Cecil Papers: May 1602, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1602, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp136-157 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1602, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp136-157.

"Cecil Papers: May 1602, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp136-157.

May 1602, 1–15

Sir Arthur Capell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 1. Cecil procured for his son Edward a company in Ireland. His son informs him that the wars there are likely to grow toward an end, and the number of the captains lessened. Prays for his letter to the Lord Deputy that his son may continue his captainship.—Haddham, 1 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 11.)
News Letter.
1602, May 1/11. Letters from Vienna of the 27th ultimo contain details of the progress of the war in Hungary, Transylvania and elsewhere.
From Gratz, letters of the 20th ultimo report the capture of a convoy on its way to Canissa. Besides arresting a heretic preacher, the Archduke has taken two gentlemen. There has been some fighting between the men of Segnos and the Turks, in which the latter had the worst.
It is said that the English vessels in the Spanish sea have taken three ships laden with corn and another from Lisbon with a cargo of pepper and sugar belonging to Portuguese and Venetian merchants.
From Prague on the 29th ultimo, we have news that the Emperor will not accept the terms of peace offered by Prince Battory, but demands the possession of all fortresses in Transylvania, and that the Prince shall break off all relations with the Turks. Ferrante Gozago is still at Court, and the Imperial Diet will go forward.
The Lyons post, which came last Saturday, confirms the departure of the King for Blois, where he will leave the Queen and visit Porton and Béarn. The Queen and the Marquise de Verneuil, the King's mistress, are said to be pregnant. The Duke of Nevers has taken with him to England the flower of the youth of the Court, in which duels are cruelly prevalent.
From Schiavona, letters of the 2nd instant report that a Turkish army is collecting to attack the Archduke Ferdinand.
It is said that the King of Spain this year will go himself with his fleet against the Turks, probably against Algiers.
Letters from Vienna add that the Archduke Matthias has published a general pardon to the rebel Scanians, who are with the Turks in Buda and Pesth.
There is confirmation from Constantinople of the rebellion of the Pasha near Tauris, but not of the Persian advance. The Porte has ordered every household in Albania, Greece and the other provinces of the empire to provide a soldier or pay 30 'Sultanini' a head. The Turks are preparing for defence, fearing this year an attack from a Christian fleet. Their own fleet will be small for lack of money, and because of some disturbance among the workmen in the arsenal.
From Piacenza comes news of the arrival of the fleet at Seville.
From Mantua, it is reported that the Duke has gone to Flanders to the waters of Spa; in Mantua, a treasure has been found; there is talk of a marriage between the Duke of Savoy and Madame di Ferrara.
From Vienna, we hear that Count Isolano has started for Alba Regale to strengthen the fortifications of that place.
From Milan, letters of the 8th of May report that the Marquis of Este, the secretary Ronasio and Signor Don Mendo, ambassador from Spain to Savoy, are in that city to obtain money, of which there is great need. Madruca, general of the German troops, who served in Croatia last year, has received 250,000 scudi out of the 350,000 advanced by him. It was said that the Count of Fuentes would be declared chief of the troops collected in Naples and Spain for the attempt on Algiers. The French were sending troops into Provence fearing some news there. The Duke of Savoy was to start for Spain on the 15th of June, going to raise troops no one knows for what purpose. In Monferrato, troops were being collected, and the men of Marquis Spenola were almost all out of the country.
Italian. Headed, “From Venice, 13 May, 1602.” 6 pp. (199. 70–2.)
Edward Coke, Attorney-General, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 2. I received your letter at 10 o'clock this night (having been overtoiled to-day in Arundel's case pro domina Regina). To-morrow is appointed for the examination of the causes of corrupt stewards and wood wasters, matters of great consequence, wherein her Majesty is infinitely deceived. It is impossible for me to draw and ingross a new commission and bring it with me to-morrow. In the meantime, the glass of time run out, poor men are come and stand at a gaze. All my desire is that the toll might come to the right mill, and that a precedent (the secret being discovered) might be so set that hereafter her Majesty might not be deceived. As soon as possible, I will send you a commission drawn as I am directed, that is, to let no lands but to the present farmers (and then they will give what they list) and to except manors, wherein, there being so many already in lease, her Majesty should have made the most profit.—2 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (184. 20.)
Nicholas Darsie, Agent for the town of Galway, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, May 2.] To prevent the danger to Galway of foreign invasion, he prays consideration of the following articles : that none may bear office without acknowledging the Queen as supreme head of both realms in all causes, as well ecclesiastical as temporal : that none shall harbour any Jesuit or Seminary : that an English garrison shall lie there this next summer, under a captain of very great sufficiency, and that some fortification be made about the town and harbour : and that none of the Corporation shall have a voice in electing officers but such as swear the oath of supremacy.
Endorsed :—“2 May, 1602.” 1 p. (1787.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 2. As the Commissary that was lately at Court with Monsieur Caron about letters directed to him from the States, and for that the Commissary brought to me a large packet this day from the Admiral of the Holland fleet, desiring that it might be sent by post to Caron, albeit I could not deny the sending thereof, yet have I thought good to advertise my Lord Admiral, you and Lord Cobham of the premises.—Dover Castle, 2 May, 1602.
Holograph. Postal Endorsement :—“Dover 2 May at past 3 in the afternone. Sittingborn past 8 at night. Rochester at 12 at night. Darford at past 7 in the morning.” ½ p. (93. 12.)
Sir Richard Percy to the Earl of Northumberland.
1602, May 2. At this instant the Lord President is with his army within two or three days' march of the castle of Beare Haven, which, as I have in former letters certified, he proposes to besiege. I do not doubt but within a short time it will be ours, for though it be a place (as is reported by all which have seen it) of good strength and long to be maintained by another enemy, yet the Irish are very bad in defending a stone wall, and less skilful in matters of fortification, as men unused to the practice thereof. This place being once regained, I think the neck of the wars in Munster will be broken; and if the Spaniards do not return (being already reported by such shipping as lately came out of Spain that the King has dissolved his army,) by a great casting of companies and regiments throughout Ireland, the Queen will reduce her army to a lesser proportion. By which means, I rest assured my regiment will be one of the cast crew, as last entered in list, unless you procure favourable letters from the Council on my behalf, that if any stand, mine may be one of that number. I entreat you to take pains therein. If not with expedition effected, I stand certainly assured it will be too late.—From the Camp, 2 of May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 13.)
Sir William Cornwaleys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 2. Encloses a letter of humble thanks from his father, which he would have delivered himself, but for an ague.—Highgate, 2 of May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 14.)
William Massam to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 2. Prays that the petition of himself and two other merchants to the Council may be considered, and for Cecil's favour therein. Would come himself, but is restrained of his liberty. Mr. Englebert has the estate of his petition. Is neither owner nor victualler of the man-of-war, but only disbursed money for rigging the ship to the use of his brother, who was owner of a quarter part.—2 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 16.)
John Bird and Ralph Northaye, Bailiffs, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 3. Present Cecil with 10l. in gold as their best means to express their duties. The whole Encorporation joy themselves in their happy election of Cecil for their patron, and crave acceptance of this slender remembrance, and the perpetuity of his protection.—Colchester, 3 May, 1602.
Endorsed :—“Bailiffs of Colchester.” 1 p. (93. 17.)
Robert, Earl of Sussex to Sir [Robert Cecil].
1602, May 3. Prays Cecil to continue his honourable disposition towards him, howsoever informed of any inconstancy in him. Hopes Cecil will not condemn him without just cause, for he will ever remain constant to him. Prays him to favour his suit for the lieutenancy of this shire, which he desires to satisfy the world that he is not altogether out of her Majesty's favour.—Newhall, 3 May, 1602.
Signed, “Ro. Sussex.” 1 p. (93. 18.)
William Mounte to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 4. Acknowledges Cecil's favours. Being subject to palsy, is persuaded to seek remedy at the Bath. Is charged with a great debt to Mrs. Hannce, widow of a brewer of London, who is at the Bath. Prays for Cecil's letter to Mrs. Hannce, that he may have her favour to be spared until his return thence, about the end of next term. Will then take order in the cause. Begs Cecil to accept this small taste of the tincture of pyony water, good against all affections of the “beame” and the heart, a spoonful of the tincture with a spoonful of musked sugar.—Laiborne, my benefice in Kent, 4 May, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Doctor Mount.” 1 p. (93. 19.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 4. Her Majesty having this evening written with her own hand two letters to the French King, the one to be carried by the French Ambassador, Monsieur de Boissise, the other by Signor Guicciardini, that for the ambassador I send here enclosed, which her Majesty would have you send to him, and to take order with the Master of the Jewel House for sending the plate which her Majesty doth bestow upon him, so as the same, with her letter, may be delivered at one time, the letter by such one as yourself shall think meet, the plate by some of the Jewel House. The other letter for Guicciardini, I retain till Mr. Vice Chamberlain's return to the Court, and he to deliver it, with some further speech of compliments from her Majesty. The copies of both I also send herein.—4 May, 1602.
PS.—The Queen will be to-morrow at London to visit the old Lady Chandos.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 20.)
James Douglas to Archibald Douglas.
1602, May 4. I need not trouble you with superfluous words, since I know your nephew has advertised you of your particulars by his youngest brother and Thomas Tyrie, both touching that which I imparted to him, and Joseph your servant's errand. I was minded to have accompanied this bearer, the good man of the Brokanhill, my only comfort and resort all the time of my trouble, to have spoken with you, but it is to small purpose, since I can neither profit you nor myself. Yet if you think it good, I will not spare my pains and small means. To this bearer you may commit any matter, be it never so secret, as to an honest friend, specially concerning yourself or me. I hear Hewe Purvois is fallen in trouble, and gone privily away, whereof I am most sorry, not so much for my loss as for my poor friend. I had with him clothes, beside other things, in a trunk with him. I have desired this bearer to enquire what is done with it, and what way I may recover it. If it be intromitted with among Hareis' geir, I pray you let him have your help and counsel herein. Joseph, Alexander Donaldson and Thomas Fender, with my hostess Caterine, will witness it was mine, and that I was oughten nothing to Harie. I commit this to your wisdom. This bearer has “ado” in things where your advice may profit; if he require it, give him your best opinion. All is quiet in our country. His Majesty's youngest son was baptised the 2 of this instant. It was looked that all the King's children should have been there, but it held not. This agreement betwixt Huntlie, Murra[y] and Argyll is not yet concluded. To write more secret matters bringeth danger, and no comfort to us. If you will not write, impart your mind to the bearer. I am ready to pleasure you in what lays in me.—4 of May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 21.)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 4. This bearer, Dudley Digges, born in Kent and heretofore attendant for a time upon me in my house, having spent some time at Oxford University, where he hath well profited in learning, is now desirous to travel beyond the seas. I know him to be a young man of very good nature and disposition, and am persuaded that he will use the benefit of his travel to the good of his country. I will heartily thank you for your favour shewed him in this behalf.—From Lambehith, 4 May, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (184. 21.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, May 4.] The Lord of Wemes is new come out of France, who desired me to advertise your Honour thereof, and to learn when he may wait upon you to have some speech with you. The L. of Newbotle desired me to move your Honour if haply any oversight might be had for Sir Hew Hariss to come and remain some time in the country with his wife, because she is with child, and may not travel to him. I told his Lordship it was a matter wherewith your Honour meddled not, but only as her Majesty pleased to direct. It seems this letter from the King will not be delivered at this time, for they have desired me to move your Honour for a pass for their return according to this other given at Barwik, that as they came privately to the Bath for health, so they may privately return home. To the two first, it may please you to signify your pleasure by word or writ.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“4 May, 1602.” 1 p. (184. 23.)
Edward Coke, Attorney-General, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 4. Now that Sir John Heydon is quintus exactus and outlawed, is he come up. If my direction had been followed, this had been prevented. As your Honour hath been the beginning of his good, so you must now be the only cause of his renovation. There is now no help but a pardon, which may be more easily done amongst many than by himself alone.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“4 May, 1602.” Seal. ½ p. (184. 24.)
Ottywell Smith to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 5. I most humbly desire your favourable letter to the Bishop of Chester in behalf of eight ministers in Lancashire, which do take great pains in converting of Papists to the true religion, and have profited greatly in the same this 40 years, God be thanked for it! without being compelled to wear the cape, surplice and tippet, which is contrary to their instructions in public preaching amongst them, which has been still against the Pope's doctrines and his ceremonies in apparel disguised. And although they do know that religion is not tied to any apparel, yet they do think if they should wear it, it would be a great stumbling block to the weaker sort converted, by seeing worn such apparel they have so much spoken against, and have been maintained so long without wearing of it, by letters I obtained first by Sir Francis Walsingham, and after by Sir Thomas Henneage, and last by your father, to the Bishop of Chester, to permit these ministers to live according to their preaching, without compelling them to wear any such apparel contrary to their doctrine, being in a place so full of Papists. And if it would please you to hear Mr. Myglaye, which is come to be a suitor to you for them, and is one of these four ministers which your Honours caused to have 50l. a year to preach among the Papists in Lancashire, he can show you what danger that country is in, if so be these ministers be put down, for they be the chiefest ministers that do good amongst the Papists there, which have converted many to the true religion, and good subjects to her Majesty. And if you do not write your letter in their behalf to the Bishop of Chester to let them live as they have done hitherto, he will put them out of their livings, and forbid them to preach any more, which will be the great increasing of Popery in that country, for rather than they will wear that apparel they have so much spoken against, some of them will leave living and life too. I desire you in God's name to take some compassion of these ministers, which be good and godly men, and well beloved where they be, and faithful subjects to her Majesty, or else I would not write in their behalf.—London, 5 of May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 22.)
Lancelot Andrewes, Thomas Ravis, Thomas Montforte, Edward Bulkeley, Had. Saravia, W. Bailee, Richard Hakluyt, Cut. Bellott and Percival Wybarn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 5. Your continual favour and care over this Church and us have encouraged us to sue for the same in a matter which we conceive may turn our Church to some inconvenience. There is not long since come to us a first and a second letter from Mr. Do. Cesar, Master of Requests, upon a petition exhibited to her Majesty, by John Heathman of her Highness' Chapel, that he may have a singing man's place in this Church. And now lately, it has pleased the Lord Admiral (importuned by Heathman) to write very earnestly on his behalf; which is a suit that no singing man has ever obtained since her Majesty's reign. For it has hitherto pleased her, in her favour towards this her own foundation, so graciously to respect the good service of God in it, as to spare our Church in that, which it has liked her to require of other churches farther off : being thereunto always inclined (when any attempt was made, as some have been made) by the mediation of our good Lord, ever the singular patron of this Church and us all, your father deceased, who in his wisdom did well weigh that the number of the “Queere” of this Church seems of all others meet to be kept full, for that it is more in the eye of all comers to this great place of the land, than any else; near her Highness' chief seat and Court : near the terms and Parliament : daily frequented and visited in regard of the beautiful monuments of her Majesty's progenitors, not only with resort of subjects of all sorts at their coming up hither from all parts of the land, but even with foreign ambassadors and many strangers of other countries, who repair to take view of it, in a manner, continually. That it is not so with other churches abroad, who being far off, have not the like resort, and therefore may much better afford a void place than we can, which puts a plain difference between other churches and ours, which is the only ground of Mr. Heathman's petition. Beside that the number of our “Quere” is not so many as in sundry other Cathedral churches it is; and in that respect also, had not need to be impaired with the discontinuance of any voice. And last, that one example breeds another, and it being yielded to in one, others of our church, of as good desert, being in daily expectation to be preferred to her Majesty's Chapel, will thereupon never cease to labour the obtaining of like favour, which will turn to great prejudice of the good service therein. We refer our reasons to your wise consideration, and if they shall seem to you to be of consequence, our suit is you would vouchsafe us your wonted protection, and persuade the Lord Admiral (whom we would not in any wise offend) to favour us in this so honest a care in the upholding the necessary service of our Church, agreeable to God's and her Majesty's royal pleasure.—From the College of Westminster, 5 of May, 1602.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Dean and Prebends of Westminster.” 1 p. (93. 23.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir John Stanhope, Vice-Chamberlain.
1602, May 5. Yester evening, somewhat late, her Majesty having written two letters with her own hand to the French King, the one to be carried by Mons. de Boissise, the other by Signor Guicciardin, who brought a letter from the French King, willed me to send the one for the old ambassador to Mr. Secretary, and as far as I could understand her (being in walking), to deliver the other to your Honour, and that you should send for Signor Guicciardin to deliver him this included letter, and to let him know how welcome his coming hither hath been to her Majesty, who hath always had in good reputing both his name and himself, and generally hath esteemed well of the gentlemen of Italy. I beseech you, if perhaps I mistake her Majesty's meaning of sending this letter to yourself, to send it to Mr. Secretary with this my letter.—5 May, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (184. 25.)
Lamoral, Count d'Egmont to Monsieur de Scici [Cecil].
1602, May 6. Having no means for leaving the country in order to see after his affairs, prays for Cecil's advice and favour in order to obtain the small sum necessary.—London, 6 May, 1602.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (93. 24.)
Jane Elstone to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 6. Your favour was such as I did no sort imagine your Honour would have graced me by reason of my husband's disgrace to have spoken with me. If my life had lain on it, I was not able, when your Honour asked me what it was I had to say, to deliver that which was sealed up in my thoughts. I answered as with silence, first, because of the place, next, because the matter was too long, and next, because of some of the standers by. Therefore I thought it better to write.—6 May, 1602.
PS.—This which I have in writing, I would willingly deliver into your own hands, for I am unwilling that any should know thereof but your Honour till my husband be brought to his trial. It is the beginning of these matters Elstone, Atkinson, Wilkinson is in trouble for, and how it was begun and against whom this plot was first laid.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (184. 26.)
Sir C. Lawrence to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 7. Expresses his respect for Cecil, and prays him to continue his favour.—Dublin, 7 May, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Christopher St. Laurence.” 1 p. (93. 25.)
Sir Harry Brouncker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 7. Captain Allen, undertaking to raise a company of 200 men, brought out of the country many gallant men and some of good ability, and the rest were taken up in this town and hereabouts, all which ranged under Allen's colour, waiting transport. Meantime, the Lord Mayor, having warrant for the pressing of men, took many of Allen's soldiers out of their lodgings and beds and sent them away, and refused either to deliver them or supply them by others. Allen thinks himself much wronged, hindered and disgraced, and prays Cecil that the Lord Mayor be commanded to deliver him 100 of those that remain already levied and as yet unshipped. Commends Allen for his modesty and discretion, and the honour he bears Cecil.—Lambeth Marsh, 7 May, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Ha. Bronckerd.” 1 p. (93. 26.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 7. Begs Cecil to cause one of his servants to deliver this box to his (Gilbert's) man Carvannell, there being in it a commission which concerns him very much about an old cause he has in the Admiralty Court. Hopes to wait on Cecil at London within six days, till when he prays Cecil to yield to no composition to the claimers in “our prizes.”—Fort by Plymouth, 7 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 27.)
Sir John Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 7. It pleased you some year now past, in respect of your so great employments other ways, to move me to look into the matter of the copper mines at Cheswicke, the estate whereof you then suspected, and we since have at sundry meetings found to be so desperate as there was in effect no hope left to continue them. But seeing to how great a commodity the very use of this copper might be to the commonwealth, and how hard it is to be had good from foreign parts, the Company remaining (many having not intermeddled at all in it, in respect of the great loss of long time fallen on them) with very much ado, drew the strangers to undertake it again for seven years without benefit for the mines to the Company for that time, and with the forbearing of her Majesty's fifteenth part but for three years from Michaelmas last past, and yet the Company was to deliver them to enter upon the works (being utterly ruinated) 1,200l. in stock upon their own bare assurance. Whereupon I moved her Majesty in it, and for renewing the patent in respect of some defect in it, which it pleased her to refer to my Lord Treasurer and yourself. I beseech you some course may be taken for the despatch of it, whereby the book may be made ready for her Majesty, otherwise I do not see how these works can continue, unless it shall please her Majesty to be at the charge and hazard of it herself, and take them into her own hands, which I think you would not willingly advise.—Serjeant's Inn, 7 May, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (93. 29.)
News Letter.
1602, May 7/17. Repeats the intelligence from Constantinople, Piacenza and Mantua given in letter of May 1/11. (See p. 136.)
Some Dutch vessels have put into Venice and others are expected with corn.
From Vienna, letters of the 4th instant contain details of the progress of the war in Hungary, Transylvania and elsewhere.
Letters of the 12th of April from Constantinople report the despatch of troops to Hungary. Battory has given the Porte a false account of a victory gained by him in order to obtain more money and men. The Scrivano is said to be dead. The fleet will be weak this year. The Polish ambassador was ill; and an ambassador from Persia has arrived to complain of the Vali of Van, who plundered a Persian merchant returning from Venice with merchandise for the King of Persia. The Turkish general in Hungary has been married to the widow of Ibrahim, the sister of the Grand Seigneur.
From Paris, letters of the 6th instant report that Signor di Schombergh, the Imperial ambassador, has taken leave of the King of France at Fontainebleau. It is understood that the ambassador requested that, instead of the Duc de Mercœur, the Prince of Joinville or the Mareschal de Biron might go to Hungary.
From Gratz, comes news of the military operations round Canissa and in Hungary.
From Frankfort, letters of the 6th instant report the sudden death of the Elector Palatine.
Further letters from Constantinople state that the Mother Sultana has caused Charos Pasha to be poisoned; that troops were being sent against the rebels in Asia; that in his audience the Persian ambassador demanded the liberation of the Prince of the Georgians, who had made himself a Turk shortly, and that the rebellion in Damascus had been appeased by giving the rebels proper satisfaction.
From Milan, on the 15th instant, we hear that on the 20th instant the Duke of Mantua was expected on his way to the baths of Spa or, as some think, to become lieutenant of Archduke Albert. Signor Ferdinando di Toledo, nephew of Count Fuentes, was arrived from Flanders to obtain 3,000 Spanish troops from the Milanese; the Neapolitan soldiers were to disembark at Finale and go thence to Flanders without touching Milan. Two couriers had left Milan for Spain in one week.
Italian. Headed, “Venice, 17 May, 1602.” 5½ pp. (199. 73, 74, 75.)
Sir William Monson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 8. Since the sealing up your other letters, I have received advertisements from the shore of the death of the Adelantada the 9 of this month, after their account. He died at St. Mary Port suddenly, without speaking a word. It is thought he was poisoned, and not unlike, for he was a great tyrant to all sorts of people, and generally hated amongst his own countrymen.
Their preparations in Lishborne are stayed, or else go forward very faintly, which makes me conjecture that either they are not able to make a head to encounter us, or that they are careless of anything that is to come home this summer, now that their plate is safely arrived. If her Majesty would please to keep a continual fleet upon his coast, though he were willing, yet he were not able either to guard home his Indies fleets, or to annoy her by any invasion in England or Ireland, for thus stands the case with him : by reason of the barrenness of his countries, he is not able to keep his navy continually in one port, and being divided as they are now, and every year else since I knew the sea, it is not possible for them to make a head, for some of them lying at Cals, others at Groyne, and the rest at Lishborne, before they shall come to their rendezvous we shall be able to intercept them.—From aboard the Garland, 8 of May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 31.)
Broccardo Baronio to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 8. I hear that the suspicions of the Ambassador are increasing concerning me. I told your Excellency originally, and have lately told the Ambassador, that I came here to live in peace with liberty of conscience. But since these vain suspicions and intrigues make this impossible, I should be glad of a passport into Germany, whither I can have safe passage on Monday.—London, 8 May, 1602.
Holograph. Italian. ½ p. (93. 30.)
Julius Caesar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 9. I have sent herewith the petition of Glanfield, the letter of Monsieur de Surdeac, and the petition of Waddam, father-in-law to Glanfield, endorsed and subscribed by my Lord Admiral and you. I have divers times moved her Majesty therein, but could never obtain other answer than this, that her Highness would reserve her answer till she had conferred with you thereabouts. If some present order be not taken therein, what is like then to ensue may partly be guessed at by Monsieur de Surdeac's letter. Myself and the other commissioners have been more importuned for this than any other cause. Mr. Secretary Herbert and Mr. Edmonds can more particularly inform you herein.—St. Catharins, 9 May, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“The Judge of the Admiralty.” 1 p. (93. 33.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 9. These letters enclosed came lately into my hands. If you will be pleased to read them and send them unto me again, or as you think good, you shall see the occurrents from Rome. I am not very well, and in the physician's hands, or else I had waited this day upon you.—At my house in London, 9 May, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (93. 34.)
— to —
1602, May 10/20. Since my last unto you I have been some few days absent from the camp to visit certain old friends and acquaintance at St. Omer's and Doway, which has been the cause of my long silence, whereof you seem to complain in that of yours which at my return I found in my lodging. I am glad, as I perceive thereby, that divers of my former are come safe to your hands, and I hope the rest have ere this, or will have the like success and safe delivery.
In passing by Dunkirk, where I lodged one night, there entered the same time two men-of-war of the Archduke's, who had taken an English ship, admiral of six other merchants bound northward, out of which they took 600 clothes and jewels to the value of 1,000l. sterling. The jeweller also they brought in prisoner, and one Michel, as he called himself, who said he was the Queen's falconer, and going to buy hawks. He was set at 100l. ransom.
At my return the same way a few days after, I found newly arrived a day or two before three men-of-war more of the same town, who had taken seven prizes English, amongst which was one of sugars of great value, and the seven estimated to be worth 30,000 crowns. All those they carried into St. Sebastian's, and there sold them. In their return homeward, they took another English ship fraught with skins, worth 6,000 crowns, which they carried back also to St. Sebastian's, and there sold it. Putting out again to sea from thence, they met with a ship of victuals (whether English or Hollander, I cannot say), bound as is thought to the Queen's navy on the coast of Spain, but these Dunkirkers disburdened her, and made themselves therewith double commons all the voyage homeward, for which I doubt many of our poor countrymen must fast, or be content with a slender pittance. Since all this, I understand by one that came from St. Sebastian's, that another ship of Dunkirk, called the Perle, brought in an English prize of bockram and other linen cloth bought at Morles, to the value of 20,000 crowns. The ship was of Lynne, the merchant whereof, with the rest of the foresaid merchants, the jeweller and falconer, doth weep, I believe, though perhaps some other greater laugh who gain by the same trade.
In our affairs here no great alteration since my last. The great platform is well advanced, insomuch that it discovers them in the town already from top to the foot, and although there be no artillery as yet planted thereon, we have killed some in their trenches from thence with harquebus on crook. It will be capable of seven pieces of artillery, which will plague them greatly, for a little one much further off than this, and lower, and which has but three pieces of artillery on it, doth harry them extremely, as divers report that daily come out of the town and render, who further do affirm that there is much sickness in the town, through stench and infection of numbers slain and buried thick together, and that the soldiers alive are pressed in their lodgings. If hot weather come on, they cannot choose but die like dogs, wherein we have no small advantage, lying as we do dispersed in open air, and at large.
Here came an Irishmen of late out of France and offered his service, and was entertained. He had not served above a month or two but that he ran to the enemy, by whom by the cherishing and entertainment that he found at his first rendering, it is apparent he was employed for a spy into this camp. It cracketh the credit of his countrymen, who, it is said, shall go into Ireland. If it be so, the Queen were better have ten times so many other barefoot squires against her, for these are all old and good soldiers and the most of them fit to be conductors.
Some ships of the enemies entered of late into the town, and some were shot and so stayed by the way, and fell on our side towards Newport.
In my return from St. Omer's, I took Calais in my way, where I found divers French passing into Holland, and I understood there by some English merchants that the Queen, having first given her consent to the States to levy only as many voluntaries as they could by sound of drum, has been since drawn by Sir Fra. Vere (who was sent over by the States for that purpose) to grant a levy of 3,000 or 4,000 to be made for them in her name, and the soldiers to be pressed by her regal authority, which argues small appearance of the hope of peace that you did insinuate unto me, which perhaps might have more easily and with more honourable conditions have been obtained at this time than ever (new injuries being daily offered) it will be hereafter; and surely I am of opinion that the Queen in this matter is greatly abused, either by such as Sir Francis Vere, to maintain their own credits, or others, by continual wars to fill their own purses, who do misinform and make her believe that the Arch[duke] is I know not how weak, and in miserable estate, and do extenuate the King of Spain's power and forces; all which I doubt not but will be found to be such this summer, as that they will buy a fig for all their enemies, and continue his siege in despite of them, and as I have often said, the Queen may chance to see how ill she has been advised to irritate so potent enemies, and to press and consume her own subjects in the unjust wars of base and notorious rebels against their natural prince.
1,500 burgoneons are already arrived near to Nemurs, under the Marquis of Varabon, to fill up the decayed companies of his regiment, and the 8,000 Italians are said not to be very many days' march behind them.
Of Scottish affairs and the negotiation in Rome, I hear nothing. The Lord Sachar, I understand, is gone out of France, who perhaps has told some tales out of the school of his King's practices. He is able to say much, and has or will do, no doubt, if he be rightly handled in his passage through England.
The Archduke has had this last week certain fits of a tertian, but is at this present (God be thanked!) well amended.—From the Camp at Ostend, 20 May.
Signature and address so scribbled over as to be illegible. Endorsed :—“10/20 May, 1602, stilo novo.” 3 pp. (93. 36–7.)
[Alderman Moor] to —.
1602, May 10. As to his office of collectorship of the impost of sweet wines. Understands that upon the offering to her Majesty for signature of his warrant for allowance to himself and waiters, the Queen made stay thereof, in regard of a late grant of part of Sir Henry Billingsley's collection to Mr. Secretary. Details therefore the manner in which he entered the office, and his reasons why he should continue such allowance and fee as Billingsley lately received for the same, praying his correspondent to acquaint the Queen therewith.—London, 10 May, 1602.
Unsigned. Endorsed by Cecil :—“Alderman Moor.” 1 p. (93. 39.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 10. Prays for Cecil's help in compelling John Rodes to give him satisfaction for his book. Doubts Rodes has some secret friends about the Lord Treasurer, as he finds the latter is loth to send to Rodes. Rodes' estate is great : his own, through Rodes, almost miserable. Rodes has detained his recompense of service, purchased with many painful perils and costly travels, and his only means to pay his debts by. Prays that he may have a protection until Rodes satisfies him, or some employment abroad till time settle him otherwise : rather than be by restraint of liberty unable to discharge his duty to Cecil, his family and his creditors.—May 10, 1602, Acton.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Locke.” 1 p. (93. 40.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 10. Coming to London to-day to know what course J. Killegrewe had taken with a bond which he was bound in for Killegrewe of 50l., he is arrested by Baker, a bailiff of Westminster. Prays that he may so rest under Cecil's commandment by warrant, that more actions be not laid on him, and that he may have Cecil's assistance for his enlargement, which 20l. and his own bond would accomplish. Killegrewe's and Rodes' dishonesties are the cause of all his oppressions.—May 10, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 41.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Exeter to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 11. By letters from the Earl of Bath, and a copy of the Council's to him, they learn that directions are given that Exeter should contribute with the inhabitants of Devon towards the charge of setting forth 100 soldiers for Ireland. The like charge has never been imposed upon the city, for important reasons which they can allege to exempt them, and which appear in the enclosed copy of their letter to the Council. They pray Cecil to obtain favourable consideration for them.—Exon, 11 May, 1602.
Signed :—Thomas Walker, Mayor; Richard Prouz, Jo. Peryam, Nic. Spicer, John Levermore, John Chapple, Wm. Spicer, Wm. Martin, Richard Bevis, Henry Hull, Alexander Germyn, Waltar Borowe, John Monson, Hugh Crossinge, Wm. Newcombe and John Lant.
Endorsed :—“Mayor and Aldermen of Exeter.” 1 p. (93. 43.)
The Enclosure :
Their reasons for exemption are : that in arming forth of shipping in 1588, as in the expedition to Cales, they were charged at least ten times as much as any of the country of like ability, which is felt by many to this day : their continual provision of powder for the county : also of post horses, for which there is a collection of 20 marks yearly : the gatherings for the marshalry and maimed soldiers, and for soldiers and sailors returning home, who come there in very great numbers : their charge of 40l. a year for that the Treasurers of the county of Devon are not resident anywhere near : the poor estate of the city, which consists only of merchants and artificers, the latter being never so mean and unable, and the merchants' trade exceeding decayed, besides their late losses in three barks spoiled by the Duncarks : they are rated in subsidies and other taxes far more than any of the county of like ability, especially in tenths and fifteenths, which are taxed by the poll so that a poor artificer not worth 10l. is rated treble as much as a countryman that has 40l. a year : and the great charges sustained by the better sort through their offices of bailiffwick, sheriffwick, and mayoralty.—Exon, 11 May, 1602.
1 p. (93. 42.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 11. I find my pardon is like to stick long in Mr. Windebank's hands unless you and the rest of the Commissioners join in recommending it to her Majesty. I beseech you to add this favour to all your former goodness, for I am utterly unable to bear the charge of this place, which is more alone than all I have left me to maintain my family; besides, my sureties will be gone out of town as soon as the term is ended. I have already passed over land to my Lord Treasurer and Mr. Chancellor for the 2,000 marks, and I am ready to pay the other 1,000 marks upon the delivery of my pardon, and to put in sureties for the 3,000l. remaining, and to perform whatever else is decreed by the Lords. There remains no more, but that it may please your Honours to procure my pardon which I have compounded for. My principal refuge is unto you. My state is wholly decayed and my health of late much impaired. There is little left but my life, which, if it please God and her Majesty, I am willing to preserve, chiefly in hope to wipe and wear out this blemish and blot that lies now upon me in her eye; and next to approve my duty and thankfulness to you.—11 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 44.)
John Langford to Sir Nicholas Parker.
[1602,] May 11. At this present instant there is 40 sail in sight, bearing in for the Manacells by a wind, and four leagues off. There is another fleet of 16 or 20 sail cast southward in to the sea, bound all for the eastward as far as I can judge.—In haste from the Becon, 11 May, about 11 of the clock.
Holograph. ½ p. (184. 27.)
Ursula, Lady Walsingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 12. She acknowledges his favour last year in authorising Mr. Wyndebanke to recommend to the Queen her suit for purchasing certain land, of which she had long been the Queen's tenant. She now holds by lease from the Queen the Priory of Carisbrooke in the Isle of Wight, paying 105l. yearly rent, which lease was a special relic of the Queen's bounty to her deceased husband. Prays Cecil's help to obtain for her the reversion of the lease, which has 12 years to run, for 31 years.—Barn Elmes, 10 May, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“The Lady Walsingham, the widow.” 1 p. (93. 38.)
W. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 12. With my last I sent you a breviat of goods received from the “saetia” and the St. Marcos. With this you will receive the like for them and the rest, being now all landed. I suppose the whole goods, with the money and pearl here received, may amount to near about 16,000l., her Majesty's custom and my Lord Admiral's tenths, with other charges here, being deducted. For the sugar, spices, gum lacquer, Spanish and Portingal money and the seed pearl, London will be the best place for sale. The rest, except the china dishes and such other things as you shall think meet to take for your own provision, I think will be better sold in this place, so as the same be done openly to them that will give most for it.
Sir John Gilbert is very desirous to satisfy his company, and how far himself with others have provided therein, I do not certainly know. I have advised him to forbear the buying of their shares until he understand how much of the goods shall be found good prize, and how many of those that were at the taking thereof shall enter in consortship with him.
In the commission for the purloined goods, as yet there is nothing done : Mr. Hareis being from home, and the rest of the Commissioners not willing to deal therein without his assistance, doubting lest some disorder should be committed by the mariners, who are very much grieved for that they cannot have their parts presently delivered, or money for them.
I know not what letters have been lately written by you concerning this business. I have seen none since that which came with the two commissions, which I have thought meet to signify.—Plymouth, 12 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 46.)
The Enclosure :
Breviat of the goods received at Plymouth from sundry prizes brought in by Sir John Gilbert's ship the Refusal and others; from the “saetia” and the following ships : the St. Marcos, the fly-boat, the Refusal, and the Watt.
1 p. (93. 45.)
Stephen Lesieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 12. I arrived here yesternight. This morning the magistrate of the place hath with all respect received from their secretary her Majesty's most gracious letter and yours. They send presently to Prague, from whence they have very late advice that all things concerning this business remain in good terms and expect shortly the Emperor's resolution for the time, place and persons to treat, all which we hope to hear at my return out of Denmark. The Duke of Nevers having visited part of Holland, passed to Emden, thence to the Earl and so to Bremen and this town, and proceeds to Hamburgh, Lubeck and Denmark, where I think to overtake him. The Baron of Mincqwith (who lately was here from the Emperor) is, or will be shortly with the Earl of Emden, to suppress the troubles begun in that country against his subjects. That Earl giveth daily more and more cause of suspicion. Great preparation is in Denmark and Saxony for the marriage between the Elector and the King's sister, which persuadeth me I shall not be forced to seek the King far or make long abode there.—Staden, this 12 May, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 28.)
George Stanberye, Mayor of Barnstaple, and W. Wynson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 14. Acknowledge the Council's letter dated Greenwich, 11 May, ordering the transportation of 200 men from Barnstaple to Dublin for her Majesty's service, and report their proceedings therein.—Barnstaple, 14 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 47.)
[John Bluett] to —.
[1602,] May 14. Right honorable, my good Lord, how painful it is unto me to write with mine own hand (being not to trust any man else) you do most perfectly know. I have written twice from this place unto your Honour : I hope they are delivered, whereby in part you may see what I do. Mightily I am impugned by Spain and all the Jesuits. Duke Feria, viceroy of 'Cicilia,' arrived from Spain at Civita Vecchia, to whom repaired Parsons and four Jesuits to signify how I laboured to destroy the Spanish party in England, and what a push I had given it already. Whereupon Feria wrote to the Lords Cardinals that have the hearing of our cause, that being not sufficient persons, the Spanish Ambassador and Cardinal Aldobrandini are again descended to Civita Vecchia to consult; and in the meantime infinite lies are spread here to dishonour her Majesty, the honourable Secretary and your Lordship. First, my Lord of London was prisoner in his own house for permitting Bluett to appeal, and Mr. Secretary was likewise in disgrace for the same, but that he very wily laid all upon London. This went for one week currently. Secondly, the Bishop of London, the Secretary and the Queen do most tyranically persecute again; for a priest, one of the appellants, having robbed a Catholic gentleman, fled for succour and defence to my Lord of London, and hath betrayed six priests, who are imprisoned, and others in great peril to be taken. This was current here on Ascension Day. Walpole and Parsons, with the two assistants that came of late, do spread these and much more. A book also is set forth in English and in Latin by Parsons, since our coming hither, full of lies, where my Lord of London hath a part among others. It was a world to see at my first arrival, how Ireland was by Parsons divided; no less than twelve new bishops were designed; the fire that was and yet is to be kindled amongst you, I will do my best to quench, when I come down, which shall be shortly by God's grace. I fear a fig, or a dagg, the Spanish is so potent in this place. If the Lord Ambassador of France did not help me with all his might, I could not stand here; and sure it is that not for my sake he doth it, but for her Majesty's sake, whose honour and security in this Court he doth tender and defend as far as his own King's; so that I do nothing by words or writings but he will peruse it first that nothing be amiss; so that of all my doings here, he is witness. News we have none at all, but great preparations of soldiers in all the Spanish provinces for sea and land. I believe he will cast one “lowse” more into the fire. Again, here resteth at this present a great and weighty question to be decided between the Jesuits and Dominicans about grace. It is thought it will go against the Jesuits. In Spain, they are ready to fight about it. Also this last week some little hurt fell by a thunderbolt upon St. John Lateran, but no great matter for I did see it; but it is here construed ominous; for the Pope being old, this people is somewhat headstrong. I am troubled with them and their doings, but I hope the best. The Pope is a good meek prince, most willing to pleasure her Majesty, but on the other side the Jesuits and Spaniards are importunate, and my purse is at an end, and here they proceed plumbeis pedibus. Thus in few lines I impart my negotiation and care unto your Honour, wishing you there more quiet and less care than I have here.—Romae postridie Ascensionis.
Signature erased. Endorsed :—“Copy of Mr. B. letter the day after Ascencion last.” 1½ pp. (96. 152.)
Jean de Thumery, Seigneur de Boississe, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 14/24. The passage of his horses being stopped here, he begs for a passport for all the horse which he brought when he came into this country, for himself and suite.—Douvre, 24 May, 1602.
Holograph. French. Signed, “J. de Thumery.” Endorsed :—“Monsieur de Boisise.” 1 p. (93. 76.)
1602, May 14/24. Letters from Constantinople state that the Scrivano is not dead, but is in Anatolia towards Trebizonde, his country, where he was raising troops against the Turks. There are two Woywodes at Constantinople, one from Wallachia, and one from Moldavia, asking help to recover those provinces.
The galleys of the Grand Duke have joined those of Malta for a voyage to the Levant.
Some say that the galleys and infantry of Italy will go to Portugal, but it was also said that the King of Spain meant to go with the troops this time himself.
Scotland is said to be preparing for war, which many think strange, seeing that that King depends upon the Queen.
Letters from Vienna, of the 11th instant, report details of the progress of the war in Hungary and Transylvania.
From Prague, letters of the 13th instant bring other details of the same kind.
The post from Lyons brings letters of the 7th instant, confirming the departure of the King for Blois. Mareschal de Retz, brother of the Cardinal Gondi, is dead, and the President Forget, chief of the Finance, has had a paralytic stroke. The marriage of the Count of Soissons with the step-daughter of his brother is to be celebrated at Blois.
Letters from Constantinople confirm the death of the Scrivano, and state that he has been succeeded by a Bassa with the same following, and that there has been another revolt in Asia. The Persian Ambassador demanded, besides what has been written, the restoration of Tauris; the Turks are in fear of the Persian, and have answered with soft words. The fleet will not be more than fifty gallies.
From Gratz, letters of the 13th instant state that the Turks of Canissa have turned their horses out to grass and were waiting other troops before attacking the Archduke, who was making preparations for them.
Last Saturday, a Turkish ship was brought in here, which was taken near Ancona by the Captain of the Gulf, who set free 150 Christian slaves, and cut all the Turks to pieces; their heads were carried as a trophy all through Chioggia.
From Frankfort, letters of the 13th instant report that Count Solms has passed on his way to Hungary, and deny the report of the death of the Elector Palatine, who is out of danger.
From Dantzig, we hear that the King of Denmark and Duke Charles of Sweden are to meet to discuss their differences, and that the King of Poland, with the Grand Chancellor, who are now in Riga, will soon come to Cracow. It is said that the King wishes to marry again with a Princess of Austria.
From Sicily, comes word as to the sailing of galleys for Spain with the widow of the Viceroy and her son.
Letters from Nuremberg of the 13th instant mention the holding of the Diet of Franconia, where it was resolved to give assistance to the Emperor for the war in Hungary. The marriage of the Elector of Saxony with a sister of the King of Denmark is confirmed. The Elector's brother is preparing to go at his own expense to the war in Hungary, and all other the Empire troops are being raised for the same end.
Another ship of Barbary has been taken by the galleys which took the others; it had on board 60,000 “sultanini.”
The only news from Milan is that 2,000 of the Neapolitan troops are to go to Flanders and the remainder to Majorca. The Duke of Savoy has put off his journey to Spain until the autumn.
This evening Signor Fabricio Arrigon left for Flanders, with a thousand crowns given him by the King of Spain.
Italian. Headed :—“From Venice, 24 May, 1602.” 5½ pp. (199. 76, 77, 78.)
Edward, Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 15. Has not been a seeker of Court preferment, and never yet received or pressed for any extraordinary mark of her Majesty's favour. It is now a good many years past that by Cecil's letter he was sent into Scotland, and another time into Denmark : in both which embassages, though he received good testimony of her Majesty's gracious interpretation of his endeavours, yet Cecil knows how chargeable it lighted on his estate, which little needed two such heavy impositions; and to preserve his house from sudden fall, he gave himself to other courses of life. Cecil also called him forth to the state he now is in, which detains him here and about London in great uncertainty how to bestow himself. He had formerly disposed all things in England with purpose to recover himself by his abode in the Island; but by living here, he has become the fable of the world, when he desires nothing more than to be sequestered from it. He never gazed after place or office, and beseeches Cecil to suppress either speech or purpose of any such matter : but only to lay before her Majesty that though his former employments pinched his estate, yet it troubled not his mind, because he then did her some service. He received so much prejudice by being called hither, without anybody's receiving good thereby, that it grieves him more than any accident which ever befell him. Prays Cecil to use his service, and to move her Majesty to bestow some such thing upon him which is not subject to any man's envy, whereby she may leave him as she found him.—My lodging in Phillippe Lane, 15 May, 1602.
Holograph, signed. “Edward Zouche.” 2 pp. (93. 48.)