Lateran Regesta 342: 1435-1436

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 342: 1435-1436', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 342: 1435-1436', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 342: 1435-1436". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCXLII (fn. 1)

6 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Diversis Formis

4 Kal. May.
(f. 8.)
To the abbot of Straffort Langthorn in the diocese of London. Mandate, at the recent petition of all the inhabitants of the town of Billyrecha in the diocese of London—containing that their said town is so distant from its parish church of Burstede that they cannot easily go thither for divine offices; and adding that in the said town there is a certain chapel, subject to the said church—to grant licence that a priest may be deputed to celebrate mass in the said chapel, bless water, and direct and instruct the people in the divine precepts; saving the right of the said church etc. Ad ea per que. (B. and H. Raiscop. | B. xxx. Valven.)
3 Non. May.
(f. 9.)
To Roger Wentworth, donsel, lord of Parlyngton in the diocese of York, and Margery, lady of Roos, his wife. Grant, at their recent petition—containing that they contracted marriage lawfully per verba de presenti, consummated it and had offspring, but could not have the marriage solemnized before the church after the custom of the country because, being unequal in nobility, they feared that scandals might arise between their kinsmen and friends; that afterwards they had the said marriage, thus consummated, solemnized within the bounds of the parish church of Hemyngburgh in the said diocese, without banns, and without the solemnizations wont by the custom of the country to be made before the church, further offspring being born thereof; and adding that they are moved by a scruple of conscience to doubt whether anyone may hesitate as to the validity of the marriage thus contracted—that the said marriage contracted between them and all its consequences hold good as if it had not been clandestine, but had been proclaimed and solemnized before the church, with banns and the wonted solemnizations, all the said offspring, and likewise future offspring, being hereby decreed legitimate. Sincere devocionis affectus. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xx. de Adria.)
14 Kal. April.
(f. 29d.)
Relaxation, in perpetuity, of five years and five quarantines of enjoined penance to penitents who on the feast of St. Anne visit and give alms for the repair etc. of the church of the Friars Preachers’ house of Invernys in the diocese of Moray, in which church the body of Alexander, earl of Mare and Garviach, was buried on the said feast, and which has been greatly deformed, especially on account of wars, and is going to ruin. Univ. etc. Liect is. (An. and A. de Florencia. | An.xxxx. de Adria.)
Id. March.
(f. 51d.)
To John Crosby, rector of Bryghtwell in the diocese of Lincoln. Decree as below. His recent petition contained that on the voidance of the said church by the resignation of the late John Dent to the late Richard, bishop of Lincoln, Joan Coueley, damsel, of the said diocese, the patron, presented him (who had been dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure) to the said bishop, who instituted him, in virtue of which presentation and institution he obtained and still holds the said church; and adding that, although he has had possession for some time, nevertheless, seeing that he immediately (immediate, rectius mediate) succeeded therein John Soulby, sometime rector, of whom, then already a priest, he is the son (de quo eciam tune presbitero genitus es), he is moved by a scruple of conscience as to whether he can lawfully retain the said church. The pope hereby decrees that, if there be no canonical impediment, he may retain the said church, value not exceeding 40 marks sterling. Ad ea ex apostolice. (An. and Franchomme. | An. xx. de Adria.) [See above, pp. 173, 443 (bis).]
4 Non. April.
(f. 66.)
To the bishop of Rochester. Mandate as below. The recent petition of William Babthorp, layman, of the diocese of London, contained that the late Robert, his son, when in about his fourteenth year, and Joan Lely, damsel, of the diocese of York, at present dwelling in the diocese of London, when in about her tenth year, contracted espousals with one another, and that Joan lived in the house of the said William for a little more than a year, and even cohabited with the said Robert, but that the latter has died, Joan remaining inviolate and a virgin. At the said petition, adding that the said William desires to join together in marriage the said Joan and whichever she wishes of his other two sons, William and John, the said Robert's brothers, but cannot do so without a papal dispensation on account of the impediment of quasi-affinity (obstante publice honestate justicie quod ex premissis provenit impedimento), the pope orders the above bishop (seeing that the church of London, whose bishop ought to have been written to in this matter, is at present void), if he find the facts to be so, to grant the desired dispensation. Oblate nobis. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xx. de Adria.)
6 Kal. April.
(f. 166d.)
To John, elect of Moray. Faculty to him, to whom the pope has recently made provision of the said see, to be consecrated by any catholic bishop, assisted by two or three others. The consecrator is to send John's oath of fealty as usual. Cum nos nuper. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xii. de Adria.)
8 Kal. May.
(f. 170d.)
To the prior of Durest in the diocese of Worcester. Mandate at the recent petition of all the parishoners of Ekynton in the diocese of Worcester—containing that their parish church has all parochial insignia except burial, and that the dead within its bounds have been wont to be buried at the parish church of Persyore in the said diocese, and that it often happens, especially in winter, by reason of floods, that the bodies cannot be carried thither for some days—to grant them licence to have such burials made at their said church of Ekynton, without prejudice to the said church of Persyore etc. Ad apostolice dignitatis. (B. and Franchomme. | B. xxiiiior. Valven.)
3 Kal. April.
(f. 171.)
To Thomas Asscheby, a Cistercian monk of St. Mary's, Combe (de Comba), in the diocese of Lichfield. Indult, at his recent petition—containing that whilst with licence of Richard, abbot of St. Mary's, Combe, and Henry, abbot of Waverley in the diocese of Winchester, visitor-general of St. Mary's, he had betaken himself to the apostolic see and to John, abbot of Citeaux, father abbot of the order, a number of his enemies denounced him, then absent, in the court of king Henry in respect of certain crimes falsely alleged against him, on account of which he, not being duly defended, was by the said court placed under the royal ban, from which he cannot be released until the said king comes of age, nor dwell in the realm without personal peril—that, whilst the said ban subsists he, who on account of the aforesaid has come to the apostolic see in person, may dwell with an honest prelate, under the regular habit of the said order, and without licence of any other, or without the note of apostasy or irregularity, and that when the said ban ceases he may return to St. Mary's and remain therein; with further indult to hold meanwhile any benefice with or without cure, even if a dignity, even abbatial, or priory, even conventual, etc. Humilibus supplicum votis. (B. and M. Pinardi. | B. xxv. Valven.)
9 Kal. June.
(f. 180.)
To Robert, elect of London. Faculty to him, to whom the pope has recently made provision of the said see, to be consecrated etc. as above, f. 166d. Cum nos nuper. (B. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | B. xvi. Valven.)
6 Kal. April.
(f. 190d.)
To the bishop of Bath. Mandate, at the recent petition of Richard Fowey, a Benedictine monk of St. Mary's, Glastonbury, in the diocese of Bath and Wells—containing that formerly, having been accused to the abbot of incontinence, and having in consequence thereof become guilty of disobedience and rebellion, the abbot ordered him to be imprisoned, subsequently releasing him on his performing the penance imposed—if he find the facts to be so, to abolish all disability etc. contracted by the said imprisonment, etc (fn. 2). In the event of the bishop's doing so, the pope specially dispenses Richard to hold any offices and administrations wont to be governed by monks of the said order, even abbatial dignities. Humilibus supplicum votis. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xxviii. de Adria.)

5 Eugenius IV

13 Kal. Jan.
(f. 270d.)
Relaxation, during twenty years only, of five years and five quarantines of enjoined penance to penitents who on the principal feasts of the year and those of St. Radegund (sancli [sic] Radegundis) the Martyr (sic) and the dedication, the usual octaves and days, and of a hundred days to those who during the said octaves and days visit and give alms for the repair etc., for which the resources of the prior and canons are insufficient, of the Augustinian priory church of St. Mary, Rathgella, in the diocese of Limerick, and of the priory itself, in which church God has wrought manifest miracles by the merits of St. Mary the Virgin and the devotion of a venerable image (ymago) of the said St. Radegund (beati [sic] Radegundis). Univ.etc. Fidelium mentes. (B. and A. de Florencia. | B. xxxv.Valven.)


  • 1. On the back of the volume is ‘1436. An. VI. Eugenii IV.’ A flyleaf has, in different contemporary hands: ‘Nicolaus Richii litterarum apostolicarum scriptor.’ ‘Primus de diuersis formis Anno vito . domini nostri Eugenii pape iiiiti ’ (the same contemporary description occurs on the bottom edge of the volume), ‘Recipe Nicolae,’ ‘Dionisius, ‘Aprutin.,’ ‘Rubricatus est per Dionisium etc. and ‘Valven.’ Another flyleaf has the usual modern ‘Vidi pro R.C.A. Hib.Ang.’ and ‘Lib. lxxiv. foliorum 306,’ etc.
  • 2. On f. 178d is a letter dated at Bologna, 7 Id. May. 1436, addressed to Stephen Morton, a priest, of the diocese of Le Mans, dispensing hum (already dispensed on account of his illegitimacy as the son of unmarried parents to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice with cure) to hold four other compatible benefices, and resign all, simply or for exchange as often as he pleases.