Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 42

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 42', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 42', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 42". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 42

571. Lady Isabel de la Haye.
Mandate from H. de Bray, escheator, to Robert de Perers, sub-escheator in co. Sussex, reciting writ dated 8 Sept. 13 Edw. I.
Sussex. Inq. Sunday before St. Michael, 13 Edw. I.
Brembeltye. The manor (extent given) held of the barony of Laigle, which Queen Eleanor the king's mother holds, by service of suit at the hundred (court) of Rodeleswelle; and it is a member pertaining at Jevingetone.
Levertye. The manor (extent given), held of John Peverel by service of 5s. 9d. yearly.
She died on Tuesday before St. Giles, 13 Edw. I. Baldwin her firstborn son, aged 23 at the feast of St. Leonard, 12 Edw. I. is her next heir.
Sussex. Inq. Saturday after St. Matthew the Apostle, 13 Edw. I.
Jevingetone and Lampham. The manors (extents given) held of the honour of Laigle for 1¼ knight's fee, rendering 8s. yearly for the guard of the castle of Pevenese. And 11¾ knights' fees were held of the said Lady Isabel in the county, rendering to her for the guard of the said castle ½ mark for each fee, viz.—
Prestone. 1 fee held by Luke de Poning.
Holindale. 1 fee held by William de Holindale.
Aubesend (?), Franstrete, Bugele and Ramesherst. 2 fees held by Andrew de Saukevile.
Rattone. 1 fee held by William de Goldingeham.
Cherletone. 1 fee held by William Graundin.
Bortone. 2 fees held by the coparceners of Burtone.
Craulinke. ½ fee held by William de Echingeham.
Burne. 1 fee held by the heirs of Hertefeud.
Chitingelegh, Derne, Cobeford, and Ebryscesham in Walderne. 1¾ fee held by William Maufe.
Rattone. ½ fee held by Richard Hereward.
And Queen Eleanor holds the said honour of Laigle with the advowsons of the churches of Jevingtone and Alfrichestone.
Heir and date of death, as above.
(See No. 193.)
C. Edw. I. File 42. (1.)
572. Maud, daughter of Hubert Husee.
Writ, 26 Oct. 13 Edw. I.
Wilts. Extent, the eve of the Passion of our Lord, 14 Edw. I.
Fyhelden. A messuage not built, a free fishery, a third part of 2 watermills, 51a. arable in demesne, 3a. meadow, pasture, 14s. 8d. rent from three free tenants, 24s. from two customers, 3s. from two cottagers, view of frankplege &c.
Tidecombe. A messuage, 18a. arable, 1a. wood, pasture, and 18d. from a free tenant.
Corsleyghe. A messuage &c., 14a. arable, and 2d. from a free tenant.
All held of Henry, son of Henry Esturmy, of the inheritance of Margaret his wife, daughter and elder heir of the late Hubert Husee by service of
finding a third part of an armed man and barded horse in the king's army in time of war, for a third part of the inheritance of the said Hubert.
Margaret, wife of the said Henry Esturmy, aged 24, and Isabel, daughter of the said Hubert, aged 14, sisters of the said Maud, are her next heirs.
(See No. 549.)
C. Edw. I. File 42. (2.)
573. William de Bykeleye alias de Bikele, de Bikalegh, the younger.
Writ, 27 July, 13 Edw. I.
Somerset. Inq. Saturday after the Decollation of St. John, 13 Edw. I.
Holewale. The manor was held by (Sir) William de Bikele the elder, his father, of the king in chief by service of ½ knight's fee of Mortain, whereof Eva late the wife of the said William the elder is dowered of a third part, and the said William the younger was seised of two parts (extent given) which he held by the service aforesaid.
He died without heir of himself. Henry de Bikelegh, his uncle, aged 40 and more, is his next heir.
Devon. Inq. Monday after the Assumption, 13 Edw. I.
Bikelegh. The manor was held by William de Bikelegh the elder, viz.—a third part of the countess of Devon by serjeanty of keeping her falcons, and two parts of the fee of William de Moun, rendering 54s. yearly for all service. Eva late the wife of the said William the elder, is dowered of a third part of the said manor, and the said William the younger was seised of two parts thereof (full extent given with names of tenants), by the services aforesaid.
Henry de Bikelegh, brother of Sir William of the same, is his next heir, and of full age.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (3.)
574. Nicholas de Neville alias de Nevyle.
Writ, 24 April, 13 Edw. I.
[Lincoln.] Extent, the morrow of St. Botulph, 13 Edw. I.
Redeburn. The place of a capital messuage not built, 111a. arable, 13a. meadow, another meadow in the marsh, a fishery in the river of Ankholm, 38s. 5d. rent of free tenants and a cottage in which he used to stay; of all which the said Nicholas held a third part of the king in chief, as a fifth part of the barony of Redburn through the death of Margaret his wife by the courtesy of England, and by service of a fifth part of 2 knights' fees; and two parts he held of Ingram Folenfaunt and Henry de (sic) Tyeys and their wives, parceners of the same barony, by exchange of lands &c. in co. York which are not held of the king.
Harpiswelle. The advowson of the church pertains to the aforesaid tenement
Roger son of the said Nicholas and Margaret his wife, aged 26, is their next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (4.)
575. Geoffrey de Nevyll alias de Nevile.
Writ, 26 March, 13 Edw. I.
Lincoln. Extent, Wednesday before St. George, 13 Edw. I.
Appelby. The manor (extent given), held of the inheritance of Margaret late his wife, of the king in chief by a moiety of doing one serjeanty in
the king's army; and 5a. meadow and a moiety of a watermill and windmill, held of his own purchase, rendering a rose chaplet to the heirs of Hugh de Nevyl.
John his son is his next heir, and aged 14 as the jury believe, but of the day they are ignorant because he was born in northern parts.
Writ, 26 March, 13 Edw. I.
Lancaster. Inq. Wednesday the feast of St. Mark, 13 Edw. I.
Horneby. The manor (extent given), including the pasturage (agistamentum) of Reburndale, 13s. 6d. of free service of the burgesses of Horneby, and the fishery of all the waters, held of the king in chief for ½ knight's fee, and it is of the inheritance of Margaret sometime his wife. He held nothing of his own inheritance in the county, nor of others.
Tunstall. 4l. 4s. free service yearly.
Melling. 70s. from farmers and cottars.
Wraton and Braconsberh. 40s. free service.
Ergum. 9l. 5s.
Wennington. 3s. 7d. free service.
Wra. 12s. from two free tenants, and 108s. from farmers and cottars.
Farleton and Cancefeld. 6 carucates land held by Sir Richard de Cancefeld by knight's service of Horneby manor.
Heir as above, aged 16 on the day of St. Laurence next.
York. Inq. (undated.)
Hoton Lungevilers. The manor (extent given with names of tenants), including 4a. meadow in Hungerigge, held of the inheritance of Margaret late his wife, of Sir Roger de Moubrey in chief for homage and service.
Farnelay. The manor (extent given), similarly held of the earl of Lincoln for homage and suit at his court at Pontefract.
Kirkeby. The manor (extent given), similarly held of the said earl for homage and service.
Gayrgrave manor, Colling and Conidlay (extent given), similarly held of the honour of Scippton, service unspecified.
Brerley. A moiety (extent given), similarly held of the earl of Lincoln, service unspecified; and he held there of the said earl for homage and service, a manor, 60a. in demesne lands, 12a. meadow, 3s. from the park, 5s. from foreign wood, ½ mark from a fishpond, and 5l. 8s. 0½d. yearly rents, which he bought of Hugh de Nevile.
Heir as above, aged 16 at the feast of St. Laurence next.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (5.)
576. John de Meriet.
Writ, 20 March, 13 Edw. I.
Lincoln. Extent, Saturday before St. George, 13 Edw. I.
Castelcarlton. The manor (full extent given), held of John de la Hay by service of ⅓ knight's fee, and he rendered to Richard de Riston 2lb. pepper, 2lb. cummin, and 1d.
John his son is his next heir, but of his age the jury are not certain, because he was not born in these parts.
Somerset. Inq. Saturday the feast of SS. Tiburcius and Valerian, 13 Edw. I.
Meryet. The manor (extent given) including pasture in the park called Eggewoude, pasture in La Garstune, and Slapusweye, and the advowson of the church, a moiety held of the king in chief for 1 knight's fee, and the other moiety of the earl of Gloscestre for 1 knight's fee.
Boclonde. The advowson of the church pertains to the manor of Meryet.
Lopene. The manor (extent given), held of Hugh Punz in serjeanty by enclosing a plot in his park of Corymalet containing 2 perches.
Stratton. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief pertaining to the manor of Meryet.
Heir unspecified.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (6.)
577. John Clerbek alias Clerebek.
Writ, 16 March, 13 Edw. I.
Suffolk. Inq. Thursday after Whitsunday, 13 Edw. I.
Aketon. A messuage &c., 110a. arable, 5a. meadow, 4a. pasture, 20a. wood, 40s. rent of assize, customary works &c. held of the king in chief of the honour of Peverel by service of ½ knight's fee, doing suit at the court of Peverel at Hatfeld.
He died on Sunday before St. Andrew in the said year. His three sisters, Joan aged 24, Isabel aged 22, and Alice aged 20, are his next heirs.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (7.)
578. John de Wyndesore.
Writ, 5 Nov. 13 Edw. I.
Southampton. Inq. Thursday after St. Edmund, 14 Edw. I.
Elledestok. The manor sometime held of Henry de la Charite and his heirs doing 1d. yearly to them, and to the bishop of Winchester scutage when it happens viz.—2 knights' fees; but he enfeoffed Geoffrey his son of the manor, with all the goods and chattels there many days before he died, so that he had no fee there on the day he died.
He died on Wednesday after St. Luke, 13 Edw. I. Alice, daughter of Hugh his first-born son, deceased, aged under 3 years, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (8.)
579. John de Britannia, earl of Richemund.
Writ, 12 Oct. 13 Edw. I.
[York.] Extent, Tuesday after St. Martin, 13 Edw. I. (defaced.)
Richmond, with the castle and honour, held of the king in chief (extent given). Free tenants hold of the earl in chief and render 16l. 0s. 2½d. guard.
Richmond. Held by the burgesses with the free borough, with its markets and fairs, 24 bovates land, and the whole pasture of Wyteclyf with the moors and pastures, of the said earl in fee farm by charter, rendering 32l. 6s. 8d.; and 4l. yearly from Thomas son of Geoffrey de Rich[mond].
Forsette (extent given).
New Forest:—
Swintenhow. The vaccary worth 10l. 13s. 4d.
Hoppe. The vaccary worth 10l. 13s. 4d.
Arkelgarht. Farm of houses 30s., farm of Robert de Appelgarht 20s., and farm of the mill 30s.
Langthwaytte. The vaccary worth 66s. 8d.
Eskerlyht. 60s.
Le Kuawhe. 4l.
Faggardgile. 100s.
(Unspecified.) An enclosure, 13s. 4d.
Sterthwaytte. 66s. 4d.
Walter Gille. 6s. 8d.
Kydelahowe. 53s. 4d.
From the lord's mine, 4l.
Gilling (extent given).
Free tenants in fee:—
Skaregile. From William de Skaregile 12s. yearly for Skaregile.
Saddeberge. From William de Saddeberge 5s. for Saddeberge.
Midelton. From Roger Minhotte 10s., from Henry de Midelton 7s. 3d., and from Thomas de Huckerbi 6 barbed arrows price 1d.
Estboleton. From William de Scrope 9s.
Boleton. From William Rodekyne 1d.
Daneby. The manor (extent given).
Multon (extent given with names of tenants including the abbot of Fountains and the master of the Knights of the Temple).
Caterik (extent given).
Bowes and Bolleron:—
Bowes. The castle, and the keepership of New Forest, Hope and Arkelgarht (extent given), including Gratsiflatte and Staynhowkeld, held by Sir Gichard who renders 67s. 4d. yearly; 26s. 8d. from the hospital upon Staynmore; 6s. 0½d. from a custom called Kugelde; a watermill in Bolleron worth 40s.; toll of mills held for life by Alan de Ulvesowe by the earl's charter, rendering 46l. 13s. 4d.; 12 bovates land held by Stephen de Bowes, rendering 13s. 4d.; and from John de Appelgarht 1d.
Aldeburh. The manor, demised by the earl's charter to Arsculf de Clesebi for life, who renders ...
Baynbregge (extent given).
Baynbregge forest. 10 vaccaries, viz.—Birtresatte worth 60s., Beredale 60s., Moursette 8l. 6s. 8d., Stalunbusc 6l. 6s. 8d., Cuntelsatte 7l., Snaysum 43s. 4d., Sleddalgayle 70s. 8d., Welpesattehowe 40s., Appeltresate 6l. 6s. 8d., and Mosedale 70s. 8d.; 126a. meadow in Sandilcrokes, meadows called le Parke and le Munkeholme, a fishery, and 9l. agistment of the town and forest.
Pleas and perquisites of the courts of Rich[mond] in divers places 10l.
Wapentake fines, viz.—Gilling, Hang [and] Alikelde 22l.; and perquisites of wapentakes 12l.
All the aforesaid lands &c. are held of the king in chief by service of 4 knights; and there are in the honour of Rich[mond] 63 knights' fees.
He has a son, named Arthur, aged 21 and more.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (9.)
580. Robert de Ros of Beuveyr alias Beuvayr.
Writ, 4 June, 13 Edw. I.
Northampton. Extent (undated).
Stok Daubeney. The manor, held of the king in chief of the honour of Beuver and of the inheritance of Isabel his wife.
William his son, aged 30, is his next heir.
[Nottingham.] Extent, Tuesday after St. Barnabas, 13 Edw. I.
Orston (extent given), held of the king in chief of the inheritance of Isabel, sometime his wife, daughter and heir of William de Aubeny, who is 52 years of age.
[Lincoln.] Extent, Saturday the eve of St. Botulph, 13 Edw. I.
Melton. The manor (extent given), including 41 bovates land, whereof the said Robert enfeoffed Alexander de Kyrketon and his heirs of all the rents, reserving to himself small customs worth 20s. 6d. yearly, held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee.
Heir as above, aged 30 and more.
Lincoln. Extent, Saturday the eve of St. John the Baptist, 13 Edw. I.
Offinton. The manor (extent given), with 16 tenants in Depyng rendering 72s. 5d., and a free fishery in (the) Weylaund, held of the king in chief as member of the manor of Beuver, service unknown, and it is of the inheritance of Isabel his wife, who is 50 years of age.
Lincoln. Extent, the day of St. Botulph, 13 Edw. I.
Wraggeby. The manor (extent given), with the advowsons of the churches of Wraggeby and Houton, held of the king in chief by service of 2 knights.
Heir as above.
Lincoln and Leicester. Extent, Thursday before St. John the Baptist, 13 Edw. I.
Beuver. The castle and manor (extent given), including lands in Wlstorp.
Botelisford. A member of the manor of Beuver (extent given).
Redmyld. A member of the manor of Beuver (extent given).
Muston. 30d. and 1lb. pepper of rent and guard.
Normanton. 13s. 4d. rent and 15¼d. for castle guard.
(Unspecified.) From other small fees in co. Leicester for castle guard, 57s. 8½d.
From fines, perquisites of courts &c. 40s. yearly.
All held of the king in chief, service unknown, and of the inheritance of the said Isabel, who is of full age.
Writ, 4 June, 13 Edw. I.
York. Extent, Tuesday the morrow of St. Barnabas, 13 Edw. I.
Hamelack. The manor with its members (extent given), including a castle and a meadow called Haghe.
Neuton. A member of the above manor (extent given).
Pocle. A member of the above (extent given).
Bildesdal. Held by the prior of Kirkeham in fee, rendering 13s. 4d. yearly.
Ricolf. Held by Sir John de Steyngrave, rendering 2lb. pepper.
Freste. 2s. of free farm.
Manors of the fee of Hamelack:—
Husum. The manor (extent given).
Leming. 4 bovates land of the same fee, and 4 bovates held of Robert le Chaunberleyn by service of 6d.
Skirpenbeck. 15s. rent of assize.
Gerwardby. 5s. yearly.
Barton. 2s.
Wiuestowe. 12d.
Garton. A capital messuage, 24 bovates land in demesne, 2 bovates in bondage, 5s. rent, 17 cottages, a windmill and an oven.
Linton. The manor (extent given), including a pasture (called) Thacker.
All the above held of the king in barony by service of 2 knights' fees.
Wartriam. 19½ bovates land in bondage, 5 cottages, and 14s. 6d. from free tenants, held of the king of the fee of Trussebut.
Withone. A messuage, 14 bovates land in demesne, 29 bovates in bondage, 63s. 11½d. rent of assize, 10 cottages and a moiety of a watermill, held of the same fee.
Seton. A messuage, 18 bovates land in demesne, 7 bovates in bondage, 8d. rent, 7 cottages, 80a. land, and a pasture called Fulnath, held of the king of the same fee.
Fulforde. 3 tofts and 8 bovates land held of the same fee.
All the above held of the barony of Trussebut, but by how many knights' fees is unknown, because the greater part of this barony is in co. Lincoln.
Ros in Holdernes. A part of the manor worth 5s. 8d. yearly, 11¼ bovates land in demesne, 16 bovates and three parts of 1 bovate in bondage, 12s. and 14s. 4d. rent from free tenants, 9 cottages, a meadow called Tunstalker, a windmill, a fishery (called) Pidesse, and a court of freemen (curia liber'), held sometime of the earl of Albemarle (Abmarl') and now of the king by escheat (through) the death of Avelina sometime the heir of Albemarle, by service of 1 knight's fee; and part of the said chief manor worth 40d. yearly, 32 bovates land and 9 cottages, held of Sir Herbert de Sancto Quintino by knight's service.
Monkewyk. 19 bovates land and 12s. 6d. free farm rent, held of the provost (proposito) of Beverley by service of 30s.
Hornse. A toft and a fishery held of the abbot of St. Mary, York, by free service of 6d.
Storyweyt. The manor and park (extent given), held of Sir John de Vesci by knight's service.
Medelbornn (extent given), held of the said John de Vesci.
Of the same fee of Vesci there are rents of assize yearly, viz.—
Britton manor. 1 sore sparrowhawk from Sir Herbert de Ros.
Welewetoft. 22d. rent from 2 carucates land of the same fee.
Folkerthrop. 2s. 6d. for 12 bovates land from John de Cokerington.
Bubwyth. 4s. yearly from 6 bovates land.
Swanneslond. A messuage, 80a. land and 4d. rent from a free tenant, held of Sir John de Vesci.
All the above held of Sir John de Vesci by service of 1 knight's fee.
Heir as above, aged 32.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (10.)
581. Roger la Suche alias la Zouche.
Writ, 15 Oct. 13 Edw. I.
Leicester. Extent, 14 Nov. 13 Edw. I.
Esseby la Zouche. The manor (extent given), held of the honour of Winchester for 1 knight's fee.
Alan his son, aged 18 on the day of St. Denis, 13 Edw. I., is his next heir.
(See No. 734.)
C. Edw. I. File 42. (11.)
582. Roger de Northwode.
Writ, 15 Nov. 13 Edw. I.
... Extent, ... St. Andrew the Apostle ... (fragment).
Co ... The manor (extent given) ... de Sancto Michaele, son of Laurence ... of Sir Robert de Raleye chief ... John his son ... St. John the Baptist, (is his next heir).
... Extent, ... St. Andrew the Apostle ... (fragment).
Sch ... The manor (extent given) ...
[Surrey.] Inq. Tuesday after St. Andrew the Apostle, 14 Edw. I.
Suthwerk outside the city of London. A messuage in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen held of the prior of St. Mary in Suthwerk for 1lb. cummin; a messuage in the parish of St. George in Suthwerk held of the prior of Bermundeseye doing 14d. yearly; and 3 shops in the parish of St. Olave held of William Hardel, rendering 1d. yearly.
Lamhethe. A messuage held by Beatrice de Lamhethe rendering 6s. 8d. yearly to the said Roger, and 1d. to the heirs of Walter Wyket.
Lamheth and Camerwell. 5a. meadow in the fields, whereof 2a. held of Maurice de Lamheth by service of 8d. yearly, and 3a. land of Amice Knotte by service of 1d. yearly.
London city. A house of the Cutlers opposite the conduit, held by the brethren of St. Thomas Acon, rendering 12l. yearly to the said Roger, which house pertains to the manor of Thorneham, co. Kent, which is held of Sir William de Say; a house in Quenhethe, pertaining to the said manor held by the said Roger; and a house in the parish of St. Antolin, pertaining to the said manor, held by Adam de Allakeny (?), rendering 5 marks yearly to the said Roger.
He died on Friday before St. Martin, 13 Edw. I. John his son, aged 31 on the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist in the same year, is his next heir.
Kent. Extent, Monday after St. Andrew, 14 Edw. I.
Letlebroke. The manor (extent given), held of Thomas, bishop of Rochester, by service of ½ knight's fee, doing 5½d. yearly to the bishop, which he renders for the sheriff's turn, and suit of court.
Lytleho. The manor (extent given), including 10d. 'sytheselver,' held of Sir Nicholas de Cryel by service of ¼ knight's fee.
Date of death and heir as above.
Kent. Extent, Friday the day of St. Andrew, 14 Edw. I.
Thorneham. The manor (extent given), with the messuage of Bengebury, held of Sir William le Say by service of ½ knight's fee, doing 15s. yearly for the guard of the castle of Dover, and 5 marks to Sir John de Cobbeham.
Heryetesham. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of ½ knight's fee, doing 19s. yearly to the prior and convent of Christ(church), Canterbury.
Bettenham. 24a. arable, 1a. meadow, pasture, and 2s. rent of assize, tenure unspecified.
Date of death and heir as above.
Kent. Extent, Saturday the morrow of St. Andrew, 14 Edw. I.
Northwod without Sheppey (Scapeyham) and Northwod within Sheppey. The manors (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 1/20 knight's
fee, rendering 4l. 7s. 5¼d. yearly to the bailiff of the hundred of Midelton for the farm of the same manor (Midelton), and paying 40s. yearly to the hospital of St. Bartholomew, Langeport without Rochester.
Neweton. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief doing 4s. 1d. yearly to the king's court of Midelton; and the abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, shall receive yearly 10s., the prior of Ledes 2s. 6d., the prior of Christ(church), London, 10s., and Mabel atte Hulle 12d.
Date of death and heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (12.)
583. Thomas Hamelyn.
Writ, on the petition of John Hamelyn, asserting that he is of full age, and praying restitution of the lands whereof his father was seised in fee on the day he assumed the garb of religion, 12 April, 13 Edw. I.
Cambridge. Inq. 16 April, 13 Edw. I.
Badburham. A messuage, 120a. arable, a mill, 3a. meadow, and pasture, held, on the day he assumed the garb of religion, of the king in chief by serjeanty of bearing and keeping a goshawk, and rendering 20s. to the king for mewing the same; and 15a. land held of Robert Cristan (?).
John Hamelyn, aged 36, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (13.)
584. William de Percy of Kyldale, non compos mentis.
Writ (missing).
[York.] Inq. made at Wyteby, before John de Reygate and Geoffrey Aguyllun, on Sunday after Ash Wednesday, 13 [Edw. I.] (defective.)
The said William is not at present of sound mind. He gave his manor of Crathorne to William his younger son for life rendering 19l. 2s., 40 quarters wheat, and 54 quarters of malt of oats during his father's life only, and after the death of the said William the son, the manor shall remain to the next heirs of the father; but when he made that demise he was weakened by paralysis, and was not of sound mind. And he gave to his said son his manor of Ormesby, to him and the heirs of his body for ever, rendering yearly 22l. 4s., 60 quarters wheat, 20 quarters beans, and 80 quarters oats, during his father's life only; and afterwards a fine was levied between them at York, but before the levying and gift aforesaid he was weakened by his infirmity. After the feast of St. Michael in the king's 12th year, he gave his manor of Kildale to his said son William for life, rendering 20l. during his father's life only, with remainder to William son of Arnold de Percy and his heirs for ever; he was not of sound mind and memory when he gave it, but he did it by the procuring of the said William his son, his steward and valet, who gave him no peace day or night. And he gave his manor of Killyngwyk to Arnold de Percy his first born son and heir, and to his heirs for ever. And he gave to the prior of Park about ½ carucate land in Kildale, for finding two chaplains for celebrating divine service; to Master Michael de Walkyngton about ½ carucate in Crathorn for life; to Master John de Toucoutes a vaccary with common pertaining thereto in Kildale to him and his heirs for ever, which he gave to the said Michael and John to get help from them; and to the prior of Giseburgh a close in Depildebrigg with the whole common of pasture in Kildale for ever. All which he gave after he was weakened by his infirmity. Afterwards the said William being seen and
diligently examined by the said John and Geoffrey, as to his state, softly weeping said that he was not of sound mind nor knew how his son William entered his manor of Kildale, nor how he himself was ejected, but begged peace from them, and that they would not stop him from returning to his manor of Kildale; whereby it appears to the said John and Geoffrey that he is wholly impotent of body, and not of sound mind.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (14.)
585. Henry de Candever, deceased.
Writ of certiorari to the sheriff of Wilts, concerning the liberties which the said Henry used in the lands which he held in Fetelton of the king's grant, 18 Aug. 13 Edw. I.
Wilts. Inq. Sunday after St. Giles, 13 Edw. I.
Fytelton (alias Fetelton). He had his free court for his free tenants and other liberties, specified.
(See Nos. 183 and 296.)
C. Edw. I. File 42. (15.)
586. Laurence de Scaccario.
Writ, on the complaint of the abbot of Abendon that a tenement held of him in Leukenore had been taken into the king's hand until the lawful age of the heir of the said Laurence, 10 May, 13 Edw. I.
Oxford. Inq. Saturday, 1 June (sic (fn. 1) ), 13 Edw. I.
Old Abbefeld in the parish of Leukenore. 1 carucate land was held by the said Laurence of the said abbot for homage and 20s. yearly, and nothing of the king, whereof Laura (Lorra) relict of Roger de Scaccario his father was dowered by him, and she still holds that land as dower for the said service.
(See No. 528.)
C. Edw. I. File 42. (16.)
587. Edmund Pecche.
Writ of plenius certiorari to the sheriff of Norfolk, on the complaint of Margaret, late the wife of the said Edmund, that upon his death the escheator had taken Thomas, son and heir of the said Edmund and Margaret, into the king's wardship, although the said Edmund held no lands except those of her inheritance, 6 June, 13 Edw. I.
Norfolk. Inq. Thursday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 13 Edw. I.
Baketon and Haninge. Tenements were held by Sir Edmund of Sir Emery (Almarico) Pecche his father, by his commission for 20l. yearly; that in Baketon is held of Sir Edmund, earl of Cornwall, in chief of the honour of Eye; and that in Haning of the abbot of St. Bennet, Hulme. He held no other lands in the county.
C. Edw. I. File 42. (17.)


  • 1. 1 June fell on Friday in 13 Edw. I.