Henry VIII: October 1524, 21-25

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: October 1524, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp332-346 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1524, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp332-346.

"Henry VIII: October 1524, 21-25". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp332-346.


October 1524

21 Oct. 756. For THOS. NORTON, master of the hospitals of Burton Lazars and St. Giles-in-the-Fields, London.
Grant of lands in Feltham, Middx., in recompense for certain other lands taken by Henry VII. for the enlargement of Hanworth park. Westm., 21 Oct.
Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 30.
21 Oct.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 26.
In behalf of Edmund elect of Cashel, on the death of Maurice, archbishop of the same. Rome, 12 kal. Nov. 1524.
21 Oct.
Add. M.S. 15,387, f. 137. B. M. Theiner, p. 544.
The rose was received by the King and the nation with great joy and pomp. Hannibal in his speech expressed the Pope's attachment to the King and Wolsey, saying that his Holiness looked upon the latter not merely as a brother, but in manner as a colleague. Assures him of his readiness to serve him. London, 21 Oct. 1524.
Lat., pp. 5, copy.
21 Oct.
Theiner, p. 544.
Thanks him for his bull touching the Observant Friars. Will use his legatine authority with such moderation that no complaint shall arise. Thanks the Pope for the faculty of suppressing certain monasteries of less annual value than 3,000 ducats, and appropriating them to his college in Oxford. Refers him to the bishop of Bath. London, 21 Oct. 1524.
22 Oct.
Vit. B. VI. 215. B. M.
760. PACE to [HENRY VIII.]
* * *"parties, things of highe importance in hand, I had word th[e] day of this present month," that Francis was at Turin with the vanguard, 12,000 men, and intended to send them on the x[x] to cross the Ticino to Milan, which is unprepared on account of the suddenness of the invasion, and the unfitness of the time of year. Supposes his reasons were, the retreat of Bourbon, the news of the Emperor's sickness, the hope of friends here, and the instigation of the Italians in his army, who have promised to serve him without wages, saying that the adventurers will be able to live on the spoil of the country. On the 20th the whole of the Emperor's army assembled at Alexandria, numbering 17,000 foot, and all the ordinary Neapolitan horse. 7,000 Almains, called 10,000, are coming. The Venetians are preparing the forces they are bound to send by their last treaty with the Emperor. Hears that Francis intends to take Milan before they can arrive to defend it, as he can send his army a shorter way than they can. All here are in great fear. The Duke is 38 miles hence, and dares not come to Milan till he hears what the Viceroy will do to defend it. There is great scarcity of money, both on the part of the Emperor and the Duke of Milan * * * "Provynce." Is asked to spend the money sent by the Turcuplier, but he has no such commission. It cannot be employed to the King's honor, and it is not enough to entertain the Emperor's army as long as this business will require. The Pope has sent an ambassador to ask Francis not to invade Italy; and if he does, his Holiness will be obliged to give aid against him. Fears this is too late, for his army do the worst they can in all the places they come to. It ought to have been sent when the King was on the other side of the mountains.
Wrote to Wolsey by Casale, on the Viceroy's authority, that Francis was brought into Italy by the Pope. Cannot find that it is so, but he is universally suspected. One great wise man, the King's friend, said it was not true, but that he did not like so many fair words and promises from the Pope without any effect; and said that his Holiness had written to stir Henry up against Francis, promising to do as he did. If so, his Holiness should be kept in the same mind, and moved to urge on the Venetians. Hears in these parts that an Italian named John Joachim * * * "good," but if John Joachim deals truly with Henry it will be what he never did before. He is one of the craftiest fellows of the country, and servant to the bishop Fregose, who is as crafty as he, and daily promises a great sum to the French king if he will make him or another of the family duke of Genoa, and expel the present Duke, who was made by the Emperor. Does not think him fit to be sent to Henry. The above is the general opinion of him here. Has seen intercepted letters by him, in which Henry's honor was not a little diminished.
Was in Milan on the 20th. The same day the Governor forsook the town on discovering that there were [not] enough common people to defend the city, by reason of the sickness, which has lasted four or five months. The French king is likely to have it without resistance. The duke of Milan has gone to Cremona, which he intends to keep as long as possible. The Imperial army will enter Pavia, and do all they can to defend the duchy. Fears they are short of money. Would they had enough, so that it was not the King's, to [keep] their heads together all the winter; "whiche thing, as I supp[ose] * * * great brute that your highnes hathe taken a poyntment with the Frenche king," which bruit is very favorable to the latter, and fearful to the other party.
Has just heard from the duke of Milan that the Viceroy arrived last night at Pavia with 700 men-at-arms and 5,000 or 6,000 foot, and left the same night for Milan; that Pescara was coming the same night to Pavia with part of the army, and will send as much more to Milan as is thought necessary. This has been beyond all hope, for the city was well minded to resist Francis, but despaired of having succor. Francis will not now so easily take it. (fn. 1) Brixia, 22 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 4, mutilated. Endd.
22 Oct.
Vit. B. VI. 217. B. M.
Instructions given by Bourbon [and lord Reux] to Chasteau, to be declared to the English ambassador.
Bourbon desires most of all to serve the King and Emperor. If the King will give him 200,000 cr., that is, 100,000 more than are here, for the French enterprise, he will invade France in a month, where he hopes to make a great exploit, but the King and Emperor must allow him to raise his own men and captains. Will enter France between the frontier of Lorraine and the end of Burgundy, which is the best way to Paris, unless the King advises another route. If the Ambassador thinks the King will not pay such a large sum, and that the Emperor ought to contribute, Chasteau shall show the great expence the Emperor is put to here, and that money cannot be had without sending to Spain, but that this enterprise requires haste. If the King will send him 100,000 cr., and redeem the jewels he has pledged for 26,000 cr., he will pledge them to the King for 60,000 cr., including the said 26,000, to be forfeited if not redeemed in a year. The money for the jewels should be used as part of the Emperor's contribution. As Bourbon knows he will consent to the enterprise, there is no better time than now when the King is absent from his kingdom, which is unprovided with men, and is discontented with him. The army cannot fail to do something, with the help of Bourbon's intelligence, and at least can winter in France, which would be a great assistance for next spring. The King must not think that if Bourbon makes his army as he wishes, he will have to retreat again. The Duke wishes for a speedy resolution. Pavia; under the names of lords Bourbon and Reux. 22 Oct. 1524. Signed: Charles:—Adrien de Croy. (fn. 2)
Fr., pp. 3, mutilated. Endd.
23 Oct.
Cal. B. I. 317. B. M. St. P. IV. 188.
This morning Norfolk's servant, Hals, returned, bringing a letter from the Queen and one from Arran, which he transmits, showing their enmity to her husband. Although Hals had made Arran consent to an agreement before the abbot of Holyrood, the Queen and Henry Stuard immediately turned his mind. Encloses articles sent him by Adam Otterburn. The bishop of St. Andrew's is inclined to side with Angus. Otterburn has moved him to forward peace with England, but he was diverted from it by Arran. The Queen, Arran and Maxwell trust entirely to France. The commons hate Albany, and wish for Angus; so would the young King, but he dares not speak his mind. The laird of Drommeller, kinsman to Angus, slew last Wednesday lord Fleming, the best Frenchman of Scotland, and took his son prisoner. Wednesday se'nnight, Lennox, the master of Kylmawris, and others, to the number of 500, would have slain Arran in his lodging at Holyrood house. Had it not been for James Pringle, they would have taken the King and Queen; their scaling ladders were ready. Are of opinion that Angus should be sent into Scotland to counteract France. Hals has received notice by the prioress of Coldstream that the bishop of St. Andrew's should get his liberty. Has brought a safe-conduct for Magnus and Ratcliff, who start tomorrow. Wish to know what money they shall give the Queen, and how to treat the Chancellor if she and Arran prove "contrarious." Sends a letter received yesterday from Lennox. Unless Angus be sent home, Argyle, Murray, Glencairn and others will seek a new way, and not submit to Albany. Newcastle, 23 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 4. Add.: "To my lord Legate's good grace." Endd.
23 Oct.
R. O. St. P. IV. 190.
Has ordered Hals to speak with the bishop of Dunkeld about the matter of which he spoke to Carlisle. Hals urged the bishop at Edinburgh to inform the King in writing who they were that were so false about his person; but the Bishop refused to do so, unless he had the King's broad seal that they should neither suffer death, nor lose their goods or lands. Hals asked if they were Englishmen or strangers. The Bishop said, Englishmen, and that Francis had pensioners in England of whom they knew nothing. Hals asked how many; but he refused to tell. Being asked if they were above three or four, he said they were near that number, but he would show no more. He said he could devise a way how the King might be crowned king of France in six months. Hears by the report of divers, that the Bishop is nothing ashamed to lie, and Angus considers him to be very French. Has set Magnus to try if he can get more out of him. Thinks the King should send him the great seal as desired. 23 Oct.
Hol., p. 1.
23 Oct.
Galba, B. VI. 80. B. M.
Dispatched letters to him on the 20th, with a decipher of a letter from Dunbar in Scotland to the duke of Albany. Think they mean to make a bad use of it. They have sent a copy to the Emperor, and Monsieur de Hoghstrat would not allow the clerk who deciphered it to show them any part of it. In one part it was stated that Henry intended giving the Princess to the king of Scots, which they will use to create distrust between the Emperor and the King. "They have lately said that if Messieurs les Anglaises were not so obstinate they might have peace." Think they wish to persuade him that the King will break his promise about the marriage, so that he may as well make peace with France. The governors here have long been suspected of leaning to the French, and now "Don Provost and all that band frequenteth much more together." The decipher was communicated with a request that Wolsey would not show it to De Praet. Mechlin, 23 Oct.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
24 Oct.
Vit. B. VI. 219. B. M.
Since he last wrote, the duke of Zeisse, the Emperor's ambassador, has endeavored to borrow this money, and has persuaded the Pope to speak about it to Clerk; who answered that Russell, and not he, had the charge of it; whereupon this Holiness bid him speak to Russell. The Duke sent to Russell, offering the Pope's security for it. Refused to deliver it without express command from the King. He said he feared they might lose Italy for want of it, which would touch the King as well as the Emperor. Answered that there was only 50,000 cr. with the bills of exchange, which he had returned to save cost, so that no great sum was left.
Has found out that a much greater sum might be exchanged here. One of my lord of St. John's servants has come to tell him that it may be done without danger. Advises Wolsey to have it returned by exchange, and to write to Clerk, as he is experienced in such matters, but Russell is not. Asks whether it should be paid in Antwerp or London. If at Antwerp, the exchange will be more profitable, and fresh money will be brought into the realm. Is sure the Imperialists and lady Margaret will make great labor for the money.
He can let them continue the suit, meantime writing to Russell what is to be done, and if he wishes it to be carried away, he can blame Russell for doing it without orders. Rome, 24 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2.
24 Oct.
Calig. B. II. 13. B. M. St. P. IV. 201.
Has received his letter dated Newcastle, the 16th, with one from Hals, showing that the queen of Scots would willingly follow the King's desire about Angus, if it were not for the earl of Arran, who is obstinate. Trusts long ere this he has received Wolsey's last, with the effect of a letter to be written by Norfolk (as of himself) to the queen of Scots, and that he has made Magnus and Ratcliffe privy to it. Hopes some good point has come of it already, but for more surety new instructions are devised for Magnus and Ratcliff. Hopes the reconciliation of Angus and the accord between him and Arran may be brought about before he enters Scotland; but if Arran be the sole obstacle, Angus must not be detained. Is now writing to Angus to explain his detention. Is to forward the instructions to Magnus and Ratcliff, with their credentials to the Queen and Arran, with all diligence. Is to use all efforts to persuade the Queen at least to consent to Angus's return before allowing him to depart. Encloses two letters, the one from Hob à Barton to the duke of Albany, the other from one naming himself Parson of Glaiston to David Beton, the Scotch ambassador in France, showing some subtle dealing in Barton, and some practice for putting the late Chancellor to liberty, and having his cause called to Rome. Norfolk may therefore set forth to the queen of Scots the danger of such privy practices, if unity be not in time established in Scotland, and the late Chancellor sent to Berwick. There is evidence of similar practices in two letters in cipher, not yet totally deciphered, lately taken by some Flemings on the sea. If the Queen cannot by any means by reconciled to Angus, notwithstanding all the King has done for them, and insists on his detention, the King thinks it would touch his honor, and that Angus ought to be allowed to leave with promise of the King's assistance on his keeping the conventions agreed to. His brother must not be detained as surety, but should be got to remain, and used as a means of communication, passing to and fro, till things be brought to some good conclusion. It would be bad policy to keep Angus here, unless it were a means of establishing sure peace. Norfolk is to remain in the North till these things are settled. Westminster, 24 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 6.
Cal. B. VII. 52. B. M. A copy endorsed by the copyist.
[24 Oct.]
Calig. B. VI. 385. B. M. St. P. IV. 191.
Instructions given by Wolsey, on the King's behalf, to Magnus and Radcliffe, now resident with the young king of Scots.
1. The King understands that Norfolk has made them privy to the arrangements for the repair of Angus to the Borders, his reconciliation with the queen of Scots and Arran, and the answers made by them to the letters written to them in this behalf by the King, Wolsey, and Norfolk. It appears also from their own letters that they were made acquainted with certain further exhortations in later letters of the duke of Norfolk, sent by Hals; the result of which appears by a letter of Hals to the duke of Norfolk, viz., that though the Queen, on knowledge of the King's mind, showed herself agreeable to the said reconciliation, if Arran consented to it, the latter obstinately refused, declaring that if Angus was sent to Scotland no ambassadors should be sent thence to England; with other presumptuous words. Hopes they are also acquainted with the tenor of a letter devised by Wolsey for Norfolk to write to the queen of Scots, stating that an answer would be sent, in the form of instructions to them, to the letters of Margaret and Arran. They are therefore instructed:—
1. If the reconciliation be not made before the arrival of these instructions, to seek an interview with the queen of Scots, and, delivering their credentials from the King, tell her that the King's interest in his nephew arises solely from the love he bears him, and the proximity of blood between them; that the King can derive no profit from Scotland, and trusts he shall never need their assistance; but that, solely on account of their relationship, he has strengthened him against Albany, and supported the Queen's authority. 2. That on James's assumption of the government, considering the critical state of his authority, the King thought it desirable to promote unity in Scotland, for which two things seemed most expedient:—(1) the reconciliation of Angus with the Queen and Arran; and (2) that the Chancellor should be conveyed to Berwick, to be kept there at the pleasure of James and Margaret. For this good advice the King expected special thanks; instead of which the Queen and Arran have sent him letters, threatening that, if Angus be allowed to enter Scotland, they will abandon England, and incline to France. Thus it appears they have been interpreting the King's conduct as influenced by some expectation of profit to himself. If the King do not herein "remit some part of their error," it will be enough to alienate him entirely, and make him expect great haughtiness when James is established in his authority, seeing that now, matters being yet very raw, they assume such a tone. It seems, moreover, that the ambassadors had been stopped and returned home,—a fact sufficient to induce the King rather to send in Angus with a sufficient power, than to detain him in England. 3. The King never intended to let Angus enter Scotland, except with the Queen's good will and by arrangement with Arran; but no reasonable objection can be taken to such an agreement, and it seems that the King is asked to detain Angus merely for Arran's pleasure. They are to represent to the Queen the advantage of training her son to the ways of England, and the great dishonor of conducting him into the devotion of France, and the expediency of receiving Angus, her own husband and a nobleman of great influence, on the conditions by which he is willing to be bound, rather than to put her son, herself, and the whole realm in danger. If the King meant otherwise than well, he would try to promote discord rather than unity. The Queen should, therefore, with Arran's consent if possible, agree to the said reconciliation. If she will not listen to the King's advice he will think that the Scots do not mean to receive the great advantages held out to them, but prefer to live in war and trouble as heretofore, rather than in wealth and prosperity. 4. They are to use the same arguments with Arran, and endeavor to persuade him either to a final agreement between the queen of Scots, himself, and Angus, or to compromise their differences in the King's hands. If Arran appear to be the only obstacle, they must try what they can do with Margaret apart. For, "to be plain with the said Mr. Magnus and Roger Radcliffe, which they shall reserve unto themselves," it would be folly to detain Angus merely for Arran's pleasure, when he can do better service in Scotland than five earls of Arran. 5. The strange answer made by the Queen and Arran is a good pretext for not being too hasty in giving them money; nevertheless, if it would advance the present affairs, they may give the queen of Scots 200 marks and Arran 100l. 6. They are to advise (as of themselves) the sending of the ambassadors with all diligence, and of the archbishop to Berwick, hinting to Arran that if the King should hear that he had caused the ambassadors to return, it might lose him the King's favor. 7. As to the Queen's desire to know what demands the King thinks the ambassadors may make, Magnus shall tell the Queen apart, on her promise to keep it secret from every one, what he knows to be the King's intention touching the marriage of my lady Princess; that she has doubtless heard of her being promised to the Emperor, which promise the King means to have discharged, and immediately afterwards conclude the marriage between her and the young king of Scots; so that the Queen, being sure of the King's determination in that matter, may be the more bold to train her son to the devotion of England. 8. As to the continuance of the guard, the King will not refuse that nor much greater things to them, so long as they proceed lovingly with him. In their conversation with Margaret they are to remind her of the "band" made by the commissioners on the Borders for conclusion of truce, in which the Scots were bound to send ambassadors before its expiration. By non-performance of this, the convention is broken, and the King at liberty to renew the war, which they may expect he will do, if ambassadors be not sent.
24 Oct.
Calig. B. III. 77. B. M.
The bishop of St. Andrew's was set at liberty on Friday, at the pleasure of Arran and the Queen. Knows not how they are agreed. Believes the Ambassador comes not hastily. Norfolk may think he speaks from malice; but the report is, Arran and the Queen lean towards France. They have few friends in Scotland, to be reduced to set him at liberty whom they have accused of favoring Albany. Thinks Norfolk does not know of his liberation. Fears Arran will tempt the Queen to a course adverse to the weal of Henry and her son. Advises Norfolk to hasten the coming of Angus. All the lords of Scotland will take his part, but if he delay they will take Albany's, seeing neither wisdom nor constancy in the Queen and Arran, and that Angus is no better than a prisoner in England. No marvel, seeing that the writer's uncle, Archibald of Douglas, and his brother, will not believe otherwise. "At Boncle this Tuesday," (fn. 3) 24 Oct. Signed.
24 Oct.
Lanz, I. 146.
Has received his letters of 20th May, expressing displeasure at the charges made by De Berghes against the provost of Utrecht, and commanding that the Provost should re-enter the Council, and receive the seals of the Order. The Emperor has not been informed of the truth. Has great cause to suspect the Provost. The directions given by the Emperor to Madame (Margaret), to summon certain knights, and to deliver the seals to the Provost, is contrary to the statutes of the Order. Desires a sufficient warrant for their delivery. Mechlin, 24 Oct. 1524.
The Emperor should reflect before he again appoints the Provost to be chancellor.
Licence to alienate to the mayor and commonalty of Norwich 80 acres of land in Norwich, Lakenham, and Eton, Norf. Westm., 24 Oct.
Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26.
24 Oct.
R. O.
Household Book.
Porks, 35s. 10d.
Oxen, varying from 16s. 2d. to 15s. 8d. Total, 52l. 4s. 5d.
Muttons, from 14d. to 21d. apiece, 59l. 2s. 4d.
Wines.—Gascon, 1s. a gallon. Claret, 4l. a tun. Malmsey, 5l. a butt. Ronnys, 3l. a butt. [Musca]dell (?), 53s. 4d. a pipe. Total, 101l. ... s. (?) 9d.
Groceries.—Sugar, 5¼d. per lb. Comfetts, 20d. a box. Saffron, 17s. per lb. "Sanders," 22d. per lb. Ginger, 2s. 4d. per lb. 3 lb. marmalade, 15d. ½ lb. cinnamon, 3s. Barrel of green ginger, 2s. 2d. 2 lb. pepper, 4s. 8d. Cloves, 2s. per quarter. Succades, 1s. per lb. Carraways, 1s. per lb. Piscades, 1s. 4d. Total, 30l. 6s. 6½d.
Fish.—383 dry hakes, 51s. 8d. 800 "bokhorne (?)," 16s. 4d. Total, 44l. 7s. 11d.
Salt.—17d. per bushel; 16 bushels, 18s. 8d. Total, 4l. 2s. 5d.
Fruit.—For 100 of sour and 50 of sweet oranges, 12 pomegranates, and going to the ship, 4s. Apples and wardens for Christmas, 9s. 4d. Two "coffi ... g"(?) bought at Exeter, 6s. 8d. 118 lb. "reasons," 9s. 6d. 100 great raisins, 9s. 8 lb. small raisins, 2s. 8d. 100 oranges, 12d. Total, 56s. 3d.
Wax, tallow, and "weykerum."—To a woman, for making tallow candles, eight days, 16d. For weykerum, watching candles, &c., 14s. 6d. Two stones tallow, 3s. 6d. 2 lb. white bokewax for my Lady, 3s. 4d. Two doz. supper lights for Twelfth day, weighing 5 lb., 3s. 9d. Two doz. watching candles, 3s. Total, 9l. 3s. 9½d.
Wood, 28l. 10s. 1d.
Presents and rewards.—20 Oct., to a servant bringing a doz. partridges, 8d. To Mr. Chichester's servant bringing a boar, 6s. 8d. To Boyer's servant bringing a great fish called a t ..., 6s. 8d. For bringing two pheasants, 2s. For bringing cherries to my Lady, 1s. My lord of Forde's servant, 21 Dec., for a boar and two swans, 6s. 8d. For lady Martin's servants, for a boar the same day, 5s. On the 23rd the Bp. of Exeter's servant, for two oxen, 13s. 4d. For two "hyendys and eyfferyng goote," 3s. 4d. On 24th, for bringing an ox, 6s. 8d. For bringing a hare and a pheasant cock at the feast of St. Thomas, 8d. To Mr. More's servant, for four pheasant cocks, at the feast of Circumcision, 1s. To the Bp. of Exeter's servant, for bringing half a red deer at same feast, 5s. To Mr. Brabon's servant, for bringing two pheasants, ... To John Cruse's, for bringing six hens and six capons, 12d. To my lord of Bucklond's (?) servant, for bringing three "mersed congers," 28 Feb. (?), 3s. 4d. Presented to my Lady by Mr. Chechester against Whitsuntide, 2 kids; reward to his servant, 3s. 4d. Presented by my lady Martyn three hares, reward to her servant, 12d. Presented, 2 June, by bp. of Exeter, half a red deer, two herons, one pheasant, servant's reward, 6s. 8d. Presented by Mr. Chechester, 6 June, seven heronshaws, servant's reward, 3s. 4d. 12 June, presented by Mr. Payn, "five heronshowys and two popers," servant's reward, 20d. Presented by my lord of Newnam, one fresh salmon "to Colcum" (at Collumpton), 8d. "Presentyd to my ladys grace by two scrobryges at Colcumb, four sugar loovys, unde one to my ladys grace to hyr chambre," nil. Presented by Hull of Exeter, one box of marmalade at Colcumb, nil. Presented by one of my Lady's tenants, one lamb, nil. Presents of salmon in Aug. from my lords of Newnam and Fourde, servant's reward, 12d. each time; of ginger and marmalade from Geo. Gyffron of Awtre (Ottery), servant's reward, 20d.; and of the following,—seven conies, a conger eel, two synetts (cygnets ?), two capons, a peacock, a peahen, eight chickens, and salmon. Total, 5l. 8s. 4d.
Stable.—28 bushels of oats, 7s. To a smith for blooding my Lady's palfrey, 1s. To two men mowing 24 acres at 6d. an acre; making same into hay, 7d. Two men for carting in the hay for two days, 12d. Shoeing a palfrey, 6d. Total, 3l. ... s. 7d.
Foreign Expences.—A case of glass, 26s. 6d.; bearing the same to the Friars, 1d. A russet cap for Larder, 14d.; to have in his purse at his departing, 1s. For carriage of 6 horseload of fish from Exeter to Columbe John, 18d. To Phylyppe when she was married, 8d. At Will. Seyman's ale, 2d. For a ream of paper, 3s. 4d. For rent of a "lyer," 2s. 2d. Making a butt for the lyer, 5d.; a frame to ditto, 3d. My lord Lyall's minstrels, 26 Oct., 2s.; for a doz. crusys, 8d.; tappys, 1d. The subprior of the Black Friars of Exeter, for the suffragan's servants, "when the vestments were aborwed," 8d. A lady's lantern, 8d. Diaper cloth, 2s. 8d. a yard. Two doz. diaper napkins, 14s. Two pair of bells for the ravens, 8d. To players playing before my Lady on New Year's eve and New Year's day, 13s. 4d. A cap, 3s. 18 yds. white horse cloths, 9s. 1d. Two pair "gemos" (?) and nails for the same, 4d.; 200 board nails, 8d.; and other memoranda for cloths of different kinds. For making a coat and jerkin for Andrew of the kitchen, 1s. To the waits of Exeter "upon xijto yefe," 10s. Pair of hose, 2s. "Two horselode of almys met for the prisoners," and one load of tallow, 9d. For 2½ days' threshing, 5d. For one day "fretheng," 4d. To a woman "for savying of towelles to the yeaner" (?), 9d. Shoeing two horses, 12d. For two days' threshing of oats, 10d. To a minstrel, 4d. For making a gown, 12d. A gallon of honey against Christmas, 3s. 8d. Eight bowls, 16d.; two strainers, 4d.; two stewing pots and earthen pans, 5d.; and other things for the kitchen, and a gallon of lamp oil, 16d. To a man for carrying dung to the garden, 1½ day, 4d. For breaking ground to sow mustard seed, for two days, 4d. Cleaning gutter behind the kitchen, half day, 1d. For oats for fatting the swans against Christmas, 17d. A doz. points for Dick the Fool. A pair of shoes for Andrew of the kitchen, 5d. For 2 yards of "whyclyng" for two fools, and Andrew's doublet, 4d. For washing Dick the Fool's cloathing, 2d. Two loads of rushes, 2s. 4d. To a woman weeding in the garden, six days, 7d. A servant bringing two foxes to my Lady, 8d. For 28 stone of flocks for stuffing six mattresses, 18s. 8d.; for making same, 2s. 6d. 3 yards of canvas for bolsters, 12d. A quarter of porpoise, 4s. A ream of paper, 3s. Carriage to London of conger "bokhere" and "bak samen" (baked salmon ?), 12s. "For killing of a baran (?) hynd against Whitsuntide, for my Lady's grace, and for carriage of the same," 4s. Strawberries on 17th May, 4d. To a harper and a tumbler with the King's servants, 10s. Six yds. of white for the fool's coat, 6s. Making 2 fools' coats, 1s. For mending Dick and Mug and Kit's clothes, 4d. For my Lady and the household drinking at Trinity Chapel, 20 June, 2s. To buy two coats for Mug the fool when he went to London, 10s. For nine servants going to London, 5s. each. For one coming home with the horses, 6s. 8d. 24 June, six loads of rushes, 7s. To Mr. Spek's servant for bringing a letter notifying my lord Marquis's coming to Colcomb, 20d. To Machant, for carriage of 100l. to my Lord, 20d. For half a yard of velvet to make the broad rein of my Lady's bridle, 5s. 2d.; for an ounce of fringe to the same, 16d. To my lord Bishop's servant, bringing a letter of news to my Lady, 20d.; 6 yards of friese "for my Lady's grace's poor man in Comb," 2s. 8d. Expenses at Colcomb, when my lord Marquis was there, 3l. 14s. 1½d. To Motton of Exeter, for cherries, strawberries, and his labour, when my lord Marquis was here, 2s. 6d. July? to Peris conveying letters from my Lady to the King and my lord Cardinal, 16s. 8d. To my lord Dabney's minstrels, for setting and mending my Lady's instrument, 3s. 4d. For three doz. gulls brought to my Lady, 3s. 4d. 11 July, to minstrels of the King, Cardinal, and lord Daubney, 5s. To Sir Thos. Stukley's servant, bringing a buck to my Lady, 14 July, 2s. To one bringing a red deer, 6s. 8d. For ink, copperas, gum and gall, 4d. For carriage of ten gulls, 2s. 2 ells of canvass for making and lining a doublet for Andrew of the kitchen, 8d. Pair of shoes, 6d. Various entries of red deer. Two tuns of beer, 40s. For making a pair of "hossys" (hose), and mending another, for Andrew of the kitchen, 6d. For cleansing the draught in my Lady's chamber, 6d. To a glazier for fetching coloured glass at Exeter, 2s. 6d. For carrying Malmsey and a barrel of wine from Mr. Spek to Colcomb. To the King's players, viz., Englysse and his company, for playing before my Lady, 20s., and 6s. 8d. more by order of the Controller. Will. Hurst, for coloured glass, 16s. Total, 118l. 8s. 8d.
Necessaries for my Lady.—For Philippe, the maid, marriage money, 6l. 13s. 4d. A quarter and a nail of tawney velvet for my Lady's purse, 3s. 9d. A skein of silk for ditto, 2d. An ounce of tawney silk for string, 14d. A quarter of buckram for lining, 2d. 5 yds. buckram for Philippa's gown, 2s. 11d. A quarter and a half of velvet, 4s. 3d. ½ yd. linen cloth, 2½d.; anglets, 1d. A yd. linen cloth to collar her smock with, 8d. Two neckerchiefs, 10d. Two aprons, 9d. A ribbon, 9d. A pin case, 16d. A pair of knives, 6d. A lace, 3d. Two headkerchiefs, 2s. 8d. A wedding ring, 3s. 4d. For mending my Lady's white fur, 2s. 8d. 8 ells of fine Holland, at 3s. 4d. 4 ells cambric at 8d. A skin of pampilion for my Lady's cuffs, 2s. 6d. 4 lettys skins for her sloppe, 16d.; powdering and mending the same, 12d. Mending another furred with powdered ermines, 2s. 2d. Five black coney skins to a pattlett of velvet, and furring the same, 2s. 10d. 6 black budgeskins, 16 black lambskins, 12 pampilion skins for my Lady's slop, 15s. 4d. Paid to Peryman for covering a hat with white sarcenet for my Lady, and making a gown, a kirtle, and a petticoat for Phillippa against she was married, 3s. 6d. A quarter velvet more for the maid's gown, 3s. 3½ yds. buckram, 2s. 1d. "For lining and agnetts to the playtes," 10d. For a cap to the maid, 3s. 4d. To my Lady for [offerings ?] on All Souls' day, 6s. 8d. To the Grey and Black Friars of Exeter, on All Souls' day, 6s. 8d. For my Lady's offering on All Saints' day, 12d. To Mrs. Agnes Corteney, by my Lady's commandment, on All Saints' day, 13s. 4d. 3 yds. velvet for Phillippa the maid's wedding gown, 15s. 2 yds. for her kirtle, 8s. 4½ yds. white for her petticoat, 2s. 7½d. 6½ yds. white, for lining to her kirtle plaits, and plaits to her gown, 3s. 3d. 4¼ yards fine black [velvet ?] for my Lady's slop, 29s. 9d. For covering her hat, 8d. For making of Phylippe the launderer's wedding gown, petticoat and kirtle, 3s. 6d. To a clerk for making certain articles betwixt my Lady and the poor man of Cornwall, of whom she bought land, 20d. Alms for the Christmas quarter, 20s. Two soldiers, 25 Dec., 16d. Her offering on Christmas day, ... For making and enamelling two buckles, two pendants, six studs, six "hoyletts," and 8 agletts for gold and for enamel for my Lord's garter, for his New Year's gift, ... My Lady's offering at Epiphany, 3s. 4d. For making the king and Queen's New Year's gift, 20l. To Lyne, of London, waxchandler, for wax for my lord William, for the year, 41s. 10d. For six skins of pampilion for my Lady, 20s. For two pieces of Paris for my Lady, 20s. One piece of Lampas Tuke, 4s. 1,000 white pins, 8d.; ditto, black, 7d. To the prior of the Black Friars, London, for the whole year's singing for my lord William, 5l. 6s. 8d. My lord of St John's, in full payment of all actions between him and my Lord, 26l. 13s. 4d. A yard of black satin, 8s. 1d. For 3 frontlets for New Year's gifts, 21s. 3 yds. black satin for New Year's gifts, 22s. 6d. New Year's gifts to all the officers of the house, 3l. 10s. To the King's servant bringing the King's New Year's gift, 3l. 6s. 8d.; for the Queen's gift, 53s. For 16 pair of double hose for my Lady, ... To my lord of Devonshire, 100l. Mr. Gilberd, for the King's payment, 55l. 2 yds. linen cloth, 20d. To Mr. Forest, for physic to my Lady, 10s. 4d. To the King's collectors, for my Lady, 16 [s.?]. ½ yd. linen cloth for my Lady, to make "nygtes coweys," 9d. 3 yds. small canvas, 2s. On Candlemas day, for my Lady "to putt in the yowry (?)," 3s. 4d.; for her offering the same day, 20d. For 2 pair of gemos (?) for my Lady's press in the wardrobe, 8d. For 3 yds. canvas to make a book of cloth, 15d. To the prior of the Black Friars of Exeter, for preaching before my Lady at Colum John, 6s. 8d. To Mr. Morys, the physician, coming to my Lady, 21 March, 40s. To the warden of the Grey Friars, Exeter, for a sermon on Good Friday, 6s. 8d. Offerings at divers times, 20 ... One doz. gloves for my Lady, ... To Mr. Forest, for medicine, 5l. 16s. 4d. To the parson of Rew, for mending my Lady's "cup of ale," 3s. 13 tree dishes for the Maunday on Serthrosday, 10d. 13 cups, 5d. 13 purses, and every purse 20d., given by my Lady to poor folks. For xx. . broad yards di' black, 32s. 6d. 3 broad yards di' for my Lady's ... 11s. 8d. For my Lady's slop, 12d. 13 pair of shoes, 4s. 4d. 13 smocks, ... Her offering on Whitsunday, 12d. For fetching Mr. Morys, of Cornwall, when my Lady was sick, his costs and his servant's, 8s. Offering at requiem mass, 10 June, 8d. "That my Lady's grace gave to my Lord towards his business ayenst that my Lady should have child," 20l. For alms, 4l. 4s. Various counts for linen. ½ doz. gloves, 18d. 12 pair of hose, 21s. For fetching Mr. Parkhowse when my Lady was sick, 1s. To Mr. Forest, for physic, 7l. 15s. 8d. Total, 523l. 7s. 2¾d.
Livery cloth.—23 yds., 5l. 7s. 4d. 54 "osett" yards of blue, 11d. a yard. 4 broad yds. 1 qr. black, for my Lady's slop, 12d. a yard. Total, 99l.
Liveries for servants.—Mr. Fortescu, 3 yds. 1 qr. Mr. Corteney, 3½ yds. 3 lady's maids, 3 yds. 4 pages, between 3 and 4 yds. 2 gentlemen, 4 yds. 1 qr. Almoner, 3 yds. Parson Richard, 4 yds. Sir David Hensley, 4 yds. Other gentlemen, Fortescue, Collys, Copleston, Daubney, Corteney, &c., 4 yds.; in all, 91 servants, of whom 4 are females. My Lord's servants, 26 gentlemen, among whom are Prediax, Rogers, Cotten, Carew, and others, 3 yds. each.
Wages at Christmas.—My Lady, for her purse, 13l. 6s. 8d. Mr. Courtenay, Mr. Brewan, Agnes Bere, Eliz. Fynes, Edw. Fortescu, Thos. Collys, Geo. Dabeney, Thos. Cotton, and John Carnesewe, 13s. 4d. each. Baldwin Marwode, 16s. 8d., and 57 others, most of whom receive 10s., but some 6s. 8d. or less.
Similar wages' account for Easter, St. John Baptist's day, and Michaelmas.
Board wages.—A shilling a week for the gardener, &c.
My Lady's household expences from Saturday, 26th Sept. 15 Hen. VIII., to Mich. 16 Hen. VIII.:—Payments for fish and eggs. ½ vell (veal ?), 14½d. 2 pigs, 11d. ½ lamb, 5½d. Chickens, 1d. each. ¼ mutton for the hawks. Capons, 6d. each. 5 coneys, 7 ½d. A piece of roasting beef, 9d. Apples for tart, ½d. A fresh salmon, 20d. Wheat, by an old bargain, at 12d. the bushel, and by a new at 14d. 4 doz. ale, with carriage, 4s. 8d. 10 doz., with ditto, 13s. 6d. 1 coney, 1d. "Crudde" for tart, ½d. Apples for fritter, ½d. A piece of pork, 6d. 2 woodcocks, 4d. 2 geese, 12d.—14 Oct. A piece of roasting beef, 14d. Milk for frumente, 1d. 1½ peck oatmeal, 2½d.—18 Oct. ½ veal, 17d. 2 pigs, 9d. 1 goose, 6½d. 6 chickens, 8d. 13 pigeons, 11d. 2 mallards, 6d. 4 teals, 6d. 3 woodcocks, 6d. 4 snyttes (snipes), 2d.—1 Nov. (All Saints' day). 2 does given to the bp. of Exeter.
Diet for my lord of Exeter, 11 Jan. ½ veal, 15½d. 2 geese, 13d. Eggs, 10½d. 5 capons, 2s. 8d. ... 6d. ... 4d. 3 wigeons, 6d. 6 snyttes, 3d. 1 mallard, 3d. ... and crode (curd), 8d. 2 pieces of beef, 10d.? Swans and herons, 2 gulls, 2 partridges, 1 "herth coke" (artichoke ?), 2 collars of brawn, ... to T. Appowell, 1 quarter of red deer out of stock, 5 "copell coneys."
Tuesday, 12 Jan. 2 pieces of roasting beef, 10d. 2 pigs, 10d. 1 piece of pork, 6d. 2 mallards and 2 (?) wigeons, 8d. 4 teals, 6d. 6 stockdoves, 6d. 1 chicken, 2d. Butter and eggs, 2d. 2 pieces of beef, 2 muttons, "di. do. baken," out of store. 2 capons, 3 hens "present."—13 Jan. 1 piece of ... 11d.; 1 pig, fresh fish, butter and eggs, 1 piece and ½ beef.—14 Jan. Beef, pigs, capons, porks, mallards, teal, woodcocks, lamb, butter, eggs, cream, mutton, swan, peacock, pheasant, &c.
Friday, 15 Jan. Fresh fish, fresh salmon, butter, barm, oats, 6 hakes.
Saturday, 16 Jan. Fresh fish, butter, eggs, milk, dry lings, millwall, hakes, buckhorn. (Saturday appears always to be fasting day.)
Jan. Wheat, 14d. per bushel.—8 July (Friday). Peasecod and beans, 8d. Wheat, 14½d. per bushel. Memoranda of visitors in margin.—15 July (Friday). "Syngyn bred, 2d."—19 July. 2 cormorants, 2 puffins.—26 July. Partridges. 10 gallons small ale, 5d.
Total payments from Mich. 15 to Mich. 16 Hen. VIII., 1,564l. 6s. 11d. Paid over to David Hensley, clerk of the kitchen, by Thos. Spurway, receiver general of Katharine countess of Devon, 134l. 12s. 3½d., 24 Oct. 16 Hen. VIII.
A vol. of 281 numbered pages. Mutilated and gall-stained.
25 Oct. 772. RICH. SYDAY.
His will, 26 April 1524; proved, 25 Oct. 1524. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 615.
Arundel MS. 26, f. 68b. B. M. 773. WAR IN ITALY.
1524. The order of the expedition of Francis king of France to Italy, with the number of gentlemen, &c.
Vanguard.—Marechal de Chambanes, 100 lances. Duc de Longeville, 60. Duc d'Albanye, 100. Mons. de la Claiote, 100. Sieur Frederic de Baige, 50. M. de Gilly Guilly, 70. La Rochepot, 50. M. de Walleron, 50. M. de Mesiers, 50. M. de Florenge, 50. Mareschal d'Armignart, 50. M. Dalegre, 50. Total, 570 lances (sic).
Infantry.—Swiss, 8,000. The band of Sieur Frederic, Italians, 2,000.
The Battle.—The King with 200 gentlemen of his household and the pensioners, 350 lances. M. de la Tremouille, 50. The Grand Master, 100. St. Poll, 50. The Admiral, 100. Montmorency, 100. Le Grand Escuyer, 100. =850 infantry, 8,000 lansquenetz, 4,000 Italians=12,000.
Rearguard.—M. d'Alançon, 100. D'Aubegny, 100. Sieur Theadore, 100. M. de Tornon, 50. =350 lances.
Infantry.—French adventurers, 6,000. Francs Archiers, 6,000. Spaniards, 6,000=18,000.
Light horse, 1,600. Archers of the guard, 400.
Artillery.—600 serpentines. 300 bastard culverins. 800 middle-sized culverins.
Fr., pp. 2.
Calig. D. IX. I. B. M. 774. FRANCIS I. to [LOUISE OF SAVOY].
* * * .. "oy je party devant ... je trouvay mon avant garde qui nes[toit] ... [en] grant desordre pour lamour du baggaige. Je m'arrestay ... encoires que beaucoup de gens feussent doppinion que je [devois] loger ma battaille dans Vigesne jusques au lendemain [et ainsi] voulluz-je, voyant que la dilligence estoit la seulle ... Et voyant cela je mengeay ung morceau et feiz dresser [un] autre pont." Before night he crossed with all his battle and rearguard, and went to Bingras five miles on this side the Ticino, and [sent] his vanguard to Roza and Caroza. Being informed that Larcon had entered Milan with 100 horse, and that the Spaniards would follow him immediately, ordered marshal Chabannes "qu'il ... à faire courir tout le chemyn de Millan à Pavy[e]," and send thither the signor Frederic and his band. Signor Frederic found a band of [Spaniards] near Bisnasque, who were going straight to [Milan ?], and informed Chabannes, who ordered the Swiss to attack them (fn. 4) * * * ... "de Salusses et au sieur ... lan pour garder ceste fille de Camp ... estans noz ennemys si rensforcez dedens la ville ... se logerent à troys mille dela." On this Francis consulted with his principal captains, and, seeing that the enemy had come in such diligence that they had brought no [artillery], resolved to attack them next day before they had time to recover themselves, although his own forces had arrived in such haste that they had no heavy artillery either. Accordingly ordered Chabannes and the duke of Albany to go straight from Pavia to Milan, and be early before the gates. "Lordonnance de la ... estoit Mons. l'Admiral et Mons. le Mareschal de Montmor[enci,] Mons. de Sainct Pol et le Mareschal de Lescun pour lautre, l[e duc] d'Albanye et le mareschal de Chabennes pour une autre, et ... par une autre qui avoye retenu quant et moy, Mons. de la Tr[emoille,] Mons. le Grant Maistre et Mons. d'Aubigny. J'avoye les [lansquenets] avec moy, Mons. l'Admiral les Françoys, Mons. de St. Pol l[es] ... et le Mareschal de Chabennes les Suysses; et chacun C ... [ho]mmes d'armes pour mectre devant et descendre aà pied ... volunte de gens, tant Françoys, Allemans et Ital[iens] ...r. Et pour commencer jay envoyé toute ... et quant ce a estésur la poincte du ... er avecques ceulx de dedens ... * * * ... gez et gectez pesle mesle jusq[ues] ... charge sest trouvé Mons. d'Albanye q ... [av]ec toute la gendarmerye de lavantgarde, lequel a ... et a donné alarme par porte Verselyne, et le marquis [de Salusses] qui estoit demeuré a porte Thenese, leur a faict encoires ... charge, et est entré pesle mesle jusques dedens le prem[ier] ..."
Our hacquebuterie then took heart, and attacked the second fort of the enemy, "qui les ont fort estonnés." Francis then changed his plan, and sent marshal De Foix with the French foot to reinforce the others, and also Montmorency with 300 men-at-arms, with Mons. de St. Pol and another troop of gens d'armes at his tail, Francis himself following immediately after with his household troops (avec ma maison). On this the Spaniards abandoned the town, and fled by Po[rta Romana] (fn. 5) and Porte Commese in great disorder, "et sont tous venuz, croy[ans trouver] le chemyn que va a Laude, droict a Marignan." The way outside Milan is so strong (si fort) that from gate to gate it would take a day to traverse it. "Et de nous de ... au travers de la ville pour les suyvre, nous mections la v[ille au] sac et la pillions, et rompions notre armée saus les m ... se feussent faitz." Has therefore sent all his horse and the marquis of Salluces after them with 200 men, and written to the marshal ... "croyser le chemyn avec les Suysses. E[t] ... d'Albanie avec toute la gendarmerie ... moy avec les lanscequenetz ... * * * [ch]asteau, et asseurer la ville.
"Madame, nous avons chasseé noz ennemys tant que nous ... le Mareschal de Chabannes et les Souysses son venuz croys ... queue de leur fille, ou il y a eu beau passetemps; car ilz o[nt] tout taillé en pieces ce qu'ilz ont trouvé." Our enemies have been utterly routed, and the country is so strong that the horsemen cannot join them. As for the foot, none have better legs to run away; at all events we have got all their baggage, and 100 mules laden with powder, which is that which they found at Milan and Pavia, and plenty of prisoners. Thinks they have great occasion to thank God, who has given these victories not to the strong, but to those who trust entirely in him. Will take care on his side to make demonstration of it to him, "non selon qu'il merite, mais selon notre impuissance."
Desires her to bid the sieur Rance set sail; "car [l'Italie ?] est a nous s'il le faict." Our enemies will have nothing to reproach us with hence-forward; for it is long since so great a town has been taken without pillage, and I have never had so fine an army with such high feelings; for when I speak to them "du combat e[n] ... de jambes, ilz prendent des aesles." I beg you will not let us want anything; "car ayant cela nou ... sez a batre. Demain je suyvray noz ennemy[s] ... point dormir quilz ne soient bien loing." * * *
Fr., mutilated, pp. 5.
Cal. D. IX. la. B. M. 775. ITALIAN NEWS.
* * *"... nce Italyen ... rs ledit duc lavo ... armee marcha a grand ... a Suze en Pymont en ... aucuns jours et son arme[e] ... et le Roy apres et marcher ... ulz passerent et entrerent a ... ou ilz voullurent sans con ... a Nowarre qui est bonne v[ille] ... tenu et dela droit a Milan o ... v ... llement receu sans contredit et ny e ... resistence contre ledit Roy.
"[Le Sieur] de Bourbon avoit aucuns de ses gens ... [M]illan que les Millannoys mysdie ... s.
"... [inco]ntinent que le Roy fut à Ast il e[nvoya] ... [chev]aulx par toutes les villes de Lom[bardye pour leur faire] signiffyer quilz ne baillassent m ... [vi]tailles audit duc de Bourbon.
f.l a. b. "...[l]e Roy manda à sa mere luy estant pardela a ... et elle a T[our]non, pres Vallence sur I ... que ledit duc de Bourbon s'en fuyoit ... avait failly à le prendre et ... apres, cest assavoir les * * * ... tuez ... y manda que pour l ... les feuz et processi[ons] ... parellement encore ... de Millan. Il ma ... 16 jours elle esta ... assembloit ses gen[s] ... et deux jours apres il ... de Naples estoit venu ... qu'il n'avoit pas grans ... peu il les doubtoit et ... de rechief ledit Roy manda a sa ... Bourbon et visroy fuyoient d ... dont fut faicte grosse solempn[ite] ... le royaume et mandoit à ladite da[me] ... partout ou ilz yroient jusqu[es] ... recouvert ledit Bourbon son enn ... mandoit que l'on luy envoyas[t] ... dilligence ce que a esté faict ... les tailles cinq cens milles livres de c ... ceste annee.
"Ladite mere donne en France a toute pu ... terres et seigneuryes dudit Bourbon a ... [p]laist, combien que la court de parlement ... encores juge que la duche de Bo[urbon] ... [co]nfisquee.
f. l b. "... sse armee il a 12 cens h ... la * * * ... ons tous ... adventuriers qui ... quatre mille fran ... uyere avoit composé avec ... e bailler et livrer ledit Bou[rbon] ... s gens de bien desplaisant ... udit sieur de Bourbon veu qu ... ien et qu'il estoit sy pres de ... q[u]il avoit mis toute Lombardye ... ence à son obeissance et en si peu de te[mps] ... revoltez.
"... ant icy sur les chemyns pardela Paris il ... un bruyt qui a contynue jusques a ce ... ste a Monstereul que le Roy estoit b ... esche et avoit perdu de ses gens mais le ... ne se descouvroit point fort.
"... ent grant desplaisir de la grant nef qui est ... rt de ce que le Roy à gaigne Millan cest ... ens. Il le perdra aussi tost qu'il a gaign[e] ... [B]ourbon a bonne ayde car il n'a pas perd[u] ... et quant le Roy en sera dehors, subit ... departiront, car plussieur foiz il en est au ... car les Lombartz n'ayment point les Franc[oys] ... puis le Roy n'a pas le chasteau si ce n ... peu de jours.
f. lb. b. "Si ledit sieur Bourbon povoit tenir le l ... armée en ballance de tousjou[rs] ... en resistant contre * * * ... ant du t ... ne luy vauldra ... [F]rance ledit sieur Bourbo[n] ... de Lombardye et les ... il est aussi à entendre ... est pardela et tout ... il a faict et a tous les ... luy, et en les tenant par ... les y tenir ou batre ne ser ... d'aucuns gens à tout le moins ... se mengeront et par cella s ... metoit une armee par deca il ... pource qu'il fault que ses gens d ... dit est qui tousjours dyminuer ... ne pourra tenir grande armée ... qui y sera quant ores il pourra ... pour faire armee, ce que non ... plus que meschantes gens et ava ... moys la plus part de ... fayn."
Badly mutilated.


  • 1. A letter from Lautrec to Francis I., of 10 Oct. 1524, (Documents Inédits, p. 22,) alludes to some negotiation between him and Sir Gregory Casal, as will be seen by the following passage:—"I have received your letter by Rabadanges; and with regard to what is contained in your instructions to him touching the affair of the money, as well of the part of the 100,000 cr. as that which the chevalier de Casal, ambassador for the king of England, has brought, together with the other points touching the finances, I have ordered General Hurault to acquaint the Chancellor with the matter." And in the latter part of the said letter he refers to the arrival of Casal in his camp.
  • 2. Lord Beaurain, created Lord Reux 1524.
  • 3. The 24th October was a Monday in 1524.
  • 4. A marginal note opposite this passage says: "[Signor Freder]ick with his ... th a band of Spanish ... Chabannes with ... nd him with intent ... t, but benighted ... to Binasque ... [e]nemy steal ... got to Milan."
  • 5. Supplied from margin.