to signify to Lady Edmunds when she did mediate for the letters, that I was one of whom you had taken some mark, and therefore wished I should be well dealt withal, so we soon grew to a conclusion. Your other letters were in favour of Mr. Naunton, the University Orator, whose petition was granted, but I was fain to use your Honour's name, the necessity of his presence in regard of both the offices that he sustains being so very great.—Jesus College, Cambridge, 25 April, 1602.
Signed, Jo. Duport, Procan : Seal. ½ p. (136. 98.)
Roger Aston to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1602,] April 25. For the King I find nothing but very honourable disposition towards her Majesty, as may appear by the last proposition made by Mr. Necolson concerning Sir James Maconnall, wherein his Majesty is most careful to prevent those dishonourable enterprises, as by Mr. Necolson's letters your Honour will know at more length. The Duke of Lennoex has of late been very earnest to have Mr. James Hammelton employed either by his Majesty's Commission or by letters of recommendation to your Honour and some others, under which colour he undertook to do great things. The King has refused to grant even so much as a commission to the governor of Berwike for post-horses, not wishing to employ any indirectly there, whereby her Majesty might take occasion to think he were dealing “by” her knowledge, and chiefly that her Majesty might see he would deal with her only and no other. Mr.Hammelton has passed from hence, as he has given it out, to do his own affairs. Since his departing, the Duke has been very earnest with the Treasurer, that he may have the next reset only to put him in some credit, but that is plainly refused. The Duke has made the Master of Gray's peace, who is upon the plot of Hamilton's coming. There has been an intention to draw all the children hither for this baptism, but the King, wisely foreseeing all perils, lets the prince remain where he is, but hereafter will bring him to see his mother for three or four days. I find no course in the King but sound and good, and the rather entertained by Mr. Necolson's care, who omits no occasion to advance the service.—From Edenbrough, the Sunday at night, but after my weary journey from Dumferling, the first since my fall, 25 April.
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (184. 15 and 16.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 26. This evening about 9 came into Dover road the Admiral of the Hollanders that is to join with her Majesty's fleet, bound for the Southward.—Dover, 26 April, 1602.
Postal endorsement :—“Hast hast post hast hast hast for life life life [with a drawing of a gibbet], Dover 26 Aprill at past xj in the evening. Canterbery past 2 at mydnight. Sitingborn past 5 in the morning. Rochester past 6 in the morning. Darforte past 8 a clocke in the foornoone.”
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (92. 162.]
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 26. Here inclosed I send you a letter from Sir Thomas Fane, whereby you may perceive of some Flemish men-of-war arrived in Dover road. It is much to be doubted that the packet of letters, which was delivered on board a bark, which undertook to deliver the same to the Admiral of that fleet, shall not meet with those ships. I do, therefore, think it fit that like letters be presently drawn to that effect, and sent to the ships forthwith.
PS.—The letter came to me as I was reading Mr. Hayses project sent me from my Lord Treasurer, and my eyes so weary as I cannot write all with my own hand.
Signed, the PS. holograph. Endorsed :—“Greenewch the 26 Apryll att nyne a clock att night;” [with a drawing of a gibbet] : and “1602.” Seal. ½ p. (92. 163.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 26. I would have been glad to attend your Honour many times before this, but that I durst not presume so far without knowledge of your good liking. I do desire it, if you afford me that favour.—26 April.
Holograph, signed, “Fard. Gorges.” Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (92. 164.)
Edward Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 27. Though I should rather keep silence than trouble you in the midst of so many weighty affairs with my idle letters, I should be thought ungrateful if I did not offer you my humblest service in return for the favour received at your hands. Which I do, your Honour, relying upon your accustomed good-nature, and pray that you may long be spared for the service of her Majesty, the advantage of our country and the joy of your friends.—Paris, 27 April, 1602.
French. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 165.)
Jane Elstone to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 27. I beseech you read this letter here inclosed, which I wrote to the Lord Treasurer the 8 Feb. last. My husband hath not been in fault, as will appear when he shall be called to his answer. All parties are agreed to lay the burden on him, to clear themselves. Wilkinson's wife hath been suffered to visit her husband and bring him pen, ink and paper and be with him all day.—27 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 166.)
The enclosure :—Copy of a letter, 1602, Feb. 8, to the Lord Treasurer. On behalf of my husband, William Elstone, who hath been now full 8 weeks a close prisoner. I must needs impute my husband's troubles to proceed from that original by means they were told of what I had revealed. I have been twice at the Council table, and can get no answer. I find myself nearly touched in an untruth by a letter delivered at the Council table by Mr. George Fenner, in which Wilkinson doth mention that your Honour told him I had made promise to deliver writings of my husband's touching matters of State. I know not how I should perform such promise, for I never knew that he had such, and all his writings were in my keeping. The rest of the charges made against my husband will, I doubt not, be found as false as this.—8 Feb. 1602.
1 p. (92. 167.)
Sir Thomas Fane to the Lord High Admiral.
1602, April 27. There came into Dover road this morning 7 ships-of-war, that are to join with her Majesty's fleet bound for the southward, who affirm that their admiral will be here to-morrow or the next day. They think it very doubtful if the packet sent down by your Honour will come to his hands.—Dover Castle, 27 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal.
Postal endorsement :—“Dover xxvij April at ix in the forenone. Canterbery past xj fornone. Sitingborn past iij in the afternon. Darford at allmost 6 in the afternon.” Drawing of a gibbet.
½ p. (92. 168.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 27. Divers of the warrants have been brought me this morning for the levying of voluntaries in Kent. By my letters patent I find that a man cannot be levied without her Majesty's letter to me to authorise the same, and if, by virtue of these warrants, I might do it, I am bold to say that it is a mistake to join me with mayors and sheriffs, who have nothing to meddle in this kind, but as inferior officers to receive direction. Till the 180 men be levied who I have received her Majesty's letter for, I have stayed all proceedings of these voluntaries. I pray you let me know what answer you have received from my Lord Keeper touching Serjeant Heall.—From my house in the Black Friars, 27 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 169.)
Ralph Gray to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 27. As to a suit on the Master of Gray's behalf by the bearer, my servant Richard Parker.—Chillingham, 27 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 170.)
Sir John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 27. The 23 April I received a letter from you of the 16th of the same, the contents whereof was that her Majesty, hearing of six notorious prisoners that I had taken, was pleased, at the suit of my Lord Scrope, to command me to deliver them to him for many spoils and murders done in his wardenry. It is true that 6 such prisoners, through my own industry and the good service of Mr. Thomas Kar, was taken for wrongs done to my own wardenry, but how justifiable their taking up was, I refer that to my Lord Scrope. These men of Liddesdall being shut out from spoiling in the Middle Marches by bonds that my brother Sir Robert Carey had of all their chiefs when as he took those Armestronges at the hayninge [sic], at which time my Lord Scrope might more justly a looked for redress, seeing he had taken the best of their surnames, who had been the spoilers of his wardenry, and that my brother did was justifiable, for that he had the King's leave to do it. Being likewise bound from stealing in the West Marches, for that Mr. John Musgrave hath divers of them in bond, they determined to make a spoil of this little March whereof I have charge. Wherefore I caused watch to be laid for them to take them, if I could, lawfully, so that I might inflict justice upon them, but finding them so wary as I could not get them in that sort, I was forced to use a point beyond law, which took effect, for I had them put out to me in their own country where they were merry, and took them all together in a town called Graden. This was unjustifiable by law, for the King might a taken offence and his warden might a sent for them and could not by law a been denied them. Nevertheless, I took such means, albeit they were sent for by the goodman of the “hayninge” and the countess of Bodwell, who are the now keepers of Lidesdall, as before their going I had redress for all the harms done in my wardenry, for the which I had good, sure bonds according to the custom of the Borders, and let them all free upon the 27th March, which was long before the receipt of your Honour's letters. If I had taken them lawfully, my Lord Scrope should not a been troubled with the hanging of them. I must intreat you to pardon me that I have not answered your letter sooner. I am so plagued with business as I can scarce have time to eat my meat, in so much as I protest since I began this letter I have been called down three several times for special causes. I have days of truce on both hands in hand, and divers warden and country causes, besides many town and foreign causes by reason of many strangers that pass this way, for all which I have no help nor assistance. For the pledges here, I can certify little of their proceedings in performance of their promises. They, poor men, do all they can, but my Lord of Roxboroughe doth so plague their friends by calling them to the law and by persuading such as they be faulters to not to agree without extremity as they know not what way to work.—Berwick, 27 April, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2¼ pp. (184. 17 and 18.)
Mathew Greensmith to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 27/May 7. I had written you in my last of some troubles towards in the town of Emden, and the country, betwixt the Earl Enno and his subjects, who since his government of the country has very closely and flatteringly dissembled all matters, both done in former times both against him and also his father, with colour of religion offering almost to put down all Leuther's religion, going in person to church with his lady and children, great familiarity towards the preachers, and once appointing that there should be a disputation to end all controversies; but at last would not let it go forwards, and as for citizens and country people, with them and their wives in such great familiarity that it was wonder : yet in the mean time ceased not to practice to work his will in every kind by exactions, extraordinary taxes and tolls, but specially to have the town of Emden and other corporations in the former predicament that it was in his father's time, and wholly to leave or put down the Emperor's resolution or freedom given them under his hand and seal. To further which practice, he had gotten certain of the first principal actors against him to bring his matters to pass. But when he saw that they could not bring his will to pass, and that he prevailed nothing, going about indeed to make himself a sovereign Lord without law or controlment of any, notwithstanding seated and subject to the Imperial state, he attempted by threatenings as well in words as writings : which the whole country seeing, although he politicly had taken away the heads of all the country and town, and had called them near about him, yet to defend their privileges would not consent to his unreasonable taxes and wrongs offered them; and he having two years past promised the Emperor a great sum of money in respect to bring[ing] his Earldom of Eassens and Whittmond under Fresland, as also that he might “by” his two daughters from the same their deceased mother's inheritance : and at Hanywald's coming to Emden, the Emperor's secretary, not being able to perform, except his subjects would consent to give him such taxes as he with a kind of force had caused them to consent unto; and after denying to pay him the same : and Hanywald, whereas he had made account to have had out of Fresland for the Emperor a great sum of money, was fain to go home without any, not little discontented. Soon after his departure, the Earl sent his Chancellor to Prague after him, whom together had sent now down such thundering mandates to the town and country, that thereby all and more than [the] privileges given them by the Emperor are wholly frustrate. And the Earl having intelligence thereof in January, began to make preparation of soldiers, to put in practice what he could not do by will to accomplish by force : and the 20 of April the Chancellor being returned bringing a herald with him, to put in execution the Emperor's decret : but the chief commission to the Lord of Menckwytts, which was sent of late to the Hances, to Leubecke and so forth to Hamb[urg] and Stoad, to whom was sent letters from the Emperor to come to Emden, and there upon just enquiry to put all matters in execution : which post missing of him and following him back to Prague is the cause that “his” [? he is] not come as yet to Emden. Notwithstanding, the Earl proceeds in taking up of soldiers, and at this instant has at least 3,000 good soldiers in readiness; and because he will be sure that none of his subjects shall withstand him, he has chosen all the chief gentility colonels, and the next sort captains, and so forth, to officers throughout his country. The States, at first understanding of his first taking on of soldiers, sent to know his intent. One while he answered they should go with his brother against Duke Charles in defence of the King of Poland. Not long after, another answer was given, that they should go with his brother to serve the Emperor against the Turk. In the meantime, the States believing the last, caused their forces thereabouts to be fortified; and after hearing that the Earl had r[eceived] for 4,000 men munition from Cullen, and also money some store that way, sent unto the Earl to declare to what intent he had such a company of soldiers; to which end, to defend himself, he sent the 10 of April to the States 2 of his Council to excuse the matter, who, although they gave fair words, had little credit there. And since, the town hath sent to the States 3 of their citizens, beseeching them for help, or else fear the Earl will by force and polity soon get in their town; which to the contrary if the town would but agree together, 5 such Earls could not hurt it. The Earl has mustered all his folks and only he wants the coming of the Lord of Mynckwytts thither, or certain answer from him. As also, by the great providence of God, the waters have broke in of late and drowned about the town, so that on one side he cannot come to it, he would ere this time have been doing with it; so that if the States do not put their helping hand to the town which lies upon them, then surely the Earl will prevail and bring the town and country in great servitude, yea, even as good for the States in hand of the Spaniards as in his against the town's will, and surely a thing devised by the Cardinal to busy the States at one end somewhat, and as soon as he has done with the soldiers, that then they shall go to the strengthening of the Cardinal's forces. Thus much I have thought good to certify you of the state of that good and religious town of Emden, whose case is to be pitied and prayed for. Notwithstanding the Earl's outward holiness, yet all or most of his servants [and] principal officers are Papists, and hath been servitors in the King of Spain's actions hereabouts, and they that be not, what religion soever, yet may not hear nor talk of the States' prosperity, but wholly Spanish.—Myddell[burg], 7 May, new style, 1602.
Holograph. 2 pp. (93. 28.)
Thomas Honiman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 29. Sent yesterday a copy of the examinations concerning their first commission. Understands that Mr. Cole has gone to London, either to work a composition with “your Honours,” for that which he cannot perceive they have right unto, or to procure a commission to examine Englishmen where they may hope to find corruption. He is rather drawn to think this, as upon talk with Sir John Gilbert and the captain of the Refusall, Sir John confessed he had been “wrought,” and could have had 3,000l., and the captain denied not that he had also been dealt withal to that effect. They are neighbours to this place, and expect that all men hereabouts should favour them. Finds by Mr. Bragge that everyone here is loath to displease them. But they said he (the writer) was a stranger, and therefore they had the less cause to take unkindly what he did. Protests his impartiality in the matter. If they show for other commissions, they will name Mr. Mayor for one; then there is like to be trouble, because Sir John and the Mayor are so encountered in divers causes that he is like to forget his lord and master and all. The Mayor has spoken of Sir John in such deep anger that it grieves him (Honiman) to think of the state of this town, if, during this opposition, the enemy should attempt anything upon it. Knows this the better by conference with Mr. Hitchens, one of the chief masters of the town. May it please Cecil to remedy that danger and dismiss the mayor for a commissioner, as enemy to Sir John, or otherwise as “your Honours” think fittest. The flyboat is this day come into the pier, which is done for expedition, though not without some danger, the weather being foul. The bearer is Captain Cox, captain of the Dymont, of London, whom the examinations mention to have accompanied the Refusall in the fight. He can speak of how these ships were taken, and will speak the truth in presence of Mr. Cole, if occasion serve.—Plymouth, 29 April, 1602.
PS.—If the examinations had been delayed when they first came hither, God knows how these poor men would have been wrought; but they gave the honour to the Refusall at the first, and it was taken in good time. It is very requisite “your Honours” “entertain” Dr. Steward and Dr. Crompton to make short work, for they two are opposite.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 1.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 29. I have received your letter of April 24, wherein you seem to make doubt of good dealing towards you, because I have not showed the bills of lading to the Commissioners. I doubt not to satisfy you at my coming up. I will come privately, according to your command, as soon as the flyboat is unladen, and will bring all the bills of lading that I can find. The manner of the taking of the prizes will appear by the examinations already sent from Brag and Honniman. The consorts are all gone up to make exclamation, or compound with the Lord Admiral and you, but I earnestly entreat that composition may not be granted them until I speak with you, when it shall appear that I have deserved your good opinion, and have devised a way to satisfy all claimers with little loss to ourselves. I fear Sir Walter will labour your Honours for a composition with some of the consorts, for he has in spleen written so much to me, but I hope you will stay it.—Fort by Plymouth, 29 April, 1602.
Signed, J. Gylberte. 1 p. (93. 2.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April 30. Understands that the examinations concerning the goods brought in by Sir John Gilbert's ship and others were this morning sent to Cecil. He was promised to have seen the letter, but Mr. Honeman did therein as he does in many other things, being guided by such as can feed his vainglorious humour. Has not been present at the doing of many things concerning this business, not knowing how far Cecil's pleasure is that he shall understand therein, nor what Mr. Honeman's commission is. The “sateia” and the great ship are unladen. Encloses a brief of what has been had from them, and also of certain money and pearl already landed. Supposes the flyboats will be unloaded next day. The best sale for these goods will be at London, and Cecil's part may be shipped here and guarded by her Majesty's ships in the Narrow Seas. Advises how to dispose of the Brazil sugars. Has received Cecil's letters as to the twentieths for custom, but not any order concerning the Lord Admiral's tenths. Has drawn articles for finding out the purloined things; is sure to run the displeasure of many and the favour of none, unless Cecil affords it to him. The victuallers in men-of-war, at the end of their service, receive allowance for remainders of such victuals as they were charged with. Sir John Gilbert's account is very large for so short a time, and if it were looked into, a good sum might be saved. Has acquainted the Mayor and others with the respect it pleases Cecil to give to this town's causes, for the which all rest most bound.—Plymouth, last of April, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 5.)
The Enclosure :
Breviat of the goods received at Plymouth from sundry prizes brought in by Sir John Gilbert's ship, the Refusall, and others.
From the “saetia” : white Brazil sugars, 272 cwt. 2 qr. 22 lb.
From the St. Marcos, of Lisborne : pepper, 347 cwt. 0 qr. 22 lb.; cinnamon, 97 cwt. 0 qr. 19 lb.; ginger, 22 cwt. 1 qr. 25 lb.; sugars (whittes, moscovados, panells and St. Thomes), 2562 cwt. 0 qr. 16 lb.; sundry commodities not viewed.
From the Refusall : in Portingall and Spanish money, 1931½ oz.; seed pearl found by Captain Tolcarne, 253 oz.
From the Watt : seed pearl taken from Captain Bell by the customer, 364 oz.
½ p. (93. 6.)
Anne Catesbie.
1602, April 30.—Reasons given by Mary, mother of Anne Catesbie, why Anne ought to have benefit of a lease made of her father Erasmus Catesbie's land, especially having now therein a lawful possession, and that before any wardship found. Mr. Sheffeild mentioned as “the purchaser.”—
Undated. Endorsed :—“30 April, 1602. Mr. Mordant.” ¼ p. (93. 3.)
Sir Richard Leveson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602,] April 30. The bearer hereof, Captain Kinge, having some private occasion of his own to go for England, I was the rather drawn to despatch him that you might receive some just account of my proceeding. I set sail from Plymouth the 19th of March with the Repulse, Wastspite, Nonperille, Dreadnought, Adventure, and one carvell. The 22 of the same, I sent away the carvell unto the shore, as well to discover the preparations at the Groyne, as to range the coast to the southward for the gaining of the like advertisement. And because the present time did offer unto us equal hopes, as well of the carackes outward bound as the West Indian fleet coming home, I thought it not inconvenient to spend some time in so great an expectation, and therefore did immediately address myself to the southward, placing my ships in that height and distance which I thought most probable for us to get sight of either fleet.
Before my coming to the coast, the carackes were departed Lisbon, but the West Indian fleet came in as currently as my heart could wish.
The last of March, about 4 of the clock in the afternoon, I descried them, being in number 38 sail, and so shaped my course as about 9 of the clock the same night I fell with the body of the fleet, purposing to have accompanied the fleet all that night. But the Spaniards discovering us to be men-of-war, fell to blows. The first ship I could conveniently come unto, I boarded, and in a short time it was my hap to prevail so well (as I protest unto your Honour), I was more doubtful of sinking than of winning her.
But here was my misery. The night was exceeding dark, and the sea did suddenly grow so high, as I was neither able to make her fast, nor my people able to enter her, unless it were some few of my valiantest, which between the ships (I fear) were unfortunately lost. Four several times my ship fell off, and four times I boarded her again, in all which particularities this bearer is able to give you satisfaction. Though our fortune in this might seem to be crooked and adverse, yet it was God's will to dispose all for the best, for this fleet was so strong (which at that instant was unknown to me) as if I had taken the least ship of theirs, I must either have engaged all the Queen's ships, with danger to have kept her, or else have lost her the next day following with grief and dishonour.
When I came up to the fleet the next morning, all the ships of war had placed themselves in very warlike fashion. I accounted 18 or 20 sail, which I judged to be the King's ships, in which number I dare confidently speak it unto you that the least was of the burden of 500 tons, and divers of them of 1,000 tons. By their good sailing, and by their “cleanes” (for I came so near unto the fleet, having the weather gage, as I could view every particular ship) I judged 9 or 12 [of] them to be wafters, and the rather because an English man-of-war told me that 12 ships of the King's were gone out of St. Lukars to the Isles of Azores not long before. Calling the English captains to counsel that discerned the inequality of the match as well as myself, they delivered their opinions thus : that we might give blows and take blows, but without hope of profit, hazard our men and endanger our masts, the sinews of our journey, and so be disabled to do that we go for. Hereupon we parted with as much discontent as man can imagine to see so much wealth without power to take it. Yet I followed the fleet in to the shore that day and the next night, in hope of a straggler, but the weather growing to be very fair would not yield me such a benefit.
It is now too late to wish that all the English and Dutch forces had been together, but in the same track once in the year doth pass as much wealth, and God, if it be His will, may once divert such a fleet to fall with the Lizard, instead of the South Cape.
Now to return to the mean scope of our business. At Lisbon there is no appearance of preparation, from which place my carvell brought me very good intelligence. But what is in handling at the Groyne, I am uncertain. In which affair, being desirous to give myself satisfaction as a principal end of our designs, I have allotted the care thereof unto myself, disposing the other ships in this fashion. The Wastspite, the Nonperille and Dreadnought, I appointed to remain in the height of 36 and 30 minutes, in hope of a remnant of this Indian fleet, which I understood was to come after. Their instruction is to continue in that height until the last of April, and then to return unto the height of the Rock. The Mary Rose and Adventure I appointed likewise to repair to Sir William Monson, and Captain Goure in the height of the Rock, there to continue until they heard further from me. To this end only, that our fleet meeting with the Dutch fleet in that height, being the place of our rendezvous, might in one body resort unto the North Cape upon any direction sent from me, if any occasion at the Groyne should enforce the same. If no occasion were offered at the Groyne, then might I be assured to return and find them at the Rock, and they in the mean time in hope of some profit.
The 7 of April, I departed from my fleet at the South Cape, from which time till even now, the winds being contrary, I have plied to the northward. This night, coming in with the high land of the Moors, I sent off my boat and took a fisherman, who tells me that at the Groyne there are neither ships nor soldiers : at Feroll, only four ships of the King's : that most of the soldiers of Don Juan which came out of Ireland are dead.
I will not satisfy myself with this intelligence until I find it more soundly seconded. If hereafter I shall understand anything fit to be advertised, I will immediately send home my carvell. In the mean time I thought good to send away Captain Kinge, that you might receive some understanding of the state of our fleet.—From the height of 43 of the Moors, the last of April.
PS.—The Marirose took a Hamburger bound into Spain laden with lead and pipe staffs, and what else I am uncertain. I thought to have sent her home by Captain Kinge, but the Maryrose having spent her mainyard, I was enforced to take out the flyboat's mainmast to make the other a mainyard. I have given order to Captain Slyngesby to take out the goods by inventory and to discharge the ship.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 3 pp. (93. 7.)
Sir Francis Vere and the Earl of Northumberland.
[1602,] April 1. “Sir Francis Vere his answer to the challenge of the Earl of Northumberland.”
Printed in Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Eliz., Vol. 284, No. 37. i. Copy. 3 pp. (83. 43–44.)
Sir John Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, April.] Renews his suit concerning the Lieutenancy of Bristol. Opposition of the citizens, who have procure the Lord Treasurer to cross his expectation, envying that a gentleman should participate with them in the Queen's affairs. Now understands that Lord Hartford shall be inserted in the commission of Lieutenancy, and prays to be joined with him, being loath to undergo such a disgrace, it being reported that he had obtained it by Cecil's means, and his predecessor of Bristol Castle having ever been joined in the same.
Undated. Signed. Endorsed :—“April, 1602.” 1 p. (93. 9.)
Sir Christopher Heydon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, April. Thanks Cecil for his favour to him and his brother.Notwithstanding his brother's personal submission to her Majesty's mercy, and his remaining here prisoner under bond, yet the outlawry is pursued against him. Prays Cecil to get it countermanded.—Thursforde, April, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 10.)
The Refusal.
[1602, April.] Account of monies disbursed by Sir John Gylbert in and about the new altering of the Refusall since her last coming home the 6th of April, 1602. List of necessaries which must be provided for the Refusall before her next setting forth to sea.
Note at foot in Sir John Gilbert's hand :—If Mr. Secretary do surrender up his part of my ship into my hands, then he is not to be charged with these accounts. But if he hold it, I then desire that order may be taken herein for weekly disbursing of the charge as it shall grow, for that my ship is almost ready to go to sea. I therefore pray you, Mr. Honniman, to move Mr. Secretary, that I may know his pleasure herein, and if he be pleased not to hold his part of my ship, then I desire that it would please him to send me down my bargain and sale and his release, which I will expect before my ship's departure.
Undated. 4 pp. (199. 65–67.)
Sir John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [April or May]. I received a letter from some of my Lords of the Privy Council the 7th of April, touching the pledges, the copy whereof I sent to my Lord of Roxborough, who, as it seems, was so much discontent with that course taken with them as presently he shot a day of trewe he should within two days after have kept with me for satisfaction of the country by delivery of certain 'faulters; and presently after, whether by his permission or no, I know not, but his people fell “a reydinge,” and have so continued since, greatly to the trouble of the country, which if they continue still, I trust your Honour will hang some of their friends at York instead of sending them down hither, and call for new. I received another packet from your Honour the 14th of the same, wherein there was a packet to Master Nicolson, which I presently sent into Scotland safely to him, who is at Brighen still with the King. I have presently received this packet from Master Nicolson out of Scotland, who required me to send it away with all speed, for that he would gladly have it with you before Master Hambelton, the King's agent, came, who went out of this town yesterday in the forenoon, wherefore I make somewhat more haste than ordinary. Undated.
PS.—My Lord of Roxborowghe hath given commandment by proclamation that none of the pledge's friends shall meet or tryst with any to whom they be faulters for the satisfying of their bills, insomuch as yet the poor pledges are in a pitiful case, their friends not daring to do anything without his consent, and he not being willing they should be relieved. You shall shortly hear more, for they look every day to have their friends come to them either by stealth or by permission.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602. Sir John Carye to my master, without date.” 1 p. (97. 1.)