Entry Book: December 1690, 16-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: December 1690, 16-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp919-939 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1690, 16-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp919-939.

"Entry Book: December 1690, 16-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp919-939.


December 1690, 16-20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 16. Money warrant for 473l. 13s. 0d. to the officers and clerks of the Tally Court for the usual allowance of 2s. per 1,000l. on tallies to the amount of 4,739,047l. 14s. 3d. which they have stricken without fees, for the King's service, pursuant to Treasury direction, between 1687, Michaelmas, and 1690, Michaelmas ; namely, for preparing, entering and striking the said tallies of loan and other tallies : to be distributed in the proportions following, viz. : 59l. 4s. 9d. each to John Lowe and Peter Le Neve, Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer attending said [Tally] Court ; 118l. 9s. 6d. each to Samuel Langford, tally cutter ; Bartholomew Burton, clerk to the Auditor of the Receipt, as scriptor talliarum ; and John Taylour, clerk to the Clerk of the Pells. (Money order dated Dec. 17 hereon.) Money Book X, pp. 531-2. Order Book III, p. 133.
Treasury warrant to John Wildman, esq., Postmaster General, to pay the taxes (viz. the first Poll [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 13], the first 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20], the Additional 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 5] and the 2s. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1]) assessed on the salaries of the officers of the General Post Office where said salaries do not exceed 60l. per an. : which they have petitioned for by reason of the smallness of their salaries and the constant attendance and laboriousness of their employments ; on which petition said Wildman has reported that such officers and their families do suffer much for want of the moneys so assessed on their wages and deducted quarterly out of same. Money Book X, pp. 532-3.
William Jephson to the Excise Commissioners to pay, out of the Hereditary Excise, to the Queen Dowager's Treasurer 2,400l. on the 17th inst., 400l. on the 24th inst. and 252l. 8s. 9½d. on the 31st inst., making in all 3,052l. 8s. 9½d. for last Michaelmas quarter [on her annuity charged on said Excise]. Disposition Book IX, p. 47.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor], enclosing a representation [missing] from the Warden of the Mint touching clippings [and other effects of counterfeiters] etc. brought to Hickes Hall and the Sessions House in the Old Baily as evidence against criminals, "where the same is claimed and seized by the Sheriff of London." You are to take all legal care that the King's interest [in this matter] be preserved according to the privy seal [authorising the Warden of the Mint to take charge of such clippings and other effects]. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 423.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] to procure a royal warrant authorising Charles Fox and Tho. Coningsby to pay 586l. 14s. 8d. to the Rt. Honble. Tho. Wharton, esq., in discharge of a surplusage in his account of money received and paid for providing carriage horses for the use of the waggons employed in the King's service in Ireland from 1689-90, Jan. 23, to 1690, June 4. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Henry Gregor at Truro. I have communicated to my Lords yours of the 11th inst., in which you say you have frequent conveyances [by sea] for London on which you send tin and other merchandises with much less charge and trouble than the way prescribed by my Lords ; and if permitted to send by such vessels as you there make use of you will get freight for it with what speed you can. In reply thereto my Lords direct you to send up the tin (by you bought for the King) by the speediest way you can. Ibid.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox. I have read to my Lords your report on the petition of Paul Boyer, in which you certify that 722l. 14s. 0d. is due to him for clothing etc. for the Army [in Ireland]. You are to insert this in your [next] memorial [or demand of supply from the Treasury] "and to represent it to his Majesty." Ibid, p. 424.
William Jephson to Mr. [Charles] Fox to [similarly] insert "in your next memorial to be presented to the King for payment" the 427l. 5s. 9d. which you certify as due upon account of the clothing and accoutrements furnished to the Regiment under Col. John Beamont. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 424.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to [similarly] insert in your [next] memorial to the King the 1,824l. 2s. 8d. which, on the petition of the officers and soldiers of the late Lieut. General Werden's Regiment of Horse, you certify is due to them. Ibid.
Same to same to similarly insert in same the item of 389l. 8s. 0d. which you certify as due on May 1 last to Thomas Morin, sutler to the Guards at Whitehall. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Williamson. On the hearing of you and Mr. Tonstall on the 10th ult. before my Lords touching the allowance which you are to pay out of the profits of your office of Comptroller of Newcastle port to Katherine, wife of said Tonstall, my Lords directed that you should pay according to the former bond, viz. 50l. per an. in time of peace and 30l. per an. in time of war, and the arrears thereon. On your petition of Nov. 24 last, praying to be heard again, you were directed to comply with my Lords' [said] former order. On the 5th inst. they again directed you to immediately comply therewith and when you come to town you shall be heard again. Ibid.
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute Thomas Dicken, gent., as searcher of Ipswich port loco Richard Powys. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 245.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to issue deputations to the officers named in the following schedule to continue in their respective places, according to the said Commissioners' memorial of the 5th inst., in which they presented the said officers as follows as fit to have their deputations renewed and so to continue in their employment at the established and additional salaries as therein.
Appending : said memorial and schedule. On the Treasury Lords' command of April 22 last we presented the establishment of some of the Western ports (see supra, pp. 660-2) for the renewal of such officers' deputations as were thought fit to be continued and had not had new deputations since their Majesties' accession. We have now gone through the [establishment lists of the] rest of the ports except Bristol, which being at present under some disorder we think not fit to present the establishment thereof until we have proceeded through the examinations of the matters under enquiry there.
Ibid, pp. 246-263.
The schedule is as follows :
London port.
Simon Morse, receiver, outwards.
Stephen Walker, copying clerk, outwards.
Richard Davies, examiner, inwards.
Michaell Wicks, receiver of the Plantations.
John Shaw, examiner and computor of wines and currants.
William Waterson, copying clerk, inwards.
Henry Prescott, wine taster, viewer of oats and gauger of wines.
Edw. Brewer, clerk of the coast business ; Peter Nulls to assist him.
Richard Smyth, assistant to the clerk of the ships' entries.
Cha. Meine, John Shaw, Simon Waterson and Tho. Andrews, examiners of the outport books.
Euclid Speidel, clerk of the coast business and to make bills of store.
Nath. Jones and John Smyth, watermen attending the Surveyors of the Navigation Act.
James Merchant, John Brewster, Henry Parker, George Avery and his mate, John Holmes, Daniell Mulford, John Mason, William Holme, Henry Rickards [? Richards], Thos. Roberts, as 11 watermen attending the coastwaiters.
Edward Sutton, paymaster of the incidents.
William Alexander, doorkeeper.
John Chetmell, messenger and doorkeeper.
Michael Wicks, receiver of the new impost on tobacco and sugar.
Henry Wolstenholme, assistant to said Wicks.
Richard Davies, examiner and comptroller of said duties.
Ebenezer Crocker, comptroller of the [said] new impositions.
Tho. Wainwright, Jo. Bassendine, Jeremy Slowe, Geo. Buxton, Richard Porter, five watchmen.
Samll. Clerke, surveyor or the warehouse.
John Lodge, his assistant.
William Newbery, surveyor of the coastwaiters.
James Porter, clerk to the tidesurveyor and to set the weighing porters to work.
William Ball, William Jackson, Richard Norfolk, Edward Kellett, Guy Smyth, Richard Kenneck, William Esgrigg, Henry Miller, William Webster, Henry Stie, John Tyrer, John Hardwick, William Waller, John Bushell, John Sanderson, Mathew Yarrow, John Greene, Robert Alvey, John Watts, Walter Hoskins, Richard Knott, William Clarke, John Jefferys, being 23 weighing porters.
Kalmer How, gauger.
George Talbot, Thomas Blechynden and Robert Burgoyn, three surveyors of the landwaiters.
John Jennings, inspector of the thread, linen and tape ships.
Peregrine Burtie [Bertie], surveyor of the searchers.
Spicer Harris and Henry Trott, watermen attending the surveyor of the searchers.
Henry Canby, Richard Boyce, Edward Leneve, Lawrence Pryor, John Man, five searchers.
John Cook, register of cocquets in the searchers' office.
Anthony Palmer and his mate, watermen attending the searchers.
Rawleigh Radford and Richard Hill, tide surveyors.
William King, Hendor Mountsteven, Thomas Cotton, John Dodson, Samuell Dale, John Shephard, John Ditchfeild, Benj. Gauden, John Golding, John Cleeve, Thomas Allen, Robert Maton, William Baines, Hen. Colchester, being 14 landwaiters.
Nath. Jordan, Sampson Grubb, Edward Jones, Tho. Frazer, Bold Wakefeild, Hen. Hene, Joseph Vennor, William Jones, William Wade, Robert Rowe, Tho. Somers, John Bourgh, Thos. Gipps, Robert Rogers, Nath. Dale, Tho. Christmas, Nich. Haynes, Luke Lock, Philip Preston, Furner Strange, Tho. Guest. Owen George, Robert Downing, John Burt, Reginald Rogers, Job Hill, Darby Bryan, Jo[h]n Houlker, Abraham Applebury, Math. Shelshewell, Geo. Eastman, Geo. Wilkocks, Phil. Gross, Samuell Dewell, Edward Whitacre, William Alford, John Teague, John Berry, Thomas Thorpe, William Herbert, Step. Grigman, being 41 tidesmen.
William Hatton, William Jones, William Ogle, John Smeaton, William Fathery, Isaac Sampson, Samuell Gorson, Tho. Shephard, John Harris, Nich. Reading, Ralph Jannion, William Damsell, William Jones, Jon Antrobus, Step. Towes, John Cannon, Richard Guy, Sam. Douglas, John Massenger, John Hodges, Richard Sanders, being 21 tidesmen.
Thos. Burnaby, William Palmer, Hugh Smith, Thomas Weighton, Edm. Bostock, Henry Allibone, Abraham Condie, John Steel, Lewis Price, John Clarke, Samuell Mills, Nicho. Blaky, Benj. Miller, John Higgs, John Dawkes, John Meade, Phil. Phenwick, John Illing, John Taunton, Robert Sayce, George Gibbs, Cha. Allibone, Cha. Holford, Rob. Gibbons, Thomas Clarke, Robert Butler, And. Twentyman, William Mathews, Tho. Betts, Thomas Reynolds, Robt. Isaacs, being 31 watchmen.
Antho. Polling, Hen. Hardey, James Chambers, Fran. Yarworth, Paul Parrott, Hen. Lawes, Neal Farrell, John Clarke, William Knowles, Thomas Davies, John Brewer, Tho. Unday, Arthur Crispin, Tho. Bishop, Rowl. Game, Tho. Prettiman, William Taylour, being 17 noontenders.
Benj. Fowler, Cha. Winsspheare, Geo. Gypson, Ralph Studd, John Brower, Benj. Babb, Oliver Peele, John Dobson, John Marlow, William Parker, John Lewis, Samuell Davis, Cha. Gurney, being 14 watermen attending the tidesurveyors.
Blackwall (London port).
Thomas Carpenter, surveyor.
Gravesend (London port).
John Parker, searcher.
Richard Evans, John Harper and John Gurnett, watermen.
Hen. Nash, commander of the smack.
John Thrayle, husband for the Four and a Half per cent Duty.
Barking (London port).
William Cason, surveyor.
Greenwich (London port).
Cha. Tourney, surveyor.
Faversham port.
Cha. Sherman, collector, 40l. per an.
George Hulbert, boatman, 20l. per an.
Milton (Faversham port).
William Whitehead, waiter and searcher, 30l. per an. and 10l. additional, and to account to the collector for a boatman.
Whitstable (Faversham port).
Robert Cox, boatman, 10l. per an. ; Richard Maidston, boatman, 30l. per an.
Dover port.
John Foster, landwaiter and searcher, 30l. per an. ; Richard Golder, warehousekeeper, 10l. per an.
Newhaven and Lewes (Dover port).
Tho. Wrenn, boatman, 30l. per an.
Rye port.
John Webb, deputy comptroller, to act for the comptroller's fees and 28l. per an. from the King ; Noble Waterhouse, waiter and searcher, 25l. per an. and 5l. additional, and 15l. more to ride the coast.
Hastings (Rye port).
Edward Hall, surveyor, waiter and searcher, to act for the customer's fees and 25l. from the King.
[East] Bourne and Pevensey (Rye port).
John Mockford, waiter and searcher, to keep a horse and have the comptroller's and searcher's fees and 26l. per an. from the King.
Chichester harbour (Chichester port).
Richard Smyth, chief boatman, 30l. per an.
Pagham Point (Chichester port).
John Dyer, surveyor, waiter and searcher, 30l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Shoreham (Chichester port).
Edward Lawrence, collector and waiter, 30l. per an. ; Hulbert Southwood to act for the comptroller and searcher and to have their fees at Shoreham and Brighton and 10l. from the King ; Mathew Earle, boatman, 30l. per an.
Arundel (Chichester port).
Cha. Young, collector, waiter and searcher, to officiate, for the customer['s fees] at Arundel, to reside at Littlehampton, with 30l. per an. from the King.
Littlehampton (Chichester port).
Edward Dawtrey, chief boatman, 30l. per an. ; Adrian Collis to act for the comptroller's and searcher's fees at Arundel and 15l. per an. from the King.
Southampton port.
Dan. Piccard, surveyor, 75l. per an. ; Jo. Mellish, William Stoke, Gilbert Poulson, waiters, each 30l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Geo. Yorke, Jo[h]n Baxter, Tho. Hammond, tidesmen, each 25l. per an. ; Jo[h]n Gustance, weighing porter, 15l. per an.
Hamble River (Southampton port).
Anth[ony] Searle, Geo. Parker, boatmen, each 25l. per an.
Keyhaven (Southampton port).
Jam. Airey, waiter and searcher, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional and 10l. to keep a horse.
Christchurch (Southampton port).
Daniell Slater, waiter and searcher, 20l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Lymington (Southampton port).
Robert Hayward, riding surveyor, 50l. per an.
Guernsey (Southampton port).
William Stephens, register of certificates, 30l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Portsmouth port.
Joseph Battailhey, waiter, 40l. per an. ; Peter de Cardonell to act for the comptroller and searcher and have their fees at Portsmouth and 13l. per an. from the King ; John Ewins, chief boatman, 30l. per an.
Gosport (Portsmouth port).
Joseph Sanford, waiter and searcher, 25l. per an.
Looe port.
John Peter, collector, 30l. per an. and 20l. additional ; Nicho. Gibbon, waiter and searcher, 15l. per an. and 15l. additional.
Polperro (Looe port).
Richard Pendock, waiter and searcher, to guard Lantisset [Lantivet] Bay and Talland Sands, 25l. per an.
Fowey port.
Edmund Harry, collector, 60l. per an. ; Jos. Lloyd to act for the searcher at 20l. per an. for the searcher's fees and 10l. from the King.
Lostwithiel (Fowey port).
Joh. Upcott, waiter and searcher, 20l. per an. ; John Newell and Alexan. Symonds, tidesmen and boatmen, each 10l. per an.
Mevagissey (Fowey port).
John Chicheley, waiter and searcher, 30l. per an.
Truro port.
Nicho. Sander, collector, 40l. per an. ; Sam. Middleton and Tho. Kensey, tidesmen, each 25l. per an.
Penzance port.
Francis Mason and William Drake, tidesmen and boatmen, each 10l. per an.
Marazion (Penzance port).
Nicho. Hicks, waiter and searcher, 30l. per an. ; Richard Worthevall, waiter and searcher, to act as patent searcher for the fees or 20l. per an. from the searcher and 10l. per an. from the King ; Geo. Hammond, waiter and searcher, 15l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Tho. Collins, tidesman, 10l. per an.
Padstow port.
Gilbert Marshall, to act for the comptroller and searcher [for their fees] and 10l. per an. from the King ; Cha. Adderton, waiter and searcher, 30l. per an.
Bude (Padstow port).
Jo[h]n Cooke, waiter and searcher, 5l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Gunnel [Gannel] (Padstow port).
Edward Noy, waiter and searcher, 5l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Bideford port.
Godfrey Hardress and Thos. Bedford, waiters and searchers, each 25l. per an. and 15l. additional ; Fra. Lowndes, Phil. Gibbs, William Hartnell, Geo. Thomas, four tidesmen, each 10l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Appledore (Bideford port).
Jo[h]n Ash, waiter and searcher, 25l. per an. and 15l. additional ; William Limbry, Hen. Cade, Jo[h]n Nicholls, three tidesmen, each 10l. per an.
Clovelly (Bideford port).
Richard Dealtree, waiter and searcher and to keep a horse, 25l. per an.
Barnstaple port.
James Croston, waiter and searcher, 25l. per an. ; William Ballew, ditto, 10l. per an. ; Thos. Symonds, to guard the adjacent creeks, 15l. per an.
Ilfracombe (Barnstaple port).
James Langhorne, collector, 30l. per an. ; Bankes Roane, tidesman, 15l. per an.
Combwich (Bridgwater port).
Robert Pierson, waiter and searcher and commander of the boatmen, 30l. per an. ; William Williams, Richard Man, boatmen without incidents, 25l. per an.
Minehead port.
Samuel Broster, landwaiter, 25l. per an. ; John Cox, Owen Arenold and Jo[h]n Careton, tidesmen, without incidents, 25l. per an. each and one of them to be sent alternately to Watchet ; Richard Wood and Daniell Ernins [? Emins, ? Emms], boatmen, without incidents, 25l. per an.
Swansea port.
Allexa[nder] Trotter, collector, to keep a horse and visit the coast at 40l. per an. and 10s. a day travelling charges when abroad, the customer allowing him 20l. per an. and from the King [the above] 40l. per an. ; Lewis Thomas and Edm. Treherne, waiters and searchers, each 25l. per an. ; Richard Gunter, Law. Dyer, Math. Hall and Ben. Dawkin, boatmen and tidesmen, 20l. per an. each.
Oxwich and Penarth [Pennard] (Swansea port).
Nicho. Wicks, waiter and searcher and to keep a horse, 25l. per an.
Chepstow (Swansea port).
Walter Aldey, surveyor, waiter and searcher, 30l. per an. ; Tho. Ford, waiter, to be maintained in part with the searcher's fees and 10l. per an. from the King.
Newport (Swansea port).
Cha. Williams, waiter and searcher, maintained in part, with the searcher's fees and 15l. per an. from the King.
Cardiff (Swansea port).
Rowland Davies, collector [and] deputy customer, for the customer's fees and 20l. per an. from the King.
Penarth (Swansea port).
Jo[h]n Jones and Ja. Jenkinson, boatmen, at 15l. each without day pay.
Barry and Sully (Swansea port).
Joh. Tanner, waiter and searcher, and to attend the discharge of coast goods, 20l. per an.
Aberthaw (Swansea port).
William Roberts, waiter and searcher, and to attend the discharge of coast goods, 12l. per an.
Briton Ferry (Swansea port).
John Bevan, waiter and searcher, 25l. per an. ; Arth. Crew, waiter and searcher, with the searcher's fees and 15l. per an. from the King ; Lewis Jenkyns, boatman and tidesman, 15l. per an.
Nangle (Milford Haven port).
Richard Nash, surveyor, waiter and searcher, to reside there with a boat, 40l. per an.
Pembroke Ferry (Milford Haven port).
William Craddock, waiter and tidesman, to reside at the Ferry with a boat, with 10l. per an. and 18d. a day when on board and to be sent to long shipping at the collector's discretion [with] 30l. per an. [from the King].
Cardigan (Milford Haven port).
John Morris, customer and collector, [to act] for the customer's fees and 10l. per an. from the King ; John Pickton, waiter and searcher, for the patent searcher's fees and with 10l. from the King.
Aberystwith (Milford Haven port).
John Knowles, waiter and searcher, 10l. per an.
Tenby (Milford Haven port).
Humphry Ray, waiter and searcher, and to take care of the colliery, 40l. per an.
Southbury and Llanelly (Milford Haven port).
John Phillips, customer and collector, to be allowed 20l. between them by the customers of Swansea and Milford Haven in proportion to their fees and with 10l. per an. from the King ; Hector Jones, comptroller and searcher, to be similarly allowed 20l. per an. by the two comptrollers and searchers of said two ports and 10l. from the King.
Llanstephan (Milford Haven port).
Altham Gwynn and Richard Reynald, two boatmen which do the waiter's duty with a small boat [with, from the King], each 15l.
Carmarthen (Milford Haven port).
To take out their despatches at Llanelly.
Yarmouth port.
Thos. Clarke, collector, 80l. per an. ; Edward Laurence, tidesurveyor, 50l. per an. ; Cha. Lewis, Richard Bathurst, Jo[h]n Jackson, landwaiters, 30l. per an. and 10l. additional each ; Thomas Pye, searcher, to inspect linen, 60l. per an. ; Richard West, Richard Doughty, Tho. Morse, Henry Salthouse, Robert Thompson, Richard Mordyth, tidesmen, 20l. per an. each ; Samuel Kirke, weigher and tidesman, 20l. per an. each ; Jo[h]n Grahme and Daniell Derby, boatmen, 25l. per an. each.
Lowestoft (Yarmouth port).
Thomas Glover, waiter and searcher, 40l. per an.
Southwold (Yarmouth port).
Jo[h]n Wychall, waiter and boatman, and to maintain a boat, 16l. per an. and 14l. additional ; Tho. Cooke, boatman, 15l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Blakeney and Cley (Yarmouth port).
Jo[h]n Wood, collector, waiter and searcher, 20l. per an. and 20l. additional.
Ipswich port.
John Bancks, collector, 80l. per an. ; Joseph Sander, tidesurveyor, 60l. per an. ; Robert Banks, R. [? Pr.] Pepper, Hen. Williams and Jo[h]n Miller, boatmen, each 25l. per an., without incidents ; Hen. Sprott, surveyor, waiter and searcher, 40l. per an.
Manningtree (Ipswich port).
Tho. Booth, waiter, 5l. and 15l. additional.
Woodbridge (Ipswich port).
Samuell Maile, collector, waiter and searcher at Yarmouth, to act as deputy to the customer and searcher at Yarmouth, for their fees at Woodbridge or 20l. from each of them and 10l. from the King ; Richard Andrews, surveyor, waiter and searcher, and to keep a horse, 40l. per an.
Bawdsey Ferry (Ipswich port).
John Bell, chief boatman, 30l.
Colchester port.
Fra. Bruer, tidesman and boatman, 20l. per an.
Wivenhoe (Colchester port).
Robert Legg, waiter and searcher, 25l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Bricklesea (Colchester port).
Thomas Drury, boatman, 30l. per an. ; Jo[h]n Mallet, boatman, 25l. per an.
Maldon (Colchester port).
Jacob Bury, collector and waiter, and to keep a horse, 40l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Burnham (Colchester port).
Elias Drury, boatman, 30l. per an.
Lynn Regis port.
William Linstead, collector, 70l. per an. ; Fra. Challiner, riding surveyor from Wells to Lynn, 50l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Geo. Butler and William Gent, waiters, 25l. per an. each ; Gabriell Cox and Jo[h]n Baily, boatmen, 25l. per an. each ; Robert Thetford, Jo[h]n Townsend, Edward Getting and Geo. Page, tidesmen, 15l. each.
Heacham and Brancaster (Lynn Regis port).
Richard Wight, waiter and searcher, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Torrington Steep (Lynn Regis port).
Edm. Edge, boatman, 25l. per an.
Wells (Lynn Regis port).
Owen Godfrey, collector, 20l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Roger Pedley, waiter and searcher, 15l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Wisbech (Lynn Regis port).
Jo[h]n Finch, waiter and searcher, 30l. per an.
Sunderland port.
William Ettrick, collector, 50l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Richard Potts, surveyor, 30l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Hen. Bickerdick, Robt. Berwick, Cuth. Willson, waiters and searchers, each 25l. per an. and 5l. additional ; Jo[h]n Jefferyes, landwaiter, 20l. per an. and 8l. additional ; Jo[h]n Loaton, boatman, 15l. per an.
Boston port.
Colonel John Butler, collector [no patent fee], 10l. per an. additional ; Richard Hodges, waiter and searcher, 30l. per an. ; Thomas Crowder, tidesman and boatman, 15l. per an.
Saltfleet (Boston port).
Jonathan Sealby, waiter, 10l. per an. ; James Whytham, waiter and searcher and coast surveyor from Ingoldmells to Boston, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Geo. Jane, boatman, and to maintain a boat, 30l. per an. ; Alex. Thompson, tidesman and boatman, 15l. per an.
Spalding (Boston port).
Samuell Dowse, collector, waiter and searcher, 10l. per an. ; Robert Thirkill, surveyor between Wisbech and Fosdyke, 35l. per an. and 15l. additional.
Huttoftbank (Boston port).
Benj. Boston, waiter and searcher, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Gainthorpe (Boston port).
James Walpoole, waiter and searcher, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Hull port.
John Holland, collector, to act for both the customers with 30l. per an. allowance from each of them and 60l. per an. from the King ; James Howsman, surveyor, 100l. per an. ; Gustavus Young and Robert Mason, tidesurveyors, 40l. per an. each and 10l. additional ; Tho. Butler, waiter, 40l. per an. ; Leo. Sorey, Geo. Bromfleet, Joshua Green, Chr. J'Ans, waiters, each 32l. per an. and 8l. additional ; John Lambert, Thomas Taylour, Cha. Fuller, William Benington Jo[h]n Dewick, Edward Fenn, Antho. Hill, seven tidesmen, 20l. per an. each ; Antho. Kiddall, Jane Lynskell, Jam. Sturman, Thomas Greame, William Jackson, Philip Harrison, Christop. Sike, Henry Wickham, eight boatmen, 20l. per an. each.
Burton Stather (Hull port).
Hen. Kirke, surveyor of [the] Humber, 40l. per an.
York (Hull port).
Richard Sheldon, surveyor, waiter and searcher, 40l. per an.
Grimsby (Hull port).
Cha. Bathurst, surveyor, waiter and searcher, to keep a horse and ride the coast from Gainthorpe eastward to the opposite coast of Hull, 40l. per an.
Bridlington (Hull port).
James Willson, collector and surveyor, at — per an. from the customer[s] of Hull or their fees, and 10l. per an. from the King ; John Fiddis, surveyor, waiter and searcher, and to keep a horse, 40l. per an. ; John Eden, waiter and searcher, 25l. per an. and 5l. additional ; Raptist [Baptist] Fenton, tidesman, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional ; John Stabler, boatman, 20l. per an.
Scarborough ("Scharborgh") (Hull port).
Tristram Fish, collector, and to officiate as deputy to the customers of Hull and to have from them 20l. per an. or their fees at Scarborough and 10l. per an. from the King ; William Scriven, surveyor, waiter and searcher, and to keep a horse and ride the coast northward to Robin Hood Bay, 40l. per an. ; Corn. Fish, waiter and searcher, 20l. per an. and 10l. per an. additional ; Humph. Davies, tidesman, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional ; William Gibson, boatman, 12l. per an.
Whitby port.
Gerrard Fox, collector, 30l. per an. and 20l. additional ; Thomas Lowson, waiter and searcher, 20l. per an. and 5l. additional ; Ralph Nicholls, tidesman and boatman, 15l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Stockton port.
Henry Wilkinson, surveyor, 25l. per an. and 10l. and 5l. additional ; Thomas Wilson, tidesman, to go down with the boat as far as Hartlepool, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Ralph Thompson and Josph. Dothwayte, waiters and boatmen, and to maintain a boat, each 20l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Tho. Anderson and Aron Harrison, tidesmen and boatmen, 15l. per an. each.
Hartlepool (Stockton port).
Richard Mills, waiter and searcher, 15l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Newcastle port.
Antho. Isaacson, collector, 120l. per an. ; Nicho. Denham and Jo[h]n Eden, surveyors, each 50l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Alex. Campbell, William Cramlington, Steph. Sandwell, Rob. Macklane, four waiters, each 30l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Anth. Woolley and Richard Leake, coal waiters, each 30l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Cuth. Proctor, Cuth. Ramsey, Jo[h]n Lemmon, Hen. Warwick, William Warner, Thomas Robinson, tidesmen, 10l. per an. each ; Thomas Bonner, Anto. Lamb, Thos. Mortimer and Chris. Cramlington, additional tidesmen, 10l. per an. each ; Thomas Burrell, Thomas Key and Thomas Usher, weighing porters, 5l. per an. each ; Isa. Beck, messenger between Newcastle and Shields, 8l. per an. and 2l. additional ; Jo[h]n Jefferson and Jo[h]n Willson, boatmen and their mates, each 20l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Shields (Newcastle port).
Fredrick Challenor, waiter and searcher, 30l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Chr. Dobson, additional waiter and searcher, 40l. per an. ; William Short, Jo[h]n Hunter, Robert Gowry and Edward Clerk, tidesmen, 10l. per an. each ; Edward Bromwell, Jo[h]n Richardson, Lancellot Ordee and William Knowles, boatmen, 10l. per an. each ; William Wattson and Gerrard Anderson, boatmen, 15l. per an. each ; Richard Roper [boatman], for himself and mate, 30l.
Blyth Nook, Seaton Sluice and Cullercoates (Newcastle port).
William North, surveyor, waiter and searcher, 20l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Thomas Sholter, waiter and searcher, 30l. per an. ; William Adderson, sculler, 16l. per an. and 4l. additional.
Budle (Berwick port).
Gilber Swinehoe, waiter and searcher, 15l. per an.
Wooler and Hartley (Berwick port).
Respectively Jo[h]n Watson, Jo[h]n Ordee, waiters and searchers, each 12l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Norham (Berwick port).
Elias Scott, waiter and searcher, 15l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Holy Island (Berwick port).
Jo[h]n Ordee, waiter and searcher, 4l. per an. and 6l. additional ; Tho. Ordee, waiter and searcher, 15l. per an.
Alnmouth (Aylme) (Berwick port).
Thomas Thompson, waiter and searcher, 4l. per an. and 6l. additional.
Carlisle port.
Richard Bere, collector, 40l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Whitehaven port.
Robert Greggs, waiter and searcher, 25l. per an. ; Jo[h]n Elletson, Thomas Curwin, Geo. Holdcroft and Thomas Peirson, boatmen and tidesmen, 15l. per an. each.
Workington and Flimby Gervace (Whitehaven port).
Bertie Ryding, surveyor, 30l. per an. ; Richard Beck, tidesman, 20l. per an. Ravenglass (Whitehaven port). Joseph Herbert, messenger, 5l. per an.
Lancaster port.
Jo[h]n Foster, collector, 30l. per an. and 10l. additional ; William Kirkby, riding surveyor for the coast of Lancaster, 50l. per an. and 50l. more, his district being enlarged.
Grange (Lancaster port).
Jo[h]n Askew, junr., waiter and searcher, 15l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Broadfleet (Lancaster port).
William Crosfeild, waiter and searcher, 5l. per an. and 5l. and 5l. additional.
Cocker Abbey (Lancaster port).
Hen. Janeson, tidesman and boatman, 18l. per an.
Poulton port.
Augustine Heirdson, collector, 30l. per an. ; Hen. Stevens, waiter and searcher, to officiate as deputy to the patent searcher and to have the whole fees in the port or 20l. per an. [from the searcher] and 10l. per an. and 2l. additional from the King.
Ribble Water (Poulton port).
Thomas Shaw, waiter, 5l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Lytham (Poulton port).
James Feswick [? Fenwick], waiter, 15l. per an. and 3l. additional.
Liverpool port.
Thomas Warverton [Warburton], deputy to the comptroller, with the clerk's profits and 20l. from the King ; James Strangwaise, riding surveyor, 60l. per an. ; Geo. Sharplesse, surveyor, 40l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Richard Gardner, landwaiter, 20l. per an. and 20l. additional ; Jam. Wixall, tidesurveyor, 30l. per an. ; Samuell Runsheon, Thomas Broadley, William Glegg, Robert Green, Jam. Strang waise, Jo[h]n Proctor, William Pope, William Stokes, Thomas Coward, tidesmen, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional each ; John Parker and Thomas Bushell, boatmen and tidesmen, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional each.
Meols (Liverpool port).
Edward Hesketh, waiter and searcher, 15l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Sankey Bridge (Liverpool port).
William Ogle, surveyor, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Frodsham (Liverpool port).
Jo[h]n Dutton, surveyor, waiter and searcher, 5l. per an. and 15l. additional.
Helbre and Hoylake (Liverpool, rectius Chester port).
Robert Ansdell, boatman, removed [from the establishment of] Chester to this [that of Liverpool] port, 10l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Chester port.
Math. Anderton, collector, to act for the customer, with 30l. per an. from him and 50l. per an. from the King ; Edward Done, surveyor, 40l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Cha. Hervell, waiter and searcher, 30l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Geo. Fryer and Hen. Gaskell, tidesmen, 25l. per an. each.
Neston, Mostyn and Flint (Chester port).
Richard Mastey [? Massey], waiter and searcher, 25l. per an.
Helbre and Hoylake (Chester port).
William Dickinson, waiter and searcher, and to keep a horse, 20l. per an. and 10l. additional.
Beaumaris port.
William —, collector, 30l. per an. and 10l. additional ; Thomas Bedson, waiter and searcher, 20l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Holyhead (Beaumaris port).
Geo. Allen, additional waiter and searcher, to officiate alternately with Bedson, 20l. per an. and 5l. additional.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Samuel Birch for the place of surveyor, Bristol port, or any other employ there. Reference Book VI, p. 258.
Treasury letters patent constituting John Duncombe as Receiver of Crown Revenues in cos. Bedford, and Buckingham loco William Jones, deceased. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 364.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take the securities of said John Duncombe of Ivinghoe, co. Bucks, for said office : said sureties being John Duncombe and Joseph Duncombe [jointly] in 200l. Ibid.
Same to same to prepare a commission to pass the Exchequer seal for appointing George Baxter, gent., as sede vacante receiver of the temporalities of the bishopric of Peterborough, void by the refusal of Thomas, Bishop thereof, to take the oath appointed by Act of Parliament of 1688-9, Feb. 13 [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 8].
Prefixing : form of said commission.
Ibid, p. 365.
The like for William Hughes to be sede vacante receiver of the temporalities of the bishopric of Bath and Wells. Ibid.
Treasury warrants to John Knight, gent., Comptroller of First Fruits and Tenths, to take the sureties of the abovesaid Baxter and Hughes for their said office : viz. for Baxter, himself in 2,000l. and William Parker of Peterborough, wood merchant, in 1,000l. ; for Hughes, himself and Charles Holloway of St. Clements Danes, co. Middlesex, goldsmith [amount of bond not stated]. Ibid, p. 366.
Dec. 17. Royal sign manual for 250l. to William de Nassau, Master of the Robes ; without account : the same to be esteemed as half a year to Aug. 13 last on his 500l. per an. pension or annuity [or salary] as Master of the Robes. (Money warrant dated Dec. 19 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 20 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XV, p. 218. Money Book X, p. 534. Order Book III, p. 135.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to authorise allowances as follow in the account of Henry de Nassau, Seigneur D'Auverquere, Master of the Horse, viz. his account of moneys received by him 1689-90, Jan. 1, to 1690, Oct. 30, for buying horses for the Army [in Ireland] and for providing carriages and other equipage for the use of the King's Stables in Ireland. In said account, as stated by Auditor Brooke Bridges, he is charged with 20,800l. received from William Harbord, late Paymaster of the Forces in Ireland ; and with 3,507l. 7s. 6d. received from Charles Fox and Thomas Coningesby, present same ; making in all 24,307l. 7s. 6d. In discharge whereof the said Seigneur D'Auverquere craves allowance of 10,515l. for 701 horses bought for Troopers at 15l. each ; 2,178l. for 242 horses bought for Dragoons at 9l. each ; 3,636l. for 303 cart horses at 12l. each ; 160l. for seven coach horses bought of Sir Robert Southwell, kt. ; 754l. for 82 cart horses bought in Ireland for the Artillery there ; 1,365l. 9s. 0d. for horse meal, wages to grooms, hire of stables and other expenses in keeping said horses at Hampton until disposed of ; 1,952l. 5s. 0d. for 63 new waggons, one cart, two second-hand coaches, several spare wheels and all sorts of tools for mending them ; 339l. for 67 sets of harness and necessaries for repairing them ; 363l. for 80 saddles, 611 bits and bridles and for making caparisons ; 240l. for blooding, shoeing and drenching the horses at Hampton ; 163l. 8s. 0d. for a bed calesh for the King ; 171l. 13s. 0d. for two pair of rich embroidered holster caps and Bistoll [pistol] bags for the King ; 221l. 6s. 0d. for red cloth coats for 113 waggoners and grooms ; 447l. 12s. 6d. for 34 sumpter cloths and 15 caparisons of crimson cloth embroidered ; 36l. 14s. 0d. for 113 hats with bands for said waggoners etc. ; 9l. 2s. 0d. for the charges of bringing 32 carters etc. from Holland ; 28l. 11s. 0d. for 11 tents for the use of the Stables ; 369l. 10s. 0d. for 1,200 forage cords, mending the Dutch saddles etc. ; 266l. 8s. 6d. paid to Mr. Granmare for his disbursements in going into Holland, Flanders etc. by the King's command to buy a camp calesh and bringing over three Spanish horses and other services ; 14l. 12s. 6d. for the hire of a coach for the King's chaplains to Hoylake ; 6l. 12s. 6d. to a serivener for drawing and engrossing the several contracts ; 21l. 10s. 0d. paid to Mr. Catepoole for the charge of his journey into Holland ; 999l. 16s. 0d. for oats, beans, hay etc. sent into Ireland for the use of the King's Stables ; 47l. 17s. 6d. for fees paid at the Exchequer on receiving 1,000l. there and for loss by tale of money, portage etc. The said cravings amount to 24,307l. 7s. 6d. and plenary allowance and discharge thereof is hereby to be made to the said accomptant, the King being well satisfied of the truth of the said accompt, although by reason of the nature of the said payments, or some of them, such warrants, receipts or other proper vouchers as are requisite by the strict course of the Exchequer were not obtained or cannot be produced. Further, hereby an allowance of 100l. is to be made to the said accomptant or to Evert Jollyvet, his agent, for his expenses in keeping said account and for reward ; and 50l. for the charge of passing said account. Further, hereby the Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland are to deduct from the pay of the aforesaid soldiers such sums "for the said horses" or provisions abovementioned or any of them, and in such proportion and manner as the King shall specially direct by his sign manual in that behalf. King's Warrant Book XV, pp. 220-3.
Royal warrant dormant to Sir Rowland Gwynn, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay to Dr. Nicho. Staggins, Master of the King's Music, such sums as shall grow due upon the salary of 40l. per an. each and 3s. a day allowance [each] for travelling charges during attendance on the King for the five hautboys which said Staggins has entertained to attend the King in his intended voyage to Holland ; viz. from the time of their entering the King's service to the time of their being discharged therefrom. Further, hereby 120l. is to be forthwith paid to said Staggins, whereof 100l. is to be paid to the said five hautboys, beng 20l. each, by way of advance ; the remaining 20l. to be paid to William Browne, chamber-keeper to the King's music, for the expenses of his voyage to Holland. King's Warrant Book XV, p. 223.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Sir Thomas Wilbram, alias Wilbraham, his heirs and assigns for ever, of the [Crown's] reversion (expectant upon the estate tail as in the grant from Queen Mary as below) of the lordships and manors of Longdendale and Mottram, alias Mottrom, in Longdendale ; and to grant the said lordships and manors in fee or common socage, with the advowson of the church of Mottrom, the messuages etc. formerly in the respective tenures of Richard Carlile and William Wolley, all rights, perquisites of Courts, mines, quarries etc. appertaining to said lordships and manors : reserving to the Crown the rent of 18l. 1s. 0d. per an. : the said lordships and manors having been granted by Henry VIII 1546, May 18, to Ralph Standish for 21 years with the messuage etc. then late of Richard Carlile and of William Wolley ; all being parcel of the lands of Sir William Stanley, kt., attainted of high treason ; and again by Queen Mary 1554, Mar. 4, to Richard Wilbram and Dorothy his wife and his heirs male for ever, with the reversion thereof ; the said last grant being in capite by knight's service, to wit by the service of the fortieth part of one knight's fee, which said tenure is since converted into common socage at the rental of 18l. 12s. 0d. per an. : and the said Sir Thomas Wilbram, alias Wilbraham, is now seized of the premises, so granted in tail and is descended in a right or direct line from the said Richard, and there are other descendants of the said Richard that are or may be inheritable to the said estate. Ibid, pp. 234-9.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 400l. to Aaron Smith for [Crown] law suits ; out of any disposable money in the Exchequer, except loans on the Twelve Months' Aid and the double Excise. Disposition Book IX, p. 49.
Royal warrant to the Lords Justices, Ireland, for a patent to pass the great seal of Ireland appointing Tho. Knox, junr., gent., as customer in the ports of Wexford and Wicklow, void by the death of Benjamin Roberts : during pleasure. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 43.
Dec. 18. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the loans on the Twelve Months' Aid : viz. : Disposition Book IX, p. 49.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy 10,000 0 0
to the Earl of Ranelagh in part of 6,617l. 16s. 6d. for the growing week's subsistence [of the Forces, England], not including the Regiments of Churchill et al. 6,400 0 0
Out of the Poll money, fourth part of the Customs and double Excise.
to ditto in full of 6,617l. 16s. 0d. for the said week's growing subsistence 217 16 6
to ditto for the pay of the eight Companies of the First Regiment of Guards which are to embarque for Flanders ; [being] for four months, May 1 last to Sept. 1, deducting subsistence already paid 1,868 15 3
to ditto for contingencies for the Regiment of [the Duke of] Bolton for bedding etc. 300 0 0
to ditto for the Battalion of Dutch Guards ordered to march for Flanders 2,000 0 0
to the Earl of Bellomont for the Queen 2,000 0 0
to the Keeper of the Privy Purse 1,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the fortifications at Berwick 800 0 0
£24,856 11 9
Dec. 19. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of pro on the Excise for 25,000l. to Sir Henry Ashurst, Sir John Morden, Sir Stephen Evance, John Foche, Samuel Dashwood, Sir Humphry Edwyn, William Strong, being 3,125l. each ; as in repayment of the like sums of 3,125l. each by them lent into the Exchequer, the first four on the 16th inst. and the last four on the 18th inst. Money Book X, pp. 533-4.
Money warrant for 150l. 11s. 3d. to Philip Ryley for 1½ years to 1689, Christmas, on his fee of 3s. a day and board wages of 2s. 6d. a day as a Serjeant-at-Arms. Ibid, p. 534.
Same for 150l. to Simon de Brienne and Mary his wife for half a year to June 24 last on their salary or allowance as Housekeeper and Wardrobe Keeper of the King's house at Kensington. Ibid, p. 535.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the [above 25,000l.] loan made by the Excise Commissioners : viz. : Disposition Book IX, p. 50.
l. s. d.
to the Cofferer of the Household for the servants and others who are to attend his Majesty into Holland 12,530 4 0
to the Master of the Horse for buying horses 1,000 0 0
to ditto, towards liveries 500 0 0
to ditto for hackney coachmen 215 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for several persons, payable in his office, who are to attend the King into Holland 3,215 4 3
to the Gentlemen and Grooms of the Bedchamber and the Master of the Robes 5,500 0 0
to Sir Charles Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies 150 0 0
to Mr. Le Bass, Marshal of the Ceremonies 50 0 0
to Mr. Smith, Knight Harbinger 195 16 8
to Mr. De Brien, Housekeeper at Kensington 150 0 0
£23,506 4 11
Same to Visct. Newport [Cofferer of the Household] to pay (out of the above directed money) 400l. to the Master of the Horse for the extraordinary of his Majesty's Stable equipage now going into Holland. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on (a) infra.
Appending : (a) petition of several officers that served last year in Flanders, setting forth that being obliged to recruit their Regiments and the Earl of Marlborough then ordering them money, they looked upon same as levy money, but upon clearing the Regiments it is charged upon them [as] in part of their pay, which is to their great damage ; therefore praying relief.
Out Letters (General) XII, p. 426.
William Jephson to the Excise Commissioners to consider if it may not be necessary to put out a proclamation for enforcing the collecting of Excise duty and for preventing abuses therein and encouraging the officers ; and if so, then to draft same and present it to the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 425.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] to prepare a royal warrant to authorise Charles Fox and Thomas Coningsby to pay 800l. to Monsieur Auverquer, Master of the Horse to the King, on account of the charges of the King's late expedition into Ireland. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 18, to permit the ketch Beginning, of Barbados, Martin Skinner master, and four men, all belonging to Barbados, to return to Barbados notwithstanding the embargo ; she having arrived thence at Bristol in June last and for above two months has been laden and ready to sail.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 264.
Same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : the like order of like date to permit the ship James, Simon Emberley master, with 17 English mariners, to sail to Virginia in place of the Concord, Ralph [? Crow] master, which had a permit by Order of Council, Nov. 15 [sic for Nov. 20] last, ut supra, p. 894 ; the said ship Concord being since taken up into their Majesties' service as a hospital ship, as is certified by the Secretary to the Navy Commissioners.
Ibid, pp. 264-5.
Same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) like Order of like date to permit John Buckworth to hire a ketch (of 100 tons, with eight English mariners) at Sir William Hussey's own charge to carry his family or goods to Leghorn or Constantinople ; to sail with the convoy bound to Leghorn.
Ibid, p. 268.
Treasury warrant to same to employ Daniell Ballard as jerquer in Bristol port loco Beaumond Byron, dismissed for notorious frauds and misdemeanours.
William Merriott as deputy to Mr. Watson, customer inwards, Bristol port ; he being certified as of good character and able.
Ibid, p. 265.
Same to same to discharge two bonds given at Antigua in the West Indies as follows by the correspondents of Samuell Randall and George Griffith of Cork in Ireland, they having by petition to the Treasury Lords shewn that being Protestants they suffered very much from the Papists during the time they were under their power and having then no opportunity of sending their effects to England, and being daily plundered in Ireland they sent two small barques called the Endeavour and Industry to Barbados and the Leeward Islands with provisions, which came seasonably for the supply of his Majesty's Forces there ; that being traders to the West Indies they had considerable effects there, most part whereof they ordered to be remitted to their friends in England and but little to be sent to Ireland, "the petitioners in that as in all other things using their utmost endeavours to draw off their effects from Ireland as fast as possible without hazarding their lives" ; that in the West Indies their correspondents gave bond, as is usual, for the said barques delivering their cargo of 80,431 lbs. of leaf tobacco in England, but the masters of the barques, hoping that by [the time of] their return [Ireland] might be in their Majesties' power, called at Kinsale and Cork in April last for orders as to what part of England to proceed and were there stopped by the late King James's orders or would otherwise have proceeded to England to discharge, "and the petitioners having no opportunity of paying the Customs of the said tobacco that ought to be paid in England into their Majesties' hands, thought of an expedient of paying double the sum for the good of their Majesties' subjects and accordingly paid 335l. 2s. 7d. into the hands of the Bishop of Cork and his official, to be distributed for the support of a great number of poor distressed Protestant subjects about Cork (in the diocese of Cork and Ross), which was privately done accordingly, amounting to a penny per lb. for the said tobacco," as appears by a certificate from the Bishop of Cork and Rosse annexed to the said petition, without which seasonable and comfortable relief the said poor would, in all probability, have perished in great measure : on which petition the Customs Commissioners have certified that if said tobacco had been imported to England and re-exported to Ireland the duty remaining to the King would have been only about half the sum so paid. But this present discharge is not to be drawn into a precedent. Ibid, pp. 266-7.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Peartree, master of the Rebecca sloop of Jamaica, praying liberty to return home with the same men he brought, all belonging to Jamaica. Reference Book VI, p. 259.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of the importers of rum, shewing that said Commissioners make them pay 21d. a barrel more duty than they formerly paid, wherein they desire to be relieved. Ibid.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Simon De Brienn and Mary his wife, housekeeper of the King's house at Kensington, praying [a grant of] the keeping of some fields near the said house, during pleasure. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of the glovers etc. of Chester, praying the renewal of an Order in Council for bringing goods from Ireland ; same being referred from the Council to the Treasury Lords Dec. 11 inst. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 18 inst., to permit the barque John, 60 tons, owned by Henry Archer, of Wexford, merchant, to sail to the West Indies with five seamen and three landsmen with provisions for the West Indies, "in regard the said provisions are perishable and that there hath been no number of [ships or] men allowed to go from Ireland to the West Indies." She is to give [the usual] bond to go and return back to England.
Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 42.
William Jephson to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Mr. Fran. Cornwall, praying the place of packer, searcher and gauger in Londonderry and Coleraine, for which place he has a patent for life, but same has lately been granted by constitution to one Jo[h]n Magrige. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 42.
Money warrant for 21l. 17s. 5d. to John Newsham, Receiver General of the first 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] in co. Warwick, being his surplusage on his account thereof. (Money order dated 1690-1, Jan. 20 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 538. Order Book III, p. 138.
Dec. 19 [sic? for 29]. Money order for 10l. to John Lowe, gent., one of the Deputy Chamberlains of the Receipt, for 1690, Christmas quarter, on his 40l. per an. for locking up and delivering out the treasure in the Receipt. Order Book III, p. 136.
Dec. 19. Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Gervase Disney, esq., shewing that Charles II granted to Hellen Izod, widow, a toft and croft in Great Carlton, co. Lincoln, and divers other lands in Spalding, lands called Lacey Close and Hardwick Close, belonging to the chief manor house of Kirton in Kirton-in-Lindsey, being part of the demesne lands belonging to the site of the manor or lordship of Kirton-in-Lindsey, for 31 years from 1662, May 17 : which premises are vested in petitioner : therefore praying a renewal of said lease. Reference Book VI, p. 261.
William Jephson to Mr. [Charles] Fox for an account of what money is due in your office [of a Paymaster of the Forces, Ireland] to the late Duke of Schonberg upon any account whatsoever, "to the intent the same may be laid before his Majesty on Wednesday next." (The like letter respectively to the Earl of Ranelagh [as Paymaster of the Forces, England] ; the Officers of the Ordnance ; and Sir Robert Howard [as Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer].) Out Letters (General) XII, p. 429.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 18 inst., to permit the ship Burdeaux Merchant, Lyson Portray master, with six English mariners, to proceed on her intended voyage [to Barbados] in place of the ship John, Joseph Walker master, with six men, which was included in the list of ships annexed to the Order in Council of Nov. 15 last [as permitted to sail] for the trade of Barbados, Mr. Haistwell, merchant, the owner thereof, having by petition shewn that said ship John was wholly disabled in her way to the Downs by extremity of weather, so that she cannot sail with the convoy.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 271-2.
Dec. 20. William Jephson to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Gabriel Guichard, complaining of Mr. Carlton, collector of Belfast, for having stopped a pipe of brandy belonging to him. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 425.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of the innkeepers of Abingdon, praying payment of 239l. 11s. 3½d. due to them for quartering soldiers in 1688. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests, enclosing a letter [missing] from Mr. Anderton concerning his accounts. Please consider same and attend my Lords with a state of said account, "and then their Lordships will give further directions therein." Ibid.
Same to Monsieur Vander Esch. My Lords are informed that there is in your hands 17l. which belonged to Bartholomew Montfort, lately convicted for clipping. If so, how came you by it? You are to pay it to Mr. Overton, Warden of the Mint. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to prepare for declaration the account of Cha. Godolphin, James Hoare and Andrew Corbet, Commissioners for Coining Tin Farthings and Halfpence ; your abstract of which account I have read to my Lords. Ibid, p. 426.
The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices of Ireland, conveying the King's commands for a list to be made of all such officers as are actually in the execution of their employment in the civil government in Ireland ; together with their, the said Lords Justices', opinion as to the commencement of the respective salaries in order to the preparing an establishment [for Ireland], to be laid before the King. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 41.