Lateran Regesta 310: 1431-1432

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 310: 1431-1432', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 310: 1431-1432', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 310: 1431-1432". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCX (fn. 1)

1 Eugenius IV

De Diversis Formis

1430 [–1].
5 Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 205d.)
To William Hoper, rector of the third portion called ‘de la Grene’ of the parish church of Wottesdon in the diocese of Lincoln, D.C.L. Grant as below. After he had been dispensed by papal authority to hold for seven years the said portion with any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, Martin V on 6 Id. March anno 12 [1429] dispensed him, then holding in virtue of the said dispensation, besides the said portion, the parish church or chapel with cure of St. Michael at the south gate of Oxford in the said diocese, value together not exceeding 30l., to hold them for five years after the lapse of the said seven, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased. The letters of the said later dispensation not having been drawn up before the death of pope Martin, the pope hereby grants (volumus et apostolica tibi auctoritate concedimus) that these presents shall be proof thereof [cf. above, p. 368]. Racioni etc. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. Adria.)
(f. 209.)
To Peter Stukle, rector of Walsokne in the diocese of Norwich, B.C.L. Decree etc. as below, in regard to the dispensation granted on 13 Kal. Sept. anno 9 [1426] by Martin V to him, then too a B.C.L. and of a great noble race, to hold for life, besides Walsokne, any benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign both, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased. The letters of the said dispensation not having been drawn up before the death of pope Martin, the pope hereby decrees (volumus et eadem auctoritate decernimus) that these presents shall be proof thereof; adding that in virtue of the said dispensation he shall not be able to retain two parish churches or their rectories or perpetual vicarages beyond three years from the date of these presents. Racioni etc. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
(f. 210.)
To Adam Moleyns, rector of Wynterborn Comitis in the diocese of Salisbury, B.C.L. Decree (volumus … decernimus) etc. as in the preceding, and for the same reason, in regard to the dispensation granted on 10 Kal. July anno 12 [1429] by Martin V to him, then too a B.C.L. and holding the said church and the free chapel of Kyngiston Russel in the same diocese, value together not exceeding 28l., to hold for life with the said rectory any other benefice with cure … pleased (as ibid.) [Without the three years clause.] Racioni etc. (An. and Poggius. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
Prid. Non. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 311.)
To the bishop of Exeter. Mandate to dispense Richard Mounfort, layman, and Joan Schether, relict of John Schether, to remain in the marriage which they formerly contracted, solemnized clandestinely, and consummated, in ignorance of an impediment of spiritual relationship, arising from the fact that the late Ebota, then Richard's wife, had been godmother to a child of Joan. The bishop is to decree past and future offspring legitimate. Oblate nobis. (An. and Franchomme. | An. xxvi. de Adria.)
16 Kal. July.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 218d.)
Relaxation of two years and two quarantines of enjoined penance to penitents who on the feast of St. Laurence, from the first to the second vespers, visit and give alms for the repair and conservation of the chapel of St. Laurence de Elsteenwyk (sic) within the bounds of the parish of Hummylton in the diocese of York. [Without limit of duration.] Univ. etc. Ecclesiarum etc. (B. and Blondus. | B. xx. Valven.)

De Provisionibus Prelatorum

5 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's. Rome.
(f. 277.)
To John, elect of Connor. Provision to him, archdeacon of Connor, bachelor of canon law, priest, of the said see, void by the death of Donald, during whose life it was specially reserved by the present pope. Apostolatus officium.
Concurrent letters to the clergy and to the people of the city and diocese, and to the vassals of Connor—Apostolatus etc.; to the archbishop of Armagh—Ad cumulum; and to Henry, king of England—Gracie divine. (Ja. and Jo. de Crivellis. | Ja. xx. x. x. x. x. x. Aprutin.) [Not in Eubel, Hierarchia, vols. I. and II. But Arm. XII, 121, p. 247, which he uses, has ‘Coneren. 1430 [rectius 1432]. Eadem die (i.e. 5Kal. Feb.) Ecclesie Coneren. provincie Armachan. per mortem quondam D[omini] Donaldi, de persona D[omini] Johannis Fossade Archidiaconi ejusdem Ecclesie.’]
3 Kal. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 284d.)
To Bernard Oconeyl, elect of Killala. Provision to him, a canon of Killala, in minor orders, of the said see, void by the death of Fergallus, during whose life it was specially reserved by the present pope. Divina disponente.
Concurrent letters to the chapter of Killala, to the clergy and to the people of the city and diocese, and to the vassals of Killala—Divina etc.; to the archbishop of Tuam—Ad etc.; and to Henry, king of England—Gracie etc. (Ja. and N. Volrat. | Ja. etc. as above.) [Eubel, op. cit., vol. I. ad loc. (with spelling ‘stenell’ and date 1430, Jan. 30), from Arm. XII, 121, p. 247, which has ‘Bernardus Scomel (or Stomel)’ and has a wrong date, viz. ‘1430, 3 Kal. Feb.’]
3 Id. July.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 290.)
To Walter de Leycestria, elect of Ross [in Ireland]. Provision to him, a Friar Preacher, priest, of the said see, void by the death of Maurice, during whose life it was specially reserved by Martin V, who died without disposing thereof, so that it is still reserved to the present pope. Apostolatus etc. [Ripoll, Bullarium Prædicatorum, III, p. 212, from Lib. xvi (rectius xvii, i.e. the present Register), fol. 290.]
Concurrent letters to the chapter of Ross, to the clergy and to the people of the city and diocese, and to the vassals of Ross—Apostolatus etc.; to the archbishop of Cashel—Ad etc.; and to Henry, king of England—Gracie etc. (An. and P. de Montella. | An. xx. x. x. x. x. x. x. de Adria.) [See Eubel, op. cit., II, from the above Arm. XII, 121, p. 265 (rectius 263).]

De Locis Interdictus

4 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 298d.)
To Master William Swan, licentiate of civil law, papal writer and member of the pope's household, and Joan his wife, of the diocese of Rochester. Indult to have mass and other divine office celebrated, privately, in places under interdict. Registered briefly, as above, p. 43, ‘Eugenius etc.’, address and ‘salutem etc. Devocionis etc. Datum …’ (An. and M. de Pisis. | An. Gratis pro socio. de Adria.)

De Altaribus [Portatilibus]

Indults to the following to have a portable altar. Registered briefly as above, p. 34, the form being ‘Eugenius etc.,’ address and ‘salutem etc. Sincere etc. Datum …..’ Both are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
1431 [–2].
6 Id. Jan.
(f. 301d.)
John Clyfton, knight, nobleman, and Joan his wife, noblewoman, of the diocese of Norwich.
Ibid. Nicholas Bockkyng, esquire (armigero), nobleman, and Cecily his wife, noblewoman, of the same diocese.

[De Locis Interdictis] (cont.)

1431 [–2].
3 Id. Feb.
St. Peter's. Rome.
(f. 302.)
To Edmund, bishop of Exeter. Indult to have mass and other divine offices celebrated, privately, in places under interdict. [Registered under ‘de altaribus,’ but the ‘incipit’ is ‘Devocionis etc.,’ i.e. (as noted in the margin) indult ‘de locis interdictis,’ as above, f. 298d.]
5 Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 302d.)
To Thomas Clypston, priest, of the diocese of London. Decree etc. as above, p. 368, and for the same reason, in regard to the indult granted to him by Martin V on 8 Id. July anno 13 [1430] (at his petition, setting forth that he was so weak and old that he could ill go to the parish church of the place in order to celebrate divine offices), to have a portable altar, on which he could celebrate or cause to be celebrated mass etc. as above. Racioni etc. (Ja. and A. de Luschis. | Ja. xii. Aprutin.)
4 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 303.)
To Master William Swan above, f. 298d. Indult to have a portable altar, as above, f. 301d. Sincere etc.

De Confessionalibus

2 Non. Feb.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 304d.)
To Thomas Karlele, Cistercian monk of St. Mary's, Fountains, in the diocese of York. Indult to choose his confessor, who may as often as he pleases, after hearing his confession, grant him absolution, enjoining a salutary penance, except in cases reserved to the apostolic see. Registered briefly, as above, p. 36. Benigno etc.

De Plenaria Remissione

Indults to the following that the confessor of their choice may grant them, being penitent, plenary indulgence, once only, namely at the hour of death. Registered briefly, as above, p. 34. Provenit etc. Et insuper etc. Porro etc. All are dated at St. Peter's, Rome.
7 Id. Feb.
(f. 305.)
Catilina de Burgo, mulier, of the diocese of Annadown.
1431 [–2].
12 Kal. Feb.
(f. 306.)
Thomas Adunyl, Premonstratensian abbot of Holywood (Sacri Nemoris) in the diocese of Glasgow.
1431 [–2].
2 Non. March.
(f. 311d.)
John Todenham and Agnes his wife, of the diocese of Salisbury.
Ibid. John Alford and Agnes his wife, of the same diocese.

2 Eugenius IV

13 Kal. Jan.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 315d.)
To Nicholas Gaushill of Barkburgh, nobleman, and Margaret his wife, of the diocese of Lichfield. Indult to have a portable altar, as above, f. 301d. Sincere etc.


  • 1. Described on the back in Italian, as usual, ‘Eugenio IV. 1431. Anno 1.Lib. 17.’ A flyleaf has, in contemporary hands, ‘Primus de regularibus, de diuersis formis, de exhibitis, de prouisionibus prelatorum et plenaria remissione anno primo Eugenii pape iiiiti ’ (a similar description, in parts hardly legible, occurs on the bottom edge of the volume) and ‘Petrus.’