Cecil Papers: February 1600

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1600', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp25-46 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1600', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp25-46.

"Cecil Papers: February 1600". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp25-46.

February 1600

William Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil, his uncle.
1599/1600, Feb. 1. It is my greatest grief that I can write unto you nothing worthy your understanding, Italian news so little concerning our State of England. I at this time presume to supply the want of more acceptable matter in sending you the enclosed ceremony of the Jubileo at Rome, which only this year is at Rome, and the next year general; and therefore those which in my absence do slander me with coming hither for remission of sins and to become a Catholic, do themselves injury and not me in reporting so great an untruth. I write not this to trouble you to defend my innocency against these leprous tongues, because it is the nature of certain poor spirits that if such bitter fanns [fangs?] should not have their natural passage, they would presently fall into some grievous disease. But my care is, if it will please you to be satisfied whom most I respect, and to vouchsafe so high a favour to so small a believer, if occasion serve, to satisfy her Majesty that I will come home before next year, which will be the Jubileo, hoping the year after I may obtain leave to come over again.—From Venice, February the first.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1599.” 1 p. (178. 118.)
Sir George Carew to William Waad, one of the Clerks of the Privy Council.
1599/1600, Feb. 1. I understand by Captain Wood that yet he hath not his instructions unto whom he shall deliver his oats which he provides. The fittest man to receive and issue them to the garrison is the commissary for the victuals in Munster. Beseech their Lordships to set down at what rate they shall be issued to the garrison. The price which they cost the Queen is somewhat too high for the soldier, and I fear they will rather suffer their horses to starve than take them at that rate. Ten shillings a quarter is competent in my judgment, in the which her Majesty shall only lose the transportation, which is no great matter; for that quantity which I hope shall be provided in Ireland, the Queen shall lose nothing.—1 February, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (178. 120.)
Sir Edward Denny to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 2. I purchased of her Majesty (only for my health's sake, because I have no other good air to build upon) a manor of my own called Amwell, the remainder of it being in the Crown upon defect of heirs male to my grandfather. My money is received and the book passed both signet and privy seal, the docket signed by my Lord Keeper for the great seal, yet before it was sealed, some urged instigation by my uncle's means hath caused a stay by command from the Queen. If it were known what I have parted with to my uncle, I would not doubt of favour in this. He has before this informed the Queen that I sought to take from him what was his inheritance by conscience though he confessed it mine by law, which moved the Queen to tell my Lord your Brother to hear the matter. My uncle chose my Lord ' Soutch,' he brought his lawyers and I mine, and both Lords will tell you his lawyers confessed that there was no claim of conscience or law against me. Yet to have no, supposition of hard dealing against me, I made the property over to him, and when it comes out of lease will find him a tenant at 100l. It would be tedious to speak of the money he had from me in my nonage, and afterwards confessed his fault, as my Lord Burghley can well tell, and I, suffering the sums taken to go on, confirmed those deeds. So I beseech you to procure a revocation of the restraint.—2 Feb., 1599.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (68. 13.)
Sir Francis Hastings to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 2. I bought in an advowson of the parsonage of Holwal, where I dwell and hold in the right of my wife. But as the parsonage is found in my wife's son's office that is now ward to the Queen, I humbly pray for your presentation to Mr. Darby, a preacher whom I desire to enjoy both in his neighbourhood and labours. I am also to ask you to favour my wife's son, the Queen's ward, in a suit triable before you between Francis and Hussey, about an ancient rate for tithes paid in Blackdowne, which are now sought to be paid in kind. Lastly, on behalf of myself and my fellows, I am to say that we have diligently attended to the levy of horse and foot in this county for Ireland; and though the absence of many has delayed the levy of money, yet this shall be done with all expedition.—2 February, 1599.
Holograph. (68. 14.)
Sir John Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 2. To-night, at 9 o'clock, one Water Gunter, who keeps a tabling house near Temple Bar, brought me the enclosed letter, whose contents may discover unto you out of what spirit it comes, and a letter inclosed in that directed to the Queen. Gunter states that he got the letter from John Cundell his servant, a simple fellow, who says that a man came to the house as said he was Sir Thomas Palmer's man, and that my son had commended him to Gunter, and sent word he would be there next week (being the place he useth when in London), and so delivered the letter to be brought to me. These libellers must be looked to and found out if possible.—1599, Feb. 2.
Holograph.pp. (68. 15.)
The Same to the Same.
1599/1600, Feb. 3. In my former letter I did not explain that I have sent the letter directed to the Queen as I received it, without opening it at all; by the very phrase of the letter directed to me, I conceived it to be done as a wry screw to me. I send two of my men with this, so that if you wish to see me, one may come and tell me, while the other waits your pleasure.—3 February, 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (68. 17.)
John Daniell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 3. Sir Andrew Wyse and Dr. Strong should be carefully watched and their purpose in coming to Ireland discovered. They had promises of more to follow them, and will breed great inconvenience if not cut off in time. If employed in that service, I would undertake it without charge to the Queen. My plan would be as follows. If I found their repair to be within the Earl of Ormond's government, I will crave his aid; if within Munster, that of the Lord President; if in Wexford, that of the Seneschal of that County; if in Dublin County, that of the Lord Deputy or the Justices. I will also acquaint the government with the proper instruments to breed sedition between the chiefs. You may well perceive by my continuance here these seven years and my past conduct that my offer is meant to do the Queen great service at small charge.—3 February, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (68. 18.)
The Justices of Dorset to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 4. In favour of Mr. Thomas Risley, who desires leave to travel abroad.—4 February, 1599.
Signed. George Treviliane, William Spencer, Francis James, Francis Goodwin, George Calfeild. ½ p. (68. 19.)
Richard Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 4. Understanding by Sir John Cutts that he purposes to sell Salisbury Park, five miles from Barnet, I thought fit to let you have notice of it. It is a realty, with leet and court baron, and has good timber on it.—London, Shrove Tuesday, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (68. 22.)
John Howell, Mayor of Exeter, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 6. The bearer of this, Michael Cunnock, as appears by a pass under the hand of Thomas Earl of Ormond, was authorised for the despatch of a packet of great importance to the Queen and Council in post; on the sixth of. February he came to this city on foot; saying he had been robbed, and could not perform his journey by post; accordingly, I thought it right to send on the letter by post and to pay the charge for the bearer.—Exeter, 6 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“At Exeter, 6th of February, at 3 afternoon; received at Honiton almost 7 at night; received at Sherborne at 11 of the clock; received at Andover at 5 o'clock in the morning, being Friday.” Seal. ½ p. (68.21.)
Sir Edward Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 6. Pardon me that I wait not upon you, for though I left the Court but for fear of the pox, I was caught by the back with an ague, which still remains, with an extreme cold and a cough. The messenger that came from my nephew Drury that brought me your letter, is now returned from the country. If you desire to return an answer to the letter, he shall wait on you. He wrote to me earnestly to procure the Queen's thanks to the Lord Ambassador for his favour to him; and will be much bound, if you will use the Queen's name in your letter to the Ambassador. He went away in such haste that he left many things behind him, including a grey gelding. He would be glad if you would let the bearer have a private passport to follow him with the gelding and other things. He finds the Court somewhat finer than he supposed.
I hear that Sir William Spring is very sick, who has a company in the country. If he should die, my nephew would be bound to you if you would procure that company for him. I account him as my own child and truly think he will deserve any honour you may do him. Yet I have seen that the Queen was often well pleased to keep him at home.—From Chanell Rowe, Feb. 6.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1599.” Seal. 2 pp. (68. 23.)
Sir Thomas Egerton to. Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 6. I sent to the Earl of Shrewsbury, whose pain of the stone continues, but is ready for the Queen's service. The Earls of Worcester and Cumberland were both at Court, so that my man could not find them. They might be warned by the Lord Chamberlain or otherwise. I have spoken with Sir D. Drury, and sent to Sir E. Barkley's house in Essex, and expect them this afternoon.—6 Feb., '99.
Holograph. 1 p. (68. 24.)
Henry Thorpe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 7. Offering information of a most infamous libel lately rehearsed unto him with other speeches.—7 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (68. 26.)
Robert Lovell to the Privy Council.
1599/1600, Feb. 8. Excusing himself for not carrying out their instructions for supplies to the foot and horse, by reason of his inability.—February, 1599.
Holograph. Much damaged. Endorsed :—“A Recusant. 8 Feb.” ½ p. (68. 25.)
Robert Bower to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 8. I have to-day at 9 p.m. dispatched the bearer of this with all speed to you.—Salisbury, 8 Feb., 99.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“The Post of Salisbury to my Master.” Seal. ½ p. (68. 27.)
Lord Buckhurst, the Lord Treasurer, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 8. According to your letter I wrote straight to Mr. Skinner for the making of such a bond to charge the £3,000 to be now paid to the Scottish King as usually had been made. His answer I return to you, to the end, in accomplishment of her Majesty's pleasure, there may be a privy seal procured accordingly.—8 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (68. 28.)
Tho. Dudley to Sir Anthony Sherley.
1599/1600, Feb. 8. I account my absence when you were last in the English Court for a great part of my evil fortune, and much more did I hold myself unhappy when I understood of your departure before I could do my duty to you. I hope you will impute it to my then present danger and restraint of liberty. My old master has preferred me to Sir Francis Vere, Governor of Brill and General of the English regiments here, who is very good to me. He is glad to hear of my good fortunes, and speaks honourably of you, thinking that were there but one worthy prince in the world, his virtues are destined for Sir Anthony Sherley's honour. Within these few days he showed me diverse advertisements from different places, and something therein of Persia, which he willed me to send to your father. And understanding of these gentlemen's purpose to travel unto you, was glad of so convenient a means to write, though he is in great haste, being ready with his troops to march against the enemy.—The Hague, 8 February, 1599, Stilo antiquo
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (68. 30.)
Henry Lok to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
1599/1600, Feb. 8. This inclosed I received yesterday, to whose contents I refer the news of those parts. By another from my English friend, I have the like, and farther, that a bark which I appointed to go into the coasts of Spain in the spring, is gone on her journey, by which I trust to have all particulars.—8 February, 1599.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (178. 121.)
Sir Richard Houghton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 8. Being lately informed of a seminary suspected to remain about Lancaster, I did give notice thereof to divers gentlemen thereabouts. Whereupon my brother William Houghton and my brother-in-law Thomas Midleton, finding the seminary at the house of my said brother-in-law, whose father was then lately deceased, did apprehend and send him to me. And myself procured a preacher of learning and gravity to confer with him concerning his profession; who, after some argument, assured me that he found him weak yet obstinate in religion. I suppose he is a far traveller and hath spent some late time in Ireland with Tyrone, and can reveal matter importing the state of that country. Therefore I have sent him to the examination and disposition of your wisdom.—Brinscowes, the 8th of this instant February, 1599.
Endorsed :—“One Atkynson, a seminary priest, sent up.' Signed. Seal. 1 p. (178. 122.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 8. Having gotten the safeconduct signed, I thought meet not to stay the sending of it here included. Her Majesty made some question whether it had not been better in English; howbeit, upon my allegation that I thought it would be better liked in French, for that they might the more clearly understand it, she was pleased to sign it, and that meetly fair and above, because it is directed to her own subjects.—Richmond, 8 February.
[P.S.]—I leave the dating of it to your appointment, and keep Mr. Edmond's journal and the Duke's letter till your return.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1599.” 1 p.. (178. 123.)
Edward Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 9. My fortune is now to follow the wars, having had always heretofore a disposition thereunto; and the rather of late by how much my poor opinion is established of the great worth of Sir Francis Vere, who, I know, doth both highly reverence you and greatly respect those that belong to you. The profession which I have taken upon me will [s] that I vow myself to someone that will protect me (as all men of the like profession doth). I know not to whom my poor service belongeth more than to you.—From the Hague, the 9th Feb., '99.
Addressed : “To my singular good uncle.” Holograph. Seal. l p. (59. 59.)
Herbert Croft to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 9. On behalf of Mr. Richard Davis of Herefordshire, for the place of associate with Mr. Crooke in one of the Welsh circuits in the stead of Mr. Estcourt, who is dead. He is of very honest reputation and in learning well esteemed, and hath been a double reader. Nor will this suit be unprofitable, whereof, though it may be you will not make use as to yourself, you may confer it upon some other, who may be the mover of it unto the Queen, and you but allow of the same. My Lord Keeper, my Lord Chief Justice, or any of that profession will acknowledge his fitness for the post. For the effecting of this, there will be given £100, though to my knowledge he is no party to the offer, yet it is so undertaken that I will be answerable for it. If you like not to be solicited in this matter, I beseech you pardon my boldness. I was loath to defer the motion until your return, lest my Lord Keeper or some other should move in the matter; but I will wait your return for a decision. I see great matters so continually in handling that I despair of effecting my old suit in any reasonable time if I insist upon your only motion. And therefore, I would now entreat this favour, that whereas you did once advise me to offer Sir John Stanhope £100 to be the suitor for it, and that you would then so forward it as you doubted not the effecting of it, you will now break the matter to him as a thing you wish him to undertake, or in some other effectual way; the which I must acknowledge to be a high benefit from you.—Prom my lodging in the Strand, 9 February, 1599.
Holograph.pp. (68. 81.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to the Privy Council.
1599/1600, Feb. 9. With reference to the complaint made by Edward Fairfax, base son to old Sir Thomas Fairfax, against Sir Thomas Fairfax, elder brother of the house, in accordance with your directions, I have called the parties before me, with their witnesses, and find the complaint unsuitable to the nature of the gentleman accused and to the truth. He is a very dutiful and natural son; and as to this particular charge, you shall understand that it was made in the father's name yet without his privity, who was so moved at the insolence of his base son, as calling for his will, he would have quite put him out of it had not Sir Thomas his son entreated him. The gentleman would have presented himself before you had not his father's burial detained him; but now hopes to be thought of as a man unculpable, and that his accuser may be looked upon as he deserves.—York, 9 February, 1599.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (68. 32.)
Advertisement out of France.
[1599/1600, between Feb. 9 and Feb. 17.] The King's visitation journey of his maritime towns in Picardy is turned into a wooing, or rather wedding one to Lyons, whither, it is said, secretly he is going shortly to be married with the Duke of Florence his niece. Which if it be come to his mistress' notice, it is like enough to be the cause of her black mourning weed and sad countenance, which she hath put on since some few days, thinking her pastime will too soon be at an end if that take effect.
The King hath already sent his deputy, the Prior of St. Martin's of this town, to Boulogne to treat of peace; but it is thought for his part that it is rather for a countenance to sit and look on than that he cares much who wins or looseth, that is to say, whether peace or war be concluded.
The King is become very devout in visiting sermons and doing other exterior duties to several churches and convents in this town. Marry! Whether it be his zeal in matter of religion, the respect he carries to this Lenten time of penance, or some other secret design, those that know his humour will soon guess.
The time the King gave the Duke of Savoy to determine of the Marquisate of Saluzo, is thought to have been only for a fashion, and that there is a more straiter correspondence betwixt them than everybody is aware of.
About a fortnight since there was a Gascon burnt in effigy before the Louvre. He had been pardoned before by the King, by the means of the Constable, for having done many ravages with some 28 or 30 horses in that country, and yet after that returned to his pillaging, was taken and put in the fort l'Evesque, whence, having killed or sore wounded the gaoler, he is escaped and like enough to da as much more.
Another gentleman of Normandy, of some 18 or 20,000 livres a year, took to him some 20 or 30 horses, and made war against his own neighbours and kinsfolk, killed his mother and . his friend, and made bravadoes to the Port St. Honoré of Paris, saying he could not live if he made not war. In such sort as the King was fain to send half his regiment of his corps de garde to see if they could take him, but he fled into the woods and such corners as they returned without him.
A Serjeant the last week bringing to a gentleman's chamber the papers or pieces of his adverse party to adjourn him, the gentleman, with the help of his men, caused him to be stabbed in above 30 places, and after let the body alone in the chamber. He is imprisoned, and it is said he will be made an example to all men to know what respect is due to officers.
La Comtesse de Jourigny having given her promise to Mons. Mortimer that had made love to her five or six months, is now married to Mons. le Marquis de Cuvre, frère de Madame de Monceaux, maitresse du Roy. Whereupon the other seeks by all means to come to kill him. Which he, suspecting, goes continually provided, and to that end the King hath given him a guard of Swisses to attend him. The Comtesse lieth sick in bed for grief.
There arrived here some 10 days ago 2 or 3 Englishmen out of Italy, who report that there are 4 or 5 English gentlemen put into the Inquisition.
The Ambassador here is much discontented with the King that after his 20 times desiring audience, and as many promises of the King to give him audience, the King should go to Fontainebleau (“Fonteine belle-eau”) without hearing of him. Some say his chiefest occasion was to move the King to cause an English gentleman called Captain Thinne, that is imprisoned in this town, to be released. This gentleman married a Frenchwoman in England and came over here to sue for some lands he should enjoy by her, and having almost gained his process, his wife's brother, who is opposite, found out a merchant that caused him to be arrested for a ship he took of his at sea 2 or 3 years ago, amounting to the value of 25,000c. The same day he was arrested, he sent to the Ambassador to entreat him to be respondent for him, who answered that, if to moyenate any favour for him from the King, he would be willing and ready, but to be caution for him, he said, to use his own words, that he would not pull a thorn out of another man's foot and prick it in his own. His Lordship makes preparation to follow the King to Lyons, though the contrary hath once or twice since appeared by the arrival of several posts.
pp. (67. 40.)
Lord Grey [de Wilton] to the Earl of Southampton.
[1599/1600, c. Feb. 10.] Your right in nomination of place extends not to my disadvantage, but you propounding divers, I must elect one. To which end you have offered me choice of two : Ireland, France. In the former, how unlikely for us ever to draw sword, the general notice of our question, the respect of our qualities, the danger to those in whose government we must dispute it, concludeth; how disadvantageous to me, the partiality of the deputy, the command and adherents you possess, doth demonstrate. I therefore conclude of the latter, most indifferent, least distant, and expect to hear from you the day you will arrive at Dover; the sooner, the more will be your honour, the less your impediment to Irish affairs. I seek not disputation but a speedy and honourable conclusion. Grey.
Holograph. Undated 1 p. (68. 56.)
The Earl of Southampton to Lord Grey [de Wilton].
[1599/1600, c Feb. 10.] Though I love disputation in this kind as ill as any, yet understand I so well how to maintain my right as I shall not lose the least part of it; what offer I made you in my first letter I will be ready to perform, which, if you read again, you will find France not spoken of, unless I go not into Ire [land]; for how little leisure I can have to make other journeys before my departure, you may easily imagine, since my Lord M[ountjoy], to whom I am engaged for that design, is appointed to take his leave on Sunday next, and after whom if I stay any time, it is likely I am detained by some occasion of that importance as will tie me to this place and not yield me further liberty. Ir [eland], therefore, is the fittest and only place I can now appoint to meet you in; the country you know is large, and there are in it many port towns far off from either deputy or governor, to any of which I will not fail to come according to our agreement, and to any doubt you have to receive bad measure by means of some friends or dependants of mine, you may banish the thought of it, for I assure you I hate to think of any unjust proceeding, and therefore will engage myself so far as to undertake you shall have no wrong offered there by any that is tied to me in friendship or otherwise.
Copy in Southampton's own hand. Undated. Endorsed :—“Letter of Southampton to the Lo. Grey.” 1 p. (68. 57.)
The Earl of Southampton to Lord Grey [de Wilton].
[1599/1600, c. Feb. 10.] I wonder you can so rightly censure verbal disputation in matters of this nature, and yet yourself wade so deeply into the error. For my part, I have given no cause to multiply words, but do assure myself you might have been satisfied by my first letter, wherein you know I offered more than I was bound to, making no doubt but that a reasonable answer would satisfy a reasonable creature, which if you be, I have said enough; if not, I will cease to think further of this business, referring to your choice the publishing of what hath past, which I am sure is not such as I shall ever blush to hear it repeated.
Copy in Southampton's own hand. Undated. Endorsed :—“A copy of my Lo. South : letter to the Lo. Grey.” 1 p. (68. 58.)
Nicholas Wolf to William Waad.
1599/1600, Feb. 11. I have received a letter from my Lords of the Council by the hands of Thomas Coulstock, messenger, for 15l. towards furnishing a horse for the Queen's service into Ireland. My neighbours know my readiness to serve the Queen to exceed my ability, but Mr. Felton and his ministers have taken order that I shall not “relave” myself; for at Michaelmas was a twelvemonth they took away two parts of my living to the Queen's use. Wherefore this last summer Sir Walter Covert and divers justices of the peace, upon a call for the furnishing of a carbine for service, certified to the Lord Treasurer that I was not fit to be charged therewith. And this, I trust, will satisfy the Council and yourself.—11 February, 1599.
Holograph. Note in Waad's hand :—“Nicholas Wolf lieth in prison in 'Horsom' Gaol, where he hath lyen these seven years.” 1 p. (68. 33.)
Captain John Baxter to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 12. I was commended over from the Lord President, Justices and Council of Ireland, for my long service, and for lately recovering five pinnaces from the enemy, in which service I laid out my own money, though my entertainment from her Majesty was not paid; this rebellion has cost me 500l.; in Sir Richard Bingham's time I was maimed while saving his life in the wars of the Mac Williams in 1586. I am run deep in debt, and have now spent fifteen weeks here at great charges, and am now like to return unsatisfied unless you have some remorse of my pitiful case. All I desire is the payment of my entertainment and my money laid out. I am bound to you for my present employment, for which I have received 20l. imprest; yet not able to pay my debts before my journey, I would beseech you for 200 marks, and am then willing to forgo the rest of my claim for 203l. 12s. 6d. For which I will be thankful to you and ready to hazard my life for the Queen.—12 February, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (68. 34.)
The Examination of Richard Gifforde, of Chichester, taken before William, Earl of Bath.
1599/1600, Feb. 12. He states that he was born at Dedsham in Suffolk, of Nicholas Gifford and Joan his wife, the daughter of one Winson, a Sussex man; and that, before his departure from England, he was a merchant.
About 5 years ago he sailed with Sir Francis Drake as captain of the barque John Trelawny of Plymouth; but this barque becoming leaky and being old was purposely run ashore, and he was shipped on the Helpe of London, captain Henry Duffell, in the company of Thomas Bridges and eighty other Englishmen. In this ship he and the rest were taken prisoners and carried in different Spanish ships to the Havana, where they stayed 5 months. Thence they were taken to St. Lucar and so to Seville, where he remained a prisoner until the week before Christmas last, after their style. He having some liberty given him to recover a sickness which was broken out in his face and head, made his escape in a boat down the river to St. Lucar, where he was entertained by a Frenchman, a “leedger” in that place, called John Delafevere, by whom he was hidden for ten or twelve days, until a barque, The Desire of Rochelle, freighted for Bristol by Nicholas Buggone, was ready to sail; wherein on the 11th of this month he came to Ilfracombe, where he landed on his way to Barnstaple, intending thence to go to Court and inform Mr. Secretary of what he had discovered in Spain.
He denies to be either priest, Jesuit or seminary. At his first coining to Seville, he was put into a monastery, and went once to the English College, where the chief, one Father Walpoole, tried to convert him from his allegiance.
He says no passengers came with him. During his imprisonment in Seville, he and the better sort had two meals a day allowed them. The meaner sort had one meal. He does not think that this year the King of Spain has any sufficient forces to do anything against England. But that there are twelve new ships of 800 or 1000 tons each making ready “upon the Carine” at a place called the Orcados on the river of Seville between Seville and St. Lucar, which, with two galleys of Naples that wintered at St. Mary Port, are said to be meant for Ireland. Also, six great ships of the New Apostles, which went to Lisbon with 2,000 soldiers, are said to be for the East Indies. The Indian fleet came not home this last year, but remained at Havana, to the number of 30 sail, which are expected at the end of March.
He heard that last year there was a fleet ready at the Groyne to go for Ireland with 12,000 men under the Adelantado and General Ceviaire, which was afterwards sent against the Flemish fleet.
About four months ago two seminaries from Seville and one from Valladolid were sent to England, one to Bristol and the other to Newcastle. They were under feigned names, but he does not know them.
He says that every year fifteen seminary priests are sent to England from the colleges abroad, to remain there for a year; and this he learned from one William Tucker, who is great with Walpoole, being tailor to that college, and was Mr. Hawkins' servant, when he was imprisoned. About 2 or 3 years ago there was a confederacy made between Bolls and Squire by the advice of Father Walpoole at Seville, to send them to England to kill the Queen. They had 1,000 crowns from the Lords of the Contraction House, and a pardon from the Pope for that pretended fact. This he heard from a woman in Seville who saw the money paid, her husband being then in the prison where he and the other Englishmen were Father Walpoole and one Jackson visited the prisoners to convert them, and said that Squire was executed in England, and that Squire was a good subject to the Queen; but he was never more deceived in any man than he was in Squire and Rolls; and that because Squire was inward with Walpoole and knew his secrets.
He supposes that one Stanley was sent over to dispatch Squire or for some other naughty purpose. Stanley is a most lewd and pernicious man, who has denied his prince and country, who betrayed English prisoners in Spain, and was taken out of prison by Walpoole and sent into England.—Signed. “W. Bathon.”
3 pp. (68. 35.)
Sir Robert Dormer to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 13. These letters lately coming to my hands from my son Huddilston, I thought it proper, as heretofore with the like, to send to you. They are the first I have received since his departure. With your leave, I would answer them as to his father's good disposition towards him and further thereby his speedy home-coming.—Wyng, 13 February, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (68. 37.)
JA. Gerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 14. Sick in mind and body, I seek all courses to recover health; and though you have taken into your hands the mediation unto her Majesty of my debts, the importuning of which suit, seeing her inclining mercy towards me, might be forborne, yet the turbulent clamours of my creditors so afflict me that with shame I must press you to procure the Queen's order therein, and pardon my presumption.—14 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Fitzgerald.” Seal. 1 p. (68. 38.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 14. Having now got signed the letter to my Lord of Ormond and to my Lord Deputy for the discharge of the 50 soldiers from “Peyneo” and for Mr. J. Kingsmill's band of foot, I now send the first with a copy for the Lord Deputy, because he may be acquainted with the contents, and the other to retain till you return hither for filling the blank with his Christian name. Mr. Fitzwilliam's bill is also signed, with the warrant for the King of Scots. Upon report of delivery of my message yesterday to you and to my Lord Treasurer and of your further speeches given to me in charge to be said to her Majesty, she showed to be well content therewith (albeit she seemed to wish the matter to be proceeded in that day, had it been possible). I delivered the letters you gave me, as sent to you from the Lord Keeper that morning, and said she would read them another time. This last night and most part of those before, her Majesty hath had very good rest, and is this day very well disposed.—14 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (68. 39.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 14. I told Mr. Boys that the Queen intends the cause to be tried by the University. Did it please you to give letters or directions as to the method of trial, he would be bound to you whether he lost or won.—“Dall allogiamto” 14 Feb., 1599.
Italian Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (178. 124.)
Henry Sothworth to Sir R. Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 15. Prays for the concealed wardship of William Hall, of Notts. Endorsed :—15 Feb., 1599.
Note by Cecil—“Let the title be discovered and an office found, and he shall be preferred in the composition.”
1 p. (P. 72.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 16. Mr. Verreicken arrived at Dover yesterday in the afternoon about 4 o'clock. He is attended only with his own servants, ten in number. Monday next he will reach London. Let me know whether I shall send my barge to Gravesend for him, and what other order should be taken.—Black Friars, 16 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“The Audiencier Vorreyken arrived.” Seal. 1 p. (68. 40.)
John Colville to [Archibald] Douglas.
1599/1600, Feb. 16. By these I have no new matter, only I do confirm what by word I spake unto you, that to my power I will serve you, expecting the like on your part. I will send my letters to Mr. Lok, by whom you may write to me, addressing your letters au Pot d'Estaine a la has ville de Boulogne, ou au Cerf d'Or en Calaice Meantime, where you have access, I look that you will mean my case so far as you may without discredit to yourself, being, as God knows, ruined for my love there where I shall never repent me etiamsi totus illabatur orbis; on the other part, where I may be trusted, your virtue shall not be forgot.—Dover, 16 February, 1599.
Holograph. Addressed—“Monsieur de Douglasse a Londres.” Seal. 1 p. (68. 41.)
R. “40” to R.
1599/1600, Feb. 16/26 Good Mr. R : Yours of the 20th of December I have received, though it has been somewhat long upon the way, and the answer which ere this it may [be] you expected, you could not have, the letter itself coming so late to my hands. As touching the journey therein mentioned, I remit it wholly to that which your uncle Mr. D. W. and F. B. together with yourself shall resolve thereof, and nothing doubt of your desire for the going forward in your spiritual vocation, if so your friends' pretentions might otherwise than with your own person be satisfied, or the end which they pretend prevented, and therefore, what resolution with the counsel of your two friends above mentioned you shall take, you must imagine to be that which for the present is most convenient, and that it concurs with God's will and appointment, for assure yourself, your virtuous behaviour here in this C. was such as your change of course (if so it fall out) cannot breed in men any suspicion of want in you for taking of an opposite to that which herein you were purposed to follow. About your No., you need not have any scruple therein, for it is but conditionally, and you remain without obligation of performance until such time as it shall please your Superior (to whom it was made) to call you to fulfil it, who seeing the impossibility by reason of your contrary course, will not urge you therewith, especially when it shall turn any way to your prejudice.
As for your charges to this Co. for your being there, I doubt not the payment thereof, remitting it to your conscience, which will be sufficient to put you in mind thereof. As for giving of licence to read heretical books, I cannot give to any, neither can our Card. Prot. grant any such leave, except to some particular Pr. which go for England, and that by way of Confutandam when of necessity they must be forced to use them against heretics; and for yourself returning as a secular man, your need will be the less, and it may be that the Archpr. in England, by his authority there, is able to give you leave for your own use only, but of this I am not sure. I have shewed your letter to Fath. Conf., who will answer you such points as therein toucheth him.—26 Feb., 1600.
Contemporary copy interpolated in a manuscript theological treatise in the same handwriting (310. 1.)
Captain Gawbn Harvye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 17. On receipt of your letter concerning the speedy dispatch of this fleet to Ireland, I immediately assembled the masters of the ships at Mr. Pope's house, the Serjeant of the Admiralty, and enquired into the cause of the delay. We will be gone to-morrow. For the charge of conducting the fleet now conferred on me, I hope my diligence will suffice. I hold myself happy in having Captain Play with me. But I must ask for both of us that the Lord Admiral may command Mr. Trevor to rate us for our wages according to the precedent of Captain Fennor and Bredgate, who this last summer were employed alone as Admiral and Vice-Admiral on the coast of Spain. Otherwise we may be put off with some trick at our return, as telling us the books be made up and cannot be altered. This voyage is nothing hopeful.—“The Mynorytts,” 17 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (68. 42.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 18. I send enclosed a letter for her Majesty's signature for Mills, with the copy amended by my Lord Treasurer. To-morrow, after you have showed it to him; pray return it to me. I hear from Mr. Mills that this Ambassador keeps Lent very strictly and most nights forbears his supper. It seems his abode will not be long here.—From my house in Blackfriars, 18 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (68. 43.)
James, Earl of Bothwell to Henry Lok.
1599/1600, Feb. 18/28 Being informed by the party you spoke with at Calais of your continuing friendly desire to have seen me at that time and of your stay some days for that purpose, I think me not otherwise able to discharge myself than by offering you the like, as now being ready to take my journey to Spain, should be glad to embrace the offer of your coming to visit me, and shall stay for the same yet fifteen days. The foresaid party, at your coming to Calais, shall make your convoy where I shall be attending you in place of surety for both. Likewise I have given particular credit to this gentleman my bearer, to whom you may give all trust.—Graveling, 28 Feb., “new styl.”
Holograph. Endorsed :—1599. Seal. ½ p. (68. 52.)
Robert Some, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 19. The Clare Hall business, which it pleases his Grace of Canterbury and your Honour to commend to my care and the rest of the heads of colleges, shall be conferred of as speedily as we can.—Cambridge, Feb. 19, 1599. Signed.
p. (136. 69.)
Juan Ruiz de Arze to Don Alonzo de Velasco.
1599/1600, Feb. 19/29 I sent you by Juan Termonte two statements, one of the cannon lacking to the galleys that started from this place, and the other relating to the armada that left Ferrol on the 25th instant. Now I send you another as to the stores and ammunition the galleys will need up to the end of February, and the money which will be required. A copy of this has been given to the Countess to send to Juan Pasquale.
The Adelantado left as his lieutenant the Count, his son, both for the galleys and for the part of the armada that has remained here. But his mother will really replace the Adelantado.
I would ask you to procure me my pay for attending on the council, which the Adelantado said he could not do.—Coruna, 29 Feb., 1599.
Spanish Endorsed in Cecil's hand :—“This shows the purpose of the Adelantado to leave his son his lieutenant.” 1 p. (68. 54.)
Richard [Vaughan], Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 20. I have seated the Queen's Preachers in Lancashire with as much care as I could, and following the records of presentments made to me and the Judges of Assize of late years, I have put one in every part of the country where there are most recusants—all in her Majesty's impropriations which I thought deserved first her bounty. As to Mr. Midgley, whatever exception may be taken to him, considering the good he has done in the last forty years, and the respect in which he is held, I am resolved for his continuance, unless by superior authority I am pressed to the contrary.—Chester, 20 Feb., 1599.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (68. 44.)
The Attorney General to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 21. Whereas I understand that the Mastership of Clare Hall in the University of Cambridge is void by the death of Dr. Binge, I have presumed earnestly to entreat your favour and furtherance for the bearer, Dr. Playfere, being now Divinity Reader in the same University, and a man that, of my knowledge, is for learning and discretion very meet for that place, having the general commendation of the whole University for his preferment. And, therefore, if you have not so far in promises unto any other, then I beseech you to help him, assuring you that beside that particular good which Clare Hall shall receive, the whole University will be satisfied, and if you will be pleased to set forward his suit, then he doubteth not to procure the Lord Chamberlain and some other noblemen to join with you herein.—At Hatton House, 21 February, 1599. Signed : Edw. Coke.
1 p. (136. 70.)
Sir J. Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 22. I have sent herewith the draught of the proclamation touching coins and bullion to stay the too common transportation thereof, which, after consideration, it would not be amiss that Mr. Attorney had a review of it to foresee in the draught that nothing be overslipped fit to be reformed. I also send some observations on the question, wherein, owing to the many different proportions and fractions, I may have made some oversights, yet I trust it may give you some light on my grounds and principle. The different values, weights and finenesses used in different countries would have made confusion, if stated in detail, and I have therefore only given some overture of my conceptions; but you shall find that while our gold and silver are not valued equally, yet for some reasons I do not advise that the gold be advanced in value, but another way taken, which may profit her Majesty some 20,000 marks a year, keep the coin in the realm and yet draw it in both from France and Spain, and give the Mint about 2,000l. a year. The management of the coin is as important to the State as any other one thing. I find the Merchant Adventurers desire the Queen to have an agent at Emden to govern the estate of the merchants there. If that were done, it would shortly overthrow that trade; and then all the coarse cloths of England will be on the Clothiers' hands, and give occasion of new employment many ways.—Serjeant's Inn, 22 Feb., 1599.
Holograph.pp. (68. 46.)
Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 23. It hath pleased God to bless me with the safe delivery of a son, and being very desirous to have it made a Christian by some of my nearest and best friends, am therefore earnestly to desire you to make me beholden unto you for being a godfather. I would willingly appoint the day of the christening to be the sixth of March; yet to be sure to have the comfort of your own presence, I would most willingly alter it to any other time near at your choice. But if by means of your great employments — which I must not forget — you cannot conveniently come yourself, I would rather be satisfied with such a deputy as you shall like to appoint than no way to have you a party.—Basing, this 23rd of February, 1599.
[PS.]—My determination is to intreat Mr. Attorney and my sister Cicel to accompany you in the christening.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (178. 125.)
H. Alington to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 24. I have lately received a letter from the Privy Council for the contribution of 10l. for the forces in Ireland, directed unto me as the Clerk of Whitehall, a place I have only had one year, and that with smaller profit than it was to my predecessor, and like to be much worse, unless the Council give credit to the Masters of that Court against such as impugn their authority, which was in hearing in Michaelmas term before their Lordships. I am ready in all things to serve the Queen, yet considering the shortness of time, I hope consideration may be had for me. The authority of that Court would be much assisted if it had the assistance of one towards the common law, as heretofore. Otherwise, the reward I have for my services under your father will be but slender.—Tynwell, 24 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (68. 47.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 25. I received your letters touching the transporting to Calais of one of the secretaries of the Archduke's secretary with letters, and sent them to the Queen's ships then in the Downs, on receipt of which the Vice-Admiral, Sir Alexander Clifford, directed Captain Gore to carry the gentleman over.—Dover Castle, 25 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. Postal endorsement :—“Dover, 25 Feb., 3 afternoon; Canterbury, 6 afternoon; Sittingbourne, 8 at night; Rochester, 11 at night; Dartford, 26 Feb., 6 in the morning.”
1 p. (68. 48.)
Sir Edward Denny to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 25. In favour of Dr. Playford, a candidate for the Mastership of Clare Hall, “who putteth me in mind of ancient friendship and kindness received when we were of one college in the University together,” and constrains me unwillingly to trouble you with this request.—25 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (68. 49.)
Michael Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 25. Her Majesty has commanded me to send you this enclosed of her quarter of an hour's work, willing you to peruse and to seal it, and to despatch the gentleman therewith. You are further to let him know how gratefully she conceives of his services since his being here, that she will not be unmindful of him, and that he shall find her staunch unto him, as at his last being with her she did promise. I shall not be at Court to-morrow, but will wait upon you on my return.
Holograph. 1 p. (68. 50.)
Sir Carew Reynell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 27. I do perceive by Mr. Skinnor that my Lord Treasurer has desired to take order for my money until there be treasure “assingdned” for Ireland, the which is not likely to be “itt his two months.” Wherefore I ask that I may have a warrant to receive presently 250l by way of imprest, both to satisfy the company in the meantime and so avoid dangers which will otherwise befall the place.
And since it has pleased God to add unto your former so general love and honour for the good offices which you have performed towards my Lord of Essex, and the hope of your honourable perseverance for his enlargement, with a servant of her Majesty's to be with him, makes me ask for your favour to be employed to attend him; in which charge I do not doubt to perform my duty to the Queen's satisfaction and for the confirmation and continuance of your love and affection to each other. I am particularly bound to my Lord of Essex; yet so that I will never betray the trust reposed in me, especially in this matter. The particulars I need not stand on, but will come to you or await your pleasure.—From my Lodging, 27 Feb., 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (68. 51.)
Stephen Le Sieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. 27. Has this day received some letters from sundry of his friends beyond the seas, from which he sends the collection enclosed.—27 February, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. broken 1 p. (178. 126.)
— to —
1599/1600, Feb. 28. Since my coming hither I have sounded the pulse of divers men, and found them better affected to me than I imagined, whereby I hope to effect what I promised you. And being warranted that my credit shall there be good again, I thought good to tell you as much. Moreover, I received a message from himself (in answer to a letter wherein I seemed to take unkindly his strangeness upon so small desert) that he was very sorry I should take it so, with protestation that if I were at liberty I should find it otherwise. Will you therefore move Mr. Secretary in my behalf for banishment or removal ? If the first, I will return and soon despatch what I have promised, and send you news of other things also. If that may not be had, let remove be granted under pretence of some letter intercepted, or what other means you please. My health in truth is much decayed and in this place daily more and more, so that in that respect I would crave pity. Try me, and as I deal, so let me find and fare hereafter. Once adventure to give your word in my behalf unto Mr. Secretary, and though you will not credit any such as I am, yet for my sake recall that word, of my faith I would not make you my enemy for more than I will speak, whom, if I might speak withall, I would impart more unto than any man living else, and of such things as I can not commit to paper. I would have written to Mr. Secretary myself now, but durst not presume so much. And in respect the time of year for physic is at hand, and this place so barren of physicians and bad for corrupted bodies, hasten it what you can, and let me receive one dram of comfort from you, who in this place am exceedingly comfortless.—28 Feb., '99, by stealth.
Holograph. Endorsed :—'R.' 1½ pp. (68. 53.)
Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil, her uncle.
1599/1600, Feb. 28. Her great desire was to have seen himself at the christening of her son had her Majesty's business permitted. Leaves the choice of some one in his place wholly to him.—Basing, this 28th of February, 1599.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (178. 127.)
Sir George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. The agents for the city of Cork have acquainted me with the petitions they intend to exhibit to the Lords or the Queen. Many of them are to increase their liberties, which I refused to recommend, because I knew not how far they might prejudice the Queen's service. Another was to beg benefit from the Queen and to annex the same to their corporation, which also I denied to further. Only this I promised, to intercede with you for payment of money due to them for soldiers, the tickets, as they allege, being already “defalken” upon the captains. This I ask your furtherance of; for the service will always need this aid, and I wish that out of all the Queen's debts in Ireland, these should be first paid.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Feb., 99.” 1 p. (68. 55.)
John Meade to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. I understand certain of the Council of Munster have written against me. The Corporation of Cork has written against them to the Justices and the Lord Lieutenant of the Forces, and they can hardly answer the accusations, for which reason they now complain of me. I was never Eecorder of Cork till Michaelmas last, and have made all possible haste hither. I studied law at the Middle Temple (where I received many favours of your father) and have since practised at Dublin, till this wicked rebellion put me in fear of my life, which the rebels greedily thirst after. For a whole year when there was neither justice nor attorney in Munster, I assisted the Lord President of Munster by indicting the rebels there, manifesting my hatred to the cursed rebels, overthrowers of my profession. And now being come hither so suddenly to complain the griefs of the corporation and to pray aid, I expected rather your favour for the corporation than your displeasure.—This instant Friday.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Feb., '99.” 1 p. (68. 59.)
Robert Wingfeilde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. In the beginning of January you commanded me to keep safe one Hastings. He, as all lewd persons do, thinks his punishment by imprisonment more than he deserves, and importunes me daily for his inlargement. Your Honour's poor kinsman.
Signed. Endorsed—“Feb., 1599.” Seal. ½ p. (68. 60.)
Lord Willoughby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599/1600, Feb. Your noble kind acceptance of my affection binds me more than I will labour by letter to make appear unto you, reserving to make demonstration thereof in a more proper description of some services at least, if I have power to do you any. I refer myself and subscribe to your opinion for my general attendance, and shall be very glad to hear of your return, that I may not only acquaint you in private with the state of those things formerly written of, but have the happiness to see you. For the deer, Sir, take no care, for I shall convey them by land and sea. I have a small bark of my own, and from my house to Bourne being but two miles, I can convey them thence by water to Boston and so ship them for London. In my conceit you take the right course, for to have but a little time of sport as you have, and to be long a making of it, the long expectance doth deprive the pleasure of it. I shall give you but deer you have inheritance of, for they have fed themselves often in your father's wood, and it is more than reason they should do the son some service, as ha that owes them vows to do, and so commends you to God.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“February, 1599.” 1 p. (178. 128.)