Index: P

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


P., R., 39.

Page, Havell, 403.

Paget, Katharine, Dowager Lady, letters from, 5, 459.

son of (Savill), 459.

Painter (Payneter), Anthony, 399.

letter from, 86.

Paise, Richard, 11.

Pakenam, —, 440.

Palavicino (Pallevacyno, &c.) :

Anna, letter from, 225.

—, children of, 225.

—, husband of, 225.

Fabricio, 24 (2).

—, letters from, 315, 339.

—, brother of, 315; and see Palavicino, Sir Horatio.

—, proctors of, 315.

Giovanni Andrea, 24 (2).

Sir Horatio, 24, 147, 315, 316.

—, letters from, 3, 8, 38, 100, 151.

—, Anna, widow of, 316.

—, brother of, 100.

—, petition of, 24.

—, debt of, 411.

Justinian, 296.

Lady, 411.

Tobiani, 24.

Palfreyman (Paulfreyman), Richard, paymaster, 100 (5), 101, 153 (2), 416 (2).

complaint against, 330.

Pallaser, Thomas, a seminary priest, 202, 204.

Palmer, —, 327, 328.

Edmund, 427.

Sir Henry, 239.

Sir Thos., 27.

Pampeluna, Spain, 320.

Papal dominions, 320.

“quattrini,” 320.

Papists, 150, 189, 284, 308.

of England, 59, 144, 315.

increase of, in diocese of Exeter, 450.

Parckhurst, Richard. See Wiseman.

Paris, Bishop of, 364.

Paris, 8, 22, 89, 114, 133, 150, 363, 428, 442.

letters dated at, 140, 163, 197, 221.

English ambassador in, 443 (2), 459.

news from, 196–7, 270.

“Popish oauses” at, 364.

the Louvre, 22 (2), 33.

Port St. Honoré, 33.

St. Martin's, prior of, 32.

Parker :

Dr., 360.

Edward, Lord Morley, 190.

—, letters from, 102, 190, 212, 221, 240.

Izake, 216.

Sir Nicholas, Deputy Lieutenant for Cornwall, 63.

—, letters from, 149, 150, 243, 257, 375, 392, 425.

—, — to, 422, 425.

—, examinations taken before, 150–151, 258, 426.

Robert, undersheriff of Lancashire, 311.

Virgil, 94 (3).

William, Lord Monteagle, letters from, 403, 462.

Widow, 116.

Parkhurst, James, 167.

Parkins, Dr. Christopher, 105.

letters from, 3, 129, 233, 239, 252, 289.

Parler, Mr., 116.

Parliament, Acts of, 88, 99.

concerning religious houses, 101.

Parma, 321.

Duke of, 193.

Parry, John, petition of, 131.

Mr. Robert, death of, 176–177.

Sir Thos., an attorney, 51 (2).

Parrye, Mr., 318 (2).

Parson, Richard, 215.

Parsons, —, an attorney, 403 (2).

Father, 136, 177, 295 (3), 452 (2), 454.

Parton, —, a priest, 280.

Parvish, Edward, 214.

George, 215.

Pascall, Mr., 285.

son-in-law of. See Haywood.

Paschall, John, 153.

Pasquale, Juan, 40.

Pasquiser, the learned, 197.

Passports, safe conducts, &c., 139, 143, 190, 289, 296, 300, 338, 367.

Pate, William, 215.

Paterson, —, a Scot, 279 (2).

Paulerspury Lodge, letter dated at, 126.

Paulet, Pawlett. See Poulett.

Paulet, Anne. Dowager Lady Winchester, 313–314.

—, letters from, 311, 315, 323.

—, — to, 308.

—, advised by the Queen, 308–309.

—, brother of, 323 (2); and see Howard, Charles, Earl of Nottingham.

—, estate of, 308–309.

—, son of, 308, 309, 313; and see William, marquis of Winchester below.

—, writes to the Queen, 313, 315, 323.

Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester, 314.

—, letters from, 42, 44, 48, 367.

—, “sister Cicel,” 42.

—, son of, 42.

William, Marquis of Winchester, 48 (2), 49, 313–314.

—, estate of, 314.

—, lands of, 325.

Paulfreyman. See Palfreyman.

Pavia, 397.

Payne, Mr., innkeeper, 144.

Payneter. See Painter.

Payton. See Peyton.

Pearch, William, 215.

Pearde, Nicholas, 216.

Pearse, Zakery, 149.

Peckham, G., letter from, 415.

Sir George, letter from, 17.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert.

Pendennis (Pendenas) Castle, 150, 151, 257, 258, 375.

letters dated at, 150 (2), 244, 257, 375, 392, 425.

Pendrae, Richard, a Cornishman, 341.

Pennes, the, 151.

Penyston, Anthony, 216.

Penzance, 272, 426.

Pepper, Cuthbert, the Queen's Attorney, 369.

Peralto, Francis de, rector of English seminary at Seville, 341.

Perbrouthe, “young.” See Seton.

Percival, Persyvall :

Richard, 57, 73.

—, letters from, 111, 297.

—, — to, 83, 106, 108, 111, 112, 116.

“Thomas,” letter to, 126.

Percy :

Dorothy, Countess of Northumber land, letters from, 330, 370.

—, letters to, 56.

—, brother of. See Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex.

—, husband of. See Percy, Henry, 9th E. of N.

—, jointure of, 329.

Henry, Earl of Northumberland, 56, 93, 168, 182, 220, 239 (2), 286, 291, 297, 370 (2), 380, 440.

—, letters from, 159, 246, 259.

—, — to, 347.

—, daughter of, 159.

Percye, Colonel, 182.

Perez, Signor, 197.

Periam, Sir William, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 97.

Perkins, Dr., 96.

Mr., a seminary, 448.

Perne, Andrew, Fellow of Peterhouse (Cambridge), letter from, 224.

Peroes, Diego, 273.

Perrott, James, letter from, 329.

Sir John, 16, 221, 329.

Persia, 3, 30, 149, 150 (2).

Persons. See Parsons.

Persyvall. See Percival.

Perth. See St. Johnstoun.

Perugia, 320.

Peter, Sir John, 9.

Peterborough, letter dated at, 346.

bishop of, 238, 317.

bishopric of, 238.

deanery of, 238.

Peterson, Cornelius, master of the Catt, 150.

Petit, —, 402.

Petworth, letter dated at, 159.

Peyghton. See Peyson.

Peyneo,” soldiers from, 37.

Peyton (Payton, Peyghton) :

Christopher, auditor of Ireland, 99 (2), 346.

Sir John, Lieutenant of the Tower, 238, 256, 274.

—, letters from, 81, 101, 135, 158, 235, 434.

—, son of, 434 (2).

Thomas, 346.

—, daughter of, 346.

Pezzo, Francesco, 316 (2).

Phedorowich, Burris, 371 (2).

Phelips, John, letter from, 448.

Phelipps (Phelippes), Thomas, 442.

—, letters from, 258, 293, 330, 429, 431.

Philipstown, constable of fort of, 282.

Philipines (Phillippines), the, a fort in Flanders, 179, 186.

Phillipps, William, 217.

Phillips, —, 401 (4).

Edmund, 348.

Phips, Thomas, of Lycheborough, yeoman, 394.

—, Francis, son of, 394.

Phwes,” the. See Fews.

Phyton. See Fytton.

Picardy, maritime towns in, 32.

Picheri, Monsieur de, 118.

Pickeringe, Richard, letter from, 234.

Pierce, Dr., Bishop of Salisbury, 161.

chancellor of. See White.

Pierson, William, 216.

Pigotte, Robert, letters from, 140, 152.

Piline. See Pyline.

Pinchbeck, letter dated at, 82.

Pindar, quotation from, 221.

Pinder, Paul, 217.

—, letters from, 248, 334, 462.

Thomas, 216.

Pinnor, —, 148.

Pirton, manor of, 59.

Pithyusae Islands (Pituze), 400.

Pitton, co. Wilts, manor of, 85.

Pituze. See Pithyusae.

Place, Jullien, a Frenchman, 316.

letter from, 25.

Plater, —, 18.

Play, Capt., 39.

Playfair (Playford, &c.), Dr., Divinity Reader in Cambridge University, 41, 43, 211, 381.

Plunckett, —, of Rathmore, 96.

Plunket, —, 149.

Plymouth (Plymouth, &c.), 6, 7, 25, 143, 144, 223, 257, 383, 426.

—, letters dated at, 8, 15, 70, 103, 140, 145, 189, 194 (2), 200, 207, 222, 223, 228, 272, 328, 368, 375, 418, 427, 432.

a carvell of, 207.

customer of, 346.

Fort at, letters dated at, 108, 109, 110, 144.

government of fort and island of, 92 (2).

governor of, 92.

inhabitants of, 92.

mayor of, 92, 128, 221; and see Hitchens.

tin mills in, 128.

town clerk of, 221.

townsmen of, 383.

water brought to, 128, 383.

the John Trelawny of, 36.

Poedge. —, 132.

Poitiers, 219.

Poland (Polonia), 237.

chancellor of, 289–290; and see Zamoiski.

King of (Sigismundus “the Polonian”), 130 (2), 171 (2), 237.

—, ships to serve, 237.

—, ambassador to, 171.

Pole. See Poole.

Pollard, Hugh, 384.

Polonia. See Poland.

Pontevedra (Pontafedra), 327.

Poole (Pole), 343 (2).

Poole, Hugh, Fellow of Peterhouse (Cambridge), letter from, 224.

Poore, Leonard, 215; and see Power.

Pope, the (Clement VIII.), 19, 37, 112, 163 passim, 166, 284 passim, 320 passim, 338, 373–374, 452, 454.

classed with the Turk as Antichrist, 209.

dealings of King of Scotland with, 363–364, 388, 413.

legates of, 299, 320 (4).

money belonging to, 87–88.

Nuntio of, 319, 355.

variance of, with Vezini family, 87.

Pope, Dr., 381.

Mr., Serjeant, of the Admiralty, 39, 327, 328 (2), 418 (2), 462.

Sir W., 462.

Popery, a “nursery” of, 160.

Popham, Sir John, Lord Chief Justice, 31, 85, 147, 174, 202, 240, 347, 349, 403 (2), 425, 433, 468 (2).

letters from, 27 (2), 41, 76, 126, 185, 201, 362, 382, 417, 423, 432.

letter to, 403.

daughter of, 137.

Popish books, 62, 203–205.

“pioneers,” 154.

“wolves,” 84.

Pore. See Power.

Porte, the, 456 (2).

petition to, 455.

relations with France, 456; and see Turkey.

Porter, Christopher, messenger, examination of, 252–253, 274.

—, wife and children of, 274.

Mr. John, 348.

Portsmouth (Porsemue, &c.), 6, 174, 342, 347, 370, 387.

letters dated at, 349, 350.

mayor of, 25.

the Guyana at, 222.

Portugal, King of (Don Sebastian), 207, 407.

Portugal, 4, 206–207, 396, 410.

conquest of, 71.

Viceroy of, 207.

Portuguese, the, 258, 445.

goods, 102.

papers, 425.

Posthorses, warrants for, 289, 487.

Pott, —, of Sprouston, 48.

Potter, —, a minister of Limerick, 279.

Poulett (Paulet, Pawlett), Sir Anthony, governor of Jersey, 242, 276 (3), 277 (2), 352 (2).

—, letter from, 137.

—, death of, 257.

—, father of, 277 (2).

Sir George, 280.

—, wife of (Lady Pawlet), 280 (5).

Kateryn Lady, 367.

—, letter from, 276.

—, husband of. See Sir Anthony.

—, “her brother Pawlett,” 276.

Richard, letter from, 220.

—, decayed estate of, 220.

Sir Richard, 367, 409 (3).

—, letter from, 409.

—, daughter of, 367.

Poullyn, Andrew, 214.

Poundage, complaint as to, 330.

Poure. See Power.

Powell, Thomas, mayor of Haverfordwest, 360 (3).

Power, Poure, Poore, Pore :

—, 339.

Lord, 18, 191.

Grisselld, letter from, 297.

Sir Henry, 466.

Henry, 215.

John, 230 (3), 235.

Mr., 297.

Powlewhele, Mr., 407.

Powntoize, John, 215.

Powre. See Power.

Poyntz, Wyll., letters from, 421 (2).

cousin of (wife of Sir Robt. Cecil), 421.

Preachers, 83, 181, 325 (2).

the Queen's, 41, 84, 311, 315 (2).

Predeaux, John, letter to, 406.

cause of, 406.

Preece, Mr., a seminary, 448.

Prescot, letter dated at, 160.

Preston, —, ambassador of the King of Scotland, 364.

Capt., 47 (2).

Preston, 335.

letters, &c., dated at, 336 (2).

mayor of. See Hodgekinsonn.

Prests. See Imprests.

Prestun, Captain Richard, 460.

Price, Captain, 377.

William, letter to, 317.

—, house of, 317.

Prideaux, Mr., counsellor at law, 90.

Priests, 59, 112, 144, 185, 299, 341, 368.

Jesuit, 36, 203, 284, 448 (2).

seditious, 344.

Seminary, 36, 154, 202–3, 253, 272, 280 (2), 283–285, 311, 335–336, 338.

—, list of, 448.

Primme. See Prymme.

Printers, 135, 142–143, 166, 252.

Prisoners, English, 37.

Privy Council, the 19, 42, 48, 49 (2), 81, 134, 137, 140, 152 (2), 155, 196, 239, 244, 245 (2), 253, 265 (2), 278 (2), 293 (2), 302, 346, 350, 375 (2), 404, 442, 443, 444.

letters from, 136, 212, 262 (2), 310, 354, 375.

letters to, 6, 12, 15, 29, 32, 50, 70, 85, 136, 141, 143, 150, 164, 222, 248, 255, 257, 268, 273, 339, 349, 351, 353, 392, 401, 415, 425.

agreement made before, 340.

articles concerning Plymouth presented to, 92.

books of, 277.

certificate of, 131 (2).

Clerks of, 19, 277, 417, 435; and see Waad, Beale, and Edmunds.

—, office of, 435.

complaints to, 57, 108, 302, 303.

in connexion with the Earl of Essex, 141, 143, 184.

decree of, 16.

desired to sign letters, 363.

directions (instructions, &c.) of, 63, 135, 144, 204, 229, 269, 277, 417.

informations given to, 121, 160, 187, 420.

letters of (mentioned), 42, 68, 63, 143, 196, 204, 223, 235, 241, 248, 255, 268, 273, 310, 338.

— to (mentioned), 28, 192, 319, 350, 420 (2).

letters shown to, 298.

licence from, to raise levies, 271.

minute from, 91.

money to be paid by, 88.

orders, &c. of, 359, 432, 458 (3).

persons to appear before, 109, 149, 192, 196, 207, 279, 303, 367.

petition of Earl of Lincoln to, 312–313.

petitions to, 45, 77, 106, 148, 172, 457.

pleasure of, 256.

proceedings before, 458.

Russian Ambassador attends, 371.

suitors to, 384.

warrants of, 188, 246, 457.

Privy Seal, the, 156, 233, 277, 362.

to be delivered to Sir John Fortescue, 84.

Proctor, Mr., 154.

Provinces Unies. See United Provinces. Pryce, Mr., 279, 306, 350.

Prynne (Prymme, Primme, Prym) :

—, “a Portingal,” 407.

Captain Edward, 336, 371.

—, letters from, 297, 318, 351.

Mr., 278.

Psalms, Count. See Solms.

Pulter, E., letter from, 127.

Purleigh, co. Essex, Southmarsh in, 112.

Purtene, Captain, 213.

Purvey, Mr. Auditor, 90.

Puttenham, Mr. George, 220 (2).

Puttrel, the poursuivant, 124.

Pyckering Lyth, co. Yorks, 303.

Pyline (Piline, Pylin), James, 176–177.

Pytney, —, petition of, 85.

Pytte, Mr. William, 348.