
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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'Revels', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Revels', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Revels". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1864), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.



28 Feb.
Accounts of Revels, &c., drawn up by RICHARD GIBSON at the King's order.
R. O. 18 Jan. 1 Hen. VIII.—At Westminster "ran ... for a gladness to the Queen's grace," in which the King, Lord Harry Stafforth, the Earl of [Essex, Lord Hast]yngs, Lord Fewater, Sir Edw. [Howard, Mr. Thos. à] Par, Sir Th. Boleyn, Edw. Nevell, Ed[ward Guildford], Sir Harry [Guild]forthe. Wm. à Parr, 11 of them in green coats and hose of Kentish Kendal like [Robin's] Hood men, and a woman like Maid Marian. Delivered by Master Edw. Gyllforthe.
The following account overlooked by John S[mith], servant "to the said Earl [of Essex]. (fn. 1) The disguising finished in the parliament chamber at Westminister last day of Feb. 1 Hen. VIII.
"Crimson velvet of Geen."—Received 15 yds.: used for 6 Almain jackets with long sleeves, 12¾ yds.; 2 Turk's caps, 1½ yds.; cut into letters for garnishing of Turkey apparel, ¾.
Blue velvet.—Received 14 yds. For 6 Almain jackets, 12½ yds. A pair of shoes for Lord Hastyngs, ¼ (?) yd. Garnishing javelins, ¼ yd.
Cloth of gold of Venice.—Received of Ric. Smith, yeoman of the robes, 27 yds. For doublets for the King, Earl of Essex, Lord Harry Stafforthe, Sir T[homas] Knevett, Duke of Suffolk and Edw. Nevell, 15 yds.; lining for Almain jackets, 12 yds.
Blue satin.—Received 45 yds. For half kirtles for 2 ladies, 7 yds. For half upper garments of strange device for the same, 12 yds. 2 half gowns with wide pendant sleeves, 14 yds. 2 half garments for ladies, of "moryans" fashion, 12 yds.
Green satin.—Received 13 yds. For 2 half coats compass-wise for 2 "moryans," 10 yds. 6 "over parts" of cut work, 3 yds.
White satin.—Received 8 yds. For 6 over parts, double, of cut work, 6 yds. 6 pair of shoes, 2 yds.
Crimson satin.—Received 71½ yds. For two "hausys" cloaks, 8½ yds. 2 pair of over parts for the "hausys," 2 yds. 2 half kirtles and 2 half garments upper parts, for ladies, 19 yds. 2 half gowns with white pendant sleeves, 14 yds. 2 half coats for "moryans," cut "... umper wise," 10 yds.
Yellow satin.—Received 13 yds. For hemming and cut works for the ladies kirtles and gowns.
"Ploukket damaske."—Received 15 yds., all used for a long gown and hood.
Yellow velvet.—Received 4 yds for 4 bonnets for the gentlemen who bare the torches, for which were given him 4 old garments of the King's store, devised by Mr. Harry Wentworth.
Blue sarsanet.—Received 12 yds. For lining, and girdles for lords and ladies.
Crimson sarsanet.—Received 13 yds. Covering a "kocreyd" hat, 1 yd. Covering 2 "hausys" hats, 1¾ yds. 6 stomachers for ladies, 2 yds, &c.
"Satin of Breges."—4 doublets, &c. for minstrels, 12 yds.
Crimson copper tinsel of Breges.—11 yds. for a garment for Sir Edw. Haward, who bare the kares before the mummers.
Brabant cloth, used by the broiderer for straining the garments, 54 ells. Black lumbardyns, 7 pieces, 17½ yds. by 12 in., for the 2 ladies "morryans," for heads, necks, and arms. Same for two other "morryans."
"Sypers kerchers."—Received 21 pieces. For ladies' hoods, frontlets, "smock sleeves," &c. Rolls to the crimson velvet bonnets of the two Turks, &c.
Black Bolen sarsanet.—2 yds. for 2 pr. of "sclope hosyn" over the King's and Mr. Knevett's hose.
Yellow sarcenet.—1 yd. for hanging coifs with crimson velvet letters for the 2 "morryans."
Ostrich feathers.—6 tops, 12d. each, for the bonnets of the King and lords. "Kolen bawdkyn," 11 yds. for two garments for Turks.
Felt hats.—3 bought for 3s. 4d.
Pasteboards.—12 at 4d. a piece, for bonnets of lords and ladies.
Turkey knives.—Bought 2 of Marryn, cutler, for 13s. 4d. each, to be worn at the mummery.
Targets.—4 painted and beaten by painters' craft with fine gold, bought, 4s. the pair.
Javelins.—2 bought for the "morryans," with broad heads and feathers, 4s. each.
Pins of wire for the ladies, 2d.
Cotton cloth, for lining ladies' bonnets, &c., 21 yds., 12s. 3d.
White fustian for lining doublets, &c., 7 yds., 4s. 1d.
Gray furs.—1 timber, brought of Ric. Hanchet, 13s., for furring it 1s., for Lord Hastyngs' gown and hood.
Crest cloth.—Bought 6 ells at 4d., for lining doublets.
Laten wire.—½ lb. for ladies' attire, 3d.
Thread.—4lb. of divers colors, at 4d.
"Cloos" silk for broidering.—20 oz. used by Mortimer, the broiderer, 20s.
Riband for hair laces, 8 oz. at 13d.
Received from Rob. Amadas, by command of the Earl of Essex, the following parcels of gold:—
By counterpair, marked with Gibson's mark of sheaves of arrows and castles, 590 pieces. Roses of gold enamelled, 45 pieces. Pu[m]gar[nets], pieces of gold, 56 pieces. Total wt. 141 oz. 3¾ q. 4 dwt.
48 pomegranates of gold, &c., weight not known.
1,560 castles and sheaves of arrows. 101 roses. 108 pomegranates.
Used for embroidery; for every garment, 240 pieces of sheaves and castles. Set on the 2 best garments, 480 pieces; on the two second garments, 360 pieces; on the two last, 316 pieces: on the best white hose, 26 gold pomegranates: on the green hose, 24 gold roses. Gold and silver damask, received of John Smith, servant to the Earl of Essex, for garnishing dresses, the King's bonnet, &c.
To the tailor.—For 2 Turk's robes and bonnets; 2 "hansys hats," cloaks, and coats; 2 "morryans" coats, coifs, black hose, crimson and blue satin kirtles; 2 ladies' gowns broidered with yellow satin; 2 ladies' [gowns] of Moorish fashion, thrice bordered with pomegranates; 2 rochets of sypers; 6 Almain jackets; 6 doublets of cloth of gold, &c., 4l. 17s. 8d.
These garments delivered to the Earl of Essex and Mr. Harry Wentworth. master of the revels. "Thus ends the revels of the first year."
17 March. ii. Account of a bas and a demy trapper, ordered of Ric. Gibson by the King, for running at the ring, 17 March 1 Hen. VIII.
Purple velvet.—Received from Wm. Botre, mercer, 19½ yds. 3 nails. For a demy trapper with the "krene,"¾ yd. For a "baas," with 2 demisleeves, 8 yds. Gave to the saddler, 3 q. 3 nails.
Gold of damask.—Received of Wm. Cumton, 3 q. and one sleeve of a gown, used for bordering the trapper and "baas."
Received from Cumton, 575 sheaves of arrows of gold, 575 castles of gold. Set on the "baas" and sleeves, 475 pieces; "on the mantle of the crapper." 360 pieces; on the "broont," 130; on the "trene," 60; on the headstall and broad reins, 120. Given by the King to the lords of Spain, that beheld the King's running at the ring, 10 pieces. Total, 1,150 pieces. Black satin.—Received of Botre, 8 yds. used for lining the "baas" and half sleeves.
Buckram for the trapper, 10 yds. at 5d. a yard.
The trapper and "baas" delivered to the King himself, and after received by Master Cumton. The headstall and reins went with the courser to the stable. "Thus ends all the business done by me, Richard Gibson, the first year of the King's reign."
In Gibson's hand, pp. 14.
Duplicate of the above.
14 Nov.
R. O.
8 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. the King sent for Richard Gibson to arrange for a revel at Richmond, 14 Nov. A quantity of stuff was left with Gibson by Harry Wentworth, gentleman usher and master of the revels, consisting of standards, of old disguising gear, satins and sarcenets, and other things were bought by him for the apparel of 28 lords and ladies and 6 minstrels.
Crimson satin.—Received of Ric. Smith in the King's presence, 64¾ yds.
For 16 half Almain doublets with long ruffed sleeves, 30 yds.; 2 ladies' garments, 13 yds.; 6 pr. of linen ladies' sleeves, 9¾ yds.; 6 bonnets, 6½ yds.; to the King, 2½ yds; to Wentworth, 3 yds.
Blue satin.—Received of Ric. Smith, 43½ yds. For 16 half Almain doublets, 30 yds.; 2 ladies' garments, 13 yds.; lining the Princess of Castile's bonnet, ½ yd.
White satin.—Received 18¼ yds, for 6 half garments for the lords disguised.
Green satin.—Received 22¼ yds. For 6 jackets, 18 yds. 1½ q.; pair of hose, 2 yds.; shoes, 3½ qrs.; lining 4 ladies' bonnets, 1yd.
Yellow satin.—Received 7 yds., for embroidering 4 ladies' garments.
White velvet.—Received 17 yds., for 16 bonnets.
Blue sarcenet.—Received 29¾ yds., for 3 minstrels' apparels, lining 6 crimson bonnets, and girdles for the King, Master Cumton and the mummers.
Crimson sarcenet.—Received 28¼ yds., for minstrels' dresses, girdles for the King, &c.
Green sarcenet.—Received 10 yds., for lining sleeves, bonnet and taberet bends, &c.
White sarcenet.—Received 10 yds., for linings, garters for lords, &c.
Venice gold.—Bought of Mistress Ellsebethe Philypp, 32 oz., for 72 tassels for the white and green garments; ribbon for the ladies' garments and the King's bonnet.
Venice ribbon.—Bought 96 yds. at 11s., for the lords' sleeves, knitting ladies' gowns, &c.
Close silk fringe, white and green.—Bought 12½ oz. at 14d., for tassels.
Thread.—4 lbs. bought, at 14d.
Cotton cloth.—24 yds. bought, at 7d., for lining the "plyghts" of the ladies' garments, &c.
Pasteboards.—Bought 24 pieces, at 4d., for lining bonnets.
"Creest clothe."—Bought 20 ells, at 4½d., for lining and straining ladies' garments in the tents.
Visors.—Bought of Bartyllmewe, the haberdasher, 24 visors, at 2s.; ostrich feathers for the King, 2s. each; for the 2 disguisers, 16d.; 3 doz. at 6s. a doz. "spent for and among the 16 mummers, some one, some twain, and some three, as they could catch or come by them." Boat hire, 12s. Workmanship, 3l. 12s. 4d.
Number of personages.—16 Almain doublets like coats; 6 disguising garments set with jewels of the King's treasure, received by Sir Wm. Cumton; 6 ladies' gowns. Apparels for 3 minstrels who brought in the mummers' garments; for 3 others who brought in the ladies; 3 garments from the King's old store of Bregys satin set with copper spangles; 6 white velvet bonnets for lords disguised, and 6 crimson satin bonnets for ladies. Total, 22 lords and gentlemen, 6 ladies, 6 minstrels. The revels were finished 14 Nov. at night, at Richmond, 2 Hen. VIII., after the King and others had run at the ring. The apparel used by the lords and gentlemen, by the Princess, Mistress Knevett and Mistress Margaret Brian was given to the wearers. Remained in Gibson's hands, 3 sleeveless ladies' garments of crimson and plunket satin.
Gibson acknowledges the receipt of two war chests and a standard, 15 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII., formerly in the charge of Master Harry Wentworth, containing 6 Almain garments of crimson velvet and blue, with cut letters, and lined with cloth of gold; two short garments of green and crimson satin, cut compass; a "yobe" (fn. 2) of copper tinsel; 6 ladies' gowns of satin of Breges; 6 red sarcenet garments, spangled with copper; 6 green satin garments, purfled with linen and roses of "pawpyr" gold; 6 red satin ladies' garments. powdered, with tassels of silver of Kolen; one, delivered to John Ynglyche; 2 young ladies' yellow satin garments; 2 crimson satin garments, one of Spanish fashion, embroidered with copper stuff, one stained; 6 men's satin garments, broidered with copper bullion; 13 men's garments, broidered with copper, gold and orsade.
1511. 6 Jan. ii. "Epiphany night, the 2nd year Hen. VIII., the Queen's grace in her chamber of †a prince whose soul is among the holy innocents." (fn. 3)
A revel was held, devised by Mr. Harry Gyllforth, "that is to understand, a hill summit, thereon a golden stock branched with roses and pomegranates crowned, out of which hill issued a Morryke danced by the King's young gentlemen, as hynsmen, and thereto a lady." For which were bought the following articles:—Earthen vessels. Hogs' bristles for painters. Pink, for tempering the colors, 3 qts., 12d. Vinegar, 4 gals. 1 pottle, 18d. 43 lbs. of cotton candles for night work, 1¼d. a lb. Charcoal for heating the colors, 10 q., 4s. 2d. 1 lb. dry pomegranates, 8d. 1 beechen log for "pounsyng blokes," 2d. 6 pomegranate moulds, 12d. Of Normandy canvas, 14 ells, at 4d, for aprons for painters and lining the fool's coat, ¼lb. of roset, 2d. 14 buckled leather garters with bells for the "Morryske," 7s. 6 darts, 12d. A turned ladle, for the fool, ½d. Two reams of white paper, at 2s. 8d., and verdigris for leaves, &c. Gray paper, 1 bundle, 8d. 30 lbs. orsade, at 12d. 30 lbs. of horn glue, at 2d. Senaper paper, 3 doz. at 2s. 6d., for a batch of red roses. Silver paper, "sehyng" green paper. Gum "Arrobeke," 4d. a lb. 2 doz. gold foil, at 2d. 85 doz. bells for the dancers, the green, red, white and black knights, &c. 3l. 9s. 2d. For the hire of 17 doz. bells while the gentlemen learned to dance, 5s. 8d. White and crimson sarcenet, for fools and minstrels. Green tartorn, for inner sleeves and girdles, 2s. a yd. 600 white wickers, for the "in boas" of the roots of the gold stock, 3s. 29,000 spangles, 14s. 6d. Crossbow thread, at 4d. a lb. 8 pr. of scissors, for clipping orsady, at 2d. Wages of painters, joiners, &c. Hire of my Lord of Ely's barge to bring the stuff to Richmond, 13s. 4d. House rent, where the stuff was wrought, 2s. Rushes to strew the house again, 12d.; cleaning it, 8d. The ladies' garments were of the King's store.
13 Feb. iii. 12 and 13 Feb. 2 Hen. VIII.—A joust of honor was held by the King, with 3 aids, on these days at Westminster. A forest was constructed within the house of Black Friars, Ludgate, 26 ft. long, 16 ft. broad, 9 ft. high, garnished with artificial "hawthorns, oaks, maples, hazels, birches, fern, broom and furze, with beasts and birds embossed of sundry fashion, with foresters sitting and going on the top of the same, and a castle on the said forest, with a maiden sitting thereby with a garland, and a lion of great stature and bigness, with an antelope of like proportion after his kind drawing the said pageant or forest, conducted with men in wodwoos' apparel, and two maidens sitting on the said two beasts; in the which forest were four men of arms, riding, that issued out at times appointed; and on every of the 4 quarters of the forest were the arms of the four knights challengers. And for the second day were provided and made 4 rich pavilions, one crowned, the other three with balls of bornd gold." For which the following articles were required. Charcoal. 27 ft. of fine oak for mules and other beasts, &c., 7s. 78 alder poles for the body of the forest and great beasts, and the closures of the hall door at Westminster, 4l. 9s. 1d. 10 bundles of crown paper for moulding beasts, the faces of the lion and antelope, &c., 6s. 8d. 7 reams of white Geen paper, for lining the sarcenet, that the leaves were made of, and for covering the rocks, 18s. 8d. 41lbs. of "general," 16d. 6lbs. of white lead, 12d. 6 fir trees, 16d. each. 4 masts for enclosing the hall door, and taken by the keeper of the palace as fees. 1 lb. of Spanish brown for coloring the beasts, 1½d. 1 lb. orpiment, 6d. 2 doz. green "schyng" payer for mixing with the ivy on the woodwos' heads and staves, 18d. 5 doz., of gold paper for the castle and the body and legs of the lions, 10s. 1 lb. vermilion for the mouths of the lion and antelope, &c., 8d. Fine scissers of "Kolen" making, 5d. a pair. Shears, 14d. a pair. Iron work, 6l. 18s. 8d. Canvas of Normandy, 16½ ells for the lion and olyvant; 9 ells for lining the 4 woodwys apparel, at 5d. 5 bushels of wheat flour for paste, 6s. 8d. Oil, 8d. a pottle. 4 st. neat's tallow, 16d. 56 doz. silver paper, 4l. 4s. 8 hair brushes, 8d. 2 doz. embossed birds, 6s. 2,400 turned acorns and hazelnuts, 8d. a 100. 118 lbs. orsade for flossing and casing the lion, &c., 5l. 18s. Holly boughs, fennel stalks, broom stalks, &c. planted with sarcenet flowers and leaves, 17d. 6 doz. silk roses, wrought by the maiden into a garland, and delivered to the Queen when the jousts began, 24s. 4 lbs. of iron wire, at 6d. a lb., for the lion's and olyvant's tails. 6 backs of tanned leather, at 5s. a back, for the chains that the lion and the antelope drew the forest with. Gold for gilding the antelope's horns, crowns, &c. 900, 48s. 66 lbs. of links, 3s. 11d. 3 coifs of Venice gold, for the maiden in the forest, and those that rode on the lion and the olyvant, 40s. 4 oz. Venice ribbon for girdles and for the garland presented to the Queen, 7s. 300 laten maylles, 1d. a 100, for kirtles for the three maidens. Ivy for the woodwos' heads, belts and staves, 4d. 4 vizors for the woodwos who conducted the forest, 4s. 3 lbs. of "booellarmonyake" (bole armeniac), 4½d. Green sarcenet, for the "boos" (boughs) of the forest, 26 ft. long, 16 ft. broad, and 9 ft. high, 153 yds.; lining a pavilion for the King, 42 yds.; for 12 hawthorns, 44 yds.; 12 oaks, 44 yds.; 10 maples, 36 yds.; hazels, 32 yds.; 10 birches, 32 yds.; 16 doz. fern roots and branches, 64 yds.; 50 broom stalks, 58 yds.; 16 furze bushes, 33 yds.; lining the maiden's sleeves, 2¾ yds.; total, 542 yds. Yellow sarcenet for broom and furze flowers, 22 yds. Russet sarcenet for the 4 woodwos' garments, shred like locks of hair or wool, 48 yds. Russet damask, spent by Edm. Skill, tailor, for kirtles for the maiden in the forest, and those on the lion and "olyvant," 10 yds. Yellow damask for the maidens on the lion and "antlope," 10 yds. Blue velvet for a pavilion for the King, 36 yds. Blue and crimson damask for pavilions. 1 yd. of blue sarcenet for a banner in the forest. 23 oz. of Venice silk, 16d. an oz. 31 oz. of fine silk, 14d. an oz.; "spent and employed on the said four pavilions for points to stay the hoops, which points were spent, stolen, and wasted at the siege of Terouenne at the receiving of the Emperor, for the said pavilions did the King royal service to his honor." To Mrs. Christian Warren, for "a fringe of damask gold weighing by Venice weight, 140 oz. set on the King's rich pavilion, for the which she hath 14d. for every ounce working," 18l. 12s. To Edmond Skill, for making the apparel for the maiden in the forest, those on the lion and the antelope (fn. 4) and the woodwos, 42s. 10d.
"Thys forrest or pagent after the ewsans had into Westmester Gret Hall, and by the King's gard and other gentyllmen rent, brokyn, and by fors karryed away, and the poor men that wer set to kep, theyr heds brokyn two of them, and the remuant put ther from with foors, so that noon ther of byt the baar tymbyr cum near to the King's ews nor stoor.
The second day the 4 pavelyuns wer savyd to the Kyng's ews, and profyd with meche payn.
Md. That the Kyng's graas at hys town of Kales cummandyd me Rechard Gybson to kut oon of the sayd pavelyuns, and so yt was and maad an hangyng for an hows of tymbyr of Flandyrs werke. And at the seege of Tyrwyen the sayd hows was gevyn by the Kyng's graas to my Lord of Wynchester, with the saam hangyng so mad of the saam pavelyun." Remaining in Gibson's hand, 2 crimson and blue damask pavilions, and one of blue velvet and cloth of gold.
13 Feb. iv. After the jousts on the 12th and 13th Feb. 2 Hen. VIII., on the same night the King ordered a revel to be held in the White Hall, Westminster, and a pageant was prepared called "the Golldyn Arber in the Archeyerd of Plesyer." The arbor was "set with wrethyd pilers of shynyng porpyll, kevyrd with a type in bowd gylld, with fyen golld, raylyd with kostly karoufing, and ther over a vyen of syllver beryng graps of goolld; the benchys of thys erber seet and wrowght with kyndly flowers, as rosys, lyllyes, mary gollds, gelofers, prymroses, kowslyps and seche other; and the orche yerde set with horenge trees, ponygarnat trees, happyll tres, per trees, olyvf trees, the porter of thys orchyerd in bowght and gylld; and with in thys arber wer syttyng xii. lords and ladyes, and without un the syds were viii. mynstrells with strange instrements, and befoor un the steps stood dyvers persoons dysgysyd, as Master Sub Deen, Master Kornyche, Master Kaan and other, and un the top wer the chylldyrn of the chappell syngyng, so that oon thys pagent was xxx. persons, weche was marvelus wyghty to remevf and karry, as yt dyd bothe up and down the hall and turnyd round." For which pageant the following articles were bought;—Flour for making the fruits, &c., 1 bushel, 16d. Candles employed at the Bp. of Hereford's place, and elsewhere, 160 lbs., 13s. 4d. 2 beer car wheels and one upright wheel for carriage of the pageant, 7s. 2 reams of "Green" paper for vine leaves, &c., 5s. 4d. ½ oz. saffron for marigolds, 4d. 12 doz. sinaper paper for red roses, yelloffers, &c., 10s. 16 moulds for pears, apples and oranges, and 1 lb. cotton, 2s. 6d. 12 doz. grentyn paper for vine and laurel leaves, and for covering the desk that bore the standish, 10s. 1 lb. white varnish, 8d. 6 lbs. red and white lead, 12d. 4 lbs. black soap for anointing the pageant wheels and joints, 4d. 2 bushels of leather shreds sodden for size, 7d. 12 pack needles, 3d. A standish set on the desk at the foot of the pageant used by Master Subdean, 2s. 2 kilderkins of "good haell," at 2s. Silks, &c. received from Wm. Botre, mercer, 63 yds. Shining blue satin for garments for the King, Sir Thos. Knevet, Earl of Essex, Earl of Wiltshire, Edw. Nevell and Harry Gyllforthe, 39 yds. Gown and bonnet for Cornish, in which he played one of his parts, 14 yds. Half a gown for Master Kran to play in, 7 yds. The desk cloth, 2 yds. 21¾ yds. blue velvet for bonnets, Milan fashion. Shoes and hose for the King and Knevet, &c. 8½ yds. cloth of gold for hose for the King, Knevet, Brandon, Nevell, Gyllforth and the Earls of Essex and Wiltshire. 50 yds. green satin for 6 gowns for ladies, and half a gown for Master Kraan. 57¾ yds. white satin for ladies' gowns, and cut into 184 letters, H.K. For Cornish's and the minstrel's garments, for 40 "fassys" (faces), 3 yds. 46½ yards green satin for another gown for Cornish, for 3 taborets, &c. 83 yds. yellow satin for 6 ladies' head dresses. 952 letters, H.K., 68 yds.; 300 of which were set on Cornish's and Karne's gowns. For 80 wings for the "fassys" for Mr. Subdean, 8 yds., &c. 22 yds. yellow sarcenet for the children of the chapel. 15 yds. crimson satin for inner sleeves, stomachers and pointed gowns. 3 yds. given by the King to Lord Ferrys. 13 yds. russet satin for 2 garments like shipmen's, for 2 gentlemen of the chapel who sang in the play. 16 yds. blue damask, for a garment of strange fashion, and a rolled cap like that of a Baron of the Exchequer, for Mr. Subdean, now my Lord of Armykan. Received from Mr. Harry Gyllforth 24½ oz. of gold letters and hearts. From Amadas, 259 letters of H., weighing 89 oz. 218 letters of K., 81 oz. 2 dwt., &c. Total, 439½ oz. Set on the King's apparel, 887 pieces. On Sir T. Knevett's, 893, &c. Lost from the Earl of Essex's garment, 2 H's, 3 K's; from the Earl of Wiltshire's, 2 H's, 1 K.; Mr. Nevell's, 2 H's, 3 K's; Mr. Harry Gyllforth's, 1 H, 1 K. The King's and Knevett's dresses were damaged and lost to the extent of 225 oz. of gold. Restored to Amadas, 214½ oz.
Wages of carpenters, &c. 28 days and divers nights, at 8d. a day or night, 18l. 18s. 8d. To the broiderer, for embroidering 40 winged faces on the Sub-dean's blue damask garment, 46s. 8d.
For making the 6 garments, 10s. each; 8 bonnets, 2s. each; the 6 ladies' garments, 20s. each, &c. Hire for the Bp. of Hereford's place, 31 days, 4d. a day. Rushes to strew the house, 10d. Mending the floor broken by weight of the pageant, 1s. 4d.
Remaining in Gibson's hands:—4 jackets that had been set with letters of gold, sleeveless; 6 white and green satin ladies' garments, sleeveless, no nether points nor Venice ribbon left in them.
The following spoiled:— The King's and Knevett's apparel all lost. Hose and bonnets to the lords. The Sub—dean's gown and standish. Cornish's and Kran's gowns; those of the gentleman of the chapel, minstrels, conductors, and children.
In Gibson's hand.
R. O. 2. Fair copy of the above.
9 March.
R. O.
At Christmas, 3 Hen. VIII., the King issued orders for revels to be held at Greenwich on New Year and Epiphany nights; and Richard Gibson, by instructions of Sir Harry Gyllforth, prepared a pag[eant called the] "Dangerus Fortrees," built like a castle with towers and bulwarks, and fortified with ordnance, "as gouns, hagbochys, kanuns, kortaws, chyns of iern werke and seche lyke, and un the dongone of the sayd plaas, 2 kressets brynning with lyght, and allso un the said dungon a baner dyssplayd with a schevf of arrows betyn therein, and un the wall or for part of the sayd dongon a rossyer reed and whyght of sassenet, well and kunnyngley cut and wrought, kround with a kroun of golld, and in the sayd kasstell 6 ladyes syttyng in Melen apparel, garments of russet saten unde with yelow saten, knyt with blew Venys reband, 6 lords sawtyng the sayd fortres in russet sarsenet, and undyr that ryche apparell of clothe of golld and russet satin, kut unde with nets of fyen golld of Venys and some Kolen golld. Master Sub-deane in green saten, Master Kornyche in whyght saten, and Master Kran in lyke apparell for hys part, and 7 gentyllmen of the chappell inparylled by the apoyntment of the King's grase in russet damaske and yellow damaske, the mynstrells inparylled lyke to mynstrels, and for the nyght of the Ephephany 12 nobyll personages, inparylled with blew damaske and yelow damaske long gowns and hoods with hats after the maner of meskelyng in Etaly," for which the following stuff was provided and brought to Greenwich by water, and by land from the place of Sir Edw. of Borrow.
Alder poles, 13s. 2d. Fir and wainscot. 17s. 4d. 1 lb. of "polen" wax for the foot of the rosier and for setting the leaves, 6d. For iron work, keys, &c., 18s. 4d. 13½ doz. of silver paper for the battlements and gates of the castle, 27s. 2 doz. green foil for "graylling" the battlements, 8d. For turning guns and "hagbochys" of timber and for two poles, 5s. 10d. 1 lb. verdigris for coloring moss and ivy leaves. 9d. 3 pr. scissors for cutting roses and rose leaves, 6d. 1½ hundred party gold for beating the banners with sheaves of arrows wreathed with gold, 3s. 1 bundle of ash hoops for lining the towers to save the joints, 2s. 2d. A rope used for the "travas" in the hall at Greenwich, and stolen during the disguising, 10d. For a burden of rychys (rushes) and a prechell to pierce for small tacking, 3d. 12 ostrich feathers used in the mummery on Twelfth Nigh, 28s. 12 felts, 6s. Wages, 13l. 18s. 8d. Received of Wm. Botre, mercer, 95¼ yds. russet satin, for the ladies' Milan garments, 6 half jackets, hose for the King, Mr. Brandon and Mr. Harry Gyllforth. 72 yds. yellow satin. 19¾ yds. green satin for a hood and gown for the Sub-dean, and 2½ yds. given by the King to a stranger minstrel. 16¾ yds. white satin for a gown and hood for Cornish. 28 yds. russet damask for 7 half jackets. 18¾ yds. cloth of gold, for 6 half jackets, hose for the King and Brandon, and a garment for the Princess of Castile. 6 yds. crimson satin for ladies' bonnets. 1 yd. crimson velvet for "an ewsevell (usual) bonet" for the Princess of Castile. 15 yds. yellow velvet for the King. 6 yds. green velvet for lords bonnets. 95½ yds. yellow damask for half gowns, hats and hoods, &c. 72½ yds. blue damask for the other halves. 25 yds. blue sarcenet for the banner on the tower, half gowns, hose for the King and Brandon "to put over their hose," &c. 36½ yds. yellow sarcenet to match the above half gowns, lining the Princess of Castile's sleeves, girdles and hatbents for Mr. Lewce, Mr. Garnyngam and Mr. Harry Gyllforth. 4 yds. red sarcenet for the rosier on the tower, which was delivered to the King. 11¾ yds. green sarcenet, for rose and pomegranate leaves, a girdle for the Subdean, doublet and girdle for Cornish, and girdles for the Earl of Essex and Sir Thos. Knevett. 31¾ yds. russet sarcenet, for 6 jackets for the King and the lords to cover the rich apparel, hose for the King and Brandon to cover their rich hose and for Mr. Lewce, sleeves for the Princess of Castile, &c. 26¾ yds. white sarcenet for ladies' sleeves, and white roses. 46½ yds. black buckram. 15 yds. white fustian. 42 oz. 1½ q. Venice gold. 60¼ oz. Kolen gold. 3 doz. ribbon points for the King's and lords' garments. 29 pieces Venice ribbon for 6 ladies' garments. 3 pieces plunket ribbon. 6 pieces crimson ribbon for striping white sarcenet sleeves. 4 oz. "selevyd" silk for wrapping the bush that the rosier was made of. A partelet of white satin, garnished with damask gold, and a caul of pipes of gold, for the Princess of Castile. To the tailor, for the dresses on New Year's night, 13l. 14s. 6d.; for those on Twelfth Night, 4l. 2s. To Tege of Powll's wharfe, for 2 barges and 10 rowers, and carriage at other times, 36s. Cleaning Sir Edw. Borrow's place where the pageant was wrought, 6s. 8d. For repairing the Prince's wardrobe and a lock on the stair door, 22d. To the painters, for hire of old sails for covering the pageant, 6s. 8d. Received of Rob. Amadas, 279 oz. fine gold letters, whereof given by the King to lords and ladies off his jacket, 4 oz. 1½ q., 8l. 15s.
Apparel given to the ladies. The Princess of Castile's gown. 6 rich partelets, coifs and fillets. 6 pr. white sarcenet sleeves. 7 crimson velvet bonnets and 6 of crimson satin.
Apparel given away Twelfth Night and New Year's Night. Cornish's white satin gown and bonnet. 7 damask coats to the chapel. "In the hall, cast off at large" 6 resset sarcenet garments. For the King and lords, 6 green velvet bonnets. To the Chapel, 7 bonnets. 4 old garments to the minstrels. To the Subdean, gown and hood of green satin. To Chr. Garnish and Palmer, 2 gowns, hats and hoods of blue and yellow sarcenet. Stolen by gentlemen's servants, 4 pr. of sarcenet hose. All the girdles given away. The banner given to the master of the Revels.
The pageant, being broken, was sent to the Prince's wardrobe as broken store.
Remaining, 10 gowns of yellow and blue damask, with hoods and hats. 6 garments of russet satin and cloth of gold, delivered 9 March 3 Hen. VIII. to Sir Harry Gyllforth, and by him to Ric. Smith, yeoman of the robes, and finally made into footmen's jackets. 5 ladies' garments of russet and yellow satin, Milan fashion.
In Gibson's hand, pp. 16.
2. Copy of the above.
Pp. 16, mutilated.
1 June.
R. O.
* * * 20 yds. crimson and white sarcenet for surcoats for 4 ladies ... sidesaddles and reins ... and stirrups, 3 yds.; a coat [for Master N]evell, and covering for his legs, 6 yds.; for ... the White Rose, 4½ yds.; total, red and white sarcenet, 114 yds. 28 yds. green sarcenet. 32 yds. russet sarcenet, "employed on the papengen called ..." 4 doublets and hoods for waiters. "baas" and trapper for the courser that bare the pageant, 10 yds., &c. "lampes deuke," 4 yds. 3 pieces of sypers for frontlets and partelets. 73 yds. black buckram, for borlets and bolsters for the man of arms that bare the [pageant] and rolls to save the horse, 3 yds.; lining a "baas" for the King, 6 yds., &c. 1,000 trash 10d., and fivepenny nails 4d. a 100.½ bushel of wheat flour for paste for covering "gargells faces and small serpents that garnschyd founten," 9d. 4 lbs. wire "for the boos of the founten or pagent," 2s. 2,100 of party gold, 46s., bought of John Brown, the King's painter, for surcoats, trappers, &c. For a "boos of yern (iron) that bare the fountain craftily made," 13s. 4d. 6lbs. vermilion for painting roses, &c., 4s. 1 lb. general 4d., and 1 lb. verdigris 10d. 4 yds. of ribbon for binding the tail of the King's horse, 2s. 6 pieces of yellow hair laces, 2s. 4 kirtle laces agletted, 12d. 4 pr. quartered hose, 8s. 4 pr. slops, red and white sarcenet, after the King's device, 6s. 8d. To the woman's tailor, Edm. Skill, for various garments, 16s. 3d. For making 4 surcoats, "bended white and red," 13s. 4d. A "hovell" for the King's courser, 5s. To Th. ... for his barge with a steersman and eight rowers, 7s. To Nich. Mageor, saddler; stirrups for the King. 6s.; pr. of arming stirrup leathers, 18d.; covering stirrups and leathers, 8d.; covering 4 women's saddles. 4s. 8d.; an arming harness of white leather, 6s.; 4 girths for the ladies' horses, 4s.
Expences of the jousts, 1 June 4 Hen. VIII. The 4 green sarcenet kirtles, &c. "remained with the 4 hynsmen that were the ladies, or with the yeomen of the hynsmen." Master Kandyche, servant to Mr. Chas. Brandon, had the trapper, &c. of the horse that bare the pageant. Mr. John Nevell, yeoman of the King's horse, had the hovell of the King's horse and 4 trappers of stained sarcenet. Stirrups, girths and stirrup leathers went with the horse to the stable. The waiter's doublets, &c. given them by the King.
"The pageant broken remains in the Prince's wardrobe."
In Gibson's hand, pp. 7, mutilated.
6 Jan.
R. O.
The King on 4 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. ordered a revel to be prepared for the feast of Epiphany next. Instructions were issued by Sir Harry Gyllforthe to Ric. Gibson, to prepare a pageant called "the Ryche Mount," a rock or mountain of gold and precious stones, set with herbs of divers kinds, and planted with broom to signify Plantaganet, and also with red and white roses; on the top, a burning beacon; on the sides, fleurs de lis; at the foot, 6 lords, apparelled in crimson velvet and goldsmith's work, "of korryas kast and ingyen;" above them, 6 minstrels in blue and [yel]low damask; at the entrance, two armed men in green satin. It was drawn by two "myghty woordwossys or wyld men." After the descent of the lords, the mount opened, and showed 6 ladies in gold and rich clothes. The pageant was brought to Greenwich, 6 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII., and exhibited the same night.—The following articles were used: 29 lbs. verdigris for coloring the mound, the herbs, broom, &c., 26s. 36 lbs. orsade, 33s.; 4½ reams large Geen paper for leaves, &c., 15s.; 1,100 fivepenny nails, 4d. a 100; 1,300 fourpenny nails at 3d.; 1,300 threepenny nails at 2d.; 500 twopenny nails at 1½d.; 400 tacks, 4d.; 100 tenpenny nails, 9d; 100 sixpenny nails, 5d. Of the King's wheeler, 3 "porposyd" wheels, 10s.; 2,800 "spleters" for embossing the mount, 3s. 6d.; 300 of party gold, for fleurs—de—lis and pomegranates, 6s. Iron work, 9s. 11½d. Wages to 18 carpenters and joiners, for 22 days and divers nights, 5l. 18s. 10d.; 28 painters, for 23 days and divers nights, 13l. 2s. These items are also in the book annexed to the warrant for payment.—Laborers at different times, 4d. a day. Hire of my Lord Northumberland's barge for 2 nights and 1 day to Greenwich, "and for his abode," 6s. 8d. 13 rowers and a steersman, 8d. a day or night. To Tege of Paul's wharf, for hire of his great boat with 8 rowers and a steersman, 2 days and 1 night, 12s. 4 painted torches, weighing 30 lbs., at 5d. a lb., for the 4 "wodwos." 12 lbs. of "torter light" for the beacon. To John Brown, for hire of sails "to shadow the percloos for the pageant," 10d. Received of Wm. Botre, mercer, 13 yds. Inl. plunket satin, for 3 half garments for ladies. 45 yds. crimson satin, for 3 half garments with wide sleeves, &c., 34 yds. crimson velvet, for 6 jackets and bonnets for the King and lords; hose and shoes for the King, Mr. Brandon, Earl of Essex, Sir Harry Gyllforth, Mr. Nevell and Mr. Th. Chene. 38½ yds. green satin for 6 schaperouns for 6 ladies disguised, 6¾ yds; 6 pr. inner sleeves ruffed at the elbow and the hand, 13½ yds.; 2 garments for the knights at the foot of the pageant, 16 yds., &c. 8¼ yds. cloth of gold, for garments of the Princess of Castile and Lady Cortenay, and broidery for the gentlemen's hose; 47 yds. green sarcenet for girdles for the gentlemen, &c.; 3 yds. yellow sarcenet, for 6 prs. of ladies' "orrelets" and for girdles; 1 yd. white sarcenet for lining the "ladies" orrelets within by their faces." Received of Rob. Amadas, 375½ oz. 2¾ dwt. gold in bullion, for embroidering jackets, &c. for the King and Brandon, an "aschaperoun" and an "orrelet" for the Princess of Castile, &c., of which 3½ oz. remained on the Princess's head dress; 4 oz. 4 ob. from the King's and Brandon's apparel, "given or for pleasure suffered to be taken," 2 oz. 3½ q. spangles for ladies' apparel. Bought of Florentine Woodward, 320 oz. 3½ q. damask gold, 4s. 6d. an oz. Venice weight, &c. The woman's tailor, 43s. 6d. The tailor, 3l. 1s. 11d. Hire of Sir Edw. Burrow's place, for 27 days, at 4d. a day.
Expences: 6 blue and yellow gowns for the minstrels, and 4 delivered to Sir Harry Gyllforth. 4 minstrels' garments spangled with copper from the King's old store. The Princess of Castile had, as the King's gift, her head apparel, i.e. the "schaperoun" and "orrelet," set with fine gold, her "cleer," inner sleeves, "sypers," girdle and stomacher. The other 5 ladies also kept their corresponding articles of attire. The lords, the six minstrels on the mount, the men at arms, the tambourines and the rebecks kept their dresses. Delivered to Richard Smith, yeoman of the robes, 4 jackets of crimson velvet, of which the gold was ripped off and given to Amadas, and 4 garments of crimson velvet. Remaining in Gibson's hands, 6 ladies' garments of crimson and plunket satin.
Number of persons in the revel called "the Ryche mound:" 6 noble personages as lords, 6 ladies, 2 knights armed, 4 "wodwoos," 6 minstrels on the mount, and 4 for the dance. Total, 28.
In Gibson's hand, pp. 16. 1514.
6 Jan.
R. O.
Held before Terouenne, at Calais and Tournay, 5 Hen. VIII.
Draft of No. 4642, Vol. I.
In Gibson's hand, pp. 5.
25 Dec.
R. O.
"* * apparel the ... Mr. Nicolas [Carew] ... so 4 mummers apparelled in gowns of white [and blue satin] ... to the same, and to wait on these revellers ... white damask and blue; also 4 ladies ... yn hooped of white satin lined with blue ... with letters these compass, and the said garments ... mantle Savoysyn of blue ... ... eyd with letters of Romayne ... of gold and rich folets and for ... was delivered to me Richard Gibson [by Lewis Wynwood, servant] to the said Duke of Soffewke ... e satin, white satin, blue satin ... [dama]ske, and if there bated any thing ... onorment of these revels, that should ... [for sa]vyng of the King's displeasure." Many articles were bought and provided by Gibson, and were brought to Greenwich "the ... day at night," 6 Hen. VIII.
Received of Lewis Wynwod, servant of the Duke of Suffolk, 82½ yds. white velvet, for mantles Albanoys; 157 yds. blue velvet, for lining, ribbing and bordering, for ladies' mantles Savosyn, wrapping the King's bonnet, &c.; 71 yds. yellow satin for lining doublets and coats of blue velvet, &c.; 75 yds. white satin for gowns Savoysyn; 75 yds. blue satin, for gowns, &c.; 9 yds. white, and 9 yds. blue damask, for coats for "drumbyllsclads." Bought of Crystyan Warren, silkwoman ... damask gold; of Wm. Botre, mercer, 12 yds. yellow sarcenet for girdles for Nicolas Carew and Harry Gyllforth, and for covering the necks and faces of mummers. [Bought] by Ric. Gibson, of Eliz. Philip, silkwoman, Venice ribbon at 4s. 6d. a piece; 6 doz. ribbon points, 8d. the doz., for the mantles Albanoys; and the apparel Savoysyn; 4 caps of white velvet Albanoys; 4 blue and white satin gowns and bonnets for the mummers; 4 blue and white damask coats and bonnets for "drumbyllslads;" crimson and green satin for the taborets and rebecks.
Spent in this mummery: 4 doublets, 4 coats, 4 mantles Albanoys, 4 bonnets, 4 pr. hose, 4 pr. shoes, 4 blue and white satin gowns, 4 bonnets, yellow sarcenet girdles, 4 "drombyllslads" coats, and bonnets of blue and white damask, 4 bonnets.
Ladies' apparel: 4 coifs of damask gold, piped; 4 fillets of damask gold; 4 garments of white satin, Savosyn; 4 mantles Savosyn of blue velvet; [4] bonnets of blue velvet.
[Persons in the mummery: The K]yngs garse, [D]uke of Suffok, [Sir Nich]olas Carew, [Sir Harry Gy]llforth ... [Lady M]argaret Gyllforth, [La]dy Fellinger, [Ma]ysters Ellsabeth Blont, [May]sters Karew, the yong wyff ... Master Sir Thos. Bollyn, Master Bollyn, Master Koke, Master Koffyn ... 4 drombyllslads, 4 mynstrells." Total, 18.
Pp. 3. The commencement is supplied from a mutilated draft in Gibson's hand, pp. 5.
6 Jan.
R. O.
" ... our sover]aigne lord the King holding his feast of C[hristmes] ... [at Gr]enewyche, after rich and goodly revels had there," his pleasure was to hold new revels on the Feast of Epiphany next, as the [court] was full of strangers, French, Spanish, German. Accordingly, by Sir Harry Gyllforth's instructions, Gibson prepared a pageant "kawlld the wryttyng there over, the Pavyllyon un the Plas Parlos." there was a pavilion on a "pas" or stage, of crimson and blue damask, with a gold crown and a bush of roses on the top, and hung with blue tartron. At the 4 corners, 4 brickwork towers, a lord in each dressed in purple satin broidered with gold wreaths and letters H and K. On the pageant, 6 minstrels with strange sounds, as sag[ebutts], shawms, viols, &c., dressed in blue and white damask. At the foot, 2 armed knights with swords in their hands, "maintaining the place," dressed in crimson satin. Also gentlemen of the chapel, viz., Mr. Kornyshe, Mr. Krane, Mr. Harry of the Chapel, with the children. These gentlemen first declared the intent of the pageant by process of speech; then entered 3 armed knights in yellow satin, "with noise of drombyllslads, in fierce manner, making a goodly tourney; then 6 wodwos entered suddenly and parted the tourney; after which departure the 3 knights un rescuing the four knights and their ladies," who were dressed in crimson and plunket satin. They descended and danced before the presence of the King's grace and the Queen's grace, and after returned unto the said pageant, the which with press was spoiled." Bought for the said revels the following articles: 3 Jan., the said year, 7 quarters of coals, 2s. 9½d. 8lb. verdigris, and 1 pottle pink, for coloring the paper for the woodwos coats, 7s. 4d. 6 quarter staves, 12d. Ivy and holly for the woodwos apparel, 4d. 51 yards red and blue tartron, used on the pageant, "which tartron in the press of people was cut away, rent and torn by strangers and others, as well the King's servants as not, and letted not for the King's presence," 4l. 13s. 6d. 20 yds. yellow sarcenet for coats, &c. for the drombyllslads, the minstrels, Mr. Cornishe, Mr. Kran, and Mr. Cranys child, 4l. 6s. 8d. 14 yds. purple sarcenet for minstrels, &c., and for a garment worn by Mr. Harry of the Chapel under his mantle, 3l. 8s. 29 yds. crimson satin for bases and sleeves for the men at arms, a half gown and half bonnet for Mr. Crane, to match with plunket satin, and a bonnet for Crane's child, 23l. 4s. 36 yds. plunket satin for half a gown, &c. for Crane, a mantle for Harry of the Chapel, &c., 13l. 4s. 32¾ yds. violet satin for bases and sleeves for the men at arms, a half. gown and half bonnet for Cornish, &c.12l. 0s. 2d. 30¾ yds. yellow satin, a half gown and half bonnet to match the violet for Cornish, &c., 11l. 5s. 6d. 4 yds. "avereat" (aureate) satin for broidering hose with H and K, &c., 9l. 6s. 8d. 48 yds. blue and white damask, bought of Guido Portenary for long coats and bonnets, 16l. 16s. To the broiderer, 40s. To 8 carpenters, 4 days and 2 nights, at 8d. a day or night. To Tege of Paul's wharf, for a boat with 6 oars and a steersman to carry the pageant to Greenwich and back, 18s. To Sir Harry Gyllforth, for his attendance 14 days, 7l.
Garments kept by the persons disguised: To the lords, 4 "plukyt" velvet bonnets, and 4 pr. over parts of hose broidered with satin gold. To Mr. Cornishe, gown and bonnet of violet and yellow satin. To Mr. Crane, gown and bonnet of crimson and "plukyt" satin. To his child a garment of yellow sarcenet and a bonnet of crimson satin. To Mr. Harry, a mantle of "plunkyt" satin, bonnet of yellow satin, and a garment of purple satin. To the 6 minstrels, long coats and bonnets of blue and white damask; 1 minstrel's coat and bonnet of yellow sarcenet. To 4 "drombyllslads" violet and yellow sarcenet garments, bonnets and hose. To 6 men at arms, satin coats and the apparel of their heads. To ladies, 4 purple velvet bonnets; 2 pieces of sypers; 4 cauls "of pypys of golld;" 4 fillets of damask gold. To Lady Cortney, Lady Margaret Gylforth, Lady Fellinger, Mistress Jane Popyngkort, 4 crimson and "plonkyt" satin gowns, broidered with yellow, from the King's store.
Number of persons: 4 lords, 6 men of arms, 7 minstrels, 4 drombyllslads, 4 children and men of the chapel, 6 woodwos, 4 ladies.
3 Feb. ii. Richard Gibson's account of the preparations for a joust of honor at Greenwich, 3 Feb. 6 Hen. VIII., the King, Marquis of Dorset and an aid unnamed, being challengers.
121½ yds. white satin, at 7s. 8d. a yd. for 3 coats with sleeves volant. 3 horse-trappers with mantle, "bront and krene." 4 half coats for knights waiters, the other half being blue velvet, covering saddles, headstalls, broadreins, stirrup leathers, &c. 81 yds. blue velvet, at 13s.a yd. for broidery on the white satin coats, harness, &c., and half coats for the knights' waiters. 55½ yds. blue and white damask, at 7s. 4d. a yd, for coats for 4 waiters on foot and 4 armorers. 146¾ yds. of blue and white satin of Bregys, at 2s. 6d. a yd. for jackets for "drombyllslads" and trumpeters. 26½ yds. blue and white sarcenet, at 4s. a yd., for lining the coats of the King, the Marquis and the aid, &c. 16 oz. flat damask gold, at 4s. 8d. the oz., for a fringe for the King's headpiece, whereof great part was carried away by a spear and the rest by a glove. To Wm. Mortymer the broiderer, 10l. 6s. 8d. To Nicholas Magoor, the saddler, covering 3 steel saddles with white satin, broidered with blue velvet, 10s., 3 new "sussyngylls (surcingles) with great buckles, 5s.; covering 3 pr. of stirrups, 18d.; &c.; total, 48s. 6d. 2 yds. crimson satin, at 12s. a yd., for lining the King's bassinet and "burletts," bridles, bolsters, &c. Wool and cotton for the headpiece, 12d. To the tailor, 6l. 4s. 8d.
The King's coat was given, when he was unarmed, to Sir John Nevell. "The trapper went with the horse to the stable, by commandment of the Duke of Suffolk, given by Sir Harry Gyllforth." The horse harness remained with Nycolas Mager, saddler. All the apparell and horse harness used by the Marquis and the aid were given to them. To the 4 knights waiters, their coats of white satin and velvet. To the 4 waiters on foot, their coats of blue and white damask. To the 4 armorers, their short coats of white and blue damask. To the 9 drombyllsleds, their jackets of white and blue satin of Bregys.
"Thus endys the justys at Grenewyche, holle by the Kyng's grase, the 3th day Feverer, the 6th yere of hys gracyus reyne."
19 April.
R. O.
iii. On the 19th of April 6 Hen. VIII. the King held a joust of pleasure at Richmond, there being on his side Mr. Nycolas Carew and Mr. Francis Bryan. Gibson's account of the preparations:—29 yds. blue velvet, 13s. a yd., for a "coat compass" for the King, a mantle trapper with a folding "bront," and 15 yds. given to Magoor for covering saddlery. 48 yds. blue satin, at 7s. 8d. a yd., for coats, trappers and saddlery for Bryan and Carew. 82 yds. 3½ q. white satin, at 7s. 8d. the yd., for embroidery. 5¼ yds. blue sarcenet, at 4s. a yd., for girdles for the King and his aids, and hatbands to gentlemen. To Wm. Mortimer, broiderer, 7l. To Nich. Magoor, saddler, 4 steel saddles, 14s. 8d. 4 horse harnesses covered with blue velvet and satin, 26s. 8d. Total, 3l. 1s. 4d. To the tailor, 50s., &c.
Garments spent.—Given by the King to Bryan and Carew all their apparel, viz. 2 coats of blue satin embroidered with white satin. 2 horse trappers of the same, and the rest of the harness.
"The King's coat or garment was borne away, one great quarter, into the field and lost. The residue, to the wardrobe of robes, past the King's wearing by a shower of rain."
The apparel of 2 coursers, viz., harness of blue velvet and white satin, and saddles covered with blue velvet, remained with Magoor. The King's trapper, blue velvet with white satin broidery, is with the clerk of the stable.
"Thus endys the justys at the maner of Rechemounte the 19 day of Aperell the 6th yer of our soveraigne lord Kyng Harry the VIIIth."
9 May. iv. Richard Gibson acknowledges the receipt of three sums of 40l. paid 19 March 6 Hen. VIII., 18 April 6 Hen. VIII., and 27 April 7 Hen. VIII., by John Heron, in part payment of 200l., according to a warrant dated 19 March. The money was employed on a pageant to have been called "the Pallys Marchallyn," in length 36 ft., in breadth 28 ft., in height 10 ft. The house in 4 separate parts, joined in one, and every piece of timber set together with "forlokks" and bolts of iron. On the house 10 towers "embattled, kestyd, inbowyd, dormanddyd and other works by joiners, carpenters and carvers wrought and made." The house framed passant to be borne by men. Within, armed at all pieces on barded coursers, a King, a Duke, a Marquis and an Earl, with their servants. The house "should have been hyllyd with rich clothes of gold and silks," prepared by Leonard Frisco- bald and Anthony Cavalero, by order of Richard Gibson and Wm. Hyllton, with the counsel of Ric. Smith, yeoman of the King's robes.
19 March to 5 May.—69,500 nails, 36s. 5d. Timber, 7l. 17s. 7d. 21 yds. white velvet at 10s. a yd., and 2 yds. cloth of gold at 46s 8d. a yd., for a trapper which was not finished, as the King's purpose changed. 44 yds. white satin, 15l. 8s. 48 yds. yellow satin, 23l. 16s., for fringe to a white trapper. Wages to 18 tailors, 13 days at 8d. a day. A grindstone, 2s. Cart hire, 2s.: and other items.
Wages for carpenters, joiners and carvers.—19 March, Monday: Ric. Gibson, 12d. Th. Williamson, Harry Devell, Th. Koll, Hew Hollmys, Th. Hamand, 8d. each. The wages of these men, with others, are given for each day to 9 May.
Wages to four sawyers, from 27 March to 16 April, at 8d. a day.
Wages to laborers, for making clean the Prince's Wardrobe, removing carts, chariots, bales of madder, "fattys" of raisins, and "pyrrosyn," baskets of frankincense and other things: 19 and 20 March, 7 men (named) at 5d. a day.
v. * * * 87 yds. green satin for coats for the master of the horse, Sir Nich. Carew, and Francis Brian, and for hawthorn leaves made by Arnold, the Queen's embroiderer, for their headpieces, 33l. 7s. 48 yds. yellow satin for gores and guards to frocks of green satin and green velvet for gentlemen waiters, 18s. 8d. 63 yds. yellow and green damask for coats of Krochet, the clerk of the stable, the yeoman of the armory, Dawson, Peter Kopyn, Th. Daell, Belenger, the yeoman saddler, and 6 master armourers. 53½ yds. sarcenet of divers colors, for girdles for the King and others, gowns with tippets and wide sleeves for Lady May and her four ladies, 10l. 14s. 2½ yds. crimson satin for bolsters, bridles and stays, and for lining the new headpiece and gauntlets, 35s. 6 pieces black buckram for straining tents, &c. 8 ells linen cloth and 1½q. of black velvet, for lining garments for Lady May and her company, neckkerchief, headkerchief and frontlet for Mr. Phelers (Villiers), who played Maid Marian,11s. 2d. Silk women's work: Ribbon for the device on the King's head—piece, &c., 4l. 13s. 6½ oz. flat damask gold, for the branches and devices on the King's headpiece, afterwards given to the ladies, 30s. 4d. To the embroideress, for embroidering saddles, &c. with hawthorn leaves, 17l. 5s. 1¾d. To Nich. Mageor, the saddler, 4l. 17s. 2d. 558½ yds. Kendal, for 123 jackets for Yay and Vawen and the King's yeomen, 27l. 18s. 6d. 3¾ yds. red cloth for a kirtle for Th. Velers, 12s. 6d. 7¼ yds. green cloth, for "an hewke" for Th. Phelers, who was Maid Marian, and a habit hood and scapulary for Wynsbe, who played Friar Tuck, 26s. 10d. To the tailor, for making the dresses, viz. basses and trappers for the King, white and green sarcenet gowns for Lady May and her company, coats for Robin Hood and Little John (Ghay and Th. Wawen) and Friar Tuck. kirtle, &c. for Maid Marian, &c., 12l. 19s. 10d. 12 ells canvas for trappers for the horses that drew the pageant which Lady May was in. Boat hire for bringing the pageant to Greenwich, 4s. "For costs done on the five maidens," 12d. 6 ladies' garments from the King's old store, for 6 children for the chapel. Apparel given by the King's grace. 6 ladies' garments of the old store. 5 garments of sarcenet for May and her peers. 123 coats of Kendal with hoods. A red kirtle, a green "heuk," a kerchief, a nekerchief, and a velvet frontlet to Maid Marian. To Wynsberry, a green friar's habit. To the Duke of Suffolk, the Marquis and the Earl of Essex, base coats, trappers and harnesses of green velvet embroidered with cloth of gold. To my Lord of Surrey, Lords Fewater, Hastyngs, Ferrys, Abergavenny and Sir John Peche, green velvet frocks, gored with yellow satin. To Sir Christ. Garnish, Sir Rauf Egerton, Sir Wm. Hewse, Sir Ric. Tempest, Mr. Palmer and Ric. Gibson, 6 frocks of "greey" (mistake for "greeyn") satin gored with yellow. To the master of the horse, Mr. Carew, and Fras. Bryan, 3 coats of green satin bound with green velvet. To the clerk of the stable. Dawson, Webe, Mageor, the yeoman saddler and Th. Daell, 6 long garments of yellow and green damask. To the yeoman of the armory, Blewberry, Krochet, Kopyn, Deryke, Hans, Albert Belanger, Kornelys, and Yesper, green and yellow damask jackets.
Remaining of the King's apparel.—His base, to the yeoman of the armory, afterwards given to the master of the horse. His trapper, saddle, and horse-harness, to the clerk of the stable.
Number of personages.—In the May, 125 yeomen, 11 ladies and children of the chapel. In the jousts, the King and 3 aids; 6 lords and knights on horses, 3 others on horses; 6 persons of the stable, and 10 persons of the armoury on foot.
6 Jan.
R. O.
The King being at Eltham, Christmas 7 Hen. VIII., instructions were issued to Richard Gibson, by Mr. Wm. Cornish and the master of the revels, to prepare a castle of timber in the King's hall, garnished after such devices as shall ensue. Cornish and the children of the Chapel also performed "the story of Troylous and Pandor rychly inparylled, allso Kallkas and Kryssyd inparylled lyke a wedow of onour, in blake sarsenet and other abelements for seche mater; Dyomed and the Greks inparylld lyke men of warre, akordyng to the intent or porpoos. After weche komedy playd and doon, an harroud tryd and mad an oy that 3 strange knyghts wer cum to do batall with [those] of the sayd kastell; owt [of] weche yssud 3 men of arms with punchyng spers, redy do do feets at the barryers, inparylled in whyghthe saten and greeyn saten of Bregys, lynd with gren sarsenet and whyght sarsenet, and the saten cut ther on. To the sayd 3 men of arms entered other 3 men of arms with lyke wepuns, and inparylled in sclops of reed sarsenet and yelow sarsenet, and with speers mad sartayn strooks; and after that doon, with nakyd swerds fawght a fayer batayll of 12 strooks, and so departyd of foors. Then out of the kastell ysseud a quyen, and with her 6 ladyes, with spechys after the devyes of Mr. Kornyche; and after thys doon, 7 mynstrells inparylled in long garments and bonets to the saam of saten of Bregys, whyght and greeyn, un the walls and towrys of the sayd kastell played a melodyus song. Then cam out of the kastell 6 lords and gentyllmen inparelled in garments of whyght saten of Bregys and greyn, browdyrd with counterfyt stuf of Flandyrs making, as brochys, ouchys, spangs and seche; and allso 6 ladyes inparelld in 6 garments of ryght saten, whyght and greeyn, set with H and K of yellow saten, poynted together with poynts of Kolen golld. Thes 6 garments for ladyes wer of the Kyng's stoor, newly repayryd. Allso the sayd ladyes heeds inparylled with loos golld of damask, as well as with wovyn flat golld of damaske, &c."
10l. was delivered to him in prest by Sir Wm. Cumton, and garments, &c. were prepared and brought to Eltham for Epiphany night and New Year's night. Bought of Wm. Botre and Mr. Thorstoon, 265¾ yds. white and green satin, for garments for ladies, a doublet for one of the chapel children who played Eulyxes, &c., 33l. 2s. 9¾d. 5 yds. red satin, 12s. 6d. 27 yds. yellow satin for Cornish and the ladies of the castle, 3l. 7s. 6d. 51¾ yds. red and yellow sarcenet for 3 "Grekkyche" robes, a double cloak for Troylous, a mantel and bishop's surcoat for Cornish to play Kallkas in, &c., 10l. 11s. 27¼ yds. white and green sarcenet, 5l. 9s. 24¾ yds. black sarcenet for a surcoat, mantle and widow's hood for Kressyd, a garment for Cornish when he played the herald, &c., 4l. 19s. 2 pieces Florence cotton for Kressyd, 8s. 12 pieces sypers for the lady who played Faythe, and others, 48s. 7 ells Holland cloth for short wide sleeves for Dyomed and his fellows, 7s. 9¼ yds. crimson satin, for bonnets and stomachers, 6l. 0s. 3d. 46 oz. Venice flat damask gold, 11l. 10s. 12 pieces Venice ribbon for pointing ladies' gowns and jackets, 48s. 10 oz. copper ribbon and 12 doz. silk points for binding 7 ladies' collars, coats for minstrels, and for Troylus, Pandor, Dyomed, Eulyxes, and others, 13s. 4d. 1 qu. 1 nail velvet for shoes for Troylous, 3s. 10 hand staves for barriers, 6s. 8d. 6 "morns," 4s. 6 swords, 40s., for "the men of arms that battled in presence as for the departers with 4 odd staves." To John Wretyll, for beating a coat of arms with a sun and moon of gold, 10s. A crown for the queen of the castle, 4s. Gilding 6 targets, 20s. Beating 6 sypers kerchers with fine gold, 6s. For painting the castle, 18s. 4½d. Workman's wages, 12d. a day or night, others 8d. 4-oared boat to Greenwich, 12d. To Arnold the embroiderer, 8l. To Cornish, for a feather for Troylus, Spanish girdles, &c., 13s. 4d. For a barber "for there heer trymmyng and wesschyng of their heeds," 4d. To the tailor, 6l. 9s. 10d. For a cart to carry the stuff to Eltham, and "hys abod," 3 days and 2 nights, 7s. 5 garments taken from the King's old store.
Expences of garments.—To Cornish, a mantle, a surcoat of yellow sarcenet, a coat armour, a garment of black sarcenet, and a bonnet. To the two children, Troylus and Pandor, 9 satin doublets, 2 jackets of the old store, a double cloak of sarcenet. To Kryssyd, "a mantle, a surcoat, and cottons and wimple." To gentlemen, 6 crimson satin bonnets. 3 bases and Greek robes to men at arms. 7 coats and bonnets of satin to minstrels. A gown of white and green satin to Mr. Harry of the Chapel. To the 7 ladies of the castle, 7 gowns of satin of Bregys, with their head dresses. To the 6 ladies of the court who disguised, their head dresses and stomachers of crimson satin. The feather that Troylus wore. All the girdles, spears, swords and targets. To the taborets, 2 jackets of the store.
Remaining, 6 jackets of white and green satin, embroidered with coppersmith's work.
Number of persons.—For the play, 15; for the castle, 7 ladies; 7 minstrels; 6 lords and gentlemen and 6 ladies disguised; 6 men at arms; 3 tamboryns.
29 Jan. ii. On the 29th Jan. 7 Hen. VIII. the King held a running at the ring, with the Duke of Suffolk and 9 others on his side. The King and the Duke were dressed in blue and purple velvet, with broad guards of blue satin and "trystram knots" of blue velvet laces. The other 9 gentleman in base coats of blue damask, guarded with the same, and horse harness to match. There were also 2 knights waiters on horseback, with coats and harness of blue damask, 8 gentlemen on foot for the King and Duke, 18 for the other lords, and 4 armorers in blue sarcenet. For the King's device on his head, a wreath of green satin, embroidered and wrought like pomegranates The following articles were provided and brought to Greenwich, 29 "Fevryer" (mistake for "Jan."): 66 yards blue velvet for coats, harness, &c. for the King and Duke, 42l. 18s. 126 yds. blue damask, 46l. 4s. 23 yds. blue satin, 8l. 12s. 6d. 5¼ yds. black sarcenet, for lining the King's base and sleeves, 21s. 68 yds. blue sarcenet, 13l. 12s. 5yds. green satin for pomegranate leaves, 40s. 5 pieces black buckram, 30s. 69 oz. fringe and tassels for the horses' throats and harness, 4l. 0s. 6d. 6 pieces Venice ribbon, and 10 doz. silk points, 53s. 10d. 8 oz. flat damask gold for the bunch of pomegranates for the King's headpiece, 53s. 4d. To Thos. Foster, the embroiderer, 50s. To Nic. Mageor, the saddler, 5l. 4s. 4d. To the tailor, 8l. 17s. 9d. Boat hire to Greenwich, 2 boats in haste, 16d.
Apparel given away at Greenwich, 29 Jan. 7 Hen. VIII.—To the Duke of Suffolk, trapper, horse harness, saddle and coat. To Sir John Peche and Lord Ferrys, coat and horse harness of damask. To 9 gentleman runners, bases and horse harness of blue damask. To 30 waiters on foot, coats of sarcenet. To 4 armorers, 4 pr. of hose.
Remaining.—The King's horse led to the stable with saddle and harness. The King's coat, to the wardrobe of robes, delivered to the clerk of the stable at his coming into England. The device of the King's headpiece, to Ric. Gibson.
5 Feb. iii. On the 5th February 7 Hen. VIII., at Greenwich, the King held a running at the ring. His dress consisted of a garment, trapper, saddle, and harness of rich tinsel, blue and black, on which were langets of black velvet fringed with silk and gold on the blue tinsel, and of blue velvet fringed with blue silk and gold on the black tinsel. The base, trapper, and harness were embroidered with "resuns" and letters of blue and black velvet on the black and blue tinsel respectively. There were also 2 lords on horseback in coats of black and blue satin, and 9 waiters on foot in blue and black sarcenet. The account follows.
Received of Ric. Smyth, yeoman of the "rooms" (robes), 31 yds. tinsel satin, 22 yds. black and blue velvet, 21 yds. blue and black satin for coats for Sir J. Peeche and Sir W. Sidney. 24 yds. black and blue sarcenet for coats for the waiters.
Bought, 98¾ oz. silk, and 68 oz. Venice gold, 21l. 2s. 6½d. To Nic. Mageor, 44s. 4d. To the tailor, 3l. 12s. 8d.
"Thus ends the kosts and exspences of and for yoyus pastymes maad and doon in the sevynthe yer He. Oc."
Apparel given away by the King.—2 coats of blue and black satin, 9 garments of black and blue sarcenet to the waiters.
Remain.—The King's horse, with harness and trapper, delivered to the master of the horse. The spare horse with saddle and harness. The base, delivered to the armoury. "Theys stouf now at the makyng of this akount in the armery."
20 May. iv. The King held [joust]s of honor during 2 days at his royal [manor of Greenwich], on the 19th and [20th] May 8 Hen. VIII., himself, the Duke of Suffolk, the Earl of Essex and Nicolas Carew being challengers, dressed in base coats of blue [and black] velvet, covered with cloth of gold cut like ... or honeysuckle or vines running; a spare horse for the King richly "hyllyd" with cloth of gold, and white ... The knights waiters on horseback were the Marquis of Dorset, the Lord Admiral, Lord Abergavenny, [Lord Hasty]ngs, Lord Ferys, Sir John Peche, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, Sir Wm. Compton, [Sir John Sha]rp, Sir Wm. Tyler, Sir Chr. Gerneshe, Sir John Semer, Sir Harry [Sherborne], Master Arthur Poole, Sir Ralph Egerton, Sir Ant. Poynys, Sir John [Nevell, Sir Edm.] Walsyngham, Sir Wm. Heuse, all in garments of blue velvet, gored with the same. Also 8 gentlemen ..... ane the Sergeant porter (Edmund Knevett), Antony and Jas Knevett, [Mr. Georg]e, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Scydmore, Mr. James Worsley Mr. [Koffyn], in blue satin coats, attending the King on foot. Also to give attendance, Ric. Gibson, Harry Web, Dawson, [Thos. Fo]ster, Nich. Magoor, Mr. Mores of the cellar. Harry Page, [Mr.] Lowys Wynwood, Mr. Koke, Mr. Krochet, dressed in long blue damask coats guarded with the same; also 2 honest persons of the stable, 12 waiters on the aids, and 12 armourers, in blue damask jackets with sleeves, and 14 trumpeters in blue sarcenet coats; all, except the lords, wore blue hose and bonnets. The second day the King wore a blue velvet base "planttyd" and set with leaves of cloth of gold, with harness to match. The Duke of Suffolk, and the others similarly dressed, to attend on the King. Two aids, in white and yellow satin, 19 lords and knights in frocks of yellow velvet, gored and guarded with cloth of gold, 8 gentlemen in yellow satin, 14 trumpeters, and 26 others attending on the King and lords, in yellow damask coats, with yellow bonnets and hose. For which Gibson received the following articles: from Ric. Smeth, yeoman of the robes, 69 yds. ½q. of cloth of gold, for setting on bases and trappers of black and blue velvet, for the first day; for the second day, 130 yds. 1¾q. For coats, trappers, &c., blue velvet for half bases, &c., bonnets, and saddles, for the first day, 331¾ yds.; for the second day, 65 yds. Black velvet, to match with blue, first day, 54½ yds.; second day, 28¼ yds.; 80 yds. blue satin for coats for the 8 squires waiters. 175½ yds. blue damask, for coats for attendants and armorers. 52 yds. blue sarcenet for jackets for trumpeters, girdles for the King and others. 140¾ yds. yellow velvet cut into leaves to match with cloth of gold for Essex and Carew, for 14 harnesses, 19 frocks and bonnets, &c. 171 yds. yellow satin, set on white satin coats, for 2 aids, coats for Poole, Tempest and Kopynger, &c. 305 yds. yellow damask for coats for the King's and Duke's servants and the trumpeters. 37 yds. white velvet, for a trapper for the King's spare horse, set with rich bells and a border of cloth of gold, a steel saddle, headstall, reins, poitrels and side breech, with edges of devised work by Foster. Dress for the master of the horse who led the said horse, &c. 14 yds. yellow sarcenet, for girdles, scabbards and bonnets. 6 yds. white sarcenet, spent by the yeoman saddler and Harry Web, for "hyllyng" the King's saddle and harness when he "assayed himself in his new saddle." 59 yds. white satin for trappers, &c., matched with yellow satin, for the 2 aids. Stuff bought by Gibson, 388 oz. damask gold, 90l. 3s. 8d., of Florentine Woodward, George Seneske and Elizabeth Philip, used for the King's coat. A long tassel for the horses' throat, fringes to the stirrups, &c. 211 oz. Venice gold, 49l. 3s. 8d.; 2765/8 oz. of silk tassels, 16l. 2s. 10½d.; 93¾ oz. Kollen gold and silver, for the apparel of Essex and Carew "in stead of rich stuff, it could not be gotten nor had;" 10 pr. of hose, one yellow, the other blue, 50s. To Th. Foster, for embroidering a trapper with cut works like honeysuckle of cloth of gold, a horse harness with fleur de lis, &c., 30l. 5s. 3d. To Nic. Magoor, for covering saddles, &c. 15l. 15s. To the tailor, for coats, &c., and for lining the King's headpiece, gauntlets, "mayndvers," guards, "borletts," bolsters, "tasys," for ribbon used by the officers of the stable "for wrapping of horses tails and stays," &c., 44l. 18s. 10d.—Apparel given and spent, 19 May 8 Hen. VIII. To knights and lords, 14 blue velvet bonnets, horse harnesses and frocks. To knights on foot, 5 blue bonnets and hose, and blue velvet frocks. To gentlemen on foot, 8 blue bonnets, hose and satin coats. To the King's servants, 10 blue bonnets, hose and damask coats. To waiters and armourers, 26 blue bonnets, hose and damask jackets with whole sleeves. To the Duke of Suffolk, blue and black velvet base and harness, embroidered with cloth of gold, a saddle cover with stirrups and leathers, and a trapper of the same stuff "hyllyd" with cloth of gold. To the Earl of Essex and Nic. Carew, similar suits.—Remaining of the King's apparel, a base of blue and black velvet, "hyllyd" with cloth of gold, with Powyll. 2 horse harnesses and saddles of like work, with Th. Foster.
Names of those assisting at the joust.—In addition to those given at the commencement, these are named: Servants to the Duke, John Jonys, Pykmer, John Lowys, Harry Tayllor. Servants to the Earl of Essex, John Wylldys, John Bardollf, Ric. Beshop, Rob. Warder. Servants to Nic. Carew, Hew Spencer, Crossett, Forman, Beryngfyld.
Apparel spent the second day, 20 May 8 Hen. VIII.—Given by the King, 14 yellow velvet harnesses, bonnets and frocks. To knights, 5 bonnets, frocks and hose of the same stuff. To esquires, 11 yellow bonnets, hose and satin coats. To the servants, 10 yellow bonnets, hose and damask coats. To armourers and waiters, 26 pr. yellow hose, bonnets, and jackets with long sleeves. To the Duke of Suffolk, Earl of Essex and Carew, trappers, bases, saddles, &c. of black and blue velvet, "hyllyd" with cloth of gold.—Remaining of the King's apparel: His base coat, trapper and harness, and the trapper of the spare horse, delivered to Powll, the bells being delivered to the King's store.
6 Jan. v. By the King's commandment, Gibson received orders from Sir Harry Gyllforth to prepare a revel for Epiphany night, 8 Hen. VIII., at Greenwich. A pageant was prepared, called "the Gardyn de Esperans." It consisted of a garden railed with banks of artificial flowers, as marigolds, rosecampions, daffodils, "flosmownds," columbines, "byttayne" flowers, roses, eglantines, holly oak and other plants. "In the midst of the said pageant a pillar of sinaper and rowyllyd with gold; and on the top of the said pillar, six parted anticks embowed; and in the said antyks so dormand and embowed, set with stones and pearls, a roseyar of red roses and pomegranates richly inorned and korwnyd with gold great bigness; also all the rails of the said garden were covered with gold. Of which garden Master Cornish showed by speech the effect and intent, inparelled like a stranger in a gown of red sarcenet, and a coat of arms on him, his horse trappered with blue sarcenet, and so declaring his purpose. Also 2 children of his inparell, in purple satin of Breges for his purposes, and after himself inparelled as well in black sarcenet as green sarcenet, for the accomplishment of the intent of the revels." In the garden were 6 knights and ladies walking, the former in purple bonnets and garments, the latter "in purple and cut works on white sarcenet and green, embroidered with yellow satin," and with damask gold head attire. The pageant was brought toward the hall with noise of minstrels; which ended, it retreated, and the personages descended and danced before the King, the Queen, and the court. The following is Gibson's account of the expences:—250 oaken boards, 6s. 8d. Green, gold, silver and sinaper paper for flowers, 36s. 6d. 5½ hundred of party gold, at 2s. 4d., for the crown that stood on the anticks, for gilding the anticks, &c. Carpenter's wages, 3l. 4s. Painter's wages, 8l. Purple satin bought at the Horse Head on London Bridge, and of Wm. Bottre, 196 yds., 24l. 10s., for coats for children of the chapel and minstrels. 60 yds. yellow satin for broidering ladies' dresses, and guarding the minstrels' coats, 7l. 10s. 16 yds. black satin for a gown for Mr. Wm. Kornish, 40s. 52½ yds. green sarcenet for a coat for Cornish, &c., 7l. 8d. 9d. 5 yds. blue sarcenet for coat armors and girdles. 9 yds. crimson satin for under sleeves for ladies, 4l. 10s. 6 yds. crimson velvet for stocks of hose for the 6 lords, 4l. Bought of Sir John Baker, 6 black velvet bonnets from Milan, lined and lozenged with cloth of gold, 18s. each. Bought at the "Dagar" on London Bridge, 36 ostrich feathers, 1s. each. "Sypers" and gold of damask for the ladies' head dress, after the manner of Amsterdam, &c., 30 oz., 11l. 4s. 108,000 spangles, 45s. 8d. To Wm. Mortimer, the embroiderer, 10l. 16s. To John Skatt, the woman's tailor, 40s. To the man's tailor, 3l. 4s. 8d. Hire of my Lord of Buckingham's barge and 8 rowers, to bring the pageant to Greenwich, 20s.
Apparel given away by the King.—To Mr. Cornish, 3 gowns of black, red, and green sarcenet, 2 coat armours. To the children of the chapel, 2 garments and bonnets of satin of Breges. To the minstrels, 5 garments and bonnets of satin of Breges, lined with yellow buckram. To the ladies, their head dresses, with sypers, hair laces and pins, the "innermore" sleeves of crimson satin. To the lords, crimson velvet stocks, and 6 black velvet bonnets.
Remaining apparel.—6 garments of purple satin of Breges, embroidered with counterfeit stuff. 6 ladies' garments of the same stuff, lined with white and green sarcenet. The broken frame of the pageant remains in the Prince's Wardrobe.
Pp. 10.
7 July. vi. The King's pleasure was to hold a joust, 7 July 9 Hen. VIII., at Greenwich, with 14 knights and gentlemen on his side. He was dressed on the right side in cloth of sillver, "hylld" with cut work loose of white velvet, broidered and fringed with gold of damask; the other side, black satin, "hylld" with cut work of black velvet, embroidered with blue tinsel and fret with damask gold; the base trapper and harness were of like work, and there was a spare horse trapped in white velvet, bordered with letters of fine gold. The gentlemen were, Sir Harry Gyllforth, Sir Wm. Phevelyam, Sir Fras. Bryan, Mr. Elyot, Sir Gefferay Gates, Mr. Koffyn, Mr. Norres, Mr. Knevet, Sir John Nevell, Sir Wm. Kyngston, Mr. Karrew, Mr. Arthur Pooell, Mr. Fras. Poyns and Sir Ranf Elldyrkar. They all had a base and trapper, on the right side white satin, "hylld" with white velvet cut work, and fret with flat silver of damask; the left side "of the same work double cloth upon cloth," their own colors, at the King's cost. There were 14 knights and gentlemen waiters in white velvet and satin, 9 gentlemen and officers in white satin, 34 trumpeters, stablemen, armourers and drombyllslads in white damask, and 49 other waiters in sarcenet of various colors.—Gibson's account of the preparations. Received of Jas. Worselay, yeoman of the robes, 269¼ yds. white velvet, for bases, trappers, &c. 328½ yds. white satin. 169¼ yds. white damask, for armorers' and trumpeters' coats. 26 yds. 3½ q. cloth of silver. 25 yds. 3½q. blue tinsel, 26¾ yds. black velvet, 45½ yds. russet satin, for the left sides of Guilforth, Fitzwilliam, Bryan and Elyot. 87 yds. black satin, for the left sides of the King, Sir Geoffry Gates, Elyot, Koffyn, Norres, Knevet, Nevell and Ellderkar. 11½ yds. green satin for Kingston's left side. 20½ yds. tawny satin for Carew and Norres. 36¼ yds. blue damask for apparel for Nic. Carew, "called the Blue Knight, when he ran with the great Boordon." 53 yds. yellow satin for the left sides of Poull, Gates Koffyn, Kyngston, Bryan and Poyns. 11½ yds. plunket satin for Poyns left side. 41½ yds. watery crimson satin for the left sides of Poull, Fitz william, Knevet and Elderkar. 129 yds. white sarcenet, for courser men, yeomen ferrours, &c. 128¾ oz. damask gold, 75l. 11s. 6d. 1,531¼ oz. damask silver, 103l. 11s. 4½d. 2 pieces blue buckram for the tents. 6 yds. crimson satin for lining the King's headpiece, &c., 48s. 3 yds. white kersey for hose for stablemen. Boleyn and Phelyp Ounfray, 4s. 6d. 268¾ ells of canvass used at the King's place in Greenwich that Mr. Carew keeps for a tilt to run at, and for a shed to arm in, 4l. 9s. 8d. A mast for a great spear or two spears, 16s. 200½ lbs. of fine line, at 2½d. per lb., for the tackling of the tent of the cloth of gold, and another; for workmanship, 34l. 17s. 8d. Bread, beer, &c. for the master of the King's great galley and his servants, and for other workmen at the setting up of the crabs that strained the cables for the tilts, 2s.1d.
Carriage, &c.—For boat hire to bring a capstan and crabs from the King's great galley, 12d. To John Sellby, for freight of the King's tent and chests with crests, from Calais to London, 30s. A man's wages to Calais, and again to London, 10s., &c. Total, 56s.
"Thus with oneur endyd thys justs."
Apparel remaining.—The King's apparel, base and trapper, with the clerk of the stable. The trapper of white velvet given to Norres. The horse harness and saddle, at the delivery of Nich. Magoor.
Expenses.—The 13 (14) gentlemen challengers kept their apparel. The waiters, knights, lords, gentlemen, yeomen, minstrels, armourers, had their apparel, coats, bonnets, hose and girdles.
In Gibson's hand.
"The pertecular namys of the halys, tentts and pavyllyons."
Each of these 12 ft. wide, 24 ft. long. Pomegarnet, Flowerdelyee, Whytte hart, Harpe, Gollod Stok, Castell, Crowne, Greyhound, Estereche fether, Gardyvyance.
30 ft. long, 15 ft. wide: Mone, Mounteyne, Mounde, Hynd of Golld, Braser, Leserd, Septer, Golld yok, Sonne beame.
45 ft. long, 15 ft. wide: Red Rose, Red Rose and Whytte, Lebard's Hed.
60 ft. long, 15 ft. wide: The Crownys, The Lyon, The Golld Cros, The thre Flourdelyces, The Cope of Golld, The Port Kolece, The Wheete Sheff.
22 ft. wide, 52 ft. long: The Mare, The Myhyll, The Gerne Shellde, The Fyer Ierene, The Manshe of Golld, The Hewytt, The Red Shelld, The Blew Shelld, The Breket, The Golld Shelld, The Whytte Shelld, The Blak Shelld.
Of divers contents: The Annew of Golld, The Whytte Stavff (with my Lord Chamberlain), The Red Sword, The Whette Ere, The Gaunttlet, The Flagon, The Yellow Face, The Egyll, The Feshe, The Lylly Pott, The Combe, The Bedes, The Challys, The Fownteyne, The Swallow, The Marlyon, The Hamer, with tresans and inner halls.
Of several contents: The kitchen (perished), the knight harbingers hall, the Provost Marshall and the Master Cook's hall (perished).
The King's lodging, containing a porch, 10 ft. wide, 15 ft. long; a pavilion, 18 ft. wide; a tresans, 10 ft. wide and 30 ft. long; a hall called the first chamber; a tresans to the great chamber; a tresans thence to the King's house of timber; two cross tresans at the end of either tresans; a pavilion; all double walls of canvas.
Two square halls, 60 ft. long, 20 ft. wide.
Old store: The 8 pavilions of 16 ft. wide; the buttoned hall, 60 ft. long and 20 ft. wide; the 8 pavilions, 17 ft. wide.
Pp. 7.
15 June.
R. O.
Accounts of Sir Sampson Norton.
* * * 41 smiths, for 28 days; the master at 12d., the men at 8d. and 6d. Lord Curzon's smiths, 12 at 8d. Horse harness makers, 1 at 10d., 13 at 6d. Horse harness makers, strangers, 6 at 8d. Lantern makers, 27 Jan. to 13 April, 2 at 6d. Laborers at the ordnance with Wm. Bankes, 55 at 4d. Laborers at the Plumbers with the gunners, casting shot, with the wheelwrights and carpenters, cleansing the organs, &c., 93 at 4d. "Payntors drawyng the towne of Bullon and grounde aboute the same," 4 at 12d., colors, &c., 9s. 5d. 26 March, to Ric. Smyth and others going to Tournay, 40s. Freightage of elm board from London to Calais, 3s. 8d. a ton. Wheel-timber bought of Gilles de Scott of St. Wynebarghes, 9l. 5s. 8d. gr.=114s. 2½d. st. Carriage of copper plate from Antwerp to Calais, 2s. 8d. 11 April, 2 doz. horse harness, 2s. 8d. 14 April, hire of a stone boat to St. Omers for one of the mounts, 39s.; salt and oil for scrubbing guns, 4d. Hire of an anvil for six weeks, ending 14 April 5 Hen. VIII., 12d. 6,000 billets for casting gunshot, 60s.
Carriage of timber, at 1d. and 2d. a load. Carriage of iron and lead from the storehouse at the Crane to the Brays and the town. To Mich. Maryn, for providing timber, 2s.; for his passport at Gravelyng, 3d. Bowyers' wages, 4 to 17 April, at 8d. a day. Conduct money for 3 bowyers from London to Dover, 7s. 6d. 4 bowyers from Dover to Calais, 11 Feb., 4s. 2 horsehides of white leather, 3s. 4d. To Ric. Gardiner, rent of a cellar to stow ordnance in, 39 weeks ending 1 March. ½ cwt. copper plates, 5d. a lb. 3,500 horn bowtips, 28s. To Wm. Derrik, for 4½ hundred "white tewed" leather for gunpowder bags, 4l. 19s. To Th. Woodhouse, rent of a house with 4 chambers for 6 weeks, 12s. Hawsers for the cranes, 5d. a lb.; other rope, 2d. a rope. Freight of 3 tons of gun stones from Maidstone to Calais, 10s. Total, 24th March to 20 April 5 Hen. VIII., 345l. 8s. 2½d. To the treasurer of the ordnance, Anth. Nele, 28 days, 56s. Th. Tacy, clerk, 28s. Wm. Gareard, yeoman, 14s.—Total, 350l. 6s. 2½d.
Wages of Sir Edw. Belknapp and Sir Sampson Norton, masters of the ordnance, with clerks, yeomen, laborers, &c., from 21 April 6 (fn. 5) Hen. VIII. to 18 May.
Sir Edw. Belknapp, 6s 8d. a day. Clerks, John Butler and John Bullock, 12d. Yeomen, Ric. Parys, John Bromeley, Hen. Hopkyns, Th. Eleham, Th. Nores, Wm. Payneley, at 8d. a day. Sir Sampson Norton, 6s. 8d. Clerks, John Norton and Wm. Cook, 12d. Yeomen, Wm. Banckes, Roger Thorne, Th. Coke, Ric. Davye, Rob. Harryes, Th. Birchawe (sometimes Birchynshaw), at 8d. Lord Corson's clerk, Wm. Mombrey, 12d. Yeoman, John Bottisford, 8d. Gunners, John Westowe, 16d. a day; Jeffrey Hewys, 10d.; John Sampford, Ric. Porter, Hen. Cotton, Hen. Horsfeld, at 8d. Carpenters, 1 at 12d., 19 at 8d., and 4 of Lord Curson's company at 8d. Sawyers, 6 and 2 of Lord Cursons. Wheelwrights, 25 at 12d., 8d., and 6d. Smiths, 55 at 12d., 8d., and 6d. Horse harness makers, 19 at 10d., 8d., and 6d. Laborers, 77 at 6d. and 5d. For making lettez stakes for the field, carriage of wood, coal, gunstones, &c. To Th. Woodhouse, rent of a house with 4 chambers and a vault, 20 April to 19 May, 8s. 9d. 6,000 counterfeit nails, 3s. 4d. 13 calves skins of white tewe, 6s. 8d. Rent of two lofts to stow ordnance in, 13 weeks ending 19 May 5 Hen. VIII. 15s. 2d. 4 ells of canvas for trussing horns for the bowyers who went to Tournay, 16d. Carriage of the said horns from Calais to Tournay, 13s. 4d. Cranage and wharfage, to Th. Redman, from 1 May 5 Hen. VIII. to 1 May 6 Hen. VIII., 6l. 13s. 4d. Rent of a store house for stowing ropes, &c., 15 May 5 Hen. VIII. to 15 May 6 Hen. VIII., 52s. 1 ream of paper 3s. 11d. To John Westow, master gunner, his costs going into Flanders for the sight and provision of divers ordnance, 33s. 4d. 27 charging ladles, at 4d. apiece. Carriage of 1,000 elm boards from Paul's wharf to Billingsgate, 8d. Freight of 3 chests of arrows from Calais to London to be new feathered, 3s. 4d., &c. Total, 21 April 6* Hen. VIII. to 18 May, 232l. 17s. 5d. Wages of Nele, Tacye, and Gareard, as before.—Total, 237l. 15s. 5d.
Wages of Sir Edw. Belknapp, &c., 19 May 6 Hen. VIII. to 15 June. Clerks, laborers, &c., as above. Conduct money for laborers who came from England to discharge ships with ordnance, for 5 days, and wages the same, 2s. 6d. each. 14 pr. small balances to weigh gunpowder, 15s. 4d. 60 leaves of white plate to make charging ladles for organ guns, 14s. 10d. Maunds and mats to pack the stuff, and toll at Gravelyng, 23d.
Signed throughout by Norton and Belknapp.
Pp. 71; beginning and end lost.
9 Feb.
R. O.
Money received by Sir Rob Dymok, Treasurer of Tournay.—In hand as treasurer of the rereward with the Lord Chamberlain, as appears by the auditor's books, 12,703l. 19s. 11d. Received of Sir J. Daunce, 50,000l.; of the burgesses of Tournay, for their tribute, 10,000l.; of my Lord Ponynges, by the hands of Edw. Thwaytes, for victuals sold to him of the King's provision, 30 March, 37l. 16s. 10d.; for provision 17 Aug., 17l. 15s.; 4 Sept., 14l. 18s. for wages of Edw. Tycheyt. For a man that lacked of the number of Henry Pympe, 14s. For John Lushington that lacked, 14s. For checks, 6s. 17 Nov. for provision, 15l. 12s. 2d. 29 Jan. for a man that lacked of Henry Pympe's company for Sept., 14s.; for a horseman that he received too much in Dec., 24s. 10d.
3 Jan. For hides, tallow and chines, 31l. 10s. 7d.; for the King's provision, 528l. 17s. Of the Lord Lieutenant, for a horse stolen on the King's service, 16s. 2d. Of Allard Bentacke, receiver, for 1½ yr., 1,000l. Of the clergy by Sieur Qwynton, for a whole year ending 23 Sept. 1514, 444l. 8s. 10d. (These two items crossed out.) Of Rob. Fowler, 20,000l. Of Sir Ric. Jarningham, 20,000l. Of John Wytt, receiver and massart of Tournay, 4 March 5 Hen. VIII., 1,500 petty fl. ordinary, due 28 Oct. last, as part of 6,000 fl. ordinary, and 4,000 fl. yearly payment called extraordinary, 166l. 14s. 4d.
22 March 5 Hen. VIII. of Allard Bentinck, receiver of Tournay, a quarter's rent ending 28 Jan., 1,500 petty florins=166l. 13s. 4d. 11 July 5 Hen. VIII. the same, for the quarter ending 28 April. 20 Aug. 6 Hen. VIII., the same, for the quarter ending 28 July. 9 Feb. 6 Hen. VIII. of John Wytt, massart of Tournay, quarter's rent, ending 8 Oct., 166l. 13s. 4d., the same to 28 Jan. 16 July, "anno—" (year omitted) of the provost and burgesses, by the hand of Sieur Quynton, and others, 1,000 petty fl. for 1 qu. pension. 23 Sept. to 23 Dec., 111l. 2s. 2d. and the same sum for the quarter ending 23 March. 5 July, of the provost and burgesses, 1,000 petty fl. for a quarter's payment. 30 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII., for the quarter ending 23 Sept., of the burgesses, over and above the 10,000l. they were bound to pay the King, "which I received of Sir John Daunce, and by me found a composition that the said burgesses should give a groo upon every crown, the which amounts to, 138l. 17s. 9d." Of the Lord Lieutenant, 3 April, for the third of thirds by a booty got by Geo. Hassell, 13s. 4d. "Of my Lord Chamberlain's fylde," for the third of a prisoner taken by Mr. Vaughan, 10 old cr.=40s. Of Sir Hen. Willoughtby, for the third of thirds, 4s. 8d. Of Sir John Hussey, for the third of thirds of horse for the King's part, 2s. 4d.
Pp. 7. Endd.: The charge off my Mr. Syr Robert Dymock Knyght, latt tresorar off the cyte Torney.
10 March.
R. O.
Account by Sir Edw. Bensted, treasurer of Tournay, of money paid to footmen from 25 Feb. to 10 March, after the rate which Sir R. Dymock, late treasurer, was accustomed to pay. Edw. Ryngeley, Philip Denys, Geo. Poulett, Ric. Draycot, Roger Bekett, Halnath Trelawny, John Raynesforth, Ric. Wydders, Wm. Penyson, John Trevisins, John Husee, Th. Awdley, Th. Hampden, Edw. Isley, Sir John Wysman, Ric. Candyshe, John Brereton, Geo. Norton, Th. Pollett, John Hastyngs, Hen. Sydenham, Wm. Vernon, Lord Edw. Grey, Rob. Seymour, John Copuldyk, Ric. Hansart, Wm. Petyt, Sir John Ragland, Th. Chicheley, and Sir Th. Clynton, captains, at 4s. a day each, with a petty captain at 2s., and from 76 to 79 soldiers at 6d. Th. Tempest, under-marshall, 4s. a day. Thos. Wall, Lancaster herald, 4s. Nich. Yeo, 2s. Hamys, pursuivant, 2s. Fras. Knyffe, trumpet, 16d. Benedict de Brune, trumpet, 16d. Sir Edw. Ponynges, Lord Lieutenant, 6l. 13s. 4d. Hen. Pympe, capt., with a petty capt., 15 halberdiers at 8d. and 62 soldiers at 6d. Th. Fitz. Geffrey, under porter, at 2s. Sir Anthony Ughtred, as marshal, 6s. 8d.; as one of the King's spears, 3s. 4d., with 59 soldiers and a petty captain. Sir Rob. Dymok, treasurer, 13s. 4d., with one petty captain, 3 clerks at 12d., and 57 soldiers. To Th. Hert, master of the ordnance, at 4s. For the Controller of the ordnance, 2s. For 10 master gunners, 8d. 10 men servants, 6d. 80 gunners, 6d. One clerk of the ordnance, 12d.; yeoman, 8d. Bowyer and fletcher, 6d. Master smith and master carpenter, 12d. 2 men servants, 6d. 22 pioneers, 6d. Christ. Mores and his servant, 18d. To Sir Ric. Jarnyngham, as captain of the guard, 6s. 8d.; as King's spear, 3s. 4d.; for 14 footmen at 6d. To Edw. Thwaytes, clerk of the Council, at 16d. To Sir Ric. Jarnyngham, for 4 petty captains of the guard, at 3s. 4d. 74 yeomen, at 12d. 240 yeomen, at 8d. One chaplain, at 6d. 4 dromeslads, at 6d. 2 men servants, at 6d. Total, 1,329l. 10s. 9d.
Each item signed by the receiver (in some cases the petty captain for the captain); and at the end by Mountjoy, Ponynges, Dymok and Ughtred.
Pp. 17.
15 March.
R. O.
Wages of war from 25 Feb. to 10 March inclusive: 25 Feb. 6 Hen. VIII. paid to Wm. Blount Lord Mountjoy, Lieutenant of Tournay, his wages, 36s. 6¾d. a day; 20 footmen at 8d., and 40 at 6d., and 20 horsemen at 8 philips the month. To Sir Ric. Whettehill, porter of the city, 5s. 5¾d. a day; 2 chief under porters, 12d.; 12 under porters at 8d.; 29 soldiers at 6d. Sir. Edw. Bensted, the Treasurer, retains as his own wage, 5s. 5¾d. a day; for the wages of 10 soldiers, at 8d., 23 at 6d.; and 2 clerks, one at 12d., the other at 8d. To Simon Mountford captain, from 28 Jan. 6 Hen. VIII. to 10 March, 2s. a day; his man, 6d. To Rauf Chaveney, clerk of the Council, at 12d.; his man, 6d. To Jasper Vangant and Otys Van Custance, drumslads, 8d. a day, from 11 Feb. to 10 March. 19 Feb., to Edmond Wiseman, captain, 2s. a day, from 11 Feb. to 10 Marc, and for 5 soldiers at 6d. Total, 113l. 10s. 7d.
Signed by Mountjoy, Whettehill and Wiseman.
ii. Wages of war paid by Sir Edw. Benstede, Treasurer of Tournay, to horsemen, 1 March to 15 March:—To the Lieutenant, wages of 17 horsemen at 8 fl. a month. To Sir Anth. Ughtred, 15 men. Sir Ric. Jarnyngham, 13. Gerard de Fremont, 2. John Russell, petty captain, 4s. a day, 8 men. Mons. Dawbermont, 4. John Hastyngs, 5. Sir Th. Clinton, 5. John Morgan, 4. Jaques de Margay, 4. Wm. Symson, 4. To four posts, 10 paters a day. To Geo. Hasell, with 3 horsemen. John Parken, 3. John Anlaby, 4. Nic. Yeo, 2. Th. and Anth. Harvy, Henry Pympe, 3. Th. Lewes, John Pakman, Wm. Church, Ric. Corson, John Williams, Nich. Cowper, Rob. Dawmport, John Bowright, Th. Parker, John Ameryk, Wm. Mustyan, Rob. Wylson. The Bastard Faucomberge, 2. John Raynsforth, 1. Sir Wm. Parre, 2. Leonard and Jas. Musgrave, Th. Hawke, John Davyson, John Richardson, Rob. Hewton, Wm. Bennet, Hen. Boxwell. Ric. Hansart, 2. Robt. Van Calise, 2. Jas. Heydon, John Holland, Peter Goldeston, Th. Palmer, Nich. Repus, Hugh Gebon, petty captain to Sir John Ragland, 4. Ric. Hunt, 4. Pierkyn Senseux, 5. Marques Erle, Thos. Poulet, Th. Wall alias Lancaster, Geo. Poulet, John de Seller.
Total of the half month, 98l. 14s. 6d.
Signed throughout by the receivers of the sums mentioned, and at the end by Mountjoy, Ponynges, Dymock and Ughtred.
Pp. 15.
7 Oct.
R. O.
Thursday, 7 Oct., at Greenwich, the King, Queen, French Queen, the Princess, the two legates, the ambassadors of France, Spain and Venice, with nobles of the realm.
Dispendia.—3,000 loaves of bread, making 13 q. 7 bushels of wheat [3l. 14s.]; 200 fagots, 5s. Grinding and carriage of the wheat, 7s. Six bakers' hired, 18d. Total, 4l. 7s. 6d.
Buttilleria.—Wine, 3 tuns 2 p., 13l. 3s. 4d. Ale, 6 tons 7 hhds., 7l. 14s. 2d. Purveyors' wages, 2½d. 300 "ashen coppis," 10s. Carriage, 3s. 4d.
Garderoba.—"Pure wax for morters, quariers, priketts and sysys," 255lbs., 7l. 9s. 4¼d. Wax wrought in torches, 274 lbs., 6l. 4s. 2d. Corrupt wax for links, 240 lbs., 44s. Wicks, 16 lbs., 2s. 8d. Sugar, 188 lbs., 109s. 8d. Rose water, 1 gal. 1 q., 4s. Pepper, 5 lbs., 7s. 6d. Cinnamon, 12¾ lbs., 117s. 3d. Ginger, 6 lbs., 8s. 2d. Cloves and mace, 3¼ lbs., 24s. 7d. Nutmegs, 1 lb., 3s. 10d. Saunders, 1 lb., 2s. 4d. Saffron, 10½ oz., 9s. 6d. Dates, 35 lbs., 8s. 9d. Prunes, 26 lbs., 3s. 3d. Small raisins, 31 lbs., 5s. 2d. Almonds, 32 lbs., 6s. 8d. Fine gold, 300 dwt., 17s. 6d. Party gold, 100, 2s. 4d. Long comfits, 5¼ lbs., 10s. 6d. Small comfits, 28 lbs., 25s. 8d. "Socate," 4 lbs., 2s. 8d. Green ginger, 4 lbs., 3s. 4d. Marmalade, 4 lbs., 2s. 8d. Lozenges gilt, 3 lbs., 10s. Damask water, 1 pottle, 2s. 8d. Rice flour, 4 lbs., 16d. Powder of anise, 1 lb., 4d. Powder of liquorice, 1 lb., 8d. 6 strainers, 18d. Honey, 6 lbs., 8s. Grains, 3 q., 9d. "Turnesall," 5 lbs., 8s. 4d. "Fyne glase," 12 lbs., 14s. Paper, 5 quires, 10d. Paper royal, ½ quire, 3d. Parchment, 1 skin, 3d. "Piscades," 4 lbs., 3s. 4d. Pears, 3,000, 15s. White lights, 1½ barrel, 16s. 8d. The powder beater's wages, 3d. Rewards to officers, 33s. 4d. Linen for cobert cloths, jelly cloths, leche cloths and cream cloths, 51 ells, 26s. 6d.
Coquina.—Beeves, 10¾ c. (carcasses?), 8l. 12s. Muttons, 56 c., 79s. 4d. 17 veals, 53s. 4d. 3 porks, 11s. 4 hogs of grease, 16s. Loaches and gudgeons, 2s. Small eels, 4d. 50 doz. "creves" (cray fish), 11s. Fresh sturgeon, 1 barrel, 4l. 9 pikes, 18s. Herd's wages, 5d. Carriage of flesh, 4d. Hire of pasture, 2s. 11d. Wages of the officers of the accatry, 3s. 6d. Rewards to the 3 clerks of the kitchen and the clerk of the larder, 3s. White for bakemeats, 19 st., 9s. 6d. Flail bands, 7 doz., 12s. Ox and calves' feet, 100 gauge, 8s. 4d. 10 pigs, 3s. 4d. 1 flitch bacon, 20d.
Pulletria.—Capons of grease, 2 doz., 48s. Kentish capons, 5 doz. and 7, 44s. 8d. Coarse capons, 7 doz., 28s. Chickens, 27 doz., 27s. Pullets, 2½ doz., 3s. 9d. 15 swans, 75s. 6 cranes, 20s. Conies, 31 doz., 62s. Partridges, 3½ doz., 17s. 6d. 2 pheasants, 3s. 4d. 11 doz. plovers, 23s. Teals, 6½ doz., 10s. Pigeons, 32 doz., 28s. Rabbits "soucars," 2 doz., 5s. 8d. Quails, 12½ doz., 50s. Larks, 54 doz., 20s. Geese, 5 doz. and 8, 23s. 8d. 4 peacocks, 8s. 18 peachicks, 8s. Chickens pipers, 3 doz. and 5, 6s. Quick birds, 2 doz., 2s. Butter, 367 dishes, 35s. 2d. Eggs, 2,500, 34s. Apples, 1,300, 6s. 8d. Cream, 16½ gals., 8s. 5d. Milk, 16 gals., 2s. Frumenty, 6 gals., 2s. Curd, 7 gals., 5s. 10d. Onions, 13 bunches, 13d. Oatmeal, 1 p., 6d. Berries, 1 gal., 6d. Quinces, 220, 6s. 8d. Carriage of the poultry, 12s. 8d. Wages of the officers of the poultry, 10d. Barley, 4 bushels, 2s. 8d.
Scuttileria.—Coals, 200 qr., 75s. Herbs, 4d. Wages of porters and scourers, 11d.
Salseria.—Flour, 2 qrs. 4 bushels, 13s. 4d. Mustard, 6 gals., 2s. Vinegar, 6 gals., 2s. Verjuice, 4 gals., 8d. Herbs, 2d. Wages of the children of the saucery, 4d.
Aula et cætera.—"Tallwode," 5½ hundred, 22s. Faggots, 5½ hundred, 13s. 9d. Wages of the wood bearers, 3d.
Stabulum.—Hay, 22s. 4½d. Oats, 9 qrs. 3 b. 3 p., 25s. 3d. Wages of the stable, 11s. 8d. Board wages, 8s. 6d. Wages of the clerk of the Avery, 14½d. Shoeing horses, 3s. 8¾d. The cresset, 1d.
Vadia.—Wages of household, 65s.; of the chapel, 18s.
Eleemosyna.—Daily alms, 4s.
Total, 138l. 9s. 2½d.
Pp. 4.
Bards, basses, saddles and harness for the King, his three spare horses, and the seven noblemen challengers on his side.
"A barde for the Ky[ng's grace on the first] day of the tourneys," covered with rich white cloth of tissue, bordered with russet velvet embroidered with damask silver, and basse, saddle, &c. of the same suit. For the 3 spare horses, a bard, &c. of cloth of silver and russet velvet, embroidered with the lion of England, powdered with crowns imperial, clouds and suns." Another suit of cloth of silver, russet velvet, and cloth of gold of damask, embroidered with dragons, powdered with red roses. Another suit of the same stuffs, embroidered with greyhounds, powdered with portcullises.
For the seven challengers, seven suits of cloth of gold of damask, white, bordered with russet velvet, embroidered with cloth of silver of damask.
The second suit. For the King, one half of a piece wrought in the stole; the other, white silver and russet velvet embroidered.
For the 3 spare horses, one suit, cloth of silver and russet velvet, embroidered with white harts with crowns and [cha]ynes about their necks, powdered with suns. Another suit, cloth of silver, russet velvet and cloth of gold of damask, embroidered with "b[lack] bullis" powdered with white roses. Another, the same stuffs embroidered with white ros[es and] suns, powdered with falcons and "fetherloks."
For the seven challengers, one half, cloth of tissue; the other half, cloth of silver and russet velvet, embroidered like the King's, but not so rich.
The third suit. For the King, cloth of silver, embroidered with a tree [of] damask gold, flat with a border [of] russet velvet with [a] cut of goldsmith's work. For the 3 led horses, cloth of silver and russet velvet, powdered with castles, pomegranates and great roses crowned. The same, embroidered with a hand coming out of a cloud, holding a branch of roses and pomegranates, powdered with H and K. The same, embroidered with true loves and hearts, with a great H and K. For the seven challengers, cloth of silver of Venice, with a tree like the King's, of cloth of gold, with a russet velvet border and a cut of cloth of gold.
Trappers, basses, saddles and harness for the first day of the jousts.
For the King, on one side, cloth of gold of tissue; on the other, cloth of silver raised, and russet velvet enriched, "undye" fashion.
For the 3 led horses, trappers of cloth of silver damask, and russet velvet, lozenged, powdered with fleurs de lis, roses, and half roses with pomegranates. Cloth of silver, covered with embroidery cut work and a border of russet velvet. The third, half cloth of tissue, and half cloth of silver and russet velvet, with roses, fleurs de lis and pomegranates, with saddles, &c. of the same colors as the King's apparel.
For the seven challengers.—Half cloth of damask, half cloth of silver of Venice, and russet velvet "undy" fashion, embroidered like the King's, but not so rich.
The second suit.—For the King, cloth of silver and [russ]et velvet, embroidered with eglantine branches, richly "ennewed" with damask gold.
Three harnesses for the led horses. For the seven challengers, suits like the King's, but not so rich.
The third suit. For the King, russet velvet clouded with cloth of gold of damask and cloth of silver. For the three led horses, trappers of cloth of silver and russet velvet, embroidered with roots, cloth of gold and russet velvet, embroidered with falcons and ostrich feathers, and russet velvet embroidered with a covert of broom and white hinds, with saddles and harness of the same color as the King's apparel.
For the seven challengers.—Suits like the King's, but not so rich. Memorandum of the silks belonging to the King, the challengers and their horses. Cloth of gold of damask, 350 yds. Cloth of gold of Venice, 269½ yds. Cloth of silver, damask, 148¼ yds. Cloth of silver of Venice, 418½ yds. Russet velvet, 764¼ yds. White velvet, 108 yds. Cloth of tissue, rich damask gold, 24½ yds. Cloth of tissue, Venice, 70½ yds. Cloth of silver damask tissue raised, 7½ yds.
Pp. 9, slightly mutilated.
List of the King's "revel stuff" in the charge of John Farlyon, lately deceased, and now committed to one Brigges, appointed in his place. The said stuff is in certain coffers or standards at Warwyk Inn, London, a pavilion of 26 panes of cloth of gold and purple velvet, embroidered with H and K, and lined with green sarcenet. 24 barbs for great horses complete, one not complete, and pieces of barbs loose for foreparts. 2 basses of tissue with a silver border on the right sides; the left sides, purple velvet, embroidered with hands casting darts into gold hearts. 2 coverings of barbs of the same tissue and purple velvet, "whereupon is embroidered a king equitant armed at all points, and a queen before him casting darts." 2 basses of cloth of gold and silver, with a border of Roman letters embroidered on the left side. 2 coverings of barbs, one of russet velvet with a lion passant among crowns and sunbeams of gold; the other, russet velvet and cloth of silver with a white hart lodged among sunbeams. A base and a covering of a barb, with a dragon and red roses embroidered on cloth of silver and russet velvet. Another set, of russet velvet and cloth of silver, with falcons and fetter locks, and roses white and red. Another, russet velvet, embroidered with a white hind and peasecods of gold. A base of tinsel satin and cloth of silver, embroidered with white roses and black bulls. A barb covering of russet velvet and gold, with a white falcon garnished with ostrich feathers and embroidered. A paper of points of purple silk and Venice gold, to serve the same bases and barbs.—Masking garments: For one mask, 8 coats of cloth of tissue and cloth of gold, with crimson satin sleeves lined with white sarcenet; 8 purses and girdles; 8 pr. of slops of sarcenet, striped with Venice gold; 8 black bonnets, garnished with pipes of Venice gold and silver; 8 pr. yellow satin boots. For another mask, 8 long garments of blue satin with embroidered loops and buttons of Venice gold, with orange tawny satin sleeves, lined with white sarcenet; 8 copped hats of black velvet, fringed with Venice gold; 8 wooden falchions, painted and gilt, with sarcenet girdles; 8 wooden maces, painted; 8 pr. of boots of ash colored satin; 4 garments of crimson damask, cut; 4 white garments, striped. For 6 masks: 8 half garments with flowers of fo[u]r leves" of tissue and cloth of siver, embroidered on purple sarcenet, with long sleeves; 6 half garments of cloth of silver and russet velvet embroidered with ciphers and flowers of cloth of gold. 7 masking hats, Tartary fashion, of yellow and red sarcenet, with 8 hairs curled to serve them; 8 satin mantles trimmed with silk, Irish fashion; 8 garments of blue sarcenet, fringed, without sleeves; 8 garments of purple sarcenet, fringed with yellow; 6 garments of yellow sarcenet, fringed with blue; 6 garments of "Bridges bawdekyn" white and red; the lining of a pair of sleeves of yellow tinsel.
Hats, caps, &c.—A box with "cipresses" of various colors for attirements. Another box with 24 visors; 3 purple velvet hats; 5 purple velvet caps fringed with gold; 10 caps of "tulsell" of divers colors; 8 caps of (polecat fur?) "ffittewes;" 6 hats of white fur, powdered; 2 caps of black silk and Venice gold in stripes; 2 caps of black velvet; 8 masking hats of blue sarcenet; 14 pr. of boots of red leather.
The Palmer's mask.—8 short cloaks of scarlet with keys embroidered on the shoulders; 8 hats of crimson satin with scallop shells embroidered in front; 8 scrips of crimson satin with girdles; 8 pr. crimson satin boots; 8 palmer's staves, clapdishes and beads.
Pp. 6. Signed on every alternate page: Per me Joh'em Gostwyk.
Incip. "The rose both white and rede
In one rose now dothe grow:
Thus thorow every stede Candida, punica, &c.
There of the same dothe blow:
Grace the sede did sow:
England, now gaddir flowris
Exclude now all dolours," &c.
Expl.: "Bien men Sovient. Per me Laurigerum Britonum Skeltonida Vatem."
Vv. 56, in Skelton's hand(?) Endd.: A lawde and prayse made for our Sovereigne Lord the Kyng.


  • 1. These two words erased.
  • 2. "Jobe" in duplicate.
  • 3. "Words between the daggers erased in one copy.
  • 4. Correction from "olyvant."
  • 5. A mistake for "5."