Entry Book: May 1690, 1-5

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: May 1690, 1-5', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp607-613 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: May 1690, 1-5', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp607-613.

"Entry Book: May 1690, 1-5". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp607-613.


May 1690, 1-5

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
May 1. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Lord William Powlett, younger son to Charles, Duke of Bolton, of the profits of the Greenwax ("all fines, penalties and sums of money that shall accrue to us ... upon all judgments Quod capiatur et Capias pro fine and also of all our revenue or profits that shall arise by or upon the Greenwax of our Exchequer at Westminster or commonly called or known as part or parcel of the Greenwax") and all arrears thereof ; excepting all fines arising on penal statutes against Recusants and Conventiclers as well Greenwax as others or on informations Popular Qui tam etc. and except all Post Fines of Alienations : and reserving to the Crown the right of pardoning any fine as aforesaid as amply as if the present grant were not made : all to hold for 41 years from date hereof at a rent of 500l. per an., payable into the Receipt : with power to the sheriffs to deduct out of any the above profits such sums as are due upon their accounts if there be not sufficient of the King's revenue in their hands to defray their ordinary charges : the duties hereby granted are to be collected and accounted for according to the law and custom of the Exchequer : with power to the Judges to spare issues and mitigate fines and recognizances and to allow charges to prosecutors as they now use : and with power to them further to order 40l. per an. (out of the Capias pro fine) for repairs of the Court of Common Pleas : the grantee to covenant to present yearly accounts of his receipts hereunder so that the true value thereof may be known from time to time : and to covenant further that if the proceeds thereof exceed 3,000l. in one year (viz. 500l. rent, 500l. for charge of management and 2,000l. to the lessee) then three fourths of the overplus shall be answered to the King : with power of resumption by the Crown if it shall appear that this grant is prejudicial to the subject or inconvenient to the King's service : with proviso, finally, that this grant shall not prejudice the office of Surveyor of the Greenwax. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 443-5.
Same to same for a same to pass the great seal of Ireland for a commission to Sir Charles Meredith, kt., Jno. Lowther, William Culliford, Edward May and Edward Ford to be Revenue Commissioners, Ireland ("Commissioners and Governors in and throughout our kingdom of Ireland of and for all and every our revenues" there) : during pleasure : with 600l. per an. salary to each of the lastnamed three persons, from Lady day last : Lawrence Steele to be Secretary to said Commissioners with 300l. per an. salary and John Thompson to be solicitor to them : with power to the Commissioners to appoint or remove sub-commissioners, collectors, receivers, accountants, waiters, searchers, gaugers etc. ; and to take their surety bonds ; and to allow them salaries : and with power to compound fines and forfeitures except forfeitures arising upon the Acts of Tunnage and Poundage : with power to cause the collectors to make yearly accounts : with power to them and to persons employed by them to administer oaths as by law may be administered to any persons concerning the premises : with power to grant bills of portage to masters of ships according to usage and bills of stores to merchants "to the value of 10s. in Customs" and to compound seizures of below 40s. value : all the officers of the revenue to give account to them from time to time of their doings therein. Ibid, pp. 447-50
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to authorise the Treasury Lords, from time to time where necessary, to give warrant to the survivors of the Trustees for Sale of Fee Farms (viz. Sir William Hayward and Sir John Talbot) to give such relief to purchasers as have not received the fruit of their purchases by reason of any mistakes or doubts [viz. by double sales or mis-describing or nondiscoverability of any items of such rents] : such relief to be given (in the form of reprise) out of rents remaining unsold : all by reason that Charles II granted a privy seal 1675-6, Feb. 29, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. V, pp. 131-2, providing for the like relief, but it is supposed that the said privy seal is now become void ; but his present Majesty being graciously pleased to grant the like relief in such cases.
Appending : instructions to be observed by said Trustees herein : being ut supra, ibid.
King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 463-6.
Treasury letters patent constituting Thomas Neesham as collector of their Majesties' revenues in the port and district of Strangford loco William Dobbins, whose authority therein is hereby determined : all by reason that said Neesham as late collector there was plundered, forced from his employment and imprisoned by the Irish for assisting the Protestants before their Majesties' army landed there and for the said reason was taken away by the Irish army and in danger of his life ; but having made his escape was restored to the said collection by authority of the Duke of Schonberg : but the late Treasury Lords, "not having notice (as we are informed) that the said Thomas Neesham was then in possession of the said place," did on Sept. 20 last constitute William Dobbins as collector of Strangford, together with the ports and districts of Donnaghadee : the present decision of the Treasury Lords being made upon a report from William Culliford and Edward May upon said Neesham's case and in view of his services and sufferings. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 20-1.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for providing an assurance as follows for payment of the following creditors of the Office of Ordnance, viz. : 1,000l. to Sir John Pelham for 100 tons of iron round shot of several natures contracted by him to be furnished ; 13,771l. 8s. 3½d. to William Benge, founder, for divers brass and iron ordnance, granado shells and round shot by him provided or contracted to be provided ; 4,000l. to Samuell Lash, carpenter, for divers stores and services delivered or contracted for ; 10,127l. 4s. 9d. to Edward Silvester, master smith, for stores furnished and services performed ; 4,425l. 4s. 9d. to John Uthwaite (Ushwaite) for cordage, tar, pitch etc. furnished or agreed to be furnished : making in all 33,323l. 17s. 9½d. Debentures for said sums are hereby to be made out and issued to them by the Ordnance Office : and as they may or shall from time to time respectively lend money into the Exchequer the said loan money is hereby immediately to be issued to the Treasurer of the Ordnance to be by him applied to the payments of the said debentures respectively. And for a further assurance to said payees the said sums are hereby to be charged on the register of loans authorised by Parliament in the 2s. Aid as by the Act [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1] next and immediately after the sums already charged thereon as follows : to wit : next and immediately after (1) the unsatisfied orders transferred from the 12d. Aid Act [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] ; (2) 400,000l. charged on said register by the said Act for the 2s. Aid ; (3) 30,000l. charged thereon for Thomas Westerne with interest, ut supra, pp. 527-8 ; (4) 8,855l. 4s. 8¾d. charged thereon for John Fitch with interest, ut supra, pp. 534-5 ; (5) 6,031l. 10s. 10d. charged thereon for John Hayward with interest, ut supra, pp. 534-5 ; (6) 3,000l. charged thereon for Thomas Casse with interest, ut supra, p. 562. King's Warrant Book XV, pp. 72-7.
May 2. Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of the dormant warrant of June 21 last, supra, p. 160, for Roger [Churnock's] and Thomas Charnock's salaries. Money Book X, p. 37.
Money warrant for 500l. to William, Earl of Portland, for last Christmas quarter on his annuity or pension as Groom of the Stole and First Gentleman of the Bedchamber. (Money order dated May 3 hereon.) Ibid, p. 233. Order Book III, p. 70.
Same for 250l. each to the following for same quarter on same as Gentlemen of the Bedchamber : viz. : James, Duke of Ormonde ; Charles, Earl of Monmouth ; Charles, Earl of Selkirk ; Henry, Visct. Sidney ; James, Earl of Drumlanrig ; John, Earl of Clare ; Aubrey, Earl of Oxford ; John, Earl of Marlborough ; Richard, Earl of Scarborough. (Money orders dated May 3 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 233. Order Book III, p. 70.
Same for 125l. each to the following for same quarter on same as Grooms of the Bedchamber : viz. : Col. Charles Trelawney, John Sayers, Peircy Kirke, Adrian van Borcelan, Hatton Compton, Emanuell Scroop How, James Stanley. (Money orders dated May 3 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 234. Order Book III, p. 70.
William Jephson to Mr. Duncomb. My Lords are informed that the money arising within London and Middlesex on the review of the Poll is in the collectors' hands. They desire you to pass your commission [as receiver thereof] forthwith, so that you may receive the money. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 259.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant to authorise William Harbord to pay 1,174l. to Edward Feilding and John Roach for the ship Reformacion of Bristol, which was lost in their Majesties' service, and 360l. for three months' pay thereof, pursuant to the Order in Council of Jan. 25 last. Ibid.
Same to the Lord Chamberlain. The King has signed the establishment for the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office and has commanded the Treasury Lords to signify his pleasure in the following particulars, viz. (1) that the musicians be presently reduced to 24 and an instrument keeper, and that though there is provision made only for that number by the establishment, yet care will be taken for paying the rest for the time they have served. (2) That the Grooms of the Chamber be presently reduced to 10 ; and like care will be taken of the rest of them as is to be of the music. (3) That as any of the 40 messengers happen to die or be removed the number of them be reduced to 30. (4) That the Physician to the Household be suppressed and that the duty of that place be performed by some of the other four physicians as the Lord Chamberlain shall appoint. (5) That there be but one apothecary to the King's person and that Mr. Chace have that employment and that Mr. Rottermont be the Apothecary to the Household ; and care will be taken for payment of the Physician of the Household and the Apothecary, who is [are] to be suppressed, for the time they have served. Ibid, p. 260.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Tho. Bell for a landsurveyor's place, London port. My Lords, having received this petition from the King, recommend petitioner. Reference Book VI, p. 161.
Same to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded of the petition of several inhabitants of Rochester, shewing that there is an arrear of 1,100l. due to them for quartering sick and wounded soldiers [amounting to so much] when the King appointed Commissioners for that affair and since [increased to] above 2,000l. : therefore praying an order [for payment] ; upon credit whereof they may procure the money. Ibid.
May 5. Money warrant for 120l. 10s. 0d. to Sir Roger Harsnet, a Serjeant at Arms, for 241 days, June 11 last to Feb. 6 last, at 10s. a day for his pains and disbursements in attending the Speaker of the House of Lords : to be paid by tallies on the Tenths arising within the diocese of Lichfield and Coventry. (Money order dated May 6 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 234. Order Book III, p. 71.
Same dormant for the annuity or pension of 2,000l. per an. to Henry, Lord Delamer, now Earl of Warrington. Money Book X, p. 234.
Treasury allowance of the last Lady day quarter's salary bill, detailed, of the Excise Office : total, 2,880l. 10s. 0d. (including Hen. Wynne, Register to Commissioners of Appeals ; John Birch, Auditor ; Elias Ashmole, Comptroller ; Edward Noell and John Thomson, Registers to Excise Commissioners ; Tho. Aram, Solicitor to ditto ; Robt. Ferguson, housekeeper ; Geo. Parry, solicitor ; John Baber, clerk of securities ; John Haines, clerk to Mr. Noel ; Natt. Wood, doorkeeper ; Isaac Dafforne, Accountant General ; Joseph Chamberlain and Richard Waterman, his assistant ; Samuel Johnson, correspondent, and Martin Newton, his assistant ; William Vickers and Peter Sterry, accountants to the London brewers ; John Crowther, Ben. How and Tho. Hooke, ditto for the country [brewers] ; Geo. Lloyd, William Ashurst, William Tayler and John Sampson, messengers to the London brewers ; Hen. Wright, porter ; Tho. Foster, Tho. Browne and William Lee, watchmen ; William Griffith, yardkeeper ; 10 surveyors of the London brewers ; 37 London gaugers ; 10 seven-shilling men ; John Farmer, Tho. Rand, John Smith and Robt. Hussey, examiners of the gauger's books ; John Beale, collector at the Custom House for imported liquors ; Tho. Shrubb, surveyor of imported liquors ibid. ; Jno. Steele and Morga[n] Baxter, boatmen assistants to Shrubb ; Phil. Shales, chief surveyor of imported liquors in the port of London and the districts ; Tho. Godfrey, landwaiter at the Custom House ; Robt. Shepheard, ditto for tasting wines and brandies ; John Newman and (from Feb. 2) Tho. Woodward, general surveyor of the officers for strong waters ; John Kirton, clerk for strong waters ; John Holford, assistant ditto ; five surveyors of the strong waters ; 13 gaugers for ditto ; Samuel Shepheard, general gauger of all the vessels in London ; William Morss, his assistant ; Herbert Springett, surveyor of the officers for coffee, cyder etc. ; Edward Pilsworth, clerk for ditto ; Robt. Webb, Tom Dickens, Giles Baker and John Patten, surveyor and messengers for ditto ; five coffee gaugers ; Matt. Bisby, surveyor of the mead etc.). Ibid, pp. 235-6.
Treasury warrant to Roger Whitley, junr., esq., Receiver General of Crown Revenues in Cheshire and North Wales, to pay to Thomas Whitley and Peter Whitley, master masons of the works in Chester Castle, 420l. 14s. 8d. upon account, to be applied to the repair of their Majesties' buildings in Chester Castle where the Court of Exchequer for the County Palatine of Chester is kept, and the place where the records of the same Court are laid : as by Morgan Whitley's estimate for same. Money Book X, p. 236.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 12l. 10s. 0d. to Sir Rowland Gwynn, Treasurer of the Chamber. (Same to said Gwynn to pay same to James Kitson for a quarter's salary as a messenger.) Disposition Book VIII, p. 122.
Same to same to issue 2,000l. to William Harbord to be by him paid to Ralph Williamson to repay so much paid to Israell Feilding for the use of the Danish Forces. Ibid.
Same to same to issue (out of loans made or to be made in the Exchequer by Edward Feilding and John Roach on credit of the Additional 12d. Aid) 1,534l. to William Harbord to be paid as follows, viz. 1,174l. to said Feilding and Roach for the ship called Reformacion of Bristol, lost in the King's service, and 360l. for three months' freight of said ship. (Same to said Harbord to so pay same pursuant to the royal warrant of the 2nd inst.) Ibid, pp. 122, 123.
Same to same to issue to said Harbord the 3,000l. which he (Harbord) has agreed to lend into the Exchequer on credit of the Temporary Excise : to be by said Harbord employed for satisfying divers bills of exchange drawn on him in Ireland by order of the Duke of Schonbergh : "notwithstanding any former orders." Ibid, p. 123.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to open and deliver at Admiral Russell's house (on payment of Customs) his goods now arrived or daily expected here. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 260.
Same to same to deliver, Customs free, a parcel of chocolate now in the Custom House and belonging to the Countess of Staremberg, Great Chamberlain to the Queen of Spain : as by the enclosed memorial [missing]. Ibid, p. 261.
William Jephson to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, on payment of Customs, some things arrived for Monsieur Danckelman, the Envoy of the Elector of Brandenburg, viz. twelve horses, thirteen trunks of clothes for him and his retinue, six packs of tents and provisions and other necessaries for the campaign. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 261.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh, enclosing a report [missing] concerning the undertaking of the late Farmers of the Revenue in Ireland. Please peruse same and attend my Lords thereon on Tuesday, May 13 next. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Firmin as boatman at Orford in Ipswich port loco Joseph Carter, who never appeared.
Thomas Tickell as surveyor of Whitehaven port loco Arthur Wells, lately deceased.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 149.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Edward Young for the place of landwaiter, Weymouth port, loco Richard New, deceased. Young is hereby to be presented if fit. Reference Book VI, p. 162.
Same to Brook Bridges, an Auditor of Imprests, of Richard Kent's account of interest on 15,000l. lent by him into the Exchequer (viz. 5,000l. on 1688, Oct. 6 ; 2,000l. on Oct. 12 ; 3,000l. on Oct. 17 ; 2,000l. on Nov. 2 ; 3,000l. on Nov. 7) : total interest from said days of lending to the several days of repayment being 487l. 17s. 3d. : and further of his bill (47l. 8s. 6d.) of charges in prosecuting several persons on their surety bonds. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Philip Ryley, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South, to fell 40 loads of timber (of about 50l. value) in Salcey Forest, where same can be best spared without defacing the forest, and to deliver same to John Lawton, forester or keeper of the Great Lawn in said forest, for the new building of his lodge, which was wholly pulled down in the late civil wars, his present lodge being but an outhouse of the old one and so ruinous as to be uninhabitable : Lawton being willing to build at his own cost if said timber be granted. The bark, lop, top and offal of the said timber is to be sold for the King's use and an account rendered thereof before the auditor for co. Northampton. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 185.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Dr. Owen Wynne of the profits of the Original Seal of the King in the several counties of Carnarvon, Anglesea and Merioneth lately in the charge of the Chamberlain there : the present lease to be for 30 years from 1691, July 3, at a rent of 9l. per an., and on a consideration of 200l. to be paid by said Wynne to Mris. Sarah White, widow and administratrix to Rowland White, the late lessee of the premises. Ibid, pp. 187-190.
Prefixing : (a) report, dated Dec. 7 last, from William Tailer (in the absence of the Surveyor General of Crown Lands) on the petition of said Sarah White for a renewal of the lease of the Pre-fines and profits of said Original Seal in said counties. The matter is fully stated in the Surveyor General's report of 1685, June 4, to Treasurer Rochester, on the petition of Eubule Thelwall and Mathew Price, but no further proceedings were had thereon till 1686, presumably owing to Dr. Wynne's opposition, who had a petition for the premises, and a report thereon in Aug., 1684. Treasurer Rochester ordered 1686, Nov. 16, an extension of the term in being and a warrant was prepared for same to Thelwall and Price in trust for Sarah White's son, then under age. This may be completed if thought fit, with the insertion of the covenants giving aggrieved persons liberty to appeal to the Lord Treasurer etc. where the lessee or the Chamberlain shall impose any excessive fine etc. Petitioner's son being since dead, she desires a renewal to same trustees as for her other children, Jane and Leticia, both of age and unmarried.
(b) Copy of John Fisher's report of 1685, June 4, on Sarah White's petition. I have fully stated this matter in a report to the late Treasury Lords in 1684, Aug., on Mr. Owen Wynne's petition ; which report I here repeat, viz. : the premises were at the Restoration in possession of Sarah White's late husband Rowland, son of Rowland White, by virtue of a grant made 15 Car. I to said Rowland, senr., for three lives at 8l. per an. rent and four marks for a heriot : a second lease was granted 12 Aug., 1661, to said Rowland the son for 21 years : he died 1670, July 3 : his widow petitioned for a new lease 1674, which was reported on 1674, June 24, and in 1677, Aug. 23, a warrant passed for rating a particular thereof, which was done in 1678, as in (c) infra, there having been some remissness in petitioner's prosecuting the matter. No further warrant was granted thereon, "but I believe there has been some leases passed since in Wales of the like nature."
(c) Particular of the premises made out by Deputy Auditor Thomas Tudor, dated 1677, Dec. 4 : and memorandum dated 1678, June 10, and ratal dated 1686-7, Feb. 28, thereof by John Fisher, Deputy Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
William Jephson to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, enclosing the petition [missing] of Thomas Coote (Coot). My Lords desire you to employ him as your counsel in matters relating to the management of the revenue in Ireland (cancelled and replaced on May 12 by a similar letter from the Treasury Lords themselves to said Commissioners). Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 21, 22.