
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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'Appendix', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Appendix', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Appendix". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1864), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.



A.D. 1515.
17 Jan.
R. O.
"Costs and charges laid out by John Champneys and Thos. Wyseham, groom of the King's chamber, upon the French ambassadors and other persons that were with them which brought to the King's grace five horses, which were sent from the French King about the feast of All Saints."
Meat and drink, 40s.; 9 doz. faggots, 9s.; 33 bushels of oats, 16s. 6d.; hay, 7s. 10d.; lodging (8 beds), 6s. 8d.
Also for costs of the ambassadors "upon the 12th night."
Total, 5l. 11s. 4d. Receipt for the same, 17 Jan. 6 Hen. VIII., signed "Thomas Wyssam."
P. 1.
26 Jan.
R. O.
"The book of payments of wages of Sir Sa[mpson] Norton, master of the King's ord[nance, and of] clerks, yeomen, artificers," &c., from the 7 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. to the 26 Jan. 6 Hen. VIII.
Wages for a month, beginning 7 Nov. and ending 4 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII.; Norton, at 6s. 8d. a day; clerks, 12d.; yeomen, 8d.; laborers, 6d. and 4d. Clerks' names: John Norton, Wm. Coke, John Beere and Roger Thorne.—Total expences of the month, including carriage, &c. of ordnance, 87l. 13s. 5½d. Each folio, as well as the total amount, signed "Sir Sampson Norton, knt."
For the month beginning 5 Dec. and ending 1 Jan. 5 Hen. VIII.—Total for the month, 64l. 9s. 2d.
For Norton, his clerks and yeomen, 2 and 3 of Jan. 5 Hen. VIII., total, [24s.]; from 4 to 26 Jan. 5 Hen. VIII., total, 14l. 11s. 4d.
For artificers and laborers, 2–26 Jan., 55l. 5s. 1½d., including payments for making the new house in the Brays, and for shipping ordnance; sometimes in Flemish money, at 25s. 6d. Fl. per pound stg., and sometimes in another currency, called "gr." (gros?) in which the £. s. d. bear to sterling money the relative value of about 8 to 13.
Wages of Sir Edwd. Belknap and Sir Sampson Norton, and of clerks, &c., from 27 Jan. to 23 Feb. 5 Hen. VIII. Clerks, James Butler and John Bullock, &c. Also payments for timber, charcoal, rosin, tips of horns, shaving skins, &c., a ton of iron, 100s., coal at 9s. 4d. a chaldron, and for men connected with Ld. Corson's company, &c., 345l. 5s. 6d. Treasurer of the ordnance, Anthony Nele, at 2s. per diem. Clerk, Thos. Tacye, at 12d. per diem, &c.—Total, 350l. 4s.
The like from 24 Feb. to 23 March 5 Hen. VIII.—Total, 283l. 19s. 6d., including conduct money into England. For binding a gunstock, 40s. For 4 nests (?) of steel, 2s. 8d. For the making of 1,706 bows of the King's ordnance, at 66s. 8d. per 100. Carriage of gunstones from the haven, and of bricks from Middleway for the new forges in the Brayes, and of coals out of Adrian Dowgan's ship. Rent of a cellar for the King's ordnance, at 12d. a week. For 14 boats carrying the mount from St. Omer's to Waton, 20d. a boat. Rent of a house with 4 chambers and 2 vaults, 41 weeks, at 2s. a week.
The like from 24 March to 20 April 5 Hen. VIII.—Total lost.
Payments by command of Sir Edw. Belknapp.—To Guisnes pursuivant, riding to Abbeville and Montreuil, 40s. To Sir Sampson Norton, for scouring the dyke in the marsh for defence of cattle, 13s. 4d. To Saundre Fisher of Calais, and John Pocock of Dover, for carrying letters directed to the King's council. To the Bailiff of Marque, for a spy to Davern and Montreuil. 17 June, to one John Surgeon at Dorneam, payments for iron at 106s. 8d. a ton; 13 chalder coals, at 11s. a chalder, and 6s. 6d. for meting and bearing. For 7,400 brodds for the great ordnance, at 10s. a 1,000, and 14,000 small brodds, at 2s. 6d. a 1,000. 6,000 clout nails, at 2s. 6d. a 1,000. To Thos. Birchinshaw, for 4 pair of smith's bellows, 53s. 4d.; for dressing 44 halberds, at 3s. a doz. Hire of a yard and stable for the ordnance for half a year, and a house for the bowyers for 2 months, 26s. 8d. Freight of 1 ton of gunstones, from Maidstone to Calais, 3s. 4d. For 51 ells of canvas, 24s. 4d. For carriage of 4 lasts of gunpowder to the water's side, 2s. 4d. Horsehides for the horse harness makers, 2s. 2d. apiece. To Friar Francis, for farm of a house for the horse-harness makers, at 10d. a week. 2,500 billets for the wheel wrights to make tug-pins, 17s. 8d. 8 loads of clay, delivered at the Brayes, for the founder to cast moulds for boxes, 2s. 1d. For the making of 42 doz. bags for gunpowder, at 8d. a doz. Carriage of gunstocks to St. Peter's, 4d. gr. a load; of coals and iron from the Brayes to the town, 2½d. gr. a load; of the mount from Our Lady on the wall to the Brayes, 2½d. a load; of iron and coals out of Robt. Jeffrey's ship, 2½d. gr. a load; of 49 tons of elm timber, at 5d. gr. a ton.—Total, 264l. 6s. 11½d.
The like from 16 June 6 Hen. VIII. to 13 July.—For 20 pair of shoyng hambres, 10s.; 20 pr. of pincers, 10s.; 20 butturs, 10s.; 6 pr. manacles, 8s. For the freight of 3 curtalls, with stocks and wheels, gunpowder and marespikes, brought out of Flanders, 6l. 17s. To Sir Ric. Carewe, for the hire of a house in the Friar's Street for the horse-harness makers, for 30 weeks ending 1 July, 8d. a week. 3 cellars for the ordnance, at 4d., 12d., and 5d. a week. 21 doz. organ ladles, with staves and burrs, 40s. 32 doz. without staves, 32s. Ladles for serpentines, 4d. apiece. 2 bolsters of brass, weighing 23 lbs., at 4d. a lb.—Total, 180l. 16s. 9d.
The like from 14 July to 10 August. For 5 tons of Maidstone stone, rough hewn, for bombard shot, at 12s. a ton.—Total, 87l. 5s.
The like from 11 Aug. 6 Hen. VIII. to 7 Sept.—To Wm. Horsley and John Holmes, staying at Calais, about the ordering of saltpetre and gunpowder, 14 days, 13s. 4d. 11 last of empty barrels, 73s. 4d. Carriage of serpentine and organ guns from Guisnes to Calais, 13 men, at 8d. a day. 2 cellars in Watergate Street, and 2 lofts, 14d. a week. 5 new barrel heads, and a new barrel for powder, 10d. Carriage of parcel of a mount from St. Omer's to Calais, 13s. 4d. Reward to 10 servants of Sir Ric. Courteney, for conducting a hoy laden with powder out of Flanders, and driven on to the English coast, 4s. 4d.—Total, 77l. 3s. 8d.
The like from 8 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. to 5 Oct.—The founder working upon the gun that was broken, 10d1. a day. Labourers with the founder casting the chamber of a great brass gun, 5d. a day.—Total, 32l. 16s. 10d.
The like from 6 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. to 2 Nov.—8 loads of clay to make moulds for a great gun chamber, 3d. a load. 5 lbs. of hair to temper the clay with, 8d. Thatchers at the storehouse in the crane, 10d. a day. 600 reeds, 18s. gr. equal to 11s. 1d.Total, 31l. 5s. 11d.
The like from 3 Nov. 6 Hen. VIII. to 30 Nov.—21 rasieres of charcoal, 17s. Rent of the smith's forges against the prisoner's house, for 1½ year ending Michaelmas 6 Hen. VIII., 4l. For carrying a letter aboard the Lizard [and] deliver[ed] to the captain for conducting the ordnance, 4s. 6 chisels, 3s. gr. A winch, 16d.—Total, 57l. 13s. 4d.
The like from 1 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. to 28 Dec.—Carriage of timber for the new house in the Brayes, from Sandegate, 12d. a load. Conducting hoys laden with ordnance from Calais to London, 1 Dec., 60s. To John Cokson, water-bailiff, for hire of a house with 2 vaults, for ordnance, from Michaelmas 5 Hen. VIII. to Christmas 6 Hen. VIII., 100s. For floxe for the foundry, 4d. Horse hire to Gravelines to inquire for ordnance. Boat to take messengers on board the Lizard. For 3 hoys prested at Calais, for conveying ordnance to London, 105s. 4d. in part payment of 10l. 10s.—Total, 101l. 7s. 11d.—Total of all the payments, 2,281l. 1s. 5½d.
Pp. 206, mutilated. Signed nearly on every page by Norton or Belknapp.
12 Feb.
R. O.
"Memorandum to remember to move my Lord of York and the Council for money to be sent hither in haste:" 1. for the two citadels, at St. Martin's, and at the sluice in the north-east of the town; 2. for the Court Sovereign; 3. for the pensions of Anthony Fortune and the man unknown; for the French Secretary; 5. "for the punishment of the soldiers offenders that you do show my mind to the Council." 5. "That you do show my Lord of York how that I have admitted his Chancellor of the Council." 6. "That you make my recommendations unto Master Comptroller, with my hearty thanks for his goodness towards us, and know his mind for the prisoner." 7. Commendations to Norfolk and the rest of the Council; 8. also to Messrs. Compton, Sharpe, Carewe, Tyler, and Sir Ralph Egerton; to Lord Barnes, Master Vice-chamberlain, Master Almoner, "and other of my fellows of the Queen's servants." 9. "To show my Lord Chamberlain my mind of his letter." 10. For the warrant to the Treasurer. 11. For Bastard Emery.
P. 1. Endorsed: A memorandum for things to be done within the city of Tournay.
16 Feb.
Le Glay, Négoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, II. 59.
The English desire the confirmation of the treaty with the late King, to obtain assistance for the conquest of Castile. The ambassador of Arragon, whose name he does not know, solicits marriage for the Infant, demanding only "l'action de Milan." The King yesterday made his entry. Nassau and St. Py were on a scaffold to witness the solemnity, with the Queen and her ladies; and Suffolk and the Deputy of Calais, who have gone out of mourning, were on the same scaffold. Was at a window with the other ambassadors, and in another house near them, the Queen Dowager. Full description of the entry. Nassau was told this morning that an answer would be given to them, but it has not been done. The King has sent for the English embassy, and the Grand Master De Boisy, Bussy d'Amboise, senior; and two or three others have gone to escort them, which is not usual after the first audience, Thinks this is to cause them to make advances. Paris, 16 Feb. 1515.
17 Feb.
R. O.
To the same effect as No. 171. The mutineers said Norton was come to hang them all. Lysle, 17 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: Sir Sam[pson] Norton's lettre to my lord.
18 Feb.
Galba, B. III. 152. B. M.
[Erroneously inserted in Vol. I. No. 4789.]
20 Feb.
Le Glay, Négoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, II. 71.
Negociations for the marriage of Prince Charles to the Lady Renée. There is open talk of marriage between Suffolk and the Queen Dowager, which it is said will take place before Gattinare's departure. Henry agrees to it. They do not intend to let her go until she is married. Has an idea in his head, which he will tell her some day. Paris. 20 Feb. 1515.
* * * The editor quotes in a note a letter from Maroton to Margaret, saying that he has received her letter from Brussels, 1 Feb., with the portrait of she knows who. Showed it to the Emperor after his dinner. After looking at it for about half an hour he called a secretary who had seen her, and asked if it was like her, and he said that it was * * * He said Margaret ought to solicit Henry to send for her (qu'il la retire en ses mains) * * * M. de Loraine also seeks her hand. The Emperor says that Francis favors him, but does not think he will be successful.
"[Payments made] by Edward Bensted, kt., treasurer to the French Queen, by the [comman]dement of Sir John Daunce, as appeareth by indentures thereof made;" sc. to broiderers, silkwomen, a bed-maker, saddlers, painters, joiners, a chariot maker, chair maker, tailors, bottle makers, harness maker, draper, wax chandler, groom of the robes, one French tailor, goldsmith, gold wiredrawer, &c. For 39 horses brought by Mr. Blount and Thos. Jones, 221l. 6s. 8d. For divers carriages from London to Dover, 7l. 15s. 2d. Total of payments, 1,703l. 4d. Remaining due, 985l. 4s. 1d. In the treasurer's hands, 36l. 19s. 8d.; of which he desires to be allowed for attendance, 27l. And so he owes 9l. 19s. 8d. "This rest is yovyn to hym by the Kinges grace, as my Lord of York can tell." Signed: H. Wiat—Andrew Wyndesore.
A roll of paper; audited by Wyat and Windsor throughout.
Calig. D. VI. 183.
B. M.
Has received the King's letters by Richmond, especially the one written in his own hand, which was no little comfort. Has written to my lord of York to break to the King divers matters, and prays that if he can do the latter any service he may have the doing of it, that he might be more esteemed in these parts. At the King's desire will do his best to procure harness for himself, but thinks it will be hard. There is no news but that the King and Queen with all the noblemen "lyes [sty]ell in thys towne of Pares, wyche es lyke [a st]ynkyng pryson;" wherefore he begs the King may call him and the Queen his sister home.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated.
12 March.
R. O.
Sends this letter in all haste. Wolsey will see by the letters from us (Suffolk and Mary) to the King that they have done their best to follow his advice about the plate of gold and jewels. Wolsey will perceive how it stands, "the wyche is past me lerneng; and therfor as tochyng wyedder sche have ryth or no I cannot tyell." Seeing there was some great difficulty, made the best friends he could to persuade Francis, if she had no right, not to deal with her to the extremity. Is assured he will be content to give her half the plate of gold, in value 50,000 crowns, and jewels to the same value, which should be half the jewels, on condition that the King and his Council acknowledge that she has no right to it, and that he does it only out of good will to the King and her. Begs that the jewel he sent by Richmond may be returned; Francis's Queen has such a mind to it, he will never be satisfied without it, "for it is the same that is said should never go from the Queens of France." "Me lord, at the rywarenes (reverence) of God, helpe that I may by marred as I goo howth of Franche oponlye, for manne thynes the wych I wyell awartes you by men nexte lettares." All his trust is in Wolsey.
As to the bishopric of Tournay, Francis promised yesternight "on his faith in my hand" that he would make the other give it up to Wolsey in all haste, and declared he would not stick with Wolsey for ten of the best bishoprics in France. Thinks Wolsey will acknowledge he has done his part. Doubts not Wolsey and himself will bring Francis over to the King's mind. "Me lor, wat soo ewar es sayd, let me lyes me hed yf ewar the Kynges grace lykyd prynes soo wyel as he schall doo hem and hes grace se hem wones, the wyche he dysseures marwyllousle, and nat to se hem for to ar thre dayes, bout he thynkys a month to lettyll, for he herres the Kynes grace es scheth a man that lowes hall pastymes." Paris, 12 March.
P.S.—The French King wishes to have the meeting in May, and will make pastime with his grace, in harness or without, as he pleases. Begs to hear from Wolsey in all haste, and from time to time. Desires his advice whether the French King and his mother should write again to the King "for thys hopon marage, seyng that thes prywy marage es doune, and that I thynke non oddarwyes bout that sche es wyet chyeld."
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To me lord of Yorke.
* * * This document was imperfectly described in the beginning of this volume (No. 283), where, the date having been overlooked, it was inserted in the end of March.
12 March.
R. O.
Has been advised of 200l. delivered by the King to Brian Tuke to be sent to Wingfield for his diet. It has not yet come to hand. Since the 18th Oct. 1514 (1513), when he parted from the King at Ypres, the King has advanced to him 600l., including this last sum; and on the last day of May next 600 days will have been fully completed. Begs therefore leave to return. His own affairs are suffering by his absence and the death of his steward a twelve-month past. If he had more than one Englishman in his service here would long ere this have sent one to look after them. The Romans used to delight in seeing men fight with swords, and had always people who gloried in giving and receiving wounds. When these men could hardly stand they would send to their lords to know if they were satisfied, or would have them die in the field. If the King be not satisfied with what he has done and suffered, is ready to accomplish his further pleasure; though the comparison fails here, that the gladiators were encouraged by the presence of their lords and the desire of fame. Insbruck, 12 March 1514.
P.S.—Yesterday an embassy from the Swiss came to the Emperor. His majesty leaves this week for Ulm, where a diet is to be held with the league of Swabia, "and from thence to Frebourge in Brisco, where the journe imperiall is appointed."
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
12 April. 9. SPINELLY to WOLSEY.
[Misplaced in Vol. I. No. 4960.]
19 April. 9*. SPINELLY to WOLSEY.
[Misplaced in Vol. I. No. 4982.]
5 May.
Calig. E. IV. 290.
B. M.
Sends a letter of the French King's h[and sent to the Bp. of] Tournay or to his vicars. Is in want of money, and a new patent for his 100 marks. Wishes the King would give him leave to come to England. Asked leave "against Whitsuntide at ... at Eltham from his grace." It is necessary that he should tell [the King and] his Council what he sees in this gary[son] ... "which I would declare by mouth, or else I ... you and all my lords of the Council; I may c ... discharged, having the King good lord [to me]." Sir Ric. Whettyll is here with a letter from the King. Doubts not he could take his place for the time. "[All things are] made redy for the m[arriage of the] ... [Princ]esse to the Prince of Orange." The Bp. of Paris was the hindrance, as he said they were too near akin. "He[re] the Lord of Nasse is come when in ... displeasure, and has had stolen much ... plate, as it is said surely." Some say the [marriage] was forbidden "for if the you[ng] Prince of Orange, brother to this lady d[ie], she should be a great inheritor nigh b ... which was not thought good for the F[rench] King." The Emperor is coming into these parts; "also newe[s out] of Spain, which I dare not write of." Tournay, 5 May.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated. Add.: To, &c. the Archbp. [of York]. Endd.
12 May.
Calig. B. II. 270
B. M.
Green's Princesses, IV. 511.
"The articles yat I desire off zow, my Lorde Chamerlane," (Hume.)
"First, my Lord, that ze sall be bounde to take my part aganys all men except the Kinge my son. Item, that ze sall defend me to zour power to wse my jurisdiction and autoritie as tutrice testamentare. Item, that ze sall cause my malys to be payt to me als ferr as zour boundis extendis, and in all uder placis to zour power. Item, that ze take na part with ye Bysshop of Murray towart ye beneficis that he pretendis aganys my sons privelege. Item, that my Lord of Angus and ze be bounde to giddir to take ane part in all accions that partenys me and zourself als. Item, that ze fulfill the writings that ze sent me be Petir Karmychell, quhilk concernys ye effect above writin. And that done, I sall bynde me to zou in this manyr folowinge:—
"First, I sall quytclame the twa thousand mark that ze aw me off the mariage of Dirltoun, and to allow the thousand marke that ze hafe payt to me in party off payment off the payment of ye forest malys. Item, that I and my Lorde of Angus sall fortefye zou in all causis that is not again the Kinge to our power. Item, I sall wryte to the Kinge my bruder, and cause hym to defende and fortefye zou agane my adversarys and zours, giff nede requyris. In wittnes quharoff I hafe subscrivit this with my hand, the xijth day of May." Signed: MARGARET R. Endd.
Martene, Mon.
III. 1296.
Has received a very particular account from the Abp. of York (Wolsey) of the message sent by the pope to the Archbishop through the Bishop of Worcester. Is grateful for the Pope's good will. Begs his Holiness will pay the same regard to what Wolsey shall say as if it proceeded from the lips of the King himself. Returns the Pope "huge thanks" for his attention to the dignity of Wolsey (the Cardinalate). The King is extremely anxious for it, and looks forward with most burning desire to that day on which he shall see Wolsey advanced to the honor of the Cardinalate, for his genius, learning, and many admirable qualities. Begs the Pope to hasten it forward to the utmost.
Draft, corrected by Ruthal, of No. 827 in this volume. Imperfect; pp. 48.
28 Sept.
R. O.
Letters of Jocosa, prioress of the Benedictine monastery of Wraxall, Worc. dioc., empowering John Peyn and others to be her proctors in all synods, visitations, &c. affecting the interests of the said priory. 28 Sept. 1515.
14 Oct.
R. O.
The bearer, Thos. Killygrewe, who was a great friend of his father's, and who served the late King in his wars, has been wronged by John Bevile, Gerans Bodringay, Lawrence Reskewer, John Nynes, John Thomas Ellys, Thos. Treleste, Antony Alyn and others. Recommends him in a suit which he now has with them. Broke, 14 Oct. Signed.
P.1. Add.. To my Lord Chancellor.
9 Dec.
Calig. D. VII. 47. B. M.
Has advertized the King, in conjunction with my Lord the King's lieutenant, of the execution and punishment of the soldiers who caused the last rebellion. Wrote to his lordship on the 25th Nov. touching the matter of Richard de la Pole, how it might be done, and can see no other way. Is urgent to know the King's pleasure with regard to it, having promised the gentleman who was to take the enterprise an answer within a month, which expires on Wednesday next. Advises Wolsey "to take some ways for this bishopric," and for the Abbey of St. Martin's, as it would not be honorable to let the King's enemies have their will. Recommends that the following persons be excluded from the King's pardon; viz., John Pakeman and John Cowley, who have escaped to Flanders, said to be the principal beginners of the rebellion; Gilbert Tomson, one of those banished with halters about their necks, "which [I] know now hath deserved to die as well as any of them that hath been put to execution;" and one John Lacy, "which hath been voided since the ... men put to execution were taken." Tournay, 9 Dec. Signed.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
Wrote to him by his brother nearly three months ago. Regrets he has had no return from him. Has received the living of Conyngton, which is very agreeable to him on account of its nearness to his native place and to the university. Consequently he will be able to visit Gold and his friends as often as he pleases. Would be glad if he could hire a preacher of simple faith and honesty, and regrets that Gold is not old enough to take it himself. More has returned from his embassy. Clement is well, and so is More's whole family. Begs his remembrances to Grey and to Symson. He is to ask the latter to send a copy of Cicero's letters, as More wants to use it.
Lat., pp. 2. Add.: Domino Henrico Golde, apud [Sanctum] Neotum, multæ spei juveni. Endd.: Exterorum epistolæ.
Account of canvas, ropes, and other ship's tackle bought by Jo. Hopton and others from the 27 July to the 1 April 7 Hen. VIII.
1. Cordage bought of Th. Barker of London, Mr. Wynkott of Garlick-Hythe, Th. Massey of Thames St., Roger Hall, grocer, of London, and others, at the rate of from 9s. 4d. to 12s. a cwt. To Jo. Raven, for the hire of a pair of scales and a great beam of iron from a bellfounder at Houndsditch, and boat hire in conveying them to and from Deptford, 4s. 2d. Freight of three cables from Lynn to London in sundry craiers, 12s. 8d.
2. 800 clove boards at 30s. a 100.
Pp. 7.
ii. Account of the delivery of pitch, tar, canvas, ropes, oars, cables and masts bought by Jo. Hopton, comptroller of the King's ships, from 27 July 7 Hen. VIII.; to Jo. Raven, keeper of the Less Bark, Wm. Eton, keeper of the Great Barbara, Th. Spert (for the Harry Grace Dieu), Th. Chandler, for the Gabriel Royal, &c.; with the dates of delivery.
Pp. 37.
A.D. 1516.
15 Jan.
R. O.
Wrote last on the 12th. With this post Wolsey will receive letters from Pace. Has written to the King. A servant of Friscobald, who went into Almain two days ago, told the Master of the Posts he thinks the Swiss will be French. He has been slack in providing for the exchange which Sir Robt. Wingfield and Pace should receive there. When the Prince's Council heard from Antwerp that such provision would be made in Almain, they ordered the Master of the Posts to send no post for the King or any other. If the King of Arragon's business go forward, all the King's enemies here will be destroyed. Brussels, 15 January.
P. 1. Copy, in Tuke's hand.
2 Feb.
R. O.
Decree of Nicholas de Aretio, auditor of the Apostolic chamber, in behalf of John Dalton, abbot of Furness (fn. 2) (?) and certain monks named, who had been thrown into prison by Alexander Bank (?) during the progress of a suit touching his rights to the monastery. Rome, Saturday, 2 Feb. 1516, 3 Leo X.
Notarial copy on parchment.
6 Feb.
Vit. B. XVIII. 127. B. M.
Wrote on the ... of last month. On the 2nd received Wolsey's humane letters, dated Westminster, the 11th of ..., with [one] from the King, which Pace sent to him, and copies of Wolsey's letter to him by Mr. Melchior, and of his own to the Cardinal of Sion. Had deferred writing to Wolsey till he had had audience of the Emperor, then 50 miles off. On the 3rd, though anxious to receive the money from John Friscobalde, wh[o came] to this city on the 31st Jan., Wingfield departed towards the [Emperor], whom he found next day at Coffleeyre, "40 English mile or more ..." Delivered the King's letters and such parts of his credence as he judged meet, because, since he has been aware of Henry's advancing money to the Swiss, the Emperor has sometimes expressed surprise "that the King had sent a proper m[essenger thither] which had passed so near unto him a ... advanced and received with ..." Wingfield said that the King had been more anxious to put the Swiss quickly in comfort than to consider how near the messenger would pass to the Emperor. By means of "formed answers I have leenyfyid his mind and also corroborate the same, though so be that many times I have been very bold to broach him right deep into the quick, to taste whether his liquor were sufficient and meet to the King's purpose or not, and have found it such that it gave me hardiness to write unto your grace the matter contained in my letters of the 15th of the last month." Hopes the contents of that letter are not much at variance with Wolsey's last instructions.
Thinks the King "well provided of principal persons to convey surely a ... enterprise, that is to say, an Emperor and three Cardinals." As to Wolsey's "strait precepts," who may right well have the name [of a] valiant captain, he may be assured that the Emperor is conformable. As soon as Wingfield touched upon the subject, the Emperor replied that two days before he had sent instructions to his ambassadors, "that he [had letters of] the King, by the sight of which it should well appear unto me ... did," and he caused Hans Reynner to show the substance of them to Wingfield; viz., first, that if the Emperor should prevail against the French, "he esteemeth ... them into France, which he will gladly d[o; and in] most hearty wise doth desire that the King [would contribute a] sum of money, for else of him[self he shall be unable to execute the] said enterprise. [He also proposes that the] King should descend personally into France [whenever he] may commodiously, or else to send. Howbeit if [it be thought] meet by the King and his Council so to do this next [spring, he thinketh] the King should send unto him 4,000 archers and 300 ... [Engli]shmen, so that by the mean of their company he should [be able to] convey his person in more surety if either his Almaynes or ... shall fortune to mutiny after their old manner; and also [he sait]h that the King of Arragon hath sent him word that he will [attempt] also to descend into France personally, as soon as he may be advertised that his majesty is determined so to do."
He has ordered André de Bourge, instead of passing through England to Spain, to remain with the Prince his nephew, understanding that the matters he was sent for are arranged between Arragon and the Prince by the d[ean of] Loveyn. De Bourge and "Messrs. Bartholome T[itionus are to continue] ambassadors till all things necessary may be [arranged between his] majesty and the King's highness. Also I think verily that so ... things they shall have in charge to treat with the King a ...: howbeit as yet I have not perceived any more things of substance than been promised." Wingfield has heard that De Bourge has not been thought faithful by some, "because that in time past he made further assurance to the King of blessed memory concerning the Lady Margaret than proved true;" but Wolsey knows "what a peril and danger it is to ascertain anything to be perfect and sure that dependeth only on woman's promise." Assures Wolsey that De Bourge is faithful to the Emperor, and that the Emperor is one of Henry's best friends.
[Delivered Henry's proposals for a confederation] "to be made with the Swissers ..., [to which] demands his majesty ans[wered] ... to move them in that matter for ... [I] have advised your grace of in former [letters] ... not unite in one opinion, but, and the vic[tory should be on the] Emperor's part, the same shall be the most pryn[cipal cause, not] only to lead them to union, but also to confeder[ation] ... thing that shall be thought necessary: howbeit ... greatly that Mr. Pace, now at the Diet, which the S[wissers have named] to be holden upon Sunday next comming at Swrryk ... desire that he shall purpose the said confederation u ... doing shall write largely and encourage the good and put the [others in] despair." On Wingfield expressing Henry's hope "that there should come authority to him both [from the Emperor and the Kin]g of Arragon to conclude for their p[arts]," and urging him to send his commission and instructions quickly, [the Emperor replied] that he had sent the former long since, and that he had prepared the latter and would send them speedily; that he was glad to hear that the lo ... for the said authority from the Pope, but feared his holiness would make long delay; that he had great faith in the King of Arragon's disposition towards the common weal, and desired the King to keep urging him to be more [earnest] ... than he hath been, for the firm union of the three powers.
"Also where your grace wrote to think much expedient that them[peror should write] to the Pope, moving and stering him to condysc[end to the confede]ration in that matter, I moved his majesty, a[nd he said that he had] written divers times to him in such [manner, and would do so] again, but he thought v[erily ... Italy his holi[ness] * * * [kni]ght and a preacher: to all which I have ... [m]uch dissonaunte to the motions that they have ..., which (as me seemeth) hath not been so acceptable [to the spiritual p]eerys as to the temporal, though in the same was ... a discourse of such French peaces and truces as our [former kings] and nation have proved not a few times in 400 years ... [l]aste continuing the same unto this last. And because that I have [perceive]de the said knight, which is right honorable and wise, much inclined to further the desired purpose, because he perceiveth well that, and it may be brought about, the weal, tranquillity and peace of Christendom must needs proceed of the same or at the least take course with the same, I have at the same time moved the Emperor to send the said knight secretly to the Pope for the said cause, and [his] majesty hath granted * * * [The] said knight's name is Sir John George, wherefore I esteem [him one that should be] found much more devout and affectionate to Saint George [than] to Saint Denis." Wingfield this day spake with the Cardinal of Gource, who has written to the Emperor to further the sending forth of the said knight, with whom Wingfield had also spoken; and tomorrow the knight goes to the Emperor about the matter.
While Wingfield was with the Emperor he received a commission from the Cardinal of Sion and Mr. Pace, by which they ordained that the whole sum (above that which they had already received) should be conveyed as quickly as possible to a town of the Emperor's not far from the head of the Rhine, called Felkyrke; for they have appointed the captains and given them money, with order to bring such numbers as they have appointed to the said town to be mustered and paid ... month's wages and so continently set forward, "which place [is so much near]er to Italy, that in six days they shall may be at Bargona. [And so] I made an end of my business with the Emperor that [time] * * * the said John Fryscobalde and Alma[in ...] sum was in a readiness and they shew[ed] ... aunts to answer all the whole in this matter ... was not come; and before the coming thereof ... but patience, but they caused that within six days ... should be ready, and it will cost me five or six [days to go to the] said town, for it is upward of 120 miles hence; for I must purvey [well for myself,] for now the ways begin to wax unsure in these p[arts]."
Concerning Friscobaldi's business, Wolsey knows that he has "endeavored therein so as ... e and I know that since I have ... could not have come at so ill a season, which is in a manner ærarium Germaniæ for ma[ny reasons], and one principal that the Emperor hath made all h[is ...] here that hath spent at the meeting with the three [Kings, in] sustaining of his armies, which hath reason to am ... sum, in so much one sole merchant which is nam[ed ... ] hath disboursed for his majesty above 300,000 florins ... within seven months; and now if the said merchant had not been ... been possible to have attained the King's money he ... he alone hath provided 60,000 florins, whereof 40,000 [are sent] to Constance. At the beginning was the salvation of ... that we go about." Recommends a letter of thanks to be written to him. (Here follows a very mutilated passage.)
Thanks Wolsey for his gracious offers, and his promise to be a mediator in all his causes, "for though I am now and have long continued in this country with expences far above my power, yet now my going with the Emperor into Italy should not fail to make the beast fall that hath been long overcharged; for the said country hath been so haalyd, or rather destroyed, by the great armies which have so long continued in the same, that I am full feared that we shall scantily find victual for men and horses for any money; and also, though whilst the Emperor maketh war in Italy against the French, I intend not to wear but secret harness, yet as soon as he shall be determined to enter into France I will not fail to be armed and all my folks, because his enterprise shall be in the King's quarrel. Wherefore in all humble wise I beseech your grace to have me remembered."
Hol., pp. 8. Dated before the Fire: 6 Feb.
14 Feb.
R. O.
Charles is sending Mons. Du Reulx to England to complete the negociations between him and Henry, which he hopes Ponynges will promote. Brussels, 14 Feb. Signed: G. de Croy.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A Mons. de Poninck. Endd.: A lettre of the chaunceler of Burgoyn to Mr. Ponynges.
Memorandum by Nic. West of the receipt of the following treaties from Mr. Toneys: 1, of amity, sealed by the French ambassador; 2, of matrimony; 3, an instrument upon the matrimony; 4, an instrument of recusation of my Lady Mary. Signed. Endd.
P. 1.
R. O. 2.Indenture dated 12 July 7 Hen. VIII., between John Yong, Master of the Rolls, and Sir John Cutte, under-treasurer, of the receipt of certain treaties and writings between the King and Lewis late King of France, relating to peace and matrimony.
P. 1. Signed by Yong only.
R. O. 3. Indenture dated 12 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII., of the delivery by Tunstal to Sir John Cutte of certain treaties with the Prince of Castile. Signed by Tunstal.
R. O.
Today the Emperor, with his army and the whole army of Swiss, arrived at the river Mincio, two miles from Pescara. Expected the French would have opposed their passage, but they only looked on from the hills far off, and withdrew when they saw the Emperor ready to fight. We followed up to Pescara, which they set fire to, to prevent its being taken. They still fly, and we follow. "Ex Castris in Monte Rambano," 30 miles from Cremona. Signed.
In Pace's hand; p. 1. Add.: Thomæ tit. Sanctæ [Cæciliæ], Cardinali, &c. Endd.
7 May.
Hopes he is well. Has been longer on the road than he intended. Was detained by the Prince's Chancellor three days at Ghent,—at Tournay by Mountjoy, who is now governor of the city,—at St. Omer by the abbot of St. Bertin. His passage was expensive and dangerous, but rapid. The vessel which he entrusted to brother Francis is not come to hand; nothing could be more unfortunate. It contained all his commentaries on St. Jerome, and unless he receives them in time, the printers at Basle will stop working. If this was an accident, it was most unfortunate; if done by design that "his" Old Proverbs should appear first, it was most unfriendly. "Exhibiturus eram episcopis suos libros; eos nunc saluto vacuus, et demittor item ab illis vacuus: quod si vas misissent, sicut erant polliciti, jam nunc istic adessem." Two of the most learned men of England are at Bruges, Cuthbert Tunstal, Chancellor of the Abp. of Canterbury, and Thos More. If Ægidius can do them a kindness he will do well. Desires him to tell Francis of these things. Hopes to see him again before July. London, non. Maii, 1514.
16 May.
R. O.
Needs not write at length, as he has written to the King. It is a principal point that money be sent in time, to recompense the poor men whose houses were pulled down. Has faithfully promised it to the inhabitants. Hopes Wolsey will see to the recovery of Mortayne, and the sooner the better; for if the Lord de Lygne go into Spain, or the garrison be once diminished, it will be hard to come by. The King's works here go well forward. As the King wishes him to remain for a season, will devote himself to his service, to which he is the more encouraged by Wolsey's favor. Begs that his annuity may be renewed, as the King put him in comfort thereof at his departing and since by his letters.—During this holy time of Lent now past, a commission arrived from the Pope with a brief to Mountjoy, to admit a pardon for the building of St. Peter's. Allowed him to publish it, the money to be put in a chest with two keys, of which the commissioner kept one, and Mountjoy the other; the money to be delivered on the King's pleasure being known, "for I thought it most according that the King should have his thanks of the Pope's holiness therefor." The commissioner now only waits the King's answer. Tournay, 16 May.
Recommends Sir Edward Benstede, who has done good service during his abode here.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: My Lord Cardinal.
31 May.
Calig. E. IV. 292.
... "was advertised [that the King of Castile was] comyn into these parts ... I thought it was according ... amity between your highness ... lately renewed, that either I s ... er to send mine excuse." Wrote to Mons ... late ambassador to "[your highness]" to excuse himself, and to ask him to do [Henry all the] pleasure he could, "and address in all [your highness's matters] anenst the King his master. The m ... the sending of my said letters which ... Sunday, the King of Castile yet being ... I was advertised by Bryssells steward [to my] Lady of Savoy," that for any ... before the King's departure, which should [be] next Tuesday, he should either [go to him] himself, or send, offering him a passage through the city, as he intended to pass by it, and had sent ... furcers before to obtain lodging otherw[here]. Rode to him on the next day. " * * * time the King ... and had made his oath, a ... [acco]mpanied with other gentlemen of your gar[rison] ... the market." Was told by Lord Chievres to come to the King at 3 in the afternoon, at which time the chief baylie [of] Henalde came to conduct him to the King. Made him the offer mentioned, for which the Chancellor thanked him, saying that the King was ready to do anything to serve Henry, both as regards Tournay, and anything for Mountjoy or his friends. Asked permission to return the same night. Chievres professed his readiness to serve Henry. On leaving the King, [went to] see my Lady of Savoy, and thanked her for her advice. She said that she would be Mountjoy's advocate while the King was in these parts, "[with] other goodly words and remembrances [of how] good she had found your grace unto the King a[nd unto] her, and how it grieved her to remember to ... upon that lodging, the good pastime she g ... in that place at your grace's being there." After this, Lord Berghes and the Governor of Bresse came to him, and he was taken to see the Lady Eleanor, the King's sister, "which is both fair and wise, as me se[emeth]." Returned to Tournay the same night. Hears from the K[ing] that the Emperor will send thanks to Henry for Mountjoy's coming. "One Bell Furr ... ambassador of France, was somewhat [dis]content with my coming." Heard afterwards, however, that he had intended to come and see him if he had staid longer. Asks Henry to thank the Lady of Savoy and Bryssells in his next letters. "At your city," 31 May. Signed.
Pp. 4, mutilated.
5 June.
Er. Ep. x. 7.
Was glad to learn from More's letters the friendship shown by Linacre, though he knew it already. The New Testament gives such satisfaction to the learned, even among divines, that the unlettered are silent for shame. A slight fever had prevented his sailing, his physician Ghisbertus dissuading him. Begs Linacre to send the medicine he took by his prescription when last in London. Refers him to More for the rest. St. Omer, non. Jun.
P.S.—Croke is the great man at Leipzig, where he gives public lectures on Greek. Is anxious to see Linacre's lucubrations published. Desires to be commended to Grocin, "quem adeo non odi, ita me Deus amet, ut ex animo venerer etiam atque suspiciam." 1511.
Er. Ep. App. 252. 28. MORE to ERASMUS.
Is too much engaged with legal business to apply to the beauties of style. On receipt of his letter called upon Maruffo, who said that as soon as he had the money from the Archbishop he would arrange for its payment to Erasmus. More told him that Erasmus had received notice from the Archbishop of its payment; on which Maruffo, in a fright, gave More a bond for the money, took the letters of Erasmus as a security, and wrote to the Archbishop for prompt repayment, as he had already been some time out of pocket by advancing the money to Erasmus. Gives an amusing account of the interview with the Archbishop and Maruffo's discomfiture. For every 1l. English Erasmus will receive 30s. 4d. Flemish. The Cardinal has received with pleasure the letters and books of Erasmus. Is glad he likes Basle. Has read the bundle of correspondence Erasmus sent. Pace has not yet returned; he is now the King's secretary. Is glad to find that he is intimate with Tunstal since he has been made Master of the Rolls. Would be glad to know what Erasmus thinks of his letter to Dorpius. Clement desires his remembrances. 1517.
R. O. 28*. st;. SCOTLAND.
Additional article of Clarencieux's instructions. (See No. 2253.) "Item, if any motion be made unto the said Clarencieux of the comprehension of the French King in the treux, he shall make such answer thereunto as is contained in the letters addressed by my Lord Cardinal to the Duke of Albany, the copy whereof, with the like copy of the Duke of Albany's instructions, the said Clarencieux shall take with him."
In Ruthal's hand.
R. O.
Wrote in his last how the Swiss were driven to a treaty with France on hearing of the peace between France and the King of Arragon (Charles). Nevertheless they wait an answer from the King, with money for the expedition to expel the French from Italy, which will at once put an end to all treating with the French. Hears constantly that the French only keep Milan because they have no enemy to drive them out. The Bastard of Savoy, observing the effect of this peace between France and Arragon, endeavoured to get two articles included in the treaty, viz. that the Swiss should bind themselves to aid France against England, and that England should be expressly excluded. Heard of this by secret friends. Desired open audience in the Great Council, and told them it was his King's mind, that, notwithstanding this peace, if they would remain enemies to France they should recover Milan, have a Duke after their own mind, and their yearly pensions. If they had any doubt they might send to England, or treat with Pace, who had full authority. Begged them to consider the King's benevolence to them, and his power to help them, and hoped they would refuse the demands of the Bastard. The Council said they would discuss the matter among themselves, and give Pace answer at his own house next day. This they did accordingly, saying they thanked the King for his constant support; that they would defer the peace with France, and command their ambassadors deputed to the next diet "to treat nothing upon any peace, but to stick only upon this thing, for to have the seals of the 8 cantons granted unto the French King for the false confederation made betwixt him and the said 8 cantons an year past. And they have written to all other their adherents to do the same." If the King's resolution to make the enterprise come in the meantime, all treating with the French is at an end for ever. As to the Bastard of Savoy's demand, if it be made they will sooner expressly include than exclude the King. If France obtain the desired peace it will cost him 1,000,000 crowns within five years, of which 300,000 must be paid immediately. He will also have to renounce certain castles and towns belonging to the duchy of Milan. "And the Swisses them self, considering the greatness of these demands, doth" * * *
Hol., pp. 8, imperfect.
31 Dec.
R. O.
Account of Henry Smyth clerk of the King's [works], from the first day of the reign to 31 Dec. 8 Hen. VIII.
Received of Mr. Heron, (1) for new buildings and repairs of castles, &c. in England, 9, 112l.; (2) for stuff bought and spent on repairing the manor of Hanworth by Henry VII., 28l. 2s. 6d.; (3) for elms bought for the stocking of guns at Calais, 66l. 13s. 4d.
Of Sir John Daunce and Rob. Fowler, for the making of three beerhouses and repairs of bakehouses at Calais, 350l.
Of Mr. Larke, for the new works at Bridewell, from 20 May 7 Hen. VIII., 5,180l. Total receipts, 14,736l. 15s. 11d.
Paid to Thos. Thomworth, the King's auditor of works, 9,182l. 4s. 11½d.; for debts of Henry VII., 28l. 2s. 6d. &c.
R. O. 30*. SCOTLAND.
Confirmation by Henry VIII. of the treaty between Albany and Wolsey, made 24 July 1516, for abstinence of war from St. Andrew's Day last past to St. Andrew's Day 1517.
R. O. 31. _ to _
Sir Rob. Wingfield has sent to a "friend of mine" a letter containing a clause, which he endorses. Desires him to ponder the contents, and order himself accordingly. He is to ask Wingfield what he means by the obscure words therein, "sounding more to the hindrance than the advancement of the King's matters." If he knew anything to the King's prejudice, he should have first advertised the King and you, and not have concealed it by obscure words, whomever it touched. It is likely that the admonitions of Sion and Gurk, which [Wolsey] mentioned in his last, "did proceed of the same."
P. 1. In the hand of Wolsey's secretary.
A.D. 1517.
30 March.
R. O.
Has been informed of preparations being made by the French King in assembling of armies and rigging of ships. Desires him to look well to the defence of the city and bestowing of ordnance. Greenwich, 30 March. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add.: To Sir Ric. Jerningham, knt., our Deputy in the city of Tournay. Endd. by Jerningham.
16 April.
Fiddes, C. I. 35.
Praises his munificence to the University. Gives an account of a disturbance created on the 16 April by John Haynes, who had armed four turbulent Benedictines and three seculars, and endeavoured to kill one of the proctors.
29 April.
Calig. E. III. 38. B. M.
* * *
"[i]n thoos partiez.
"And as unto the coming of th ... day from another place, accerte[yning you that my lord] of Chievres for certain goeth tow[ards ...] to meet with the said ambassado[r].
"Also this day is arrived here a servant of ... a letter of your grace and from my lord th ... take into his hands all the apparel ...
And, my lord, so it is that the he ... for the fortifying and strength of th[is town] caused two of the greatest pieces to be le ... Lantern Yatte, an other piece over the s[aid ... ] three pieces in the watch searcher tower [where] as yet they remain, and be so necess[ary that] I doubt not if your grace saw them b ... should be content they should so continue ... still. For which consideration I have dif[ferred] removing of them till I may know your [graces's] pleasure thereupon. Beseeching your grace to be [good] lord unto this town that the said pieces [may] continue and abide where they be at this [time]." Calais, 29 April, at night. Signed.
P. 1, badly mutilated.
Vit. B. X. 70. B. M.
Headed: "Privatim ad R. D. Cardinalem pertinentia."
The Pope complains of Wolsey's hindering the coadjutorship of Aloisius de Russis, in the abbey of St. Martin, Tournay, saying that the Popes have always had the free disposal of benefices in that city, where the Pragmatic usurped in France has never been in use. Replied, that it was a delicate subject, and no wonder if Wolsey looked well who filled the benefices there. The Pope said no one should be proctor to De Rossi who did not satisfy Wolsey. Worcester said he would write, but the Pope must also satisfy Wolsey in regard to the administration, as he had only the name of bishop, and the Pope had refused the brief except upon conditions which made it altogether nugatory. The Pope said he would grant it if the Cardinal would gratify his cousin. If Wolsey will do this, and send a copy of the brief desired, Worcester thinks he can obtain it.
The Pope intends to send ambassadors to England with indulgences for the building of St. Peter's, as he has done to France, Germany and Spain. Worcester told him it had never been usual to do this without obtaining the King's consent, and giving him a share. The Pope bid him write to Wolsey, and offer him one fourth. If Wolsey think it right, will endeavour to obtain a third.
Lat., in Vannes' hand, pp. 2.
Vit. T. Mori, cap. 7.
Always considered Warham's lot a happy one when he was Chancellor, and more so now that he has retired. None but a modest man would choose, and none but an innocent man would dare, to give up such a high office voluntarily, thereby exposing himself to calumny. It was with difficulty that he prevailed on the King to allow him to resign. Envies his leisure the more as he is himself so distracted with business that he has hardly time to write this letter. Sends a copy of his book, which an Antwerp friend of his had printed without his knowledge.
20 July.
R. O.
37. [SION to WOLSEY.]
To the same effect as his letter to Sir Robert Wingfield, No. 3495.
Lat., pp. 2, in the hand of Sion's clerk. The latter part lost.
5 Aug.
Harl. 6989. f. 27. Jortin, III. 50.
Has received the letters (fn. 3) of Erasmus with those of Budæus, Ammonius and More, printed at Louvain. Found among them a letter to Bovill, making mention of two letters from the Cardinals Grimani and St. George, which Erasmus states he never received, and seems to attribute the loss of them to Pace. Explains how he had sent them to Ammonius when he was at Milan [1516], and thinks they must have been intercepted, and the messenger killed. Could never explain this before, as he knew not where Erasmus was to be found. Has been immersed in politics. Could not help smiling at his description of the college which would not permit the New Testament of Erasmus to be brought within its walls, "equis aut navibus." Gives his own opinion of a disputed passage in the gospel of St. Luke (i. 3.)
Constance, ix. idus Augusti.
Lat., pp. 4. The heading, and a few lines at the end, in Pace's hand.
R. O.
Is anxious to see his grace and know of his good estate, but has been so vexed with the sweat he dare not yet come to his presence. Proposes to start for Walsingham on Monday next, and from thence to Our Lady of Grace, in fulfilment of his vow, and also to take air and exercise which may correct the weakness of his stomach. What he has done this week in the King's affairs is as follows:—1. Has despatched Mr. Knight and Thomas More with their commission and instructions to Calais to demand redress of grievances, and not depart till a complete settlement has been made on both sides. 2. Has also ordered the garrison of Tournay, and sent money for their wages and conduct of those that are discarded, who will amount to about 900 persons: 600 soldiers will remain for the citadel, which is now closed in and perfected up to the battlements, and four workmen who must remain all winter to make two bulwarks. 3. As Lord Maxwell, warden of the West Marches of Scotland, has entered the debatable ground, "being always by the whole daytime pastured with your subjects' cattle, and taken from them to the number of 800 head of cattle," has ordered "that certain your commissioners shall meet upon the Borders with the commissioners of Scotland," to demand restitution and take order that the English be not henceforth molested in peaceably occupying the said ground by day as they have been accustomed to do time out of mind. Has also devised letters upon the subject to the King and Council of Scotland, and to Sir Anthony Utteryd and others as commissioners. Begs that the King will sign them, and send them back to him by the bearer. 4. Has despatched the King of Castile's secretary with the money Henry was content to send to his master; of which one half was by exchange, the other in ready money. Has taken obligations of Charles and certain knights of the Toison, for repayment of the money laid out by the King at Sendellowe, amounting to 35,000 crowns.
Has received letters from De la Guyse, dated at Rone the 12th (?) of this instant month, the effect of which is, "after many faynet and glorious words," that his master desires amity with the King and universal peace, and will give Henry 900,000 francs for Tournay, "which, after my accompt, esteeming the franc at 2s. 2d. sterling, as I think it verily is, (fn. 4) and have of other expert folks learned the franc to be no more worth, amounteth to the sum of 100,000l. sterling, so that after that valuation 900 [thousand] francs is 100,000l. of your money. If the franc be esteemed at 2s. 6d., 900,000 maketh 100,010l." (fn. 5) By no valuation does this amount to the 560,000 crowns demanded by the King. Has, therefore, made answer that unless the French King will agree to that sum he dare press the King no further. "There remaineth no more in demand but the discharge of the garrison, which I assure your grace woll be sufficiently done with 8,000l. (corrected from 10,000l.) sterling; howbeit, we demand for the said discharge 60,000 crowns, which is in sterling money 12,000l. Thus briefly I have signified to your grace the compendy of your outward matters; and for your realm, our Lord be thanked, it was never in such peace nor tranquillity; for all this summer I have had nother of reyut (riot), felony, ne forcible entry, but that your laws be in every place indifferently ministered without leaning of any manner. Albeit there hath lately, as I am informed, been a fray betwixt Pygot your serjeant and Sir Andrew Windsor's servants, for the seisin of a ward whereto both they pretend titles: in the which fray one man was slain. I trust at the next term to learn them [the] law of the Star Chamber, that they shall ware how from thenceforth they shall redress their matter with their hands. They be both learned in the temporal law, and I doubt not good example shall ensue to see them learn the new law of the Star Chamber, which, Good willing, they shall have indifferently ministered to them according to their deserts." Desires to be recommended to the Queen.
Draft, in Wolsey's hand, pp. 4.
R. O. 39. [ALAMIRE] to WOLSEY.
Although Wolsey has treated him harshly (austere et dure salutavit), will tell him all that he hears and sees. A servant of Richard de la Pole came to his house, and asked him about Hans Nagel. On Alamire asking whence he came, he said from England. He is named Thomas Standeli, and is a bastard of that Lord Chamberlain (Sir William Stanley) who was beheaded by the late King. He had letters which he had received in England, and said that Latimer was taken by the King on the ground (ex parte) that he was going to treat with De la Pole's friends. The King of Denmark has the best understanding (habet maximum intellectum) with Richard de la Pole. They have bound themselves to each other by oaths and letters. Alamire himself was with De la Pole's secretary, who showed him sealed letters of the King of Denmark, offering to give him 20,000 men and Scots in great number. "Item ille rex Daciæ vult accipere illam totam societatem qui est aput ducem Geldrensem." There was an Englishman with De la Pole, who brought him letters from some lords in England; but De la Pole distrusted him, and would not give him a written answer, although he pressed much to have one. Thinks it was on this account De la Pole sent his servant into England. ("Et ex parte hoc credo quod Richardus misit suum famulum (?) secrete in Anglia, sicut ipse famulus mihi met dixit.") In his [late] letters wrote more fully to the King. Had not much time to write, as the post wanted to start immediately.
Is much surprised he has had no acknowledgment of the five music books, one of them written on parchment, 8 cornets, "et multas cordas supra lutinas" which he gave the King. Has been at great expence, "et sum ita pauper quod nunquam quasi fui." Was much provoked when he wrote to the King (in litera regis fui maxime iratus), but hopes Wolsey will not be displeased.
The Duke of Albany will soon go to Scotland, "et in secreto haberet armigeros." The King of France is intriguing against England, and with the Duke of Gueldres. Asked Stanley how far he was from London: he said 40 miles. Hopes none of De la Pole's friends will get nearer.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. in Spinelly's hand: [To my Lor]d Cardinal's grace.
28 Sept.
R. O.
40. P. DE LA GUICHE to WOLSEY. (fn. 6)
The merchant of Rouen to whom the woad belongs, for whom he had interceded, tells him that by reason of Wolsey's journey ("veage") he had not yet obtained restoration of his cargo. Begs him to expedite the affair. Boulogne, 28 Sept.
Hol., Fr., p. 1.
Has been so vexed with fever since his return from Walsingham that he has been obliged to detain Wingfield's servant Buysshop. Has only been twice or thrice with the King, and had no opportunity to speak of Wingfield's affairs. Being now amended, will be oftener at court. Received his depositions about the treason of Henry Leder. Wishes him to defer his execution till the beginning of next term. Will move the King, as Wingfield desires, to give his confiscated goods to Bishop. Has written to Rob. Fowler to deliver Wingfield 100 marks of his espiall money.
Draft, in a clerk's hand, pp. 3.
Vit. T. Mori, cap. 5.
His last letters were the most delightful he ever received from him, as they spoke so highly of his Republic (Utopia). Trusts they were as sincere as candid. Had asked Erasmus to give Tunstal an account of it, but forbade him to insist on his reading it; not because he did not desire it, but because Tunstal himself had so wisely determined not to undertake anything new before he had completed his reading of old authors; which task, if it be measured by what he has done, Tunstal should be an old man by this time; if by what he aims at, he will never complete it. Was afraid, among his many avocations, he would not have time for such trifles, nor could he have done so except out of partiality. Is glad he is pleased with the work, and not less for his candid advice.
A.D. 1518.
16 Jan.
R. O.
Orders to his herd "in the Rondhey" for the delivery of kids and heifers. Among which are deliveries to Sir Marmaduke Constabill, "my daughter Scott," the Priors of Pontefract, St. Oswald's and St. Mary's [York], Lady Metham, Lady Danbe, Sir Thos. Wentworth and Lady Nevill. On the 27 May 9 Hen. VIII. 9 fat bucks for the Scotch Queen.—Two of the orders are written on the backs of playing cards.
2. Account of William Skelton, made 21 Dec. 9 Hen. VIII., of the cattle at Roundhey.
R. O. 3. "The accounts of James Johnson, gaitehirst (goatherd) at Roundehay sithens his first entry, the first day of April anno octavo, unto the xvjth day of Januar than next ensuing, anno nono."
Gives the numbers of goats, bucks, and heifers in his charge at first, and of those afterwards at Carneby in Northumberland. Total of bearing goats, 169, which produced in the year, 149 kids; of which certain stated numbers were delivered to Lady Danby, Sir Thos. Wentworth, Lady Metham, Lady Nevile of Hunslaite, Sir Marmaduke Constable, Lady Dosabell Scott, and to the Queen of Scots, "as a present, at Pomfret and York." Heifers, 3 delivered for my lord's kitchen at Christmas, one to Sir M. Constable, and one to the prior of St. Oswald's and Thos. Wentworth of Elmesall.
Pp. 2.
4. Accounts of a servant of Lord Darcy from Mich. 7 to Mich. 8 Hen. VIII., including payments "to your lordship in your chamber at Stepney," and to Cuthbert Conears. For two butts to pack harness, 5s. 4d.; a hogshead and a barrel to pack harness, 12d. each.
P. 1.
6 Feb.
Calig. E. I. 3. B. M.
Has received his letters by the Chancellor, and [those of] his "belle mere" [Mary, the French Queen]. Has given orders to the officers of the places in her dowry that she may receive the rents. Intends that she should enjoy them as fully as the late Queen Anne. Romorantin, 6 Feb. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
Calig. E. III. 107. B. M.
* * * Le Roy fait gros ama[s de gens] ... les autres princes partiront bientost pour ... tant de cens mil hommes que cc sera belle ... [Nous] Anglais serous les Turrqz et les hennem[yes pour qui ce] merveilleux amas de gens et d'argent et p[reparé. Il] fault que les curés paient le dixiesme et les [g ... le] cinquesme de leur revenu sans les taillez qui so[nt ...] gros emprumptz que on fait par toutes les villes." The King is going straightway to Paris. Blois, Thursday, "q ... Feburier."
Copy, Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: A Monsr. Maistre Jehan de Chambors a ...
Calig. E. III. 106.
B. M.
2. * * * le Duc d'Albanye a este icy. Il es ... gens a force. Il y a cincq cens hommes d ... passer la mer pour aller en Escosse ou ... Gueldres." They are raising 10,000 foot and ... the King says he will carry them beyond the mountains on pretence of an expedition against the Turks. They are levying heavy impositions, a tenth upon the curés, and upon men not in the King's wages a fifth of their ... and a penny upon every franc on merchandise sold; great loans are also made. The principal ... are with the Chancellor to consult whether they shall offer the Pope the Pragmatic. If they do not they expect ... in Switzerland, Spain and England, but the Pope being once gained "on le bridera de quelque appointemente fourre, ou I ... aux articles des lesardes et des tranchefilles que sil en r ... en sera rompu." Ambassadors are here from the Marquis of Brandenburg for his marriage with Madame Renée. "Mons. de Mailly est bien estroictement tenu. On a amené depu[is] huit jours encore deux gentilz hommes avec luy, et le tout cha ... les Anglois, lesquelles Anglois on a intencion de deffaire." * * * (Paragraph unintelligible.)
There is much talk here of visions of armed men seen in the air; "et en la terre en ... defaict on la envoye emprime de Rome ycy mais je nen ... [e]ncores finer." The Duke of Savoy has some Swiss, and is very ill pleased at ..., not without cause. The adventurers who belonged to the Duke of Urbino "sont en bo ..." and are coming hither, "ce n'est pas pour retourner de la les mo[nts] les Suyces et lansquenetz que on assemble tout en est plain ... court des capitaines."
They are manning vessels for the war. If the Pope do not stop their proceedings they mean to overreach the English.
Copy, Fr., pp. 2, mutilated.
4 March.
Vesp. F. III. 74b. B. M.
To the same effect as No. 3984. Copenhagen, 4 March 1518. Signed.
Lat., p. 1.
28 March.
R. O.
Account of workmen's wages and building materials from Monday 30 March 9 (error for 8) Hen. VIII. to Monday 1 March ensuing.
For the month ending 25 April 9 Hen. VIII. Received by Arthur Loufkyn and Matthew Haull from Sir Rich. Jerningham, 2,200l.—Artificers' and labourers' wages, from 30 March to 25 April, 1,392l. 12s. 6d. Lime, stone of gree and gray stone, ashen poles, ropes, bricks, hand and wheel barrows, board, iron and steel, hammers and mattocks, hods, anvils and bellows, lime from the King's kilns; total, 2,045l. 1s. 8d.
For the month ending 23 May. Received 2,200l.—Wages, 1,441l. 0s. 6d.; materials, 702l. 15s. 7d.; total, 2,143l. 16s. 1d.
For the month ending 21 June. Received, 2,200l.—Wages, 1,468l. 17s. 7d.; materials, 634l. 10s. 10d.; total, 2,103l. 8s. 5d.
For the month ending 19 July. Received, 2,200l.—Wages, 1,428l. 12s. 9d.; materials, 724l. 5s. 4d.; total, 2,152l. 18s. 1d.
For the month ending 16 Aug. Received, 2,200l.—Wages, 1,453l. 6s. 10d.; materials, 606l. 3s. 8d.; total, 2059l. 10s. 6d.
For the month ending 13 Sept. Received, 2,140l.—Wages, 1,442l. 4s. 1d.; materials, 542l. 1s. 4d.; total, 1,984l. 5s. 5d.
For the month ending 9 Oct. Received, 1,600l.—Wages, 1,100l. 2s. 8d.; materials, 237l. 13s. 6d.; total, 1,337l. 16s. 2d.
For the month ending 8 Nov. Received, 1,020l.—Wages, 721l. 11s.; materials, 160l. 4s. 5d.; total, 881l. 15s. 5d.
For the month ending 6 Dec. Received, 381l. 4s. 5d.—Wages, 265l. 8s. 3d.; materials, 109l. 5s. 1d.; total, 364l. 13s. 4d.
For the month ending 3 Jan. Received, 231l. 17s. 2d.—Wages, 194l. 4s. 6d.; materials, 37l. 15s.; total, 231l. 19s.
For the month ending 31 Jan. Received, 136l.—Wages, 87l. 1s. 7d.; materials, 41l. 10s.; total, 89l. 3s. 5d.
For the month ending 1 March. Received, 244l.—Wages, 157l. 15s. 11d.; materials, 8l. 6s.; total, 166l. 1s. 11d.
For the month ending 28 March. Received, 262l. 8s. 2d.—Wages, 204l. 4s. 7d.; materials, 16l. 10s. 8d.; total, 220l. 15s. 3d.
Pp. 13.
22 May.
Fiddes, C. I. 34.
Congratulates on their reception of the King at Abingdon. Praises the King and Queen, who was received at her entry into Oxford with the greatest demonstrations of popularity. Mentions the lectures Wolsey intended to found there, and the reformation of the statutes. Otford, 22 May.
30 May.
Harl. 6989. f. 2. B. M.
Went to Master Richard [Pace], the secretary, at London, as Wolsey ordered him to do at Chinchston (Kingston?) He told Beccharia to wait, as he was going to some town beyond London, and promised to send him word when he went to the court. Received on the 26th May letters of the Cardinal of Sion, dated 5 April. Took them to Pace's house, and was told by his servants that he had gone to the court. On the 28th May received another letter from Sion, dated 16 May, for which he had paid the posts, that they might arrive sooner. As Pace has sent him no notice, and the letters are of the greatest importance, thinks it better to send to the court, and tell Wolsey of the circumstances. Asks him to send orders by the bearer. Has both Sion's letters to Henry and Wolsey. Abinton, 30 May 1518.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.
16 June.
Vesp. D. I. 63. B. M.
Account of a chapter of the canons regular of St. Austin held in their chapterhouse at Leicester; the prior of Gisburne sitting as president; Hugh Witwycke prior of the students in Oxford, and John Lacy canon of Merton, acting as scribes. Among other business it was decided who should preach the sermons and on what days. 170 joined in the procession, of whom 36 were prelati. The sermon was preached by Thomas Bele, D.D., on this text: Sapientia ædificavit sibi domum. And on the same day, returning to the chapter house, a discussion took place on the reformation of the Order. On Monday an elegant sermon was preached by Peter Hardyng, prior of Bridlington, on the text, Egredere de terra tua; and after various business a letter was read from the Cardinal Wolsey, dated Bekensfelde, 12 June 1518, in which the writer insisted on the importance of learning as the greatest preservative of the Catholic Faith, and the great distinction between men and brutes. He could not observe without regret that so few men of that religion applied themselves to study, and expressed his determination to found a college for the Order, the members of which should give themselves exclusively to learning. Certain fines were imposed on priors of Houses, for bad management of property and disobedience. Accounts received from the different visitors as to the state of the Religious Houses. As night came on, the meeting was prorogued till Tuesday at 7 in the morning. "Qua hora adveniente et capitulum iterum replente, domino priore de Overeys, contortis manibus et digitis, miserabiliter cum lachrymis genuflectente et humiliter declinante, ut regula nostra ad verbum observetur, et, ut a plerisque putabatur, ad novum suum vivendi modum obscure suadente, cum magno fere omnium susurro, per præsidentes et plerosque alios patres, et maxime dominum priorem de Merton, tam sanctissimi patris nostri Augustini confessionalia et scripta, quam alia jura et doctorum dicta verbis et scriptis allegantes, responsum est prædietæ regulæ nostræ ad verbum tam a cæteris omnibus quam a seipso esse satisfactum." After other business auditors were appointed for the accounts of the building of St. Mary's College, Oxford, of their own receivers and of those of the Cardinal.
Wednesday, reports of the visitors; and thanks were ordered to the Cardinal for his letter, who was admitted as a confrère of the chapter, and commissioned to reform the statutes of the college at Oxford, and the general authority of the Order. List of visitors appointed, and the next chapter to be held at St. Frideswide's, Oxford. A sermon to be preached in English by William Salyng prior of Merton, Edmund Forest prior of Lanthony, and Hugh Witwick prior of the students; and the Latin sermon by the prior of Walsingham, John Staunton canon of Gisborne, and Will. Yorke canon of Bruton. Received into the Order, the King and Queen, the Cardinal, the French Queen and the Duke of Suffolk, &c. Mass to be said by every priest within a month for defunct benefactors of the Order, especially Thos. Holden and Eliz. his wife, founders of the college.
Lat., pp. 16.
13 July.
R. O.
A.D. 1518. Memorandum that Rob. Chapman, notary public, servant to the Bp. of Ely, received from Rob. Tunneys on the 13 July the following books:—Instructions by the King for the delivery of Tournay. A treaty conceived, but not concluded, and a commission drawn for the same cause. Copy of the amity last made between the King and the King of Arragon, signed by the former. A treaty of matrimony between Lewis the French King, and the King's sister. Signed by Chapman.
16 Aug.
R. O.
Has received Wolsey's answer to his former letter from Angers. Desires much to see him, and therefore has hastened his journey, before the ambassadors from the French King now coming. Sandwich, Monday, Aug. 16.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Mons. le Cardinal d'Yort, prymat et legat en Angleterre.
28 Aug.
R. O.
Has notified to the King, by his secretary and by Thomas More, such occurrences as were at that time. Has received letters of the arrival of the Bp. of Paris at Sandwich on Thursday last, of which he was also informed by Villeroy. Told Villeroy that the fact of the ambassadors arriving separately seemed to indicate some distrust, but was assured to the contrary. The Bishop had only delayed his passage, being aged and afraid of the sea; and the longer tarrying of the Admiral was in consequence of having in his train so many noblemen; a great part of whose names Wolsey encloses. Has ordered the Bp. of Paris to come to Gravesend, where a barge will meet him, to bring him up to London. Has sent to Calais, and taken directions for their reception there, and transporting into England. Everything requisite shall be ready. Certain privy practices have been set on foot to hinder Henry's communications with the French King. Will tell him more of them on Henry's return to Eltham. Has prevented their foolish purpose, so that all he has concluded with Villeroy shall succeed.
Pp. 2. Draft, in Tuke's hand.
Since the arrival of the Bp. of Paris, has had much communication with him on the matters concluded with Villeroy. He objects to the Emperor and the King of Castile being principal contrahents in the new treaty, as they never made any request for it, and the Emperor might be encouraged to make new quarrels with the Princes of Germany, by which Henry and the other allies would be continually called upon for money. Insisted that the Emperor might be displeased if he were not made a principal contrahent, and the treaty might lead to war instead of peace. Debated the matter so long with the Bp. and Villeroy that they were near breaking off communication. They have, however, agreed to have both the Emperor and the King Catholic principal contrahents. Has also obtained for the King payment of 50,000 marks before the marriage more than he should have had by the conclusion between Wolsey and Villeroy, with better conditions touching Scotland. They say the Admiral will repair to the King with as much diligence as possible, and they expect to hear every hour of his arrival at Calais, but the winds have been so stormy these two or three days that no passage could be made.
Inquired of the order of receiving the Pope's legate in France. The Bishop of Paris told him he had been present at the deliberations of the French Council on the matter, and had seen them put in execution. The legate was accompanied all through France by noblemen, and conducted through every town by processions till within ten miles of Anjou, where the King was. There the bishops saluted him, and they accompanied him to within two miles of Anjou, where the Duke of Urbino, and all the nobles without exception, received him, and conducted him to Anjou. There he was received in procession by the spiritualties. There was great discussion whether the pall or canopy should be borne over him in the King's presence, which was at last decided in the affirmative. He was conveyed to the cathedral, and thence to his lodging, by all the nobles, who also attended him to his audience at the time appointed at the castle of Anjou. The King met him at a distance from the castle on horseback, saluted and embraced him, and proceeded with him to the castle, the legate on his right hand. In the same order they came to the French King's chamber, where were two chairs set, one against the other; and private audience was given without any oration being made, as was done here. The same order was observed on the second and third day, till the legate himself requested that the attendance of the nobles might be dispensed with.
Pp. 3. Draft, in Tuke's hand.
Decree in Chancery by my lord Cardinal, 12 July 10 Hen. VIII., that all who have pleaded the King's pardon or submitted to his mercy for enclosures shall within forty days "pull down and lay abroad" all enclosures and ditches made since the 1 Hen. VII., under a penalty of 100l., unless they can bring evidence that such enclosure is more beneficial to the commonwealth than the pulling down thereof, or is not against the statutes about the decay of houses. Signed by Wolsey.
Respecting their privileges and statutes.
* In the same place will be found other letters, addressed to the Cardinal and the Archbishop of Canterbury, on the studies of the University.
Fiddes, C. I. 36. 55. The UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD to WOLSEY.
The University would have despaired but for the assistance received from Wolsey, who has founded there six lectures, and shown his liberality to various of its members, when he met them at Guinsham (Eynesham?).
9 Nov.
Fiddes, C. I. 37.
Are rejoiced that he has made their commissary his chaplain. Have agreed to his recommendation of Edw. Standysh to be their beadle. The plague (pestis inguinaria), which had raged at Oxford for three months, and dispersed many of its members, has moderated its violence. The students have returned, and all the more eagerly because John Clement has given notice of his lectures. Oxon, 5 id. Nov.
R. O.
Commanding them to be more vigilant in the punishment of misdemeanors, complaints being made that their authority is disregarded in consequence of their slackness in the redress of injuries, especially the murder of Richard ap Dyo. Westm.,—Nov., ["the tenth year"]. These last words are struck through.
Corrected draft, p. 1.
ii. Another copy, without date, on the back of the same leaf.
1. "Visus expensarum hospicii a primo die mensis Octobris usque ultimum diem mensis Martii anno vijo Regis Henrici Octavi."
Bakehouse and pantry, 547l. 10s. 5¾d. Butlery, 1,992l. 13s. 11d. Wardrobe, 1,256l. 19s. 1¾d. Offices of "Emptoria" and larder, 2,658l. 17s. 9¼d.; poultry, 912l. 19s. 6½d.; scullery, 354l. 9s. 4½d.; "salsaria," 50l. 13s. 11½d.; hall and chamber, 430l. 16s. 5½d.; stable and marshalsea, 738l. 14s. 10½d.. Wages of household, 754l. 16s. 3d. Daily alms, 36l. 12s. (4s. a day). The King's offerings, 6l. 7s. 11d. Gifts and rewards, 99l. 13s. 4d. Total, 9,841l. 5s. ¼d. These general headings are subdivided into others, e.g., Bakehouse into corn, wood for furnace, bakers' wages, &c. showing the expenditure under each subdivision.
Pp. 3.
R. O. 2. "Visus expensarum hospicii a primo die mensis Octobris usque ultimum diem mensis Septembris, videlicet, pro uno anno integro."
Arranged under the same headings as the preceding. Total, 18,515l. 18s. 5d.
Pp. 4.
R. O. 3. "A view by estimation of a daily diet within the King's household;" setting forth bills of fare for the King, the Queen, the Lord Chamberlain, and other Lords and members of the household, the names of the dishes being written at the side, and the prices opposite, in vertical columns of the days of the week. Among the dishes are swans, conies, capons of grece, friants, custards, fritters, herons, pheasants, curlews, cocks, teals, plovers, larks, tarts, dowcetts, eggs, pikes, whitings, haddocks, plaice, gurnets, tench, fresh salmon, carp, breame, roasting eels, great flounders, shrimps, crayfish, lampreys. Total expense for one year, 9,144l. 8s. 9d.
Other necessaries. Charge of the Princess' household estimated at 1,400l. a year. Estimate of the charge for wages, the King's stable, spices, wax, and other household expenses. In all, 8,728l. 19s. 6d.
Breakfasts for the King, Queen, Princess, and French Queen, other ordinary breakfasts, liveries, &c. (estimate not filled up).
Pp. 24.
4. Another estimate in the same form.
Pp. 20.
R. O. 5. "The foot of the roll of our most dread sovereign Lord King Henr[y VIII.]"
An estimate of the expenses [of diets] for one year, for the King, Queen, and Cardinal, &c. Total, 7,715l. 4s. "Other necessaries and foreign charges," including the Princess' household, 8,589l. 3s. 10d. Ordinary breakfasts and liveries, &c., (estimate not filled up).
Pp. 3.
R. O. 6. "Visus expensarum hospicii, anno viijvo Regis Henrici Octavi."
Account of the expenditure for the year ending 1 Oct. 9 Hen. VIII. under the heads "Pistrinum, Panetria, Buttilleria," &c. Total, 17,551l. 14s. 7½d.
Pp. 3.
R. O. 7. "The three kitchens." Statement of the number of yeomen and grooms for the King's mouth, for the Queen's and for the hall-place, and of children porters and scowrers, with their allowances of meat.
P. 1.
R. O. 8. Statement of the number of gentlemen, yeomen, grooms, pages, and children in the confectionery, poultry, scullery and other departments.
P. 1.
R. O. 9. "A view by estimation [of the daily expenses] of bread, ale and wine, flesh and fish, expended in the King's household for breakfasts, dinners and suppers." Bread, average 6 qrs. 4 bushels of wheat per day, 44s. 8d., as appears by the pantry roll delivered by the serjeant of the pantry. Wine, 35 quarts (sextarii) 2 pints, at 2s. 4d. the sextarius; ale, 7 pipes, at 12s. 6d. the pipe. Flesh and fish, separate estimates of breakfasts, dinners, &c. for the King, Queen, Cardinal ("when he comes to court"), the Princess, the Queen of Scots, lords, ladies, and officers, including Messrs. Compton, Sharpe and Tyler, Lady Gylford the elder, Peter the Luter (Carmelianus), Marcellus [de la More], the surgeon, and "the frere organ-player" (Memo).
Pp. 3.
R. O. 10. A list of the officers in each department of the household with their wages and allowances for aprons and liveries. The following are the principal names:—
The Counting-house.—The lord steward, fee 13l. 6s. 8d.; aprons, 13l. 16d.; robes, 10l. 13s. 4d.; treasurer of household, controller of household, cofferer, fee 66l. 13s. 4d.; wages, 11l. 8s. 1½d.; aprons 12l. 8s.; robes, 106s. 8d.; Thos. Hatteclyff and Edw. Weldon, clerks of green cloth, Thos. Vaulx, clerk controller, Rob. Pagenham, clerk of controlment, Thos. Darell, yeoman, a groom and a clerk.
The Bakehouse.—Roger More, serjeant, Jas. Harryngton, clk., 4 yeomen, 3 grooms, and 6 bakers.
The ... ?—John Ap. Richards, serjeant, John Jastelyn, gentleman for the Queen, 5 yeomen, 5 grooms, 2 pages, 1 breadbearer.
The Cellar.—Ric. Hylle, serjeant, Edm. Harvy, gentleman for the Queen, 4 yeomen, 3 yeomen purveyors of the butlery for the Queen, 4 grooms, 2 pages.
The Buttery.—Will. Hodgeson and Ric. Whately, yeomen, 1 yeoman purveyor, 3 grooms, 2 groom purveyors, 2 pages.
The Pitcher House.—John à Man and Adam Crayford, yeomen, 3 grooms, 2 pages.
The Spicery.—Will. Blackenhall, chief clerk, 2 other clerks, the cofferer's clerk, and a yeoman powder beater.
The Wafery.—Robert Lee, yeoman, one groom.
The Chaundry.—One serjeant, 2 yeomen, 2 grooms, 2 pages.
The Confectionery.—One serjeant, 1 yeoman, 1 groom, 1 page.
The Ewery.—Geoffrey Villers, serjeant, Henry Atkynson, gentleman for the Queen, 3 yeomen, 4 grooms, 2 pages.
The Lavendry.—Thos. Judd, yeoman, 3 grooms, 2 pages.
The Kitchen.—Will. Thynne, chief clerk, and 2 other clerks, 3 master cooks, 7 yeomen, 7 grooms.
The Larder.—John Dale, serjeant, 1 clerk, 3 yeomen, 4 grooms, 2 pages.
Boyllers.—John Whit, yeoman, 2 grooms.
The Accatry—Will. Honnyng, serjeant, 1 clerk, 2 yeomen purveyors, 7 yeomen, 2 grooms, 1 yeoman pig-taker, 2 herds, 1 keeper of Creslowe (?)
The Poultry.—Edw. Brisley, serjeant, 1 clerk, 1 yeoman purveyor for the mouth, 2 yeomen purveyors for the household, 2 grooms.
The Scalding House.—1 yeoman, 4 grooms, 1 serjeant, 1 clerk, 2 yeomen, 4 grooms, 4 children.
The Squillery.—1 serjeant, 1 clerk, 4 yeomen, 4 grooms, 2 pages, 4 children.
The Hall.—Jasper Tyrrell, Richard Rede, marshals, Will. Chace, sergeant, Hen. Ligh, clk., John Sterkey and Thos. Ap. Guylliams, surveyors, 4 sewers, 4 yeomen, 3 grooms, 2 pages, 16 servitors, 1 dogkeeper, 1 porter of the woodyard, 1 gentleman harbinger, 4 yeomen harbingers.
"Th' Almery."—Dr. Fox, chief almoner, Sir Edw. Chamberlayne, under almoner, Dr. Skipe, almoner to the Queen, 3 yeomen, 4 grooms, 2 children.
Porters at the gate.—1 sergeant, 3 yeomen, 2 grooms.
Cart-takers.—1 yeoman, 1 groom, Marcellus, surgeon (this name struck out).
Total, 1,798l. 14s. 6½d. "Summa totalis of the King's side and the household," 2,506l. 13s. 7½d.
Pp. 10, mutilated.
R. O. 11. A statement of the amounts paid in monthly wages for a whole year, in Nov. 10 Hen. VIII., and of the quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly wages due at Michaelmas.
In the same hand as the Book of the King's Payments, to which this seems to be supplementary, pp. 8.
i. Grant to the Marquis and his son Henry Grey in survivorship, by the dean and canons of the college of Warwick, of the office of steward of their lands, with 40s. a year. Warwick, 25 Oct. [9?] Hen. VIII.
ii. Similar grant by the abbot and convent of Kenelworth, with 4l. a year. Kenilworth, 2 Dec. 9 Hen. VIII.
iii. Similar grant by the abbot and convent of Stoneley, with 26s. 8d. a year. Stonley, 13 June 10 Hen. VIII.
iv. Similar grant by the abbot and convent of Meryvale, with 40s. a year. Merevale, 4 Dec. 9 Hen. VIII.
v. Similar grant by the prior and convent of Coventry, with 4l. a year. Coventry, 2 Dec. 9 Hen. VIII.
vi. Similar grant by the prioress and convent of Nuneton, with 40s. a year. Nunneton, 4 Dec. 9 Hen. VIII.
Copies, pp. 3. Endd.
Fines assessed Hil. 8—Hil. 9 Hen. VIII., for unlawful assemblies, slandering the King's messenger, riot, &c.
Pp. 2.
Five bills for carpenters, sawyers, and other laborers working in the Tower during March and April 6 Hen. VIII., for the conveyance of ordnance, &c. Master carpenter at 10d. a day; others at 6d. and 5d.
R. O. 62. CABLES.
Bill for 69 cables, amounting to 656l. 2s., at 12s. a cwt., supplied by Richard Gresham, 16 March 8 Hen. VIII.
"The muster book of the new retinue of the 50 gunners within the town and castle of Berwick for a quarter beginning the 16th day of May anno xmo, and ending the 16th day of August anno regni regis Henr. viijvi decimo."
A list of 50 names, at 6d. a day. Signed: "Antone Ughtred."
Pp. 2.


  • 1. See No. 148, antè.
  • 2. De Farnesio in one place; de Faringto in another.
  • 3. The letters here referred to are either the first edition, published in Oct. 1516, or the second, in April 1517.
  • 4. "as I think it verily is:" The text is very much corrected and illegible, but this appears to be intended.
  • 5. Sic. ""
  • 6. For the expenses of the French ambassadors at Farnham, 17–19 Nov. 1517, see preface to vol. I. p. exvii.