Cecil Papers: April 1601, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1601, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp153-165 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1601, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp153-165.

"Cecil Papers: April 1601, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp153-165.

April 1601, 1–15

The Mayor of Hereford and Others to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 1. One Geoffrey Havard, arrested within this city for a debt, did in gaol utter certain speeches concerning your Honour. The Lord Chief Baron and Justice Warburton (then on circuit) caused him to be further examined and directed the enclosed examinations to be sent to your Honour.—From Hereford, 1 April, 1601.
Signed :—“James Smythe, mayor : Rich. Bromwich : William Mayerd.” ½ p. (85. 135.)
Capt. Hugh Done to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, April 1.] You were pleased to shew me your favour by the means of my kinsman, Mr. Dean of Westminster, albeit I was crossed by the Earl of Essex in my preferment. But on my return from Ireland, you promised me a company with the first. Since when, having no other employment, I made enquiry for the muster master's place of Lancaster, having procured the resignment of the then holder. I am bold to proffer this my suit in return for 12 years' hard service in the wars, and because my best means of maintenance is debarred through the death of my dear brother.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1 April, 1601.” ½ p. (85. 137.)
Gabriel Goodman, Dean of Westminster, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 1. In favour of the Lord Bishop of Llandaff, who is to be translated to St. Asaph.—1st April, 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (181. 122.)
Sir Robert Vernon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, April 1]. The Queen has dealt with me so mercifully that I now venture to appeal to you for some favour. I beseech you to be a means unto her Majesty for freely pardoning my offence; and the earnester I crave this because I have six brothers and sisters, which have their dependence out of my small living; and many creditors unto whom I am in danger for my debts. Myself for such a favour will desire a just occasion to sacrifice my life in your service.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1 April, 1601.” 1 p. (181. 123.)
Sir Calisthenes Brooke to Lord Cobham.
1601, April 1/11. I had not thought to write to your Lordship till I had by time manifested myself to you, and assured myself of your opinion, which others had made doubtful, and which made me last time write only to Mr. Secretary. My business is so urgent that I have trusted to your noble disposition and the belief that you will not see your uncle's son so wronged. You know how Sir Fra. Vere hath used me, and why, and the Earl of Northumberland can tell you further, or my brother to whom I have written at large. Favour me so much as to procure Mr. Secretary's letter and your own to our Colonel General, and if her Majesty's letter might also be procured, it would do me great honour. I can no longer hold out with him, and besides the army is going into the field, at which time officers will be made and I displaced and disgraced. I have been infinitely beholden to Mr. Gylpyn for your sake. I was at Delph and saw 4 pieces of hangings that are made for you and 4 more a making. They are the fairest I have ever seen, but I doubt he will not finish them so soon as he promised; he hath so much work. He is within 2 English miles of me. I desire to do you all service.—From Hage, 11 April stilo novo, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (85. 148.)
Richard [Bancroft,] Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 2. Concerning Mr. Egerton, I have known him 30 years or more. About 15 years ago he was one of them that approved the practice of the pretended presbyterial discipline. In 1591 he was acquainted with Copinger's pretence of an extraordinary calling for the removal of some of her Majesty's councillors. In my visitation 3 years ago, the ministers of London did greatly complain of many of their parishioners leaving their own pastors and flocking after Mr. Egerton. All within my jurisdiction have conformed themselves save Mr. Egerton, in whose behalf the Earl of Essex was earnest, undertaking that he should behave in peaceable sort. I prescribed what course he and others should take to satisfy the people concerning the late rebellion of the Earl, but how Mr. Egerton performed this duty, you may see from the enclosed, taken from him in writing by a Bachelor of Divinity whom I sent to observe him. If he can satisfy your Honour concerning his loose dealing in such a high matter of state, I am after a sort for quietness, so as you undertake for him. I think he should publicly clear her Majesty's justice, and I would have him reprove such fanciful or seditious persons as leave their own pastors to follow him, so that the parishioners of Blackfriars may have room, and not be compelled to absent themselves from church as many have done.—At my house in London, 2 April, 1601.
Signed. 1½ pp. (85. 138.)
Enclosed :
1600/1, Feb. 15.—Notes of Mr. Egerton's Sermon.—Mar. 15. 15. “So Pilate,” etc. From this he proceeded to a general doctrine, that although our intent be good, we should not use carnal policies and evil means to effect it :
1. Because God needs not our wisdom or policy.
2. Because they which use evil means often miss of the end, e.g. Gen. 34.
Some other reasons he used, not greatly pertinent. For particulars—He professed not to know so much as many of his auditory, not having access where they had, as the Court, etc., but it was plain the matter was odious and lamentable. In conclusion he grew to exhortation :
1. To thank God for keeping our prince and city.
2. To pray for the safety of Christ's flock and the Queen.
3. To comfort ourselves in this that the chief firebrand of that sedition were men of no worth, but Papists.
Unsigned. 1½ pp. (85. 31.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Sir Robert Carey.
1601, April 2. To the letter inclosed which you did send unto me, I pray you cause this answer to be delivered, which I am loth to write, because I see these persons are subject to accusations, letters may miscarry, and so may be occasions of further prejudice than can at first appear. The gentleman voluntarily did offer unto me many discoveries to the which mine ears may never be stopped, seeing they concerned her Majesty's estate, of all which, what to judge I know not; for it appeareth now that notwithstanding his confidence to recover his own fortune and justify himself, yet the King hath taken so strainable a course with him as he has banished him and protested against his being received here, so as whensoever the King shall understand thereof, it will kindle new flames, when he shall challenge the Queen for the same and thereby the delivery of his own person brought into peril. And for any further means concerning Scotland, he knows himself thereby disabled. And therefore I have thought good even plainly to let him know that I do hold myself tied in honesty to forewarn him timely that I shall be loth to engage him or myself any further, being nevertheless most ready in regard of his desire to perform all honest offices to her Majesty; and his addressing himself to me for that cause, to do him any courtesy or pleasure which shall be hereafter fit for me to perform.—The Court, 2 April, 1601.
Sir, there is no man more glad to further your request to come up than I, nor hath more dealt in it; but you must persuade yourself that her Majesty, seeing the Lord Scrope and Sir John Carey both here, had need of a more powerful mediator than I am, until they both be returned, at which time I will not fail to be very earnest for you, though I think it need not, because her Majesty hath already promised it.
Draft, with corrections by Cecil. 1 p. (181. 124.)
The Earl of Desmond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 2. I humbly beseech you that I may not alter that patience that hath always hitherto been pleased to give an easy way unto my importunities. I do assure myself that this my letter may be thought somewhat distasting in that the subject imports a charge, and I have received those infinite graces as all the services that might be performed, if I could accomplish, I should hold myself but as an unprofitable servant, neither would I arrogate anything to works as the Papists do, but only acknowledge the bond of my duty. Notwithstanding, seeing that it is the honour of a prince to give, and that my desires are limited in a far meaner degree than many that have much are yet daily desirous to crave, let the work of your own hands be so much furthered in the continuance of your honourable consideration that I may enjoy the benefit of some comfort, you knowing how long it is before some part of that portion is due to me which is set down, and her Majesty having now much to give which to others will be distributed, the most part going not into her own coffers, in which desire if I do offend, I protest I will rather surcease and choose to rest contented with this smallness than to receive much more with your displeasure.—Newgate Market, 2th of April, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (181. 125.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] April 3. If you will not have me sometimes trouble you with this scribbled fist, you must not enquire so kindly after me. My friend and one most ready to serve you, Mr. Alexander (having wife and many children) deserveth favour. He is honest, dutiful and loyal, and I pray you further him as his worth shall seem to deserve. I mind now to make my last pilgrimage in hope of some ease of that I would find and seek without trust. I have written to Sir John Stannope to procure my leave of her Majesty, without which I may not go.—From Dychlee, 3 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ½ p. (78. 32.)
Lord Mounteagle to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] April 3. I find (for all this late desperate shipwreck of my estate) that fortune has not altogether rejected me, since, as I hear from Mr. Lieutenant, it has pleased you to make me happy by your favours, a happiness the dearer to me that I receive it from a person of your honour, to whom I have ever desired to be closely bound. And I pray you believe that no time or alteration shall ever cancel the memory of such a benefit.—The Tower, this third of April.
Signed below :—“This letter my Lord Monteagle desired to have sent to your Honour.—John Peyton, Lieutenant of the Tower.”
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (181. 126.)
William Rider, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 3. I had brought unto me this morning by the Keeper of the Exchange this enclosed writing, a libel, found by him this morning upon the Stairs of the Royal Exchange.—Third of April, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (181. 127.)
Frances, Countess of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 3. The weight of God's finger hath been so heavy upon me as I daily expected to be no further cumbersome to my friends or the world than in performing my last funeral duties. Yet being now put in doubt (by a little intermission of my fever) that the period of my wearisome life is not so near as I hoped, and being pressed to look a little into the weak estate of my children, I find that my late unfortunate husband's whole estate was made over to sundry persons for the payment of his debts, and that not 40l. a year is left for the maintenance and education of my three poor children, especially if forfeiture be taken of that part conveyed to Sir Gelly Merrick whereunto her Majesty is now entitled by his attainder, for so the whole burden will light upon Sir Henry Linley and Mr. Crompton, who will be constrained to sell all wherein they are interested. For these considerations I entreat you intercede on my behalf to her Majesty, that she may graciously remit those forfeitures. Without which favour my son is like never to possess one foot of his father's inheritance.—3rd April, 1601.
[Postscript, in the Countess's own hand.]—Good Mr. Secretary, bear with me that I write not all in mine own hand. I began it, but my weak sinews would not suffer me to proceed to the third line, but enforced me to use another's help in writing what my distempered brain did confusedly digest.
Signed. 1 p. (85. 139.)
Stephen Egerton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 4. I count it a singular favour of God that he hath moved you to take knowledge of my person and carriage, for the only preferment I ever had was a fellowship in Cambridge which I obtained, even against the mind of Dr. Pearne, then master, by the letters of your honourable father, and now, my credit and liberty being in question, it hath pleased you to open your mouth in my defence.
Touching the particulars objected to you by my Lord of London against me, I hardly know how to answer them with convenient brevity to a man of your manifold employments, ne in publica commoda peccem. Wherefore briefly :—
First, I never in my life so much as inclined to any such opinion that the people might and ought to reform things amiss in church or commonwealth without the authority and approbation of the Christian magistrate, but have endeavoured both by preaching and disputation to prove the flat contrary, evermore esteeming her excellent Majesty to be the most truly Christian and Catholic prince in the world, though the titles of “most Christian” and “Catholic” be given to the French and Spanish kings.
2. Touching any glancing or girding at the present government or governors of this Church, I thank God before I came out of Cambridge I made a covenant with my own heart that I would rather never preach than I would come unto the pulpit with any private or humane affection. I confess I have, in the fear of God, upon good occasion, sometime taxed the avarice, idleness and ambition as of other callings, so of the ministry, which I hope cannot be counted glancing against the governors. And for those things which I the meanest of all the ministers and members of the Church have with others thought to need redress, I never liked of any other course but of humble request to her Majesty and Parliament. The resolution whereof being made known, I have applied myself to teach the doctrine of faith and obedience without inveighing either against any person in authority or anything established by authority. Touching the late Earl, I protest I never had so much as any purpose or thought to justify either his action or his intention, yea rather, my purpose and endeavour was in express terms to condemn both. And here I will not fly to the integrity of my heart which is known to God alone. No, I most willingly submit myself to the censure of any indifferent hearing, because to enter in particulars might be tedious to your Honour. Touching the concourse of people, it is a thing that in so populous a city can hardly be avoided, and is endured at worser exercises, and is far greater after some whom my Lord of London seemeth to like and love. I shall be ever ready, as heretofore I have been, to repress it so far as in me lieth.—4 April, 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (104. 125.)
1601, April 4/14. Rome. From Lyons we hear that Bourg in Bresse has being delivered to the King of France. Chambery and Montmelian are to be delivered to the Duke of Savoy. The conclusion of peace has been retarded by some small questions concerning a claim of 300,000 scudi which M. Ladighiera has against the Duke of Savoy. But this has now been settled; the Duke is to pay 50,000 scudi and is to receive back some places occupied in the valley of Piedmont.
On Saturday evening the Cardinal of Florence had an audience of the Pope at one o'clock just after the Spanish Ambassador had left, to treat of various matters, and particularly of the instructions given by the King of Spain for the disbanding of the troops collected in Lombardy and the despatch of part into Croatia to the Archduke Ferdinand, part to Flanders to the Archduke Albert, while the Swiss were to be dismissed and the Spaniards put in garrison in Italy. This has opened the way for a league against the common enemy of Christendom.
On Sunday Cardinal Aldobrandini and Signor Gio. Franco discussed with the Pope the affairs in Hungary, and it was resolved to send soldiers to the help of the Archduke Ferdinand. Signor Martio Colonna, Duke of Zagaroli, will command the soldiers to be sent by the King of Spain; Don Antonio de Medici is to command other troops to be sent by the Duke, and all are to be under the command of Signor Gio. Franco Aldobrandino.
Certain appointments to archbishoprics and bishoprics were made on Monday.
On Tuesday in the Rota an important point was decided against the Duke of Modena in favour of Signor Enea Pio, namely, that Signor Marco Pio had committed no crime against the Duke in prosecuting him before the Pope and his Highness, when Ferrara was surrendered, and that the Duke was to pardon all his feudatories and subjects who had aided the Papal see.
The Prince of Palestrena has introduced troops into his country, where they will be ready to serve the Pope.
The Persian Ambassador has not yet had his audience on account of certain discussions as to precedence; it is to take place tomorrow after the credentials have been examined so that it may be seen which is of the more dignity. The Emperor declared in the Englishmen's favour, and called the Persian his 'attaché.'
From Carmagnola we hear that the Duke of Savoy has disbanded thirty-two companies of Italian troops, who for the most part have gone to Milan, where the governor has taken them into his pay. The other day the Pope sent for Father Tolosa, who was in France with Cardinal Aldobrandini, and complimented him on his preaching. He is to be made bishop of Boveno in the Kingdom of Naples. Several other ecclesiastical appointments are to be made.
Signor Marzio Colonna is gone to Naples to the marriage of his son with the only daughter of the Countess of Castro, who will inherit 20,000 scudi a year.
On Wednesday the Cardinals discussed in consistory the question of the waters of Ferrara, Bologna, and Romagna, and it was decided to make a cut on the side of Ravenna to allow the waters to escape from the valleys.
The ambassadors from the Princes, the Cardinals and other great persons have no doubt that the Spanish troops will be distributed, and that the peace of Italy will be preserved.
The sale of the land of Piombino to Spain was a spiteful invention; now they say the Prince of that country is to marry a daughter of Signor Ambrosio Spinola of Spain.
Monsignor Bentivogli, bishop of Montefiascone, is dead; Monsignor Agucchio is named as his probable successor.
On Sunday Cardinal Bellarmine preached to the Pope; tomorrow it will be the turn of Cardinal Baronio.
Italian. 2½ pp. (85. 155.)
Dr. Fletcher to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 5. There are in hand to compound with me for my office towards the City Mr. Edmonds and Mr. Moor. Being resolved to leave that place, I would gladly do it in that honest sort as it might be pleasing to your Honours and the City to whom I owe this last duty. I pray you signify your opinion of him.—5 April. 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (85. 141.)
Henry Wright to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 6. The map of the wrongs lately offered is the same I here present, requiring but an hour's viewing. I will not presume to deliver away the copy till your Honour shall have seen it. All I desire is that you would vouchsafe to look it over.—Barnards Inn, 6 April, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (85. 142.)
Sir Richard Molyneux to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 6. Not long since you delivered to my brother, Sir Tho. Gerrard, to be sent to me, a letter from Thurstan Hunt, seminary priest, wherein he sought to intimate something against me grounded on speeches that passed between a servant of mine and him. The seminary, on his late arraignment, did charge one who some years ago was my trumpeter (and now rests upon a small tenement which I bestowed upon him) with such speeches as he formerly writ to your Honour. He being brought face to face with the priest at the bar before the judge, did utterly deny having used any such. It was mere malice against me for searching out and apprehending those who did barbarously beat the pursuivants at Prescott. The priest himself hath ever taught that it was no offence to kill a Protestant who should seek to apprehend a seminary priest.—From my house, Sephton, 6 April, 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (85. 143.)
John Vaughan to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 6. I prosecuted a lewd priest for harbouring of a suspected seminary and divers notorious recusants, and for seducing her Highness' subjects from their obedience. He out of his malice first displayed diverse libellous reports tending to the overthrow of my life and living, had they been true. Whereupon I repaired to the Bishop of St. Davids, a man in zeal well known, before whom he denied any such matter as he had before impudently published. Now I hear he hath delivered to Sir Thomas Jones, knight, certain articles importing a privity in me to the rebellion of the Earl of Essex. I, therefore, to show my loyalty, am come up to London and entreat that the matter may be examined.—6 April, 1601.
Signed. Endorsed. Seal. ½ p. (181. 129.)
Sir Thomas Coningsby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 6. I made bold to use the means of my dear brother Fitzwilliam to deliver my late letter unto you. Whereof he hath given me knowledge together with your reply, videlicet, for me it is no matter, but let him examine his own heart for truth towards her Majesty; divers foolish speeches he hath used touching the late proceeding against the Earl of Essex so certified by commissioners of the peace. Right honourable Sir, I have examined long ago and often the entrails of my heart, and find nothing that is not meet for an entire loyal man to his sovereign and a dutiful servant to his mistress, and for such will ever sacrifice my lame carcase; for foolish speeches it may be, for I dare not pretend any interest unto wisdom, but that they should be of any such nature avowing, abetting, or repining that he had his due of his graceless undertaking, that, neither new malice or old (whereof here is great store) can be so devilish as to avow. And further, how little I have been beholding for these four years to the late Earl of Essex, the world have taken knowledge of, and my adversaries can tell you by what means. And so humbly beseeching your favourable interpretation of matters concerning me, I rest.—From my poor house, Hampton Court, April, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (181. 130.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, ? before April 6.] The fear of importuning your Honour unseasonably made me forbear to express my affectionate service, and not any neglect or security, for I only desire (for your most noble goodness towards me) to give larger testimony of my zeal towards you.
I will leave vows and protestations as impertinent; all I desire is to be employed by you, wherein if I be false, it will be in your power to make me a memorable example of so ungrateful a villainy.
It was not merely your power that made me apply to you for the saving of my life, but that I might hold it of him whom my heart did tell me was the most worthy to receive that homage.
I will not ask your commiseration for my poor estate and long imprisonment, resting well satisfied with whatever you think fit, and resolved to rely upon you only for my life and fortunes.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Sr Jhon Davis to my Mr.” Seal. 1 p. (181. 67.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 6. Expresses his thanks for Cecil's benignity, and hopes he shall deserve his excellent favours.—6 April, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 138.)
Stephen Egerton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 8. My desire to give all possible satisfaction touching some imputations lately laid upon me hath emboldened me by writing to clear myself of what I never thought to be called in question for. I have taken the oath of supremacy five or six times, and approved the 37th article agreed upon in convocation touching that matter. I never taught any doctrine that might argue the contrary. My hearers are as loyal as any church in England holdeth. So far from approving of subjects taking up arms against her Majesty, I have ever held the flat contrary. Plato (in some things divine) hath said (as Tully relates) neque parenti neque patriœ vim afferre oportere. As to the other imputation about the authority of the ministry in making laws for church matters, in my opinion they may devise rules and orders for the government of the church and tender the same to the Christian magistrate, but to put them in practice without his approbation, I have never maintained or imagined.—8 April, 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (85. 145.)
Sir John Wogan to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 8. This bearer, Thomas Birte, is a kinsman of mine, whose father hath been most cruelly troubled by one John Lewis of Cardiganshire. I humbly ask your favour for him. If you shall think good to accept of his service, he shall be an attendant of yours.—Bulston, 8 April, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (85. 146.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, April 8.] Seeing it is not my good hap to see you, yet shall you not scape the trouble of my scribblings, which are only to let you know that though I arrived here on Saturday with purpose to have gone in to have waited on her Majesty the next day, yet upon better examination of my limbs I durst not adventure, until this day that I have seen the privy chamber and heard the sermon, but failed both of seeing her Majesty, or yourself, which were the only ends of my repair at this time to the end of this Tiltyard, from whence we return this night to Broadstreet. Upon Friday, I mean to attend on her Majesty at the sermon, and in the meantime will wish your physic (of what nature soever it be, whereof I dare not conjecture) happy success.—From the Tiltyard, this Wednesday at afternoon.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“April 8, 1601.” Seal. 1 p. (181. 131.)
Paul de la Haye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 9. Since the receipt of your letters of the 20th of March last, I understand by the reports of my Lady Arnold, John Arnold's servant, and others, that the said Arnold was privy to the late plot of treason, and that he went to meet with Sir Francis Meyrick, when he was apprehended, and also do learn that Arnold, as well to colour his treason, for which he daily expects to be called in question, as keeping Mr. William Cook from trial of his just title to the lands, hath penned a scandalous petition against your Honour, which, before the title be heard before you, he purposes to prefer unto the Queen. So, albeit you are unwilling to call Arnold to question, it might be well to have the matter examined by the Council here or elsewhere. For until such as he be apprehended, I dare not go out of this your house, much less to the Council in the Marches to inform against him. And if on examination matter be not proved against them, for one day they lie in prison I will lie two.—Alterenes, 9 April, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (181. 133.)
William Rider, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 10. There came to me this morning one Christopher Taren, who hath been prisoner in Spain and escaped by putting himself into a ship of Venice, and meeting on sea with a Netherlandish ship, came to the Low Countries. And because he is able to inform divers particulars of the preparations of the King of Spain against the Low Countries, I send him to you for examination.—London, 10 April, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (181. 134.)
George Limauer to —.
1601, April 10/20. I was glad to hear of you safe arrival at Frankfort. I enclose three letters from England and the usual news-letter. There seems to be a good deal of talk about the Spanish preparations, but I doubt not they are meant for Flanders. English affairs are quiet again and no one talks about them.—Venice, 20 April, 1601.
Italian. 1 p. (85. 164.)
The Enclosure :
From Venice, 20 April, 1601.—From Milan letters of the 11th instant advise us that the hopes of peace are a little cooler; and that the French are raising difficulties over the surrender of Montmélian. The Marquis de San Martino has been dispatched to the Pope to invoke his mediation. From Lyons we hear that the Constable is gone to Languedoc to his government. MM. de Villeroy and de Sillery are gone to Paris; as also Biron who seems discontented; the letters confirm the news of the Queen's pregnancy and the continuation of the King's love for Madame d'Entragues, his mistress.
The Royal Council in England condemned the Earl of Essex to be put to death as a traitor, but by the clemency of the Queen this sentence was mitigated to simple decapitation.
Private letters from Rome speak of a contest concerning precedence between the Persian and English Ambassadors. The former claims it, alleging that he fasts, goes to mass and behaves like a Catholic in all ways. It seems that in Persia he has the rank of 'Maréchal de Camp.'
Great preparations are being made in Tuscany. There are more than 15,000 foreign soldiers in the country, and Leghorn, and some of the passes on the side of Genoa are being fortified. Signor Georgeo di Medici is on that frontier with some cavalry.
News has come from Vienna that Sigismund Battory has invaded Transylvania; and from Lubeck, that the King of Denmark has prohibited the ships of Holland and Zealand from passing the Sound; and informed them that he desires them to return to their allegiance to the King of Spain.
Provisions are being sent into Lombardy, where in the next month the Venetians will have 15,000 infantry, without reckoning the picked troops (cernide), and over and above the gallies which have lately been raised to 120. The cities on the mainland have also offered men and help, and the Greek nation is ready to send infantry, both Albanian and 'Muriotta.'
From Prague we hear that the Wallachian prince is still in Transylvania (April 9). The Hungarians have kept quiet; but are expected to begin a sudden attack. The Emperor is believed to have sent fresh requests to the Empire for help against the Turk.
Letters from Frankfort of the 10th speak of the death of the Archbishop of Mayence. Bourg in Bresse is being strongly garrisoned. They still expect M. de Vadamont with more troops and a contingent of Swiss. They are making gabions.
The Count of Fuentes has informed the Governor of Cremona that on the 10th of May he will require [MS. defaced] but these gentlemen have the assurance of the King of Spain that they shall not be molested.
Italian. 4 pp. (85. 165.)
Sir Calisthenes Brooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 10/20. In my former letter I desired your favour for the unfortunatest man that lives. I cannot imagine how I should have incurred your dislike, or how to recover your good-will. If your Honour would vouchsafe to let my brother know the cause, or give me leave to answer my accusations, I should be very glad.—Hage, 20 April, 1601, stilo novo.
Holograph. 1 p. (85. 170.)
The Mayor and Bailiffs of Gloucester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 11. Enclosing their certificate of the arrest of an offender against the recent proclamation forbidding the cultivation of woad in the neighbourhood of towns. The party in this case offending giveth out that certain persons have by her Majesty's warrant given him leave in the County of Gloucester to sow and plant woad, which albeit it could not authorize him within the county of this town, yet we could not but address the fears of the people of these parts and beseech your aid.—From Glouc., the 11th of April, 1601.
Signed :—Luke Garnons, Thomas Semys, John Tayler, Henry Hassard. Seal. 1 p. (180. 64.)
Sir John Wogan to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 12. I heard it had pleased you to appoint me Custos Rotulorum in this shire, a favour which I hold in great estimation. I find that Sir John Perrott's reputed son, James Perrott, hath made suit for the place and hath prevailed therein. I desire to know if he hath suggested anything against me to induce my missing of the place. It is said here James Perrott shall be a deputy-lieutenant for this county. I ask you to leave me out of that office, as I love not to be placed with such. Since I have been a deputy-lieutenant I have spent above 1,000l., which is great for a man of so small a living.—Bulston, 12 April, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (85. 152.)
Henry [Robinson], Bishop of Carlisle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 14. When Mr. Richard Louther delivered to me your letters of Dec. 5th for staying further proceedings against Thomas Pickering, recusant, he also brought me two writs of excommunication against the recusants in my dioceses of Cumberland and Westmoreland. I certified the sheriff of Westmoreland, in whose county is Mr. Pickering, of her Majesty's pleasure, and took the latter bound in 1,000l. to appear before you, as himself desired, I hope this princely clemency will be the cause of his reformation, if those who have secretly baptized his children have not gotten too much power over him.—Rose Castle, 14 April, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (85. 153.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, April 15. Having perused this proclamation, I have been bold to offer many alterations therein, but for that I have good cause to mistrust the weakness of mine own judgement, I desire the Lords may once more meet and consider thereof.—15 April, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (181. 139.)
William Masham to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] April 15. I acknowledge your favour in procuring me the liberty of the house where I am. I now beg, after 5 weeks' imprisonment, that I might enjoy the liberty of the city, putting in bail for my appearance. My Lord Treasurer is content that I should go to mine own house or my friends, upon mine own bond, but that is but a translation from one prison to another. Howsoever I am charged that I drew my sword and struck an officer the day my L. of Essex was in London, I protest I did neither, to which I can produce good and sufficient witnesses.—From the Gatehouse, 15 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 2 pp. (85. 158.)
1601, April 15. Commission to the Council, to make warrants for the payment to the Treasurer of Ireland and the Master of Exchange between England and Ireland, of such monies as they shall appoint for the maintaining of the forces in Ireland for suppressing the rebels there.—Westminster, 25 April, 43 Eliz.
Portion of seal. Parchment. 1 p. (218. 6.)