Cecil Papers: April 1601, 16-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1601, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp165-188 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1601, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp165-188.

"Cecil Papers: April 1601, 16-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp165-188.

April 1601, 16–30

Sir Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 16. Her Majesty hath pleased to refer to your care the furtherance of my comfort, wherein though I do not expect such preferment as many others aspire to, yet I am not so abject as not to deserve after 20 years' service to attain to one groat in land, lease or office; nor so much as a house of mine own, but what I hire by year. To complain of such penury may be pardoned as a just cause of discomfort rather than condemned as a humour of discontentment.—16 April, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (85. 160.)
Thomas Hesketh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 16. Middleton, the seminary priest, and Thurstan Hunt, who at the last acknowledged himself to be a priest, were executed at these last assizes at Lancaster. It appears by the letters from the Privy Council, when these priests were sent down, that their examinations taken before Mr. Serjeant Yelverton and the Attorney-General were intended to be enclosed, but because they came not, I and other Justices of the Peace did re-examine them. In the examination of Middleton nothing appeared but that he was a priest made at Rome, and had returned to England contrary to the law. But Hunt not only discovered his priesthood, but also his conceit and opinion of Sir Richard Mullineux and others, grounded upon conference often had (as he pretended) with one Vallantyne, sometime Sir Richard Mullineux's trumpeter, which he now admitted to be the foundation for his accusations at his first sending to London and in his letter to your Honour, and in his examination before the Queen's learned counsel. We forthwith sent for Vallantyne, who dwells thirty miles from Lancaster, who confessed that within two years past Hunt did under another name repair to a house near his, and that there one winter's evening they reasoned of many things, Vallantyne being a Protestant and Hunt a Papist, and especially of the Book of Martyrs (?), but never of my Lord of Essex, or matters of state. I enclose a copy of Hunt's examination, and two examinations of Vallantine, whereby you will see the drift of this priest to be nothing but a dream devised to prolong or procure his life. He justified at his arraignment his attempt to rescue Middleton by the example of Moses who struck the Egyptian, and other examples out of the Martyrology (as he called it), and many such absurd allegations were used by him, so that he and I interpleaded very near two hours. He showed himself a most violent and insolent fellow against her Majesty and the State; so that we hold ourselves well despatched of such a notable malefactor.
I understand from Sir William Bowes that certain gentlemen, pretending to be Lancashire men, are lately arrived in Scotland. I enclose the names and instructions sent unto me, whereby it appears that one of them calls himself Robert Hesketh, son and heir of Robert Hesketh of Rufforth, late Sheriff of the County of Lancaster, which is an argument that they are counterfeits. For his son and heir is a married man, living here in the country, and was never out of England, and his other sons are young and at the Grammar School. He has only four sons, the eldest called Thomas, and the others Robert, Henry, and George. I hear one wandered lately in the West of England under that name and was punished there as a vagrant. There is no Aston of Craster or Tarbott of Tarbott. Mr. Assheton of Croston has sons all young except the eldest, who is married, and all are at home. Mr. Tarbocke of Tarbocke has only two sons, both at home and married. Mr. Orrell of Turton has two brothers, both married, one in the Chancery, and one dwelling here in the county; and for Greenhalgh, I can hear of none likely to have a son beyond the sea or in Scotland.—Preston, April 16, 1601.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (181. 135.)
Enclosed :
(1.) The examination of Thurstan Hunt, taken at Lancaster 31 March, in the forty-third year of the Queen's reign, before Thomas Hesketh, Robert Hesketh, Richard Holland, Ralph Assheton and Alexander Redditch, Justices of the Peace.
He confesses that he was in Rheims for two years and was there made priest by the Archbishop of Rheims, Cardinal of Guise, the Lent before his coming to England in the year the Earl of Leicester went to Flanders.
He has since continued in England in Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cheshire. He has had many conferences with Vallantyne, servant to Sir Richard Mullineux, who often affirmed to him that the Earl of Essex would have the crown of England, and that his master and many others would have taken his part if he had come into England with force, which speech of Vallantyne's he signified to Mr. Secretary Cecil. He has no other ground for accusing Sir Richard Mullineux.
He says that one Lichfeeld, a priest, told him that when the Earl of Essex went into Ireland, the Bishop of Chester preached before him that the Irish wars were great, but that afterwards there would be more bloody wars. Lichfeeld is now gone abroad to be a Dominican friar.
What he heard from Valentyne and Lichfeeld was the only ground for his charges against Sir Richard Mullineux, the Bishop of Chester, Sir Richard Hoghton, the Vice-Chamberlain of Chester, the Dean of Chester, Sir Thomas Gerrard, and Master Bold; and the levying of ten thousand men was his own judgement on those speeches.
He confesses that one Spenser and his man and himself attempted to rescue Middleton, the Seminary priest, while on his way to the gaol at Lancaster, but he would not have had the attempt made where it was, but in another place near the forest side. Spenser's man was called Nicholas, his own man was called Parker, a Yorkshireman, and Spenser is a Warwickshire man. He thought Sir Richard Hoghton had sent Middleton to gaol, and as he believed him to favour the Earl of Essex, he thought he might lawfully rescue any of his sending.
Cont. copy in hand of and signed by Thomas Hesketh. 1½ pp. (181. 136.)
(2.) The examination of Valentine Richardson taken before Thomas Hesketh, Attorney of the Wards, the first day of April, 43 Eliz. Detailing the circumstances under which he first met Hunt and had some talk with him on one occasion, and denying Hunt's account of the conversation.
Signed, Thomas Hesketh. 1 p. (181. 137.)
(3.) The second examination of Valentine Richardson taken before Thomas Hesketh, Her Majesty's attorney of Her Highness' Court of Wards and Liveries, the eleventh day of April in the forty-third year of her Majesty's reign.
Confirming his previous statement as to his relations with Hunt.
Signed, Thomas Hesketh. 1 p. (181. 138.)
(4.) 1601, April 3.—The names of English gentlemen born in Lancashire, now resident in Teviotdale, reported by Henry Brierly, merchant of Berwick.
Imprimis, Robert Hesketh, son and heir to Robert Hesketh of Rofferth and Marthom, Esquire. He is now resident with the Laird of Ferniehurst, and by his own report he is proclaimed a seminary in England, with divers others whose names are hereunder written. He saith there is seminaries in their company and that he knoweth both their names and place of abode, but denieth himself to be a seminary, yet confesseth to have been at Rome and Rheims in company with these other gentlemen, viz.:—
Mr. Aston's son of Craster, a priest.
Mr. Orrell's brother of Torton, a priest.
Mr. Taubot's son of Tawbott, a priest.
Mr. Grenough, a priest.
Besides divers others, whose names I have forgotten, but the said Mr. Robert Hesketh hath their names and place of abode, as himself confessed.
Endorsed :—“Instructions from Sir William Bowes touching Lancashire men in Scotland.” 1 p. (181. 128.)
Richard [Vaughan,] Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 16. The bearer hereof Mr. William Harison, one of the four preachers maintained for the reducing of seduced subjects in Lancashire to conformity, desires to thank you for his appointment and give you some account of his service in that post. I can report of him that he is sufficient in learning, honesty, and discretion, and that he has worked with success; to your favour I commend him, and the rest to be continued by the same, as by it they received their beginning and breath.—Chester, 16 April, 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (181. 140.)
Captain J. Ogle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 16. I have received your letters by Mr. Vivian, who shall find how much I respect any man commended from your Honour. I was much contented to find you willing (though in a small manner) to make trial of my affection to you. I am deeply bound to your Honour, and the best of my present fortunes I enjoy (I doubt not) the sooner for your sake. My Lord Governor of Brill hath made me lieutenant-colonel to his regiment. I mention this that you may know what interest you have in me, when my fortunes are so advanced through your countenance; as also that it might stand with your liking to take notice of it to Sir Francis Vere, to whom as I know not to give any better testimony of my thankfulness, so I am assured it will be a reward very acceptable. The two armies are both ready for the field, but the time of drawing the troops forth is yet uncertain.—Hague, April 16, stilo veteri, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (181. 141.)
William Cooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 17. Mr. Ashton, by whom this my boldness is occasioned, desired me to ask that your Honour would procure him an advowson of a prebend at Windsor, which may be granted with this clause, proximam vacationem non obstante aliqua priori concessione, which otherwise will not of long time fall to him.—17 April, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (85. 147.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 17. Explaining that owing to the necessary increase of the charges of his office in the late troublous times, he has had to sell 180l. a year of his estate. He has now to keep a family of fifty-six persons, wages and prices are quadrubly increased, and the entertainment has never been raised. The Mastership of the Armoury which used to belong to the Lieutenant of the Tower is now otherwise disposed of. The importance of the office was never so great. All which he commends to Cecil's consideration.—The Tower, 17 April, 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (181. 142.)
The Same to the Same.
1601, April 17. According to your direction, I have sent the letter inclosed directed to her Majesty. My desire is that by your means I may attain 100l. a year of the manor of Dunington and Haddenham in the Isle of Ely, being parcel of the exchanged lands with the Bishop and now confirmed unto her Majesty by the Church, paying for any plus-value an answerable value by way of purchase. This will secure my estate which adjoins some part of those manors, being now by the careless regard of the tenants to those lands in danger of surrounding.—Tower, 17 April, 1601. I would have awaited on your Honour but that I am very evil troubled with the stone. Whatever you direct shall suffice me.
Holograph. 1 p. (181. 144.)
Enclosure :
Petition from John Peyton, Lieutenant of the Tower, to the Queen.—setting forth that during his four years' tenure of the Office of Lieutenant of the Tower “the difference and dearth of times” has compelled him to spend much of his own estate on the charges of his office, and praying for some relief and assistance.—17 April, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (181. 143.)
[Michael Hicks] to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 17. I received this morning a letter from Mr. Sulyard with this enclosed for you, which is his request for your passport for some four months to go into Italy. The gentleman being well known to you, I think I need not commend his request. If you have any occasion to use his wit in those parts, I am sure he will do well. The last time he went he had your letters to some good personage in the way of his journey, and now, if you have any occasion for his services, I think your passport will be the more authentical to him, if such a clause be inserted in it. There is one Mr. Good that sometime was in good credit with the late Countess of Sussex, the Lord Chamberlain's widow, who a good while since offered his services to you and had been worth the taking. He hath put out some money upon his return and is desirous to accompany Mr. Sulyard upon this journey. If you have anything to buy in Italy, Mr. Sulyard has good judgement, and I take it will bring with him some toy or other for you if he can find any fit. He will procure my Lord Admiral's signature to your passport if needful.
Undated. Unsigned. Endorsed :—“Mr. Hicks to my Master. 17 April, 1601.” Seal. 1 p. (181. 145.)
Sir Amyas Preston to the Earl of Nottingham.
[1601,] April 18. According to your Lordship's directions I went on shore at Boulogne to have spoken with Mr. Harrison, who was ridden to the Court of Paris with the Bishop of Boulogne, as this bearer Mr. Mildmay can explain, who was very sorry that he could not attend your Lordship's answer by my return; since which time I have been to Calais, whence Mr. Mildmay has sent your letter to Mr. Harrison by a trusty messenger. As soon as he returns from Paris, I shall hear from him, and go to Boulogne for his letters to you. There is a Mr. William Tresham at Boulogne, who has been long out of England, and wishes to return. He is a papist, but vows his due obedience to his prince and country. If he has your protection, he can discover much of importance to you. I have received your letter to Sir Richard touching the coming of the Spaniards, wherein there shall be no slackness.—Aboard the Vanguard, 18th of April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (181. 146.)
Justices of the Peace for Surrey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 18. Upon a watch set for vagrants, by reason of the number of them lately increased in these parts of Surrey, one Anthony Charlewood was by the Constable of Chertsey brought before us and charged with dangerous and lewd speeches, pretending some tumult shortly to be made in London. We have committed him to the common gaol, and sent his examination to you.—Guildford, 18 April, 1601.
Signed :—George More : William Morgan : Lawrence Stoughton : Jo. Leek. (85. 154.)
The Enclosure :
Examination of Anthony Charlewood, April 18, 1601.—He was at a fair at Waltham upon Thames and fell in with 18 vagrants who professed to be soldiers. Sundry of them in a victualling-house used words touching the death of the Earl of Essex, and said Sir Robt. Cecil might pray God that the Queen might not remove herself from London, for that then he should be killed. He doth not know the names of any save of one Etherick Moore, who was wearing a yellow fustian doublet and a pair of hose of a greenish colour open at the knees.
Signed as above. 2 pp. (85. 162.)
Richard [Bancroft], Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 18. Your favours towards me are many, and though I have more arguments of your good memory than this your Honour writeth of concerning the dispatch of Dr. Stanton's bill, I do heartily thank you for it.—At Fulham, 16 April, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (85. 159.)
Henry, Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 18. I have long toiled to convert your timber and stone of Chelsey into silver and gold for you, and do now send 500l. by my son as part of my labours. I desire to end this troublesome office, if I were able to discharge it with any lands, goods or other thing to your contentment, which I assure you from the first I desired to please you in more than myself by any profit or pleasure from such a house, as bringeth with it so many inconveniences and troubles unfit for an old man who ought rather to provide for his end than for any other worldly thing. I pray you will not forget your promise to help me to the stones for my tomb, which were left by Sir Gyllam Meryck in Westminster, paying for them the price appointed by the commissioners, and that my son may know your pleasure therein.—18 April, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (85. 161.)
Voyage of the Lyonesse.
[1601, April 18.] Money accounts of the voyage of the Lyonese into the Straights, Captain John Traughton, anno 1600.
Signed by the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Howard, Henry Lord Cobham and Sir Robert Cecil.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“April 18, 1601. There are already laid by for me 295 chests. More there are which are yet undivided. There are others.” 1 p. (142. 175.)
— to George Limauer.
1601, April 18/28. From Rome, 28 April, 1601. The Pope on Holy Saturday came down to St. Peter's at 11 o'clock in the evening; and remained there up till midnight in one of the confessionals discussing the reserved cases of many men, but not of women. Easter morning, he was carried in full pontificals to the same church, visited the usual chapel, and thence went to deliver the benediction to the people from the Loggia above the steps of St. Peter's. The Persian Ambassador was there to see his Holiness at his coming from the Church, and made him a deep reverence from a window in the residence of a Canon near the portico, where the Ambassador and seven of his family were. During the day, by the Pope's leave, two of his tiaras were taken to the Ambassador, who had desired to see the rare and precious jewels in them.
Easter morning early, the Spanish priests of St. James had their wonted procession of the Resurrection. The Ambassador went to see it from the window of Cardinal Borromeo's house and expressed the greatest wonder at the number of lamps and artificial lights, which faded into the distance on either side of the piazza.
Monsignore del Bufalo Romano is arrived here from the government of Fermo, summoned by Cardinal Aldno, who is to give him the bishopric of Camerino or of Jerace in Naples, and send him as nuncio to France or Savoy.
Sunday evening, arrived an extraordinary despatch from Spain, which reports that Carlo Doria has arrived in Genoa with only one galley, having left the others at Majorica to embark some Spanish infantry, and thence they were going to Binaroz to take on board a million of gold to bring with the troops to Italy. It is said but not proved that with Don Carlo is coming the Count of Pugnicarolo on his way to Milan to act as deputy of the Count of Fuentes, in case the latter should be required for the enterprise the King is meditating. The Courier brings news that Signor Marcantonio Giudici, a merchant of Genoa, has paid the King 300m. scudi to have the principality of Rossano in the Kingdom of Naples, the Marquisate of Voghera in the State of Milan and the office of — of the gates in that kingdom. The news of the sinking of 13 merchant ships sailing from Spain to the Indies is confirmed. The loss has caused the failure of Jacomo Moltedo, a Genoese, and Giovanni di Spinosa, a Spaniard. Cardinal Buonviti has had 500 scudi pension from Monsignore charged on the bishopric of Bovino, which was promised to Father Paolo Tolosa.
They write from the Romagna that Cardinal Visconti had ordered the beginning of the excavation required to divert the waters from the valleys, beginning from the Sante Alberto end.
The last news from Fano is that a Venetian galley had been sighted carrying to Ancona Signor Marco Veniero, Ambassador Extraordinary from the Signoria, coming to discuss with the Pope the present conjectures of war in Italy and to obtain some receipt from the Pope to save their states and those of the other Italian Princes from suffering from the poverty of Spain. Wednesday evening, the Duke of Mantua, with his sister now Duchess of Ferrara, on their way to Lore[tto] for their devotions, and a boat bound for the fair of Nocera in Apulia was taken off the mouth of the Metauro by a Turkish galley.
The canonization of the blessed Raymond Catalano will take place. The Marquis D'Este, Extraordinary Ambassador from Savoy, is said to have complained at his audience, that the French were delaying the surrender of Montmélian and the other places, and that a mine made by the French had been discovered in the castle of Chambery; but to this it is replied that the mine must have been made by the Savoyards when the King took the castle.
Wednesday evening, a special courier from Genoa brought word to Cardinal Giustiniani that Signor Corento Santi his brother had been killed by a shot from an harquebus. With particulars of his death. The assassin is unknown.
After the mass on Monday morning, the Pope on his way home called the Venetian Ambassador to him and assured him that the troops in the pay of the King of Spain were intended part for Flanders, part for Croatia, and the remainder for an enterprise against the Turk, so that there was no need for any warlike preparation by the Signoria.
Wednesday evening, the French Ambassador sent to inform the Marquis D'Este that Montmélian had been duly surrendered to Colonel Giusto commanding for the Duke of Savoy, communicating other particulars. His Holiness is busy with the bull for the imposition of six-tenths throughout Italy, including the Venetian States, though these murmur much at it. On Thursday, a congregation was held before Cardinal Aldobrandini, with the Cardinals Celis and San Marcello, to see to the farming out of the impositions, there being much need of money for the payment of the soldiers.
On Thursday, after dinner, took place the examination of the Patriarch of Constantinople, a Franciscan, and of Don Paolo Tolosa, a Theatine, appointed to the bishoprics of Patti and Bovino. Both passed excellently; and his Holiness especially complimented the Patriarch, saying that he had caused him to be examined merely as a formality. The Pope then gave an audience to the Persian Ambassador, who on entering the room knelt and kissed the Pope's feet, and then presented a letter from his Master. The Ambassador then drew back three paces and seated himself on his heels Turkish fashion. Some of his suite also were introduced. In the evening his Holiness received the other Ambassador of the English Nation. The Persian King's letter to the Pope speaks of his need of engineers, cannon, &c. Unsigned. Undated. Italian. 2½ pp. (204. 119.)
Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 19. This bearer, Captain Lovell, was one of the best directors that served under me in the late tumults. He took one Captain Marsh, that dwelleth in the Isle of Ely, and is thought to have been a direct follower of the Earl of Essex in these last actions. Marsh was bailed by the Lord Chief Justice to be answerable upon six days' notice to appear before the Council. Captain Lovell's suit is that none may have the benefit of this matter before him.—19 April, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (181. 147.)
James Smythe, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 20. According to your letters of the 14th inst I have sent you Jeffrey Havard by Richard Dangerfield, the bearer hereof, and William Moore. I have discharged the sum of 4l. for the which he was imprisoned.—From the city of Heref', 20 April, 1601.
Endorsed :—“Mayor of Haverfordwest” (sic). ½ p. (85. 167).
Sir Nicholas Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 20. I understand by my kinsman Mr. John Parker how much I am bound to you for your speeches. I humbly desire you will vouchsafe to be my patron, so long as I carry a loyal obedient heart to her Majesty.—Pendenas Castle, 20 April, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (85. 168.)
Serafino Heinodt to Thomas Wilson.
1601, April 21./May 1. I received your letter of the 25th of April on the 30th with the enclosure mentioned in it. I regret much that you canot come to Cologne, but am consoled to remember that though our bodies be apart, we are united in friendship.
The letters sent by you—one for England, the other for Signor Giorgio, I will send on. The only letter for you is the enclosed from Venice. I will write to my correspondent in Amsterdam for any letters from 'Agosta.' I was obliged to leave Frankfort without seeing you; for in the evening I called on you without finding you, and the next morning I had to start early. As to the present you mention, I send you at once a pair of ladies' shoes, which I received from Rome last Sunday; and my sisters shall work you a pair of handkerchiefs (jaccioli) which I will send as soon as I hear you are arrived in London.—Cologne, 1 May, 1601, Stilo Greg.
Italian. Holograph. Addressed :—“Thomaso Wilson, Holshausen.” 2½ pp. (182. 13, 14.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, before April 22]. If I thought your coming to this town at this time were only to the end to be visited by your friends, I would have performed that compliment : but it may be you will peruse the bottom of some box before you go, and therefore I will put you in mind of the relic, for you might better have promised a woman with child that had longed for cherries to have sent her some, and failed thereof, than to promise as you did to that party, and not perform it, for I saw a letter yesterday wherein he wrote to one of my men that he would never leave bawling for it until he got it. If her Majesty hold her purpose to dine to-morrow at Wymmelton, I mean to be one of the train to feed upon your brother. I hold you too long, therefore I will bid you welcome to town.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Earl of Shrewsbury. 1601.” 1 p. (90. 160.)
Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 22. I perceive by your letter that her Majesty has dissolved her coming to Wimbledon, wherewith since it is best for her disposition as her coming should have been most acceptable, so to her not coming I will give my consent. I am sorry it should fall out upon my brother Cornwallis who is in the diet, and I think his purse is likewise, and if her Majesty go thither, she is like the physician that giveth his patient the wrong medicine for his disease. But in the end, no doubt, when she knoweth his disease, she is able to cure him, which I hope her Majesty will do. My house of London is robbed of all his stuff which came hither by the flood and must return by the ebb. I will now think of my instalment at Windsor, and so to prepare to go presently after into the North. I thank you for your speedy advertisement hereof.—Wymbleton, 22 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“22 April, 1601.” Seal. 1 p. (181. 148.)
Edward Seymour to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 22. I am bound to you for your continual favour and especially for your honourable respects to my son. If I can be of service to you, I shall think myself fortunate.—Berry Castle. 22 April, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (85. 171.)
Sir Edward Fitton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] April 22. I have been troubled with divers fits of ague, and now for a day or two am going to take air abroad. My son would entreat your letter to my Lord President of Munster for himself and my brother, which brother he knoweth and shall go over instantly, but Ned is unwilling to leave his sister in her distress until he see some end thereof, which I will not deny him.—Before my going for the Forest of Maclesfyld, 22 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Edw. Phitton, 1601.” ½ p. (85. 172.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] April 22. I understand you were the means I have received the liberty of the prison, which is a great comfort to a distressed mind. No protestations I can make will be sufficient justification for the appearance of the evil I am in question for, but my petition is that you will take knowledge of my penitent heart. What estate I have gotten in my 16 years' service is known to your Honour, so it doth appear my often complaint of my poverty was unfeigned, but if I regain my liberty what wealth shall be mine I will dedicate to your love and service.—From the Gatehouse, 22 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (85. 173.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 22. The season approaching wherein it is generally expected that there will be some end made of the troubles grown by these late wretched accidents, puts me in mind likewise to renew my suit that I may not seem too senseless or secure in so great a calamity. It has pleased you from the beginning of my trouble to show a tender care of my credit, for which I acknowledge myself as much bound as for your care of my life itself. I beseech you so to dispose of me that I may not by any public disgrace be made unable or unworthy to be commanded by her Majesty and you hereafter. For God is my witness, I desire to cancel by some faithful service the fault I have now committed. And I do not despair but God will offer the means and occasion in his good time. Therefore again and again I do beseech you, whatsoever else be inflicted upon me, to preserve me from any public infamy. And having heard a rumour that there is a declaration like to be published of these late practices, I humbly desire, if I be mentioned at all—which considering how little hand or consent I had in them, I would hope were not necessary—yet that it may be done as sparingly and with as little touch to me as the cause will bear. And particularly, that my declaration may not be put in print; for I made it in haste, my Lord Admiral's servant Mr. Browne being sent for it when I had but new begun it, and signifying that he was willed to be at the Tower with it by 11 of clock; by occasion whereof chiefly, and partly also because some of your Lordships told me the night before that you intended not to use it against myself, but to another end, I omitted both matter and circumstances which would much have justified me and cleared mine intention from consent or participation in these actions. So as if it should be published in that naked sort as it is set down, it would be to my infinite disadvantage, and lay me open to the censure of every common person, even for that whereof I am not guilty. Therefore chiefly I desire it may not be published; or if that must needs be—as I verily hope there is no such necessity, matters being otherwise clear enough, and my knowledge of the Earl's designs being but at the second or third hand, and that only in generalities—I humbly desire that I may be permitted to revise it and to add some circumstances which I have either by word or writing already declared unto your Honours, that so the world may know the best of me as well as the worst.—Chelsey, 22 April, 1601.
Holograph. 2 pp. (86. 1.)
The Earl of Desmond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 22. The gentleman this bearer who I told you had a medalia of her sacred Majesty's shadow in gold, desired my letter to you to recommend it to your view and approvement. Though he is not the maker of it, yet at his charge it has been done.—Newgate Market, 22 April, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 2.)
Richard [Bancroft,] Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 23. Encloses a letter from Embden. The writer is a Master of Arts, well experienced, and being married in Embden, follows merchandise. Thanks Cecil for his venison.—Fulham, 23 April, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 3.)
Sir William Malorye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 24. Recommends the bearer, his neighbour, Robert Dawson, to whom he gives a good character, who finds himself hardly used by some of his unkind neighbours.—My Lodge in Hewton Park, 24 April, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 5.)
Cha. Coote to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 24. To explain the long stay he made of Cecil's letters delivered to his charge, states that he was exceeding sick between London and Bristow, and the importance of the letters being known to him, he durst not adventure them by any other than himself.—Digen, 24 April, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 6.)
Francis Bacon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 24. “Because we live in an age,” etc.—Graies Inn, 24 April, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 8.)
The Enclosure :
“A true remembrance of the abuses I received of Mr. Attorney General publicly in the Exchequer the first day of the term,” etc.
In Bacon's hand. 1 p. (86. 7.)
[Both printed in Spedding's Life and Letters of Francis Bacon, Vol. 3, pp. 2, 3.]
Voyage of the Lyonesse.
1601, April 24. 1. Bond given by Charles Earl of Nottingham, Thomas Lord Howard and Henry Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil. With regard to goods taken by John Traughton, captain of the Lyonesse, from the White Greyhound, Cornelius Arens master, and divided among the four abovenamed : the three first named bind themselves to indemnify Cecil proportionably for any portion of the goods which may be recovered from him.—24 April, 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (204. 117.)
2. Similar bond, given by Sir Robert Cecil to the above named.—24 April, 1601. (204. 118.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, April 25.] In favour of one Harris, Clerk of the Custom House for 25 years. He that is Customer may put him out, not knowing the man, who was continued in the last Customer's time by Lord Burghley's letters. Takes it that Cecil's letters will serve the turn.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, 25 April.” 1 p. (86. 9.)
Lucie, Marchioness of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 26. The bearer, her very good friend and neighbour, has been given an offence in public Assizes by Serjeant Hele, so deeply to the wrong of his reputation that he is enforced to pray redress thereof at the Council Board. Prays for Cecil's favour in his behalf, for his many good offices done to “my Lord.” “Your most affectionate niece.”—Basing, 26 April, 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“L. Marquess of Winchester. In the behalf of Mr. Titchborne.” ½ p. (86. 10.)
Sir John Byron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 26. One Farmer, whose name is subscribed to these enclosed articles, yesterday brought me the same. I presently sent my precept to the Constables for the apprehension of Collie, and direction to others that might give testimony to come before me. Who this day have answered as by the note which my servant, this bearer, hath to show you, may be perceived. I have committed Collie to gaol till your pleasure be known, and the rest I have bound over to appear at the next assizes.—Newstead, this 26th of April, 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (182. 1.)
The Enclosure :
William Farmer's articles.—It was my chance at two sundry times since the execution of the late Earl of Essex to be in company with three or four of my neighbours of Mansfield and Mansfield Woodhouse, to wit, James Colly, Curate of the said town of Mansfield Woodhouse and preacher of Mansfield, Christopher Wasse, Robert Snoden and Henry Wadsworth, who falling in talk of the said Earl, James Collye, the said Curate, uttered these speeches, “That the said Earl's death would be revenged,” and it being asked, “Who durst be so bold?” He answered, “Even by the enemies who loved him so well.” Item, he also said, “That he had rather be the poor curate of Mansfield Woodhouse than Sir R. Cecils.” Item, he also said, “That it were better to lose a hundred such Sir R. Cecils than one Earl of Essex.” Item, he also said, “That the Earl of Turone in some sort had just cause to do as he did.” Item, he also said, “That he heard a gentleman say that he would lay a wager that before Whitsunday twenty thousand men should go forth of England by reason of the said Earl's death.” Item, whereas I said that I had sent me the sermon that Dr. Barlowe preached the first Sunday in Lent concerning the said Earl and his rebellion, the same party answered again, “That it was a paltry sermon.” Item, upon other speeches that we had concerning the said Earl and Sir Robert Cecils, it was added further by the said party, that whilst the said Earl was occupied in her Majesty's wars, the said Sir R. Cecils got away one of the said Earl's offices.
Holograph. 1 p. (182. 2.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601], April 27. For that the time doth pass, and I understand by my wife it pleased you to deal so nobly with me as to let me in part to know what is objected against me, for which I may deserve blame. First, that I dealt not so freely as I might have done in delivering my knowledge of my L. of Essex his proceedings. I beseech you to weigh the shortness of the time, the divers cares, miseries, and afflictions that I was suddenly enwrapped in, which might be sufficient to cause a man to forget something amongst many, that I did freely deliver my knowledge of all when I was demanded of it. If it may please you to consider the bond of love and friendship, although you did believe I was willing to conceal what might prejudice him, the nobleness of your own nature, I know, will excuse me in your heart, albeit in the severity of your justice you may condemn me. But I farther hear that he has charged me with a letter I wrote unto him, thereby to urge him unto this untimely and treasonable enterprise. As for the letter, I remember my Lord Ad. (upon occasion that the Earl took to speak of it) urged him in the behalf of the rest of the Lords to resolve them of the contents thereof; whereupon he replied that upon his salvation I never wrote unto him any matter tending to treason. Hereupon I prayed him to remember the oath I sware him unto before I would join with him in anything, which he likewise acknowledge[d]; the effect whereof was the preservation of his allegiance to the Queen, and continuance of the public peace; and therefore it could not be that I persuaded him to that which by oath I bound him from. There might pass many words or speeches from me to him by way of argument or conference; but to conclude that therefore they were advices or counsel, you know were a “meyer” [? mere] wrong, for it is apparent, when it came to be resolved on, what my counsel was. But my Lord might believe, when he saw me to be there and heard my confession first read, that I only had discovered his secrets and betrayed him, therefore out of his dislike of my proceedings might willingly speak what he thought might do me hurt. How heavy an imputation he has laid upon me in the opinion of the world for requital of my love unto him, I hear unto my grief. But I am sorry and ashamed that he has concluded so disnobly and dishonourably. Yet because you shall know as well my beginning with him as you have done my end, as also for that my Lord Ad. charged me in your presence that his L. had been my means to get me the Fort of Plymouth; when I was at the Brill, the Earl sent to me a gent. with his letters giving me to understand what he had done for me if I liked of it, and before I returned my answer or received there the letters for my coming into England, he sent another advertising me to come over. In this while he had dealt with my dear friend Sir Coneres Clyfford, whom he had engaged for my faithful and assured love unto him from all other men. This was not sufficient in his conceit, but he so provided that I was first to speak with him before any other of the Lords after I arrived. And understanding what had passed from my friend in my behalf, I was in honesty bound to make it good, which accordingly I did. Afterwards I desired to carry myself in an indifferent course, but perceiving his jealous humour, I saw it not possible without losing of him unto whom I had given myself. As for your Honour, the opposition was so apparent between you two as there was no possibility for me to “interest” myself in you without abjuring of him, and so must have manifested my dishonest humour and fickle disposition. Therefore I beseech you not to esteem the worse of me for my constant loving him that was your enemy. I vow to God that I did endeavour by what means I was able, the reconciliation of your Honour and him; but he answered me that he would receive no good from you or by your means. The truth of this his soul can testify. Therefore, if it please you to take me to your favour and protection that am now comfortless, as I have but one heart, so I have but one word, the which I commend unto your worthy self to be disposed of as it shall please you.—From the Gatehouse, 27 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 2 pp. (86. 11.)
[1601, April 27]. A note of Her Majesty's munitions remaining at Ostend in charge of Francis Carpenter, Sergeant Major of that town.
Powder, 17000 lbs.; match, 6 dryfates; muskets, 250; flasks and touch-boxes, 250; moulds and flaste strings, 100 each; musket-rests, 60; pikes, broken and whole, 10.
Sows of lead, 56; iron demi-culverins, 8; iron port-pieces, 10; brass demi-culverins, 2.
Ladles for demi-culverins, 12; round shot for do., 1090; do. for sakers, 400; stone shot for port pieces, 60; coigns [covnes] for ordnance, 15; spare axle-trees, 4; handspikes, 18; sheepskins, 6.
Endorsed :—“1601, 27 April. Captain Carpenter's note of the munition of Ostend in his charge.” ½ p. (182. 3.)
Aurelianus Townshend to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 28. I am always ready to obey your behests, but the last is so agreeable to my wishes, that I should doubtless myself have asked to be allowed to fulfil it, had I not feared to make my services too costly by a fresh expenditure. I shall undertake the journey to Italy the more readily because I hope to return from it capable of doing you better service than before, wherein both my happiness and duty are concerned.—Paris, 28 April, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. French. 1 p. (85. 163.)
The Countess Dowager of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 28. Prays for his favour in her son's suit, depending before Cecil and others, by the Queen's commission for confirmation of patents.—Hardwick, 28 April, 1601.
Signed :—“E. Shrouesbury.” ½ p. (86. 12.)
He : Dillon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 28. Refers to the services of his father, Sir Lucas Dillon, and the grants of land received by him in reward. His brother, in the Earl of Essex's time in Ireland, erected a troop of horse at great charges, and served therewith; but on Essex's return he was cast. His brother continually attended the now Lord Deputy, who has knighted him, but not conferred any command upon him. As it is not possible for his brother to reinhabit his land without the countenance of some command of foot or horse, his land lying on the borders, prays Cecil to write to the Lord Deputy to bestow on him the next company.—28 April, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 13.)
John Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, April 28]. Expresses his thanks for Cecil's favour. Excuses his not waiting on him, through gout. The term being so near, he is forced to rely on him “for Mr. Welche,” and is ready to perform what courses he shall think best, as to give instructions to Mr. Attorney or Mr. Bacon for opening Welche's faults.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, 28 April.” 1 p. (86. 14.)
Captain Thomas Dale to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, April 28]. The Lord Chief Justice, by the sinister suggestion of his adversaries, has granted a warrant for his committing. His cause would justify itself, for although he fought, yet it was not before there was just cause. Prays Cecil to move the Lord Chief Justice to recall the warrant, till the cause is heard. Prays for employment in the wars. He has no desire to return to France, though he will have very good means from his Majesty to live on; but if Cecil will not accept his services, he will be constrained to return to his old master.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“28 April, 1601.” 2 pp. (86. 15.)
Christian, Lady Sandys, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, April 28]. Three letters about this date :—
(1). Pardon my moving you for advice. I know you are in high place of judgment and a Councillor, but if it please you to remember, God to them that trust only in Him, he doth direct them and teaches them what is best to do; and I would to God I could make you know how much honour, love and service I vow to you above all other. My trust is in you only. I send some time to others, but the least word of comfort it pleaseth you to send me is more comfort to me than the greatest any other can send me, so highly do I esteem you above all the rest. I humbly beseech you to continue your honourable favour to my poor Lord and I, or else we shall be utterly undone. My Lord saith that he can no way show his thankfulness to you, but you that hath been the cause to save his life, you shall ever command it to do you service. I could not sleep to-night, I was so much troubled for fear my messenger troubled you. I commanded him to deliver nothing to you without you were at good leisure. My desire is, if you think it fit for me, to make a petition to the Council as the rest of the ladies hath to see their husbands; they have all, I hear, obtained of your Honours not moving her Majesty. I do very much desire to, my Lord being very ill with a pain in his stomach. He is fallen into so great a melancholy as he refuses his meat. I know he will not take physic or complain to any but myself. He hath been many times dangerously sick since I was his wife, but by my troth he never took “meddisins” of any but of me. It would be a great comfort to me if I might have that liberty the rest hath.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, 28 Apr.” Seal. 1 p. (182. 4.)
(2). Offers Cecil certain horses. I and my Lord will ever acknowledge that we have no friend in the world to whom we are so much bound as to you. You have been the chiefest means to give me my Lord's life, which is dearer to me than my own; and it the Queen will give me his liberty, I will be content to endure as much misery as it shall please the Queen to lay upon me.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Lady Sandys.” 1 p. (90. 154.)
(3). Humbly beseeching you to stand our honourable friend now as you have done in our other distresses. There was exhibited to the Council board a particular of my Lord's whole estate, thereby showing his willingness and his inability to accomplish the fine imposed, the examination whereof for due proof was referred to her Majesty's learned counsel, who sifted the same to the uttermost, and thereupon pressed my Lord to make a proffer according to the proportion which they found, and did thereby draw my Lord to pay 1,000l. presently, and to pay out of his small portion of land 100l. a year, which considering my Lord's debts being before 3,000l. at interest was more than our small living would yield; therefore my Lord's and my humble suit is to your Honours to make present acceptance thereof, or else by reason of the great charge of the place where he lieth, and my own expense besides, we shall be utterly unable to perform the offer made and required.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Lady Sandys.” 1 p. (90. 153).
William [Cotton,] Bishop of Exeter, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 28. I was bold lately to pray your furtherance for an Ecclesiastical Commission in these extreme parts of the land : at which time it pleased your Honour to like, but since that time I have not followed the same because I knew that many unnatural and disloyal subjects had filled every place with business. Now I am desirous to renew my suit and to pray the continuance of your liking. My Lord his Grace did send Mr. Dean of Exeter to signify his liking hereof though he were loath to sign any commission; but considering that no malefactors can be called up so far without their undoing or extreme charge, I found his Grace very inclinable, and the rather because I had been before an ancient commissioner about London.—From Exeter, this 28 of April, 1601.
PS.—I received by order from the Lords of the Privy Council, from the Fort of Plymouth, one Robert Griffith, a recusant son to Dr. Griffith, taken by Sir Thomas Shirley and prisoner with Sir Ferdinando Gorge. I have now brought him to take the oath of the supremacy and to come to church, and so I hope I may be despatched of him.
Holograph. 1 p. (182. 5.)
John Rawlyns.
1601, April 28. Discharge by Sir George Gyfford and Sir Robert Crosse, knights, from any thing they could have objected against him for being in the late action with the Earl of Essex.—The 28th day of April, 1601, in the 43rd year of the Queen's Majesty's reign.
Signatures. ½ p. (182. 6.)
The Lords of the Council to the Justices of the Peace in Dorset.
[1601, April 28]. Her Majesty having made choice of the Lord Viscount Bindon to be her Lieutenant in Dorsetshire, has been pleased to constitute you his Deputy Lieutenants.
Draft. Endorsed :—“April 28, 1601.” 2 pp. (182. 7.)
Chr : Yelverton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 29. Prays Cecil to favour the suit to the Council of his nephew, Thomas Higham, who has served her Majesty in the wars for many years, for the mustermastership of Suffolk, which Sir Clement Higham, who now has it, is well content to leave.—Serjeant's Inn in Fleet St., 29 April, 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Serjeant Yelverton.” ½ p. (86. 18.)
T. Lord Buckhurst to Mr. Secretary.
1601, April 29. . . . the letter to Mr. Gilpin . . . with the rest so signified to the States, viz.:—
Finally, we must let you understand that as her Majesty in her careful providence and well wishing to the States, is content (notwithstanding the now treaty betwixt Spain, the Archduke and her Highness) to embark herself anew into this sudden and hostile action against them : so nevertheless, if at any time hereafter they shall show forth more evident tokens and testimonies of their clear and sincere intention towards peace than hitherto (as we conceive it) they have done, her Majesty means then, with like royal proceeding on her part, to receive and embrace the same. And so doth she always wish that even the States themselves, upon good and safe conditions, would likewise run the same course with her Majesty.
This I do leave wholly to your judgment.—29 April, 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“L. Treasurer.” Commencement torn off. 1 p. (86. 17.)
Lord Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 29. His neighbour, Sir William Cunstable, is to attend the Council to-morrow. Asks Cecil to favour Cunstable, that no more may be imposed upon him than he may bear, his estate being not above 100l. a year. Whatever is wanting in his estate to make satisfaction to her Majesty for his offence, he will supply by his forwardness in her service.—My house at Tower Hill, 29 April, 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“The L. Lumley.” 1 p. (86. 19.)
Daniel Bulkeley, Mayor, and Thomas Roland and Ro. Griffyth, Bailiffs of Beaumaris, to the Lords of the Council.
1601, April 29. There arrived in the port of Beaumaris, the 28 of this April, a bark of ten tons or thereabouts, bound for Ireland, as by the examination of the owner appeareth, having no manner of commodity within her, but hired to transport to Ireland one George Areskin, calling himself Secretary to the Earl of Argyle of Scotland, who, as he allegeth, sent him over to search for one who had murdered a cousin-german of the said Earl. We found about him the three letters hereinclosed; the one directed to the Lord Deputy of Ireland, which we have not opened, the other to the traitor O'Donnell, which we opened, and by the reading of the same, being written by the said George himself, as he confesseth, we find kind terms between the Earl of Argyle and O'Donnell, and further matters referred to the credit and sufficiency of the said bearer. We have examined him and his company and send the examinations enclosed, and we have also stayed him, the bark and his company.—Bewmarreis, this xxixth of April, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (182. 8.)
The Queen to King James VI.
1601, April 30. Letter commencing “Right High &c.”—and ending “by past scruples are revived.”
Endorsed :—“1601, 30 Apr. Minute to the King of Scotts from her Majesty.” 7 pp. (134. 11.)
[Printed at length. Camden Soc. publications. Old Series, No. XLVI., pp. 136–138.]
[The Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil to the Earl of Lincoln]
1601, April. Such has been the mischance and great folly of your servants at Chelsey, as when her Majesty did lately ride abroad, and was accompanied with the Scottish Ambassador, she was very desirous to have gone into your house and gardens, from whence she was kept out in so rude a fashion as we protest unto you your enemies wanted not a colour to say it was by your direction. For after a great knocking at both gates, some of your people did not only show themselves within, but some of them looked out of the house and over the walls. These things did not a little trouble the Queen, though she would make no speech of it then, but we have found it since so suspiciously to move in her as she did almost seem to take it to be done of purpose, whereupon we (out of our care that she should not in any public place speak disgracefully of you) did first assure her, that when you went away, you had hoped to see her there and had provided for her Majesty, and that being constrained to go away, you told us that whensoever you might know that she had a desire to come thither, you would not stick to come up again for that purpose, rather than she should think you unwilling to give her Majesty all contentment, affirming to her also, how readily you had served her that day of the Rebellion; whereunto we also added (because we saw it stuck so fast in her) that rather than fail, we durst undertake that you (in token how much you despised the matter of charge) would be contented to make us your stewards for a dinner and anything that belongs to it. Of this your offer, her Majesty hath spoken since with very great contentment and honour of you (whereof although peradventure you will say, you are not like to taste benefit) yet we are sure that your own judgment serves you, that it cannot be good for you (who have so many enemies) that the world should conceive that her Majesty had any ill conceit of you. Now your lordship shall understand that although we hoped you should have been here in so good time as to have invited her yourself, yet her Majesty being to remove upon Tuesday next, has much pressed that we would bring her hither, and the rather before the Ambassador's departure, that he (for these were her own words) that saw her kept out, may see her also let in. Into which strait things being brought, we (that can have no other end but your own good) have even adventured to make good our offer, and so upon Saturday next her Majesty will dine there, where we will moderate expenses as if it were for ourselves, and we will also find out some present, such as we presume you will not think too much, and when you come up you shall see it, whereby we hope you shall not have cause to believe that we have gained of you by any brokage. Thus have we done that which we would wish should be done to us in the like case by you, if (out of the same circumstances that lead us) you shall at any time proceed as we have done.—From the Court at Whitehall, April 1601.
Draft, with corrections by Cecil. Endorsed :—“Copy of my master's letter to the Earl of Lincoln, April 30, 1601.” 1½ pp. (86. 20.)
Richard [Bancroft,] Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April. I have sent to you enclosed a long abridgement of the book. Shorter it might have been made, but that I thought it expedient that you should have full knowledge in sum of the discourse. If it please you I shall be glad.—Fulham, April, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 21.)
J. Ouseley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April. Prays to be preferred to some employment. His father is dead, and his mother—he being in Ireland at the time—has got the whole estate during her life; he is indebted, and his company cast by the late Earl of Essex.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“April, 1601, Captain Ouseley.” 1 p. (86. 22.)
The Queen to King James.
1601, April. Letter commencing. “My good Brother, At the first reading of your letter;” ending, “Your most loving sister that longs to see you deal as kindly as I mean.—E. R.”
Endorsed :—“1601, Apr. Copy of her Majesty's letter to the King of Scotts with her own hand. By the Earl of Mar and the Abbot of Kinloss.” (134. 15.)
[Printed at length. Camden Soc. publications. No. XLVI. Old Series., pp. 134–5.]
University of Cambridge.
[1601, April]. Wrongs done to the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge by Robert Wallis and others, Mayors, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the Town there, contrary to the charters granted and confirmed by Act of Parliment.
1o. Enlarging of prisoners.—They have enlarged and set at liberty divers persons being in execution by sentence of the Vice-Chancellor, to the utter overthrow of the jurisdiction of the University there. Contra Chart. Eliz. Anno regni sui 3 concess. Sect. 2. Persons enlarged :—John Tiddeswell, George Pretty, Edward Hurst, Robert Dauntrie and Agnes Shawe.
2. Disfranchising of Burgesses.—They disfranchised divers burgesses of the town of Cambridge for presenting engrossers of corn in a leet holden by the University, at which leet they were charged by force of a special charter to enquire of engrossing. Contra Chart. Eliz. 3, sect. 9, confirmed by Act of Parliament, ao. 13o Eliz. Persons disfranchised :—Edward Potter, shoemaker; Richard Benbridge, chandler; John Wells, goldsmith; Richard Brachier, smith; Eliott Curr, basket maker.
3. Resistance of Search.—They deny and resist the University Officers in the search for light persons or suspected of evil (except in victualling houses), which search is granted by charters for the better safety of young gentlemen students, whereof some have been and daily are endangered to be drawn into contracts and marriages with mean persons of the town, and would be much more practised were it not for this privilege : examples hereof : Mr. Anthony Byron, Nottingham; Mr. Wickliff, York; Mr. Wood, London; Mr. Bowser, and others. Contra Char. Eliz. 3, sect. 10. Persons denying search :—Robert Wallis, Leonard Whaley, Henry Slegg.
4. Intermeddling with victuallers.—They do in their town leet and sessions enquire of victuals and victualling, contrary to the form of Charters of the University absolutely inhibiting the same : thereby infringing the known privileges of the University notwithstanding her Highness's express will and pleasure to the contrary in a letter to the mayor, bailiffs and burgesses directed and delivered ao Regine Eliz. 6 et contra Char. Eliz. 3, sect. 9. Witnesses hereof :—Philip Stringer, John Holmes, bailiff, Robert Pippin (who paid an amercement thereof to Mr. John Norkott, late mayor). The records of Sessions : A precept dated 29 Decemb., 1596, Eliz. 39o.
5. Imprisoning of persons privileged.—They have wilfully imprisoned divers of the body of the University for matters of misdemeanour, as was pretended for not serving at musters, &c., quite contrary to the tenour of her Highness's grant and many other grants and privileges of her noble progenitors, confirmed by Act of Parliament. Contra Char. Eliz. 3, sect. 5 and 6, and Comp. Ar. 5 and 6. Privileged persons imprisoned :—John Trott, Mr. Wildbore, scholar, and Humbleloft's man, by Mr. Norcott, late mayor : John Longworth and William Wright, by Mr. Wallis, late mayor; William Sterne and Robert Arnold, by Mr. Robson, late mayor.
6. Vexation by writs and foreign impleadings.—They do ordinarily procure writs of Habeas Corpus and such like for the removing of themselves out of prison and their causes out of the Vice-Chancellor's Court, notwithstanding that her Majesty hath commanded the contrary under the danger of her displeasure by her letters patent confirmed by Act of Parliament, ibidem ut supra. Persons removing causes :—William Nichollson (bis); Edward Hurste, George Pretty, Leonard Whalley.
7. Assessors for Subsidy.—They do, for their private benefit and secret defrauding of her Majesty, provide that there shall be no privileged person appointed to be a sessor, quite contrary to that which in equity is provided for by composition between the University and the town, and otherwise than is meet in regard to that service, as we are moved to think by that which we know they have practised to do in the assessing of the tax due there unto her Majesty, which we will be ready to manifest, being thereunto required. Contra Com. Ar. 25. Witnesses :—Robert Wallis, Thomas Smithe, Richard Reading and Thomas Thomson, constable. (182. 9.)
Wrongs continued in greater Excess.
1. Abuse about prisoners.—They commit privileged persons to prisons whom they ought not to censure. Contra Char. Eliz. 3, sects. 5 and 6, and Comp. Ar. 5 and 6, Act Par. 13. Mr. Chase, Mayor, committed George Watkins, servant to Trinity College, April 10, 1601. They refuse to receive and keep offenders committed by us. Contra Char. Eliz. 3, sect. 2, Com. Ar. 12, and Act Par. pred. Ben Paime, keeper of the Tolbooth, refused to receive — Green. Witness :—B. Pryme and T. Cream. They enlarge prisoners in execution. Contra Char. Com. and Act Par. pred. William Pyper [enlarged], John Payne, 4o Martii, 1600, and Hugh Jones, eodem anno.
2. Scrutiny and search resisted.—They deny and withstand the Proctor's wonted search, reviling and abusing the officers in that service, which search hath been means to prevent disorders and especially clandestine contracts with our pupils of best note. Contra Char. pred., sect. 10. Henry Slegg maintaining a butcher in his house all Lent apud Acta. Edward Dodson and his wife resisted Mr. Synnews, proctor apud Acta. Ben Paine, his wife and son imprisoned Mr. Mountaine, proctor, and put him in fear of his life. Jan., 1600. Testibus, Mr. Rodeknyght, Proctor's servant.
3. Usurpation of government.—They proclaim their Mayor sole regent and governor. Contra Char. Eliz. 31o. They put down with danger of tumult the scales of our clerk of the market. Contra Chart. pred. Anno Eliz. 42o.—John Yaxley being Mayor. Testibus : Doctor Church, Mr. Disborrowghe, Mr. Goslinge. They summon privileged persons by subpœna 100l. to their courts subscribed by the mayor, teste me ipso—John Yaxley being Mayor. They still intermeddle with victuals. Contra Char. Eliz. 3, sect. 9. Mr. Brakin in Sessionibus, Apr. 22. Testibus :—B. Pryme, John Reignoldes.
4. Vexations by foreign pleas.—They unduly vex by impleading before foreign judges university men of all sorts, even the Vice-Chancellor himself. Contra Chart. Eliz. 3, sects. 5 and 6. William Nicholson [vexed], Dr. Jegon, vice-chancellor, and Ben. Pryme, beadle, Common Pleas, King's Bench.
5. Impositions of Payments unjust.—They assess in subsidy and tax and other charges known privileged persons, viz. scholars and scholars' servants, contrary to the Charter of Eliz. 3, sect. 14 and Com. Ar. 25, her Majesty's privy seal dated 25 of August ao 41 regni sui, and contrary to the report of her Majesty's Attorney and Solicitor and divers orders of the Exchequer. Apparent by the records of the Exchequer and certificates exhibited.
6. Encroachment upon Commons.—They have enclosed and let to farm divers parcels of the Commons and planted willows in great abundance, which they have appropriated to divers persons and their heirs by private orders, notwithstanding all the manors in the town belong to Colleges, as we are persuaded. Mr. Ball's Close. Divers tenements in the Town. Willows in the field. For all which they receive large revenues.
7. Violent assaults and batteries.—They do make upon privileged persons violent assaults, batteries and affrays, walking armed contrary to proclamation, and so threaten public officers that officers dare not upon sufficient warrant apprehend them. Robert Scott, armed, lay in wait for Richard Lichfield and assaulted and grievously wounded him at the gates of Trinity College : coloured by Mr. Chase, mayor, and in shew bound over, but released without certifying at the sessions. Ben. Payne and Hugh Jones fettered and manacled George Watkins and beat and bruised him very dangerously, April 10, 1601.
Signed :—John Jegon, Vice-Chancellor, Roger Goade, Humphrey Tyndall, and others. 2 pp. (82. 9.)