Cecil Papers: March 1602, 1-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1602, 1-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp65-93 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1602, 1-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp65-93.

"Cecil Papers: March 1602, 1-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp65-93.

March 1602

Thomas [Bilson,] Bishop of Winchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 1. The sorrowful event of the young Lord Burgh's sickness could not choose but come to your ears afore this. The physician whom his mother sent was here when he died, and the lady herself within 14 miles. I stayed, therefore, till the corpse were viewed by physicians and surgeons and laid in cere-clothes, that it might abide your directions for burial. In opening it they found the vital parts very sound and fair, but the left side of the lung somewhat black and perished, with a flux from his head, which was the cause of his often cough. The outward tunicles of the head they found clear and free from any corrupted phlegm, only in the inward cells of the brain they found four or five spoonfuls of water, and in the cell of the commonsense, which lieth before, the signs of the corruption which brake from him at the time of his death. The physic used to him in the time of his sickness, I would not suffer to be dangerous or desperate, but such as was warranted by their best books. On the 7th day his head began to burn and shoot, whereupon one of the physicians here thought good to lay a rose-cake with a little oxyrhodanon to his head. That night he slept well, and the physician asked leave to depart till Sunday, and prayed me against that day to have other physicians of Hampshire here to consider the child's case in common with him. That Friday the child rose and eat somewhat of a roasted warden and a spoonful of broth, which he kept not long, but gave it up again. The Saturday he continued desirous to sleep, but because many children about us, sick of this new disease, did sleep three or four days and yet recovered, so we mistrusted nothing. When Dr. Hilton, physician of Winchester, came, he thought good first to have his body cleansed with a suppository (for we doubted he would not receive a clyster without danger) and then to keep him awake and provoke him to bleed at the nose. After dinner on Monday, they began by all gentle and safe means to provoke him to sneeze and bleed at nose and hawk at mouth. They gat him to sneeze often and strongly, but could not effect aught else, though his broths and jellies were made to this end. The Tuesday they thought good with “beazoer” to bring him into a gentle sweat, which they did for an hour. Wednesday, they consulted whether they should let blood or no, his pulse being good, but while they were discussing, the child fell into a swoon and lost the use of his right eye, the lid shutting and never opening again. This put them from all opinion of taking blood, but only to try whether by vapouring they could provoke any matter to come forward. In that case he lay till Thursday night that Doctor Poo came from my Lady. He put up the powder of castor with a “nasale” and spirit of “secke” with a syringe into the nose and palate, at which the child exceedingly struggled, but without result. The physicians in my absence protested that this course would thoroughly sift him and send him one way or other, which they had no commission to do, save that he was a man trusted and sent by my Lady. Friday, towards 11, the child began to push out at mouth and nose a white matter and blood, and at the third or fourth plunge, being held forward, gave up the ghost. There remaineth the disposing of his body, which is in such case as it will stay these eight or ten months.—From my house at Waltham, 1st March, 1601.
Signed. Endorsed wrongly :—“Feb. 1, 1601.” 2½ pp. (85. 4 and 5.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 1. You promised me yesterday to send me the letter you wrote to the Queen by Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, of which I pray to put you in mind, and also to send me the book you sent me the other day. Let me know when you go to the Court; I would be glad to see you before you go.—From my house in the Blackfriars, 1 March, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (85. 61.)
Sir Henry Bromley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 1. I understand by Mr. Perrott that Mr. Cornwall, my kinsman, hath lately informed your Honour of his pretended title to certain lands escheated by the attainture of my brother John Lyttleton, part whereof was by him conveyed to Sir Charles Davers (likewise attainted), myself and Perrott until such debts as we stood bound for should be satisfied. These were the portion given by Sir John Lyttleton to one of his daughters, and the portion given by Gilbert Lyttleton with his daughter to Mr. Cornwall, and divers other debts amounting to the sum of 6,000l. After payment of these debts, the lands were to come to John Lyttleton and his heirs. It pleased your Honour meanwhile that a case should be drawn and agreed upon, and referred to the censure of the Judges of this land. The proofs were in the custody of the said Perrott, who afterwards delivered them to Mr. Davies, Treasurer of the Inner Temple, with whom they remain. I pray you defer any further proceedings till next term, when we may have the said writings delivered. If her Majesty be pleased to depart with her interest in the matter, I crave that I and some others may have the same upon such conditions as any other will give.—1 March, 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (85. 62.)
John Overall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 1. Asking for furtherance for his suit for the Deanery of St. Paul's. He has heard that his name was among those recommended to the Queen by his Grace; and that it was not so likely that the Bishop of London's suffragan should carry it as some other of Oxford; whereas Cecil has been a patron of Cambridge University.—Catherine Hall, Cambridge, March 1, 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Dr. Overall.” 1 p. (181. 108.)
W[illiam Bourchier.] Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 2. I desire your help to this bearer, my servant, for the dispatch of those affairs wherein I have employed him to my Lords. I have given security to sundry persons whom I procured to disburse the sums of money for setting forth of the soldiers last impressed in Devon for the service in Ireland. I ask that my servant may be satisfied of these sums (the schedule of which I have enclosed in my letter to their Lordships).—From Towstock, 2 March, 1601.
Signed. “W. Bathon.” ½ p. (85. 63.)
George Kendall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 2. I have been with his Excellency now thrice for the performance of my business, but he findeth his forces so weak by means of the relief in Ostend, and his reinforcements to grow so slender, as he is unable to lose so much time and men. He still keeps men there to execute it as opportunity shall offer. I am here myself still to be ready as I shall be commanded. I dare assure your Honour of a mutiny in the enemy's quarter, which must enforce them to rise from before Ostend. The Duke is more than half procurer of it to save his honour and to be more able to reinforce himself against this spring.—The Hague, 2 March, 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Rd. at Rychmond ye xxth.” Seal. 1 p. (85. 64.)
William Saxey to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1601/2, March 3. The place of Chief Baron of the Exchequer at Dublin is nominated to be supplied by Mr. S. Pelham, who hath a promise that he shall not continue longer than a year at Dublin, and is now well known to be very willing to stay here. That place doth require the service of someone experienced in the state of the country. The troubles of late years and the discontinuance of him that last supplied the place left to the managing of two unskilful inferior Barons, have brought the Court out of order, and many are her Majesty's debts unjustly concealed, amounting in Munster only to more than 500l. In regard that place doth require an officer whose endeavour may be continued for a longer time, my Lord President of Munster did write to you for me, whereof I pray your favour. I have served her Majesty many years in a place dangerous and chargeable, never relieved by any collateral bounty from her Majesty, as all others for service there have been.—3 March, 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil's secretary :—“To my Mr.” 1 p. (85. 65.)
Sir Francis Hastings to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 3. Although by the choice of the parties and consent of Parliament I was joined to your Honour and Sir Water Rawleigh to end the cause between Mr. Francis and Andrew Kettelby, if the arbitrators should not agree, yet the choice being to three or two, I know it might have been sufficiently ended without me. But since you desire my presence, I will not fail to attend you.—From my poor house at Holwall, 3 March, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (85. 66.)
Capt. Joseph May to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2,] March 5. Being bound for Plimothe, I met in Exeter a gentleman which came from the straits, whose name is Cartread, and liveth at Mr. Alderman Andersan's He tells me the Marigold hath taken a ship of much worth, and further confesses that the master of the ship doth testify it to be lawful, although the ship be of Hamborrow, as he will relate to your Honour, with other matters done.—5 March.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601, From Exeter.” 1 p. (85. 67.)
Lord Zouche.
1601/2, March 5. Account from the Mayor and Bailiff of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis of the expense to be incurred in the passage of Lord Zouch to Guernsey and back on her Majesty's service in a ship called the Thomasine Bonaventure of that place, of one hundred tons burthen, captain George Smedmore, master Stephen Dennis; viz., per month, freight and wages, 89l. 3s. 4d., not including powder and shot, if required.
1 p. (181. 109.)
William Resoulde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 6. Since my coming, nothing hath offered worthy to advertise you of. According to your order to the mayor of this town, I have the 4th of this present received into my charge all such Spanish subjects as were here, with 12 others sent from the mayor of Dartmouth. One called Martin Subiaga, the mayor is to be accountable for, he having escaped. I have used all diligence for their transportation, and intend the 8th of this month to proceed towards Lisheborne. For the 30l. of further allowance for the transport from Dartmouth, I beseech you it may be paid to Mr. Wade for my wife. If I had had 300l. allowed me, I should well have deserved it. Her Majesty's ships Wastespight, Defiance and Adventure are put out into the Sound. I fear the carricks from Lisheborne will be gone before they get to that height. When I am there I wish some small bark from Callis or some small Scot were employed to send advices from hence to her Majesty's fleet at sea what passeth.—Plymouth, 6 March, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (85. 68.)
Sir Richard Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 6. You were pleased to write to the Judges for Kent to stay proceedings at the assizes of a matter prejudicial to her Majesty's ward and myself. This they have accordingly done, for which I thank you. There is one Richard Perce, a musician, but of lewd and bad condition, who went this journey with me into Muscovy. I had a purpose at his return to have acquainted your Honour with his ill behaviour, but when I came to Duke Charles' Court, he put himself without my privity to the Duke's service, who used him far beyond his desert, but of late he has returned and in most lewd manner reports of the noble prince. This Perce served many masters in few years, last my Lord of Effingham, and a little before Mr. Controller. If your Honour please, he might be sent for and committed, but I fear if he have any mistrust thereof, he will be gone.—Grenwiche, this 6 March, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1¼ pp. (85. 69.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Hull to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 6. Complaining of the wrongs done to merchants of Hull by the King of Denmark, and asking for redress.—6 March, 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (181. 110.)
Henry Knowles to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 8. This Easter I purpose to go into Northamptonshire and to lie at my cousin Hamden's house at Rowell. The parks and walks of Whittelwood Forest about Grafton are now void, and so is Mr. Wake's office in Sawcy Forest. If it please you to help me to but one of these, I will do what I can to deserve such favour. My wife's mother lives by them, and it may advantage me 500l. more than any other. Little stars borrow their light from the sun, and so poor abjects seek help of higher powers.—From Boswell, 8 March, 1601.
Holograph. Signed, Hen. Knowlis. 1 p. (85. 70.)
John Wood and other Tenants of the Queen's Town of Witherby, Yorks, to [Thomas Cecil.] Lord Burghley.
1601/2, March 8. As to the proposed purchase of the manor by the Countess of Shrewsbury the elder. Upon their complaint of the inconveniences that would arise from the sale, the cause is to be heard at the Lord Keeper's house this day, and they pray for Burghley's letters to Sir Robert Cecil in their favour. Append reasons why the sale may be prejudicial to the Queen. It is an ancient market town, where the Queen's postages are kept for service in the north ports. The Justices have a convenient house there for their quarter sessions. The inhabitants are able to lodge 2,000 men and horses, and can do better service as tenants of the Queen than as tenants of a private man. They will give the Queen as much for the same in fee farm as Mr. Candishe doth.
Endorsed :—“8 March, 1601.” Addressed to “Lord Burloughe, Lord President of H.M. Council for the North parts.” 1 p. (P. 2026.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Exeter to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 8. It pleased your honourable father, of the great love he bare towards this city, to receive from us a very small annuity in token of our thankful minds, which, after his death, we presumed to offer unto your Honour, and appointed Mr. John Howell, one of our brethren, at the last Mich. term to make payment accordingly. We understood it was not to your liking at that time to receive the same, but nevertheless we crave pardon if we shall presume overmuch in renewing this our suit, that your Honour will be please to accept this small pledge of our thankfulness.—From Exeter, 8 March, 1601.
Signed :—Tho. Walker, mayor; Wm. Martin, Richard Prouz, Jo. Peryam, George Smythe, John Chapell, Nico. Spicer, John Howell, John Prouse, William Spicer, John Ellacott, Walter Borowe. 1 p. (85. 72.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Totnes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 8. Of late divers of our merchants have been so robbed and spoiled on the seas by Dunkirkers and Spaniards, that they dare no longer travel. We beseech you to take order for the suppressing of these our enemies, whereby her Majesty's Customs may be paid as in former times. We have sent the bearer, Christopher Newland, a merchant of our town, to solicit this suit.—Totnes, 8 March, 1601.
Signed.—Walter Dotin, mayor; John Wyse, Christopher Brokinge, John Shaplye, Phillip Holdich, John Hawkes, Willim Ducke, Nyco. Newman, Richard Lee, John Wyse the younger, Christopher Wyse, Bartholomew Laskey, Rychard Mayce, Thomas Martyn, William Martyn, Chrystofer Brodrydge, Christofer Nosworthe. Seal. 1 p. (85. 73.)
Friedrich, Duke of Würtemberg to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 8/18. D'aultant que j'ay extendu et suis adverty [des] services que vous faites continuellement a la Royne vostre maistresse et a sa couronne, c'est pourquoy qu'estemant mon bonheur selon le bon estat d'icelle de laquelle je suis ancien serviteur je vous soubhaicte toute felicite et bonheur, vous priant que ma lettre cy joincte que vous sera envoye par L'Agen[t] de sa Majeste en France on bien mon Ambassadeur en . . . . . . qu'il peuse venir luy mesme soit presentee par vostre . . . . . . comme je scay que ferez avec la recommendation de . . . . . et des mienes.—Stutgart, 8/18 March, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“From Paris.” 1 p. (134. 23.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 9. I received this enclosed yesternight at my coming from Court. If you have no better, I shall be glad if this may be of any service unto you. When you have done with it, I beseech you that I may have it again.—Baynard's Castle, 9 March, 1601.
Holograph. Signed, “R. Sydney.” Endorsed :—“With a letter from Sir Wm. Browne.” Seal. ½ p. (181. 111.)
William Resould to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 11. Since I last wrote, Sir Richard Lewson hath given me notice not to depart till further order from your Honours, alleging that the like transport of Spanish subjects heretofore hindered the success that the Earl of Cumberland might otherwise have had upon the carracks out of Lisheborne. The charge amounteth to 3l. 6s. 8d. per day at the least, and I humbly desire that course may be set down for the same. I wish Sir Richard had not so far acquainted me with his intent, but the sight of only four of her Majesty's ships could be no great cause for the Spaniards to make any report of a fleet here, more than that they are bound for the coast of Ireland. I am of opinion that the carracks from Lisheborne are already gone, because five of the nine ships that went last year for the East India did return back again, and therefore, questionless, they this year have made the more expedition. It would be very fitting for some small Scottish bark to be employed to carry advice to the general at sea what passeth. There are this year to come home only two small carracks, which I found by interpreting and translating the letters brought by Sir Robert Mansell.—Plimouth, 11 March, 1601.
Holograph.pp. (85. 74.)
Cecil Trafford to Sir William Knowles and Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 11. The 7th inst. I received your letters of Feb. 19th, with an enclosed petition by Thos. Fenn against me, in which I am accused of extreme dealing. I pray you give me leave, by such examination of the cause by oath or otherwise, to approve myself clear from all those scandalous imputations. I have straitly charged my servants for their peaceable behaviour to the petitioner. I would have attended upon your Honours had not the assizes to be holden the 22nd of this month required my presence there.—Trafford, 11 March, 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (85. 75.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 11. In perusing the petitions which I delivered to the Lords, containing my two offers to her Majesty, I find the first offer was 4,000l., whereof 1,000 marks to be paid on the delivery of my pardon, and security to be given in land for 2,000 more within 6 weeks (so as her Majesty would permit me to sell two tithes I have in Yorkshire of the rent of 69l.), and the other 2,000l. by 200l. a year. But understanding that you consider my offer too mean, I thought good to enlarge it to 5,000l. This is all I can do, and shall leave scarce 50l. a year to maintain myself and wife and eight children, which I am sure her Majesty herself would think little enough. If I should be kept in prison, my charges would amount to above 150l. a year. Seeing mercy is proposed to me, let it be such as both I and mine may have cause to acknowledge with thankful mind.—From the Tower, 11 March, 1601.
PS.—I find that the exchange of a French crown came to 1½d., which in 50,000 crowns will come to 312l. 10s. I remember M. de Rosny offered that the money I received should have been paid at Dieppe. This course I take to be the least chargeable to her Majesty, besides bringing so much coin into the realm.
Signed.pp. (85. 76.)
Federico Genibelli to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 12. Your Honour may clearly perceive in many ways how I have more than satisfied the talent of my vocation. Having conformed myself to her Majesty's pleasure, I pray that I may obtain a speedy end of my suit.—Richmond, 12 March, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (85. 80.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 12. On receipt of your last letter I had given warning to all parties to be at my Lord Keeper's by two o'clock on Sat. next, but now considering how that same night we are to be at the Court, I mean to send again to them all to be there by one o'clock. I will also write to my Lord Admiral of your assured coming thither. It is most fit we settle the business in some good course, for it is of great importance.—12 March, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (85. 81.)
Dr. Daniel Dun to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 13. Having received by Mr. D. Caesar your Honour's message, to my great comfort, I beseech you give me leave to yield my humble thanks. I am ready always to do any service you may desire.—13 March, 1601.
Holograph. Signed, Daniel Dun. ½ p. (85. 82.)
Richard Hadsor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 13. Mr. Wilbraham sent for me lately to confer with me touching the state of the Earl of Ormond's house. Hereupon I made search in the Tower and in the office of the Rolls, and found the original patent of the Earl of Ormond's creation in fee simple in the year 2 Edw. III, and likewise his patent of the Earldom of Ossorie by Henry VIII. in the 19th year of his reign. The same King, in the 21st year, created Sir Thomas Bullen Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, who, being attainted, the King in the 29th year granted divers lands to the now Earl's grandfather by the name of Ormond and Ossorie. So the Earl holds his title by the first creation, copies of which I have delivered to Mr. Wilbraham, and satisfied him that the Earl of Ormond hath sufficient power by fine or common recovery to convey his lands in such sort that they shall not escheat to the Queen by his death without issue male and the attainder of his brother, Sir Edmund. I understand O'Donell hath sent some wines from Spain to Donell O'Solevan, one of the chief Munster rebels, and that he would bring more wines and sugar ere long. There is a rumour that Tyrone is to match his eldest son with the Earl of Argile's daughter. He is the chief commander of the “read shankes” and the northern Scots. Art MacBaron, Tyrone's base brother, and that turncoat Tirelaugh MacHenry, and Oreily have submitted themselves. In my opinion the rebellion will never be suppressed while the rebels are suffered to run in and out. I have been advertised above 4 months of Lord Symple's negociation with the King of Spain touching the King of Scots, by a gentleman to whom he told his whole proceedings, which I do not wish to commit to writing.—From my chamber in Garnet's Buildings, near Temple Bar, 13th March, 1601.
Holograph. 2 pp. (85. 83.)
Dr. Julius Caesar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 13. In the proclamation for the taking of merchandise going into Spain or Portugal, if such sort as to furnish the armies or navies of the King of Spain, there is a clause—from what time the proclamation shall take effect.—left blank : may it please you to supply it, and to give order with regard to the notice to be given to neighbour princes.—“DD Co.” [Doctors' Commons,] 13 March, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (85. 84.)
Petition on behalf of Capt. Henry Clare.
1601/2, March 13. Petition by the mayor, aldermen and citizens of Galloway, praying that Capt. Henry Clare may not be removed from the command of H.M. forces in that town.—13 March, 1601.
Signed :—Christopher Lynch, mayor; Peter Lynch, alderman; Nicholas Lynche, bayliff; Anthony Lynch, alderman; Marcus Lynch, James Linche, alderman; William Nowen, James Dorsye, alderman; Fitz Nicolas, alderman; Dliuly Martin, Robert Martin, Robert Blake, bailiff; Robin Franch, Martin Fouth, Robert Keull, Stephen Franche, Walter Martin, Steven Fouth, Richard Makin, Richard Bodocke, Jeffery Martin, Stephen Ruen, Georg Maws, Patrick Franch, Joneck Kervan, Dominick Bodkim, Marcus Black, Christopher Bodkinge, William Linch, Dominick Martin, Recorder; Esmond Franche, Nicholas Norton, Anthonie Linch, alderman; William Linch, alderman; Robert Blacke, Richard Allar, Nicholas Martin, John Butler.
Contemporary Copy. 1 p. (85. 85.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Lord Zouch.
[1601/2, March 13.] I have received your letter of the — of March, whereunto I mean not particularly to make answer for the present, especially to the preface thereof, which would draw on an answer to you needless question or doubtfulness, if my poor offices, which you call favours, do proceed as well out of affection as out of honour, because it is a matter more fit for speech when we meet, neither can I give my mind leisure to make long answers when it is in disquiet to hear how ill you are provided for your passage, except the speed of this answer prevent that course to which I find your lewd usage hath forced you. In which consideration I will write as briefly as I can, and only say thus much, that you shall never find me so kind to my enemies as to come short of my profession to my friends, howsoever my fortune may come short of my desire to do them honour or service, by which weakness if my professions to you shall not fail, I will make myself so worthy of your best confidence as I will resolve your doubts and your distinctions with clearest demonstrations. I do send you now a warrant, as ample as we can make it, for your shipping, and I have also given order for the fetching up of Robert Whyte and his partner to answer his lewdness, besides some reprehension as well to the Mayor as to the Vice-Admiral for their neglect towards you. And as I can do now in this particular nothing more for the present, so I must confess if I had dared to have dealt with you as I would have done to my friend to whom I could not say so justly O modicae fidei quare dubitasti, I would have contested with you for putting yourself, being a noble man and at this time, to the peril of the sea, to long absence, and to the office of a good bailiff, who might as well have fetched over you implements and cleared your reckonings for corn and such like trash. Sed quorsum haec. I am gone astray, I promised shortness and I here give over your trouble with this profession that I am and will be, your affectionate kinsman and friend.
Draft. Endorsed :—“13 March, 1601.” 1 p. (181. 112.)
Capt. Leigh to [the Lord Admiral ?].
1601/2, March 15. I understand by Mr. Audley that Mr. Becket's son, of Lymehouse, in the Jerfalcon, of London, did take, off the south cape of Spain, a West India prize wherein was great store of pearls, gold and silver. He came into this place with his man-of-war in Dec. last, and went away in Feb. He reported his prize was cast away in the Bay of Laugust, but his men saved themselves in the boat. Some of them confessed that they had taken out some of the treasure. I make account your L. shall have small part thereof, unless you cause the truth to be sought out in time.
Copy in handwriting of Cecil's secretary, Simon Wyllis. Unsigned, Endorsed :—“Abstract of Capt. Leigh's letter from Algier,” 15 March, 1601. ½ p. (85. 86.)
Customs' Account for Silks.
1601/2, March 15. Estimate for 7 years, ended Mich. 43 Eliz. for England and Wales (Berwick excepted) for the custom and subsidy of all silk stuff imported, viz. “silke borato, silke chamletts wrought with silver and tincelled, caffa or damaske, calimanco, silke grograynes, silke tabies and tabies wrought with silver, silke sendalls, silke curles, sipers brode and silke, narrow sipers and scome sipers, catalofa, silke arbagus, china silke, and silke syett.”
Sum total collected in London and out ports, 4,481l. 9s.d.; average per year, 640l. 3s.d.
Signed. Hen. Fanshawe, 15 March, 1601. 1 p. (85. 87.)
Richard Pitt, mayor of Weymouth, to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 16. I received your letters of the 15th inst. for the taking of bonds from Robert White and his partners, owners of the ship the Thomasyne of this port, for their appearance before you within 10 days, that I might have speech with them for an abuse offered the Lord Souch. Robert White is rid from home yesterday morning and not yet returned, but I have taken bonds of the partners. As to the charge against me that I neglected my duty to my Lord Souch, I did all that was in my power, as his Lordship will make manifest. As he has returned to the Court, I send back the packet addressed to him.—Waymouth and Melcomb Regis, 16 March, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (85. 90.)
John Ratclyff, mayor of Chester, to the Privy Council.
1601/2, March 16. According to your directions of the last of February, I have caused search to be made for Drew Pickas. The comptroller and searcher of this port likewise made diligent enquiry in this port and the marine towns of Wirral. As yet we have not found him, but orders have been given to the masters of shipping not to transport him beyond sea. I sent also to the mayor of Liverpool and the bailiffs of Bewmaris to certify them your pleasure.—Chester, 16 March, 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (85. 91.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 16. I have written some lines to my Lord of Ormond, which I pray you peruse, and if you mislike them not, then I will seal it and send it you again to be sent in your packet. I pray you write yourself to that old Lord, which he will take very thankfully.—16 March, 1601.
PS.—I cannot be quiet unless I present my wife's commendations unto you, but they shall be in my working-day hand to anger her withal.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (85. 92.)
Richard [Vaughan,] Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 16. Asking Cecil to further his application to be translated to the See of Hereford.—Chester, 16 March.
Signed. “Ric. Cestren.” Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (181. 113.)
Anthony [Rudd], Bishop of St. Davids, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 17. Asking Cecil to be a means with the Queen for his translation to the See of Hereford.—Abergwilly, March 17, 1601.
Holograph. Signed, “Anth. Meneven.” ½ p. (181. 114.)
Edward Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 17. I have sent herewith your book of the customs of silks perfected as well as I can. The only scruple I have is that Mr. Carmarthen's postill is generally reserving so much as have been answered therefor, which is uncertain for the Queen and unsafe for you, seeing now the lease is upon forfeiture for non-payment of the rent. I have therefore added five hundred pounds as it was in your docket. I have abridged the docket, observing two things, brevity and verity.—Stoke, 17 March, 1601. I pray you obtain this warrant for my discharge, which is here inclosed, and to be dated before this day. Albeit her Majesty gave me herself direction to that effect, yet littera scripta manet. The lease is to begin from the Feast of the Annunciation last past.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (181. 115.)
Sir Francis Hastings to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 18. Being come thus far towards London upon your letter, and meaning to-morrow to be in London, I send these lines before to know your pleasure where I shall attend you upon Saturday, the day assigned by you for my coming up.—Hartford Bridge, this Thursday night, 18 March, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (85. 93.)
[Sir Robert Cecil to Sir Edward Coke.]
1601/2, March 18. Mr. Attorney, the Queen is pleased that certain sorts of silks shall be added to the grant of customs lately made to Thomas Bellott and Roger Houghton, viz. silk grograms, 'chamlettes,' silver 'chamlettes,' silver 'tabynes,' tuff taffetaes, 'fawnes' severed damaske, 'carffues' tabynes, callymanncoes, sipres, tynsells, silk curles, silk sendalls, silk saye, catalopha, arbayas, china silk, and generally all silks whatsoever; cloth of gold, silver and tissue excepted; and that the said patentees shall pay unto her Majesty in respect of the said additions the sum of 500l. yearly, and so the rent payable for the whole farm will be 9,382l., payable at Michaelmas and Lady Day; draw the book accordingly.—18 March, 1601.
Draft. ½ p. (181. 116.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 19. I am a suitor to your Honour now at my very last cast to adventure 100l. with me. I was never bold to entreat this favour until this time that all my victuals are aboard and my men collected. I assure you, within two days of the receipt of this money (if you shall send it) I shall be put to sea. You promised me the adventure of so much at such time as it should be the least which I needed, as (these two gentlemen can inform you) this is.—Southampton, 19 March, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (85. 94.)
Henry [Robinson,] Bishop of Carlisle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 19. I trust you will pardon my boldness in renewing the request to her Majesty that I may be translated to some other bishopric, when any such should fall void, where I might perform my service with greater safety and cheerfulness than I can in my own country in the midst of spoils and bloodshed. I hear now the Lord Bishop of Hereford is dead. If it should please God, by your means, to place me there, I should daily bend the knees of my heart in prayer and thanks giving for you.—Dancaster, 19 March, 1601.
Signed. Hen. Carliolen. ½ p. (85. 95.)
Sir William Monson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2, March 19.] Being desirous to render account to you of all things that shall happen in this intended journey, I thought good to let you understand that Sir Richard Leveson set sail from the Sound of Plymouth, with all her Majesty's ships except the Garland and Defiance, the 19th of this present, with the wind at north-west. He has left directions with me to follow him into the height of the Rock 20 leagues west of the shore, which I hope to do upon Tuesday next at the furthest. The want of sailors have been the greatest impediments unto us, but by that time I dare be bold to promise you we shall be both fully victualled and furnished with men. Sir Richard has left a letter of directions with the Mayor of Plymouth for the Dutch Admiral, which he takes to be as effectual as though I had stayed his coming, and in hope you will be well satisfied with my departure before the arrival of the Hollanders, seeing it was by order of my Admiral, I humbly take my leave.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, Sir William Monson.”
Postal endorsements :—“Plymmouth Fryday 8 a cloke at night. From Plymouth this 20th of March past 4 in the morning. Aishberton halfe an hower after 10 of the clock in the forenowne. Exeter at 2 afternone the 20 day. Hunyton 20 of March 6 after nowne. Crewkern 9 morning Marche 21. [no place] Sundaye 5 a cloke afternoon.” 1 p. (90. 119.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 20. I know not how to express the exceeding obligations wherewith it hath pleased you so nobly to bind me unto you. Unless it had pleased God to make you the instrument of this miraculous saving of my poor life, by this time there had been scarce any remembrance left of me among men.
For fear of wishing you hurt, I will not wish that ever you should need the hazarding of so poor a life as mine, but, if you should, God never longer prosper me, than I will be ever ready to sacrifice it, at the least of your commandments.
I dare not mention anything concerning my ward or poor estate, but as it hath pleased you so nobly to raise me from the dead, so do I for the rest humbly appeal unto your honourable consideration.
I humbly beseech you to rid me from this wicked place, and to let me be your prisoner, either at Theobald's or at any other place which you affect to be beautified with such toys as a soldierlike mathematical invention can afford.—20 of March, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (77. 70.)
Francis Naper to “Lord” Douglas.
1601/2, March 20. I thank you for your goodwill and travail shewn me now in my greatest trouble. I pray you to-morrow in judgment be present and speak friendly for me to Mr. Serjeant Daniell. Shew him that their decl[ara]tion makes the 400 crowns to come only to 120 pounds, and the jury has laid them to 5 pounds more, and so there is to be given him 125l. and 3l. 10s. more for his expenses, so the whole sum is 128l. Since half of the principal—200 crowns—is paid, it is sufficient to give “or cousing” 64l., which is the half of his decree. This you may shew to the Judge before he sit down. I pray you call for his power whereby he might have sued. I am told that albeit his master has sealed and subscribed it, except it be also sealed with seal of Burdeaus, or at least subscribed as witness by the honestest [mer]chants of Burdeus, whose hand “wretis” [writing], is known here in the excha[nge] amongst their merchants, and that it be dated before Sept. 1st, it is not sufficient power to have pursued this cause, and it will be found wrong imprisonment used towards me. Neither a post-date nor an ante-date is good in law except he had begun his action after the date of his power. I know it was sent him in the midst of the cause, and this you may advise secretly with Mr. Wroth, my counsellor, but not with my attorney, Mr. Boch, for causes which I do know.—20 March, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (85. 96.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 20. I have received a peremptory answer from my Lord Treasurer that her Majesty would not accept 1,000l. in hand and the other 4,000l. by 1,000 marks a year. I have submitted to pay 2,000l. in some short time and the 3,000l. remaining by 1,000 marks a year. I have only requested that either land may be accepted for the whole 2,000l. or that I might pay 1,000 marks in money and deliver land for the remainder, and that the yearly payments, which my Lord Treasurer offered should not begin till Midsummer term twelve months, might be put off till the Mich. term following. I also prayed for the reversion of the two tithes mentioned in my former letters, which I pray you to favour unto her Majesty. My only hope is in your Lordship's help.—From the Tower, 20 March, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (85. 97.)
Nicholas Hayman, mayor of Dartmouth, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 20. The 19th inst. there arrived here one John Lattlye, born near this town, but now dwelling in Stone-house by Plymouth. He hath been prisoner in Spain two years, of which he was six months in the galleys, and was delivered by Capt. Cripse, an Englishman. He departed from St. Lucas Feb. 7th in a ship of St. Maloes, where he arrived the 14th of this month. He says there were at St. Lucas twelve sail near ready and eighteen other ships out of the Straits, bound for Ireland. Also in the ship of St. Maloes came a passenger, a merchant of that place, who had been at Lisbon, and he reported forty sail ready to go for the Groyne, and then to Ireland.—Dartmouth, 20 March, 1601.
Postal endorsements :—“Hast hast hast post hast. Dartmouth 3 o'clock aft. March 20th. Aishberton half-past two morn. Exeter, Sunday, 6 morn. Shurber at 5 in the [after]noon. Shaston, 8 Sunday night. Sarum, Friday [sic], 7 morn. Andover, 11 morning Friday. Basyngestocke at 4. Hartford Borg, 7 night.”
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (85. 98.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 20. I am greatly importuned by Mr. Smith, that was our father's man, to move you in his behalf, that whereas he standeth in daily hazard of arrest for debt, he may have a warrant from the Council to protect him for a time. I know it is a thing sparingly done, but I think a year will content him. One reason is the dangerous wounds he got in the rebellion at Essex House; the other, that, as he saith, he doth follow a suit, which will bring her Majesty a great revenue. If he be cast in prison, it will endanger his life, and be a hindrance to her Majesty's service. In my opinion, you shall do a very honourable deed to help the poor man.—From my house, this 20 March.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (85. 99.)
Richard Pitt, mayor of Weymouth, to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 21. Your Lordships lately addressed letters to me for the taking of bonds of Robert White and his partners, owners of the Thomasine, which I have accordingly done, saving Robert White, who is not yet returned. I sent them on Tuesday last by the postmaster of Sherborne, with the letters directed to the Right Hon. Lord Souch. Touching the neglect of duty imputed to me, I have sent herewith the manner of my proceeding in the executing the warrant.—Weymouth and Melcomb Regis, 21 March, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (85. 102.)
The Enclosure :
Feb. 26 last, I received a warrant from the Council to furnish shipping for the transport of Lord Souch to Guernsey. Fearing the dangers of the passage by reason of the Dunkirkers, I took one of the best ships of this port, the Thomasine, of 100 tons burthen, of which the owners were Robert White, Stephen Dennys alias Tunett, the elder, Stephen Dennys the younger, Robert Knott, and Geo. Smedmore capt. I found them very unwilling for the performance of the service, but upon advertising my Lord Souch of the same, he bade me follow the Council's warrant. With the assistance of one of the bailiffs, I then proceeded to the rating of the ship's victuals and company at Her Majesty's prices. I likewise requested the chirugeon whose name is — Blachfield to go on board, who also refused to obey the warrant, so I committed him for three or four hours till my Lord Souch was ready and then put him on board. On Lord Souch's return, March 10th, the owners came to me and said the mast was broken, but the captain said it was sufficient for the voyage. Afterwards I met Capt. Baynard, one of the ship's company, who brought me a message from the owners asking that I should warrant their ships and victuals, else they would not bring her in. Which I refused to do, and thereupon they brought her in the 11th inst.—Weymouth, 21 March.
Holograph.pp. (85. 100 and 101.)
Passports for Scottishmen.
1601/2, March 21. 1. License from Sir John Carey, Knight, Marshal and Governor of Berwick-on-Tweed and Warden of the East Marches, to Alexander Hey, Clerk of the Council of Scotland, and William Scott, with their company, to travel to London by way of York and Bath.—Berwick, 21 March, 1601/2.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (92. 93.)
2. The like to George Preston, Robert Richeson, and Robert Porteis, gentlemen, and George Archbald, merchant of Edinburgh, dated April 2, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (92. 94.)
1601/2, March 21. Mr. Besaunt's note of the provisions at Cobham.
1 p. (141. 353.)
Edward, Earl of Oxford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 22. It is now a year since her Majesty granted her interest in Danvers' escheat. I find that lands will not be carried without deed. I have twice moved her Majesty to grant me that ordinary course, whereof there are more than a hundred examples. Mine answer was that I should receive her pleasure from you, but I understand by Cauley that she hath never spoken thereof. The matter hath been heard twice before the Judges, but their report hath never been made. I challenge that something may be done whereby I may upon ground seek and try her Majesty's right, which cannot be done without this deed aforesaid. I desire to know her Majesty's pleasure touching her patent (de bene esse), whether she will perform it or no.—From Hackney, 22 March.
Holograph. Signed, “Edward Oxenford.” Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (85. 103.)
Serjeant Burrell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 22. It pleased you to bestow upon me the wardship of the heir of one Marlyn, co. Suff., deceased, wherein I have been at some charges in suing out of process and finding an office to entitle her Majesty thereunto, but being erroneously led into mistaking the name Mawlyn for Marlyn, another hath stept in before me, and the grant has passed to one Edmund Felton. I beseech you therefore, give me leave to move you in another suit. Henry Short, late her Majesty's farmer of the site of Gillingham manor in Kent, of the yearly rent of 16l. 13s. 4d., did in his lifetime obtain a lease in reversion of the premises. Since his death, William Short his son hath desired to purchase a new lease for 31 years, and is willing to yield a fine of two years rent for the same. He hath requested me to undertake his suit for a recompence, and I have framed a petition to that effect. I pray your furtherance to her Majesty for it.
Signed. Undated. Endorse :—“22 March, 1601.” 1 p. (85. 104.)
The Refusal.
1601/2, March 23. Bargain and sale by Sir John Gilbert, of Compton, Devon, to Sir Robert Cecil, of a fourth part of the Refusall, of Plymouth, of 120 tons, now at sea in cause of reprisal, and of the prizes and gains that have been or shall be taken during the voyage.—23 March, 1601.
Signed by Gilbert. 1 sheet parchment. (218. 7.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 23. I have caused Mr. Serjeant Pelham to put himself in readiness for Ireland with all speed. He is honest, learned, and goes with a full intent to do her Majesty all profitable service. He has delivered me certain notes, herein enclosed, to be accomplished for him before he goes, but the performance of these things can best be done by you and such clerks of the signet as can show you what has been granted to others. I beseech you dispatch him with all speed and do him all the favour you can, for I assure myself he goes with an honest mind.—23 March, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (181. 117.)
Jo[hn] Ferne, Secretary at York, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 24. I have received your letters of the 19th inst., wherein you desire to know what Battie's estate was, in whose house Harrison, a seminary priest, was lately apprehended (and both of them executed here). I find the estate so mean as to unfit for a suit for Mr. Warberton. Battie had but two or three kine and nine sheep, and a poor cottage poorly furnished, with 12 acres of land. Your letters directed to Mr. Hesketh, I have sent on to him at Lancaster.—York, 24 March, 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (85. 106.)
Edward, Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 24. Having received from the mayor of Weymouth a letter directed to my Lord Admiral and yourself, I sent the same forthwith to his Lordship. Give me leave to crave from you the letter you wrote to me to Weymouth, which was sent back again.—London, this 24 March, 1601.
Holograph. Signed, Edward Zouche. ½ p. (85. 108.)
Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 24. The Registrarship of the High Commission of Ireland was purchased by Richard Wallop for his own life and that of his son William under the Great Seal, when the Lord Chancellor and Sir Robert Gardener did carry the sword. Notwithstanding, the same office is now again granted to one Walley, servant to the Lord President of Munster, to the prejudice of Mr. Wallop, who has spent some time in the Queen's service and lost two of his sons there, besides a third hurt in rescuing Sir Alexander Ratcliffe, as this bearer, his son, will explain, who desires your letter to the Lord Deputy in his behalf.—Basing, 24 March, 1601.
Signed. “Lucie Winchester.” Seal. ½ p. (181. 118.)
Richard Wallop to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, March 24. Though by letters patent I was possessed of the office of Register to the High Commissioners in Causes Ecclesiastical through the realm of Ireland, now, by the death of one Southerton, my deputy in Munster, suit hath been made by John Wolley for the office, on the ground that the same was void by my absence, and he hath obtained a grant thereof. I pray you write to the Lord Deputy.—Somborne, 24 March, 1601.
Signed.pp. (85. 107.)
Elizabeth, Lady Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2, before March 25.] I understand it is thought by my Lady Kelldare that you should do me the favour to let me know how unfavourably she hath dealt with me to the Queen. It is true I should not have mistrusted so unhonourable a thought in her without good proof, but I protest I never understood it by you, neither did I ever see you or hear from you since her Ladyship did me that good office. I only say this that for the honour I bear her name and the ancient acquaintance of her, I wish she would be as ambitious to do good as she is apt to the contrary.
Holograph, signed, “E. Ralegh.” Undated. Endorsed :—“March, 1601.” Seal. ½ p. (85. 134.)
Sir Thomas West to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, March 25. It hath pleased God to afflict my father with great sickness almost past hope of recovery. I am like to succeed him in a very broken estate, and intreat you to consent that the reversion of my father's offices—the keeping of the forests of Ales Holte and Wolmer, with his office in the Exchequer—may come to me; in the which my father was allowed to succeed my grandfather.—Whitefriers, 25 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 74.)
Thomas Tusser.
1602, March 25. Questions delivered to Thomas Tusser, 25 March, 1602, by John Breadgate, mayor of Dover, and others the Commissioners for the restraint of passage; which said Thomas took shipping at Gravesend, about Michelmas, 1599, for Vlishingen [Flushing].
Aged 34; servant to Mr. Edmund Lislie, one of her Majesty's Sewers, at Court; then served Capt. Richard Wigmore, of the garrison in Vlishingen, and afterwards Capt. Howten, a Dutchman, in garrison at Huisden; left there with intent to go to the Emperor, but was taken sick at Strosperque [?Strasburg], and hearing that the army of the Christians was broken up, went no further for Hungary; in the winter, shaped his course for Rome, and arrived there Nov. 3 or 4, 1600; went from curiosity and to fulfil a vow of conscience; never altered his religion, for the Catholic was the first he ever gave himself to, and was strengthened therein by reading a book of Dr. Saunder's making, while on board the Blakdogg, a ship of Sir Walter Raleigh's, at the time Sir Richard Greenfield was lost; returned to England from lack of means and language to live abroad; was familiar with no known Catholics at Rome, but was acquainted with Fathers Thomas, Paul and Martyn, also Mr. Fitzherbert and Mr. Isham, Fathers Thomas Owen, Phillips and Parsons, and Mr. Russell, a merchant, and at Piza spake with one Mr. Barker; at Lyuorne, with Thomas Hunt that keeps the English house, and Robert Smith, a merchant; at Marseilles, with one Biggs; at Lyons, with Mr. Fernsley, and at Paris, asked relief of Mr. Paget, Dr. Bagshaw, Mr. Tressam, Mr. Digby and Dr. Stephens; brought no beads nor crucifixes nor letters with him to England.
“By me Thomas Tusser, borne in Esterford in Essex, manu propria.”
Holograph.pp. (92. 88 and 89.)
John Ferne, Secretary at York, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, March 26. On the subject of the value of the estate of one Battye. This much I advertised you by letters yesterday [see p. 83, supra], which I sent to Sir Edward Stanhope at his house eight miles from York, with a packet to my Lord President, and by him to be conveyed to the post.—At York, 26 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 76.)
William Cooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, March 26. I had long ere this done my duty unto you, but that I have not been well. I beseech you to give me leave to attend you when you go to meet her Majesty, and if I may know your pleasure and time to wait upon you.—From Hartwell parke, 26 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 77.)
Sir Richard Lewkenor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, March 28. Pardon my boldness in making known unto you a very careful and discomfortable accident happened unto me by the visitation of God, that hath taken from me my only son, in whose hands I left my chief house, with a great part of my lands and goods to hold at my will by word only. I beseech you be a means to her Majesty to grant me licence to travel to London and into Sussex to settle those things which I have there between this and Trinity term. The country in these parts is quiet. I desire only one month for my riding thither and return.—From her Majesty's Castle of Ludlowe, 28 March, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (92. 78.)
Anthony Atkinson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, March 28. If Wilkinson and his wife be examined, they will open the truth about Elston and his wife. Elston's wife hath dealt cunningly from the first by advice of her uncle Fenner and others. I understand that the Lord Admiral doth credit Captain Fenner, who excuses Elston, and with reason, lest he open his budget and make him and others known. The Earl of Oxenford sent word by Cawlie that Elston was a dangerous man. His Lordship knows no less, and Cawlye is become a saint in all matters. The Earl wrote in his letter that Cawlye brought in his excuse, that Wilkinson first opened Elston and his matters to his Lordship, which is true, for the 4th Oct. he uttered that Elston had great causes touching the State, as is in my book. I wish his Lordship had better counsel than Cawlye, who will betray him as he betrayed me. I pray you forgive me, for I meant no harm to your Honour nor any of your house. If Mr. Young, my Lord Admiral's man, had kept promise with me, the 7th or 8th Nov., I had acquainted your Honours with all. I met Mr. Young at Ram Allye End in Fletstreat, and prayed him to tell his master I would speak with him, which he promised, but never did for me. If Elston had not been warned of me, I had gotten all out of him. I reserve myself wholly into your merciful hands.—28th March, 1602.
Holograph. 2 pp. (92. 79.)
Thomas Edmondes' Memorandum on the Treaty of Boulogne.
1602, March 28. You have brought with you a writing or instruction signed by Mons. le President Richardot attempting to justify the proceedings in the negotiations for a treaty at Boulogne, and making an offer of conditions which may remove the obstacles to the said treaty. It has been thought good, therefore, to send this answer by you, to which I have put my name as her Majesty's agent in this matter. With regard to the first statement, that much time was lost at Boulogne in discussing a point of precedence, I do not see how we could have acted otherwise, since her Majesty's deputies were as determined not to yield the point as the others to deprive them of it. The matter was settled at Brussels, and I was told that it would not be broached again at Boulogne; without which assurance H.M. envoys had not been sent. Nevertheless, for the advancement of the treaty, we consented to await a reply from Spain, and though it was suggested when we broke up the conference at Boulogne that an act of adjournment should be passed, the other side would give only a verbal assurance, contrary to the usual practice in such cases. Her Majesty has always been anxious, in order to avoid argument and disputation, that the chief points of the treaty should be severally discussed beforehand, but her wishes have met with no response.
At the same time her Majesty received information that their preparations were being made for a conquest of Ireland. So much in justification of her Majesty's action. With regard to the latter part of the instruction, which states, firstly, that no annoyance will be offered her Majesty on the score of religion, this has never been considered a matter of very great importance in view of the wisdom and sagacity of those who would conduct the negotiations. As to the second consideration affecting the towns held by her Majesty in those parts, it has been so constantly affirmed on what grounds of interest and honour she holds these places, that it must be evident to all that she can entertain no proposition which runs counter to these considerations. Should her Majesty, in response to the vague assurances held out by the Archduke, consent to reopen negotiations, she might rightly be accused of a too credulous and accommodating spirit towards those who spare no effort to sow distrust and jealousy among her allies. When her Majesty sees on the part of Spain, equally with the Archduke, a real disposition towards a lasting and honourable truce, she will always be ready to consider means for a renewal of the friendship which long existed between the two crowns.—London, 28 March, 1602.
French. Signed, “Tho. Edmondes.” 4 pp. (92. 81 and 82.)
Capt. Henry Malbie to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, March 28. I received your letter at Dublin, whither particular business drew me for a small time, and am shortly to depart. For this present I have no more to deliver than my humble duty. My wife will be the next messenger by the next passage, who shall be better furnished as with more occasions.—Dublin, 28 March, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captn. Malbye to my Mr.” 1 p. (92. 84.)
Edward Biller.
1602, March 28. Examination of Edward Biller, son of George Biller, of Bursted, parish of Belgrave, taken 28 March, 1602, before John Bredgate, mayor of Dover, and others, Commissioners for restraint of passage there.
Of his apprenticeship in London, with James Norman. After two years, when the Earl of Essex went the Island voyage, he told Norman he would go that voyage, but his meaning was otherwise, and he determined to travel to see the fashions of strange countries. Took ship at Gravesend about five years ago and went to Rome. He lodged there in a common inn, and Father Parson sent one Pettitt to him, and asked if he would come to the College. He there had conference with Parson, who persuaded him to become a Catholic, and was placed by him with Mr. Thomas Allen (before that called Mr. Heskett), who was a near kinsman to Cardinal Allen, and kept three servants. Examinate was his chief servant for 18 months. Allen remained after in Rome one month and then went to “Perusia,” about 80 miles on this side Rome, and examinate with him. He left Allen with his consent, and thence went to Douay, with letters from Allen to Dr. Barrett, President there, and Dr. Webb, and was admitted a student in the College there but not sworn there, for that he is not able to be a student in logic. He stayed there 2½ years. He came from Douay on Thursday last, having leave to depart by reason of sickness and the poorness of the College. He lodged one night at the St. Omer's College and took shipping at Calais. He says he has neither letters, pictures, bulls, beads, or any other superstitious thing by him : nor hath been requested to deliver any speeches or commendations to any in England; and that his coming is not to persuade any from their obedience to the Queen; and he very willingly took the oath of supremacy.
pp. (204. 124.)
William, Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, March 29. I have informed the Council of my purpose to meet and confer with my deputy lieutenants at Exeter, April 12 next. Whenever I hear of sea farers from the West or South Seas, I cause them to examined as to the enemy's preparations, and it will be very necessary in these dangerous times to renew the order to the vice-admiral and officers of ports for the examination of all passengers. Touching Plymouth fort, whereof Sir John Gilbert hath charge, I hear that he is still absent. I hold it very expedient that he should make his continual abode there, or at the least acquaint me with his absence.—From Towstock, 29 March, 1602.
Signed. “W. Bathon.” ½ p. (85. 117.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, March 29. My servant Morris informs me that one Atkynes, a priest, did yesterday rob him of some chains, rings, and bracelets, to the value of above 200l., and being pursued and charged therewith, doth accuse his wife, which, as I hear, Mr. Justice Vaughan hath or will acquaint you. For the goods stolen by this priest, I pray you take order that they may be restored to Morris. The priest was by his persecution committed to prison, but bailed by Justice Fouler, who reports that he is protected by you. I intreat your favour to help Morris again to his goods. For his wife, as far as I can perceive, he can be glad to be rid of her, and means to make no suit for her, but leave her to her fortune.—From the Black Friers, 29 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 85.)
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, March 29. This letter was brought me even now by this bearer. Sir F[rancis Vere's] man, and being inclosed to you and me, I was bold to open it. I perceive by his man that the Prince Morris hath sent over a gentleman to her Majesty or the Council, and that the States mean to proceed royally this summer. If they be well helped by her Majesty, it will keep us from any great matter of doubt for this realm. Her Majesty may spare men, so they pay for it.—29 March.
Holograph, signed, “Notingham.” Endorsed.—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (92. 86.)
George Nicholson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, March 29. I came hither Saturday last and delivered to the King a letter from Sir John Carey, anent certain Liddisdale men taken by Mr. Ker of Fourde in Scotland, and have obtained of the King that after they be rendered back to his officer of Liddisdale, some on them shall be given back to Sir John, to do justice upon. Here the D[uke] and Argile have shewed their griefs, and are like to be fully agreed the 26 of the next at Dumfermlinge. The D[uke] brought the Mr. of Gray with him and got him presence of the King, with much ado. The Mr. shewed the King he had had great favour in England as any man that ever was not employed and out of his grace. The King said it must be for his sake and for no goodness in the Mr. The latter would have had the King believe he could do him greater service there if he were employed, but the King willed him to keep quiet, showing that he was come of honourable birth and that it became him to live like himself, and so he should have his favour, and not to practise, but to leave to men who needed to make their living by it. The Mr. further told the King he was warned to beware how he came to him, but the King said he was not the man to hurt any so; and it must be his evil conscience made him believe such inventions. The Mr.'s unfriends diligently solicit his disgrace. The Mr. of Glames is also labouring in vain to have favour. My Lord of Huntlay came hither before Argile, with some 200 horse, and was welcome to the King, but Argile and my Lord of Mar hearing of his being here in that sort meant to have come stronger if Huntlay had stayed, but my Lord of Mar wrote to the Treasurer to advertise of it, whereupon the King was angry with Huntlay for coming unsent for, and sent him away, his day for the agreement with Murray not being till the 23 hereof. The D[uke] and Huntley met on the fields, and had long conference. The D[uke] means to wait on and be a courtier, which it is thought 34 dislikes. The Lady Thight, the Treasurer's wife's mother, is dead, and the Earl entered into all. The Lord Treasurer is displeased thereat and stirred by many to take it in evil part, as he doth, and will sue the Earl if it agree not, and then the Earl will lose the King and Treasurer, his best friends. The King this day is gone to the Queen, and returns hither on Friday to hunt. The King and Queen agree exceedingly. In my coming hither I have Mr. Aston, who is exceedingly beholden the King and Queen, who daily visits and feeds him with her best meats, to recover him. The King hath given the two captains Bruce and Erskin commission to take up men for their companies, and 2 lieutenants are come to take up some more men to supply the decays of the Scots companies at Ostend.—At Brighen, the 29 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (92. 862.)
Edward Coke, Attorney General, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, March 29. I have at last sent you by this bearer (who is as secret as the hare that Harpagus sent) with the particulars themselves, because I would not be deceived. I shall order my further course as your Honour shall direct. Your niece continues her suit that her cousin, “your jewel,” may recreate himself these holidays at Stoke. I would have attended myself, but that my brother Sir Th. Sadlier is fallen very dangerously sick, and hath sent for me about the setting of an order in his house; which, by the laws of friendship, I cannot deny.—29 March.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. Seal. (184. 4.)
Mons. Beaumont, French Ambassador, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602,] March 30. Four days ago I asked you for a passport to Scotland, which you at once granted my secretary. I was told afterwards that you wished me to delay another 3 days, which I have done. I do not doubt but that you will now despatch it me forthwith, as you promised.
French. Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“30 March, 1602.” 1 p. (184. 5.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602,] March 31. I send you a fresh advertisement out of Spain sent me by the mayor of Plymouth. I pray you send to Mr. Carron, for it is strange that the “loo contry” [Low Country] ships be not yet gone. They will leave the blows to my son, if there be any, before they will be at it. Her Majesty is driven to a hard fortune when she must rely on them. I do assure you it was this in '88, for they never came to shot nor sight of the enemy, but that two of the Spaniards, being extremely beaten, ran into Flushing for saving their lives. I pray you be earnest with Mr. Carron, for I am persuaded he may yet send before they will be ready for anything.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“31 March.” ½ p. (85. 122.)
Tobias [Matthew,] Bishop of Durham, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, March 31. At my return from the south about Candlemas, I found that, while I was at the Parliament, certain Scottishmen had secretly procured letters and warrants to the Wardens of the Marches and others, but none to me, for restitution of certain packs of cloth, which my officers, by virtue of a statute made in King Ed. IV time, had seized in Oct. last. I examined the matter, and found none of their allegations to be true, but withal did see a printed law, lately made in Scotland, prohibiting the trade of such cloth : on the 13th inst., I wrote to Mr. Smith, Clerk of the Council, mine old acquaintance and friend, to have an eye and ear to such petitions as the Scots might exhibit against me. However, on the 20th, Andrew Cright, one of these Scottishmen, brought me a letter from the Council, dated the 8th of the same, requiring me to make delivery of the clothes or the value of them, showing me also a more ample warrant for transportation and traffic donec et quousque. I could, therefore, do no less than return this answer to their Lordships, whereof I beseech your Honour to take first notice by the inclosed copy, and withal to stand so much my friend, as neither the King's motion against his own express law, nor his subject's transgression against ours, may prevail against the Bishop of this See, who may be a profitable instrument in these parts of the kingdom.—At B[ishop] Awkland, the last of March, 1602.
Holograph. Signed, “Tobie Duresme.” Seal. 2 pp. (92. 87.)
The Enclosure :
The Bishop to the Privy Council.
At the complaint of Andrew Cright, Scotchman, for ten packs of cloth seized by my officers, your Lordships require me to restore the same, and to signify that all of that nation shall hereafter have free passage with their goods by Barwicke and Carlisle, notwithstanding the statute of Ed. IV, which they pretend was never in her Majesty's time put in execution. The King of Scots having complained to her Majesty in favour of his subjects, I beg leave to free myself in your judgments by this my answer. Sundry seizures have indeed been made by virtue of the above statute by the officers of my predecessors within her Majesty's reign and before. There is likewise a similar law made in Scotland within these five years, which is still more extreme and rigorous, as by the true copy out of their printed book may appear. The complainants have also demanded a far greater sum than they knew the clothes to be worth, which latter have been sold long since to sundry drapers and disposed of in pios usus, which it were a pity to frustrate. They have further threatened my officers, and, in their accustomed Scottish manner, cracked “that their King shall have a day that will pay for all.” I assure myself of your just and favourable decision.—From B. Aukland, this last of March, 1602.
Contemporary copy. 2 pp. (184. 6.)
M. de Sourdeac, Governor of Brest, to M. de la Motte.
1602, March 31/April 10. I have received your letter, with those of MM. de Beaumont and de Boissise. I see how little hope there is there, and the wretched proposal they have made to the ambassadors, which I neither wish for nor will accept. I wish neither to shelter myself behind the protection which his English Majesty extends to his subjects, nor to prosecute the thieves in that place. I am off post-haste to the King (though I but took leave of his Majesty March 25th) to show him the hopelessness of this offer. He promised me justice, and told his intention to M. de Ville Roy, who, I think, will withdraw his refusal of justice. I am about to start for Brittany, and I pray you as soon as you see the return of M. de Boissise determined upon, to let me know by express messenger, for I wish to be at Court when he arrives there. Your letters will find me, or at any rate my wife, at Sourdeac, for she will not stir till July.—From the Court at Fontainebleau, 10 April, 1602.
French. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (92. 109.)
The Army in Ireland.
1602, March 31. Portion of an account relating to the army in Ireland. Payments in Loughfoyle and Ballyshannon, October 1, 1601, to March 31, 1602 : to Sir Henry Docwra, for English horse and for footmen; to Sir Matthew Morgan, Sir John Bolles, Captains Edmond Leighe, Sidney, Willies, Brooke, Orme, Digges, Bingley, Badbye, Cooch, Sedley, Harte, Vaughan, Atkinson, Wynsor, Thomas Wood, Alford, Orrell, Nicholas Pynner, Flood, Stafford, Yorke, Bassett, Gore, Rande, Dutton, Samuel Harrison; to Niele Garrowe, for Irish horse and foot; Edward Newton, for bargemen; to Cormocke, Tirlagh Gilson, Arte Me Hughe Mergaghe, and Captain Thornton. As by certificate signed by Sir George Cary, Treasurer at Wars.
Parchment, 1 sheet. (218. 8.)
Minute from the Privy Council to the Lord Deputy of Ireland.
[1602,] March. We are sorry to find by your letters of Feb. 15 and 27 that the adverse winds have hindered the transporting of the Spaniards from Kinsale. We are advertised out of Scotland what infinite means the arch-traitor useth to get some powder and lead, being utterly unprovided. At the arrival of the 1,600 Spaniards transported to the Groyne, Sebure and O'Donnell were in the port, having been both at the Court. Her Majesty's fleet, which is bound for the coast of Spain, will make a diversion from any present sending of forces into Ireland. We hear from Waterford that none shewed greater insolency upon the arrival of the Spaniards than Donnell Spaniagh. We have had speech with the victualler concerning the issuing of 1½ lbs. of beef to a soldier per diem, and have found fault with the price of oats at 15s., whereunto he answered that they cost him 10s. before they were shipped. We allow well of your discreet course of intercepting the Spanish letters, which her Majesty hath read. She meaneth not to abandon the assistance of the Low Countries. Now that Neale Garuy is possessed of Tierconnell, we doubt not but that on perusal of former grants you will foresee that he be not made so absolute as to be out of awe of the State.
Draft, with corrections by Cecil. 9½ pp. (85. 128–133.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [March]. On the 20th inst. arrived here a ship of Leith, the master thereof called William Retherford, now returned from Bayon. It is reported that there is now a great armado preparing in Lisbone. On his way hitherward, he met with a French ship wherein was a Scotch merchant from Lisbone, who told him that himself had seen so much as had been reported at Bayon. I give little credit to these rumours.—[Pendennis] Castle, [M]arch, 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (92. 143.)
[Sir Robert Cecil.] to [James VI of Scotland].
1602/3, March. Letter entitled, “My letter in answer to his Majesty's letter concerning Papists.”
[Printed in extenso, see Camden Society's publications, LXXVIII. O.S. p. 33.] See 135. 80. (135. 78, 79.)