Minute Book: September 1689

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Minute Book: September 1689', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp50-55 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Minute Book: September 1689', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp50-55.

"Minute Book: September 1689". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp50-55.


September 1689

Sept. 3. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell.
Sir Benjamin Bathurst to attend on Friday morning next.
Write to the Hamburg Company for some of their members to attend my Lords this afternoon.
Write the Customs Commissioners that my Lords are informed there are several ships in the western ports that cannot come up [to London] for want of convoys ; and to send my Lords this afternoon what information they have concerning same.
Afternoon : present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell.
Serjeant Ryly to attend on Friday morning about Lord Berkeley's rent.
The Surveyor General of Works to attend on Friday about the [state of the] way to Kensington.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 99.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 88.]
Sept 4.
Hampton Court.
Present : all my Lords.
The King came in.
The Earl of Ranelagh and Sir H. Goodrick to attend on Friday morning to take care about paying the money for the arms bought at Liège.
The King told my Lords he had received information that many places in the Custom House were sold and that the Customs Commissioners did take their turn in disposing of vacant places and ordered my Lords to enquire of and to take the best care to prevent such practices, and that the persons to be presented by the Commissioners for places should be agreed upon at that Board by the majority and no particular Commissioner to have a nomination by turn as they have of late practised.
Ordered that collectors and other officers be appointed on Friday morning next for taking care of the revenue of Ireland and that Mr. Strong and Mr. Culliford attend on Friday morning next.
The Earl of Ranelagh to be ordered to bring in his [Army] accounts.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 100.]
Sept. 6.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
Present : Lord Delamer, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell.
Write the Commissioners of Excise and of Customs not to press Mr. Fitch for such money as he is to pay them, viz. 1,200l. to the Customs and 450l. to the Excise : all by reason that the King is indebted to said Fitch in a considerable sum for the works at Hull.
The Earl of Ranelagh to write to Mr. Schulenbergh to pay for arms bought at Liège and charge of carriage and to draw bills at 10 days' sight for same on said Earl.
The Surveyor of the Works gave my Lords an account of the way [now in] making in Hyde Park to Kensington and that his opinion is that what is already done will be ineffectual ; upon which Mr. Studholme was called in and ordered to stop further proceedings and to bring in the contract he made and the charge he has been at.
Afternoon : present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell.
The Customs Commissioners to attend on Tuesday afternoon next.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 101.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 91.]
Sept. 10. Present : Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell.
[No entry of any minute.]
Afternoon : present : ut supra and the Earl of Monmouth.
The Customs Commissioners called in and my Lords gave them particular orders to take care of the due execution of the late Act for prohibiting all trade and commerce with France.
Alderman Herne and Mr. Evance called in and spoke to about returning 30,000l. to Hamburg for his Majesty's service. They proposed to have 15,000l. paid down to them and 15,000l. they are to have tallies for on the 12d. [Aid or] bill [1 William and Mary, c. 20].
Write to Mr. Herriott that 3,164l. 11s. 8d. is allowed to Mr. Harbord in his last memorial for the three months' victualling of the Irish Army and Sir John Parsons informs my Lords that the money is not yet paid. Therefore my Lords order Mr. Herriott to pay the same to the Navy Victuallers. [In the Letter Book this letter is struck through and marked in the margin "Cancelled by Mr. Jephson the 12th of Sept., 1689."]
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 102.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 93.]
Sept. 11.
Hampton Court.
Present : all my Lords.
His Majesty came in.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 103.]
Sept. 12.
Whitehall Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Herriott was ordered to pay the 15,000l. issued to him (to be returned to Hamburgh) to Mr. Herne and Mr. Evance upon [their] giving their bills on Hamburg ; and my Lords did assure Mr. Herriott he should have a sign manual from his Majesty to-morrow.
Mr. Blathwayte to procure a warrant for the sign manual for 34,781l. 5s. 0d. to be remitted by Mr. Harbord to Sir P. Rycault, his Majesty's minister at Hamburg, for the Danish Forces for Ireland.
Write to Sir C. Wrenn for his report concerning the gravel way to Kensington.
The Receivers [for the 12d. Aid] to be settled to-morrow morning.
The officers for the revenue of Ireland to be settled to-morrow morning.
[Ibid, p. 104.]
Sept. 13. Present : all my Lords.
Ordered that 500l. be paid to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded.
Mr. Smithsby to attend this afternoon about the clothes in Mr. Hewer's hands (struck through). Mr. Smithsby came in. Write to Mr. Hewer for an account what number of cloaks and coats for horse (horsemen) are in his hands and upon what account same are (how same came to his hands).
Ordered that Mr. Williams' fiat do pass and my Lords will hear Mr. Tonstall's pretensions to his pension thereout "when he desires it."
Major Wildman desires to know of my Lords whether the paying the Duchess of Cleveland's money in one entire sum presently at the Post Office will not prejudice the King's affairs, because he is ordered to hire vessels and must pay [the Post Office] salaries at quarter day and usually pays [the Post Office current cash] money into the Exchequer weekly. My Lords command him not to pay any money on the said Duchess's warrant till further order and do resolve to speak to the King about the payment of that pension when the Attorney General is here.
Afternoon : present : ut supra.
Sir Jeremy Snow and others desired to be called in. Being called in they moved my Lords about the Bankers' debt : to which my Lords answered that that matter had been taken notice of in Parliament and being under the consideration of the Parliament my Lords could give no answer to their demands until the same received some determination in Parliament.
Mr. Aldworth and Mr. Marriott to attend on Tuesday morning next.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 105.]
Sept. 14. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Herriott called in and promised to return 3,000l. to Chester for Mr. Shales. My Lords assured him the same should be paid to him on Wednesday next.
Upon a letter read from the Committee of Irish affairs Mr. Blathwaite is ordered to procure a warrant from the King to authorise Mr. Harbord to pay 3,000l. to Mr. Shales for the transportation of the teams for Ireland.
[Ibid, p. 106.]
Sept. 17. Present : all my Lords.
Mr. St. John, Receiver [for co. Cambridge, etc.], for the Poll, to attend this afternoon.
Auditor Aldworth and Mr. Marriott called in. Mr. Aldworth prayed that Marriott might deliver in a general statement of an account of the widow Salaway's. Mr. Marriott answered he had not the paper nor knew how to come by it. My Lords ordered that Mr. Lownds do enquire into and report the state of the case.
Afternoon : present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delaware, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Herriott to attend on Friday afternoon about 3,100l. to be paid to Mr. Wright.
[Ibid, p. 107.]
Sept. 19.
Hampton Court.
Present : all my Lords.
The King came in.
Ordered that (Sir Gilbert Talbot) the Master of the Jewel House [be written to to] forthwith return an answer to the letter sent him formerly about fetching in [to the Jewel Office] all plate remaining in any person's hands that does belong to the King ; and to send a list of such persons as have any such plate and have been demanded and do refuse to deliver the same.
Ordered by his Majesty that 10l. a week be paid to Dr. Oats out of secret service in answer to the address of the House of Commons.
Write Mr. Buscawen (Boscawen) that the King having an intention to coin tin farthings my Lords desire him to enquire into the price of tin in the country and to let my Lords know what rate it is sold at ; and to do it so privately that the price be not thereupon raised upon his Majesty.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 108.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 100.]
Sept. 20.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
[No entry of any minute.]
Afternoon : present : all my Lords.
The Attorney General to attend on Tuesday morning about an order of Council on the petition of Henriques.
Ordered that 500l. be issued to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Sick and Wounded.
Write to Sir Christopher Wrenn to hasten his report about the new way to Kensington.
Mr. Villiers and Mris. Mills to be heard on Monday afternoon next.
Ordered that 120l. be paid to Mr. Harbord to answer several payments [ordered] by warrant from his Majesty procured by Mr. Blathwaite.
Serjeant Ryly to attend on Monday afternoon next about Lord Berkeley's pretensions to Hounslow Heath.
Sir Sam. Dashwood and partners to attend on Monday afternoon next.
Ordered that 3,000l. be paid to Mr. Harbord on account for maintaining the Danish Forces while they are in Scotland.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 109.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 100.]
Sept. 23. Present : Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Sir Sam. Dashwood and partners to attend to-morrow afternoon.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 110.]
Sept. 24. Present : all my Lords.
Sir Vere Fane and Mr. Farthing shall be heard on Friday afternoon next "if they think fitting."
Afternoon : present : ut supra.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 111.]
Sept. 25. Present : all my Lords.
The King came in.
Ordered that the Agents of Taxes do write to the respective Receivers for Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland for the Aid and Poll to pay what they have or shall receive, upon account of either of those Taxes, to Mr. Izraell Feilding and he to draw bills on Mr. Harbord or in his absence on his deputy, Mr. Herriott, and sending such bills to them [the said Agents] care shall be taken that the values thereof shall be paid into the Exchequer on the said Receivers' respective accounts for those Taxes ; the said payments being intended for the service of the Danish Forces in Scotland, and Mr. Herriott having already received 3,000l. on account of that service.
Ordered that on Friday morning next my Lords do distribute to the Ordnance, Victuallers and Sick and Wounded Commissioners "such money as is necessary and can be spared."
Mr. Godolphin, Mr. Hoar and Mr. Corbett to attend on Friday morning next about farthings.
Afternoon : present : ut supra except Lord Godolphin.
Speak to the Attorney General to attend the meeting of the [Assessment] Commissioners for the 12d. tax and to take care about naming assessors.
Write Mr. Johnson at the Three Flowers de Lucie (struck through) to Sir Robert Howard [the Auditor of the Receipt] to receive of Mr. Johnson 20,000 guineas at 20d. [agio] and to strike tallies of loan [for same] upon the 12d. [Aid] Bill.
Sir Cornwall Bradshaw, Mr. Rowe etc. to attend on Friday morning next about the Hearthmoney of the town of Northampton.
Ordered that Mr. Vice, who was sent express to Major General Kirke at [London] Derry and by him sent back to the Duke of Schonberg at London, have 30l. paid him out of secret service.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 112.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 103.]
Sept. 27. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that the Countess of Newburgh have 100l. out of secret service ; for a year's rent of Bagshot to Lady day last.
Order to the late Contractors for farthings to deliver over to the present Commissioners [for same] all tools etc. for the coining of farthings.
Ordered that 1,500l. be issued to the Treasurer of the Navy for Sick and Wounded.
Ordered that 1,400l. be imprested to the slopseller of the fleet.
Ordered that 4,800l. be issued to the Ordnance, of which 1,000l.
for ordinary, 1,000l. for stores, 2,300l. for Hull and 500l. for artificers.
Afternoon : present : ut supra.
Ordered that 5,000l. be issued to the Victuallers of the Navy.
Ordered that 5,000l. be paid to Mr. Vyner, the [King's] goldsmith, on account [of his bill for goldworks] ; upon [condition of] his lending 25,000l. on the 12d. Aid.
Ordered that Mr. Harbord have 4,000l. ; to be by him paid over to Col. Trelawny in pursuance of the order in Council of the 26th inst. Mr. Blathwayte to procure a sign manual empowering Harbord to [so] pay same.
This day fortnight Sir Vere Vane and partners are to be heard further upon their proposals for improving the revenue of Excise.
Upon a case and affidavits presented by Simon Young and others concerning two seizures, my Lords are willing that those seizures be prosecuted notwithstanding any order to the contrary, unless satisfaction be given to the seizers.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 113.]
Sept. 28. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that Mr. Matthew, Receiver of the Aid in Northamptonshire, do pay to the steward (in that county) of the Comptroller [of army provisions] 600l. for shoes contracted for the service of Ireland. Upon Mr. Matthew's drawing bills on Mr. Harbord, or his deputy, Mr. Herriott, he [Harbord or Herriott] shall pay the like sum into the Exchequer for the said Mr. Matthew.
Sir Samuel Dashwood and partners to attend on Monday morning next.
Ordered that 2,593l. 10s. 3d. be paid to Mr. Vyner, the [King's] goldsmith, remaining due to him on an order for provisions for the Coronation, upon [condition of] his lending a further 5,000l. on the 12d. Aid. "The persons [whose names] he offers [as willing] to lend the said 5,000l. and the 25,000l. upon his proposal of yesterday afternoon are Sir Walter Plummer of Mitcham and Mr. Vyner, the goldsmith."
Sir C. Porter and Mr. Knight to attend on Monday afternoon next.
[Ibid, p. 114.]
Sept. 30. Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Earl of Ranelagh to attend to-morrow afternoon.
Afternoon : present : ut supra.
The Commissioners for [coining] the farthings to attend to-morrow morning.
Sir C. Porter and Mr. Knight to attend this day fortnight.
[Ibid, p. 115.]