Entry Book: April 1690, 26-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: April 1690, 26-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp591-606 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1690, 26-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp591-606.

"Entry Book: April 1690, 26-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp591-606.


April 1690, 26-30

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 26. Three money orders for respectively 1,000l., 1,100l. and 900l. to Thomas Cass, esq., in repayment of loans made this day into the Receipt, with 6 per cent interest. Order Book III, p. 68.
The Treasury Lords to the [respective bodies of] Commissioners in the country for the Poll Act [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 2]. The remiss execution of the first Poll [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 13] not only occasioned that tax to fall short of what was justly expected from it, but also induced the Parliament to enact a review of it. We earnestly desire you to diligently intend the service of the new Poll and by early care and strict charge to the assessors to prevent such omissions (especially as to titles [of office] and personal estates) as were made in assessing the former Polls, so that their Majesties may not be defeated of any of this so necessary supply for reducing of Ireland and prosecuting the war against France. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 256.
William Jephson to Mr. Sotherne, enclosing (a) infra. Please move the Admiralty Lords that John Slyford and the artificers and labourers therein may be secured from pressing.
Appending : (a) letter [to said Jephson] from Sir Christopher Wren, Jo. Oliver and Math. Bancks, officers of the Works, dated April 26 inst. The officers of the Works are directed to take out the prize marbles and deliver [same out of] the ship Charity into their Majesties' stores. They have contracted with John Slyford to lighter same within two months with the help of 40 artificers and labourers to work at certain times as the tides will allow. Please have them protected from the press.
Ibid, p. 257.
Treasury warrant to Philip Ryley, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South, to fell the wood and underwood in the coppices of Fawn Grove and Knole Grove [at Chertsey], co. Surrey, and to deliver the produce to Carleton Whitlock in accordance with the privy seal of Feb. 22 last, ut supra, pp. 486-7, without account, but on conditions ut ibid. for which you are to take a bond from him. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 172.
Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of the dormant warrant for Thomas Penington's salary as a King's waiter, London, ut supra, p. 160.
Richard Powys's salary as searcher, Ipswich, ut supra, p. 299.
Money Book X, pp. 36, 120.
April 28. Money warrant for 20l. to Lodowick Bray for half a year to Lady day last on his pension. Ibid, p. 230.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of the 5,219l. 19s. 8d. which is reserved in the Exchequer for the Treasurer of the Chamber) 1,387l. 10s. 0d. to Sir Rowland Gwyn for last Michaelmas quarter to the Officers and Yeomen of the Guard. (Same to said Gwyn, Treasurer of the Chamber, to so apply same.) Disposition Book VIII, p. 120.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay 6,052l. 8s. 10d. to the Queen Dowager upon her annuities ; paying same by five weekly instalments from April 30 inst. in stated sums, instead of the payments directed in the letter of direction of the 15th inst., supra, p. 580. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of the 947l. 5s. 2½d. of small branches of the revenue and now in the Exchequer) 53l. 7s. 4d. to the Earl of Montagu, on any orders in his name for the service of the Great Wardrobe ; same to be paid over to Rose Peterman, assignee of John Radcliffe, one of the Grooms of the Privy Chamber to Charles II, for what was due on his livery of 40l. 0s. 6d. per an. payable in the Office of the Great Wardrobe. Ibid, p. 121.
Same to same to issue (out of the small branches of the revenue reserved for officers and messengers of the Exchequer) 20l. to Mr. Bray. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing an Order of Council [missing] concerning several foreign vessels lading at Newcastle on account of foreigners with considerable quantities of lead. Enquire into it and give my Lords an account. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 257.
Same to Mr. Colinge. I have read to my Lords the letter of the 25th inst. from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, with the extract of the letter from Mr. Cuff, deputy to the Commissaries General of the Provisions, in which he desires a supply of money to carry on the service. There is no mention therein of what sum is requisite. Ask the said Committee to inform my Lords what sum is absolutely necessary for Cuff to be furnished with. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Roberts. My Lords are informed that 15l. per an. rent for the mill adjoining the water engine at Windsor, bought by Charles II, is not brought into charge before the auditor. Enquire when the mill was purchased and get the writings and deliver same to the auditor to be enrolled so that said rent may be put in charge and the arrears thereof collected for the King. Ibid.
Order from the Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, April 24 inst., that no goods whatsoever be permitted to be unladen from ships coming from Hamburg, whether English or foreign, nor any goods whatsoever consigned to Hamburg to be laden on such ships until the Senate of Hamburg have published the Avocatories of the Empire prohibiting their subjects to trade with France and have sent away from Hamburg Monsieur Biddall, the French King's minister there : but this order not to apply to any ships or goods that came into port or were laden [here] before the 10th inst. : said order being made on a presentment of the 19th inst. from the Customs Commissioners.
Out Letters (Customs) -XII, p. 147.
Same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : a like Order in Council of the 24th inst. to permit all ships using the coast trade between St. Ives and Carlisle to proceed in the said trade between the said ports, notwithstanding the embargo.
Same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : the like Order in Council, dated the 24th inst., that the ship Orange, 300 tons burden, John Utber commander, laden with ammunition and provisions for the East India Company's factories and garrisons in the East Indies, be permitted to proceed on her voyage, notwithstanding the embargo, with 50 seamen and 20 landsmen, who are to be protected accordingly : all on the petition of said Company this day read.
Ibid, p. 148.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Nathan Wright et al., the four ordinary messengers attending the Exchequer, ut supra, p. 521, together with the Auditor of the Receipt's report thereon. Reference Book VI, p. 138.
Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of the dormant warrant for Richard Meredith's salary as customer of Chester, ut supra, p. 151.
Daniel Lawrence's same as a King's waiter, London, ut supra, p. 160.
Nicholas Park's same as a same, ut ibid.
Money Book X, pp. 29, 36, 37.
Letter of direction upon the money order of the 18th inst. for 3,125l. to Charles Duncombe, ut supra, p. 583. Order Book III, p. 69
April 29. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to take in loans on the [Temporary Excise] Act [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 3] lately passed for impositions on beer, ale etc. : levying tallies of loan and drawing orders of repayment thereon in the usual form with 8 per cent. interest for such moneys as shall be lent before June 10 next and 7 per cent. interest for such as shall be lent after that date: said orders to be registered in course as by the terms of said Act. (Undated royal warrant [probably dated about April 20] for a privy seal [dated April 28] to authorise the Treasury Lords so to take up loans up to 250,000l. on said Act on interest as above.) Money Book X, p. 231. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 419-20.
Treasury warrant to Philip Ryley, Surveyor of Woods, Trent South, and Francis Dickens, woodward of New Forest, to pay (out of the produce of offal or dotard wood sales) 735l. to the Duke of Bolton as imprest for 10½ years, 1679, Michaelmas, to 1690, Lady day, on the two sums of 30l. and 40l. per an. for repairs of the house and stables at Lindhurst as by the privy seal of the 10th inst., supra, p. 554 ; with dormant clause for said two sums in future during pleasure. An account of said sales to be rendered yearly. Money Book X, pp. 231-2.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Mr. Harbord the 1,000l. advanced on or about Jan. 30 last to Monsieur Overkirke for carriages and horses for his Majesty's equipage for Ireland. In the margin : letter writ to Mr. Bl[athwayt, viz. : ut infra]. Disposition Book VIII, p. 121.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to obtain a royal warrant for allowing in the accounts of William Harbord [of moneys for the Forces in Ireland] (a) the above item of 1,000l. paid to Overkirke ; (b) 400l. paid by Harbord to Mr. Allen for engines to press hay. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 258.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren. You have not yet reported on Mr. William Killigrew's petition for a lease of some ground in Scotland Yard, ut supra, p. 559. Return the petition and papers forthwith with or without your report. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to prepare a Proclamation for appointing Commissioners for the Poll lately granted. Ibid.
Same to Sir John Parsons. Send my Lords forthwith your answer to the enclosed case [missing] of divers tenants of the manor of Reigate. Ibid.
Same to the steward of the manor of Reigate. Bring in your account of the profits of said manor forthwith. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, April 17 inst., to discharge, free of duty, certain pieces of cables and cordage which were saved and taken out of the wreck of the ship Endraught, John Snell commander, now in the custody of the Customs officers at Plymouth : this order being made on a memorial from the States General's Ambassador.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 149.
Treasury reference to Aaron Smith of the letter of William Carter for an advance of money for carrying on some trials next term against transporters of wool. Reference Book VI, p. 160.
Same to Mr. Harbord and Mr. Blathwayt of the petition of John Trevers for payment of 3,495l. 2s. 5d. due to several ships employed in the King's service for transportation of men and provisions to Ireland. Ibid.
Declaration by the Treasury Lords that the several sums as following, amounting to 75,000l., have been lent by Sir Henry Ashurst, Sir John Morden, Sir Samuel Dashwood, Sir Humphry Edwyn, William Strong, John Foorthe and Steven Evance, Excise Commissioners, and Charles Duncombe, Excise Cashier, pursuant to their Majesties' pleasure, to wit 25,000l. thereof at the desire of the late Treasury Lords on the 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] ; 25,000l. more at the request of same on the 12d. Additional Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 5] ; 25,000l. more at the request of the present Treasury Lords on the Temporary Excise [and all] "for the supply of his Majesty's necessary and important occasions which in an extraordinary manner stood in need thereof," for which reason it was agreed by his Majesty that no direction should be given to the said Excise Commissioners (as might have been given by the tenor of their commission of appointment) for the lending [afresh, or continuing the loan] of said sums on the Excise as towards satisfying the money due to the States General : and that [as a consequence] until the said lenders are satisfied the said 75,000l. as well as other moneys by them lent towards satisfying the said debt to the States General, and with interest, they are to continue to enjoy their places as Commissioners and Cashier respectively in all respects just as if said 75,000l. had been lent towards satisfying said debt to the States General : all by reason that the terms of the commission to said Commissioners and to said Cashier, ut supra, pp. 273-4, guaranteed them such continuance in office until satisfaction of the loans and re-leans (and interest thereon) by them made as therein towards such debt due to the States General, on which guarantee the said Commissioners and Cashier did lend the 100,000l. as therein before Christmas last and other sums since (and the attorneys or deputies of the States General have received same) : as distinct from which the abovesaid 75,000l. was lent upon the said duties and impositions [sic, meaning Excise, but an erratum for, on the various assessments as above] and has been repaid out of same and has not been re-lent towards the further satisfaction of said debt due to the States General. [The purpose of this declaration is simply to safeguard the said Commissioners from a forfeiture of their commission by declaring that the re-loaning covenants or clauses therein do not apply to this 75,000l.] Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 179-80.
Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of the dormant warrant for Edmund Hampden's salary as a King's waiter, London port, ut supra, p. 160. Money Book X, p. 36.
April 30. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Arthur, Earl of Torrington, of the Ten Thousand Acres ("all those pieces and parcels of land containing in the whole by estimation ten thousand acres") in the Great Level of the Fens commonly called Peterborough Level or Bedford Level, in cos. Northampton, Lincoln, Huntingdon, Cambridge and Isle of Ely, as granted 1661, Dec. 14, to the then Duke of York and afterwards, viz. in 1685, Aug. 28, granted by James II to trustees for the life of his Queen Mary : the present grant to be in reversion of the term of said Queen Mary therein and to be in free and common socage as of the manor of East Greenwich and at the rent of 13s. 4d. per an. : and with a covenant on the part of the King that if said lands come to be vested in the Crown by Act of Parliament the King or his successors shall make any further grant to said Earl or his heirs for the more effectual confirming of the present grant and will assent to any bill in Parliament for confirming thereof. Further, the present grant is to convey all arrears of rent and mesne profits of the premises incurred and unpaid before date hereof. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 423-437.
Appending : (a) particular of said premises [evidently badly translated from a Latin original] :
parcel of land in Crowland, co. Lincoln, lately enclosed out of the waste and common there : of 400 acres some time since in the tenure of Valentine Walton and now in that of William Chartresse, Fitz Randolph and Richard Digle ;
parcel of land called Dunn's Drove, alias Nicholas Drove : of 910 acres in the tenure of William Curtis, —Ollet,—Fordham, Richard Bodwell, Benjamin Michael, John Parlett, John Carr, George Watson, Adam Johnson, Richard Morry, Simon Grant, —Barnes, Christopher Kippin, Capt. Styles, —Sley, William Figg, Andrew Gouton, William Ellington, Hugh Durlin, Thomas Buck, John Nicholas and partners, William Creake, —Beaver, —Wildbore, Robert Smith, Thomas Ewing, —Porter, —Palmer, —Hyde, —Quarles, Robert Ewing, —Mapletoft and Mr. Tipp : "the same being parcel of the aforesaid [sic] piece or parcel of ground or land containing by estimation 2,622 acres, in the parish of Peterborough, within a common or waste there called the Great Fen and lately divided and enclosed from same, [and] late before in the tenure of William Say, William Lisle, William Browne, Baldwyn Arthur, — Tippin, Thomas Juxon and George Key ;
piece of ground in the parish of Peterborough lately enclosed from the marsh called the Little Fen, and containing 88 acres, late in the tenure of Oliver St. John and Joseph Buckley, and now in that of Walter Sly, William Sly, William Leake, Thomas Robinson, Widow Dalton, William Banford, John Wright, Widow Rowell, Francis Storey and Edward Scarborow ;
parcel of ground called Cranmore and the Reaches thereto belonging, adjoining the place called Oates Water, heretofore in the tenure of Gabriell Elliott, and now in that of John Hood, Buck Herne and others : "which were formerly used and occupied together with a parcel of ground called Stanground" : the abovesaid four items or parcels of land lying and being in or near the parish of Crowland : the parcels called Dunns Drove or Nicholas Drove and the parcels in the parish of Peterborough and the parcels called the Cranmore and the Reaches before mentioned being demised by the said Queen Mary and her trustees 1688, Nov. 6, to George, Visct. Castleton, for 21 years from 1688, Michaelmas, at the rent of 323l. 8s. 9d. per an. ;
parcel of ground called King's Drove of 808 acres, in the tenures of Robert Ewin, Robert Smith, Robert Cole, Andrew Gunton, Robert Bonner, John Ellett, —Teyd, John Buck, —Mapletoft, George Watson, Robert Watson, John Measures, Platt Blea, Thomas Ingable, Randolph Prior and partners, Richard Morrey, William Cart, Edmund Bray, William Warner, Thomas Blackborne, —Wildbore, John Stevens, Marke Atkinson, George Watson, William Harreson, William Langton, John Needham, —Martin, John Dunning, Godfrey Foe, William Hickling and John Hickling, being parcel of the abovesaid 2,622 acres in the parish of Peterborough, in the common or waste there called the Great Fen, and late enclosed therefrom etc. as above ;
parcel of ground of 240 acres, late in the tenure of Gabriel Elliott, and now in that of John Buckthorne, Widow Panck, John Hood, Thomas Crampe, Henry Walton, Widow Marshall, Anthony Lewis, Robert Kester, Widow Read, Richard Darby, Paul Foster, John Castleton, Francis Story, Widow Dalton, Francis Watkinson and William Heard, and lately divided from a farm called Singlsole Farm in the parish of Eye, co. Northants ;
parcel of three roods of land in Peterborough, lately enclosed and divided from several closes of Tronton there, late in the tenure of Robert Henly, esq., and now in that of Francis Story ;
parcel of five acres of land in Peterborough, lately divided from the closes of —Butcher and Giles Barrow, and late in the tenure of Luke Parker and now in that of Thomas Giles ;
parcel of 661 acres in the parish of Yaxley, lately enclosed, and in the tenures of William Booker, Widow Freeman, —Hunt, Thomas Booker, William Hall, William Thompson, James Smith, Mr. Johnson, John Ashley, —Wise, and Robert Fennimore ;
parcel of 191 acres of ground in the parish of Stanground in co. Huntingdon and Isle of Ely and co. Cambridge, and in the tenures of Henry Barrett, Humphry Rowland, Nicholas Farrey, James Wright and —King : all which premises in Yaxley and Stanground were late in the tenure of Oliver St. John and Joseph Buckley.
all the above lastnamed six items having been demised by the said Queen and her trustees 1688, Nov. 30, to Sir John Shaw of Eltham, co. Kent, for 17½ years from 1692, Lady day, at a rent of 323l. 8s. 9d. per an.
parcel of 987 acres of ground called Beckingham Drove, in the tenures of Thomas Digling, John Declew, James Beckingham, John Durrent, William Moyer, Richard Durrent, William Wyer, John Preston, Henry Beckingham, Thomas Foster of Eye, Benjamin Glate, Robert Serjeant, Robert Jerman, John Measures, Capt. Collins, Richard Arnall, Richard Kendall, Mr. Darby, Adam Johnson, Theophilus Thorpe, John Cole, Richard Sparrowhawke, John Jarman and partners, John Holt and partners, John Sergeant, Peter Plant, John Hole, Richard Fall, John Denham, Thomas Webster, Thomas Rise, William Lea and Robert Walter and forming part of the abovesaid 2,622 acres ;
parcel of 940 acres in the parish of Farcett and the close there of 162 acres, lately divided and enclosed out of several closes there : in all 1,102 acres, now divided into many smaller parcels, in the tenures of Robert Cull, Aron Vanhooke, Richard Hardy, Jacob Dutchman, Richard Finch, Edward Dawkins, Humphry Rowland, Browne Burges, William Quicklove, St. Lathill Swayneland, Robert Chesson, William Austlin, Giles Roundabancke, William Andrew, John Gentle, Isaac Harsey, Robert Hownswell, John Bellamy and Godfrey Houghton ;
parcel of 22 acres in Yaxley called Yaxley Severalls, in the tenures of Thomas Booker, Richard Brownell, Anthony Borton, —Hardin, Simon Browne, —Thompson and — Woodholt.
the three lastnamed items being demised by the Duke of York 1664, May 12, to John, Lord Berkeley, for 28 years from 1664, Lady day, at 323l. 8s. 9d. per an. rent.
parcel of 1,113 acres of fen or marsh land in Whittlesey in the Isle of Ely in a place there called Flagg Croft or Flagg Fen, and abutting southward on Bevills Leame, northward upon Whittlesey Dike and the 50 acres of marsh land belonging to the Beerested and upon the Holts in Bridgetts, and east upon Barnaby Dike and 226 acres of fen lands in the possession of Francis Underwood, and west on a dyke called the Sixteen Foot Drain : which said parcel was demised by the Duke of York 1670, July 28, to Hugh Underwood of Whittlesey, co. Cambridge, for 41 years from 1670, Sept. 29, at the rent of 115l. 6s. 4d. per an. ;
parcel of 290 acres of ground called Alderslands in the parish of Crowland, co. Lincoln, and lately divided and enclosed from the great part of the demesne lands there called Alderlands ; and heretofore in the tenures of William Lisle and William Browne and now in that of William Pepper, Robert Palmer, George Clarke, Robert Richmond, Abraham Rea, Robert Baggarley, Samuell Kindall, Simon Thompson, John Nicholas, Hugh Darlin, Andrew Cooper, Robert Robinson, John Carr, Robert Wright, Widow Lanstrop and John Nicholas ;
parcel of 234 acres of ground in the tenure of Sir Thomas Allen, kt. and bart. . and the parcel of 300 acres of ground in the tenure of John Thurlow, esq. : and the parcel of 200 acres in the tenure of Sir Walter St. John : which three parcels are commonly known by the name of Midle in Whittlesey : and the several parcels containing in all 932 acres in Whittlesey ; whereof 300 acres were late in the tenure of Sir Walter St. John and 232 acres in that of Mark Hildersly and 200 acres in that of John Arthur and 200 acres in that of Gregory Gawsett, esq., deceased : these seven items being all in certain fens called Estrey [Eastrea] Fen, the Middle in Whittlesey and Wisbech Common in the Isle of Ely ; and are now or late in the tenures of John Harvey, Henry Finnymore, Richard Healy, Henry Atkinson, Edward Waterford, Humphry Speachly, Godfry Annussy, Robert Smelts, Thomas Wright, John Wright, William Cundall, Robert Goodwin, John Dow, Henry Layton, John Newman, Henry Newborne, John Tuckey and Richard Chapman ;
parcel of 646 acres called Glassmore by the Stedds, in the parish of Whittlesey, late in the tenure of Sir Thomas Allen and now in that of Anthony Rea, Robert Bayly and Peter Decow ;
three several closes in the parish of Whittlesey called Priors Fen and containing 189 acres, heretofore in the tenure of William Say, esq., and now in that of Christopher Budd, Edward Holt, Henry Searle, Richard Harwood, George Searle and John Rowell ;
parcel of 200 acres, late in the tenure of Thomas Juxon or George Key : the parcel of 223 acres late in the tenure of Robert Henly : and the parcel of 69 acres late in the tenure of Humphry Rowland : these three parcels being in the common or waste called Wisbech Common betwixt the dikes and shewers [sewers] called Moretons Leame and Beavills Leame in the parish of Wisbech, Isle of Ely and now in the tenures of Richard Healy, Henry Finnimore and John Harvy ;
parcel of 59 acres called South Dingle (South Pingle) in the parish of Whittlesey, heretofore in the tenure of Anthony Hamond, senr., and now in that of Anthony Hamond, junr., his son ;
which abovesaid [six] parcels were demised 1664, May 12, by the Duke of York to John Ashburnham for 28 years from 1664, Lady day, at the rent of 323l. 8s. 9d. per an.
(b) Memorandum, dated 1690, April 19, by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands on said particular. In several accompts in my custody there is a rent of 10l. 18s. 6d. per an. charged for another farm (parcel of said Ten Thousand Acres), alleged to be granted to Sir George Downing : but there is no such lease entered in my office and no such rent has ever been answered nor could the lands be discovered whereout same should issue ; for which reason the said premises were not assigned to Queen Mary in her jointure. I conceive some of the rents may be remaining in the tenants' hands for three years and the rest for two years or thereabouts.
(c) Ratal by said Surveyor General of said particular. The premises are now valued at 3,000l. per an. clear of all charges for repairs of banks, sewers etc.
Royal signature and allowance of the establishment of the Treasurer of the Chamber : as follows : King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 438-43.
l. s. d.
Almoner for daily alms and Maundy 500 0 0
Serjeant Trumpeter 100 0 0
Master of the Music 200 0 0
twenty-four musicians and an instrument keeper at 40l. per an. each 1,000 0 0
Serjeant of the Hawks, 136l. ; one falconer, 80l. ; three ditto, 50l. each ; five ditto, 45l. each ; one ditto, 25l 616 0 0
eleven pensionary falconers, detailed 220 0 0
Master of the Buckhounds for his wages, buying horses and extras, 500l. ; ditto for maintaining 100 hounds at 3d. a day each etc., 456l. ; ditto for a waggon and four horses, 80l.; Serjeant of the Buckhounds, 200l. ; five horse huntsmen, 85l. each ; three horses, 45l. ; buying one horse yearly, 20l. ; servant, 20l. ; brass horn, 2l. ; five foot huntsmen, 40l. each, besides 2d. a day for keeping young hounds 2,341 0 0
Master of the Harriers or Beagles, 236l. ; one horse huntsman, 95l. ; one ditto, 75l. ; foot huntsman, 24l. ; keeping the beagles, 150l. ; hire of a kennel, 20l 600 0 0
three foresters of Waltham Forest 36 10 0
clockmaker and watchmaker for keeping in repair all clocks etc. at Whitehall, Windsor etc. 200 0 0
Master of the Jewel House, 50l. ; clerk, 13l. 6s. 8d. ; two yeomen, 106l. 15s. 0d. each; groom, 105l. 8s. 4d. 382 5 0
moletaker 8 1 8
ratkiller 48 3 4
two coffer makers 54 15 0
ten Grooms of the King's Chamber, 40l. each 400 0 0
forty messengers of the Chamber at 49l. 17s. 6d. each, but to be reduced by extinction to thirty in number 1,995 0 0
two clerks of the cheque to the messengers at 49l. 17s. 6d 99 15 0
Master of the Barges, 30l. ; fortyeight watermen to the King at 3l. 2s. 6d. each 180 0 0
Groom Porter for all payments 550 0 0
Capt. of the Guard, 1,000l. ; lieut., 500l. ; ensign, 300l. ; clerk of cheque and four corporals at 150l. each ; 100 Yeomen of the Guard at 30l. each 5,550 0 0
Visct. Grandison, late Yeoman of the Guard, pension 1,000 0 0
five pensionary yeomen, Richard Sawyer, Thomas Richbell, Tho. Coleman, Tho. Smith, Simon Cook, 15l. each 75 0 0
yeoman ushers of House of Peers 109 10 0
eight yeoman ushers to the King, 10l. each 80 0 0
six yeomen hangers to the King, 10l. each 60 0 0
two bedgoers to the King, 10l. each 20 0 0
two waiters on the King's robes, 10l. each 20 0 0
pondkeeper in St. James's Park 30 0 0
keeper of Audley End Park 25 0 0
theatre keeper 30 0 0
Nevill Kidwell, pensionary footman 40 0 0
yeoman of the revels 46 11 8
King's Gentleman Usher daily waiter assistant 66 13 4
yeoman of the bows 18 5 0
Treasurer of Chamber, salary etc. 314 1 4
housekeeper of Whitehall Palace, for cleansing the house, Stone Gallery and Courts, and keeping the Privy Garden 650 0 0
keeper of standing wardrobe at Whitehall 200 0 0
two gallery keepers at Whitehall, 3s. a day each 109 10 0
underkeeper at Hampton Court House 250 0 0
keeper of the wardrobe and privy lodgings ibid 200 0 0
housekeeper at Windsor Castle 250 0 0
keeper of Standing Wardrobe at Windsor 160 0 0
keeper of the King's house and wardrobe at Greenwich and keeping the gardens 225 0 0
housekeeper at Audley End and keeping the gardens 250 0 0
keeper of the house and wardrobe at Newmarket 200 0 0
officers of the removing wardrobe at Whitehall : Yeoman, 230l. ; two Grooms, 130l. each ; three Pages, 100l. each 790 0 0
Clerk of all the Wardrobes and robes 160 0 0
housekeeper at Richmond, for keeping and cleansing the house and the gamekeeper's fee 78 0 0
keeper of the Royal Garden in St. James's Park 400 0 0
to Quellenburgh, one of the gardeners at Hampton Court, for himself and eleven servants and all bills 358 15 0
to Van Staten, another gardener there, for himself and ten servants and bills 309 15 0
to Van Uliet, another gardener there, for himself and three servants and bills 115 5 0
maintaining the gravel and grass at Hampton Court 296 1 0
the weeder woman there 42 11 8
keeper of the bowling green there 23 8 0
gardener at Kensington 450 0 0
gardener at Richmond 75 0 0
keeping the Queen's little garden at Windsor 25 0 0
First and Principal Physician, 400l. ; second Physician, 300l. ; third ditto, 250l ; fourth ditto, 219l. 1,169 0 0
Apothecary to the King's person, salary and bills 500 0 0
Apothecary to the Household, salary and bills 160 0 0
Serjeant Surgeon to the King 396 13 4
Surgeon to the Household 280 0 0
£25,231 15 4
Travelling bills of Messengers of the Chamber and allowances of inferior officers attending the Privy Council to be signed by six members of the Privy Council : allowances for lodging, watermen's bills, by the Lord Chamberlain ; messengers' incidents, by one of the Secretaries of State.
Treasury warrant to Ralph, Earl of Montagu, Keeper of the Great Wardrobe, to pay 53l. 7s. 4d., ut supra, p. —to Rose Peterman. Money Book X, p. 233.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the 2,000l. to William Harbord for Mr. Auverquerque, ut supra, p. 574, for the Dragoons' horses and his Majesty's waggons (if not already issued), together with a further 2,000l. for the same service and preferable to any payments before directed. (Same, dated May 2, to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant for allowing in said Harbord's accounts [of moneys for the Forces in Ireland] this [second sum of] 2,000l.) Disposition Book VIII, p. 121. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 259.
Same to the Customs Commissioners (in pursuance of the King's commands) to deliver some bone lace and other goods lately seized by Charles Robertson and others, which belonged to Peter de Grammard, Lady Overkirke and Daniel Bernard, valued at 27l. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 258.
Same to Mr. Harbord [as Surveyor General of Crown Lands], enclosing the petition and papers [all missing] of Robert Forder, farmer near Winchester. Send for him and examine his accounts, charging him for what is due to the King for what lands he is chargeable. Ibid, p. 259.
April 30, et postea. Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Tho. Mathews, proposing sureties for himself as Receiver of the [second] Poll [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 2] for co. Hereford : the proposed sureties being himself, William Mathews, apothecary,. Benj. Hill, mercer, all of Hereford city, and Henry Mathews of the Crown Office in the Middle Temple, gent. (Warrant dated May 5 for taking his sureties.) (Commission dated May 5.) Reference Book VI, pp. 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 174, 176, 177, 180, 181, 187, 191, 209, 216. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 181-2, 183-4.
Edward Mitchell of Cheltenham, co. Gloucester (dated April 30) as same for co. Gloucester : sureties : Lionell Rich of Upper Dowdeswell, co. Gloucester, esq., John Carter, senr., of co. Gloucester. (Warrant dated May 9 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 6 [? 9].)
Samuell Foden (dated May 2)as same for co. Stafford and Lichfield city : sureties : himself, Samuell Foden of Mer, gent., John Chetwynd of the same, gent., Brian Broughton of Charnes, gent., Thomas Foden of Stafford, gent. (Warrant dated May 6 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 6.)
John Child as same for co. Wilts and New Sarum : sureties : George Child of Eaton Kennell, Tho. Child of the Devizes, Henry Rogers, rector of Headington. (Warrant dated May 12 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 12.)
Augustine Briggs (dated May 5) as same for co. Norfolk and Norwich city : sureties : Michaell Beverley, Edmund Themylthorpe, Edward Jennison, all of Norwich, gents. (Warrant dated May 12 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 12.)
Leonard Robinson as same for London, Westminster and Middlesex: sureties : Sir Humphry Edwyn, James Pickering, merchant, Lombard Street [London], James Collett in St. Martin's Vintry. (Warrant dated May 9 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 12.)
Tho. Flesher "as Receiver" [for same] for co. Hertford : sureties : himself, Jo[h]n Barkwall of Tyringham, co. Bucks, William Rowse of Harrow-on-the-Hill, co. Midd. (No entry of any surety warrant or commission.)
Morgan Whitley (dated May 2) as same for cos. Chester, Anglesea, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Flint, Merioneth and Montgomery : sureties : himself, Tho. Whitley of Aston, Luke Lloyd of Bryn, Samuell Lloyd of Plas Madoc, all co. Flint, and Jo[h]n Travers of Haughton, co. Chester. (Warrant dated May 12 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 12.)
Tho. Doyley (dated May 6) as Receiver ("for the last Poll") for cos. Oxford and Southampton and Oxford University : sureties : himself, William Duncomb of Albury, co. Surrey, William Kent of Winchester Street, London, Tho. Joyner of Fresh Wharf, London, Robert Miller of Smithfield, salter. (Warrant dated May 19 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 19.)
Richard Tregeare (dated May 2) as same ("for the Poll") for co. Cornwall : sureties : himself, Phi. Geoffry and Tho. Bawden, both of Launceston. (Warrant dated May 23 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 23.)
Charles Goodwin as same for co. Sussex : sureties : himself and Ambrose Instead of Edmonton. (Warrant dated May 19 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 19.)
John Newsham (dated May 5) [as same] for co. Warwick and Coventry city : sureties : himself, Cha. Newsham of Chadshunt, Tho. Newsham of Butlers Marston, William Loggin of the same, all in co. Warwick. (Warrant dated May 19 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 19.)
Nathaniell Rich [as same] for co. Essex : sureties : himself, Sir Rob. Rich of Beccles, co. Suffolk, Nathaniell Rich, junr., of Woodham Walter, co. Essex, gent. (Warrant dated May 13 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 13.)
Nathaniell Molineux (dated May 6) as same for co. Lancaster : sureties : William Travis, merchant in Liverpool, Peter Coulbourne, gent., William Frankland in Clare Market, London, Rob. Boothe of Maghull, co. Lancs., gent. (Warrant dated May 23 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 23.)
Benj. Mathews (dated May 9) as same for co. Northampton : sureties : himself, William Adams of Daventry, William Adams of Welton, Samuel Adams of Weston, Jo[h]n Clerk of Willoughby, Jo[h]n Mathew of Daventry. (Warrant dated May 12 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 12.)
Rob. Crompton as same for the county of York (county of York and city of York [meaning only the county of the city of York] and Hull) : sureties : himself, Jo[h]n Birch, merchant, Lionell Cole of Surrey, gent., Jo[h]n Cole of Ripon, Yorks, gent. ; with a later note, dated May 20, of other sureties instead, viz. Hugh Fawcett, Richard Fawcett, Jo[h]n Bird, Lionell Cole. A second petition, dated May 27, for him as same for cos. Durham and Northumberland : sureties : Geo. Hovey of Fleet Street [London], Jno. Fausett of Burnby, gent., "and the persons last proposed for Yorkshire all jointly to be bound with him for receipt of the three counties" (Warrant dated May 16 for his first set of sureties : with a fresh entry, dated May 30, of same for above places and for cos. Durham and Northumberland, dated May 30.) (Commission dated May 16 for York city and Hull.) (Commission dated May 30 for the county and city of York, Kingston on Hull, Durham, Northumberland and Berwick on Tweed. [In this case of Crompton the first warrant for his sureties and both the commissions are marked in the margin with a X. The commissions for these places were evidently granted to Ralph Williamson, see under his name infra.)
Noah Starling as Receiver for co. Berks : sureties : himself, Fra. Sedgwick, goldsmith, David Middleton, surgeon. (Warrant dated May 14 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 14.)
Mr. (Joseph) Cradock (dated May 10) as same for co. Leicester: sureties : himself, Earl of Stamford, Sir Edward Abney, John Pare, citizen. (Warrant dated May 12 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 12.)
Phi. Bercroft (Bearcroft) (dated May 9) as same for co. Worcester and Worcester city : sureties : himself, William Bromley, Richard Dowdeswell, both of co. Worcester. (Warrant dated May 12 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 12.)
William Whitebread as same for co. Beds : sureties : himself, Hen. Whitebread of Cardington, gent., John Howard of Long Lane [London], upholsterer. (Warrant dated May 14 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 14.)
Tho. Eggleton (dated May 12) as same for co. Bucks : sureties : himself, Hugh Horton of Ellesborough, co. Bucks ; John Eggleton of London, goldsmith. (Warrant dated May 13 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 13.)
Robert Chaplain as same for co. Suffolk : sureties : himself, James Cole, gent., James Chaplin, gent., Antho. Ferris, citizen of London. (Warrant dated May 13 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 13.)
John Darbie as same for co. Dorset: sureties : himself, Richard Andrews, John Calamy, John Singleton, James Richardson, citizens of London. (Warrant dated May 19 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 19.)
Peter Beavis, John Elwill and Richard Lee as same for co. Devon and Exeter city : sureties : Richard Beavis of Clist, co. Devon, esq., John Tassell of Lombard Street, London, banker. (Warrant dated May 14 for their sureties.) (Commission dated May 14.)
Thomas Trueman as same for co. Notts : sureties : himself, Philip Sherrard of Car Colston, co. Notts, gent., John Beesly of Hose, co. Leicester, gent., John Hawkins and Joseph Turpin, aldermen of Nottingham. (Warrant dated May 19 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 19.)
Anthony Isaacson of Newcastle upon Tyne (dated May 13) as same for Newcastle on Tyne : sureties : himself, James Gibbons of Whitehall, gent. (Warrant dated May 16 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 16.)
Daniel Price as same for cos. Brecon and Radnor : sureties : himself, John Jeffreys, Samuel Oustey and Francis Powell, all of Brecon, gents. (Warrant dated May 16 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 16.)
William Cawthorpe and Christopher Randes (dated May 14) as same for co. Lincoln : sureties : themselves, William Hardy of Alford, co. Lincoln, gent., William Chapman of Skegness, co. Lincoln, gent. (Warrant dated May 16 for their sureties.) (Commission dated May 16.)
William Layer (dated May 10) as same for co. Cambridge, Cambridge University and Isle of Ely : sureties : himself, William Layer, senr., of Shepreth, co. Cambridge, Jo[h]n Jefferys of Sawston, co. Cambridge, gent. (Warrant dated May 26 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 26.)
Tho. Allen and Cha. Browne (Brawne) as same for co. Somerset and Bristol city : sureties : themselves, Jo[h]n Mogg of Castle Cary, Jo[h]n Allen of Bruton, Phi. Boord of Batcombe, Jo[h]n Allen of Midsomer Norton, all co. Somerset. (Warrant dated May 19 for their sureties.) (Commission dated May 19.)
Gilb. Spencer (dated May 9) as same for co. Kent and Canterbury : sureties : himself, Sir Cha. Bickerstaff, Jo[h]n Thorp of Penshurst, gent., Gilbt. Spencer, junr. (Warrant dated May 19 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 19.)
Rob. Crompton (dated May 15) as same for co. Yorks : sureties : himself, Jno. Birch of London, merchant, Lionell Cole of Surrey, gent., Jno. Cole of Ripon, gent (see supra, p. 603). [There appears to be neither warrant nor commission for the county of Yorkshire.]
James Lapley, junr. (dated May 20) as same for co. Herts : sureties : himself, James Lapley, senr., goldsmith, Madam Grace Andrews, John Methwen of Lincolns Inn, esq. (Warrant dated May 26 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 26.)
Charles Williams (dated May 19) as same for co. Monmouth : sureties : himself, Nehemiah Williams of Newport, co. Monmouth, gent., Francis Lewis of Magor, gent. (Warrant dated June 5 for his sureties.) (Commission dated June 5.)
Edward Jolley (dated May 22) as same for co. Huntingdon : sureties : himself, William Dowze, merchant, Edward Audley, merchant, Lawrence Torkington, gent. (Warrant dated May 31 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 31.)
George Howells (Howell) as same for co. Glamorgan : sureties : himself, Tho. Lewis of Llanishen, esq., Richard Lyson of Newton Nottage, Cradock Nowell of Cardiff, gent. (Warrant dated June 6 for his sureties.) (Commission dated June 6.)
John Stayner (Stanyer, Stanier) (dated May 23) as same for co. Salop : sureties : himself, John Smyth of Sagdon [Soughton], Robert Clearke of Ercall, Tho. Smyth of Cotwall, Richard Stanyer of Long [? Tong]. (Two warrants dated May 29 and May 30 for his sureties.) (Two commissions dated May 29 and May 30.)
Charles Duncomb as same for co. Surrey and Southwark : sureties : himself, Thomas Browne of Greek Street, Westminster, gent. (Warrant dated May 27 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 27.)
Richard Burnby (Burneby) (dated May 27) as same for co. Rutland : sureties : himself, Richard Cockman of Wollaston, co. Northants, gent., Ralph Rawlins of Brooke, co. Rutland, gent., John Cockman of Uppingham, clothier. (Warrant dated May 31 for his sureties.) (Commission dated May 31.)
Samuel Bradshaw (dated June 4) as same for co. Derby : sureties : himself, Robert Ferne and Edmund Ferne of Bonsall, co. Derby, gent., Anthony Bradshaw of Holbrook, co. Derby, gent., John Greatrix of Bonsall, gent., Henry Ferne of Westminster, gent. (Warrant dated June 11 for his sureties.) [Commission not entered, apparently owing to a clerical slip.]
Isaac Willison as Receiver for co. Cumberland : sureties : himself, James Colleson, Joshua Colleson and Robert Benson, all of Penrith, gents. (Warrant dated June 13 for his sureties.) (Commission dated June 13.)
Ra. Williamson (petition undated) as same for the county and city of York and town of Kingston on Hull and counties of Durham and Northumberland and town of Berwick on Tweed : sureties : himself, Timothy Williamson, merchant in Abchurch Lane, Hen. Howard, draper in Barbican, Peter Salmon, gent., of Whitechapel. "Memorandum. Mr. Williamson had his commission signed upon the Agents' report without any reference from Mr. Jephson." (Two warrants dated apparently May 29 for his sureties.) (Two separate commissions dated May 29 for a, York city and Hull, b, Durham, Northumberland and Berwick. See supra, p. 603, under Robert Crompton.)
Isaac Willison (dated July 15) as same for the [review of first Poll and] Additional Poll [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 7, see supra, p. 570] and for the last [second] Poll [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 2] for co. Westmorland : sureties : himself, James Colleson, Joshua Colleson and Robert Benjon [Benson] of Penrith, co. Cumberland. (Warrant dated July 18 for taking his sureties.) [The commission is not entered.]
John Fowler (dated Aug. 8) as same for both the Review and the present Poll, for cos. Cardigan, Carmarthen, Pembroke and Haverford West, ut supra, p. 570. (Warrant dated Aug. 11 for taking his sureties.) (Commission dated Aug. 11.)
Francis, Visct. Newport : commission dated June 23 for him to act as same for the Palaces of Whitehall and St. James's and within the Verge thereof.
April 30. Treasury reference to John Wildman [Postmaster General] of the petition of Peter Dawson, postmaster of York, praying an allowance of 53l. 18s. 9d. in his account, being paid to Sir Henry Goodrick's order at York. Reference Book VI, p. 160.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Roe for a place in the Customs, he having been for several years a waiter in Galway port, Ireland. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Philip Ryley, Surveyor General of Woods, for felling timber in Dean Forest for purposes etc. as in the privy seal of the 28th inst., supra, pp. 586-7. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 173-5.
Same to same for same in Wychwood for purposes etc. as in abovesaid privy seal, ut ibid. Ibid, p. 175.
Same to same for same in Whittlewood and Salcey Forests for purposes etc. as in abovesaid privy seal, ut ibid., and also for enforcing the regulations as therein concerning fuel wood and cutting etc. Ibid, pp. 176-8.
William Jephson to Mr. Carleton to pass the wine etc. of Gabriell Guichard as described supra, p. 533, or to give your reasons why you have not complied with said direction. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 19.