Lateran Regesta 308: 1431

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 308: 1431', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 308: 1431', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 308: 1431". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCVIII (fn. 1)

1 Eugenius IV

De Exhibitis

5 Id. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 39.)
To the bishops of Adria and Leighlin (Leg[li]nen) and the abbot of St. Evin, Monasterevin (Sancti Euinii de Rossiavalle), in the diocese of Kildare. Mandate as below. The petition of Walter Comis, rector of Castelcomur in the diocese of Ossory, contained that on the voidance of that church by the resignation to the late Thomas, bishop of Ossory, of Walter Clyng, he was presented by the lay patrons to the said bishop and by him instituted, but that after he had been for some time in peaceable possession William Stalibell (rectius Staliwell), prior. and the convent of the Augustinian house of St. John the Evangelist by Kilkenny in the said diocese, falsely asserting that the said church had been united to the said house and that they had held it to their uses for some time, brought Walter before the late Denis, bishop of Ossory, not by papal delegation; that Walter, on sufficient grounds, appealed from Thomas, the present bishop of Ossory, to the apostolic see; and the Martin V, after the said prior William and convent had dispossessed Walter, committed the appeal and the original matter to William, [now] bishop of Orange, then a papal chaplain and auditor, who by one definitive sentence declared bishop Thomas's proceedings had and null and Walter's appeal good, and by another definitive sentence declared the said dispossession etc. unlawful, imposed perpetual silence on the said prior and convent, and removed them, restored Walter to possession and condemned the said prior and convent in fruits taken by them and in the costs of the suit before bishop Thomas and before himself, subsequently assessing the costs in the said appeal and the original cause at 46 and 18 gold florins of the camera respectively. At the petition of the said Walter, adding that he fears lest whilst the cause has been pending others have intruded themselves or may do so, the pope orders the above three to execute the aforesaid, publish the sentence in the appeal cause, restore Walter to possession, remove the said prior and convent, and cause satisfaction to be made to him in respect of fruits and costs, and to execute these presents also against such intruders. Exhibita nobis. (An. and Anselmus. | An. Gratis pro deo. de Adria.)
2 Id. April.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 40d.)
To the dean of Moray. Mandate to collate and assign to Alexander de Castelcaris, priest, of the diocese of Glasgow, bachelor of canon law, if found fit, the still void perpetual vicarage of Forgond in the diocese of St. Andrews, value not exceeding 8l. sterling, as he doubts the validity of the collation and provision made to him by bishop Henry by his ordinary authority, on voidance by the resignation made thereto by Laurence Piot. Exhibita siquidem nobis. (B. and Hubanto. | B. xx. Tertio Non. Julii Anno Primo. Valven.) [See above, pp. 95, 153.]
8 Id. June.
St. Peter's. Rome.
(f. 44d.
To the bishop of Adria, the prior of Monaincha (de Insula Viventium) in the diocese of Killaloe, and the archdeacon of Killaloe. Mandate to collate and assign to Rory Okaynechayr, clerk, of the diocese of Killaloe, the still void perpetual vicarage of Ceannhethi in the said diocese, value not exceeding 8 marks, as he doubts the validity of the collation and provision made to him by bishop Eugenius, (fn. 2) by his ordinary authority, on voidance by the resignation made thereto by the late Cornelius Yscula; whether it be void in the way stated, or by the death of Maurice Yscula, or in any other way. Vite etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xx. Non. Julii Anno Primo. de Adria.)
Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome
(f. 97.)
To the archdeacon of Clogher. Mandate as below. The recent petition of Cornelius Macconnayng, priest, of the diocese of Kilmore, contained that on the voidance of the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Drong in the said diocese, to which the church of Leachra is annexed, by the deprivation of the late Augustine Macbradaych, made by Donatus, bishop, and Thomas Osiridean, archdeacon, of Kilmore and Andrew Machbradaich, [rural] dean of Druimleathan in the said diocese, commissaries of John archbishop of Armagh, who was making a metropolitical visitation of the city and diocese of Kilmore, he accepted and had provision made to him thereof in virtue of papal letters, but that Adam Osegaich, claiming it under other papal letters which ordered provision to be made to him, brought Cornelius before [the above] Thomas Osyredean, archdeacon of Kilmore, the executor thereof, who by a definitive sentence made collation and provision to Adam, and imposed perpetual silence on Cornelius, who appealed to the apostolic see. The said petition adding that it is asserted that the said Augustine was an abbreviator of papal letters, and that otherwise neither Cornelius nor Adam has a right, the pope hereby orders the above archdeacon, seeing that on account of the lack of judges not suspect in the matter Cornelius has no hope of obtaining justice in the said city and diocese, to summon Adam and others concerned, to hear and decide, the appeal and the original cause, and if he find that neither has any right, to collate and assign to Cornelius (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, after which he was so promoted) the said vicarage, value not exceeding 8 marks; whether it be void as stated, or by the death of the said Augustine, or in any other way. Vite etc. (An. and H.Raiscop. | An. Gratis pro deo. Sexto Kal. Maii Anno Adria.) [See Cal. Lett. VII, pp. 116 and 167.]
12 Kal. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 107d.)
To the bishops of Adria, Glasgow and Whiteherne. Mandate as below. The petition of William de Seton, rector of Kilcolmkill in Kintyre [alias Southend] (Sancti Columbe super Mulam) in the diocese of [Argyll alias] Lismore, contained that on the voidance thereof by the death of Malcolm (Macolmi) de Insula, he was presented by Thomas, prior, and the convent of Whiteherne, of the Premonstratensian order, to George, bishop of Lismore, who refused to institute him, and that James Duglas, clerk, of the diocese of St. Andrews, prevented the said presentation from taking effect and William from being instituted, intruded himself and detained possession, as he still does, taking the fruits, wherefore William appealed to the apostolic see; that Martin V, at William's instance, committed the appeal and the original cause to William, [now] bishop, then elect of Orange, and holding the place of an auditor, who by a definitive sentence declared the said presentation canonical, instituted William, adjudging the church to him, removed James and inducted William, imposed perpetual silence on the said bishop and on James, and condemned them in costs, which he afterwards assessed at 40 gold florins of the camera. The said petition adding that William fears lest whilst the cause has been pending others have intruded themselves or may do so, the pope orders as above, f. 39, mutatis mutandis. Exhibita nobis. (An. and H. Raiscop. | An. Adria.)

(f. 114d.)
Eugenius etc. Venerabili fratri episcopo Adrien. et dilectis filius abbati monasterii de Cupro Sancti Andree diocesis ac archidiacono Aberdonen. Salutem etc,’ Cancelled, without note.
4 Non. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 119d.)
To the abbot of Clar in the diocese of Killaloe. Mandate as below. The recent petition of Matthew Macconmara, priest, of the diocese of Killaloe, contained that on the voidance of the perpetual vicarage of Cluony in the said diocese because the late Henry Ograday held it for more than a year without having himself ordained priest, provision was made to him by papal authority [Cal. Lett. VII, p. 269], and that, after having in virtue thereof obtained possession and held it for four years, Matthew Mac[c]uilean, priest, falsely suggested to Martin V that Macconmara too had held it for more than a year etc., as above, and that the said pope, deceived, ordered the abbot of Inysgad in the said diocese to summon Macconmara and others concerned, and if he found the fact to be so, to make collation and provision to Maccuilean [above, p. 99]; that Dermit, abbot of the said monastery, unjustly despoiled Macconmara and intruded Maccuilean, wherefore Macconmara appealed to the apostolic see. The said petition adding that it is asserted that neither of them has any right, and that the vicarage is still void, the pope orders the above abbot to summon Maccuilean and others concerned, restore Macconmara, hear and decide the appeal and the original cause, and if he find that neither has any right, to collate and assign the vicarage, value not exceeding 10 marks, to Macconmara. Vite etc. (An. and Conilli. | An. xxii.Secundo Kal. Augusti Anno Primo. de Adria.)
2 Id. April.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 137.)
To the official of St. Andrews. Mandate, at the recent petition of Nicholas Giffart, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews (containing that on the voidance of the rectory of Aulcathe by the death of Patrick Inglis, prior James and the chapter of St. Andrews, O.S.A., to whom the presentation belongs by ancient custom, presented the said Nicholas to bishop Henry, who by his ordinary authority instituted him, in virtue of which presentation and institution he obtained and is still in possession; and adding that he doubts their validity), to collate and assign to the said Nicholas (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure) the said rectory, value not exceeding 7l. sterling, whether void as above or in any other way. Dignum arbitramur. (B. and Hubanto. | B. xx. Decimonono Kal.Septembris Anno Primo. Valven.)
Kal. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 169.)
To Master John de Mella, papal chaplain and auditor. Mandate as below. It has been set forth to the pope this day on behalf of Walter Hil, perpetual vicar of Luske in the diocese of Dublin, that on the voidance at the apostolic see of the canonry and prebend of Glemethan in Dublin by the death at the said see of Thomas Rossel, an abbreviator of apostolic letters, archbishop Richard, perhaps in ignorance of Martin V's reservation of all canonries and prebends and other benefices void and to become void at the said see, made collation and provision by his ordinary authority to the said Walter who, perhaps likewise ignorant, under pretext thereof obtained possession and had detained them for about three years, as he was still doing, taking the fruits; that a cause which arose between the said Walter and William, [now] bishop of Meath, then a simple clerk, who claimed the said canonry and prebend, was, although not by its nature devolved to the Roman court, committed by pope Martin, at William's instance, to the above Master John, then too a papal chaplain and auditor, who was said to have taken some proceedings; and that the present pope has rehabilitated Walter on account of the above, requiring him to resign [above, pp. 343, 344]. Seeing that pope Martin made provision of the said see to the said William, who had himself consecrated at the apostolic see, whereby all right which he had in or to the said canonry and prebend is void, the pope orders the said auditor, after Walter has duly resigned as above, to surrogate him in and to the said right etc., and moreover to collate and assign to him the said canonry and prebend, value not exceeding 40 marks, whether void by the said death or by the resignation of the said Thomas, or in any other way; notwithstanding that he holds one, value not exceeding 30 marks, of the two perpetual vicarages of the said parish church, which is governed by two perpetual vicars. Vite etc. (An. and Conilli. | An. xxv. Tertio Id. Decembris Anno Primo. de Adria.)
3 Kal. Oct.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 215d.)
To the prior of St. Mary's, Inchmacnerin (de Insulamacneri), in the diocese of Elphin. Mandate—the pope having been informed by Bernard Oheadra, canon of Achonry, that John Oheadra, dean of Achonry, has dilapidated and destroyed possessions etc. of his deanery, has incurred the guilt of perjury, is by his lack of learning unfit to be dean, and has led and leads a dissolute life—if the said Bernard, who is the son of great nobles, will accuse John before the above prior (seeing that on account of John's power he cannot safely meet him within the city or diocese of Achonry), to summon John and others concerned, and if he find the above to be true, to deprive John, and in that event to collate and assign to Bernard, if found fit, the said deanery, a major dignity with cure, value not exceeding 8 marks. Dignum arbitramur. (B. and P. de Montella. | B. xxvi. Sexto Kal. Novembris Anno Primo. Valven.)
8 Id. July.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 249d.)
To the provost of Lincloudane in the diocese of Glasgow. Mandate at the recent petition of John Wrycht, priest, of the diocese of Glasgow (containing that on the voidance of the perpetual vicarage of Maybol in the said diocese by the resignation of the late Gilbert Adonnane to the late Matthew, bishop of Glasgow, Maud, prioress, and the convent of the Cistercian monastery of Nortberwyc in the diocese of St. Andrews, to whom the presentation belongs by ancient of custom, presented the said John to the said bishop, who instituted him; and adding that he doubts the validity of the said presentation and institution, in virtue of which he obtained possession), to collate and assign to him, if found fit, the said vicarage, still void as above, value not exceeding 8l. sterling, whether so void, or void in any other way. Dignum arbitramur. (B. and G. de Elten. | B. xx. Duodecimo Kal. Augusti Anno Primo. Valven.)
9 Kal. Aug.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 263d.)
To James, bishop of Killaloe. Grant as below. The church of Killaloe became void lately because the late (fn. 3) Eugenius, bishop in the universal church and previously bishop of Killaloe, freely resigned at the apostolic see its rule and administration, by his proctor William Ohedian, canon of Lismore, to Jordan, bishop [now] of Sabina, then of Albano; and Martin V, having admitted the said resignation, made, with the counsel of his brethren [the cardinals], of whom the present pope was one, provision to the above James, as is contained more fully in the letters of the said pope. At the recent petition of the said James to the present pope, containing that it is asserted that the said church became then and is at present void, not as above, but by the subsequent death of the said bishop Eugenius without the Roman court, or in another way, and that James, who meanwhile had himself consecrated, therefore doubts the validity of the said provision, the pope grants that it and its consequences shall hold good from the date of these presents, even if the said church be void by such resignation or death or in any other way, and from whatsoever cause its provision belongs specially or generally to the said see. Ad ea ex apostolice. (B. and Anselmus. | B. xxx. Valven.)
6 Non. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 307.)
To the bishops of Lugo and London (Lucen. et Londonien.) and Honofrius de Surdis, canon of St. Peter's, Rome. Mandate to collate and assign to Cosmatus de Pathouia, priest, of the diocese of Erlau (alias Eger, ‘Agrien.’) a certain canonry and prebend in the church of St. Mary in Via Lata, Rome. Vite etc. (An. and Jo. Rode. | An. xx. Quintodecimo Kal. Aprilis Anno Secundo. de Adria.)


  • 1. On the back of the volume is the usual Italian description. ‘Eugenio IV. 1431.Anno. 1. Lib. 13.’ and, in pencil, ‘Secundus de Exhibitis a. 1.’ On the bottom edge is the contemporary description ‘Secundus de Exhibitis Anno Primo Eugenii pape iiii.’ A flyleaf has, in a modern hand, ‘Lib. xiii, fol. 309.’ and another flyleaf has. in contemporary hands. ‘Petrus,’ de Exhibitis Anno Primo’ (to which a modern hand has prefixed ‘Secundus’), and ‘Rubricatus est per me Petrum.’ A loose modern slip of paper has ‘Eugenio 4° 1431. Anno Primo. Libro 13o;,’ copied on the back of the volume.
  • 2. See note on p 377 below.
  • 3. bone memorie. Above, f. 44d, he is styled venerabilis frater noster. The curia was therefore informed of his death after June 6 but not later than July 24, 1431 The precise date of the death is not in Brady, Eubel, Game, the lastnamed giving it as circ. 1430.