Cecil Papers: May 1601

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1601', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp188-213 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1601', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp188-213.

"Cecil Papers: May 1601". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp188-213.

May 1601

Serjeant John Hele to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 1. Pardon me this second letter, and for the one I wrote you of late, if I did forget to set my hand to it, as my Lord Cobham says I did. I beseech you read this enclosed answer to Mr. Tichborne's petition, and whether it be fit, before the examination of the truth hereof, I should be called to answer in person upon his suggestion.—1 May, 1601.
Signed. Endorsed (wrongly) :—“1 April.” ½ p. (85. 140.)
Henry Lello to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 1. Asks Cecil's favour for his brother Hugh Lello, who was a follower of Sir John Norrys, by whose untimely death he lost his hope of preferment. He desires some charge in martial affairs.—1 May, 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (86. 23.)
Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601], May 1. On behalf of Barnard Geryni, an Italian gentleman. Certain English ships being stayed by the Duke of Florence, upon a ship taken by an Englishman laden with sugars, arrest has been made here by warrant of the Lords of the Privy Council, not only of Geryni's goods but of his merchant's bills and books of account. He prays that the papers may be restored. I must confess I am something addicted to the love of the house of him that is dead for the courtesies I have received both from him and that nation.—This present May day.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (182. 12.)
H., Earl of Lincoln to the Lord High Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 2. I am sorry that the foolish and rude behaviour of base “artysants” in my house should give cause to my enemies to speak suspiciously of my willingness to do my duty to her Majesty in whatsoever I am able to perform, though it were with the adventure of my life; which I have many times, and many years past, made as great trial and testimony of as any nobleman now living; and am ready (notwithstanding my old and sickly years) to lose, to do her Majesty service in. I am bound to your Lordship and Mr. Secretary that it has pleased you to remember what care I took to prepare for her Majesty's coming, who did not only provide then all things in the best sort I could, but stayed so long that I came short to the assizes, to my great loss and hindrance; and yet at my departure left the house (as appeareth) in readiness when her Majesty should command it, more chargeably furnished than I intended, if it had not been in respect of her Majesty's disposition to come thither : whom though I never durst nor dare presume to invite thither, knowing myself neither able to perform it as I would with my heart wish to give her contentment, nor experienced as many others are which are encouraged by sundry her great favours and graces bestowed on them boldly without fear to their great comfort to attempt the same : yet do now, after humble thanks for your care of me, refer myself to be considered of as you shall think fit for one in my case so far absent, that has no better means to give contentment to her Majesty and satisfaction to your Lordship and Mr. Secretary, always ready to honour and obey you as far as my pressed down estate will suffer, as knows the living Lord.—Tatershall, May 2, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 25.)
Jno. Hopkenes, Mayor, and Samuel Norton to the Council.
1601, May 3. In accordance with the Council's letters of Feb. 14, they have heard the complaint of the inhabitants of Bristol against Arthur Player for destroying and wasting timber fit for ship building, and engrossing seacoal pits. They have set down such agreement therein as they hope the Council will not be further troubled in the matter.—3 May, 1601.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Bristol.” ½ p. (86. 26.)
Ch. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601], May 3. Sends an enclosure from my Lord of London.—3 of May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. D. Parkyns. 1601.” ½ p. (86. 27.
Richard Staperr to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 4. It may please you to receive here-enclosed my letter to one Jeffry Luther, an Englishman dwelling in Venice, who will not fail to accomplish the contents thereof. For such farther matters as you write me of, I think it best to write him of it in my private letter which shall go by the next post.—4 May, 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (86. 28.)
Richard [Bancroft,] Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 4. The bearer, Mr. Cox, is the gentleman he recommended yesterday, who will be ever ready to do Cecil all dutiful service.—Fulham, 4 May, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 30.)
Robert Beale, Clerk of the Council, to the Queen.
[1601, May 4]. Your Majesty promised when I left for Boulogne, to bestow somewhat upon me on my return. I have served your Majesty these 28 years; and I have been no importunate suitor.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“4 May, 1601.” 1 p. (182. 15.)
Sir Francis Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 5. Purposes to move the Queen for the reversion of the keeping of Brigstock Parks [Northampton] now in possession of the Lord Chamberlain, for which he is willing to yield 1000 marks; but he will not move in the matter without Cecil's allowance.—Beddington, 5 May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 29.)
William Rider, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 5. Sending up one Turvyll with a deposition concerning unadvised speeches uttered by him in a tavern.—London, the 5th of May, 1601.
Signed. ¼ p. (182. 16.)
The Enclosure :
A breviate of some disordered speeches in the house of Arthur Harrison, vintner, in Fenchurch Street, London, this Saturday in the evening, being the 2nd of May, 1601.—About ten of the clock in the evening, Mr. Margetts and one Mr. Pryce, servant to Captain Jolles, were going home to their dwellings, but in the way did chance to meet with one—Turvyll and another who termeth himself Fanshawe and Lee. Which said Turvyll and Fanshawe did by violence and force thrust Mr. Margett from the wall into the kennel, not having any occasion given to move them thereunto, whereupon speeches increased, and Mr. Margett and Mr. Pryce sought to make some peaceable end, and being near unto Mr. Harrison's house did agree amongst themselves to go and drink a quart of wine together to make friendship. But after they were placed in the tavern, the said Turvyll and Fanshawe (changing their names to Tom Greene and Lee), proceeded in multiplying more quarrelling speeches, and amongst many idle words that passed, Turvill, in the hearing of the deponent Harrison, began to talk of the Earl of Essex and of Sir Robert Cecil whom he called, “Robin Cicill,” in this manner. “I would the noble Earl of Essex and Robin Cicill were together.” Whereupon Harrison rebuked him for using Sir Robert's name with so little respect, which Turvill took very evil and replied saying, “I know you well enough, you are a martial man of the city, one that keeps the forts and 'schanses' of the city and making blockhouses for the same.” Which he spoke in very disdainful manner and as it were to disgrace the city. Whereupon Mr. Harrison warned him to depart his house, which (though with some quarrelling) at length he did. But Harrison considering their uncivil carriage, their changing of their names and other circumstances, thought it meet to give the constable charge of him, and so followed him to his lodging where he intercepted him from passing in, notwithstanding his betaking of himself to his weapons, and delivered him to the constable.
Signed by Arthur Harrisone and by the Lord Mayor.
pp. (182. 17.)
Sir John Gilbert to the Council.
1601, May 5. I send you herewith by Mr. Dodington an indenture of the arms &c. which were handed over to me by Mr. Christopher Harris with the fort and island of St. Nicholas near Plymouth.—From the fort, this 5th of May, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (182. 18.)
Sir William Constable to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 6. The Lord Admiral has made known to him Cecil's favours in his unfortunate troubles : which was confirmed by Cecil's honourable usage of him the last day. Craves Cecil's assistance for raising again his overthrown fortunes, now wholly ruinated. Intends to present his distressed estate by petition to Cecil and the rest of the Commissioners.—6 May, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 31.)
Ma[ry], Countess of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, May 6.] The message delivered yesternight from you to my Lord and myself was exceeding welcome to us. Upon that occasion has happened nothing but contentment to me, save only failing of so honourable company as yourself and my Lady Warwick, and the doubt I have that the errors I committed, proceeding on a false ground, would seem strange to you. I am sorry that after your great toil you will trouble yourself with using ceremony to your friends here, who without all ceremony remain your most thankful and constant friends for ever.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“6 May, 1601, Countess of Shrewsbury.” 1 p. (86. 32.)
Cambridge University.
1601, May 6. Cambridge University versus John Yaxley, Francis Brakin, Robert Wallis and others.
Order of the Court of Exchequer that a dedimus potestatem be awarded to take the answers of some of the defendants in the county.—6 May, 1601.
¾ p. (136. 99.)
Captain Gerald Flemynge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 6. When I came hither in hope to be recompensed for my service and maim, recommended by letters from the Lord Deputy, the Lord President of Munster, the Earl of Ormond and Sir Geoffrey Fenton, you demanded if some of the rebels' lands would be acceptable to me. I would willingly receive such to the value of 40l. in fee farm, and do humbly crave her Majesty's letters to the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland for passing such lands in any part of the realm to me. I beseech you forward my despatch and I will omit prosecution of my suit for the remainder of my entertainment of 550l. until some fitter time, being desirous to follow the service, and to return to Ireland in the company of those suitors who coming hither both before and after me are now being despatched with favourable letters.—This 6th of May, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (182. 19.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] May 7. Here are come upon the coast 2 Spanish ships and a pinnace which lie thwart of Plymouth, and have taken divers fisher boats, some of which they discharged after they had examined the company. They examined them upon these points following :—First, how the rebellion of the Lord of Essex had proceeded, and to what head it had grown, and what noblemen were interested in that business, and how many of them had lost their lives with him, and to what head it had grown since his death. Secondly, what soldiers had been sent and were to go for Ireland. Thirdly, what presses of men were here, either for the land or sea. Fourthly, what fleets of either English or Dutch were preparing for the sea. And lastly, whether there were not a Dutch fleet gone for the East Indies out of the harbour of Dartmouth. They also showed them of the bread that they had taken from one of the victuallers for Ireland, which ship took in her loading in Dartmouth. I thought it my duty to acquaint you herewith, the rather that some care may be had of the munition that is to come down hither, as also that it be the sooner despatched in respect of the intelligence which I sent you, dated one day before the date hereof, of a fleet of 30 sail of Spaniards with shallops that had decks for landing. Humbly beseeching you to take order with the postmasters that my packets may be carried, because the Plymouth post refuses to do it, saying he has no order for it, I take my leave.—From the Fort, 7 of May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601,” 2 pp. (86. 24.)
Sir Thomas Egerton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 7. Asks for the wardship of the son of his kinsman, Sir George Maynwaringe, who is sickly.—7 May, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 34.)
Henry, Lord Cobham, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 7. Begs for his favour to the bearer, Mary Gascar, wife of the late John Gascar, a denizen here, for whom John Mouch intends to become suitor to have her made a denizen. She has the testimony both of the French Church whereof she is, and also of her neighbours, among whom she has lived 30 years.—Blackfriars, 7 May, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 35.)
John Byrdde, Mayor of Liverpool, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 7. I enclose the examinations of two Scotsmen, Martin Merrie and Adam Harber, to whom one George Askine, a Scotsman now at Beaumaris, has sent a special messenger with letters. The men confess upon oath that they returned to the said George one packet, which I miss, addressed to your Honour. I send also the letter from Askine to them in which the rest were enclosed, the doubtfulness of whose matter it is that hath caused me to acquaint your Honour with the examinations. And also I send two letters directed for Scotland, the one to the Earl of Argile and the other to Sir Thomas Askine, knight.—Liverpool, this of May the seventh day, 1601.
Signed. Endorsed :—“The 9 of May, Barnet at 9 of the clock this night.” Seal. 1 p. (182. 20.)
Fra : Lysle to her Majesty's Principal Secretary.
1601, May 8. For employment in the Low Countries, or otherwise. Speaks of his 10 years' service in the wars, and his unfortunate crosses therein.—8 May 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captain Lisle.” 1 p. (86. 36.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 8. As I was bold upon my first commitment to recommend my poor estate to you by a joint letter written unto you and other of the Lords, so having a more especial and indeed my chief and only confidence (after God) in your good favour and compassion towards me, I have presumed now again to renew my suit particularly unto you, humbly beseeching you not to look upon my offence only with the severe eye of a counsellor of state, but sometimes also with the affectionate eye of an honourable friend, and to think of my poor wife and children, whose good or ruin is now in your hands, that thereby you may be moved to hasten to some good effect your honourable intentions towards me. I need not repeat the nature of my offence, neither do I mean to justify myself. I acknowledge a great fault, only I would be glad it might be conceived that there was more misfortune than malice in it; misfortune I mean, both in being by abuse brought to hear that I never thought to hear, and in being prevented in the purpose I had to discharge my duty. Let my whole life and former carriage towards her Majesty be examined, and by that let there be some judgment made of my heart and intention towards her. But I disclaim, as I said, all justification, and appeal only to her princely mercy, humbly desiring that I may have cause to rejoice in it as well as many other, towards whom she has been pleased to begin a mild and merciful course, to her eternal glory.—From the Tower, 8 May, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 37.)
“Mr. Secretary” J. Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, May 8.] These enclosed I received this day at the Star Chamber, and those that I found opened, I read; the other I found sealed, I thought fit to be sent to yourself to be opened by you. The style, manner of writing, the credit given to the party, the party being brother to Sir Thomas Erskin, seem to infer some further project fit to be considered by yourself. Praying you to excuse my absence until to morrow at evening.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“8 May, 1601.” Seal. ½ p. (182. 21.)
William Lytton and Thomas Pedley to—.
1601, May 8. With respect to fines levied upon Nicholas Longford, for absence from church and from the sessions, list of which they give.—Derby, 8 May, 1601. 1 p. (2261.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 10. Refers to the suit he lately made. After 40 years' purchase and under, her Majesty's own lands are usually sold; and therefore he cannot imagine these that come by attainder and forfeiture to be prized more than equal to the lands of the Crown. So 100l. land valued at 4000l. : if he gives 20 years' purchase, 2,000l., her Majesty gives him but 2,000l. in the sale, which is no great preferment to attain to after 24 years' service : especially considering the mighty loss he lately sustained by the long delay and hard suit for his own child, to his utter undoing. But if his desires be not acceptable, he submits himself to reformation. His life is now very bitterly distasted with penury and despair.—10 May, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 38.)
The Earl of Desmond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 10. I have been forced to spend the 50l. which your Honour procured Sir Walter Rawlegh to lend me, in sending back my superfluous followers. Being consequently without means to follow the Court, I beseech you to confer with the Lord Treasurer for some maintenance for me until the due of mine own entertainment do come in.—Newgate Market, this 10th of May, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (182. 22.)
Daniel Bulkeley, Mayor, and Thomas Roland, Bailiff, to Sir Robert Cecil
1601, May 11. The same day that they addressed to Cecil the letters found with George Areskinn, Scot, he requested to have this packet enclosed sent by the same messenger. They explain why the letters were not so sent, but returned to Areskinn, who opened them to the writers to be viewed. As they know not what politic practice may be concealed in them, they send them for Cecil's consideration. They deny his charge of dealing hardly with him; having restrained him of no reasonable liberty, neither committing him to any other prison than his own chamber in the best inn in the town; having nevertheless careful respect that he make no escape till Cecil's pleasure be known.—Bewmarres, 11 May, 1601.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Mayor and Bailiff of Beumaries.” 1 p. (86. 39.)
The Enclosure :
1601, May 1. George Areskyn to Sir Robert Cecil.—Being directed by my master the Earl of Argyle towards the Deputy of Ireland about some business which may as mickle import the furtherance of her Majesty's affairs in these parts as my master's own particulars, I have been stayed here in Beaumaris (come hither by violence of a contrary wind) and after examination am made prisoner until answer return from the Council whither my letters are direct. And in respect that my master's letter to the Deputy opens up clearly his Lordship's honest meaning towards her Majesty, as in like manner the occasion and drift of my errand, I effectuously intreat your Honour to expedite my despatch. I have received great uncourtesy of the Mayor here who would not suffer my packet be conveyed to your Honour by the bearer of my letters which they took from me. I can write no further of my credit but these murderers meriting just punishment are presently in Ireland making alliance with Tyrone. I write his name no more plainly till either I speak with your Honour or the Deputy.—Beaumarrais, this first of May, 1601.
Excuse this boldness in putting these other letters with your Honour's packet.
Holograph. Scotch. 1 p. (182. 11.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Mr. Secretary.
1601, May 11. I will return hither to-morrow by 6 in the evening from Croydon, where I am invited to dine with the Archbishop in his hospital, wherefore, if you will keep that hour here at this poor house, the mistress thereof will bid you entirely welcome, and I will inform you the news of Croydon.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“11 May, 1601.” ½ p. (86. 40.)
Edward, Earl of Oxford to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, May 11.] I received this morning your message by H. Loke, whereby I see you have not forgotten me to her Majesty, and I thankfully accept of this your friendly and brotherly office in my cause. I sent my man unto you that he might open somewhat more plainer the cause. The more you shall countenance him the more boldly and freely he will certify you. To-morrow I hope to see you myself at the Court.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, xio Maii.” Seal. 1 p. (182. 23.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to the Council.
1601, May 11. Two letters :—
1. There remaineth here as yet certain Spaniards that hover up and down the coast, taking and spoiling all such barks and boats as pass from port to port, and all other that come in their view, if they be able to fetch them up. Since my last advertisements, they have chased many barks who were forced to hazard themselves on the cliffs to be free of them. Amongst them a gentleman, one Mr. Wadame, being bound for Ireland. They took last night the Irish ship called the Sunday, of Waterford (which was stayed in this harbour according to your directions) wherein were found the letters sent out of Spain to the Tyrone by Peter Strong. Also the same time they gave chase to a small man of war of Weymouth, bound for the Southward, who escaped from them by getting into Helford; the captain whereof certified me of the taking of the Irishman.—Pendenas Castle, the 11th of May 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (182. 25.)
2. Since the sending away of my last advertisements to your Honours of this day's date, I have discovered 30 sail or thereabouts of shipping before this harbour, distant some four or five leagues, standing to the eastward : the which fleet was before discovered to the westward, as appeareth by this letter hereinclosed, with some others following. Now these two Spanish ships, whereof I have already given knowledge, since the same fleet came in sight, made to the head of them, which caused me to suspect that these shipping should be the Spanish fleet, and those two which took the barks and boats here this 6 or 7 days were but espials for intelligences and foregoers of this fleet : against which we are all in these parts in a readiness to withstand any attempt that they shall offer.—Pendenas Castle, the 11th of May 1601.
Signed. ¾ p. (182. 24.)
Sir George Cary to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 11. I have received two packets from your Honour, one of the 7th and the other of the 8th of this present, and your Honour's letters shall be safe delivered. And touching the Dean of Limerick's entertainment of 40s. per week, I do remember I gave it him in the time of my government; but, as far as I do now remember, my Lord Deputy at his first arrival into Ireland, understanding that the Dean was gone for Scotland, gave his weekly entertainment unto another. Presently upon arrival I will inform myself how it standeth; but, however it be, if he be one that your Honour doth affect, he shall be put in and another put out, and he satisfied of that which your Honour requires.
This day I have shipped her Majesty's treasure and with the next tide will go aboard. God bless me with a good and safe passage! My Lord Deputy, as I hear, having long expected my coming and borrowed as much money as my men could procure for him, is gone from Dublin and drawn towards the borders of Tyrone. I received a letter from Sir Arthur Chichester with some small news, which I send herein enclosed. I beseech you to hasten the return of Sir Richard Greames for my Lord Deputy may not in any case spare his services at this time. I have written to my Lord Treasurer that the rest of these new moneys may be hasted away with all the speed that may be.—Helbrie, this 11 of May 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (182. 26.)
John Ridgwaye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 12. For employment, if her Majesty send any forces to the Low Countries.—12 May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 41.)
Gabriell Goodman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 12. The bearer, his cousin, by Cecil's means procured the Council's letters to commend him to the Muster-master's place of Lancaster; these not taking effect, he desires to be preferred to a company in this present employment for the Low Countries or Ireland.—12 May 1601.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Dean of Westminster.” 1 p. (86. 42.)
Vincent Skynner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 12. Understanding by the bearer that doubt is made whether the grant of the marshal's office in the Exchequer be in the disposition of the Earl Marshal of England, he has caused several copies to be made of two grants of that office, made by the Earl of Shrewsbury and the Duke of Norfolk, being the two last Earl Marshals before the late Earl of Essex. The like copies were made out by him to the Lord Treasurer and Barons, for clearing the like scruple then made as now seems to be suggested. The grant made to the bearer of this office of marshal, which he holds, was made before the time that the late Earl of Essex was sequestered from the office of Earl Marshal and other offices.—Westminster, 12 May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 43.)
Thomas Stapleton to the Council.
1601, May 13. Yesterday Richard Sutton, of Sutton, Cheshire, Esq., informed him, as a justice of the peace within the borough of Macclesfield, of certain words uttered at his house by Richard Teyleby of London, draper. He procured Sutton, Teyleby, and Brereton, Sutton's servant, to come before the justices at Presbury, and encloses their examinations. Teyleby remains in safe keeping in Macclesfield Gaol.—Macclesfield, 13 May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 47.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 14. Understands that John Bargar of Kent is one amongst the rest appointed to appear before the Star Chamber to-morrow. As Bargar was not committed at all, nor bound over, but only to give evidence against Sheriff Smith, as cause should require, Cobham prays that Cecil will give order for his discharge.—Blackfriars, 14 May 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 46.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Lord Euers.
1601 [c. May 14]. We do now send unto you a true image of her Majesty's grace and favour towards you in the person of your brother, whose own wilful offence, succeeding his first error, deserving so justly her Majesty's displeasure, the remission of the same at your only suit increaseth your obligation. For the present, therefore, we have little to add save that now you may receive him as a gentleman whom we have represented to the Queen for so good parts as we doubt not he shall hereafter carry some marks of her Majesty's favour to ease his grief of his heavy burden by the contrary. And thus being ready to show our good will towards you, though we do wish it may be proved on a better occasion, &c.
Draft. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (183. 100.)
Francis Tresame to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] May 15. Although my means never hath been to deserve anything at your hands, nor is there any likelihood that ever I shall be so fortunate, yet all men in my predicament having by experience found how far the nobleness of your nature has carried you to take true compassion of our abused conceits, in being a principal furtherer of her Majesty to use so strange a clemency towards us, to the great admiration of the world : with as much confidence as necessity I presume to lay open before you my poor and distressed estate. Where life is given, and that which I hold much more dear than life, and only a small fine imposed (the quality of the offence considered) I would not go about with seeking to be disburdened to prove myself unworthy to taste of so great mercy : when my only care is to work the mitigation of her Majesty's displeasure by all humble means, as my deeds should testify if I were possessed of such a fortune as might give her Majesty satisfaction in what kind should best please her. Yet assuring myself it is not your pleasure to enjoin a man to more than his ability by any provision can possibly compass, I beseech you to be truly informed of my poor estate, which if I would go about to hide, the world too well knows, and my enemies can make a true account of. My father has for many years withdrawn the allowance he made me upon my marriage towards the payment of my debts, giving us our diet, and allowing 100l. a year for other necessaries. The weakness of my estate did never till now much perplex me in debarring me of the means to defray so necessary a duty.—15 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (86. 47.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, May 15]. Manwaring. Mr. Wilbraham. The Lo. Keeper.
Suff. Anthonie Warner. Mr. Rivet.
Northt. Watson. Sir H. Brunker. Mr. Ro. Manners for the mother.
Lanc. Rothwell. Mr. Horsman. Ellis Rothwell.
Dorset. Coplestone. Mr. Philips, of the Temple.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. May 15. Wards.” ¼ p. (86. 49.)
Sir Henry Brouncker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, [May 15.] I am now so strong as I may be fit for anything it shall please you to command me, though yesterday I almost despaired of any speedy recovery. To-morrow morning I purpose to deliver her Majesty's pleasure to the Scottish ambassadors, and so early as I cannot well speak with your Lordship without your trouble, and therefore I humble beseech you, if there be any alteration or addition, to signify your honourable direction therein that I swerve not from my duty or fail in my discretion. For your favourable regard of me in my late suit I cannot express my thankfulness, but if I leave to love and serve you faithfully, let God confound me.—This present Friday, 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“15 May 1601.” ¾ p. (182. 28.)
George Freman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 16. This enclosed to your Honour directed was sent me by the Postmaster of Boulogne. Where he had the same, or from whom it cometh, I know not, and therefore I desire your Honour herein to hold me excused in presuming to send you letters unknown from whose hands they may be come. In these parts we hear not of any news. Very like that Ostend will be besieged, whether suddenly or not, I know not, neither have I any other author but that it was yesterday told me of one that doth usually tell true, that the Governor of Dunkirk did within his own hearing desire to buy a scarlet cloth of a merchant upon this hazard, that he would give the merchant three times the value which now the merchant could sell his cloth for if that within less than 8 months the Town of Ostend were not taken in or rendered to the Duke of Brabant; but they expected that it will be shortly besieged, and have sent divers Spanish officers as pagadors and others to meet with the Spanish soldiers that come out of Savoy, who, as they say, will be in Flanders within few days. The report is that there be 10 or 8 thousand of them. One Spendillo, which was long prisoner in Bridewell and, as I think, the Lord Thomas Howard's prisoner, arrived at Dunkirk eight days past, and escaped out of England and came hither by the way of Dieppe.—Calais, the 16th of May 1601, old style.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Freeman to my master from Calais with letters to the Master of Gray.” Seal. ½ p. (182. 29.)
The Enclosure :
— to the Master of Gray.—Je vous escriay devant que partir du lieu ou vous m'aviez laissé et me rendiz icy le Samedy d'apres Pasques. Le Lundy suivant je fuz a Fontainebleau ou j'eu divers discours que quelque jour vous prendrez plaisir d'ouir. J'estaché de disposer toutes choses au plus pres de votre desir, et de celuy de votre amy. Je les laisse en bonne opinion et meilleure volonte mais que nous scachions bien mesnager tout cela chacun de nostre part nous ne ferons seullement quelque chose de bon mais de grand et d'utile tant pour votre amy que vostre coste et le nostre. Pour moy affin de voir proceder tout aveq honneur et bonne foy et que vous scavez que je ne suis nullement d'humeur importune j'attens qu'on m'en reparle tant si mes ouvertures ne continueront pas a estre trouvees bonnes que mesme si je suis commandé pour ce sujet de passer le trajet, ce que se fera a mon adviz, et dont je me passeroy fort volontiers si ce n'estoit pour le bien de vostre service et de vostre amy, a qui en tel cas je ne porteroy que parolles bien seures et fidelles, comme je ne voudroy pas en ce que je negotieroy qu'il y eut aucun venin a la queue. Ce que je vous dy reciproquement a cause que vous seul estat cause que je me voulusse embarquer en tel affaire. Je vous priray d'apprehender cecy de loing et de suitte et m'en donner vostre adviz comme d'une chose ou il y va beaucoup du vostre, et plus que du mien, qui suis sans dessein ny deça ny dela. Je ne pense pas on ait recherche l'amy. Si d'ailleurs ou autrement il se fait quelque chose je ne scai mais luy mesme a le choix de pouvoir disposer les occurrances a cecy : ce que je tien que vous et luy souhaiteriez. En tel caz pourtant il faudroit toujours prendre un autre sujet de me faire courre. Si je vous escry si tard c'est que depuis que je suis de retour dudit Font[ainebleau] j'ay toujours este si fort malade que je n'eusse sceu escrire : maintenant les medecins m'asseurent de ma sante qui sera toujours pour vous faire service. De La Grand Ville ce xiii May.
Signed with monogram. Addressed :—“A monsieur le Vicomte de Gray.” Seal. 1 p. (182. 27.)
Ambr : Dudley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 16. In accordance with Cecil's directions to him as Customer of Newcastle, he attended the landing at Newcastle of a ship of Abvill, wherein certain seditious books should be. He made careful search for such matter, but found no books at all; but only a letter which he vehemently suspected, both for the matter and manner of writing. He examined the party to whom the letter was directed, and sent the letter and examination to Cecil. He has committed the party to prison, and asks further instructions.—Newcastle, 16 May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 48.)
Jane Holford, wife of Henry Holford, Esq., to the Queen.
1601, May 16. Prays the Queen to compound for the marriage of her son, Christopher Hatton, the Queen's ward, at a reasonable fine.—Undated.
Note by Sir Julius Cæsar, that the Queen refers the matter to Sir Robert Cecil.—16 May 1601. 1 p. (1273.)
Sir John Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 18. I have here enclosed sent you the true copies both of William Lychefyld and Thomas Lychefyld's examinations, by which you may find that Thomas Lychefyld does not testify anything of moment against Sir Robert Dreury. I did in part acquaint her Majesty with this examination of Thomas Lychefyld's yesterday, but had no time to know her Majesty's farther pleasure in that cause. But Sir Robert still importuning me for some end to be known of his cause, I am to pray you to inform yourself of the state of the cause upon the examinations, that I may be informed of her Majesty's farther pleasure therein (the case now standing only upon the accusation of William Lychefyld) whether Sir Robert shall be continued over upon any further bond, or have any commandment laid on him for a time, of forbearing the Court, or otherwise, as may seem good unto her Majesty.—Serjeant's Inn, 18 May 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Chief Justice.” 1 p. (86. 44.)
The Enclosure :
Examination of Thomas Leitchfeild, taken 7 May 1601, before Sir J. Popham.—He was in France with Sir Robert Drewry in Lent last was twelvemonth, and affirms confidently that he heard not Sir Robert by all the time he was in France use any manner disloyal speeches of her Majesty, or any words tending to this, that he hoped before it were long to come to the cutting of the throats of the best that were in England, or words to any such effect. But he confesses he heard Sir Robert then say that some which shewed themselves the Earl of Essex's friends were his enemies, meaning Mr. Bacon, the lame man. He utterly denies the carriage of any letter from out of France unto Mr. Anthony Bacon, but confesses that Mr. Anthony Bacon's man that was in France, who is called Parkins, wrote a letter to Anthony Bacon, but that it was so spoiled in the carriage as there was no use to be made of it, but cast it away. He denies that he has used any speeches to any that he had any matter to charge Sir Robert with any speeches for disloyalty.
Certified by Popham. 1 p. (86. 33.)
Sir Ed. Fyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601], May 18. Here-enclosed are divers examinations sent to me as Mayor of Maxfeld [Macclesfield] and come to me to Stamer [Stanmore] in the night, where I was enforced to abide by reason of my daughter's weakness; and the chief clerk of that town being dead since my coming up, and many things there grown out of order, I will go down post, and do disperse myself, part in London, where my wife is, and must stay until horses can come for her, and my poor daughter, I must leave there until my return with my aunt. I can say nothing of the Earl [of Pembroke], but my daughter is confident in her “cleame” [? claim] before God, and wishes my Lord and she might but meet before indifferent hearers. But for myself, I expect no good from him that in all this time has not showed any kindness. I count my daughter as good a gentlewoman as my Lord, though the dignity of honour be greater only in him, which has beguiled her I fear, except my Lord's honesty be the greater virtues. Thus to your Honour, as to him I repose upon, I humbly take my leave, desirous to know your pleasure for the prisoner.—18 May, at Stanmer.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601. With sundry examinations sent him from Macclesfield concerning certain lewd speeches uttered by one Richard Teylbye.” 1 p. (86. 50.)
James Hyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 20. Your former favours with your late remembrance of me by letters, which I received of late of this honourable gentleman Sir Richard Lee, her Highness' Ambassador, enforce me, in token of my grateful mind, to write these few lines unto you, most humbly thanking her Highness for her late gracious remembrance of me, to the recovering of my good and honest name with my gracious lord and master, whereof an unkind countryman of mine (who is of late run out of Sweden, and upon the way for his misdemeanours was condemned to have missed his head in Denmark, as I have been credibly informed) did by many slanderous and untrue reports seek utterly to have bereaved me. Howsoever, I doubt not but His Excellency, through my late endeavour of service, was for his own part otherwise persuaded of me; in which matter I doubt not but your Honour, with many other honourable personages, stood my good friends, wherein though I cannot hastily make any requital to your Honours, yet to my power I will remain always thankful. I am at this present with certain of His Excellency's forces ready to depart from hence towards the beleaguering of Rye by water, where His Excellency purposes very shortly to be in person. Touching other news of these parts, because it would be too tedious to write, I refer you to the report of Sir Richard, who is able largely to discourse thereof : whose carriage here in her Majesty's affairs has been such as that in these parts our country has gotten great honour thereby.—Revell, 20 May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 52.)
G. Fletcher to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 20. Was enlarged by Cecil's means from his late restraint, but continues under bond to appear before the Council at 2 days' warning. Being free in conscience, he prays to be freed in Cecil's judgment. As he has no other means to maintain himself and his poor family but his credit and daily travail, he prays for discharge of his bond, in order to travel into Kent, Dorset and Hampshire upon his affairs, the City's service being supplied by Mr. Edmonds.—London, 20 May 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Do. Fletcher.” 1 p. (86. 53.)
Richard Hawkyns to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 20. By divers ways I have been informed of the desire you show to further my liberty, which I will be ever ready to deserve as long as I have breath. My long imprisonment and sufferings for my constant zeal to my prince and country, I know hath deserved some forcible means to have been wrought for my relief; and your Honour's helping hand had no doubt been party to put the same in execution if there were about your Honour a person in fit occasion to put you in remembrance. But my hap being so hard to be deprived of such help, I have no other remedy but to hope that God will be pleased to remember your Honour for me in a fit occasion to work me help. The many losses befallen me have impoverished me and mine in such manner, and the strange manner of will which my deceased father left, suspended so his good intention towards us, as I am informed that except her Majesty, my dread sovereign, by your mediation favour us not, I am like to famish in prison with want, and mine cannot but suffer great penury : for here no relief will be given me, nor from thence have they [the means] that seem to have obligation. I beseech you to represent to her Highness the services of my deceased father and mine, not only in time of my liberty but principally in time of this my imprisonment, which without vaunting I may justly say have deserved, not only of her Majesty but of nobles and country, as much as any subject that hath travelled foreign parts, whereof testimony sufficient are many of my country men that can if they list manifest the same unto your Honour; and my seven years' unjust imprisonment principally caused thereby. I am entreated with exceeding rigour (and the like is used with all our country men in general), placed in the common gaol amongst vagabonds, thieves and rogues; but in England there is difference of persons and entreaty, which is the honour of our nation and dishonour to them. I beseech you to continue towards me your powerful favour for the finishing the work begun, and I and mine shall pray for you.—From the Carcel de la Villa in Madrill : the 20th of May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (182. 30.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Sir R. Carey.
[1601, May 20.] Sir. I have now received two letters from you concerning the Border service. In the first I perceive that Sir Robert Carr is desirous the pledges should be removed, and that he hath told you it is so ordered at Court, which you think somewhat strange if it should be concluded and you unadvertised. First, Sir, you may remember that the purpose to deliver them upon good conditions is not new, for it hath been long in consultation, but it is in no more forwardness, I assure you, than this, that if their friends will make that satisfaction in effect which they have promised in words they shall be delivered, and for an argument that it is so intended, they shall be delivered into their hands for whose indemnity they lie : but all this hath been promised upon this condition that we might be informed from you and the other wardens that the bills filed at the last commission be sworn, whereby it may be known what every man lies for. Now, Sir, in this case we expect from you as from the rest what you would have done, and whether you would allow this course intended. For the second letter, which I received this day, I have read it to her Majesty, who doth exceedingly commend your proceedings, and willeth me to let you know that you do not deceive her expectation. I return you now both the King's letters.
I have not heard what became of P[ury] O[gilvie], neither hath any man called upon for that which you laid out by my direction. I pray you let me know what it is, for my meaning is not that you should lose by me.
Draft. Endorsed :—“May 20 1601. To Sir R. Carey from my Master.” 3 pp. (182. 32.)
[James Hill] to the Queen.
1601, May 21. Expresses his thanks to her Majesty for upholding his good name in these parts by vouchsaving her command to her Ambassador, Sir Richard Lee, to satisfy his Excellency of her good opinion. Lee, who is certified of the truth by “my Lord and Prince,” will inform her Majesty how wrongfully he has been accused by a lewd countryman of his. Regrets that he was unable to show Lee that service which he was otherwise bound to do, by reason of his hasty departure into the field. [Repeats part of his letter to Cecil of May 20].—Court at Revell, 21 May 1601.
Unsigned, but in Hill's hand. Endorsed :—“Mr. James Hill to her Majesty.” 1 p. (86. 54.)
Tho. Doyley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 21. I moved you in my cousin Francis Norreys' name for the reversion of a feodaryship in behalf of this bearer, a kinsman to us both, being a student in Lincoln's Inn, which it pleased you to grant, referring the remembrance to your servant Percival. Understanding that both the feodaryships of London and Lincolnshire are in your disposition, I request the continuance of your favourable intention towards him.—21 May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 55.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 21. The Earl of Mar passed this day to Doncaster, and has willed him to signify to Cecil that certain gentlemen and justices about Withame did very slowly assist the postmaster for his (Mar's) service : wherein the postmaster was a suitor to Mar to make the matter known to Cecil and Sir John Stanhope, that the like or worse slackness ensue not, and that the officer for her Majesty's service may be better obeyed. Yet he must say that the postmaster had no warrant to show under the Council's hands, because at the time it was not come : and hereupon the less regard was had to him : yet did he serve them all very well.—Grantham, 21 May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 56.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] May 21. I beseech you to obtain for me her Majesty's gracious pardon that I may die a free man.—May 21.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (182. 33.)
Sir John Haryngton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] May 21. I have received a letter from the Lady Hungerford who for that I think stands proclaimed traitor, I hold it not my duty or safe for me to peruse or open, but have sent it to your Honour as in times past I have done many to your honourable father, who hath, finding them only to concern her own private causes, sent them to me again.—From Combe, this 21st of May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” ¼ p. (182. 34.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 23. I cannot but become a suitor for the finishing of the fort and island of Plymouth. How necessary it is shall appear by the note of the defects which I have sent to the Lords. Therefore I doubt not my desires will be thought so reasonable herein, as you will continue your accustomed favours towards me for the accomplishment thereof. All the cost that has been hitherto bestowed on the work has been to small purpose, if it be not better ended.—Fort at Plymouth, 23 May 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (86. 57.)
E. Harte to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] May 24. As it pleased you to recommend my service to her Majesty, and that by your good liking I was put in trust to be keeper unto the Lord of Southampton, I desire you so to continue your good opinion of me as by your good means to her Majesty my liberty may be restored to her presence, that I may enjoy the countenance of such favours as she has bestowed of others her servants which did her service in the suppressing of the rebels. My long continuance in this manner is little better than a prisoner, and without your good remembrance may be so forgotten as both my time and my service here spent will little avail my preferment.—Tower, 24 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (86. 58.)
Arthur Hall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 25. Nigh 40 years servant to her Majesty. Complains of hard treatment by Edward Sherland, who upon two executions has laid him in the Fleet. Has presented a petition to the Council, which he prays Cecil to favour.—25 May 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 60.)
Dorothy, Lady Unton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 26. Refers to the friendship between her late husband, Sir Henry Unton, and Cecil, and recommends this gentleman, Mr. Pain, a man in Sir Henry's trust and affection, who desires to enter Cecil's service.—Astwell, 26 May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 61.)
Peter Bales to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 26. Details the proceedings of Mr. Solicitor against Daniel Johnson for seditious speeches. Johnson denies all. Since Johnson first spread the speeches, the “blanks” have been talked of abroad in divers men's mouths. Of Johnson's tampering with and slandering witnesses. Johnson utterly denies the “blanks,” both before the Lord Chief Justice and Mr. Solicitor, which will be proved by. 6 witnesses. “The word (blank) importeth (though no more were spoken) and inferreth the rest of the words which he uttered.” Johnson also denies that he was twice at Bales' house, in Bales' absence by imprisonment.
Undated. Holograph. Endorsed :—“26 May 1601.” 1 p. (86. 62.)
Edward Seymour to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 27. As one greatly emboldened in the assurance of your favour, I have presumed to acquaint you with my success before her Highness' commissioners touching concealed lands, of whom I have found Mr. Attorney most kind. The sum of money required of me for composition is a thousand pounds, which my counsel think is too heavy for me as my case stands, which is shortly thus. My lands now in question were the inheritance of the Duke my grandfather, and by his attainder came to King Edward 6, who was pleased to exchange the same with my father for other lands; whereof several grants were made to each other, and by each party, and their grantees enjoyed accordingly almost these fifty years. The value of the land passed to my father was rated at 213l. yearly and no more, and the lands passed to the King and enjoyed as the same being now improved be better worth yearly than 1,000 marks. The defect supposed by the informer in the King's grant is for that he finds a “super” of some arrearages charged upon the occupiers of some quillets of land part of that passed unto the King, and therefore pretends a default of the consideration moving the King's grant, and thereby supposeth the grant void in law. Whereunto the answer of my counsel is that all the lands agreed to be passed from my father were conveyed accordingly and accordingly enjoyed at this day by her Majesty, except such part thereof as is granted away by the said King or his successors to divers persons who be the cause of the continuance of the “supers,” for that they come not to show their patents to the auditors and plead their discharge. For the better proof hereof my father hath eftsoons been drawn in suit of law touching this matter, and hath had three several judgments in the Exchequer against her Majesty for the confirmation of his title, and now, upon thorough search and great deliberation, all my counsel be confident and clear. Yet for that the land is part of my daughter-in-law's jointure, and chiefly to avoid all imputation of any neglect of her Majesty's most gracious offer of her clemency I do humbly desire your furtherance to the rest of the commissioners for a more easy fine and some time for the payment thereof.—This 27th of May 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (182. 36.)
Captain John Throgmorton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 27 The last advertisement I gave your Honour of the practice the enemy had upon the Castle of Ramekyns seemeth to be but a stratagem either to have returned into disgrace the officer who serveth and commandeth there, in chief, or to have first cut off a certain Spaniard who is a soldier in the said Castle because they both were named by the discoverer. The matter (as I wrote) was advertised hither by an Englishman serving in the galleys at Sleuse. He promised long ere this to have been here to have approved the said practice, but hath many days and weeks failed his said promise. The matter hath been seen into with good inspection : truly I think it will prove no other than as I have said : but there is still means abroad that eyeth the business. All danger to the place is soon seen and prevented; yet these be the devices of the enemy to amuse us with such like jealousies, but such as we cannot be freed of, having knowledge of such matters, till we have brought them and left them with such as your Honour. Right honourable : This gentleman my cousin of my name and son to the old sergeant of the hawks, being my lieutenant here to my company, I humbly pray that I may recommend him to be advanced to a company, my great desire being to have my Princess and country honestly served by my poor kindred.—Vlushing, this 27 May 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“His ensign recommended for a company.” Seal. 1½ pp. (182. 37.)
Thomas Myddelton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 28. This bringer came out of the South Sea through Spain, and because he was Mr. Ric. Hawkins' man. I hope that he will be careful in travailing for his master's liberty, to which end, if it may stand with your good liking, I mean to send him back again into Spain with letters from the friar and from the Italian person in Mr. Hawkins' behalf, and for that purpose I have obtained my Lord Admiral's pass for him to go and return. If it please you to command him any service in this journey, I think him of good capacity and sufficient.—28 May 1601.
(PS.)—I would gladly send the friar by this bringer down to Mrs. Hawkins at Plymouth, and therefore crave your warrant for him to carry him down.
Signed. 1 p. (86. 64.)
Prince Charles of Sweden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 28. Sir Richard Lee, her Majesty's ambassador, has delivered her despatches. The Prince begs Sir Robert to promote the proposed league between Sweden and England, as beneficial to both kingdoms.—Revalia, 28 May 1601.
Signed. Latin. 1 p. (147. 144.)
Matthew [Hutton,] Archbishop of York, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 29. Among the manifold injuries done unto me by Mr. Edwin Sandys, this is lately come to my knowledge, that he has given it forth to many that there passed letters between my Lord of Essex and me in Christmas last, and so leaves a suspicion of matter of some importance. I am very heartily to pray you to understand the naked truth. In Michaelmas term last, Doctor Benet, my Chancellor, coming to London, went to visit his Lordship, as always he had used, but my Lord refused either to speak with him or see him, whereat he was much amazed, and enquired diligently of some near about him, what should be the cause. He learned that some complaint had been made to my Lord that he had spoken evil of him, and had depraved his service in Ireland, and that openly at my table, in so much that I did openly reprove him, and bade him take heed he did not prove a Judas. He was wonderfully astonied, but could not learn who had made the complaint. As soon as he came down, he comes to me, and appeals to me whether ever any such words were uttered by him in my hearing, or any such answer by me. I answered that I never heard him speak evil of my Lord in my life, and therefore could not reprove him for speaking. He told me what my Lord had heard of him, praying me to satisfy his Lordship for his clearing. I told him I might not write to my Lord, being in some troubles, but would testify under my hand, upon my credit and conscience, that there never passed any such speeches, and therefore he was mightily wronged. Then he prayed me to signify so much by letter unto an old friend of his in Oxford, Mr. Smith, one of the Clerks of the Council, that he might certify my Lord. I was content, and wrote to Mr. Smith, protesting before God upon my conscience and credit, that I never heard Dr. Benet speak evil of my Lord, neither did ever so reprove him. I gave him my letter to send up (for I know not Mr. Smith). Soon after the same term he brought me an answer from Mr. Smith, advertising me that his Lordship, upon my testimony, did say that he was satisfied, and would esteem of Dr. Benet as he did before. I gave him the letter to keep to himself. Now in the latter end of Michaelmas term I heard that True, my Lord's man, an alderman's son of York, had a letter to me from his Lordship, but being in the country about my Lord's business, could not be here before Christmas, at which time coming to his father, he brought me the letter dated in October before, very short, but very godly, thanking me much, for that he understood by his good friend Sir William Ewre, and by his servant True, that I continued still to wish him well in his adversity, which had humbled him so (he thanked God) that he did now well perceive that true happiness is not to be found in this world, but that our chief care must be of the life to come; and he concluded that if God did make him able, his endeavours should be to show himself thankful. I thought presently that the complaint made of Dr. Benet might be some cause of this letter, for it was dated in October, long before my letter was sent to Mr. Smith. After dinner, True came to me to know if I would write to his Lord any answer. I told him I would not write, but desired him to do my hearty commendations unto him, and thank him for his godly letter : but yet he should carry him this message from me, viz., that the common voice goes here, that he makes too much of preachers inclining to Puritanism, and hears their sermons commonly twice a day : and requested him also to tell him that I thought they would do him no good. This was the message, not by any letter (for I never wrote to him since his going into Ireland) but only by word. I did not see True since, but I hear that he delivered my words. This is the whole truth, I protest unto you before the living God, in verbo sacerdotii, and these are the circumstances. Therefore, if Edwin Sandys has buzzed anything into your ears (as I know he has into others), I heartily pray you not to give credit. You know well enough the manner of sycophants is to follow the counsel of one Thessalus, a common railer in Alexander's court, Audacter calumniare, etsi enim vulnus sanabitur, manebit tamen cicatrix. God has blessed you with great wisdom, which never did so much appear as in that you especially did foresee, sound, and prevent the imminent dangers of the late rebellion : by which service to the whole land you have deserved worthy commendation. And yet you see that the seedmen of sedition, the libellers, do not cease to do most manifest injury to you, as to some others, and myself also, for causing preachers in this province to give thanks for her Majesty's deliverance, &c. You must, for a time, arm yourself with patience, and be content with the testimony of a good conscience. Malice, especially of the multitude, will cease by little and little, by your wise, upright and temperate dealing generally, and in cherishing the godly especially.—Bishopthorpe, 29 May, 1601.
(Postscript, holograph.)—Let me have your favour against 2 malicious sycophants as I always had the favour of your most worthy father. The country is quiet and the speeches and memory of these late broils do die very fast. Nullum violentum perpteuum. 2 pp. (86. 66.)
T. Jackson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, May 30.] Notwithstanding her Majesty's pleasure is that no places should be bought in Berwick, and that he should not be deprived of that company to be sold to Mr. Skinner, yet to-day Skinner goes to Berwick to be entertained there into two men's places. Though for some respects it was tolerable in Sir Jo. Carey to have plurality of places, yet it is not expedient to be a precedent to all men to catch and buy what places they may. When his cause comes to hearing it shall appear what desire he had to do Lord Scroope service in his Border, and prevent the pitiful complaints which would happen when most men regard their particular and private affair, and respect not the general good. Prays Cecil's favour that Skinner may not make so great haste to be entered into those places before her Majesty's pleasure is signified to the Governor of Berwick, and to procure him hearing.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“30 May 1601. Captain Jackson.” 1 p. (86. 67.)
Richard Carmarden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 30. Your letters this day received I have, according to your pleasure, this forenoon expedited; and for two causes I thought fit to do it openly in custom house. The first for your Honour, to make your honourable care known to all the merchants that whatsoever hath therein been done is by information of unskilful men, without any intent of your part to injure any man, as by your letters I read openly. The second,—to put off the open imputation published by Smith and his brother of so gross an error that the whole office had so many years committed as ignorant or negligent officers; wherein myself had been touched should it have been true. But it may please you to remember that I told you before that you should be troubled with such frivolous informations, and no fitter an instrument than Smith is, who seeketh to make show of service upon other men's labours, and in the end prove nothing as all his professed services hitherto have done. But if it will please your Honour to trust Mr. Billet and Mr. Coap upon every such information to confer with me as occasion is offered, before it fall into so public a speech; if I show not myself an honest man then condemn me, for, trust me, this will prove nothing; and far better service for your Honour in Ingram the waiter than in Harrison your waiter or Smith his tutor, who more respect their own credit than your Honour, which caused them to refuse an open hearing this day for fear of their own disgrace.—London, the 30th of May 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (182. 38.)
Alderman John More, Richard Carmarden and Robert Harvie to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 30. According to your letters to us directed, which we this day received, we called unto us Mr. Smith and before us Harrison, one of your waiters; by whom we perceive your Honour hath been informed of a long continued injury heretofore offered to her Majesty in the custom of lawns to her Highness' loss, and now continued to your Honour's loss. And forasmuch as it pleased you to commit the hearing and ending thereof to us, we met this forenoon and sent for the Queen's Majesty's linendraper which serveth her Highness with the same lawns and cambrics, and sundry others of that trade which have these forty years and upwards dealt therein. And having heard what Mr. Smith and Harrison could say, find that their informations to your Honour are wholly grounded upon false printed books no ways agreeing in that point with the Book of Record in the Exchequer, by which we are directed and by which her Majesty's customs have been collected. Thereupon we required those substantial men of the trade to deliver their uttermost knowledge touching those lawns, whereof we showed them four books, as they would answer upon oath if called upon in the Court of Exchequer; who all affirmed them to be but half pieces, and showed reasons for the same by view of the cutting the piece into two, and wherefore the same was. So that we cannot but allow their testimony therein for good.—30 May 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (182. 39.)
Wm. Masham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 30. Thanks Cecil for his acceptance of “those small fruits of my travels.” Prays him to join with the Lord Treasurer that he may have some kind of enlargement upon bail after this long imprisonment; if not the liberty of the city, at least the liberty of his own house. He has made his cause known to Cecil, and if it shall fall out otherwise upon examination, he disclaims all favour.—The Gatehouse, 30 May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 71.)
The Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 31. If my conscience did not witness with me the dutiful love and desire I have and ever had to show my affection and readiness to serve her Majesty, in my words uttered to your servants, I should think you had some ground to write those bitter threats; but since I have always carried a dutiful heart to her and testified it many ways, and that you have have proof of my love to you more than to others; the wrongs now offered by you are greater than my tongue or pen can or dare express. I did truly, upon occasion offered, declare to them my hard estate; to be many thousands in debt, besides the money which I lay in prison for not yet fully paid, nor my lands freed from that mighty charge which is every half year issuing out to her Majesty, yourself and others : which maketh me unable to endure this new charge intended to be imposed upon me, which by general report amounteth to as much as seven noblemen's subsidies : without using any words of offence to you as by the placing and application of them by the reporter is imagined.
If for these my griefs uttered I shall be complained of as one that repineth or wanteth dutiful affection; and instead of commiseration of persons honourable minded to help me, my words shall be wrested to the undoing of a loyal nobleman, with disgraceful terms unworthily applied; how rare a precedent this is I leave to the consideration of others, and myself to your advised and better consideration.—This last of May 1601.
Signed. Endorsed :—“The Earl of Lincoln to my master. A desperat lettre.” Seal. 1 p. (182. 40.)
Sir George Giffard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, May]. Thanks Cecil for his favours. Finds himself still as deep in disgrace as years, and as much despairs to recover the one as to renew the other. There remains nothing but to make his death show his life's innocence, which he will spend for her sacred sake who has forsaken him. Prays for employment in the Low Countries.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“May 1601.” 1 p. (86. 68.)
Sir Francis Hastings to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, May]. Being as far as Bagshot on his way to London, and enjoined by Lord Hertford, her Majesty's lieutenant, to return for service in Somerset, by virtue of a warrant for levying 50 men for Ireland, and also for viewing and settling all the forces of horse and foot in good and sufficient order, a certificate whereof is to be sent to her Majesty by the last of June, it is his duty, being one of Lord Hertford's deputies, to leave his private and attend this public service. He therefore cannot attend Cecil as he purposed. Thanks Cecil for his care of young Hannam, his wife's son, the Queen's ward Acknowledges the letter from Cecil and other Lords to Sir Hugh Portman, Master Colles, and himself, encouraging them to continue their regard in their places, and assuring them of her Majesty's approval of their services under the late Earl of Pembroke, by her nominating them again in her new commission to Lord Hertford, as his deputies. Promises his faithful services. [Some devout reflections follow, and, speaking of the Spirit of God raising a man by repentance, the writer continues,] “this, I doubt not, was the case of the late justly executed Earl, whose person I confess I loved dearly, whose best parts I reverenced greatly, whose faults [I] never soothed, whose present fault I detest, whose fall I sorrow for, and whose re[ligious] and repentant end, I rejoice at from my very heart. . . This dead Earl's fault and fall being fresh in memory, caused me to mention thus much of him, the rather because it is well known how near I was to him in blood, and how dear he was to me in affection, and to make it apparent I loved him for his good parts and hated his evils.”
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“May 1601.” 1 p. (86. 69).
Eliza, Lady Hatton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, May]. She has often desired Mr. Attorney to commend her true affection to Cecil's acceptance. Assures herself of Cecil's favour, which she extraordinarily desires. In her past troubles she has had many occasions of grief, but her comfort is that it has made her more clearly see Cecil's virtues. “Your affectionate niece.”
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601 May” 1 p. (86. 70.)
John Selbye to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, May]. It has pleased the Queen to grant him his life, for which he will never cease desiring occasion to give testimony of his allegiance. For his fine, if his means were answerable, he holds it too little to satisfy the greatness of his fault, but such is his debility by the loss of his only stay of living, that he must be a suitor to the Queen as well to spare his fine, as also to grant him some employment, if not his own place.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“May 1601. Captain John Selby.” ½ p. (86. 72.)
Robert Brandling to Sir R. Cecil.
[1601, May]. Complains that Robert Brandling, the younger, designedly omits to sue forth his livery, though over 26 years old, whereby petitioner is delayed of his right.—Endorsed :—“May 1601.”
Referred by Cecil to the Surveyor of the Liveries. Note by Cuthbert Pepper, who advises that if he sue not this term, his lands should be seized into the Queen's hands. 2 pp. (801.)
Examination of Thomas Gray, who was taken in the South Sea with Mr. Richard Hawkins, and in November last, being 1600, returned into Spain.
[1601, May.] He reports that being at Lyma, there was brought in a Flemish pinnace taken by those of Chylo, having lost the company of their fleet : who there confessed of 4 ships more of their own company that entered the Straits with them at Christmas last was 12 months. Whereupon 3 of the King's ships were set forth from Lyma to resist any attempt of the Flemings, and at the port of Balperiza they long expected them, but failed to encounter with them. Seven days after their departure, the Flemings arriving to the said port, by the way took the “adviso” that was left of purpose to discover them, who gave them intelligence of 4 ships at anchor in Balperiza, 3 of which they burned, the fourth they carried with them, which by the Spaniards' estimation had in her a million of “god” [? gold]. He further reports that in Balduvya the Indians rebelled, and put all the Spaniards to the sword, and carried their wives and children into the mountains. He arrived into Spain with the Carthagena fleet, and being at Civill, he saw 2 galleys despatched full of powder and match for Lysbone upon a rumour of an English fleet that was doubted to come for Lysbone. Also, that in port St. Mary's there rides a fleet of 30 sail, prepared with shallops close decked, under the command of Seriago. It is supposed that they are bound for Ireland. In this fleet divers Englishmen voluntarily serve, according to this examinate's knowledge. Also, that in St. Lucas there is another fleet of 10 great ships and 6 pinnaces, who are to be employed for the West Indies, to keep the Flemings and others from the trade of Margarita and Cumana and those parts. This employment lasts for 3 years.
Undated. Endorsed :—“May. Examination of Thomas Gray, taken prisoner with Mr. Richard Hawkins in the South Sea. Taken at Plymouth before Sir John Gilbert.” Endorsed in another hand :—“1601.” (82. 38.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to [Lord Zouche].
[1601, May]. My good Lord. Her Majesty hath long been willing you should have left that out angle of the world, which is a place more fit for a private gentleman than for you that are an ancient nobleman born to do her service nearer, of which kind she hath so few. Of this she hath let fall many speeches, but none so directly as any man found it convenient to advertise you, especially myself who know you so well to love your retiredness, as, though I love you, I durst not advise you. But now it is so that her Majesty hath commanded me to signify unto you that it is her pleasure that you shall repair hither for some occasion wherein she is to use your service, wherein for this time I will say no more but that I wish you a good passage, and rest ever your loving kinsman.
Draft in Cecil's hand. 1 p. (183. 94.)
Fair copy draft of the preceding.
Endorsed :—“1601. Copy of my Master his letter the Lord Souch.” ½ p. (183. 97.)