Survey of London: Volume 9, the Parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, Part I. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1924.
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Minnie Reddan, Alfred W Clapham, 'St. Helen's Bishopsgate: Floor slabs within the church', in Survey of London: Volume 9, the Parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, Part I(London, 1924), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
Minnie Reddan, Alfred W Clapham, 'St. Helen's Bishopsgate: Floor slabs within the church', in Survey of London: Volume 9, the Parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, Part I(London, 1924), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
Minnie Reddan, Alfred W Clapham. "St. Helen's Bishopsgate: Floor slabs within the church". Survey of London: Volume 9, the Parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, Part I. (London, 1924), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
72. WILLIAM DRAX, 1669.
On the lamented death of his honoured friend William Dra[x]
Esq, who exchanged this life for immortality Decemb 17
1669 in the 63 yeare of his Age
To thy deare memory blest soule İ paie
This humble tribute though in such away.
As reather doth proclaime my want of skill.
Than any want of loue of heart, or will.
True to thy trust, none in our memory.
Can charge the more or less with treuchery.
Bringe forth the p[er]son, Rich, poore, old, or Younge.
That can iustly say he ever did them wronge.
In others weal or woe thy heart
Would simputhies and take its part.
Oh whats more like the Deity.
Than Blessed hoary piety
A soule fitted for heauen when glorio(us) (g)race
Triumphs with him, in his sure restinge (pla)ce
But is he dead can I beleeue
That he should die and we should liue
Methinks we may the knot vntie
Better to liue fitter to dye.
Now death I see doth wisely chuse.
The gold but doth the drofs refuse.
Weepe not as without hope, cry not alass
Hees better where he is than where he was
Hearke, is not that his voice: doth not he say
Heauens meanest mansion is worth this Globe of clay
Who so doth liue, and doe and die like thee
His fame shall last to all (eter)nity
Achievement of arms at top.
Arms: Checky on a chief three marigolds (?) impaling a stag's head caboshed.
Crest: a demi-dragon rampant holding a scroll.
73. WILLIAM FINCH, 1672.
Gvilielmi Finch non ita
pridem mercatoris Lon
dinensis necnon Esther
castissima conjvgis qvod re
liquum est siste parvm via
tor et svspice marmor ex adver
so positvm docebit qvid de ta
lo Viro sentiendvm et qvid de
tali fœmina abi viator & pro
priæ mortis memor qva [ ]
lavde digna [i - - c - si dvio i.m.iii]
Arms at head of slab: (Argent), a cheveron (sable) between 3 griffons (sable).
E[dvard]vs Berkley
obij[t] [8] maij
Arms at head of slab: (Gules) a cheveron (argent), between six crosses formy (argent) with five martlets on the cheveron impaling parted bendwise two piles counter coloured.
75. GEORGE FINCH, 1710.
Here lyeth Interrd the Body
of George Finch of Valentine
in Essex Esqr: who Dyed the 5
of October 1710 aged 48 who
was Son to William Finch of
this Parish Esqr: & Married to
constance the Daughter of
Nathanil Horneby Citizen
of London by whome he had five
Sons & one Daughter where of
James & Henry Dyed young & ly
Buried near this Place the Rest
Survived him.
Achievement of arms above. Arms: (Argent), a cheveron (sable) between three griffons (sable). Crest: A griffon.
Here Lyeth Interred the Body of
Mrs. Iane Gaussen late wife of
Peter Gaussen Esqr of this Parish
Merchant; who departed this Life
the 4th day of Ianuary 1747
Aged 71 Years.
Also the Body of PETER GAUSSEN
Esqr. Husband of the aforesaid who
Died Sepr. 17th. 1759 Aged 82 Years
Ann Maria Gaussen Obit 24 June 1767
Æt Six Years 7 Months & 3 Days.
Paul Gaussen. Obit Jany. 17th 1774
Aged 16 Years.
Grand Nephew of the above
Peter Gaussen Esqr.
and Brother to ANN MARIA.
Mr. Peter Gaussen. Iunr. Obiit Octr. 28th. 1781 Æt.
Achievement of arms above. Arms: (Azure) on a mount (vert) a
lamb (argent) on a chief (argent) three bees (proper).
Crest: a hive of bees.
Here lyeth Interr'd the Body
of Mrs: Magdalene Berchere
Wife of
James Lewis Berchere Esqr.
of this Parish who departed this Life
the 23d: Decembr: 1750, Aged 77 Years.
And also the Body of the above said
James Lewis Berchere, EsqR:
who departed this Life the 3d. May
1753 Aged 83 Years.
Enriched cartouche of arms above. Arms: A moor's head cut off at the neck between three pierced molets of six points impaling quarterly 1st and 4th. On a castle a running beast (? greyhound), 2nd and 3rd three bars wavy. Motto: Memoria pii eterna.
78. JAMES STANIER, 1663.
H. S. L.
Iacobvs Stanier huiusce
Civitatis Mercator satis Insignis
Xbris XVI clolocLxiii cum vixisset An Lix
Nec non
Thomasina Vxor Ejus Quæ obijt
—bris [cio i]o ocLxxvi
Ætat Sua lx[ii]
Conjugale Foedus quam Pijssime
inter se Coluere
Annos circiter xxv
quibus Procreati funt iv Filii ac
totidem Filiæ
sors intermittit Vitam non Eripit
Veniet iterum qui Nos in Lucem
Reponat Dies
Coat-of-arms: (Azure) a cheveron between three horse-bits (argent) impaling a cheveron between . . . .
79. Entrance to a Vault.
Pew 80. e into M nards
81. CLARKE, 1773.
A slab commemorating two members of the Clarke family who died in 1773 and 1779 respectively. The slab is half covered by a screen.
82. GEORGE BRIGGS, 1663.
In obitum Georgij Briggs [A]rmigeri
qui obiit 21 die Ianuarij 1663
Belliger hicce jacet, vox cœlo sola locuta est
Dux es cœlestis, nates, uterq deo
Merecator quondam, nulli pietas secundus
Pallida mors merces viribus arma rapit
Indi te plorant, plorat charissima conjux
Quis lachrymas alter cafa doloris mest
Arms: A crown between three roundels impaling a fess between three formy crosses with three roundels on the fess.
83. HENRY RAPER, 1674.
Henery Raper Esqr, Citizen,
and grocer of London dec
eased ye 17th of Ianvar 1674
in the 68 yeare of his age
where whith him selfe lyes
interd and fower of his
grand children by Elizabeth
his davghter Elizabeth
Beniamin Henry and Ann
Coles Obyt 1663 1665
1667 1668
Eliza 1675 Eliza 167—
& Benj Coles 8th March
Sarah Coles Aged I year
5 months Dyed ye 27th Iune 1681
Hannah Coles Daughter of Benj
Coles Aged 6 Yeares & 20 Days
Departed Her life the 17 of Aprill
Shield of arms above: Quarterly of six (charges defaced)
Here ly[eth] S[ir] [Martin]
Lvmley K[ni]g[ht]
[s]ome time Lor[d] M[ayor]
of [lon]don. . . . .
This ly[fe] [16. .]
85. MP. TP. Vault Stone.
lieth Interr'd
Elizabeth Daughter of
John and Mary Dale
who died the 29th. Day of May 1764
Aged two Years and 5 Months
John Son of the above
John and Mary Dale
who died the 2d. Day of June 1764
Aged 1 Year and 1 Month
Likewise here lieth Interr'd the Body
of Mr John Dale
Father to the abovemention'd Children
who Departed this life on the
7th. Day of October 1767
Aged 38 Years.
87. JOSEPH PORTAL, 1820.
88. THOMAS EDWARDS, 1716, and JANE his wife, 1720.
hic ivxta
co. . . . r reliq
[th]om[as] edward[s]
iane vxoris [suae]
qv[i] obiit. .
haec. xiii. die. aprili[s] ad. [md]cc . . .
ille xxvii. die febrv[a]rii. ad. md[c]c . . .
m. . m.
p. n p. i. i. n.
omnes eodem co[gimvr]
Hoc sub Marmore
Sepultus jacet
Thomas Burdett Armiger
Qui in Urbe Londinensi
Per Annos prope 48
Mercaturam laudate honesteque
Summa quoq Benevolentia Morumq Suavitate
Æstimationem omnium quibuscum ibidem degebat unde
Sibi facile comparavit
Sed Podagra. variisque Morbis satis vehementer diuque
Animam efflavit
3: Feb: Ann: Dom: 1772
Ætat: 78
In cvjvs Memoriam
Soror sua Domina Otger Vidva
Mœrens Posvit.
Hic etiam Sepultus Jacet
Carolus Burdett D.D.
Obijt Decemb 1st. 1772
Ætat 74.
Here Lieth Interr'd the Body of
Mr. George Harrison
of this Par[is]h who Departed this
Life December the 5th. 1745
Aged 41. Years.
91. VAULT STONE [Name defaced.]
92 Mrs MARY PAYNE, 1747.
Here Rests the mortal Remains of
Mrs; Mary Payne the beloved wife of
Mr Thomas Payne of this Parish
who Departed this life Octor: 7th: 1747
Aged 46 Years
as Also Alice Payne Daughter of
Mr; Thos: & Mrs: Mary Payne obijt: June
22d: 1746, Aged 9 Years and 4 Months
Thos: Payne fon of Mr: Thos: & Mrs: Mary
Payne Obijt; Augft: 5th: 1753. Aged
11 Years & 2 Months.
Silent Grave; to thee I trust
These Precious Piles of Lovely dust
Keep them safely; Sacred Tomb
Till a Father, asks for Room.
Here also lieth the Body of
Mr; Thomas Payne, Husband of the
above-said Mrs: Mary Payne wh[o]
Departed this life Ma[rc]h . . 1766
Aged 64 Years having been an
Inhabitant of this Parish 30 Years.
And [also] here lieth the Body of
Mrs; Margaret Payne
Widow of the abovesaid Mr. THOMAS PAYNE Gent
who departed this life Novbr the 13th 1777
93. JOHN MORGAN, 1809.
94. GEORGE KELLUM, 1672.
Here Lyes the Bodye of
George Kellum Esq of this
Parish whoe deceased the 30
Of Aprill A° 1672 Being then
aged 48 yeare. and here
alsoe Lyes interred seuerall
of his Children
Here also lies the Body of
his Wife Katherine Kellum
who died ye 14 of Octobr 1703.
Achievement of arms above. Arms: (Gules) a crowned double leopard rampant (argent) with one head. Crest: A crowned leopard's head.
Here lies the Body of
Katherine Kellum Spinster eldest
Daughter of Geo Kellum Esqr. of
this Parish who died April the 16.
1717. Aged 70 Years
Rest Virtuous Maid
Till time shall be no More
Then God this Body
Glorious will Restore.
Inscription to others added after 1800.
Achievement of arms above. Arms: a crowned double leopard rampant with one head within a border impaling a bend. Crest: A crowned leopard's head.
96. SARAH TRYON, 1686.
Here Lyeth Interr'd
the body of Mrs.
Sarah Tryon
one of ye Daughters of
Moses Tryon of Harring-worth
in ye County of Northampton Esq
who departed this life ye 12th
day of February
Anno D'ni. 1686
Ætatis suæ 84
Lozenge of arms above: (Azure) an embattled fesse (or) between six stars (or).
97. JAMES TAYLOR, 1761.
Here lies Interred the Bod [y of]
Masr James Taylor.
Son of Nicholas Taylor Esqr
of the Island of St Christophers
who died April 17th. 1761 Aged 12 Years
Also Alexander Douglas Esqr
who died August the 31st. 1797
In the 67th. Year of his Age.
(And others after 1800.)
Undern[eath] this Stone
Lyeth interred ye Body
of Tho[mas Cha]mberlin
Purviou[r to his] present
Majestie [who de]ceased
May the 3d 16[ ]
Aged 27 yeare[s]
Here also Lyeth interred
Ye body of Mary his Wife
who Dyed Ye 24th of Sept 16[86]
Aged 39 years
99. MARY BACKWELL, 1670. And others.
Here Lies
Mary the second wife of Edward Backwell esq
late alderman of this city
who died june 4 1670
by whom he had three sons and three daughters
Richard Barnaby Leigh
Mary Anne and Jane
here also lies
Mary the wife of the said Richard Backwell esq
who died jan 19. 1712.
and left three sons and two daughters
Richard Barnaby Dencome
Mary and Susanna.
as also
Barnaby Backwell esq
son of the above Richard Backwell [esq]
who died march 25 1723
Richard Backwell esq the father
who died april 26 1731. ei. lxvii
to whose memories
this stone is dedicated
Richard Backwell [Th . . . . . . . ]
Achievement of arms above. Arms: (Argent) on a cheveron (sable) three covered cups (or). Crest: A demi-horse [?] rampant rising from a mural crown.
100. SAMUEL STONE, 1816.
102. JOANE DEBOUSY, 1649.
Ioane debovsii wife of Frederick
Debovsij. cittizen & haberdasher
of London was here bvried the
25th daye of October 1649
The iust shall be had in
euerlasting remembrance.
103. Mrs. MARGARET GOSLING, 1809.
104. JOHN BROWN, 1746.
Here Lies Interr'd the Body of
[J]ohn Brown Esqr. who Departed
[t]his Life March the 2d: 1746 Aged
65 Years.
Also John Charles Burges
who died the 22d: of Novr: 1756
Aged 5 Months and 5 Days
Likewise the Body of Margaret Brown
Relict of the above John Brown Esq
who died the 19th March 1757. Aged 6
And al[s]o Mrs. Margaret Burges
Daughter of the above John a[nd]
Margaret Brown who died th[e]
. . . March 1761 Aged 30
105. GEORGE KELLUM, 1732.
The Honble Major General
George Kellum
Achievement of arms above as No. 94.
The Entrance
of Henry. Durley Esqr.
Iany the 10th. 1716
107. Undecipherable.
108. JOHN JOURDAIN, 1706.
Here [Lyeth Interr'd the Body of]
[John J]ourdain of Rochelle
who [depa]rted ye life ye 9th. Octobr.
1706 In ye 77th year of his Age
& Gideon ye grandson of the
Abovesaid departed this life ye 7th [of]
august [170]8 In ye 16th [year of his Age]
[Also . . . . . . wife of]
Lewis Jourdain & Mother of
the Abovesaid Gideon departd.
this life ye 3d. of Ianvary 1710
[in] the 49th. year of Her Age
109. REGINA WOOLFE, 1691/2.
Here lyeth ye body of Regin(a)
Woolfe, late daughter of Iohn
Woolfe of London Meret &
Regina his wife who was
Borne ye 1 Febr 169091 & departed
Ye 19 of ye same month
Allso Lvcie Woolfe their other
Daughter who was borne the 4th
February 1689 & departed this
Life the 2 . . .th day of Ianuary 1691
And Regina Woolfe . .
Mother of the Two Children
Above who Departed this li(fe)
The 28th day of Ianuary 169½
Aged 37 years.
110. Name hidden under organ.
111. Surname hidden under organ.
Hester his wife & 4 Sonnes
Abraham Thomas Charles
& Richard.
(And one after 1800.)
112. JOHN TUFNELL, 1686. (Removed from St. Martin Outwich.)
Within this Vault Lyeth Interr'd ye Body of
Iohn Tufnell Esqr. who Departed this life
(remainder hidden under organ.)
Achievement of arms above. Arms: (Azure) a fess (argent) between three ostrich feathers (argent), with three martlets (sable) on the fess impaling on a pile three gloves. No crest.
113. MARY GEORGE, 1777.
Here under lieth the Body [of]
Mary the Wife of
Henry George of this Parish
who Died the 23d of Sepr 1777
Aged 30 Years
MR Henry George
Died 14 January 1801
Aged 89 Years