Lateran Regesta 309: 1431-1432

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 309: 1431-1432', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 309: 1431-1432', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 309: 1431-1432". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta. Vol. CCCIX (fn. 1)

1 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Diversis Formis

5 Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 1d.)
To Thomas Morton, rector of Brompton in the diocese of York. Decree etc., as above, p. 368, and for the same reason, in regard to the dispensation granted by Martin V on 5 Kal. June anno 12 [1429] to him—who was of a great noble race, and was holding the office of surveyor and binder of books in the church of London (Londonien. supraprouisoris et ligatoris librorum officium (fn. 2) ), value not exceeding 15 marks, a canonry of York with the prebend of North Newbald, another of Chichester with the prebend of Sydelescam and Biscopesten, and another of St. Davids commonly called of Aberwilbey (sic), value not exceeding 60, 30 and 12 marks respectively, the mastership of the hospital of SS. James and John, Brakley, and the chapel of Voykes by Donyngton, both without cure, and the above parish church, value not exceeding 30, 12 and 90 marks respectively, in the dioceses of St. Davids, Lincoln and York—to hold for life with the said parish church any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if a dignity etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased. Racioni congruit. (Ja. and M. Pinardi. | Ja. xxxxii. Aprutin.)
8 Id. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 33d.)
To Henry Penw[o]rtham, rector of Earde in the diocese of Rochester. Prolongation by two years of the one year during which the pope lately dispensed him (who is a member of the household and registrar of Henry, archbishop of Canterbury) to hold the said and another parish church [above, p. 324]; his recent petition containing that in order to obtain the said dispensation he visited in person, at great expense and danger, the Roman court, where he now is. Vite etc. (An. and P. de Montella. | An. xx. de Adria.)
5 Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 51d.)
To John Lindefeld, archdeacon of Chichester, B.C.L. Decree as below. Martin V successively dispensed him (i) to hold for one year with the above archdeaconry, a non-major dignity, any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible [Cal.Lett. VII, p. 393], (ii) to hold together for five years the parish church of Estlavent in the diocese of Chichester, which he had meanwhile obtained, and the said archdeaconry, even if it had cure, and to resign both, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased [ibid., p. 438]. The pope hereby decrees as above, f. 1d, and for the same reason, in regard to the prolongation by three years of the said five, which were coming to an end, granted to him by pope Martin on 16 Kal. June anno 11 [1428]. Racioni etc. (An. and N. Volrat. | An. xxii. de Adria.) [See below, p. 409.]
3 Non. May.
St. Peter's, Rome
(f. 52d.)
To Walter Stewart, canon of Glasgow, bachelor of canon law. Rehabilitation etc., as below. His recent petition contained that on the voidance, during the lifetime of Martin V, of the deanery of Moray, a major dignity, by the death of John de Duglas, the chapter, perhaps in ignorance of the previous reservation by the said pope of all major cathedral dignities, void and to be void, elected dean the said Walter, who, holding by papal dispensation the parish church of Tanadas in the diocese of St. Andrews and the treasurership of Dunkeld, a dignity, caused the said election to be confirmed by bishop Columba by his ordinary authority, and under pretext of the said election and confirmation obtained possession, and held the deanery with the said church and treasurership for a month, and (having resigned the said treasurership in exchange for whatever right was possessed in or to the said deanery by Thomas Archier, clerk, of the diocese of Brechin, who claimed that provision thereof had been made to him by papal authority [see above, p. 153], and who resigned such right to the above bishop) has held it together with the said church for more than two years against ‘Execrabilis,’ taking the fruits of both. The pope hereby rehabilitates Walter, who is a son of the late Robert, king of Scots, requiring him to resign both deanery and church. Sedes apostolica. (An. and Jo. Pinardi. | An. xvi. de Adria.) [See below, pp. 411, 412.]
8 Id. Jan.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 58.)
To Jordan, bishop of Cork and Cloyne (Colonen.). Grant as below. Lately Martin V made provision to him of the said united churches, as being void at the apostolic see by the late Adam's resignation made to and admitted by the said pope [see above, p. 109, where the resignation is stated to have been made ‘extra curiam’]. At his recent petition to the present pope, containing that it is asserted that the said united churches became and are void, not as above, but by the death of the said Adam or of Miles (Milonis), and that he therefore doubts the validity of the said provision, the pope grants to him; who has not yet been able to have possession, that the said provision holds good from the said date, even if the said united churches became or be void by the death of one of the said bishops. Ad ea ex apostolice. (Ja. and M. Pinardi. | Ja. xxv. Aprutin.)
5 Id. March.
St. Peter's. Rome.
(f. 62.)
To Robert Scrymegeour, rector of Glasey (sic) in the diocese of Argyll. Decree etc., as above, f. 1d, and for the same reason, in regard to the dispensation granted by Martin V on 3 Id. July anno 11 [1428] to him—who was by both parents of a noble race of earls and barons, was a kinsman of James, king of Scotland, was a student in arts in the university of St. Andrews, and was holding the parish church of Glasry in the diocese of Argyll, of the patronage of laymen, value not exceeding 40 marks sterling—to hold for life with the said church any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if a dignity etc., and to resign them, and any other incompatible benefices which he might hold in future, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased, and hold instead two other incompatible benefices. Racioni etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. xxxv. de Adria.)
(f. 63.)
To Alexander de Lyndesay, treasurer of Aberdeen, M.A. Decree etc. as in the preceding, and for the same reason, in regard to the dispensation granted by Martin V on 3 Id. July anno 11 [1428] to him—who had been successively dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, (i) to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, (ii) to hold therewith one compatible benefice, even if it were a canonry and prebend or a dignity in a cathedral or collegiate church, and had cure; who, having been promoted to all holy orders, had obtained the treasurership of Aberdeen, a non-major non-elective dignity, value not exceeding 30l. sterling; and who was also a bachelor of canon law—to hold for five years the said treasurership and a benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible. (Racioni etc. (Ja. and Pro Francho[m]me, Ja.Goier. | (Ja. xxx. Nono Kal. Martii Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
5 Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 68d.)
To Richard Vyncent, rector of the third portion of the parish church of Tyverton in the diocese of Exeter, wont to be governed by four rectors. Decree etc. as in the preceding, and for the same reason, in regard to the dispensation granted by Martin V on 4 Id. Sept. anno 11 [1428] to him—who had been dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and a married woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders, and hold a benefice even with cure, after which, having been so promoted, he obtained the above third portion of Tyverton, called the prebend of Tytecombe, value not exceeding 30 marks,—to hold four other benefices with or without cure, compatible with one another and with the said portion, and to resign them and it, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased. Racioni etc. (An. and P. de Montella. | An. xviii. de Adria.)

De Exhibitis

5 Non. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 80.)
To Master Laurence de Arecio, papal chaplain and auditor. Mandate as below. The recent petition of John Gray, rector of Caldorecomitis in the diocese of St. Andrews, master of arts and medicine, contained that he was successively dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a married man and a nun, (i) to be promoted to all [even holy] orders and hold a benefice even with cure, (ii) to hold two or three other benefices compatible with one another, even if canonries and prebends in cathedral churches, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, (iii), having obtained the parish church of Kyrcandris in the diocese of Whiteherne, to receive a dignity, even if it were major in a cathedral and metropolitan, and principal in a collegiate church, and if it had cure and were elective, and to hold it with the said four benefices compatible therewith, and to resign it for exchange or simply, and hold instead another dignity; that, after he had obtained the archdeaconry of Whiteherne and a canonry and prebend of Glasgow, having had collation made to him of canonries and prebends of Le Mans, Orleans and St. Martin's, Tours [Marmoutier], whose statutes forbid the admission as a canon of any one of illegitimate birth, and require an oath accordingly, he, who was reputed legitimate by several of those parts, in order to be admitted to the said canonries and prebends, took the oath, thereby committing perjury; that subsequently Martin V made provision to him, without having been absolved from the said crime, of a canonry of Glasgow with reservation of a prebend and a dignity etc. of that church, and of a benefice with or without cure, even if a canonry and prebend in a cathedral or a collegiate church, in the common or several gift of the bishop and the dean and chapter etc. of Aberdeen, and dispensed him to hold for five years three benefices with cure or otherwise incompatible, and thereafter for life two, and to resign such two, simply or for exchange; that the said pope, by other letters, absolved and rehabilitated him on account of the said perjury [Cal. Lett. VII, p. 381]; that—on its being again set forth to the said pope by the said John (who had meanwhile obtained, collated to him by papal authority [ibid.,p. 399], the parish church of Lyston in the diocese of St. Andrews, on voidance by the death of Andrew de Haroyck [rectius Hawyck] at the apostolic see) that although he in virtue of the said letters of reservation had accepted within the lawful time, and had caused provision to be made to him of a canonry of Aberdeen and the prebend of Ouyn, lawful hindrances prevented him from causing to be published therein the said acceptance and provision within the time fixed by a certain papal constitution [Ottenthal, Regulæ Canc. Apost., Regulæ Mart. V, No. 44, i.e. Regulæ Jo. XXIII, No. 41, cf. Cal. Lett. VII, p. 173], and that moreover, after having duly obtained, likewise in virtue of the said reservation, and after acceptance and provision, the chancellorship of Glasgow, he, at the prayers and instance of king James, freely resigned it to John, bishop of Glasgow—the said pope restored his said letters of reservation, from the date thereof, as well as John himself, to the state and vigour in which they were before his said acceptances and provisions and obtaining possession of the said canonry and prebend in Aberdeen and chancellorship; that subsequently John, having then resigned the above archdeaconry and canonries and prebends of Glasgow, Le Mans, Orleans and St. Martin's, obtained the above church of Caldorecomitis, of the patronage of laymen, to which he had been duly presented and instituted, and obtained, in virtue of the above letters of reservation and restoration, a canonry of Aberdeen with the prebend of Murthlake, and, not (fn. 3) having obtained other dispensation on account of the above defect [of birth], a canonry of Glasgow and the prebend of Renfraw therein, void by the death of Patrick Houston; and that, upon Thomas de Grenlaw, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews, claiming the above church of Lyston and the said canonry of Glasgow and prebend of Renfraw, the present pope committed the causes which Thomas intended to bring against John, namely, that in the matter of Lyston to the above-named auditor, and that in the matter of the said canonry and prebend to Master Lewis de Garsis, canon of Bologna, then residing in the Roman court, notwithstanding that they had not by their nature lawfully devolved to the said court, both of which judges are said to have proceeded to a number of acts. Seeing that, whilst the suit has been pending, the said Thomas has freely given up to the pope the said suit and all right in or to the said church of Lyston and the said canonry and prebend of Renfraw in Glasgow, the pope (to whom John has in like manner freely given up the suit and cause which he is carrying on in the Roman court about the above-named canonry of Aberdeen and prebend of Murthlake, as well as all his right in or to the same, and who has rehabilitated him on account of the aforesaid) hereby calls up to himself the said cause pending before Master Lewis, and orders the above auditor to resume it as it stood before Master Lewis, to hear it further and decide it, causing his decision to be observed by ecclesiastical censure, to surrogate John to whatever right Thomas had at the time of his said resignation in or to the said church of Lyston and canonry and prebend of Renfraw in Glasgow, to admit John to the said right and to the prosecution and defence thereof in the state in which Thomas was at the time of his resignation, and furthermore to collate and assign to John the said canonry of Glasgow and prebend of Renfraw and the said church of Lyston, value not exceeding 40 and 100 marks of old sterlings respectively, whether void as above or in any other way; notwithstanding that he holds the above church of Caldorecomitis, value not exceeding 40 marks of old sterlings, and notwithstanding his said defect, on account of which the pope hereby specially dispenses him to hold the said canonry and prebend. Litterarum scientia, vite etc. (Ja. and Anselmus. | Ja. xxxx. Duodecimo Kal. Septembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)

De Regularibus

5 Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 270.)
To the Benedictine abbot and convent of Wynchecombe in the diocese of Worcester. Decree etc. as below. It was set forth by them to Martin V that Urban VI granted to them that they might let to farm etc., to clerks or laymen, without licence of the ordinaries, the fruits etc. of their appropriated chapels and other benefices, and their pensions and other possessions; and it was added that because it was not mentioned in pope Urban's letters that the said laymen could receive such leases etc., the said ordinaries prevented the abbot and convent from making such leases etc. to the said laymen, and prevented the said laymen from receiving such leases etc., to the prejudice of the said abbot and convent and of the said monastery. Pope Martin therefore, on 9 Kal. July anno 13 [1430], granted to them that they could make such leases etc. to the said laymen, without licence of the said ordinaries, and that the said laymen could receive such leases etc. The pope hereby decrees etc. as above, f. 1d, and for the same reason. Racioni etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. xx. de Adria.)

De Fructibus Percipiendis

4 Kal. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 277.)
To John Eggdcomb (sic), perpetual vicar of Ermyngton in the diocese of Exeter. Indult during seven years for him, a priest, to take and to let to farm etc. to any persons, even laymen, the fruits etc. of his benefices whilst studying letters at an university. Vite etc.
Concurrent mandate to the prior of Plympton in the diocese of Exeter, the dean of Exeter and the archdeacon of Cornwall.Vite etc. (An. and Hubanto. G. de Elten. | An. xiiii. Adria.)
4 Kal. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 278d.)
To Hugh Maunsell, perpetual vicar of Ialmpton in the diocese of Exeter. A like indult. Vite etc.
Concurrent mandate to the deans of Wells and Exeter, and the archdeacon of Exeter. Vite etc. (Subscribed as in the preceding.)

[De Diversis Formis] (cont.)

9 Kal. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 279d.)
To Malcolm Forbes, clerk, of the diocese of Aberdeen. Dispensation to him (who was formerly dispensed by papal authority, as the son of William Forbes, knight, and Matilda le Grant, mulier, of the diocese of Aberdeen, related in the fourth degree of kindred, to be tonsured and hold a benefice without cure, after which he was tonsured; and who has studied in arts in the university of St. Andrews for about two years) to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold three benefices with or without cure, compatible with one another and with the above, and to resign all, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Vite etc. (B. and G. de Elten. | B.xxvi. Valven.)
3 Kal. Aug.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 285.)
Relaxation, valid during twenty years, of two years and two quarantines of enjoined penance to penitents who on the principal feasts of the year and that of SS. Peter and Paul, the usual octaves and days, and of a hundred days to those who during the said Octaves and days visit and give alms for the repair of the chapel of SS. Peter and Paul, Llanpater[n]venyth, in the diocese of St. Davids, and the hermitage contiguous, which have been miserably deformed by fire. Univ. etc.Licet is. (Pe. and M. de Pisis. | Pe. xxii. de Casatiis.)
7 Kal. Aug.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 286.)
To the bishop, and the dean and John Osihigy, canon, of Clogher. Mandate to cause Patrick Ofairceallaich, perpetual vicar of St. Bridget's, Nurnaid, in the diocese of Kilmore, to be received as a canon of the Augustinian conventual priory of St. Mary, Droimleathan, in the said diocese, and to receive his profession. He is in due course to resign the said vicarage.Cupientibus vitam. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. viii.Residuum pro deo. de Adria.)
16 Kal. July.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 288)
Relaxation of three years and three quarantines of enjoined penance to penitents who on the feast of the Assumption visit the church of the Augustinian monastery of St. Mary the Virgin, Druimleathan, in the diocese of Kilmore, and give alms for the building (ad fabricam) of a cloister, refectory and several other necessary edifices. [Without limit of duration.] Univ. etc. Licet is. (An. and A. de Luschis. | An. xxiiii. de Adria.)
5 Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 288d.)
To John (sic) (fn. 4) Haye, rector of St. Peter's, Chester (Sancti Petri Cestrie de Walynton Cestrie Lichefelden. dioc.), B.C.L. Decree as above, p. 368, and for the same reason, in regard to the dispensation granted to him, of a race of barons, by Martin V on Non. Aug. anno 13 [1430], to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 40l., any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign both, simply or for exchange, as often as he wished. Racioni congruit. (An. and H. Raiscop. | An. xxxvi. de Adria.)
(f. 289.)
To Edward Litill, rector of Cenne (sic) in the diocese of Lincoln. Decree etc., as in the preceding, and for the same reason, in regard to the dispensation granted to him, of a great race of nobles, by Martin V on 4 Non. July anno 13 [1430], to hold for five years with the said church, value not exceeding 50 marks, any other benefice etc. as in the preceding. Racioni etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. xxvi. de Adria.)

[De Fructibus Percipiendis.]

7 Id. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 290.)
To Edward Lytill, rector of Dene in the diocese of Lincoln. Indult during seven years to take and to let to farm etc. the fruits etc. of his benefices whilst studying letters at an university. Vite etc.
Concurrent mandate to the bishops of Adria, London and Rochester (Rofen.). Vite etc. (Pe. and Jo. Rode. pro Hubanto, G. de Elten. | Pe. xvi. xviii. de Casatiis.)
Non. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 294d.)
To John Ixworth the younger, rector of Cokfeld in the diocese of Norwich, B.C.L. Indult during five years to take and to let to farm etc. the fruits etc. of his benefices whilst residing in one of them. Litterarum etc.
Concurrent mandate to the archbishop of York, the abbot of Westminster and the dean of London. Litterarum etc. (B. and P. de Montella. Franchomo. | B. xiiii. xvi. Valven.)

De Officio Tabellionatus. (fn. 5)

9 Kal. April.
(f. 302.)
To the archdeacon of Exeter. Faculty to confer the office of notary public on Nicholas Stephyn, clerk, of Exeter, provided that he be not married and not in holy orders, if he [have completed (fn. 6) ] his twenty-fifth year.
Ibid. To the dean of Exeter. The like for Robert Colibere alias Barry, clerk, of the diocese of Exeter, provided that he be not married etc.
6 Kal. April.
(f. 303.)
To the abbot of St. Mary's [without the walls of] York. The like for William Lolworth (‘Lulworth’ in the oath), clerk, who is not married etc., of the diocese of Ely, if he have completed his twenty-fifth year.
Id. April.
(f. 304.)
To the prior of Bodmen, O.S.A., in the diocese of Exeter. The like for Thomas Herry, clerk, of the diocese of Exeter, who is not married etc., if he have completed etc.
5 Non. May.
(f. 305d.)
To the abbot of St. Mary's without the walls of York. The like for William Midelton, clerk, who is not married etc., of the diocese of York, if he have completed etc.
9 Kal. June.
(f. 306.)
To the bishop of Exeter. The like for John Mawer, clerk, who is not married etc., of the diocese of Exeter, if he have completed etc.
5 Id. March.
(f. 307.)
To the treasurer of Exeter. Decree etc. as above, f. 1d, and for the same reason, in regard to the faculty granted to him by Martin V on 2 Id. June anno 13 [1430] to confer the office of notary on Walter Olerton, clerk, of the diocese of Exeter, who was not married etc.; with mandate hereby to confer the said office. Racioni congruit.
Ibid. To the prior of Winchester. The like in regard to the faculty granted to him by Martin V on 6 Kal. Feb. anno 13 [1430] in behalf of John Lebecte, married clerk, of the diocese of Winchester. Racionc etc.
5 Id. May.
(f. 308.)
To the abbot of St. Mary's, Revesby, in the diocese of Lincoln. Faculty as above, f. 302, in behalf of John Burwell alias Mergetson, priest, of the diocese of Lincoln, if he have completed etc.
12 Kal. Aug.
(f. 312.)
To the provost of St. Thomas the Martyr's, Glasney, in the diocese of Exeter. The like for Thomas Coudoraw, clerk, who is not married etc., of the diocese of Exeter, if he have completed etc.
5 Kal. Aug.
(f. 312d.)
To the abbot of Selby in the diocese of York. The like for Thomas Affordby (sic), scholar, married to one wife, a virgin, of the diocese of York.
13 Kal. Sept.
(f. 315.)
To the abbot of Croylond in the diocese of Lincoln. The like for John Flaketer of Makesey, clerk, of the diocese of Lincoln, provided that he be not married etc., if he have completed etc.
16 Kal. March.
(f. 324d.)
To the abbot of St. Germans, Selby, in the diocese of York. The like for John Sendale, clerk, of the diocese of York, provided etc., if he have completed etc.
Ibid. To the same. The like for Robert Burlay, clerk, of the same diocese, provided etc., if he have completed etc.


  • 1. On the back of the volume is the usual description, in Italian, ‘Eugenio IV. 1430. Anno 1, 2. Lib. 14,’ below which is, in pencil, ‘Primus de diversis formis, de exhibitis, de regularibus, de fructibus percipiendis, de officio tabell.’ On the bottom edge is the hardly legible contemporary description: ‘Primus de diuersis formis, de Exhibitis, de Regularibus, de fructibus percipiendis, de officio Tabellionatus anno i Eugenii pape iiiit. On a flyleaf. together with other modern notes, is ‘Lib. xiv, fol. 324.’ Another flyleaf has the contemporary notes ‘Gerardus,’ ‘Primus de diuersis formis, de Exhibitis, de Regularibus, de fructibus percipiendis, de officio Tabellionatus, Anno Primo domini Eugenii pape Quarti’ and ‘Rubricatus per me Gerardum de Mertzen.’
  • 2. For this office in the London chapter, see Sparrow Simpson Reg. Eccl. S. Pauli, p. 133.
  • 3. The word ‘non’ is inserted in the margin by Ja. [Aprutin.]
  • 4. Above, p. 42. he appears, rightly, as ‘Henry Hey.’
  • 5. These letters tabellionatus, which have the usual incipit, Ne contractuum, and are all dated at St. Peter's, Rome, with the form of oath appended to each, are subscribed by An. de Adria, Pe de Casatiis, B Valven, Ja. Aprutin. The names in the margin are Cincius, Poggius, A. de Luschis, M. de Pisis.
  • 6. The word ‘peregisse’ is omitted.