Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 59

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 59', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 59', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 59". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 59

799. Cecily late the wife of Godfrey de Bello Monte.
Writ to Malcolm de Harley, the escheator, to take into the king's hand all the lands &c. held by the said Godfrey and Cecily of the king in chief of her inheritance on the day she died, and to enquire what lands they held on the day they died &c. 28 July, 18 Edw. I. Endorsed: Mandatum est domino Philippo de Gayton subescaetori in comitatu Norh'.
Inq. (missing.)
Writ of plenius certiorari concerning lands &c. held by the said Cecily of her own inheritance or jointly with the said Godfrey by the enfeoffment of John le Bygod, and commanding free administration of goods to be permitted to the said Cecily's executors, 1 Aug. 18 Edw. I.
Inq. (missing.)
E. Inq. p.m. File 1. (8.)
800. Gilbert de Middelton.
Writ to Thomas de Normanvill, escheator beyond the Trent, 15 Feb. 18 Edw. I.
Inq. (missing.)
E. Inq. p.m. File 1. (11.)
801. Gilbert de Middelton.
Writ of plenius certiorari, 24 Oct. 19 Edw. I.
Northumberland. Extent made at Newcastle upon Tyne, on Friday after St. Martin, 19 Edw. I.
Hertelaw. 140a. in demesne, demesne meadow worth 33s. 4d. yearly, a mill, the farm of a coal mine 13s. 4d., the profit of the harbour where the lord shall find a boat (or boats ?) 10s., &c. held of the king in chief by service of ½ knight's service.
Wallawe and Caldestrother. Land rendering 14s. 6d. yearly held of the heir of Sir William de Medilton, who is in the wardship of Sir J. de Swyneburn, rendering 1d. only for all.
Swyneburn. 25½a. ½r. land, 20d. rent from 10a. land, a cottage, 2s. 2¾d. rent from the mill &c. held of Sir William Herun (?) by service of 1/12 knight's service.
Juliana late the wife of the said Gilbert is dowered by the king's command of a third part of all the above, and so there remain two parts in the king's hand.
Gilbert his son, aged 12, at the gule of August, 19 Edw. I, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (1.)
802. Thomas Basset, of Welleham.
Writ, 13 April, 19 Edw. I.
Leicester. Inq. Wednesday the feast of St. Mark, 19 Edw. I.
Welham. The manor held of Sir Ralph Basset, of Welledon, in chief by homage and service of ⅓ knight's fee. He held nothing of the king in chief.
Thomas his son, aged 18 at the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, 18 Edw. I, is his next heir.
Return from the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to the king (undated and defaced). Having inspected on the king's mandate the rolls concerning knights' fees &c. they do not find that Thomas Basset of Welleham anywhere held of the king, but Ralph Basset of Welledon holds three parts of a knight's fee of the king in chief in the manor of Welleham amongst other fees by barony, of which manor the king's predecessors ... have had wardship after the death of the said Ralph's ancestors. The said Ralph enfeoffed the said Thomas of the said manor without the king's licence, [nor ?] does he show anything whereby it may appear that that demise ought to be accepted; and lest the king should be further cheated of the wardship of the manor, it seems most advisable that the wardship should remain in the king's hand at least until the said Robert [has obtained ?] the king's pardon, unless the king wishes to accept that alienation.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (2.)
803. Walter de Estwyk.
Writ, 25 October, 19 Edw. I.
Bedford. Extent made at Bedford on Saturday after St. Martin, 19 Edw. I.
Estwyk. 2 messuages &c., 136½a. arable, a watermill, 38s. 10d. rent of free tenants &c. held of the fee of Sir William de Monte Caniso (of Edwardeston, whose lands &c. by reason of his transgression are in the king's hand) by knight's service, doing scutage when it runs, and suit of court; 5a. arable held of the fee of Hugh son of John; and 2a. arable held of the prior of Chikesond; and there are due 12s. 8d. yearly for the king's service, 5s. yearly rent to the abbot of Warden, 9d. to Hugh son of John, and 1d. to Henry son of Jurdan yearly.
The said Walter died on Saturday before St. Luke, 19 Edw. I. Simon his son, aged 24 at the feast of SS. Simon and Jude last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (3.)
804. Joan de Basevill.
Writ, 4 July, 19 Edw. I.
[Buckingham.] Extent (undated).
(Unspecified.) The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief for ¼ knight's fee.
Sir Gerard her son is her next heir, and was of full age on the day she died.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (4.)
805. Ralph de Harnehale alias de Arnhal, de Arnehale.
Writ de diem clausit extremum to the sheriff of Nottingham, 28 Aug. 19 Edw. I.
Nottingham. Inq. Friday the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 19 Edw. I.
Arnhal'. A messuage and 3 bovates land in demesne held of John de Neyvill (whose heir is in the king's wardship), rendering 22s. 4d., and to the rector of the church of Arnhal 3s.; and he held 32s. 6d. rent of the same John.
Baseford. An assart with meadow adjacent in the fields, held of John de Cokefeld and Stephen de Pencestre for 2s. yearly.
Lameleye. 2 bovates land in demesne held of Ralph son of Ralph de Croumwell for 16s. yearly; and he held 6s. rent of assize and a messuage with garden, of the same Ralph.
Lameleye. An assart held of the king in chief, rendering 8d. yearly. He held nothing else of the king in chief.
Hoviringham. 1½ rood of meadow held of William Scharp of Hoviringham for 1d.
Ralph son of William son of Ralph Arnhal', aged 19, is his heir.
[Nottingham.] Inq. Tuesday after St. Michael, 19 Edw. I. To the same effect as the above.
Similar writ to the escheator, 1 Nov. 19 Edw. I.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (5.)
806. Ada late the wife of William Corbet.
Writ, 4 Oct., 19 Edw. I.
Worcester. [Extent] Saturday before St. Martin, 19 Edw. I.
Chadesley alias Chadel[ey]. A third part of the manor (extent given) held of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, of the honour of Teukesbury, who has the wardship of two parts of the same manor.
Imeneye alias Ymeneye. The whole manor (extent given) including a grove within the forest, held in dower of Peter Corbet by reason of the minority of William son and heir of Roger Corbet, by fealty; and the said Roger held the manor of Peter Corbet, who does suit for the same at the court of Wychebaud.
William son of Roger Corbet, aged 11 at the feast of All Saints, 19 Edw. I, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (6.)
807. Maud late the wife of William de Hardredishull alias de Hardredeshull.
Writ, 23 Oct. 19 Edw. I.
Lincoln. Inq. made at Lincoln on Monday before St. Edmund the King and Martyr, 19 Edw. I.
Saleby. The manor (extent given) held as dower through the death of the said William of the heirs of Henry de Longo Campo by service of 1 knight's fee, and rendering 10s. yearly to the prior of Sixel', 2s. to Andrew de Nevill, 3s. to Thomas de Riggesby, 20d. to Agnes daughter of William de Strubby, and 16d. to Roger de Strubby.
William, son of John de Hardredishull, aged 22 at Palm Sunday last, is her next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (7.)
808. Philip de Brachesouere alias de Baggesore.
Writ [de melius inquirendo], no mention being made in a former inquisition whether the said Philip held of the king in chief as of the crown or in another manner, 26 Oct. 19 Edw. I.
Salop. Inq. Monday before St. Edmund the King and Martyr, 19 and beginning 20 Edw. I.
Bardeleg. 4½ virgates land held not of the crown, but of the king's escheat through Robert de Beleem of the honour of Stottesdon, and by service of 6s. to the sheriff of Salop for all service, and it is socage.
Firlet. A bailiwick of the forestry similarly held in fee of the king, for which neither he nor any of his ancestors ever did any service to the king except fealty to the chief forester of the county of Salop.
Baggesore. A messuage and 4½ virgates land, held of the prior of Wonlok,' rendering 30s. yearly.
[Richard's Castle.] 1 carucate land in demesne, 8a. wood, 4a. meadow, and a watermill, held of the heir of Robert de Mortuomari of Richard's Castle in the same, rendering 4s. yearly.
Acliton. 12 virgates land held of Sir John de Hastynge of the fee of Wrfeld by service of 60s. yearly, and doing suit at the court of Wrfeld; and he held there 6a. meadow of the same John.
Nortclebury. 2 carucates land in demesne held of Robert de Halchton by service of 23s. 4d. yearly; and he held there 5 virgates and a nook of land, and a moiety of a watermill, of the same Robert.
Coldeweston. ½ carucate land held of Laurence de Lodelowe by service of 1d. yearly; and a plot of land in the same town held of the honour of the castle of Holegot by service of 18d.
Thomas his son, aged 13 and entering 14 at the feast of St. Laurence, 19 Edw. I, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (8.)
809. Hugh Luvel alias Lovel.
Writ of plenius certiorari de feodis &c. 2 Nov. 19 Edw. I.
Wilts. Inq. Tuesday before the Purification, 20 Edw. I.
Sturton. 1 knight's fee with the advowson of the church, held by Ralph de Sturton.
Somerset. Inq. Tuesday after St. Martin, 23 Edw. I.
Myltone. 1 knight's fee held by John de Clyvedone.
Dygeneskove. ½ fee held by William de Dygeneskove.
Redelich. 1 knight's fee and one fee of Mortain (Morthone), held by the heir of Robert de Dreycote.
Brokton. 1 knight's fee of Mortain (in Morthon de Brokton) held by William de Insula.
Southbaruwe. 2 fees of Mortain (per med' de Mortone) held by John Ponsond.
(Unspecified.) 1/8 knight's fee held by Roger de Thorne.
Chyltone. ½ knight's fee held by Robert de Chyltone.
Crydelincote. A fee of Mortain held by the heir of William Franceys and Robert le Harpur.
Alwwardestone. 1 fee held by Richard de Contevile.
Crukett. 2½ fees, tenant unspecified.
Bagedryp. 1 knight's fee, tenant unspecified.
Parva Lopene. ½ fee of Mortain held by the master of the knights of the Temple.
Sparkeford and Baggeworthe. 1½ knight's fee held by Maud Burnell as dower.
Staweye and Hyle. ½ fee of Mortain held by John de Brune, heir of Lady Petronilla le Brune.
Northbaruwe. 1 fee held by John de Barry.
Almonesford. The advowson of the church.
Sussex. Inq. Tuesday after the quinzaine of Easter, 24 Edw. I.
Esthamptonette by Boxgrave. ⅓ knight's fee held by William de Alta Rypa, which was given to his mother in free marriage; ⅓ knight's fee held by John de Chaggely as dower of Alice his wife, of the inheritance of William de Argenteym, which was given with the grandmother of the said William in free marriage; and ⅓ knight's fee held by Olive de Gurnay, doing the royal service pertaining to the same.
Byllyngehurst. 1/20 knight's fee held by William Prat; 1/20 fee held by Alan de Palyngefaud; 1/16 fee held by Ralph Lordei; and 1/26 fee held by Richard de Parco.
Storeghton. 1/10 knight's fee held by Stephen le Frye; 1/20 fee held by Joan de Mari; 1/10 fee held by William Mordaunt; 1/10 fee held by Geoffrey de Pernested; 1/10 fee held by Janyn de la Dene; 1/10 fee held by Roger de Breautey; 1/10 fee held by Robert the cook; 1/20 fee held by Roger de Lygh; 1/20 fee held by Walter Randolf; and ½0 fee held by Olive de Gurnay.
Storegheton. The advowson of the church.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (9.)
810. William Spileman.
Writ (missing).
Southampton. Extent Wednesday before St. Michael, 19 Edw. I. (defective.)
Ebbeford. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by service of ½ knight's fee.
Mulleford. A water mill, 5s. 10½d. rent of freemen, 6s. rent of customers, 3s. rent of hens, works and customs, 30 quarters of salt &c., held of Lady Isabel de Fortibus [countess] of Albemarle by service of 1/37 knight's fee.
Peter his son, aged 28, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (10.)
811. John de Bathonia alias de Batonia.
Writ, 11 Sept. 19 Edw. I.
[Wilts.] Inq. Tuesday the feast of St. Denis, 19 Edw. I.
Hardene Hywich. ½ carucate land held by Walter de Scudemor of the fee of the said John, rendering 20s. yearly, and the said John holds (sic) the same in chief of the heirs of Patrick de Chawrchiis, who are in the king's wardship.
Joan de Boun, daughter of the said John, aged 27, is his next heir.
[Berks.] Inq. Friday after St. Michael, 19 Edw. I.
Uplambourne. 9l. land held of the king in chief, rendering 40s. yearly at the king's exchequer.
Bochamton. 1 virgate land, rendering 20d. at the king's exchequer.
Blacgrave. 10l. land in the manor, doing service of ½ knight to the king.
Bothamton. 3 virgates land held of the prior of St. Fredeswide's, Oxford, rendering 1lb. wax yearly; and 1 hide land held of John Barry, rendering 2s., and 1lb. cummin yearly, and doing homage.
Estbur'. 6a. land, rendering 6d. yearly to the chapel of St. Mary, Lambourne.
Lambourne. 2 virgates land held of William de Plogenet, rendering 2lb. pepper and 5d. yearly, and doing homage.
Uplambourne. 6 virgates land held of the fee of Musard, rendering to Robert Achard 9d. for hidage yearly.
Ashebur' and Edwyneston. 11 virgates land held of the abbot of Glastonbury and of the prior of St. Fredeswide's (Fretheswyde), Oxford, rendering 15s. to the abbot, and 40s. to the prior.
Heir as above, married to John de Boun, and of full age.
Oxford. Inq. 5 Oct. 19 Edw. I.
Glynton. The manor held of John de Moune for ½ knight's fee.
Heir as above, age unspecified.
[Middlesex.] Inq. Sunday after St. Luke, 19 Edw. I.
Stebbenhe. 38a. land, 7a. meadow, and 8s. 8d. rent of free tenants, held of the bishop of London, rendering 42d. yearly, and doing suit at the bishop's court.
Heir as above, of full age.
Essex. Inq. 27 Sept. 19 Edw. I.
Norton. The manor held by the courtesy of England, because he married Eleanor, daughter and heir of Sir Geoffrey de Aunblie, who held the manor of Sir Robert son of Walter de Wodeham in chief, by service of 1¼ knight's fee.
Joan the wife of Sir John de Boun, aged 30, is next heir, because she is daughter and heir of the said Eleanor.
Suffolk. Inq. Monday after St. Michael, 19 Edw. I.
Elmesethe. The manor (extent given) held for life by the courtesy of England, of the countess of Wyst by service of 3½ knights' fees; and there are yearly due to divers lords 3s. 9½d.
Heir as above, aged 28 at the (feast of the) Nativity of St. John the Baptist last.
Norfolk. Inq. Saturday after St. Luke, 19 Edw. I.
Redliswrth. The manor (extent given) held of Reny de Melling by service of ¼ knight's fee to himself and his heirs; and there are due to Sir Roger de Monte Alto 12d. yearly.
Heir as above.
Lincoln. Inq. Saturday the feast of St. Hugh, 19 Edw. I.
Salmandby. A capital messuage, 40a. arable in demesne, 12a. meadow, pasture, 17s. rent of free tenants, and 6l. 19s. 2d. rent of bondmen and cottars, held of the earl of Lincoln by service of 1 knight's fee.
Anderby and Daleby. 66s. 8d. rent held of William de Wyluby, service unknown.
Of the heir enough appears elsewhere.
Lincoln. Inq. Tuesday after St. Hugh, 19 Edw. I.
Pincebeck. The manor (extent given), whereof John son of Henry de Bathonia enfeoffed John son of John de Bathonia, sometime rector of the church of Gerbodesham, who afterwards reenfeoffed the said John son of Henry, and Maud his wife jointly of the said manor, so that after the death of her husband the manor should remain to the said Maud for her life, and after her death revert to the heirs of the said John; the manor was held of William le Vavasur by service of a rose, and of the prior of Spalding by homage and service of 2s. 6d., of the abbot of Croyland by service of 7s. 6d., and of the heirs of Simon de Peckbrigg by service of 4d. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 25 and more.
Lincoln. Inq. Tuesday after St. Hugh, 19 Edw. I.
Benyngton. A capital messuage, 80a. arable in demesne, 80a. meadow and pasture, a wind-mill, 67s. 9½d. rent of free tenants, pleas and perquisites, and two wine-cellars in Boston (Sancto Botolpho) worth 26s. 8d. in the time of fairs, held of the earl of Richmond by service of 10s. yearly for the guard of Richemund.
Wlmersty. A messuage, 47½a. arable, 69a. meadow and pasture, 4s. 8d. rent of free tenants, 4l. 15s. 4d. rent of bondmen, pleas &c.; part held of the earl of Lincoln by service of 2s. yearly, and part of Philip de Kyma by service of 16d. for sheriff's aid.
Of the heir enough appears elsewhere.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (11.)
812. John de Bathonia.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. 25 Jan. 20 Edw. I.
Inq. (missing.)
E. Inq. p.m., File 1. (23.)
813. Roger de Somery alias de Sumerri.
Writ, 11 Oct. 19 Edw. I.
Similar writ, 19 Oct. 19 Edw. I.
Berks. Inq. Monday after All Saints, 19 Edw. I. (defaced.)
Bradefeud alias Bradefeld. The manor (extent given) including 37s. Christmas gift with Stanford (?) (de don' Natal' cum Stanford), held of the king in chief, service unspecified.
Bradef[eud]. A messuage and 1 carucate land, and 39s. 5½d. rent, held of John le Botelir of his own purchase, where Agnes his wife was joined with him in the feoffment, and they render 100s.
John his son, aged 12 and more, is his next heir.
Buckingham. [Extent], Wednesday the morrow of St. Leonard, 19 Edw. I.
Neuport Paynel. The manor (full extent given) including land and pasture in Le Portyfeld, a member of the barony of Dodeleye, which he held of the king in chief, service unknown.
13¾ knights' fees pertain to the manor.
John his son, aged 12 in the month of March next, is his next heir.
Warwick. Extent, Thursday the feast of St. Luke, 19 Edw. I.
Bordesley by Burmigham. A grange, an ox-house, 61a. arable in demesne, a meadow there and others at Dodeston and Overton, pasture, customers holding 6½ virgates land in villenage, 4 free tenants holding 4 messuages and 4 half-virgates land in free socage, and 78 free tenants holding lands of new assart, rendering 12l. 15s. 3¼d. and coming twice yearly to the court of Bordesley.
Bromwych. A park held by John Lovel, rendering 2s. yearly.
Aston and Dodeston. The hamlets, for which Thomas de Maydenheth renders 2s. 7d. yearly.
Burmygham and Egebaston. The manors held by William de Burmygham, with other manors in divers counties, by service of 9¼ knights' fees, and doing suit at the castle of Duddel[eye] thrice yearly.
(Unspecified.) 1½ hide land held by Anselm de Bromwych by knights' service, doing suit at the said castle every three weeks; 1 hide land there similarly held by Henry son of Robert; 1 virgate land there similarly held by Henry de Castr'; 1 virgate land there similarly held by Thomas de Bromwych; and 3 virgates held by similar service by John de Bradewell.
Erdinton. 1 hide land similarly held by Richard Russel; and 1 hide land there similarly held by Henry de Harecurt.
Dodeston. 1 virgate land similarly held by Ralph de Ardena.
Le Echeles, similarly held by William de Castello for 1 virgate land.
Roger de Sumerri held nothing in the county except of the king in chief.
John his son and heir, will be 13 at the feast of the Purification next.
Worcester. Extent, Monday after St. Luke, 19 Edw. I.
Doddeleye. The borough (extent given) including a park, a foreign wood, the pleas &c. of the hundred, the duty of carrying hay from a certain meadow in the county of Warwick to the castle, mines of iron and sea coal &c.; the town which contains 1 hide land was held of the king in chief by barony along with his other lands.
Heir as above, aged 13 on Monday before St. Chad in March next, 20 Edw. I.
Worcester. Extent, Thursday before SS. Simon and Jude, 19 Edw. I.
Cradeleie. The manor a member of Doddeleie (extent given) held of the king in chief by the service pertaining to the barony of Doddeleie.
Heir as above, aged 13 at the feast of St. Chad in March next.
Worcester. Extent, Saturday after St. Luke, 19 Edw. I.
Weleie. The manor a member of Doddeleie (extent given) held of the king in chief by the service pertaining to the barony of Doddeleie.
Heir as above.
Stafford. Extent, Friday the feast of St. Andrew, 20 Edw. I.
Honesworth. The manor (extent given), including a park and fishery, held for ¼ knight's fee, of whom unspecified.
Heir as above, aged 12 on Monday before St. Chad, 20 Edw. I.
Stafford. Extent, Friday the feast of St. Andrew, 20 Edw. I.
Rowelye alias Roweleg. The manor (extent given) tenure unspecified. Heir as above, aged 12, &c.
Stafford. Extent, Friday the feast of St. Andrew, 20 Edw. I.
Mere. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief with all its members (by service of) 10l. 10s. rent at the king's exchequer yearly.
Heir as above.
Stafford. Extent, Friday the feast of St. Andrew, 20 Edw. I. (much defaced.)
Seggesl'. The manor (extent given) and the castle of Duddeleye which is the chief building of the barony, held in barony of the king in chief by service of three knights in time of war in Wales at his own charges for 40 days, including the grange of Byeres (?), herbage of the parks of Duddeleye and Otyngh' (?), and the following knights' fees; the earl of Warr[wick] holds 1 fee, William de Burgmyngham 9 fees and ½ quarter of a fee, Bernhard de Brus 1 fee, William de Overtone 2 fees, Sarra de Pebmor ½ fee, Henry de Haggel[eye] 1 fee, William de Berefort, John de Etone (and) William de Bayloll ½ fee, Ralph Basset of Draycot 1 fee, William Walrant 1½ fee, Thomas de Bradel[eye] ½ fee, Robert Buffor' 1 fee, Robert de Wystone 1 fee, John de Bradewall, Henry de Castell' (and) Thomas de Bromwych ½ fee, Richard de Marham (and) Walter Deverows 1 fee, Anselm de Bromwych ½ fee, William de Cast[ello] ½ fee, and Felicia de Barre 1 fee.
Heir as above.
Kynggeswynf(ord) and Clent. The manors (extent given) held of the king in chief at fee farm, rendering 25 marks yearly at the king's exchequer.
Writ of plenius certiorari de feodis &c. 11 Dec. 20 Edw. I.
Berks. Inq. 4 Jan. 20 Edw. I.
Stanford. The manor with the advowson of the church, held of the said Roger de Somery by Sir John son of Reginald and Oliver de Poncharden, by service of 1 knight's fee.
Yldeslye and Hodecote. The manor, held by Walter de la Poylle by service of 2 knights' fees.
Kyngeston. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by William de Fokerham by service of 1 knight's fee.
Engelfeud, Homeleye [alias Humele] and Cranford. The manor with the advowson of the church of Engelfeud, held by Roger de Engelfeud by service of 2 knights' fees.
Yngepenn [alias Inkepenn]. The hamlet held by Roger de Yngepenn by service of ½ knight's fee.
Offynton [alias Uffinton]. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Walter de Evereus [alias Deveroys] by service of ½ knight's fee.
Compton [alias Cumpton]. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by William de Bellocampo, earl of Warewyk, by service of 1 knight's fee.
Yatyngeden, with the advowson of the church, held by Sir Hugh de Brandeston [alias de Braunteston] and Ralph de Kneoton [alias de Kyneton] by service of 1 knight's fee.
Surrey. Abbingworthe and Patenden [alias Patyndon]. The manors with the advowson of a moiety of Abbyngworthe, held by David de Jargonvyle [alias de Jarkenvile] by service of 1 knight's fee.
Surrey. Middelton. The hamlet held by the prioress of Keleburn by service of ½ knight's fee.
Berks. Bradefeld. The advowson of the church pertained to the said Roger.
Warwick. Inq. 12 Jan. 20 Edw. I.
Burmegham (alias Birmyngham). The manor with the advowson of the church, held by William de Burmegham of the said Roger by service of 1 knight's fee.
Egebaston. The township held by Henry de Egebaston of the said William by service of ½ knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger.
Salna [alias Salegh]. The township held by Mabel, daughter and heir of Ran[ulph] de Rokeby, of the said Roger by service of 1/5 knight's fee.
Les Echelis. 1 virgate land held by William de Castro by service of ⅓2 knight's fee.
Wodybromwych [alias Wodebromwych]. 1½ hide land held by Anselm de Bromwych by service of 1/6 knight's fee.
Erdintone. 1 hide land held by Henry son of Robert by service of 1/8 knight's fee.
Bromwych. 1 virgate land held by Henry de Castro [alias de Castello] for 1/32 fee; 1 virgate land held by Thomas de Bromwych by service of 1/32 knight's fee; and 3 virgates land held by John de Bradewell by service of 1/10 knight's fee.
Dodeston [alias Duddiston]. 1 virgate land held by Ralph de Ardena [alias de Ardern] by service of ⅓2 knight's fee.
Erdinton. 3 hides land held by Henry son of Henry de Erdinton, Henry de Harecourt, Richard Rossel [alias Russel] and Henry Rote, by service of 1 knight's fee.
Wytton. 1 hide land held by John de Dyxel, son of William de Dyxel [alias de Dyxle] by service of 1/8 knight's fee.
Aston and Dodeston [alias Duddiston]. 3 virgates land held by Thomas de Madenhacch of Henry son of Henry de Erdinton by service of 1/10 knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger.
Worcester. Inq. Wednesday after Epiphany, 20 Edw. I.
Middelton. The township held of the same Roger by John de Middeltone by service of ½ knight's fee.
Selleye. The manor held by John de Selleye by service of ½ knight's fee.
Frankeleye. The manor held by Nicholas de Fwethampstude [alias de Whethamstede] by service of ½ knight's fee.
Belne. The township held by William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, by service of 1 knight's fee.
Haggeleye. The township with the advowson of the church, held by Henry de Haggeleye by service of 1 knight's fee.
Pebbemore. The manor with the advowson of the chapel held by the lady of Pebmore by service of 1 knight's fee.
Old Swyneford. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Bernard de Bruys by service of 1 knight's fee.
Wornelegh [alias Wernelegh]. The manor held by William de Fokeram [alias Fokeram] by service of 1 knight's fee.
Chirchulle. The manor held by the prior of Doddelegh [alias Duddeleye] by service of ¼ knight's fee.
[Stafford.] Inq. made at Duddeleye on Saturday before St. Thomas, 20 Edw. I.
Evenefeld. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Andrew de Evenefeld of William de Burmyngham by service of 1 knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger by the same service.
Morf'. A moiety of the township held by William de Burm[yngham] by service of ¼ knight's fee; and the other moiety held by Henry de Morf' of the said William by service of ¼ knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger.
Wombourne, Overtone, Oxeleye and Bradeleye. The townships held by William de Overtone by service of 2 knights' fees.
Byschebury. The manor with the advowson of the church, and with the townships of Overepenne and Russhale, held by Ralph de Biscebury of William de Burm[yngham] by service of 1½ knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger.
Little Barre. The township held by John de Parva Barre of the said William by service of ½ knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger.
Pirie. The township held by the lord of Pyrie of the said William by service of 1 knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger.
Amelecote. The township held by William de Stafford of the said William de Burm[yngham] by service of ½ knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger.
Tresel. The township, and a moiety of the township of Seysdone, held by John de Tresel of William, heir of Robert Walraund, by service of 1 knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger.
Seysdone. The other moiety held by Thomas de Bradeleye of the said Roger by service of ½ knight's fee.
Netherpenne. The township held by Robert de Bufferry [alias Boffery] by service of 1 knight's fee.
Humeleye. The manor held by William de Bereford and John de Etone by service of 1 knight's fee.
Essington. The township held by John de Cave and Hugh de Cave of Robert de Fwyston [alias de Swyston] by service of 1 knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger.
Barre. The manor held by Felicia de Barre of Hugh de Plecy [alias de Plescy] by service of 1 knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger.
Bromwiz [alias Brumwyz]. A moiety of the manor held by Walter de Everos [alias Deveroys] by service of ½ knight's fee; and the other moiety held by Richard de Marham by service of ½ knight's fee.
Patingham. The manor held by Ralph Basset by service of 1 knight's fee.
Fortone. The advowson of the church.
Kingeswyneford. The advowson of the church.
Clent. The advowson of the church with the chapel of Rouleye.
Honeswrthe. The advowson of the church.
Lotteleye [alias Lutteleye]. The township held by Philip de Lotteleye of Henry de Haggeleye by service of ¼ knight's fee, and by him of the said Roger.
Extent of advowsons of churches (undated), being a summary of those mentioned above.
Extent of knights' fees (undated and defaced), being a summary of those mentioned above, with the additions following:—
[Buckingham.] Tyringham. 1 knight's fee held by Roger de Tyringham.
Emberton. 1 fee held by Roger de Tyringham, Philip de Monte Gomeri and the heir of Roger de Furneys.
Checheleye. 1 fee held by William Mordaunt.
Egeney. ¼ fee held by Robert de Egeney.
Astwode. ½ fee held by the heir of Robert de la Rokele.
Craule. ¼ fee held by the heir of Simon de Pateleshull.
Caldecote. ¼ fee held by John de Lovent.
Wlston. ¼ fee held by Richard son of Henry the clerk of Neuport.
Mersh Gibwyne. ½ fee held by Edmund ...
Hogeston. 1½ fee held by William de Burmingeham.
Ovinge and Mershton. 2 fees held by William de Penros.
Eselburgh. ½ fee held by William de Cantilupo.
Stokepogeis. 3½ fees held by Robert Pogeis.
Bernak'. 1 fee held by John de Solley.
[Rutland.] Tolthorp. 1 fee held by William de Tolthorp.
[Huntingdon.] Wyrsseleye. 1 fee held by William de Wyrsseleye.
[ (fn. 1) Wilts. Stepellavington manor, extent.
Cnabbewell juxta Draycote.
Oxford. Mershbaldington manor, extent.
Hayford manor ad pontem, extent.
Wales. Caircradoke manor in Irchenfeld. Rictir manor.
Buckingham. Tyringham church.
Emberton church.
Ekeney chapel.
Heggeston church.
Bernake church.
Rutland. Tolethorpe church.
Huntingdon. Werseley church.*]
Writ of certiorari on the complaint of the heirs and executors of the said Roger that the escheator had taken into the king's hand the manor of Rowele which William de Ettelinges had granted to the said Roger by charter for life or for twenty years, 11 Nov. 19 Edw. I.
Stafford. Inq. Thursday the eve of St. Thomas, 20 Edw. I.
Roweleye. The manor was held by Sir Roger of Sir William de Etlynges for life, and if he should die within twenty years of the making of the charter his heirs and executors should have the manor until the end of the twenty years, as is more fully contained in the charter.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (12.)
814. Miles Talbot son of Richard Talbot.
Writ (missing).
Dublin. Inq. taken before W. de la Haye, escheator of Ireland, concerning the value of the wardship of the manor of Molachyde, now in the king's hand, on Thursday before SS. Simon and Jude, 19 Edw. I.
Molachyde. The manor held of the king in chief is worth 23l. 11s. 102/3d. yearly, besides the dower of Eleanor, late the wife of the said Miles.
Balyregin. 1 carucate land which is of the said tenement of Molachyde, held by Guy (?) (Wyo) Cokerel for a term which is not past by the grant of Richard Talbot, father of the said Miles, worth 106s. 8d. besides the dower of the said Eleanor.
C. Edw. I. File 59. (13.)


  • 1. So given in the Calendar printed in 1806, but not now to be found on the documents.