Lateran Regesta 316: 1432-1433

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 316: 1432-1433', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 316: 1432-1433', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 316: 1432-1433". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCXVI (fn. 1)

2 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Provisionibus

4 Kal. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 9.)
To Thomas Fleming, elect of Leighlin. Provision to him, a Friar Minor, S.T.B., in priest's orders, of the said see, void by the death of John, during whose life it was specially reserved by the present pope. Divina disponente. [Wadding, Annales Minorum, X, p. 507.]
Concurrent letters to the chapter, to the clergy and to the people of the city and diocese, and to the vassals of the church—Divina etc.; to the archbishop of Dublin—Ad cumulum (An. xx. x. x. x. x. x. de Adria), and to Henry, king of England—Gracie divine. (An. x. de Adria, the letter to the king having been added later.) [Eubel, Hierarchia, vol. II, p. 193, has date ‘1432, Apr. 29,’ but Arm. xii, 121, p. 271, which he follows, has ‘4 Kal. Maii,’ as above. Arm. xii does not mention Thomas's surname.]
3 Id. April.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 16d.)
To Martin Campania, elect of Mayo (Magionen.). (fn. 2) Provision to him, a monk of the Cistercian monastery of St. Mary, Klaarkamp (in Clarocampo), [in Friesland], in the diocese of Utrecht (Traiecten.), in priest's orders, of the said see, void by the death of John, during whose life it was specially reserved by the present pope. Divina etc.
Concurrent letters as in the preceding, mutatis mutandis, e.g. no ‘vassals’ and ‘Tuam’ for ‘Dublin.’ (Ja. xx. x. x. x. x. x.)
Kal. April.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 27d.)
To John [Wingfield (fn. 3) alias de Bermyngeham], archbishop of Tuam. Exemplification from the register of Martin V, at his petition, of the lost letters Romani pontificis, of the said pope, addressed to John, elect of Tuam, and dated at the SS. Apostoli, Rome, 7 Id. June anno 13 [1430, above, p. 181] making provision to the said John, then rector of Mark in the diocese of Moray, priest, of the said see, as being void by the death of archbishop John, during whose life it had been specially reserved by the said pope; with decree that the present exemplification shall have the force of the original letters. Exemplification is also made of the concurrent letters to the chapter and to the suffragans of Tuam, the incipit in each case being Provisionis nostre. (An. and Jo. de Crivellis. | An. xxv. xii½. xii½. de Adria.)
4 Kal. Nov. (fn. 4)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 57d.)
To John de Invyrkethingh. Provision to him, a canon of Holyrood in the diocese of St. Andrews, a priest, of the Augustinian abbey of Scone in the said diocese, void by the resignation to bishop Henry of Adam, [now] a canon, sometime abbot thereof, during whose abbotship it was specially reserved by the present pope. Suscepti cura regiminis. [See above, p. 270.]
Concurrent letters to the convent of Scone—Suscepti etc.; to the bishop of St. Andrews—Ad cumulum; and to James, king of Scotland—Gracie divine. (Ja. and Conilli. | Ja. xvi. viii.viii. viii. Aprutin.)
15 Kal. Aug.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 78.)
To Peter, provost of St. Roman, Blaye (de Blauia), in the diocese of Bordeaux, a priest. Provision to him, of the office of abbot of the said monastery, void at the apostolic see and therefore ipso facto reserved by the resignation made there to Ardicinus, cardinal deacon of SS. Cosmas and Damian's, by Grimbaldus Tidonis, canon of Bordeaux, his proctor, of Peter [now] canon, then abbot thereof. Inter solicitudines.
Concurrent letters to the convent and to the vassals of St. Roman—Inter etc.; to the archbishop of Bordeaux—Inter etc.; and to Henry, king of England—Divine retribucionis premium. (Ja. and Jo. de Crivellis. | Ja. xviii. viiii. viiii.viiii. viiii. Aprutin.)

De Beneficiis Vacantibus

12 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 127.)
To the dean of St. Mary's, Antwerp, in the diocese of Cambrai, the archdeacon of Kilmore (Triburnen.) and the prior of Lough Oughter (Insule Sancte Trinitatis de Lochuochdair) in the diocese of Kilmore. Mandate to collate and assign to Cormac Maconaind, clerk, of the diocese of Kilmore (who, without mention of his illegitimacy, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman related in the third and third degrees of kindred, had himself made a clerk, and who has been dispensed by papal authority to act as such and to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure), the perpetual benefice called the rectory of Macharynyuair in the said diocese, without cure and value not exceeding 8 marks, void by the death of Philip Magillisa. Vite etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xviii. Nono Kal. Marcii Anno Adria.)
3 Id. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 148.)
To William Broun, perpetual vicar of Naton in the diocese of St. Andrews. Collation and provision of the said vicarage, value not exceeding 5l. sterling, void at the apostolic see and therefore reserved by the resignation there of John Broun made to the pope by his proctor William Croyser, archdeacon of Teviotdale; notwithstanding that the pope lately granted him provision of a benefice with or without cure in the common or several gift of the bishop and the dean and chapter of Moray and the Benedictine prior and convent of Coldinghem in the said diocese, which grant, upon his obtaining the said vicarage, shall be null as far as regards a benefice with cure only. Vite etc.
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Adria and the abbots of ‘Holyrood and Neubotill, in the diocese of St. Andrews. Vite etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali, Ja. Goier. | An. x. xii.Secundo Kal. Februarii Anno Secundo. de Adria.)
8 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 150d.)
To the chancellor, the treasurer, and Matthew Ocrummyn, canon, of Ross. Mandate—the pope having been informed by Thady Osullebayn, clerk, of the diocese of Ardfert, that Philip Osega, priest, of the said diocese, simoniacally gave to Thady Oncacdayn, then perpetual vicar of Kyllymyleach in the said diocese, in order that he might resign it, a certain part of its fruits etc., after which he got it collated to himself—if Osullebayn will accuse before them Philip (on account of whose power he has no hope of obtaining justice in the city or diocese of Ardfert), to summon Philip, and if they find the above to be true, to declare the said collation null and remove Philip, and in that event to collate and assign the vicarage, value not exceeding 6 marks, to Osullebayn, who is of a noble race of dukes, and who, without mention of his illegitimacy as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, had himself made a clerk, and has been dispensed by papal authority on account of the said defect to act as a clerk and receive and hold the archdeaconry of Aghadoe (de Achadeo) in Ardfert; notwithstanding that provision was lately made to him of the said archdeaconry, a non-major dignity with cure, value not exceeding 14 marks. He is hereby dispensed to hold together for four years the said archdeaconry and vicarage. Vite etc. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. xxviii. Secundo Kal. Februarii Anno Secundo. de Adria.) [See above, pp. 106, 405.]
11 Kal. Jan.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 179.)
To the dean and the archdeacon and Cornelius Macmenman Ydomhnaill, canon, of Raphoe. Mandate to collate and assign to Bernard Magondgail, clerk, of the diocese of Raphoe (who was lately dispensed by authority of the ordinary, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to minor orders and hold a benefice without cure, after which he was tonsured), the perpetual vicarage of Tulachforgna in the said diocese, value not exceeding 8 marks, void by the death of Andrew Obeaghlaidh. Bernard is hereby specially dispensed, on account of the said defect, to be promoted to other, even holy orders and hold the said vicarage. Vite etc. (An. and Ja.Goier. | An. viii. Residuum pro deo. Secundo Kal. Februarii Anno Secundo. de Adria.) [See above, p. 202.]
10 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 197.)
To the archdeacon and Solomon Maccreuair and Thomas Macaneageanaid, canons, of Clogher. Mandate to collate and assign to Malachy Ogoband, perpetual vicar of Botha in the diocese of Clogher (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted etc. as usual, after which he was so promoted and obtained the said vicarage of Botha), the perpetual vicarage of St. Coman's de Druumlchy in the said diocese, value not exceeding 7 marks, void because Eugenius Ocondualaid made his regular profession as an Augustinian canon of the monastery of SS. Peter and Paul the Apostles [Clones] in the said diocese, summoning and removing Thady Ogoband, priest, of the said diocese, who without canonical title took possession and has unduly detained it for about two years; notwithstanding that he holds the said vicarage of Botha, value not exceeding 3 marks. He is hereby specially dispensed on account of the said defect to hold the said vicarage of St. Coman's, upon obtaining which he is to resign that of Botha. Vite etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. Gratis pro deo. Secundo Idus Marcii Anno Secundo. de Adria.) [See above, p. 12.]
5 Kal. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 227d.)
To the bishop of Derry, the archdeacon of Raphoe, and the official of Derry. Mandate to collate and assign to William Macgillabridi, clerk, of the diocese of Raphoe (who without mention of his illegitimacy, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, has had himself made a clerk), the rectory of Cluyayndachorchach in the said diocese, value not exceeding 9 marks, so long void by the death of Andrew Omurigaid that its collation lapsed to the apostolic see, summoning and removing Donald Macmenman Ydomnayll, priest, of the said diocese, who has unduly detained possession for more than four years under pretext of a collation made by authority of the ordinary after the said lapse. William is hereby dispensed on account of the said defect to act as a clerk, be promoted to all, even holy orders, and hold the said rectory.Vite etc. (An. and J. Goier. | An. x. Residuum pro deo.Septimo Idus Februarii Anno Secundo. de Adria.) [See above, p. 101.]
18 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 231d.)
To the abbot of Aberbrothoc in the diocese of St. Andrews. Mandate to collate and assign to John de Camera, priest, of the diocese of Aberdeen, M.A., the rectory of Durris in the diocese of St. Andrews, value not exceeding 16l. sterling, void by ‘Execrabilis’ and therefore reserved because Hugh de Wellys, who is to be summoned and removed, when holding the perpetual vicarage of Nyg in the same diocese, obtained the said rectory and held it with the said vicarage, without dispensation, for more than a month, as he still does. Dignum etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xx. Duodecimo Kal. Martii Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)

De Tabellionatus Officio

8 Id. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 255d.)
To the abbot of Osneye in the diocese of Lincoln. Faculty to confer the office of notary public on Maurice Beelt, priest, of the diocese of St. Davids, if he have completed his twenty-fifth year; with the form of oath. Ne contractuum.
(f. 258.)
To the abbot of St. Mary's, Kymmer, in the diocese of Bangor. The like for John Lewis, priest, of the diocese of St. Davids.

De Plenaria Remissione

Indults to the following that the confessor of their choice may grant them, being penitent and having confessed, plenary indulgence once only, namely in the hour of death. Registered briefly, as above, p. 34, with ‘Eugenius etc.’, address and 'salutem etc. Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc.Datum…’ All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
10 Kal. April.
(f. 271.)
William Stapilton and Margaret his wife, of the diocese of Norwich.
8 Kal. May.
(f. 273.)
John Ales, priest, monk professed of the monastery of St. Stephen, Caen, in the diocese of Bayeux.
4 Non. June.
(f. 274.)
Richard Willet, citizen of Dublin and Margaret his wife.‘Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc. Datum…,’ as usual. Subscribed: M. de Pisis and An. | An. Adria, but cancelled, with note in the margin: Cassata et alibi registrata propter errorem, the error apparently consisting in the spelling ‘Willet’ instead of ‘Wyllet,’ that being the only difference between the present entry and that below, f. 301.
3 Non. June.
(f. 274d.)
Thomas Elys, nobleman, citizen of Dublin.
Ibid. David Taylour, nobleman, priest, of Dublin.
11 Kal. Jan.
(f. 280d.)
Richard Westhall, priest, of the diocese of Lichfield.

De Altaribus Portatilibus

Indults to the following to have a portable altar. Registered briefly, as above, p. 34, with ‘Eugenius etc.’ address and 'salutem etc. Sincere etc. Datum…’ All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
12 Kal. April.
(f. 283.)
James Dreylond, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of Canterbury, and Alice his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. John Gryggys, nobleman, and his wife [not named], of the diocese of Norwich.
Kal. April.
(f. 283.)
John Abbot, citizen of London, nobleman, and Agnes his wife, noblewoman.
4 Id. April.
(f. 283d.)
William Ruston, citizen of London, nobleman, and Denise his wife, noblewoman.
6 Id. April.
(f. 283d.)
John Chydyoc, knight, nobleman, of the diocese of Salisbury, and Catherine his wife, noblewoman.
3 Id. April.
(f. 283d.)
Elizabeth de Boucheir, noblewoman, widow, of the diocese of London.
4 Non. June.
(f. 284d.)
Richard Cradok otherwise called Newton, nobleman, lord of the place of Newton, of the diocese of St. Davids (Meneven.), and Emmota his wife, noblewoman.
4 Kal. Aug.
(f. 286.)
Catherine Seman, noblewoman, lady of the manor of Merkes, of the diocese of London.

De Confessionalibus

Indults to the following to choose their confessor, who may as often as they please, after hearing their confession, grant them absolution, enjoining a salutary penance, except in cases reserved to the apostolic see. Registered briefly, as above, p. 36, with ‘Eugenius etc.’ address and 'salutem etc. Benigno etc, Datum…’ All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
Kal. May.
(f. 287.)
William Palmier, layman, dwelling in the city of London.
3 Kal. March.
(f. 288.)
William Savage, monk professed of St. Albans, O.S.B., in the diocese of Lincoln.
8 Id. March.
(f. 288.)
Richard Conventre, mercer, of London, and Elizabeth his wife.

De Plenaria Remissione (cont.)

Indults of plenary indulgence as above, f. 271 sqq. ‘Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc. Datum …..’ All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
6 Kal. April.
(f. 297d.)
William Peytueyn, layman, nobleman, of the diocese of Ely, and Margaret his wife, noblewoman.
Ibid. John Fowler, layman, dwelling at London, and Agnes his wife.
4 Non. May.
(f. 299d.)
John Blevury (rectius Blebury), monk of St. Albans, O.S.B., in the diocese of Lincoln.
Ibid. Hugh Ayton, monk of the same.
4 Non. June.
(f. 301.)
Richard Wyllet, citizen of Dublin, and Margaret his wife.‘Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc. Datum ….’, as usual, and subscribed M. de Pisis and An. | An. xvi. de Adria. [Cf. above, f. 274.]
Ibid. Alice Begge, of Dublin.
8 Id. June.
(f. 301d.)
William Middilmaste, priest, of the diocese of Glasgow.
2 Id. Aug.
(f. 302.)
Robert de Lichton, clerk, of the diocese of St. Andrews.
12 Kal. Sept.
(f. 302.)
Thomas Lawedre, priest, of the same diocese. [See below, f. 308.]
Kal. Sept.
(f. 302d.)
John Caverton, Cistercian monk of Melros in the diocese of Glasgow.
Id. Sept.
(f. 302d.)
John de Ros, priest, of the diocese of Moray.
Ibid. John Napier, priest, of the diocese of Glasgow.
15 Kal. Oct.
(f. 303.)
To the abbot and convent of St. Mary's de Pratis, Leicester, O.S.A., in the diocese of Lincoln. Indult that the confessor, whom each of them shall choose, may grant them, being contrite and having confessed, plenary indulgence, once in life and once in the hour of death. [Registered more fully than usual: ‘Provenit etc. Hinc est quod nos ….. Sancte Romane ecclesie etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc. Datum …..’ Subscribed M. de Pisis and Ja. | Ja. c. Aprutin.]
16 Kal. Jan
(f. 304.)
William Barker, priest, of the diocese of York.
12 Kal. Jan.
(f. 304.)
Thomas Mountenay, donsel, nobleman, lord of the town (ville) of Collay, of the diocese of York, and Elizabet his wife, noblewoman.
10 Kal. Feb.
(f. 304d.)
Cristiana Myketagart, of the diocese of Glasgow.
Ibid. Eugenius Macewyn, priest, of the same diocese.
Ibid. Margaret, duchess of Aquitaine and Touraine. (fn. 5)
Indults to the following to have a portable altar. ‘sincere etc.’, as above, f. 283 sqq. All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
6 Kal. April.
(f. 305d.)
William Peytueyn, layman, nobleman, of the diocese of Ely, and Margaret his wife, noblewoman.
3 Non. April.
(f. 305d.)
John Knyth, donsel, nobleman, of London, and Margaret his wife, noblewoman.
6 Id. April.
(f. 305d.)
Michael Petyt, priest, of the diocese of Exeter.
Ead. dat.
(f. 306.)
Edmund Tremayn, priest, of the same diocese.
5 Id. April.
(f. 306.)
John Berdefeld, donsel, nobleman, of the diocese of London, and Cristiana his wife, noblewoman.
17 Kal. May.
(f. 306.)
William Schepton, donsel, nobleman, of London, and Agnes his wife, noblewoman.
Indults of plenary indulgence. Provenit etc. Et insuper etc.Porro etc. Datum…, as above, f. 271 sqq. All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
2 Id. July.
(f. 307d.)
John de Invyrkething, canon of Holyrood, Edinburgh, O.S.A., in the diocese of St. Andrews.
[12 Kal. Sept.]
(f. 308.)
Eugenius etc. dilecto filio Thome Lawedre, presbytero, Sanctiandree diocesis, salutem etc. Provenit etc.’ Unfinished, without the usual subscriptions, and cancelled with strokes, without marginal note. [See above, f. 302.]
15 Kal. Oct.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 310.)
To William, abbot of St. Mary's de Pratis, Leicester, O.S.A., in the diocese of Lincoln. Indult for him and his successors to have a portable altar, whereon he and they may, in presence of the members of their household and in presence of the canons, celebrate masses and other divine offices, and may, in their own presence and in the presence of the said members and canons, cause the same to be celebrated by his and his said successors’ own, or by other fit priests, secular or regular. (Registered in full, except the final clauses—’ Sincere etc.Hinc est quod nos …. indulgemus. Nulli ergo etc ….Si quis etc. Datum….’ Subscribed M. de Pisis and Ja. | Ja. xxxx. Aprutin.)

1 Eugenius IV

13 Kal. July.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 310.)
To William Nuby, burgess of the above town of Leicester, and Maud his wife. Indult for them and each of them to have a portable altar on which they and each of them may, in their lodging situate in the said town, and in other fit places, in the presence of them and of each of them, and of their children and the members of their household, and also of any other comers, cause mass and other divine offices to be celebrated by their own or other fit priests, secular or regular. (Registered like the preceding, mutatis mutandis, and subscribed M. de Pisis and Ja. | Ja. xii. Aprutin. [See above, p. 366.])
Indults to the following to have a portable altar. 'sincere etc.’ as above, f. 283 sqq. Both are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
12 Kal. Jan.
(f. 310d.)
Robert Heyre, donsel, nobleman, lord of the manor of Podley, of the diocese of Lichfield.
Ibid. Thomas Mountenay, donsel, nobleman, lord of the town of Collay, of the diocese of York, and Elizabet his wife, noblewoman.
Indults to the following to choose their confessors etc.‘Benigno etc.’, as above, f. 287 sqq. Both are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
3 Kal. May.
(f. 314.)
John Hay, layman, dwelling in the city of London, and Isabel his wife.
4 Kal. Nov.
(f. 314.)
Thomas Swan, canon of St. John's, Beverley, of the diocese of York. The usual indult for him, who is a nephew of Master William Swan, licentiate of civil law, papal writer and a member of the pope's household. (Subscribed Ja. and M. de Pisis. | Ja.Gratis pro nepote scriptoris. Aprutin.)

[De Litteris Ante Diem.]

15 Kal. Oct.
(f. 316d.)
To William, abbot of St. Mary's de Pratis, Leicester, O.S.A., in the diocese of Lincoln. Indult for him and his successors to celebrate mass before daybreak, when their business requires it. [Registered almost in full (under the wrong rubric, viz.—de locis interdictis). Sincere devotionis affectus …. incrementum. Hine est quod nos missas antequam illucescat dies ….. celebrare etc. Datum …. Subscribed M. de Pisis and Ja. | Ja. xxx. Aprutin.]

De Litteris Ante Diem

Indults to the following to have mass celebrated before daybreak. Registered briefly, as above, p. 39, with ‘Eugenius etc.’ address and ‘salutem etc. Sincere etc. Datum …’ Both are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
4 Non. March.
(f. 317d.)
John Holgate, nobleman, lord of the places of Bradfeld Sencler and [Bradfeld] Combusta, of the diocese of Norwich.
Ibid. William Paston, nobleman, lord of the place of Paston, of the said diocese, justiciary of Henry, king of England, and his present (in presentiarum) wife, noblewoman.


  • 1. Described on the back in Italian as ‘Eugenio IV. 1436 (corrected in pencil to 1432). Anno 2. Lib. 24.’ A flyleaf has the contemporary notes: ‘Greuensten,’ ‘Rubricatus est’ and ‘Primus (this word has been added) de prouisionibus prelatorum, de beneficiis vacantibus, de tabellionatus officio, et de plenaria remissione Anno Secundo’ (which description also occurs on the bottom edge of the volume, with the addition of ‘Eugenii pape iiiiu.’)
  • 2. Eubel, Hierarchia, II, p. 203, following Arm. xii, 121, p. 271, has (as above) ‘ob. Joannis’ (instead of which he suggests ‘Vel potius Nicolai Wogomai a. 1430 promoti’). ‘Martinus Campina [sic] (de Blya, Blonda) monachus mon. de Clarocampo O. Cist., dioec. Trajecten. suffr. eporum. Monaster. et Traject.’, and has date ‘1432 Apr. 29.’ Arm. xii, 121, p. 271, has ‘Magionen. Eadem die [that is Die Jovis, iiii Kal Maii, as in the entry which immediately precedes] ecclesie Magionen. per obitum quondam Joannis episcopi, de persona D. Martini Campania monachi Cistercien.’ Brady, Episc. Succession, II, p. 154, has ‘Quarto Idus Aprilis 1432,’ as the date of the provision of Martin Campania.
  • 3. The form in Eubel, Hierachia, is ‘Nynsaldi.’
  • 4. ’Aprilis’ is cancelled by Ja[cobu]s, and ‘Novembris’ substituted in the margin by Ja[cobus].
  • 5. Margaret, widow of Archibald Douglas, duke of Touraine, was not duchess of Guyenne, whilst Margaret de Bourgogne, duchess of Guyenne, was not duchess of Touraine.