Henry VIII: October 1524, 12-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: October 1524, 12-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp322-331 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1524, 12-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp322-331.

"Henry VIII: October 1524, 12-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp322-331.


October 1524

12 Oct.
S.B. Rym. XIV. 25.
730. For THOMAS LYNACRE, M.D., the King's physician.
Licence to found three lectureships in medicine, viz. two in the university of Oxford, and one at Cambridge, to be called "Lynacre's lectures." Also licence to the Mercers' Company, London, according to the purpose of the said Thomas, to acquire possessions to the annual value of 30l. from the said Thomas or other persons for the maintenance of the lectures. Del. Westm., 12 Oct. 16 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24.
14 Oct.
R. O.
As he is admitted to Wolsey's service, and to the dangerous and expensive post of the keeping of Riddlesdale, has consumed his poor substance in maintaining servants, and been obliged to sell his lands, and disinherit his heirs for ever. Will soon be unable to continue the charge. Has only 40 marks a year from Wolsey, of which he must pay to the constable of Harbottle 10l., with other petty fees to the inhabitants to help good order, with 2l. a year to attach felons, 26s. 8d. to a man to keep the gaol, and to two watchmen 4 marks a year each, with meat and drink;—thus he has only 7l. 13s. 4d. to himself. Requires 40l. for his household, besides great resort of the inhabitants; for without substantial hospitality, with meat and drink and horse-meat, "a true gentleman cannot have them at commandment, ne know the secret of their demeanor;" and whenever he was ordered to raise the country, the parties would be warned. His poor lands on the Borders were largely wasted in this late time of war. Harbottle, 14 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Cardinal. Endd.
14 Oct.
Vit. B. VI. 213. B. M.
Wrote to Madame (Margaret) on the 8th, as he heard from the archbishop of Capua that Francis would not consent to a truce now the enemy had retreated, unless the duchy of Milan, as far as the Thesin (Ticino), were yielded to him, and the exiles restored. These are unreasonable conditions, and he asked no more when his army was before Milan. Hears that he is commencing to descend from Piemont in these parts.
The duchy is ill provided, on account of the plague, but the Duke is doing all he can.
Has collected all the men-at-arms and foot who were quartered near. Has sent 1,000 foot to Genoa, in case the French fleet goes thither.
Expects Bourbon and Pescara here with the army. If they arrive before the French army, they will decide on their future course according to the progress of the French. If their army delays, so that he is forced to retreat, has agreed with the Sieur Alarcon and captain Anthoine de Lyene, to retreat "en Ale[xandrie,]" and there collect the army from Provence. If the French take the lower road, will leave some foot and 200 light horse at Alexandrie, and march along the P[o] to Pavia, place themselves on the Ticino, and endeavor to give battle. Hears that Francis is sending Renche de Chery (Ceri) with his fleet to attack the kingdom of Naples. Heard a year ago that this was intended. Has sent word to the Council there, and to the viceroy of Sicily. Hears from Rome that the English ambassador says that his master will have neither peace nor truce. Thinks that this was in a letter from De Praet to De la Roche, which Madame sent to Lanoy. In this case, he ought to maintain the war here, especially as Francis is coming in person; for if they win the battle here, he can do what he likes in France. Has applied to the signory of Venice to send the army which they promised for the defence of Milan. Has written to the Pope to ask him to declare himself, and aid them, now that he has done his duty in stirring for peace, and that Francis is beginning to invade Italy.
Hopes the army will be near here in four or five days.
Thinks the king of England should be required to contribute now Francis is coming in person. If the winter were not so near, would ask De Praet to beg him to send an army. Nothing is being done from Spain. Francis has nothing to attend to but this quarter, and they are short of money. There is danger of his succeeding. Hears that the Emperor has had tertian and quartan fever. Gregory Casale is going to England. Asti, 14 Oct. 1524.
Fr., pp. 3, mutilated, copy.
15 Oct.
Cott. App. XLVII. B. M. St. P. IV. 174.
Has received his letters dated Newcastle, 10th inst., with those of the Queen, Arran and others. Has shown them to the King, who approves of what he wrote to the Queen and those to Wolsey. It will require some time to answer the Queen's articles and Arran's letters, and instructions thereon shall be sent to Magnus and Ratclif. Meanwhile, as Angus left for the North 10 days ago, and the Queen and Arran may think he will enter Scotland, and out of displeasure to him may deliver the Archbishop of St. Andrews, or do something else contrary to the King's intent, it was thought advisable to instruct Norfolk of the King's pleasure, which he shall set forth in his own name, according to the effect which he shall see come of his letters to the Queen. First, if his last letters have not moved the Queen and Arran to agree with Angus, his entering now would do much harm; and he must therefore detain Angus at Newcastle, entertaining and watching him, so that he shall not attempt to escape. Further directions shall be given when it is known whether his going to Scotland will be expedient or not. That he may not take his detention unkindly, sends back the Queen's and Arran's letters, and copy of the article written by the Queen touching Angus; all which he may show to the Earl, setting forth the harm that would ensue from his going to Scotland before the Queen is appeased; how he is suspected of adhering to the French faction, and doing things contrary to the young King's surety; how the Queen wishes him to be delivered as a prisoner to them, or detained in England; and what danger it would be for him to go thither. He may add that, although he had orders to let Angus pass, he dares not do so now until he receives an answer from the King. In any case he must be treated as aforesaid, but must not suspect that his detention is by the King's order.
If Angus and Ratclif have not gone to Scotland, he must hasten their departure, and tell them the contents of this letter.
He must write in his own name to the Queen, that since his last letter to her and to the King, as he expects it will be some time before he has an answer (Wolsey being busy at London with matters of justice, and the King 60 miles away), he has thought it best to offer her his advice on the subject of her last writings, now that Angus has arrived, who is sent to be at hand for the more easy composing of the differences between the Queen, Arran and him;—that considering that the King only wishes for his nephew's good, and made war merely to exclude the suspect tutele of Albany, he is sorry he sent up the Queen's letters intimating that no ambassadors should be sent, nor the King's ways favored, unless he would promise to detain Angus, and that peace would be more beneficial to the King than to her son; which things are contrary to the gratitude the King expected. Norfolk knows that all the proposals for reconciling Angus to her and Arran have been only for her son's good, and to increase her and Arran's authority; for as the Prince is still young, and but rawly settled in his estate, having many who would be glad to disturb his erection, nothing can be more dangerous to him than division between the Lords. If the King wished otherwise than well to Scotland, nothing would be more to his purpose than to promote discord.
Besides, whenever he saw that the Queen and Arran intended to assist the young King's erection, he immediately desisted from making war on Scotland, and showed himself ready to receive ambassadors. He has no mind to take anything from the young King, but would be content to give him back his kingdom if he had it in his own hands. If Norfolk had been wise he would not have sent on Margaret's letters, but would have returned them to her to be reconsidered, especially as it was never intended to send Angus to Scotland without the Queen's consent, and under conditions approved by Henry for the honor of the Queen and Arran. He must therefore advise the Queen and Arran accordingly, telling them he is ready to come to Berwick or elsewhere to meet Arran.
As to the reference which has been made to a letter in Angus's own hand, showing that he had left France by the connivance of the French king and Albany, and had been communicating through his brother with the captain of Dunbar,—if any such thing can be proved against him it had better be stated in letters apart from the king of Scots and the Lords, with a request that the King will not allow him to pass into Scotland; in which case Norfolk may give his assurance that he shall be detained. He is to urge upon the Queen to make no delay in arrangements for peace, nor to allow her own private feelings to interfere. He should advise her to send the archbishop of St. Andrews to England, not as a prisoner, but only to be kept for a season till the King's authority is confirmed, when he may be re-delivered, continue in his preferments, or be deprived, as she shall think fit, assuring her that the King would be as unwilling as she to let Angus enter Scotland if he had an honorable ground to detain him. He may add in a postscript that since writing he had received a letter from Wolsey, with a safe-conduct for the ambassadors, and that he found nothing in Wolsey's letter to make him alter what he had written; that the distance of the King from London is the cause of her not having an answer to all her writing sent by Carlisle [herald], but that Norfolk supposes that the answer will be much to the same effect as what he has written. He may send on Wolsey's other letter directed to himself to show her, and suggest to her that, now the safe-conduct has been at the young King's request, it would be a breach of the promises made by the commissioners of Scotland if the coming of the ambassadors was delayed on account of this matter of Angus. Hampton Court, 15 Oct.
Cal. B. VII. 87. B. M. 2. Copy of the preceding, in Tuke's hand. Undated. Headed: Copie of my lorde Cardinall's letter to the duke of Norfolk.
15 Oct.
R. O.
Heard on arriving that the French had assembled large numbers of horse and foot on the frontiers, and two or three days after that Vendôme and Counts Dommartyn and De Bruyne were come to Boulogne; that Pont de Remy, with the said horse and foot, took victuals to Terouenne, and is now returned towards Montreuil, between which and Terouenne they will cast down certain churches and piles. Fitzwilliam's men are troubled with ague and bloody flux. Guisnes, 15 Oct.
Hears from two men just come from St. Omers, one of whom is servant to Mons. de Ryecourt, brother to Mons. de Leques, that 900 French horse and 4,000 foot have plundered four or five villages between St. Omers and Eyre, and taken as great a booty as has been seen since the war began. Mons. de Leques sailed from St. Omers against them, and was taken; "whereof I am right sorry," for so much money has been collected in Flanders that there is great murmuring, and if more is demanded great "inconvenients" may ensue. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. To my lord Cardinal's grace.
15 Oct.
R. O.
Asks for a licence for Pierre de Yricar, "garde des batimens" of Andalusia, to buy in England 1,000 "cayses" of corn for his troops at Fontarabia and St. Sebastian. Has arrested all the ships in Andalusia to send his troops whither Henry knows. Tour de Cilles, 15 Oct. '24. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
15 Oct.
R. O.
At his request, Wolsey granted an injunction to Sir Anthony Wingfeld and William Waller, forbidding their proceeding against Dame Margaret Mortimer and Robt. Downes her husband, in an action of debt for 3,000 marks, before the justices of the King's Bench. Is, however, informed that the suit continues, at the procurement of Robt. Browne and Dame Anne his wife, Lady Mortimer's daughter; and although Wolsey granted Downes a patent of protection, Browne has craftily obtained an innotescimus to repeal it, through one of the clerks of the Chancery; so that the justices of the last Assize in Suffolk proceeded in the action. Will give Wolsey more information at his next coming to London. Ampthill, 15 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: My lord Cardinal's grace.
Item, that Sir Jas. Framingham and dame Anne his wife have many times requested dame Margaret Mortimer to bind herself to leave her inheritance to them; which she refused on account of their manifold unkindness, saying "she would never be bound to her cradle, but be lady of her own during her life." They have several times turned her out of their house at Crowyshall, after having spent and borrowed all her money, and failed to get bonds from her for her inheritance. The last time they put her out, they took away from her 8l., and withheld all her plate and apparel. This took place on Christmas even, and she "was driven to seek her lodging that holy time of Christmas, and also fain to go all the said Christmas as she went upon Christmas even to her great discomfort."
Mem.—The said Dame sealed and delivered an obligation of 3,000 marks, 6 Aug. 11 Hen. VIII., in the chapel at Croweshall, Debenham, Suff., to Sir Anthony Wingfield and Wm. Waller. None were present but the Lady and Waller, and the chapel door was shut. When it was done, Waller called in the servants of the house as witnesses. The tenor of the obligation was that she should "make estate of" a pension of 100 marks she has from the Exchequer, and the manors of Somerton and Droitwich, Suff, and Worc., to certain persons named by Wingfield and Waller, for her use, during her life; and at her death, for six years, the manors to be to the use of her will, and afterwards to go to Framingham and his wife. The annuity to remain to dame Anne immediately on dame Margaret's death, and that she should not alienate any of her inheritances.
No feoffees were ever named by Wingfield and Waller to dame Margaret, and no request was made to her to make any such estate, either before her marriage to Downes or after. She was a widow for 2½ years after making the obligation.
Item.—The day of making the obligation, Waller promised that none of her lands should be put to any "after deal, hurt, nor damage," but it should only stand to show to Sir James, who was then on his death-bed, and died nine days after. He also promised to re-deliver the obligation at Sir James's death. She sent Sir Henry Wodward, her chaplain, and two others, three times to ask for it; but he answered he could not well tell when it was, but would look for it amongst his books at Yepsyche (Ipswich) and Ramesholt, and send it her.
Item.—Whereas it is alleged that Framingham would make no jointure to his wife till dame Margaret was bound, "we say" that he made the jointure, and the obligation was made 6 Aug. following, at the request of the bishop of Norwich, and he being present executed the estates by means of Robt. Browne, then his household steward, who "trusted to marry the said dame Anne as the common voice went."
Dame Margaret never had a pennysworth for the making of the said obligation, and never had any lands or moveables from Robert Fornesse, dame Anne's father.
Browne and dame Anne came to Downes' house after he had married dame Margaret, and in her sight stabbed at him with a dagger, "and like to have sticked him; and, for fear, the said dame Margaret swooned three times that night, so that they might anethes get the life on her;" which was the cause of their selling Somerton, for fear of her death, to pay her debts.
Browne and dame Anne brought a subpœna against Downes and dame Margaret in Easter term 14 Hen. VIII., and at the same time served a bill in Middlesex of trespass against them; and on the Friday after Whitsunday, at the Standard in Cheapside, "the Emprowe not fully at Powlys," arrested her, and took her to the court in the Poultry, where five or six prisoners died every day. On the next day, when Downes and dame Margaret had got sureties, they arrested them and two of their servants, on the bill of Middlesex with a latitat. They then sued to the lord Fynex for a cerciorari with a corpus cum causa, and had it granted; but Browne, and one Browne Somerset of the Temple, would not allow it to be sealed, but would have torn it out of the attorney's hand, but for Mr. Alverd, who is with the Cardinal.
A nisi prius passed at the assizes at Bury St. Edmund's against Downes and dame Margaret, by the craft of Browne Somerset, for he caused 12 men of London to be forsworn to repel the protection by an innotescimus; for writing which, contrary to a rule in Chancery, Lambard was committed to the Fleet, "and so the said Downes dysseyvyd." No witness was sworn at the passing of the nisi prius, and there are three or four living who were present at the sealing of the obligation. "Item, this whole matter in the duke of Suffolk's honde afore ony fine or recovery of ony of the said inheritance, excepted Somerton, the cause of that is afore, the which end they would not keep, but brake it."
Pp. 4.
15 Oct.
Univ. Lib., 172, Dd. III. 85, No. 18. Camb. MS.
A Latin tract, paper folio of 19 leaves, containing an argument touching the validity of their marriage and the legitimacy of lady Fraunces their daughter. By R. B. (forte Rob. Beale).
Indifferent hand of the end of the 16th century.
16 Oct.
Calig. B. II. 162. B. M. St. P. IV. 182.
Has just received the enclosed letter from Hals. Thinks the answer given him will be much like the Queen's,—first saying to him that she could be content at all times to follow the King's pleasure, but in the end that she is forced to keep her promise to the earl of Arran, and not allow Angus to come to Scotland. The ambassadors who were to have come from Edinburgh to Berwick on the 23rd have returned home. Does not believe that Arran will be so hasty to make a journey into Liddersdale, as mentioned in Hals's letter. If he do, and Lennox keep his day at Peebles, there will be an affray; and, now that Buccleugh has escaped, Arran will be the less bold. Met with Angus at Raby Castle last Friday. Acknowledged that he had seen the articles between him and Wolsey, but told him he was not instructed whether to detain him, or let him go,—that he hoped to learn by Tuesday whether the Queen would consent to his return, and shortly afterwards would hear from Wolsey. He consented, for Norfolk's satisfaction, to remain at Newcastle, but would not stay at Raby, which Norfolk had wished, as he could be more easily guarded there. Will not let him go till he has distinct orders. Thinks if he were in Scotland Arran would abate his high tone. Newcastle, 16 Oct. Signed.
16 Oct.
R. O.
Hears today from St. Omers and Turneham that last night the French overthrew the Spaniards and Adventurers at Eyre, and took their standard, and that they intend to do some other enterprise before they disband. If they come hither, trusts they will be welcomed to their pain, Guisnes, 16 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
16 Oct. 741. NORWICH.
Mortmain licence to the mayor and commonalty to release and quit claim to Robt. prior of Holy Trinity, Norwich, all right, &c. in a common pasture in the lands of the said Prior in the suburbs of Norwich, in Lakenham and Eton, Norf. Westm., 16 Oct.
Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26.
17 Oct.
R.MS. 13 B, II. 825. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 348.
Complaining of the arrest of Edw. Crawford, of Edinburgh, at Copenhagen, at the suit of some Dutch merchants, on the pretext that they had been robbed by one Robert Fogo and others of Leith. Edinburgh, 17 Oct. 1524.
After sealing his other letters, received the enclosed letter from Wolsey with a safe-conduct for the ambassadors to be sent to the King, which he has sent to Berwick to be delivered to them by the marshal of the town. Sees nothing to alter in Wolsey's letters. The matters she wrote of will require great deliberation, and she need not expect an answer till the coming of Magnus, as the King and Wolsey are now so far apart. Thinks it will be to the effect he has written now. Urges her to follow the King's advice in all things.
Copy, in the hand of Norfolk's clerk, p. 1.
18 Oct.
Harl. MS. 442, f. 50. B. M.
A proclamation prohibiting the wearing of armor or weapons in the King's Palace or Hall of Westminster by any person except the sheriff of Middlesex, the warden of the Fleet, and their officers. Published at Westminster, 18 Oct. 16 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, p. 1.
18 Oct.
Calig. B. VII. f. 74. B. M.
Has received his letter and credence by William Hals touching the Earl's quarrel with Angus. Had written to him before and to king Henry that if Angus be not detained, as he and the Queen have proposed, it will be an obstacle to peace, and lead to many inconveniences. He will consider any attempt to force the restoration of Angus as a very ungrateful return for the services he has done; and that the overture for reconciliation is merely a pretext on the Earl's part for injuring him and his friends. Edinburgh, 18 Oct. Signature.
Pp. 2.
18 Oct.
Calig. B. I. 266. B. M. Green's Royal and Illust. Ladies, (fn. 1) I. 349.
Has received his writings by Will. Hals, purporting that the amity betwixt her and Angus is necessary, and the King cannot lawfully retain him in England. Her son's prosperity is above all other earthly considerations. But the desired amity would only be to his damage, destroy her influence, and separate her from her son. Desires the Earl may be detained. If the King is governed by the Earl's wishes, she and her son will have to provide for their security elsewhere. Edinburgh, 18 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.
18 Oct.
Lanz, I. 145.
The Emperor's commissioners and those of the king of England for the affairs of the king and queen of Denmark are returned. Sends their report. The King, purposing to go to the Emperor, and to take the Queen with him, remained some time in Zealand, but could not obtain a safe passage. They therefore desire to go to the baths of Aix, for the benefit of the Queen's health, and have requested Margaret to obtain a safe-conduct for them from Mons. de Juliers. Had understood their allowance to be 500 florins a month, and 2,000 a year for the Queen's dress; but they spend more than 800 a month. Appointed her maître d'hôtel, Sonastre, to establish some order in their household, which is impossible. After their return from Aix the King desires to reside at Gand, which is not advisable. Will appoint as their residence the castle of Geneppe.
Dated at the commencement, "18 Oct. 1524."
Nero, B. III. 87. B. M. 748. CHRISTIERN II. to [HENRY VIII.]
Thanks him for his promises. His uncle, the duke of Holstein, (fn. 2) has besieged Copenhagen, and he begs him to send an ambassador to Madame Marguerite to treat of his affairs. If he will condescend to admonish his people to assist him with men and ships, he will see that this kindness will not be done to an ungrateful prince. Asks if he wishes his people to do their merchandise at the isles of Islande, Ferre and Berghes. Promises to do all he can to recompense him and his people. Signed.
Fr., pp. 2.
19 Oct.
R. O.
Hears that the French have victualled Terouenne, and have placed their foot on the frontiers so that they can be assembled in two or three hours, and their horse at Boulogne, Montreuil, Abbeville, and Hesdin, and intend to attack Turnehen when they can provide victuals enough. Will take care they do him no damage, and will make a course when they have disbanded. There is great murmur in Flanders that the money levied for the war is spent in drinking by the great men, that the country is not defended, and that half the men who are in wages, as the garrisons of St. Omers, Eyre, and other towns, are at their own homes. Is afraid there will be a mutiny unless it is remedied. Supposes Wolsey knows more of Bourbon's movements than he does. It is reported here that he has retreated, to his great dishonor. Has given Briswood the 1,000l. he brought with him, for the payment of the crews. It was due before he came, and another month will be due in a fortnight, for the payment of which Briswood has no money, except the 1,000l. left with him for Jerningham for presting wagons. Asks if he shall use it for the wages, as the men are troubled with sickness, and it were a pity they should lack money in their extremity. Guisnes, 19 Oct.
Two of his spies have just brought word that 1,000 new foot have come to the French. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's Grace.
20 Oct.
Cal. B. II. 159. B. M. St. P. IV. 185.
On Tuesday night received Wolsey's letters with the safe-conducts and other writings from the queen of Scots, already sent to Wolsey. Has been so vexed with toothache and an imposthume in his mouth that he has been ill able to write to the Queen. Has, however, touched the effect of Wolsey's pleasure as nearly as he could. Has heard nothing more from Hals. Thinks the Queen has been delaying him with fair words, during the absence of Arran, on the road which he intended to make in Liddersdale. He returned on Tuesday night to Edinburgh, without having done anything important. Sends copies of three letters which he has written to her today. Has sent them to Hals, bidding him read copies of them, and not deliver the great letter, Wolsey's letter, or his own making mention of it, if he find that she and Arran are willing to agree with Angus. If not, he is to deliver the great letter, and request of her a private audience. If he then find her totally opposed to the coming of Angus he is to deliver Norfolk's letter, marked in the margin a; and if that do not alter her mind he shall deliver the other, with the letter sent by Wolsey, telling her that wise men in Scotland fear that those in whom she confides most, work by the advice of the bishop of St. Andrew's; that this appears to be the case, both because that Bishop is not sent to England, and because the Ambassadors have not kept their day,—and that no answer will come from the King or Wolsey to her last letters and articles till the arrival of Magnus and Radcliffe. If all this will not alter her mind it will be needless trying further, and Angus may as well be sent into Scotland, or Margaret assured that he will not come. Has persuaded Angus to remain till the return of Hals, but he will not stay longer, for anything Norfolk or Dacre can say. He says he doubts not Norfolk acts for the best, but the longer he is detained the longer it will be before agreements are made. Is continually assailed by the importunity of the Earl and his brother. Hopes that when it is determined what to do with the Earl, and Magnus and Radcliffe are at Edinburgh, he will be allowed to return. He can do no good here. Newcastle, 20 Oct. Signed.
20 Oct.
Galba, B. VIII. 128. B. M.
The Audiencer came today, and told them that last night my Lady had received letters from the Viceroy, with a copy of a letter to him from the marquis of Pescara, stating that Bourbon, after battering Marseilles with seven pieces of artillery, three or four of which miscarried from too much shot, ordered an assault, which was refused because sufficient battery had not been made. Bourbon advised that the siege should be raised, and that they should go after their enemies; which the army did not agree to, considering the danger of leaving Marseilles at their back, and being cut off from victuals by a great force of the French king that was near at hand. The siege was therefore raised on the 27th ult., and the army withdrew to Nice. The Audiencer said there were two things he could not understand in the Marquis's letter; first, that Bourbon had not a sufficient number to fight the French; and, second, that they were in want of money. It was also stated that Bourbon's heavy artillery was delivered to Don Hugh de Moncada to convey by water; also that when the archbishop of Capua urged the French king for a truce, he refused, unless Bourbon and his army completely evacuated his dominions, and all Lombardy on this side the Ticino were restored to him, and the banished Milanese reinstated in their lands and goods. He would not allow the Archbishop to write either to the Emperor or to the King; so he has only written to the Pope, whose answer he awaits at Avignon with the French king and his mother. Francis bragged to him that he would send a great force to Suza, at the foot of Mont Cenis, and enter Piedmont. The Viceroy has sent into Almain for 10,000 lanzknechts to resist him. If these news be true, it cannot be long before Wolsey hears from Pace or Messire Gregoire. Probably this recule comes of the Emperor.
Mentioned in their last that a long letter in cipher was found in the ship lately taken from the Scots by a ship of war of this country and an English vessel. Have got it deciphered before it goes to my Lady; which, if the ambassador there knew it, would be his utter undoing, and another's also. Send an exact copy, which they doubt if the Council here will give them. Beg Wolsey to remember the posts, who are 21 months in arrear. Mechlin, 20 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 4. In Knight's hand.
20 Oct.
R. O.
Extract from the Emperor's letter to De Praet, 20 Oct.
Has heard the English ambassador, and answered him by writing. Encloses a copy. He must require the Legate to dismiss Jehan Jochin, in accordance with the treaty of Windsor, for his long stay in England does more injury than he can think to their common affairs. There are a thousand suspicions, both among friends and enemies. Is told as certain that Francis expects to get what he wants from Wolsey, and that he will keep on practising with him till he sees an opportunity of profiting by it; that he would never have gone to Provence with his whole army unless he had been certain that nothing would be done on the side of England; that he has friends there, and that on the frontier of Picardy no war or military contribution will be made. Cannot believe these reports, but they encourage the enemy, and have a bad effect on their friends. He may also tell the Legate that Charles would not entertain a Frenchman so long, that he does not intend to listen to any practices which may he proposed to him without the King's consent, and that he hopes and requests that they will do the same. He will have the letter of exchange for his pension before the end of November.
Fr., pp. 2.
20 Oct.
Galba, B. VIII. 130. B. M.
Received last night letters from the viceroy of Naples, which speak of letters from the marquis of Pescara to the Viceroy, and from the latter to the Pope. Pescara says that Bourbon has battered Marseilles, and three of his seven cannons have failed; on which, finding there was no breach to assault, Bourbon proposed to go against the king of France; but this being objected to, their heavy artillery was delivered to Hugh de Moncada to bring to Toulon, and withdraw it by sea. Bourbon intends to remain about Nice. It is evident that he must withdraw, principally for lack of payment. The king of France intends going to Italy. The Viceroy has asked for 10,000 fresh Almains, and has required the Pope to declare himself against the king of France if the latter enter Italy. Learns by the same letters that the Viceroy has procured 20,000 ducats over and above the 200,[000], and that he has written to Naples for the remainder of the 300,000. These are unpleasant news. Malines, 20 Oct.
Fr., copy, mutilated, p. 1.
20 Oct.
Calig. B. VII. 77. B. M.
Have not yet received a safe-conduct out of Scotland. The Scotch ambassadors are not yet ready. Do not expect the chancellor of Scotland to be sent to Berwick. He is making good cheer with his friends at Edinburgh. The bishop of Aberdeen is at liberty at Lithgow, saying he will not agree that Scotland should be altered by him that destroyed their master. Divers persons have been sent into France to Albany by the Chancellor, desiring his return. The Queen is governed by his friends. Will go to Scotland as soon as the safe-conduct arrives. If Albany should come in the interval they would gladly know Wolsey's pleasure; for it is thought by Norfolk and Dacre they will lose their goods and be made prisoners if the Scotch ambassadors are not in England. Groselles, who is in Dunbar, wrote to Arran commending his policy. Newcastle, 20 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: "Un[to my l]ord Legate's good [grace]." Endorsed by Wriothesley.
20 Oct. 755. For MILES WILLEN, clk., King's chaplain.
Grant of the canonry and prebend of Woodforth, in Salisbury cathedral, at the King's disposal on account of the voidance of the see of Salisbury. Westm., 20 Oct.
Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 29.


  • 1. N.B.—"Believed" is a misreading of "be lewit" (be permitted).
  • 2. Frederick I.