Minute Book: August 1689

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Minute Book: August 1689', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp44-50 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Minute Book: August 1689', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp44-50.

"Minute Book: August 1689". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp44-50.


August 1689

Aug. 1. Present : all my Lords.
Sir Benjamin Bathurst was called in and [my Lords] agreed with him for 500 ton of brown saltpetre at 45l. per ton to be forthwith delivered by the East India Company into the Ordnance Office Stores : and upon a certificate from the storekeeper of the delivery thereof the Company is to have letters patent for payment with 6 per cent interest from the date of delivery and to be paid out of the Customs of their own commodities to be by them imported from this time onwards from the countries within the limits of their charter, excepting the Customs and new impost on the goods now lately imported or ready to be imported on the ships Bengala Merchant and Loyall Merchant.
According to the King's commands my Lords have agreed that Mr. William Robinson and Mr. Israell Feilding be appointed joint Controllers to Mr. Shales's undertaking as Commissary General [or Comptrollers of provisions for the Forces designed for the reduction of Ireland].
The Navy Commissioner to attend to-morrow afternoon.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 77.]
Aug. 2. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamere, Sir H. Capell Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that Mr. Ward be made a landsurveyor, London port loco Pigott ; and Col. Parsons loco Carter.
Write the Customs Commissioners to put a stop to sending Mr. Pigott and Mr. Carter to visit the outports.
Ordered that 2,000l. be issued to me [William Jephson] for secret service.
The Commissioners of the Admiralty came in and delivered to my Lords a paper endorsed "1689, July 31 : an account of money [required] for the Navy." My Lords answered they would consider same and lay it before the King for his pleasure upon it.
Mr. Harbord to pay some bills brought by Sir William Portman for money due for quarters, viz. 44l. at Taunton, 8l. at Bridgwater and 12l. due to Mris. Eliz. Powell on the like account at Exeter. Same are to be paid out of such moneys as remain in Harbord's hands upon the account of his Western receipt.
[Ibid, p. 78.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 68.]
Aug. 5. Present : Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that 1,500l. be issued to the Earl of Montague for the Great Wardrobe, the said Lord having procured a loan for that sum [into the Exchequer] in the name of Mr. Richard Bealing, according to the proposal of July 26 last, supra, p. 43.
Mr. Robinson, Chamberlain of [the City of] London, Mr. Duncombe and Mr. Evans to attend to-morrow afternoon.
Sir H. Capell informing (struck through) my Lords being informed that the Rose (Ross) of Hamburg, John Johnson master, pretending to go for Bruges is designed for Dunkirk ; write the Customs Commissioners to take care herein.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 79.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 73.]
Aug. 6. Present : all my Lords.
The King came in.
Mr. Evans made a proposal for coining farthings for Ireland. The King ordered my Lords to consider his proposal and report to his Majesty what is fit to be done therein.
The Mint officers to attend to-morrow afternoon about this matter.
The Navy Commissioners to attend to-morrow afternoon.
Ordered that Sir Robert Howard [Auditor of the Receipt] take in [at the Receipt loans] in guineas at 22d. [agio] to the extent of] any sum not exceeding 60,000l.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 80.]
Aug. 7. Present : Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 81.]
Aug. 8. Present : ut supra.
Ordered that the money set down in my [Jephson's] paper of the 6th inst. be issued according to his Majesty's commands.
The [Navy] Victuallers to attend on Saturday afternoon next about bills drawn on the Excise Commissioners.
Mr. Packer and the Auditors of Imprests are to attend on Saturday afternoon with the state of Mr. Packer's accounts [for his late father as late Paymaster of Works].
Mr. [Auditor] Done to bring the cash account of the Customs next Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Edmund Allyn to be a landwaiter loco — Lowman, lately transferred.
[Ibid, p. 82.]
Aug. 9.
Hampton Court.
Present : all my Lords.
The King came in.
My Lords to write to Marshal Schonberg taking notice that Mr. Shales draws bills on Mr. Harbord and others for money ; and to desire his Grace to sign such bills for money as he thinks the service does require.
[Ibid, p. 83.]
Aug. 10.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
Present : all my Lords.
Write the officers of the Mint to consider what advantage the King may make by coining in tin the quantity of farthings and halfpence that they mention in their report on Mr. Evans's proposal.
Write the Excise Commissioners to constitute Mr. Alderman Duncombe [as] Cashier of Excise, taking due security from him, it being the King's pleasure that said Duncombe be continued in his said office.
Mr. Philip Forde to attend on Tuesday afternoon next about silver taken out of the sea.
The Auditors of the Imprest are to be put off to Tuesday afternoon next.
The case between [Major] Dickins and [Mr.] Dore to be heard on Wednesday afternoon next.
Mr. Carter to attend on Wednesday afternoon next about wool exported.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 84.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 82.]
Aug. 12. Present : Lord Delamere, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 85.]
Aug. 13. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that 1,500l. be issued to the Earl of Montagu for the Great Wardrobe in full of 6,000l. agreed to be issued for the Wardrobe on his procuring that sum to be lent to his Majesty [in the Exchequer].
Mr. Forde and partners to attend on Friday afternoon next.
The Customs Commissioners to attend on Friday afternoon next.
Write Sir Stephen Fox that Mr. Webb having applied to my Lords for money for keeping the fowl in St. James's Park he do please to inform my Lords how said Webb used heretofore to be paid.
The Earl of Monmouth acquaints my Lords that it is the King's pleasure that Mr. Daniel have the place of searcher of Hull port.
[Ibid, p. 85.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 79.]
Aug. 14.
Hampton Court.
Present : all my Lords.
The King came in.
The agents of the several Regiments going and gone for Ireland are to attend to-morrow afternoon.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 86.]
Aug. 15.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
Present : all my Lords.
[Write] the Commissioners of Customs, of Excise, of the Navy and the Agents of Taxes to give [my Lords] an account of all bills drawn by the Duke of Schonberg or Mr. (Capt.) Shales or Mr. Wright since their going (struck out) and of what money has been paid to them or received by them from any of the officers of Customs or Excise at Chester, Liverpool or elsewhere or from any of the Receivers of the present Aid or Poll, for the services of the Forces designed for Ireland.
[Ibid, p. 87.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 79.]
Aug. 16. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Major Dickins and Mr. Dore to be heard on Monday afternoon next.
The Earl of Monmouth acquaints my Lords that it is the King's pleasure that 200l. be paid to Lady Mountjoy out of secret service.
Mr. Robinson and Mr. Feilding called in and my Lords tell them it is the King's pleasure that they be allowed 20s. a day each during their being in the service [as Comptrollers of provisions for the Forces designed for reducing Ireland] with which they declared themselves satisfied, only craved allowance for incidents of books, paper etc. : to which my Lords agreed.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 88.]
Aug. 17. Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The Agents [of Taxes] to attend on Tuesday morning next.
[Ibid, p. 89.]
Aug. 19. Present : Lord Godolphin, Lord Delamere, Mr. Hampden.
[No entry of any Treasury minute.]
Afternoon : present : all my Lords.
Mr. Dickins and Mr. Dore to be put off till Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Molineux, Receiver [General of the Poll] for Lancashire, undertakes to pay Mr. Harbord 3,000l. at Liverpool, to be [re]paid into [or accounted for in] the Exchequer upon [or by means of] Mr. Molineux drawing bills on Mr. Herriott, the goldsmith.
The Agents of Taxes to be put off till Wednesday morning.
[Ibid, p. 90.]
Aug. 20. Present : all my Lords.
The King came in.
Ordered that the 15,000l. reserved in the Exchequer be issued to me [William Jephson] upon account of secret service "to be paid to the Spanish Ambassador by me."
My Lords to examine the English [Army] establishment [viz. the items therein] relating to Deputy Governors [of ports] and the Muster Master General.
The Navy Commissioners and the officers of Ordnance to attend to-morrow afternoon.
[Ibid, p. 91.]
Aug. 21. Present : all my Lords.
Mr. Rhodes, one of the Clerks of the Alienation Office, to be sent to, to attend my Lords.
Afternoon : present : Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Dickins and Mr. Dore put off till Saturday afternoon. Mr. Dickins to have a copy of the accusation against him.
Write the Commissioners of Prizes not to dispose of the tar on board a prize ship now at Portsmouth, and likewise not to dispose of any Eastland commodities useful for the Navy or Victualling, particularly salt (of which my Lords are informed that there is a good parcel taken), without first acquainting the Navy Board ; to the end said Board may buy same for the King's service if they think fit.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 92.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 83.]
Aug. 23. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Dickins and Mr. Dore put off till Friday afternoon, Mr. Dickins alleging that his witnesses and papers are 70 miles from London.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 93.]
Aug. 24. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 94.]
Aug. 26. Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
The officers of the Mint to attend this afternoon.
The Navy Commissioners to attend this afternoon.
Afternoon : ut supra and Lord Delamere.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 95.]
Aug. 27.
Hampton Court.
Present : all my Lords.
The King came in.
My Lords representing to the King the several pretensions to the place of Solicitor to the Customs, [the King] declared that Mr. Hutchinson shall be continued in that employment.
The King is pleased to allow Col. Cooper 4s. a day on the list of [Army] pensioners paid by the Earl of Ranelagh.
Mr. Fanshaw to have 50l. out of secret service.
Mr. Strong and Mr. Culliford to attend on Friday afternoon about the Irish revenue.
[Ibid, p. 96.]
Aug. 28.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
Present : (morning and afternoon) : Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell.
[No entry of any minute.]
[Ibid, p. 97.]
Aug. 30. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell.
The Earl of Monmouth acquaints my Lords that it is the King's pleasure that Mr. Walker have 5,000l. paid him without any deduction of [Exchequer] fees ; and that 200l. be paid to the Archbishop of Tuam and 200l. to Major Stroud, and 260l. to the Lord High Chamberlain for a composition with him for the furniture of the King's bedchamber on the day of the Coronation "or such sum as he had on the Coronation of the late King."
Write the Excise Commissioners for an estimate of the value of the new duty that may arise upon the brandies mentioned in their late presentment.
Major Dickins and Mr. Dore called in. Upon hearing the case my Lords see no cause to remove Major Dickins from his place of Woodward of New Forest.
Mr. Strong and Mr. Culliford to attend on Tuesday morning next.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 98.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 87.]