Index: N, O

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: N, O". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Namur, castle of, 200.

Nantwich (Namptwich), 169.

Naples, 36, 259, 271, 321, 465.

Viceroy of, 321.

Narrow Seas, the, 345.

Narve, the, in Livonia, 130.

Nash, Humphorie, 215.

Nassau, Count Maurice of (“His Excellency”), 58, 91, 122, 123, 243 (2), 247 (4), 254, 291, 380.

at battle of Nieuport, 193 (3), 200.

Nasshe, —, (?), 371 (4).

Navan, the, 182.

Navarre, King of, 335; and see France, King of (Henry IV.).

Naylles. Thomas, 341.

Neale (Neile), R., afterwards Bishop of Durham and Archbp. of York, letter from, 429.

Needhalle, John, 216.

Negro, Ottavian. See Vicenzo.

Neile. See Neale.

Nero, the Emperor, 67.

Netherlanders, regiments of, 233.

Nettlebed, co. Oxford, 324.

Nevill(e) (Novell, &c.), Charles, Earl of Westmorland, daughter of, 204, 400.

—, —, children of, 400.

Sir Henry, Ambassador in France, 93, 166, 261, 372–373.

—, letters from, 140, 268, 270, 289, 371, 549.

—, house of, 271.

—, negotiates peace, 145–146.

—, wife of, 261, 271.

John, an Irishman, 402.

Dr. Thomas, Dean of Canterbury, 164 (2).

—, letter from 326.

Nevilles, family of, 14.

Newark, 323.

College of, 88.

Newcastle on Tyne, 36, 188 (2), 203–204, 350.

a ship of, 188.

Newce Thomas, letter from, 111.

Newcomen, [Robert], 225.

Newellme, co. Oxford. See Ewelme.

Neweporte, Sampson, 216.

Newerke. See Newark.

Newfoundland, 194, 228, 345, 351, 426.

Newhaven [Havre], 144, 260.

Newhaven. co. Sussex, 113.

Newland (Nuland). See Newfoundland.

Newmeghen. See Nimeguen.

Newport(e). See Nieuport.

Newry (Ireland), 57 (4).

Newton, —, a merchant, 465.

—, son of, 465.

Katherine, Lady, letter from, 117.

Mr., 286.

Nicholson (Nicolson), George, letters from, 59, 72, 82.

—, letters to, 155.

—, master of, 82.

Mr., 64, 255, 261, 420, 457 (2).

—, letters to, 93, 363, 375.

Thomas, letter from, 72.

Nieuport (Newport, Nieuwport, &c.), 231 (2), 232 (2), 239 (2), 243, 247.

battle of, 193, 194–195, 197–199, 200–201, 205–206, 213.

the camp before, 222.

haven of, 239.

siege of 239.

Nieuwdam, 205.

Nightingall, William, 216.

Nimeguen (Newmeghen), 381 (2).

Nimes, 163 (2).

Noncher (Noncars, Noncharo), Nicholas, examination of, 174–175.

Nonsuch (Nonesuche), 11.

the Court at, letters dated at, 262 (2).

Sir Robert Cecil's house at, 125.

Norden, Thomas, 216.

Norfolk, Duke of. See Howard.

Norfolk, county of, 149, 150, 167, 201–2, 432, 441.

manors in, 106.

Normandy, 33, 281, 352.

Dukedom of, 281.

Norreys (Norreis, Norris, &c.) :

Bridget, Lady, niece of Sir Robert Cecil, sister of Francis Kingesmill, 158.

—, letters from, 162, 382, 446, 447, 448.

—, brother of. See Kingsmill, Ferdinando.

—, castle of, 447.

—, —, constable of, 447.

—, horses of, 448.

—, house and land of, 382, 447.

—, husband of, 447.

—, kinsman of, 448.

Edward, esq., of Speake, 160.

Sir Edward, 251 (2), 296.

—, letters from, 15, 123 (2), 257.

—, father of, 257.

—, house of, 276.

Francis, 251.

—, letters from, 146, 296.

—, mother of, 146.

—, uncle of. See Norreys, Sir Edward.

Henry, Lord, 251.

—, letter from, 251.

—, — to, 251.

—, house of, 251.

Sir Henry, 158–9, 293.

—, Lord Norris de Ricot, 111.

Sir John, 191 (2).

Lady Margere, 111.

—, death of, 111.

Mr., 162 (2).

Mr., a seminary, 448.

Sir Thomas, President of Munster, 158–9, 191, 293.

North, Dorothy Lady, 410.

—, letters from, 405, 410.

—, son of, 405, 410 (3).

Dudley, Lord, 410.

—, letter from, 417.

—, grandfather of, 417.

—, grant to, 417.

—, lands of, 417, 464.

—, marriage of, 410.

—, mother of, 417, 464.

Roger, Lord, 262, 410.

—, letters from, 212, 319.

—, executors of, letter from, 464.

North, Council of the (or of York), 187, 280, 303, 325 (2), 336, 343 (2), 392.

—, letter from, 187.

—, — to, 187–188.

—, letters of (mentioned), 373.

—, Lord President of, 203, 204, 280, 309; see also Hastings and Hutton.

—, the Queen's Attorney before, 378.

—, Vice-President of. See Ewre, Lord.

Northampton, county of, 136, 192, 319, 394.

—, Sheriff and Justices of, letter from, 85.

Northampton, town of, letter dated at, 240.

Northcote, George, 215.

Northumberland, Duke of, 440.

Earl of. See Percy.

Northumberland, county of, 75, 284.

Justices of, 221.

Norton, John, a recusant, 204–205.

—, Margaret, wife of, 204.

Samuel, letter from, 321.

Norton, letters dated at, 102, 111.

Norwich, 150 (2).

bishopric of, 238.

Chancellor of, 167.

Dean of. See Dove.

deanery of, 238.

quarter sessions at, 433.

Notary public, the, 315.

Nottingham, Abraham, 215.

Earl of. See Howard.

Nottingham, county of, 38, 149, 150.

Nuarke. See Newark.

Nughet, Carcere de. See London, Newgate.

Nuland. See Newfoundland.

Nunez, Andrew, 425.

Nuporte. See Nieuport.

Nuse, Mr., wife of, 379.

Nutter, Robert, a priest, 283–284.

Nycolas, —, 286.

Nysaunce, Edward. See Thwinge.


Oatlands (Otelands, &c.), 343.

the Court at, letters, etc., dated at, 297, 309 (3), 316, 337.

Obirn [O'Byrne], —, 83.

O'Brien, Donogh, Earl of Thomond, letters from, 104, 105.

O'Cahan (Ocan), —, 226–227.

O'Cahan's Castle and country, 226.

O'Connor, Dermot, 298–299.

wife of, 299.

O'Connor Don, 219.

O'Connor Roe, 219.

O'Connor Sligo, 219, 277.

O'Connors, the, 219.

O'Dempsie (the Dempsies), 218.

Odenburgh. See Oudenburgh.

Odiham, 309.

letters dated at, 142, 309, 314.

O'Dogherty (Odoorde), [Sir John], 225, 226.

O'Donnell (Adonel, &c.), [Hugh Roe], 15, 122, 219, 225 (2), 227, 255 (2), 442 (2), 454, 455.

kinsman of, 226.

Odoorde. See O'Dogherty.

O'Doynes (the Doymes), 218.

Odyngzells, Elenor, 464.

Offally (Ophaly), Ireland, 217, 416.

rebels of, 404.

Ofley, Robert, 215.

Thomas, 214.

Often, Mr. James, 348.

Ogilvy (Ogleby, Oglevy), —, a Scottish laird, 204.

Master of, 61 (2), 72.

Ogis, Duke, at Athens, 369.

Ogle, Sir John (Captain), 391 (2).

—, letters from, 104, 380.

—, brother of. See Ogle, Richard.

Richard, letter from, 82.

—, brother of. See Ogle, Capt.

—, uncle of. See Skynner.

Thomas, letter from, 232.

Okie (Okey), William, 346, 361.

Oland, a dukedom called, 130.

Oldenbarnevelt, —, 326.

Oldesworth, —, 286 (2).

Oldisworth, Arnold, of St. Martin's in the Fields, 181.

Olneye Park, 58, 59.

Ommelanden, Holland, 326 (2).

O'Molloys (the Molloyes), 218.

O'Neill (O'Nell) :

Sir Arthur, 122, 226 (3).

Gled, 122.

Harry og, 122.

Hugh, Earl of Tyrone (Tirone), 6 (3), 7, 15, 30, 57, 89, 92, 122, 178, 242, 243, 252 (2), 278, 285, 376, 402 (2), 404, 442–443, 454–455, 468.

—, letters to, 16, 430.

—, army, forces, &c., of, 147 (2) 298.

—, coming into Munster, 298.

—, followers of, 442.

—, messenger sent to [from Spain], 430 (2).

—, partisans of, 389 (2).

—, plot against, 442–443.

—, priest of, 385, 402.

—, son of, “Don Henrique,” 430.

Ophaly. See Offally.

Orange, Prince of, death of, 273.

secretary of. See Bruninck.

Ordnance, 100, 153, 244.

clerk of the. See Ridlesden.

English, in Turkey, 170.

licence to transport, 123.

lieutenancy of, 100.

Lieutenant of, 399.

Master of, 178.

officers of the, 411 (2), 457 passim.

for Pendennis Castle, 375.

Surveyor of, 86, 100; and see Davis.

principal wheeler of, 399.

O'Reilly (O'Reylle), Tirlogh (Terlacke) McShane, 252 (2).

O'Reylle's country, 252.

Orford, 149, 151.

Orkney, Earl of, 47.

Orkneys (“Orcados,”) the, 36.

Ormeshawe, Thomas, 214.

Ormond (Wormond), Thomas, Earl of, 11, 27, 23, 37, 122, 127, 178, 243, 278, 298, 466.

Ormwood (Wormewood), Earl of, 147 (2), 149.

O'Rourke, —, 15.

Orrell, George, 462.

Orsini (Ursene), Don Virginia, 466.

Osborne, Christopher, of London, note of possessions of, 112.

Edward, 215, 216.

Thomas, 215.

Osboston, Geoffrey, 103.

Ossory, bishop of. See Strong, Dr.

Ostend, 179 (2), 193, 194, 197, 205 (2), 213 (2), 232 (2), 233, 239 (2), 246, 247 (3), 260, 264, 334.

letters dated at, 187, 199, 248.

the States at, 231.

Ostrennes, 355.

Otelands. See Oatlands.

Oudenburgh (Oudenbough, &c.), Flanders, 187, 194 (2), 197, 205 (2).

Oven, Henry, a printer, 136.

Over, Mark, letter from, 70.

imprisoned, 70.

Overall, Dr., 151, 208–212, 241.

John, 54.

—, letter from, 326.

Owen, John, sheriff of Chester, report by, 339.

Owlde, Lieutenant, 74 (4).

Owle, —, 52 (2).

Oxford, Earl of. See Vere.

Oxford :

Castle, 159.

city of, 124, 127.

county of, 12, 117, 152.

—, feodary and escheator of, 123.

University, 154.

—, Bachelor of Arts of. See Hayman.

—, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of. See Abbot.

—, Vice-Chanoellor of. See Thorneton.

—, All Souls' (“Allsolne”) College, Warden and Fellows of, letter from, 378.

—, Christchurch, letter dated at, 154.

—, University College, letter dated at, 159.