Index: K-Z

A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 9, Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1989.

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'Index: K-Z', in A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 9, Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds, ed. A P M Wright, C P Lewis( London, 1989), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: K-Z', in A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 9, Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds. Edited by A P M Wright, C P Lewis( London, 1989), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: K-Z". A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 9, Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds. Ed. A P M Wright, C P Lewis(London, 1989), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

Kelhan, Wm., vicar of Milton,

Kempe, C. E.,



-, Denise, w. of Wm.,
-, Eliz., m. 1 Thos. Kirkby, 2 Wm.
-, Radcliffe,
-, Ric.,
-, Wm. (d. 1471),
-, Wm. (d. 1479),

Ketton (Rut.), stone,

Key, Thos., rector of Milton,

Kidd, fam.,

-, John (fl. 1591),
-, John (fl. 1650), rector of Boxworth,

Kimbolton (Hunts.),

Kimpton, fam.,

-, E. G., vicar of Madingley,
-, Maud Susanna, see Cotton
-, Adm. Sir Ric.,
-, Thos., vicar of Over,
-, Maj. W. A.,

King's College, Camb.,
-, provosts, and see Baker, Phil.;
-, Collins; Goad, Dr. Roger;
-, Whichcote, Dr. Benj.

King's Hall, Camb.,

King's Lynn, see Lynn


Kinleyside, Revd. C.,

-, Eliz., see Wade
-, Mary, m. Sir Jas. Edwards,
-, Mat.,
-, Phil.,
-, Thos.,
-, and see Kirkby

Kirby, in Gretton (Northants.),

-, Eliz., m. Geo. Hasell,
-, Eliz., w. of Thos., see Ketteridge
-, Marg., m. Ralph Hall,
-, Margery, m. 1 Wm. Betts, 2 Edw.
-, Steward,
-, Ric.,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam., and see Kirby


Kisby, Sam.,

-, Rob. s. of Aubrey of,
-, Wm. of (fl. before 1200),
-, his s., see Burre
-, Wm. of (fl. 1234),
-, (or Burre), fam., see Burre

Knapwell (Cambs.),
-, bdry.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, commons,
-, ct.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, farms,
-, fields,
-, fortification,
-, guild (brotherhood),
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inns,
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, par. meeting,
-, pop.,
-, rectors, and see Scargill, Francis
-, rectory,
-, ho.,
-, roads in,
-, roads to,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, woodland,


-, Anne, w. of Wm. (d. by 1640), see
-, Hobson
-, Anne, w. of Wm. (d. c. 1660),
-, Dorothy, m. Wm. Sterne,
-, Eliz., w. of Sam.,
-, Frances, w. of Sam.,
-, Gilb. le,
-, John le (fl. 1286),
-, John le (d. ? 1359),
-, John (fl. 1404),
-, John (fl. 1646- 66),
-, Philippa Anne, m. John Thos.
-, Baumgartner,
-, Sam. (d. 1790), rector of Milton,
-, Sam. (d. 1829),
-, Sam. (d. 1835),
-, Thos.,
-, Wm. (d. c. 1369),
-, Wm. (d. by 1640),
-, Wm. (d. c. 1660),
-, Wm. (fl. 1668),
-, fam.,
-, and see Chivaler

Knights Hospitallers, see Hospitallers

Knights manor, see Landbeach

Knights Templars, see Templars

-, Ric. of,
-, Wal. of,

Knill (or Nill) brook,

-, Sir Edm., s. of Sir Thos.,
-, Edm., s. Sir Wm.,
-, Eleanor, w. of Sir John,
-, John (fl. 1327),
-, Sir John (d. 1381),
-, John (d. 1418),
-, Sir John (d. 1445),
-, his w., see Clifton, Sir John
-, John (d. 1490),
-, John (fl. 1499- 1516), rector of Boxworth,
-, Ric.,
-, Sir Thos.,
-, Sir Wm.,
-, fam.,
-, arms,

Knyvetts Hall manor, see Drayton, Fen

LKB Biochrom,

Lacey, T. A., vicar of Madingley,
-, and see Lacy

-, Chas.,
-, Chas., and Sons,
-, Geo., and Sons,

-, Isobel, see Childerley
-, Thos.,

Lacy, John de, rector of Conington,
-, and see Lacey

Ladds, John,

Lancashire, and see Manchester

Lancaster, Hugh, rector of Dry Drayton,

Lancaster, dukes and earls of,
-, duchy,

Land End, see Landbeach

Land Settlement Association,

-, bdry.,
-, Brays man.,
-, Cambridge End, see Landbeach:
-, Land End
-, Chamberlains man.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, commons,
-, ct.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, drainage,
-, farms,
-, feast,
-, fen,
-, fields,
-, Green End,
-, guilds,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inns,
-, Knights man.,
-, Land (formerly Cambridge) End,
-, land in,
-, Landbeach Soc.,
-, lodes,
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, pop.,
-, rectors, and
-, see Chamberlain, John; Clerk,
-, Adam; Masters, Rob.; Rawley;
-, Sowode
-, rectory,
-, ho.,
-, residents,
-, roads in,
-, roads to,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, village greens,

Landbeach Sand and Gravel Co.,


-, Edw.,
-, John, rector of Milton,
-, his w.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

-, Edw.,
-, Eliz., w. of Hen., m. 2 Alex.
-, Hampden,
-, Hen. (d. 1458),
-, Hen. (d. 1488), n
-, Hen. (d. 1495),
-, Thos., bp. of Durham,
-, Thos., his gt.
-, -neph., n
-, fam.,
-, arms,

Lascelles, Wm., rector of Girton,
-, and see Lassells

LaserScan (firm),

Lassels, Wm., rector of Over, and see Lascelles

Lattenbury Hill, see Papworth St. Agnes

Laughlin, E. J. T., curate of Willingham,


Lavington, Wm. of, archdeacon of Ely,
-, rector of Dry Drayton,

Law, Geo. Hen., bp. of Bath and Wells,
-, rector of Willingham,

-, Aslack,
-, Eliz., m. 1 John Hutton, 2 Wm.
-, Hinde, 3 Sir Arthur Capell,
-, Hen.,
-, Rob.,
-, T. J., rector of Girton,
-, Wm. (fl. 1547),
-, Wm. (d. 1649),
-, fam.,

-, John du (d. 1311),
-, John du (fl. 1299-;1316),
-, Sir John du (fl. 1338),
-, Margery du, see Burdeleys
-, fam.,

Leach, fam.,

leather goods,

lectures in churches,

-, Sir John de la (fl. 1361-70),
-, John (fl. 1755-78), rector of Papworth
-, Everard,

Leeds, Edw.,

Leeds, duke of, see Osborne, Thos.

Leeds (Yorks. W.R.),
-, vicar, see Atlany


Lees, Edw., rector of Boxworth,

Legg Engineering Coating,

Leicester, earldom and honor of,

Leicester fee, see Girton

Leicester sheep,

-, cows,
-, and see Ashby-de-la-Zouche; Belvoir
-, Castle

-, Sir John (d. 1632),
-, John (d. 1781), see Granger
-, Lucy, dau. of Sir Wm.,
-, Phil., rector of Rampton,
-, Ric., see Alie
-, Sir Wm., Bt. (d. 1667),
-, Sir Wm., Bt. (d. 1701),
-, Sir Wm., Bt. (d. 1741),
-, fam.,

-, Gillian, m. Ralph Restwold,
-, Wm. (d. 1344),
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1369),
-, his dau.,
-, fam.,

Lennox, duke of, see Stuart

Lens, Persis, m. Hen. Standley,

Leofgifu, ? w. of Athelstan Mannesson,

Leofsige (fl. 986),

Leofsige (fl. 1066),

Leofwaru, w. of Lustwine,

Leofwine son of Aethulf,

Lestourgeon, Chas.,

-, Eliz., see Pygas
-, John,
-, Nic.,


Lewes (Suss.), battle of,

-, Miss L. C.,
-, Revd. Lionel Ric.,

-, Ellen, m. Thos. Baron,
-, John (fl. mid 15th cent.),
-, John (d. 1506),
-, John (d. 1509),
-, Wm. (fl. before 1500),
-, Wm. (d. 1521),
-, fam.,

-, Adam,
-, Rob.,


libraries and reading rooms (village),

Lilford (Northants.),

Lincoln, Brian of,

-, archdeacon, see Hutton, Thos.
-, bp., and see Avalon, Hugh of;
-, Bloet; Remigius
-, est.,
-, sheep,
-, subdean,

Lincolnshire, and see Crowland;
-, Hough; Louth; Nocton; Pinchbeck; Spalding; Stamford; Stow;
-, Sutton, Long

-, J. H. H.,
-, John,
-, Salmon (d. 1803),
-, Salmon (d. 1860),
-, Salmon (d. 1882),
-, Wm., of Oakington,
-, Wm., of Westwick,
-, fam.,

Linton (Cambs.), see Barham

Liscombe (Bucks.), see Soulbury

-, Alice de, m. Sir Thos. Seymour,
-, Alice de, w. of Warin,
-, Amice de, see Beach
-, Brian de,
-, John de, Ld. Lisle,
-, Phil. de,
-, Rob. de (fl. c. 1200),
-, his w.,
-, Rob. de (d. c. 1261),
-, Rob. de (d. 1284),
-, Rob. de, Ld. Lisle (d. 1344),
-, Rob. de, Ld. Lisle (d. ? 1399),
-, Sir Simon de (fl. 1201-21),
-, Sir Simon de (fl. 1269-89),
-, Thos. de, bp. of Ely,
-, Warin de,
-, fam.,
-, arms,

Lisles manor, see Cottenham; Westwick

Littlebury, John,


Littleton (Mdx., later Surr.),

Lively, John, vicar of Over,

Lock, Miss Beatrice M.,

Lode, in Bottisham, and see Anglesey priory

lodes, see Beach Lode; Cottenham;
-, Over; Swavesey; Waterbeach; Willingham


-, n
-, almsho.,
-, chant.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, commons,
-, ct.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, farms,
-, feast,
-, fields,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inn or aleho.,
-, land in,
-, Lolworth Grange,
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, par. meeting,
-, pop.,
-, rectors, and see Bridgeman;
-, Scargill, Francis; Whincop
-, rectory,
-, ho.,
-, residents,
-, roads,
-, sch.,
-, sewage plant,
-, sheriff's tourn at,
-, tithes,
-, village green,
-, woodland,

Lombards (alien rectors),

London, Wm. of, rector of Landbeach,
-, n

-, bellfounders,
-, Bermondsey, q.v.
-, bp., see Baldock, Ralph of; Ridley,
-, Nic.
-, city:
-, aldermen,
-, est.,
-, mayor or ld. mayor,
-, Drapers' Co., n
-, Holborn, q.v.
-, mkt. for Cambs. produce,
-, Metropolitan Tabernacle,
-, nonconf.,
-, plague,
-, professions,
-, property in,
-, residents,
-, and see
-, London: professions and tradesmen
-, St. Paul's,
-, dean, see May, Wm.
-, tradesmen,
-, under-sheriff,
-, university libr.,
-, Westminster sch., headmaster, see
-, Smith, Dr. Sam. (d. 1808)
-, Whitefriars, see Powell of Whitefriars

Long, Geo.,

Long Reach nurseries,

Longstanton civil parish, and see
-, Stanton, Long

-, hund.,

Longwill, John,

-, Alice, see Frere
-, Denis,

Lorchun, John,

-, Alex. le, ? s. of Alex. of Impington,
-, Muriel le, dau. of Alex.,
-, Roger le,
-, Wm. le,

Lord Chancellor, see Crown, eccl.
-, patronage

lords and tenants, disputes and agreements,

Lorkyn, Dr. Thos.,

Louth (Lincs.),

Love, Family of, see Family

-, Sir John,
-, Thos. (d. 1520),
-, Thos. (fl. 1553),
-, fam.,

-, Niel de,
-, fam.,

-, Alice, see Boxworth
-, Isabel, w. of Roger,
-, John,
-, Roger (d. by 1438),
-, Roger (fl. 1479),
-, Simon,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

-, Constance, dau. of Wm.,
-, Eleanor, w. of Ric., m. 2 Hugh Melle,
-, 3 Sir Thos. Cornewall, 4 Sir
-, Wm. Houghton,
-, Eleanor, w. of Wm.,
-, Eliz., m. - - Horseley,
-, Ric.,
-, Sam., vicar of Milton,
-, Wm.,

-, Edw.,
-, John,
-, Wm.,

Lucy, Sir Amaury de,

-, Geof.,
-, Isabel, see Lyons

Lulworth Castle (Dors.),

-, Edw., rector of Elsworth,
-, Wm. (fl. 1694-1747), archdeacon of
-, Huntingdon, rector of Elsworth,
-, Wm. (d. by 1828),

Lurmark Ltd.,

Lushington, T. G. L., vicar of Swavesey,

Lustwine (fl. early 11th cent.),
-, his s., see Thurstan
-, his w., see Leofwaru

Lydgold, Thos., rector of Papworth St.
-, Agnes,

Lyell, Hen.,

Lynge, Wm., rector of Girton,

Lynham, Adam, rector of Willingham,

Lynn, King's (Norf.),

Lyon, T. H.,

-, Cecily de, m. 1 Thos. Frere, 2 John
-, Ragenhill,
-, Christine de,
-, Isabel de, m. Geof. Ludworth,
-, John de (d. by 1315),
-, Sir John de (d. c. 1367),
-, John de (d. 1385),
-, Margery de, see Oakley
-, Nic. de, rector of Gt. Childerley,
-, Ric. de,
-, fam.,

Mabeley, fam.,

-, R. W.,
-, W. A.,

machine tool makers,

machinery, see agricultural machinery

Mackray, Rob., primate of Canada,
-, vicar of Madingley,

-, Alice of, m. Sir Thos. Heslarton,
-, Sir Rob. of,
-, fam.,

Madingley (Cambs.),
-, n
-, almsho., n
-, bdry.,
-, Burdeleys (Burlewas, later Shire)
-, man.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, commons,
-, ct.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, farms,
-, feast,
-, fields,
-, guilds,
-, Harlestons man., see Madingley:
-, Marhams
-, housing est.,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inn or aleho.,
-, land in,
-, Madingley Hall,
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, Marhams or Harlestons man.,
-, mills,
-, Moor Barns grange,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, par. council,
-, pk.,
-, pop.,
-, rectory,
-, residents,
-, roads in,
-, road to,
-, sch.,
-, Shire man., see Madingley: Burdeleys
-, tithes,
-, vicarage,
-, ho., n
-, vicars, and see Frend; Sowode
-, village green,
-, woodland,

Madryll, Chas., see Cheere

Magdalene College, Camb.,
-, masters, and see Carr

-, Alice, w. of Ant.,
-, Sir Anketil,
-, Ant.,
-, his w.,
-, Hen. (d. 1542),
-, Sir Hen. (fl. 1605-;26),
-, John (d. 1471),
-, John (fl. 1578),
-, Nic.,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1445),
-, Wm. (d. 1585),
-, his w.,
-, Wm. (d. 1611),
-, fam.,
-, arms,

malt and malting,

Malton, see Orwell


Maltster, Wm., rector of Girton,

Manby, John, rector of Cottenham,


Mandeville, Geof. de,

Manfred the priest,


-, Francis,
-, John,
-, fam.,

Manners, Sir Baldwin de,

Mannesson, Athelstan, see Athelstan

Manor Place Part, see Impington

Mansfield, fam.,

Maples, Agnes, m. 1 Edw. Hinde, 2
-, John Stewkley,

Maples (furniture store),

Marcelys, John, vicar of Waterbeach,

March, Mrs. Eliz.,

March (Cambs.),

Margaret, dau. of Thos., earl of Norfolk, m. John de Segrave,

Marham, John,

Marhams manor, see Madingley

-, Hen.,
-, Rob.,

market gardens and nurseries,

markets, see Cottenham; Impington;
-, Rampton; Swavesey
-, outside Cambs., and see London:
-, mkt.

Markland, Rob.,

Marlborough, dchss. of, see Godolphin,
-, Henrietta

-, Thos. (d. 1587),
-, Thos. (fl. 1588-1604),
-, fam.,

marsh reeves, see fen and marsh reeves

-, Gervaise, see Dinan
-, Ric., earl of Pembroke,

-, Edw.,
-, Eliz., see Burdeleys
-, Thos.,
-, - - (fl. c. 1890),
-, fam.,

Mart, Mary, see Snagge

-, Edw., president of Queens' Coll.,
-, Camb., rector of Conington,
-, vicar of Oakington,
-, Jas., rector of Willingham,
-, John (d. 1593),
-, John (fl. 1763),
-, Matthias,
-, Thos. (d. c. 1501),
-, Thos. (fl. 1613), s. of Matthias,
-, fam.,

Martyrs' Memorial (Patronage) Trust,

Mary I,

-, Edw. (d. 1805),
-, Edw. (d. 1835),
-, Edw. (d. 1882),
-, Eliz., m. John Chettoe,
-, fam., and see Mayson

Massachusetts (U.S.A.),

-, Anne, see Smith
-, Legh,
-, Rob., rector of Landbeach, vicar of
-, Waterbeach,
-, his w., see Cory, John (d. 1727)
-, Wm., vicar of Waterbeach,

Matthew, Master, rector of Elsworth,

-, Marg., see Gwalter
-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

Maud, dau. of Reynold the constable, ?
-, m. Reynold of Trumpington,

Maulden, Thos.,

Maunchell, Thos., rector of Over,

Mauthorp, Geof.,

Mawson, Dr. Matthias, bp. of Ely,

-, John, bp. of Carlisle, rector of St.
-, Mic., Long Stanton,
-, Wm., dean of St. Paul's, president of
-, Queens' Coll., Camb., rector of
-, St. Mic., Long Stanton,

Mayneweld (firm),

Mayre, John, vicar of Waterbeach,

Mayson, Martin, rector of Knapwell,
-, and see Mason

mead-maker, Wulfwine the, see Wulfwine

Medley, Geo.,

Medlow, fam.,


-, Eleanor, see Lowe
-, Hugh,


Mere Way, see Akeman Street

-, John, rector of Elsworth,
-, Wal. of,

Merton College, Oxford,

Merton Hall manor, see Cambridge



-, John,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos., rector of Childerley,

-, Primitive,
-, Wesleyan,

Michaelhouse, Camb.,
-, master, see Granby

-, Mrs. E.,
-, Joan, m. 1 Wm. Druell, 2 John Bourn,
-, John,
-, Marg., see Frere
-, Rob.,
-, T. P., vicar of Histon,
-, T. H., vicar of Histon,
-, Thos.,
-, and see Mitchell

Mickleburgh, John, rector of Landbeach, vicar of Impington,

Miclethwaite, A. J., vicar of St. Luke's,
-, Chesterton,

Middlesex, see Brentford; Enfield; Holborn; Isleworth; Littleton; Tottenham

Midsummer Common, see Cambridge

migration, see emigration; immigration

Milford, Laur.,

Mill End, see Waterbeach; Willingham

-, Edw.,
-, Ric. (fl. 1622),
-, Ric. (fl. 1862),

Mills, fam.,

mills, see under parishes
-, drainage,
-, gas,
-, horse mill,
-, post mills,
-, smock mills,
-, steam mills,
-, tower mills,
-, water mills,


Milton, Everard of, see Beach

Milton (Cambs.),
-, n
-, Baitsbite,
-, Baitsbite Lock,
-, bdry.,
-, chant.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, commons,
-, ct.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, drainage,
-, fair,
-, farms,
-, feast,
-, fen,
-, Fen End (Hall End),
-, fields,
-, guilds,
-, Hall End, see Milton: Fen End
-, housing est.,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inn or aleho.,
-, land in,
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, mills,
-, Milton Hall,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, par. council,
-, pk.,
-, pop.,
-, rly.,
-, rectors, and see
-, Goad, Thos.; Knight, Sam.;
-, Whichcote, Dr. Benj.
-, rectory,
-, ho.,
-, residents,
-, roads in,
-, roads to,
-, sch.,
-, suburban growth,
-, tithes,
-, vicarage,
-, ho.,
-, vicars,
-, village green,
-, woodland,
-, workho.,

Milton and District Co-operative Soc.,

Milton Nurseries,

mineral water making,

Mitcham, J. W.,

Mitchell, fam., and see Michell

moated sites,

-, Nic. de,
-, Roger de,

-, F. B.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Monk, Wm., minister of Rampton,

monk, Hervey the, see Hervey

Montfort, Simon de,
-, Monfortian rebels, see wars

-, Ebles des,
-, Eleanor des, m. John le Strange,
-, Joan des, see Somery

Moor Barns, see Madingley

-, Ellen, see Rushton
-, Thos.,

-, Wal. of,
-, Wm. of,
-, - -, see Olifard, David (fl. 1242)

-, Jane, m. Geo. St. George,
-, Sir John,

-, Agnes, w. of John,
-, Anne, dau. of Agnes, w. of Wm.,
-, Charlotte, w. of Edw.,
-, Chas.,
-, Edw. (d. 1756),
-, Edw. (d. 1812),
-, John (d. 1637),
-, John (d. 1683),
-, John (d. 1695),
-, John (d. 1728),
-, John (d. 1783),
-, John Atterbury,
-, Susannah, w. of Chas., m. 2 John
-, Pepys,
-, Wm. (d. 1651),
-, Wm. (d. 1679),
-, Wm. (d. 1839),
-, fam., and see Moreton

Morden, Steeple,

-, Agnes,
-, fam.,

Moreton, John, and see Morden

Morin (fl. 1086),

Morley, John,

-, Bertha,
-, Hen., vicar of Oakington,
-, Jos.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

Morris dancing,

Mortain, count of, see Robert

-, (later Zouche), Wm., see Zouche
-, fam., of Wigmore,

Mortlock, Thos.,

Moses, Wm., master of Pembroke Coll.,
-, Camb.,

-, Ric. Peter,
-, Rob.,

Mossops (firm),

motor cycle scrambles,

-, Roger de,
-, fam., dukes of Norfolk,

Mowbrays manor, see Ickleton

-, Berenger le,
-, fam.,

Mucel (fl. 1086),

-, John,
-, Ludovic,

-, Roger,
-, fam.,

-, Denise de, w. of Wm., m. 2 Rob. the
-, Butler,
-, Wm. de,

Munfitchet, Gilb. de,

Muriell, Geo., rector of Papworth Everard,

Muschet, Wm.,

-, C.B.,
-, Edw., rector of Knapwell,
-, Eliz., w. of Thos.,
-, Thos., abp. of York, vicar of Over,
-, Revd. V.,

music (excl. church choirs and organs),
-, and see 'rough music'

-, Jas. (or John),
-, fam.,

Muskham, Rob., rector of Over,


Mustill, Wm.,

Mynors, Gilb. de,


-, Denise of, see Hubald
-, Hen. of (d. c. 1250),
-, Hen. of (fl. 1264),
-, Wm. of,

Napp (pharmaceutical firm),

-, Eliz., see Wragg
-, Oliver, rector of Milton,
-, T. H.,

Neal, E. S.,

Neech, fam.,

Needham, Peter,

Needham's charity school, see Ely

Needingworth, see Holywell

-, Dutchmen engaged in fen drainage,
-, firm from,
-, and see Sluys

Nevard, Wm., vicar of All Saints, Long
-, Stanton,

-, Albert de,
-, Anne, see Beauchamp
-, Hen. de,
-, Ralph,

New Bedford river, see Ouse

New College, Oxford,

New Chesterton, see Chesterton

New Cottenham Gas and Water Co.,

Newhouse, John, rector of Willingham,

-, Edw.,
-, Mr. (date unknown),
-, - - (date unknown),
-, fam.,

Newmarket, Thos. of, rector of Dry Drayton,

Newmarket (Suff.),

Newnham, friars,

Newton in the Isle, coll.,

Neylond, Simon, rector of Elsworth,

Nicholls, Hamond,

Niel, bp. of Ely,

Niel the Chamberlain, see Chamberlain

-, Sir Chas. E., Bt.,
-, Geof.,
-, Leonard,
-, Wm., rector of Lolworth,
-, fam.,

Nill brook, see Knill brook

Nixson, J. M., curate of Rampton,

Nocton (Lincs.),

nonconformity and religious groups,
-, and see Anabaptists; Baptists; Cal-
-, vinists; Congregationalists; Family
-, of Love; Huguenot; Independents;
-, Lollards; Methodists; Muggleton,
-, Ludovic; Presbyterians; puritans;
-, Quakers; Ranters; Roman Catholics; Salvation Army; Unitarians;
-, United Reformed Church

Norfolk, dukes and earl of, see Mowbray; Thomas

Norfolk, and see
-, Barton Bendish; Brockdish; Lynn;
-, Norwich

-, E.,
-, Frank,
-, Jas.,
-, Wm.,

-, Dudley, Ld. North,
-, Edw., Ld. North,
-, Roger, Ld. North,

North Sea trade,

Northampton, earls and marquesses of,
-, see Compton

Northamptonshire, and see Barnack;
-, Barnwell St. Andrew; Holmby
-, House; Kirby; Lilford; Oakley,
-, Gt.; Peterborough; Rothwell;
-, Rushden; Upton; Warden, Chipping; Warkworth

-, John,
-, Wm.,

Northstowe hundred,
-, n

Northumberland, see Warkworth

-, Abraha, see Wimbish
-, Francis,
-, Wm.,

-, bp.,

Nottinghamshire, see Burton, West

Nunn, John,

Nutting -Speed,

Oakham (Rut.),

-, John,
-, Simon,
-, Wm. of,
-, fam.,

Oakington (Cambs.),
-, n
-, airfield (R.A.F. Oakington),
-, almsho.,
-, A.-S. rem.,
-, Balliol fee,
-, bdry.,
-, bridges,
-, Bruce fee,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, Church End,
-, commons,
-, ct.,
-, Crowlands man.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, farms,
-, feast,
-, fields,
-, guilds,
-, housing est.,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inns or aleho.,
-, land in,
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, par. council,
-, pop.,
-, R.A.F. Oakington, see Oakington:
-, airfield
-, rly.,
-, rectors,
-, rectory,
-, ho.,
-, residents,
-, roads in,
-, roads to,
-, Rushtons and Moreyns man.,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, vicarage,
-, ho.,
-, vicars, and see Martin, Edw.
-, village greens,

Oakington brook,

Oaklands Nursery,

-, Margery of, m. John de Lyons,
-, (or Belvoir), Reynold of,
-, Ric. of,
-, Rob. of,
-, Sarah of, m. 1 Simon of Seyton, 2
-, Tibbald of Bray,
-, Sarah of, w. of Simon,
-, Simon of,
-, fam.,

Oakley, Gt. (Northants.),

Oasland, Hen.,

Ockley, Simon, vicar of Swavesey,


Oddy, Jos.,

Odo, bp. of Bayeux,

Odo, chamberlain of Count Alan,

officers, less common, see bread weigh-
-, ers; fen and marsh reeves; field
-, reeves; haywards; herdsmen; mes-
-, sors; pinders; shepherds; swineherds

-, And., rector of Over,
-, John,

Offord Cluny (Hunts.),

Offord Darcy (Hunts.),

Offords manor, see Drayton, Fen

Old North Road, formerly Ermine
-, Street,

Old Tillage, see Car Dyke

Old Warden, see Warden

Old West River, see Ouse

-, David (fl. c. 1170),
-, David (fl. 1244),
-, his sis., m. - - of Moray,
-, Dervorguilla, w. of David,
-, Hugh,
-, John,
-, Wal. (fl. before 1216),
-, Wal. (fl. c. 1235),
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Oliver, R. D.,

Olliver, Mamie,


-, Anne, m. Geo. Buck,
-, Paul (fl. c. 1740),
-, Paul (d. 1812),
-, Rebecca, see Smith

orchards and fruit-growing,

Ordnoth (fl. 1066),

Ormond (or Butler), Thos., see Butler

Ormond, earl of, see Boleyn, Thos.;
-, Butler, Jas. and Thos.

Ormsby, Arthur, n

Orwell, Malton in,

-, Mary, see Godolphin
-, Rob.,
-, Thos., duke of Leeds,


Osmund (? of Stretham),

Osulf (fl. 1066),

Oswald, St.,

Oswi (fl. 1066),

Ouse, river,
-, as bdry.,
-, crossings,
-, baptism in,
-, fishing,
-, navigation,
-, New Bedford river,
-, Old West river,

Over, Guy of,

Over (Cambs.),
-, almsho.,
-, bdry.,
-, bridges,
-, Chain ditch, see Over: lode
-, Chain Ho.,
-, chant.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, Church End,
-, commons,
-, ct.,
-, ct. ho., see Over: town hall
-, dom. archit.,
-, drainage,
-, Ely fee,
-, farms,
-, fen,
-, Fen End,
-, ferry,
-, fields,
-, Fynors fee,
-, Gavelocks man.,
-, guilds,
-, housing est.,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inns and aleho.,
-, land in,
-, lode (Chain ditch), n
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, Over bank,
-, Over Chatteris man.,
-, Over Cote,
-, Over End,
-, Over mere, see Willingham: Wil-
-, lingham mere
-, Over Merton man.,
-, par. est.,
-, pop.,
-, rly.,
-, rectors, and see Offord,
-, And.
-, rectory,
-, ho.,
-, roads in,
-, roads to,
-, Roberts quarter,
-, sch.,
-, sewage wks.,
-, tithes,
-, town hall or court ho.,
-, vicarage,
-, ho.,
-, vicars, and see Mus-
-, grave, Thos.
-, village green,
-, workho.,
-, Overhall manor, see Boxworth

Owen, Dr. T. M., and his w.,

Oxe mere, see Willingham

Oxford, earls of, see Vere, fam.

-, bp.,
-, Christ Church, dean of, see Smith,
-, Dr. Sam.
-, univ., and see Merton;
-, New College

Oxfordshire, and see Dorchester;
-, Eynsham; Henley-on-Thames;
-, Oxford

-, Cath., m. 1 Sir Wm. Cheyney, 2 Sir
-, Thos. Aylesbury,
-, John,
-, Sir Laur.,
-, fam.,

Page, Hen. and Cath.,

Pain (fl. 1086),

paintings, mural,


-, Abraham,
-, Wm.,

Pamplin Bros.,

-, Thos.,
-, Thos., jr.,

papal provision, see provision

Papley, see Eltisley

-, Agnes of (fl. 1160),
-, Agnes (d. 1416), w. of Sir Wm.,
-, E. G.,
-, Ellen of, w. of Geof.,
-, Geof. of,
-, Sir John,
-, Ric.,
-, Wal. of,
-, Wm. of (fl. 1279),
-, Wm. (d. 1314),
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1414),
-, fam.,
-, arms,

Papworth Everard,
-, bdry.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, commons,
-, dom. archit.,
-, farms,
-, feast (later festival),
-, fields,
-, hosp., see Papworth Everard: Pap-
-, worth Hosp.
-, housing est.,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inns,
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, mill,
-, nonconf.,
-, Papworth Hall,
-, Papworth Hosp.,
-, Papworth Village Settlement,
-, formerly Cambs. Tuberculosis
-, Colony,
-, par. council,
-, pk.,
-, pop.,
-, rectors, and see Bury, Rob.
-, rectory,
-, ho.,
-, residents,
-, roads,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, tuberculosis colony, see Papworth
-, Everard: Papworth Village
-, Settlement
-, woodland,

Papworth Hall, see Papworth Everard

Papworth Hospital, see Papworth Ever-
-, ard

Papworth hundred,

Papworth St. Agnes,
-, Beaumes man.,
-, bdry.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, ct.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, Ely fee,
-, farms,
-, feast,
-, fields,
-, guild (brotherhood),
-, Huntingdonshire part,
-, n, n, n
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, Lattenbury Hill,
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, par. meeting,
-, pk.,
-, pop.,
-, rectors, and see Bury, Rob.
-, rectory,
-, ho.,
-, resident,
-, roads,
-, Russells man.,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, village green,
-, woodland,

Papworth Village Settlement, see Pap-
-, worth Everard


Paris (Parys):
-, Master Reynold of, rector of Chester-
-, ton,
-, Thos. (d. c. 1446), rector of Graveley,
-, Thos. (fl. 1759-95), curate of Wil-
-, lingham,

Paris (France), cup from,

-, Thos. (d. 1541),
-, Thos. (d. 1584),
-, his w.,
-, Thos. (fl. 1595),
-, fam.,

Parish Bros.,

-, Eliz., m. Sir Miles Sandys,
-, Thos.,

-, Mat., abp. of Canterbury, master of
-, Corpus Christi Coll., Camb.,
-, rector of Landbeach,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

Parker Hamond, fam.,

Parkinson, Thos., rector of Willingham,

Parr, Sir Wm.,

-, Jas.,
-, Ric. Papworth,

Partridge, W. W., vicar of St. Luke,
-, Chesterton,

Parys, see Paris

Paske, Sam.,

pastimes, see sports for cross references

Pateshull, Thos.,

Paunfeld, Thos.,

Paxton, Gt. (Hunts.),
-, Paxton Place,

-, Thos. (d. 1611), vicar of Waterbeach,
-, his sons,
-, his w.,
-, Thos. (d. by 1911),

Paynel, John,

-, Alf., rector of Girton,
-, Amelia, w. of Sam., m. 2 Adm. Sir
-, John Poore Beresford,
-, Sam.,
-, and see Pecche

-, Bertram,
-, J. L.,
-, Mary,
-, fam.,

Peasants' Revolt,

peat and turf (inc. turbary),

-, Aelfwynn, w. of Wm.,
-, Alice, see Peverel
-, Geof.,
-, Gilb. (fl. c. 1195),
-, Gilb. (d. 1291),
-, Hamon (d. after 1178),
-, Hamon (fl. 1230s),
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
-, and see Peach

-, Dr. I. A. W.,
-, Jos.,
-, fam.,

-, John,
-, Sir Nic.,

Peed, Wm.,

-, Joan, see Zouche
-, Sir John,
-, Peter of,
-, Wal. of,
-, Wm. of (fl. before 1279),
-, Wm. (fl. 1293-1346),

Pelham, Brent (Herts.),

Pelham, Furneux (Herts.),

Pelham (unspecified),

Pelhams manor, see Cottenham

Pelrim, Simon,

-, Anne, see Whichcote
-, Chris.,
-, Sir Francis (d. 1697),
-, Francis (d. 1762),
-, Jeremy, rector of Girton,
-, fam.,

Pembroke, earls and ctss. of, see Mar-
-, shal, Ric.; St. Pol; Valence, Aymer
-, de

Pembroke College (formerly Hall),
-, Camb.,
-, master, and see Moses

Pembrokeshire: St. David's, bp. of, see
-, Thirlwall

-, Benj.,
-, Cecily, see Gardiner
-, John,

Pennington, Adam,

-, Anne, w. of Chas.,
-, C. C., Baron and earl of Cottenham,
-, Cath., w. of John, m. 1 Thos. Hobson,
-, Chas.,
-, John (d. 1589),
-, John (d. 1692),
-, Sir Ric.,
-, Rob.,
-, Roger (d. 1688),
-, Roger (d. 1730),
-, Sam., diarist,
-, Sam. Symonds,
-, Susannah, m. Jones Redman,
-, Susannah, w. of John, see Morden
-, Talbot,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm. (d. by 1519),
-, Wm. (fl. 1540s),
-, fam.,

perambulation, see beating bounds

-, Jane, see Smith
-, Mr. (fl. c. 1740),

Perkins, John, rector of Rampton,

-, And.,
-, Cath., w. of John,
-, Chester,
-, Hen., rector of Knapwell,
-, John (d. 1715),
-, John (fl. 1731-44), rector of
-, Knapwell,
-, his daus.,
-, fam.,

-, Martin,
-, Valentine,

Perse school, see Cambridge

-, Anne, see Druell
-, Thos.,

Peter, duke of Brittany,

Peter the dean of Histon,

Peterborough (Northants.),
-, dean, see Duport

Peterhouse, Camb., masters of,
-, and see Soame; Warkworth, John

Peters, John, and his w. Eliz.,

-, Sam., rector of Girton,
-, Wm., rector of Papworth St. Agnes,

-, Alice, m. Hamon Pecche,
-, Asceline, dau. of Pain, m. 2 Saher de
-, Quincy,
-, Maud, m. Hugh of Dover,
-, Pain,
-, Rose,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
-, barony,

-, Hen., Ld. Willoughby de Broke,
-, John, Ld. Willoughby de Broke
-, (d. 1816),
-, John, Ld. Willoughby de Broke
-, (d. 1820),


Philadelphia (U.S.A.),

Philips (electronics firm),

-, Ambrose,
-, Jane, see Edwards
-, Jenkin Thos.,

-, Ant. (d. 1839),
-, Ant. (fl. late 19th cent.),
-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

-, Dorothy, see Weld
-, Edw.,
-, Mrs. (? fl. 18th cent.),

Picot the sheriff:
-, as Domesday lord,
-, as Domesday tenant,
-, as monastic benefactor,
-, his bro., see Roger
-, his dau., see Agnes
-, his s., see Robert
-, his w.,

-, Agnes, m. Wm. of Heybridge,
-, Amice, m. Ric. the Butler,
-, Aubrey,
-, Ernald,
-, Eustace,
-, Hen.,
-, Lauretta, m. Hugh Burdeleys,
-, Mabel, w. of Aubrey,
-, Mic.,
-, Ranulph,
-, Rob.,
-, his daus.,
-, fam.,
-, and see Pigott

pigeon racing,

-, Anne, see Dryden
-, Benj., rector of Papworth St. Agnes,
-, Eleanor, see Enderby
-, Francis,
-, Ric.,
-, Rob. (d. 1746),
-, Rob. (d. 1770),
-, Rob. (fl. 1770s),
-, Wm., rector of Papworth St. Agnes,
-, fam., and see Picot

Pigotts manor, see Girton: Enderbys

-, Revd. W. B. (d. after 1874),
-, W. B. (d. 1905),


Pinchbeck (Lincs.),


-, Chas.,
-, Chas. J. S.,
-, Revd. John,


Pirton (Herts.),

plague, and see Black Death

Playforth, John,

plays (theatre),

Plough Monday, n,

ploughing matches,

Plumpton, fam.,

Pochin, Thos.,

police, and see watch

political clubs,

-, Audrey, m. Edw. Butler,
-, John (fl. 1300),
-, John (d. 1358),
-, John (? fl. 1423),
-, Ric.,
-, Rob.,
-, Rose, m. Wm. Ashwyn,
-, W., -Co.,
-, Wm. (fl. 1253, 1279, ? more than
-, one),
-, Wm. (d. after 1374),
-, Wm. (d. 1466),
-, Wm. (d. 1558), curate of Fen Dray-
-, ton,

Pollard fee, see Drayton, Fen

Pond, Ric. atte, rector of Gt. Childerley,

Pont, Sam.,

-, Ant.,
-, Dudley,
-, John (fl. 1544-9),
-, John (d. 1630),

Porie, John, master of Corpus Christi
-, Coll., Camb., rector of Landbeach,

port, see Swavesey

Porter, John le,

Porthors, John,

Portland, dukes of,

Portway, the,

Postgate, Mrs. (fl. 1937),


Potticary, G. B. F., rector of Girton,


poultry farming,

Powell, John, see Brereton

Powell of Whitefriars (firm),

-, Hen., see Standley
-, Rob., rector of Boxworth,

prehistoric remains, see Chesterton;
-, Drayton, Fen; Girton; Willingham


Preston (Suff.),

Price, see Quenby Price Ltd.

-, Augustine,
-, Steph.,
-, Thos. Longland,

Prime Godfrey -Sons Ltd., see Godfrey

printing and publishing,

Prior, J. W.,
-, his nieces and neph.,
-, and see Pryor

Prisot, Sir John,

-, Revd. Francis,
-, Dr. Jos., master of St. Catharine's
-, Coll., Camb.,

produce shows, see horticultural shows

Provence, Eleanor of, see Eleanor

provision, papal,

Pryor, fam., and see Prior

publishing, see printing

Pugin, A. W. N.,

-, R. P.,
-, his dau.,
-, Sam.,

Pulter, John,

pump making,

punitive instruments, see ducking stool;
-, gallows; pillory; stocks; tumbrel

Purchase, fam.,


Purkes, Revd. J.,

Purkiss, Ezra,

-, Ann, see Godfrey
-, Chas.,
-, Adm. Chas. Wager,
-, Thos.,
-, his daus.,

Puttenham, Ric.,

Puttenham (Surr.),

Pye, W. C.,

Pye group,
-, Pye Ltd.,
-, Pye Radio Co.,
-, Pye Telecom,

-, Eliz., m. John Lettice,
-, Rob.,


Queen Anne's Bounty,

Queens' College, Camb.,
-, president, see Martin, Edw.; May,
-, Wm.

Quenby Price Ltd.,

-, Asceline de, see Peverel
-, Roger de, earl of Winchester,
-, Saher de (d. 1190),
-, Saher de, earl of Winchester (d. 1219),

Quincy fee, see Girton: Winchester fee

Quy, Eudes of, vicar of Milton,

Quy (Cambs.),

R.A.F., and see Oakington: airfield;
-, Waterbeach: airfield

rabbit breeding, and see warrens

rabbit shooting,

-, Cath., see East
-, Eliz., see Ketteridge
-, Mary, m. Gabriel Tedder,
-, Owen,
-, Wm.,

-, Dan.,
-, Jas.,
-, fam.,

radio equipment,

-, Cecily, see Lyons
-, John,

railways, see Cambridge; Ely; Great
-, Eastern; Huntingdon; St. Ives

Ralph (fl. 1086),

Ralph (fl. 1150s), chamberlain of bp. of
-, Ely,

Rampton, Steph., vicar of Chesterton,

Rampton (Cambs.),
-, n
-, A.-S. rem.,
-, bdry.,
-, bridge,
-, castle, see Rampton: Giant's Hill
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, Church End,
-, commons,
-, ct.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, drainage,
-, fair,
-, farms,
-, feast,
-, fen,
-, fields,
-, Giant's Hill (castle),
-, guild,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inns or aleho.,
-, man. (Rampton Lisles),
-, ho.,
-, mkt.,
-, mill,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, par. council,
-, pk.,
-, pop.,
-, rly.,
-, rectors, and see Evelyn-White
-, rectory,
-, ho.,
-, residents,
-, roads in,
-, roads to,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, vicar,
-, village green,
-, woodland,

Rampton Drift,

Rampton Lisles, see Rampton: man.

Ramsden, Dr. - -, vicar of Chesterton,

Ramsey (Hunts.), abbey,
-, abbots,
-, arms,
-, est.,
-, jurisdiction,
-, patronage,
-, produce sent to,

Ramsey manor, see Girton

Rannew (Rannewe):
-, Leonard, rector of Graveley,
-, Wm., vicar of Madingley,

-, Joan, see Jermy
-, John (d. 1696),
-, John (d. 1719),
-, Mary, m. John Benson,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,


rape (crop),

Ravensdale, Dr. J. R.,

Rawley, Wm., rector of Landbeach,
-, his w. and s.,

Raye, Rob.,

-, Mary Florence, w. of Wm. Luard,
-, Wm. Luard,
-, and see Eaden, Spearing, and Raynes,

reading rooms, see libraries

Reche, Sam.,

-, Jones,
-, Susannah, see Pepys

Redundant Churches Fund,

Reed, John,

Reed Corrugated Cases Ltd. (pt. of
-, Reed International),

reed gathering,

Reimbercourt, Guy de,

Remigius, bp. of Lincoln,

Repton, Humph.,

Reston, John, master of Jesus Coll.,
-, Camb.,

-, Gillian, see Lengleys
-, John,
-, Ralph,
-, Ric. (d. 1423),
-, Ric. (d. 1475),
-, Ric. (fl. 1501),
-, Thos.,
-, Wm. (d. 1374),
-, Wm. (fl. 1501),

Retford, Rob., rector of Elsworth,

return of writs,

Reynold, abbot of Ramsey,

Reynold the constable,
-, his dau., see Maud

Reynold, monk of Ely,

Reynold, Wm. s. of, see William

Reynold, John,
-, his father,
-, fam.,

Reynolds, fam.,


Richard I,

Richard son of Gilbert,

Richard the constable, Simon s. of, see
-, Simon

-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

Richard's Castle (Herefs.),

Richmond, dukes and earl of, see Alan;
-, Henry; Stuart
-, duchy,

Richmond (Yorks. N.R.), honor or fee
-, of,
-, castle and chamberlains,
-, ld. of, 3; and see Alan; Savoy
-, tourn,

Rickling (Essex),

Ridge, Thos.,

-, Lancelot, rector of Willingham,
-, Nic., bp. of Lond.,

Ridley Hall, see Cambridge

riots and unrest, and see
-, arson; Peasants' Revolt; Swing
-, riots

road running,

roads, ancient and main, see Akeman
-, Street; Aldreth causeway; Cam-
-, bridge; Ely; Huntingdon; Old
-, North Road; Portway; Rampton
-, Drift; St. Neots; Street Way

Robb, Hammell,

Robert, count of Mortain,

Robert Fafiton,

Robert son of Humphrey,

Robert son of Picot the sheriff,

Robert son of Wymark,

Robert the Chamberlain, see Chamber-
-, lain

Robert the clerk (fl. 1219),
-, his s., see William
-, his w. Nichole, see Burdeleys

Robert the clerk (fl. 1334),

Robert the usher (fl. 1086),

Robert (fl. 1086), tenant of Picot,

Robert (fl. 13th cent.), rector of St.
-, Mic., Long Stanton,

Robert 'of the west mill',

Robert Jepps Farm school,

-, Alice,
-, Aline, w. of Ric., m. 2 John Bookland,
-, Chas.,
-, Ellen, w. of Ric.,
-, John,
-, Ric. (fl. 1346-61),
-, Ric. (d. by 1421),
-, Thos. (fl. 1428-78),
-, Thos. (fl. 1499),

Roberts quarter, see Over

-, Alf. Marshall,
-, Fred.,
-, Geo., rector of Childerley and of
-, Lolworth,
-, Rob.,
-, T. B.,
-, Thos. (fl. 1802),
-, Thos. (fl. 1860),
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

-, Anne, w. of John,
-, John (d. 1630),
-, John (d. 1680),
-, John (fl. 1693-1701),
-, fam.,

-, Agnes de la, w. of Drew,
-, Drew de la,

Rockmill End, see Willingham

-, Alice, see Frere
-, Sir John,

Roger (fl. 1086), bro. of Picot the sheriff,

Roger (fl. 1086), tenant of Picot the
-, sheriff,

Roger (fl. 1086), tenant of Countess
-, Judith,

Roger son of William, and his w. Alice,
-, his s. Ric., see Drayton

Roger, Wm. s. of, see William

-, Alice, see Winde
-, Francis, and his w. and dau.,
-, Geo.,

Rohan, Alan de, vct. of Rohan,

Rohan, vcts. of, and see Alan; Alan
-, (III); Geoffrey; Rohan, Alan de

Roman Catholics,

Roman remains, see Car Dyke; Cotten-
-, ham; Denny; Drayton, Fen; Gir-
-, ton; Swavesey
-, roads, see Akeman Street; Old North
-, Road; Street Way

Rome (Italy),

Rootham, John,

Roots, Thos., vicar of All Saints, Long
-, Stanton,


Ros, Rob. de,

Rose, Ric.,

Rothwell (Northants.),

'rough music',

-, Hugh le,
-, John le,

Rouse, W. H. D.,


-, Anne, see Taylor
-, F. W.,
-, J. S. H.,
-, S. H.,
-, S. K.,
-, S. S.,
-, fam.,

Rowncliff, see Chesterton

Rowses, see Chesterton

Royse, fam.,

Royston (Herts.),

Rudd, Thos. (? more than one),

Rushden (Northants.),

-, Ellen, m. Thos. Morant,
-, John (fl. 1279),
-, John (d. 1349),

Rushtons and Moreyns manor, see Oak
-, ington

-, Eliz., see Howland
-, Francis, earl of Bedford (d. 1585),
-, Francis, duke of Bedford (d. 1767),
-, Francis, duke of Bedford (fl. 1795),
-, Joanna (? Cutts), w. of John,
-, Sir John (d. 1290),
-, John (fl. 1382-1410), rector of
-, Knapwell,
-, John (fl. 1718),
-, John, duke of Bedford (d. 1771),
-, Rob. (d. c. 1240),
-, Rob. (d. 1249),
-, Wriothesley, duke of Bedford,
-, fam.,

Russells manor, see Papworth St. Agnes

Rust, Jas.,

Rustat, Tobias,

Rutherford, Thos., rector of Papworth
-, St. Agnes,

Rutland, see Ketton; Oakham

-, F. D.,
-, Marian Charlotte Emily, see Cock-
-, ayne
-, fam.,




St. Albans (Herts.), abbey,

St. Catharine's College (formerly Catharine Hall),
-, Camb.,
-, master, see Procter, Dr. Jos.

St. David's (Pemb.), bp. of, see
-, Thirlwall

St. George:
-, Sir Baldwin,
-, Francis,
-, Geo.,
-, Jane, see Mordaunt
-, Joan, see Engaine
-, Sir Ric.,
-, Thos.,
-, Sir Wm.,

St. Germain:
-, Agnes de, see Agnes
-, Ralph de,

St. Ives:
-, Baudry of,
-, his s., see Hawker, Roger
-, Nic. of,

St. Ives (Hunts.),
-, nonconf.,
-, poor-law union,
-, priory,
-, rly.,

St. John of Jerusalem, hosp. of, see
-, Hospitallers

St. John's College, Camb.,
-, est.,
-, Innovation Centre, in Chesterton,

St. John's hospital, see Cambridge:
-, hosp.

St. Joseph, Prof. J. K. S.,

St. Leonards, Ld., see Sugden

St. Neots (Hunts.),
-, poor-law union,
-, pottery,
-, road to,

St. Pol, Mary de, ctss. of Pembroke, w.
-, of Aymer de Valence,

St. Radegund's priory, see Cambridge:
-, priory

St. Vedast:
-, Cecily of, w. of Hugh, ? dau. of Hen.
-, de Colville,
-, Hugh of,

Saleva (fl. 1066),

Salisbury, bp. of,


Salvation Army,

Sames manor, see Cottenham

Sandercook, fam.,

Sanderson, Nic.,

Sandhill brook,

-, Eliz., see Parke
-, Sir Miles, Bt.,
-, Sir Miles, his s.,

Savary, vicar of Oakington,

Savoy, Peter of, ld. of Richmond,

Sawin the hawker,


Sawtry, Wm., rector of Girton,

Sawtry (Hunts.), abbey,

Sayer, Wm., vicar of Waterbeach,

-, Sam.,
-, Wm., rector of Willingham,

-, John, vicar of Histon,
-, Thos., vicar of Histon,

-, Hardwin de,
-, Hugh de,
-, Ric. de,
-, Steph. de,
-, fam.,

Scambler, John,

Scarborough, John of, rector of St.
-, Mic., Long Stanton,

-, Francis (fl. 1559-64), rector of
-, Knapwell and of Lolworth,
-, Francis (d. 1646),
-, Francis (d. c. 1655), rector of
-, Knapwell,
-, Hen.,

-, British,
-, evening or night,
-, industrial,
-, school boards,
-, village colleges, see Cottenham;
-, Impington; Swavesey

Schweppes Ltd.,

Science Park, see Trinity College

scientific apparatus,

-, Eliz., see Bacon
-, Thos., see Bacon
-, - -, rector of Boxworth,

Scot, see Scott

-, king of,
-, queen of, see Joan
-, Scotsman,
-, war with,
-, and see Bannockburn; Edinburgh

Scotland nurseries,

Scott (Scot):
-, Eleanor, w. of Rob.,
-, Sir G. G.,
-, John (fl. 14th cent.), rector of Milton,
-, John (d. c. 1752),
-, Rob.,
-, fam.,

-, Agnes, see Harleston
-, Alex.,
-, Francis,
-, Joan, see Brown
-, Thos.,

-, Cath. le, w. of John, m. 2 Sir Ric.
-, Cholmley,
-, Sir Geof. le,
-, Hen. le, Ld. Scrope (d. 1506),
-, Hen. le, Ld. Scrope (d. 1533),
-, Hen. le, Ld. Scrope (d. 1592),
-, John le, Ld. Scrope (d. 1498),
-, John le, Ld. Scrope (d. 1549),
-, Marg. le, w. of Ric., m. 2 Wm.
-, Cressoner,
-, Ric. le, Ld. Scrope (d. 1403),
-, Ric. le, Ld. Scrope (d. 1420),
-, Roger le,
-, Wm. le, earl of Wiltshire,
-, fam.,

-, Dr. G. F. C.,
-, Hen.,
-, W. G., vicar of Oakington,
-, fam.,

seed merchants,

-, Gilb. de,
-, John de (d. 1325),
-, John de (d. 1353),
-, Marg. de, see Margaret
-, Sir Nic. de,
-, Steph. de (d. 1241),
-, Steph. de (d. 1325),
-, fam.,

Selby, Mr., minister of Oakington,

Seman, Geof.,

Sennitt, John,

serjeanty, tenure by,

services, see customs and services for
-, cross references

-, A.-S.,
-, Bronze Age,
-, depopulation and shrinkage,
-, Iron Age,
-, planned,
-, Roman,

Sexi (fl. 1066),

-, Alice, see Lisle
-, Edw., duke of Somerset,
-, Sir Thos.,

-, Sarah of, see Oakley
-, Simon of,
-, Thos. of,
-, fam.,

Shadwell, Thos.,

Shadworth, John,

Sharp, H. I., vicar of Swavesey,

-, Fred., curate of Fen Drayton,
-, John, rector of Conington,

sheep, breeds of, see Berkshire; Cam-
-, bridgeshire; Hampshire Down;
-, Leicester; Lincoln; Southdown

sheepfold and sheepwalk,

-, John of,
-, Wm. of,

Shelford, half-barony of,

Shelford, Gt.,

Shelford, Lit.,

Shenley (Herts.),

Shepherds, Ancient (soc.),

shepherds, common,

sheriff, Blacwine the, see Blacwine

sheriff, Eustace the, see Eustace

sheriff, Picot the, see Picot

sheriff's tourn, see Cambridgeshire;
-, Lolworth

Sherington, fam.,

Shewer, Mr. (fl. 1660s),


Shipwright, fam.,

Shire manor, see Madingley: Burdeleys

Shirland, Reynold, rector of Boxworth,

-, and see Chetwynd

-, Francis,
-, Joan, m. 1 John Hatton, 2 Hen. Hol-
-, ford,
-, John,
-, Rob.,
-, Thomasine, see Burgoyne
-, fam.,

Sidney Sussex College, Camb., master
-, of, see Chafyn, Wm.

sieve making,

Sigar (fl. 1066),

Simon the priest of Histon,

Simon son of Eve,

Simon son of Richard the constable,

Sinclair Research Ltd., n

-, Grace, w. of Guy,
-, Guy (d. 1694),
-, Guy (d. 1709),
-, Guy (d. 1761),
-, fam.,

Siward (fl. 1066), Earl Harold's man,

Siward (fl. 1066), Ely abbey's tenant,




Slade, Jas., curate of Willingham,

slander, pleas of,

Slegg, John, vicar of Histon,

Slingsby, Eliz., m. Adelard Cage,

Sluys, battle of,

Small Farmers' and Labourers' Land
-, Co.,

smallholdings, see Cambridgeshire
-, county council; Land Settlement
-, Association; Cottenham: Small
-, Holders' Soc.

Smedley, E. A., vicar of Chesterton,

-, Anne, m. Legh Masters,
-, Chas.,
-, Eliz., m. Hen. Hawley,
-, Elliott,
-, Emma Frances,
-, Hen. (d. c. 1527),
-, Hen. (fl. 1553),
-, Hen. (d. 1590),
-, Hen. (fl. 1600),
-, Hen. (fl. 1606, another),
-, Hen. (d. 1628, another),
-, Hen. (fl. 1650s), and his w.,
-, Hen. (fl. 19th cent.), vicar of All
-, Saints, Long Stanton,
-, Hilda,
-, Hugh,
-, Jas. (d. by 1715), rector of Cotten-
-, ham,
-, Jas. (fl. 1888-1925),
-, Jane, m. - - Perkin,
-, John (d. c. 1494),
-, his sons,
-, John (d. by 1638),
-, John (fl. 1838),
-, Josiah,
-, Rebecca, m. Paul Orchard,
-, Sam. (d. 1765), see Holworthy
-, Dr. Sam. (d. 1808), headmaster of
-, Westminster sch., rector of Dry
-, Drayton,
-, Sam. (d. 1832), rector of Dry Dray-
-, ton,
-, Dr. Sam. (d. 1841), dean of Christ
-, Church, Oxford, rector of Dry
-, Drayton,
-, Wm. (fl. 1499-1516), rector of
-, Elsworth,
-, Wm. (fl. 1615), rector of Willingham,
-, Wm. (fl. 1841-69), rector of Dry
-, Drayton,
-, Wm. (fl. 1874),
-, fam.,

Smiths manor, see Conington

-, Ann, w. of Geo.,
-, her sisters,
-, Edw.,
-, Geo.,
-, Mary, m. - - Mart,

Soame, Rob., master of Peterhouse,
-, Camb., rector of Girton, and
-, see Soham

soap and candle making,

Society for Promoting Christian
-, Knowledge,

Society for the Maintenance of the
-, Faith,

Society for the Propagation of the Gospel

-, John of,
-, Maud of, w. of John, ? dau. of Alice
-, of Beach,
-, fam., and see Soame

Soham (Cambs.),


Somerset, duke of, see Seymour, Edw.

Somerset: Bath and Wells, bp. of, see
-, Law

-, Anne of, see Colville
-, Dedric of,

Somery, Joan de, m. 1 Godfrey of
-, Crowcombe, 2 Ebles des Monts,

-, Gilb.,
-, John,
-, Thos.,
-, Wal.,
-, fam.,

sorcery and wizardry,

Soulbury (Bucks.),
-, Liscombe,

South Cambridgeshire district,

South Level,

Southdown sheep,

Southoe (Hunts.),
-, barony,

Sowkeild, Thos.,

Sowode, Wm., master of Corpus Christi
-, Coll., Camb., rector of Landbeach,
-, vicar of Madingley,

Spain, see Basque children

Spalding, Wm., rector of Dry Drayton,

Spalding (Lincs.),

-, Bowyer Edw., bp. of Ely,
-, his dau., m. Hen. Fardell,
-, J. H., rector of Cottenham,

-, Rob.,
-, fam.,

-, Fanny Eliz., w. of Jas.,
-, Jas.,
-, and see Eaden, Spearing, and Raynes

Speed, see Nutting -Speed

-, Erasmus,
-, Ursula, see Thursby

-, Sir John,
-, Mary, m. 1 Edw. Jermy, 2 Wm.
-, Astwood,
-, Thos., vicar of Over,

-, Arthur,
-, Arthur H. B.,
-, Fred. Hayne, rector of Papworth St.
-, Agnes,
-, Harvey Jas., rector of Papworth St.
-, Agnes,
-, Hen. Grace, rector of Papworth St.
-, Agnes,
-, Hen. Piper,
-, Lt.-Col. Herbert Harvey,
-, St. John Hen.,
-, Sarah Anne, see Grace
-, fam., and see Spurling

Spetchley brook,

-, Mary, w. of Rob.,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,

sports and pastimes, see angling;
-, athletics; bandy; beagling; bear-
-, baiting; billiards; boating; bowls;
-, bull-baiting; Conington: aero club;
-, cricket; cycling; dancing; dramatic
-, societies; film shows; football; fox-
-, hunting; golf; gymkhana; hockey;
-, horse-racing; ice hockey; Morris
-, dancing; motor cycle scrambles;
-, parascending; pigeon racing; plays;
-, rabbit shooting; road running; row-
-, ing; skating; skittles; swimming;
-, tennis; water sports

sports equipment making,

Sprot, fam.,

Sproule, J. R.,

Sprowle, - - (fl. 1890),

Spurgeon, C. H.,

Spurling, John, and see Sperling

-, W. T.,
-, Wm.,
-, Wm. Walcot,
-, Wright,
-, fam.,

Stafford, fam.,

Staffurth, W. A. E.,

Stamford (Lincs.),

-, (formerly Poynter), Hen.,
-, Hen. Peter,
-, John,
-, Persis, see Lens
-, Peter,
-, fam.,

-, Maj. A. S. W.,
-, C. O.,
-, his s.,
-, Edw., earl of Derby,
-, Geo., Ld. Strange,
-, Joan, w. of Geo.,
-, Thos., earl of Derby (d. 1521),
-, Thos. (d. 1525),
-, Wm., earl of Derby,

-, Agatha of, w. of John,
-, Amice of, dau. of Phil., m. Wm. of
-, Boxworth,
-, Amice, w. of ? father of Phil.,
-, John of (fl. before 1348),
-, John (fl. 1627-79), rector of
-, Knapwell,
-, Maud of, m. Hen. de Colville,
-, Phil. of (d. c. 1268),
-, Sir Simon of,
-, Wm., rector of Knapwell,
-, Wimar of,
-, fam.,

Stanton, Fen (Hunts.),
-, man.,
-, nonconf.,
-, sch.,

Stanton, Long,
-, n
-, airfield buildings and barracks,
-, bdry.,
-, bridge,
-, Brook End,
-, Campes man.,
-, char.,
-, Cheyneys man.,
-, ch.,
-, Church End,
-, Colvilles man.,
-, commons,
-, ct.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, drainage,
-, farms,
-, feast,
-, fen,
-, fields,
-, French Ladys man.,
-, Golden End,
-, Green End,
-, Gringleys man.,
-, guilds,
-, housing est.,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inns,
-, land in,
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, par. council, and see Longstanton
-, parishes of All Saints and St. Mic.,
-, pk.,
-, pop.,
-, rly.,
-, rectors,
-, rectories,
-, ho.,
-, residents,
-, roads in,
-, roads to,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, Tonys fee,
-, vicarage,
-, ho.,
-, vicars, and see Frend
-, village green,
-, Walwyns man.,
-, woodland,


Staundon, Wm.,

Steeple Morden, see Morden

Stephen, King,

Stephen, Breton count,

Stephen, chantry priest,

-, Dorothy, see Knight
-, Wm.,

-, Jas.,
-, Wm., rector of Girton,

Stevenson, G. G.,

-, Edw.,
-, Joan, m. Thos. Jermy,
-, John,
-, Margery, see Kirkby
-, Thos. (fl. 1579),
-, and see Stewart; Stuart; Styward

Stewart, Y. D., rector of Papworth St.
-, Agnes, and see Steward; Stu-
-, art; Styward

-, Agnes, see Maples
-, John,
-, and see Stucley; Stukeley

-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,

stint, see common

Stitles, John,

Stockdale, T. M.,

stocks (punitive),

Stokes, L.,

Stone, Nic.,

Storey, see Story

storm damage,

Stortford, Bishop's (Herts.),

Story (Storey):
-, Edw., bp. of Chichester,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos. (d. 1634),
-, Thos. (fl. 1653),

Stourbridge, see Cambridge

Stow (Lincs.),

Stow-cum-Quy, see Quy

Stow Longa (Hunts.),

-, Jas., rector of Milton,
-, Ric., vicar of Milton,

-, Ebles le, rector of Milton,
-, Eleanor le, see Monts
-, John le, Ld. le Strange (d. 1309),
-, John le, Ld. le Strange (d. 1311),
-, John le, Ld. le Strange (d. 1323),
-, John le, Ld. le Strange (d. 1397),
-, Maud le, w. of John, m. 2 Thos.
-, Hastang,
-, Ric. le, Ld. le Strange,
-, Roger le, Ld. le Strange (d. 1349),
-, Roger le, Ld. le Strange (d. 1382),
-, fam.,
-, arms,

Strange, Lds., see Stanley, Geo.;
-, Strange

straw-bonnet making,


Streatham (Surr.),

Street, G. E.,

Street Way,

Stretham, Osmund of, see Osmund

Stretham (Cambs.),

-, Eliz., see Granger
-, Wm.,

-, Elsie, w. of Francis W.-,
-, Francis, rector of Rampton,
-, Francis Warrington (d. 1939),
-, Francis Warrington- (d. 1967),
-, Francis Warrington- (fl. 1985),
-, Sam.,

Stuart, Jas., duke of Lennox and of
-, Richmond, and see Steward;
-, Stewart; Styward

Stucley (formerly Buck), Sir Geo.,
-, and see Stewkley; Stukeley

stud farm, see horse breeding

-, Nic. (d. by 1380),
-, Sir Nic. (d. 1394),
-, Sir Nic. (fl. 1408-48),
-, and see Stewkley; Stucley

Stukeley, Gt. (Hunts.),

-, Thos. (fl. 1522),
-, fam., and see Steward; Stewart;
-, Stuart

Suffolk, duke of, see Grey, Hen.

Suffolk, and see Brantham;
-, Brightwell; Bury St. Edmunds;
-, Grimston Hall; Newmarket; Pre-
-, ston

sugar beet,

-, Edw. Burtenshaw, 1st Ld. St. Leon-
-, ards,
-, Edw. Burtenshaw, 2nd Ld. St. Leon-
-, ards,

suit of court, see court

-, Cath., w. of Wm. Ric.,
-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,
-, Wm. Ric.,
-, fam.,

Surrey, and see Bermondsey; Little-
-, ton; Streatham

-, Chichester, bp. of, see Story, Edw.
-, and see Lewes

-, Marg., see Caldecote
-, Rob.,

Sutton (Cambs.),

Sutton, Long (Lincs.),


-, A.-S. rem.,
-, Bennetts man.,
-, berewicks, see Swavesey: man.
-, bdry.,
-, Boxworth End,
-, bridges,
-, burgages,
-, castle,
-, chant.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, mission ch.,
-, Church End,
-, commons,
-, ct.,
-, docks,
-, dom. archit.,
-, drainage,
-, fair,
-, farms,
-, feast,
-, fen,
-, fields,
-, fortification,
-, guilds,
-, Hobbledods man.,
-, housing est.,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inns,
-, lode,
-, man.,
-, berewicks or members,
-, ho.,
-, mkt.,
-, Middle Watch,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, par. council,
-, pop.,
-, port,
-, priory,
-, pub. services,
-, rly.,
-, rectory,
-, ho.,
-, residents,
-, roads in,
-, road to,
-, Rom. rem.,
-, rural dist.,
-, sch.,
-, and see Swavesey: village coll.
-, tithes,
-, Topleys man.,
-, town ho.,
-, vicarage,
-, ho.,
-, vicars,
-, village coll.,
-, village greens,
-, Wakefields man.,
-, workho.,

Swavesey General Farming -Dairy
-, Co. Ltd.,

-, Geof.,
-, John (d. 1439),
-, John (d. 1496), chaplain,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,


swineherds, common,

Swinford, Sir John,

Swing riots,

Syclyng, John, master of Christ's Coll.,
-, Camb., rector of Fen Drayton,

Sykes, A. A., rector of Fen Drayton,


-, Eliz., see Comyn
-, Ric.,


-, Anne, m. F. W. Rowley,
-, Hen., rector of Rampton,
-, Jas.,
-, Sir Jas. Nat.,
-, Jos.,
-, Rob. Cunningham,
-, S. A.,
-, Thos.,
-, Uriah,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
-, arms,


-, Gabriel,
-, Mary, see Radcliffe

temperance, and see Church (of
-, England) Temperance Society

-, Alex.,
-, Martha, m. John Harris,


Templeman, Peter,

tenants, see amercements; works

-, John, curate of Cottenham,
-, Thos., abp. of Canterbury,


tenures, see borough English; serjeanty;
-, widow's tenure

Tesco (firm),


Theobald, abp. of Canterbury,

Thirlwall, Connop, bp. of St. David's,
-, vicar of Over,

Thoday, I. F., father and son,

Thoday and Son,

Thomas 'of Brotherton', earl of Nor-
-, folk,
-, his dau., see Margaret

-, Roger,
-, Sam.,

Thorkell (fl. c. 1020), his w., and s.,

-, Arthur John,
-, Cath., w. of John,
-, Cecily, w. of Noel,
-, Edm. Bacon,
-, Capt. Edm. Hen.,
-, G. E. P.,
-, Geo. (d. 1827),
-, Geo. (d. 1852),
-, Geo. (d. 1875),
-, John, rector of Boxworth,
-, Noel,
-, fam.,

Thorold, Gilb. s. of, see Gilbert

-, Adam,
-, Agnes, w. of Adam,
-, Eliz., m. 2 Geo. Grave,
-, Thos.,

-, Eliz., see Frere
-, John,
-, Sir Rob. (d. 1372),
-, Sir Rob. (d. 1375), n
-, Sir Wm. (d. by 1372),
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1391),
-, fam.,
-, arms,


Thurcytel, abbot of Crowland,

-, Edm.,
-, Eliz., see Burgoyne
-, Thos. (d. 1543),
-, Thos. (fl. 1565-79),
-, Ursula, w. of Edm., m. 2 Erasmus
-, Spelman,

Thurstan son of Lustwine,

Tibbs, Wm., n

Tilbury (Essex),

Tillage, see Car Dyke

Tillard, J. A., rector of Conington,

Tilty (Essex), abbey,

Tinkler, John, rector of Landbeach,

tinplate works,


-, Jas.,
-, Jos. (d. 1861),
-, Jos. (fl. 1920),
-, fam.,


-, Alice de, m. 1 Guy Beauchamp, earl
-, of Warwick, 2 Wm. la Zouche,
-, Ld. Zouche,
-, Ralph (IV) de,
-, Ralph (V) de,
-, Rob. de,
-, Roger (III) de,
-, fam.,

Tonys fee, see Stanton, Long

Topleys manor, see Swavesey

Torpel, Roger,

Torvac Ltd.,

Toseland (Hunts.),

Tottenham (Mdx.),

Townsend, fam.,

Trafalgar House (firm),

trespass, pleas of,

Trimley St. Martin (Suff.), see Grim-
-, ston Hall

Tring (Herts.),

Trinity College, Camb.,
-, est.,
-, master, see Bentley
-, patronage,
-, Science Pk., in Chesterton,
-, Trinity Foot Beagles,

Trinity Hall, Camb.,
-, masters, and see Harvey

Trotter, Hen., rector of Graveley,
-, his children,
-, his w.,

-, Eleanor of, m. Ric. Enderby,
-, Everard of,
-, Sir Giles of,
-, Maud of, see Maud
-, Reynold of,
-, Sir Roger of (d. 1289),
-, Sir Roger (d. 1368),
-, Roger (d. 1378),
-, Sir Roger (d. 1415),
-, Sir Wal.,
-, Wm. of,
-, fam.,

Trumpington (Cambs.),

-, Joan, m. John Hore,
-, Ric.,
-, Rob.,
-, fam.,


turbary and turf, see peat

Turner, John, see Bowyer



U.S.A., president of, see Coolidge, Cal-
-, vin; and see Massachusetts; Phil-
-, adelphia

Ufi of Willingham,

Ulf (fl. 10th cent.),

Ulf (fl. 1066),

Umfrey, Joan,

-, C. W., vicar of Histon,
-, Rob.,
-, his sons,

Unilever (firm),


United Reformed Church,

Universities Mission for Central Africa,

-, W. J., Ltd.,
-, fam.,

Upton (nr. Peterborough, Northants.),

usher, Rob. the, see Robert

Vale, Wm., vicar of St. Etheldreda,
-, Histon,

-, Aymer de, earl of Pembroke,
-, Joan de, mother of Aymer,
-, John,
-, Mary de, see St. Pol
-, Rob.,

Varrier-Jones, Sir Pendrill,

Vaudeneye, Phil.,

Vaughan, Edw., rector of Papworth St.
-, Agnes,

-, Ambrose,
-, Edw., Ld. Vaux,
-, Eliz., see Cheyney
-, Geo.,
-, his w. and her father,
-, Nic.,
-, Thos., Ld. Vaux,
-, Wm., Ld. Vaux,
-, fam.,

-, Anketil,
-, Rob.,

-, David,
-, Sam.,

vee de naam,

vegetables, see horticultural shows; mar-
-, ket gardens

-, Francis,
-, fam.,

Vercelli (Italy), abbey,

-, Denise de, w. of Hugh,
-, Hugh de,
-, fam., earls of Oxford,

Vermuyden, Cornelius,

-, Marg., see Greville
-, Sir Ric.,
-, fam., Lds. Willoughby de Broke,
-, and see Peyto-Verney

Victoria, Queen,

Victoria Asylum, see Chesterton

village colleges, see Cottenham; Imping-
-, ton; Swavesey

Villiers, Geo., duke of Buckingham,

Vince, Sam., vicar of Milton,

Vinery Nurseries, see Alexandra Nur-
-, series

vineyards and vines,

Vipan, Capt. J. A. M.,

Vittels, Chris.,

-, Eliz., m. Mat. Kirby,
-, Sackville,

Wagstaff, fam.,


Waifs and Strays Soc.,

Wakefield, Wm.,

Wakefields manor, see Swavesey

Wales, prince and princess of, see Alex-
-, andra; Edward VII; Henry

Wales, see Aberystwyth; St. David's
-, North Wales,

-, Bryan, rector of Landbeach,
-, Francis,
-, Francis Augustus, rector of Dry
-, Drayton,
-, Ric., vicar of Chesterton,

Wallis, Sarah Ann,

Wallman, - - (fl. 19th cent.),


-, Alice,
-, Sir Rob.,

-, Cecily,
-, Hugh (fl. 1190s),
-, Hugh (d. by 1247),
-, Roger (fl. c. 1200),
-, Roger (d. by 1272),
-, Simon (fl. 1272-93),
-, Simon (fl. 1329),
-, fam.,

Walter, abbot of Ramsey,

Walter, vicar of Oakington,

Walter (fl. 1086), tenant of Count Alan,

Walter (fl. 1086), tenant of Picot,

Walter le Chamberlain, see Chamberlain

Waltheof, Earl,
-, his w., see Judith

Walwyn (Walwayn):
-, John (d. 1326),
-, Sir John (fl. 1342-7),

Walwyns manor, see Stanton, Long

Wanstead (Essex), Elm Hall,


Warden, Chipping (Northants.),

Warden, Old (Beds.),

Waresley (Hunts.),

Warfield, Ric., rector of Dry Drayton,

Warham, Wm., abp. of Canterbury,
-, rector of Cottenham,

Warkworth, John, master of Peter-
-, house, Camb., rector of Cotten-
-, ham,

Warkworth (Northants.),

Warkworth (Northumb.),

Warmex Ltd.,

Warr, de la, earls,

-, Chas., vicar of Over,
-, John, rector of Graveley,
-, Rob.,

warren, free,

warrens, and see rabbit
-, breeding

-, Revd. Percy,
-, Thos., vicar of Waterbeach,

Warrington-Strong, see Strong

-, Boer,
-, Montfortian rebels,
-, and see France; Scotland

Warwick, earls and ctss. of,
-, and see Beauchamp, Anne, Guy,
-, and Thos.

Warwickshire, see Astley; Barford; Co-
-, ventry; Idlicote

Washpit brook,

watch, and see police


water mills, see mills

water sports, and see
-, boating; rowing

-, n
-, abbey,
-, airfield (R.A.F.),
-, almsho., n
-, A.-S. rem.,
-, barracks,
-, bdry.,
-, bridges,
-, Causeway End,
-, char.,
-, Chittering,
-, ch.,
-, mission ch., see Waterbeach: fen
-, Clayhithe,
-, commons,
-, Cottagers' Assoc.,
-, ct.,
-, Denny, q.v.
-, Denny End (Winfold End),
-, dock,
-, dom. archit.,
-, drainage,
-, Elmney,
-, fair,
-, farms,
-, feast,
-, fen,
-, mission ch.,
-, Fen End,
-, ferry,
-, fields,
-, gas works,
-, Goose Hall,
-, guilds,
-, horticultural soc.,
-, housing est.,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inns or aleho.,
-, land in,
-, lodes,
-, man.,
-, Mill End,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, par. council,
-, pop.,
-, R.A.F., see Waterbeach: airfield
-, rly.,
-, rectors,
-, rectory,
-, residents,
-, roads in,
-, roads to,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, vicarage,
-, ho.,
-, vicars, and
-, see Masters, Rob.; Payne
-, village green,
-, village soc.,
-, Waterbeach Hall,
-, Waterbeach Level,
-, weirs,
-, wharf,
-, Winfold End, see Waterbeach: Denny
-, End
-, woodland,
-, workho.,

Waterhouse, Alf.,

Waterland, Theodore, rector and vicar
-, of Long Stanton,

Watkins, John, rector of Willingham,

-, John, master of Christ's Coll., Camb.,
-, rector of Elsworth,
-, Phil.,
-, Simon (d. 1601),
-, Simon (d. 1637),
-, Smith,

Wayman, fam.,


-, Aston,
-, Ric., vicar of Chesterton,

Webster, Thos., vicar of Oakington,
-, and see Fisher Webster

-, Anne, m. Sir John Cutts,
-, Dorothy, m. Edw. Pickering,
-, Humph.,
-, Matt.,

well boring,

Wellbrook laundry,

Wellington, duke of,

-, Joan, m. Sir Ric. Hastings,
-, Joan, w. of Ric., see Willoughby
-, Ric., Ld. Wells and Willoughby de
-, Eresby (d. 1470),
-, Ric. (d. 1598),
-, Rob.,

-, John of (fl. c. 1200),
-, John (d. 1589),
-, Marg., w. of Dr. Thos.,
-, Dr. Thos. (d. 1560),
-, Thos. (d. 1612),
-, Thos. (fl. 1635-55),
-, Sir Wm.,

West Burton, see Burton

Westley, fam.,

Westmacott, Ric.,

Westminster school, headmaster of, see
-, Smith, Dr. Sam. (d. 1808)

Westrope Bros.,

Westwick, - - (fl. 1279),

Westwick (Cambs.),
-, Belbouches man.,
-, bdry.,
-, bridge,
-, commons,
-, dom. archit.,
-, farms,
-, fields,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inn,
-, land in,
-, Lisles man.,
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, mill,
-, officers, man. or par.,

Westwick (cont.)
-, pk.,
-, pop.,
-, rly.,
-, residents,
-, roads in,
-, road to,
-, tithes,
-, Westwick Hall,

Westwick brook,

Wetenhall, Hen.,

-, Hen. of,
-, Thos. of,

Whaddon (Cambs.),

Whalley, Wm., rector of Landbeach,

Wheatley, Wm.,

Whibley, see Brimley, Whibley -Co.

-, Anne, m. Sir Francis Pemberton,
-, Dr. Benj., provost of King's Coll.,
-, Camb., rector of Milton,
-, his w.,
-, Chris.,
-, Sir Jeremy, Bt.,
-, Jeremy, his s.,
-, John,
-, Sir Paul, Bt.,

Whincop, Thos., rector of Elsworth and
-, of Lolworth,

-, Francis, bp. of Ely,
-, Sir Hen. A.,
-, and see Evelyn-White

Whiteage, Thos.,

-, Eliz.,
-, Rob.,
-, fam.,

Whitefield, Wm., rector of Conington,

Whitefriars (Lond.), see Powell of
-, Whitefriars

-, Geo.,
-, Ralph, rector of Papworth Everard,
-, - -, father and son,

-, Sir Geo.,
-, Wm. (d. 1678),
-, Wm. (d. 1684),

Whittaker, Geo., vicar of Oakington,

Wiborough, Thos., vicar of Impington,


widow's marriage,

widow's tenure,

wife selling,

-, Eliz., dau. of Eliz.,
-, Eliz., w. of ? John,
-, John,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Wigmore, Mortimer of, see Mortimer


Wilderspin, Jas.,

-, Harold Hen.,
-, J. A.,
-, John,
-, Mat.,
-, Wm. (d. 1800),
-, Wm. (d. 1827),
-, his sons,
-, Wm. Smith,
-, fam.,

-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

William I,

William son of Ansculf,

William son of Reynold,

William son of Robert the clerk,
-, his s., see Madingley, Sir Rob. of

William son of Roger,
-, his s., see Boxworth, Hen. of (d. after
-, 1223)

William (fl. 1086),

William, Benet s. of, see Benet

William, John s. of, see John

William, Roger s. of, see Roger

Williams, S. H.,

Williams Ellis, J. C., see Ellis

-, Edm. (d. 1775), rector of Lolworth,
-, Edm. (fl. 1839), rector of Lolworth,
-, John (fl. 1597),
-, Talbot,

Willingham, Ufi of, see Ufi

Willingham (Cambs.),
-, almsho.,
-, A.-S. rem.,
-, Aux mere, see Willingham: Oxe mere
-, Belsars Hill,
-, bdry.,
-, Bourneys man.,
-, bridges,
-, chant.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, commons,
-, ct.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, drainage,
-, farms,
-, fen,
-, Fen End,
-, fields,
-, guilds,
-, the Hermitage,
-, housing est.,
-, inc.,
-, ind. and trade,
-, inns and aleho.,
-, land in,
-, lode,
-, man.,
-, ho.,
-, Mill End,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, officers, man. or par.,
-, Oxe (Aux) mere,
-, par. council,
-, pop.,
-, prehist. rem.,
-, rly.,
-, rectors, and see Brad-
-, shaw, Nat.
-, rectory,
-, ho.,
-, residents,
-, roads in,
-, roads to,
-, Rockmill End,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, town ho.,
-, village green,
-, Willingham (or Over) mere,
-, woodland,

Willingham -District Permanent Be-
-, nefit Building Soc.,

Willingham Water and General Supply Co.,

-, Anne, see Cheyney
-, Blanche,
-, Eliz., m. Sir Fulke Greville,
-, Joan, m. Ric. Wells,
-, Joan, w. of Wm., see Holland
-, John, Ld. Willoughby de Eresby
-, (d. 1349),
-, John, Ld. Willoughby de Eresby
-, (d. 1376),
-, Sir John (d. 1477),
-, Rob., Ld. Willoughby de Eresby
-, (d. 1317),
-, Rob., Ld. Willoughby de Eresby
-, (d. 1396),
-, Rob., Ld. Willoughby de Eresby
-, (d. 1452),
-, Rob., Ld. Willoughby de Broke
-, (d. 1502),
-, Rob. (d. 1521),
-, Wm., Ld. Willoughby de Eresby,
-, fam.,

Willoughby de Broke, Lds., see Peyto-
-, Verney; Verney, fam.; Willoughby,
-, Rob.

Willoughby de Eresby, Lds. and Lady,
-, see Burrell, Priscilla; Wells, Ric.;
-, Willoughby, John, Rob., and Wm.


Willson, Geo., and see Wilson

-, John,
-, Mary, w. of Rob.,
-, Rob.,
-, Sir Thos., Bt.,
-, Sir Wm., Bt.,
-, his sisters,
-, fam.,

Wilmot, Geo.,

-, Kath. A.,
-, Ralph, vicar of Over,
-, fam., and see Willson

Wilton, earls of,

Wiltshire, earls of, see Boleyn, Thos.;
-, Scrope, Wm. le

Wiltshire, see Hilperton; Salisbury

-, Abraha, m. Francis Norton,
-, Chris.,
-, John,
-, Mary, w. of Chris.,
-, Sir Thos. (d. 1505),
-, Sir Thos. (d. 1551),
-, fam.,


Winchester, earls of, see Quincy, Roger
-, de and Saher de

Winchester fee, see Girton

-, Alice, m. 1 John Dacres, 2 Geo.
-, Rogers,
-, Cath., see Hobson

windmills, see mills: drainage, post,
-, smock, and tower

-, John,
-, Wm., Ld. Windsor,
-, fam.,

Windsor (Berks.),

wine silver,

Winfold End, see Waterbeach: Denny
-, End

-, Eliz., see Batisford
-, Humph.,
-, his daus.,
-, Ric.,

Winkfield, Ric., rector of Dry Drayton,


-, Francis, rector of Graveley,
-, Simon,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

wizardry, see sorcery

Wolf, fam.,

Wolsey, Thos., cardinal,

Womersley, W. D.,
-, his dau., see Burdett

-, Eliz., see Hatton
-, R. H.,
-, Thos. atte, master of Gonville Hall,
-, Camb., rector of Boxworth and
-, of Elsworth,
-, fam.,

Woodlark, Rob.,


Woolley, H. B., rector of Long Stanton,

Worcester, bp. of,

workhouses, see Chesterton; Drayton,
-, Dry; Elsworth; Milton; Over; Swa-
-, vesey; Waterbeach

Works, Ministry of,

works, tenants',
-, n,
-, 'sulbanes',

-, Mary, w. of Wm.,
-, Wm. (d. 1704),
-, Wm. (d. 1709),
-, fam. and est.,

-, Eliz., w. of Wm., m. 2 T. H. Naylor,
-, Capt. Francis Wm.,
-, (later Wragg Gurney), Johanna Cor-
-, nelia, w. of Francis Wm., m. 2
-, T. T. Gurney,
-, John,
-, Mary, w. of Wm.,
-, Wm. (d. 1804),
-, Wm. (d. 1829),
-, his dau.,
-, Wm. (d. 1859),
-, (later Wragg Gurney), fam.,

Wragg Gurney, see Wragg, Johanna
-, Cornelia and fam.

Wren, Mat., bp. of Ely,

Wright, Hen.,

writs, return of, see return of writs

Wulfwig, bp. of Dorchester,

Wulfwine the mead-maker,

Wykeham, Wm. of, bp. of Winchester,

Wymark, Rob. s. of, see Robert

-, John,
-, fam.,

Yellaton, Lewis, vicar of Oakington,

Yelling (Hunts.),

York, dchss. of, see Holland

York, abp. of, see Booth, Lawr.; Hutton,
-, Mat.; Musgrave, Thos.

-, Adm. Sir Jos. Sydney,
-, Phil., earl of Hardwicke,
-, Phil. Chas., earl of Hardwicke (d.
-, 1873),
-, Phil. Chas., earl of Hardwicke (fl.
-, 1874),

Yorkshire, and see Beverley;
-, Harrogate; Hipswell; Leeds

Young, fam.,

-, John,
-, fam.,

Yutt, fam.,


-, Alan la (d. 1270),
-, Alan la (d. 1314),
-, Alan la (d. 1346),
-, Alice la, see Tony
-, Amaury la,
-, Eleanor la, w. of Alan, m. 2 Sir Nic.
-, d'Amory,
-, Ellen la, w. of Alan,
-, Hugh la,
-, Joan la, w. of Hugh, m. 2 Sir John
-, Pelham,
-, Joyce la, dau. of Wm.,
-, Margery la, m. Rob. FitzRoger,
-, Roger la (d. 1238),
-, Roger la (d. by 1296),
-, Wm. la, allegedly s. of Roger,
-, (formerly Mortimer), Wm. la, Ld.
-, Zouche,
-, fam.,
-, arms,