Lateran Regesta 312: 1432-1433

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 312: 1432-1433', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 312: 1432-1433', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 312: 1432-1433". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCXII (fn. 1)

2 Eugenius IV

De Exhibitis

Prid. Non. Aug.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 14.)
To the abbot of Dere in the diocese of Aberdeen. Mandate, at the recent petition of William de Craufurde, rector of Tarvas in the diocese of Aberdeen—containing that he and John Goldsmyth resigned, for purpose of exchange, a canonry of Aberdeen and the prebend of Banchorydeueny and a canonry of the same and the prebend of Crowden to bishop Henry who, by his ordinary authority, carried out the exchange; and adding that he doubts the validity of the said bishop's collation and provision to him of the said canonry and prebend of Crowden (also written Croweden), in virtue of which he obtained possession—to collate and assign to the said William the said canonry and prebend, value not exceeding 40 marks sterling, which, as the pope has learned, are still void as above; whether they be void thus, or in any other way, and notwithstanding that he holds the said church, value [likewise] not exceeding 40 marks sterling. Dignum arbitramur. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xxii. Secundo Non. Decembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
14 Kal. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 21.)
To the abbot of Aberbrothoc in the diocese of St. Andrews. Mandate, at the recent petition of John de Lichton, deacon, of the diocese of Aberdeen, M.A.—containing that formerly he (who had previously been dispensed by papal authority as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, (i) to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, (ii) having been tonsured, to hold any mutually compatible benefices with or without cure, of any number and kind, even if canonries and prebends etc.) and William de Camera resigned for purpose of exchange the parish church of Logy in the said diocese and a canonry and the prebend of Federesso in the church of St. Mary, St. Andrews, to Henry, bishop of Aberdeen, who, having special power from Henry, bishop of St. Andrews, carried out the exchange by his ordinary authority; and adding that he doubts the validity of the said bishop's collation and provision to him of the said canonry and prebend, in virtue of which he obtained possession—to collate and assign to the said John, who is also a bachelor of canon and civil law, the said canonry and prebend, value not exceeding 40l. sterling, which, as the pope has learned, are still void as above; whether they be void thus, or in any other way. Dignum etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xxiiii. Secundo Id. Decembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
14 Kal. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 22d.)
To the abbot of Dere in the diocese of Aberdeen. Mandate to collate and assign to Thomas de Kylqwos’, priest, of the diocese of Ross, the still void perpetual vicarage of Banfe in the diocese of Aberdeen, value not exceeding 10l. sterling, of which, on its voidance by the recent resignation to bishop Henry of Henry de Rend, the said bishop made collation and provision to the said Thomas by his ordinary authority, in virtue of which he (who had previously been dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold two benefices, even if one of them had cure) obtained possession, but now doubts the validity of the said collation, etc.; whether it be void as stated, or by the death of Gilbert de Feri, or in any other way. He is hereby specially dispensed on account of the said defect.Dignum etc. (Ja. and Hubanto. | Ja. xxiiii. Secundo Id. Decembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
2 Kal. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 27.)
To the precentor (cantori) of Waterford. Mandate to collate and assign to David Gunden, priest, of the diocese of Ossory, the still void parish church of Bewle alias Ownyng in the said diocese, value not exceeding 3 marks, of which, on its voidance by the death of John Fyn, bishop Thomas made collation and provision to the said David by his ordinary authority, in virtue of which he obtained possession, but now doubts the validity of the said collation, etc.; whether it be void as stated, or by the resignation of the said John, or in any other way. Dignum etc. [added in the margin]. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. xxi. Sexto Kal. Junii Anno Secundo. de Adria.)
8 Id. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 33d.)
To the bishop of Adria, and the precentor (precentori) and Philip Odubuychayn, canon, of Ardfert. Mandate, at the recent petition of Donatus Ocontywe (rectius Oconcywr), priest, of the diocese of Ardfert—containing that formerly, on the voidance of the perpetual vicarage of Magyehir in the said diocese, because the late Patrick [son] of Gerald Fiizmoris held it for more than a year without having himself ordained priest, the late Nicholas, bishop of Ardfert, made collation and provision thereof to the said Donatus (who was already dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure), in virtue of which he obtained and still holds possession; and adding that some assert that at the time of the said collation etc. the vicarage had been void so long that its collation had lapsed to the apostolic see, wherefore he doubts whether the same holds good—to collate and assign to the said Donatus (to whom the rectory of Rathronayri (sic) in the diocese of Limerick was lately granted by papal authorityin commendam, the resignation of which commenda, made this day by Donatus to the pope, the pope admits by these presents) the said vicarage, still void as above, value not exceeding 8 marks. Vite etc. (An. and Hubanto. | An. xx. Non. Junii Anno Secundo. de Adria.)
15 Kal. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 83d.)
To the bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo (Civitaten.), the abbot of SS. Peter and Paul's, Raythoyg, and the abbot of O'Dorney (Kyryeleyson), in the diocese of Ardfert. Mandate as below. Martin V rehabilitated John Fitzmoris, canon of Lismore, on account of his having held for more than a year [without having himself ordained priest] and without dispensation, the rectory of Killury in the diocese of Ardfert, which had been canonically collated to him, and which he was still detaining, and required him to resign it [Cal. Lett. VII, pp. 226, 227]; and the same pope, by other letters, ordered the above three to collate and assign to him, upon his duly resigning, the said rectory, of the patronage of laymen, its value being stated in the said second letters as not exceeding 10 marks [ibid]. At his petition, stating that the value exceeds 10 but not 20 marks, and that some assert that the patronage belongs to the king of England for the time being, the which is not mentioned in the said letters, and that he fears molestation, the pope hereby grants to him (who was lately dispensed, when holding the said rectory, to hold for life therewith the precentorship of Ardfert, a non-major dignity, in the event of its being collated to him in virtue of certain papal letters of provision thereof [ibid, pp. 165, 166]; and who is holding the said precentorship and the canonry and prebend of Fyennynd in Ardfert and the canonry and prebend of Kyllgobnatan in Lismore, the value of all not exceeding 14 marks) that the said letters shall hold good from the date of these presents as if they did not contain the said two omissions, and orders the above three to collate and assign to the said John the said rectory, if it be void as aforesaid, if it be of the patronage of the said king, and if the king's assent be given. Vite etc. (Ja. and Ja. Goier. | Ja. viiii. Residuum pro deo. Decimo Kal.Januarii Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
5 Kal. Oct.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 114d)
To Master John Walling, a papal chaplain and auditor. Mandate as below. The recent petition of Thomas de Myreton, dean of Glasgow, contained that a cause arose between him and Adam de Gordon, perpetual vicar of Cramond in the diocese of Dunkeld, about the canonry and prebend of Forgunddeuynny in Dunkeld, which, on their voidance by the death of John Douglas, he obtained under a provision made to him in virtue of a papal faculty to John, bishop of Glasgow, to reserve fifty benefices of anysoever patronage in the realm of Scotland, with or without cure, even if canonries and prebends, etc., for collation to as many persons to be named by king James, the said Adam opposing the said provision, preventing Thomas's peaceable possession, and claiming the said canonry and prebend for himself; that Martin V committed Adam's appeal, lawfully made to the apostolic see, to Master John de Mella, a papal chaplain and auditor, who, proceeding in possessorio only, delivered an unjust definitive sentence by which he removed Thomas from possession and restored Adam thereto; that upon Thomas setting forth to pope Martin that William de Lothton, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews, whom he had sent with a sufficient mandate to the Roman court in order to prosecute his cause, by reason of the dangers etc. of the journey and the great distance, arrived too late to appeal within the lawful time from the said sentence, which had become a res judicata, and that on the journey the said William had lost the said mandate, the said pope gave commission to the above Master John Walling to restore Thomas as against the said sentence and to administer justice to the parties; and that, under the general commission issued by the present pope on his accession to all auditors to proceed with the causes before them in accordance with the commissions granted to them by pope Martin, the said Master John Walling, after restoring the said Thomas as against the said sentence, has proceeded, but short of a conclusion. At the said petition, which added that it is asserted that neither of the parties has a right in or to the said canonry and prebend, the pope orders the said auditor, if he find this to be the case, to collate and assign them, value not exceeding 20l. sterling, to the said Thomas, whether void as above or in any other way; notwithstanding that he holds the canonry and prebend of Kinkel in Aberdeen, and is litigating in the papal palace about the deanery of Glasgow, a major dignity with cure, and about the parish church of Kilmany in the diocese of St. Andrews, value not exceeding 100l., 100l. and 60l. respectively. Vite etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xxviii. Decimoseptimo Kal. Decembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.) [See above, pp. 203 and 204.]
4 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 122.)
To the bishop of Macon, the abbot of Inchcolm (Insule Sancti Columbe) in the diocese of Dunkeld, and the official of St. Andrews. Mandate as below. The recent petition of John Feldew, perpetual vicar of Markynch in the diocese of St. Andrews, doctor of canon law, contained that on the voidance by the death of Patrick de Howyston of the perpetual vicarage of Lynlithcu in the said diocese, bishop Henry made collation and provision thereof, by his ordinary authority, to the said John, who in virtue thereof obtained possession; and that upon the late John Bonyng, clerk, of the said diocese, intruding himself and detaining possession, the said John Feldew appealed to the apostolic see. Seeing that the said John Bonyng, being in possession, has died in the Roman court, and seeing that, as the said petition added, the said John Feldew (who is a priest, and for the past year and more has been in the said court) doubts the validity of the said collation and provision, the pope orders the above three to collate and assign to him the said vicarage, value not exceeding 30l. sterling, whether void by the death of the said Patrick or of the said John Bonyng, or void in any other way; notwithstanding that he holds the hospital without cure of St. Nicholas near the city of St. Andrews, wont to be assigned as a perpetual benefice to secular clerks, and the said vicarage of Markynch, value not exceeding 8l. and 17l. sterling respectively, and that the pope lately made provision to him of a canonry of Glasgow, with reservation of a prebend and a dignity etc. thereof and also of a benefice with or without cure in the common or several gift of the bishop and the prior and chapter etc. of St. Andrews, even if it were a canonry and prebend, dignity etc. in a cathedral of a collegiate church, and even if such dignities etc. were elective and had cure, and dispensed him (i) to hold together for five years such dignity etc. or such benefice with cure and the said vicarage of Markynch, or, in the event of his resigning the said vicarage, simply or for a compatible benefice, to hold together for three years a dignity etc. or such and any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if such other benefice were an elective dignity (even if major or principal accordingly) etc. in a cathedral or a collegiate church or were a parish church or a perpetual vicarage; (ii) subsequently [below, f. 204], to hold for life any two mutually incompatible benefices, even if they were dignities etc. in cathedral or collegiate churches, and one of the benefices were a parish church or a perpetual vicarage, or one of such dignities were major in a cathedral or principal in a collegiate church, and even if such dignities etc. were elective and had cure, and to resign the same, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased, and hold instead two similar or dissimilar mutually incompatible benefices. Upon obtaining under these presents the said vicarage of Lynlitheu he is, as he has offered, to resign that of Markinch and the said hospital. Litterarum sciencia, vite etc. (Ja. and Ja. Goier. | Ja. xxv. Quinto Kal.Decembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.) [See also below, f. 264.]

De Diversis Formis

14 Kal. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 136.)
To Awly (Aulavo) Olongsygh, canon of Killaloe. Grant etc. as below. Upon its being set forth to Martin V on behalf of James, earl of Desmond, the patron, that inasmuch as the prioress and nuns of the monastery of St. Catherine, Oconyll, in the diocese of Limerick, or several of them, leading a dissolute life, had wasted in lubricity and converted to unlawful uses the goods of the said monastery, whose church (wont to be governed by a secular priest appointed and removed at the pleasure of the said prioress and nuns) was parochial, and that the only remaining nun had married a layman, by whom she had had offspring, and that Cornelius [now] bishop in the universal church, then bishop of Limerick, had, with consent of the dean and chapter of Limerick, decreed by his ordinary authority the removal from the said monastery of the said nun, the said pope ordered the bishop of Limerick, if he found the facts to be as stated, to suppress the said (sic) (fn. 2) order in the said monastery by papal authority, and to apply and appropriate in perpetuity the fruits etc., value not exceeding 20 marks, to the said church of St. Catherine in order to endow a rector, and in the event of his doing so, to collate and assign the said church to the above Awly, as is contained in letters of the said pope. Seeing that, as his recent petition to the present pope contained, at the time of the said letters provision had been made to him by papal authority of the canonry and prebend of Inuskathark in Killaloe,. value not exceeding 30 marks, of which there is no mention in the said letters, the pope wills and grants to him (to whom he has this day ordered provision to be made of the precentorship of Limerick, a non-major dignity with cure, value not exceeding 32 marks) that the said letters shall hold good, and that the bishop of Limerick may and shall execute them as if the said mention had been made therein. Vite etc. (Ja. and Anselmus. | Ja. xvi. Aprutin.) [See below, f. 158d.]
1432 [–3].
18 Kal. Feb. (fn. 3)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 138d.)
To Thomas Chickele (sic), canon of London. Dispensation, at his own petition and that of Henry, archbishop of Canterbury, whose kinsman he is, that he—who is in his nineteenth year, is studying at Oxford, and holds the canonries and prebends of Cadyngton Minor in London and St. Mary's in (fn. 4) Angulo, Bedford in Lincoln, canonries of Kyrton and Herisciburi with prebends thereof, and the free chapels without cure of Choherleton and Alerton, in the dioceses of Exeter (Oxonien.), York and Salisbury, value altogether not exceeding 47l. sterling—may, after he attains his twenty-first (fn. 5) year, receive and hold any benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible. Vite etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xx. Aprutin.)
4 Non. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 144d.)
To Master Nicholas Conilli, dean of Segorve (Segobricen.), an apostolic notary, residing in the Roman court. Mandate, at the recent petition of Robert de Daulbike, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews, containing that for a sum of money agreed upon with certain persons he resigned to bishop Henry his church of Qwylt in the said diocese, to absolve him from excommunication etc. thereby incurred, enjoining upon him a salutary penance and the distribution, as soon as his means allow, to the fabric of the said or of other churches, or to the poor, or to other pious uses, of the said sum; to rehabilitate him, and to dispense him to hold the said church or any other benefices with or without cure, of any number and kind.Sedes apostolica. (An. and P. [de] Montella. | An. xxvi. de Adria.)
Id. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 154.)
To the bishop of Ardfert. Mandate to dispense Donald Ylongsygh, scholar, of his diocese, the son of unmarried nobles, to be promoted to all, even holy orders, and hold four compatible benefices with or without cure, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Ex parte dilecti. (Ja. and M. Pinardi. | Ja. xxiiii. Aprutin.)
Id. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 157.)
To the precentor of Limerick. Mandate, at the recent petition of Cornelius, [now] bishop in the universal church, sometime bishop of Limerick—containing that formerly Boniface IX, to whose obedience belonged the cities and dioceses of Limerick and Killaloe, made provision to him, then rector of Dysartmolacala in the diocese of Killaloe, of the see of Limerick, and granted him to continue to hold, for life, the said rectory, of the patronage of laymen, with its annexed chapel of Athdrum—to decree that the said bishop may retain the said rectory, value not exceeding 16 marks, notwithstanding that he resigned the said see to Martin V. Personam venerabilis fratris. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xvi. Decimo Kal. Januarii Anno Secundo. Aprutin.) [See Cal. Lett. V, pp. 268, 287.]
11 Kal. Jan.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 158d.)
To Awly Olongsygh, canon of Killaloe. Lately to him—to whom provision had also been ordered to be made by papal authority of the parish church of St. Catherine de Okenyb (rectius Okonyl, see above, f. 136) in the diocese of Limerick—the present pope ordered provision to be made of the precentorship of Limerick, a non-major dignity with cure, even if it were elective, and required him, upon obtaining it, to resign the said church or all right in or to it. The pope hereby dispenses him, who is by both parents of noble race, to hold the said church, if he obtain it, for five years together with the said precentorship. Vite etc. (Ja. and Anselmus. | Ja. xxii.Aprutin.)
7 Id. Jan.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 163d.)
To Donatus Macneill, perpetual vicar of Kayrberislayn alias Domusdasliuogh in the diocese of Ardfert. Dispensation to him—who was formerly dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman related in the fourth degree of affinity, to be promoted to all, even holy orders, and hold a benefice even with cure, after which he was tonsured, who is by both parents of noble race, and holds the above vicarage, value not exceeding 8 marks—to hold three other benefices with or without cure, compatible with one another and with the said vicarage, and to resign all, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Vite etc. (Ja. and Hubanto. | Ja. xxii. Aprutin.)
5 Kal. Oct.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 173d.)
To the archbishop of Tuam. Mandate to dispense Raymund de Burgo, layman, and Joan ingi Malle, of his diocese, to marry notwithstanding that they are related in divers third and fourth degrees of kindred and affinity. Oblate nobis. (Ja. and P. de Montella. | Ja. xviii. Aprutin.)
Ibid. To the bishop of Elphin. Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense to marry Magonius Oconcuyr, layman, and Morina de Angolo, of his diocese, who, not in ignorance that they were related in the third and fourth degrees of kindred, committed fornication and had offspring, which, with future offspring, is to be decreed legitimate. Oblate nobis. (Ja. and P. de Montella. | Ja. xxv. Aprutin.)
10 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 185d.)
To the bishop of Killaloe. Mandate, after enjoining penance for incest, to dispense to marry Maurice Macmachuna and Raynyld yny Mecconmara, of his diocese, who, not in ignorance that they were related in the double third degree of affinity and the double fourth of kindred, committed fornication more than once and had offspring, which, with future offspring, is to be decreed legitimate. Oblate nobis. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xx. Aprutin.)
5 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 188.)
To the bishop of Ardfert. Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense to marry Donald Osullybayn, layman, and Syabayn, daughter of Macrobius Yssulleabyn, of his diocese, who, not in ignorance that they were related on both sides in the third and quadruple fourth degrees of affinity, committed fornication and had offspring, which, with future offspring, is to be decreed legitimate. Oblate nobis. (Ja. and P. de Montella. | Ja. xx. Aprutin.)
Ibid. To the bishop of Ross. Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense to marry Dermit Ossullybayn, layman, and Fynnguola, daughter of Dermit Imachuna, of his diocese, who are related in the fourth degree of kindred and the third and double fourth and otherwise in the quadruple fourth degrees of affinity, and who have committed fornication and had offspring, which, with future offspring, is to be decreed legitimate. Oblate nobis. (Ja. and Conilli. | Ja. xx. Aprutin.)
Prid. Id. Oct.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 195d.)
To the bishop of Achonry. Mandate (Magonius, bishop of Elphin, residing at present in the Roman court), after enjoining penance for incest, to dispense to marry Magonius Oheli and Muauman Ingeinmiedondcaid (rectius ingein Micdondcaid), of the diocese of Elphin, notwithstanding that they have committed fornication more than once, not in ignorance that they were related in the third degree of kindred. Oblate nobis. (Ja. and Conilli. | Ja. xx. Aprutin.)
5 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 197d.)
To the bishop of Ardfert. Mandate to dispense to marry John [son] of Gerald Fyzmoris and Elina [daughter] of Philip de Geraldinis, of the diocese of Limerick, notwithstanding that they are related in the double third degree of affinity and the double fourth of kindred and affinity. Oblate nobis. (Ja. and Ja. Goier. | Ja. xx. Aprutin.)
Prid. Non. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 198.)
To Robert Valensis, clerk, of the diocese of Mayo. Rehabilitation, he, who is of noble race, having formerly obtained without canonical title the perpetual vicarage of Turlach Omachyn in the said diocese, and held it for several years, taking the fruits, subsequently resigning it. Sedes apostolica. (Ja. and P. de Montella. | Ja. xvi. Aprutin.)
Prid. Id. Oct.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 198d.)
To the bishop of Ardfert. Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense to marry Cornelius Mecthayhg, donsel, and Elen, daughter of Edmund de Geraldinis, donsel, of the dioceses of Limerick and Ardfert, notwithstanding that, not in ignorance that they were related in the third degree of kindred and the fourth degree of affinity, they have committed fornication and had offspring, which, with future offspring, is to be decreed legitimate. Oblate nobis. (Ja. and M. Pinardi. | Ja. xxii. Aprutin.)
3 Non. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 204.)
To John Feldew, canon of Glasgow, doctor of canon law. Dispensation, as below. Lately to him, then holding inter alia the perpetual vicarage of Markynch in the diocese of St. Andrews, the present pope made provision of a canonry of Glasgow, with reservation of a prebend and of a dignity etc. thereof, and also of a benefice with or without cure in the common or several gift of the bishop and the prior and chapter etc. of St. Andrews, even if it were a canonry and prebend, dignity etc. in a cathedral or a collegiate church, and even if such dignities etc. were elective and had cure, and dispensed him to hold together for five years such dignity etc. or such benefice with cure and the said vicarage, or, in the event of his resigning the said vicarage, simply or for a compatible benefice, to hold together for three years a dignity etc. or such and any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if such other benefice were an elective dignity (even if major or principal accordingly) etc. in a cathedral or a collegiate church, or were a parish church or a perpetual vicarage. The pope hereby, at John's petition and that of James, king of Scots, dispenses him—who holds the said vicarage, and also the hospital without cure of St. Nicholas near the city of St. Andrews, wont to be assigned as a perpetual benefice to secular clerks, and is litigating in the papal palace about the canonry and prebend of Guthry in Brechin, the value of all not exceeding 35l. sterling—to hold for life any two mutually incompatible benefices, even if they be dignities etc. in cathedral or collegiate churches, and one of the benefices be a parish church or a perpetual vicarage, or one of such dignities be major in a cathedral or principal in a collegiate church, and even if such dignities etc. be elective and have cure, and to resign the same, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, and hold instead two similar or dissimilar mutually incompatible benefices. Litterarum sciencia, vite etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xxx. Aprutin.) [See above, f. 122, and below, f. 264.]
4 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 206d.)
To the bishop of Cork. Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense to marry Donatus Omachuna and Sayb, daughter of the late Florence Mackarraid, of his diocese, who, not in ignorance that they were related in the triple third and double fourth degrees of affinity and in the fourth degree of kindred, committed fornication and had offspring, which, with future offspring, is to be decreed legitimate. Oblate nobis. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xx. Aprutin.)
4 Id. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 215d.)
To Thady Osullebayn, archdeacon of Aghadoe (de Achadeo) in Ardfert. Absolution etc. as below. His recent petition contained that Nicholas, bishop of Ardfert, has without reasonable cause excommunicated him and had him publicly proclaimed excommunicate, wherefore he has appealed to the apostolic see; and added that, being at the said see, he desires to obtain graces therefrom, and fears, on account of the said sentence, to have the apostolic letters expedited. The pope therefore absolves him ad cautelam from the said sentence, on condition that, as soon as he conveniently can, he shall prosecute the said appeal, and cause the said bishop to be summoned before a competent judge, and give security that in the event of the said judge finding the said sentence just he will obey his mandates and the mandates of the church: if not, the present letters shall be void. Humilibus supplicum votis. (An. and M. Pinardi. | An. xx. de Adria.)
(f. 216.)
To Maurice Ocuoma, priest, of the diocese of Ardfert. Rehabilitation on account of the following. On the voidance at the apostolic see, and consequent reservation to the pope, of the perpetual vicarage of Ynisnysuayl alias Drumad in the diocese of Ardfert by the death at the said see of Maurice Osullewayn (also written Ysullewayn), bishop Nicholas, perhaps in ignorance of the said reservation, made collation and provision thereof to the above Maurice Ocuoma, who had been dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, after which he had himself tonsured, and who, likewise ignorant of the said reservation, under pretext of the said collation and provision obtained possession and has detained it for about two years. He is to resign. Sedes apostolica. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xvi. de Adria.)
(f. 216d.)
To the prior of St. Mary's, Inysfathlyn, in the diocese of Ardfert. Mandate, recapitulating the preceding (here with the spellings Ynisnysuasyl and Ycuama as well as Ocuoma), the above collation and provision being without force and the above vicarage still void and reserved, to collate and assign to the above Maurice, after he has duly resigned, the said vicarage, value not exceeding 6 marks, whether void as above, or void in any other way. Dignum arbitramur. (An. and P. de Montella. | An. xxii. Idus Januarii Anno Secundo. de Adria.)
Id. Sept.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 225.)
To the bishop of Aberdeen. Mandate, at the recent petition of Walter de Tullach, esquire (armiger), of the diocese of Brechin—containing that the late John, abbot, and the convent of the Benedictine monastery of Aberbrothoc in the diocese of St. Andrews granted on a perpetual lease, in return for a yearly cess in corn and money, to the late Walter de Tullach and his wife Agnes, and the said Walter's heirs and successors, all the land commonly called Tullach and Crachy and situate towards the south of the Vueny, with its meadows, pastures, marshes (maresiis) and all its other rights and appurtenances, except only the mill of Crachy and the lands belonging thereto; and adding that some hesitate as to the continuation of the said grant, and that the above Walter, who is the lawful heir and successor of the said late Walter, fears lest he may be molested in respect thereof—to summon those concerned, and, if he find the said grant to be lawful and to be to the manifest utility of the said monastery, to approve and confirm it. Ut ea que pro personarum. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. xxvi. de Adria.)
11 Kal. Oct.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 235d.)
To the archdeacon of Famenne in the church of Liége. Mandate, at the recent petition of William Ocorcrainn, canon of Kilmacduagh—containing that after provision had been made to him by papal authority of the rectory of Athanarii in the diocese of Tuam, of the patronage of laymen, void by the death of Milericus de Brymiscan, and after he had been dispensed by the said authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, (i) to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, (ii), subsequently, when he had obtained the canonry and prebend of Kyllenayn in Kilmacduagh, to receive and hold the said rectory, he, being unable in any other easy way to obtain possession of the said rectory, which William de Brenegherm, priest, of the said diocese, was detaining, agreed by oath that the said William de Brenegherm should receive a moiety of its fruits etc., after which he obtained possession, and subsequently, to the end that the said agreement might be null, after the said William de Brenegherm had received the said moiety for two years, paid him a sum of money in order that he should have it no longer, thereby incurring the sentences etc. promulgated against simoniacs—to absolve the said William Ocorcrainn, who holds the said canonry and prebend and rectory, value not exceeding 4l. and 30l. respectively, from the said sentences etc., enjoining upon him a salutary penance, to dispense him on account of any irregularity contracted, and to rehabilitate him, granting that he may retain the said rectory as if the said agreement and payment had not been made. Sedes apostolica. (Ja. and M.Pinardi. | Ja. xxx. Secundo Kal. Novembris Anno Secundo.Aprutin.) [See above, p. 93.]
1432 (rectius
9 Kal. April.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 249.)
To William FitzHugh, baron and lord of Ravenswath in the diocese of York. Indult for himself and his wife and children to have, in time of interdict, mass etc. celebrated, privately, in his manorial chapels. Devocionis tue sinceritas. (Ja. and N.Volrat. | Ja. xxx. Aprutin.) [See below, f. 293.]
10 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 249.)
To the bishop of Killaloe. Mandate, after enjoining penance for incest, to dispense to marry Thady Macmachuna and Dubcoblaid Inymecmachuna (fn. 6) (i.e. iny Mecmachuna), of his diocese, who, not in ignorance that they were related in the third degree of kindred and in the third and the double fourth and in the simple fourth degrees of affinity, committed fornication and had offspring, which, with future offspring, is to be decreed legitimate. Oblate nobis. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja.xxiiii. Aprutin.)
4 Id. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 263.)
To the bishop of Ross. Mandate to dispense Dermit Osullybayn and Mor, daughter of Donald Yscolaigi, of the diocese of Ardfert, to remain in the marriage which they contracted and consummated in ignorance that they were related in the third degree of affinity; they, for certain reasons, holding Nicholas, bishop of Ardfert, as suspect. Oblate nobis. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xx. Aprutin.)
Prid. Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 264.)
To John Feldew, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews, doctor of canon law. Rehabilitation on account of the following. When holding the perpetual vicarage of Inverkelore in the diocese of St. Andrews he obtained, collated to him under pretext of papal letters, the perpetual vicarage of Markynch in the said diocese, and held them together for about five years, without dispensation, against ‘Execrabilis’; and subsequently, having exchanged the said vicarage of Inverkelore for the hospital without cure of St. Nicholas near the city of St. Andrews, wont to be assigned as a perpetual benefice to secular clerks, he held together, as he still does, the said hospital and the said vicarage of Markynch. He is to resign both. Sedes apostolica. (Ja. and N. Volrat. | Ja. xvi.Aprutin.) [See above, ff. 122 and 204.]
Id. Aug.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 273d.)
To Thomas Lawedre, (fn. 7) perpetual vicar of Erskyn in the diocese of Glasgow, M.A. Dispensation, as below. Lately to him—who had been successively dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried nobleman and an unmarried woman, (i) to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, (ii) to hold four other benefices compatible with one another, with or without cure, (iii) to hold any other benefices compatible with one another, with or without cure, of any number and kind, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased; and who was holding, inter alia, the above vicarage—the pope made provision of a canonry with reservation of a prebend and dignity etc. of Glasgow, and reservation of a benefice with or without cure in the common or several gift of the bishop and the prior and chapter etc. of St. Andrews, even if a canonry and prebend or dignity etc. in a cathedral or a collegiate church, even if such dignities etc. should be elective and have cure; and required him, as soon as he obtained in virtue thereof such dignity etc. or benefice with cure, to resign the said vicarage. The pope now, at the petition of Thomas—who holds a canonry of Aberdeen with the prebend of Albirdewr (rectius Abbirdewr), a canonry of Dumbar with the prebend of Pecrokes (rectius Petcokes), and the said vicarage, the value of all not exceeding 40l. sterling—and at the petition also of James, king of Scots, whose secretary and a member of whose household he is, dispenses him to hold for five years, together with the said vicarage, a dignity etc. or benefice with cure, as above, or any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if it be a dignity etc. with cure, in a cathedral, even metropolitan, or a collegiate church, and such dignity etc. be elective, provided that such dignity be not major nor principal accordingly, and that such benefice be not a parish church. Litterarum etc. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. xxvi. de Adria.)
12 Kal. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 279d.)
To Master William Swan, licentiate of civil law, papal writer and member of the pope's household. Faculty for him, who is also an abbreviator of apostolic letters, to make a will. Cum nichil.
Concurrent mandate to the archbishop of York and the bishops of Rochester and Teramo (Aprutin.). Hodie dilecto filio. (An. and M. de Pisis. | An. Gratis pro socio. de Adria.)
4 Kal. Sept.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 283d.)
To Richard Caunton, rector called master of the chapel or college of St. Mary by the church of St. Davids, licentiate of civil law. Indult during seven years, whilst studying letters at an university, to take the fruits etc. of the above and his other benefices, except only the daily distributions, and not to be bound to reside; and to rent, let or grant to farm or yearly pension, the said fruits etc. to any persons, even laymen.Litterarum etc.
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Bath and the deans of London and St. Davids. Litterarum etc. (Ja. and Ja. Goier.A. de Camporegali. | Ja. xiiii. xvi. Octavo Id. Septembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
8 Kal. Aug.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 285d.)
To Nicholas Dixon, rector of Chesthunt in the diocese of London. Dispensation as below. Martin V dispensed him to hold for five years with the above church any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible [above, pp. 21, 22]. At his recent petition, containing that he subsequently obtained the parish church of Gosberkryck (sic) in the diocese of Lincoln, and has held it, as he still does, together with Chesthunt, and that the end of the said period is at hand, the pope hereby dispenses him—who is an officer of king Henry, and holds canonries and prebends of London, Lincoln, Wells and Hereford, and of the chapel royal within the royal palace of Westminster, value not exceeding 150 marks, the hospitals without cure of St. James by Charryngcrosse in the diocese of London and Shyrbourne by Durham, value not exceeding 400 marks, and the above two churches (here with the spelling Gosberkyrk), value not exceeding 220 marks—to resign Chesthunt and Gosberkyrk, simply or for exchange, and to receive instead two incompatible benefices, even if dignities etc., with cure and elective, provided that they be not two major or principal dignities, and to retain them together for five years, and on their expiry, for other five years. Vite etc. (Ja. and P. de Montella. | Ja. xxvi. Aprutin.)
5 Non. Oct.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 291.)
To the bishop of Elphin. Mandate to dispense to marry Maurus Yconeyl, scholar, and Grana iny Hairt, of his diocese, notwithstanding that they are related in the third degree of kindred and the triple fourth degrees of affinity. Oblate nobis. (Hen. and Conilli. | Hen. xx. Terdonensis.)
1432 (rectius
9 Kal. April.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 293.)
To William FitzHugh, baron and lord of Ravenswath in the diocese of York. Indult that he may not be summoned by any letters of the apostolic see or its legates more than two days’ journey from his town (villa) of Ravenswath, unless they make full mention of the present indult. Exigit sincere. (Ja. and N. Volrat. | Ja. xx. Aprutin.) [See above, f. 249.]
Ibid. To the same. Faculty for him and his heirs to have in future chapels on his manors with the same liberty as he and his parents have had them for more than forty years. Sincere devocionis affectus. (Ja. and N. Volrat. | Ja. xxv. Aprutin.)
5 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 295d.)
To John Lindefeld, archdeacon of Chichester, B.C.L. Prolongation as below. Martin V successively dispensed him (i), when holding the archdeaconry of Chichester, a non-major dignity, to hold therewith for a year any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible [Cal. Lett. VII, p. 393], (ii) to hold together for five years the parish church of Essolavent (sic) in the diocese of Chichester, which he had meanwhile obtained, and the said archdeaconry, even if it had cure, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased, and hold instead two other incompatible benefices [ibid., p. 438], which five years he subsequently prolonged by other three [see above, p. 379]. The said further term of three years being about to end, the pope hereby grants to him (who is a servitor of Henry, archbishop of Canterbury, has after taking the degree of bachelor lectured for two years in civil law and has performed the usual acts for the licentiateship, still holds the said archdeaconry and parish church, and holds a canonry called Symerle in the church of Chichester and a canonry called Fontiton in the chapel royal of Boesham in the said diocese, the value of [all] which does not exceed 98l. sterling) a prolongation of the said three years by other five. Litterarum etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. Adria.)
12 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 312d.)
To Philip Hiikman, rector of St. Mary's de Dammys, Dublin, B.C.L. Dispensation to him (who is a priest, and who was formerly dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and a married woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, after which he obtained the said church, value not exceeding 5 marks) to hold four other benefices compatible with one another and the said church, with or without cure, and to resign all five, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Litterarum etc. (An. and P. de Montella. | An. xxiiii. de Adria.)
18 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 313d.)
To Robert Stewart, canon of Aberdeen, M.A. Dispensation as below. After he had been successively dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a deacon and an unmarried woman (i) to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, (ii) to hold three other benefices compatible with one another, even if one of them were a canonry and prebend in a cathedral church, or a dignity, even with cure, and to resign them, for exchange or otherwise, once only, and hold instead four other benefices compatible with one another, the present pope made to him (having obtained the canonry and prebend of Der in Aberdeen, value not exceeding 10l. sterling, which he still holds) provision of a canonry, with reservation of a prebend and a dignity etc., of Glasgow, and reservation of a benefice with or without cure in the common or several gift of the bishop and the prior and chapter etc. of St. Andrews, even if it were a dignity etc., in a cathedral or a collegiate church, even if elective and with cure, and dispensed him to hold the said canonry of Glasgow and prebend and one of such dignities etc., subsequently dispensing him to hold any benefices with or without cure, of any number and kind, compatible with one another and with the aforesaid, even if they were canonries and prebends, dignities (major or principal accordingly) in cathedral, metropolitan or collegiate churches, and if such dignities etc. were elective and had cure, and to resign all the aforesaid benefices, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased, and hold instead mutually compatible benefices. The pope now, at the petition of the said Robert and that of James, king of Scots, whose kinsman he is, dispenses him to hold for life any two benefices with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if they be dignities etc. in cathedral, metropolitan or collegiate churches, even if such dignities etc. be elective and have cure, and to resign them and any other incompatible benefices which he shall obtain, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An. and P. de Montella. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)


  • 1. On the back of the volume is the usual Italian ‘Eugenio IV. 1432. Anno 2.Lib. 1’: and on the bottom edge is the hardly legible contemporary description ‘Primue de exhibitis et diuersis formis anno secundo Eugenii pape iiiiii.’ There is no contemporary flyleaf.
  • 2. The name of the order is not mentioned.
  • 3. Corrected in the margin from ‘14 Kal. Dec.,’ with note: Cassatum et correctum de ut supra (i.e. de mandato domini B[lasii, patriarche] Graden., Cancellariam regentis, An. de Adria.
  • 4. ‘in’ is substituted in the margin by ‘An,’ for ‘de,’ which is cancelled and marked ‘A[ndrea]s.’
  • 5. The word ‘primum’ is substituted in the margin for ‘secundum,’ which is cancelled, with the note: ‘Cassatum et correctum de mandato domini B. Graden., Cancellariam regentis. An. de Adria.’
  • 6. ‘Inymecmachuna’ is added in the margin, with the note: Correctum de mandato domini B[lasii patriarche] Graden., [Cancellariam] Regentis, Ja. Aprutin.
  • 7. ‘Thome Lawedre’ corrected from ‘Thome de Lawedre’ by ‘As.’ i.e. Andreas de Adria.