Cecil Papers: January 1600

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1600', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp1-25 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1600', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp1-25.

"Cecil Papers: January 1600". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp1-25.

January 1600

John Hilton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 1. Prays that the wardship of the son of Edward Aglionby of Carlisle, murdered by Thomas Carleton, be granted to the widow.
Endorsed :—“1 Jan., 1599.” ½ p. (P. 750.)
John [Whitgift], Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 2. The mastership of Clare Hall in Cambridge being void by the death of Dr. Byng, and the fellows of the College not agreeing in the election of anyone, the nomination of the master is devolved for this time upon the Chancellor of the University, the Earl of Essex. I do not think either of the competitors named by the fellows to be fit for that government, the one professing Law, the College Statutes requiring a divine; the other very young, not above 25 or 26 years of age. Be pleased to move her Majesty to stay her resolution in this matter, until it be her pleasure to speak with me. Mr. Byng, one of the competitors, is my godson and chaplain, and the other, Mr. Boys, near of kin to divers of my good friends. If I did not prefer the good of the University before private affection, I would not write anything to the hindrance of either of them.—From Lambeth, the 2 of January, 1599.
Signed. ¾ p. (67. 89.)
Richard Tomson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 3. My debts and goods are in the possession of one John Waring, sometime servant to Mr. Beecher, a man that for his debts and other demeanours hath taken Barbary for his sanctuary. He came thither by secret conveyance of one Ralph Sootherne, dwelling in Middlebro', and arriving there but two months before the decease of Gilbert Sootherne my partner, intruded into the executorship and possession of all the goods, debts and business of the said deceased; and under a false suggestion that I am indebted to my partner, withholdeth from me all that I had in the country. There is no means for my relief but the gracious regard of her Majesty into my cause, and by her princely letters [to] require at the King's hands the stay of the debt in his hands until we have accounted, and to have them referred hither, with their accounts and demands, being all her subjects. I beseech you to suspend your opinion of my cause till leisure permit you to take an overture thereof, for our speeches before you were confused, and very invective against me by one nothing interested in the cause, but [who] liveth in hope of a good legacy. I pray command the merchants may set down in writing their reasons, and 1 will in writing make answer.—3 January, 1599.
Holograph.pp. (178. 104.)
Richard Hawkyns to Thomas Edmunds, Secretary to the Queen for the French tongue.
1599/1600, Jan. 3/13 Expresses his joy upon seeing a letter from Flanders advising that Edmunds was there, sent by the Queen to Prince Alberto for determination of the place where the com missioners should join for the treaty of peace. Congratulates him on his preferment. Of his own long imprisonment and manifold misfortunes. His wife has been a long time negotiating his liberty : begs Edmunds to further it. In the conclusion of the peace with France in the first years of the Queen, the prisoners were forgotten, and his father being prisoner was forced to com pound his ransom, and had paid 10,000 crowns if he had not broken prison and escaped. Urges that the article for the prisoners should not be omitted from the present treaty. Hopes by this peace to find a remedy for his evils.—The Carcel de Corte in Madrid, 13 Jan., 1600, Spanish computation.
Holograph. 1 p. (75. 119.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 3. In favour of Captain Wiatt, for the ward ship of Samuel Wrotte, Wiatt's brother-in-law.—His house in the Blackfriars, 3 Jan., 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (P. 1902.)
1599/1600, Jan. 4. Remembrance for Mr. Gascoigne, touching the wardship of Arthur Longvile, son and heir of Thomas Longvile, deceased.—4 Jan., 1599.
1 p. (2162.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to his son, Sir Anthony.
1599/1600, Jan. 6. Your mother and I take much comfort in your letters, which import your filial regard and your remorse. I rejoice at your fortune, which I advise you to use with a temperance that may prove warrant of your discretion. If you intend any good to your parents, do it speedily, or it will not do the good it otherwise would. You do not use to date your letters, whereby no man can judge which were foremost written. By your next I desire to know the names of the ports of Persia that adjoin to the South Sea within the Capa de Bona Speranza. Then, with what safety or warrant merchants may come thither; what English wares are most in the request there; whether there be any good means to renew victuals there; what commodity there is of new repairing of ships with cordage. Then, how far the Court, or place of the King's chief resiance, is from those maritime parts, and, generally, anything for the better under taking of that trade or voyage.
I very earnestly recommend to you these two gentlemen, Mr. Toplyffe and Mr. Fitz William, who have undertaken the adventure of this voyage to follow your fortune.—London, this 6 of January, 1599.
My cousin Anthony Bacon doth accompany this letter with his, and to his I refer you for larger discourse. We both have written to you by the way of Venice and Germany.
Holograph. Addressed, “Persia.” Seal. 2 pp. (67. 90.)
Dr. Christopher Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 8. The bearer hereof, Richard Babington, servant to Mr. Barton at Constantinople when Lancome, the French “Imbassad,” was delivered to him, came to me this morning from Mr. Stapers with letters to your Honour from Constantinople, and with order to offer himself to give information of the French controversies, and I perceive he hath some pretty particulars of the matter that I hitherto have not heard.—This 8 of January, '99.
Holograph. ½ p. (67. 91.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 8. You told Giustiniano that her Majesty took to be mine the suit brought against the City of London by my brothers for their shares. I am much grieved at this. In whatever fashion her Majesty may have come to this belief, I cannot argue against it, but I am so much troubled at it that I have come to a conclusion which I will state later. But first, I must beg you to assure her Majesty that I have too much sense of honour to ever think of opposing a Queen in whose service I have spent the best part of my life and seen some danger; neither shall I ever trouble the City of London or any citizen of it for my own private interests. And as a proof of this I am ready to quit England, leaving my lands as a pledge that no citizen shall be troubled for my share. All I ask is that my brothers may be allowed to demand their shares that they may not blame me for the loss of their patrimony. For my part, I will go to France and not return to England unless summoned; but there and elsewhere I shall ever be a most faithful servant of her Majesty.—Baburham, 8 January, 1599.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (178. 105.)
— to —.
1599/1600, Jan. 9. I have received yours of the 9 of December which acknowledgeth the receipt of four of mine, whereof I am right glad. After I have received yours wherein you say you will write at large of those things I am so desirous to be satisfied by a trusty messenger you say was to come, I will, God willing, . . . . . . . . . for it behoveth me for M. is in . . . . . . . . . . . . great . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . have made great. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., M. and say they have received advertisements from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M. willeth. . . .be shewed, so that they have. . . . . . A. to see if they can. . . . . . . . . . . . whereof I pray you advertise Θ : for it seemeth most strange unto me . . . . . there may be more free dealing and I hope that then there will a final end be given of my debt so long expected, which being performed I will then say more. In the mean time, if you should not deal faithfully with me, whereof I doubt not, the discredit would be more yours and mine. For I assure myself that if Θ : have obtained me my debt, as you let me understand long since it was most assured he had, I am not now to hope for it, but to be assured of it, but till M be 63. D he will say no more, at which time he looketh to have a full resolution of you according to the trust he hath put in you and the assurance you have given him. For the lewd fellow you speak of, I put him in trust with nothing but for the delivery of a letter, as you know. Which he opened, and therein was to be blamed, for that if he would needs seem to do service he should have let Θ : or Χ : open it. But the matter is not great, and the fault was partly yours because by your long silence I had thought you had been dead. You shall hear again from. . . . . he . . . . .but I pray you write at large of all things to me to D when M shall be there. Here is a bruit given out by Spaniards that th' Archduke Albert shall return no more, but be made king of Po[rtuga]ll, and the King of Spain will keep this country to himself. But it is taken generally for an untruth, and it is affirmed that the Archduke will return hither with th' Infante with all speed, being much pressed by the States here to do so. You do not advertise me nor advise whether M. were best to write to Θ : neither upon what subject. Credit me, there is some play false play, but, it may be, with time they may be found out. So, longing to hear of the messenger you speak of, I commit you to God.—This 9 of January, '99. Yours as you know.
There is one Captain Richard Zouche, next heir male to the Lord Zouche, he is gone out of these parts into England for kill ing of a man. I pray you as of yourself enquire where he is, with whom he liveth, how he is maintained, and whether he have his pardon or no; how he behaveth himself, for he had his wit somewhat “cracke.” He was son to him that was in love with Mrs. Holecroft. Some say here that Lord Zouche is dead, and that he is his heir. Others say that he is dead. Of these particularities, I pray you advertise me with the first commodity : and, if he be dead, where he died, and when he died, and what living or goods he hath left behind him. Be not “acknowen” in any wise that I set you on work to do this.
Holograph, the missing portions being in cipher. Endorsed :—“1599.” 1 p. (67. 92.)
Ha. Foxe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 10. Please you obtain her Majesty's signature to the draught by my learned counsel, Mr. Hadsor, of the grant of my country and of the seneschalship of the same to me and my heirs, with a pension and a company in her. pay. Also, for the discharge of my debt here, to give me some of the 160l. due to me for the 20 men in her pay granted me by the Lords Justices and Council of Ireland in November, 98, and the remainder of the pay due for the 50 foot which I erected upon the E. of Essex's warrant.—The x of January, 1599.
Signed, “H.F.” Endorsed :—“Ha. Foxe.” 1 p. (67. 93.)
Katharine, Dowager Lady Paget (fn. 1) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 11. I send my son (fn. 2) to be recommended by you. His years be more than his father's were when he first served her Majesty; his experience greater. He hath been a soldier. It must be your commendations, not mine, that will do him good.—Aldenham, this 11 of January, 1599.
Holograph. Signed :—“Kath. Pagett.” Seal. ½ p. (67. 94.)
Stephen Lesieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 12. For the wardship of the heir of Sir Edmund Verney, who died last night.—London, 12 Jan., 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (P. 1935.)
John [Whitgift], Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 13. I am forced by infirmity to be absent from the Court this day, and I am therefore bold to send to you the resolution of the best civilians belonging to the Arches, sci., Dr. Dunn, Dr. Stanhope, and Dr. Swale, touching the controversy in Clare Hall about the election of their master. This opinion I am fully persuaded to be true, and I beseech you, if you think good, to show it to her Majesty. My only desire is that a learned, wise and grave divine may be there placed.—Lambeth, the 13th of Jan., 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (67. 98.)
Captain Robert Ellyott to Sir Robert Cecil and the Lords of the Council.
1599/1600, Jan. 13. I have made a collection and so send it here enclosed, which is all that I do know of Spanish practices or designs. I acknowledge it is nothing to deserve so great a benefit as I do beseech at your hands. I grounded my hopes chiefly upon the Spaniard's service, and you may yet make good benefit of the man, as I have declared in this relation. At Brussels I conferred with one Capt. Smith, who is not unknown to your Honours. He was highly discontented against his estate and I persuaded him to sue for her Majesty's grace again. I beseech you to take pity on me, that I may employ the talent which God hath given me in my own prince's service. All this time of my being abroad, I have been diligent to practise with the best soldiers. I have gathered together all the modern works in Italian or Spanish. I have studied the mathematics for my experience in fortification, ordaining and contriving of batteries and squadrons, or what is necessary for a soldier to know.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“13 Jan., 1599.” 1½ pp. (67. 97.)
The Enclosure :
The Spaniards pretend not, nor never will send Tyrone any men or money otherwise than in this point following. They are persuaded that with 12,000 foot they can possess them selves of Milford, Anglesey and Cardiff, and that all these places are very tenable with that force. Hereby they presume they shall hinder all succour from her Majesty's forces in Ireland, and so leave them to the mercy of Tyrone, and that Tyrone shall presently advance himself towards Dublin, and they shall transport to him the men and provisions necessary for the surprising of that town.
If they shall be able to land 20,000 foot, they have a design to disembark in Stokes Bay near Portsmouth, and from thence they are persuaded in less than 4 days to be in London. Their discourse is, for such an enterprise how resolute and courageous the Spaniards will be : that their landing will put great fear and terror into the hearts of the inhabitants, and, if they have any encounter before they come to London, it will be by men unexpert and unacquainted with the bullet; and that such men will require good store of ready and per-feet commanders, that knows how to ordain battles, squadrons and encounters, of which men they presume her Majesty hath few left.
They have had a design for Plymouth by landing at Cawsand (“Casen”) Bay, their galleys and small pinnaces to row in at full sea over the bar betwixt the island and the main and embark the foot again, and so transport them over to Plymouth side and so give upon the town and castle. That Frederick Espinola hath a design to sack Weymouth, Melcomb Regis and Dorchester.
Since the peace hath been spoken of, divers have persuaded the K. of Spain that her Majesty's treasure is altogether consumed and that our nation beginneth to lose reputation and honour, presenting to him all the overthrows and losses sustained by Tyrone, terming the Irish naked and savage men, not so much to their disgrace as to our dishonour. That if his Majesty did but invest Wales, his success would be infallibly most happy, and Ireland assuredly his.
Divers of the Spanish Council hath alleged that her Majesty is far in years and by course of nature cannot live above 7 or 8 years more. In the which time, having peace, they will bowel up their Indies, gather together what wealth they can, estimating in that time to have beforehand 70 or 80 millions. They presume they shall be able to build and furnish into the sea 200 sail of tall ships, besides those they have already. That they will have quiet traffic to their Indies and to all parts of Christendom, and that they will take present order for the increase of their mariners. To animate men to that profession, they will assure them particular honours and dignities. They conclude to be so beforehand in 7 or 8 years, that they will not care whether the peace hold or break, and say that when God shall call away her Majesty, they will be ready to give a great stroke for the advancing of the Infante's title.
They have also discoursed that when this time shall come, there shall be such difference and shuffling for the crown, that the nobility and all men of traffic and judgment will rather accept of the Archduke and Infanta, when they shall have such a force in the Kingdom as they presume to send. They allege also the great commodity would grow to the crown of England by joining the Provinces of Flanders to it. They allege that our nobility will never agree to be subject to those pretenders at home, which are now their equals, or rather unequals, in dignities. That the King of Scots bringeth no commodity to England but increase of subjects. That our noblemen will never trust him, for that they or their predecessors be touched with the death of his mother, and that the Scots by nature are vindictive.
As concerning the Spaniard and his proffers for the surprising of the Havana, his experience in the Indies and his speaking of the Indian tongue, seeing that in your Honours' wisdoms his service is of no worth in that point, yet in my silly opinion you may make good benefit of the man, giving him to understand that his service is embraced and shall be executed when time shall more convenienter serve. That it is not convenient he repair to England until the journey shall be put into execution, and that the time of the year is now too far spent. Thus to entertain the time with him and use him for an intelligence. He will be able to signify all the designs of Frederick Espinola, whose secretary is an Italian, so that when he writeth to the King or Council of Spain, this man being his chaplain and a Spaniard, hath the perusing of all his letters to correct the “atografie.” I dare assure you the man will undertake the service, and give you great satisfaction.
I have also written a narration at my being at Paris, of the wild and unchristianly conditions and proceedings of Spaniards' practices. I supposed it would have been accept able to her Majesty and to your Honours, but I see that in your wisdoms it is of no validity. I have left and lost 3,000 crowns the King of Spain owed me, with 30 crowns monthly that Espinola did and would have paid me, together with my diet at his own table. I sold my apparel to bring me away, and am come with a right hearty sorrow for offences past. I will ever be most ready to die in any service of her Majesty's. Have pity on me.
Holograph, 4 pp. (67. 96.)
Richard Hitchens, Mayor of Plymouth, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 14. Please you to receive herein enclosed the reports of one Boger Cooper, a shipmaster dwelling in our town, who hath been three years in Spain in captivity.—From Plymouth, the 14th of January, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (67. 99.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 14. The Earl will ease you of all trouble in the matter of the deer, but seeing a toil and a hoy must necessarily be used, you might as well have had twenty as ten, and at the same charges. He will qualify the charges as for himself, and will find means by the river of Ware to land the deer hard by your park. Your Lordship's poor godson prospers so well under your badge, that I hope he shall live to wait on your trencher in your livery.—Chelsea, this 14 of January, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (67. 101.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 14. Now that I have spoken to Mr. Bois, I can say that his hope is that this election will revert to the Queen, as the Earl of Essex will not interfere in it, whereby he expects that it will come in the scope of your favour, for which he hopes. The Archbishop of Canterbury's objections only rest upon the idea that Mr. Bois is not eligible. But three doctors of laws have already been received at the same college, and he is theologian enough to satisfy the requirements of the statutes. A letter from you to the Vice-chancellor would settle the matter; and it would not look well if .any other of the Council were to anticipate you.—-Baburham, 14 January; 1599.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (178. 107.)
[William Cotton], Bishop of Exeter, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 15. At your only instance I have left all my hope of that great benefice of Brent, and according to your request I have made Mr. Gyll a minister; and were it not that my Lord Treasurer hath interposed a title from Sir John Peter, I had before this time instituted him, being very ready to be fully commanded by you in my poor place. Farther, her Majesty hath very lately by her letters commended unto me and to the dean and chapter, for the chantership and residence of our church, one Samuel Beck, a very lewd man, lately deprived of his benefice at Lambhithe for his incontinency with nine several women, and one who hath been five or six times in the common gaol. And I asking him how he procured so gracious letters, being so ungracious himself, and a man void of all good qualities and virtue, he answered me that he delivered by the Lady Stafford's means to her Majesty his pedigree, wherein it did plainly appear that he was descended from the Duke of Lancaster, and that he meant to make title to that which the Lord Latimer left. And farther, I answered him, as I might truly, that this dignity with the residence was disposed of three months since, and that by her Majesty unto myself; who by her gracious grant of commendam, for my better comfort in my poor place, granted unto me that and other help to the sum of two hundred pounds. I thought it now my duty to acquaint you herewith until the dean and chapter might meet about it; and to pray your favour towards me in satisfying her Majesty if the said Beck shall seek to trouble me being actually possessed thereof, and also that you would acquaint the Lady Stafford here with; for I think myself hardly handled by so lewd a person for that which her Majesty hath granted unto me and which is in mine own gift.—From Exeter, this 15 of January, 1599.
Signed. 1 p. (178. 108.)
Lord Cromwell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 17. Send a helping hand to a decayed man for the furtherance of some of my suits.—Launde, the 17th of January, 1599.
Signed, 1 p. (67. 102.)
Sir Thomas Posthumus Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 17. Cecil bestowed upon him the wardship of two co-heirs of Francis Briggs. Prays that Robert Briggs, grandfather of the wards, to whom Lord Ewre has offered some violent wrong, may be granted the privilege of the Court of Wards for the better keeping of the inheritance.—York, 17 Jan., 1599.
Holograph, 1 p. (P. 2191.)
Sir Thomas Leighton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 18. I have received advertisement from a merchant of St. Malo lately come out of Spain that the De Lantado (as I wrote unto you by former letters) was put unto the seas with 40 sail of great ships, to seek the fleet of the States which he supposed to find about the islands. But he, missing of them, is returned home into Spain, with the loss of 7 of his greatest and principal ships, and all the rest sore weatherbeaten, spoiled and unrigged. It is further advertised that the State of Genoa should be revolted from the King of Spain, and have thrust out of their State all Spaniards. I beseech you favour my suit for the obtaining by patent from her Highness the mastership of the game within the Forest of Feckenham after Sir Fulk Greville, with whom I have now compounded. I seek it in respect of my son, to procure him quietness after my decease. I understand that my good friend Sir John Stanhope hath moved her Majesty in my behalf. There belongeth unto this office neither fee nor profit, but a charge for the well looking unto her deer, which are presently in very small number, so as if I have the office, I do mean to put 500 deer out of mine own park to the restoring of the Forest.
I expect daily the return of other ships from Spain. My wife hath been for the space of these three months most dangerously sick, but is now somewhat upon recovery, and desires to be humbly remembered unto your Honour. I do mean to bring her over this summer to seek by physic to procure her further health.—Guernsey, this 18th of January, 1599.
Signed. 1 p. (67. 103.)
Bridget Bowes to Lady Digby.
[1599/1600 ?], Jan. 18. It hath pleased God of late to take my husband out of this world, who hath left me much in debt and four fatherless children to bring up, whereof one is a son, and become, as I am informed, her Majesty's ward. They are all little ones, the eldest 7 years old. The maintenance that God hath provided for me and all them is very little; if this be granted from me, I and mine are undone. I am weak in body already, but if my son should be taken from me, it would be means more speedily to haste my death. Please you to procure for me from her Majesty the wardship of my son. Whatsoever it shall seem good to her Majesty to derive to herself, God forbid that I should withstand it.—From East Bergholt in Suffolk, the 18 of January, 1599. Eliz. 41. (sic.)
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lady Digby.” ½ p. (67. 105.)
Thomas Fitz Jaques Wingfield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 18. For despatch of certain matters concerning the tithes of Donboyne, his father's accounts, the re-grant to him of lands held by his father as assign to the Earl of Ormond, and the recovery of his father's goods dispersed before he attained the right of an exebutor.—Undated.
Note by the Earl of Shrewsbury on behalf of petitioner.—18 Ja., 1599.
1 p. (P. 1533.)
Thomas Arundell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 21. A troublesome rheum hath enforced me to defer my going, whose only intent was to have gladded my heart with the sight of my sacred sovereign, yet cannot I defer the hoped sweet content of being assured of her prosperous welfare, which consisteth not in bodily health only, but more principally in a certain sweet reposing of her heavenly mind. May I not be deemed presumptuous in craving to be ascertained thereof from yourself.—Shaftesbury, this 21st of January.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1599. Seal. 1 p. (67. 107.)
John [Whitgift], Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 21. I send you here enclosed the form of a letter which her Majesty was pleased to command you and me to write to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge and the two senior Doctors there, touching the controversy in Clare Hall about the election of the master. If you like of it, set your hand to it, or have anything altered as you shall think good.—From Lambeth, the 21st of January, 1599.
Signed. Seal. ¼ p. (67. 108.)
Richard Webster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 22. I have been confined to my house by illness for the last seven weeks, and have not been able to offer my annual tribute.—January 22, 1599.
Holograph. Latin. Seal. ½ p. (67. 109.)
Sir Thomas Lascelles to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 22. Mr. Josias Fawther and Richard Paise are content to let me have the abbey lands in Sowerby which they lately purchased of her Majesty in fee farm. Mr. Stanley, Deputy Auditor of this County, hath rated them for me at the yearly rent of 14l. 2s. 4d. My humble suit is that you will give them leave to purchase other lands of her Majesty of the like rent in fee farm and at the same rate. I am informed that this which I desire is a thing of course.—Walborn, the 22 of January, 1599.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (67. 110.)
Federico Genebelli to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 22. I have not known where to turn since your Excellency spake those words against me in the presence of the Lord Admiral at Nonsuch. Next only to my sincere desire to serve her Majesty in fortifying the Isle of Wight has been my wish to please your late father and yourself, as Mr. Awdley, Mr. Winibancke and Mr. Leven can testify. I cannot believe you have altogether cast me off, and I have refused my wages to obtain an audience of her Majesty.—From London, this 22 of January, 1599.
French. Signed. Seal. 1 p. (67. 111.)
H. Hardware, Mayor of Chester, to the Privy Council.
1599/1600, Jan. 22. According to your letters of the 13th of this month, I have caused a stay to be made of all the shipping in this port, Liverpool and the ports adjoining. I do trust that there will be a sufficient number of vessels for transportation of the forces for Ireland. The vessels taking the 800 foot appointed to sail on the last of this month, can return by the last of February for the 2,800 foot and 200 horse, who are to go then. But I have been occasioned of late, by warrants from some of your Honours, to suffer the departure of barques with provant wares, victuals and letters for service into Ireland. If the like course be continued, it will cause some dearth of shipping, and I would fain know your pleasures herein. I did of late advertise you of the dearth and scarcity of wheat in these parts, and showed you how the same might be supplied by sending some good quantities of wheat and biscuit in some hoys, which might also serve for the transportation of horse if the necessity of the service should require the same.
There is a Flemish ship in this river of the burden of 120 tons, able to transport 300 men. The owner, being a stranger, would be contented to attend the service for the same allowance as the other shipping. His mariners, if he be commanded to stay with out yielding them their wages, will depart away from him. I have therefore thought good to signify his readiness to do her Majesty present service.—Chester, January 22, 1599.
Signed. Seal, ¾ p. (67. 112.)
Capt. Thomas Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 22. On Thursday last I came from Sir Henry Lee in Oxfordshire towards London in hope the task I have taken upon me had been finished, but by reason of his sickness in whose hands it was left to be made fit for your view, it will be yet some few days before you can have it. The matter requireth more time to write than I had expected. I take upon me to discover all, or the most part, of the combination of this rebellion; how to recover all, and, the same being recovered and reformed, how to keep all in obedience without any charge to her Majesty. The last of all is an apology for myself, wherein you may perceive how dishonourably I have been practised against.
I am bold to send here enclosed a letter from Sir Henry Lee. I will, as soon as I can, send the book I am in writing, for the despatch whereof I purpose to stay in town, so it stand with your good liking. I beseech you that I may speak with my Lord Mount joy before his departure into Ireland, to be good to some honest men who depend upon me there, whom my enemies for my sake will seek to injure .live they never so uprightly. I purpose while in town to be seen by very few, because I am loth to be offensive to any.—From the Savoy this 22 of January, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (67. 113.)
The Enclosure :
My cousin being impatient to be held in suspicion, I have sent him up to you to answer all objections, and so to satisfy those without whose good opinion he desireth not to live. My brother Richard, who is now here with me, also beseecheth you to remember him, when time shall serve for the journey into Muscovy. I doubt not his sufficiency to perform what shall be fit for her Majesty, yourself and the merchants, the principal causes of his journey. The matter thus far on foot would much disgrace him and grieve me, if any other should put him by.—Ditchley, this 17th of Jan., 1599.
Signed. Seal 1 p. (67. 100.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 23. About the beginning of this month, my Lady Stafford procured her Majesty to sign a letter to the Bishop of Exeter, on behalf of one Mr. Samuel Beck, a preacher of 30 year's continuance, to have the place of a prebendary resident in that Church, which was lately fallen void by the decease of one William Marston. And now her Majesty being informed that the Bishop himself hath taken that prebend unto him, whereby Mr. Beck is frustrated of the effect of her Majesty's letter, her pleasure is that you write in her name to the said Bishop, that her Highness's express will and pleasure is that this Mr. Beck shall be named and preferred to be placed in the room of any prebendary resident in that church which shall first and next fall void, and, for assurance thereof, that some act or record be made to remain there, so that this man may not fail of such a place, whether it fall in this Bishop's year or not. Sir John Stanhope hath told me that he sent unto you by a man of his own the libel that you speak of. Captain Fox, the Irish gentleman, hath her Majesty's letters, and the protection for which he was so bitter against Mr. Herbert is found and delivered to him. So that he is now very well pacified.—23o Jan., 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (67. 114.)
Thomas Windebank to Mr. Willis, attending on Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 23. This gentleman the bearer, Mr. Samuel Beck, a preacher, should have carried a letter which the Queen's Majesty willed me to write to Mr. Secretary concerning himself. But because there was some other matter mentioned therein, I was fain to send it by Stillingfleet. Mr. Secretary is to write a letter in her Majesty's name to the Bishop of Exeter of her pleasure for this party, as either yourself or Mr. Brereton shall understand, because I think one of you shall write the letter. My Lady Stafford is the suitor for him as being of kin, come of the house of the Nevilles in the north.—Richmond, 23 January, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (178. 110.)
1599/1600, Jan. 23. Petition of Alexander Hartley, of the Haigh, Yorks, to Sir R. Cecil, for the wardship of the heirs of John Gibson and John Walker.
Endorsed :—23 Jan., 1599. 1 p. (P. 213.)
Christopher Dobson to [Sir R. Cecil].
1599/1600, Jan. 23. For the concealed wardship of the son and heir of one Maynprice, Yorks.
Endorsed :—23 Jan., 1599. ¾ p. (P. 1444.)
W. Goodyear to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 24. Was promised the wardship of young Wenman, his daughter's child, but Sir Richard Wenman seeks the wardship, and has taken possession of the house and rents. Prays for Cecil's protection and consideration of the matter.
Endorsed :—24 Jan., 1599. 1 p. (549.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Alexander Bret.
1599/1600, Jan. 24. Thanks him for a valuation of the manor of Haselberye, [Dorset,] which enables him to give some satisfaction to his niece, the Countess of Derby.—The Court, 24 Jan., 1599.
¼ p. (P. 2300.)
Edward Golde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 24. I thank your Honour that it pleased you, on the Lord Burleigh's commendation and Sir Walter Rawleigh's report, and at the request of the Lord Grey, to be a mean to her Majesty for my despatch. I am a poor private man that have ventured my life and issued forth my goods and money in most necessary service of her Majesty. I am sore indebted here already. My wife and children are in great want by reason both of the alteration in Ireland since my coming over, and also through my long absence of two years here. I beseech that, I may receive my due here, and not be driven to further travail.—This 24 of January, 1599.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (67. 115.)
John Danyell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 24. To deserve your favour I would hazard my life. It were not amiss, as I think, among other policies and plots for the overthrow of that wicked traitor Tyrone, that some sufficient men should be employed to sow sedition betwixt O'Donell, O'Rorke, McGuyr and him. In case her Majesty and your Honour be so pleased, I am content to be employed as one for that purpose, and do hope that you shall find my travail therein not inferior to any that shall be employed for that service.
I understand that divers of the inhabitants of the cities and towns and also of the civil parts of Ireland, are earnest with the Lords Justices, and do mean to be in hand with the Deputy upon his coming thither, for granting pardons unto them. The reason is they have had dealings with the traitor.
Some of my creditors, understanding that you procured me 10l., do hunt me from place to place to arrest me that I dare not go abroad. I beseech you procure her Majesty to grant the sum of the petition enclosed whereby I may not be troublesome henceforth for any maintenance.—This 24 of January, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (67. 116.)
Sir Edward Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 24. Please your Honour to grant your allow ance of this my suit, which is, that I may replace my father in the office of lieutenancy, at his desire, for his ease and comfort, in consideration of his age and weakness.—Englefield, 24 Jan., 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (67. 117.)
Richard Hitchens, Mayor of Plymouth, to the Privy Council.
1599/1600, Jan. 25. This day there arrived here one of the Dutch ships which went from the Islands to the Indias. The rest of the fleet they expect daily to this place, where they make their rendezvous.
The captain reports that they went, though contrary to their purpose, to St. Thomas, and there landed, taking the town with small difficulty, but they carried away their best wealth into the mountains. They took the Castellan and the Governor, whom they have here in this ship. They offered ransom for the town, but not agreeing thereupon, they came with their negroes and fired it themselves. The general died within two days they landed there, and fell sick at one time 1,500 men, whereof died 1,100, and do die still in the calenture, wherewith they wax frantic, and many perished by running themselves overboard into the sea by the fury of their sickness. They have brought away sugars and their brass ordnance, whereof two pieces do contain in weight each of them 11,000. Further circumstances I leave to the report of the captain, who (as he told me) will write by this packet.—Plymouth, the 25th of January, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (67. 118.)
Patrick Sinnote to the Earl of Tyrone.
1599/1600, Jan. 25/Feb 4 It was my lord and master his will that I should certify you of the state of the country, and in what plight they be. It is so that you must build on yourself, and not on any aid of men here hence, for it is so that they have no men to spare here, and scarce men to send into Flanders. But with munition and some treasure they will help you at all times, therefore build on yourself and in what you have, for men you are not like to have any; albeit they do give you fair words that they will give you aid of men, I do hold that they are not able to give it. The Archbishop that came over, he is doing what he may to get men, but it is impossible; therefore, as I say afore, build on yourself and that shall be the surest ground for you. But before it be May you shall have some munition and treasure, therefore despatch the bearer with your letters with as much speed as you may; my lord doth give him upon his coming four hundred ducats, therefore he will make haste to come, and he is, as I think, a sure and trusty messenger.—“At the Grin” [Groyne], 4 February, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (76. 38.)
Paul Thompson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 26. Mrs. Vaux, for some good proceedings she hath lately found in the Court of Wards, hath withdrawn her suit against me in the Common Pleas. On Sunday last I was sworn in Her Majesty's chaplain in ordinary. I pray you thank the Lord Chamberlain therefor.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (67. 119.)
Richard Hadsor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 26. In the time of Sir John Perrott's government in Ireland, her Majesty ordered the insertion of a clause into grants by patent of offices durante bene placito and quamdiu bene se gesserit, that the patentees be not removed from their offices but by decree of the Privy Council, on being certified of such patentees' misdemeanour by the State there. The Lord Burgh granted the office of provost-marshal-general, under the great seal of that realm, with the said clause, unto Owen ap Hugh, a gentleman of North Wales, my mother-in-law's husband, upon the death of his brother Rhys. He hath served her Majesty since he was able to carry arms. He was maimed in one of his hands in the defence of the town of Knockfergus. He had his corn burned and his goods carried away by the rebels, having not paid me by reason thereof any rent these five years since my father's death for the land which he holdeth of me. Yet doth one George King, a gentleman of that country, who had a company there this last summer, affirm that the Lords do offer to grant the said office to him. I pray you inform yourself of the said Owen's sufficiency and honesty, and let him have the benefit of his patent.—The xxvj of January, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (67. 120.)
[William Cotton], Bishop of Exeter, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 26. I have at the last, upon your letters, fully placed Mr. Gill into the parsonage of Brent, worth by the year 300 marks, unto the which I also had a title, but I have bent myself in my poor place fully to satisfy you in that I may. If my Lord Treasurer take offence thereat, I pray you to satisfy him. I was bold to acquaint you-with the impudent suit of one Samuel Beck, who brought her Majesty's letters for the chanter-ship and residence. I did truly certify you touching the person of Beck and the filling of the place. I dare assure you he cannot be matched for lewdness in all the western parts; and to satisfy her Majesty more fully, I have sent up unto you the certificate of the Dean and Chapter to testify that long before her commandment the place was full, and that I by virtue of her former grant of commendam was possessed of the same. And were it not that her Majesty hath thus far favoured him, I had deprived him before Easter ab officio, as he hath at Lambeth already been deprived a benefcio.—From Exeter, 26 January, 1599.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (178. 111.)
The certificate of the Dean and Chapter referred to in the pre ceding letter. 1 p. (67. 121.)
Nowell Dowall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan 26. For the concealed wardship of the heir of George Barton.—Endorsed : 26 Jan., 1599.
Note by Cecil thereon. 1 p. (P. 1338.)
Sir George Peckham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 26. His dangerous sickness, which has obliged him to sell his household stuff and apparel. Prays for the grant of that concealed wood in Wales for which he made petition.—London, 26 January, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (P. 1977.)
William, Earl of Derby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 28. Good Uncle : In the absence of me and my officer forth of Lancashire this last term, and upon information given and received by such as have intended the impeachment of my inheritance in my chiefest manor, namely Lathom, an office hath been sitten after the death of a poor freeholder of mine there, Gilbert Beaconsall and his son, whose heir of a few acres of land within that manor is found to hold of her Majesty, which hath fallen out by way of default, by reason none for me was present to deliver evidence. I entreat you that my cause and evidence, which, by sound advice, I conceive to be good, may be heard before a jury, whereunto I will refer myself upon notice thereof from the Escheator and Peodary.—Hackney, this 28th of January, 1599.
Signed. 1 p. (67. 122.)
Ja. Scamler to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 28. For the wardship of one Plater, of Norfolk.—Grays Inn Lane, London, 28 Jan., 1599.
½ p. (P. 1914.)
Sir Edward Fytton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 29. Mr. Brereton, lingering and now despair fully sick, has married his son, to defraud the Queen of his wardship and me of your grant; yet am I no less bound to you for your remembrance of me. Good Mr. Secretary, help my daughter to her portion, which has been so long in Sir Henry Wallop's hands. If you would send for Mr. Wallop and ask whether he has not good discharge for the same and such as Mr. Treasurer, his father, himself desired, you would see his evasions; without this my poor daughter will be much hindered; wherefore I commend her cause to your protection.
Next as to my son; if you will have him go into Ireland, let it be with Sir George Carew and in some place of reputation; or entreat good Sir George to restore him his own place, which is unjustly kept from him by men who pretend service, but who really get more by combining with traitors than a good subject can, I mean the Lord “Pore.” I long to wait on you for poor Ireland, whose distressed estate is lamentable, and where I have buried my father, mother, three brethren and great part of my fortune. Yet there is a way might recall all with small charge to the Queen. But this must wait, till I can pull on a boot.—“Gauswd” [Gawsworth, Macclesfield], 29 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“29 Jan., 1599” Seal 1 p. (68. 1.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 29. Being old, lame, and not able to perform my accustomed service about the Queen, I beseech you to defend me in my aged absence from such greedy procurers as would bury me before my death, especially in the matter of the small offices in my gift as Master of the Armoury. I last appointed to that place a man of yours, and well he doth discharge it, so that I hope if any seek after it, you will let the Queen know to whom it belongs, and how much the matter concerns me, and those who serve me.—29 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“29 Jan., 1599” 1 p. (68. 2.)
Thomas Ridgeway to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 29. This morning arrived in Dartmouth a small ship from St. Lucas in Spain, of which Francis Jarvis of Exeter is pilot, who went out of Barnstaple with Nicholas Buggins of Totnes about four months ago in a French ship, as appears from his license. He hath written the enclosed letter for you.—Torr', Jan. 29, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (68. 3.)
William Boys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 29. Thanking him for favouring his election to the Mastership of Clare Hall.—29 Jan., 1599.
Signed, 1 p. (136. 68.)
Mons. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 29. Is sorry to learn from Cecil's letter of the ill-success of their (the States') fleet. The loss of so many men and experienced captains is very severe. He fears that the “vins de Canarie” have largely caused this sudden mortality, which, he doubts not, poison all waters into which their people go. It is a comfort that they did not leave their ships behind, and that they have goods to defray a large part of the excessive charges of the fleet, through which the States have got into arrears.
Encloses certain requests of James Sutton, whom he employs in the merchants' affairs, and who has got into trouble on his account. He (Caron) pursued this matter three years at the law, and obtained favourable sentence; but “ce mauvais home” has invented a new hindrance. It is his ordinary misfortune in this country to have trouble with his landlords. He has lived in three houses here, of which the one in question was the first, and the other two have been equally troublesome. Details the difficulties he had with Dr. Fort, with regard to the second house, and with his present house at Clapham. H Cecil thinks the request proper to be laid before the Council, Sutton, his messenger, will hand it to Mr. Waad or one of the Clerks of the Council.—London, 29 Jan., 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed : “Mr. Caron” French. 3 pp. (178. 112.)
John Daniell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. 31. I understand that Sir Andrew Wyse, a knight of Malta, nominated Prior of St. John in this realm, and Dr. Strong, bishop of Ossory by the Pope's authority, are landed in Ireland. Both were in good credit with the last King of Spain, and Dr. Strong was Vicar-General under the Archbishop of St. Diego. Both were born in Waterford and are akin to many of the best of the citizens. It is to be feared that they are come to persuade the men of that town and other places to yield to the receiving of the enemy. The coming over of others of that profession was the beginning of this late rebellion. If you think it fit, and the Queen will license me for a few months to go thither, I would see what I could do to apprehend them, find out the pith of their journey, and breed sedition between the chief rebels of that country.—This last of January, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (68. 9.)
T. Douglas to Archibald Douglas.
1599/1600, Jan. Being overcome with your courtesies while I Was in London, I cannot be so ungrate as to slip any occasion of certifying your Lordship of our estate. Of your particular affairs, I wrote to your Lordship with Hen. Montgumri; as for the general of the court and country, you should wonder if I should write the truth of them, seeing they are so far degenerate as your Lordship would wonder to see, avarice so far creeps in all estates from the highest to the lowest, and nothing is here done without money. Amongst all your friends, I can find none so kind and courteous as my Lord of Cassels. Howbeit his credit is not correspondant to his good will. Yet he, with the Earl of Morton and Angus, would spend and endanger all they have to have your Lordship at home. This I learned of them selves, since with every of them particularly I have conferred divers times. I wish also that I could persuade your Lordship England not to be for you, seeing all your friends are dead, and none about the Queen save those that knoweth not your moyen, but if your Lordship were in Scotland, it is not possible but in few days your Lordship might guide the court, having so great experience and wisdom as your Lordship has, and having so many noblemen to follow you as your Lordship might have—but I spend time in learning my father to get children. Yet I know better what they do in Scotland than they at London. The Secretary, Treasurer, and Chancellor are all your friends. Your nephew, our eldest brother, is able to make a part and faction for you in the Session. What then should hinder you from coming home ? I hope shortly to visit your Lordship.—From Hadingtone, this—of Januar, ano 1599.
Holograph. Addressed, “To the Eight Honourable Mr. Archibald Douglas, presently at London, at Mr. Harvi his house.” 1 p. (67. 104.)
W. Babington and F. Bromley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. We have received your letter on behalf of Mr. Leicester, whose credit we do not impeach; yet not he but Sir Thomas Sherley was the first plotter of the Queen's service for the manner of the pay, wherein we were used by Sir Thomas Sherley a good time before Mr. Leicester and Becher, who received the apparelling by agreement from us. As to his desire to be our partner in this present service, we find it impossible, for we have put in for the Queen's service seventy sureties and more, very sufficient men, who will certainly refuse to be bound for Mr. Leicester; moreover, it would discredit us to be joined with a man of his quality, being broken and unable to bear such losses as we are often subject to. Wherefore we pray to be excused.—January, 1599.
Signed Seal 1 p. (68. 6.)
Eliza Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. I am ashamed to take the boldness so much as venture to let these unworthy lines come to your view, but lest delaying of time should breed a more settled opinion in her Majesty that Mr. Cecil determines to go to Rome, which I hear by some friends of mine that it is put in her head, and myself not knowing any means whereby I might come to speak with you as an humble suitor that you will please to answer that he hath no such intention, as I hope he hath satisfied you in his letter, am hereby encouraged rather to show you my want of wit than want of will to do anything that may turn to his good, especially when I remembered yourself was to be my judge, whom I hope will incline favourably and not be too severe in your censure. I had thought his very name in his travel would have proved his greatest foe, which I see is more subject to vipers at home, but when I considered what dangerous effects such reports may breed in the thought of a Prince, though of mere malice suggested, I do once again humbly beseech your furtherance to put it out of her Majesty's head, that he hath or will have any intention of going to Rome. And I shall be infinitely bound to you, and rest ever your dutiful, loving niece, Eliza Cecil.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Jan., 1599.” 1 p. (68. 7.)
Sir William Clerk to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. I understand by Sir William Russell your favourable respect of my great charge and service. I hope you are fully satisfied that my pension is warranted under the great seal and no new erection. I would ask your letter to the Treasurer that it be paid as it heretofore has been.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Jan., 1599.” Seal. ½ p. (68. 8.)
Penelope, Lady Rich to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. Mr. Secretary, the favour you have done my sister of Essex doth both encourage me to be thus importunate, and gives me hope to obtain my suit, if it please you to make me so much beholden unto you as to speak earnestly for me to her Majesty for my leave to visit my brother; and if I have no greater liberty to see him but once, yet I shall be well satisfied and esteem the obligation very great of your kindness in assisting me in this my earnest request. Her Majesty told me that if she granted me leave, my sister would look for as much, which need be no argument against me, since her Majesty being content to permit that favour but to some few, I may, if [it] please her, obtain it before others because I have humbly and earnestly made the first suit, for which I have laid my hopes upon yourself, and will ever remain, your most affectionate friend, Penelope Rich.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Jan., 1599.” Seal. 1 p. (68. 10.)
“Interview of the King of France with the Duke of Savoy.”
1599/1600, [Jan.] . First, the King met the Duke of Savoy at Fontaine Belleau with all magnificence possible, Cæsar Monsieur Duc de Vendôme being armed at all points, and gallantly mounted with his company of 100 gens d'armes to receive him; and after 2 or 3 days' feasting, they came to Paris of St. Thomas' day, where the first night they, supped and lodged with Mons. Zamet [margin : there the King lay not all night, but at 12 of the clock went to his mistress, who lies hard by the Louvre]; the next night at the house of Mons. Gondi in the faubourg of St. Germain; and the next day the Duke removed to l'hôtel de Nemours for 2 or 3 days, till such time as lodgings at the Louvre might be made ready for him. On New Year's day, the King made him Knight of the Order all alone en l'église de Nôtre Dame The next day they went to St. Germain's, where the King will stay some 2 or 3 days and so return home again.
The Duke, as it is said, hath lost much money to the King since he came, and hath been very liberal to the officers. To the King's mistress, they say, he gave a chain of pearl for a new year's gift, of exceeding great value, and to the King's guards a month's pay.
There hath been yet no feasting or revelling here since he came, and for tourneying, it is thought there will be none at all, the weather being so exceeding foul.
I learned of a gentleman that belongs to Madam the King's sister, that the Duke hath very earnestly urged the King to promise him not to assist them of Geneva if he go about to besiege them; but the King answered him that they had for many years put themselves into the protection of his predecessors and himself, and that therefore he could not but defend them against whomsoever should trouble them. Before the Duke's arrival they sent some agents to the King to beseech him not to abandon them, which the King assured them he would not do. The same gentleman told me also that the King, talking with the Duke about the Marquisate of Saluces, wished him to render it up to him willingly and cheerfully; for if he were forced to recover it by force, he would very hardly contain and content himself with it without passing further. To the same effect the King said to some near him, when he was mounting on horseback to go to Fontaine Belleau, that he was now going to meet the Duke of Savoy that was come to see him; but if he did not condescend to his demands, he would take the pains afterward to go into Savoy to see the Duke.
Since his arrival here, Mons. de Cricquy hath been always absent from the Court. It is reported that another bastard brother who is here with the Duke hath sent to M. Cricquy to demand reason of him for his brother's death, and that M. Cricquy should answer him, that if he would undertake here to revenge the other's death, he would be very glad and ready to give that pleasure to the Court. But if that disliked him, let him nominate a fit and disadvantageous place, either within the realm or without it, and he would not fail to answer him.
For the Duke's person, he is of a very low stature, but well proportioned, and of an agreeable countenance. He hath the reputation to be full of spirit, exceeding politic, and of excellent discourse. His train is both great and gallant; whereof there be many of his own order of the Annunciation who wear little white crosses hanging by gold chains about their necks, and embroidered upon their cloaks, some like the knights of the St Esprit here but that their crosses are made of another manner. In one thing the Duke hath much pleased the King's humour, in making much of his little son Cæsar Monsieur, whom at Fontaine Belleau the Duke took in his arms, protesting that it was the finest prince that ever he saw, and wishing that he had a son that was worthy to attend and wait on him.
The King arrived here on Wednesday last from St. Germain's. It is now reported that the King hath granted to the Duke of Savoy the fruition of the Marquisate de Saluces, and that the Duke hath done the like to the King for the Pays de Bresse, the revenue whereof is worth more than the other, but the Marquisate of Saluces being the ancient conquest of this kingdom, it is much wondered at that the King doth so easily yield it, and therefore thought there is some other matter between them than all the world knows of. They say the Duke hath made four great presents to the King, the one being a cup of crystal “that cost 3,000l. the fashion”; the other is a bason, and the ewer to it is made like a horse with a queen sitting upon him wearing a crown all set with very rich diamonds and rubies. What the other are, I cannot learn.
There was to-day a proclamation made defending daggers and knives to be worn.
2 pp. (83. 12.)
J. de Thumery, Sieur de Boissise, French Ambassador, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1599/1600], Jan. Prays him to take back into his service his cook, who had been dismissed for some misconduct.
Holograph. French. Endorsed :—“January, 99.” Seal. 1 p. (178. 114.)
The Countess of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. I was so far carried away by my affection to my brother as I did forget myself, [and] only moved her Majesty for him that hath forsaken the world, and that which troubles me most, abandoned himself. Yet such as love him cannot so give him over, and though you have discouraged me for intreating you to deal for him, I must needs say it were an honourable part in you to seek to pacify, whereby you may gain many thankful hearts, among which number I must acknowledge myself for your willingness to assist me in such suits as I had for myself. Therefore if [it] please you move her Majesty that as she hath promised that though she have recovered some part of my jointure I should enjoy it during my life, so by your favour I may obtain assurance thereof; otherwise I shall still be a suitor to withhold my Lord Treasurer from calling for those rents, which would be a continual trouble to me.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Jan., 1599.” Two Seals over silk. 1 p. (178. 115.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino.
1599/1600, Jan. About eight years ago Sir Horatio made a deed declaring the shares due to Fabricio and Giovanni Andrea Pallavicini, his brothers, in the money lent to the Queen during the lifetime of their father Tobiani, which forms the greater portion of their patrimony.
Lately, the brothers desired to have a copy of this deed, in which they found mention of the bonds of the Queen and of the City of London, and accordingly desired a copy of these bonds also. But to save time, they contented themselves with a notary's copy of one of the bonds of the City of London which mentions the bonds of the Queen. This they took to the Town Clerk of London to procure his certificate that the notary was a notary public and worthy of credit, as is usually done in the case of papers intended to be sent to other places.
But the Town Clerk, after passing the documents and taking his fee, retained them and by the order of the Lord Mayor carried them to the Lord Treasurer, by whose orders he says that he now retains them.
To a petition for their restoration, the Lord Treasurer replies that he does not think it reasonable in the case of debt so far from clear, inasmuch as the Queen declares it to be a debt of the States', and has paid on these writings an annuity for ten years past, and has renewed these bonds three times without any assertion being made that the debt was not a debt of the States'; as indeed appears from the bonds themselves, from a report of Lord Burghley with Secretary Walsingham and Walter Mildmay, who were appointed a commission on this matter, and from earlier documents of the same kind.
But the aforesaid Fabricio and Giovanni Andrea still pray for the return of the documents, lest, having been kept unpaid for 22 years, they now be deprived of the evidence of their debt. Draft petition. Italian. In Sir Horatio Palavicino's hand. Undated. Endorsed :—“1599, Jan. Sr. Ho. Pallevacyno.” 1 p. (178. 116.)
Penelope, Lady Rich to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. Thanks for his kindness, which she would have acknowledged before but feared to be importunate. Prays him to mediate her suit to her Majesty for leave to see her brother. The remembrance of his promise to assist her maintains her hopes.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1599, January.” Two Seals. 1 p. (178. 117.)
Thomas Windebank to Secretary Cecil.
1599/1600, Jan. I thought it good to send the warrant unto you for the poor towns of Ireland and other suitors as soon as the same could be despatched, according to your order unto me; but I forbare to present anything else to her Majesty lest that might have been deferred, and, namely, the bills of wardships, which I fear would be refused this cold weather. In this warrant I remember you mentioned the sum to be 17,000l, and is put in now but 14,000l., yet I trust it be not mistaken. If it be, it must be amended in the bill.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1599, January.” Two Seals. ½ p. (178. 118.)
Jullien Place to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1599/1600, Jan.] Announces his departure. He embarked in a ship of Roscouf a fortnight ago, and has been obliged by contrary winds to stay there till now. He is going straight to Siville, thence to other places : and will not fail to inform Cecil of what occurs. He has given orders at all the places named, i.e., St. Malo's and several other places in Brittany, for the sending to Plymouth, Dartmouth, Exeter, Isle of Wight, and other English places, [of something which he does not specify] : addressed to Maitre Fachin, to be delivered to the Mayor of Hantonne [Southampton], Porsemue [Portsmouth], Dover, &c.. Hears out of Spain that no ships are preparing, and that peace is to be made between England and the Spaniards, but not with the States.
Holograph. Undated. French. Endorsed :—“1599.” 1 p. (250. 30.)


  • 1. Wife at this time of Sir Edward Carye, of Aldenham.
  • 2. Sir Henry Carye, afterwards 1st Viscount Falkland.