Cecil Papers: September 1601

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1601', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp374-401 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1601', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp374-401.

"Cecil Papers: September 1601". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp374-401.

September 1601

Sir Thomas Fane to [Sir R. Cecil].
1601, Sept. 1. The Marshal of Byron being even now landed here with his train, I thought it my duty to advertise you thereof with all expedition.—Dover Castle, 1 Sept. 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (87. 157.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 2. He used his best endeavours to furnish the Marshal of Byron and his train with horses from hence to Canterbury, to which end he wrote to the Mayor of Canterbury and the Mayor of Sandwich (see enclosures below). And for that those towns were not able to purvey so many horses as might suffice so great a train, he directed warrants to divers of the constables of the hundreds next adjoining hereunto to bring in a certain number of horses. Notwithstanding, the Mayor of Canterbury altogether refused to send any, as may be seen by the enclosed letter, and the Mayor of Sandwich, who promised 20, sent but 10. The constables in like sort have failed to send in the number appointed them. Hereby the Marshal is compelled, contrary to his purpose, to break his company, and to send some part of them to Canterbury before him, and himself with other part to remain here behind. Acquaints Cecil herewith, lest the blame might be imputed to him.—Dover Castle, 2 Sept., 1601.
Signed. On the back :—“Dover this seconde of Sept. at half houre past 4 eveninge. hast hast post hast hast post hast. Canterbery 10 at nit. Sittingborn on in the morn. Rochester the 3 day at 4 in the morninge. Dartford the 3 day at 8 afore noone. Hounslow at tow a cloke in the after noone. at Stanes halfe an our after three this after none.” 1 p. (87. 158.)
The Enclosures :
(1) Warham Jemmet to Sir Thomas Fane.—Concerning sending horses to Dover, has taken good view of the horses in the city, and finds them to be few. Foreseeing that such a train as Fane writes of will not come all in one troop, but that there will be many foreriders of them, he does not see how he can safely send such horses as are in the city to Dover; but rather keep them here for service. He therefore wishes that the justices of Kent would cause the country to send horses to Dover.—Canterbury, 31 August 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (87. 155.)
(2) Mayor and Jurats of Sandwich to Sir Thomas Fane.—Have taken survey of the horses there, in number 20, and have given the owners strait charge to have them in readiness upon an hour's warning. This number is certain, and more there be which are now from home, but as they come they shall be stayed.—Sandwich, 30 August 1601.
½ p. (87. 156.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 2. With an enclosure from Mr. Winwood.—Dover Castle, 2 Sept. 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (87. 159.)
Roger Manners to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Sept. 2. Prays for the wardship of the daughter of Mr. Fyzwillyams, of Maplethorpe, now given over by his physicians : to be bestowed either upon him or upon the mother.—Uffington, 2 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (87. 160.)
The Earl of Pembroke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Sept. 2. What love and thankfulness you could have expected from me if I had prevailed, the same to the best of my power you shall find me ready to perform on all occasions now I am disgraced. Her Majesty, as I heard when she promised Mr. Mumpersons a park, after my Lord your father's death, when she knew how nearly it concerned my Lord Burghley in honour, recalled her promise, preserved my Lord's honour, and graciously satisfied her servant another way. If it had pleased her Majesty as graciously to have conceived in this matter of the Forest of Dean, of that poor reputation I was desirous to preserve, the maintenance whereof might have enabled to do her Majesty more honour and service than now I am able to perform, I should have been happy, and Sir Edward [Fitton] might another way as well have been satisfied. But since her Majesty has in her wisdom thought fit to lay this disgrace upon me, I accuse nothing but my own unworthiness, which since I so plainly read in my own fortunes, I will alter my hopes, and teach them to propose unto themselves no other ends than such as they shall be sure to receive no disgrace in. The hawk that is once canvast will the next time take heed of the net; and shall I that was born a man and capable of reason, commit greater folly than birds that have nought but sense to direct them? If her Majesty make this the returning way for her favour, though it be like the way of salvation, narrow and crooked, yet my hopes dare not travel through the ruggedness of it, for they stumble so often that before they come half way they despair of passing such difficulties. There be some things yet in her Majesty's hands to dispose of, which if it would please her to grace me with, might “happely” in some measure patch up my disgrace in the opinion of the world. But I have vowed never again to be a suitor, since in my first suit I have received such a blow. I should be infinitely bound unto you if you could but get a promise that I should have leave to travel after the Parliament : it would make me more able to do her Majesty and my country service, and lessen if not wipe out the memory of my disgraces. But whatsoever shall become of me, I will ever wish you all happiness.—Ramsbury, 2 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 2 pp. (87. 161.)
John Kyllygrewe to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Sept. 2. Acknowledges his obligations to Lord Burghley during 30 years, who gave him, in time of his service in Court, the lease now in question between him and his sister. Speaks of the unnatural malice and greedy desire of his own kindred to take his own from him. He had Cecil's protection in coming to London last Easter to agree with his creditors : since which time he has satisfied Mr. Serjeant Heale and Sir Thomas Tawsborough of 2,000l. debts, and before the end of next term hopes to satisfy 4,000l. more. His father left him 10,000l. in debt, which has cost him by forfeitures and advantages taken from him, 20,000l. Prays continuance of Cecil's favour.—2 Sept.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (87. 162.)
The Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil to Monsieur Noel de Caron.
1601, Sept. [2.] Although we presume that the French King (according to his promise to Mr. Edmonds) has not omitted to advertise thither of the pretended mistaking in his Ambassador of his direction, yet we think it very necessary to inform you of all accidents since your journey, because it was derived from the advice which we gave the Queen, to impose that charge upon you. To be short, this is the substance of Mr. Edmonds' negotiation. When he came to the French King, he did take notice of that overture which his Ambassador (with so great earnestness) had proposed to me, the Secretary, in the hearing of you and Mr. Edmonds : from which conference we would not now for anything that you had been absent, seeing such an evasion appears, and to repeat the matter is needless, in that consideration. Only this we are sure you do remember, that he was so far from speaking doubtfully of the King's declaring himself in this action, as he seemed still to maintain the position that there must be at the least (by the three Estates) 3 or 4 and twenty thousand men : to the which (when I the Secretary replied that such a project would prove a monster, because the Queen and the States could not make half the number) he fell into this reckoning, that the Queen might send ten thousand men; whereof when I showed the impossibility, you know his answer was that his master would strain himself in no small proportion, if the Queen would come near to such a number. But now when Mr. Edmonds came to report this to the King, he lays blame on the Ambassador, and though the Queen had offered him (as you know) 6 or 7 thousand men, yet he protests that he never meant to make his breach in so open a manner, but professes this still, that if the States will acquaint him with what they think feasible, and if the Queen will also in good sort employ herself upon a joint resolution in this cause, he will then furnish the Queen with some proportion of money for such an action, wherein he will pay her supplies a couple of months. But her Majesty is not so necessitous as to accept of France any such matter, for it is his conjunction in this cause which she expects, and you well know that the levy only will cost her of 7,000 men 30,000l. sterling, it being no time to draw from the subjects so near to a Parliament. But this is no more than we expected, as yourself you remember. For I think Monsieur Barnevelt may well remember with what dexterity the matter of the peace was used. In which mannner he now proceeds for as [break in MS.]. Now therefore that we have told you as much as we understand (of which, if you remember, we were ever jealous) we expect to hear from you what the States have heard from the King, and what is meant to be propounded by Count Maurice, and upon what grounds : for as we are desirous to acquaint you with all particulars, because no resolution (with you on that side) which was intended before this uncertain overture should fall to the ground, so we are as desirous that you should know that her Majesty is not alienated so far as to refuse any such offer from the States as might engage the King some way, to see what will follow afterward : wherein you that know our present estate can well guess what we are able to do. [The following passage is crossed out : There is now coming over to see the Queen the Marshal Byron from the King, but he has no commission to deal with the Queen in this matter. The King pretends to expect Monsieur Busingvall, which being better known unto you than us, we refer it till further advertisements.] In the mean time, we doubt not but you are advertised of the great compliments used by the King and the Archduke reciprocally, so as you see Princes do not confine themselves within ordinary limits.—From the Court, Sept. 1601.
Draft, with corrections in Cecil's hand. Endorsed :—“Sept. 2. Lord Admiral and my master to Monsieur Caron.” 1¼ pp. (87. 163.)
Richard Gyfford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 2. You have been informed that I committed great abuses at sea in taking certain ships of Marseilles laden with silks, nutmeg and indigo. I protest, what I did is as follows. I took a small bark of Olon under a castle by Malaga in Spain, being the enemy's and bound to Flanders. Secondly, I took a ship of Rusco, from which I had 9 packs of coarse linen cloth and boults of tuffed canvas, for I demanded to see their charter party, bills of lading and letters, and the answer was that they had neither, notwithstanding which I suffered the ship to depart with the rest of her lading. Thirdly, I took a ship of Mayorke bound for Napoly laden with salt, oil and blankets. More, I met with a flyboat of Amsterdam before I came to the Straits, which lay adrift in the sea with only 6 men and 2 boys in her. I bought it of the shipper whom I left in my own ship. With this ship I then went to Arger, and there did lade all my oils, which was done of purpose to come for England with them in company of the Marigould, but owing to extreme foul weather, I lost sight of her, and thought it best to go to Leghorn and put the goods in safety. The ship of Mayorke I was constrained to leave at Arger, in regard of trouble pretended against my goods and Capt. Leighe's, who was then there, by reason of a ship taken by the John and Francis of London, wherein the King of Arger and other Turks were interested. To avoid which trouble, I went in the night with my own ship and the flyboat out of command of the castle, whereupon they offered me all courteous usage. This is all I have done since being at sea, and if anything has been done by my ship since my departure from her, I know not thereof.—London, 2 Sept. 1601.
Holograph.pp. (88. 3.)
Enclosed :
1. Account of the first voyage by the Charles of London begun Nov. 26, 1600.—Principal 1,053l. Gain 46l. Number of adventurers 3. Signed. Richard Gyfford. 1 p. (88. 1.)
2. Account of commodities carried out of England.—Cost, 485l. Goods sold for 360l. Reprizals 2,129l. Deductions for the crew 550l., and commodities carried out of England 360l. Total 1,939l. to which add present cargo of the ship 500l., and 300l. for sale of salt at Arger, less charges of sale 119l., making in all 2,620l. Unsigned. 1 p. (88. 2.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 2. Philip Mowbrey is come into England and came this day to me. He seems very desirous to speak with your Honour, and would gladly purge himself of some defect, of which he says your Honour hath been informed out of Scotland, concerning his carriage in his late employment. He saith he hath by letter long since acquainted you with his Irish proceeding, and hath a Scottish merchant who will undertake a perfect intelligence of Irish causes, to be daily sent to the Lord Deputy there, and expecteth no other recompense than as his deserts shall seem to have merited. Himself would fain be employed in Spain for the like purpose.—Acton, 2 Sept. 1601.
Holograph. ¾ p. (183. 34.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 3. My Lord Willowghby is lately arrived and desires, after acknowledging his obligation to you, to return hither for the dispatch of his business. I beseech you to take his causes under your protection, and when they are settled permit him to return to his travels.—Tower, 3 Sept. 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (88. 11.)
George Snygge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 3. I have received this examination on the oaths of the accusers, and accordingly send you a copy. The person seems to have been formerly a follower of Tarleton and is now a common runagate, who hath been already punished, but without effect. I have imprisoned him in the house of correction, awaiting your Honour's commands.—Bristol, 3 Sept. 1601.
[Postscript.]—The soldiers are departed with a prosperous wind.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“With the examination taken concerning lewde speaches used against your Honour by one Davyd Thoms of Llannlyndovey.” 1 p. (88. 12.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley, President of the Council at York, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 3. I have lately received from the Wardens of the East and Middle Marches their certificate how far the gentlemen of those parts will undertake for the keeping of the Scottish pledges. I have received no answer from my Lord Scroope, neither is there any pledge remaining here of the West March but one. I see no hope for their delivery or security. I would they were delivered from hence. The castle where they are kept is so full daily of prisoners of the country and recusants, as it is never void of practices of escape. After their first attempt, I ordered them to be manacled at night, but by means of an iron grate used in a chimney to hold up the sea coals, off which they broke a bar, they knocked off their manacles. The noise alarmed the keepers, but before they could come to the place, two of the Scotsmen had leapt down above 7 yards, and striking out a link that one of the keepers held, one of them escaped in the dark, and the other was struck down and sore wounded. We have made hue and cry after him and written to all the Wardens to lay diligent wait for him. Since their committal, three have escaped and two died. Those that are left are never able to find security, so if her Majesty be not willing to free them, their own Wardens will never do it, for they were the commanders of these poor men and received most of the booty. Let them be delivered frankly on their own security, and I am of opinion it will prove more honourable than hurtful. Here hath been sent me of late one Richard Moore from the mayor of Hull, there taken upon his examination, whereof I send you a copy. He hath been in divers counties and hath, I think, made profit by this deceit, wherefore I think he should be punished diversely in every market town where he has committed the offence.—From Snape, 3 Sept. 1601.
PS.—I am asked by one Mr. Whyttyngham to remember his suit, wherein I was his means for the wardship of one Askwith, which some other thinks to prevent him in. I assure him you will not alter your promise. I send herein a short libel cast abroad at the York assizes, so obscure as I can hardly construe the meaning. I refer it to your better guess.
Holograph.pp. (88. 13 and 14.)
[Thomas,] Lord Grey to Mr. Secretary [Cecil.]
[1601, Sept. 3.] Myself weary and my horse tired, I met Mr. Buck by Inglefield. Having too hastily opened the letter, reading it, I found no superscription, and after drew from him that it was not so peculiarly to me but circumstance might alter it. I concluded rather to let him pass with an opened letter than to endanger my health by so intolerable a journey, and the post-horses so harassed as I could scarcely have gotten London by to-morrow noon. It will not be unfit to send Mr. Buck by post another letter, who will attend your direction at London.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“3 Sept., 1601.” 1 p. (88. 15.)
1601, Sept. 3/13. The town of Ostend gives us a great deal more trouble than was expected at first. Several of our best men have perished there, including Colonel la Catrice dead, or in very great danger, from a musket-shot wound in the head.
The King of France has sent the son of the Duke of Maine to their Highnesses, who have received him very handsomely. There are hopes of the continuation of a good understanding with the said King, and of his intervention to bring about peace with England.
The Estates of Brabant are assembling to arrange for new contributions.
(Secret.)—Great quantities of powder have passed through this town towards the camp before Ostend, being sent from Namur and Liege, whilst the other, which had got damp, is being restored. Their Highnesses are indebted for this to the amount of over one hundred thousand florins.
Twenty pieces of artillery have been ordered from Maestricht, Namur and the neighbourhood for the camp.
All the foundries in the countries of Hainault, Namur and Liege are occupied in casting cannon balls, besides an infinity of other instruments, the cost of which will be borne by those Provinces.
In short, the necessity of winning this town is great, for otherwise the estate of these Princes will be desperate.
In Flanders everybody is busy making fascines of wood and reeds to fill up the dykes and make bridges in the flooded country. But the want of money is very great, their Highnesses having required the Commissary-General (General des vivres) to collect further provisions of grain on credit, to the amount of fifty thousand florins.
Nevertheless, it is certain these Princes have some great and uncommon design, whether Ostend be won or not; and in fact, to prevent open mutiny, they must employ their soldiers somewhere. Be that as it may, Italian carpenters are splitting wood at Vorsc and Sonnen and making oars in large quantities.
Order is being taken for the whole or the greater part of the cavalry to go to Lire, Malines, Diest and Tilemont. Negociations are going on again with the Duke of Cleves.
French. Endorsed :—“1601. Advises.” 1¾ p. (88. 41.)
Lord Grey to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Sept. 3.] My head to-day is infected with the pain of yesterday's riding. To-morrow, I doubt not to attend the Queen; sorrowing for my present impediments to do what she commandeth.
PS.—Mr. Buck is lodged at an herald's house in the Old Bailey.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“3 Sept. 1601.” Seal. ½ p. (183. 35.)
John Lister to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 4. Upon receipt of your letter this morning after nine o'clock, I made haste to Westminster to find out Mr. Bucke, and from thence to my Lord Treasurer's, then to my Lord of Cumberland, and at last enquired out his lodging in the Old Bailey, where they told me he had been with my Lord Cumberland at one o'clock in the morning, and had taken horse at nine to ride to Hackney; whereto I sent your Honour's letter, and he tells me since, he hopeth he hath dispatched his business to your liking.—London, 4 Sept. 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (88. 16.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to [George] Nicholson.
[1601, Sept. 4.] By our advertisements there is no Spanish army landed in Ireland. It is certain his fleet was prepared, but a great storm took it at sea before it had doubled the North Cape and dispersed the smaller ships. Being, after the Spanish manner, packed full of men, they were forced to return to some port in Biscay. Twice before the Spaniards have landed in September, and so I cannot be free from expectation of them again. There is one thing which may divert him, and that is, when he hears that the E. of Desmond and McCartymore, two of the powerfullest rebels in Munster, are now brought prisoners to England. For the matter of Bodwell, there are bruits which do confirm somewhat of that you wrote. I know that once he and Col. Boyd had a project with Spain, making some place of rendezvous in the North Isles for shipping, with a pretence to take the fishing trade from the Low Countries, and a hope to have made a party in Scotland. The Archduke is still before Ostend, where his camp daily increases. The United Provinces supply the place royally. There are in the town now above 5,000 English. Sir Fras. Vere is well recovered. The French King hath been at Callays, and it was bruited that he would make a new war with the Spaniard and assist Ostend, but he is too wise to begin a new flame when the former heat is scarce extinguished. He hath purposely sent over the Marshal Byron, lately made Duke, and, since his father died, the principal General of his army, to visit the Queen, and with him the Count of Auvergne that was Grand Prior of France and hath now married the Constable's daughter. The Queen is in her progress almost 60 miles from London, never better, thank God, and comes back to Basing to receive him. There was a brawl in Spain between the French ambassador's people and some Spaniards, and a churchman was slain. This being a matter heinous to the Inquisition, some affront was given the ambassador, for some of the Provost Marshals came next day to his house and fetched out the principals, a matter, in truth, injurious to the privileges of an ambassador, for which the French King sent to expostulate. For the Lord Scrope, I do not see by the copy of your letters but that you proceed as becomes you, and so I have written unto him. Thus I have delivered you most of our occurences. I pray you, if Mr. Bruce desire to know anything of you, or the Secretary, tell them I will furnish from time to time on condition that they will give charge to the King's subjects that trade [to] Spain to inform themselves of all their preparations and acquaint you with them.
In Simon Wyllis' and Munck's hands. Endorsed :—“Mynute from my Mr. to Mr. Nicholson. Sept. 4, 1601.” 8 pp. (88. 16/2.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 6. I will not fail to be at Baysing by Tuesday at noon. I am in physic and should have gone to-morrow into the Bath. I leave all for obedience' sake. See how I am distracted to London. I must send for apparel to meet me. Whether that come in time or not, I will be there.—Bath, 6 Sept. 1601.
Holograph. On the back : “For her Matie affairs, hast, hast, post hast with all diligens. Bath, the 6 of 7 ber at 6 in ye afternon. At Marchefeild at 11 of the cloke at Nyghte the 6 of Septemb. At Calnne 7th of September at 1 of cloke in the ye morninge. At Marlebrowht half a houer past iii in the mornenge. At Nevbere the 7 of September at 7 of the cloke in the morninge.” Seal. ½ p. (88. 20.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Sept. 6.] I like the draught of the letter you sent me in all points, only this I find omitted, that where three of them are appointed to be carried to Barwyck, Haddocks Hole is not mentioned, which if it be not named, they might be kept in some larger prison subject to escape. Where it is specified, if they find not themselves they shall be used as other offenders are, whether you mean they shall be kept in irons in the low dungeon as common felons and such as beg at the box, I desire it may be set down in plain words in the letter, or else they may impute this severity to me, wherein I desire to be cleared.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“6 Sept. 1601.” ½ p. (88. 21.)
Sir W. Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 7. I am glad I came hither, for I never saw so great a person so neglected. Not one nobleman or gentleman to accompany them nor to guide them : and it so long ere they heard of my L. of Cumberland as they thought they were neglected. We have carried them to Westminster to see the monuments, and this Monday we entertained them at the Bear Garden, which they took great pleasure to see. Here hath been with them Sir A. Savage and Sir Arthur Gorges, who hath been their guides, without whom they had been left alone. Their horses will not be provided till Wednesday morning. The posts say they cannot take up horses without commission from the Council. I sent to and fro and have laboured like a mule to fashion all things, so as on Wednesday night, they will be at Bagshoot, and Thursday at the Vine. It were good that A. Gorges and A. Savage were commanded to come with them. They speak French well and are familiar with them.—Crosby House, this Monday at 6 o'clock.
Holograph. Noted On the back : “Hast post hast, hast for life. For her Majesties most especiall service. London vii Septembr at ix a clock att night. Harfart Breg at 6 a clok in the morning.” Endorsed :—“6 Sept. 1601. The entertainment given to the D. of Byron.” 1 p. (88. 22.)
[Printed in Edwards' “Life of Ralegh.” Vol. II., p. 233.]
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 6. I received your letter and had despatched the party accordingly but that the steward is at Theobalds, who returneth to-morrow. The party is satisfied in anything so long as you hold his part honest towards you; and will do his best to testify a good desert to this estate. I find he is, as it were, banished : and against his cousin nothing proved, nor produced, but suspicion and forced matter. Of great expectation of Bothwell in Scotland and of some intelligence with the Earl of Orkney himself, I hear more by him and others, of which, as I hear more you shall understand.
Touching Mr. Wilbrom's report, I trust it will be honest; who sees how she doth fly all accounts and matter of equity, relying only on law whether he were lawfully seised of the lease at the time of his recognizance, acknowledging which he must prove in the term and trusts, it being found lawfully extended, that he may thereby draw her to account, which is all he crayeth, and without which he can give me no good security, his lands being, I suppose, entailed. I crave, therefore, since an office is found and the profits by good security answerable, that they may remain in mean hands, as is already only ordered by your Honour, that she may not be armed with his goods to oppress us all, which the next term will appear. There neither was, or could be, until the term any warrant granted, de venditioni exponas, to the Sheriff, and therefore no inconvenient can grow to the cause by embezzling of anything, or prejudice to her right to have it heard. Therefore I beseech you be resolved from the office by Mr. Persival before anything done be revoked. We did refer the report to Mr. Wilbrom, as I suppose your Honour intended, to have the equity examined and truth of our answer to her petition. But she, as it had been to plead a cause and to determine it, brought her counsel and solicitors with all her forced evidence, which we neither expected, nor he, I trust, respected. To whose wisdom, though her ever counsellor heretofore, we referred it, as I do now recommend it as a thing in honesty touching me if fraud have been used in the carriage of it, and, in profit, half my estate if it should miscarry.—London, 6 Sept. 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (183. 36.)
George, Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 7. I hear you are advertised already of the Marshal's [Biron] stay here till Wednesday, but I thought good to let you know the cause. Himself was very willing, but by no means could so many horses be got as he desired. As I came through Bagshott this day, I was in all the inns, and I assure you it is impossible to lodge his train there. If you would direct that he might lie the first night at Staines, there is better convenience for all things, and it is better to make the first day's journey the shortest.—7 Sept. 1601.
Holograph. On the back :—“For her Maties service. Hast, hast, post hast. Clarkenwell, the 7 of Sept. at night. Stanes xii at nigt.” Seal. ½ p. (88. 23.)
Mr. Auditor Christopher Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 7. It pleaseth my Lord Treasurer to cause me presently to repair to Ireland, wherefore I desire to understand whether it would please you to command me any service to my Lord Deputy. Enclosed is the brief of my demands contained in that small volume I presented to you, referred to my particular report by the general letter from the Lord Deputy and Council which I brought over in June last. One other like brief I have delivered to my Lord Treasurer. The letter from my Lord President of Munster, which is also enclosed, came only lately unto my hands, albeit it was sent long since.—This 7 of September 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (88. 25.)
The Enclosure :
A brief of some things to be moved to the Lords of the Council by Mr. Auditor Peyton, mentioned in the ledger book of debts exhibited to the Lord Treasurer.
1. The Commission for Sir George Cary's accounts to be altered both for the commissioners left out and the Treasurer's account at wars being in the former commissions.
2. The accounts of the captains and army contained in the Auditor's patents, who shall have the taking thereof?
3. For the compositions to be raised certain in Connaught (3,000l.), Munster (1,200l.), and the English Pale (2,100l.) what course may be best held to have these accounted for yearly?
4. For beeves taken up of the country, whereby the composition of the Pale ceaseth, what reckonings shall be made with the country for those beeves.
5. For these and divers other imprests, the parties being dead, what order shall be taken with the executors. Jaques Wingfield, Master of the Ordnance, 12,000l. Michael Kettlewell for works, 6,000l. Might and Mollinex for victuals, 18,000l. Stephen Jennings for works, 3,000l.
6. For the imprests in Sir Henry Wallop's accounts, (86,328l.) what course to enforce them to account, and for the raising of Monaghan rent 500l. per annum.
7. Auditor's allowance for himself and his clerks.
8. The rates of victuals and ordinary wastes to be set down if they vary from the former.
9. What lead and what match shall be allowed to a hundredweight of powder.
10. The victuallers to deliver in their books from six months to six months. Storehouses to be viewed once a year.
11. The Master of the Ordnance to be limited a time to deliver in his books, and his stores to be viewed once a year.
12. The Treasurer at Wars to be limited a time to deliver up his ledger book and his warrants to be viewed once a year by the Commissioners there.
13. The Status Computantium to be viewed by the Chief Baron and the book of debts delivered to him.
14. How these accounts may be done—viz. Robert New-comen for victuals imprested until the Lord of Essex' time—viz. 1597, 21,073l. 18s. 0d. 1597–8, 20,407l. 18s. Master of the Ordnance imprests until the Lord of Essex' time—1595/6, 438l.; 1597/8, 181l. 0s. 0d. Provost Marshal for beeves until the Lord of Essex' time—1597/8, 2,556l.
1 p. (88. 24.)
Simon Basyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 7. Reporting progress of buildings. You shall see shortly by how much the conveniency of your house is bettered. The lights that are brought out of Kent do something trouble us, for they are all wrought for clerestories, and not for cant nor square windows. The rooms shall be cleansed after we have finished the stove that we are in hand withal.—This 7 of September 1601.
Signed. Holograph. Seal.pp. (88. 27.)
Sir John Haryngton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 7. Asking to be appointed to the place of a colonel in the county of Somerset vacated by Mr. Arthur Hopton.
I hope your Honour will not believe bare reports of my being backward in religion, for we have some pure spirited fellows that will not stick to say as much of your Honour and of the best in the realm.
I protest before God, I am no Papist; I use the Book of Common Prayer, which many of our forward men do not. I believe 12 articles of the creed and they believe scant 11, and though it is unusual in choice of a colonel to examine him by his catechism, yet will warrant me to give account of both duties better than my rival can of either. I have ever been assistant to Mr. Hopton in the place, and in the year '88, my country can witness my forwardness, and the last 8th of February your Honour was eye-witness of my readiness.—This viith of September 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 28.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 8. I have received your letter of the 6th instant from Basing, concerning a letter sent from one Andrew Clarke, of Leydge, to one Thomas Nicholson, and have used my best endeavours for the discovery thereof, but can in no sort hear of the same.—Dover Castle, 8 September 1601.
Signed. Postal times noted :—Dover, the 8th of September at 12 noon. Canterbury, 3 p.m. Sittingbourn, 7 p.m. Rochester, 10 p.m. Dartford, past 10. London, past 4 a.m. (9th). Hartford Bridge, 6 p.m. Seal. ½ p. (88. 29.)
John Seintleger to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Sept. 8.] At an expense to myself in law costs of more than 600l., I have by my evidences brought to her Majesty 8,000 a year descended to her from her most noble mother. I beseech that she may give order for the Lord Treasurer to pay my charges. I was constrained to enter into statutes to continue the suit, and have lately been arrested for the debt.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“8 Sept. 1601.” Seal. 1 p. (88. 30.)
Thomas [Bilson,] Bishop of Winchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 8. I might not omit to witness the love which I owe unto you coming so near my abode. Were I not in suspense of her Majesty's repair to the Castle of Farnham, I would have testified it in more ample manner : but please you to accept that which my grounds do yield, being a brace of bucks and a dozen of partridges.—From my house at Waltham, the 8th of September 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (88. 31.)
William Rider, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 8. It hath pleased her Majesty to bestow upon myself and the aldermen, certain bucks of this season, whereof two alloted to the Sheriffs are appointed to be served out of the two parks at Enfield, which the keeper refuse to serve without your warrant.—From London, the 8 of September 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (183. 37.)
Francis Cherry and John Mericke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 10. These news enclosed are come out of Russia. An answer of those things your Honour knoweth of will be expected in Russia, the messenger whereof, if he be not at Hamburgh by the end of this month, will lose his opportunity by reason of the freezing of the seas.—London, this 10th of September 1601.
Signed. Seal. ¼ p. (88. 34.)
The Enclosure :
Notes taken out of letters received from Richard Barne, agent in Russia, dated the 18th and 7th of August 1601, at the Castle Archangel, after the arrival there of the Russ Ambassador.
He writeth that the entertainment given in so gracious manner and so honourable by her Majesty unto the Russ Ambassador was done to very good purpose, and I do not think but he enlargeth it the uttermost, for more he reporteth than I understand by letters or speech of any man. There come many to him to whom he imparteth at large of every particular of his entertainment, in which discourse he inter-mingleth commendations of our country and people, withal sheweth the plate given him by her Majesty, with that likewise which other noblemen and others bestowed upon him, which doth very much increase the reputation of our country among the Russes.
Also he writeth of one of his Majesty's Council, named Posnick Demittrewich, was sent from Moscow as ambassador unto the King of Denmark, to have taken passage at Nerve, but now commanded to come hither to the castle, “Hartyck” Charles, Duke of Sweethland (Siretland) admitting no ships to pass further than Revel, but reduceth all trade thither, as ten days past the Emperor's Majesty wrote unto the Governor to the Castle at the port of our shipping, as also unto the Agent, likewise for the providing of a ship to convey this Ambassador into Denmark, and he hath provided the Lioness for that purpose. The said Ambassador departed from Moscow about Midsummer, so that they expect him hourly.
½ p. (88. 33.)
An Information.
[1601, after Sept. 10.] Names of those gentlemen which met at Wolverhampton 10th Sept. last, at which time those false rumours and misreports were spread in the country of your Honour, the Lord Cobham and Sir Walter Raleigh.
Edward Devereux, of Castle Bramwich, Warwickshire, uncle to the said late Earl of Essex, and his son and heir, with other of that name. Sir Edward Litleton, knight, whose lady is also a Devereux. Roger Fowke, esq., lately made a justice of peace by the procurement of the said late Earl, who lay in London all the last winter until the said Earl's insurrection, and often frequented Essex house, a man very unfit to have that authority in the country for many oppressions of poor men : as the said Gilbert in particular is able to set down and prove unto your Honour. John Lane, William Cumberforde, John Fowke, of Gunston; Richard Gifford, of Ashmores; John Leveson, and Walter Leveson, esquires, with many others.
Undated. 1 p. (204. 132.)
The Queen to the Emperor Of Muscovy.
[1601, Sept. 11.] Right high, &c. As those kind offices which we have long since received from you during the reign of the late Emperor your predecessor did give us cause still to entertain a mind of requital; so the reports which were daily brought unto us of the princely favours and immunities granted to our subjects since your attaining the crown, have wrought in us so great a desire to manifest our esteem, as we made choice of one of our confident servants, Sir Richard Lea, knight, to deliver the same to you in more lively manner than by letter could have been represented. To him we did declare that where we had understood that means was made unto you by divers Princes, and especially by some of the House of Austria, for some marriage to be made with some of their House, we wished we had been provided with some one meet to have been offered you, being sorry that one so dear to you as a child to a parent should be planted into a stock no better affected unto us. Hereof we did command our ambassador to speak, we being persuaded that there might have been a convenient marriage between the Prince your son and one of the daughters and heirs of our cousin the Earl of Derby, being of our blood royal and of greater possessions than any subject within our realm; but having now to our great grief understood upon enquiry that your son is not above 13 years of age, which is almost 5 years under that lady's age, we have thought it our part by this letter to let you know how the case standeth, and to assure you that if we had any one of our blood (nay, of our own body) answerable to your expectation, we would think ourself both honoured and strengthened by such a match. But as it hath pleased Almighty God so to dispose our mind as it could never give way to those affections which might have been the means to raise an issue of our own person—a matter whereof we have no cause for our own mind to be sorry, but only because we perceive how infinitely our people would have been comforted to be assured to have been left to no other's rule than such as should be derived from ourselves—we think it our part no longer to hold you in expectation. And though we will not be curious to interpose our judgment upon any consideration meet for you to have in your children's matches, yet we cannot forbear to say, that having respect to your own comfort as to our desire to enjoy your amity, we are sorry to think that if this shall go forward it shall be done to those who do rather seek you for their own particular good than for any true desire they have to make a lasting friendship with you. Of all whose proceedings, considering we have had so good experience, we cannot forbear to tell you our true judgment of their disposition, from whom in requital of our real and sincere proceedings towards them in times of their greatest need and peril, and for which we have extant the testimony of thanks under their own hands, we have received no other measure from some of the greatest of them but continual practice for increasing their own ambition to disturb the long continued quietness of our kingdom, in which God hath so protected us, notwithstanding their malice, as to give us continual victories by sea and land, &c.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endorsed :—“1601, September 11. Minute from her Majesty to the Emperor of Moscovy.” 6¼ pp. (88. 38.)
Stephen Le Sieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 11. Even now is this bearer, my servant, returned with the Baron of Donaw who about two months since passed, with her Majesty's allowance and the Lords' passport, into Scotland. The cause of their so long stay in their journey hath proceeded from their passage from Scotland to Ireland, sundry days with Tyrone, and thence passed to the Lord Deputy, of whom they received much honour. This bearer hath, as it seemeth, observed many things in Scotland and with Tyrone, which he shall deliver to your Honour if it please you to hear him, (he is the party of whom I had lately speech with your Honour) now, or whensoever he shall attend your pleasure in that business then spoken of. The Baron is very desirous, at this his departure out of her dominions, to kiss her Majesty's hand, as he did when he saw her first, and if she please to hear him make relation of what he hath seen in Scotland and Ireland, I am persuaded he will, with due respect, observe her commandment and conceal nothing.
I rest assured of your remembrance of me, and will with good devotion expect the fruits thereof.—London, this 11th of September 1601.
PS.—I have omitted to write to Mr. Vice-Chamberlain to present this nobleman to her Majesty, persuading myself that you will vouchsafe him that favour, considering the reasons above specified, and that you will excuse me to his Honour.
This bearer's name is John Christopher Herdesheim.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Jaroslaus Baron de Donagh, Bohemia.” Seal. 1 p. (183. 38.)
Lord and Lady Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Sept. 12. Thanking him for allowing his “sweet boy” to come and stay with them.—This 12 of September.
Holographs. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (88. 40.)
Robert, Lord Willoughby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 13. My father having bequeathed to you two of his best horses, I have caused all such as I have of any worth to be brought up to London. May it please you to appoint some one to make choice.—London, this 13 of September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (88. 42.)
Ralph Wilbraham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 13. One Nicholas Ranmore, a base fellow, about a month since gave forth these words, that the young Earl of Essex (meaning the late Earl's son) was gone or made away, no man knew how, and Sir Robert Cecil was committed to the Tower. These words have been generally spread abroad, and the country expecteth he should not go blameless. If I may by the next packet know your pleasure, it shall be prosecuted effectually.
I understand your Honour is for the Countess of Derby to compound for the wardship of Sir Hugh Cholmley's heir. If the composition be stayed my coming this next term, I shall truly inform you of all the state thereof.—Nantwich, this 13 of September 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (88. 43.)
Thomas Bluet to the Bishop Of London.
[1601,] Sept. 13. A friend of mine, a priest, that from the beginning assisted me both with counsel and other means, and being at this present about my affairs in procuring hands for me, is fallen into prison at Westchester, and, as I fear, in some danger because the honourable Council is not truly informed of the condition of the man, who always behaved himself as one clear from practice in matters of state, as appeared most plainly when Parsons would have thrust him into the armado which perished between Lisbon and Ferrol. This man I want greatly, and I can only procure his remove hither by your honourable means. His life will more pleasure the State than his death, for unto me and my fellows his death will be a great blot and hindrance, both within and without England, considering in what terms our business standeth. Wherefor I beseech you procure him to be sent for : your word with the Council would easily effect a greater matter; but haste is requisite, the assizes being at hand and the Judges perhaps not truly informed of his condition.—13 of Septem.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601. Thomas Blewet, a priest, to the Lord Bishop of London.” 1 p. (88. 44.)
Robert Milner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 13. I received, the 4th of August, 15l. from your Honour about the parsonage of Martock, for which favour I render thanks. I must make my repair into Somersetshire about some matters for composition of lands, viz., to Mochelney, Yeovil, Creach and other places near to Martock. I fear that in my now going down I shall not be able to carry myself so upright but I shall be taxed of ill persons and your Honour incensed against me. May it, therefore, please you that I may have your permission to endeavour the said compositions, being matters that nearly also concern my friends.—At Basing, this 13th of Sept., 1601.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Sept. 14.” 1 p. (88. 45.)
Dr. Christopher Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 13. Requesting to be nominated a burgess for the coming parliament.—This 13 of September 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (183. 39.)
Thomas Watson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 14. It would be too troublesome for you to peruse all our certificates concerning the exchange between the erection of the proclamation and the 10th of this month, until which time I have protected them. All the bills that have been sent over have been paid by me, and the rest, and some bills that were not due until the last of this month are already paid, to the great content of the parties and her Majesty's honour. There is yet remaining at Chester and Bristol, as by certificate from thence appeareth, 4,500l. I have not received these ten days past one bill of exchange, neither doth Mr. Treasurer who wrote to me on the 4th of this month, mention any to come, whereby I do assure myself the worst of the exchange is already past. I have been so scanted for money by reason that all the great payments have been directed to me, that I have been driven to send for 1,000l. from Bristol and 1,000l. from Chester. I would have waited upon you myself but that my businesses are many, but if I should understand there were cause, I would leave all and wait upon you. I beseech you to continue your favour to Mr. Treasurer in his absence. The report that he should be the principal deviser of this project of the new money, hath purchased him many enemies, both amongst the English and Irish, who are very ready to complain without any just cause.—From my house in Tungwell Street, the 14th of September 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Watson to me.” Seal. ¾ p. (183. 40.)
Capt. J. Ouseley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 14. It pleased you first to place me in this province of Munster, from whence I was removed by my Lord of Essex till this time that you have planted me here again. Let me not be blasted in the bud by being cast, but be so gracious as to write to my Lord Deputy in my behalf; I shall then stand as well as a great many of my puisnes. I am one of those that were here in garrison in the heat of the last rebellion. From Cork, this 14th of September 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (88. 46.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 15. Being, with your furtherance, gone into Derbyshire in hope to do good with Mr. Rodes, I crave leave to remember my hopes of your favour in the extent in the Court of Wards against J. Kilegrew, which was my relief of near 1,000l. between him and me, no way else, that I see, to be recovered. Wherein I crave most humbly that, if in trial of the law point (of his interest at time of his recognizance in that court) I be not to be relieved by the lease now in question (which yet, considering her ample receipts 'foresaid, and for a small consideration, I trust will not countervail the conscience of my debt and patience now fourteen years to my half undoing), yet I trust your Honour will let me have part of my relief by his other lands by this extent, my charges there found for her Majesty, and some allowance at least out of her rich share of his estate, which I know, before she procured this last order, by your Honour's letter, she would gladly have parted with : as, if her councillor, your Honour's appointed examiner of the cause, had lived, I trust he would on his conscience have avowed, as he did to me, to be due.
Touching Mowbrey, I find him still insist in purpose to seek furtherance of bringing in Sir James Maconel to her Majesty and his person into England, albeit I have refused further dealing therein. He pretends his assurance of it and of the Scots' King's mind to follow Huntly's suit here to your Honour. Wherein you best know what is to be done. And, as a parliament now draweth on, I would crave to be remembered in some vacant room.—Act[on], 15 Sept. 1601. Philip Mowbray lieth at Alexander Deneston's next house, one Mr. Hudson's, a shoemaker.
Holograph. Seal.pp. (183. 41.)
John Hopkenes, Mayor of Bristol, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 16. I enclose a packet from the Lord President of Munster which arrived here at 8 o'clock this evening, and also a letter for the Lord Treasurer. They were brought by Sir Charles Manners.—Bristol this 16th of September 1601.
Signed. Postal times noted :—From Bristol, 16 Sept. 9 p.m. Marshfield, 10.45. Calne, 4 a.m. (17th). Marlborough, 7.15. Newbury, 10.15. Seals. ½ p. (88. 47.)
Jaroslaus, Freiherr von Dona, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 16. I waited on you yesterday, by appointment, to be presented to her Majesty, but found that you had gone into the country without leaving any commands regarding me. If her Majesty would be pleased to receive my homage, I would hasten to her at the time and place appointed.—Basing, 16 7bris 1601.
Holograph. Latin. Endorsed :—“The baron of Dona to my master.” Seal. ½ p. (88. 48.)
Sir Anthony Cope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 16. No man could have procured my removing from Cecil House had it not been your desire, so much did I hold myself satisfied to be your tenant there. I beseech you, therefore, that I may be bold to put you in mind whether you promised not in the parting from it that if Rutland House came into your hands, I should not fail to have it of you? Pardon me if I press this promise for fear that my wife should remain a banished woman from London.—From Hanwell, this 16th of September 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (88. 51.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 19. [Printed in extenso in Edwards' “Life of Ralegh,” Vol. II., p. 235.]
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (88. 53.)
William Saxey to [Sir Robert Cecil.]
1601, Sept. 19. When I call to mind how graciously small services in Ireland have been rewarded unto others—namely, Mr. Snagg, who for two years' service in place of the Queen's attorney there in time of quiet was preferred to the coif and made the Queen's serjeant, Mr. Rookeby, for two or three years' service in Connaught in like quiet times, was preferred to be Master of Requests, and Mr. Gent, for a few months' service there, was preferred to be a Serjeant-at-Law and afterwards a Baron of the Exchequer,—I rest in hope that my poor services for these seven or eight years, wherein in time of the late rebellion I sustained great losses, besides the discontinuance of my practice, shall be thought on in some measure as others' have been. You may remember that about November last and since Xmas, my Lord President did write unto you and my Lord Keeper for my preferment into the place of Chief Baron of the Exchequer at Dublin, since which it was reported to him that some other was like to be preferred to that place. My only entertainment hath been a hundred pounds fee, which hath not defrayed half the charge of my expence. The party that shall be preferred to that place is like to be doubly graced as well with the coif as otherwise. My only suit is that my service already performed, may receive half that grace that shall be bestowed upon him for service expected, and that I may have the coif together with him. I have studied the laws these forty two years.—Sept. 19, 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil's Secretary :—“to My Mr.” Seal. 2 pp. (88. 54.)
Francis Cherry and John Mericke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 19. We have received your letter and the minute of her Majesty's letter to the Russ Emperor, (fn. 1) and have put the letter to be limned by him that was wont to do other letters of her Majesty, who shall only begin the style thereof and limn the border : the body of the letter we thought fit to commit to the secrecy of Richard Wright, Secretary to the Company, a man able to contain a matter of this nature without imparting it to any. But we conferring together upon the answer drawn, and having experience of the great conceit of the Russ, together with the course taken by her Majesty's Ambassador, both offering and urging to the Emperor from her a treaty of a match, are well assured that except some kind of offer be made, he will think himself not well dealt withal by the Ambassador. We do therefore offer this remembrance inclosed, mentioning a former treaty of a match between the old Emperor and an English lady which was cut off by the Emperor's death, being of opinion that if her Majesty will look to the continuance of intercourse with him, one offer or other is of necessity to be made. We are ready to attend you at the Court on Monday or Tuesday, and to bring with us the minute of her Majesty's letter.—London, this 19th of September 1601.
Signed. Seal. ¾ p. (88. 55.)
Sir Anthony Cooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 21. Excusing his non-attendance at Court on account of the illness (believed contagious) of his daughter, and of his being himself confined to bed by an unfortunate mishap by a wrench.—Charing Cross, this 21 of September 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (88. 56.)
Thomas Edmondes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 22. I did in the presence of Mr. Levynus acquaint Mons. Coamans with the despatches which have been made to the President Richardot and his answers to them, upon the view and information whereof he acknowledged plainly that the President Richardot played the subtle sophister. And, since, he hath been earnestly in hand with me that I would assist him to make a collection to charge the said President with his indirect proceedings, but I excused myself that it was no way fit he should carry any memorials from hence, seeing he came no better authorized, which I told him was here found very strange. He said that he did not forget to consider so much, and to object it before his coming, but that those of their side being first desirous to be satisfied whether her Majesty's disposition were not now aliened from a peace, that, if it were possible, it might be revived again in regard of the necessity of their affairs they did so urge his coming hither, only for the first to make that discovery, as he could not avoid the importunity which was therein used unto him : and the rather for that it was told him by the Count of Sores with whom he did advise thereof, that if he brought a good report, it was likely that he might be afterwards returned hither with commission to handle matters. As I find that hope brought him chiefly hither, so he still wisheth in respect thereof that the Archduke may have no good success before Ostend, to the end by the increase of their necessities to make them more humble minded. I sounded him, as your Honour commanded me, about the preparations of Spain, but it seemeth he cannot speak anything certainly thereof. He saith that the Archduke was careful to mediate in Spain that no forces should be sent into Ireland to interrupt the treaty, and that he knoweth not whether those men that were assembled at Lisbon, which were not many, were intended to be sent into the Low Countries or for other design.—From London, the 22th of September 1601.
PS.—I have forborne, having no other occasion, to attend the Lord Treasurer further about this business since I saw your Honour.
Holograph. Seal.pp. (88. 57.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Sir Francis Darcy, at Dover.
1601, Sept. 23. I have received this enclosed from the Court this morning which I have thought good to send to you with speed to be delivered by you according as you are directed.—From London, this 23 of September 1601.
Signed. Endorsed :—“To Sr. Francis Darcy with a Fr. book.” Postal times noted :—London, 8 a.m. Dartford, 11 a.m. Rochester, 2 p.m. Sittingborne, 4 p.m. Canterbury, past 9 p.m. Seal. ¼ p. (88. 58.)
Thomas Lake to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 23. This day, before the remove from Farnham, her Majesty hath signed the letters for the levies, some before dinner and some after, but all before her own dinner. I crave to know your pleasure concerning them. The warrant is also signed which you gave order for, touching the Marechal Biron and the rest.—From Guildford, this 23 of Sept. 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (183. 42.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 23. I have continued almost five years in this place, and I now crave leave to go into the country for some five or six weeks, leaving as my Deputy, Mr. Harvy, my son Deering, or any other whom her Majesty shall please. This liberty to all former lieutenants hath been allowed yearly for most part of the summer, until Sir Owen Hopton came to the place, who having wasted his estate, necessity enforced to mortify himself within the privilege of his office.—Tower, this 23 of September 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (183. 43.)
Sir Edward Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 24. I have sent your Honour here enclosed the letter you commanded Mr. Loakes at your coming away, and my Lord Admiral's hand [to] it, this bearer, my nephew's man, having your despatches presently to go to his master, if it please you to command him any service.—From Asher, this 24th of September 1601.
Holograph. ¾ p. (88. 59.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 24. Sir Francis Darcy had gone before the enclosed packet arrived : I sent it into the Downs by post but to no purpose.—Dover Castle xxiiii September 1601.
Signed. Postal times noted :—Dover, 2 p.m. Canterbury, past 6 p.m. Sittingborne, 9 p.m. Rochester, 12 midnight. Dartford, almost 4 a.m. Seal. ¼ p. (88. 60.)
John Phelips to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 24. Asking for the grant of the second reversion of an Auditorship.—September the 24th 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 61.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Sept. 24. I am most bound to acknowledge your effectual dealing with her Majesty for me, humbly beseeching you to finish that good work. How much I loathe myself for my offence, the heavenly God doth know.—The Gate House, this 24 of September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (183. 44.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 25. [Printed in extenso in Edwards' “Life of Ralegh,” Vol. II., p. 237.]
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601. Concerning Meeres.” 1 p. (88. 62.)
H. Touneshend to [Sir R. Cecil].
1601, Sept. 26. Morgan Lloyd, an infant, forcibly taken away by Jevan Lloyd and others, has been now delivered to the bearer Gruffith Evans. Prays for favour to the bearer touching the wardship.—Ludlow Castle, 26 Sept. 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (2112.)
Lord Mounteagle to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Sept. 27. I beseech you to procure my enlargement. All men take such advantage of my misery as it is a labyrinth to me to think of my recovering my own, which yet will prove more intricate if my restraint continue.—Shingelhale, this xxviith of September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ¾ p. (88. 67.)
Robert Jermyn and Sir John Higham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sep. 28. Having heard by Mr. Lewkener how kindly you entertained our suit sent by him, we pray you to accept these few lines as witnesses of our true thankfulness, and as second solicitors of our former suit for the service of her Majesty and the good of that poor town. These poor men, blinded with the bare title of their corporation, cannot see into the many inconveniences ensuing. Ourselves likewise, having a prejudicate opinion of their proceedings, can be no competent judges; we refer, therefore, the whole matter to yourself. It is given out that Mr. Attorney inclineth towards them. We see some circumstances to the contrary.—From Bury the 28th Sep. 1601.
In Jermyn's hand. Signed by both. Seal. 1 p. (88. 68.)
Henry Meer to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Sept. 28. Being at Bindon with my Lord Viscount Howard and ready to ride to Sherborne, his Lordship received these advertisements and commanded me in haste to deliver them to the packet bearer of Sherborne, which I performed this present day about 9 o'clock at night.—Sherborne, the 28th of September.
Signed. Noted On the back :—“Bindon at 3 of the Clocke Sondaye. Shirburne at 7 in the mornyng being Munday. New Sarum at fower of the clocke on Monday. Rd. at Andever at 11 at night being Mundaye. Stanes at 12 at none.”
Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ¼ p. (88. 69.)
Anthony Atkinson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 28. Informing Cecil that smuggling of silks is being projected in London—to which Cecil's and the Queen's officers are privy.—London, this 28th of September, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (88. 70.)
The Earl Of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Sept. 28. I have received this day her Majesty's writ of summons to this Parliament, and withal a letter from the Lords of the Privy Council commanding me from her to forbear my appearance there, and not to stir further than the place that is limited unto me, whereunto I do most willingly submit myself, beseeching only so much enlargement as I may be able to see the lands I am enforced to sell, and that I may have the liberty of my own home.—Uffington, this 28 of September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (88. 71.)
Walter Cope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 28. You have the custom of all tufftaffetayes and satins wrought with gold and silver already, and therefore we mean not to trouble her Majesty with so much as any names thereof.
I find poor Mr. Taylor in a bodily fear that now he hath charged himself by tally to have received 4,440 and odd pounds, that he shall be called upon by my Lord Treasurer and by the pensioners for their ordinary fees. He protesteth that he hath of yours but 1,500l. that he can pay, and 500l. in gold which he may not pay. I hereupon went to the custom-house to enquire when we may hope of any moneys thence, and they say there is some accident that hath stayed the Stoode ships a fortnight or three weeks longer than was expected by the letters come by the last post. Please you, therefore, either to move my Lord Treasurer, to forbear all payments for a month to all sorts of pensioners, or else please to write two lines to me that, if moneys come not in where you have appointed, I will enquire where 1,000l. or 2,000l. may be had with Mr. Alderman Lee or Mr. Alderman Bonnett, or the Lord Mayor elect, or the late Sheriff, Mr. Craven, only for a month. We shall procure sufficient to serve, if his need so require, without further bonds than Mr. Bellott and Mr. Haughten. I am acquainted with them all and I hear they are the best moneyed about the city. Or, if you would be beholden to my Lord Anderson, he would, I am sure, be glad to lend you so much for a longer time for thanks. He is not without 10,000 lying by him. I have spoken for the hastening of your house and street. I cannot imagine, except you will use gilt hangings for your gallery, how you can possibly furnish it. To have one suit or two that will supply that compass will be hard to find, and to have them of one work will be impossible. Good you resolve before the term, for there are not many suits in London, and against the parliament they will soon be bought up.—28 Sept. 1601.
My Lord Treasurer stays the interlopers and stays their ships and other wares in favour of the Adventurers, which will much hinder your farm and the Queen's customs, and indeed is against justice, for they meddle but with cloth.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 45.)
Sir William Cornwaleys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 29. He that is never missed needs little be curious to excuse his absence, yet I thought fit to advertise you my journey into Suffolk, whither I have been summoned. I do not forget my business at Court, yet thought it not meet so soon after progress attendance to move recompense, like the watermen that call presently for their hire after labour. But if any occasion of speech may remember you of me before my return, let it serve as a preface to good success in my suit.—From Highgate, this 29th of Sept. 1601. “To burn.”
Holograph. ½ p. (88. 72.)
William [Morgan,] Bishop of St. Asaph, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 29. Asking that the restitution of the temporalities of his bishopric may date from the death of the last incumbent. This would make one year's revenue to be due at Michaelmas, amounting to 187l. 11s. 6d.—At Colbrooke, this 29th of September 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (183. 46.)
Thomas, Lord Scrope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 29. I send you herewith the King his letter unto me and my answer to him thereto, praying you, if you think it fit, to acquaint her Majesty therewith, for George Nicholson would needs have me to answer him, though I think it will be unpleasant. I pray you remember to send your warrant for the six barrels of gunpowder to Mr. Musgrave, for it will do much good service this winter.—Carlel, this 29th of Sept. 1601.
Holograph. ¾ p. (183. 47.)
The Enclosures :
(1.) 16 Sept. 1601.—King James VI. of Scotland to Lord Scroope, Warden of the West March.—Has at his request stayed the despatch of complaints to the Queen for reparation of losses sustained on the West Border, but complains of too great deliberation in prosecuting the offenders. Will forbear complaints to the Queen if he will cause instant restitution of goods recently spoiled and taken away in a raid into Liddisdale.—Falkland, 16 Septr. 1601.
Signed. ¾ p. (147. 145.)
(2.) 1601, Sept. 29.—Lord Scroope to K. James.—Your Majesty writes that, by reason of my directing of George Nicolson and Thomas Musgrave to your Highness, you stayed the sending up of complaint to her Majesty touching the repairing of that fact committed upon the West Borders of Scotland the morrow after my coming home. Please you to take knowledge that I directed George Nicolson with Thomas Musgrave, to you, with a breviate of some part of the outrageous faults that those notorious offenders had committed, whereby you might have been satisfied both touching their insolent behaviours, and also that no harm was done to your true subjects, but only to those malefactors who stand probably indicted before her Majesty's Justices of Assizes of manifold faults done to the subjects of this march : and, therefore, should have been tried and justified according to their deserts and the laws of this realm, if the Lord Johnston had not solicited their freedom. It pleaseth your Majesty also to write that you perceive that my deliberation is to prosecute a course tending to the endangering of the peace in so far that, by my last oversight, a great force of garrison and waged men with others came into Liddisdale, where they committed great rifts and spoils upon the Laird of Mangerton and others. Far be it from my thought to offer any matter that tends to the violation of the happy and peaceable amity : but finding the Laird of Mangerton, with others of Liddisdale, as well receivers of your denounced outlaws who killed Sir John Carmichael, your late warden, as also principal rievers and spoilers in England, keeping together continually within the stone house of Mangerton, where at that time were sixteen, or more, notorious malefactors, I took it for good a service to you and to all true men of the East to use all means for the apprehending of those insolent thieves, who. besides their disobedience to your Majesty, had so faulted to this march, as by the bills enclosed may appear. And for my brother, Sir Robert Carey, I rest well content he so pleaseth your Majesty, but am sorry that those whom he yielded to enlarge should presently, both in the time of Mr. Lowther's being my deputy spoil my own tenants of Irthington, and, since my return home, sundry others, which I know is to his discontentment, now wishing they had received justice condign their deserts. And, where your Highness thinks it dishonourable to write unto me, I should have taken it for a great favour, if it had not been done with such bitterness. And, to conclude, where your Majesty threats that unless restitution be made to that notorious thief, you will complain to my sovereign, though I know what weight so mighty a complaint may carry, yet the clearness of my cause I hope shall justify my actions, and rather will hazard to have my innocence tried in that matter than to suffer these proud indignities to be attempted within my office, nor doubting but that her Majesty will see her poor subjects relieved, and your Highness, after truth proved of these enormities, better satisfied. Whenas restitution shall be made by him for the several offences of burnings, taking of prisoners, mutilations, spoils and hereships committed against her Majesty's subjects, then shall I most willingly cause redress to be made for this bill of Mangerton and others.—Carlel, this 29th of September 1601.
Copy by Scroope. 3 pp. (183. 49.)
[1601, after Mich.] A brief of Receipts and Payments on behalf of Lady Bridget Noryce for three years ending Michaelmas 1601.
Plate, jewels, &c., part of her portion sold 1,256l. 16s. d.
Her portion in money by will 6,537l. 3s. 0d.
Rents for 3 year to Mich. 1601 665l. 8s. 11d.
Total 8,459l. 8s. d.
Her charges for the year ending Mich. 1599 1,013l. 9s. 11d.
Do. do. 1600 180l. 19s. d.
Do. do. 1601 280l. 9s. 0d.
Paid for a purchase 6,217l. 9s. 8d.
Paid to Mr. Lord Norys, 3 occasions 900l. 0s. 0d.
8,592l. 8s. d.
Besides, my lady Bridget is to answer my lady Susan for overplus of jewels 105l. 16s. d.
Endorsed :—“A brief of receipts and payments made for my Lady Bridget Noryce for 3 years expiring at Michaelmas 1601.” 1 p (97. 84.)
Edward Lenton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601.] Sept. 30. My name has been given by Sir John Fortescue to the Corporation of Wickham to elect me one of their burgesses, but my Lord Windsor, their steward, to whom they were wont to grant the nomination of one, hath written for both. Wherefore, my humble suit is that you would vouchsafe by your letters to give that corporation some encouragement in electing me, for though my Lord Windsor objects in his letters that I am one that doth but follow my Lord Norreys (in whose business I now am), yet I hope your Honour knoweth that I have given myself as a servant to none but to you.—Oxford, 30 7bris.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (88. 73.)
Thomas Payne, Mayor of Plymouth, and Sir John Gilbert to the Earl of Nottingham and to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 30. According to your order dated the — of August last, we took up for her Majesty's service a pinnace of Captain Parker's, called the New Year's Gift, which pinnace, by reason of a very great storm which she received upon the coast of Spain, was cast away on the coast of France, although all her men were saved. Captain Parker values her at 110l. We beseech you that satisfaction may be made unto him.—Plymouth, this last of September 1601.
PS.—The burden of the pinnace is 25 tons. William Parker.
Signed. 1 p. (88. 74.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Sept. 30. Recommending the bearer, Mr. Pallmer, his lordship's chaplain.—From York, the last day of September 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (183. 50.)
Cobham Pedigree.
1601, Sept. 30. Genealogical chart of the Cobham family, from Edward I. Emblazoned by Joseph Holand.
Vellum. (225/3.)
Sir Henry Neville to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Sept.] I have by a petition unto the Lords renewed the offer which I made lately by my private letter to your Honour, and which it pleased you to recommend on my behalf to my Lord Keeper and my Lord Treasurer at your last meeting in London. I have only altered this one point, that instead of Hollantide which I appointed for the payment of the 2,000 marks, I have now named six weeks after the sealing of my pardon, because no man will credit me, or contract with me, till that be done.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Sept. 1601.” ¾ p. (88. 75.)
W. Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Sept.] Vouchsafe to unload me of this most heavy burden, or else charitably hear what I can answer to anything objected. I desire not so much as lawful favour, but all extremity, if my intent be found subject to the least suspicion of evil in thought to the person of her most sacred Majesty.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“September 1601.” Seal. 1 p. (183. 51.)
1601, Sept. Money issued out of the Receipt by privy seals, August 1598 to Sept. 1601.
60 pp. (284. 5.)
William Marche, of the Isle of Ely, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Sept.] Upon some malicious information touching the late action of the Earl of Essex, he has endured imprisonment and hindrance from his affairs. Is again commanded to attend the Council's pleasure, and prays that he may be dismissed till the Michaelmas term, as his absence in this time of harvest will be a great loss.
Undated. 1 p. (1706.)
Thomas, Viscount Howard of Bindon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, before Oct.] Prays to be discharged from attending Parliament, on account of indisposition. Some towns, having affiance in the care he will take of their well doing, have given him the nomination of their burgesses, for which place if Cecil appoints one or two, and sends him their names by the bearer, he will appoint them to the chiefest town.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“L. Viscount Byndon. 1601.” ½ p. (90. 42.)


  • 1. See p. 387.