St. Helen's Bishopsgate: Monuments within the church

Survey of London: Volume 9, the Parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, Part I. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1924.

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Minnie Reddan, Alfred W Clapham, 'St. Helen's Bishopsgate: Monuments within the church', in Survey of London: Volume 9, the Parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, Part I(London, 1924), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

Minnie Reddan, Alfred W Clapham, 'St. Helen's Bishopsgate: Monuments within the church', in Survey of London: Volume 9, the Parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, Part I(London, 1924), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

Minnie Reddan, Alfred W Clapham. "St. Helen's Bishopsgate: Monuments within the church". Survey of London: Volume 9, the Parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, Part I. (London, 1924), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

In this section


Starting from the east end of the nuns' quire with the two altar tombs upon a slightly raised platform.



Altar tomb by Nicholas Stone, (fn. 1) with plain white marble sides, flat pilasters at the angles, and simple moulded base. It is surmounted by a slab of touch with three inscriptions in Latin on white marble. The top inscription takes the form of a deed with a large seal attached. Upon the seal appears in relief a shield with the following:

Arms: (Gules) three cinquefoils, (argent) a chief with three cinquefoils therein counter-coloured.

Crest: a dolphin swimming in the sea.

(For the inscriptions see opposite page.)

Facsimile of inscription to Sir Julius Cæsar.


An altar tomb of white marble with fluted sides of shaped section, with enriched moulded base and capping supporting a mottled marble slab on which is cut the name, Sir Thomas Gresham, with the date of his burial, but no other inscription. Upon the north side of the tomb is an oval shield of arms flanked by a pair of cherubs with ornamental strap-work borders of fruit and flowers. Upon the south side is a shaped shield of arms with helm and mantling in high relief upon a panel with ornamental strap-work borders. At the east end is an oval shield of arms upon a panel with cut and shaped strap-work borders, enriched with fruit and flowers. At the west end is a shield of arms with helm and mantling in high relief similar to those upon the north side.


(i) (S) (Argent) a cheveron (sable) ermined (argent) between three rowels argent (Gresham).

(ii) (S) Gresham impaling (or) on a bend (vert) three buck's heads (argent) (Fernely).

(iii) (E) As (ii) and (iv) (W) as (i).

Crest: A grasshopper.

On the marble slab is inscribed:

SR Thomas Gresham Knight.

Buryd Decembr the 15th 1579


A tablet erected in 1877, the former monument being almost entirely destroyed. It apparently incorporates portions of the original work.


Wall-monument of marble with Ionic columns at the sides supporting an entablature and curved broken pediment with a cartouche of arms. In the middle is an inscription on black marble within an oval wreath of bay leaves. Below a projecting moulded shelf is a second inscribed panel between a pair of moulded corbels each with a cherub's head upon it. Below this again on an apron is a shield of arms and swags.


(i) (Argent) a cheveron (sable) between three griffins passant (sable).

(ii) (i) impaling (argent) a cross engrailed (sable) between four pellets each charged with a pheon (argent).

The inscription is as follows:

Siste Gradum
Peripatetice, & paulisper contemplare,
Ornatissimi Microcosmi heu! breves reliquias
Nunc in pulverem redacti olim
Guilielmi Finch, Armigeri antiquâ & data
in Agro Cantij Familia oriundi
Naturæ & Gratiœ dotibus egregie nobilitati Ad Oris Corporisq.
Venustatem accessit maior Animœ pulchritudo optimis virtutibus insignitæ Quas in Christianæ Religionis testimonium et decus luculenter
usque exernit
Eximia in Deum. O. M. Pietate erga Sacros Pastores. summā
Reverentia, Fidelitate in Principem, Justitia in Proximum Conjugali
Paternacq Indulgentia Singulari in Familiares affectu integerrima pro
pensa in Omnes Benevolentia; Linguâ castus et candidus manu supra
fidem Liberalis; Nemini turpiter obloqui, aut obtrectare solitus omnibus
benefacere, inprimis Egenis absqb, prœcinente buccina, Eleemosynis pariter ac
Thesauris plenus, quos probe accumulatos in Terra plurimos prudens Mercator
in Cœlo recondidit, Vitam tandem commutandis aliquandiu mercibus pros
pere transactam
42 Ætatis annum emensus Jun 27. 1672
Meliori quæstu cum Morte comutavit.
Relictis & bonœ spei Parvulis cum dilectissima et
Amantissima Uxore quæ in perpetuam tam chari Capuis Me
moriam Monumentum hoc, constantissimi Amoris Pignus, extruendum curavit, Ipsa interim mœrore cum Illo consepulta

Abi iam attonitus Viator, & mirare
tam probum in tam pravo seculo Virum,
aut vivere potuisse, aut debuisse

Esther Finch Foemina castissima, Viro morigera, et curæ domesticæ dulce levamen Liberorvm (quos septem reliquit) Mater provida, Sincera pietate, alacri erga tenuiores benignitate, libera litate in omnes, morvm denique sanctitate conspicva. Viri (dvm in vivis esset) decus simul et solamen; defvncti, Vidua svpra qvamdici potest moestissima. Vixit Annos 41. Menses 5. demp tis Diebus 11. Obiit Maii Die 4. ANNO SALVTIS 1673.


A combined monument, squint and Easter sepulchre, in the form of a recessed altar-tomb. The base, now set very high up, owing to the lowering of the floor level, has six cinquefoiled openings in front and one on each return; a further series of mullions at the back opened into the sacristy. A moulded slab of hard stone surmounts this base, and on it rest the two side shafts of the canopied recess. This recess has a square moulded outer head surmounted by a moulded cornice covered with foliage and having the remains of a cresting of flowers; the heads of the side shafts are masked by two defaced shields. The soffit of the recess is contrived as a four-centred arch set on the splay and having cusped panelling continued down the jambs. At the back of the recess is a rectangular sinking for an inscribed plate, now missing.


The will of Johane Alfrey, widow, 1525 (P.C.C., 5 Porch) refers specifically to the remaking of this monument and Easter sepulchre. She desires to be buried in the "quere under a tumbe in the walle stonding before the image of Saint Helyn whereuppon the Sepulcre of our Lord hath ben yerely used to be sett. And for the same cause specially I will that the said tumbe be newe made by myn executors . . . a stone to be laide upon the grave of my late husbonde William Ledys making mencion who lyeth buried under the same stone . . . a table conteyning thre ymages, that is to say the ymage of the Trinitie to be in the myddes of the same table and the ymage of our Lady to be on the right side of the same Trinitie and the ymage of saint Kateryn to be on the left side of the same Trinitie and that in the same table be well and workmanly wrought and paynted an ymage of a gentilwoman kneling holding hir handes joyntly togiders and loking upon the said ymages with an oracion to be written in letters upon the same table and the same table to be fastened upon the walle bitwene my said tumbe and the ymage of Saint Helyn." Johane was wife first of William Ledys and secondly of Thomas Alfrey of Lancing, Sussex. The identity of the existing monument with that mentioned in the will is rendered certain by the record by Hatton of two coats-of-arms on an old monument in this position—(a) a fess between three eagles displayed, the arms of Leeds, and (b) a cheveron between three anulets.


6. WILLIAM BOND, 1576.

A small mural monument of two bays divided and flanked by Corinthian columns resting on a panelled and inscribed base of quadrant section and supporting an entablature and a broken pediment with a round cartouche in the middle, enclosing a shield of arms. In the recesses between the columns are kneeling figures of a man and six sons (on the left) and his wife and one daughter (on the right) with a desk on each side of the middle column; above the figures are a shield and lozenge of arms.


(i) Argent on a cheveron sable three bezants. A crescent for difference. Crest: A seated lion.

(ii) (i) impaling gules a cheveron argent between three birds argent (?) with three lozenges gules on the cheveron.

(iii) The impaled coat of (ii).

Upon the front of the base, upon the left-hand side, is inscribed:

Flos mercatorvm, qvos terra Britana creavit, écce, svb hoc tvmvlo Gvlielmvs Bondvs hvmatvr. ille mari mvltvm passvs per saxa, per vndas ditavit patrias peregrinis mercibvs oras. Magnanimvm Græci mirantvr Iasona vates avrea de Gelido retvlit qvia vellera Phasi.

Upon the right-hand side:

Graecia docta tace Graii concedite vates: hic jacet Argolico mercator Iasone maior. vellera mvlta tvlit magis avrea vellere Phryxi Et freta mvlta scidit magis ardva Phasidos vndis. hei mihi qvod nvllo mors est svperabilis avro flos mercatorvm, Gulielmvs Bondvs humatvr.

Beneath the Sarcophagus upon the left-hand side:

Heere liethe the bodie of Will'm Bonde alderman somtime shreve of london a marchant adventvrer

On the right-hand side:

moste famovs in his age for his greate adven tvres bothe by sea and lande obiit 30 may 1576.

7. PETER GAUSSEN, 1788, and others.

Above (5) is a plain rectangular inscribed tablet, recessed at the sides, with a moulded cornice and a shaped apron with a shield of arms and foliage. Above the cornice is a pyramidal slab with figures in high relief of a woman (probably Charity) holding a medallion portrait of the deceased and with three children below. Twined about the figures is a broad ribbon.

Arms: Sable a lion (?) passant or (?) on a chief or (?) three . . . impaling a defaced coat.

The inscription runs:

This monument was erected to the memory of
he closed a life of benevolence
by a death of patience and resignation
the 20th Nov:R 1788, aged 66 years.

Here are likewise deposited the remains of
Peter gaussen Esq who died 17th. Septr. 1759,
Aged 82 Years.
And iane gaussen Wife of the last mentioned
who died 4th. Iany. 1747, Aged 71 Years, Uncle and Aunt
to the first mentioned Peter Gaussen.
Likewise anna maria gaussen who died the 24th. Iune, 1767,
Aged 6 Years and 6 Months.
Paul gaussen who died 17th Iany. 1774, Aged 16 Years.
peter gaussen who died 28th Octr. 1781, Aged 25 Years.
Children of the first mentioned Peter Gaussen Esq.
Anna maria gaussen Widow of Peter gaussen esq.r.
Obt. December 6th 1804 in the 70th. Year of her Age.

8. MARTIN BOND, 1643.

A wall monument flanked by Corinthian columns resting on carved trussed corbels and supporting separate entablatures and a broken segmental pediment with an achievement of arms in the middle. Between the columns is a rectangular panel with a camp scene in high relief. In the middle is the armed figure of the deceased seated in the entrance of a tent; at the sides are sentries armed as musketeers, and to the left is a horse and groom; below the panel is an enriched apron with an inscribed tablet and shield of arms; a third shield of arms hangs at the back of the tent.


(i) Argent, a cheveron sable with three bezants thereon.

(ii) The Merchant Venturers' Company.

(iii) As (i).

The inscription is as follows:

Memoriæ Sacrvm
Neere this place resteth ye body of ye worthy Cittizen & Solder
Martin Bond Esq son of Will' Bond Sherife & Alderman of London
he was Captaine in ye yeare 1588 at ye campe at Tilbury & after remained
cheife Captaine of ye trained Bandes of this Citty vntil his death
He was a Marchant Adventver & free of ye Company of Haberdasher,
He lived to the Age of 85 yeares and Dyed in May 1643
His Pyety Prvdence Covrage and Charity, have left
behinde him a Never Dyeing Monvment

Quam Prudens hic Miles erat quam Nobile Rectus,
Nouerunt Princeps Patria Castra Duces
Ciui quanta fuit Pietas, quam larga Manusq
Pauperis agnoscunt viscera Templa Togœ,
Miles hic et ciuis qualem Vix millibus Unum
Sæcla referre queant nec meminisse Parem

Patrvo bene merito Gvlielmvs Bond Armiger posvit.


A plain inscribed tablet with a marble border carried on a small pair of corbels and surmounted by a simple moulded cornice and a black marble pyramidal slab with an urn in front of it.

near this spot
are deposited the remains
Henry Peter Kuhff Esquire,
who departed this life
october the 10th 1796
in the 70th: year of his age.
Peter Kuhff his son
who died
January the 10th: 1786,
in his 7TH year.
Frederick Charles Kuhff Esquire,
who died
march the 11th: 1792
aged 50 years.



A wall monument with an inscribed tablet of black marble, with gilt lettering, in the middle and a moulded border flanked by a pair of Corinthian columns resting on trusses and supporting an entablature with a segmental broken pediment, and an achievement of arms. The apron has an inscribed tablet and a scrolled enrichment at the base.


(i) Sable, a couched stag looking backward with a moor-cock rising between its antlers argent impaling (dexter) Glover and (sinister) Hammersley.

(ii) Azure, a fess embattled and counter-embattled ermine between three crescents argent (Glover, first wife).

(iii) Sable, a couched stag looking backwards argent (Mortoft without the moor-cock).

(iv) Gules, three rams' heads cut off at the neck or (Hammersley, second wife).

(v) Mortoft (as iii) impaling Glover.

(vi) Mortoft (as iii) impaling Hammersley.

The inscriptions are:

I shall see God in my flesh
Neere vnto this place lyeth buryed
the body of Valentine Mortoft Esq.
haveing lived comfortably wth. two
wives: The first Ellen Glover, by
whome hee had William, who was
liveing at his death. His secod wife
Margaret Davghter of Sir
Hvgh Ham'rsly Kt. & Alderman of
London, by her hee had issve fovr
Sons, and three davghters of wch.
He left liveing one Son &
one Daughter

Hee finished the covrse of 68 yeares
and yeilded vp his spirit to God Sept.
16. 1641. Beqveathing his body to ye
earth to wayt for a glorious

The memoriall of the just shall be had
in Everlasting Remembrance


12. SAMUEL WINTER, 1837.

13. HENRY WHITE, 1702–3.

A shaped tablet or cartouche with scroll-work and cherubs' heads on either side surmounted by a coat-of-arms.

Arms: Gules, an annulet or all within a border sable charged with eight stars or, a crescent for difference.


Here lies
Interred the Body of
Late of Bilbao Merchant
who Departed this life
the first day of Ianuary
Anno Dom: 1702/3
Ætatis Suæ 29
et filius et ffrater erat

14. ANN JENNINGS, 1773.

A plain inscribed tablet surmounted by a simple moulded capping and an urn; beneath the tablet is a shaped apron with palm branches.

In a Vault Adjoining
Lies the Remains of
ANN the wife of
of this Parish
Who Departed this Life
The 9th. of March 1773
Aged 27 Years

She was an Affectionate Wife
A Tender Mother a sincere friend
And a good Christian
Her Loss to her Disconsolate Husband is

15. A newly erected memorial to the men who fell in the Great War [1914–18].

16. JOHN SMITH, 1783.

A plain oblong inscribed tablet resting on corbels and surmounted by a simple cornice and pediment and a shield of arms; below the tablet is a moulded shelf and a shaped apron.


Arms: Azure a saltire or between four martlets or.

In Memory of
of this Parish who died
June 29th 1783 Aged
Strict Probity
Sincerety and Benevolence
he endeared himself to
who knew him:
But more especially to the
Poor. and Needy.
by kind Condescension and boundless
"Go and do thou likewise"


A plain inscribed tablet flanked by narrow pilasters and surmounted by a simple cornice and an urn.

To the memory of
mrs Elizabeth Ursula Hutchinson
wife of James Hutchinson esqre
of this Parish
who died July 6th 1799 aged 73 years

The tablet commemorates other members of the family after 1800.


A modern inscription. The original monument now rests beneath the floor of the church, in accordance with the instructions of the deceased, that it should remain for one hundred years and then be placed underground.

The achievement of arms is no doubt part of the original monument, as it incorporates part of a moulded cornice which forms no part of the present design. An engraving showing the complete monument is included in J. T. Smith's Antiquities of London.

Arms: Or a bend azure between six crosslets azure with three wheat sheaves or on the bend.

Crest: A wheat sheaf between two wings or.

In memory of
Mr Francis Bancroft
who bequeathed the
bulk of his property
in London and middlesex
on trust to the worshipful
company of drapers, to
be applied by them in
the cause of charity
and education. He died
March xix 1727. aged 75

19. GEORGE KELLUM, 1732.

Above the monument to Francis Bancroft is a plain mural tablet recessed at the sides and having a cornice and segmental pediment above, and a slightly moulded shelf and a shaped apron below.

Near this Place lies interr'd the Body of
Major General GEORGE KELLUM, Third Son
of George Kellum Esqr. of this Parish.
He had the Honour to serve his Country under
the best of Princes, King William the Third,
of Glorious Memory:
And after his Decease under the victorious
Iohn Duke of Marlborough
And was Colonel of an English Regiment
of Horse.
He died in the Communion of the Church of
Christ, and rests in hope of a blessed
Resurrection: Through the alone Merits of
his Saviour Iesus Christ
Born September the 26th, 1659:
Died December the 23d, 1732:
Aged, 73.

20. ANN ROBERTSON, 1750.

A plain inscribed tablet slightly raised on an equally plain background.

In memory of
who died 4th. Octr. 1750, aged 31.

FRANCIS ROBERTSON, died 21st. jany. 1787, aged 73.

died 5th. Jany. 1795, aged 77.

(And others after 1800)


A plain tablet having a cornice, segmental pediment, and urn above, with a shaped apron and a cartouche of arms below.

Arms: Azure two bends argent each charged with three martlets gules impaling gules three demi-lions or (?)

Near this Place,
Is buried Charles Burdett
Who died the 25th. of October 1737.
Aged 85
his wife,
Who died the 3d. of March 1758,
Aged 91.

Thomas Burdett their Son,
has erected this Marble to
the ever honoured, and
beloved Memory of his
worthy Parents.

22. HUGH PEMBERTON, 1500. (Formerly in St. Martin Outwich. See also under Brasses.)

Consists of an altar tomb, canopy, and wall panel all of Purbeck or Sussex marble. The altar tomb has a panelled front with three square quatrefoiled panels enclosing blank shields, and four upright panels each divided into two lights; the ends have similar panels; the slab has a moulded edge recessed for brass fillets. The canopy rests on two free piers and two shafted responds against the wall; the piers are buttressed and have shallow niches with crocketted spires and pinnacles; the front of the canopy is richly panelled and has three ogee crocketted arches springing from intermediate pendants and having cusped segmental sub-arches; there is a similar arch at each end of the canopy. The moulded cornice is enriched with roses and square flowers, and is finished with a cresting of 'Tudor flowers.' The soffit has a richly panelled vault. The wall panel at the back has brasses and indents of brasses, partly cut away.


(i) (Argent) a cheveron (sable) between three buckets (sable) banded (or) impaling checky on a fess three martlets.

(ii) The old arms of the Merchant Taylors' Company. The inscription is a late addition. Part of the original inscription is given by Hatton. (fn. 2)

23. ALEXANDER MACDOUGALL, 1855. (Modern Brass.)

24. GEORGE NIBBS, 1796.

Plain white marble tablet.

In Memory of
from the Island of TORTOLA.
Barister at Law
of the Inner Temple,
who died January 15th; 1796,
Aged 23 Years.
lies Intere'd near this Place.

25. A modern base with a Bethersden marble slab, just beneath the monument to John Robinson.

26. JOHN ROBINSON, 1599.

A handsome wall monument of two bays flanked by Corinthian columns resting on a deep panel and inscribed base of quadrant section and supporting an entablature and an enriched cartouche of arms. Each bay has a round arch with carved spandrels and tympanum with a shield of arms; below the arches are kneeling figures of a man and nine sons and his wife and seven daughters with a prayer desk in the middle. Beneath the curved base is a shaped apron with a round panel enclosing a lozenge of arms.


(i) (Vert) a cheveron (or) between three roebucks or with three cinquefoils (gules) on the cheveron (Robinson).

(ii) and (iii) Robinson impaling (argent) a cheveron (sable) between three crosslets (sable) (Anderson).

(iv) Anderson.

Upon the base on the left-hand side:

Within this Monvment lye the earthly parts of Ihon Robinson marchant of ye Staple of England free of ye copany of Marchant Talors, and sometymes Alderman of Londo', and Christian his wife eldest davghter of Tho: Anderson grocer they spent together 36 yeares in holy wedlock and were happy besides other worldly blessings in nyne sonnes and seaven davghters. She changed her mortall habitation for a heavenly on the 24 of Aprill. 1592. her hvsband following her on the 19 of February 1599. both mvch beloved in theire lives, and moare lamented at theire deathes especially by the poore to whome theire good deedes (being alive) begott many prayers and now (being dead) many teares: The glasse of his life held threescore and ten yeares, and then ran ovt. To live long and happy is an honor, bvt to dye happy a greater glory, boeth theis aspird to boeth heaven (no doubt) hath theire sovles, and this howse of stone theire bodyes where they sleepe in peace, till the som'ons of a gloriovs resvrrection wakens them.

27. Against the north wall upon the raised platform at the west entrance a small altar with chamfered slab given by William Robinson, 1633, inscribed in a panel in front:



28. SIR ANDREW JUDD, 1558.

A small painted wall monument upon the east wall of the nuns' quire; it is of two bays divided and flanked by Corinthian columns, resting on panelled and enriched pedestals and supporting an entablature on which is a centre-piece with an achievement of arms. Each bay has a round arch with carved spandrels and a mask at the apex; below the arches are kneeling figures of a man and four sons and wife and one daughter, with a prayer desk on each side of the middle column. Between the pedestals are inscribed panels.

Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4 gules a fess raguly (argent) between three boars' heads cut off at the neck (argent) 2 and 3 or three lions gules.

Crest: A boar's head.

On the left-hand panel:

To rvssia and mussova
To spayne gynny withovte fable
Traveld he by land and sea
Bothe mayre of London and staple
The commenwelthe he norished
So worthelie in all his daies
That ech state fvllwell him loved
To his perpetvall prayes

On the right-hand panel:

Three wyves he had one was mary
Fower svnes one mayde had he by her
Annys had none by him trvly
By dame mary had one dowghtier
Thvs in the month of september
A thowsande fyve hvnderd fyftey
And eyght died this worthie staplar
Worshipynge his posterytye

Under the left-hand panel:


Under the right-hand panel:



Beneath the first arch of the arcade between the nuns' quire and the parish quire is a large monument of marble, consisting of a panelled base supporting a moulded sarcophagus with a recumbent effigy in Elizabethan armour on a rush mattress. The canopy is in two bays with round arches and coffered soffits and is finished with an entablature, ball-finials and pierced cresting; the solid ends are panelled, as are the pilasters at the angles and between the bays. The canopy rests on three pairs of Corinthian columns supporting separate entablatures, and between the pairs of columns at the ends are panelled walls, each pierced by a round-headed opening with carved spandrels and transom. From the middle of the canopy rises a fluted pedestal supporting an elaborately carved circular cartouche with an achievement of arms on both faces. Round the monument is a wrought-iron rail with buttressed standards having twisted and ball-topped pinnacles. For inscription see No. 30.

Arms: Gules a cheveron between three fleurs-de-lis or.

Crest: A fleur-de-lis or.

30. WILLIAM PICKERING, 1542, and his son, 1574.

At the east end of the north arcade adjoining the above-mentioned monument an inscribed tablet with a moulded border flanked by panelled pilasters bearing heads carved in relief, two to each pilaster. Above and below the tablet are a pair of scrolls separated above by a small square of coloured marble and below by a roundel, the whole supported by a pair of carved and moulded corbels.

Crest: A fleur-de-lis.

Qviescit hic Gvlielmvs Pikeringvs pater,
eqvestris ordinis vir, miles mareschallvs.
qvi obiit xix Maii anno salvtis a Christo
Iacet hic etiam Gvlielmvs Pikeringvs filivs
miles, corporis animiq, bonis insigniter ornatvs
, literis excvltvs, et religioni sincervs. sex
lingvas exacte percallvit qvatvor principibvs
summa cvm lavde inservivit: Henrico scilicet
octavo militari virtute: Edwardo sexto
legatione Gallica: reginæ Mariæ negotiatione
Germanica: Elizabethæ principi omnivm
illvstrissimæ svmmis officiis devotissimvs.
obiit Londini in ædibvs Pikeringiis ætate
lviii. anno gratiae mdlxxiiii. Ianvarii

Cvivs memoriæ Thomas Henneagivs miles cameræ
regiæ thesavrarivs, Iohannes Astley armiger
iocalivm magister, Drvgo Drvreivs miles, et
Thomas Wottonvs armiger testamenti svi
execvtores, monvmentvm hoc posvere.

31. JOHN STANDISH, 1686.

Above the tablet to William Pickering is another of slightly convex section with fruit and scroll-work, surmounted by a winged cherub's head and an urn with drapery beneath, the whole supported upon a corbel of slight projection with a shield carved upon it, but no arms.

pétriburgim Agro Northamp.
Natus Colleg. St. petri apud cantabrig'
Trigenta annos plus minus, socius
Rector de Therfeild in agro
Hartford. nec non Serenifs Reg
Carolo 2do et Jacobo 2do a sacris
Mortalitatis Exuvias
Deposuit 2do calend.
Januar: Ann: Dom: milessmo.
Sccentifsmo. Octuagessmo. Sexto
Ætatis 53

32. JOHN WILLIAMS, 1831.


Beneath the third arch of the arcade, between the nuns' quire and the parish nave, a small altar tomb with panelled sides bearing incised figures of children, two shields and a lozenge of arms, carved pilasters at the angles and slab forming the cornice of the entablature. It is enclosed within a plain wrought-iron railing. Monument repaired and restored 1868.


(i) Fretty on a chief three fleurs-de-lis (Kirwin).

(ii) The Masons' Company.

(iii) Kirwin impaling a chief with three griffins' (?) heads raised therein.

Crest: A hand holding a fleur-de-lis.

Upon the south side of the altar tomb is the following inscription:

Here Lyeth the bodie of William Kerwin of this cittle of London free mason whoe departed this lyfe the 26th daye of December anno do' 1594 (The words at each end are upon the pilasters.)

In smaller lettering below the architrave moulding and between the pilasters on either side:

Magdalene jacet [v]irtvs post fata svpstes: Corpvs hvmo tectvm Christo veniente resvrget

Conivgione fide Relligioqe Manet. Vt mentis consors astra svprema colat

Upon the east end is an inscription recording:

Repaired and restored by the Parish, 1868.

Upon the north side, arranged similarly to those on the south side:

And H[e]ere alsoe lyeth the bodie of Magdalen Kirwin his wife by whome He had issve iii sonnes and ii davghters shee deceased the xxiiith. of Avgvs 1592 Ædibvs Atta Liois Londinvm qvi decoravi: Me dvce svrgebant alijs regalia tecta exigvam tribvvnt hanc mihi fata domv' me dvce conficitvr ossibvs vrna meis.

At the bottom:

Be'imin Kirwin ye sonne of William Kirwin Deceased ye 21th of Iuly Anno. Dom'n. 1621 whoe had Ishve 7 sonne[s] and 5 davghters whereof 5 of them lyeth heere in this Vavlt.

At the west end of the monument, on the frieze:

Christvs mihi Vita,
Mors mihi Lvcrvm

Below the architrave moulding:

Nos qvos certvs amor primis conivnxit ab a[n]nis
Ivnxit idem tvmvlvs ivnxit idemqæ polvs



Near the west door of the parish nave, a plain inscribed tablet of white marble upon a black marble background, and surmounted by a draped skull. Beneath the tablet is a shield.

Arms: Barry of four, in chief a molet, between two roundels a scutcheon charged with a crown encircling two sceptres saltire-wise.

In a Vault in the Churchyard
Lyeth the Body
Late of this Parish Jeweller.
He Behaved
As a Son a Husband and a Parent
With an uncommon Greatness of Mind
He dyed 30 March 1741. Aged 63.
In the same Vault resteth
Whose Virtue and Piety
Were Exemplary
She dyed 4 Oct. 1747. Aged 67.
They had 19 Children 6 Survived them
Rebecca Susanna Robert Charles
Catharine and Frances
This Monument was Erected
By their Son ROBERT
As an Instance
Of his Gratitude and Affection.
also to the Memory of
Parents of the above named SUSA: DINGLEY


36. HESTER JAMES, 1828.

37. RICHARD JAMES, 1800.

Small oval tablet surmounted by an urn.

to the memory of
Richard and Hester James
of this City died 2nd. of Novr. 1800
aged 1 Year and 9 Months
and of
THOMAS JAMES the second Son
died 12th. of June 1801
aged 1 Year and 1 Month
Of such is the kingdom of God.

38. SIR JOHN CROSBY, 1476, and AGNES, his first wife.

Under the first arch of the arcade between the parish quire and the Chapel of the Holy Ghost, an altar tomb of Purbeck or Sussex Marble with a moulded slab and panelled sides with three panels on each side, divided by pairs of buttresses and one panel at each end, all elaborately cusped and bearing a shield of arms in the middle of each panel. Upon the slab are two recumbent effigies in alabaster, the man in armour with a cloak, thrown back, and a collar of suns and roses, and at his feet a griffon, the woman with a butterfly head-dress and elaborate necklace, her feet resting on two dogs.

The inscription on a brass fillet on the edge of the moulded slab has now entirely gone, but Hatton (fn. 3) records a portion of it, as remaining in 1708, and the full inscription is preserved by Weever: (fn. 4)

"Orate pro animabus Johannis Crosby Militis Ald. atque tempore vite Majoris Staple ville Caleis et Agnetis Uxoris sue ac Thome, Richardi, Johannis, Johannis, Margarete et Johanne liberorum ejusdem Johannis Crosby militis. Ille obiit 1475 et illa 1466 Quorum animabus propitietur Deus."


(i) (Sable) a cheveron ermine between three rams passant (argent) (Crosby) impaling (azure) a fess cotised (argent).

(ii) Crosby.

(iii) The impaled coat of (i).

(iv) At west end, the Grocers' Company.

(v) to (vii) As (i) to (iii).

(viii) At east end, the staple of Calais.



Author of Annals of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate.


Master of the Merchant Taylors' Company.



First rector of the united parishes of St. Martin Outwich, and St. Helen.


45. RICHARD STAPER, 1608 (formerly in St. Martin Outwich).


A large wall monument in two arched bays with panelled pilasters at the sides and a corbel in the middle; the spandrels and the tympana are carved and have two shields of arms; in the recesses are kneeling figures of a man and five sons and a woman with four daughters. The monument is flanked by Corinthian columns standing on an inscribed base of quadrant section and supporting an entablature with an achievement of arms within a circular cartouche, and ornamental strap-work. Above the cartouche is a cornice supporting the hull of a ship.

Arms: Argent a voided cross sable between four stars sable.

Crest: A seated lion gardant.

On the sarcophagus, on the left-hand side:

Here resteth the bodie of the
worshipfvl Richard staper electid
Alderman of this Cittye Anno 1594 hee
was the greatest merchant in his
tyme the cheifest Actor in Discoveri, of
the trades of tvrkey, and East
India, A man hvmble in Prosperity,
paynefvl and ever ready in the
affayres publiqve and discreetely

On the right-hand side:

Carefvl of his private a liberal
howsekeeper, bowntifvl to the poore,
an vpright dealer in the world, and
a divovt aspirer after the world to
come Mvch blest in his prosperity, and
happy in his and their Allyavances. He
dyed the last Iune Anno domine 1608
Intravit vt exiret.



A very large and magnificent monument against the south wall of the nave, originally under the north arch of the south transept but removed to its present position in 1867. It consists of a panelled altar tomb on which are recumbent effigies of a man and wife, the former in armour with a long cloak and ruff. At the feet of the woman's figure is a kneeling figure of a daughter at prayer-desk and facing east. On either side of the tomb is a large obelisk with ball finial and spike and standing on a panelled pedestal. Behind the effigies is a wall canopy with two round arches with coffered soffits having cherub-head keystones and supporting an entablature with the cornice brought forward on four shaped brackets. The back of the arched recesses has carved enrichment, two inscribed tablets and two shields of arms and in the middle spandrel a cartouche of arms. Above the cornice is a centre-piece with carved pilasters and an achievement of arms; flanking the centre-piece are cartouches with shields of arms.


(i) (Argent) two gimel bars sable between three spread-eagles sable (Spencer).

(ii) The same.

(iii) Quarterly, I, sable a leopard argent; 2, sable three roses argent; 3, azure a cheveron or between three falcons' heads razed or; 4, gules three pales or within a border or charged with roundels sable.

(iv) As (i).

(v) (i) impaling (iii).

(vi) As (iii).

Crests: (a) a falcon rising; (b) a lion's head razed.

In the left-hand recess behind the recumbent effigies:

Hic sitvs est Ioannes Spencer
Eqves avratvs, civis, & senator
Londinensis, eivsdemq civitatis
prætor anno d'ni mdxciiii
qvi ex Alicia Bromfeldia
vxore vnicam reliqvit filiam
Elizabeth Gvilielmo Baroni
Compton envptam, obiit 3o
die martii anno salvtis mdcix

In the right-hand recess:

Socero bene merito
Gvilielmvs baro Compton
gener posvit

An inscription at the foot of the male effigy records the fact that the tomb originally stood in the northern arch of the south transept, and was removed to its present position, restored and repaired in 1867 by Charles, 3rd Marquis of Northampton.

47. THE REV. JOHN ALFRED LUMB AIREY, 1909 (over vestry door).

48. FANNY GAMBLE, 1907.

49. ALICE ESCOTT, 1837.


White marble tablet with sunk inscribed panel, pediment and cartouche of arms; shaped apron with three shields of arms.


(i) Argent on a cheveron sable three covered cups or.

(ii) (i) Impaling sable a cross engrailed or (?)

(iii) (i) Impaling a cross or between four fleurs-de-lis or with a roundel gules (?) on the cross.

(iv) The impaled coat of (iii) impaling gules three crescents or and a border ermine (?)

Crest: A demi-bull rising out of a mural crown.

H. S. E.
(edvardi backwell hujus olim
Civitatis Aldermanni Filius)
Heu ! maxime deflendus
patriæ admodum et amicis
(Haud æque sibi)
utilis vixit.
Obiit Aprilis die 26. a.d. 1731. Ætat. 67.
Patris Dilectissimi
hoc marmor dicavit


A mural tablet resting upon a plain marble altar tomb and consisting of a plain tablet recessed at sides, flanked by scrolls of palm leaves and having a spreading moulded base; the architrave at the top slopes back in a bold cavetto to a heavily scalloped shelf supporting a large fluted urn.

In Memory
Late Wife of Sr IOHN LAWRENCE Ktn & alderman heere Interred
was this tombe Erected
Shee was the tender Mother of ten Children
the nine first being all daughters
shee suckled at her owne breasts
They all liued to be of age
her last a son died an Infant
Shee liued a married wife thirty nine years
three and twenty whereof
Shee was an Exemplary matron of this Cittie
dying in the 59th. year of her age
being the 6 Iune

52. JOHN OTESWICH, late 14th century (formerly in St. Martin Outwich (fn. 5) ).

Modern base with recumbent effigies in alabaster, the man in gown buttoned at neck and belted at waist, long anelace or short sword and undergarment with tight buttoned sleeves; woman in sideless coat-hardie, cloak and veiled head-dress; angels at heads of both figures, man's feet on lion, woman's feet on dog.

The inscription is modern. The old inscription had disappeared in Hatton's time (1708), but he records a coat-of-arms as then existing on the tomb—two bars with two molets (?) in chief and a scallop in base (fn. 6).

53. NATHANIEL SIMPSON, 1849 (from St. Martin Outwich).

54. JOHN TUFNELL, 1686.

Upon the east wall of the south transept an oval tablet with a moulded border surmounted by a keystone and pedestal with shield of arms below.

Arms: Quarterly, 1 and 4 azure a fess or between three ostrich feathers or with three choughs sable on the fess; 2 and 3 gules a cross botony or, each point of the cross charged with 3 scallops sable.

Johannes Tufnell
Filius Natu Maximus Fohannis Tufnell Arm.
Eximiœ Spei Adolescentulus
Formâ pariter et Ingenie prastans;

(Ineunte jam Sexto Ætatis Anno)
Et nimia Virtus
Et Fatorum Invidia
(heu semper deflenda)
In Cœlum evexere
iv° Cal. Nov. A.D. MDCLXXXVI.
Durum . . . sed levius fit patientiâ,
Quicquid corrigere est Nefas

South wall of Transept.

55. REV. JOHN ROSE, 1821 (from St. Martin Outwich).

56. THOMAS CLUTTERBUCK, 1714 (from St. Martin Outwich).

A small-shaped tablet with palm leaves and surmounted by a cartouche of arms flanked by cherubs' heads.

Arms: Azure a lion rampant or on a chief (sable ?) three scallops argent.

Near this place lies
the Body of
Thomas Clutterbuck late
of ye Parish of Kingstanly in ye
County of Gloucester Gent:
who died the 13th. May 1714
In the 26th. year of his Age
Here Lies ye Body of
Jasper Clutterbuck
Late Mercht. of London
who died 23d. January
1697 In the 63 year
of his Age

57. BEAUMONT ATKINSON, 1847 (from St. Martin Outwich).

58. HANNAH STANLEY and MARY SMITH, the wives of CHARLES GOODMAN (from St. Martin Outwich).

A plain tablet with a moulded shelf and shaped apron surmounted by a cornice and cartouche of arms.

Arms: Parted palewise ermine and sable a double-headed eagle or, on a quarter sable a martlet or (Goodman).

In a Vault contiguous to this
Pillar lyes Interred the Bodyes
of HANNAH the daughter of
Mr. John Stanley and Mary
the daughter of Mr. ALLYN SMITH
Both ye wives of Charles Goodman
late of this Parish Gent.

The Former dyed July 14th. 1708. Aged 32 years

The Latter MARCH 27th. 1713. Aged 34 years

And also Charles a Son by ye said Mary
who dyed November 24th. 1714 aged 2 Years
And 10 Months

59. MARY TEASDALE, 1804 (from St. Martin Outwich).

60. WILLIAM JONES, 1882. (Inscription below recording presentation of window.)

61. Lt.-Col. JAMES CRUICKSHANK GRANT, 1826 (from St. Martin Outwich).

62. BARBARA GOULD SIMPSON, 1827 (from St. Martin Outwich).


A large monument in the south transept, consisting of a plain inscribed base on which are two urns and a sarcophagus with a fluted top. On the sarcophagus is a pyramidal centre-piece with an achievement of arms and flanked by Ionic columns supporting entablatures with continuous cornice and finished with an urn and two burning lamps.

Arms: A muzzled bear rampant impaling a fleur-de-lis.

Crest: A demi-bear rampant and muzzled.

In a Vault near this place are Deposited the Remains of
Walter Bernard. Esqr
Alderman & late Sheriff of this City;
in both which Stations He acted to the General Satisfaction
of his Fellow Citizens,
He was a Sincere Christian,
a Faithfull Husband, a kind Master, and a true Friend
and as the whole Conduct of his Life
was agreeable to the principales of true Religion & Virtue
so his Death was universally Lamented
He dyed May the: 4: 1746 Aged: 51.

64. ELIZABETH ELLIS, 1835 (from St. Martin Outwich).


65. THOMAS LANGHAM, 1700 (from St. Martin Outwich).

An inscribed tablet flanked by Corinthian pilasters with separate entablatures and an achievement of arms between them. Below the tablet is a moulded shelf with two corbels and a cartouche beneath it.


(i) (Argent) three bears' heads razed (sable) muzzled (or).

(ii) (Argent) a cheveron (sable) between three birds (sable) impaling (i).

Near this place are interr'd
the Bodies of
Citizen of London
who died Decembr. 3d. 1700;
And of Eleanor his wife
who died Decembr 2d. 1694
And of Rebekah their only Child
who was married to
Beniamin Rokeby of London Mercht.
& had Issue by him one son
Langham Rokeby & two daughters
Rebekah & Elizabeth
she died December 21th. 1692
Non, nisi per mortem patet iter ad Astra
Benjamin Rokeby Esq
dyed the
3d. of February 1732/3 Aged 89


67. JOHN MILES, 1814.


Upon west wall of south transept a draped tablet flanked by a pair of winged cherub-heads and surmounted by an achievement of arms, the whole resting upon an enriched corbel.

Arms: Gules on a bend argent three crosses paty sable.

Crest: A goat (?) passant.

Hic jacet
Quod Mortale erat GERVASH RERESBY
Antiquissima ejusdem nominis familiâ
Eboracensi oriundi
Qui cum triginta plus annos in Hispania
fide indelibatâ summoque honore
In Angliam tandem
atque anima mente inconcussa
Salvatori reddidit
An°Dom': MDCCiv
Hoc patri optimo
Filius posuit unicus



A large mural monument in two tiers, the upper consisting of an inscription-tablet recessed at sides, flanked by a pair of cherubs surmounted by an entablature, above which rises an urn upon a moulded base, flanked by swags of fruit and foliage and a pair of lamps. Beneath a heavy cabled shelf is a second inscription-tablet with capping and base moulding, flanked by wreaths and cherub-heads, and below a corbel enriched with a pair of cherub-heads, drapery with a pendant of fruit and flowers.

Arms: Gules within an orle of cinqsoils or a scutcheon argent (Chamberlain), impaling ermine a cross raguly gules a quarter sable ermined argent (Lawrence).

M. S.
Charles Chambrelan Esq;
of this City;
in testimony of his true affection
and sorrow for their deaths
hath consecrated this Monument;
to the memory of his dearly beloved Wife
(the daughter of Sr. Jo: Lawrence Kt.
Lord Mayor of London, 1665.)
who dyed August the 21st 1687
soon after the delivery of her 10th. child.
and of his fourth Daughter Hester
who dyed the 9th. of June 1687,
at the Age of 6 Years 8 Months
Both whose Bodies are here deposited in a Vault
near this Place;
(belonging to his Ancestors,)
In expectation of a joyful Resurrection
at the last day.

Upon the apron:

M. S.
In the same Vault with his dear Wife and Daughter
(and with like hopes of a joyful Resurrection together)
Lyeth the Body of Charles Chambrelan Esq; Alderman of this City.

who departed this Life Janry: 29th: 1704, Aged 65 Years:
having no where left behind him either a Merchant better accomplished;
or a Gentleman more compleatly adorn'd with all sorts of usefull Knowledge.

In memory of her most affectionate & entirely beloved Father, Abigall
his sorrowful Daughter & sole Executrix (the wife of Lemyng Rebow Esq;)
caused this Monument to be enlarg'd.




  • 1. "In 1636 I mad a tombc for Ser Julyes Cescr Mr of the Rooles and sett it up in St Elens Church London for [which] I had 110£" The Notebook of Nicholas Stone, fo. 20. See Walpole Society's publications, vol. vii. p. 74. Also see Account Book of Nicholas Stone, fo. 18. same vol., p. 105.
  • 2. Hatton, op. cit., ii, p. 356.
  • 3. Hatton, New View of London, i, p. 276.
  • 4. Weever, Ancient Funeral Monuments (ed. 1631), p. 421.
  • 5. John Oteswich founded a chantry in St. Martin's Church under licence of Edward III, 1331 (Hustings Roll, 60, 95).
  • 6. Op. cit., ii, 356. The arms were a late addition on a renaissance cartouche. See illustration in R. Wilkinson's Antique Remains from St. Martin Outwich, 1797, Plate IV.